#btw this is a scene. for a thing. you wont know about it for years dw about it
skeletonlover69 · 3 months
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what did you think they were doing (•ิ_•ิ)
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still-blue-sky · 2 years
She’s My Type
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Summary: Regulus is the living definition of ‘you can look but you can’t touch’. He constantly shuts down any advances from the many girls at Hogwarts who tried to seduce him and one day his friend Evan Rosier asks him what exactly is his type of girl and if she even exists? Only one girl comes to mind and it’s her.
Pairing: Regulus Black x Female! Reader
Word Count: 5K
Warning: Nothing really there’s just a good amount of making out at the end
A/n: Regulus and the reader are in their 6th year at Hogwarts btw. I hope you like it ! If you’d like to request me something don’t be shy :)
Regulus Black was handsome, there was no denying that. He was a great student, he was the seeker on the Slytherin’s quidditch team, he loved to read, and on the rare occasion he had a beautiful smile that made you weak in the knees. He had this aura of mystery about him since only a handful of people had the chance to get to know him on a personal level, but this only added to the determination of many students at Hogwarts, both boy and girl, to become the exception to his long list of people who were turned down by him. Many have tried, didn’t matter if you were a Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor he always politely refused any advances that came his and this morning was no different.
Regulus was sitting at the Slytherin table quietly enjoying his breakfast while his close friend Evan Rosier was going on about how they’re going to demolish the Gryffindor team at tomorrow’s game. He was about to go over the all the plays and moves he had practiced the other day until he stopped mid sentence and a sly smile came through as his eyes shifted behind Regulus. A shy Hufflepuff girl was making her way towards the pair, nervously playing with the sleeve of her sweater before plastering a smile on her face as she finally reached Regulus.
-“Hi Regulus, sorry to bother you during breakfast but I was wondering if you would want to Hogsmade together this weekend with me?” She sounded hopeful, knowing that her chances were low with the untouchable Regulus Black. He looked up, shooting a glare towards his friend who was enjoying the scene in front of him.
-“It’s Mindy right?” He asked and when she nodded he coughed awkwardly before continuing” Thanks for the invitation but I’m not planning on going to Hogsmade this weekend I was planning on getting a head start on my homework…alone”
-“Oh okay…We’ll have a nice morning I guess” she said sadly before turning away from the dark haired boy and walking towards her friends who were all waiting to see if she had succeeded or not.
-“Why exactly do you turn down every girl ? I mean I can understand some but you have said no to every single invitation since year 2 what gives?” Evan asked. Regulus let out a sigh, this wasn’t the first time he had been asked this question and it certainly wont be the last.
-“I’m just not interested in the people who have asked me that’s all. Why would I go on a date with someone if I’m not into them it would just be a waste of time for both parties involved” he explained before taking another bite of his breakfast.
-“Okay so who is interesting enough to catch the eyes of the elusive Regulus Black?”
Evan had been asking himself this question for years now, trying to figure out what kind of girl Regulus would be interested in. He had gathered a few guesses over the years of knowing him. He figured she would have to share his love for novels and reading that was a given, he would probably enjoy someone who could keep up with his wittiness and sarcasm but that was all he had gathered, the rest was always a 50/50 chance since Regulus never mentioned any interest in any girl so it was hard to try narrow it down.
-“I should head to class I want to ask Professor Slughorn a few questions before class starts” he said before gathering his things, hoping that Evan would drop the topic of conversation.
-“Oh come on Reggie you gotta give me something! Anything ! What’s your type of girl?” He asked but got no answer as Regulus made his way to class.
This isn’t over Evan thought to himself before turning his attention the poor Slytherin boys who sat next to him to talk his ear off about how he’s going to win the next quidditch game.
As Regulus made his way to his potions class he ran his hand through him messy curls, patting down any unwanted strays. He wanted to look good, he always put a bit more effort in his appearance when he knew she was going to be in his class. You see, Regulus had lied when he said he was heading to class early to ask Professor Slughorn some questions. The real reason he wanted to get there early was because he knew Y/n always arrived early to her classes. He smiled lightly at the feeling of nervousness that always came when he thought of her.
They had been partnered together for their potion class this year and that was how Regulus met the only girl to have ever make him feel flustered by a simple smile. He was blown away by her wittiness and how she was always quick to reply to his sarcasm with her own, something he wasn’t used to with his friends who often just rolled their eyes at his sarcastic responses. He felt challenged by her intellect that kept him on his toes and even though they would sometimes bicker about who was right there was never any real anger or annoyance which he appreciated. Her beauty was undeniable, a small smile from her made his heart flutter, her laugh was contagious and he always swelled up with pride whenever he was the cause of it. However her eyes were his favourite thing to look at, well second favourite but he couldn’t exactly look at her lips during the whole conversation without seeming a bit creepy. Still, it didn’t mean he didn’t let his gaze wonder to her plump licks wishing he could just bend down and pull her closer to him before kissing her passionately. No her eyes were beautiful, the always shinned a bit brighter whenever she spoke of a new novel she was currently reader or they had a small fire in them whenever she felt challenged but the way she looked at him was what sealed the deal for him. They were gentle and kind hearted just like the way she presented herself. He was used to people looking at him in want or fear because of his last name but she held no judgement or ulterior motive behind hers, they were always true to how was she feeling. 
Once he arrived to class he was happy to see you sitting at the desk you both shared, too busy reading your book to realize that you were no longer alone. Your hair was down and some loose strands of hair framed your delicate face while you subconsciously played around with the end of your silver and blue tie.
-”Still reading the same book from last week I see? I’m surprised you haven’t already finished it yet” he said making his presence known to you before taking his seat next to you. You let out a small giggle at the hint of sarcasm that was laced in his voice.
-”Yes well I didn’t have much time to read this week since my potions partner slacked off on our project so out of the kindness of my heart I had to correct the many many errors he made leaving me with little to no time to read my wonderful book” she replied, marking the page she was at before discarding it to the edge of the desk and turn her body slightly towards the handsome Slytherin boy who always made her heart race whenever she saw him. 
-”How kind of you” 
-”I know I’m just that type of person I guess, but I don’t do it for the recognition I do it for the people” she dramatically said making Regulus laugh. He always appreciated how easy it was with her, it just clicked without any effort needed. He noticed she had a fallen eyelash on her cheek and before he could stop himself he reached over and gently brushed it off her cheek, he felt her suck in her breath as he looked at her. He was taller than her so he was practically towering over her and he couldn’t stop himself by letting his eyes flicker from her eyes that started up at him in chock to her lips that seemed to be begging him to kiss her. His hand was still on her cheek, his fingertips were cold against the warmth of her soft skin. They stood there for a few moments, neither of them breaking eye contact or making a move until Y/N realized who this was in front of her. This was Regulus Black, the guy who was known for turning down every girl who has ever tried to date him so why would she be any different. A frown made it’s way on her face before looking away making Regulus retract his hand from her cheek and snapping him out of his daze. He sat back down missing the warmth of her skin and looked at her noticing the change in emotion that had washed over her. He cleared his throat beforeHe sat back down before speaking up
-”Sorry you had an eyelash on your cheek” he said quietly.
-”It’s okay. Thank you” she replied but her voice was not the joyful one he had heard before, this one was more monotone and apprehensive.
Soon enough class started and they were no longer alone for Regulus to ask her if she was alright, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. During the whole class they barely spoke to one another, not from Regulus’s lack of trying. He tried joking around like they had the previous class but Y/N didn’t respond with her usual witty replies she only gave him a polite smile and got back to work. Regulus was confused and worried. The last thing he wanted was to ruin the friendship they had built over time and the though of her hating him for making her uncomfortable didn’t sit right with him. He decided to wait until class ended to try and talk to her and clear the air up but before he even got the chance Y/N stood up and grabbed her things, quickly leaving the class and Regulus behind.
You idiot! You just had to wipe off her eyelash yourself you couldn’t have just told her and let her do it herself. he thought to himself. He had no idea what to do and he was left to try and figure it out on his own since he hadn’t told anyone of his crush on Y/N. 
Evan! Evan has gone out with loads of girl he would be able to help me figure out where I went wrong! Oh god, I have to tell Evan Rosier about Y/N... He groaned at the thought but nevertheless he made his way to the Slytherin common room after grabbing his things knowing that he liked to there during his free periods.
He was relieved to have found his friend laying on the emerald green couch reading about herbology, probably for his class. He made his way to the couch thanking that most of the Slytherins had class at the moment or were at the library leaving the two alone. 
-”Hey Reggi!  How’s it goi-” Evan started but was quickly cut off by a semi frantic Regulus who just wanted answers and solutions to his problem.
-”Y/N Y/LN “ he blurted out. “Y/N Y/LN is my type of girl and I need your help” he added not wanting to waste time. He looked at his friend’s chocked expression as the information slowly settled in. I mean he was right about the smarts and reading so he felt quite triumphant about that but on top of it all his best friend was coming to him of all people for help. He was on cloud 9.
-”Not bad Regulus she’s pretty but she always was too smart for me I mean most of the Ravenclaws are but thats besides the point. How may I be of service my child” Evan said, using a old wise voice near the end to try and calm down his friend who’s leg had been bouncing nervously since he sat down.
Regulus told him everything that happened during class, never missing a chance to talk about how wonderful she is or how beautiful she looked in class as he got side tracked which Evan often had to bring him back on track until finally he explained the whole situation.
-”My friend I am no woman but I am slightly trained in the art of a mind of a women so let me try and break this down to what I think might of happened in her head while you were too busy day dreaming of kissing her instead of actually doing it like the idiot you are” 
-”Oye no need to be rude Rosier” 
-”Do you want my help or not Black?” Evan asked already knowing the answer but enjoyed being the smart one of the two for once. Regulus nodded and signaled him to continue.
-“Regulus you twat you have literally never shown any interest and I mean ANY interest in a girl and all of a sudden you’re out here caressing a girls cheek for a freaking eyelash! Don’t be daft and think for a second. If you were her and she was the one with a record of rejecting any and all girls don’t you think it would get your hopes up only to remind yourself that the chances aren’t even slim to none its none point blank. She likes you and you’re not exactly what they call a relationship type of guy as in you’ve never been in one or wanted one for all these years” Evan expressed, the annoyance in his voice apparent as if it was the most obvious thing. Regulus groaned and shoved his face into his hand and let himself how he could make things right with you. On the other hand Evan might be totally wrong and you don’t reciprocate his feelings and are only annoyed by his forwardness but he wanted to try. He needed to try.
-“I’ll see you later I have to go” Regulus said giving his friend a grateful smile to let him know that he appreciates all he’s done because when all is said is and done out of all their friends Evan was his closest friend.
-“Hey do me a favour and ask Y/N if her friend Margaret is interested in anyone at the moment!” 
Regulus laughed, waving a hand as a goodbye before making his way towards the great hall thinking that maybe you had gone down to eat dinner with your friends. He was disappointed to see that you were missing from the Ravenclaw table where you usually sat. He gathered the courage to walk towards your friends not caring that they would probably gossip it all the way back to not only the ears of his sweet Y/N but also to the rest of the school saying that the unobtainable Regulus was searching for a particular Ravenclaw student. Unfortunately, they had no answer to give him but one of them did not miss a chance to compliment him on his win from last week’s quidditch game. He simply brushed her off and thanked them for their time and wondered where you could be. The library! She must be there -Regulus thought to himself knowing how much you liked to read there on your spare time. However, once he made it you were once again nowhere in sight, but he did manage to spot one of your friends who was sitting at a table not too far.
-“Hey Margaret do you know where Y/N is ?” he asked hoping she had a answer and that he wouldn’t have to go on a wild goose chase to find you. The blue eyed Ravenclaw looked up from her homework, visibly annoyed by the fact that this boy was interrupting her work. 
-“What’s it to you?” she asked and he could tell by the look on her face that Y/n had probably mentioned something about him and what had happened earlier today in class. 
-“Just tell me where she is Margaret come on “ it was now his turn to have annoying laced in voice not caring about formality.
-“How about you tell me what you want to tell her and I’ll pass the message along? “She told him and he understood why you both were friends. You both had the same challenging look but yours was much nicer and all he wanted was for you to look at him that way in anyway really as long as it wasn’t in sadness or indifference.
-“How about you tell me where she is and I’ll tell her myself” he gridded through his teeth. He was getting impatient and so was she but none of them were letting up and he had to give it to her, she was a loyal friend.
-“Why would I do that you give her enough false hope as it is. I’m sure it can wait until your next class” he said turning back to her homework hoping that he got the message that she wasn’t going to spill the location. Good luck Evan you’re going to need it with this one bud he thought but then his brain repeated the words false hope, and he felt his heart ache and skip a beat at the same time even if it was impossible. He was upset that she felt that he was playing around with her emotions but at the same time he felt hopeful that maybe for once his idiotic friend was right and that Y/N liked him back.
-“It was never meant to be taken as false hope okay? I didn’t even know she felt that way about me until my friend told me that she possibly felt the same way so please Margaret tell me where Y/N is so I can tell her myself” his tone had softened and his heart raced as the girl let out a sigh and shot him a glare, almost like a warning that he was on thin ice with her.
-“Your friend is smarter then you are that’s for sure” she started, she looked at him and Regulus could tell she was debating giving up Y/N’s whereabouts or not.
-“His name is Evan Rosier if you’re ever interested “he added, knowing this could help his friend out the way he had helped Regulus. 
-“Astronomy tower” she simply said, a light blush on her cheeks was almost missed by Regulus by how quick she turned around and got back to work, shielding her face by leaning it up against her hand.
-“Thank you Margaret” he said loudly, earning a few ‘shhh’ from other students but he didn’t care he quickly walked out of the library before sprinting to the Astronomy Tower where Y/N was hiding. 
He was out of breath, but it was understandable he had run around the school right before and now he had to walk up over a thousand stairs. He felt his adrenaline pushing him to get there faster and he mentally cursed whoever decided to cast a spell that disabled his ability to simply aparate to the top of the stairs. Soon enough, he took one last step until he was face to face with the wooden that stood between him and you. He took a deep breath, calming himself before stumbling in there like a fool. Once he was satisfied with his breathing and his hand shook just a bit less than it did before he opened the door and there you were. You were deep in thought, leaning against the railing as you took in the site of the school grounds and the beauty of the changing colors of the leaves since it was now fall. There was a cold gust of wind that made you shiver and pull you robe closer to your body in hopes of gathering more warmth. You heard the door open and turned her head, thinking it would be Margaret but there stood Regulus looking at you with adoration not that you noticed. You were still in the headspace that the boy that stood before you could never return the feelings that you had developed for him over time. 
-“Regulus what are you doing here?” she asked him, now facing him completely.
-“I never wanted to give you false hope Y/N” he said, not caring that he didn’t answer her question he just didn’t want to waste any more time tonight, he wanted to know how you felt about him. 
-“What are you talking about” Y/N asked but suddenly her conversation with Margaret from before had popped into her head. Y/N had told her how she thought she getting her hopes up for nothing when it came to Regulus and Margaret had been the only one she had spoken to about her feeling for Regulus so she knew this was coming from her.
-“God dammit Margaret” she muttered lowly, rolling her eyes before looking back at Regulus only to realize he was still looking at her. She felt her cheeks heat up and thankfully the cold wind was a logical explanation as to why her cheeks glowed a even brighter shade of pink than before. She looked away, too flustered to say anything until it dawned on her that he now knows that she has feeling for him or at least thinks she does. She now felt mortified and kept her gaze down to her shoes. 
-“Y/N please look at me, love” Regulus pleaded, hating the way she suddenly became cold and shut off like she did in class. He started to walk closer to her wanting to be close to her. Even with his pleas, she kept her eyes to the ground until pair of black oxford shoes came into vision and two soft fingertips found their way under her chin and pushed her face upwards to meet his hazel green eyes that seemed worried for her. She once again found herself looking up at the tall handsome Slytherin who towered over her like he did before in class.
-“Say something, anything love just talk to me.” He asked again, glad that she kept her gaze onto him instead of the floor, but he wanted more. He wanted her to say it because he needed to hear it so it could be real. 
-“Regulus please stop” she whispered, her eyes were sad. She liked being close to him this way, she craved it. They were inches apart, his warm breath was hitting her cheeks, his fingers now gripping her chin in place to make sure she didn’t look away and she could feel her knees get weak with the way he was looking at her. But she couldn’t take it if this was all as a concerned friend and nothing else. She had to separate her feelings from him before she fell for him even more. Regulus had a similar feeling, in which case he loved having her this close to him, to be able to feel her skin even if it was the smallest amount, it drove him wild. 
-“Why” His gaze was intense and she felt herself gulp as she let out a shaky breath before letting the truth come out knowing he wouldn’t let it go until she did.
-“Because you don’t like me like that and that’s fine but you need to stop acting like this for me to be able to get over you” she whispered, she could feel her eyes water as she closed them waiting for him to turn her down like he did with all the others. 
She expected him to take a step back and leave her out in the cold again, but he never did. In fact, he did the complete opposite. She couldn’t see him, but he was smiling down at her, enjoying the fact that she had admitted to it. He looked at her lips before bending down a bit to meet her height, the fingers that were once on her chin now moving to her cheek cupping it gently before he pressed a soft kiss against Y/N’s lips. Her eye’s opened in shock but soon they closed once again as she relished the feeling of his lips against hers. She kissed him back, her hand flying up to grab his wrist to make sure he kept his hand against her cheek. He pulled away, rubbing soft circles against her cheek as the other tucked a strand of hair that had fallen onto her back behind her ear. 
-“I like you too, I always have” he whispered lovingly. She smiled up at him, taking a moment to appreciate every freckle that painted his face, the way his eyes crinkled as he smiled back at her, indescribable happiness filled his heart and it was all thanks to you. You had his heart and there was no way he was ever taking it back. He missed the feeling of his lips on hers, and now that he’s tasted them there was no way he was going to miss out on them ever again.
Before he could take action, his tie was gently yanked down as Y/N place her lips onto his having also missed the feeling of them against hers. This kiss was more passionate then the first as Y/N wrapped her arms around Regulus’s neck pulling him down even further as she tried to meet him halfway by going on her tippy toes. She smiled as she felt his arms wrap around her waist pulling her flush against his hard toned chest, the hand that was once gently caressing her cheek had now made its way to the back of her neck hold her close against him. He turned his head gently and his tongue playfully glided against her bottom lip. She knew what he wanted and she was more than willing but a boost of confidence told her to bite down on his bottom lip and pull on it breaking the kiss. She kept her eyes onto his as he looked surprised and let a quiet groan slip out. She let go of her hold on his now swollen lip and a wicked smile appeared, she loved the sound she made him make and she would do anything to hear it again and wondered what else she could get out of him. Regulus on the other hand was quick to retaliate and pulled her back in for a kiss but this time took a few step back toward the wall Y/N following him, not wanting to lose the feeling of him. Once he felt the wall against his heel he quickly turned her around and shoved her up against the cold stone wall, she let out a gasp as her back arched against the wall and into Regulus who was loving every second of it. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. She tugged on his hair harshly earning herself another sweet groan from her lover. 
-“Say you’ll be mine” he demanded, breaking the kiss making Y/N let out a small whimper from the loss of contact as both of them tried to catch they’re breath. She looked at him, a challenging look was waiting for him as he started at her awaiting her answer.
-“I don’t know Reg, there’s a lot of other guys that have asked and I want to make the logical choice, naturally” she smirked seeing his eyes grow a shade darker as she mentioned other boys. 
-“I guess you’re right its only natural that you want the best” he replied and enjoyed the look of shock at his words, telling him that she wasn’t expecting him to agree. He brought his face closer to hers, his lips ghosting over hers.
-“So tell me out loud the pros and cons of each boy and I’m sure we can make the best decision together” he said moving to place a long kiss on her cheek. Y/N decided to continue the game and tried to think of a reply but before she could say it she felt his lips kiss down her jawline down to her neck where they started to nibble at her sensitive skin. The new feeling made her tilt her head back, giving him more access as she bit her lip. After a few seconds of silence, she felt his lips leave her neck and she now let out a fully audible whine.
-“Come on love we haven’t got all night what are the pros and cons” Regulus taunted her. He loved seeing her like this, he loved seeing that her feeling of neediness was because of him, her swollen lips were because of him, her irregular breathing and the new marking on her neck were from him and no one else.
-“There’s only one con, they’re not you so will you stop being a smug twat and snog me” Y/N replied knowing she had lost the fight but she didn’t care she just wanted to snog him was that too much to ask for.
-“Not until you say it” 
-“I’m yours Reg” she whispered and he smiled at her before locking lips once more. Her fingers were running through his hair and his were making its way down to her ass giving it a tight squeeze, making her moan. As much as he wanted to continue kissing her for hours he knew that he wanted their first time to be special because she deserved nothing but the best and he was determined to give it to her. He slowly pulled away, placing one last chaste kiss on her lips. 
-“I was so sure you didn’t feel the same since you refused all the other ones “she said quietly pressing her forehead against his.
-“I didn’t want to waste my time with them when I knew I had nothing to give them” 
-“What do you mean nothing to give them”
-“Y/N it must be obvious by now, my heart belongs to you and no one else. It belonged to you since the day we sat next to each other in class” he told her and placed a loving kiss against her forehead knowing that now when someone asked him what his type was he would simply say Y/N LN/N.
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mushed-kid · 8 months
okay klance au time
(i don’t think it counts as an au, because it’s not changing canon, its just something that could happen after canon)
warning this is long and hard to understand i cant be bothered. u either get it or you dont.
so i haven’t actually thought out all the details and stuff, this is very much just a thought i had:
It’s set after canon, aka everything stays the same. I KNOWWWW that farm lance gets a lotta hate and i get it trust me, but that also stays the same. Non-negotiable because this whole au basically built around that fact!!! so yeah suck it.
okay so everyone’s doing their thang, the paladins are growing up and like young adults, but they’re not teens anymore!
lance is at the farm, and keith works with the blade of marmora or whatever he ended up doing. i can’t remember but that’s what we’re going with. and you know there’s obviously some klance scenes in the last season and in this au that has developed as the next few years passed.
they might’ve started out hating each other and slowly getting better at standing each other, and then friendship developed into a little more, and now they’re basically dating. except they have never said that they’re dating, but neither of them wants to be with anyone else so it’s fine, they know. and they like it that way, it takes the pressure of. (everyone knows but it’s not something that’s brought up)
and anyway point is keith works in space right? and he comes back to earth often because that’s where they all meet, and they try to meet frequently. and that’s where lance lives, so why wouldn’t he? so he stays there when he visits, and it’s nice.
Lance, as always, goes hand in hand with angst. so add some of that. lance has gotten over his feelings for allura. obviously none of them have fully moved on, but with help from the others (and especially keith) he’s come to terms with that. however, that doesn’t mean it’s not constantly affecting him anymore.
he’s already lost allura, and he’s not actually dating keith, but he’s realized that he might not be as straight as he thought over the last couple years. and maybe there’s more to it than just letting keith stay at his house when he visits because he doesn’t have a house, and more because well he might be dating keith but he doesn’t know if keith considers them that. even if it feels that way sometimes
and he’s worried that it’s gonna be another allura-situation. he doesn’t want that, and keith is out in space trying to spread peace and stuff. and lance worries. lance doesn’t want to lose him before he’s even sure that he had him.
and he’s been trying to ignore that thought because everything is fine. keith wont get hurt. he knows what he’s doing and the war is over, so what’s the chances?
but then keith gets hurt.
and the whole thing basically boils down to lance going straight to proposing. because that’s just what he’s like, it has to be good, it has to be perfect. because keith deserves perfect. and it’s not like he can ask keith if they’re dating.
and this is honestly the part i haven’t thought that much about, this idea is mostly based on the setting. but im thinking he gets some help from the other’s at earth to plan it. everyone gathers at lance’s farm because that’s what they always do when they meet up. and everyone is there because keith comes back injured and stays with lance while he gets better.
and lance is nervous because what if he read all of this wrong, he did imagine the rival thing back at garrison, but the others help calm him down. and idrk how but he proposes to keith and asks him to spend their lives together and whatnot.
they have a BEAUTIFUL wedding, and the flowers that remind him of allura are all over btw. they’re in love and everyone’s happy despite it all.
yeah idrk i haven’t worked it out but i like the story. it’s based in the song Found by Dan Davidson. I think it’s cute and it fits with the farm thing. you have to listen to it to get my vision:
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taviokapudding · 1 year
Simon's joke of "soup of theseus" is so damn good & way more layered than most people think.
Okay so first- what is the ship of Theseus?
So amongst his many misadventures and legends the ship of theseus was a ship the Athenians believed connected them to the divine living person that was Theseus. The thing is, he was maybe Poseidon's adopted kid/the King if Athen's son and probably not real (or at least if he did his misadventures were super exaggerated as royals = divity stories are) but the fate the Athenians had for him & Apollo (the 6 labors is a fun legend that explains their connection and what the original ship may have been) was so intense, they would constantly give maintence as a form of religious worship to said ship on the island of Delos (where Apollo's most sacred sancutary is) every year it would dock to pay respects.
Btw we don't need to know the specifics of Theseus but he did infamously slay a minotar and Finn did have a good exchange with the Mannish Man to get the enchiridion aka the book that sets Betty & Simon on the paths they are on now so that's neat af
So if you've ever heard about the ship of Theseus being paradox- it comes from the critique that's always existed about that ship's maintenance & religious practices tldr if you are constantly replacing each rotted and borken part of a ship, is it still the same ship?
The soup is a paradox like the ship
That paradox exists in many many scifi and adventure stories like the Nier series & Ghost in the Shell but in this instance we got to first look at the joke literally. Farm world's Finn's wife's soup is the same as the ship. The original soup farm world HW made no longer exists on a technicality, but the way Finn and his kids continue to add on and consume the soup is exactly like the Athenians. It's about the intent of carrying on the memory and keeping the soup around to honor the dead rather than the soup's original recipe {which also is incredibly sad & imples that farmworld Finn is both coping and never learned the original soup recipe}. It's a beautiful way to honor their dead mom/wife and it makes you wonder if that Finn did die if his kids will continue the practice.
But the paradox goes beyond the soup & into our reality
A lot of people have noticed that Fionna's last name is Campbell and Campbells is a real soup brand that would've been around before the great mushroom war. When Marceline gets sick as a kid, Simon goes great lenghts to get her chicken soup- that only worked out because the primordial version of the Mother Gum assisting {which is extreme Bubbeline foreshadowing}. And in that scene the can low key is a campbell design. But what if I told you there's more?
In Cheers, the tv show Simon is seen constantly watching and referencing throughout the original run of Adventure Time & in the recent Fionna and Cake had Carla Tortelli work at a Canpbell's Factory.
Neat references aside the soup ends the moment the main trio hit the remote button and I have a BA in psychology & interest in childrens media and entertainment that I want to milk for once. Metaphorical intention is beyond relevant episode specifics but actually the foundation of Fionna and Cake when it comes to the paradox.
Simon making the soup of Theseus joke is the main problem Fionna and Cake has to address
If Simon can summon his & Prismo's au from his head without proper MMS (Magic, Madness, and Sadness) where does Simon the human start and Ice King end?
As viewers who grew up alongside the series, the majority of 25+ watchers are finding Simon, older Finn, and Fionna painfully relatable because good fucking god we are all traumatized because of the ongoing pandemic.
If you want to focus on the main topic you can skip this part. But if you want to get very serious for a minute, please stay. The majority of people wont to accept what I just said about the pandemic being ongoing because global governments pretending the pandemic is over, the rise of depression and escapism in real time at a social level at a global level but especially in the US where the series is being made, and the daily interactions we have with most people refusing to mask up {with a violent reaction} when there still isn't a cure for COVID has created the perfect enviroment for most people to not accept change or crave extreme change. Fionna and Cake tackles these 2 very common forms of how depression tends to manifest when it's not fully manic to be displayed through Simon (self isolation from poor coping due to loss, detachment from society, dwelling on the past to the point it effects social interactions, extreme forms of religious practice, etc.) and Fionna/Finn (pretending everything is fine, avoidance, going through the bare minimum motions to survive, escapsim and dream of grandure, not caring about sel preservation, no/lack of self control with sweets/coffee, etc.). And I've noted there's a subset of AT viewers who don't relate or find the depections too real to the point they're upset the show's tone isn't as light hearted as AT. The thing is when a global disabling event happens, unless you were under 10 when it happened and even then it's a 50/50 because you probably did lose or know somebody who did die these last several years, you will have some kind of trauma response to it whether you like it or not. Hell, some of you unknowlingly have a gap in your memory about 2020 specifically due to inconsistent sleep schedules that have nothing to do with the shrinking of the brain mass COVID causes that we all call "brain fog" and now that I pointed it out you're probably going to go stare at a wall for 5 mins {sorry btw, doubly if you have long COVID and this is how you found out what brain fog partially is}. As someone who's been dealing with depression since I was a child, it's okay to be not okay given the last several years and doubly if you've been conscious long enough to see the US freefall into fascism too {which I hope encourages those who weren't aware that's been happening to go look into that because we can't get into it right now}. Because I unfortunately know what manic depression can look like - if you find yourself relating to Simon a little too much during ep 3, please talk to somebody who is licensed and trained to do so {not me, I haven't done suicide prevention work since 2017 and am not licensed- I genuienly won't be enough of a resource} okay? Don't throw away yourself nor change yourself for others only. You need to work to accept the past, move on to live in the present, and change yourself for yourself. It won't be easy and resources are out there to not do it alone, alright?
Becuase of how paradoxial and fluid mental health (espeically undiagnosed depression) can be and how AT has it's own version with MMS, could Simon have unconscious MMS still because of Betty's with without a battery but can't tap into it because of his mental state? And could Ice King as we once knew him even be considered a proper person Simon could return too?
The original wish of why Ice King's appearance & abilities is the way it is IS because of Evergreen's impression on Gunter {Evergreen was one of the ice elementals of the past btw- go watch the original Adventure Time for that context}. So Ice King isn't even an original character, just the crown building off the wishes and manifestations of each bearer by emulating a warped version of Evergreen. And that's the main reason why I speculate Ice Thing aka Gunter the Penguin is chill af to the point he got married and can exist with less gems. His wish didn't build off of power to protect Marceline (Simon) nor the power to copy Evergreen (Original Gunter).
As the main trio jump from connected universe to connected universe, more Simons and crowns will appear that are even more removed from our Ooo's crown and it's version of Ice King or Ice Prince or Winter King will only manifest because of the prior and current wishes made. So if Simon does get a crown that isn't the Ooo crown, will the Ice King that once existed even be THE Ice King he wants to be? And will Simon want to be Ice King or an Ice King when the trio do return to his Ooo?
The crown and it's many versions is a paradox that can only be resolved if Simon and Fionna can work together but also set aside their depression to address what they both really want and what that wish's intention will do to themselves and those around them. In short, shit's deep
I applaud the team for Fionna and Cake for tackling such a layered problem and I'm excited to see how Simon's soup of emotions, Fionna's growth, & magic crown of Theseus is addressed.
#mun post#i probably over analyzed but also didn't do enough to dig deeper#so hopefully if you've seen AT you can fill in the gaps#but also walk away with interesting knowledge and#a weird look into my noggin#and yes im layman terming so much because if we get into specifics ima bore the shit out of y'all#also i hc fionna/finn has adhd & simon is somewhere on the austim spectrum because of how they display their depression - there's overlap#adventure time fionna and cake#spoilers#fionna and cake spoilers#campbells soup#was also a suprise- i knew cheers had a ton of product placement but a whole factory job is such a random reference#adventure time spoilers#simon petrikov#brain rot is getting too real#i wanted to make a tiktok or youtube about this but fandom on there doesn't allow for discourse and yt at fandom prefers facts and lore ove#deep interpretation and speculation- doubly from someone who is also a sorta girl failure with a degree like simon#sorry if there's spelling errors- i prefer mobile tbg#also im not a historian- if I got theseus's lore wrong just know im blaming the victorian historians and google#i prefer reading medical biology sociology and psychology peer reviewed studies over history studies because those obsessed greek and roman#scholarly bitches are actually super annoying to talk to- every discussion literally ends up back to the greco-roman empire and I'm good#i prefer the now and the future than the past because i've learned enough to know how to spot history repeating itself & wanting to address#it while we can and/or while folks still have funding to do so vs the past is full of bs {mostly christian and victorian 'historians'} ya#gotta dig through to get to a semblance that can be adapted to the present- i respect the hussle but I have a limited access of resources t#deep dive theseus and explain him so sorry if you wanted more - like go ask a BS or higher in greek mythology research instead#oh btw for those curious i got a ba in psychology but my interest was pediatrics lgbtq+ and entertainment for those under 18 so y e s I have#too many thoughts about this show and many others but the ongoing worker's strikes are why im not making content#doubly if tiktok does start paying me *is filing to get an income* but y e a h bitch i could keep going if i had more than 30min to recall#all the information i do remember outside of the theseus specifics- i had to pull out my irl dictionary for that because it's been a while
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shallowseeker · 9 days
btw i know you said asks off so i wont be offended if you refuse to answer but im always thinking about how touched cas must feel when dean comes storming in during the diner scene in lily sunder... his friends care about him!!!!! :)
Oh. Hehe. I guess when I turned it off, I only turned off anon asks. :-)
No, no. Not offended at all. I just turned off the anon asks cause I was getting a lot of bizarre messages, some of them really out of line. (I think mostly due to me posting a Rowena-pegs-Sam joke on a poll that was apparently more high-stakes to some folks than I ancitpated.).
You know, I wonder! I think he was touched, but he was feeling some mixed emotions, too. Namely, irritation and eventually horror.
I'm not the best Cas understander out there, so maybe a Cas-pert can weight in but... here we go.
At the beginning of the episode, we find Dean and Cas in a Cold War, both irritable with one another for...simply put, being heroes. Neither wants the other to "be a hero" and get hurt. The feeling is mutual.
Cas wanted to protect Dean from his stupid deal, and then Mary stepped in to take on the burden of the stupid deal, and then Cas stepped in to override Mary and got Cursed (TM).
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OMG Look at Dean's FACE when Cas says, "I have to go."
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And yes, it appears you're right. He wanted their support!
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I wonder how heavily Cas's need for appreciation is weighted into this?
I'm thinking particularly of this line: "...and appreciative, too!"
He wants Dean to appreciate his heroics.
We see this desire repeated in the 12x19 Future script, with the mental picture of a strong, shirtless Cas and the hyperfocused closeup of Dean saying, "Thank you..."
And Dean is grateful.
From Sam's words, it sounds like Dean is the one who started the Cold War. The end of this episode will bookend with Dean trying to put to words why he's so pissy.
(He's worried.)
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Looking at the diner scene today...
I honestly think annoyance might be winning for Cas overall. :D
He needed to talk the soldier talk, and he does: complimenting his fellow soldiers' dominations of their vessels and "keeping them" all these years.
Yikes, I'm not sure he'd engage in that kind of "angel bro talk" with Sam and Dean present. It's like they're talking about their cars.
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Cas is here with one goal in mind, to get intel. He resolves to be cool-headed.
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And Cas resolves to put up with it. For the sake of strategy and intel.
But then Dean charges in, and this is the face of an angel "losing face" and alllllll his negotiation power:
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Sam and Dean have unwittingly taken away his ability for locker-room talk.
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And then, things go to Hell. Ishim gets mad.
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With a lap-full of Dean, Cas tries to salvage what little trust he had: "I only brought Sam and Dean."
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And Dean, in Ishim's eyes, starts "mouthing off" and "getting cute." He hates it.
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(I think Ishim reads them, and he's jealous about it, to be honest. Cas was everything Ishim wanted to be as a soldier, and Cas's humans truly love him.)
And Ishim continues his insults, which has the effect of successfully drawing Dean AND Sam into an argument as they defend Cas.
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Cas tries to give Sam a BIG hint.
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And then... Cas loses the discussion. Ishim closes up and decides NOT to play ball. Ishim redirects, "I have a safe house nearby."
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This is a face of, "fuck you guys. Look what you did. You've made him shut down AND he's demanding I move the conversation to a 'safe place.'"
And a safe place like that is safer for ISHIM but not for Cas. It's not the outcome Cas wanted. He wanted to get to the meat of things: intel.
And he wanted to do it in a public place with backup.
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Now that I look, I think... I think yes, he's certainly touched to have their support, but in the moment, his annoyance is winning out.
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This has the vibes of, "Don't make things needlessly complicated, as you humans tend to do."
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Later, of course, there's the fight.
And Ishim wipes the floor with them.
This and what happens with Ramiel in Stuck in the Middle with You are two of Cas's worst moments. I think they're huge parts of what triggers his lone wolfism at the end of this season.
He may want support, but he doesn't want them to protect him.
That's unacceptable / devastating / frightening!
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(Cas, afraid he's going to have to watch Dean die.)
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Dean lowers his hand, and we don't GET Cas's reaction when he does, but I can imagine it was one of the most devastating moments of his life.
Aside/// Someone smarter than me... Is that even a proper banishing sigil? It doesn't have the usual triangle that I've seen the boys use. I know Samuel used some different ones...
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And Ishim, who already "read" Dean in the dinner, is now wanting to punish Castiel for having THE THING HE HIMSELF wanted...
...and so of course he calls his bluff: "That's what I thought."
I rate it MIXED. I think Cas is having majorly mixed feelings about all this! I think he wants his family's support, but when he finally gets it, it's the WORST feeling. It's maybe the worst thing that's ever happened to him.
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hwavsg4ch4n · 2 years
I'll Protect You || L.K
tags/warnings: afab!reader, bodyguard!Minho, royal!au, Princess!reader, angst, rough family dynamics, suggestive, forbidden love trope (lol), Minho calls reader "your/my grace", if i missed anything pls message me!!
notes: omg am I posting!? Hi everyoneeee, first off I want to ask how everyone has been~. I haven't been an active writer, that's because I realized I was looking at this as a job rather than a hobby that brings me joy :(, therefore I took a break. Can't say I'm gonna be constant bc thus is a hobby not a job, but I love to write and i'm pretty sure I wont stop! ( I have a lot of things in my drafts) btw, this is lowkey inspired by Bridgeton, but not quite.
Description: Being a royal isn't easy, especially when every choice is made for you. But maybe having a kind guard around isn't so bad.
this is a work of fiction, an alternate universe. The Irl persons are not made to be perceived this way. 18+ content ahead, viewer discretion is advised.
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lmk if I should make this into a little series :o
You huffed, picking at the herbs that laid on your pasta as a garnish, tuning out the boring kingdom talk your mother and father indulged in with the rest of the family. The pearly satin gloves on your hands grew uncomfortable as the queen brung your personal life into conversation once more. 
“Y/n will get married soon, I just know it.” You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at your mothers comments. Your father, as always, just had to add salt to the wound. “There are many suitors sending letters to the palace every day, even some from overseas. I don’t understand why you never reply efficiently-” You gave a tight lipped pained smile, not wanting to cause a scene; avoiding trouble.
You didn’t want all these random men, men that only saw your family's wealth. You already had a man you yearned for, one that was different. You look up from the tablecloth, in the doorway of the dining room stood your personal guard; Minho. He wasn’t looking at you, he was on duty. If he looked anywhere but straight he’d be bound to have to skip dinner for a lecture from the head guard. But you didn’t mind that he wasn’t looking at you, it made it easier to stare and get lost in the comfort of your own imagination; daydreaming about how wonderful it would be to run away with the kind man that always made sure you weren’t lonely.
Minho wasn’t always in your life, he only came to serve the royal family a mere 2 years ago. Being assigned as your personal guard didn’t sound exciting at first, just another shackle put around your ankles to prevent you from living the best you could under these circumstances. But as you grew accustomed to his presence, memorizing the scars on Minho’s neck and hands, finding safety in the pure brown of his round eyes, and the soft smile that he often wore on his lips; the one he’d only show you, you didn’t dread being looked over 24/7. He was more than enough for you, enough to make you feel whole in a palace that only offered emptiness.
Before Minho was a royal guard, he was a warrior. He only knew battle, but he didn’t want to fight all the time anymore, he wished for something more calm; so here he is. Yes he was rough around the edges but he got the job done, the king and queen liked him because he seemed to make their princess stop complaining. They didn’t care how he did it, as long as they didn’t have to hear your mouth and watch you themselves. 
As you stared at the man who looked after you, daydreaming of an alternate universe where you could be normal… your mother; the queen, asked your sister-in-law; the dutchess, to make a toast. What for? You didn’t know, but what you did know was envy. You could practically turn the color green as you watched your brother's fond eyes stare up at the woman he loved. He got to marry the woman he loved so purely, why didn’t you get to do the same? He got to pick, choose… yet you have no say.
You cleared your throat after sipping from the dark glass of wine. “Excuse me. Mother, father, may I be excused? The meal doesn’t seem to be sitting right with my stomach.” Your words were respectful but your face held an expression only Minho could read clearly, therefore he shifted on his heels, ready to accompany you.
“You’ve barely touched your food, my grace.” Your sister-in-law meant well, you know she did. But the fact that she can have the life she wishes for while you’re sitting idle with no authority over yourself makes you frown almost every time you see her smile happily. “Yes, well, I seem to have caught a bug. May I be excused, please… your highness?” You offered a tight lipped smile at your mothers unhappy face. The poised woman sipped from her white wine as she shooed you off with a flick of the wrist, but you couldn’t leave the dining room without her having the last words.
“Y/n dear, I want you to know… no matter how much you try to fight it, this is your life. You will eat when I tell you, wear what I want you to, and marry who I wish you to. Is that understood, darling?” Your eyelids fluttered as you fought back tears of frustration, no matter how hard you tried to be perfect, she saw right through you. “You’re dismissed.” 
The maids opened the grand doors, offering you pity glances as you clacked off; struggling to keep your composure as Minho followed closely behind.
He didn’t say anything as you sped walk into the garden, breathing heavily as tears finally flowed down your cheeks. You looked down at your glove clad hands as you stopped in the center of the garden, sniffling as you rushed to rip them off. Throwing them to the rocky pavement as you dug your heel into the glimmering fabric.
“Your grace,” you sighed softly at the sound of his voice, the voice that calmed you whenever this would happen. Minho didn’t seem to know the effect he had on you, or maybe he did and decided to ignore it. Either way his presence always worked.
“It’s cold out, and you have nothing to cover yourself with, shall we go inside?” He asked softly, staring at your back as you looked at the now dirty satin gloves on the cobblestone. You shook your head in disagreement, turning around to be met with Minho’s gentle eyes underneath the moonlight.
“The breeze feels nice, I wish to stay out here for longer. You can go back if you’d like.” Your voice was weak as you sat on a bench, overlooking a small man made lake your brother made for you as an 11th birthday gift. You watched as the koi fish swam carelessly, free. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony. 
You know Minho didn’t leave, he wouldn’t leave even if you paid him to. “Why is this my life Minho?” He stayed silent. You looked up at him, his expression neutral, used to having heard this talk from you multiple times.
“Why can’t I marry the one I love? Be happy with him, feel the kind of love my brother and the dutchess have. It’s right at my fingertips, but it’s being ripped away.” Minho raised a brow, this was new. Your rants were always about freedom, not about love.
“… are you in love, my grace?” Minho was surprised. He’s with you every hour of the day, he surely would’ve noticed if you’ve developed a crush on someone. 
You parted your lips, realizing what you’ve just said. The wine has seemingly gotten to you.
You stand up, “I want to go to my room.” You whispered, walking passed the now curious man. Minho swiftly picked up your gloves and handed them to a maid as he followed you inside. 
You dismissed the help as they offered to undress you. “Please just… go to your chambers, I want to be alone.” They all left, except for him. You closed your room doors behind you, sighing. “Would you like me to leave too, your grace?” You rolled your eyes, turning around to face him.
You were tired, tired of pretending, tired of hiding. “Have you ever been in love, Minho?” Your guard frowned, then soon moved in a hurry to help as he saw you trying to take off your jewelry. You sucked in a breath of air as you saw his reflection in the mirror, focused on helping you with your pearls. You fought the urge of closing your eyes as his fingers grazed your skin.
“I have.” He answered shortly, “but she didn’t love me back, I got over it quickly, it was years ago. Honestly, I’ve forgotten until you just brought it up.” He understood you needed a distraction, so he gave it to you, as he always did. Didn’t matter if you asked for a war story and a made up one, whatever you asked of him he’d try to do.
You blinked, staring as he set your pearls down on your vanity, moving to work on your earrings. “What did it feel like?” Your voice came out in a whisper, causing Minho to look in the mirror to see you looking back at him. His heart skipped a beat, seeing the expression of longing on your face was almost too painful for him to see. A sweet girl like you shouldn’t be unhappy, yet here you are, unable to flap your wings like you should be.
“I wish I could tell you the beauty of it, my grace; but all I can tell you is the pain.” Minho said calmly, offering a polite smile to your reflection as he placed one earring down, moving to the next.
“It feels like a breath of fresh air after you’ve been suffocating for years. Like you’ve been lured in by a siren to live in the depths of the sea but finally you’ve been saved, being able To see the sun again.” Minho’s hands paused at your words, looking at you through the mirror once more. A pang in his chest follows as you look at him the way you did during dinner, only this time he notices.
“Your grace…” he whisperers. “It feels of the warm sun in the early summer, when you’re in a meadow surrounded by freshly bloomed daisies and dandelions. You know, when the breeze is just right? It feels… good.” Your small smile soon turns grim, watching as Minho sets the last piece of jewelry down. “It also hurts; like you said.” Minho stood silent, his heart pounding as you turned to face him; peering up into his sparkling eyes. “It hurts when I see that I can’t have you anyway that I want.” Minho’s breath hitched at your confession. “What do you mean… your grace… have me? I don’t seem to follow.”
You smiled painfully, reaching a manicured hand up to hold his cheek; stroking lightly. “I want you the way my brother wants the Dutchess, maybe even more. I don’t care if it’s forbidden… I want you. I want you to hold me, and do what they do in the dramas that my mother makes me turn off whenever they come on.” Your whispers travel across his now heated face.
“You… you’ve had too much to drink.” You scoffed at his stammering, surprising Minho. “No, I know what I said and I mean it. I’m a grown woman Minho, treat me as such.” You frowned, tired of being treated so fragilely.
Minho took your hand off his face, gazing down at you. “… treat you like a woman…” He looked into your eyes as he trailed off, your eyes drifted down to his chest. You nodded, looking back up to see him with parted lips and a frown. “Are you… are you in love with me?” You scoffed, feeling defensive at the possibility of rejection. 
“You can’t question feelings, Minho, it’s something we can’t entirely understand. If you don’t feel the same that’s fine, but don’t try to-” 
“thank you… for loving me.” He whispered. You frowned, “what do you mean?” He chuckled softly, “Thank you, for having feelings for me.” You watched as he bowed, pressing a chase kiss to the back of your hand. You flinched at the warmth of his lips.
“Minho…” he stood up, his hands caressing your cheeks as he moved closer. “This is forbidden, what we’re about to do, you know well that it is. But yet i’d still risk it, your grace. You find me worth the risk, you confessing to me is more than enough reason.” You tilted your head in confusion, “W-what are we about to do, Minho?”  He smiles. “I’m going to make love to you, if that’s ok. I feel as if you deserve it.” He whispers. 
Your cheeks flush, for the first time your eyes want to look anywhere but him. You’ve never done anything intimate with another before. “I don’t want you to feel like you’re obligated to… to touch me.” You whispered, looking down at his lips instead of his eyes that were trying to find yours.
Your lips part as you feel a soft kiss pressed to your forehead, sighing as he then places one at the corner of your mouth. “I’ve been trying to be… respectful, your grace. But must you know, I've been wanting to feel your skin on mine for a while.” You tensed up at his confession. “H-huh?” Your voice was weak, a rush of arousal, heat making its way into your abdomen.
Minho’s thumb traced the outline of your cupid's bow. “Do you know how hard it’s been… hearing you touch yourself late at night, and all I can do is stand outside your door and listen?” Your face grew hot, “Listen to you whisper my name, you probably didn’t even mean too. Did you, your grace?” His voice was soft but that didn’t mean you were any less nervous. “U-uh, I thought I… I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.” Minho chuckled softly at your pity excuse of an alibi.
“You can’t help it, I know. I’m the only one who takes care of you, it’s natural for you to call out to me in times like that. I find it adorable actually, that you need me. Your fingers sliding into your cunt, wishing that it was any part of me doing it instead. Are my assumptions correct, hm?” Minho tilted his head, his fingers grabbing ahold of your chin, making you look at him. It was as if your heart was in your ears by how loud it was currently beating.
“But even though I wasn’t able to help you, you always managed to cum. I know exactly what you sound like when you get there, I memorized it; you sound so fucking sweet, if I could record it I would, your grace.” You took in a deep breath, “Min-”, “What do you imagine that makes you cum every time? Do you imagine that your precious fingers are mine? What about… hm,” you watched in disbelief as he pondered other possibilities. “Ah, my tongue tasting you. Catching every last bit of you, not wasting a drop. Is it that, your grace?” 
You were speechless, your mind blank as all you could feel were his words gliding right through you and straight to your know throbbing core. Imagining the scenarios described to you, like you could feel it.
“Oh, what about this. Do you like thinking about how well I can fuck you? How Just me slipping into you can make all the frustration go away? How I can make your mind blank, your head fuzzy and your legs shake as I fuck you just the way you tell me too. Is that what gets you off, my grace?” You couldn’t help the soft whine that escaped your lips. Minho coos with a knowing grin, his hand traveling from your chin to grip your entire jaw, gently pulling you closer so the tip of your noses are grazing.
“So sweet, pretty, precious, aren’t you?” Your mind grew fuzzy. “Let me serve you, It’s my job; and I love to do my job.”
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431989 · 6 months
more resident alien posting. predictions... spoilers so beware
well. i'm upset that the shows going to have a difficult time having more serious scenes now. and that's probably what it's going to try and set itself up for.
i reaaaally would have loved to see this show do something ACTUALLY different and good. by different i mean in terms of writing and not necessarily drifting from source material. yes i'm still sour over last ep, but i wouldn't be AS sour if everyone on the show didn't treat harry and asta's relationship as "mother and child." and also if the show didn't take such a nose dive into the type of comedy it's putting out.
ALSO? IN A RECENT INTERVIEW? Sheridan going on to state that harry would lose his first """love""" (more like lust. awesome that a show trying to teach human emotion gets those two things mixed up) and then realize there's love everywhere or something? why does this feel like "weird" people are forever left to the role of outcasts. already fucked it up once i guess the guy's trying to fuck it up more. could've just left it at "he'll lose his first love, then he will have to reconcile with his feelings." but he had to drop in that last corny bit.
like. the show's source is already good. i don't understand all these decisions they're making to try and make it seem "unique." and now to get numbers back they're dumbing it way down. WHICH. BY DOING SO. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE YOUR DRAMA? like how am i supposed to take anything seriously in the show. i *could* in season 1 and parts of season 2, but now it's just whatever. it's too goofed up for me to care. and now people who love the goofy won't give two shits about whatever message you want to drop or plot you want to develop. i dont give a shit about the greys!!! i dont care what theyre doing!!!! who gives a fuck if theyll blow up the earth. none of the characters really care anymore either. oh well!!!
also, predictions kind of. i'm not trying to say this will be the be all end all but it certainly could be a turn the show takes. in one of the issues of the comic (suicide blonde i think), harry is investigating the "suicide" of a woman. by the end of the issue, he catches up with her ex-lover and ex-roommate. they were both ladies. and the girl who died had a drinking problem btw. and was constantly seeing boys. i'm all for gay couples on screen as a gay guy myself but it'll feel so cheap to pair darcy and asta together despite the way theyve been played on screen. maybe its doable. i don't know. but i genuinely could care less considering the overall tone of the show's drifted more towards a sitcom than anything else. i think the small handful of 40+ year old gay wine moms would probably love it, but the vast majority of viewers wont. either they'll hate it and say it's forced diversity (there's already people saying that about the gay couple on screen this past episode) or it'll be another nothing moment to a further nothing story. if anything it'd feel one step removed from tokenization, considering they see harry as a manchild. ableism! show's trying to seem fucking wholesome but they can't be bothered to care about their nd viewers. like "haha look we have a main gay couple!!! what do you *mean* our show has rampant ableist tropes, we have a gay couple!"
i'm just so bummed. the show's cornered itself into a sitcom so meaningful moments aren't a thing anymore. plus the comparison of harry to a child is really getting at me. like he's a grown man as a human, and hes a grown alien thing as an alien. it's such a big slap in the face to any person who cherished the witty and unique story telling of the first season... like.... i don't know.... people who would've been fans of the comic too? i have small gripes about the comic, but at least it takes itself more seriously. but the show runners haaate the people who read the comics. why? i dont know. well maybe i do know. probably seen as too nerdy and weird for their idea of the show's viewerbase. despite the fucking basis of the show being weird and nerdy.
they couldve done the darcy asta thing better if they do go down that road. i'm just saying i wouldn't be surprised. they already scared off everyone who would've cared for something like that, so i don't know how they'll manage to find an audience that cares. everything in s1 was so organic and felt real!!!!! now its just!!! nothing!!!!!!!!!!
im also thinking about the fact that after posting that one resident alien drawing i did, i've had to block tons of people because they're freaks. loud and proud conservatives. man this shit sucks.
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Rogue thoughts and reactions--->
not taking many notes this time cause i wanted to Savour this one tbh and what a blast so far
rogue and doctor so far is like. rtd striking gold potentially here (i kno he didnt write this one i mean more like. in the long run. i could see fans going crazy over this Type of ship and spending sweet $$$$ on it lol).
ruby looking at this "scene" like it's a tv show………. live…….. honey u best believe in ghost stories hyper post-modern genre tv show seasons cause u are in one
cushy… wordsmiths-ing count…
"ruby: you know how i forget about a man?" with a woman? (shot)
the parallel of these guys "dishonoring" these ppl while the doc and ruby do kind of the same all the time sdkflj
mmm second time i see a triangle logo (it was there last ep on the door to the MEP area that lindsey and rickey ran into. camera held on suspiciously long on it…) (triangles…. three…. susan TRIAD???)
doctor this says you're single and available. oh another word. "very" available.
"wow" boner dialogue
mention of gallifrey.... "i might take you one day" oh man. oh man………..
"random barren dimension" yes this is not an equivalent to a silent confinement analogue at all don't think about it too hard guys
"i lost everyone"
they're leaning on……………. oh yaz just broke a coffee mug somewhere
maybe the real enemy was fandom all along
ok im enjoying The Concept a lot, as expected…….. but gotta say rogue does feel a bit two dimensional so far :/ (maybe even a bit cliche?) i feel jack in his first ep had more depth at first for example (bounty hunter but also lost his memory. doing amoral things but being swayed by the doctor at the end. etc). but there's time THERE'S TIME. DONT LE TME DOWN EPISODE PLEA SE. there's always a twist-
you people and your bridgetons. in my time this would all be a big ass downtown abbey reference
sad thing is this is def one episode i wont be able to watch with my homophobic parents at all oof lmao
this dialogue.... kinda thoschei acadamy years coded ngl
"tell me what your heart wants or i shall turn my back on your forever" defining 15 character dialogue……….
(commitment phobe doctor moment. my girl hastn changed at ALL) (btw intrigued by rogue's "i lost them" bc it could mean a lot right. it's the most delibarely ambiguous of pronouns dklfjsd like it could be a nonbinary character but could also be a couple characters? or maybe im reading it wrong sdlkjf)
play our games on a magnificent scale…………… games motif……….
"i thought i was interesting- but you??" exactly!!! doctor who>>>>>>>> bridgerton/all other tv shows. case made.
god i feel so stupid. i dint catch that twist at all TOT
wedding season finale. chuldur's know where it's at.
oh finally there's the scene from the trailers!!!!!!!!!
"how long do they live for?" oh he's gonna says A Thing "thats a long time to suffer" I WASN'T WRONG /GOES FERAL ( i knew the family of blood coding was leading somewhere…)
the doctor beatiing these cosplayers with his "i object" tv tropyness……….. the meta of it……… theory gang we're gonna make it yet i swear
ok yes this is sad poor ruby but like. but literally last month 14 killed/sacrificed donna w/o sm hesitation so sdklfjdsklfjsdklfj (yes im still like. HEY THAT WAS A SIGNIFICANT THING THAT HAPPENED. WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT IT.)
oh is rogue a chuldur as well? he feels too invested in the trolley problem of it all sdlkfj
im gonna say it.... i thought that resolution was kinda........ as the kids say..... weak sauce sfkdj
like oh nooo he got teleported oh noooo. like he's gonna be fine slkdfjsd didn't really hit that hard :/ should have had a proper death sacrifice thing.
"im sorry....." "....AAAANYWAY , it is what it is!!!! " my man is so broken holy shit. holy shit.
it's ok to be sad. !!!!! TOT
sdlkjf ya'll i really wanted this to harder but idk i didnt feel the depth or sensibility this called for was there tbh. but it was a blast!!! but … it missed a bit of that x factor thing. like some kind of universality to the romance w/ the rogue. i feel he was too sketched-in.... i was also a bit disappointed that ruby's friend was not her friend bc it meant her whole thing this ep of connecting to that woman was for nothing (and up until that point it was feeling very Important specially after the marti thing) (and speaking of, the chuldur's were kinda very sketched-in / surface-level as villains as well) … yeah. idk. kinda disappointing ngl (diodati > this i think). pretty fucking gay tho so that was nice.
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imeanwhynotbruv · 2 years
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Mini Metal synopsis
Stranger things / The black phone crossover Au
(Ok so I know I already have Billy Hargrove & Vance Hopper as brothers but then I saw this soooooooooo yep. This is not part of the call my family au btw. I wanted a Vance & Eddie brother au, it’s cute shush)
But first
Eddie & Vance as Brothers/people:
Eddie is your typical metalhead goofball.
He’s generally an easy going guys who’s always up for a laugh, even at his own expense
He makes comebacks to insults like it’s and Olympic sport
He’s nice until you dis his brother because then he will end you (he can actually fight well just chooses not to most of the time)
Definitely likes lots of physical affection, even if it’s just patting you on the head. Likes complementing people for the fun of it.
He’s a big softie but totally has resting bitch face/ resting I’m going to kill you slowly face
When he zones out it looks like he’s planning your murder
Takes joy in lovingly embarrassing his brother and friends
He can be serious when he deems it necessary
Looks like he always wants to punch you in the face and probs actually does
Doesn’t really like being touched unless he’s in a fight or unless it’s Eddie/ someone he likes
Is all over Eddie always demanding affection (most of the time without words) and Eddie is happy to give it.
Is immune to Eddies attempts at embarrassing him
Has a short fuse and is quick to fight but Eddie can calm him down
Has a soft spot of animals, kids and outcasts
Wont admit it but Eddie is practically a god in his eyes.
Plot :
The boys go to live with their uncle after their dad kills the mum then dies in prison
Vance has powers but Eddie is the only living person who knows
Vance was kidnapped by the Lab at 7yo & gets the number of an experiment that died, 009
I El is the spy then Vance is the killer & the lab teams the up a lot.
Becomes Els closest friend and kind of like a big brother to defend her, so he get in trouble a lot for fighting the other kids
Eddie doesn’t stop looking even when the town does. Learns the Forrest better than anyone else and can navigate it like the back of his hand.
Eddie becomes the freak
Years pass
When will goes missing Eddie is one of the first people in line to help, like to the point Joyce is almost worried about how much sleeps he’s getting and would have done something if she was too worried for Will.
When 001 kills the others he doesn’t kill Vance.
Vance helps El fight One and they escape together.
Vance can speak better than El (but still not great) so when they find benny he makes up a lie and they run before benny can be hurt cuz he deserves better 😤
Meet the party in the woods and Vance is a lot less trusting.
Vance can vaguely remember Eddie but his brain was scrambled by the lab so he only gets these flashes and feeling about how they’re important.
When they are at the Quarry scene Eddie sees it happen from the woods, he’s about to step in a help when he sees Vance and El.
Something Clicks in Vance’s brain when Eddie talks to him and both refuse to leave each other and El refuses to Leave Vance. So yay team up!
Then it’s the show but eddies in it earlier, Vance has powers and just a lot of shenanigans that give Hopper a migraine 😅
Well this has been living in my head so it feels good to get this out 😁
I like this idea and sure some of it will probs change but I think it will be fun
Hop you enjoyed
The tag: Mini Metal Au
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vibinglikethat · 1 year
my thoughts and feelings about jedi survivor (spoilers ahead)
ok so i've finished the storyline of jedi survivor and i thought i would express my many feelings about this amazing game (in case i wasn't obvious lol, i LOVED it.)
so the game takes place 5 years after jedi fallen order, and of course lots of things have happened between JFO and JS, one of which is the crew went their separate ways and it becomes clear that cal wasnt happy with that. eventually they all reunite and everything is nice and there is hope and then you remember this is star wars and it's set during the empire and so that hope turns to dust real quick and it's AGONIZING.
GOD i can't stop thinking about bode and his betrayal i dont remember the last time i was so fucking shocked over a character's betrayal, i was never shocked with anakin because uhhh yeah he was always meant to be darth vader lol, but with bode??? i did NOT see it coming. it especially sucks because i really liked him. and the fact that he used to be a JEDI???? THAT FUCKING SHOOK ME TO THE CORE. i feel so bad for his daughter OH my god :( she lost her parents at such a young age i want to cry (I LOVE that merrin especially tries to help and comfort her because she can relate im going to sob)
cere junda.....oh man. oh god. my love for cere is endless and im still processing her death (YES I KNOW SHES A FICTIONAL CHARACTER I CANT HELP HOW I FEEL LOL) i actually already kinda knew she was going to die because i saw gifs but i feel like i would have been even MORE upset if i didnt know because OH my god.........the darth vader and cere fight scene was SO cool though like tragedy aside i loved being able to do that omg you cant really properly fight darth in JFO and i loved that you could this time while playing as cere
god cal crying while holding her body wrecked me.....i wont be forgetting that anytime soon, if ever.
CAL AND MERRIN ARE ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH im gonna admit and say i never called myself a cal/merrin shipper but i HAVE loved their dynamic and i love romance so im definitely shipping them now lol (MERRIN BEING THE FIRST TO INSTIGATE THEIR KISS.....WE LOVE TO SEE IT)
greez........i love greez :) i DO want to know what happened to his arm because OH my god wtf anyway i love that he has a saloon, good for him. this game made me love him even more. he just loves his found family :((( AND OH MY GOD HE WAS SO HEARTBROKEN AFTER CERE I WANT TO THROW UP
this is getting absurdly song omg sorry lol im sure im forgetting some things but these are the most significant moments that happened and i wont be forgetting anytime soon lol
also btw i straight up cried during the funeral scene which is the last scene that plays before the credits. the force theme played which probably contributed to my tears lol
anyway the ending was perfect, this game is perfect, the emotional devastation is perfect, the gameplay is perfect, i cannot recommend this game ENOUGH. if you like star wars and souls-like games. if you've read this far please feel free to reblog and say "so true op" in the tags lol
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moonlitscales · 2 months
Do you have any Oc’s?
I'll start this w/ I have a blog just for my OCs/art!!! (I promise I'm not self promoting 💀)
Okay this will now be a mini rant on my OCs bc I've been WAAAITING to answer this!!!!1!!1!1!!!! (tweaking while writing this)
My current biggest OCs with a story are Sia, Nova, Diana, and Annie. Their story centers around a cult (motivation currently unknown), that is following Sia and Nova every town they move. Nova is Sia's older sister and raised her from a baby when Nova was only around 7-8 years old. The sister move towns almost every year, yet Diana appears in almost every one.
Diana is Sia's closest friend and secret stalker. Annie doesn't come up much, but has a history with Nova that isn't the best. Sia is unaware but suspicious of the cult, Nova does her best to stay as far away from any signs of it, and Diana and Annie and members said cult.
These are all their designs and a few things about them!!!
Sia Kitlen:
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-She is a Siamese cat (surprise) with a liking more towards the scene style and listens to music a lot. She's pretty sociable and loves making friends even if she wont see them for long. She is a demigirl (she/they) and a Omnisexual with a preference for women.
Nova Kitlen:
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-A black cat and Sias older sister with a TOUGH backstory. She's cold and barely talks to anyone besides her sister. She strives to be a fashion designed since it was what her papa wanted to be before he passed. She is aroace, but has had a romantic history. (not too open to relationships now though) She's almost missing her ring finger on her left hand and has the sigil of the cult branded on her back bc why not 😋
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-A soft/cutecore bunny who seems to follow the sisters at every town they move to; whether she shows herself or not. She's more soft spoken and gentle with a passion for photography, but is actually a HEAVY stalker and border line yandere. She's apart of the cult (I just don't have a name for them yet 💀) and her purpose is to follow Nova and give updates but really only pays attention to Sia. She's a raging lesbian btw, she thinks everyone's super icky but especially men
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(okay so I don't actually have a full working design for her yet but shes going be a "scary" or tough dog breed like a pitbull I just need to finish designing it bc she was originally 'human' 💀)
-Annie is a mechanic/inventor who works in her mothers/family business: "Annie and Bells" (her mother). Her family comes first, which was unfortunate when she fell for Nova only to have her pushed away because of the cult. She was originally supposed to only get close to her to get her back into the cults hands but fell for her instead. She a bisexual who really REALLY misses her ex.
Also if you've gotten down to this part that means you've paid enough attention to care and you deserve to know: Sia and Annie were old Welcome home Ocs 😓 I eventually separated them from it, but deAR GOD do I have a scary amount of art shipping Sia and a Wally AU T-T (also here's the cult sigil or something)
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(spider :3)
But yeah! Those are my current biggest and most important ocs!!! I do have a few others but those are the ones I'm currently hyperfixating on :333
Here's a few extra just because and i'm bored
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Clara is an old Hazbin hotel oc overlord own owns a makeup company and shipped with Velvette bc why not
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Kai is literally just a chill beach girl. Made her from an OC challenge w/ my bestie lol
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baekhvuns · 1 year
first of all, i literally wheezed so hard like a bee buzzing upon seeing your hashtag for me — job resign anon. yes so true. and im so proud of leaving that damn company 🫡 and another yes, my current interest is how to date choi san irl 😁
second of all, naauuurrrr i cant spill the fic im currently writing or anyone (as if) could catch up who am i if i ever drop my fanfic but but but but i have alwaaayyyssss wanting to ask these amazing writers, specifically YOU to proofread the draft plot if it's cool and meet up with readers' expectation or not but..... hmm let's see,, considering im already 70% of finishing and actually ready to drop it but im still insecure with my writings since this is my first time and english is not my main language 🦍 and sometimes my brain got blocked randomly that i ended up wrote the (hopefully) angst scene when i was happy,,, so like,,, im worried if the angst could reach the target audiences or not... but then since nobody is perfect, not even professional writers so im ready to learn more ^^
what can i say is im writing a mingi fanfic— ex-husband and ex-wife to lovers trope btw (i have said this much im crying people gonna find out lmaoooo *gunshot*)
my brain be generating so many ideas but my hands wont cooperate with me to actually converting all my thoughts into writings smh and actually i have mafia san in my draft for, idk, more than a year perhaps but the hype for mafia has sank (i assumed) recently so i have a new idea for san which is reincarnated au!!! i just hope my hands will work well with my brain to share my ideas with everyone before i got a new job or sumn hehe :D
LMFAOOO IT FITS DOESN'T IT 😭😭😭 proud of u for taking steps and leaving a capitalistic institution behind to ruins 🫡
OOOOOO WAIT UR A WRITER HERE IM ABOUT TO GO LOOK SFABFJNDFKJ JKJK we will wait for ur work! oooo i'd love too! i love reading others' drafts so i would be 100% willing to read urs as well bring on the plots im ready, im sure many others would too! i understand english isn't my first either but i let my writing go thru grammarly or my google docs it fixes a lot of things for me! LMFAOO THATS SO CUTE IM SURE IT WORKED OUT IN THE END just listen to some extremly sad songs, moon lovers ost's can help <3 have written all my angsts to those songs! & u never know until u publish it1 the audience might enjoy the angst!
what can i say is im writing a mingi fanfic— ex-husband and ex-wife to lovers trope btw (i have said this much im crying people gonna find out lmaoooo *gunshot*)
my brain be generating so many ideas but my hands wont cooperate with me to actually converting all my thoughts into writings mE FOR THE PAST YEAR <3 ,,,, mafia san.... reincarnation au.... HYPE FOR MAFIAS WILL NEVER SINK WE R GOING INTO THE AUTUMN IT'LL BE BACK AND THRIVING,,, ur work sounds very exciting i cannot wait <33
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jeeezzzlouise · 2 years
I share a crazy lot things with Delirium. I see myself in her with out having to augment myself to fit. Honestly I can make a list, and I sort of have. I wrote to Neil Gaimen in general about my love for the character (like everyday for a month with, yuck, felt very cringe but it's hard to cut through the white noise of socialmedia) and then season two was announced. So I sent my letter to his people, and they said to send an audition tape. I had my agency send it for me but I probably would have done that even if they didnt ask.
Anyway back to that list I was talking about:
1. I look crazy similar to her depiction in the comics. And yes, I did dye my hair twice and buzz cut it off for the audition because Del's hair changes so often. And yeah, I do kinda look like a hedgehog now that the buzzcut is growing out. Thanks for asking. But I know that is not enough...
2. My acting ability. I've studied cinematography and worked in the industry. I have a natural talent for acting and I always have. But for the love of Liza Minnelli can a girl not get a gig in this town?! And that's an entire topic on it's own which I wont get into. But like Liza would say, I got the chops kid don't you worry.
3. I am the youngest of six, three boys, three girls. (Guess my folks just really like to equal out the odds) And frankly that dinner scene hits closer to home than I care to admit.
4. I've come out of a six year long depression. I  know what it means to feel totally lost and with out hope. I see the much darker side of Delirium and I understand it. She said once "what if it gets worse?" As she melted down and cried on the floor. And I had never seen such a clear personification of my own fear when I was really struggeling. I would have given anything to not feel like that and she would too. I experienced a lot of brain fog in the worst of my depression and I see her frustration and anxiety around not remembering things/ forgetting  and how that influences her speach and body language. It hits hard when your brain and your body is out of sink and that frustration, anger and hurt is indescribable.
5. Neurodivergence. You can't tell me she's neurotypical. At the very least she has ADHD... because same. And btw, her sentances are not jibberish, she just thinks faster than what she can talk. And with many different thoughts crossing her mind at  once, it can get a little jumbled... and that's on Neurodivergence. Also the way she describes people/things feels close to my synesthesia. My favorite example is when she says a cop is mean and feels like he has bugs all over him (and then makes him believe it) makes sense to me because people just feel like that sometimes! It's hard to describe, you just feel it and it can sometimes it make sense but mostly it doesnt. So yeah, that's synesthesia for you.
6. She never stopped being Delight and neither did I. She is very brave... In her own way. It's very difficult to remain so open, curious and wonderful when in contrast your faced with a lot of sorrow and pain. I dont think it's a coincidence that she remained similar to delight. It would be easier to let that version of herself die and become completely something different. But she continuously fights to keep it, and so do I.
There is more i could say but I will spare you all. If you want to see my audition tape it's on youtube, because I have no shame I will not rest until I have explored every possible avenue of comunication also I'm terrified they cast somone for the name and not the talent and ifthathappensiwillflytohollywoodandeggneil'scastinfagent'scarsohelpmegodiwillfightwithmylastdieingbreath. But mostly I have this gut feeling like this is something I am meant to do... 
and no matter how much I embarrass myself by putting myself out there, I have to try. It's like I have no other option but to succeed or crash and burn in a bonfire of my own creation.
Anyway... thanks for reading... and you better say something nice to me or I will cry.
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asoulofatlantis · 2 years
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The Machalania-Temple was always one of those temples were I had real trouble remembering what I had to do when I was facing the Trial but this time, it took me no time at all to get it done. I am impressed by myself. My brain is really bad at remembering things and its been AGES since I last played FFX but for some reason, this apparently has finally found its way into my long term memory XD In any case, we are getting closer to the mid-final of this game now. The difficulty will rise from here on out. But we are prepared.
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This has always been one of Wakkas biggest issues. If he needed someone to blame, he blamed the AlBhed. That was the easiest way for him to deal with things he could accept or understand. Chappus death happened because he chose a machina Weapon that was made by the AlBhed and operation Migen failed because of the AlBhed Machina and everything really is the AlBheds fault in his eyes. Thankfully, he will learn his lesson soon enough. But this is, while Wakka is otherwise a nice character, something that makes you fancy him a lot less for a while.
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You know whats fun? I never really noticed myself, that we were literally on Sins back this whole time. I saw a video on YouTube a while ago who explained it and proved it by showing the ruins on Sins back and all and it makes absolut sense too. But I always thought we were standing just on some random ruins beneath the temple and Sin just suddenly showed up. In truth, the reason we survived that fall, is likely because we fell on Sin, but I only see that now.
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There is something motherly about Lulu and I really like that about her.
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To be fair... Wakka really had it rough for a while ^^’
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Both Cid and Rikku speak Spiraisch without even so much as a dialect. Brother doesn’t. Makes you wonder why...
BTW... whoever made the background-sounds for this part of the game hopefully got fired.
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Even when Tidus straight out asks the question, they all keep quiet. I really think its just cruel and mean at this point. He must face the truth eventually anyway. Plus, I get the: “It was just to hard to say” - part, but wasn’t it also hard hearing Tidus talk about what happens after Sin all the time?
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It took them half of the game to finally officially reveal that and it hit extremely hard.  We as the player could have easily gotten the hints until then, but as I mentioned before, to hear them confirm it, is still different from just thinking that this might be the case.
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Also... watching Tidus suffer. Watching him realize what he had said and done, knowing that he never had bad intentions and all, was really painful.
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Who is cutting onions here? This scene always hurts my heart a bit. And I love how Valfaris looks like she understand Tidus pain and wants to comfort him, even tho he hit her in his desperation. She is one of the faith. One of them who isn’t allowed to finally find rest and over and over again for a 1000 years she had to watch summoners sacrifice themselves. So I believe she truly can understand Tidus pain and desperation.
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Someone give this boy some baldrian! He needs to calm down! I understand his anger and frustration and I know that he just wants to see Yuna and apologize to her and all that, but he really needs a calm head first.
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Its a bit funny... I find Tidus cool and all in that scene, but for some reason it suddenly reminds me of Rean promising to Towa and the other that Crow would come back to them so they can graduate together. I was so angry at Rean back then, because he wasn’t thinking at all when he said that. It was just his wish that that would happen, but he had not been willing to think through how that was supposed to work, given how he had been talking about a freaking terrorist who shot the chancellor. Tidus here too, is just guided by his emotions. His wishful thinking defy all logic. He doesn’t want Yuna to die, so she wont. He want to find a way, so he will. That he is facing a cycle that has been going on for 1000 years and that, if it was easy to break, would have been broken a long time ago, doesn’t even hit his stubborn head in this moment. Playing young man who are kind of still boys somehow, can be exhausting, I tell you XD (Now I finally have reached the point where I understand what Auron always meant, when he said young summoners aren’t easy and always causing trouble and stuff like that. It probably shows tho, that I am getting old XD)
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Uh... I don’t think Steam can deal with this animation XD Its embarrassing, given how expensive my computer was.
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Ep8 really gave me goosebumps...I've been screaming for the past 5 min straight...
Let's start with YiDiao...holy shit..Diao went off on him!!! He really said that!! That entire fight was so satisfying to hear, both me and Diao are fed up!! I did aprechiate the date spot being a lil skate park and Yi teaching Diao - all of their scenes were great and really is pushing the edge on what this relationship is gonna progress to (further supported by some stuff said in the preview) very exited for this, MaxNat slaying as always
This ep really showcased the DiaoKuea and YiLian' friendships beautifully - finally a catching up with the cuties and gotta love bestie Diao reading Kuea like an open book and further supporting what Jay says previously - about Kuea overthinking and such.
This whole bit really showcases the deepness of Kuea's insecurities and how much tunner vision he has over it to the dismay of his poor friend Jay (Perth absolutely slayed this whole conversation, I was with u the whole time king😤) -loved how it showed how close they are as friends with Jay being absolutely done with Kuea's shit.
YiLian sometimes feel like besties or mf that are gonna bite eachother any minute. Yi barely says anything, talking most when trying to get back at Lian for his remarks - but in true bestie fashion Lian has all the right comebacks and is reading this MF to filth (much like Diao moments before) besties tell each other when their doing stupid shit and this is a great example of this.
Moving on to the way we started this ep (much like last how we ended and started) on a make out scene...y'all...first of all cinematography wise slapped I was ooglelig at the blue and orange of the lighting in the bed....but second the CONSENT AND COMMUNICATION bf all the steamenesss!!yes!!
This episode really showed each character's live language/way of showing love - Both Diao and Kuea are very verbal people that need and carve verbal approval and affection. Kuea needs to hear Lian say I love you (even so I swear Lian was saying stuff while they did shit👀) and Diao needs to hear what Yi feels about him. On the other hand, Lian and Yi are more physical people who show love through action and physical touch - with the unfortunate fact that both absolutely suck at verbal communication (the literally driving force for these two's relationship drama). Lian is slowly learning how to meet Kuea's needs with his heartfelt words on the couch; really proud of him as a character to address things and apologize for what he said to Kuea and even clear up their misunderstanding (the hug!!so comforting) but its clear the full capacity of his love is show by his actions thought all of his scenes, but putting in effort to speak more. Lian has seen that he's been huring Kuea all this time and is now learning to do better, yes character development!!!
Now, while I relate and appreciate Kuea's whole over thinking deal as a character flaw and something to drive the drama forward while making sense for his character - I do want to say that is very emotionally driven and just a hit odd? (Which is why I totally get Jay's whole frustration, like bro you both love each other chill out) but like..Kuea's whole fear is that his true self is unlovable and that when Lian "finds out the truth" he wont love him anymore (which fair to his insecurities and the like) but him being "suspicious" of the fact he's changed "so quickly" is kinda weird ? Idk why do u think he has ulterior motives in the first place? What would those even be? Also if I was Kuea I would be scared bc Kuea has been lying for like the past 2-3 years about his life,who wouldnt be atleast a bit upset when they find out??? He's not bc he already know but u get what I mean.
Loved Kuea finally remberingthr kiss BTW(loved the cut back to the car kiss,same positions and everything) and Lian saying he wanted Kuea to talk about it first clearing that up so quick? Love it.
We end a bit how we start: nice little night kiss with some domestuc vibes. I think Kuea not lying here about diner is really significant, not a huge thing, but a step in the right direction accounting his previous behavior (loved the lil spicy line to end it off)👀
Now on to what you all are waiting for (and if your not are we watching the same show?) LISTEN SYN AND NEUR YALL I need these two in a lead role RIGHT NOW holy shit dudes....first off loved Syn's whole begging scene we get a bit more insight into his life and character and I'm falling for him more bc of the way he denied every single like bad thing the woman said about her own son, mostly bc she brought it up to bring him up? What a king honestly
FUCKING Nuer with the smooth moves? He really said "I don't need anyone else just you" *screams* and both of their smile aftet he said that !! 😭😭😭Syn looking like a blushing highschool girl with that broom! So cute
And then Neur just getting all up in his personal space...the way these two look at eachothe BRO like I can't...I legit can't..and the the other scene were Neur recites a little mantra(I think thats what it is, like religious moral prayers) was just like...thus man went into the trouble of researching something he knows your passionate/intrested in and like made an effort to write it down and pronounce it (it being on a fucking post it just makes me imagine him in the library like writing down with a stupid smile on his face im-) literally can they just get married and adopt a dog please I love them.
And the class scene!! We all friends !! Loved the little drawings and how Neur immediately caught on Syn's jealousy and showed him the other drawings...their so cute FUCK
Side note kinda - no, I don't know what the fuck is happening with all this talk of papers and shit but I do know its probably a red hearing bc their is no way Lian is doing a this out of a place of malicious intent - ain't no way 🧐
Can't wait for the next ep, it seems the pace has picked up since were getting closer to the end now...YiDiao nation get ready...😭💀
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pinksnow · 3 years
abridged timeline of the au from yours truly (pink)
- gen 1 addisons with the birth of the internet lol
- mid gens appear eventually which is what spamton is
-nboth of these gens are are susceptible to code glitches causing them to become worms
- yeah computer worms specifically are corrupted addisons lol
- spamton had an originally friend group of a gen 1 pink addison and 2 mid gens, blue and yellow
- they all got wormed except for ogpink
- spamton is a shitty horrible way of coping befriended the addisons we know because hee hee they look like my dead friends
- ogpink is like. ok. this is the worst way to go about this. spamton does not care LOL
- btw hope you don't mind ships bc we are supergluing blue and spamton together since he was closest to spamton canonly and also im just a sucker
- so ^ mostly befriended them all because our blue looked like his ogblue which he was crushing on and like. oh my god dude. mf you are really using this person as a replacement
- after a year or so idk he starts seeing blue as blue, just himself, not ogblue
- asks ogpink for dating advice LOL
- woo blue mission accomplished everyone go home
- ((gestures)) not many notable things here they're just living their best life. blue and spamton go out on dates and slow dance thats important because i use those to create agony later
- yadda yadda gaster phone call whatever i dont need to explain this
- becomes increasingly distant to them all and blue
- not a good look bro
- eventually they cant contact spamton
- spamtom and blue tried to see eachother but. spamton cant get out of all the constant meetings and photoshoots and deals to sign
- everyone is now very pissed at spamton because blue is now being emo in his room while spamtons face is everywhere yet he cant even go see him
- my mans boyfriend basically ghosted him LOL
- not only pissed but theyre all very, upset too
- yellow goes around breaking billboards and posters and anything spamton related he can get his hands on hoping itll grab spamtons attention (it wont hes got employees to take care of little things like that lol. he isnt even aware of what yellows doing)
- orange is talking to the mannequin as if it was spamton himself. man. you need therapy
- blue you already know is moping in his room listening to fucking radiohead LOL
- pink. pink. pink pink pink pink. this is where shit gets good. my man. my dude. he decides that the best way to cope with this is obviously to go around and find werewires and virovirokuns and anyone else to fight in alleyways. he takes that freezering and he goes to town. its all downhill from here folks
- spamton eventually puts out a job for a personal assistant and does EVERYTHING he can to make sure its very hidden from the general public and tries so so so hard to get blue to pick up the spot because then theyll finally be together all the time again. fucks sake he prints the ad in the newspaper that goes round to their house but blue never sees it
- despite his best efforts he hears one day they chose the absolute best candidate for the job. he hopes to god its blue
- its not its thiis fucking green bitch named Novarg
- hates this man for a solid month bc it should be blue there not him
- anyways ((gestures)) whatever more time passes
- 2000 ILOVEYOU computer worm appears. which is ogpink. he got wormed. spamton is. well he is not doing very well after that
- did i mention spamton is wormed ((smiles))
- did you guys know the second worst worm in the world is called SOBIG i think thats funny anyways thats spamton lol
- gaster behind the scenes trying so fucking hard to make sure spamton doesnt completely lose it bc thatll fuck up EVERYTHING
- worms spread by infecting ppl which can be cured easily but the worms themselves cant be cured
- i say this bc what spamton is unknowingly doing is making people think theres nothing wrong. you see the slight puppet joints appearing on his hands and mouth and you dont even register it. they see spamton suddenly rise and get his hands on every product everywhere and dont register that only a worm could spread this fast. yes im making the puppet features a wormed thing i can do whatever i want
- blue and nova notice though. blue because well of course hes staring all those spamton images and also because you know damn well those two explores eachothers bodies. lol
- nova asks spamtom about the finger joints one day and spamtons like what joints and thats when nova realizes oh he doesnt even know himself im gonna stay quiet then
- ((gestures again)) gaster cuts off spamton in 2004. why 2004. because. because. thats when the mydoom virus appeared. also known as novarg, thats right bitches ((slaps knee))
- everything is suddenly falling apart and spamton has a huge breakdown and without gaster there doing his freaky shit my mans does start glitching the hell out like a worm
- nova tries to help calm him down anyways, gets infected, due to spamtons code being unbelievably fucked up it mutates/rewrites itself when it yoinked novarg and just made him a completely new worm. which happens to be the worst one in the world. you see what i did i made the worst one derive from the code of what was the worst at the time. lol
- you know some swatchlings saw this happen and were like. oh my god hes wormed.
- nova at this point has probably already gone crazy and is just doing his own thing, ykno, destroying stuff, as a worm does
- spamton gets his ass thrown in the acid as an attempt to kill him because worms are very dangerous very big deal
- yeah im making his reason for an acid bath this instead, listen this au is already off the rocks
- he is 🤏🤏 tiepnsy now. hes still wormed but hes just like a fucked up rat now LOL
- well now news is out that spamton is dead ((like hell theyre saying he was a worm))
- its assumed nova killed him
- well see now our beloved addisons are REALLY depressed
- orange is straight up acting like the mannequin IS spamton hes in. such heavy denial dear god
- yellow is still breaking stuff
- blue is just even sadder now lol
- pink. a heem heem whimper. folds my hands. he also believes nova killed him and hea dead set on getting back at him. he goes out of his way to find them. of course he doesn't recognize nova AS nova, no one does, its just the MYDOOM worm, but its easier to say nova LOL
- this is when pink first uses snowgrave. he is at his limit. he never ever wanted to use it but now is a great time. well. well that went pretty badly
- half the fight is him getting knocked around by nova because he has to get 200tp to cast it in the first place so hes just running around
- when he DOES though, good god
- thats it hes gone you are dealing with this white eyed freak now. nova only barely escapes with their life due to being a computer worm but he got so fucked up
- pink snaps out of it after the fight is over thankfully and is like what the fuck happened
- only gets worse from here he keeps blacking out and he never remembers anything and after a few years at some point the magic in the ring just kinda. goes in him. its not even the ring anymore. why? bc i said so lol
- after years it gets to a point where its noticable, like before he just kinda went around in alleyways but now whole streets are getting freezed and you just see frozen ppl everywhere and its like damn bro!
- this dude sets the city into a fucking artificial winter it happens so much. bro its not supposed to SNOW here what is going on
- obviously a lot of snow is made when using snowgrave but also just when hes using any attack now so you can just barely make out his silhouette, which leads to those who were able to run away before being spotted only seeing a humanoid outline
- which well. ykno. they assume its a human, a lighter, bc of that
- why would they ever guess its an addison, worms haven't been a problem for years now since only firsts and mids really got wormed, and a worm wouldn't be using ice magic, and addisons alone on their own obviously cant attack
- so like ((gestures)) yeah
- pink in the snowgrave state goes and finds spamton for the thornring bc he KNOWS he has it and getting that ring would make casting so much easier, bro it cuts tp cost in half
- spamton fights for his god damn life!
- also only barely makes it out bc worm
- blue is also out looking for pink
- finds spamton
- insert the image from the you have no idea ask
- found lost boyfriend, is wormed, is also small, is also half dead, says pink tried to kill him
- thats way too many crisises to deal with at once !!
- runion stuff idk he screams when pink walks thru the door lol
- they dont all really fully believe spamton until blues out one day during a particularly bad snow attack in a part of town bc he knows pink is out and it like. i gotta get this bitch home
- THEN he sees its actually pink. jawdrop. deer in headlights
- being in a life or death situation and being determined to not die makes his soul go ah time to wake up i guess heres a cursor thats a harpoon
- yeah addisons cant use magic unless theyre put in a situation that calls for it or they r really trying. like i mean they can create pop-ups and little cursors but not like full on magical shit like a god damn harpoon
- he does not know what hes doing he just throws them around to distract pink and fucking BOOK it
- some time passes this little routine starts where blue goes and spars with pink to keep him from targeting others
- they have not all yet told pink in fear of his reaction to himself and what hes done
- pink believes the lightner theory going around and theyre all like yep uhhuh so true pink
- im getting way too tired hunched over my phone writing this im wrapping it up my bones are killing me
- idk stuff happens spamton gets his ass in the neo suit and the addisons are there and hes beating their ass bc him in the neo suit is basically what he should've been like at full potential as a worm. hes so big. get it lol
- all the worms are actually hiding down in his broken down part of the city
- being away from society for years their infection code has like. just kinda shut off
- they're just kinda freaks now
- iloveyou jumps onto blues cart like hey man need some help
- seeing dangerous computer worm thought to be dead is obviously not going ovee very well with blue
- smth happens they fall down into the broken city and while yellow orange and pink are trying their damnest to stop spamton and get him to snap out of it and listen, blue is about ready to beat iloveyous ass as is he
- gets infected by iloveyou, his emotions are so overwhelming at the moment that its enough to keep the code telling him to go around and infect at bay
- now theres just a very angry and upset blue with hearts floating around him and a heart harpoon ready to beat ass
- mans powered up
- look at the first post of this blog lol
- idk eveyrhting is fine they all reunite
- spamton has some fucking.explaining to do and relationships to fix
- whatever idk thr worms help pink train and get his magic under control and spamton can go to neo at will
- worms code is still like dead so they don't have to worry anymore. if you ask about blue i mean the instinctive drive to infect is gone they can still do it though lol
- iloveyou gets a baggy hoodie to hide himself so he can go out in the public again and tag along w/ one of the addisons
- eventually is brave enough to go out on their own
- newer gen addisons notice little hearts under their hood and pulls it down. ogpinks freaking out but theyre all like omg how are you doing that is it like a new accessory
- anyways ogpink goes outside normally now without hiding. yeah theres still people who recognize them but everyone just stares at them if they make a scene like bro this is just our local heart guy chill out
- whatever whatever happy endings spamton makes up with everyone here you go thanks for coming
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yes nova is there you dont think him and spamton didnt fuck over the desk at least once. also ogblue. lol.
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