#buba rambles
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bubacorn · 2 months ago
if everything falls to shit, i'll just submit my wip
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mooninagust · 2 years ago
ray is so lonely he’s literally paying a dude to drink with him… and if i cry
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endosexual · 7 months ago
Fuck my stupid buba life....
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hunterwritesstuff · 4 months ago
Tell us more about ck in ur au plz
*Cracks knuckles* you've awoken the autism. prepare for the beam. under cut because good lord do I ramble about this guy, and this is just what comes to my mind RIGHT NOW.
(divider by @strangergraphics)
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❄️ So uh. he's a guy. a fella if you will.
❄️ Married. He loves his wife with all his heart, even if he can't show it in the usual way.
❄️ He's always been a kind and just ruler, and has been helping Blackrock recover from his father's influence ever since he gained power in the throne.
❄️ Before the Ice Dagger, he was very like. almost akin to Asgore with his people if that makes sense? Like? He knows his people by their names, stuff like that!
❄️ He babysat Griefer and was good friends with Mayor Thaniyel. Source? *Undertale run sfx*
❄️ He vaguely knows Shedletsky, mostly through him swinging by every so often for..."important business"...whatever that meant.
❄️ Russian. Trust me bro.
❄️ His actual name is Alexei Romanov!
❄️ He's very quiet. Sometimes people will forget he's even in the room. Not because they don't see him, no no, it's because he just sorta. sits in silence???
❄️ He was taken care of by Kitchen Wizard for most of his life growing up. Kitchen Wizard took this as "I will have this whole-ass baby-child in the kitchen with me and complain about how Ivan(his father) never gave me ANY form of assistant at ALL!! Can you believe that?!?" "baba!" "Ah yes, wise words, young prince." "Pebut buba..." "Much too young for that, I'm afraid."
❄️ His cape is rumored to just. be his baby blanket sized up? Like, it's rumored he got so attached to it that he just never wanted to get rid of it? That's HIS? Leave him ALONE?
❄️ Banished Knight is his son. His son's name is Boris, I think.
❄️ Keep babies away from him he'll get baby fever so bad he'll actually sob and it'll be very awkward for everybody
❄️ Father was Russian, mother was Norwegian. It just feels right, yk?
❄️ This is playing into a personal HC, but I feel the voice in his head took on the voice of his father, promising that he'd be proud of him if he grabbed the Ice Dagger.
❄️ "Come now, Alexei. Don't you want to make me proud for once?"
❄️ At first it didn't move him. He'd heard how dangerous that thing was. He'd heard the tales of adventurers going mad while searching for it.
❄️ ...but what if he was different? what if he could manage it? what if he could finally be the one to wield it and control it?
❄️ he would be a hero.
❄️ then whispers of his kingdom's fate started to plague his mind.
❄️ and that's what got to him. he loved his people more than anything, his kingdom more than anything. he saved it from ruin, he didn't want his work to be all for nothing.
❄️ so he assembled a search party.
❄️ then he found it. it was everything he heard it was and more.
❄️ a gloriously carved dagger from an ancient glacier, with a crystal in the hilt, and an aura of magic surrounding it. it felt magical.
❄️ as the voices grew louder, he drew closer, and closer, and closer, until...
❄️ a flash of blue light flooded the room as he grabbed the hilt. he was practically the only survivor. well...not exactly.
❄️ the rest of his search party survived, they were just...frozen. they could observe the outside world, but couldn't move. frozen in chunks of ice, merely...observing.
❄️ meanwhile, Cruel King was frostburned almost all across his body, leaving only a small chunk of his flesh on the left side untouched, and his left eye frozen into a mere ice cube.
❄️ the fallout was devastating. the normally cheery town was quickly swept up in a deadly snowstorm, trapping the people who were in their homes inside, and freezing those who were unfortunate enough to be outside during the storm.
❄️ Blackrock dubbed this event "The great freeze".
❄️ After this, Cruel King was even more reclusive and quiet, feeling as if his people's suffering was his fault.
❄️ Technically it was, but he just wanted to do what would protect his beloved people! H-He didn't have any malicious intent! H-He swears!!
❄️ Then his defensiveness over his kingdom and people starts to grow, and fester into something more. Paranoia. Fear of outsiders. Fear of his kingdom getting destroyed even more.
❄️ Come time of Chapter 1, he increases security around the castle, using his newfound abilities to bring the statues around Blackrock Castle to life.
❄️ Whenever the heroes step onto the castle grounds, Cruel King can immediately tell the air has changed. That one of them is more than meets the eye. He tells his guards to be careful, but still defend with their lives.
❄️ When the heroes arrive in the throne room, unlike in-game, Cruel King freezes over the door out and windows. It was no longer a throne room. it was now a tomb.
❄️ The fight is long and grueling(more akin to Hatred in difficulty), but eventually, Cruel King is defeated, the Ice Dagger knocked from his hands for the first time in ages, finally rewarded with one last thing. Clarity.
❄️ He mumbles some ramblings about how he "just wanted to save my people", and how "the voices have returned...I failed him once again...I feel cold..."
❄️ and finally drops dead, cold on the floor.
❄️ Then he awakens in Nirvana. How long has he been out? Was he dead? Alive? Undead? He didn't understand.
❄️ But then his attention shifts to a more important topic.
❄️ the voices are gone. he was free.
❄️ thinking back on his final moments, he was furious with the heroes. how dare they take him away from his people, from his kingdom? how dare they strip the life he'd worked so hard for away from him?
❄️ but here he feels oddly...at peace. like all weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
❄️ Then he starts wondering what his kingdom is doing. how Kitchen Wizard is doing.
❄️ Then he hears the spawnpoint activate. He turns to the direction the sound came from, finding the party of heroes approaching.
❄️ They spar for a while, the king's anger slowly petering out as he sees their strength at its peak. yes...they could protect his kingdom. keep it afloat.
❄️ Eventually, he yields. And he gives them a card as gratitude for the sparring matches. They could call on him whenever they needed to.
❄️ extra headcanons time, WOOO-
❄️ Woe, inflicts lactose intolerance upon yon king.
❄️ He paid Kitchen Wizard visits as often as he could, he likes him :)
❄️ He dad sneezes so loud it just sometimes. echoes. it scares some of the knights sometimes.
❄️ He's always had ice magic, the Ice Dagger just amplified it to the UNHEALTHY EXTREME.
❄️ He sticks his tongue out whenever he focuses.
❄️ Shorp teefies. he could bite hard enough to make anyone bleed if threatened.
❄️ Speaking of bite, uh. he can like. have an IRON GRIP??? WITH HIS JAW??? SOMEHOW???
❄️ his favorite meal is a bowl of fully loaded baked potato soup from Kitchen Wizard :3
❄️ he WILL mope in his bathtub if needed, DO NOT INTERRUPT HIM!!!
❄️ The Snorey Bears around the area? He helped raise those mofuckers. They're fat because of HIM.
❄️ Someone tried to set up mouse traps around the castle once when CK was younger. CK sobbed deeply. They just want CHEESE!!! Said person was fired immediately.
❄️ Somehow always smells of peppermint...
❄️ Chunker. Kitchen Wizard made sure he was well fed when he was younger and CK kept those eating habits up into adulthood.
❄️ His ass could NOT survive Turitopolis' climate.
❄️ He never really got any portraits painted of himself, as he wanted to try to not become overly vain.
❄️ He sucks at showing emotion. Like, dude is terrible at it.
❄️ Usually speaks in a monotone voice, but if he yells, you better get running.
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caregivingchrysalises · 11 months ago
starlight? are you still awake? oh darling hi my little moon, thank you for welcoming me home angel, i’m happy to be back precious. you’re so sleepy honey, i appreciate you spending time waiting up for me but it’s important to get the proper rest sprout, growing blossoms like yourself need all of their energy baby~ i’m going to slip into something softer and then i think it’s time for us to fly to dreamland together sweetheart. i know going to bed can be scary love, but i promise i’ll protect you from all the scariness and shadows starlight. can buba pick you up love, i’ll give a count down okay? 3,,2,, up we go! there’s my little noble hi my love, alright did we have any stuffies waiting with you? we can’t leave them behind now can we! that’s right love they are part of our royal family, such a kind little leaf you are~ alright then, stuffies and starlight accounted for i do believe it’s time to get some rest don’t you dove? my it seems my royal rambles have flown you right off into dreamland, goodnight my little moon, your buba loves you in every galaxy angel~ rest well for me.
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babey-lewis · 11 months ago
buba lew, sends hugs, is feeling very very cuddly an eepy so sends more huggys than ready sents sorry. stuffies also sen hugs. are so cozys mama phellia cuddles right now and very nice. shes a froggie. hopes day go good an staring feels better. sorry rambling.
Big hugs for my precious baby /p some nice eepy hugs to help you drift off to nini land <3
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kayens-corner · 3 years ago
Mm very stresy atm but I gotta blankie friend an my paci So is all gonna be okie dokie
Sleepy time now
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bubacorn · 2 months ago
✨2024 fic overview✨ (this is mostly for myself and is just me rambling about my writing this year)
okay, so i hesitated making this post. i decided i would, then that i wouldn't. i was convinced i wouldn't because there's no point, really. but here i am because acknowledging accomplishments is something i feel like i should do. this year has been- something, for sure. it's been bad and difficult for the most part and obviously all that won't be over after midnight but i figured i could use some 'celebration', even while i'm struggling
i managed a word count of 172,325 this year which both feels like a lot and very little. i posted 34 works. among them are the longest ones i've written yet, ones that came very easily, ones that mean a lot. i had a lot of fun writing this year but at the same time, it hurt a lot, too, which sounds silly but it really did. i'm not entirely sure how i ended up here but i'm grateful that i did. there's a lot that i can't reread without cringing, a lot that i would rewrite if i had the energy and time but they all mark a moment where i was at that point in time and i think that's okay, in a way
so, as a sort of tradition (can it be a tradition if it's only the second year i do this and i almost didn't?), some of my favorites from this year:
Waiting for the One (The Day That Never Comes)
i really loved the style of this one when i wrote the first chapter, and wasn't planning on expanding upon it but then i spoke it out loud and my brain was like '👀 what if-?' and then it was a lost cause and i suddenly had a few thousands words extra. i still like the style, i think, and some of the choices about the story
Show Me Love
this is one of those that i cringe at, although i hold a lot of love for the whole series and was (am?) thinking about reworking it sometime. i know it meant a lot when i was conceptualizing and writing it, it houses a lot of pain, even though it came out mostly fluffy in the end. i suppose it helped cement me in relation to fluff, and soup as the genesis of everything (/j /lh)
Burn to Get You Out of Me
oh, this one. the concept is painful but i might also cringe at it a bit, i'm not sure why. i think i still like it a lot, it just feels clumsy for some reason. maybe because it feels like long ago, i can't pinpoint it. the feels are something for sure, though
To Safety
this one has a doc with bits and pieces and ideas to expand it into a series, i'm not sure if i'll actually get around to it or not. i know i liked writing it but i have mixed feelings about it now. i also didn't plan on writing more chapters after the first but it still happened. based on 'popularity', i suspect people like it because it's soft and has a certain vulnerability. it's also kind of special to me because it led to me receiving an ask i still remember being very :)) about we'll see what happens with that wip next year
Show Me That Your Arms Can Hold Me
i remember this one. this started as ~1k words written in bed on my phone because i was feeling particularly sad and the words just flowed. i can't recall which part i wrote then, i know it grew quite a lot (i expected it to be a max. 2k oneshot). i still like it but i'm surprised that there was a 'fan favorite' sentence in it, although i have to say, i do like it, too, it's a nice sentence ("Vessel let himself be eased from the tense position he instinctively assumed, knees slipping away from his chest, torso turning towards II’s like his heart was the head of a sunflower seeking the Sun."). i also feel like the style and the metaphors/imagery i used are kinda nice, too, which makes me happy because fairly early on, i knew i wanted to gift it, so i'm glad it 'holds up'
I Will Be Here When You're Ready to Wake Up
oof. this one. i loved it and i kinda don't like it anymore. i know. i fought with it, i planned so much for it, i struggled and i did enjoy it. i didn't expect it to be this long, either. i guess lessons learnt? i don't hate it but it also makes me cringe a bit because i know at one point, i was annoyed, like 'how many sentences can i possibly write that go 'he [did] [something]. [name] [did] [something]'?' and it felt like the answer was 'all of them'. you know what? i do kinda like it. it has details that i like (love?) and it's not half bad. remind me to remember this when i next catch myself hating it (/lh). i also hold it close to my heart because it's the first time my fic inspired art and it's gorgeous
For a While, You and I
this one was so much fun. the idea and the imagery. listening to the songs on loop. loving Vessel for his thing for niche details in his covers that actually carry meaning (or not) but they're still fun. yeah, i like it a lot. i meant to write it with no hope left for them to ever meet because to me, that feels more realistic. stardust doesn't care about love and by that point, does it really matter? really "And they say that nothing is forever // Then what makes love the exception?". i guess it's romantic and comforting to think they might meet and that their particles will collide and fuse for eternity. i think i wanted it to be more like 'if i have to live without you, i'd rather choose not living without you because then we both just don't exist and then we can't be together but we're not apart either'. it's humanly tragic if they're just gone because that's how things go. it's horrifying but it's life. yeah, anyway
Something to Confide In
i didn't plan on writing this. i know that the grocery store conversation was written fairly early on, and some of the later pieces of dialogue. then i was very busy and stressed and sat on the train, and was suddenly at 11k. i finished it all before posting because it was an already anxiety-filled and overwhelming period, so i just put it in my drafts and posted it quickly because i was excited about it. then, i think, after like the first chapter out, i started to dislike it. that's just how things go sometimes. i have a continuation in the works for this, we'll see what happens to it
i have really complicated feelings about my writing and am in a bit of a slump (in general, too, but it extends to creating because of course, it does) but i'm still amazed at how i ended up here in the first place. it feels like i didn't write 'enough' this year and i have my insecurities and little (well. not so little) annoyances. i'm grateful to everyone who reads my works, leaves kudos and comments or shares them when i post their links here. thank you, i appreciate you a lot, you and your feedback help keep me going
at the same time, i have to say that i do often go 'maybe i should just stop', probably more often than it comes across from my words and frequency of posting, which is, oh, well. i'm still going. writing kind of happens at this point, i can't exactly stop my brain from doing it and i do enjoy it, it means a lot, it's an outlet. it is also a weird source of validation but i try not to let that get to me when i can (and fail at it quite often). i've rambled so much, i think i should wrap it up. thank you, i'm still here, this year happened and the next one will, too. take care of yourselves, if you can 💜
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bubacorn · 4 days ago
i am undergoing the horror of clothes shopping (or at least trying to) and taking serious damage because jesus fucking christ
the two genders are 'uwu pink pastel i'm just a dumb girl but i'm pretty and not like the other girls (TM) look at my cool 2000s style with clothes that are so fucking practical that a. they don't even reach my waist because who cares about being cold b. don't reach my ankles because it's not like pants are supposed to cover your legs, silly c. boobs. i have them and love covering them with stuff that is the most uncomfortable and impractical but at least it's ✨frilly✨ and ✨cutesy✨ and oh, underwear that's basically nothing because that's ✨what✨ ✨being✨ ✨a✨ ✨woman✨ ✨is✨' in every flavor imaginable with the most bland and infuriating pieces, while the other gender is 'look at me i sharted my pants and they are *almost* falling off me but at least i look nonchalant and cool and like i like cool things such as. rap. and. cars. and. music. wow. have you ever wanted to feel violence toward a sweater? now you can but also you get the snarkiest /neg patterns along with the most pastel nothing clothes imaginable. also every edgy thing we can think of'
i just want clothes that last and don't make me want to shed my own skin that also don't cost a fortune because fucking hell i don't have money like that. like, at this point i'm thinking i would be in the same place if i bough myself merch but at the same time, i don't think i should throw out money like that, especially considering ✨customs✨ and their unpredictability. like, please, i just want available clothes that fit me and are not a gamble on quality and size all the fucking time. i just want to wear things that i like and not what the latest dumb 'trend' is but i also don't grow money on trees, like, how do people-? i'm not in a great place overall but i'm bordering on desperate but at the same time, i feel insane because why is there basically no selection? what am i doing wrong? am i too picky? (yes) but if i go with merch and get another gildan rag, i think i'll burn something to the ground. i just wanted a simple fucking jacket, too, but it's like it's impossible. someone come pick me up i'm so tired and want things that are apparently nonexistent like i do every goddamn day
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bubacorn · 11 days ago
local man (gn) confused because they thought it was Wednesday and it turns out it is Not Wednesday
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bubacorn · 2 months ago
there lives a horrible, selfish, nastly little thing inside me that wants an entire concert with just Jaws on the setlist. i'd sit on the floor in complete silence the whole time. Vessel can be in pajamas, for all i care. the others can come and go if they like. i just think it would heal a tiny crack in my chest, somewhere
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bubacorn · 2 months ago
i can't believe i'm saying this but some literary scholars have such wildly wrong headcanons about my thesis blorbos
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bubacorn · 1 year ago
hey! hi! hello! i'm Buba [bʊbɑː]
i'm in my early 20s and use they/them pronouns
you can find me on ao3 here. i write Sleep Token fics about the stage characters
worshitposting masterpost because my brain goes brrr sometimes and for a fleeting moment i think i'm funny
feel free to come yell at me (softly) if you want, about fics, headcanons or other stuff, either in asks or dms. or just send me pictures of your cat, whichever is fine 💜
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mooninagust · 1 year ago
hi, hello
i’m a bit overwhelmed by things these days so i might be less active and not be able to keep up with everything. i’ll make it all up and post new sets once i feel better, i promise.
have a good day dearests and enjoy the shows 🌛
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mooninagust · 2 years ago
if you see me change my theme 283384 times just look away
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bubacorn · 1 month ago
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hi buba! sorry to drop by randomly. the tldr is that the image wouldnt leave my brain and its vibe reminds me of how your fics make me feel. all soft and cozy and cared for. so i guess i just wanted to say thank you.
also its titled "halo" because the way he steadies his mic with his left hand and his fingers spread makes me think of the rising sun. felt like i needed to mention that. probably looks weird without context, sorry :|
panda, i am kissing your beautiful brain and hands, this is glorious, i love it! 💜 i'm glad you dropped by and i can't even express how it makes me feel that you feel so strongly about my writing 🥺 please never apologize for popping into my inbox either, i'm happy to see you!
i am also so, so happy that you included the title and the thought behind it, because i adore that hand placement and you connecting it to a sunrise?? yes!!!
the hands, the head tilt, II's eyes being closed, it's all so gorgeous and full of its own symbolism. there's something about Vessel sort of being torn between wanting to hold and cradle (i so adore that word) but being afraid of his touch. the way he holds the microphone like that translates such a carefulness to me, that need for control and for things to happen a certain way even while he's allowing himself to be vulnerable
'i will project myself and my voice but only on my own terms. i will show my hand and uncurl my fingers but keep them close to myself. you will see me emote through the movements of my hands if i can't give you the emotions on my face' but also 'i will hold you gently. i will break my fingers if it means i can protect you from harm. my hands will hold your jaw, where you can tear into me if you so wish, to show my trust. i will use my fingers to give you a crown because you are a sunrise to me, a beginning, certainty, the promise of warmth and light. my hands create but they could never create something as precious as you are. i can only hope to behold you and keep you safe'
i might have gone on a bit of a sentimental ramble there but i'm so grateful you sent this to me, thank you! 💜 i'm fairly sure i will be thinking about this a lot
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