#bubble choco cookie
quibbs126 · 4 months
Heya! Can you do Dark Choco Cookie and Cotton Cookie child?
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So I originally misread Cotton as Cotton Candy (especially since not everyone includes the Cookie part of the name), and I’m not doing Dark Choco/Cotton, so Dark Choco/Cotton Candy it is
Anyways, this is Bubble Choco Cookie
So Bubble Choco here is somewhere in his teens, and he’s an avid poet. However he does not want anyone to read his poems, and will make sure you don’t touch his poetry journal. They’re mostly edgy or sad and they aren’t the best, but it’s how he expresses himself. He’ll just pull out his journal and pencil at random times and start writing
When he was younger, he used to be a lot more cheerful and bubbly, but as he entered his teen years, he started to act more rebellious and “dark”. He never quite gave up his fashion sense though, with his main changes just being that he wears some darker shades
He is also very fond of chocolate, specifically the aerated kind
Okay I’m gonna be honest, I don’t have much for him other than the poet angle. I just kind of decided to finally start drawing him
I also recognize that he has very little of Dark Choco in his character, as well as design, but that’s in part because of the way I envisioned this ship. For one thing, it’s in Ovenbreak so no Dark Cacao Kingdom here, Dark Choco probably just lives with Cotton Candy, and also, it’s a wholesome ship, their kid doesn’t need that much angst. And he’s a poet instead of a fighter, and if he doesn’t want to fight, I don’t see any reason for Dark Choco to teach him; Cotton Candy doesn’t seem to live in an area that requires much sword fighting or the like
Anyways, on to design stuff
So Bubble Choco is based on aerated chocolate, since it’s like a really light chocolate, and cotton candy is also light (I’m talking weight btw). Also, I’ve eaten this kind of chocolate before (I quite enjoy Aero bars), and I quite like it
I think another name I was considering was Air Choco, since it’s closer to the actual name of the ingredient, but Bubble Choco works better as a name
Aerated chocolate:
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So as I said earlier, I kind of made him for the sake of making him and doing more of these, so there wasn’t a super big amount of thought out into him. I do still like how he turned out though
All I really had to go on initially was the poet angle (I didn’t even reread my old notes), and I wasn’t really sure where to go with his personality until I started tweaking his expression. He was also originally going to be a girl but somewhere in development I decided “eh, why not have him be a boy?” and there you have it
I also knew I wanted him to have black poofy hair with things in it. It was originally more of a curved line in between the ends, but I changed it when I looked at Cotton Candy’s hair more. Though I kind of wish I had kept it now. There was also an old concept I mad ages ago that also had that hair, but it was longer. Don’t know why it’s this current length
After doing the hair, I wasn’t really sure what to do with the outfit, and I kind of just made something up as I went. He’s got the poofy ends of his jacket because of the whole “bubble” thing. I wanted to give him more poofy stuff
His colors are brown and light green become the Aero bars I usually see are regular chocolate (brown) and mint (light green). The pink was added to there’d be a little more color variation
As for the thing in his eye, it’s because of Cotton Candy’s heart eyes and me liking to put stuff in the eyes in place of that. Bubble Choco’s eye thing is supposed to be a sort of reference to Dark Choco with his star, though I didn’t bother to curve it out. And as I realize now, the eye I chose is also his missing eye and the star eye of the SoD. I’d like to claim that was intentional, but it wasn’t
And anyways yeah, there you have it. Bubble Choco. Don’t really have much else to say other than I hope you enjoyed him
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xaytheloser · 2 months
how it feels to not talk about Dark Choco, Danny Johnson, or the Scream movies during any other conversation I find myself in
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shironezuninja · 5 months
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Ash vs. Jonouchi… a younger Me saw something like that on KidsWB one 2000’s Halloween on Saturday morning. I think they called it the “Halloween Duel of Screams”. My former and [then current] squeezes going at it.
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makothedorito · 3 months
Crk Ocs but in the beast ancient AU (part 2) + a story
au by @cuppajj
i am probably gonna make fanart of this shit
Sharkberry and Stormberry Dragon Cookie - Alive
after learning about the fate of Pitaya Dragon Cookie at the hands of Dragonberry, the twin dragons of sea and storm noped the hell out of dragon valley and into the deepest depths of the sea, leaving earthbread at the mercy of storms run rampant and irregular tides.
Choco Chunk Cookie - Frozen
The Cacao village was one of the first to be hit by Frigid Cacao's permafrost. Choco Chunk can only hope that his granddaughter was able to have gotten to the Creme Republic safely and found a cure for the permafrost...
Milk Choco Cookie/Cacao Phoenix Cookie - Deceased
The Cacao Phoenix's spirit could only but watch as her husband turned his newfound powers onto their daughter, the formerly vigilant cookie having turned into a husk of his former self.
Amanita Cookie - Alive
being a Fungus Faerie Cookie does have its benefits after all, as the Chlorokinesis doesn't affect them. Instead Midnight Lily Cookie had them imprisoned, and watched over his former friends turned emotionless bodyguards under the control of Midnight Lily and could only hope that the Lily of the Valleys that had suddenly grown outside his cell was a sign...
Cheese Cinder's story under the cut
The Phoenix King and the Golden Goddess
One of the drawbacks of being an immortal Ancient Guardian and a Phoenix Cookie, is that even though you're Immortal, Its a good idea to recharge after millennia of being active to upkeep your powers, whether you like it or not. That's why Cheese Cinder Cookie, Founder of Scovilia and self-proclaimed Phoenix King of legend, has been in a near-eternal slumber at the heart of the hottest active volcano on Earthbread, right in Dragon's Valley. It was a very risky venture for Celestial Cheese Cookie and her guards, going straight through Dragonberry's territory to the dragon's valley, not just because it could be seen as an act of war, but because of the sheer amount of Dragonberry Soldiers headed by a fearsome commander that were stationed in search of Pitaya Dragon's secrets hidden in the underbelly of their caverns.
That wasn't going to stop the Golden Goddess from getting the Phoenix King for herself before Dragonberry could get her hands on him. Nothing could stop her in her conquest for the entirety of Earthbread, even meaning going through scalding hot tunnels deep underground, narrowly avoiding the cheese magma that permeated the entirety of the great volcano. At long last, the heat had started to pick up, and many of Celestial Cheese's Guards were forced to stay behind, lest they'll melt in the heat of the volcano as the Golden Goddess and her entourage approached the heart of the volcano, a vast cavern mostly covered by a deep pool of blinding, bubbling molten cheese magma, slowly pulsing as it moved through the cavern, and by extension the volcano itself.
"Cheese Cinder Cookie, show yourself!" Celestial Cheese demanded, her voice echoing off of the back walls of the cave. Silence, save for the bubbles of cheese magma popping. From the corner of her eye, she saw a golden glitter, reflecting off of the light of the cheese magma. a spear. But not just any spear, it was the Firestorm- Cheese Cinder's weapon of choice bearing his Spirit Jelly. "Bring me the spear." If Cheese Cinder won't awaken, Celestial Cheese might as well try to use the power of the Spirit Jelly of Growth for herself. But just as one of her attendants attempted to lay hands on the legendary weapon, movement came from the pool of molten cheese.
"You mind not getting your crumbs on that? I would hate to burn some cookies to a crisp. The scent sticks for ages!" A figure rose from the bubbling pool of magma, a silhouette against the blazing light. at once they stuck their hand out, and Firestorm flew into it, bathing the figure in enough light to be seen properly. "ah, yes. Golden Cheese, or more namely Celestial Cheese cookie. one of many whom asked for the Immortal Phoenix King's aid in their goals. What do you want?" Cheese Cinder slowly approached, the rivulets of magma giving his an ethereal glow.
"I offer you a chance at glory and riches never seen before, if you aid me in the growth of my kingdom." Cheese Cinder's interest was seemingly piqued at the word growth. he paused, seemingly dwelling on Celestial Cheese's statement.
"how about we make a deal, Golden Goddess?" Cheese Cinder swam up to the rim of the magma pool. "You bring me Burning Spice Cookie and let me take his Soul Jam, and in return, I utilize my powers as an Ancient Guardian for your conquest." the phoenix cookie offered. "Do we have a deal?" he proffered his hand, rivulets of glowing molten cheese magma still dripping off.
Without hesitation, Celestial Cheese Cookie took the Phoenix King's hand and shook, ignoring the scalding temperature.
The alliance was an invaluable one. With the aid of Cheese Cinder, swaths of land came under Celestial Cheese's rule, cookies submitting to the Golden Goddess in fear of her powers, or having their homes and loved ones burned to the ground by the Phoenix King if rebellion ever dared to come across their minds.
Its only a matter of time before the forces of Celestial Cheese and Dragonberry clash, and the Phoenix King may have to fight an old friend on the battlefield, on opposing sides instead of allies...
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sundove88 · 7 months
The Cookie Chonk Chart!!
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So recently, @thetropicalfairy and I have had a discussion about which Cookies would be considered chonky- and here is the entire list! And the pic was made by her as well.
Note: Some OCs will be on this list- and some folks not shown in the pic will be as well. If there’s anyone you want to add to the list, that’s ok!
A Fine Boi (Somewhat Chubby): Herb, Churro, Aloe, Gold Citrine, Okchun, Elderberry (OC), Sable, Icicle Yeti, Grapefruit, Tiramisu, Habanero, Bubbles Dragon (OC), Snapdragon, Blueberry Pie, Lilybell, Pecan Brownie (OC), Grandberry Brawler 1/Glimmerberry, Grandberry Brawler 2/Grapeberry, Honorable Paladin Trainee/White Choco Chip, Serious Paladin Trainee/Vanilla Bundt Cake, Kouign Amann, Caramel Arrow, Silverbell, GingerBrave, Dizzy Cookie/Gorgonzola, SuperCar Cookies 1 and 2/Emmental Cheese and Cambozola, Partay Cookies/Swiss Cheese and Raclette, Blue Slushy, Xylitol Nova, Shadow Milk, Eternal Sugar, Mystic Flour, Burning Spice, Silent Salt, Golden Cheese, White Lily, Bumbleberry,
He Chomnk (Mostly Chubby): Dark Cacao, Crunchy Chip (Post Odyssey), Ice Candy, Olive, Strawberry, Custard III, Rye, Cream Puff, Cherry, Blueberry, Pinecone, Amber Sugar, Sea Fairy, Walnut, Cherry Ball, Zombie, Frilled Jellyfish, Carrot, Cotton, Milky Way, Hero, Canele, Mille-Feuille, Vanilla Sugar, Longan Dragon, Buttercream Choco, Pancake, Tea Knight, Tarte Tatin, Captain Caviar, Milkshake (OC), Snowfall Villager/Cashmere, Kind Villager/Poplin, Pumpkin, Parfaedia Principal/Deluxe Sundae, Creme Knights Preceptor/Chantilly Cream, Scovillia Headmaster/Hot Pot, Berry Parfaedia Student/Berry Compote, Citrus Parfaedia Student/Marmalade, Prune Juice, Captain Caviar, Tangerine Tanghulu, WildBerry, Timekeeper, Pure Vanilla, Mango, Muscle, Cranberry,
A Heckin’ Chonker (Very Chubby): Lord Oyster, Mozzarella, Royalberry, Princess, Tiger Lily, Milk, Beet, Yogurt Cream, Cocoa, Chocolate Bon Bon, Mocha Ray, Bacon, Pastel Meringue, Cheesecake, Red Bean, S’More, Frosted Choco (OC), Choco Malt (OC), Coconut Choco (OC), Turtle Brownie (OC), Fudge Ice Cream (OC), Snow Sugar, Ananas Dragon, Vagabond, Gelato (OC), Choco Milk (OC), Second Watcher/Choco Chunk, Grandberry Merchant 1/Blueberry Muffin, Grandberry Merchant 2/Honeyberry, Grandberry Merchant 3/Pinkberry, Spicy Scovillia Student/Army Stew, Hot Scovillia Student/Spicy Rosè, Sauna Egg, Golden Cheese Kingdom Citizen 2/Manchego, Space Doughnut,
H E F T Y C H O N K (Extremely Chubby): Avocado, Hollyberry, Princess Professor Mimolette (OC), Prince Professor Cavatappi (OC), Mala Sauce, Capsaicin, Moon Rabbit (Mostly due to her huge rabbit form), Peperoncino, Potato, Eden Dragon (OC), Dark Choco (After he left The Cookies of Darkness), Macaron, Abalone, Lotus Dragon, Spinach, Half Avocado, Hot Mala Warrior/Spicy Noodle Cookie, Spicy Mala Warrior/Chili Sauce Cookie, Mangosteen (Lychee’s Disguise),
M E G A C H O N K E R (Seriously Chubby): Lychee Dragon, Affogato (Post Episode 14), Elder Custard, Affogato’s Disciple 1/Cortado, Affogato’s Disciple 2/Galao, Pumpkin Spice Latte (OC), Mysterious Priest/Compound Choco, Marble Bread, Plain Yogurt,
O H L A W D H E C O M I N (The Chubbiest of All): Pitaya Dragon, Eggnog, Gatekeeper Cookie/Couverture, Stink Eye Tortuca,
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
Dark cacao dark choco and red velvet cookie x reader who is innocent bubbly sweet and kind cookie in all earthbread headcanons
Yeee motivation come to meee
Binge watching Shrek rn lmao-
Also, these were so cute!
They’re a little short because I’m doing three in one, but I still enjoyed writing them all!
Dark Cacao
~| He doesn’t understand you at all.
~| Just because he doesn’t understand you, though, doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate you (a lot of doesn’t’s I know, I’m tired). He finds you so intriguing, how could you be such a sweet, pure, innocent cookie?
~| Even his own son never acted this way- and he was a literal child. You always manage to surprise him with your sweet actions and kind words, and he often doesn’t know what to say in return. His gruff nature leads him to speak harshly towards you, but you never think twice before returning his words with kindness- which leaves him pretty much speechless.
~| A lot of the times, he finds himself coming back to you for no reason at all. Whenever he’s stressed from work or just feeling grumpy, he finds you and spends some time with you. You make him feel better about himself, like he’s not to toxic, gas-lighting king some people claim him to be. You make him feel better about himself, about his job at ruling the kingdom.
~| A lot of the times you’ll pass out sweets and candies to the Cacao soldiers. Some cookies have tried to scold you on this, mostly Crunchy Chip, and Dark Cacao even tried once or twice, but you’re not stopping anytime soon. Dark Cacao also finds it kinda charming how much you care about all the soldiers, as well.
~| You can pretty much get away with murder, if you wanted to. Dark Cacao believes you can do no wrong and no mean, and for good reasons. He wonders how a cookie as sweet as you had ever came into existence, how it was possible to be baked with so much sugar it seeped even into the darkest recesses of your personality.
~| He doesn’t get a lot of time to spend with you, but when he does, he finds himself so enthralled in your talking. How fast you can go, how bubbly your words were, how exited you always seemed to be. It stuns him every single time, it’s not something he will ever get used to.
~| Dark Cacao will not allow you to fight, simple as that. He doesn’t even allow you to watch battles. He’s scared that the harsh battles will taint your view on the world, and he wants to keep you sweet and innocent forever.
Dark Choco
~| Very much like his father, he’s confused by your kindness and innocence. He hasn’t been shown a lot, if any, kindness in his life, so the experience is pretty foreign to him. He quite enjoys it, though, and though he isn’t sure if he deserves it, he does like how you make him feel.
~| He tries to reciprocate your kindness- mostly by gifts and spending time with you, as he isn’t good with saying nice things. Any time he’s tried to compliment you it always comes out a little weird. “Umm… your face is looking… different today. A good different. It looks like a good face.”
~| Dark Choco is not at all used to your affection for him. This boy is very touch starved and doesn’t even know the feeling of hand holding. Any type of physical contact with him may be a bit awkward due to his tendency to freeze or just ✨him✨ in general. He does enjoy your touch, though, and will always try to return it if he doesn’t just completely stop functioning.
~| You can drag him around. Anywhere you wanna go, anything you wanna see, just grab his wrist and start walking and Dark Choco will be along for the ride. He quite enjoys the time he gets to spend with you, and always finds himself subconsciously watching your every movement. You amaze him in a way he didn’t think possible.
~| He’s not much of a talker, and he loves listening to you talk about anything on your mind. Just how it always seems to come out so positive- like there was never a bad thing to ever happen in this world- always gets his attention. He doesn’t know how you always manage to look on the bright side, sometimes he’s a little envious of that.
~| You make him happier. Your positive energy and happy attitude shows him that not everything has to be darkness and despair. Though he still struggles with his past, he learns from you that he still deserves happiness, that everyone does. You’re practically his idle- if he were to fill out one of those ‘About Me’ sheets they give you in kindergarten, he would put you down as his hero.
Red Velvet
~| You remind Red Velvet so much of Chiffon. Just your unbridled energy and up-beat attitude makes him instantly think of his dearest dog- and that’s a good thing if you don’t want him to instantly be suspicious of you.
~| Occasionally calls you Chiffon by accident. Always covers it up horribly. “Chiffon! Did you see where I put my sword? I can’t find it.” “Red Velvet, you called me Chiffon again!” “What? No I didn’t.” “Yeah you did, I heard you! You called me Chiffon!” “You must have cotton in your ears. I didn’t.”
~| He’s usually a very calm and collected cookie, but you can make him melt in an instant. Just your playful aura and how you move is enough to entrance him, no less you talking with him or interacting with him. He can’t be mean to you, no matter how hard he tries. If he ever does, he always feels bad afterwards, especially when you just brush it off as him having a bad day and that it’s alright.
~| You’re pretty much perfect to him. He sees you as the epitome of sweetness and cheerfulness, and anyone who dares to object to that can face his hoard of puppies.
~| Red Velvet can match your energy pretty well- he certainly has more than enough energy he needs to let out, but can’t often from his work. His favorite thing to do with you is probably to climb trees, he enjoys the thrill of being up so high, and he likes to drag you up with him.
~| Give him a gift and this boy will completely stop functioning. He doesn’t receive many gifts from anyone, and the fact you went out of your way to get it and give it to him just makes him widneidnekf melt inside. He will try his best to get you something you like- expect a lot of frisbees and combs, though, those are his top two favorite things to give you.
~| He finds your innocence so interesting- how could a cookie possibly be so unaware of the dangerous, murderous world around them? He could watch you do things for hours on end and not get bored, to be honest.
~| Every once in a while he just comes up behind you and pats your head. Get used to it, that’s never going to change.
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
Not What It Seems (Capsaicin, Dark Choco, Madeleine x GN!Reader)
Celebrating Your Birthday Headcanons (Almond, Capsaicin, Captain Caviar, Dark Choco x GN!Reader)
[FIRST ARCHIVERSARY] Together Despite Terrible Weather (Milk, Purple Yam x GN!Reader)
The Fantastic Spider-Cookie! (Dark Cacao, Golden Cheese, Hollyberry, Golden Cheese, White Lily & GN!Reader)
Baking With Dark Choco Cookie (Dark Choco x GN!Reader)
[STARLIT SANCTUARY] Gentle Kisses (Dark Choco x GN!Reader)
[FIRST ARCHIVERSARY] Sleepy Affection (Dark Choco x GN!Reader)
Ocean's Valentine (Captain Caviar x GN!Reader)
Operation Matchmaker (Almond x GN!Reader)
...That Was Unexpected (Almond x GN!Reader)
Take Care (Almond x GN!Reader)
Capsaicin Cookie Cuddling Headcanons (Capsaicin x GN!Reader)
[FIRST ARCHIVERSARY] A Smile Brighter Than The Stars (Capsaicin x GN!Reader)
Royal Margarine Cookie General Relationship Headcanons (Royal Margarine x GN!Reader)
Vampire!Royal Margarine Cookie Headcanons (Royal Margarine x GN!Reader)
[STARLIT SANCTUARY] Beautiful. (Royal Margarine x Reader)
Bubbly!Reader Headcanons (Dark Cacao x GN!Reader)
[STARLIT SANCTUARY] Comfort In You (Dark Cacao x GN!Reader)
[STARLIT SANCTUARY] Sweet Tooth (Affogato x GN!Reader)
Meaning Well (Espresso x GN!Reader)
Pitaya Dragon Cookie Dating Headcanons (Pitaya Dragon x GN!Reader)
Flirting With Pastry Cookie Headcanons (Pastry x GN!Reader)
Pure Vanilla Cookie Dating Headcanons (Pure Vanilla x GN!Reader)
Time for Yourself (Pure Vanilla x GN!Reader)
[FIRST ARCHIVERSARY] Warm Rain & A Gentle Breeze (Pure Vanilla x GN!Reader)
[FIRST ARCHIVERSARY] The Loveliest Blossom (Pure Vanilla x GN!Reader)
Sanctuary In The Wilderness (Tiger Lily x GN!Reader)
The Brightest Star (Stardust x GN!Reader)
[STARLIT SANCTUARY] "What Happens Next?!" (Raspberry x GN!Reader)
Mint Choco Cookie General Relationship Headcanons (Mint Choco x GN!Reader)
[STARLIT SANCTUARY] Dancing Into The Night (Kouign-Amann x GN!Reader)
Plant Parents (Herb x GN!Reader)
Black Pearl Cookie General Relationship Headcanons (Black Pearl x GN!Reader)
Purple Yam Cookie General Relationship Headcanons (Purple Yam x GN!Reader)
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80bitesofsweets · 9 months
Who would win a fight against each other. Cream Peanutbutter Cookie or Gold Choco Cookie
are you implying these two would have a physical fight?
sorry to burst ones battle hungry bubble, but if it ever got to a point they would tussle, PB would just leave. Hes not a fighter, hes a man with words.
sure hes an alien, but the man is all bark, no bite. the flight in a fight or flight.
if ever the day comes they have to fight each other, it will only be because they are pit against each other in some weird fighting ring and the only way out is to stage a fight. ]
less likely to happen so there's your answer.
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queen-rainy-love · 1 year
I decided that this is a bit overdue and that we did need a slight update on the Pure Lily family tree. I thought 'Why not show the heights of every Cookie in the family tree?' and then this was made! And I have included every family member, jam related or not, here. Which does include Oyster and Captain Caviar's family (except for Bubble Pearl because I'm not an artist and I can't create a sprite for her).
So let's start with the first generation! The parents, aunts, uncles, and caretakers.
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Of course, Millennial Tree is the tallest and Vanilla Sugar is the smallest. I'm actually surprise that Pure Vanilla isn't the smallest or part of the five smallest Cookies.
Next up, the children of the first generation (at least most of them).
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Dark Choco is only in this outfit to have a fair measurement to the others (and he was raised by Dark Enchantress in his late teens but he does not see himself as her child). And yes, Lilybell is shorter than Kouign-Amann, who is younger by two-three years. (Also, huge thanks to Comic Creator Cutebear39 for making Royal Margarine alone sprites). And Bubble Pearl isn't here, as she's my OC, but is taller than Clotted Cream but shorter than Royal Margarine. And yes, Dark Choco was raised by Dark Enchantress but is not jam related to any of the Pure Lily family.
Now the grandchildren of the first generation and some children of the first generation that I forgot to put in the second photo!
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I will tell you all this right now: only one has jam relation to the Pure Lily family tree. Everyone else is adopted but still well love. Also, only two are adults...like between Clover and Knight's age. Everyone else is a under 18.
Now if you guys have questions about who raised who and who is related to who, I'm more than glad to answer them. Just please be respectful.
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waffle-cookies · 10 months
☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎Hello everyone waffle here. this weird blog was made by me and my obsessions. I am a ask blog for cookie run,the amazing digital circus, and fnaf. I post a lot of art stuff to and i do commissions for free☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾
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You can anyone 9n this list ask:
Pomni (☹︎)
Jax (aka bunny idiot)
Ragatha (★Me☆)
Kinger (a royal idiot)
Zooble ( they told me not to put a description here so have this)
Gangle (crybaby but also a sweetheart)
Caine ( If he is available)
Bubble ( I suggest not asking her)
Cookies (aka anyone from cookie run)
Pure vanilla cookie *he told me to not say much about him*
Vampire cookie *drunk head*
Herb cookie *sweet tea*
Sparkling cookie *calm*
Mint choco cookie *will play music for you*
Hot coco cookie *funny somehow*
And more ask any cookie
(Bc I can not and will not type all of them)
there are rules to these asks so here they are
Nothing like y/n x somone ok I'll do any ship fanfics but those (also not inest, or rape in any of them but I'll do child x child plationc)
that's it
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atomicpsyche · 1 year
Death Note as Bubble Tea
i was going to gong cha yesterday and i wanted to try a new flavour, and it got me thinking about death note. i’m more familiar with milk tea and gong cha, so that’s what this post will be about.
note: for toppings, everyone gets regular black pearls except for the wammy house kids. inspired by the gong cha that I went to running out of black pearls. i’m not familiar with many of the toppings, so i’m not going to include them in my hc. for sugar and ice levels, wammy kids don’t change them, light goes sugar free with little ice, misa has little sugar and no ice, mikami takes his with half sugar and less ice, and takada asks for less sugar, and standard ice. everyone would order a large, except for light and mikami.
another note: this is what the milk tea menu from gong cha looks like. sorry for poor quality. i’ve also added an image of the toppings and ice and sugar levels :3
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Light Yagami: Royal Pearl Milk Tea
Light is a basic bitch who went with the top ten; it was safe, what can he say? It tastes a lot like tea, so he just kept on choosing that as his drink.
Misa Amane: Brown Sugar Milk Tea with Brown Sugar Pearls
It looks amazing, and it has less calories in comparison to the other drinks. Misa came for the aesthetic, and stayed for the taste.
Teru Mikami: Taro Milk Tea
Not going to lie, my original choice was taro coconut milk tea, but I thought that Mikami should go with taro and Takada double coconut to show how both of them are similar to one another, and their friendly acquaintanceship. I think that Mikami is another basic bitch, so he also picked something from the top ten.
Kiyomi Takada: Double Coconut Milk Tea
I headcanon Takada to be a beach person, so coconut flavoured everything is right up her alley. My og choice for her was oolong milk tea, just because she looked like a tea person (coffee too).
L Lawliet: Earl Grey Milk Tea with 3J
It reminds him of his time in England, not to mention that it has pudding and grass jelly; mixing his ‘love of tea’ and his love for sweets together. Another basic bitch who chose from the top 10 list.
Mello (Mihael Keehl): Strawberry Au Lait
It’s sweet as hell, and he wants it that way. Even if everyone is side eyeing him.
Near (Nate River): Cookie Choco Milk Tea
I found it hard to choose for Near, but I went with this one because 1) it’s sweet (a rule for wammy kids) and 2) because it’s brown and dark brown, like different morality shades.
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maopll · 2 years
followers event !
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a small token of my affection to all those who supported me and helped me reach 50 followers ! so why don't you let me treat you to a sweet shop ? I'll pay for it <3
note: this applies to all characters for whom I'll write
✧ Menu
cakes ♡
castella cake: their favourite places to kiss you
strawberry shortcake: their love language
chocolate muffins: their favourite things to do with you
lemon tart: what do they like to shop with you
blueberry cake: things they do when you are not around
opera cake: when they miss you
black forest cake: what ring would they give you if you would get married
red velvet cheesecake: when they are jealous
beverages ♡
espresso coffee: where you two first met
Earl Grey tea: childhood friends to lovers
chamomile tea: they meet your parents
mocha bubble tea: when they argue with you
lemonade: what do they like the most about you
extra side dish ♡
choco chip cookies: fluff
candies: funny
ice cream: angst
cherries: nsfw
gummy bears: angst to fluff
I hope you like what I bought for you and no need to repay me just smile a little <3
event status: ended
event end day: 18th March 2023
thanks for coming let's meet like this next time once again !
please refer to rules when requesting:
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New Account, New Fandom to be addicted to :D
I'll be posting some of my favorite ships here and make some hc's, fanfiction and other stuff(with other cookies also from Cookie Run Kingdom)
I'll also be posting my OC's here and there backstory and bonds with the other Cookies and if you guys have any question about them then go ahead and ask them!
Don't be shy
And I'm actually feeling a little adventurous here so uh...
I'll be taking Requests and no this is not an "x Reader(Romantic)" blog it's all platonic because I have my own ships here so uh...yeah
My Oc Master list(If interested):
Request: Open!
I can only accept Request at Monday-Friday Philippines Times Zone
I will NOT accept any requests at Saturday-Sunday
Any Gender!
What I will accept:
"x Reader's" ONLY
If it's a minor it's automatically Platonic
ALL COOKIES(Cookie Run Kingdom and ovenbreak only!)
Dark Themes
Headcannons/One shots/etc
NSFW but not too revealing/hard
I will accept to write for 1 up to 6 Cookies
What I will NOT Accept:
Dead threats towards A/N or Any Anons(I will deleted you)
Hate for any Ships I mention(Just leave the blog if you don't like it)
Kinks of any kind
Bullying any of the Anons
My Ship Cookie's that I will also write for!(I'll add more in the near Future):
Pure Vanilla Cookie x White Lily Cookie
(Bro's a simp)
Hollyberry Cookie x Dark Cacao Cookie
(Single Parents relationship, Dude needs happy energy from Holly rn-)
Dark Enchantress Cookie x Tea Knight Cookie(FIGHT ME-)(jk)
(The Smart Villain Leader x The Secretly Softy Good Leader-)
Pomegranate Cookie x Twizzly Gummy Cookie
(The Serious x The Insane)
Dark Choco Cookie x Milk Cookie
(Boy depressed? Have Milk Cookie)
Licorice Cookie x Clover Cookie
(The Pathetic- I mean the Villain who tries to be x The Support but ends up making villain give up and be good in the end, Kind of-)
Affogato Cookie x Cream Unicorn Cookie
(The Cold Hearted Cookie x The Cookie that is WAY too innocent for there own good-)
Gingerbrave x Wizard Cookie
(The Idiot x The Smart one)
Strawberry Cookie x GingerBright Cookie
(introvert x Extrovert)
Princess Cookie x Knight Cookie
(The Princess(Knight-) and their Knight and shining armour(Princess-) obvs)
Espresso Cookie x Fig Cookie
(Overworked x The one who make them touch grass)
Moonlight Cookie x Mercurial Cookie
(Forbidden Love- 🙊)
Sherbet Cookie x Silverbell Cookie
(The Happy, Goofy and Softies-)
Herb Cookie x Crème Brûlée Cookie
(Both are Oblivious- Danggit Herb and Crème!-)
(Edit 1)
Avocado Cookie x Wildberry Cookie
(The Pun x The I don't get it but it did made me chuckle a little once I did get it-)
Crunchy Chip Cookie x Tiger Lily Cookie
(The Wild Couple)
Werewolf Cookie x Kumiho Cookie
(The Cookies who wants to be an ordinary Cookie)
(Edit 2: Oc's)
Shadow Milk Cookie x Strawberry Jam Cookie
(The Joker x The one who always laughs at there jokes and acts)
Silent Salt Cookie x Peanut Butter Cookie
(Introvert x Extrovert)
Elder Faerie Cookie x Sour Cream Cookie
(Old Love 💕😘)
Longan Cookie x Apple Cherry Cookie
(The Emotionless x The Kind and Childish)
Pitaya Cookie x Cherry Apple Cookie
(Get into fights x There personal nurse)
(Not OC's)
Vampire Cookie x Frilled Jellyfish Cookie
(Arrogant/Prankster x Goofy/Bubbly)
Latte Cookie x Caramel Arrow Cookie
(Magic User x Weapon User)
Devil Cookie x Angel Cookie
(It's in the name- and Enemies to Lovers 😍)
(Edit 3)
Xylitol Nova Cookie x Sea Fairy Cookie
(I can fix her x I might make him worse...)
(Edit 4/Oc)
Red Velvet Cookie x Royal Margarine Cookie x Rainbow Gingerbread Cookie
(Dog Lover x Dragon Lover x Animal/Insect Lover)
(Edit 5/Oc):
Ananas Dragon Cookie x Mango Slices Cookie
(Prideful x Shameful)
(Edit 6/Oc)
Butter Roll Cookie x Flower petal Cookie
(Scientist/Researcher x Plant Researcher)
(Edit 7)
Madeleine Cookie x Kouign-Amann Cookie
(The Drama King x The Sassy Queen)
(Edit 8)
Captain Ice Cookie x Abalone Cookie
(Girl Boss x The Goof)
The (Only) Daycare/School Of SugarCreamBites Kingdom
That's all!
I'll edit this if I came up with some more things to put in
Enjoy Asking/Requesting!
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iceemoondemon · 8 months
Redone OCs i made :3
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Thai Nom Yen Cookie
She's still in a relationship with Spumoni Cookie
She likes being called Nomyen sometimes
Her main residence is now Berryberg Street
She has a pet cat named Fluffy
Her hair is now longer
New skill name: Lovely Milky Waves
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Aronia Berry Cookie
SHE'S NOT A SINGLE PRINGLE ANYMORE!!! (Her love interest is revealed, and it's Raspberry Cookie~)
Her home is in the darkest parts of The Hollyberry Kingdom
Her best friend is Wildberry Cookie
The house that her and her sister live in is now called the Home of Candles, and Pastries
The moon necklace was a gift given by her friend, Huckleberry Tart Cookie
New skill name: Belldonna Twilight
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Gooseberry Cake Cookie
She's now labeled as an NPC
She now is dating Pink Lemonade Cookie
She's sailor and a part time chef at Hibiscus Tea Cookie's restaurant
Her overalls are now covered in powdered sugar
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Spumoni Cookie
She's now a resident in Parfaedia, and is Eclair Cookie's top reader
She apparently has british accent now
She's Lord Oyster's comfort buddy
Yes, she's still in a relationship with Thai Nom Yen Cookie
She is now Neapolitan Cookie's older sister
New skill name: The Book is alive!
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Pink Lemonade Cookie
She's now labeled as Black Lemonade Cookie's cousin
She and Gooseberry Cake Cookie are dating
She has a connected friendship with both Ruby Choco Cookie, and Hazelnut Cookie
She is now Spumoni's childhood friend
New skill name: Bubbly Party Night!
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sundove88 · 1 year
Dark Choco’s Transformation
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So, with the Tearcrown update nearing its end, I thought to myself that another cookie deserved the Gem Mermaid- or in this case Gem Merman treatment. And that cookie happened to be Dark Choco.
I got inspired by both Melody (The shell necklace) and her mom Ariel (The bubble and gold light) from both Little Mermaid movies to make this- hence why the necklace is reshaping Choccy’s lower half.
If there are any other cookies you’d like for me to give The Gem Mermaid/Merman treatment, just ask!
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itstokkii · 3 months
👀 Do America and SK go on Bubble tea dates? What does America get? I kinda feel like he’d be the type to get the reusable cups and then buy stickers so that he and SK can decorate them.
bubble tea dates? usually it'll be when america comes to visit for diplomatic reasons. but when he comes of his own accord then the bubble tea date will be like...a part of the date. usually dates consist of many activities in one! so if one of them gets thirsty after a few hours of skating at a roller rink, they'll stop at a cafe and spend an hour drinking while talking about all kinds of things.
i feel like america would definitely be the type of person to go all out and try a unique thing on the menu! back when cheese foam was still new to korea, he tried it out! I think his go to is picking a fruit based tea and then adding all sorts of toppings, like lychee, mango, or coconut and aloe.
though I feel like the first time he tried bubble tea he choked and soojin had to quickly help him from dying an embarrassing death.
we don't really have reusable cups as the norm here...only during collaboration events like for cookie run back in 2022(which I'm proud to say I got the dark choco one...fun story that I should probably save for some other time lol)
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so far, there's only really 1 main cafe chain I can think of that does reusable cups, and that's dessert 39! sometimes they have reusable bottles in the shape of a bear, bunny, or dog, and they come with a cute pair of glasses for the bottle as well as some accessories.
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they also have reusable tumblers with geometric patterns on them but tbh it's not as cute as these!!
another thing is I think america would absolutely love cafe hopping in korea, and it's one of his favorite date ideas. they regularly go to hongdae and seongsu and hunt for the cutest themed cafes until they drain their wallets dry!
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