#bu t thats for another time
clovernment · 3 months
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kat-mewmew2001 · 9 months
'Tis the season…..for wintery 4*Town content. I’ve been busy with Uni so don’t mind how sketchy these all look but I’ve been itching to draw these boys again :)))
Its a bit all over the place so I’ll walk you through it
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So at the top we have Jesse smoking because that’s a hc of mine for some reason 🤷‍♀️ It’s a bad habit of his, he’s not proud of it and he tries to keep it hidden from the others
He’s unfortunately caught by Tae one time and have a bit of a talk about stress, expectations and Jesse does feel better afterwards
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Then on the right we have the gang huddled outside, waiting for their tour bus in the cold. And I’m not from Canada but I know winters are brutal over there so I drew them all in matching puffer coats to keep warm because of course I would :)
And Tae is wearing a fluffy pink faux fur hat because that just makes sense ☝️
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Furthermore he’s taking care of his doves and cuddling them in their pen he had built, even when it’s freezing cold. Poor guy fell asleep and had the others worried sick looking for him.
He caught a cold the day after but is luckily coddled by his bandmates (as he should be)
And another hc of mine is that Jesse is an insomniac so he gets tired during the day and leans on the others to rest for a little bit
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Last but not least we have Tae and Aaron T. building a red panda snowman in honor of the unforgettable night they all had performing in Toronto 🐾
The full pics btw👇
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Thats all for now folks, I could make up cute scenarios that are vaguely winter themed for hours but I’ll leave it at that for now byeee 👋
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Aaron Hotchner x Teen Son reader
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Summary: The Unsub is a school shooter and goes to Y/N Hotchners high school, He is taken as a hostage.
Third person pov...
It was early morning for the Hotchners, Aaron had been awake for hours waiting for his two sons to wake up, the man was currently in the kitchen drinking coffee and making breakfast for them.
Usually Aaron would be at work but he hasn't been called in yet for a case so he had time to spend with his sons before they went to school.
By 7.30 Aaron could hear his sons getting up, The man smiled and set the two plates of pancakes on the table.
Suddenly the sounds of his 7- and 14-year-olds running down the stairs made Hotch realise how much of their lives he missed while going on cases so much.
"Jack be careful don't jump" came Y/Ns voice from the hallway, the 14year old smiles and shakes his head at Jack as he jumps down the remaining stairs.
Jack only laughs and ran into the kitchen, the young boy gasps when he sees his dad there.
"daddy! Your still here!" exclaimed the ball of energy, leaping into Hotch opens arms, the man laughs as he catches Jack.
"hey Jackie" he exclaims with the same amount of enthusiasm, Y/N then walks in the 14 year olds stands by the door and looks at his dad, he hasnt seen his dad for most of week.
"no cases today" he says in the same tone Haley would when Hotch got a new case, the mans eyes lose there spark as he thought about his late wife and comparing her with Y/N.
The boy acts so much like his Mum, Hotch looks up at the teen. "yes actually, its mainly paperwork today so no cases, now come on and eat" says the agent ushering both sons to the table to eat.  
The 14 year old rolls his eyes but sits in the chair offered to him and begins to eat the plate of pancakes, while Jack pours sugar and syrup all over his.
Hotch continues to drink his coffee as his sons eat their pancakes and finish getting ready for school, soon the bus arrived for both boys. 
"see you boys later!" yells Hotch from the door as Y/N and Jack go to school. "bye daddy!" yells Jack while he got no response from Y/N.
As he was the oldest Hotch relied on his eldest alot such as helping to look after Jack and helping his mum around the house when Haley was still with them.
Before and after Haley died, the 14 year old never saw his dad alot, once his parents got divorced that number plummeted into the negatives, now 2 years later hes still getting used to seeing his dad again.
After everything that happened all three Hotchners were healing, Once Y/N arrived at his high school, he made his way to his homeroom and sat next to his friends. "morning guys" he said high fiving them, "Hey Hotch!" yelled his Tony.
Y/N glared at him, furrowing his eyebrow and looking alot like his das without realising. "dont call me that, thats not my name" he said, his friends stared a t him, he had never gotten this angry before when they called him Hotch.
Y/Ns teacher then appeared and started home room, Y/N sat in his chair and stared out the window, he had a feeling something was going to happen today he just didnt know what.
Hours later..
"Hey N/N you playin'" yelled Alex throwing a football to Y/N, the teen catches it with a smile, "in a bit, gotta run to the bathroom quickly!" exclaims the teen throwing back the ball and running back into the building.
Once he was done with his business he walked out of the stall and over to the sinks to wash his hands, As he did he felt his phone buzz, sighing he dried his hands and leant against the sinks and read the message.
It was from his dad, Y/N rolls his eyes “of course always checking up, im not a kid anymore dad, not like you could tell the difference” Mumbles the boy, as he was grumbling to himself another boy walked out of the stall he was from Y/Ns class.
Y/N scoffs and goes to put his phone away but gets distracted by the photo on his lockscreen, it was off his last family picture with both parents and Jack, he stares at it until the boy next to him looks over.
“your family?” asks the guy motioning to the screen, Y/N looks down and smiles sadly. “yeah it was” he said softly, know one except his friends and classmate know about what happened to his family.
Y/N the waves bye to the boy and walks out of the bathrooms and walking outside to the field. As he walked he was suddenly grabbed from behind.
“Oi let go” he yelled attracting the attentions off students and teachers in the hallway, as he struggles he feels the cold metal of a gun being pressed into his back stilling him.
He froze, having flashbacks of his Mum being shot by Foyet two years ago. “oh shit” he mumbles before he hears a familiar voice speak, it was the student from the bathroom.
“please stop struggling, don’t you understand we are the same” he says, pushing the gun harder into Y/Ns back making him wince from the pain. “we aren’t the same!” exclaims Y/N before he was taken to the Lunch hall.
A gun shot rang out effectively silencing the room, the shooter still held Y/N tightly while using his gun to get every one onto the floor and under tables. Before long the police, FBI where outside waiting to get the okay to go in.
“you don’t have to do this!” exclaims Y/N making the guy look down at him anger in his eyes, both boys had a similar background working dads who are never home, mothers whoscant deal with it all and younger siblings.
Y/N then groans in pain as the guy hits him with the bottom of his gun effectively making Y/N stop struggling, blood falls from thw cut on his forehead and into Y/Ns E/C eyes. ‘come on dad where are you’ though Y/N to himself.
Suddenly the door bursts open and in come Aaron Hotchner and his team, Y/N sighs in relief ‘finally you’re here for me Dad’ though Y/N.
The boy locks eyes with his Dad before shouting “finally Dad took you long enough!” this made the unsub angry and holds Y/N tighter making him groan in pain. “Andrew Holt, stay where you are and drop the gun” yells Hotch.
With 6 guns trained on him Andrew didn’t even flinch. “No I have to do this you don’t understand none of you do” he yelled tears in his eyes as he kept his gun on Y/N.
The teen didn’t even flinch as he tried to turn around to face Andrew. “they don’t but I do, remember when you saw the picture, that was taken years ago when my family were happy, before my Dad got even busier with work, when my Mum was still alive. Like you I rarely get to see my dad because of his job, he barely knows me you know how that feels right” yells Y/N going on a rant
As he kept on ranting Hotch listens and realised just how much his job effected his relationships with his sons. ‘is this how he feels’ though the man, He watches as the Unsub lowers his gun and drops in onto the floor eyes watching Y/Ns face for lies.
Y/N looks at Andrew sadly as the boy breaks down and falls to his knees, Y/N holds him tightly as his lets out his emotions.
Outside Y/N finally gets sway from the medics as they bandage his forehead, the boy is searching for his dad, when he sees the man he sprints over to him.
Hotch was talking to the team before something runs into him already knowing it was Y/N Hotch quickly turned around and hugs the boy tightly. “are you okay son?” he asks Concerned as his sons squeezes him.
Y/N looks up at his dad and gives him a smile the first once in years. “I am now Dad” he whispers content on hugging his dad.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the wait I haven’t had the motivation.
So sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes as usual
Request are Open!
Word count: 1403
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bunting27 · 2 years
hey I would love a Trevor Zegras blurb/imagine with this prompt I shouldn’t allow myself to get this close to you. I’m thinking some friends to lovers and he’s holding himself back. Maybe she’s in his group of friends but they aren’t close and she’s questioning why. It can get pretty smutty but not all the way? Thank you!
critical thinking ✏︎ t. zegras
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bunting27's 100 follower celly !
a/n: i do not actually know anything about the summer house situation but it was too convenient not to use. another blurb is coming tonight for bunts !!
prompts: "i shouldn't allow myself to get this close to you"
warnings: language, suggestive content
wc: 0.9k
taglist: @sidcrosbyspuck
she could see the look of horror on trevor’s face the second he pulled her name from the baseball cap in the middle of the living room of the hughes’ summer house.
while the group of them had a few weeks to be here without the supervision of jack, quinn, and luke’s mom and dad, they decided to throw a party. 
y/n had been close with the brothers her entire life, originally having been given quinn as her ‘guardian angel’ in elementary school, a program where kids in the third to sixth grade would be given the responsibility of sitting with the kindergarteners on the bus since they lived nearby.
that tradition stuck with them, having sat together in the years they went to school with each other up until quinn got to highschool. being luke’s age, she was over at the hughes’ home a lot, and their parents almost saw her as a daughter. she always went to the lake with them in the summer.
when each of the boys were in their respective years of world juniors contention, the friend circle just kept growing and growing, and now there had been a hoard of them taking a trip down to michigan every summer for a bit of free time before the new seasons started.
this had been the first year the party had gone from just people in the group to the house and backyard being almost completely packed, courtesy of raya and each of the boys telling everyone to bring their friends.
in the living room, a couple dozen people were playing spin the bottle, but instead of a bottle was a hat full of everyone’s names. 
trevor was greatly regretting that suggestion, originally having thought it would stop people from cheating and would cause more drama. boy was he right, in the worst of ways.
none of the hughes brothers were playing the game, but he could still almost feel three pairs of eyes boring into his soul from wherever they were in the house as he nodded to her and they made their way to the designated room for the game.
“you look like you’re about to cry, z” he looked up from his lap and scanned her, shaking his head.
trevor had always kept his distance from her, usually opting to pair with someone else during party games or go for the option that she hadn’t been part of entirely.
they hardly ever spoke, but she wasn’t stupid. all he would do was stare, aggressively, right at her until she caught him and then he’d pretend like it never happened. she felt like she was harbouring a middle school hallway crush again.
“no, it’s just i don’t want to fuck up our friendship, and there’s quinn and luke. probably jack, too. they’d murder me, and-” she chuckled, ruffling his hair and sitting down on the bed next to him
“you don’t need to make excuses, trev. if you don’t want to do anything that’s fine” he looked at her with wide eyes, mouth opening and closing like a fish while he tried to string together what he wanted to say in his head 
“no, no. oh god, thats not- i do want to, y/n/n, that’s the issue,” he stopped talking, feeling like he was just gonna upset the both of them if he continued, and she raised an eyebrow.
“i get it, trev,” they sat in silence for the next five or six minutes until someone came to let them out of the room, disappointed to see the two of them were just sitting around. after all, that wasn’t the point of drunk party games.
the next morning was even worse for trevor, because not only was he rethinking the entire conversation in his head way too hard for way too long, he was also nursing one of the most powerful hangover’s in his lifetime.
everyone was kicking out people who had fallen asleep on furniture or around the yard while also trying to clean, and he was being uncharacteristically quiet and helpful.
“trevor. do we need to talk?” she wasn’t expecting to have to talk to him about anything that happened last night, he was drunk and she figured she handled it maturely enough while it was happening, but she immediately noticed he was off.
“please,” she nodded, pulling him over into the same empty room as the night before and looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to talk first.
when he didn’t, she rolled her eyes and gave him a kiss, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and looking up at him so maybe he’d just say something.
“I shouldn’t allow myself to get this close to you” was all he said, the only thing going through his brain is how colossally screwed everyone would be if he fucked it all up.
“oh my god, trevor. who gives a shit what quinn wants, or what could happen. if you want me, just say it” he finally looked her in the eyes and nodded slightly, wrapping his own arms around her the way she had.
“you think more critically than i thought you would,” she mumbled, connecting their lips again and feeling him smile against her, turning to face the bed and backing her against it til she fell onto her back.
his hands slid under her shirt, lips moving to her neck and she smiled.
“you gonna fuck me like you should’ve last night?” 
“would be stupid not to, huh?” she laughed, nodding and pulling his lips back down towards hers.
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hopeheartfilia · 5 months
Update on what i screenshoted from School Bus Graveyard
Also I found out that the reason it seemed so familiar when i started seeing it around was because my friend literally recommended it to me a few months back..
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Ashlyn and Aiden being adorable hours. there is so much of them being cute, and Im always just. glad they can get what little comfort they may from getting closer because those kids sure need it
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Another one, it is jsut. so soft. so important to me. Yes offer each other support and closeness in theese hard times, humans are mode for community
I dont think ive mentioned this but its so important to me how all the kids are caretakers of the group in their own ways, like they all care SO much and they show it in different ways but its undeniable.
Ashlyn cares in the way she tries to keep everyone alive and takes on responsibility and also in the way she is on the lookout for danger and generally tries to make plans and get them out of trouble
Taylor takes care of them in a more emotional core capacity, as in she has communiction skills that a majaority of them are indeed lacking in, she says things that need to be said and she helps keep them all together
Tyler on the other hand tends to care for people more in a way fo things he can Do, like doing laundry and feeding when they lived with their mom, practical things, and in the group its very much taking point, hitting things, going over and scaring of that guy that was bullying logan
Ben takes care of them in a medical way, he ptches them up physically and he worries about them and offers his silent support, and like he is still such a teen about it, they all are, but just. When they met up in the facility and tyler was like how about some words of encouragement? tell me its going to be okay and shit, and Ben just wnet and touched him while doing thumbs up, that was so sweet and so teen behaviour i love them all. And of course he is also protective in the way that he gets angry on logans behalf and would also hit someone physically as well
And the way Aiden cares for their little group might be filled with jokes, and a lot of adrenaline and overall danger seeking behaviour, but he still tries so hard, like yes he bothers people on purpose but he also livens a lot of situations, and when they need him he is there and delivers, he tries to ground ben, and ashlyn as well, he is the sort of prescence that you know will stay by your side
And Logan probably shows the most outwards signs of being scared but he still does so much and he clearly cares about the group back. He protects their back and worries about them and when push comes to shove he is there and pulling more then his weight, he helps so much with figuiring out the way the shadow realm works (thats what im calling it. it seems correct to me) and when he got that card? Like he doesnt seem to be very used to having actual close friends, which is true for most of them, but he does care about people and he does try to help others
Idk i just love all theese kids
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also, this one hit different, i was so worried about tyler, im glad he is alright-ish for now
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Also i know its easy to see how Ashlyn is a lot like her mom, especially in the beginning chapthers but i think its cool to see how much she is like her dad as well
I know there are a lot of other things to be said, and that i probably need a little more time to properly think about stuff and analyze before i can make any actual analysis but for now Ill probably put it a bit on the backburner
On the topic of theories and stuff thou, the phantoms to me have very much seemed connected to shadows in some way, as the changes in the real world affect their shadows, but people who dont see it dont seem to see the changes aeither, as we sall with ashlyns parents, and the things they said abour rifts - it overall definelty has a different, potentionally mirror dimention feeling. Also, If the phanthoms are caugh people, then the giant sentepede thing is likely a turned animal maybe? It seems likely to me that the forest would have less humanoid beings because it is less populated
Also im really curious about Logans grandparents and hoe they got that sedative. Also i have the bad feeling that their parents will get hit with the comatose version of being taken into the rift.
Also im curious about the power surges our guys cause. They seem to be emotion based, but I dont see why the other victims wouldnt cause them? Maybe they didnt stay together? or maybe they didnt live long enough? likely both but im not sure its tge reason. Also if it IS connnected to their emotional/psychological state then does that have anything to do with why aiden recovered faster? Personally i think it also has to do with the type of injury, but like do you heal faster in the shadow realm if you have depression? Or does it have something to do with your own self perception of youe wounds?
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crustaceanchauffeur · 3 months
What is good my mutie crew!? it's your number one old planetary post ban from the Warren coming at you live!
This wipe we're talking BLOOD- The definin' trait of the offcaste, your blood's weird, wet, wacky, and WILD! Be it unrecognizable like our's truly Kankrizzle the Suffering Signless, blurring the hemospectrum like y'all sicknasty cuspies, or switching teams involun T-A-R-L to the Y style like yall funkilicious chromatic transition fellas out there.
So! Blood! You got it in your noodles! You paint it in your doodles! Get a lil freaky you can bake it in your strudels! We all know the 'leven on the spectrum but what about this off-caste biz? What funky hues in your shoes? Now lets get this flow started by covering them SICK base Sics.
The Leven ! You know em, you love em, statistically speakin you probably are one! Its no news to hues that burg through feu...rg.. fuchsieurg... Yeah. We got Burgundy, Bronze, Gold, Ollie, Jade, Teal, Cerulean, Cobalt, Purple, Violet, and the biggie Fuchsieurg. Nothin too inchwrestling in there, unless youve been livin deeper under a rock than even ol me. Naw- What gets you wakin' up are the Cuspies.
Is it hard to tell if you're green or blue? You look one caste in one light and another in another? You got traits of two neighboring castes? You migh' be a Cusp! Now bein' a cusp makes you just as illegal as any offcaste- you just have an easier time blending yourself right on in when y' bloods getten up all close n personal with two a the big eleven.
A good friend of mine- big goldie- real weird blood, real charmer- Now they has a theory goin' up n on that the hemospectrudle is straight up pseudoscience- a real artificial constraint keepin us down- an they think cusps are the numero uno proof. They gave me a counter argument though- real nitpicker, they- that maybe if the hemospectrum is the baseline natural order of thing an thangs and yall cuspies out there are how our spectacular spectrum bleeds together! Give that theory nuff time and hypothetically, the hemospectrum falls either way. Grub for thought I say, that that big oll order falls apart even when let live long and lone.
Some o' th weirder hemo schemos tcha girls beheldos come from what i've been told are called 'chimera,' or eggsplice for th rest o us. The eye to the dios mio es that when all yall of us are all up in big momma G, sometimes we eggy fellas get all mashed up into eachother, an some freaky stuff can hap to the gubabies. Most o the toast one o yalls prelarvas hot lava gets straight up consumed by the other. Not in a blood and food noodles way, but in a needlecritter way, slurpin' up all that good M the Grub Juise an remelting they egg pardner.
This ain' all th time though, sometimes them goopy lil gups get all globby and glue them gushers all gup and gover themgelves, getting gall gestalt and ghiit. This makes one grubtastic eggy with one itty bitty bippy in there with th amino springs o two. Two coexistin' sets jus all up in there harmonious and livin'. This makes some real strange blood and bod combos, on one prong yall can be real up there with the extra huskbits, Arms +1, +2, +3, eyes 100, thats what i call a netcritter-troll. On that otha prong yalls can be straight up indistinguishable from a typicolor grayguy. All depends how creative Momma G got mixing them gups. Supes easy be mistaken for cusphood, muddy blood hues, and blurs.
If your blood looks jus a tad diffrent depining on the limb it calls hive, might be that your crafting recipes a liiitle more diverse than you expect. Not even too many items got a good splanation for you there. And don't think you on-ies are free from splicehood, same caste chimera are a lit bit rarer an a lotta botta stealthier. Chimerahood don't just happen in duos either i hear from the big blue boy, this battle bus can be droppin' with player counts upwards of a whole clutch!
Somethin' thats right up there wit it, the nearhue of the caste mixing filial thicket is those hues that slide from one to two! Thats right yall, changing colors aint just for the ambitious goldies, mad scientists, and dyschromic! Sometimes that sweet slimey bod gets all gunkled up in the sack an apostrophe 'tivates too many acts and yall's amino springs get bouncin' out with a few too many hues! That big ol goldie i mentioned? Yeah his sizzlin sign assigned at pupation? Sagrist. When my man was pupa pan he had two horns straight like spears yet when he got just a lil past when he dodged that big ol fishies order to the borders, they crown was a straight four prong. Mothergrub's orb his prongs split and to this day like a goldie in gray my ashblood bud got a crown like an archecutioner pailed the helmsman. In all my ways an all my days for some U Enty K own reason, blue->au do be real common hue by comparizzle to the average drizzle- I seen three- Achievement get! Not countin' those with some lineated blood apostrophe lations that is.
Now tchagrillmaster turned that raw dogg right over and that underside real crispy flesh-carapace-o-tha-point fell right on down t' the smoulderin' smoulderclumps clumped down in the flames, an my pans slipped like y' ancient ancestor down a flight a terraced platform risers. In other words, topic do be switchmaxxing.
Now back round to big graygreen goldie, now I happen to know this tall dark and hornsome fella- real big troll- COVERED in horns all up like a grub got they candied maize picked pre pupate style cranked up a few times. Now when I met this bristly endertroll he wasn' pickin up cubes an zorpin, he was gettin' my good dehornin' friend to zaw right through one o' those big boney boys 'been blockin' his beautiful bulbs, an this cut was a deep cut- hornbeds byebye- blood 'n all an' yall never guess what color a paint this fellas had in his cellas.
Pitch at first second and third sight- cause that blood ain't changin'- color of hate so pure and true, straight up gravity-black oilstyle six ways from nubsday. Straight up color of the tyrant himself! Checked it out and 'was truly id to the cull. Splains the spikes now, dont it?
Now from the stealthy cuspie to the pitch black bloodbrother, Yall know some a the wonderful ways our hues do play.
The overdue yellow-green hue: Oftcas out.
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Bucky Barnes x (Y/N) Reader (Gender non-specified but reader has shoulder length or longer hair) 
TW: Sick reader, headache, throwing up/gagging (slight fear of doing so), crying, self-consciousness, use of pet names, ITS SO FLUFFY IM GONNA DIEEEEE, if I forgot any let me know lol 
You get sick but your boyfriend Bucky takes care of you and cheers you up ♥
You cough helplessly into the toilet, feeling as though your head is about to explode. Your stomach lurches forward once again, causing you to tighten your grip on the sides of the toilet bowl. At this point your stomach is completely empty, so instead of throwing up you are gagging, your body trying to get rid of whatever stomach bug you caught. You start to cry, the fear of not being able to breathe taking over you as you gag once more.  
You hear the front door open followed by a sing songy “Honey I’m hoooome.” James Buchanan Barnes, or as most people know him, Bucky. Your 107-year-old looks like he wants to kill everyone but is a cinnamon roll when he is alone with you boyfriend.  
“Hey James!” You holler back at him, trying to sound normal, “How was your d-” you are cut off by another lurch of your stomach. Oh great, your stomach wasn’t empty after all. 
“You okay Doll?” He says walking into your room and knocking on the bathroom door. “Can I come in?” 
“No, I’m ok Bu-” You gag once more, causing you to let out a quiet sob. 
“I am coming in.” Bucky says 
“No please- I don’t want to get you sick.” Yes, you know, he can’t get sick. He is a Super Soldier, it's impossible, but you look like a mess, only in an old ratty t-shirt and a pair of Bucky’s boxers. Your hair is greasy and dirty. We won't talk about the fact that you have thrown up all over yourself, including in your hair.  
“Thats physically impossible.” He says gruffly, opening the door. You begin to protest but are interrupted by another lurch of your stomach, causing you to gag. “Oh doll-” he says, his steel blue eyes softening into an expression of concern. He quickly kneels onto the ground next to you, gathering your hair to move it out of your face as you gag. He rubs your back with his prosthetic hand, the cool metal sharply contrasting with your burning fever. You let go of the toilet and lean against Bucky. 
“You are so lucky you can’t get sick.” You grumble into his shirt. 
“It means I can take care of you.” He says kissing your sweaty forehead. “I’ll be back.” He says standing up and walking out of the bathroom. You lean your back against the wall and rest your head between your knees.  
The next thing you know you are in your bed and Bucky is sitting on the bed next to you, dabbing your face with a cold and damp washcloth. “Welcome back.” He says softly, “I know you probably aren’t ready yet, but I got you some saltine crackers and some apple juice. You need to get something into your system, your blood sugar is probably low.” 
“Thank you.” You mumble sleepily. “I just want to go to sleep.” You grab his hand, pulling him towards you.  
“Okay- okay- one second.” He says pulling away to place the cloth next a small cup with a straw and plate of crackers, along with a large bowl on your bedside table. “I am setting a timer for three hours and then you need to eat and drink a little, okay?” 
“Mmph” you say in agreement, or at least, that’s how Bucky takes it, climbing under the covers next to you and pulling you close. You lay your head down on his warm chest, falling asleep almost immediately.  
The next thing you know you are startled awake by an alarm. “Time to get something into your system.” Bucky says sitting up to grab the small plate of crackers and cup of apple juice. 
You cover your face with your pillow, your voice becoming muffled “Let me sleeeeep!” You whine childishly. 
“You said you would eat something after you slept for three hours” 
You pick up your pillow and put it behind your back so you can sit up “You can’t hold me accountable to anything I say when I am sick. It’s like I am drunk.” 
“Well, you are certainly getting better.” Bucky says feeling your forhead for a fever, which you no longer have chuckling. “Here, drink.” He says bringing a cup to you and angling the straw so you can take a sip. The sweet taste of apple juice spreads across your tongue and you quickly start to drain the cup, realizing how dehydrated you are. “Woah- slow down there. You don’t want to make yourself throw up again.” he says pulling straw out of your mouth. “I’ll get you some water, in the meantime eat some crackers.” He hands you a small plate of crackers and rises from the bed, walking into the kitchen. 
You aren’t hungry, but you know you need to eat something. You begin to eat the crackers slowly but when your appetite comes back in full swing you make short work of them.  
Bucky comes back in with a glass of water with another straw and sits on the side of the bed. “Oh, good you ate the crackers! I didn’t want to have to force feed you them.” He holds out the water glass, once again with the straw tilted towards you. You raise your hand to grab the glass from Bucky but he swats your hand away lightly. 
“Hey!” you say furrowing your eyebrows “what was that for?” 
“Let me take care of you.” he says glaring... or was that just his resting face? You can never tell with him. 
“I know how to drink water out of a cup James.” 
“Obviously you know how to. You also know how to drink from a straw. So, drink.” He says mockingly holding out the cup with the straw again. 
You huff but then drink around half of the water before pulling away. Bucky puts down the cup onto the bedside table and just looks at you for a second. “Thank you.” You say giving him a soft smile. 
“For what?” he asks, looking genuinely confused. 
“For being here, for making me better, for helping me even though I smell horrible, look like crap, and am a pain in the neck patient.” You laugh. 
“Ok as your amazing boyfriend, it is my job to take care of you always, especially when you are sick. You also are nowhere close to being a pain in my neck. I used to have to take care of Steve whenever he got sick. The kid was as stubborn as a mule. Wouldn’t listen to a word I sai-” He pauses, seeing you trying to hold back a laugh, “What?” 
You start giggling “I’m sorry I don’t mean to-” you glance at his perplexed expression and start laughing harder, “I’m sorry but you just sound so old- As stubborn as a mule? Really?” 
Bucky’s face gains a red tint to it, but he is smiling. “It's an expression!” 
“I know it is! I just don’t hear people say that unless they are older than 60...” 
“I’m 107.” 
“My point exactly.” 
Bucky rolls his eyes and sighs “Just let me finish my romantic speech. I am trying to be one of those boyfriends in those cheesy rom coms you love watching.” 
You smile at him “Go ahead.” 
“I love taking care of you because I love you. I know you would do the same to me if I got sick. Also, you are absolutely gorgeous, and you can’t convince me otherwise.” 
“Ok now you are just lying to my face.” You say giving him a quizzical look. 
“I am not. You are the most beautiful thing to ever exist. But... you do need a shower or bath...” 
“James Buchanan Barnes!” You say slapping his chest, “Rude!” 
Bucky starts laughing “you said it yourself doll. I won't lie to you and say you smell like heaven like you normally do-” He says giving you a wink “when you smell like throw up.” 
You start to get off the bed, but Bucky stops you. “I’m taking a shower jerk!” You say going under his arm and running, or at least walking as fast as you can, to the bathroom. 
“No, you're not. You are going to bed.” He hollers. “Get back in bed.” 
“No, I stink like you said, let me shower.” You say looking in the mirror at your disheveled self. 
“I am coming to get you then!” Bucky says running up behind you and lifting you up in his arms bridal style and walking back into your room. 
“James!” You shriek “No let me shower!”  
“You will shower in the morning you need to sleep. I don’t want you passing out in the shower. I would rather not get my shirt wet.” He chuckles. 
You scowl at him causing him to laugh. “It’s not funny.” 
His face turns serious “You are right. This is a very serious matter. I apologize ma’am.” He says before throwing you onto the bed. “Go to bed.” 
“Okay, okay I will. At least snuggle with me until I fall asleep.” You say yawning and pulling the covers up to your chin.  
“Well... if you insist...” He says jokingly, laying down under the covers next to you and wrapping his metal arm around your waist and his other combing through your hair softly.  
“I love you.” You say closing your eyes, feeling at home in his arms. 
“Even though I am a jerk who acts like I’m a grandpa?” 
“Even though you are a jerk who acts like a grandpa.” You agree jokingly. 
“I love you too doll.” 
“Even though I smell like throw up?” You giggle 
“Even though you smell like throw up.” He says grimly.  
“I am taking a shower in the morning though.” 
“I know.” Bucky says sleepily kissing your temple. “Go to bed.” 
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boxwinebaddie · 2 months
hi uncle nina!! i hope youre doing okay! i would love a life update. i was also wondering who you think initiates more, jerseykyle or ravenstan? and thats for everything. like kisses, cuddles, and sbst 🤭
eeeee! allo, moya nonneshka! c': <3 xxxx
but before i tornado-type myself into a tizzy and lose my train of thot: thank you so SO much for checking on me, babycakes! :) MWAH!!!
like ( i'm soz ), but the fact that, oof...has it been Several Weeks Now? ( yikes! execute-ive dysfuncle nina strikes again! :/ ) where day in and day out, the only thing i've been servin y'all up is...a big, heapin bowl of: 'go on girl! Give Us NOTHING!,' -- and you were Still willing to take time out of your busy irlife to worry about mine?! tldr; Angel Behavior! heaven wants you back btw, but that's too bad; i'm keeping you. <3
also tysm for the rest of your v precious message as well, lovie~ your... press(h)age? oop...that is,, horrifYINg? ok, what about: thank for your...messcious? ur preshmesh! ya mesh, presh! ...your blessage? you know like *marj vc* your...blessed mess? ( can we tell that i spend too much gd time assisting k-garten and trying to say things like:
'wooooah there, girlpool! no need to get atatudie w/ me, jude-ring! i mean, gee, if i didn't know any better...i'd say it sounds like someone caught...A BAAAD Vibe! uh oh! cowabummer, dude! but thats ok! just be sure to grab a tissue and blow ur nose bc i didnt achoochooocaChoose the rules; i just enforce 'em, booboo kitty!' <3
kssds like...can you tell my skull tell is gettin so soft that you'll prolly be able to stick a straw thru it soon? ( can't lie tho, bbkit is my fav like *me but over it* alr! no cryin in baseball, booboo kitty! Game Time! )
but anyways! onto my life update ( ft. how i've doing for the past few weeks ) which, when i tell y'all i have been waiting for a slow-ment to come along so i can just...catch my breath and catch up, but its been
...A MESS.
( alright, fair warning, i HAVE TO ANSWER YOU CANON HC QUES IN ANOTHER ASK BUT I KNOW THE ANSWER!!!! so i will get it done asap, my friend, but i have to seperate them...so this is just nina talks abt skool and how she's been doin...ravesey can go in diff ask. )
but anyways, in essence; i'm busy pretty much every day from 5am in the morning when i am up until probably 4-5pm everyday depending on what prep i have to work out with my lead teacher ( who is a very sweet mid forties early fifty y/old lady who always makes sure i eat breakfast ), as well as getting to and from my job site particularly towards the end of the day...which is not easy when ur a lame, boof, no driving ass bitch like me.
( which, i know talk a lot of shit on myself about it...but oddly enough; i am proud of myself for knowing my limits, valuing my comfort and being the ceo of the bus and slaying on public transport. xx )
but all this to say, i love my job! my lead teacher ( aka educ major slang for the teacher who's class you assist in ) is literally such a nice lady and she has been teaching me so much! i was having a little difficulty getting in the groove because the summer camp kinders aka the children actually taking kindergarten in the fall are pre-kinder basically so they're like...t-k or preschool, almost? which....ooooough.
( i must confess ) i have a age/limit with teaching.
and it's having to do bathroom/mommy anything.
like i’m…ur aunt/unc, your older sister, mom's sbf, but i am noooooot your mom, lol! i am not super maternal. like there was a little girl who on week one was askin for mommy ( which was already driving me NUTS ) but on week three was still doing it and crying i was like...
...but yeah, idk. kindergarten/pre-k has been fun, but i'm more of an older sister-adjacent type teacher who likes to wear crazy outfits, draw you pictures even if i pop a blood vessel in my eye drawing all night bc i think its nice when the kids get excited haha, if you talk while i'm talking, i really will pretend to get my stuff and leave like 'i'm sorry, i thought you were gonna teach the class!', wear all the stickers on my face...all of them especially the really big ones,
will tell u the picture u drew for me is so much better than the baloney pizza whatev that one blue ninja turtle painted, idk, and fall to my knees like ( bonus points if i have no idea what it is ), but if you give me attitude later about putting the toys away and taking your letters out, ill pretend to EAT the sticker i was gonna put on ur work.
( uncle nina stop being a CLOWN, i cannot stop, like omfg so the other day...a TINY five old girl's jacket was brought in for this girl in my class....and tell me why i said! Oh Sorry! That's Mine! ;) AND PRETENDED TO PUT IT ON AND MODEL IT???? HEEELP. my KIDS were dYING!!! my lead teacher was lafffffin, skds. that jacketless little girl was like >:( miss nina thats My Jacket! and i was like, you know what, baby! you are so right...Mine Is Smaller. <3 KLHSLKHKLDSD )
i...did not always use to be like this. i used to be a mousy, nervous gal, who let the sweet, lovely, very loud children walk all over me...BUT! i've been around the block! aka! i've have a block thrown at my head! AND A STAPLER!!!!!! ( that was my favorite kid btw, thx, stink! )
but yeah, a soft-spoken queen in my class asked me if you just 'stop feeling anxious when you're an adult' and i was like N! O! baby! it doesn't get easier when your an adult, but in order to teach you guys things, i have to be brave enough to talk to you and try my hardest! i still get super nervous talking to new people, i get nervous when i think i put my sock on wrong...but that doesn't mean, we should give up! i think you should go right up to a new friend and tell them hi, my name is Blank and my sock feels funny. do u wanna look at it. BOOM.
but also just because...ah, jeez. very cute, the children are...but the nina i was two years ago would be picking kids markers off the floor, packing my kids backups up for them, carrying their things...no, girl. they know better than that. like i specifically have a little girl, who istg, is very stan coded because she wants to do the right thing, but she's a really bad listener, i have to tell her stuff like 749374093 times,
wants me to help her with everything because she's nervous she's gonna mess up ( which, baby i love u but i can't print every letter for you ) and wears impractical things to school, ( which i feel like stan would do...like take 749374930 light up toys and weird pens ) so you know i gotta give her the little 'girl, you can do; i believe in you' and then come back when she's done and go oKAAaY mAdaME??! MISS INDEPENDENT OVER HERE GETS TWO STICKERS FROM ME!!!!!
and conversely, we got kyle coded kids, like, i had a little girl ( my class has had a lotta girls rotate into it idk ) who was smarter than god, but my gooooodness, THAT LITTLE GIRL TRIED IT EVERYDAY! ( she’s a ken n cart too ) i popped my eye blood vessel for that lil lady! bc she RUSHED ME! but no, she was a smart cookie, so she knew that so she used to give to try and cut deals with me, or put stuff on other kids tables or whiiiine and baby, i might have been born at night but...
she is going to dismantle whatever kindergarten class she gets put into...best of luck. she is probably going to be our president someday. her vocabulary was bigger than mine. sending light out to that girl.
but okay, i have to end this soon but...i am doing a lot! we have a different theme in my class every week: last week was dinosaurs! we did safari animals, bugs, deep sea creatures, next week....*sigh*
Is Sports. ( y....ay! )
so if i am not around...I AM PROBABLY TIRED! like i didn't want to get into it too much bc it's a lot but the week that i lead teach, like...i did not sleep for two days...i was very sick, it was very, very bad. which is not to say that's gonna happen again but...it's like, i want to post and i want to be present, but when i throw all my energy out there to the little people, i come home spent most of the time...so it's hard to get my fingers to crawl across the computer to do an ask meme or be present when i should rly cook dinner or do some dishes, yknow?
all this to SAY...i am here, but i am...There. i also took such a long break from writing, i am a little scared that i don't know...how to anymore? aaaaa??? but i think i should probably sit down and write ONE THING ONLY ( so if u have one thing u really wanna see hmu ),
i'll probably pop in to do updates every so often, maybe an hc ask a bigger ask if i finish it, but i am busy again starting monday. i will try to keep giving u an rm fun fact if i can remember, but please know, i would love to be here and i wish i could write more...but it's a lot all at once...also? i really did enjoy my break. <3 always take breaks. if i am not around, i promise i am okay! i am probably just being teacher nina, trying to better my life or i am a little tired and need a second.
either way don't be a stranger, and send me stuff any time! i am going to try and go back to answering stuff that's in there again.
-uncle teacher nina, ceo of boo boo kitty...
...girls, boys and children....
p.s. i hope this wasn't too much info, haha! i hope it was fun its nice to be able to tell you guys about parts of my life! if you ever want pictures or have questions, as long as they aren't too invasive, specifically bc of my student's safety, i will answer em! <3
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Melodic Misconceptions🎹
 Side Track- Gardenia Wind
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After the interview with the Magazine, the group Co-connect withdrew for a break, however Ellis noticed Carol wander off from the group. She found her in the practise room, playing a familiar tune on the Piano... many of the other members followed this Melody and soon they all sat around it listening to her.
Eventually Ellis spoke up after she was nearly done with the song.
“This was the Debut song you had, right? You do play it a lot.”
Carol withdrew the hands from the Piano and looked a little bit down.
“Well... it has deeper meaning than that... it has elements from the first song my best friend taught me...but also... it was a song meant to be tribute to her.”
Juvia smiled and put her hands together.
“Thats a wonderfull thing though, this way you keep her in mind... it still has a more somber note...”
“That is.. because... not all were happy memories... we met in that park by coincidence, I heard her music and asked her about it... since then we chatted each day where I helped her with school and she helped me learning notes and how to play the piano... things changed when we were about to enter middle school...”
Miren was still snacking on something as Chizuko ellbowed him to stop so they could listen to her. She continued her story.
“My best friend since then hasn’t gotten in contact with me anymore... I overheard from some people that knew her that... a family member died... and since then they barely saw her... and it didn’t help in middle school that a teacher wanted to ruin my reputation and wanted me to be alone for the rest of my time there.”
Ellis gasped.
“Right and I remember... once you started Highschool and we met... you barely wanted to be near Pianos...”
Carol sighed and nodded. “Just given it reminded me of those lonely times, I didn’t want to pick it up anymore... however Ellis said when she wanted to be older she wanted to try to be a star... and given I didn’t want to lose another friend... I slowly tried to overcome my past and tried to play Piano again... “
Yuuta chuckled.
“And you really thought you two could just make it that easy?”
“Yuuta.... it was not about making it... it was that I could share a hobby with Ellis... that we often had something to work on... and.... music really did help me vent out my emotions... Gardenia wind was named after the favourite flower of my friend... and I hoped with this song... even if we might not meet again... that she will listen to it and see how far her best friend has come.... and maybe we do cross paths again.”
“That so sweet.” Juvia seemed happy however as Ellis noticed something she had a slight smirk on her face.
“Is that also why half of the songs on your solo track involves Crushes you are having...”
And so Carol quickly turned red and avoided her face.
“T-thats not....”
Yuuta chuckled. “Did she hit a nerve there?”
“Just can we ignore that... I just... vent out my feelings.”
Suddenly Mayuu came in and sighed.
“There you are... but seriously there is no wonder dating rumors are usually public about you. Given all the romance songs.”
“The media just.... always interprets a lot... I try to be more carefull...”
“I know... its not your fault...  Anyways, I need you all to come back to the tour bus, we have to leave to our next appointment to go to.”
The group nodded and slowly packed things as Juvia tapped on her shoulder.
“Actually about that, as we stayed over at the last hotel, who was that tall guy you did talk to in the night?”
“H-huh you saw that... um he was just the manager, checking up if the stalker was bothering me or not...”
“I see... cause he did look awfully familiar to a fan of yours...”
Ellis noticed the conversation and joined in.
“Don’t get me started also on these two idols you eyed at the award show.”
“Please... can we drop the topic again.. I know I have too many crushes... “
The girls giggled and then help her carry out her keyboard.
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Tagging: @rosietrace @starry-night-rose @authoruio @sakuramidnight15 @windbornearchon @nem0-nee
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mondaymelon · 1 year
miko herree!(●’◡’●)ノ
Here is an attempted horror of a poem i tried
Your like a vision, Shiny and bright like my passions, You reflect myself as I can’t do the same for myself, Your a gift wrapped in my arms, As if the hunt decree are unable to truly affect me , So let go and let me be the one to hold you, I the brawn and you the brain, Let me patch in attempt to heal those open wounds , Us together forever or never
I ALSO GOT A VISION (electro) KEYCHAIN ANDDDD UMM- AN AYATO KEYCHAIN AND I GOT SMT LIKE A HAIR CLIP THINGY THATS BASED ON KAZUHA AND GENSHIN STICKERS 💪❗️, I also got genshin innovative cards (I swear they are from the tgc event,I don’t remember 😭)
roses are red
violets are blue
it’s 4:24 am
I need to go sleep man🤡
I have to constuct a elephant toothpaste experiment and I have to memorier my lines ( somehow got casted for the mc in my teschers script and my classmates arr so stiff when rehearsing it actully kills me and i have to do an exaple so they know how to act it out ☠️)
Anyways i fininshed tokyo ghoul vol.7 in tye bus under 10 mins🤭😼 , ANS HOLY SHIT-(can i swear??) THATS CRAZY
hi again miko!! just answered your other ask ehhe
wohhh another poem? for me?? sppsp its beautiful thank you <33
goddam that last line has angst potential
OOOHH I HAVE A VISION KEYCHAIN TOO (its a liyue anemo one) what region is yours from?? dayum thats a lot of merch-
AAHHH I LoVE PLAYING TCG !! genius invokation cards, you mean? they sell those?? like the real kind with the casket and cards and supports and buildings and dice and shit??? because if so then oh my wallet is going to H U R T
i would say sleep is for the weak but you DO need it so i mean
miko. please. go to sleep. thank you <33
elephant toothpaste sounds fun!! hehe i remember the time i signed up for a play and then instantly regretted it because i actually had to speak and that sounded like torture
(it was)
ah i think you told me that before!! miko speed reader fr 💪💪
and yeah you can swear
i mean look at me if i said 'no' id be such a buffoon
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writers-ex · 1 year
spider 2shin?!?! why didn't they save y/n that's so mean 😭😭😭😭i thought at least yuna would've hmp also ryujin stealing a kiss 👀🫣🥵 that's hOT THAT's HOT !!! hgnfjfhdjxhdhsndjdjsjjs excited for the next installment!!!
also yoo!!! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU LIKE PJO!??? i love pjo 😭😭😭😭 i remember waiting for the release of the last book of the series that was a sequel to pjo i read it bc i loved pjo so much skdjdjsjsjdjs
also !!! i like dancing as well we have a lot of stuff in common 💗💗💗 i mean i'm not good at it but i wanna get back to dancing as exercise hnghhh i had itzy's not shy and it'z summer memorized before as well as bp's playing w fire idk if i still do now hnghh hopefully i find the time again but wow i can't imagine dancing and singing in front of an audience i'd be too embarrassed you're so nrave for that😩
ALSO ALSO!! u right frozen 2 slayed!! icb disney deleted the video that they made for THE promotion of disney+ here probably bc the one w inti the unknown got millions of views (3M last i checked if i'm not mistaken??) compared to their other videos to promote their shows hmp!!! there's only one out of three left (https://youtu.be/1tcFWWkjKjc)
thankfully someone recorded the one that got millions of views (a member of my fave grp was there too he sang w one famous actress and another power vocal who won a tv competition) bc i downloaded the hd version of the video but deleted it bc i didn't think disney would delete another video 😭😭😭 (they deleted janella's version of How Far I'll Go that she sang for moana's release years ago bc it got more views than the original/american version so there's only one video left of that performance which is on wish bus😭😭😭)
https://youtu.be/FbeaY3BHXVA wAIT NO IT's BACK?! IN THE OFFICIAL CHANNEL?! i have hope for the disney+ performance then 🥹 but it might take yrs dafuq
https://youtu.be/RbIy7RVM9OQ this one has the third performance which is so cool bc zack performed in a historical site within the capital city (i live in the greater area of the city lmao)
you won't be able to save these performances in the spotify playlist i'm afraid hngh
also last !!! thank you for the well wishes for ppop 🥹 yea you said it right haha it's just my way of contributing to helping ppop rise hngh no pressure at all but if you or anyone else is interested here's a ten min vid of a fan organized event that i didn't get to attend bc it happened on sunday and sunday is family dayy (we passed by the venue event on the way home but i didn't see anything :(( one of my fave gg made a surprise appearance after having just performed somewhere else they appeared last "KAIA" in the interview and all of this was for free no fee for artists they willingly went to perform for fans 🥹🥹🥹)
ahhh!! thank u for listening i'm gonna give y'alls a break from the links and stuff this is my last for a while hahaha
- 😚
i will write the pt 2 of the spider!itzy y/n revenge plot when i have time and if i dont within a month plz remind me T^T anyone actually- im dead serious plz remind me i will forget
I LOVE PJO!! i read his stuff during the pandemic and it began my comfort series, i'm stoked for his next book and the disney show <333333 i am a camphalf blood camper and felt a connection with jason bc glasses buddies unite :)
and dang i just learned twice TT, bts's bapsae, pentagon shine (THATS MY SONG), and skz miroh but i've been forgotten them :,)
i gotchu here are the links to some amazing performances <3 and darn :,) i'll make a youtube playlist for myself then hehe the moana one isn't working btw T_T
link one
link two
link three
and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you're welcome to keep spamming ik life gets busy and rough but the ask box and my dms will always be open if you need a pick me up or smol drabble or just to say hey :3 i gotchu boo
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crushculture03 · 1 year
Chapter 9
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Jules quickly made her way onto the bus, saying a quick thank you to mark as he left to go be with matty while he met with the fans.
When she walked inside, it was just the band minus matty. "Hey guys! Excellent set tonight!" jules complimented them, "Thanks jules, was it busy at the merch booth today?" Ross asked, looking up at her from his phone. "Yeah almost sold out of everything towards the end of the night" she responded, "Wow thats insane" the bassists said back.
Jaime then walked out from the back of the bus and greeted the girl with a simple "hey". "Hey Jaime! What did you want to talk to me about?" jules asked, slightly nervous. "Here follow me to the back to talk" he said and motioned for her to follow him. Jule's nerves were eating her alive as she made the quick walk to the back room of the bus, that had become Jaime's togo office.
"Is everything alright? Did I do something wrong?" jules asked, trying not to stumble on her words. "No no jules everythings fine, sorry didn't mean to give you a fright" jaime responded, chuckling slightly, "I just wanted to say you did an amazing job tonight, I'm glad to have you part of the team, and also this is a bit more serious I know about you and matty" he said, as he sat down on one of the benches, motioning for her to sit down as well.
"Oh, well um" she stuttered out, she felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment , she didn't know how to respond to that. "Jules I'm not mad, i'm honestly happy for you both, just don't let it distract you from your work ok?" he said, Jules let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in, and responded "Yeah of course, don't worry it won't intervene I promise".
With that jamie smiled and nodded his head, "Don't worry I'm gonna tell him the same thing when he gets back from meeting fans." he respond, jules nodded her head. "On another note let me give you a quick debrief of what the next couple months with look like, we have New jersey, Philadelphia and chicago next, then wisconsin, texas, arizona, Los angeles , san francisco , portland, seattle , and vancouver then we have a 2 week break so the boys can record the 5th album then we start back up in Manchester" he finished "Wow that's alot" she chuckled, "But i'm excited, I had alot of fun tonight and am super excited for the rest of the tour!".
"We're glad to have you here jules!" jaime said, soon the noise of the bus door opening was heard signaling that Matty had finally made it. "I'll let you get back to the band but send matty back here when you have a chance" jaime said to her and she slowly stood from her seat, she nodded her head and made her way to the front of the bus.
Matty spotted her as soon as she walked out of the back and ran over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He had a huge dopey grin on his face as he looked at her, "You have a good time meeting fans?" she asked him, " yeah they always make what we do worth it, they waited 2 hours just to see us after the show" matty responded, Jules loved how excited he was right now, and the fact he ran to her to tell her everything about the interactions.
"I remember doing that in 2013, I actually got george,adam, and ross to sign my CD, it's one of my most prized possessions" she smiled, that seemed to catch the 3 boy's attention. "Really? Thats so cool" george said, causing ross and adam to nod their heads in agreement. "Wait only the three of them? where was I?" matty asked.
"My friend Hailey was complaining about the cold and you were a few fans away, so unfortunately we had to leave but you can always sign it if you want" she said, which caused him to smile. "I'd very much like that" he grinned and kissed her cheek, "By the way Jaime needs to talk to you, about us" jules said. "Oh ok, well I'll be right back" matty responded, then turned and made his way to the back of the bus.
"Jules come take a seat, the bus is about to start heading back to the hotel" george said and motioned for her to sit between him and ross. Jules sat down on the comfortable bench and looked between the two "So matty tells me you're a big fan of charli" george said, Jules chuckled and nodded her head "Yeah, I've liked her music for a while, i saw her preform once for an event a while ago when I was running merch for a different band, Unfortunately I only got to briefly met her, we follow eachother on instagram but I've been too nervous to dm her" jules confessed, she remembers the time Charli liked her post about going on tour with the 1975, she screamed which cause matty, who was sleeping next to her, to wake up panicked thinking something was wrong, when he found out it was just charli liking her post he vowed that he'd talk to george about asking his girlfriend to visit hinm on tour so the two could meet.
"Wow thats really cool, you know she's going to be at our L.A show, when we talked last she begged me to tell her all the details about you and matty, see her and carly have been dying to meet you since they heard from adam and I that there has been some flirting between you and our beloved singer" george said, chucking slightly.
"Really? We're not even dating yet, but it would be a dream to meet them, i'm such a fan of both" jules responded, silently screaming inside that these two amazing women wanted to meet her. "Don't worry you two will be together soon, matty is quite fond of you" ross responded, just as matty walked back into the room. "Are they bugging you jules" matty chuckled, and took a seat next to ross. "No they could never, we were just talking about my love for charli and carly" jules said, matty nodded his head in response.
For the rest of the time on the bus, everyone just talked amongst themselves. As soon as they arrived at the hotel, everyone quickly made their way back to their rooms, utterly exhausted from the show. "Jules, wanna spend the night in my room?" Matty asked, sending her a pleading look, "Of course, Let me get my stuff though since we're leaving tomorrow" she responded, as the two got in the elevator and made their way up to her room.
A/N Please read :
A cute little filler with jules fangirling about charli and carly!
Also heads up the time line is a bit messy but basically they met in december then the band went on tour in mid january and now in the next chapter it's going to be the second week of february. so they've basically known eachother and have been flirting for 2 almost 3 months :)
Hope everyone has been enjoying the story so far! feel free to leave any suggestions or feedback in the comments! i appreciate you all for taking the time to read my story :)
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Long live the king
A/N : this will play in modern time since the MV concept isnt only him being a King but he can control time, that why i made them Vampires in this story, thats also why Iˋll let it be in the modern time.
I got the idea for the story line before falling asleep a few months ago soo yeah. I hope yall enjoy it.
Have a nice day, evening, night. <3) and this will be more then one part since I have too many ideas for the storyline
Word count: 2887
Kingdom masterlist
Y/N Pov.
Today was the day were our class will be on a school trip to a old castle.
Iˋm really interestet in it, since Iˋve been reaserching about it a lot and I want to see if i can find any clues that would show that the Myths are true or at least some of them. " hey Y/N?" I looked up to see brian " Hey Brian whats up?" "sooo I know that your interestet in this castle so i asked my dad to do some deeper reaserch and you wont believe what he found" I took my backpack of the seat next to me and he sat down. " What did he find?" he gave me a Letter, I first looked at him confused but he just smiled at me so i took it and opened up.
"He found out that the King looks exactly like todays owner. Which is very much impossiple because over a thausends of years there should have been at least a little change in his looks but it isnt .... there is no change he looks exactly like every portait of the last king and then i told my dad that you found out theres a myth that he was a Vampire and his friends too right?" I nodded " And my dad then called a friend that lives in the town where the castle is who has old letters of the royal family. and this one could be the proof that your right about it. We just need to find the room that is described in the letter."
We did read the letter and talked about the room and myths the rest of the bus ride.
When we arived we all got split up in teams of each 2 people and luckily me and brian got in one.
we were alowed to walk around alone aslong as we didnt destroy anything.
So me and brian are currently in the hallway where the room should be. Only problem we shouldnt be here because that is already the private area of the castle but we were to curious to care about that right now.
"There" brain whispered This is the door that is described in the letter "If theres the strais behind the door iˋll def. go down because i really wanna see if you are right about all the myths" I nodded and slowly opend the door and to our surprise there where stairs that went down "Oh my god..." we both breath out in relive but "Yes the teacher said that there are 2 students missing we need to find them" we looked at each other shooked and just went down the stairs carfully closing the door and silantly walking down the stairs "btw. brain im thankful that you came with me" He stopped shortly before we were complitly down the strairs "of course  your my bestie and ill always be by your side yk. You do it for me all the time so ill def do the same" I smiled and then we walked into another hallway "Ok now we just need to go to the end of the hallway" brain nodded. and we began to walk.
After a longer walk then espected we came finally to the door that we searched the whole time.
We both stopped and tried to calm down our excitement because if we didnt find what we hoped for we would be really disappointed.
"Do you want to open the door?" Brian asked, I looked at him "Yes but iˋm nervous" he put a hand on my shoulder and smiled "should we do it together then?" I nodded and whit that we both pushed the door open.
I stepped inside the room and "Whoa thats a really pretty room..." I whispered "Yes your right.... look theres the portait i told you about" I looked at the other side of the room where brian had pointed and i couldn´t believe my eyes... The Painting really looks exactly like the offspring of the now a days owner.
"Holy shit..." I breathed out. Brian looked aroundthe room and found a small cest, probably one of these where the Letters are stored in. "Maybe we'll finde something in here that proofs the Mythes." He said and handed me the small Chest.  Before i could open it we heared footsteps fastly walking towards the room "Oh shit we need to hide now" I whisper yelled, placed the chest back and pulled Brian to the second door.
As I opened it we saw that it lead into the garden where we were suppost to meetwith our teacher. We closed the door and ran to our class. We luckily haven't been caught and just went between the other students. A few minutes passed and the teacher saw us "Where have you two been?" she yelled "I'm very sorry miss Miller but both of them where here the whole time. We tried to tell you but we could find a way telling you without being unfriendly." Jesse said, while the guards also came hearing everything Jesse said. To say at least that they were pissed is an understandment.
"W-what ? but i havent seen them... OK Im very sorry for my overreacting" //Im soo lucky that we are a bigger class where every one has eachothers back damn that could have ended diffrently// I shot Jesse a thanking look which he just smiled at. The Teacher wanted to say something else when the Owner of the Castle arrived and look at all of us. His gaze lingered longer on me then I would have liked but he didn't  say anything. Brian and I looked at each other to see if we both saw the same thing. No one dared to talk.
"So I got notice of what happend and as I can see and judging from what I have heard there has never been a Problem?" It came out as a question which our Teacher just nodded at and lowerd her gaze to the floor.
"Ok since everything is right now, I can finally anaunce that I have descided that you all are Invided to our Ball Tomorrow night." There was shook written over all our faces, that was the last thing we expected after what had happened.
"So for those who dont want to go you are allowed to leave now, everyone else stays." Our nerdy students left and went to the bus that would bring them back to our hotel. The rest stayed. "Ok now that only the people are here that want to go on the Ball, you'll get your Invitation and a Letter where all Informations you need to know about the Ball and the other events tomorrow are written in" Each of us got 2 Letters one more Fancy looking then the other. I assume that the one with the gold on it is the Invitation and the other is with all Informations. "Good does everyone have the two Letters ?" we all nodded and with that he let us of the hook for today to explore the Town and get Outfits for Tomorrow night.
Small Timeskip In Town:
"How did we not get caught?" Brian asked while we walked trought the Suit shop. "Can you be a bit more quiet, i'd appriciate that.?" I looked at him and he just grinned "why you wanted to be caught?" He wiggled his eyebrows "What?" I looked at him with wide eyes "I mean he doesn't look bad and your single" "You really are stupid you know that?" He fake cried and held a hand on his heart "Dear you really hurted my feelings right now" we both brusted into laugher. We found a perfect suit for him and went to search for a dress for me. We already baught our masks and jewlery so we dont have to worry about that anymore.
shoes should be easy too after we found our Outfits.
We searched through the shop till Biran ran to me with something red in his Hands. "Here this would look soo good on you plus it is more flowy then tight" He grinned at me. I took the dress and went to try it on and I must say he really knows me plus he has amazing taste.
I took a second look in the mirror and steped outside . "What do you think?" "I knew you would look amazing, Please tell me you'll take this."
I looked at him and stayed silent for a few more seconds before i nodded.
He jumped up and hugged me "Good now come pay, I'm hungry" I chuckled at his antics.
After i payed we went first to the Hotel to bring everything back and then we went to search for a restaurant. We found one after good 20 minutes of searching and went inside to order foor.
We talked about all the myths and other things (We luckily found a table in a not so crowded area) When Brian suddenly stopped talking. "brian?" "shhh" He shushed me and pointed at something with his head. I turned around where I saw that the "King", Imma call him that now since idk his name, stood and talked to one of the employees, I turned back " we should go.... its good that we already paid" I whispered and packed my back. We both waited a bit so that the "king" and the guards where distracted and left the restaurant.
"Dude we litteraly just fleed from them" Brian laught, I smiled "No we just went out of the restairant because we finished eating" We walked back to the Hotel but then descided that we still have time to make a walk at the lake near the forest.
"Why do I feel like we're being watched?" I questioned. Brian looke at me "Phuu so I'm not the only one feeling that way"  We came to a stop "Boy thats creeping me out" We heard a stick cracking and turned around. There was a Boy or Man idk he looks like hes about 20 or something. witch Blond hair. We looked at him shooked. "Oh I'm really sorry for scaring you two, I got the Order to tell you that King Louis wants to see you both after you disappiered so quickly from the restaurant." We both swallowed "Did we do something?" I asked and the Blond looked at me with a confused look. "What ? No, he went to all the students that are invited to the ball and the other events." he laughed "So he tried to find you both but you always went away so fast" Me and Brian looked at each other "Ohh we didn't even notice that" I said quitely "Oh thats no problemhe just figured you two didn't noticed us" The Blond Smiled warmly. "Btw I'm Ivan, you don't need to be formal with me, but I recommand doing so with the others till they allow you to speak more infomaly with them, especialy with Louis, Arthur and Dann" we both nodded.
"Ok, then please follow me, I'll bring you to them." Ivan turned around but looked back at us over his shoulder "And one more thing if you two really where the students that went into the room, If you saw anything, don't let anyone know. I won't tell anyone if it really was you but be aware not to let anything slip, especially not to the others and Louis." We both looked at eachother with widen eyes "So it was you two" Ivan took notice of our reaction and turned back around "You don't need to worry, just don't let anyone know, I promise I keep your secret safe. I mean everything was in its place so we all assume you two got lost in the castle, since its really big. Am I right?" "Yes we wanted to search for the exit to meet our class but yeah we got very lost, my apologies." I bowed, embaressed and kept my look on the ground. Suddenly someone stood in Front of me  but it defenitly wasn't Ivan he had a different color on... "Louis..." It was Ivan who talked but more with horror in his voice then I wanted to hear.  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes still keeping my head to the ground. "Ivan you can take the boy with you to the others and wait there, I want to talk to her." I heard shuffeling and two peoples steps slowly disappering.
I felt a Hand under my chin making me look up and automaticly opening my eyes. //Damn he looks even better upclose..... shushhhh get out of my head...I cant think about him like this.// He steped a bit back but still had his hand on my chin. "so you two got really lost in the castle?" I nodded "Then your teacher was right. But its ok since you haven't stolen anything like some other students we had in the past, that also got 'Lost' how they said, you really seemed to be lost thought. But Why didn't you two say anything? Is it because of your teacher?" He had a questioning look in his eye and let go of my chin, so that i could talk. " yes it was because of the teacher she would have looked us in our hotel rooms or something like that, thats why our classmates had our back for us. Please don't tell her we got lost... I don't want to be locked in the same room for the next two months...." 
His eyes widen a bit "wait so your telling me she would just lock you in the hotel for the rest of the trip?" "Yes she did it already a few times to other students... and we're scared that of she finds out that she'll do the same with us too" I looked down again. //now that I think about it of they tell her we will really be locked away for the rest of the trip.....shit// " We won't tell her don't worry you pretty little head about it" this made me look up. //wait he'll not tell her but why?// my thoughts got interrupted when he added "but you have to promise me something or more said you need to do me a favor." I looked at him "and w-what would that be" He chuckled "you will be my companion for the ball and all other events" He looked at me waiting for a awnser and for me to think about it.
//I mean I have nothing to lose and it's not like there will be happening anything bad// I took a deep breath before I said "Ok, I'll do that" He looked first a bit shooked, apparently not awaiting that awnser but then smiled slightly "Good now come, we need to find the others so that we can tell you the extra information for the Ball" He held out his hand for me to take which I did because I'm not unfriendly. //damn he has cold hands.. and he seems to have a hard time to show emotion//
He suddenly stopped which made me run into his back. I mumbled a "sorry" and looked down embrace. "It's ok but you need to stay here till I come back, something isn't right..." I looked up at him he seemed mad. So I nodded and stayed behind the tree. I watched him disappear into the house where we were suppost to meet the others.
//what is going on??//
I sat down in the grass and waited.
//damn I wish I could know what's going on// I heard footsteps but I didn't dear making a sound, fear flooding my body within seconds, not knowing who it is. "Hey" someone whispered I jumped slightly and held my hand to my heart. I looked shooked at Ivan "Sorry, come Louis told me to get you to the Palace. He said I should watch both of you till he and the others have dealt with the intruder" "In-what?" I whisper yelled, he just nodded and helpt me up. We began to speed walk away from the house and in direction to the Palace when suddenly someone jumped in front of us. Ivan immediately hid me behind him. "Where is she?" The man in front of us asked "I know she was with you I saw it" "why do you want to know? Why is she so important?" Asked Ivan angered //wait are they talking about me? But that can't be..// "oh come on you know as well us I do about what powers she has. And she'd make a great secret weapon." "You won't get her" Louis voice came from beside us. I looked at him and also.saw the others there. I got pulled back "mmmh what did you say about we won't get her" a knive to my neck, the fear came back floating through my veins. I felt a strange sensation in my hands and suddenly all the enemies where blown away and nocked out.
//damn what was that, I'm so tired...// the last thing I saw was that all of the run up to me before my knees gave up and everything went black.
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
October 2005
October 5, 2005
there is no beef. just seitan. just getting rattled over nothing. get down with the sickness.
just too much make up and no hearts just egos on the sleeves over here in fall out boy land.
the new panic record hypes itself, so i will shut my damn mouth.
"a kid who tells on another kid is a dead kid".
- petey
October 7, 2005
wow. now way too many updates. i wanted to apologize to everyone at the 9:30 club show in d.c. originally we were supposed to play a show called "shantytown" but the county it was supposed to take place in said that it couldn't happen at the last minute- due to noise regulations or something- we were not given that information. so instead, immediatly following the 9:30 club show we rushed over to a studio and played a small show we had promised we would do. we are sorry to skip out on anyone waiting outside.
some things that dont get enough attention or thanks, so google them:
plain white t's
lifetime (the band we would not exist without)
jason tate
equal studio
the stereo
armor for sleep
rob dobi
fueled by ramen
rob hitt
keep on loving/hating.
- petey
October 7, 2005
back on the saddle. i am not crazy or dead or whatever i keep being imed. i am super happy with this tour. been haning with panic at the disco a ton. me and patrick have been writing a bunch of new songs already. the first song we have written so far is called: "you can't spell star without A & R". the band has gotten really tight as friends again. joe is playing video games until his eyes fall out. patrick sits in the back and makes weird smells and amazing songs. andrew hurley is attatched to his sidekickm, i don't think he can breathe without it. and i am just watching it all go down. our bus driver got us a bunch of new bootleg movies. so we watched flightplan. my review would be: dont watch this movie ever. all the otherbands on this tour have been so good to hang out with------ me and nick are working on a new website thats gonna make your little brains get all warm and fuzzy if we put it together right. i haven't updated in forever. so i just want to thank you for always sticking around. and by you- i mean anyone who still even bothers looking around this site or letting us hit your bedroom speakers.
you couldn't be wrong. because i dreamt you alive.
i was just thinking about the summer. and my favorite moment was playing the gorge in washington- cool after dark. just past the bruised sky. you singing the words. a phone call home to the best. forever.
on the message board leave a thread about your favorite moment of the summer.
October 11, 2005
just cause you can.
take your shyness pills.
put it all on the line.
every single time.
just when you thought i couldn't get anymore flamboyant.
i got a new vest and some shoes with teddy bears on them.
new october fall songs are gonna suprise you.
wait for it. wait for it.
- petey
10/11/05 Q&A
Peter, i think you need to have more respect for the other members of the band, like Patrick, i dont think he smells…and fob would be no where without him, or the rest of the guys! so please dont talk about him like that, it makes my heart hurt! thanks, love you guys!
hahahaha. if you knew patrick you wouldnt say that. that kid is my best friend but not cause he smells like roses. cause he is just the best. dont worry about it. we’ll be friends long after this thing is over.
Pete, would you and Patrick be friends if Fall Out Boy never existed?
we would have to be friends. cause i dreamt him.
October 12, 2005
new york city you are so amazing. jay z. william beckett. unreal. i will do a real update later.
i want to let you in on a secret, we are having a decaydance showcase wednesday night.
panic at the disco is playing tonight at the knitting factory with labelmates in octoberfall-
early show. there are still tickets left.
come dance yourself to life.
October 15, 2005
happy sweetest day.
tour is pretty much the only place i feel at home.
for your pretty eyes:
dirty, korean tom cruise and me crash jay-z's 40/40 club
put your ideas in our body, put your body in our ideas: clandestine.buzznet.com
you're nobody until somebody loves you, at least that's half true.
October 19, 2005
how much do we love you for making us number one on TRL. i don't even know what to say --- we always say it - but i feel like we dont say it enough.
people asked about the shirts we were wearing on fuse and trl - we got them up pretty cheap over at friendsorenemies.com - also there is a little video from the hush sound over there to introduce you to our silly little friends.
you love me but you don't even like me.
forget what you heard. brains are sexy.
October 24, 2005
Sunlight. Like the end of the world. In flashes but not mellow. We swim in schools. Down to the bottom. Down forever. I'm always clearing my throat but I've never got a thing to say. The opposite of a fever. The opposite of perfection. It's only you when I go to sleep and when I wake up...
I know that's a strange way of telling you that I know I'm supposed to love you.
I love this tour. Keep s(w)inging.
October 24, 2005
if you are coming to the irvine show on halloween, we expect you to be dressed up. we will be. and we will be having some contests and what not during intermission.
also, check out the new decaydance myspace at myspace.com/decaydancerecords. it's run by our friend adam from fueled by ramen (who also takes care of our myspace page at myspace.com/falloutboy). adam is the programmer who controls the robots in fall out boy's brain. obey him, because we do.
October 24, 2005
its funny the way you grovel when there are no microphones or camera flashes in sight. - take a stand. it makes me laugh. dot coms refresh for the drama.
- petey
0 notes
leopoldainter · 5 months
Ok because why not have twenty andu sampish of samplo a way arit
Less grill more unbrek and see a sealed bomb token
I javed it
Enjoy face
De one time. Right beside yoh killed yhe target.yoy fling up Astro Franny da
Ah when I was a fake sara I got nuliveiwd. For good. Illmeri a vas
Ans me
Say the chorus
Mstdcb. M bsruoro is flayn And nw use aas six days a week haldfor half dYs
There's s ome kinfo kinderGarten
Bell Tower flauntz desk chair.
Ss. LieS Laigh.Asblet. I stool. To Sia cavve I have to keep these to separate people get fired for sending ripples.Ashkeys seems copsetic as merry .
He's like at my last job I ddrovve a bus at this job. DATIPSTOP
And niwws flash it's airraid.
The stock
Markets the behhzwaine sonnet.
It's bookez
That's why
That we atd
Some stsy the place on there entrance
Domr to depots of spine and revenu.
Happen seen.mo paintkn if j jugfly on sjamsidwon sa. Sjce lost flight. Eg.:eye4#
I'll just be
We are dangerous. Another slum rr.an zYe into pk.
Gone to mama
Is Mullins.
Tomorrow's zapin
All days zapin
Ho just happened a
Yea away to night
Yes not threatening enough to wnact a counter measure befitting of yours tasted concern qlas is stated lol
could you hop on to your other shell and slide o er for me and my friendz
People ijno vid stays works fine itsn
About thevpride
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So cra
Fruits cutt
Melon I Olney theother
Unhappy and solstice
Angry santa,vEs and nice crank an boualal handle, cool to the touch ametep culpDespribg. You can't find it at the general store
It's a gift
You get some
From santa
And butssfsbiddtata many more
Shiny it's dissduh smudgw
Yes you could
And wet we du.
.that wheel is dove sun
Thats a whir
Actually thats hoe and be debedt way to feel it.
That's tea leaving a record, I'll debrief ansplenq to squa
Laughing loos
Eye see how devastating it iz
Snes k I am calm.
Cuts calorie
She ahe
She tried yoy
Off the.dMa stays
So nerotic to a tea
Take the cwt
Give her yedorit
Runs off the stage
Well gees. I'm ejtb the movie, it's English pagufn
Nyn de engul das dead
People get Efed ep really very bad God ceases such a tons.
No so says they're themore. Theline us read. I CD mot
Cut dream line
Nest I could was theb damn princesgohlim
Schelemeke also ooo.
How v
Do we go if
Sons of anarcht
It's the world Trade contest ando so free it's iti mu
Kk toffee and so vret the cemenr show ha.dt6rev9 xes tedafdxS TX visits. The OWO low auto pool oops but of he handy wesdead yebest belvh
So aside drink up to weird d ding to a.a,in AMAZON thsdswayrt. I t
Their unwafer
To keep it fair
Now a n canmyelei you understand why I hiden18))oo flow
Did not do
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Good neddy
Depth of night comes so phastw
What if we were to
I dunno
Settle clakes to hesd
Orool people mis
Not champion order HAYdei koga! I want and went bacci sure
How do you know what's a strue strat often as chair
A conor a canoe a concrete rinses, canoes thensinter jetezRivere.
Kojent passage
Beucopu ses Sofia
Bullet trains a bust
Just a token holiday
Years off my life
It's just vince
Coughing a cigarette and saying with houghts deintere
I love using lily
1 note · View note
midnightmisadventures · 8 months
Okay lets play fair and give edward some points
Cause we all know who Bella ends up with
Okay so i need to bring you up to speed on 2 dreams ig
Dream 1:
I was doing my usually dreaming at high school bs and at the end of the day trying to find my bus. It was foggy and rainy and dream dark so I go to the bus I think is mine, and i dont realllyyy recognize the bus or driver but i also hadnt been in a long time and wasnt confident what i remembered. Basically i asked the guy what number it was and he dream mumbled and said "seats 11, blank and blank) are available vibes.
So im still not sure, but i start walking down the isle to the empty seat and then i get to it, and sitting in the one across is Liam. And as i approach we just look at eachother like...uhhh somethings wrong cause we do not share a bus.
He was wearing the famous blue hoodie and it was scrunched around his face. And i said "well, if youre here im definitely on the wrong bus" and he was like "yeaaaaa.....your prob on the wrong bus" but not in a mean way.
So i quick decide, im gonna leave while i still can. Seeing liam is a funny gag but i just want to get home so id rather be on the right bus.
So i turn around to get off and Liam starts going "wait wait wait, arielle" its now that i see he's sitting in his seat with another girl.
The girl is ...... hawkins....like the chocolate. But regardless i turn back around and he's motioning me to come back. And i go like "what?"
And he says "hey, if the bus driver hasn't said anything i wouldn't leave" basically saying "if you havent gotten caught why leave?" which isnt what i was worried about btw. I just wanted to be on the correct bus home. But liam was phrasing it as, like "aww cmon stay, itll be fun, no ones making you leave"
So fine.
I sit down in the seat next to him. And he seems to be happy about it. So we're riding and i think we're doing small talk. But he's also actively bantering with hawkins and im like.....why did i impulsively stay on this bus to be near him if hes with another bitch. Like i didnt notice who she was till too late?
So theyre like playfully bickering. Like not even flirting bc they were already together.... And i hear her be like "uh you cant do that, i LIVE with you, thats so inappropriate, your girlfriend lives with you you cant do that"
I have no idea WHAT he couldnt do, or what they were talking about. But they were joking around and now i knew that they were not only together but hawkins livesss with him.
But then Liam sort of comes over to my seat and starts talking to me again, sort of making jokes. And im trying to not be weird bc he clearly has a girlfriend so even if i did want to be close to him i felt like i couldnt.
But now he's like super close to me, i cant ignore him, he's being sweet and playful and cute. He evenutally, puts his bag on my lap and sprawls out laying on me. Like lays on my lap like he's gonna take a nap.
And i was like he's so cute, but is this crossing a line? Like i can't caress him or play with his hair or feed into this right? His gf is RIGHT there.
So after a little i feel like he could tell i wasnt reciprocating like, he was expecting me to hug on him and play with his hair but i wasnt. But also it mattered that i wasnt like "get offfa me" when he layed on me. Like i was fine with him laying on me and smiled and giggled but i thought it be to far to cuddle him.
And he noticed i wasnt biting so he sat up.
Around then i noticed hmmm, omg is that joel and chris and jake and brighton?? type beat. Like is that christian c**v**t.
So im realizing omg wait is this bus 99? Which isnt technically my current bus but i do know this route i should be able to figure out when to get off. Even if i get off a chip i can uber home.
But honestly im shocked, it wasnt even just bus people it was just highschool people and.....yea most of them were guys.
But i was confused because why was LIAM here. He was never "on my bus"
But suddenly im more comfortable, like wait i know A LOT of these people. I have to know more than him? Like this is actually my territory not his. He doesnt have homecourt advantage....he just has a girl.
And he wasnt.....rubbing hawkins in my face. But cmon im human he's living with his girl and theyre giggling like an old married couple like i WAS jealous.
So i turn around and see christian/donald h****n and im like "hey i thought i was on some random bus, and now i see all of you guys thats wild is this my same bus from before"
like explaining omg i used to be on here i think? or at least i know a lot of these guys used to be on my bus so i know what neighborhoods we're going to.
So im like trying to catch up with Donald and figure out whats going on here. I also wasnt flirting but it felt good to know like...at least i have friends i can talk to and pretend to look cool. Im not isolated and liam wont think im a loser.
But Donald says.....i dont even know how to describe it lol. Donalds like "yea but...i don't even think we utilized our time together, like we didn't kiss, did we?
And...your guess is as good as mine. He was also being so cheeky about it, like "wait we didnt right?....*blushes* i dont even remember us kissing once >.<"
As if thats the bare minimum, how could we not have even done that? we really wasted our time together
But....i've never- , like it was Donald H****n!!!
So immediately im like "no no, thats not what i meant" kinda blushing kinda giggling uncomfortbly lol. Cause like im flattered really but no we never kissed and its not like i asked you if we ever made love lmaoooo like im not talking about that
I also remember being concious that Liam was in earshot and was like oooh i wonder what he's thinking, he must think im a popular hottie. But i dont have confirmation that he heard
Lots of symbolism i know....
Anyway, there isnt much else.
At one point we stopped somewhere and Liam said like "arielle, do this this and this here and theyll help you get home" and it was actually really sweet of him. I remember being grateful that he went out of his way to help me navigate cause he didnt have to....and i was confused where his head was at with me and......karmic. Lol it is not even worth it to call hawkins karmic. SHe didnt even earn that title.
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