#btw when i say funny i meant it’s such an incredulous thing to say i laughed in disbelief
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this moment is a lot less funny after reading The Book of Bill
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
are you sure he’s your favourite weasley? // george weasley
Summary: reader finally gets to see George after months apart – he might be a little jealous but that won’t stop their fun… correction, your fun.
Request: Can you do a George Weasley imagine during the Half Blood Prince where he and his girlfriend reunite over Christmas at the Burrow since she is the Trios age so she’s still at Hogwarts while he left the year prior and he finds out that Harry took his girlfriend (as a friend) as his date to Slughorn’s party so he is jokingly jealous/pranks Harry? Bonus if she jokingly tells him the only person he should be worried about her leaving him for is Ginny since they’re BFFs. I love your work btw!
A/N: this was super cute to write so I hope you enjoy
Reader: female
Warnings: none? I think?
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Whilst you’d hoped your sixth year would be easier and less chaotically You-Know-Who driven, it proved to be exactly the opposite. The summer had been amazing: you’d got nine OWLs, nearly as many as Hermione, and then spent the rest of your time at the Burrow with the Weasleys. Spending time at the Burrow was your favourite, it meant you could see George. And you loved to see George. Before the school year started, you’d gone with everyone else to get new school supplies and managed to spot him at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. Seeing him so happy made your heart sing. But the few months after had been hard. After Harry’s theories about Draco and that sodding potions textbook, you were tired and without George, it was so much harder.
You missed him. You missed their stupid pranks and his stupid grin. You missed the way he’d shout for you down the corridor and creep up behind you to scare you and wrap his arm around your waist. You missed the making out and bickering and making up and though you wrote each other almost every day, you missed just having him there with you. He was the first person you wanted to see when you woke up and he was the first person you wanted to tell that you made the Quidditch team – a beater just like him. It disappointed you that he wouldn’t be there to cheer you on in the stands like you were sure he’d want to but to his credit, he did try. He sent you a howler after your first match, complete with shouting and whistles.
“Well done, Y/N! Won’t shut up about you, he won’t.” Fred called in the background.
The howler continued for about four more minutes. Harry and Ron had groaned and taken the piss but you didn’t care, and neither did they, really. Ron, especially, found that he didn’t completely hate your relationship with his brother. George sent you letters every day to tell you about how the shop was doing, Fred too and the rest of his family. You told him everything: from the incident with Katie Bell and the necklace to Ron and Hermione’s incessant arguing. You were both convinced they just needed a good shag. Not seeing him had gotten to you, honestly, and you were counting down the days till you could see him at the Burrow for Christmas.
“Blimey, Y/N, you’ve not been listening to a thing we’ve said.” Ron complained on the train back from Hogwarts. You opened your mouth to reply but you had no rebuttal; he was right.
“You can’t blame her, really; you’re not very interesting, Ronald.” Hermione said pointedly, looking at Ron. Their arguing had been reaching a high point lately. You looked at Harry, raising your eyebrows.
“Give off, Ron, Y/N is just excited to see George, right?” Harry tried to diffuse the tension.
“She’s not the only one,” Ron snorted. “George won’t bloody shut up about it. Y/N this. Y/N that.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes at your boyfriend. He was such a muppet sometimes.
The train ride back to King’s Cross Station was the longest journey you’d ever sat through; you all but leapt from your seat when you arrived in London. You ignored Hermione’s side-eye at your vibrating excitement, and Ron only complained once when you left them to find George. It took you a few moments to spot the group of gingers in the crowd. George was standing next to Fred, looking around for you. You could tell them apart a mile away, especially when George spotted you and his face lit up. You rushed towards him, dropping your trunk and jumping into his arms. He wrapped his arms around you, spinning you amidst the mocking whistles of Fred and Mrs. Weasley’s cooing.
“You, my love,” George said, putting you down and pulling away, holding your face in his hands. “Have no clue how much I’ve missed you.”
“I beg to differ.” You smiled as he kissed you, hands winding around his neck as his found your waist and dipped you backwards.
“I feel sick.” Ron muttered, earning an eye-roll from Hermione.
On the trip back to the Burrow, you and George could barely keep your hands off each other. While you were sure George was shameless about doing dirty things with his parents right there, you were not. He was happy enough, though, just to have his arm thrown over your shoulders, lips pressed to your temple every so often. When you reached the Burrow, it was a flurry of unpacking and orders from Mrs. Weasley.
“Thank you for having us, Mrs.-“ she shot you a reprimanding look. “Molly.”
“It’s not a problem, my dear. I love having my future daughter-in-law around.”
She shot you a wink and turned away, busying herself with helping Ginny. You were shocked at her words, momentarily not seeing George behind you.
“Mum’s a bit much, sorry.” He said, wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin on your head. “Not wrong, though, if I have anything to say about it.”
After dinner, you all sat together around the fire. You and George sat joined at the hip, playing with each other’s hands.
“I like writing you letters, and all, but this is so much better.” He said, pulling you closer by the waist and whispering in your ear. “It would be even better if my family weren’t here.” He bit the shell of your ear, earning a giggle.
“I missed you, George.”
“Are you getting soppy on me?”
You mock gasped. “I would never.”
He poked a finger into your side, relishing the sound of your laughter.
“Oh, give over you two.” Ron groaned, face full of disgust.
“Shut up, Ron. Just because you’ve never had a proper girlfriend.” Hermione retorted. Fred and George made ‘ooh’ing noises, making the situation worse.
“I’m dating Lavender Brown!” he said incredulously. “Just because you went to Slughorn’s stupid party with McLaggen, that git.”
Hermione’s expression turned murderous for a second before she huffed and crossed her arms.
“Don’t be so rude, Ron.” Molly insisted.
Ginny, although enjoying Ron’s discomfort, changed the subject for Hermione’s sake. It had nothing to do with any sort of crush she had, obviously.
“Who did you go with again, Harry?” she asked, identical grins spreading on the twins’ faces.
“Yeah, Harry.” Fred goaded.
“Who did you go with?” George added in a girly high-pitched voice.
You frowned, confused. Surely, you’d mentioned to him about the party.
“Y/N?” Harry replied, equally confused. His face pinked at the teasing.
“What?” George asked, face dropping. “I didn’t know that.”
You looked at his pout, a smile growing on your face. Ginny took the words right out of your mouth when she leant forward, smirking. She shot you a conspiratorial look.
“George, are you jealous?”
“What?” he said, leaning back. He blushed. “Don’t be a prat, of course not.”
“I don’t know, George…” Fred began, looking at you.
“You do seem a little jealous.” You finished, raising your eyebrow. You watched your boyfriend squirm under the stares of his family and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“I mean,” you turned to Fred, enjoying yourself far too much. “Harry is quite dashing.”
“He is the chosen one, after all.” Fred smirked at you, both of you enjoying the teasing.
“True. A very talented wizard.”
“Excellent snogger, I’m told.”
“Alright, you two, enough.” George muttered, jabbing his fingers into your sides to make you laugh. He carried on until you were begging him to stop, tears in your eyes as the others watched, smiling. He watched you recover with a grin.
“I bet you think you’re hilarious, don’t you?”
“Who said I was joking?”
His face soured completely. When you laughed again, trying in between giggles to kiss him, he avoided you. He tried to be stoic but you could see the humour in his eyes.
“Oh, Georgie…” you cooed, kissing the side of his lips sweetly. “You don’t need to worry about Harry at all. You know how much I love you.”
He pursed his lips, visibly melting at your words.
“If you’re feeling jealous, you should probably be worried about Ginny. You know how close we are.”
George’s face dropped again and you couldn’t help but snigger, turning to Ginny. She winked at you before her head dropped back and she laughed, shoulders bouncing.
“Oi!” George was indignant. “That’s not funny.”
You and Ginny’s laughter echoed through the Burrow and whilst George wanted to be mad, he couldn’t deny how happy it was about how well you got on with his family.
“You two are not funny.” He insisted, unable to hide his smile.
He couldn’t deny how much he missed you when you weren’t around.
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padme-parker · 4 years
Collide / Chapter 1
[a Star Wars x Avengers crossover]
Summary: With the fate of the universe lying in your hands, you are sent on a mission to a galaxy far, far away.
Warnings: none (I think)
Word Count: ~3k
A/N: The readers ‘superhero’ name is Star btw, so I hope that clears up any possible confusion (there will be a backstory/flashback later as to how she got that name). This is the first series I’ve ever written, so there's gonna be some major plot holes and shit that doesn’t make sense!! I’ve been trying to work through the kinks and make it seems as logical as possible. Sorry and Thanks for reading :) xx 
also I didn’t really proof reader so sorry if there like,,, a lot of mistakes
image is from the 100! (but this isn’t strictly about the 100 !)
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“and I scream from the top of my lungs, what’s going on?” -4 Non Blondes
You sat down on the couch with a huff, Tony had taken the remote away from you after you decided to replay Revenge of the Sith for the 100th time. It was the team bonding movie night, occurring every friday. Peter and you were more than eager to rewatch it, however the team was not so ecstatic about it.
As soon as Tony saw your eyes light up, he immediately knew what you were thinking of, “And don’t even think of asking FRIDAY to play it for you.” You let out another huff, deciding to leave so you could have some time to yourself.
“Star, where are you going!?” He paused the show, as he and the others turned to you.
“Well, since you took away my joy, Mr. Stank, I’ve decided to ogle Anakin Skywalker in the comfort of my own room.” You could hear the snickers let out by the team as Tony muttered under his breath, unpausing the show as the theme for Sense8 started to play.
As you entered your room, you took no notice towards the figure in the corner. You were just about to flop down onto your heavenly bed before you were interrupted.
“Miss L/N.” You let out a scream as you turned to the figure. Quickly unholstering your weapon, you pointed it at the figure, finger guns ready to shoot if needed. “Cut the crap L/N, and put the ‘gun’ away.”
“Damn Fury, I could’ve been changing! What the hell.” You gave him an incredulous look
“Oh you’re funny, but we all know that you don’t give a damn if someone sees you half or fully naked. Not that I’d want to, cause frankly I don’t.” Your eyes widened with shock, mouth falling open, “Nevermind that, I’m not here for chitchat. I have a mission for you that requires your focus to be….elsewhere.”
“Elsewhere..? EYe- sir it’s the 21st century, not the 18th century.”
“Yes, well regarding the place you’re going to, our timelines won’t be explicitly the same.” You gave him a questioning look, he continued, “Tell me young L/N, have you ever heard of the force?” Oh at this point he must’ve been tickling your pickle, I mean what kind of joke is he playing at?
“Yes, of course I have! It’s a fictional power from a fictional movie!” Opting out on the ‘DUH!’ at the end just in case Fury decided he wasn’t in the mood to play games anymore.
“Wrong, agent L/N. You’re absolutely wrong.” At this point you were seated on your bed, hands clasped together and placed on your lap. “In fact, where do you think you got your powers from?” Oh shit, maybe you should’ve thought about the fact that you could move things with your mind before saying that the force was fake.
“I don’t understand, even if what you’re implying is remotely correct, it would be impossible! There’s also no way I could even go back to the past to change it” Before you could utter another word, Director Fury motion for you to stand up.
“Come with me agent L/N, you have much to learn.” He said as he directed both of you out of your room. Soon you found yourself in front of the doors to the meeting room. Walking in, you noticed there had already been files laid out across the table. “Take a seat, L/N. I’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”
“First things first,” I’m the realest, HA! I’m funny, good one y/n.  “The force is real, it’s essentially what gives you your telekinetic powers. Second, because of Doctor Strange, it has come to my attention that the fate of the universe lies in your hands.”
“Wait, what? Why me? Is it because I’m a huge Star Wars fan..? I mean come on! What about Peter, he likes Star Wars too!!”
“Cause I said so, and no, Peter is too young.” Yeah, but apparently old enough to be watching a show with the team that contains nudity, but then again he is 18. Poor kid would just blush at the thought of sex.
“Okay, but even if I did agree to doing this, wouldn’t it be too late for me to at least try to solve anything?” There were a million thoughts and questions running through your mind.
“Time runs at a slower pace in our universe than it does in theirs. If our calculations are correct, we are currently in the Revenge of the Sith timeline.”
“But I thought it was, ‘A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…’ not the present..” you rebutled
“Ah, yes. We contacted Mr. Lucas himself. Turns out he too is force sensitive, and gifted with foresight. That’s why he wrote the books and comics, along with creating the movies. He did it so he would never forget about where he’d come from, but it also served as a warning. When he first had visions of the downfall of the Jedi Order, he fled. Using a bridge that connected Coruscant to our Earth. That’s how he, and many other force sensitive beings like you, can inhabit the earth.” He explained.
“That still doesn’t answer my question, how-”
Fury interrupted you before continuing, “Right, like I said, time runs slower here than it does in their universe. While time in his universe runs faster. Before he left, Qui Gon Jinn hadn’t been born yet. He’d left their universe when he was merely 22, about the same age as you. At the age of 32, he’d already released A New Hope. On Earth, he ages slower. Had he stayed within his universe, he would’ve been dead way before you were born.”
All this new information was giving you a headache. “Hold on, you mentioned a bridge.. What exactly is it?”
“Well agent L/N, the bridge is located in the middle of Antarctica, precisely the south pole in an underground ice cave. The bridge can either be used to summon other beings or to travel to different planets. It just so happens that we have one here on Earth. How? We have no idea, but we’re working on it.”
At this point, you were confused and wouldn’t be able to comprehend any new information if he gave any. Noticing the distant look on your face, Fury dismissed you.
“I’ll give you the night to think about it, but remember, the fate of the universe lies in your hands, Y/N. We don’t have much time to waste.”
You sat on your bed, hands raking through your hair. Hours ago you were so excited to rewatch your favorite movie, and now you were about to be thrown into that universe. You didn’t know whether to be elated or terrified. Fury said that there were other force sensitive beings on Earth, so why would they choose you? Surely there was someone stronger than you that they could send. But then again this meant that you would be seeing THE Anakin Skywalker.
You looked at the files again to get a better grasp of the mission. Join the Jedi Order. Befriend Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Senator Amidala. Eradicate the Titan race. Hold on, they wanted you to kill a whole race of creatures. If you couldn’t kill a fly, then there was no way you’d be able to off a whole race.
You decided to shoot Peter a text, asking him to come to your room. It didn’t take long before you heard a knock on your door. You responded with its open and Peter came into your room, flopping down onto your bed right next to you.
“What’s up buttercup?” You scrunched up your face. Ew, save it for MJ. Speaking of MJ, you wondered how the two of them were doing. However, you chose not to say anything and instead focus on the situation.
“Okay Pete, I’m going to tell you something and you absolutely CANNOT repeat it to anyone else. Not even Ned.” You paused, waiting for him to nod before continuing, “So like after Mr. Stark so rudely interrupted our rewatch of Star Wars, I went to my room to watch it myself. And then one thing led to another and nowi’mgonnabetravelingacrosstheuniverseandplayingjediwithTHEANAKINSKYWALKERandofcoursedaddywankenobibutFurywantsmetokillawholeraceofbeingsbecausethefateoftheuniverseliesinmyhandsnow.” You turned to Peter hoping his advanced hearing allowed him to understand what you just said, but instead you just received a flabbergasted look from him. “ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᵐᵉ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶦ ʲᵘˢᵗ ˢᵃᶦᵈ…” You waited a few seconds expecting that he would catch on eventually, alas he didn’t. You began to repeat yourself, only this time slower.
“...so you're telling me that the force exists and i got stuck with a FREAKING radioactive spider bite??” Dear god, this boy was going to be the death of you.
“Peter, that’s not the point!” You said, trying to get back to the subject, “The point is that by tomorrow I’ll be in a whole other universe, that up until today, didn’t exist to us. This is supposed to be fictional dude, and now it’s becoming my reality! OUR reality! What if I get impaled by a lightsaber? I’m only 20, I can’t die!! Or worse, what if Anakin doesn’t like me?” The severity of the situation was just now hitting you, so many things could go wrong on this mission, but the whole universe was counting on you. The weight of the world began to crush you and breathing became hard. Falling to the floor, you laid in a fetal position, arms clutching your knees.
From the corner of your eye you could see Peter's arm reaching out to touch your shoulder, “Hey, star, you're okay. You’re gonna be okay. C’mon sit up and take a deep breath with me.” Carefully, Peter hoisted you up. You sat criss cross applesauce on the floor, parallel to Peter. Following the breathing exercise, you felt yourself calming down.
“Thank you, y’know you didn’t have to do that. But I appreciate it, a lot.” You knew you weren’t getting a wink of sleep tonight, so you asked Peter if he could stay for the night, which he agreed to. The two of you spent the night talking about the most random things, and before you knew it, the sun had already risen.
Noticing that it was morning, you offered to make some breakfast for the both of you. However as you got up to move, FRIDAY interrupted you, “Miss Y/N, Director Fury requests your presence in the meeting room.” Letting out a loud groan, you told FRIDAY that you would be down soon.
“Well Peter, it looks like I’ll have to make you breakfast once I get back.” You gave him a quick nod before making your way to the meeting room.
“I trust that you spent the night thinking about the mission, agent L/N. So, what have you decided?”
You cleared your throat before responding, “One last question, then you’ll have my answer.” Fury briefly nodded, signaling for you to continue, “Of all places within our universe, why there? Titan is within our solar system, wouldn’t it make sense for the avengers to travel there and just..” holding up a two finger gun to your head, you pretend to shoot yourself and die, “y’know? I mean it would save us a lot more time.”
“Well to put it simply, they have technology far more advanced than ours, we need a special weapon in order to carry out the mission.” You hoped that Fury wasn’t referring to THE weapon. If you went, that would mean you’d be forever changing the timeline, and there’d be no way to fix it. But if you didn’t go, Anakin would fulfill his prophecy, he would live the life of a liar, traitor, and puppet. You wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself for letting Anakin suffer.
“Fine, I’m in. When do I leave.”
The flight to Antarctica was long and boring, you would’ve slept but your nerves kept you up. But as you felt the jet land, you couldn’t have been more relieved. You were finally back on land. You could kiss the ice if you wanted to, but chose not to. Who knows what kind of ancient bacteria is lurking.
The entrance to the cave was surrounded by many agents. Although it was quite literally in the middle of nowhere, security was still a top priority. Entering the cave, you clutched the fluffy jacket that was wrapped around your body. You walked in silence, admiring the cave until the agents stopped in front of a hatch.
“This is as far as we can go. Climb down the ladder and follow the path, Fury will be waiting for you.” One of the agents informed you, as the other bent down to open the hatch. Well, here goes nothing.
The first thing you noticed was the change of temperature. Above the hatch, it was freezing, but below it was warmer. Warm enough that you broke out in a slight sweat, but not warm enough to melt the ice. The second thing you noticed was how well lit the passage was, which surprised you. There were lights hanging onto the wall. Hmm, there’s no way they could be solar powered, it's too far underground. They must be powered by the bridge.
You followed the passage, noticing a slight hum that grew louder with every turn you took. Soon, you found yourself in front of a door, a faint green hue escaping from under it. You slowly pushed the door open. The sight in front of your very eyes had you mesmerized. The bridge itself was made of a stone like matter, hovering above the ground. Walking closer to it, you took note of it’s spiral pattern and engravings.
“Welcome agent L/N.” Fury’s loud voice startled you out of your trance.
“The symbols, what do they mean?” You asked
“Well, we're not entirely quite sure what they mean. But we do know that it’s a language of sorts. You see, if you tap the symbols in a specific order, you can travel to a different world or summon a person.” Fury turned to you, handing you a necklace. “It’s a communication, tracking, and code device, all in one. Use it when you need to communicate vital information to us. All the codes you need are in the device, but be weary of using them, any only summon one of us if absolutely needed. It also includes mission details, like the time on Earth and a countdown. If you're not back the day the countdown is done, we will come find you.” He demonstrated how to use the device, pressing a button to bring up Coruscant’s code.
“Now, exactly how does this work ?” You pondered
“It relies on the energy being emitted from the bridge. For it to work, it’s essential that you stay on a planet with a bridge. If not, we won’t be able to track or help you if needed.”
Not another word was uttered as you went to remove your jacket. The black long sleeve shirt along with the black jeans and combat boots you were wearing was going to make you stick out like a sore thumb in the Jedi Temple. Reaching for the device around your throat, you pressed the button. You took a deep breath before touching the first symbol. A warmth began in you, starting from your core, expanding to the tips of your fingers. With each symbol you touched, the vibration of the hum increased. You continued to touch the symbols needed, pausing slightly before touching the last one.
“What now? Do I jus-” There was now a chill in the room, your hair lightly swayed. A small swirl of green mist appeared from behind the bridge, expanding until it filled nearly half of the room. “Do i just walk in..?” Fury nodded. You took hesitant steps towards it, your heart beating louder with each step. Before you fully engulfed yourself into the mist, you turned towards Fury, “If I don’t come back, tell-”
“You’re going to come back. You have to. The avengers, human race, and every inhabitant of the universe is counting on it.” Letting out a shaky breath, you nodded before stepping into the mist.
The further you went in, the less you could feel Fury’s burning stare on the back of your head. As it became weaker, you began to see a concrete wall. You reached out to stabilize yourself, it felt as though you were being kicked out of the bridge. The mist dissipated the second you stepped out of it. Hugging the wall, you look around the concrete room, noticing a heavy look door in front of you. With all your might, you pushed the door open. You began to sluggishly walk down a corridor, tripping over your own feet every couple of seconds. Damn, I really should’ve slept. All of your energy had left your body, and now it felt like you were going crazy as you began to hear a voice in your head.
Who are you? That voice, it sounded so familiar. Too focused on trying to figure out who the voice belonged to, you failed to notice the Jedi running up behind you. It was the ignition of a saber that made you freeze, followed by, “Stop right there! Turn around and face us sith!” Oh, so apparently you were a sith now. You raised your arms up slowly, showing that you weren’t a danger to them. Fully turning around, you were mesmerized to find who was in front of you. Or more like, the crowd in front of you. Your eyes scanned through the familiar faces until you locked eyes with him. His eyes followed your every move, his gaze strong and hard.
“Anakin…” You whispered, your knees buckled, sending you to the ground. Your eyes fluttered close, the exhaustion taking a toll on you. Before you could fully fall asleep, you heard the voice softly respond,
It’s you.
read ch 2 here
omg yall I feel like this sucked ass, I rushed the last couple of paragraphs cause I just really wanted to publish this. I’ll probably come back in the future to edit/rewrite it once I get some stuff sorted out. as of rn I'm thinking of doing a love triangle but idk. Also please tell me how you feel about the title,,, I’m stuck between ‘Borrowed Time’ and ‘Clash’, I only went with the former cause it seemed fitting but I also really like the name ‘Clash’. lmk what you think !!!
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thekidultlife · 4 years
I Want Your Midnights | Lee Jihoon
 Pairing: Jihoon x fem!reader
⍟ AU: Idol AU (?)
⍟ Genre: Fluff, a bit of angst on the side
⍟ Warnings: -
⍟ Word Count: 4.3k
⍟ A/N: Alright I know you guys are already sick of me just posting Jihoon fics, but it’s my birthday today, so just...humor me pls. This is almost a self-indulgent fic;;; I’ll be tagging @nrhfzh​ and all those jihoon stans who sent anons last time!!
(this should be posted on Friday which is Leanne’s schedule, but we decided she won’t post anything this week and I won’t post next Moday;;;) 
btw, the song featured here is New Year’s Day by Taylor Swift. I recommend you listen to that song while reading this skkssk  
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It was like an ordinary night. Like any night that you have spent before and will spend more in the future. Nothing extraordinary could be noted in particular between you and Lee Jihoon as you both sat eating in the quiet and privacy of his studio, between out of place candles and almost empty chicken buckets. It was as normal as a night can be.
Yet at the same time, in your own little way, it was also special.
Not being overly expressive with your love for each other, subtle gestures and acts of love screamed more than a thousand words could ever do. It never felt lacking or boring or empty like people thought it would be. In fact, your relationship was an adventure, even barely starting, it had been an uphill battle, and you both knew that. 
As you came back from the comfort room  washing your hands, you made a small scheming grin at your boyfriend who was still gobbling up the last remains of his chicken wing. Taking notice of that, he glanced at you with a smirk of his own. 
"I know that look. What are you planning?" He asked as you sat across him, your arms folded confidently. 
"Are you done eating?" You replied, watching him with a childish cheekiness in you. 
"Well yeah," he dusted off the crumbs on his shirt with an innocent look. "What are you thinking though?" 
With a coquettish smile, you stood up from your seat and went to his side. "Nothing really. Though I do want you to close your eyes and trust me."
Jihoon glanced at you with a bewildered look at first, wondering what you were scheming again this time, but when he saw that mischievous glint in your eyes, he knew it was something he shouldn't really worry about and simply chuckled at you. 
"Fine, but don't do any funny business!" He finally agreed as he closed his eyes and waited for you. 
He could hear you walking away and some wheels rolling. "I've never done any funny business." You denied teasingly. 
He scoffed, even with his eyes closed. "Yeah right. Except that time when you drew on my face when I was drunk!" 
He knew you were making an incredulous expression right now.
"C'mon! I was just trying to see what you would look like with a mustache," you laughed, walking towards him and reaching for his hands. "Don't open your eyes yet. I promise I won't draw a third eye on your forehead this time." 
"Please don't. And please stop sharing meme faces of me to the other members. My reputation as vocal boss is on the line," he retorted back with a toothy grin as you chuckled, guiding him somewhere in the room.
"Can't promise that, Ji. I like my status as the official Lee Jihoon meme distributor," you replied, making him laugh out loud at how ridiculous that title was, before the both of you stopped walking. "You can sit now. I promise there's a chair to catch your butt." 
For a while he feared that there really wasn't any chair for him to sit on, yet when he felt the soft foam of his swivel chair, he relaxed for a bit and sat down. Turning the chair around before you backed away, you allowed him to finally open his eyes. As soon as his sight came back, he was greeted by the image of you sitting in front of the electric keyboard with a soft smile on your lips. 
"I can't promise you my voice or my playing would be up to your standards, but just…it's the thought that counts right?" You suddenly rambled, giggling. 
Blinking, Jihoon was still processing what you were planning until it dawned on him the next second. "Are….are you going to sing me a song?" 
You smiled at him bashfully. "Yeah, though I wish it was a song that I made myself, but I guess I'll put my feelings into somebody else's words for now. So you better listen."
Gazing into your eyes, he could sense the sincerity deep in you. You were someone who wouldn't make an effort just for the sake of being romantic. Everything you do for him meant something and was done with great consideration, he understood that, that's why right now, he could feel his heart swell with emotion. 
A gentle smile on his lips, Jihoon leaned back. "I'll listen. Don't worry, I won't judge." 
“You promised that, okay?” With a sheepish grin, you turned your attention back to the piano and placed your fingers on the correct chords. 
With a small nervous breath, you began playing.
"There's glitter on the floor after the party
Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby…"
Soft chords accentuate your raw and amateur voice. It didn't need to be technically perfect, the genuine emotions which surfaced on your voice reflected beauty in Jihoon's ears. It didn't need to be perfect, but it was real. He always loved that about you. Your brutal honesty, the unapologetic optimism you had. It gives him strength to look forward to another day.
He remembered as he watched your fingers dance on the keys, the first time you met. It wasn't that special. He just saw you on the internet as he monitored his own social media presence, posting stuff about Seventeen and what not. He found your comments funny, your reactions interesting, that he found himself going through your posts every day. He knew he'd love to be your friend if he could. 
Yet being an idol wasn't easy. You were so close yet so far away. It wasn’t as easy as typing the words ‘hey i wanna be your friend’ to just another person. His name held weight and Jihoon knew that. With his workload and all the responsibilities he had in his hands, he just couldn’t tell you what he felt. As he listened to your voice reverberating with the acoustics of his studio, he remembered how it took him years to finally stir up the courage and to finally see the opportunity to talk to you. 
He was glad he did. If he hadn’t, his heart wouldn’t feel as full as it has been since he met you. 
“If you’re really Woozi of Seventeen, then post a picture of yourself in Weverse and in the captions write what’s the last anime you’ve watched.” Jihoon remembered you telling him over chat, it was nerve-wracking back then but it felt silly now. Of course, you can’t just trust a random person claiming himself to be an idol. There were a lot of those these days.
“Let’s be friends first,” you wrote to him with a heart and a smiley face emoji back then. “I want to get to know you.” 
“Don't read the last page, but I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you're turning away…”
Jihoon gazed at you, even then and until now, you were still beautiful in his eyes. No matter how many songs he’d composed about you, the emotions that reside in his chest would never run dry. The way you laugh, the way you talk, the way you’d do just about anything—he only had you in his eyes. Yet things weren’t always roses and butterflies. 
You were so frustrated at him at that time when he had gotten scared of his own emotions. Jihoon knew, deep inside, that he had grown to love you over chats on SNS; your witty sarcasm and wonderful conversations were like water and sunlight to the love growing, rooting deeper and deeper into his heart. 
He wasn’t unfamiliar to this feeling, yet he had been betrayed by this same emotion in the past  and he wished he’d never had to be again this time. He was frightened that you could easily leave him, broken and empty, like the others did. Admittingly, he had lost hope for a love that was unconditional. He didn’t believe that there would be anyone out there who could love him wholeheartedly as much as he did, even through his flaws and his mistakes. 
But you suddenly popped into his life, unaware of how much power you hold over him. 
“You annoy me so much!” you told him over one fateful video call. “Jihoon, I feel so confused, you know? What am I really to you? Do you want to be just friends or do you want something more? If you want to stay as friends, then fine! I won’t force you. But that doesn’t mean I’d wait for you forever when you’re ready to take this to another step.”
He didn’t enjoy fighting with you. Not at all. Yet he was scared and stuck and didn’t know what to do. Being more meant more risks of hurting you unintentionally.
“But I can’t decide, Y/N! Dating means people will talk, and I don’t want them to talk about you! But I can’t just make everything I feel about you disappear!” he replied, and you were taken aback. “But if letting you go is the price I have to pay for your peace, then I don’t mind hurting.” 
Tears were already threatening to slide down your cheeks, and if only you knew how much it pained him to see you like that back then. To hear you trip on your words, to hold back small sobs as you tried to find coherent words to keep the conversation going, it felt like a thousand knives piercing through him. 
“Stop that…please. Do you think I won’t feel anything when you say that?” you replied. “Jihoon, I can understand where you’re coming from but don’t ever think that you’re the only one carrying this relationship, or whatever this is. For this to work, you have to share your burdens with me, you have to trust me, to depend on me.”
“I know that all your life, you’re used to doing everything by yourself, and I’m no different. We’ve achieved so many things just by ourselves. But we can’t be like this forever. A relationship isn’t just you or just me. It’s us both. So lean on me, let me carry those heavy feelings and I’d do the same with you. I want this to work, Jihoon. I don’t want to give up.”
Even if it was only through some shitty PC screen that he could see you, it didn’t diminish the weight of those words. He could feel it back then, he could still feel it right now as you played on the piano, singing a simple song—you were the one he wanted, tomorrow and forevermore.
“You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi, I can tell that it's going to be a long road…”
Jihoon would forever be thankful for you. Everything that you did for him, even if unintentionally on your part. He couldn’t admit how much he appreciates you in his life—through early morning calls when you were still far apart, and now through your warm presence in his studio as he worked.
“I’m considering moving there in the next year or so,” you suddenly told him over a phone call as you did your work. “Now that I’m breaking through the Korean webcomic scene, I think it’s better to stay close to my audience. And I think it’s better that we can finally be together, geographically at least.”
He could still remember it as fresh as that day. His heart began beating so fast, a wide grin broke out on his lips. He was worried that it’ll be too much for you to handle, but he had learned as your relationship progressed, that you’re someone who doesn’t get pushed back by hurdles so easily. Besides, you had him. 
Jihoon was glad that he can now keep you closer more than ever.
It wasn’t easy, like everything else in life. But there was nothing the both of you couldn’t handle. It took so much silence and deception to hide your relationship from the public—a decision the both of you agreed upon long before. Jihoon knew that the both of you were private people, and more than anything, you didn’t want anyone to become privy to your intimate relationships. 
For the first time, in such a long time, Jihoon was able to hold you close. Gazing at you, at your real eyes, at that time, felt surreal. Jihoon always thought he knew almost everything about you, yet he had never anticipated that there were still a lot of things about you which he hadn’t discovered yet. 
He never had thought how warm your touch was, how bright your grin was when you were scheming some prank, how loud your voice got when you were so passionate about something, how soft your lips were when you finally kissed for the first time. No matter how much technology brought you two together, nothing compared to actual, real life affection shared between lovers. 
“I'll be there if you're the toast of the town babe or if you strike out and you're crawling home...”
Jihoon remembers, as you sang, how you silently embraced him on nights when he felt the world was too heavy on his shoulders. You wouldn’t say anything to him until he would open up; patiently waiting as you tapped an irregular beat on his back. As easily as that, you’d erase all the stress that he had accumulated over time. 
You didn’t need to say anything grand or moving, or make all of his problems disappear. Your simple gestures were already enough. You were already enough for him. 
“I don’t deserve you, Y/N,” he whispered to you one night as he buried his face on your shoulder. “You’re everything that I want, but I’m not sure if I’m giving you everything that you want.”
You giggled, sighing as you brushed your fingers through his newly dyed hair. 
“You don’t have to worry, Jihoon. You’ve given me so much that you never even realized it.”
He pouted, not liking how vague you were. “Like what?”
“Aren’t you just conveniently forgetting how many songs you’ve written for me?” you replied, a smirk on your lips as you twirled a lock of his around your finger. 
“But…those are just songs! It’s not as special as the things you’ve done for me…”
“Don’t underestimate them, Ji,” you told him as you pulled back, cupping his cheeks and looking into his eyes. “I know how important music is to you, how it’s an extension of your feelings, and to be a part of it is something I’d consider meaningful.”
For a moment, Jihoon gazed at you; his eyes holding so much emotion. There it was that he knew—he was truly, deeply, madly in love with you. 
“Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you…”
Feeling a strong urge, he leaned into you, capturing your lips into a deep and passionate kiss. Everything, everything that he felt for you at that time, he poured into that kiss, making you gasp for air. You cling to him for support, wholly surprised at his sudden intensity, yet not unwelcome at all. 
As the both of you pulled away, Jihoon once again returned to your arms, allowing himself to be vulnerable before you. 
“I truly don’t deserve you,” he whispered on your shoulder.. 
“After that incredible kiss?” you teased, “Statement denied.” 
Jihoon groaned and you chuckled.
“I know you’re overthinking again, so I’ll say it clearly. You’re more than I ever wanted, Lee Jihoon.”
You paused, patting his head, tightening your arms around him.
“Whenever you call just to check up on me despite your busy schedule, whenever you share funny stories about the members, whenever you act cute and pouty when I ask you to do aegyo for me…what else…?”
He grunted disapprovingly at your comment and you giggled. “I don’t act cute.”
“You do, you know? You’re naturally and inherently cute,” you replied. “You’re cute when you make ramyeon for me even when I just eat the noodles, you’re cute when you offer to hold my bag or open the door for me, or when you insist on paying for dinner, and you’re so cute when you hold me close whenever I feel down and insecure about myself and my work.”
Jihoon was silent, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. He thought you didn’t really catch on those little things he did, but he had underestimated your memory and your powers of observation.
“There’s a lot more I can say, you know? I should make a list for you and maybe stick it on your desk whenever you begin to question yourself again.”
He snorted. “No, thank you. The members would see it and I don’t want them to.” 
“I’ll do it when you annoy me,” you joked, despite your words. “Now, I hope I’ve reassured your worries for tonight.” 
Snuggling against your shoulder, Jihoon smiled. “Yeah, thank you.”
“Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere…”
As your words fell like chants into his ears, Jihoon was mesmerized by the image of you singing, his eyes wandering. A bitter memory relapsed into his mind, and a reminder that not everything was golden in your paradise. 
It was a cold January night, snow had finally ceased falling at one in the morning. The both of you were inside his studio just like normal; a habit the two of you took comfort in. He was holding your hand tight, keeping it warm with his hands in his pocket, as you scrolled on your phone.
For a while, it felt normal. The sounds of the clock ticking, the gentle thrumming of your heartbeat, the soft breaths you both shared. Yet, just like that, everything gradually became colder. It wasn’t the actual temperature, but your mood as he watched your expression turn from amused to a deadpan frown. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked, kissing your temple. For some reason, he had developed a rather intuitive connection with you over time, where he can easily sense your change of moods despite your lack of expression.
You sighed as you looked up, leaning against him. He wondered if you were pondering on telling him the truth, or just keep your thoughts hidden. Before he could actually express to you his own thoughts, you sighed and nestled yourself on his shoulder, closing your eyes. 
“Jihoon, is this all a mistake?” you asked, your voice small. 
He blinked, furrowing his brow at the complex question. “What do you mean?” 
“I’ve read a few things online.”
It was a simple thing to say, yet Jihoon immediately knew what you were talking about. With a sigh, he adjusted his position where he could wrap his arms around you tightly. 
“People always talk, Y/N. We can’t do anything about it but continue living our own lives and ignore them.”
“But what if they reveal our relationship as a scandal and you’re forced to leave Seventeen? They could do that so easily, you know!” You asked with a weak voice, clinging to him tightly. “I don’t want that to happen. I’ll never let that happen, Jihoon!” 
“Then we’ll announce before they do,” he easily replied, brushing his fingers through your hair. “Have you forgotten how strong the relationship between Carats and Seventeen is? Of course, some will react negatively, but I know that they would be accepting.” 
Once more, Jihoon heard you sigh. “Sometimes I feel like I’m just being selfish by being with you. A lot of people look up to you, Ji, and they all want a piece of your world. I don’t want to be possessive of you but sometimes I just question myself, like what if this is wrong? What if this was a mistake?” 
Gazing into your eyes, Jihoon felt all of your concerns. It was already given that dating an idol would be hard, and moments of weakness like these could make your anxieties grow into deeper, darker shadows. 
“It’s gonna be weird for me to say this but it’s ok to be selfish,” he told you, his words firm and certain. “Oh god, how do I say this…but look, Y/N, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be with me. We’re a couple, and that’s normal. There’s nothing wrong with being a couple.”
“But you’re an idol! If they knew, people would say a lot of bad things about you, and I don’t want that!”
“No matter how many times they say I’m an idol, I’m a human being, first and foremost, and just like everybody else, I have my own personal life which doesn’t revolve around my job. People will always say a lot of bad things about me no matter what I do, but what’s important to me is that I have you by my side, I have everyone by my side. So don’t ever think that this is wrong. You and I are never wrong. Who are they to judge what is wrong or right for me when they don’t know who I am?”
Jihoon realized that after his speech, you turned silent, and instead buried yourself deeper against his chest. 
“You’re important to me, Y/N. What other people say doesn’t matter to me anymore. As long as you’re here with me, I’m able to do anything.”
In a quiet voice, Jihoon caught your words. “Thank you for this, Ji…”
“But I stay when it's hard or it's wrong or we’re making mistakes…”
There was always a strange quality to time whenever he was with you. Sometimes time would slow down, sometimes it would pass by in just a blink of an eye. As he began to reminisce instead of actually listening, he realized just how much time had passed between the both of you.
“I want your midnights, but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day…”
On that certain night, when the both of you were wrapped between sheets, when the bright lights of Seoul reflected on the stark white ceiling, when you were tangled in each others arms, listening to your own fast paced heartbeats after a long night, he remembers you pulling him close, brushing stray locks from his face. 
“Jihoon...” you whispered under your breath, your fingers tracing circles on his cheekbones then down his jaw and to his lips. “You’re very handsome, did you know that?” 
He smirked at you, placing a chaste kiss on your lips. “What? You still haven’t gotten enough?”
In an instant your face heated up as you hit his toned chest playfully, making Jihoon laugh. “Ehh...! Don’t mention that now!” 
As his devious eyes turned soft, he smiled at you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “What is it then?”
You sighed, gazing at the ceiling. “I just thought that someday, I know, things wouldn’t be this way anymore.The spark wouldn’t be as strong as before, the butterflies will eventually disappear. Things would become mundane between us...” 
There was a melancholic tone in your words; a detail which hadn’t escape his attention. Yet Jihoon knew that what you were talking about was reality. As the both of you would eventually be consumed by work, by responsibilities, by day to day obligations, it wasn’t a far off thought that the way you felt for each other would turn dim. He knew that, and he feared it. 
“But, you know...” you continued, breaking him away from his own thoughts. “Even if that happens, I’m not scared. Even if love do fail us someday, I’m confident that we would still be together, that we can still fix it. Rather than lovers who’re friends, we’re friends who became lovers. Even if you and I will eventually drift off, we still have a strong friendship. And we can rebuild everything from there.” 
Jihoon oftentimes wondered how you’re able to get these epiphanies. Your mind was deep and thoughtful, and that was one of the things he loved about you. Conversations with you were never dull as you bounced off ideas at one another. You would always say well-said ideas, often describing how he feels better than he ever will. 
“I want to share exciting things with you, Jihoon. I want to be helplessly all over you. I want to feel aroused, flustered, or dying of laughter. But when things get boring or nothing is really happening, or when we have to face bills, chores, or responsibilities, I’ll stay with you.”
A hundredfold, you were better at making him feel loved. He admits that. 
“You know, sometimes, I wonder what I’ve done in my past life for you to choose me,” he replied, a wide grin plastered on his face. “You’re everything that I could ever ask for, Y/N. Even if you don’t have to, you still take care of me so much. I swear I’ll make you happy even if I have to walk through fire or sleep on nails.”
“I don’t think that’ll make me very happy,” you replied, grinning. “But...wanna know what else that could make me happy?” 
Jihoon arched an elegant brow at you, his lips curving into a smirk. Ah yes, he definitely knows. “I was absolutely right when I said you still haven’t had enough.” 
“Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you…”
Thinking of how much time has passed, how much the two of you had been through, almost left him in tears. The memories the both of you shared over the years was incredible that it was hard to let them go. 
As he watched you finally sing the last few seconds of the song, Jihoon was sure that this moment would become another beautiful memory he would reminisce about one day in the future. It filled his heart, thinking about a pleasant future with you. A long time ago he had sang a song—doubting what kind of future was in store for him, yet now he already knows that it was something bigger, more beautiful that he had ever expected.
“Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you…”
As the final chord resounded across the room, both your eyes met in soft glances. You smiled at him, the sweetest, most loving smile you could ever muster, and then finally sang:
“...And I will hold on to you.”
Allowing the note to dissipate and disappear, you then turned to Jihoon with a bashful smile on your lips. “Well? Did you like your surprise?” 
Already a blushing mess, Jihoon simply burst out giggling as you looked at him in confusion. 
“Ya! Why are you laughing?” you exclaimed as you sulked, pulling on the sleeve of his shirt. 
Still chuckling, he stood up, pulling you towards his arms as he captured you in a tight embrace. He felt at peace with you more than anywhere. 
As it was apparent to you that he was in a rather good mood, you made a bemused smile as you wrapped your arms around him, also laughing on your own. 
“What’s gotten into you now?” You asked as he pulled away, now able to gaze into your eyes. 
“Nothing. I just thought you’re absolutely cute,” he replied as he cupped your cheeks, squishing them much to your chagrin. 
“Seriously, Jihoon! Why’re you so happy?” 
“Am I not allowed to be happy now?” he replied, his eyes turning into crescents. 
You raised your brows at him with a grin. “You like my song, didn’t you?”
“And what if I did? It was a really nice song, you know.”
This time, it was your turn to burst out into giggles. It was hilarious how Jihoon was being so roundabout with admitting that he liked it; it was incredibly adorable. 
“You’re so cute, Hoonie~” 
It was no secret that he doesn’t appreciate being cooed at, as he made a small frown upon hearing your nickname for him.
“Now I don’t think I’m so happy anymore.”
“Oh c’mon!” You hit his chest lightly with a chuckle. “Tell me what you really think about it!”
His eyes filled to the brim with endearment for you, Jihoon stared into your eyes, trying to communicate how much he was so thankful that you entered his life. 
“I like it. I love it, Y/N,” he replied, caressing your cheek. “It made me remember everything we’ve been through, and how much we’ve grown together.”
“And we’ll continue to the next year and in the future. Thank you for giving me your midnights, Jihoon.”
“My midnights would always be yours, as you will always be my mornings,” he gave you another embrace, embedding the feel of your skin against his, the way your hair brushes through his hands, the sound of your voice and the your scent—he will burn them all into his head so he won’t ever forget how much he loves you. 
There were so many words that he could say so he could just express how he was thankful that you became a part of his life, yet none of them seemed fitting to say at that moment. Instead, as Jihoon finally decided upon, that it was best to leave them for future songs and say the words that he really wanted to say for such a long time now. 
“I love you.”
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cantquitu · 3 years
The Baaba Maal concert was Jan 20th. Heathrow was supposed to insinuate Harry going to LA to support Louis through the stunt… do y’all actually read the Larrie theories before debunking them?
I don’t think Syco was sending messages. And you know I don’t think that. You had to resort to a strawman fallacy to attempt to ridicule my argument. I don’t think Syco gave a damn WHAT the fans believed or that they had a coherent narrative in mind, they just wanted fans to focus on something that wasn’t one of the members of the most profitable act they’ve ever had fathering a child at the same exact time that they had the last few dollars to squeeze out of it, especially because the perception of that member as a father could potentially drive away hundreds of thousands of incredibly profitable fans (or are you gonna argue now that 2015 wasn’t the biggest year in terms of % for the Larrie fandom?)
Fine, convince yourself that Mark the sound guy had absolutely no idea he was encouraging fans to believe a whole ass child was fake. He never read one reply to his tweets, he never read one text message. No one in the crew realized it either.
Im not even saying that he should understand the entire lore of the Larrie cult. I’m just saying the very very bare bone basics. He didn’t realize it!! Poor Mark had no idea. He went through all the trouble of getting the bears a phone and a phone number but never even read ONE of the text messages fans sent. Poor innocent Mark.
I really hate that y’all are the face of “the antis” because y’all make us look like idiots who can’t actually explain how and why Larrie beliefs are ridiculous and we just ignore their points. You can’t even say “yeah, it’s possible that Syco (which was bound to have marketing department who looked into fan engagement) noticed that fans were theorizing about the bears and saw the imminent upset Louis’ baby announcement could cause in a crucial moment of the band and decided to encourage the tech guy that was behind it to continue and maybe hint harder”
Like? What is so strange about that? I don’t even think Syco told him what to do. Just to deflect from what was happening and engage fans so they don’t stop supporting the band, but he make the decisions, obviously. I don’t think anyone in their right mind believes there was a table of executives saying “ah, yes, now put a wedding dress on the big Bear! Genius genius!!” And of course most of the Larrie interpretation of the bears wasn’t hinting at anything. Mark probably knew fans would make the theories fit even if he didn’t plan anything to make them fit. I only think he tried to soothe the fanbase by sending positive messages when things got dicey for them (the baby being born, pictures of the baby…), hence “Larry ok”, “little book of calm”, “coping with diarrhea”, and the implication that Harry had gone to LA to see Louis. The Twitter seemed half nonsensical and half reactionary. The concert setups were obviously all nonsensical, which is why 6 years later Larries are trying to figure out what the hell the dude meant with nut tree.
Btw, we don’t know if the guy is gay. Kinda weird for you to make that assumption.
"I don’t know what motivated this man to do what he did. I have no clue. The only explanation I have is that it started in good innocent fun and when Syco saw the engagement it got from fans they decided to use it to their advantage, since they probably wanted to maximize profits and knew a good chunk of the fanbase would be turned off by the news of Louis becoming a father"
I only know what you think via what you tell me you think in your anonymous asks. I think your theory is ridiculous. I get that you're outraged by that and are incredulous that I don't agree with you; you don't have to keep coming back to tell me. Though the backtracking is kind of funny.
Meanwhile you keep attempting to put words in my mouth. I'm posting your ask so you can see what it looks like when you have a one-sided argument with yourself ("Are you gonna argue now that...?.", "Fine, go ahead and convince yourself that Mark...") while you work out and expand on your conspiracy theory.
As it somehow isn't blatantly obvious to you, I'll make it clear: I have zero intention of "explaining" or debunking Larries' delusional theories about teddy bears six years later. They do not warrant an explanation beyond what I've given (by "narrative" I was referring to your narrative) . I don't care if you - an angry, anonymous person on the internet- think I make "antis" look like idiots.
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fic-for-fic-sake · 6 years
New Years Eve, Loki x reader
A/N: Hey, this is just a little New Years oneshot I wrote. The reader gets an anxiety attack while at a club on New years Eve and Loki helps her out. Btw I don’t think Opium is an actual club in NYC, but it’s the name of a club I went to once in Barcelona, lmao. Hope you enjoy. 
Becoming an avenger was one of those things that you never thought was possible until it happened. You had been caught teleporting stolen items from a store to your home. The police brought you in and you were facing quite a few years in jail but you were saved by none other than Tony Stark. He found out you were only stealing so you could provide for your family and he asked you if you wanted to use your teleporting gifts for good. You accepted and moved into the avengers complex in upstate New York.
Ever since that day, a little over two years ago now, being an avenger was amazing. You got to help people and save the world and those things took you to incredible locations, but it also meant there wasn’t much downtime. However, this year everyone at the compound had decided to spend New Years Eve together. Even Thor and Loki who weren’t entirely sure why humans would celebrate the passage of time said they would join the festivities.
Everyone had been debating what to do and where to go for a few weeks now until one day Tony just decided to have everyone go to times square for the evening. This prompted a discussion you weren’t too pleased with.
“Wait, Tony, how are we possibly going to get down to times square?” Asked Steve as he made his way into the common area.
“Geez Cap I know you’re from the 40s but I thought surely you must’ve been in a car before.” Tony replied sarcastically as he sat down in an armchair.
“Har Har very funny.” Steve retorted rolling his eyes. “I just meant how would we be able to get down there just because it’s so packed on New Years Eve. The whole city is crawling with tourists.”
“He does have a point Tony.” Natasha chimed in as she sat down on the couch with Clint following close behind.
“I’ve got an idea!” Tony said as he clapped his hands together. “Why doesn’t Y/N just teleport everyone down?”
You nearly choked on your glass of water at the mention of your name, “I’m sorry what?” You said with a shocked expression glued to your face. They had to be joking, there’s no way they were serious about it.
“You can teleport us down two at a time that way we don’t need to bring a car and we can squeeze into the crowd.” Tony explained as he turned to fully face you.
“That is an excellent idea Stark!” Thor boomed as he walked into the room with a smile on his face. “I’m sure the Lady Y/N would be honored to do it.” He practically beamed at you.
You could feel yourself shrinking under the gaze of all of them. They were so expectant and so sure of you that you could do this. You could feel yourself beginning to panic when suddenly you felt a hand squeeze your own. You looked up to the owner said hand to find none other than Loki with a sympathetic expression on his face. He knew how much teleporting everyone there and back would take out of you and he could feel the panic escaping your body. He gave your hand a reassuring squeeze and you saw a small smile cross his lips.
You gave him a gentle nod before giving everyone else your answer. “Okay, I’ll do it.” You said as you put your hands in the air in mock defeat as everyone around you cheered. It wouldn’t be easy but you would try your hardest to get everyone there and back. After everything the avengers had done for you, this was the least you could do in return.
Everyone then broke off to get ready and you all planned to meet back in the common room at 9:45pm sharp. You were still feeling nervous about transporting everyone over so you decided to take a hot shower to soothe your tension. After your shower you stood in your room in your bathrobe avoiding getting ready as if that would avoid the inevitable. You were trying to take calming breaths when you heard a knock at the door. Sighing you reluctantly crossed the room and opened the door only to find Loki standing on the other side.
“Loki, what are you doing here?” You asked incredulously as you led him into your room. You watched as he leaned against one of your walls, his hands in his pockets. He wasn’t dressed yet but he looked amazing in his normal everyday clothes.
“I couldn’t help but notice how unenthused you were at Stark’s proposal this afternoon.” Loki responded matter of factly.
“Loki, I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’ll be fine, I’m fine.” You responded with as light of a tone as possible. You tried to brush him off, you didn’t want him to know how much you were freaking out.
“Y/N, you may have fooled everyone else but you can’t fool me. I’m the god of lies, remember?” He asked as he quirked his head to one side.
You sighed as you sat down on your bed in defeat. He was right. There was no use lying to him. “Fine, you win. I’m freaking out. Transporting is fine when it’s in short bursts but I don’t know if I’ll be able to take so many people. It really wears me out and it’s bringing out my anxiety which is heightened anyway with the prospect of spending New Years surrounded by so many people.” Finally saying it out loud did little to calm your nerves.
Wordlessly, Loki closed the distance between the two of you and sat on your bed across from you. He took your hands in his and lightly rubbed his thumb over your knuckles in a soothing gesture. “Y/N, look at me. It’ll be okay. I’m here okay. I can also transport people so you don’t have to do it alone. Stark was an idiot for asking this of you.” Loki said in a voice barely above a whisper. It shocked you how gentle he was being but you were grateful for it. You don’t think you could stand anyone yelling or mocking you today.
“Thank you Loki, that really helped me.” You said as you continued to hold his hands, not wanting to give up the contact just yet.
You could tell that he knew you weren’t as okay as you were letting on but you weren’t sure how much more you wanted to share with the god, there wasn’t much he could do the alleviate all of your anxieties.
After a little while longer, Loki stood up and left your room telling you he still had to get ready himself. But he said he would be back at 9:40, so the two of you could walk down to the common room together.
You stood up after Loki shut the door behind him and went to your closet, determined to find something to wear. After you leafed through what felt like every clothing item you owned you found what you were looking for. A black long sleeve sweater dress that came down to your knees and hugged your curves. It was comfortable enough but also stylish so you felt like you were actually trying. You decided to pair it with gold high heeled shoes and did your makeup in a similar golden shade.
Your hair was down in soft ringlets that framed your face. You smiled at yourself in the mirror, even if you felt like dying inside, you looked good on the outside. You were just putting in a pair of diamond stud earrings when you heard a soft knock at the door. You opened it to reveal Loki, dressed to the nines. You couldn’t help the small gasp that came out of your mouth at his appearance. He was wearing an all black suit that was perfectly tailored to his body. You could make out his lean muscles and the black made his pale skin seem even lighter. His midnight locks fell softly to his shoulder. He looked the part of a prince of asgard.
“Hi” you breathed as you continued to drink him in.
“Hi yourself.” He responded as he held out his hand for you which you took. He brought his lips down to your hand for a gentle kiss. “You look absolutely stunning Y/N” He replied as he offered his arm to you.
You could feel yourself blush a little under his gaze as you entwined your arm with his and began to walk to the stairs. As the two of you walked down towards the common room you felt your heart begin the beat faster and you were sure it wasn’t all based in your anxiety. When you finally made it to the common room everyone whooped and cheered at the sight of the two of you together. You could feel your blush darken.
“Okay, I think it’ll be easier for me if I just take everyone at the same time. That way we all stick together and I don’t have to make multiple trips.” You said matter of factly as you made your way to the center of the room. “Tony all I need from you is a location and I’m good to go.”
“Sure thing Y/N. We’re going to Opium in Manhattan.” Tony said as he finished his scotch.
“Opium it is. If everyone could just make a circle and all hold hands that would be great.” You said, your voice quavering ever so slightly. You knew you would be going to a club tonight but now that it was literal moments away, your previous anxieties came flooding back to you. Before you could think more on the matter Loki was at your side and took your hand in his. Feeling him there next to you was reassuring enough and gave you the strength you needed.
You successfully teleported everyone to the entrance of the club but lost your footing as soon as you touched solid ground. Before you could react Loki wrapped a hand around your waist in an attempt to stabilize you. You leaned into him, thankful for the support. His hand against your midsection sent goosebumps throughout your entire body. You were thankful for the long sleeves of your dress for hiding your excitement.
When you got into the club you made your way over to the bar where you ordered a double vodka soda. Trying by any means necessary to calm your nerves. After you downed that you grabbed another and made your way onto the dance floor to try and find the other Avengers. The condensation from your glass made your hands cold but it felt good to the stark contrast of the rest of your body which you were sure was overheating. You weren’t sure you would find the other members of the team but you saw Natasha’s red hair and you smiled, a literal beacon in the crowd.
You cautiously made your way over to them, careful not to spill your drink. You joined them on the dance floor and decided to just let loose and dance. You laughed as Thor tried his best to dance but it was like a bull in a china shop. There just wasn’t enough space for him. Natasha and Wanda grabbed you and spun you around which made the three of you burst into a fit of giggles. By this point you were slightly buzzed and just happy to be out with friends. But then you felt two arms wrap around your waist and you stood straight as a pole. You were about to bolt when you heard a soothing voice whisper in your ear.
“Shhh it’s alright love it’s just me.” Loki’s voice cut through the noise like a knife. You immediately relaxed in his arms and began to sway against him. Natasha and Wanda gave you a knowing glance but you rolled your eyes at them. After you finished your second drink you handed them your glass and they walked away, leaving you and Loki alone on the dance floor.
You took the opportunity to turn around in his arms so you two were face to face.
“Hi” You said as you looked up at him and smiled.
“Hi again” he replied.
“Thanks for your help today, it really meant a lot to me.” You said earnestly as you looked him in the eye.
“Your welcome. I couldn’t stand the idea of you being in any kind of pain so anything I could do to help I wanted to.” He replied with so much sincerity you thought you would cry. You couldn’t believe he was saying this to you.
Before either of you could say much else a faster song came on and all the other avengers came back over to dance together. You and Loki reluctantly broke apart but remained near each other. As you kept dancing you became aware that you were sobering up. With that came the realization of where you were again. You began to notice how little room you had, how hot your body was in your dress, how loud everything around you was. Your body noticed every time someone else brushed against it and slowly but surely it felt like all of the oxygen was being sucked out of the room and you were struggling to breathe.
You knew what was happening, you could feel you panic attack creep in. You knew there was little to nothing you could do to stop it once it happened and you really didn’t feel like crying in a dimly lit gross club bathroom with drunk people wandering in an out and people probably hooking up in the stalls. Before you could second guess yourself you teleported back to the base and into your bathroom. You turned on the faucet as you tried to splash your face with cold water in an attempt to calm down but it didn’t work. You felt your body begin to heave and shake as violent sobs ripped through you.
It had been too much, you had pushed yourself too far and now you were facing the consequences. Not being able to move much you sank down on your cold tiled bathroom floor and hugged your knees to your chest as you continued to sob. The sound echoing off the walls of the bathroom only made it worse. You sat there trying to rock yourself back and forth in a feeble attempt to self soothe. Nothing was working to calm yourself down, you tried counting backwards, breathing deeply, smacking a hair tie against your wrist but nothing worked. All you could do was sit there helplessly as the sound of your own cries reverberated around you.
You were still sobbing when you saw the bathroom door open. Through your watery vision you saw a figure move swiftly to your side. You said nothing as Loki lifted you effortlessly in his arms and walked you out of the bathroom and laid you down on your bed. He laid down next to you and you curled yourself into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and began to stroke your back in a soothing gesture.
“Shhhhh.” His whispered into your hair, “Y/N it’s okay. I’m right here. I’m here for you.” He said as he gently began to rock you back and forth. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him close. His voice wrapped around you like a blanket and you began to ease into his touch. His warm body felt good against your own. Your sobs began to lessen until you were all cried out. You two continued to lay there in the dark for what felt like forever. The only sounds were the tiny reassurances Loki would murmur into your hair between kisses and your ragged breath.
After a while you sat up and Loki followed, so that you were facing each other. You leaned forward and crawled into his lap as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug.
“What time is it?” You breathed into his ear.
You felt one of his arms leave your waist as he checked his watch, “It’s a little after midnight” He responded in an equally low voice.
You chuckled as you leaned back and pressed your forehead against his.
“Happy New Year Loki.” You smiled as you wrapped your hands around his neck once more.
“Happy New Year Darling.” Loki responded as he softly brushed your tear stained cheeks with his thumb. Then, ever so gently, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours in the sweetest kiss imaginable.
Your whole body warmed up seemingly from the inside. He tightened his hold around your waist as he deepened the kiss and you moaned into his mouth. For the first time it felt like it was truly a Happy New Year.
@lokixme @drakesfiance
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fanatical-san · 6 years
Hey, I love your blog! May I ask for a damijon story where they go on date?
Okay, so this is kind of a part two to this, as you may know. The date is also kind of…eh, so I’m sincerely hoping you don’t hate me for this. (Also, I may, um, have gone over 1K words. Sorry.)
Quick reminder: Damian is bold, and Jon is bold italics.
Damian is currently sitting on his bed, in his best suit,and trying to stay calm. He has been searching, for almost a week, for a Julietrose, but it’s all been in vain. And Jon specifically said that his favouriteflower was a Juliet rose. How is he meant to get Jon to like him if he can’tlive up to his standards?
Of course, it isn’ta date. Not that Damian would mind adate; Jon would just never accept. He had mocked him about it being a date, soDamian can’t really hope.
Yet if he can get Jon to like him, then a date could be possible. Just as he’s thinkingthis, a text pops up on Damian’s phone.
Text from J.K.:
Where r u
Damian reads the text twice. What?
I’m at home, ofcourse.
Where are you?
Waiting? 4 u to pick me up???
Did u forget?
Oh. Yes, Damian hasforgotten he’d said half seven and not half eight, even though he should’ve known because he planned it, but hecan’t tell him that because it’d be awful, and Jon would hate him, and thiswhole ordeal is just too much for him.
I can’t come
didn’t I tell u
I have
2 do
R u sure?
Damian has to fix this. It’s simple; he’ll find the flower,get Tim to confirm to Jon that he was busy, and then try again. He pulls hislaptop out of the drawer and opens it, determined to track down the Julietrose, when his phone buzzes again.
R u alright?
Damian doesn’t know what to say to that, so he doesn’t. Jonwill understand. He’s meant to be studying, after all.
Two hours later, he gets another text.
On the roof.
It’s a perfect imitation of the message he sent exactly a weekago, and Damian can’t help but to continue the joke.
My roof?!
Very funny
Plz hurry up tho cos it’s cold
Damian grabs a spare blanket and opens the window, lookingup. He offers the blanket to Jon, who’s perched above him.  Jon offers a hand in return, which Damianreluctantly accepts. Once they’re sitting beside each other, Jon frowns.(Although in that blanket, he still looks cu- no, he looks normal. He looks normal).
“You lied to me!” The statement is simple and straightforward,but Jon seems to be so hurt. Damian’snow sure that Jon’s never going to think of him in the same way Damian thinksof Jon, but he tries to cover up nonetheless.
“As I told you, I was studying. Why would you assume I liedto you?” Jon makes an exasperated noise.
“You’re wearing a suit,you dummy!” Just as Damian opens his mouth, Jon cuts him off. “I may be slightly younger than you, but I’m not dumb, Damian. You cancelled on me, anddon’t try to pretend, please.
“And don’t think that I’m okay with that, cos, well, itstings a little, but anyway: are you alright?”
Damian tilts his head slightly in confusion.
“Am I…? I’m fine. Did you come all the way here to ask aboutthat? Really? Why wouldn’t I be fine?”Jon rolls his eyes and starts counting points off on his fingers.
“You cancelled on me, then you started texting all weird –well, normal, but that’s weird foryou – and then you didn’t reply to me asking if you were alright, so something must be wrong. I think.” Damian is…well,he’s not speechless, because thatwould be absurd, but still. He just stares.
Jon shifts about a little in his blanket, looking back. Thepair are silent for a moment, before Jon coughs.
“Um, so,” he begins, still watching Damian, “are we still goingto do that date, or…?” Damian tuts.
“I’ve told you, it’s nota date. Stop making fun of me!” Jon’s eyebrows do that confused wigglything that Damian thinks looks adorable (or you know, just normal, because Damiancan filter his thoughts perfectly well).
“I’m not making fun of you,” Jon says softly. “I justthought that you, maybe, I dunno, liked me? Don’t laugh at me, please, I know, it’sstupid, and this is going to be really awkward now, and-”
Damian really can’t help it. He knows he’s being a littletoo forward, but Jon has seriously got to stoptalking.
He’s glad to find that hugging him seems to work. He should doit a little more often.
“Um, Damian?” Jon squeaks, and both of them try to move atthe same time. As a result, they both go tumbling off the roof, and now Damian’sreally glad he hugged Jon, because ifhe wasn’t clinging on to him for dear life right now, he could be in a lot ofpain.
Jon flies them inside the open window, and they touch down onthe ground.
“This can be a date,” Damian mumbles.
“What?” Jon asks incredulously.
“This,” Damian repeats, gesturing about him, “can be date. Youknow, if you really insist on-”
And this time, it’s Jon who’s crushing him in a bear hug.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,”he babbles, and Damian smiles a little.
Their positions are reversed. It is now currently Jon who isholding on to Damian for dear life. To be honest, he doesn’t really mind. The moviethey’re watching isn’t the scariest in the least, but Jon seems to be terrified.As a wholly predictable jump scare happens, Jon buries his face into Damian’sshoulder.
“No more,” he whines, and Damian scoffs.
“You’re not a toddler anymore, Jon,” Damian chides him.
“Please, Dami?” Jon whispers, and Damian grumbles, but turnsthe movie off anyway.
“So…what do we do now? I’m sure this isn’t how a date ismeant to be.” Jon grins.
“A date can be whatever we want it to be, and can includewhatever we want it to,” he says, “like…a pillow fight!”
Damian can accept that Jon puts an admirable effort intoambushing him, but he’s no match for Damian, especially in his home territory.A few minutes later, Jon is lying on the bed, exhausted.
“Okay, okay,” he gasps, “enough! I surrender.” Damiansnorts.
“Of course yousurrender. I’m obviously superior at this.”
“No you’re not.”
“Yes, I am.”
Damian ignores that remark, and settles in next to Jon.After a minute or two, he says, quietly: “You should be heading home.” Jongroans. “Your parents might try to check up on you…”
“Fine, fine,” he relents, and leans over to quickly peck Damianon the cheek. Damian, who is definitely not expecting that, jumps and falls off the bed, causing Jon to giggle absolutelyuncontrollably.
That’s how the first date ends.
don’t hate me
but why did u cancel b4
Damian feels that, at this point, telling the truth is probablyeasier than fabricating a lie.
and don’t lie
Seems that Jon agrees too.
I couldn’t find yourfavourite flower, and I didn’t want to be a failure.
So you panicked?
Dw about it next time
And btw
My boyfriend is not a failure
He’s awesome
Damian’s aware that this type of sweet talk is a thingbetween couples, but Jon obviously thinks he can outsmart Damian at this.
Well, two can play that game.
Maybe, but myboyfriend’s better.
Again, a lot of liberty taken. I hope it’s been enjoyable, though :D Thanks for the kind words about my blog, btw, and right back at you
(Also, your icon is iconic)
((see what I did there? Never mind, I’ll shut up.))
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luxuriant-starlight · 7 years
I Won’t Say I’m In Love Ch. 3
Wow! This is a long time coming!
First of all, I’d like to apologize for the big wait! I’ve had a very emotional past 4 months. I won’t get into the details, but the point is I’ve just graduated from high school and had some problems in my personal life and things have just been...a lot more hectic than I’ve imagined they’d be at this point.
Thank you all so much for being so patient with me! This fic is literally my blood, sweat, and tears and I’ve been working on this chapter on and off for a while now! I have lots of ideas for this story and I know it’s definitely going to go places. 
Without further ado, here’s chapter three! I really hope you enjoy it! Don’t forget to like or reblog (and definitely comment if you want I do love comments)! And you can also subscribe to this fic on ao3! Enjoy!!
Btw: This whole fic is based on a lovely animatic by the wonderful and talented @pepper-bottom​, who y’all should most definitely check out!!
Words in this chapter: 2.4k. feels like it should be more but whatever
[AO3] // [FFN]
Chapter 3 - Sunshine and His Princess Have a Little Chat
 After Ladybug turned him down, Adrien was basically a fucking mess. He hadn’t been this sad in so long. Not since…
 Well. You know.
 The point is, Adrien was miserable. He could barely eat- no matter how much Plagg tried to coax him with that smelly Camembert he likes so much. He wasn’t able to do much else but fake smile at the two photoshoots he had scheduled that weekend He couldn’t sleep much either. The night after it happened, Adrien just stared at the ceiling (once he stopped sobbing), replaying the night over and over again in his head.
 ‘Chat...I...I’m sorry.’
 ‘But my heart-’
 ‘Belongs to someone else.’
 Someone else.
 He’d wondered who that ‘someone else’ was. Who had stolen his Lady’s heart? Who was more dedicated to her than Chat Noir? Who else has thrown themselves into danger once or twice a week to protect her? Who thinks about her, talks about her, dreams about her as much as Adrien?
 He was sure not even Alya was as dedicated of a fan as he was.
 But more importantly...why hadn’t she’d mention this boyfriend before? He understood that she didn’t wanna reveal too much about each other, but shouldn’t something like a boyfriend be something you tell your best friend about? Especially when that best friend has done nothing but outwardly flirt with you for the past three years straight?
 “Well, maybe she doesn’t have a boyfriend.” Plagg suggested that Saturday night, while he lay in his usual comfy spot on Adrien’s sofa.
 “What?” Adrien asked, incredulously.
 “Maybe she doesn’t have a boyfriend.” He repeated, nibbling on his cheese and crackers lazily.
 “Are you saying she was lying about it? I don’t think she’d give an excuse like that.”
 “Not lying, kid.”
 “Then what do you mean?”
 “Well, maybe it’s not a boyfriend. Maybe there’s just some guy that she likes.”
 “A crush?”
 “Whatever you humans call it. The point is that she never actually straight up said that she has a boyfriend. Just that-” Plagg flew up, batting his eyelashes and dramatically swooning. “Her heart belongs to another!”
 Adrien narrowed his eyes.
 “Whatever. You get it.” Plagg insisted.
 Adrien thought for a second.
 I guess...she never really did say she had a boyfriend.
 It made him feel a little better to entertain that idea.
 A little, at least.
 Enough for him to get at least a couple of hours of sleep that night.
 Adrien hadn’t really expected to have an eventful week. He just really wanted to go to school and see Nino and Marinette and Alya and all of his friends and just...try to get his mind off of his heartbreak. He’d figured school would be uneventful- just like he’d needed it to be.
 And, for the record, that Monday morning was rather uneventful.
 For a moment anyways.
 He’d obviously had very little sleep. His friends knew it. His teachers knew it. Nathalie knew it. The Gorilla knew it.
 They’d all pestered him to find out what was wrong. Why he looked so dead.
 Especially at school. Nino had been trying to get Adrien to explain himself all morning. And he’d felt bad, obviously. But what was Adrien supposed to do? Tell him everything?
 ‘Yeah, Nino, I’m fine. I’m just dealing with unimaginable heartbreak because I finally, after three years of trying, confessed to the love of my life- I’m sure you know her. Ladybug? Heroine of Paris. Yeah, her- And she rejected me, even though- by the way- I’m secretly Chat Noir and I know that we’re meant to be together.’
 Yeah. He couldn’t do that. No matter how much he wanted to.
 So he just assured Nino that he was fine, just like he had done for everyone that morning. And things were normal.
 That was, until Marinette walked in.
 Adrien wouldn’t admit it out loud- because he doesn’t want to embarrass himself in front of her, obviously- but he’s had the biggest platonic crush on Marinette since the day they met.
 He didn’t like her like her like Nino insists on insisting, but he definitely did admire her.
 And why wouldn’t he, you know?
 She was just so amazing! Friendly and caring and smart. Determined. Passionate. She always stands up for what’s right. Never lets anyone get away with acts of injustice. Not to mention funny and beautiful and pretty much the most popular girl in school.
 And she wasn’t popular because she was vain or rich or attractive or anything like TV would have you believe popular girls need to be.
 She was popular because she was genuinely loveable. Everyone loved her. She was everyone’s friend. She had an amazing family who made amazing baked goods and had a great talent for designing and leading and working well under pressure and was just so...optimistic. Adrien envied it, but couldn’t find it in himself to ever be bitter around her. She was just a walking ray of sunshine.
 So you can imagine why he was so, so awkward around her.
 Or at least, he was, until recently- when he had finally, finally become her friend. Finally gotten her to open up. Finally got to make her smile and laugh… that beautiful laugh.
 But then-
 ‘I love you, Adrien.’
 But then he fucked it all up.
 This wonderful girl spilled her heart out to him, confessed to loving him in a way that he was too much of an idiot to notice and he made her basically run away crying.
 He rejected her.
 He rejected her. He broke her heart. He destroyed his relationship with one of his absolute best friends. All because he had been too caught up in Ladybug to see what was right in front of- err, behind- him all along.
 Adrien desperately wanted to know how Marinette was feeling- how he could possibly help make it better.
 But she wouldn’t even speak to him anymore, so how was he supposed to-
 Now she won’t speak to Adrien.
 Not to Adrien.
 But maybe to Chat Noir.
 He’d have to pay a certain princess a visit.
 That night, as soon as he’d eaten dinner and finished his homework (like a GOOD boy), Adrien transformed almost immediately and jumped out his bedroom window.
 Chat Noir leapt and ran from rooftop to rooftop, on the prowl for one in particular-
 The Dupain-Chengs’ Bakery.
 He landed on the balcony of the attic bedroom silently, behind where Marinette was standing by the railing, facing away from him, drinking what smelled like tea, with a soft thump. She was staring down at the street below her. Soft, early 2000s breakup pop music was playing from her speakers.
 Is that Kelly Clarkson? He tilted his head, humming. It’s been a long time since I’ve jammed to Since U Been Gone. Why have I forgotten how good that song is? Maybe it’s be-
 Focus, idiot.
 Right. Right.
 Chat sucked in a sharp breath and swallowed down the butterflies in his stomach before tapping lightly on the glass of her French door with his knuckles, as he walked towards her.
 Marinette whipped her head around, moving her loose black hair out from in front of her eyes.
 Chat let out a small gasp. She looked awful.
 Well, not awful. She was of course still very beautiful, he didn’t mean it like that, but-
 Well. You get the idea. She looked beautiful….but like a beautiful mess. Her hair was messy and all over the place. She had bags under her eyes, as if she couldn’t sleep. Her mascara had run down her cheeks a bit, as if she’d been crying quite a bit.
 She looked miserable.
 Chat Noir’s heart felt cold in his chest.
 The girl before him rubbed her eyes and looked at him.
 “What do you want, Chat?” Marinette deadpanned. “I’m sort of really not in the mood for your flirting tonight.”
 “Mm, so you’re in the mood for my flirting other nights, then, Princess?” He winked, flashing her his trademark Chat Noir grin.
 She narrowed her eyes. Why am I being such an idiot???? Focus!!
 Chat cleared his throat. “Actually… I sort of saw you from across the street looking pretty sad. And you’re my friend and I care about you- obviously. So, I came to check up on you.”
 “Oh.” She sighed, sniffing.
 Chat watched as she walked into her room and plopped down onto her chaise, before looking back up at him and speaking, her voice breaking painfully. “Figures you’d see. That’s just my luck lately.”
  Marinette laughed bitterly as Chat grabbed a tissue from her desk and plopped down right next to her, offering it up.
 In all the years he’d known Marinette- both in and out of the suit, he’d never seen her quite like this. He’d stop by as Chat Noir all the time and check up on her- but she was never this sad. Like, sure, sometimes he’d find her upset or frustrated. Marinette wasn’t necessarily famous for her immense patience.
 But he’d never seen her look so…. broken.
 “Mari, what happened?” He asked, as she took the tissue and used it to wipe away her dried tears and runny mascara.
 “It’s nothing, Chat.” She replied, her voice softer now. “I just wanna be alone right now.”
You did this to her. A voice inside reminded him. You’re the reason she’s crying like this.
 Shut up and let me handle it. He urged the voice, silencing it.
 “It’s not nothing.” He insisted, wrapping an arm around her.
 “Go away, Chat Noir.” Marinette looked down and away, as if to hide her tears.
 He lifted her chin up. He didn’t want her to hide. He wanted her to open up. Why couldn’t she just trust Chat and talk about it?
 “Please, Mari.” He begged. “Just tell me who hurt you. I just wanna help you feel better. I care about you.”
 Marinette looked up at him, sniffling. She pointed her chin to a picture of her and Adrien on the wall. He recognized it as one they took at Alix’s 17th birthday party. Alix had gotten a “photo booth” where everyone was encouraged to take silly pictures. They had taken at least a dozen together.
 “Adrien?” He asked, his heart sinking. He knew he was the reason why she was upset, but the confirmation definitely hurt. “What happened?”
 Marinette sighed and leaned into him. “I’ve never told you...or really, anyone besides Alya this but....I’m in love with him.”
 Chat breathed shakily, looking down at her.
 “I’ve been in love with him for years,” she continued. “And I finally worked up the nerve to tell him. I’ve wanted him to know for so, so long. And- and I’m glad I finally did, don’t get me wrong, but-”
 “But he doesn’t feel the same?” Chat asked, rubbing her back in encouragement.
 Marinette buried her face in his chest and nodded.
 Chat Noir sighed. “I’m sorry, Marinette. It happens. I…” He swallowed, thickly, remembering Ladybug. “I can tell you that I definitely know how you feel.”
 She seemed to tense up, he’d noticed. As if she was uncomfortable.
 “Ladybug?” She’d asked, before he could wonder about why she reacted like that.
 “Yeah. I told her, recently. I told her I loved her. But she… she’s in love with someone else.” He recounted, bitterly.
 “I’m sorry, Chat.” Marinette looked up at him, putting a hand on his cheek comfortingly. “You deserve better.”
 He smiled. “I appreciate it. But I don’t think there’s any girl out there that could make me feel quite like My Lady does.”
 Marinette hummed, biting her lip and looking down, thoughtfully. Cute.
 His heart fluttered, for some reason. What is that about? Of course she’s cute but…
 “You deserve better, too.” He added, quickly. “Better than Adrien, I mean.”
 She smiled at him, sniffling again, and wiping at her teary eyes. “Thanks, Kitty. But like you said- there’s no boy out there who could make me feel quite like Adrien does.”
 Chat sighed, nodding thoughtfully.
 “Well, at least you have me to keep you company.” He grinned that trademark toothy grin of his. “I’ve been told I’m quite good company, after all.”
 He winked. What the fuck is wrong with you, oh my God.
 Marinette turned pink. She’s blushing? That’s new… and kinda cute.
 “I can’t say I disagree.” She smiled, blinking those long, beautiful eyelashes up at him.
 He felt his face heat up, realizing that she was quite close to him. Her face… her lips only inches away. If he’d just- Ok, no- Abort, abort, aboRT.
 “You- I-” Before Chat could say anything, he was cut off by the beeping of his miraculous.
 Marinette blinked, and pulled away, smiling a bit. “I guess you gotta go now.”
 “Yeah, I guess I do.”
 There was a pregnant pause for a second. Chat’s face would just NOT cool down. Was it hot in here?
 “Well, then.” Marinette broke the silence, sighing contently and standing up. “I guess I’ll see you around?”
 “Yeah.” He stood up, grinning down at her. “I guess I’ll...CAT-ch you later, princess.”
 Marinette smiled and melted his heart again. “I sure hope so, Kitty-Cat.”
 His face was on fire, now. “Yeah. Yeah- you- you will. You sure will. I’ll- I’ll be back, for sure. For sure….cool cool cool.”
 Marinette giggled, somewhat nervously, face pink. “B-bye.”
 He laughed nervously, swallowing down those butterflies again. “B-bye, Princess.”
 Chat Noir turned to leave but before he could leap off the balcony, Marinette grabbed his wrist. “Chat, wait.”
 “Princess?” He asked, confused.
 She leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
 “Thanks again, for going out of your way to cheer me up.”
 Chat_Noir.exe has stopped working.
 “Oh- uh, yeah- yeah. Anyt-anytime, princess. I-” His face heated up, furiously. “I gotta go-go now. This was great. It was uh...bingo bongo. Uh- I mean. I gotta leave. Bye.”
 Marinette laughed hard as he leapt off her balcony, calling out a goodbye behind him.
 When Chat Noir finally got home, he detransformed almost immediately.
 What is wrong with me? Bingo Bongo? Where did I even GET that from?
 The now mask-free Adrien Agreste plopped down on his bed, screaming into his pillow.
 “What was that?” Plagg asked, amused.
 “A scream.” He replied, muffled by his pillow.
 “No, I mean- the thing with your Princess. I thought you were gaga in love with your Lady?” Plagg teased, laughing as he bit into a slice of Camembert that was waiting for him on Adrien’s nightstand.
 “I....I’m in so much trouble, Plagg.”
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Take a Chance (Part 6)
pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers characters: Reader, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Your mother, Your sister, Victoria OC, Steve Rogers, Steve’s Parents, Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes (Mention) word count: 2,450+ warnings: cussing, hilarious antics, fighting, a/n: longest chapter written so far! btw do you guys want translation at the end or at the beginning? i’m just wondering what would be easier for readers. summary: AU! After a one night stand at a friend’s wedding, you gain something that could possibly change your life and views on life for the better or worse.
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You’re really starting to regret inviting Steve over. Your mother and sister are going overboard with the food preparations and Natasha isn’t helping calm them down. In fact, Natasha keeps suggesting different dishes they could add on to the already massive menu.
You groan, feeling yourself become nauseous at the mention of a casserole.
“Want me to get water for you?” Wanda offers after noticing your discomfort while she changed the flowers in the vase by the door.
While Natasha is helping your mother and sister in the kitchen, Wanda is helping spruce up the place by moving a flower vase here, putting a picture frame over there, and occasionally checking up on you.
She comes back with a glass of water and hands it to you, not leaving your side until you’ve taken a sip.
By the time you finish your glass, she reappears by your side again and takes it from you before you could place the cup on the coffee table. “Don’t want you leaving cups everywhere.”
“I do not leave cups lying around!” you say defensively, trying to forget that you and Wanda found three cups in your room while you were cleaning.
She only rolls her eyes in response, taking the cup into the kitchen.
God, everyone’s acting like they’re about to meet some type of celebrity. It’s only the father of your unborn child, not the pope.
When the doorbell rings, you stand up, yelling you’d get it. You didn’t want to scare off Steve with their enthusiasm. It’s already enough that they made a buffet instead of a simple dinner.
Opening the door, you smile, ready to greet Steve only to have your smile wiped away. Behind the blonde are Sarah and Joseph, the former smiling and the latter scowling. Your eyes widen as they lock on Steve, his face apologetic and sheepish.
“Oh, honey, it’s so good to see you again. I’m sorry we showed up uninvited but when Steve told us he was coming to visit you, I couldn’t help but want to tag along.”
“Don’t worry! It’s fine! The more the merrier,” you say, plastering on a fake smile and stepping to the side, allowing them to enter. “Come in! Come in! It’s good to see you both.”
Sarah enters after Steve, hugging you and pressing a kiss to your cheek before commenting how lovely your home is. Joseph enters last, still scowling but at least attempting to greet you, unlike the last time. Your face drops as you close the door behind them, you take in a deep breath to regain the energy to fake a smile once more before turning to face them.
Your mother comes shuffling in, followed by your sister and your two friends, all of them pausing for a moment when they notice you and Steve aren’t alone.
“Y ellos quienes son?” your sister asks in place of your mother, whose eyes keep shifting between the newcomers, her eyes brightening ever so slightly when she notices awkward Steve standing next to you. “No nos vas a presentar?”
“Guys, this is Steve and his parents, Sarah and Joseph. Steve, Sarah, Joseph, this is my family.” You introduce your mother first and then your sister, and lastly your two friends. Your sister then calls in Victoria, who was in her room, and you introduce her to the family of three.
“It’s a good thing we made a lot of food then,” your mother says, eyeing you a moment before smiling.
“I’m terribly sorry about the intrusion,” Sarah apologizes. “I just couldn’t wait to see (Y/N) again.”
“Then you already know–”
“Why,” you interrupt your mother loudly, “don’t we start eating? I’m sure you’re all hungry, especially Steve,” you grab his arm, pulling him to your side. “I had told him not to eat anything before dinner. Didn’t want him to spoil his appetite.”
“You did?” You squeeze his arm tightly. “Oh!” he gasps, finally catching on to what you’re trying to do, and going along with it, “right, uh, yes, I’m completely famished.”
“Then let’s eat. I hope you don’t mind shrimp as the main focus of the dishes. (Y/N) has been on this craving streak for the past month and--” your mother guides his parents into the dining room. Your sister and Victoria follow after them, the former sparing you a glance that implies you will have to explain your little outburst earlier.
Wanda and Natasha wait until they’re gone for them to rush you and Steve.
“You haven’t told them, yet?” Wanda practically shrieks, trying to keep her voice at a minimum, her voice laced with incredulity. “Nice to see you again, by the way.”
“Yeah, sorry about the circumstances,” Steve says, smiling sheepishly.
Natasha rolls her eyes, “This isn’t the time for pleasantries! Why haven’t you told them yet?”
“We didn’t think we would have to!” Steve whispers harshly, almost offended. You would’ve snickered if you weren’t also under her scrutinizing glare.
“You’re pregnant,” she points at you, then to him, making him flinch “And you’re the father. How could you not think you would have to?”
“More importantly, how could you have not told me they were coming over with you?” you slap Steve’s arm, hoping to push the pressure onto just him.
“I did, I texted you!”
“If you would have–” you pat your pockets for your phone, shoving your hands inside when you don’t feel a bulge, “I don’t have my phone.”
“Are you going to join us?” Your sister pops her head into the living room, watching the four of your carefully. “I thought Steve was hungry?”
“Yeah, yeah, we’re going,” you tell her, leading your group into the dining room, but not before whispering to Steve, “we’ll talk about this later.”
If you weren’t nervous about this dinner earlier, you are now.
Dinner isn’t as awkward as it was when it was just you, Steve, and his parents. Your family readily covers any awkward silence with random comments and dialogue that makes you feel relaxed. Your niece even manages to crack a smile from grouchy Joseph.
“So Steve, how did the two of you meet? My daughter gave us some idea but she didn’t really tell us the whole story.” Your mother is staring at Steve, and no matter how much you try to get her attention, she won’t even acknowledge you.
“Well,” Steve gazes at you before meeting your mother’s eyes, “we actually met at Sam’s and Amora’s engagement party, but she doesn’t remember.”
Your mother turns to you with narrowed eyes, and you know what she’s thinking: liar! You groan, wanting to stuff your face into a pillow and smother yourself.
“Really?” Sarah laughs in amusement.
“We made a promise to Vicky that we’d be at her dance recital, which unfortunately fell on the same day as Amora’s and Sam’s engagement. So we told Amora we’d be staying for at least an hour before needing to leave and make it in time to see Vicky perform.”
“I remember that,” your sister claps her hands together once, “you three stuck out like a sore thumb all dressed up.”
“That was a great day! I didn’t miss a step!” Vicky grins. She had been so proud of herself for remembering all of her dance steps.
“You were amazing, Vicky,” Wanda compliments her, making your niece shimmy in her seat proudly. “Once we told Amora, she had us meeting all these different people in such a short amount of time and we were so overwhelmed.”
“We kept getting faces and names confused, and annoying Amora,” Natasha chuckles.
“So for me, I met Steve at the actual wedding, while for him, he met me at the engagement party.”
“That night must’ve been awkward for you both then," your sister grins mischievously, hinting at what happened after the reception. You know what? You weren’t going to use the pillow to smother yourself, you were going to use it to smother her.
Luckily, it flies over Steve’s head before he could catch what she meant. “Oh, it was. Bucky had gone up to them and mentioned the engagement party and they just stared blankly at him.” Everyone laughs at this except you. It’s really not that funny, you don’t understand how they could even find it remotely funny. Oh god, your nerves really aren’t letting you enjoy dinner.
That continues on for a while until your mother asks if they enjoyed dinner.
“Dinner was lovely,” Sarah tells your mother, making a show of being full.
“We’re glad you liked it.”
“Liked it? I absolutely loved it. I felt like I was eating for two! Couldn’t get enough. I hope you don’t mind sharing recipes later.”
“Of course! You could even take some leftovers home if you’d like. I don’t think we’ll be able to finish all of this by ourselves.”
Victoria giggles, finding what Sarah said amusing.
“What’s so funny, Vicky?” Your sister asks, automatically smiling when she hears Victoria’s giggles. You smile too, along with everyone at the table. It’s hard not to smile when you hear her adorable giggles, it’s contagious.
“That Mrs. Rogers said she was eating for two,” your face immediately falls, and before anyone can stop her, Vicky betrays you once more, “when it’s Auntie (Y/N) that’s eating for two!” You’re really going to have to find a new favorite niece. Too bad you only have one.
“You’re pregnant?” Sarah sounds surprised, looking between you and Steve. Joseph, on the other hand, looks smug, as if he were happy about it. 
Strange, you’d think he’d be absolutely livid once–
“So that means you two aren’t together?” Ah, okay. Now you understand why Joseph looks so smug instead of pissed. He probably thinks you’re having someone else’s child and Steve is just a friend, who is now ‘free’ to get together with this Sharon girl that he had asked about the first time you met in place of greeting you. Well, isn’t someone in for a shocker.
“Actually,” Steve starts, placing a hand on top of yours. It surprises you, so much that you almost jerk your hand away, but you manage to stay still, meeting his kind gaze. “She is and we’re going to be parents.” 
For some reason, his words send warmth spreading through your chest. You don’t understand why, but you mouth a ‘thank you’ and he squeezes your hand in return, giving you a small smile. 
“Oh my god,” Sarah’s eyes widen before she stands up, rounding the table to pick you up from your seat and hug you. For such a tiny woman, she sure is strong! “This is amazing news! I’m so happy for you both!”
“Thank you?” Obviously, you’re taken aback by her congratulations, and you’re probably not the only one. This woman hardly knows you and she seems to be in love with you. Not that it’s a bad thing, but still has you wondering.
“This is an outrage!” Okay, see, that was the reaction you were looking for! Finally, someone gets it right! God! Never mind that his outburst scared the crap out of you.
“Joe,” Sarah warns him gently, keeping her arms wrapped around you.
He sneers. “You can’t possibly be happy about this, Sarah. He’s going to be a father! A father to this… this…” Oh no, this is going to end badly. Very badly.
“Excuse me?” your voice comes out lower than you expected. He can say anything he wants to say about you, but you will not tolerate insults against the growing baby inside of you. Wait, is this your maternal instinct kicking in? Nah.
Your sister quickly pulls Vicky away when the air gets tense, now that’s maternal instinct. She sends you a worried look and you wave it off gently, telling her to go. She nods and disappears into the hallway with Vicky.
“This what, Mr. Rogers? What is my daughter? My unborn grandchild, hm?” Your mom kicks ass thanks to her maternal instinct. You can feel the edge in your mother’s tone and can practically feel the heat radiating off of her, or maybe from Sarah? 
“Yes, Joe, what are they?” Seriously? What have you done to warrant this woman’s love and protection? “Finish it, I dare you.” So does, Sarah! Go, Sarah!
“I hope you are not,” Steve practically growls out, “disrespecting the mother of my child and my unborn child.” Goddamn, if that isn’t hot, you don’t know what is!
Realizing his mistake, he changes the direction of the conversation, “You have Sharon, son!”
There’s that name again. Who is she and why is–a flashback from the wedding comes to mind, Steve is sitting and refusing to dance, hypnotized by his phone and looking at a picture of a beautiful blonde. Your eyes flicker to Steve, engraving the expression on his face as that name is brought up. It’s twisted and his eyebrows are furrowed. Could she have been Sharon?
Sarah finally lets you go to look at her husband, “Joe–”
“Sharon and I are over, dad. You know what she did, you know that she ended it.”
His father’s face brightens, and not in embarrassment. “If you had only paid more attention–”
“That is enough, Mr. Rogers!” Your mother interrupts the man, glaring at him. “I don’t know what happened between Steve and this Sharon woman, but he is with my daughter! And they are going to have a child together whether you like it or not!”
“We’re not actually together,” you interject softly, but it goes unheard by the parents in the room, Steve and your two friends being the only ones that hear you.
Steve takes your hand in his once more, not looking down at you as he does. It’s the second time he’s held your hand this night and it’s somehow comforting.
“You are under my daughters’ roof and you will respect that! And I don’t care if you’re some hot shot, Mr, Rogers, you will not disrespect my daughter or my unborn grandchild here or anywhere else for that matter!”
Steve’s father deflates, grabbing the lapels of his jacket to straighten himself out. He clears his throat, “You’re right, I apologize. That was rude of me, incredibly rude.” Yeah, sure, he’s sorry. Tell that to my hammering heart, you think bitterly. “But I will not accept this.”
Groans echo in the room, and you can tell it’s from your best friends who were dying to jump into the fray and protect your “honor”.
“Not unless they get married.”
At the word, you twist your hand out of Steve’s hold, your eyes widening as Steve stiffens. “What?”
“If that child is going to be born into this world, then the child’s parents should be living together and married. That is the only way I’ll accept this.”
“That is their decision, Joe! You can’t give them an ultimatum!”
“I can, and I am. It’s marriage or nothing.”
Marriage. There’s that blasted word again!
Wait. Is your vision starting to blur? Fucking brain! Get your shit together! It’s not the time to faint! It’s time to stand your ground!
“And what if we choose not to get married?” you challenge, the idea of marriage placing a heavy burden on you. You don’t want this. You don’t want to get married. There’s no need for marriage, especially not for this kind of situation! Marriage will only end in disaster and you do not want to put your baby through that.
“Then I will no longer be investing in Avengers Tech’s upcoming projects and you know what will happen if I pull out, right, son? Howard won’t be happy if I do.” His blue eyes move from Steve to you, narrowing them, “and this applies to you, too.”
“Wait, what?” How in the world will he no longer invest in you? You don’t have a company! The blog, maybe, but you don’t have anything he could possibly be interested in! So what in the world could he be talking about?
You hear Natasha gasp in the background before cursing, apparently understanding exactly what he meant. “He’s Joseph Rogers, (Y/N)!” Yes, thank you, Captain Obvious. You knew that already. “Joseph Rogers of Freedom Media!”
Oh! Oh. Shit! That’s why he first seemed familiar! Fuck.
This is an appropriate time to faint, right? Yeah. Yeah, it is.
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“Quienes son?” = “Who are they?”
“No nos vas a presentar?” “Will you not introduce us?” “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”
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