#btw it makes sense she's a sag rising
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venuscnjunctpluto · 2 years ago
Observations Pt 7.
Credits: @venuscnjunctpluto
* Jesse’s Lilith is in Billie’s 12th house. This is such scary synastry to me because you don’t see how the Lilith person can be manipulating you or even trying to seduce you.
*scorpio risings have something noticeable about their ‘glabella’ (space in btw the eyes specifically the smooth area above the nose I had to Google it lol) I notice Scorpio risings have glabella’s that protrude which makes their eyes even more noticeable and intense. And it makes them look like a skunk lol (ex: Taylor swift, dita von teese, Natalie Portman, Chaka Khan, and Sydney Sweeney)
*moon square Venus people are the epitome of Candy Heron in mean girls. They end up in friendships and relationships that worse their emotional well-being. It’s usually summed up to them not being able to be themselves around their “friends” or partners.
*libra risings have pudgy noses with smaller nostrils while Aries risings have defined noses with larger nostrils. You can usually guess these two by their noses
*Capricorn rising women 🤝 elaborate ponytails, long braids, bangs idk their hair gives off power puff girl vibes
*the way Pisces placements get talked to is ridiculous to me. People will talk to them like literal children which is very demeaning.
*simone biles just got married congrats to her! Her husband has so many prominent cancer placements and 0 degree libra mars. Civilized cardinal placements have such big husband/wife energy it’s insane. Very romantic and taking the time you learn you as a person. They also have Venus trine Venus, mars conjunct mars, moon conjunct moon synastry 💕
*kelis is the perfect example of a Leo dominant. She wears so many vibrant colors, dyed her hair often, and always carried confident aura.
*I notice Scorpio Venus women defend plastic surgery and those who get it. I know three of them who defend the kardashians like crazy (even though ppls problem is the lying about surgery but anywho). I think it’s bc they would get plastic surgery as well if they could.
*venus-uranus/aqua Venus placements make friends so easily it’s insane. They’ll get reposted on social media a lot as well.
*Ik this guy with cupido conjunct mars and he’s a huge flirt and player. I have cupido conjunct mars and I think it attracts players towards me it’s been so many situations a guy has tried to hide his player tendencies but I always found out eventually. I think this is a red flag placement🚩🚩🚩🚩
*i have cupido in the 8th so does Barack Obama, Ryan gosling, Rihanna, Monica Bellucci, Elizabeth Taylor, Cardi B. This might be a very seductive placement these ppl probably go all in when they’re attracted to someone. Or they might use their sexuality to get their crushes.
*zoe kravitz playing Selina Kyle and having Venus conjunct pluto makes sense. She can pull off darker looks and I notice women w this look like cats. Ryan destiny is also a good example of this.
* a lot of my celeb crushes I have their Venus in my 1st. Matthew Gary gubler, Rob Lowe, Prince, Johnny depp, Cillian Murphy etc…the house person can admire the Venus persons’s style.
*uranus-asc have something unique about their appearance and usually it’s a cleft chin (ex: Ben Affleck, Troian Bellisario, Adele) I have this aspect as well and I have one
*virgo venuses 🤝 wearing black clothes and glasses
*sag venuses 🤝wearing goofy graphic t-shirts
*hilaria baldwin has a sag venus and obviously that’s a indicator of being into other cultures. I notice ppl who tend to be fixated on or appropriate other cultures have sag or aqua venuses *insert timothee chalamet’s rap video lol*
*in defense of Austin butlers sexy voice…a lot of Taurus risings have voice changes or issues. Miley Cyrus’s voice has gotten incredibly deeper as well because she developed a condition. Unpopular opinion I think his voice just changed😭
* Saturn-asc and people thinking you’re older bc you are reserved. They’re the kid who sat down quietly and read books or knitted while everybody else was running around. Even when we have other carefree placements our Saturn-asc makes them barely noticeable at all during first impressions. We also love vintage clothing (ex: Keith powers) I saw a similar post but I agree that this can make someone’s rising traits develop more as they get older. As an Aries rising I didn’t start working out or asserting myself more until I got older.
Stars with Venus-asc tend to be really charismatic and funny during interviews. (Ex: Rihanna, keke Palmer, Megan the stallion, and lizzo)
*saturn-sun people have very strict fathers or male figures who tried to control them a lot growing up. This can make them very hard on themselves as they get older and I notice a lot of lawyers have major Saturn aspects.
* two prominent stem malfunctions (challenger explosion and the Columbia explosion) happened during Aquarius season
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nico-esoterica · 1 year ago
Why Does Megan Thee Stallion LOVE Japan? An Astrological Analysis ❤️
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I've seen two or three posts like this or more and it makes perfect sense because through Astrocartography, we can see that she's got her Jupiter line (while its at home in Sag btw) going STRAIGHT through the country itself sitting on top of her Ascendant. So, not only does she feel SUPER lucky but her energy feels EXPANSIVE and UNTHREATENED. Like, she actually feels SEEN AND APPRECIATED and she has 0 need to prove herself, fight for her life, or be anything she's not. She can focus on feeling the vibes and being happy and abundant. Jupiter can also be associated with 'foreign' things so it being in her first in her relocated chart for Japan (I used Tokyo bc JPN has one time zone) makes sense. It's taking a special interest in what's outside of your comfort zone.
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Because she has a natal Jupiter-Saturn square between her 8H speaking to her 11H, it means that she's used to compromising her boundaries for other people's sake who want to benefit her. Like, her abundance seems to always come at the expense of others being in their feelings or that she has to sacrifice (Pisces) parts of herself around others. Like, she's always felt restricted in some way by her environment. Surrounded by people who never wanted to see her win because they felt threatened or intimidated by it. There's usually someone around her playing a victim. Her history's echoed this.
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In Hollywood, her relocated chart elevates her in the public eye at a cost. With an Aries Rising, it puts her chart ruler under duress in her 5H across from her 11H--Meaning that she's popular but her artistry (5H) is weirdly hated and seen as polarizing. That Sun-Mars Opposition also feels rather violent tbh and we've ALSO seen her history with that. A Sun-Moon and Sun-Mars opposition between Leo and Aquarius with her 10th and 11th in Saturn ruled signs answering to a 12H Saturn reads to me like male figures/patriarchs or industry 'old heads' having an issue with her sexuality being so vibrant and liberating (5H) that they actively suppress and punish her (Saturn joys in the 12th in trad astro and equals isolation and Saturn can equal male figures in power). But even with Chiron in Virgo in her 6H trining her elevated 10H planets, including her Venus, it creates a story of constantly feeling burdened to prove herself to the point where she's taught that numbers and figures determine her self worth, making her ultimately doubt herself. That's exhausting!
But in Tokyo and Japan overall, that Chiron is placed ON her MC at 29 degrees (a fame degree in degree astro) and safely trines those Cap planets that have shifted to her 2H. This means that she literally not only makes money there for simply EXISTING exponentially but she feels more natural in her resourcefulness and sense of self value and worth here with the emphasis placed on the 2H opposed to feeling 'over exposed' by it being in the 10H in the other chart because it means that SHE determines how she's moving opposed to feeling the pressures of it being the other way around. Ultimately, the 2nd, 6th, and 10th are all houses we look to as money potential centers but an emphasis with planets in any of those houses is going to paint a different picture. 2H emphasis will feel more independent and the pressure will come from within, 6H will feel more like a cog in a wheel in trying to find its place but will be very successful at it but potentially overworked/overlooked, and 10H emphasis puts someone on the fast track to success but can become overburdened with always needing to prove or outdo its previous successes.
As someone who has so much Saturn in her (Aqua and Cap), she's used to working everything out on her own so the best thing for her, imo, is for her to be in an environment where people just leave her THE FUCK ALONE and let her do what she wants to do and how she wants to do it. The Sun and the Moon here are in the opposite houses of the houses they find joy in in trad astro (sun likes being in the 9th and moon likes being in the 3rd). From being someone (me) who has their moon in the 9th in whole sign, I can say from experience that it creates a pure joy and love in the unknown and in foreign places. It means you have an insatiable desire to educate yourself about your surroundings and you feel the safest around people who are very different from you bc you feel/experience that they judge you significantly less. Bc she has a natal 4H Moon opposing her Sun in the 10th, that sense of safety is vital and it means she's actually always struggled with that. With having a burning need TO put herself in the public eye and be very visible but weirdly feel attacked and unsafe the longer she's in view. It exacerbates deeper issues, imo, around fearing being vulnerable and may make a person create an outward persona as an armor they can wear to protect themselves.
So when her Moon is in a place that's opposite where it normally feels comfortable but she's USED to feeling uncomfortable, it kind of creates a sense of balance where she finds peace and freedom in what's foreign to her bc she's used to what's familiar hurting her. Then with the Sun being opposite of its joy, she's able to explore her inner child (Leo's ruled by the Sun and = children/joy), and find places that connect her to her early childhood interests (3H = early childhood education/experiences). And for her, that was always anime, among other things. So in this country, honestly, she feels the safest, on every fathomable level, esp on an inner child level, that she's ever been.
She might deadass get an apartment or property in Japan. And she SHOULD. They'll love her and she'll return it 10x over ❤️
For those curious, I offer Astrocartography readings here in my Expanded Services section.
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psychics4unet · 7 months ago
Hii theree, i hope i am not bothering you ! May i have a free reading ? I have a co worker named Eagant, a guy, scorpio sun. I would like to know does he likes me romantically ? Does he have a crush on me ? Like how do he see me ? Because he is sp confusing TT.
Thank youuu, i am Nova btw, aquarius sun scorpio moon sag rising (she). Have a nice day ♡
Here are the tarot cards drawn in your psychic reading:
The Page of Cups
The Two of Swords
The Seven of Cups
The Page of Cups indicates that he might have some emotional feelings or romantic interest, as this card often represents a young, tender approach to love and affection. The Two of Swords suggests that there is some indecision or confusion on his part regarding his feelings, which could be why he seems unclear. The Seven of Cups points to a sense of being overwhelmed by options or fantasies, implying that he might be uncertain about how to approach you or unsure of his own feelings. Together, these cards suggest that while there may be some romantic interest, his feelings are mixed and he is struggling with clarity and decision-making.
I hope this gave you clarity. Want to know more? Whether it's about love, career, or any other topic, let's get the full picture with a personal reading just for you. Click the link and join me on this journey!
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year ago
Okay so I dislike Sagittarius’s generally because they’re very bright and bubbly but you cannot for the life of u get them to sit down and actually think through things for a second. They are way too go with the flow for me
Again, this isn’t like a hit at all Sag signs. Kat is a fucking wonderful human who just so happens to be a sag sun (she also has the most beautiful Virgo moon ever btw)
Which is why this just not Anabeth. Sag suns are the literal definition of a social butterfly who just like breezes through social situations with a wink & a smile.
She is 100% a grounded down to earth Capricorn sun who comes across as very stable and logical. On top of this she also has that Aries moon so she is extremely stubborn and all of her feelings come across very intense but also stoic. And the Scorpio rising means as a kid she was very firey, very impulsive and very, very independent + determined. It totally makes sense with her running away.
You know who is a Sagittarius? Selina Boregard. She’s 100% a Sagittarius. Maybe Rachel Dare too. She’s got a really powerful moon sign in her 12th house though guaranteed.
whats the fact you disagree with you made me curious
Anabeth Chase is NOT a Sagittarius she is a fucking Capricorn sun, Aries moon, Scorpio rising.
I am so so right about this and I will breathe fire at anyone who tries to tell me I’m wrong.
She is the least Sagittarius to ever fucking exist and I am offended by the insinuation.
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 years ago
Okay if anyone's interested, I, once again, have dug out a celebrity's rising sign.
Found this article about Kiernan Shipka (her charts online are untimed) and it doesn't specify her rising sign (the article is pretty shite overall lolol) but there's this photo:
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She's a sagi rising with Venus near the MC. No need to thank me.
Honestly, I think I'm gonna make an astrotheme account or something and update all of these charts lol
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 3 years ago
I don’t even know why, but I suddenly started wondering about this so now I’m in your asks and it’s a problem for the both of us lol
But anyway, what zodiac signs do you think the Merlin characters have?
(I need to put a keep reading thing, this got too long-)
So Gwaine's pretty easy because he'd have a fire sun, and ngl a fire or a Scorpio rising (he does look like that lol) and honestly I could very well see him having any and all elements in moon. Basically (btw disclaimer idk if I'll have the patience to do this so detailed for all of them so don't worry) Aries or Leo sun because, that's just him. Like if he's Aries sun I could see him having a Leo moon, but then again I could see him having a Gemini moon, a Sag moon, or maybeeee even an Aquarius moon- that's the thing about not being able to look into his head but I just believe that he's got wild shit going on in his mind and yet none of that would clash with sun too badly, and honestly while I could see him having a fire moon, I just think he'd be suited for an air or a water moon, because like, fire signs are all out and even in moon,,, idk it just doesn't fit that well. So I thinkkkkk I'll be staying with Aries sun, Gemini moon, and Scorpio rising (genuinely don't take my word on rising signs in this, I'm working with the little, little knowledge that I've got about them, it'll take me a long time until I know as much about risings as I do about the other planets because I just completely missed out on that opportunity of studying about them when I was learning the rest for some reason)
+ because I was just reading Taurus, convinced that he's got a Mars Taurus lol
anyway that is the only essay I'll write (hopefully) so you can take a deep breath and not murder me for making this thing 2k words long :)
Percival definitely has a big, big difference between rising and moon lol, but I could see sun and moon being quite similar. honestly could see him having a libra sun, cancer moon and taurus rising. maybe a capricorn rising.
elyan totally has capricorn somewhere there. maybe even twice. could see him having both a gemini and an aquarius moon- idk. he seems like he's so,, in himself?? like he definitely needs a sign that has a huge imagination in moon. could maybe see cancer somewhere there as well but,,, hm. honestly I'd say capricorn sun, gemini moon, and capricorn rising. pisces in jupiter would make sense lol, and I could see him having a taurus mars because of that one episode with the ghost boy
Leon im sure doesn't have too many fire signs, if any, I'd put him in the "air/earth" department tbh. possibly a water moon but I don't think so. this is harder than all the ones before- for what reason lol anyway I'll do this later so let's move on!!
Lancelot is a very water person to me for some reason, maybe throwing in some fire and earth. honestly could see him having both a libra and a sag rising, even though yes I know how different they are lol. genuinely this surprised me to some extent but, I think,,, I may just say cancer sun, pisces moon, and sag rising. or libra???? I want to say sag but it feels wrong. yeah let's go with libra rising, it may just work better. like, basing this on the first ever time we saw him, I just need to put some extroverted, sympathetic sign there, and sags are but then again they can also come across as pretty arrogant and they're impatient asf and no, that's not Lancelot (also libras have those self esteem issues lol)
Merlin very much has a fire moon, and honestly probably a scorpio moon lol, I could see that. cancer rising, and um, air sun. genuinely can imagine him having a Gemini sun, Scorpio moon and cancer rising
Morgana uh, hm, I want to say she has at least two fire signs, one in sun and one in rising, and a water moon. which is me paraphrasing that I think she has a Leo sun, a pisces moon (which is somewhat ironic and I love it) and an Aries rising (I do toooooooo <3 Aries rising is both a blessing and a curse lol)
Gwen has to have water or earth rising, and honestly i think she may just have a water moon. genuinely think her sun could be anything- okay so I may have just changed my mind a bit lol. libra sun, aquarius moon and capricorn rising
okay and I don't know about mordred just yet, not enough, so I'll leave him and come back to Leon lol
honestly coulddddd possibly see him as a taurus rising. there could be aquarius somewhere?? maybe virgo rising though. could be capricorn somewhere too i- uhh. hm. so I'd say he's a Virgo sun, an aquarius moon, and Taurus rising. idk he seems like that kinda person? it's lovely too because omg, virgo and aquarius together lol, I'm so sorry for him
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kachulein · 4 years ago
hi hi hi i just read your about me post and OML i love aquariuses sm. i feel like i’m just a secret admirer of aquas tho none of them want to talk to me (i attract cancers all the time tho). i also really love infj’s PLS (i’m an intp). i’m also studying psychology (planning to be a psychotherapist in the future) and i’m also into anime, astrology and i’m currently learning korean. i also love dancing (i was part of a dance academy like 2 years ago) and i can’t draw and sing but i just do it anyway 😌. our big six is
LMAOOOO i accidentally sent it without even finishing what i was saying pls this is so embarrassing i’m so sorry but yh i was going to say how our big 6 is also kinda compatible (i’m a sag sun, aqua moon, leo rising, scorpio venus and mars). and yh sorry to disturb you i just got so excited because i saw we had so many things in common hahah anyways i hope you have an amazing day/ night :) ❤️
Aww it's fine, don't worry!!^^ Lemme just add the rest of your ask here and voilà~
OMG YOU'RE LIKE THE FIRST PERSON WHO SEEMS TO ACTUALLY LIKE US AQUAS THANK YOU SO MUCH😭😭😭😭 I only ever see people shitting on us and create these memes that make us seem like absolute assholes and not gonna lie it makes me so upset and butthurt :')) but!! It also makes a lot of sense to me since you've got an Aquarius moon! I always feel like we kind of look up to those people who've got their sun in the same sign as our moon - and it should also make two people able to connect well🥺
I'm sorry to hear though that other Aquas don't like to talk to you??? What's wrong with them smh, maybe the memes do apply to some of us after all^^"
I really love that we've got so many interests/hobbies in common omg!! And please, it's amazing that you sing and draw if it makes you happy!! We don't have to be good at something in order to enjoy doing it~ both activities are super calming and therapeutic so I'm happy to hear you can enjoy them!!🥺
And I love that omg!!! We definitely do share planets in the same signs, that's so cool because I feel like it's a big plus for connecting with others. All of my close friends (whom I also feel similar to) share planets in the same signs as me. I feel like we can just subconsciously recognize each other's energy and that it's similar/compatible or something??^^
And oh btw, I also attract Cancers/Cancer placements, specifically Cancer risings. I think it's a Leo rising thing (at least I read that somewhere-) I do have a few close Cancer friends and most people around me are Cancer risings😂 and guess what? I have an irl friend who I feel like is the most similar to me/we just intuitively understand each other on such a profound level and she's a Cancer sun AND rising😂
And pls!! You're not disturbing me at all!! I went to sleep last night so I'm only replying now but I guess it's evident from my response that I'm equally as excited hehe!^-^ I also hope you'll have an amazing day/night🥺♥️
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hanavolkova · 4 years ago
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“Metamorphosis is the most profound of all acts.”
                               𝓟𝓘𝓝𝓣𝓔𝓡𝓔𝓢𝓣  /  𝓑𝓐𝓒𝓚𝓢𝓣𝓞𝓡𝓨
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: 𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞 & 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖘 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖚𝖙 !
☉ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐬): war crimes, death, allusion to sexual assault
—  ♢  𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒.
BIRTH NAME ➵ moon hana LEGAL NAME ➵ hana volkova NICKNAMES / ALIAS ➵ han; hanushka; moon of russia GENDER + PRONOUNS ➵ she / her DATE OF BIRTH ➵ march 4, 1937 OCCUPATION ➵ soloist SEXUAL ORIENTATION ➵ demisexual LANGUAGES SPOKEN ➵ fluent korean & russian, choppy french, german, and english HANDWRITING ➵ Autograf
HAIR ➵ raven black, wavy, down to her hip EYE COLOUR ➵ onyx BODY TYPE ➵ lithe, willowy, short torso & long arms and legs HEIGHT ➵ 5 feet, 8 inches SMELLS OF ➵ powder, lotus blossoms, cherries, and mint HEALTH ➵  allergic to walnuts & figs DOMINANT HAND ➵ left FACECLAIM ➵ seo yea-ji SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS ➵ inordinately long fingers & a long, slice of a scar on her back
+ creative, captivating, faithful, disciplined, reliable, prudent, hard-working, observant, mindful, warm – complacent, pedantic, neurotic, gullible, deceitful, fearful, indulgent, morbid, secretive, petty
ZODIAC ➵ pisces sun / sagittarius moon / virgo rising MBTI ➵ INTJ / “The Architect”
An Architect (INTJ) is a person with the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. These thoughtful tacticians love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything they do. Their inner world is often a private, complex one. It can be lonely at the top. As one of the rarest personality types – and one of the most capable – Architects (INTJs) know this all too well. Rational and quick-witted, Architects may struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them. Architects, independent to the core, want to shake off other people’s expectations and pursue their own ideas.
Architects can be single-minded, with little patience for frivolity, distractions, or idle gossip. That said, it would be a mistake to stereotype these personalities as dull or humorless. Many Architects are known for their irreverent wit, and beneath their serious exteriors, they often have a sharp, delightfully sarcastic sense of humour. MORAL ALIGNMENT ➵ lawful neutral TEMPERATMENT ➵ melancholic
Your temperament is melancholic. The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.
HABITS/HOBBIES ➵ randomly braiding strands of hair, be it her own when she’s too in her head, or a friend’s, embroidering, gardening, collecting perfumes LIKES ➵ snow, silence, letters, honey, chamomile tea, olives, dressing up, cinnamon, classical compositions, wine, long baths, cooking, reading (especially poetry, or plays) DISLIKES ➵ vodka, fish, thunderstorms, tomatoes, being airborne, dogs, confrontation, running, public speaking
oKAY, SO! hana was born in seoul, south korea, in march of 1937, to moon si-hoo & min-young; a middle child, born five years after her brother, bo-gum, and a year and a half before her sister, sooyoung. 
her maternal aunt, mina, took her to see ballet when she was a wee girl of approximately six years of age, and the reeeest was history. she was absolutely bewitched by the beauty & strength of it, the way they seemed to bend their bodies in such impossible ways yet look so ethereal. all she wanted from the moment she saw those ballerinas was to be that beautiful.
she’s never felt that beautiful, not even now, not even after she’s been lauded as the moon of russia. 
the korean war between north & south korea happened between ‘50—’53, and in that war, she lost both her father & brother. due to seoul being captured four times. hana & sooyoung & their mom huddled up with basically all the women in their family, mostly on the maternal side, but even with the gathered, shared rations, they couldn’t keep up. when the war dwindled down, ending in that stalemate, that year, the state placed sooyoung, 14 yrs old, in the system to go to a home better cared for, seeing as their legal family was left with no man anymore. 
it was around the time the infamous harry & bertha holt adopted 8 children from korea after the wars, making charity-adoption from debilitated countries as a trend. hana went to a different adoption agency, and instead of cherrypicking like the US started, the U.S.S.R. moved that entire adoption agency from south korea over to leningrad. keep in mind that russia was all pro-north korea btw??
she came to russia at 16. super traumatised, she basically clung to ballet as much as she could, but the months passing in russia, with her not even speaking the language, she lost interest and just floated. but her accolades were in her file; russia had acquired the orphanage as a power move.
irina & ivan volkov adoped her in ‘56. ivan told her to dance, and pushed her into bolshoi theatre, turning her passion into something that only ever makes her feel ugly anymore. she worked her way up from basically being a prop to becoming a principal dancer. reviews rolling in about how she can bring tears to an audience’s eyes, she moves like water, she looks unreal, she is mythic and mystic and melancholic. she gained popularity, the public is super jazzed over her suspected tragic backstory that ivan’s leaked and talked about when he was basically using her to progress politically. 
however, about a month or so before the RP is set, though, she put a toe out of line, rejecting a pass a foreign dignitary made at her, she stabbed his hand with her fork... aaaaand now she’s a soloist, demoted, because it doesn’t matter that it was her face everywhere, her name in the papers, she’s still a puppet & she had to remember that.
which has just trodden down on her, made her feel small, and generally wounded her ego.
girl is a pisces sun / sag moon, she is repressing her Emotions™ — and it’s clearly gonna end so well.
Stay Tuned~
template source: stusmachers
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cancervenus · 4 years ago
hi!! i've always thought i was sag sun & rising/scorpio moon cos i thought i was born at 8am - turns out it was 8pm and im actually sag sun & moon/cancer rising. i feel like the sag moon and cancer rising dont "fit" me in the same way? reading through what they mean and how they interact w other placements just doesn't have that "ohYEAH that makes so much sense" feeling that i had about scorpio moon/sag rising. have you any ideas why that might be? thanks! hope you're having a good day!
omg that must’ve been rough to find out! 🤧 these are merely guesses, but they’re based on your other chart placements: you could have a few scorpio placements that give you that energy!! my sister actually has the same big 3 as you but she hardly acts like a sag—her cancer rising and scorpio placements (especially mercury) mostly come through lmao. so i’d look at your other planets + their placements, like what house they’re in! also, i always take whatever astrology thing i’m reading w/ a grain of salt anyway (tho that ‘oh YEAH’ moment does hit different 🤌🏼🌟).
btw, thank you so much!! 💕 i am having a good day and i hope you did/are too 🥰
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gg-astrology · 5 years ago
omg angel i missed u sm i hope you're taking care of yourself 🥺💙💙💙 also ur placements are so, dare i say, hot (?) SKFHSKFSHKGFHJ i'm sorry i'm in love with ur sag venus + rising AND ur mercury in 3rd like it makes sense that many ppl feel welcomed on ur blog u always radiate warmth and kindness and u express ur thoughts very well i'm in awe 💙
don’t ever be sorry u’re doing so much for my ego right now!!!! During quarantine i’ve only been getting positive affirmations from youtube videos that tells you you’re looking great today (also: hands up for those who watch asmr to feel pwetty lately haaah) 
So hearing this .... ;v; i’m ;v; ;v; ;v; ;v; very happy to hear it pls!!! 💕❤️💕💕❤️💕 im glad u find her hot!! 💕❤️💕 pls remember that im a scorpio stel/aries moon in side-real + she’s been coming out a lot lately too ha.. haha
I miss you too btw I hope you’re doing well!! 💕❤️💕This is so nice of you!!! 💕❤️💕 Every criticism i’ve ever gotten on the internet has been about my mercury in 3rd though lmfaodksndknskn it’s actually really funny bc theyre right aqua merc really be moving like that, but my best asset is also my worst asset and on the internet where nothing is real it’s actually.. really funny lmslskdsfkjdns 💕❤️💕 thank u for the positive affirmations it means alot to me!! ;v; 💕❤️💕💕❤️💕
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bnha-imagines-hcs · 7 years ago
oh no im curious about these sex pollen hcs. hit me up with some aizawa please if you want to and haven't already, whenever you have time?
( of course i had in mind some desperate guilty sex when i posted that, but it never wanted to write itself bc: aizawa wouldn’t. he just wouldn’t. so instead, have this sfw hurt/comfort thing – that is half summarised bc i didn’t wanna write everything out ❤❤ . )
| aizawa; drabble & headcanons.
           it wasn’t even a quirk. 
the sex industry, as always, is booming. tech levels rise through the ages and as man’s ability to mimic nature leaps ahead… we get a hold of that long sought-after aphrodisiac.as with any drug, it’s sold in degrees of potency - the most debilitating ones not commonly found anywhere but at the black market.
          it wasn’t even an attack of any kind. just a fun game, let’s try this shit out with your friends - spice up a night of clubbing. someone had gotten hold of it somewhere, and fuck but they should’ve asked where.they didn’t. underestimated it; caution wasn’t enough.
weak. everything is so loud, so bright, so invasively intense– a lamppost’s dim light cause for skull’s pounding and the door’s slippery slick plastic like a hyperactive second skin. 
not what you might call sexy.
and yet. of course this demonic fucking drug doesn’t give a shit– everything is aching. joints and muscles from the constant strain, head from the fucking stress and core because for the love of all that is sane, there needs to be something in there or around there.
         “sh-shou-t-t-ta-                              fuck                     -please open the door- fuck please be home,”                          knocking has little result when it’s a jarring slide of                          skinskinskin on wetslipperywaterplasticyskinskinskin               that renders their knuckles powerless. they slip sideways,                flop against the bell until it finally ringsloudLOUDFUCKINGLOUD.
the tremor in their limbs is a racket, something that drives up through all the senses- then finds it’s got nowhere to go, ricochets off every thought and turns emotions into nausea.
christ. are you supposed to take a single grain of this shit-? it’d been dust, fine and easy to sprinkle into the foam that topped one beer, the fizz of someone’s coke. those combos a good idea?evidently not.were you supposed to take that shit at all? was it not fit for consumption, or– oh god oh god oh god
it’s a god awful time, waiting for that second skin to peel away and leave them the fuck alone. thumping reverberates, an amplified ache, and then the door falls away and they with it.
“shit– y/n? injured or drunk?”          god, he’s so sweet. nothing useful registers; just blacks and grey [ stubble ] and pale skin / dark rings under [ eyes ] – there’s way too much sensation pouring in through every shred of skin held near.at leat the long kiss with the fucking front door desensitised that a lil bit.
“tell me your name.”
          oh lord, he’s worried. a stumbled reiteration soothes that some, but certainly not by much.
“what day is it?”
          “oh god, please don’t make me do that–” somewhere in the century that’s passed in hng shouta smell yeaaaahhh, there’s a click that casts out so much noise. rain’s obnoxious assault on the senses is cut short and they sag in [ arms ] distantly familiar.
“what day is it?”
          “shoutaaa… i’ hurts- uhm, uhm, fuck issit wednesday? should be wednesday night, went t’ club.” 
“partied with someone you don’t know?”
          something high-pitched and short-lived arches into what’s roughwarmfirm. loud and bright and overwhelming all else; clean strokes of way too much / please more and the misery of begging for a cure.there’s a thumb at your mouth / but time passes too slowly and it’s gone ere you can lick it, pulling up eye’s lids until the hallway light is piercing. “–fuck, don’t do that!”
“where does it hurt?”
          “everywhere-” you squirm every time he lifts fabric just to uselessly look at your skin / cry for the skittering itching need when sure fingers check wrist, elbow, the inside of your knee - nothing lasts, not even long enough to fully register. “please, shouta-”
“tell me your address.”
          “–right here,” then, less obscenely, follows the street you stood out in the rain at, the house you’re in just to cling to his solid shapes.
“where are your friends?”
          “home. cab. took it together.” right, that happened. feels like oceans of drowning ago.
straight-up emergency calls Recovery Girl. she comes by despite the pouring rain; was on her way and also,,, u gonna help a pal out. goes yeah that’s what it looks like (completely unaffectedly asks shouta to keep his girl from rubbing themselves on her pls), then gives y/n a tablet that’s a sleeping pill & against inflammatory stuff, and a tiny smooch to help recover quicker - but a tiny one, cuz y/n is gonna need all of her energy.                 ( no not for that ya sickos >8) )
y/n remembers all that scattered intensity finally drawing into a focal point as shouta lets her grind on his thigh (he cannot touch her he just fucking can’t - and he’s right not to. he is not aroused in the slightest lmfao christ) before everything just. fades to black in her mind. she was not lucid enough to register the sleeping pill at the time (only swallowing smth), but come morning she can piece it together.she’s exhausted. and she’s slept – aizawa, sitting in a chair and at a desk to support him with what smells like bitter coffee, looks like shit. y/n cries for him, because they know how personally he takes things, how he worries, how it takes him a while to stop blaming himself for shit happening to ppl he loves. she’s sorry for burdening him - even if he prefers it, she’s just sorry to put him on the spot like that anyway. she cries for the scare– she cries for what could have happened.
shouta’s already called all the friends that went clubbing with his s/o and notified local police - both bc wtf this drug?? in civilian hands?? and obv to make sure they got home safe, and if they didn’t he’d call a hero to go find them. he’ll be questioning the friend who brought the drugs, find out whether this was a matter of accident or of someone dropping bad drugs in innocent hands.
y/n demands he come rest– shouta’s more than relieved to be able to hold them in his arms now without feeling dirty, though he remains cautious of reigniting smth somehow. but the drug’s immediate influences have passed - now their body’s exhausted both from it and from working it out their system. y/n couldn’t be less horny rn, just wants to cling to him & make sure he eats, gd. they take charge of the situation, of shouta and his guilt. he’s called in sick btw- sick, bc not spreading their private business all over w/o at least giving them time to prepare for it; it may go public anyway if it turns out to be a bigger problem. – s/o says ok. you’re going to eat. i’ll eat a lil too if i can keep it down. you can check on me in between making it (s/o is not gonna get up yet, that feels Not Good), then we drink some water, then we lay down here and rest. shouta’s won over bc logic and bc please let him physically curl arnd them to protect and wash away the night’s horrors.
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jincherie · 7 years ago
Inheritance | pt.6 [FINAL*]
Pairing: Yoongi x reader Genre: fluff, hybrid!au, angst/conflict, future smut Words: 7k Rating: sfw Warnings: the toxic family strikes again!! Family discourse, swearing, angst? Notes: wow this took for-fucking-ever I am so sorry for being THAT bitch omg anyways enjoy!! btw I have something somewhat steamy planned for an afterstory— what? Nothing. Thanks for sticking with this so long, I hope you enjoy it! 
After your grandmother passed she left everything to you. Her house, her fortune, and apparently… her cat? The grumpy male hybrid you encounter at her house is anything but the tame housecat you’d expected to find. Fulfilling your grandmother’s last request to look after him becomes a lot harder when he seems to be avoiding you, and your dissatisfied relatives start stirring up trouble.
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Masterlist || Prev. | Afterstory*
Two days had passed since Taehyung had come to visit, and you were cautiously optimistic. On one hand, you were feeling on top of the world. You hadn’t heard a peep from your relatives, you and Yoongi were closer than ever, and not only were the two of you enjoying each other’s company, but your skin was the clearest it had ever been— an unforeseen, but very welcome bonus. You had so many reasons to be overjoyed and content, and you were— until your mind ventured too far into the details.
You were counting it as a good thing that you hadn’t heard from your relatives, remaining optimistic that it was an indicator you’d gotten in ahead of them, and this whole thing would thus blow over smoothly. But really, the fact that you hadn’t seen hide nor hair of them was also cause for concern. If they hadn’t shown back up, then historically that meant they were plotting something, or enacting said plot. It was when your mind ventured down this particular track that you found your mood dropping. There was a fear that niggled in the back of your thoughts that maybe you’d been too late, that maybe they were one step ahead and there was still a possibility of losing Yoongi to them.
Thoughts like this brought your mood down, but in a house where you weren’t alone anymore you certainly weren’t left to dwell on it. Almost as though Yoongi had an extra sense that was attuned specially to you, the second you found yourself thinking something along those lines and your mood changed, he would be by your side. He’d grasp your hand in his— he’d grown a lot bolder since your venture to the park, although he still sported a pretty blush whenever he did something particularly daring— and tug you in the direction of the living room. With something playing on the large TV to serve as a visual distraction, he would pull you gently down next to him on the couch, his arm and tail curling around you securely as you slotted perfectly into his side. It was the perfect distraction, because even if the massive TV didn’t capture your attention, then being immersed in the warmth and safety of his embrace, surrounded by his subtle minty scent and feeling his heart thrum against your cheek where it pressed against his chest, certainly did.
In fact, it was a fairly similar position that you’d found yourself in now. It was a cold and dreary day, rain hammering down heavily outside and thunder rumbling in the distance, and you’d both finished lunch not long ago. You’d run out of things to do for the day, and so had suggested a movie— to your surprise Yoongi had agreed without a moments hesitation. Now here you both were, seated comfortably on the plushest couch in the living room with the lights off and a movie of the hybrid’s choice beginning to play on the large flatscreen.
You were seated close to each other, arms brushing occasionally, but neither of you moved. A part of you wished you could rest in his arms once more but you were far to embarrassed to even try and initiate anything of the sort. Instead you tried to distract yourself from those thoughts and focus on the movie, and you would have been able to had something not been flickering your peripheral vision.
It was Yoongi’s ears, twitching and shifting as they adjusted to each sound and voice that came from the TV. His gaze was trained on the screen, but as you turned to watch his ears fully he eventually noticed your gaze. He turned slightly, the lightest traces of a blush on his cheeks, “What?”
You couldn’t help the flush that heated your own cheeks as you were torn from your thoughts and realised he’d caught you staring— you’d been thinking about what his ears would feel like, what it would be like to pet them. You weren’t going to lie, it was a thought you’d entertained a lot, and sitting so close to him like you were now, the urge was a lot stronger than it usually was. On a whim, you decided to just go for it.
“Can I pet your ears?” you asked before you lost the impulse that had carried you this far. Yoongi blinked, eyes wide in shock. All of his attention was now on you, and you could feel your cheeks heating even more. Slight regret began to seep into your bones and you stuttered slightly, about to take it back when the hybrid beside you spoke.
“Sure,” Yoongi said, a slight nervous waver to his gravelly tone that you mightn’t have picked up had you not been living with him for a while. His cheeks were bright pink and you had to resist the strange urge to coo at his cuteness that rose within you. “You can, uh… you can pet them.”
You couldn’t help the bright smile that overtook your face at his permission, your hand raising immediately to get started. It must have alarmed Yoongi however, as he suddenly squawked, “Gently!”
You giggled, moving slower and first resting your hand on his head, slowly brushing your fingers through his hair. His raven locks were surprisingly soft, silky against your skin. The hybrid watched you curiously, like he was wondering exactly what you were going to do, and it struck you as a bit odd.
“Yoongi,” you began, scratching your nails lightly down his scalp. His eyes fluttered closed in bliss, mouth dropping open slightly as the softest of noises began to build in his chest. He hummed, and you continued, “Has anyone ever pet your ears before?”
“No,” he mumbled distractedly as your nails scratched just behind one of his ears, that sound in his chest growing louder as you continued your ministrations. It took you a second to realise that he was purring, like some big overgrown cat. Your heart skipped a beat, and you had to squash a squeal that threatened to rise up your throat.
“Oh my god,” you whispered, but Yoongi was enjoying himself far too much to even notice you’d said anything. You used your nails to scratch lightly up his ear and his body sagged, tension leaving his form all at once as his body leant into your touch. His purring grew even louder, the sound bordering on what you’d hear in big cats when they growled, except lighter, less threatening. His fluffy, raven tail was thrashing and curling happily behind him.
You continued petting him, drinking in his blissful reactions, but soon enough your arm began to grow tired from being held up the entire time. You spoke on another whim, “Yoongi, lay your head on my lap. My arm is starting to hurt.”
You’d expected a bit of backlash, maybe a cheeky comment in return, but all you got was a hybrid dropping his head on your lap without so much as a split-second of hesitation, purrs rumbling from his throat and vibrating along your leg. His hand came up to grip your thigh and he cuddled closer, pressing against you contently. You had to squash the soft gasp that accompanied the several skipped beats your heart performed; he was like putty in your hands and you could hardly believe it. You immediately went back to work, with both hands this time— you didn’t want to squander the opportunity he was presenting to you and ruin the moment.
Yoongi looked like he’d never been in such a state of utter happiness and bliss before, and to be honest it sparked a certain amount of pride in you to know you were the one making him feel this way. You alternated between dragging your nails gently down his scalp and rubbing the soft, black fur on his ears, rubbing your thumb against the flow of hair then back over again to smooth it. Yoongi didn’t stop purring the entire time, his whole body lax where it lay across your lap and the couch.
Eventually you trailed your hand further, dragging your nails and scratching at where his hairline met the nape of his neck, eliciting a shudder and a pleased hum from the hybrid under your hands. You continued like this as the movie went on, although truthfully at this point neither of you were watching it.
After a while you strayed more, one hand rubbing his scalp and ears and the other dragging your nails over his back soothingly. When you first did it, it was almost like Yoongi had literally melted onto the couch, a soft noise of happiness escaping against your thigh as his grip around it tightened slightly. It was like you were petting one big cat. From the sounds he would make, and the way his purring picked up each time you scratched down the length of his spine, he was enjoying it a lot.
You found it in yourself to tease him a bit, “I thought big cats couldn’t purr?”
Yoongi grumbled, but the happy swishing and curling of his tail in the air betrayed his true emotions. “Shut up,” he said weakly, emitting a particularly loud purr as you scratched his lower back above his tail. He sounded sleepy yet seemed surprisingly awake. “I do what I want.”
The sleek, fluffy appendage curled to wrap loosely around your wrist, keeping you there whether it was his intention or not, and you let out a soft chuckle both at his words and his actions. Gently, since you were unsure whether he would receive it well, you shifted your hand and dragged your fingers ever so lightly over the length of his tail. The appendage trembled happily, curling over your fingers, and Yoongi let out a happy sigh. You were glad you’d mustered the will to ask him— this was the closest you’d ever been with him, and it was making your tummy do flips.
You continued your ministrations, alternating every so often, until you grew slightly bored and as a result more adventurous. The whole time you’d only used your nails on Yoongi’s back and head, including his ears, and he’d received it pretty well. You’d only been dragging your fingers lightly through the fur on his tail thus far, and hadn’t gone very far down his tail— you’d always stop whenever you grew near the base of his tail where it joined his spine, and begin to move your hand back up. To be honest, you knew historically cats had sensitive tails, and you’d been very cautious not to hurt him and ruin the moment. But since he’d taken it so well, you wondered if he’d receive it just as well should you use your nails to gently drag over his appendage as you had done to his back, head and ears.
You decided to give it a try, moving your hand to the base of his tail and dragging your nails gently along the length of it until you reached the fluffy end. The reaction you received was much different to the one you expected; Yoongi jerked, hand gripping your thigh tightly as a large shudder rolled down his spine and a noise that sounded suspiciously like a moan escaped against your leg. He pulled back suddenly from your lap, chest heaving slightly, and his wide, dilated feline eyes found yours. The feeling that washed over you as he held your gaze was foreign, something you’d never gotten from him before, but it lit something deep in your belly that had a soft gasp passing your lips in shock.
The air between you was thick with something else until the hybrid blinked, breaking the hold he had on you, and his entire face flushed pink. As soon as his eyes released you your mind caught up with you and you panicked slightly, hands going to his shoulders. “Oh shit, Yoongi I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?”
He flushed further, if possible, and he stuttered slightly as he answered, “N-no! No, you didn’t hurt me. Nothing you did caused me pain.”
You couldn’t help the confused tilt of your head, “Then why—”
Yoongi sputtered, averting his gaze as he struggled to arrange his thoughts coherently, “It’s— you, my tail, um… Sensitive. My tail is…very… sensitive.”
“Oh,” you said, eyes widening. “Oh. Whoops. Uh… sorry.”
Yoongi’s cheeks were bright red, and he was looking anywhere but at you. Even though you were slightly embarrassed yourself, you couldn’t help but find his mannerisms cute. Several beats of silence passed between you, the only noise in the room coming from the long-forgotten movie playing on the TV, before he suddenly spoke once more.
“Can you, uh…” he swallowed, scratching the back of his neck. “Can you keep… petting my ears?”
At your surprised, and slightly amused look, he rushed to explain, “It’s just, no one has ever pet my ears before and it felt really… it felt nice. Please?”
You stared at him a second, admiring how awkward he was being compared to usual and trying to swallow your own embarrassment as you did so. You shot him a bright, reassuring smile. “Of course, sweet Suga. Lay your head down again and I shall hop right to it.”
Yoongi grumbled, quickly forgetting his embarrassment at the mention of your grandma’s nickname for him, but lowered his head onto your lap once more nonetheless. The second your hands brushed through his hair and scratched behind his ears his loud, rumbling purrs started up once more and a smile slipped onto your face. He was so cute— a big, overgrown cat.
The movie passed with the both of you sitting content, enjoying each other’s presence and revelling in your touch. Just like usual, with Yoongi by your side all of your worries melted into nothing and you were soothed once more.
x     x     x     x     x     x     x
It was three days after Taehyung came to visit, and earlier that morning you’d received a text from the blonde that had caused your stomach to drop slightly.
TaeTae [9:14AM] somethings come up with the paperwork don’t worry its nothing bad!! just… different? Strange?? I’ll give you a call later!
Needless to say, you were somewhat concerned. You had a nagging feeling ever since you’d woken up earlier that something was off today, and receiving that text from Taehyung didn’t help one bit. What if the paperwork wasn’t going through? Did Yoongi’s previous owners somehow still have a claim on him? What were you going to do if it turned out you couldn’t adopt him legally and keep him safe? You didn’t want him to go, you wanted him to stay— and not just because your grandmother had asked you to care for him, but because you cared for him. He’d admitted he wanted to stay with you, and spend the rest of his time with you, and you— you felt the same way. He’d grown on you so quickly, so suddenly in such a short amount of time and already you couldn’t imagine your future without him there. You didn’t want to live in this house if he wasn’t there to keep you company, shooting you gummy smiles when you complimented his cooking and bought him icecream, comforting and cuddling you when you were feeling down; your grandmother’s house had quickly become a home to you, but only because Yoongi was here too.
Perhaps, it was really Yoongi that had become a home to you.
Instantly you blushed at the thought— that was so god damn cheesy and you couldn’t believe you thought it with your own mind. It felt sudden, and quick, but honestly it was true, despite how much your logical side cringed. Being with Yoongi felt right to you, and it wasn’t something you wanted to change any time soon, or at all.
You were concerned, but ultimately couldn’t do anything, and so just decided to wait until Taehyung called you to see what was up. You were probably overreacting— it was probably something dumb, miniscule even.
Either way, you’d needed a distraction, which is how you found yourself in your current situation. You were upstairs, making your bed like a responsible adult and sorting your laundry. Boring but necessary, and you felt better after doing it. You’d spent the morning cleaning your room to keep your mind off unwelcome thoughts, and to be honest had made good progress. However you could only clean for so long; you had a short attention span after all, and you were getting bored. That’s why you’d welcomed it when you were midway through throwing clothes in the basket and a call from downstairs stole your attention.
“y/n? Come here for a second.”
Curious as to what the panther hybrid and only other occupant of the house could possibly want, you gladly ditched the clothes and plodded down the stairs. As your feet touched the bottom floor a pleasant, absolutely mouth-watering smell reached your nose and you honest to god nearly moaned out loud. You instinctively followed the delectable scent to the kitchen and were only somewhat surprised to see Yoongi by the bench, fanning a tray of what looked like chocolate chip cookies. You nearly leapt for joy.
“Aw, Suga,” you cooed the nickname, shuffling forward happily to slip your arms around his back in a playful manner. He jumped, having heard you approach but not expecting the intimate position he found himself in. “You made cookies? How domestic. They look amazing.”
Yoongi tried to scowl but there wasn’t any heart in it. The slightest of smiles was tugging his lips, fondness leaking into his deep tone, “Shut up or you don’t get any,” he grumbled, peering at you over his shoulder as you parted from his back, your fingers lingering against his sides for a split-second longer. “And of course they look amazing, I made them. They taste amazing too.”
You laughed, moving so you were standing beside him, and going to grab a cookie off the tray. Yoongi’s lightning reflexes made an appearance as he swatted your hand before you could even touch one, eliciting a surprised yelp. “Yah idiot, don’t touch them yet. They’re still hot.”
You pouted, gaze longingly trained on the steaming cookies that were taunting you from the bench. Yoongi snickered at your expression, taking a cookie off of a tray you hadn’t noticed slightly to the side and bringing it up to your lips. “You can have this one, it’s cooled down more.”
You took the offered treat eagerly between your teeth, before he decided to take it back, and nearly moaned out loud the second you bit into it. Chocolate, warm and gooey, melted onto your tongue and the cookie broke into separate, delicious bits of sweetness and sugar in your mouth. Where the hell had he been hiding such an ability?
“Yoongi,” you shot him a wide-eyed look. “How could you keep this from me so long? You have a gift.”
There was a blush forming on the hybrid’s cheeks that had a certain fondness blossoming in your heart. “Stop being so dramatic,” he scoffed half-heartedly, averting his gaze to the cookies as he began moving them off the tray. “They’re just cookies.”
At the sound of him telling you to stop being dramatic, you immediately did the opposite and amped up the dramatics tenfold. You draped an arm over his shoulder as you spoke, “Just cookies? Cookies that taste like they were made at the hands of a god, you mean.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes, and while he was distracted you took the opportunity to nab the cookie he was currently transferring and shove it in your mouth. He let out an affronted noise and you giggled, almost choking as you did so before you recovered smoothly and swallowed, shooting him a winning smile that elicited yet another eyeroll. You were feeling so warm, on top of the world almost, your heart swelling with nothing but love and affection for the hybrid before you. You almost didn’t notice when there was a series of shuffles behind you.
“Ah, how sweet.”
And all at once your heart dropped and the grin froze on your face. Yoongi’s ears shot up and back, gaze whipping behind you and his tail thrashing in agitation behind him as his hackles rose. You turned, your fear confirmed by the sight of your two aunts before you and several officers behind them. They donned different uniforms to officers that patrolled the streets— these men worked for what was commonly known to as the Pound, a government-managed unit that monitored and oversaw hybrid affairs. You could resist your aunts, but these officers? Legally, your hands were tied. Dread touched your lungs and stole the breath from your lips with creeping tendrils, your eyes wide and mind racing to take in the situation in its entirety. It hit you at once, and immediately you felt nauseous.
If they were here, that meant they’d already taken action— if they were here, it meant they’d already been successful.
It meant they were here to take Yoongi, and without papers or hearing back from Taehyung, there was nothing you could do to stop them.
It was like all of your worst fears had manifested at once. You could feel the animosity emanating from the hybrid behind you, a low growl splitting the air in a similar fashion to the last time your aunts had arrived unannounced. He was responding to the threat before him and you could feel the danger as it danced in the air and caressed your skin. You felt Yoongi’s hand grip the back of your shirt and you found yourself clinging to the slight sense of calm and comfort it brought you.
“Neither of you are welcome here,” you said sharply, eyes narrowed in a cold glare. “Get out of this house. Now.”
Priscilla grinned, a sight that further cemented the dread filling your stomach. She knew she’d already won, she knew she’d gotten in before you’d had a chance to fight back, and she was revelling in it. Her perfectly curled blonde locks tumbled from her shoulder as she tilted her head, crimson-painted lips splitting in her glee. They’d dressed up for the occasion, visage immaculate and fit for the cover of any prestigious magazine. Designer clothes adorned their svelte forms, limbs heavy with gold and jewels. Looking at them, a special type of anger began to simmer within you. How could they be so selfish, so petty? They already had everything they could ever need, yet you could tell they weren’t going to rest until you had nothing left.
“Honey,” she brought her fingers to rest on her chin, gel nails glimmering. “I don’t think you’re in a position to be telling us what to do right now.”
Janine gazed down at her nails, inspecting the flawless pink manicure as her high tone pierced the air, sickly sweet coating causing a peculiar cocktail of anger and nausea to bubble up your oesophagus. The officers behind her shifted slightly at the sound of her voice. “y/n, dear, you know why we’re here. You can make this much easier for everyone if you cooperate and do what we want.”
You bristled, and there was a spike in the snarls tearing from Yoongi’s throat as he sensed your emotional distress. The hand on your shirt tightened slightly.
You knew there was truly nothing you could do, but you weren’t about to lay down and let them take your hybrid without a fight. “No,” you glared, “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again— you can’t take him. I won’t let you.”
Priscilla grinned, clapping her delicately gloved hands together. “Honey, you don’t have a choice!” she crowed, pulling a folded piece of paper from her coat pocket and unfolding it before your eyes. “We have written permission from his previous owners, and I think you know what that means, y/n.”
You did, and it only caused the hopeless frustration within you to grow. You felt it as Yoongi stiffened behind you, his grip on your shirt tightening and his elongated nails piercing the fabric to prick your skin.
“I’m not going anywhere with any of you,” Yoongi spoke up from behind you, voice low with a dark, unspoken promise lining its edge that had your hairs raising and a visible shudder rolling through the women before you. The officers seemed slightly more resistant to the effects of the predator hybrid’s snarls and threatening air.
Janine piped in with glee, repeating Priscilla’s earlier words, “You don’t have a choice! This letter means our claim is the only one the courts will recognise. Even if it’s by force,” her head tilted to the officers behind her in a reminder, “you will be coming with us.”
One of the officers, a large, bulky man to the left of your aunt, took a step forward, and you immediately took one back. Your arm flew out on instinct, as though to prevent him from getting to Yoongi, as your back bumped into his chest. The frustration within you bubbled and curled against your lungs, shortening your breath and luring panic from where it lay dormant within you. There was nothing you could do, but you needed to do something.
“No!” you couldn’t stop the cry as it tore from your throat. You glared further at the two of the people that had done nothing but hurt you for their own gain your entire life. “I will not let you take him. He doesn’t deserve whatever shit you’re going to throw at him, and he most certainly doesn’t deserve to be stuck with two nasty old women who are so embittered with their own lives and who they are that the only thing they know to do is ruin the lives of people around them. He deserves better than you.”
“y/n, please,” your aunt rolled her eyes, sending a spike of fury down your spine. She flicked her blonde curls back over her shoulder, adjusting her stance. The heel of her Valentino clacked against the tile floor. “Save the dramatics— you’re an adult, darling. Act like one, and we won’t have a problem here.”
Yoongi snarled, and while Priscilla cowered your other aunt voiced her agreement, “The officers here aren’t just for the hybrid, y/n. If you resist they will restrain you, and we will take him by force.”
The absolute smug satisfaction painting Janine’s fine features had your blood boiling, all of your helplessness and frustration melting into white hot fury that had angry tears pricking your eyes. All of this was so sudden, so abrupt, and you just wanted them to go. The officers moved to step forward and Yoongi stepped around your arm protectively, snarling louder.
“Why are you doing this?!” you burst, your voice breaking slightly and teeth gritting painfully as you struggled to contain the fury welling within you. More tears pricked your eyes. “Why are you so intent on ruining everything for everyone else?! My parents, grandma… you never stopped trying to sabotage every aspect of their lives, and even now you’re acting out of sheer spite! Why are you so full of hate?!”
Your aunts looked taken aback, the officers’ gazes flitting between yourself and them, before the two women snapped from their daze. Priscilla stepped forward, cold fury freezing her gaze as her eyes narrowed at you. Her manicured hands curled into fists. “Our mother— that bitch always played favourites,” she hissed, pretty features contorting into an ugly glare. “We were never good enough for her, none of us, except your mother and her stupid, perfect husband. She played favourites then, and even now when she’s six feet in the fucking ground she’s playing favourites again and giving everything to you!”
She stepped forward, ignoring the snarl that tore from Yoongi’s throat at the action. Her face was red in anger. “We should be the ones getting that inheritance, not some snivelling little brat that somehow managed to make it into the good books by birthright alone,” another step closer, another ugly scowl as she spit the words like venom from her mouth, “I don’t care if we have to tear it from your bloody fingers, sweetheart, we’re getting what is owed to us— and if we can’t take anything else, we’re taking him.”
“Nothing is owed to you!” you snapped, glaring at the women who were trying to take the final, most precious person in your life. “Maybe if you weren’t such horrible, nasty people you’d see that the only thing stopping you from getting anything from her was your own hateful actions! You’re all selfish, and manipulative, and you have no one to blame for the way things turned out but yourselves!”
You switched your glare between them, angry tears finally budding and slipping down your cheeks. Yoongi’s head whipped to look at you the second they touched your skin. “She was right to keep everything from you, you destroy everything you touch. You’re willing to blame your own mother even after her death for your own shortcomings. You’re toxic.”
Your aunts were livid, fuming as Yoongi switched his stance and took your hand in his.
“That’s enough!” Janine snarled, her brunette locks flying as she marched forward. She jabbed her fingers at the officers. “You, get that hybrid and restrain him, now! We didn’t bring you to stand around and do nothing!”
The officers jerked into motion and, eyes wide, you cried out in protest. You felt entirely helpless. “Don’t!”
Sensing your distress and catching sight of more tears slipping down your cheeks, Yoongi pulled you closer protectively, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and turning you away from the other people in the room. You heard Janine scoff, “Oh, how touching. You fools, hurry up and get him. I want her away from him and I want that hybrid so we can leave.”
You screwed your eyes shut as Yoongi’s embrace around you tightened, the officers beginning to advance further. They didn’t make it more than three steps before there was a loud bang and a deep shout that echoed against the walls, “STOP!”
Everything froze, and several beats of your heart filled your ears before recognition lit in the back of your mind and you were pulling back to see Taehyung rushing into the room, another man with dark red hair hot on his heels. The blonde was slightly out of breath as he halted, taking in the scene before him. His eyes narrowed, and you noticed a new hesitance in the officers that hadn’t been there before. “Taehyung,” you whispered, confusion and relief filling you all at once, and Yoongi pulled back to turn and see for himself, his grip on your hand never faltering.
“You can’t take him,” Taehyung spoke simply, with an authority and firmness you’d never before heard in his voice, his usual playful lilt long gone. The officers wavered, while your aunts simmered.
Priscilla stepped forward, waving the paper in her grasp with a smug smile to mask her anger. “On the contrary,” she said, unable to hide the spite in her tone. “We have paper-proof that—”
“A signed letter of acknowledgement from previous owners means nothing if the hybrid is not unregistered or unclaimed,” Taehyung said coldly, glaring at the blonde with such intensity that she took a firm step back, eyes widening in shock. You struggled to keep up with his words, however, confusion whirling amongst your thoughts.
At Priscilla’s silence, Janine sputtered, “Stop spouting nonsense!” she snarled, ripping the letter from her sister’s grasp. “This is all we need— with this the court acknowledges we have the right to the hybrid—”
“Haven’t you been listening?” Taehyung snapped, moving towards where you and Yoongi stood near the bench. “The letter means nothing before the court if there is already a claim or ownership in place. Yoongi is not unregistered or unclaimed.”
Your eyes flew to Taehyung’s face, mouth hanging open in shock. What on earth did he mean Yoongi wasn’t unclaimed or unregistered? He’d said it himself, Yoongi had been apart from his previous owners long enough that their ownership had become void, and your grandmother had never claimed him. Your mind was whirling— his text earlier, the fact that he’d just burst in now, what he was saying now— what the hell did it all mean?!
“There is no possible way for the hybrid to be anything but unclaimed,” Priscilla hissed, hands curling in rage. “There wasn’t enough time for that brat to fill out and lodge forms—”
Taehyung shook his head, “There wasn’t,” he agreed, but his gaze remained icy where it fell upon the two women. “But she didn’t need to. Yoongi is already in her name.”
A soft gasp fell from your lips, shock palpable on your aunts’ faces. It took only a moment for their expressions to cross over to realisation. “That bitch,” Janine hissed, venom dripping from each word.
Taehyung ignored their apparent revelation. “With a current ownership in place, you cannot take Yoongi,” he stated, gaze hard.
Your aunts didn’t react well. Janine bristled, Priscilla jerking forward. “Who the hell do you think you are?” she barked, changing her approach to the situation. “The words of some boy who just waltzed in here mean nothing to me, and sure as hell aren’t going to stop me from taking that hybrid. Officers, hurry and get him!”
Contrary to what you expected, the officers did nothing. Not a single one of them moved from their spots, and it infuriated your aunt like nothing you’d ever seen before. You watched as some of them shot nervous glances to the other people in the room. What the hell was going on—?
“Are you all deaf?” her voice rose with her rage. “I said, get that hybrid! I can and will make your lives miserable!”
There was a beat of silence before someone stepped forward, and your eyes widened in surprise. The red-haired male that had followed Taehyung in pinned the two women with a hard glare, hand reaching into his suit pocket to pull out a badge that glinted in the light.
“They’re not going to be doing anything of the sort while their superior is here to witness it,” he said dryly, looking vastly unimpressed. The Pound officers shifted, uncomfortable beneath his hard gaze. His eyes flicked to your aunts. “I’m Jung Hoseok, head of the Department of Hybrid Services. Those officers answer to me.”
You watched as the colour visibly drained from your aunts’ faces. At their stunned silence, the red-haired male, Hoseok, continued, “From what I’ve just witnessed, I have enough to charge you both with serious offences. Attempting to forcefully remove a claimed and registered hybrid from their owner falls under hybrid trafficking, after all, and I think you understand how serious and punishable those offences are.”
For the first time in your life, you witnessed fear enter your relatives’ eyes. Hybrid trafficking was one of the most serious and punishable offences— sentences were never light.
“You cannot legally take this hybrid, and you will not ever be able to. I suggest you leave before the list of offences grows and I am forced to take further action,” Hoseok jerked his head to the door, dark eyes still narrowed in a firm glare as they found the officers and he ordered them, “Escort them out and inform them of what shall happen should they ever step foot back on this property and violate the restraining order I am going to lodge.”
And just like that, you were watching as the officers escorted your aunts out of the room and off the property. Even amongst their apparent shock, they found the will to glare at you as they passed by. They yelled, screaming insults and protests as they were forcibly removed from the house, but they weren’t stupid enough to try and fight back physically. Your eyes followed their angry forms until they were no longer within view, shock coursing through your mind as you struggled to comprehend the situation that had concluded just as rapidly and suddenly as it had begun.
Distantly, the door clicked shut behind them, the deadbolt automatically sliding home and a soft beep echoing through the air. No one spoke for a second, and as you turned to grill Taehyung for answers the red-haired man, Hoseok, suddenly let out a great breath and visibly deflated. He spun then, a brilliant, megawatt smile on his face as he stuck his hand out at you— Yoongi didn’t even have time to growl protectively before you were shaking the offered appendage and listening to him introduce himself.
“Woah, what a way to meet!” he laughed amicably, smile lighting up the room. You were in slight shock at the further turn of events. “Anyway, as I’m sure you just heard, I’m Jung Hoseok. I’m Taehyung’s boss.”
Your eyes widened in realisation as you shook his hand, but confusion still ebbed at your thoughts. “I’m y/n,” you said, before continuing, “Thank you so much, Mr Jung, for helping like you did. Please excuse me for asking, but didn’t you say before you were…?”
Hoseok’s dark eyebrows rose, but the smile never left his face. “Just Hoseok, please!” he requested, before responding to your latter question. “And the head of the Department of Hybrid Services? That I am, miss y/n. Both the Pound��� or the Specialised Hybrid Management Unit, I should say— and authorised shelters like the one Taehyung here manages, answer to me. They’re both different branches of the same department, after all.”
Your mouth formed a silent ‘o’ in realisation. “Ah,” was all you could manage. “Thank you, again. I have no idea what I would have done if you two hadn’t come— which reminds me. Taehyung.”
The blonde turned to you, quizzical expression on his face before he realised your current train of thought. You spoke it anyway, rubbing your thumb over Yoongi’s hand where it remained in your grasp as you felt him shift anxiously beside you. “What did you mean before, when you were saying all that stuff.”
“Oh!” Taehyung beamed, reaching into his pocket to procure a bunch of papers folded into a haphazard square that left much to be desired. “That’s what I was going to call you about! Your paperwork was going through the final stages this morning when something came up. It was an error in the registry section, and I couldn’t understand how since Yoongi, legally, should have been unregistered.”
You listened with wide eyes as he continued, hands gesticulating each word greatly. “So I did some further digging— this was after I messaged you by the way— and found out why our system wouldn’t let your claim process. It turns out Yoongi wasn’t actually unclaimed, he was recently registered under someone’s name.”
Your brows furrowed in a display of your confusion, gears whirring in your mind as you remembered what he’d said earlier to your aunts. “But the claim I filled out with you was the only one I did,” you said, meeting his large, brown eyes. “There’s no way I could have—”
“You didn’t,” Taehyung agreed, smiling gently. “But your grandmother did. Her name was Lola, right?”
At the mention of your grandmother’s name tears pricked your eyes; she really had planned for everything. She’d taken care of every single thing for you, even until the very end. A breath you didn’t even realise you’d been holding escaped you in a big rush. “Yeah,” you said, trying to ignore the way your eyes were burning. You offered a watery smile, and felt Yoongi move closer, grasping your hand tighter. “That’s her.”
Taehyung’s pleasant eyes were soft as they met yours, a comforting smile on his lips. “She took care of everything— you don’t need to do a single thing. Yoongi is legally under your care.”
It took a second for it to sink in, for both you and Yoongi, but when it did you straightened, eyes shooting wide. “Wait, so we’re— he’s safe? Really?”
Taehyung nodded, and you were unable to contain the short shriek that escaped you before you managed to slap a hand over your mouth. The sheer amount of relief that flooded you, accompanying the realisation that he was free— you were both free— was almost too much. Elation bubbled excitedly behind your ribs, filling your lungs with glee. You turned to Yoongi, ready to throw your arms around him, but he was one step ahead of you.
He took you in his arms, grinning that beautiful gummy smile you’d come to love at the surprised yelp you let out, and spun you about happily. You laughed, and you could hear Taehyung and Hoseok joining you from where they stood at the entrance to the kitchen.
Yoongi was speaking at you so fast, so overcome with happiness that he could finally, for sure, stay with you, that you didn’t have a chance at understanding what he was saying. But that was fine, because you definitely understood what he did next. Your feet brushed the ground and he placed you back on the floor, but you weren’t still for long before he tugged you closer and his hands cupped your cheeks. His lips met yours in a surge of happiness-induced bravery and warmth blossomed in your chest, butterflies fluttering against your ribcage and tickling your insides.
When he pulled back it was with a happy blush, and he tugged you closer once more, burying his face into your neck. Amongst the slight shock and flurry of emotions overtaking your thoughts, you knew one thing.
You’d never been more sure of anything than you were that you truly loved Min Yoongi, the beautiful hybrid your grandmother left in your care.
Masterlist || Prev. | Afterstory
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icameheretowinry · 7 years ago
“Please talk to me.” Omg maybe cute fluffy EdWin angst?? Thank you! I love your blog!
This has been sitting my ask box for too long!! Edwin fLUFF aNd AnGsT???!! YAAS MY JAM!! I hope you enjoy!! :D (btw set a yearish post promised-day)
For hours, Ed watched spindly shadows drift across the sharp blade of light at the bottom of his bedroom door. Beneath layers of notes and details woven together in tangles of red string, the pale walls sagged under the weight of so many sleepless nights. His own silhouette repeatedly disrupted the silvery moonlight pooling in a perfect square on the wooden floor, the warped plank just beyond giving beneath his weight with a muted creak.
With a shallow sigh, Ed finally lowered himself onto the edge of the bed. The springs whined softly as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his thighs. Behind him, a shadow lingered on the other side of the door.
“Ed?” Winry asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she rapped her knuckles softly against the worn wood, “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, Win,” he answered, “Go to bed.”
He rolled his eyes as the door clicked open anyway. He could sense her lingering a few feet behind him and a little to the left, the air around her crackling as she debated her next step.
“If you’re going to come in, you might as well come in all the way,” Ed muttered.
His eyes remained fixed to the moonlit floor in front of him, even as Winry disturbed the continuity of one of its corners. The light reared up to illuminate one of her sandal-clad feet and trailed off where her heavy tan jumpsuit bunched around her knee. The bitter scent of grease filled his nose.
“What’s going on with you?” she asked, “You disappeared up here after barely touching your dinner.”
“I wasn’t hungry.”
Judging by the way the shadows shifted, Winry had folded her arms across her chest.
“Not hungry?”
Her voice was riddled with disbelief and he could clearly picture her expression; right eyebrow raised and the atmosphere in her eyes veering towards stormy.
“I don’t buy that at all,” she continued.
Ed shifted on the bed until she was completely out of his sight, “I just need some time to think—“
“About what?” she asked, as she turned and squinted to make out the layers of notes overtaking the wall behind her, “And when are you going to take all this down?”
“When I want to,” Ed replied, his tone growing sharp.
“What kind of an answer is that?” Winry asked, “It’s not like you need them anymore.”
“Maybe I do,” retorted Ed, the crease between his brows growing deeper.
“To reread them? That’s going to be pretty difficult when you’re sitting up here moping in the dark.”
“I told you, I just need some time to think,” Ed’s voice rising dangerously above a whisper.
“Something’s on your mind,” she insisted, “Please talk to me.”
“Leave it alone, Winry.”
The room suddenly dimmed as the blond mechanic stepped in front of the window, her hands on her hips. The moon rising behind her set her aflame in blue light.
“Edward Elric, I’m not going to leave this room until you tell me what’s wrong! I know you, and you sulking up here alone isn’t like you at all. Al noticed it too. ”
Ed refused to meet her gaze, instead fixing his eyes on the darkest corner of the bedroom.
“Go away,” he muttered bitterly.
“Are you serious?!” Winry gaped, her arms growing animated as her exasperation intensified, “You’re acting like such a child! What’s with the pouting and empty answers? This is just the way you always acted when someone brought up Hohenheim—“
Heavy silence clamped down on her words as Ed suddenly rose from the bed, his hands grasping tightly around her shoulders.
“I’m stuck god dammit!”
Winry remained frozen as Ed’s gaze bore into her own with a golden ferocity she’d never encountered. Then, as quickly as the moment came, his eyes dulled, his grip loosed, and he sank back onto the bed.
“I’m stuck,” he said again, resting his face in his hands.
Every response in Winry’s head faltered under the weight of his declaration.
“There were plenty of times before when we didn’t know what the next step would be,” he continued before she could regain her composure, “Weeks. Months even would go by, but we always figured out every puzzle put in front of us. Every step we took put us closer to righting everything that was wrong. We succeeded too. Not everyone can say that—“
“Ed?” WInry asked as she eased herself onto the bed next to him.
“— We got our bodies back, we defeated the homunculi, and I even got on good terms with my old man. Don’t me wrong, I’m happy the way everything turned out—“
The blond alchemist’s head snapped up as he felt Winry’s hand come to a rest on his left shoulder.
“It’s just, I’ve been staring at the next big puzzle for a year now, and I don’t even know where to begin. I never regretted it for a second, but without alchemy I…”
“You’re a gigantic idiot,” replied Winry with a laugh.
Ed frowned and folded his arms across his chest.
“So, I finally tell you what’s bothering me, and all you do is laugh?”
Winry shook her head.
“You’re a scientist, Ed,” she explained, “And even if your gate was destroyed, alchemy will always fascinate you. It will always creep into your mind and fill you with questions, and those questions, I know, will pull you the ends of the earth to find their answers—“
The frown slowly faded from Ed’s face.
“— It’s always been your way into any puzzle, and there’s no reason the next one should be any different. I believe you once called it an occupation hazard?”
“W-Winry… I-I…”
His thoughts refused to organize themselves into coherent sentences as his heart thudded relentlessly against his ribs.
“Follow them, Ed,” she said, and offered him one of her heart-stopping smiles, “I know you’re been worried about Al, too, but don’t worry, he’s got me to look after him!”
“Uh… ah th-thanks Win, I—“
“And you have me too, of course!” she added as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders.
Ed froze as he felt wildfire erupt across his cheeks. He silently prayed the darkness would be enough to conceal it.  
“We’ll talk more in the morning,” she reassured him as she slowly pulled her arms away, “I just hope you’re feeling a bit better.”
“Uh… huh,” he managed to answer.
“Great!” replied Winry as she rose from the bed and headed towards the door.
Several notes tacked to wall loosened in her wake and flurried to the ground.
“Night, Ed!”
It wasn’t until the door softly clicked shut that his thoughts cleared.
“Crazy gearhead,” he mumbled, and as naturally as breathing, the questions of alchemy he had pushed away began to whisper in his head.
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mercurytrinemoon · 5 years ago
Electional astrology: natal charts for social media accounts, anyone?
Recently, whenever I'm about to do something (especially start something new), I like to make sure I do it at the right time from astrological point of view. I think of aspects, yes, but I pay close attention to the rising sign.
So I was about to register on twitch. Not to make streams myself but to watch and comment (long story short, idk if anyone have heard of this but Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park has been doing twitch streams every day since quarantine. He's making music and answering questions and to ask a question you have to collect points so after a few months of watching that stuff unregistered, I snapped because he's an Aquarius Sun and turns out that dumbass thinks Aquarius is a water sign *multiple face palms* and now I'm motivated to finally sign up, collect enough points and just correct him lol. Eh.)
Ok, back to the topic.
So I thought, ok, if I'm gonna sign up for yet another social media platform, it won't hurt to pick a date with the Moon sign I want and a fun rising, right? And then I was watching Alyssa Trahan's video on the Glee curse and how she looked at Glee's natal chart and I thought, yup, if you're putting something out there, starting something new, better look at what's going on on the sky.
And then it led me to my social media accounts, my twitter and instagram. I'm kind of fine with twitter, I tend to have these word vomits there and I fangirl over things people who follow me probably don't give a crap, but whatever. The Veronicas and Garbage are following me there so, either way, I'm sticking to my account.
BUT instagram... oh boy. I'm struggling with it SO HARD. I signed up in 2015 and I still have like, 50 followers, that is embarassing. I wanted to post my art there, and I did but I barely get any recognition. I haven't really painted in a while cause I've been obsessing over my guitar skills for over a year now so I though, maybe I'll start posting that... eh.
So I generated a chart for my ig account (good thing I still have the confirmation email) and OH MY GOD it all makes sense. It has Scorpio rising and Scorpio Moon - both can be polarizing and off-putting and too intense AND it has Saturn in the 1st house (!!!!). So NO WONDER I'm being so critical over the things I'm posting there and then I end up deleting it after a while. MC is in Virgo, which seems super boring for a social media account and also probably, again, makes me very hesitatant to post anything and then critical over it once I do post it. Sun is unaspected. There's literally only 5 aspects - 3 squares, one exact Uranus-Mars conjunction, which makes a trine to retrograding Jupiter. RETROGRADING. Ugh. And all of the planets, except for that Jupiter, are below the horizon. Not a good thing to be recognized.
But funny thing is, I signed up on twitter when Jupiter (unfortunately ratrograding as well) was making a loose opposition to my natal Jupiter. And I made my ig account when Jupiter was conjunct my natal Jupiter almost to the exact minute (!!!!!). Which I find so interesting.
So I had an idea to delete my ig account and make a new one. I’ll probably do it when Jupiter will be in Aquarius... which, funnily enough, will yet again be on my Jupiter cycle (opposition).
Btw, my twitter account has Sag rising and Jupiter-Venus opposition and Mercury-Mars square and Sun-Uranus opposition lol no wonder I act so weird there.
Ok, so what I was trying to put across is, I bet all these social media accounts that blow up have nice charts. Friggin Leo or Gemini risings or whatever. Because, everyone on socials can be funny, witty and nice looking so why are some so underrated? And vice versa.
Idk, I’m kind of thinking out loud. If anyone has any thoughts or observations, as always, feel free to share :)
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