#btw this is about transmasc nonbinary people too
pokemon-radical-red · 2 months
“Guys, come on, it’s not blatant radfem rhetoric. See! They didn’t say that they hate trans women. They said they hate trans men! So like it’s basically awesome now, because so many people don’t see you as actually transphobic if you take it out on any trans people who aren’t trans women!”
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luckcycles · 1 year
I love when trans men insist transmisandry exists because they're oppressed for being (trans) men but also hide behind being afab when accused of misogyny because they have a vagina so they're basically a woman
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boy-gender · 6 months
We need to make a tag for trans people to speak amongst our own community, bc right now the trans tags fucking suck. Theyre too full of pornbots advertising (stolen) images of women with links that will infect your computer with viruses you cant even dream of. I'm not talking about the users who just happen to post hole btw, I mean the flood of unmanned bots.
And they all crosstag shit that has nothing to do with being trans. No matter what tag you go in- trans pride, trans positivity, ftm, mtf, transmasc, transfem, nonbinary- it's all flooded with spam.
I think I'm gonna start using a new tag, and I hope y'all will join me so it makes it easier for us to all find each other and read real input from living people, not just bots.
Maybe #transblr? The tag doesn't seem to be commonly in use, with the latest post being several months old at this point. It's also broad enough to encompass any trans, nonbinary, or gnc folk who might want to use it. And, best of all, I don't see any spam bots.
Come join me in making #transblr the new community hub! I'll be appending it to all my old posts, and also using it on all trans-related posts from now on.
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velvetvexations · 2 months
Oh btw about predatorjacketing and kinkshaming trans people;
This is generally going on among modern fandoms and among young queer and trans adults outside of just transfems.
I've seen plenty of non-transfeminine nonbinary and transmasculine folk get hunted down and harassed over cartoon porn they draw. I don't know in detail if it's more frequent or violent towards transfeminine folk (it could be, - given how mainstream transmisogyny relates to the gay or gnc men as predators myth).
I'm transmasc and I don't have a NSFW art platform at all because I'm THAT scared of people finding it, associating it with my mains and then slandering me over it. I can not find community around my kinks etc. because I feel unsafe to discuss that with the vast majority of people. And yes, my transness is a factor. I always feel that it if I was a feminine cis woman I would be seen as cute and innocent. I have a very deep instinctive feeling that my transness to many people represents a sexual threat and that it's easier to demonize me over kinks bcs I stick out too much etc.
Even in a women's changing room I feel that my masculinity is in this stark direct contrast with most people I share that space with, - that I have to be really careful of how I move, where I look and how I come across. I have felt for my whole life, even when being a fem presenting teen, that I am clocked as a boy thing that doesn't belong there. Now on T, with boobs... I also have to avoid talking in those changing rooms. In the company of really fem presenting cis women I feel socially and culturally hypersexualized for my deviant masculinity, for being an apparent dyke in the midst of women. I have cptsd from being around feminine people because of how othered I am + some experiences of being subtly ruled out of the Girls TM club.
Being a sexual being with my kinds of sexual interests while having this experience as a transmasculine person is something quite vulnerable and difficult to fully become confident in and love oneself about. I think transandrophobia and transmisogyny have that whole "you're a predatory impostor among women" thing and "you emasculate straight cis men by existing" thing in common... Just from a slightly diff. angle but there's so much similiarity.
A lot of the chronic policing between transmasc people over kink and sexuality is actually a result of internalizing the idea that we are dirty masculine predators. There is a high social pressure to be cute, feminized, sanitized and say "PROSHIT DNI >:/" because transmascs have an instinctive self-awareness of how we're easily thrown to the wolves when our gender-nonconformity or sexuality is no longer cute and Christian Values Friendly enough.
Being terrified to death about some kind of predatorjacketing over writing fanfic or drawing weird cartoon porn isn't exclusive to transfems. Any transmasc person encaging in fandom or any online art subcultures is waaayyy too intimately aware of this fact 24/7.
Oh and? Transmasc people with feminine partners who are tops / encage in some kind of roleplay where they're in the 'aggressing' role are extremely stigmatized too. I see people instantly write this off as toxic masculinity or inherently gross because a transmasc does it.
A lot of transmascs (speaking from experience) who actually prefer these "scary" roles in fantasy etc., feel social pressure to over-emphasize how bottom uwu sluts we are. I've recently stopped doing this because I realized it makes me dysphoric + I only do it to make my sexuality more palatable to other people. And I see so many transmascs as like... Having to reduce themselves to these cute slut boytoys. While I fully believe this is the authenthic preference of many of them, I think as a transmasc there is a strong social pressure to be /that way/ because being seen as Gross Threatening Men is like a social death sentence.
(there's a lot of good discussion about everything on this blog btw and I love to read it. I just wanted to add 2 cents to the anti kink vs trans people discussion.)
I don't think there's any difference literally at all between how transfem and transmasc sexuality is "handled" by the internet. People have it in their head that everything is an exact 1-1 of everything else so the fact that a trans woman is more likely to be visibly tagged as a pervert just for walking down the street (transmasc members of Velvet Nation please let me know if that's inaccurate) gets transferred to the internet as though everyone treats trans men who have being trans in their bio as the first thing everyone sees as cis men.
At most TERFs might report trans women more often and I don't want to downplay the seriousness of that but get fucking real if one doesn't think trans men aren't under constant scrutiny.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
slashers with a ftm s/o with no surgeries? (billy+stu and bo or vincent would be nice, the rest can be up to you!)
We support our transmasc fellows😊🏳️‍⚧️
He/him, sfw, lil mension of transphobia but slashers will whoop them probably, Request open
Slashers with transmasc s/o
Ghostface(billy and stu)
For the sake of fic let's pretend that people in 90' weren't mostly uneducated and transphobic
Stu would 100% call him "bro" or "dude"
As soon as s/o come out to ghostfaces Stu said something along the lines "you always been one of the boys babe🥺" while Billy was more like "alight. Valid. If anyone bothers you tell me"
Billy is more sane, he will beat up anyone that is even looking bad at s/o. Also the bully will be next victim 😊
If s/o feels body dysmorpia or just simply insecure... dude you got Stu fucking Macher as your bf, he will spoil him with all stuff s/o needs! Binder?money for terapist so you can get diagnosis and get testosteron? Already in your wallet babe! You need new rad haircut? Well he will beg s/o to let him do it! You don't want any of that? Alr lets order pizza then!
Also they both kinda act like you just were born, like Billy this mf will try to teach s/o 'how to do manly stuff' and teach them how to fix a car or something
ALL those things were about s/o who freshly came out btw, if he is openly trans for while now Ghostfaces are litteraly treat them like any other guy litteraly, they mind their own business why would they get into somones else's live just because he isn't cis🙄🥱(its kinda ironic looking at fact that they are know for stalking)
Vincent Sinclair
As far as s/o treats him nice he sees them as amazing and great human being
He cant speak but he would shit talk s/o past bullies (past cus they are all dead! Thanks Bo and lester for hunting them down😍)
He can borrow s/o his shirts!
He also seems like good hairdresser! He would totaly help s/o cut hair if he wants too!
Would litteraly torture anyone that is mean! No, like for really torture them. He is a serial killer yall dont forget
S/o came out after he meet Vince or nah? Doesnt matter really. He totally treats them the same
He knows how it feels to be judged and he really doesn't want s/o to feel like he is judged too! He wants to create safe space😊
Vinny love language is staring creeply into s/o eyes and hold hands. Also he want to give s/o alot of flowers cuz they are just as pretty as him!
Will make lil figurine of s/o 100%
Live laugh love transgender people😊😊as nonbinary person i do love yall
Also i feel like this one is bad, didnt really have ideas
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potionio · 2 months
Ok wasn't going to post this but HERE WE FUCKING GO bcs the Zero stuff is back on my feed and Im just going to speak and if its stupid ignore it.
Looking at Zero's Patreon comments got me discouraged. Not because of the blatant transphobia- but because of the fact I saw another queer person praising this. And I don't think some people are actively aware of this shit so let SOMEONE has said it and people can't go around saying 'I thought they were trying to help' or some shit.
Let's just get it out of the gay. TLDR? Zero is not your ally or your friend as a queer person.
There is a very distinct difference between people feeling a bit upset about the gender neutrality because they get gender euphoria from being referred to as 'boyfriend/girlfriend' (and other gendered terms) and terfs/transphobes being mad because nonbinary and transmasc/transfem people exist.
Zero is not here to make you feel good. They're not trying to make sure that people who are gender dysphoric still get a bit of joy and spark from playing their game and seeing their simself referred to as someone's 'boyfriend' for the first time. That's not what's happening.
This is someone who clearly is hateful, and if claims about being a de-transitioned trans-woman is correct, clearly has a complicated relationship with the trans community and label.
They're not your friend. They're not your ally. They don't like you. And this should be obvious by the way they phrased their patreon post but clearly it isn't.
Don't mistake people wanting to harm others as your friends, please think about why someone would post a mod like this - if for your own sake. Don't sing their praises when they're part of the people who would throw the first fucking rock if they got a chance. Value yourself as a person.
You can feel miffed that you're not a boyfriend in a game- but a partner, that's allowed. Those are valid feelings- nobody can tell you how to feel. But you putting those feelings above nonbinary and trans people by supporting a creator who clearly doesn't care about us is an incredibly cruel things to do and yes it shows your character and true thoughts about trans lives.
This is absolutely not like- an entirely covering post and I'm sure I may have worded some things wrong because of my frustration with the situation and the way I feel incredibly disheartened seeing someone who identifies as queer support this mod's existence.
Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Nonbinary people are valid whether they identify as trans or otherwise and we deserve to exist too.
IDK just really frustrating because I've seen more than one person think this is some mod made to make them feel more affirmed in themselves when in reality this is a terf trying to delete identities.
This is obviously not talking about blatant transphobes btw, this is talking about a very small group of people. I'm not saying this so transphobic people can protect themselves- I'm saying this so queer naive people don't think this fucking asshole is on their side.
Transphobe to extreme homophobe is a slippery fucking slope.
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cazort · 2 years
Why "Men DNI" Excludes Transfem People, Is Unclear Communication & Promotes Gender Essentialism
I see increasing numbers of people on Tumblr saying "men DNI" and treating it like it's normal or acceptable to say this sort of thing. First I wanna say, I always leave these people alone. I don't message them, I don't comment on or reblog their posts. I err on the side of caution when trying to respect people's boundaries. But I want to talk about what comes up for me when people say this, and why I don't say this and why I don't really think it's good for anyone to say it.
I'm AMAB and nonbinary, and whenever people say "men DNI", I never know if, in their head, they think it applies to me or not. Plenty of people are overtly transphobic, and to them, all AMAB people are "men". And, me being transfem is like, the ultimate sin to these people, I'm a "man pretending to be a woman" and they will direct hate my way if they put me in that category. This is, BTW, one of the main motivators for violence against transfem people.
Some people (probably a much bigger group) are at least somewhat acknowledging of trans women and transfem people's identities, but in practice I know that many of these people don't really care how you identify, they just gender you based on how you present. And it's always a crapshoot, like do I tick enough of the "man" boxes in your head that you consider me a "man"? Cause that's really what it's about, it's not about who I am, it's about how your brain processes me. To a lot of people, even people who acknowledge the validity of some trans people, I am "not trans enough". I'm not trans because I'm nonbinary. I'm not trans people I look too masculine or not feminine enough. I'm not trans because I haven't chosen particular aspects of medical transition "that I would want if I were really trans". These are all things I've had said to me by cis women.
And I really just hate that. Like when you say "men DNI", you're asking a certain class of people not to interact with you.
But I'm not in your head. I don't know how you're going to gender me. So you're not expressing your boundary in a way that is actually clear to me. It's poor communication.
And like before some cis woman turns around and says: "You're overthinking this, you know very well that I am not talking about you I just am trying to discourage all the harassment from cis men." let me ask each and every one of these cis women: how do I know? How do I know that you're safe to interact with? I don't.
I live in a world where there are an awful lot of people who will direct a lot of hate and negativity at people for being transfem. And I never know who those people are going to be until they do.
This whole phenomenon parallels a thing that goes on in in-person spaces that advertise they are open to "women and nonbinary people". If you show up in these spaces and are too male-presenting (such as a nonbinary person, either transmasc or transfem, who looks sufficiently like a cis/gender-conforming man, or a trans woman who is gender-non-conforming and not conforming to enough norms to be consistently gendered female), people can sometimes react really negatively.
And I don't want to deal with this so I just stay out of these spaces.
This is why I perceive "men DNI" as a sign that not only I, but most trans people and most nonbinary people, are unwelcome. I think someone who really cared about trans people, including nonbinary people and AMAB transfem people, would understand these concerns, because they would have heard us talking about these things, they would listen to us, and they would care, and as a result, they wouldn't say something like that. It's like, a statement that ends up reinforcing gender essentialism and gender conformity and is just kinda hostile towards queerness in general. Saying it is like one of the strongest ways to advertise to me that you are not safe for me to interact with.
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gerrydelano · 5 months
Btw, i wanted to ask: what makes you hc Gerry as transfem? I'm more of a nb/transmasc gerry leaning person but i love reading about different interpretations of characters and you are obviously very passionate About it (feel free to ignore if its an uncomfortable question, there's no judgement behind it-im just curious.)
hello hello! no worries, i didn't perceive any judgment here, this is all in good fun! my gerry is on the nonbinary side of transfem anyway (which to me is an important thing to portray in general) but it is special to me both for logical reasons and just because it just feels so healing to me. i wrote a big meta about it here a really long time ago, and answered a more recent ask here, so i'll mostly just link those to avoid being too repetitive.
however, to me (just me personally!) the logic comes in as like... mary calls him gerard. she doesn't exactly strike me as a supportive ally parent who would gender her trans son correctly. eric also refers to gerry as his son, and he died when gerry was like 2, which is a little early for a kid to know they're trans. thirdly, he has a canon preference for a nickname that Isn't the name his mother calls him, which to me can signify dysphoria, and that chosen name happens to be a little more androgynous! plenty of women use the same nickname.
i don't believe canon gerry would have really had much of a chance to explore this side of him, as i also just believe he's a late bloomer, so to me it usually comes out easier in AUs where he's able to live for once. live free of his oppressive mother and her expectations of A Son And Heir, live free of the violence of his childhood and the things she made him do, live as a softer person. i think he would benefit from letting himself be softer, i think he would feel healthier and stronger and more himself if he gained some distance from The Son And Heir archetype forced on him from Pretty Much Birth. there are things to be said about what's expected of "sons" and how awfully people are often treated to try and mold them into the right kind of son, and that's something that gerry's story strikes close to for me.
all of that, and i also just find tenderness in this HC that fills my heart with love! i have gotten to write some really beautiful moments of exploration and intimacy and solidarity through this portrayal of him and it's just been so warm. so many people, especially on this site and especially fucking lately, have been expressing ideas that suggesting that someone might be transfem is inappropriate compared to suggesting that someone might be transmasc, that being transfem is a bad thing or a curse or an insult, and ngl it's all such bullshit.
we need kinder and more loving portrayals of transfeminine people of all walks just in general. and sometimes you just get the egg vibes off of somebody and it's okay. so, yes! i simply think estrogen could have saved her.
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chainmail-butch · 4 months
Idk idk idk its late and im not sober butlike. Theres cis butches, nonbinary butches, genderqueer/blur the line butches, transmasc butches... so your blog was the first time I saw transfem btuch talked about and I was like thank fucking god. OF COURSE there's trans women who are btuch this just rounds everything out so nicely and its great. I am so glad theres trans butches in this world and it genuinely makes me feel so much more validated as a transmasc btuch and i love in general when trans women have a funky gender thing going on cuz im just like oh so you're like a girl but not exactly and you're masc but in like a dyke way so what youre saying is you're jsut like me fr. Btw
I also feel weird and torn about your post about trans women treating your gender weirdest cuz I have a freind who transitioned and went stealth years before I met her and she used to be so weird about me being masc like she sent me ARTICLES. Fucking articles about how btucues should wear women's clothes and a bit of makeup so they look better and it was so annoying and when I found out she was trans and came into that during like 2013 I was like ohhhhhh someone had instilled this idea that you must conform to a specific look to be worth having around and you thoguht you were doing me a favor (she grew out of it though so we're gucci, I kinda just called her weird for saying those things so i think she worked thorough it herself) and sometimes the stuff you say reminds me of that idk maybe there's a word for the internalized something or other ?
Sorry if this isn't comprehensible im a little high and I cant read it over because its too many words so sorry have a good night! or morning! Or something I think
Thank you so much for sending this ask, I was going through it last night and this meant a lot to me.
I think a lot of it (gender non-conformity/Issues with masculinity in those who claim womanhood) is rooted in misogyny, and I think the internalized something or other here is internalized Misogyny/Lesbophobia/Transphobia.
A lot of people are visibly upset when a big butch dyke walks onto the scene even if they themselves don't understand why. I think its the same or similar to the gut reaction that people get when they encounter trans women. Which is why, I imagine, your friend thought she was being helpful.
I hope you had a chill night
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Hey everyone, I'm Michael Witczak, I recently moved to Hatchetfield from Poland
I'm in my 30s, I'm transmasc nonbinary (He/They), bi and ace too, polyamorous too
I work at CCRP
I'm just mostly looking for fun people to interact with, so feel free to message me
I'm also currently dating Ted 💜
Person behind the blog here! My main is @the-bastards-box ! For the ref and more info about Michael go here!
I welcome any LiB and Ted blogs to interact <3 but I also don't mind any other roleplay blog interacting!
Any text from Michael is gonna be purple, any text from me is gonna be orange
There's probably gonna be a bunch of romance roleplay btw
Profile pic made by wonderful @mullet--head go follow them <333
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cherrywperson · 1 year
Hey do you got any thoughts on Rob?
rob is such a cool awesome amazing silly messed up guy i absolutely love him i hope he explodes into one million pieces ❤️
umm anyway i think of him as.. hes a kid, but he forgets that he is. like,, hes had to grow up so fast bcuz of what happened to him i mean he literally lives on his own all alone !! but even so hes still a kid, and he doesnt know what else to do.
(kind of messed up how gumball gave him a new purpose in life since he lost his. i mean its not a good one and he doesnt want to be a villain but its the only thing he has. he kind of has to be this thats kinda how their world works)
damn i just .. i want him to have his happy ending . and i want him to live a happy life with people who love him and have a family and friends and oh god im gonna die he makes me so sick
umm anyways headcanon time 😁 i see rob as a nonbinary transmasc gay demiromantic and aegosexual 👍 his pronouns are he/they/it/glitch but he doesnt tell anyone his pronouns bcuz he feels like people will forget them
i also think he knows how to cook and is pretty good at it ^__^ im sure he was a shy kid back then so he felt absolutely awful when he was sent to the void . i also think he likes plushies bcuz yk he had daisy in his bed in the nobody . he also gets nightmares about the void damn.. and he has this frequent dream of gumball actually saving him when he was in the void AGHH !!!! (i saw fanart of this and it changed me) . umm anyways he also wears kinda shitty shirts he finds at the dumpster
btw i see him being friends with molly (THEY WERE BFFS!!) and tobias too lol (i like to think they were eachothers dates in the party) . he couldve also been friends with anais and tried to be friends with william at some point . and i like to think that .. theres someone out there who never forgot him .. (who is that person? i leave that up to you)
oh and hes autistic yayayaaa
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ghost-orion · 9 months
i am just. so mad. about the transmisogyny/transandrogyny talk
like. okay. "transmisandry doesn't exist because 1) transmisogyny is the intersection between transphobia and misogyny and 2) misandry doesn't exist so 3) transphobia can't intersect with misandry"
okay. so.
transmisandry is not the intersection between transphobia and misandry. transmisandry is the term used by transmasc people of all genders to discuss our oppression. yes, transmisogyny is the most common way transphobia rears its ugly head, but there are issues that affect a lot of transmasc people and not a lot of transfemme people.
definition of transmisogyny is the intersection of transphobia and misogyny which affects trans women and transfemme people.
transmisandry is the intersection of transphobia and misogyny which affects trans men and transmasc people. (i can't find a term which would correlate to trans nonbinary people, sorry. discrimination against nb people is definitely real though.)
if you don't like the word, come up with a better one. "transmisogyny exempt" and "transmisogyny affected" does not work in this case. yeah i'm exempt from the intersection of transphobia and misogyny as it affects transfemme people. but that's not an appropriate word to use when i'm talking about me being questioned for doing anything that isn't masculine enough for other people. it's not appropriate when i talk about my past s.assault. it's not appropriate when i talk about how i have difficulty trusting cis mspec men when they tell me that they toootally see me as a man. when it's embarrassing to be rejected from ""the brotherhood"" when trying so hard to fit in with them. when i simply am not allowed to do things men do, because in the eyes of others, maleness is inherent and more powerful, so i'm basically "lying to try to make myself look male better." when i'm denied gynecology appointments. when i'm forced to be in the female ward and ridiculed for it at the same time. when i am completely invisible or just ignored, because i'm not a scary enough target for people who target trans women. like those are things that are transphobic, yeah, but it is specifically because i'm transmasculine, aka "trying to be a man," because as someone seen as a woman, i'm infantilized and laughed at for thinking i can achieve something in a sexist world, especially something so big as maleness itself.
okay. when i am infantilized to the point of not deserving something so inherent as maleness, then i really don't think it's just "both sexism and transphobia" man. when a guy at work looks at me, his eyes see, yes, an insane girl, but also a weak boy on the bench in gym class who was not picked into the boys' team because he was too weak to be a real boy.
there's also something to be said about trans men and transmasculine people being all thrown in the same bag with nonbinary people who don't present masculine nor transfeminine, cis lesbians, regular ol' stereotypical feminists and also just women who aren't girly/womanly enough, as like, these weirdo snowflakes thinking that "girly whining will get them anywhere". yes, it is clearly misogyny, but also the crossing over into "masculine territory" is like, a specific kind of misogyny. is there any talk of that? genuine question btw if you have recs, i would love to hear about them.
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Y'all know how there's the studies about trans people tending to have the brain structure of the gender they identify with as opposed to the brain structure of the sex they're born as? Well. Trans gf put forward a fascinating theory about me (nonbinary) having a refractory period of the gods (afab).
Basically I like don't have one. Like 2 second refractory period at most. And I like it. A lot. Like if I wanted to I could probably break the world record for most orgasms in an hour and enjoy every second of it. I don't have a refractory period and I don't get overwhelmed or too sensitive to it like, I can literally get myself off for hours and the stuff that stops me is either A. Time limits, I have somewhere to be, B. Buildup of squirt starts to get a little painful and I just don't go back to masturbating after getting up, C. I run out of calories. I get hungry. I get up, I eat, I usually get distracted by social media.
So anyways, gf stopped recently in the middle of sexy times and hypothesized that I could have the brain wiring of a guy when it comes to sex/pleasure and there's just this mismatch between what my monkey brain neural network is wired for (sex sex sex spread the genes sex) and what my body physically can do in the sense that I don't have a built in mechanism being like 'hold up, you gotta take a break for a while or you risk fucking yourself to death'. And it makes sense! She brought this idea up and I literally had to just stop and reevaluate everything for a while.
Anyways, uhhhhhh if you're transmasc and experience this, do let me know because it is impossible to google "trans" and "sex drive" in the same search and get anything that's not just 5 million articles about HRT effects on libido. (Btw I am not on T, might be starting soon so I will definitely note how that affects this)
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dkettchen · 1 year
I did not finish the dress, I only wore it as skirt.
I saw barbie movie finally! Therefore, belated review:
Comedy good (like so good, like- truly, I don't say this lightly).
Prop/set & costume departments seemingly had a lot of fun, love that for them
I have my usual broken record thoughts I have abt any woman/patriarchy-centred feminism & transmasc-excluding/-omitting trans inclusion (pls watch my matriarchy & other gender roles videos) (also not to nitpick, obv, cause they sure left themselves a lot of leway in terms of like lore lol but if feet shapes are different by gender/doll type.. and we have a trans barbie.. who seemingly has standard barbie feet shape too (and seemed just as unphasedly grossed out by another barbie having flat feet as the rest of them).......... I'm the teacher standing over you, dear cis ppl, where's your homework? You didn't think that hard about how trans ppl work, did you? Not that that wasn't clear from trans woman rep and neither nb nor transmasc rep as usual)
I appreciate the "men are just silly little guys at the end of the day" conclusion (not the worst of the above category for this, I will forgive the mostly reinforcing the matriarchal status quo of feminism for not demonising them as people) (edit: oh also! As someone who has looked through the men's lib section of my uni's academic library back in the day (one tiny shelf next to the several aisles of feminist lit btw) I call bs on the books Ken found in that school library, there is literally no way you'd find anything pro-patriarchy before you find smth criticising it/the male gender role from either side. But then again, maybe he doesn't even know how to read so----)
They sure had to tack on that vagina = ultimate sign of real adult human female bit at the literal last second there huh
Other nonbinaries: Alan tho, love Alan, relate to Alan. meanwhile me over here: *pushes Alan outta the way, fuck that guy* Ken men's lib yes. Fur. Tassles. Homosocial dance numbers instead of fighting. Also dress barbiecore to go see movie. I be Transmasc Barbie if they don't give me Transmasc Barbie. "Barbie can be anything", as long as that anything is woman smh story of my life, some girls grow up to not be women, where's our empowerment to be anything we set our mind to, feminists??? You promised me! Barbie promised me!
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Had major dysphoric episodes in the shower and at school about being intersex and multigender (trans, genderqueer, genderfluid, agender spectrum, xenogender, nonbinary, librafeminine, and transmasc using neos). And to top it all off, people poked fun at me when I tried to go into the gender neutral restroom at school... and some random bitch commented on my facial hair?? Like excuse me??
So I decided to make my OC Sona in Gacha Club, aka what I want to look like. There's the trans and enby bracelet, and I decided to keep my facial hair and thick ass sideburns. Curly hair is something I'm keeping in my masc haircut, and the purple and pink stand for aroace agender colors.
My primary name is still Starr btw!!
I still go by all neos, but primary neos so far are ‘star/stars/starself’, ‘co/con/stell/stells/constellself’, ‘lu/lun/luns/lunas/lunaself’, ‘xey/xeir/xem/xemself’, ‘cloud/clouds/cloudself’, ‘cy/cyb/cyber/cybself’, ‘dream/dreamself (not THAT dream)’, ‘cel/cer/celeself’, ‘ve/ven/venusself/venself’, and ‘sweet/sweets/sweetself’. More will be added as I collect them-
I’m adding ‘he’ to my pronouns, and ‘it’s’ is also acceptable I guess. Still keeping she in my list of pronouns, but I ain’t a girl no more.
And another thing, there’s my Mum again asking me to wax my legs and facial hair so I can be ‘more feminine’. Nooooo those were the one of the things on my body that actually give me euphoria I don’t wanna be feminine-
Some people like “You can’t be Hindu and LGBTQIA+” like baby let people do whatever they wanna do with their identity and just grant them rights and goods and services regardless of who or what they identify as and what their needs and wants are, like- is that so hard?? /sarc but also semi-genq
Why do I have to be AFAB ilke I’m intersex too why dajaldjf or not breatge
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pr1nce-elias · 1 year
My gender is very confusing to me sometimes. When I think about myself as a person, I don't really think of myself as anything. I'm just kinda here, vibing. Theres no gender assigned to myself in my head, if that makes sense. I am nonbinary with a masc leaning, or as I like to explain to cis people: "Boy Lite". I don't like calling myself a man, that feels too far into the trans man category. I am trans masc though. I misgender myself in my head sometimes and then get confused. I'll refer to myself femininely and go ??? because I know it's wrong. Sometimes I feel like I've labeled myself wrong because I don't have a gender in my head, but I 100% prefer masculine words and pronouns from the people around me. I identify with trans men/mascs very heavily. Like I don't really have a gender I don't think, but if I had to choose fem or masc then I'm masc. But also being a transmasc is a major part of my personality and identity. That has to mean something, right?
Sometimes I worry I'm still just a little girl who likes gay men too much and I've tricked myself into thinking I'm a guy, but then I remind myself that I'm not even fully a guy. I'm adjacent. Boy adjacent, a smidgen off from dude, a hop away from man. I like it over here, able to see the landmass of man but sitting in my own little pool floatie off the coast. It's nice out here. The floatie is purple and sparkly btw, if you wanted to know.
Gender is confusing bro.
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