#btw it also makes me think about how far I've come with this stuff???
steelthroat · 4 months
Tomorrow's outfit was literally a group project lol.
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twstowo · 12 days
Oyo, um I read one of your fics and it was rlly good. I'm pretty sure it was one of the 'they end up another universe twst' fics. They're rlly juicy BTW
I was thinking like...what happened if otherverse bois met normalverse yuu and they actually start liking them? Sorta yandere-ish type stuff to the point where they don't wanna leave normalverse yuu? (Yes, I've been calling normal yuu 'normalverse' yuu bc it makes a bit of sense lmao)
Understandable if you're a bit uncomfy with this :)
♡︎This is quite an interesting idea! I had though about it once but since you asked now I'm really going to write it! Also I'm not the best with yandere themes so I hope this is good enough!
♡︎Includes: OB! Characters
♡︎Warning: Malleus's part made me kinda sad, IM SO SORRY MALLEUS LOVERS. Also all of them need therapy.
[AU Masterlist]
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NV - Normalverse (Thank you for the idea Anon!)
First things first, in general, I believe that they would understand that you aren’t the same person from their Universe, however, this wouldn’t excuse the fact that every time they see your face they are thrown back to your relationship back in their world, which to say the least is not the best.
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There would be no doubt that he would dislike you intensely. Moreover, the fact that this Riddle would be even worse than the pre-overblot Riddle in the NV would put you in a difficult position.
The first time he spots you, he would be blinded by rage and probably try to behead you. Fortunately, Trey and Cater quickly save you, taking you as far away as possible from Tyrant Riddle.
He will do anything to find you, and he will have no tolerance for your actions. At the slightest inconvenience you cause, he will be right behind you, ready to tell you how much of an annoyance you are.
But you catch on to his game pretty quickly, so you counter him by being the very definition of perfection. You make sure not to break a single rule and set an example for everyone around you, and by the Sevens, that only makes him even angrier.
But is he really angry? He can’t deny that he feels slightly impressed. Among everyone else at this strange college, you are the only one who comes close to reaching the level of perfection he demands.
Slowly, he finds himself growing fonder of you. He starts thinking about bringing you back with him once he finds a way to return to his universe. You’d fit perfectly in the castle with him, and he’s certain his mother would have approved of you.
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When it comes to Leona, he is more annoyed with the NV version of you than anything else. After all, you were always pestering him about being lazy and irresponsible. He had been plotting to have you exiled once he took the throne by killing his brother.
So, the first time he spots you, he's ready to turn around and leave, not wanting to hear your nagging. But that doesn’t happen. You speak to him as if he were a normal person, with no harsh words, and even smile at him when you finish talking.
Is he seeing things? Why are you so different in this universe? And why is he enjoying this new kind of attention so much?
Yet, he remains rude, constantly sending glares your way. He firmly believes you're trying to trick him into something malicious.
Still, you bring him lunch and talk about your day. You are strangely kind, something he never thought he would experience, especially from you. You are the first person ever to treat him like this.
Slowly, something starts to shift inside him. Your attention becomes something he craves, and he starts becoming obsessed, to the point where he checks if you give the same treatment to others.
And if you do, he makes sure they are out of the picture the next time you look for them. He will ensure that you have only him to turn to, to talk about your day, and to give your full attention.
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OH NO! He’s had enough of your antics ruining his business! Azul puts up a sign with your face and a red cross over it in front of the Monster Lounge. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN!
Floyd and Jade find this absolutely hilarious and watch as you stroll into the Monster Lounge without a care in the world. (You’re literally that meme: "This sign won’t stop me, because I can’t read.") They don’t even try to stop you, they’re far too entertained by the thought of seeing how this new Azul will react to the chaos.
Let’s just say that Azul quickly learns the hard way that you aren’t here to ruin his business. Instead, you seem determined to ruin his reputation by being overly affectionate and making him squirm with your sweet words in front of all his clients, no less.
He tries to distance himself, avoiding your gaze and setting boundaries, but you keep coming back. In that, you remind him of the version of you from his own universe.
And for some reason, he finds that persistence very attractive. He can’t deny that, before you decided to ruin his business, he used to have a slight crush on you back then.
But now, you aren’t trying to ruin his business. Quite the contrary, you’re a magnet for attention, constantly drawing more customers to the Mostro Lounge.
Slowly, Azul starts losing himself in this fantasy: you and him, together, expanding his business. But at a certain point, he realizes he’s thinking more about you than the money the two of you could make.
He becomes determined to keep you by his side, even if his business suffers because of it. If all it takes to have you is tarnishing a bit of his reputation, then he’s willing to do it.
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By the Seven, he was already annoyed that Kalim was here, but you too? This was about to be the worst day of his life, two incredibly annoying people threatening to ruin his plans.
He keeps his distance, but when you spot him, he’s about to tell you to go find someone else to bother. Then, you say something completely unexpected: you’re actually annoyed by Kalim’s antics.
You? Annoyed? At Kalim?
He’s taken aback. In his universe, you and Kalim were inseparable friends, always together. But the you from this place is actually bothered by him? He doesn’t even need to know why you’re annoyed. Just the fact that someone finally agrees with him about Kalim makes him incredibly happy.
He enjoys it when you come to him with your frustrations. Whether you’re irritated by Kalim’s constant gifts or his endless parties in your honor, because you feel overwhelmed, Jamil is always there to listen. He savors your complaints, and he’s quick to add his own criticisms about Kalim, which only deepens your dislike for him.
As time goes on, you start finding comfort in Jamil’s presence. His understanding and validation make him seem like a refuge from the chaos that Kalim brings. You begin to rely on him more, and Jamil can’t help but enjoy how your dislike for Kalim boosts his own ego.
Jamil starts subtly shaping your view of Kalim. By reinforcing your negative feelings and positioning himself as your only true ally, he ensures that you depend on him more. He carefully creates situations where he appears better compared to Kalim, making himself seem like the perfect match for you.
Jamil feeds off your growing dislike for Kalim. Your negative feelings towards Kalim seem to boost his ego, and he finds himself loving your voice even more.
You deserve someone who truly understands you, and Jamil believes he’s that person. He’s confident that he’d be the perfect match for you.
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There you are, Neige’s number one fan. He doesn’t even look in your direction, you aren’t worth it. Shouldn’t you be with him, guarding him like the lapdog you are?
Vil has to admit that at least you seem more elegant here. You look more relaxed and gentle, but maybe you were always like that back then. Perhaps he was just too focused on Neige to notice you.
Or maybe this version of you from this universe is simply sweeter and kinder. Perhaps here, you don’t make Neige your whole identity and actually treat Vil like a person rather than just competition for Neige.
Vil is intrigued, he finds you interesting, even. There’s a charm to you that brings him comfort. When he learns that you’re not that close to Neige here, he finds himself feeling pleased. And when you tell him that you find him “oh so much more beautiful,” he realizes that you might not be so bad after all.
Then he becomes attentive to your habits, your likes and dislikes, he memorizes every time you express any small detail about yourself only to use these as a way to create more opportunities to be closer to you. He brings up things you’ve mentioned in passing, showing how attentive he is to your likes and dislikes. His compliments become more personal, always tied to something he knows you value.
He loves especially when you talk so sweetly about him, or when he overhears you telling others how beautiful you think he is.
So whenever you mention Neige in a good way he becomes jealous, you should be exclusively devoted to him, he should be the only thing that crosses your mind and he was to make sure you only see him as your number one option.
He’s determined to make you see him as your everything, and he’ll stop at nothing to ensure that you’re his, completely and utterly.
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(In here both Idia and Ortho from the AU get sent to the NV.)
Ah yes, the ruiner of fun, you.
Back in his world, he used to send his followers to pester you, hoping you'd leave him alone. But no matter what, you always managed to bounce back and ruin his mischievous plans. What was with you, always messing with the fun? If a person or two died, who would even care?
But this version of you seems so much more into the chaos. He watches as you join in Ace's dumb ideas or get excited when Ortho prepares to blast off half the school.
You actually seem like someone who would join in his schemes now, and he'd love to have some help.
Howver the idea of you laughing, scheming, or enjoying yourself with anyone else starts to eat away at him. He starts sabotaging your interactions with others, asking for Ortho’s help to keep Ace busy with other things, making sure you spend more time with him.
He starts sending Ortho on missions to monitor your every move, always keeping tabs on who you’re with and what you’re doing. If anyone tries to get too close to you, they mysteriously vanish from the scene, often without you even noticing.
Everything feels so perfect when the two of you are together, you don’t need anyone else just like he doesn’t need anyone else.
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Poor Malleus had been treated badly by his crush back in his universe. You never answered the letters he sent, and he had heard that all the little trinkets and flowers were returned because you didn’t want any of them.
So when this version of you from this strange new place treats him with such devotion, such kindness, and accepts his small gifts, even inviting him to spend time with you, he can hardly believe what’s happening.
This was essentially a dream come true for him. He wonders if it had been you he sent all those letters to, whether you would have written him back with the same excitement.
Why, then, hadn’t this lovely and perfect version of you been the one in his universe? Why was he the one left unloved in his world?
He wants to take you with him. Surely, you love him, you wouldn’t be angry if he took you back to his castle. The two of you could finally do all the things he had dreamed about while gazing lovingly at the flowers he once sent you.
After all, why else would you shower him with such kindness? Why else would you invite him to spend time with you? You must love him too.
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bendyartistic · 19 days
Be Aware of alexbstudios. (Part 2) TW: uh.. slur, sui mention.
Recently I've been requested by some people to make another awareness post about Alex, and what has been going on since I made my last callout. So.. let's take a look. I'm gonna be honest I have been paying little to no attention to him at all since my post up until this point, didn't think I'd have to.
Ever since I made it, Alex has been talking about me a lot more, and it feels much more obsessive in a way. I think it's funny but also pretty weird considering some of the things he's said about me. Eugh.
Anyways let's get to the stuff from after my callout to the present. This is just a rundown of everything, and there is some stuff I skipped since I didn't feel it was worth mentioning. Once my post had been made, a lot of people went over and said stuff to him (Though I didn't encourage that behavior, I only wanted to make my post so people knew about him, I'm not covering those unless it's important in this.) Little afterwards he made this... post. Erh, are you stalking me and other people?? ALSO don't say the r slur man, like what.
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I find it really creepy that he has this list, and has notes along with them about why/who they are. Also why'd he spell my partners name like that? 💀 Next a little after that he reblogged someone's art and introduction saying this. (I don't want to really @ people in this, nor get anyone involved unless they asked to be.)
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I still don't understand how Alex views me, but saying this in a reblog no less is so strange. Reblogging another post, saying this with it...
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You're right Alex, I didn't need you in my life, yet here we are. Unfortunately. Besides that, no, 12 year old's should NOT be on Tumblr at all, even with restrictions, said restriction should be having the app blocked from their device.
I'm just gonna.. move on from that. Alex reblogged an art post, where he proceeded to @ over 50 people, myself included, saying "surely you can see the problem". I can't fit the entire thing sadly. I don't get what the point in these posts are honestly, besides annoy everyone. He's done it before as well. He got into a small bit of beef with a handful of folk not too long ago, which I got @'ed in at some point I think, didn't really pay much attention to it. Basically the original post is someone talking about art supplies and asking what one's other people use, which I personally think was a very neat post. Alex comes around though for some reason going off on nonsense. Hello? Who invited you!? (Again, censoring names cuz I don't want to get ppl involved.)
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I'm honestly kind of wondering why he even showed up. He pretty soon after made this dumb post as if it could have some effect on the situation.. uh?
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I guess mark your calendars guys for this date, where we have to immediately forget everything and forgive him! /j And there's this response he gave to an anon responding to his ✨patience✨ post.
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Dunno, so far it hasn't because he's still talking about it, so clearly he hasn't gotten over it enough to let it blow over.
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He's giving me those like.. stupid sigma edit vibes sometimes. Y'know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Also I'm not sure what to say about this really, but it's pretty funny.
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Context for this next one: You and the person on your lockscreen fight god..? That's a weird one.
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Wdym racist though? 🤨 Genuinely kinda curious about that. Btw wouldn't that make you like.. 9?? On a different note, I saw him previously talk about this "friend" he has going to a mental hospital, but I know nothing about it, nor do I really want to, however reblogging on an art post saying this feels off. Think the emotes are what do it.
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Don't joke about mental hospitals at all, I shouldn't have to explain why. I'm going to move on from all the short stuff now because I do wanna start talking instead of making short joking comments.
Alex made this post, and so it begins with him talking about me again, eh?
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Alex, you're already doomed. I can't put it any other way but from what I've seen maybe only 1 or 2 people even like you. The rest either hate you or want to avoid you at all cost, and I don't blame them at all considering you act like a fool and make everyone uncomfortable.
For my thoughts on you? I don't like you, never did. I just have to put up with you because this is the internet, and you'll probably never truly leave me alone like I once hoped. It's a shame honestly that you cannot follow a simple request from anyone. Don't think I don't know about your planned "response post" you're making, I'm still waiting for it. I don't know what good it's gonna do you though. Personally I don't care if you make one, I'd just read it to see the stuff you make up in it lol. (Edit: He decided to stop working on it after seeing this post lol.)
Enough of my rambling, I should continue with this so I can stop talking about him sooner. Regrettably I had to actually look up what this was about, I felt.. iffy reading it.
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Saying gyatt right afterwards wasn't funny. At all. I'm quite upset now. There was absolutely no reason for that.
I was gonna be reasonable and say something genuine but I don't feel like it anymore, this ruined my mood. All I have to say is as much as I dislike you, don't actually do that. Sadly moving to the next nonsensical thing, he made a poll post asking this. (It's still ongoing btw)
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Are people like.. forced into giving a reason? Like if I for example chose Bendy, am I immediately supposed to state my reasons? What if I don't want to, are we being held at gunpoint? What's up with that? I'm too lazy to interact with the post, I don't really feel like it anyways even if I wasn't lazy. Which one would you choose though lol I'm going to be serious now again cause this last thing is really just.. what the fuck. Palestine related 🍉, someone asking for help came to Alex, and this was his response to it...
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MY GOD Alex. Did you really have to respond to that in this immature, insensitive fucking manner? Could it have not been in one of your stupid rambling posts. It should've been. I'm sorry to the person and I'm sorry I had to read it. You're pretty sick honestly. You need help.
That's it. I'm done.
In conclusion:
Alex is still the same and is still never going to change probably. He still shouldn't be here and I believe he really should get off now more than ever. If not I fear what else he might do next.
All I can really tell you folks is please, DNI with Alex, just leave him alone and block him. You're again not obligated to, but I am suggesting it if you want to be left alone by him. And hey, maybe you'll make it onto his dumb creepy list too, who knows. Alright, I'm finished, I stayed up way too late for this... I'm tired. Cya.
Reblogs are much appreciated, it helps spread the word, thanks.
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flightyalrighty · 28 days
Everything you said about the Sonic movies is true and you're so real for it. I remember getting to that one part in the Knuckles show and turning it off right after because... what the hell LMFAO??
And like, I'm sure we all expect Sonic and his friends to not be 100% themselves in the movies, and I know he's supposed to be more of a kid, but them removing the core part of anti-authority is just... boring. Where is the sauce. Where is the Sonic?!
That's a part I like about your comic so far btw. Like, yes, G.U.N. SEEMED "friendly" at first, but secretly having inhibitor cuffs ready for Shadow? How these G.U.N. soldiers arresting them are totally okay with insulting him, and likely represent many more in the organization? Chef's kiss. Amazing work. BRAVO! So much shared with so little effort. I hope you're already proud of what you've written because it's so refreshing (and also just thank you for speaking up about the problematic aspects of the filmverse because its hard to find sometimes)! ❤️
You're speaking to my heart you know that? Thank you very much for this ask. Was too wiped out after work yesterday to answer it, but now that I am, I'd like to give you a big ol "YAAAAAAY" because goddamn, you're right. Where IS the sauce. Where IS the Sonic.
I think what you said at the end, "thank you for speaking up about the problematic aspects of the filmverse because its hard to find sometimes," is pretty sad. It makes me sad to think about the reasons why that might be besides general fandom nonsense.
I think that, because of that era older Sonic fans have been through in which there were a ton of youtubers and game journalists and stuff dumping a buncha bad faith criticisms into the internet about Sonic and influencing Sega/Sonic Team to change Sonic for THEIR sake, we've kinda collectively become this terrified, shaking little dog when it comes to actual GENUINE criticism regarding anything to do with this series. The Sonic fandom, from what I've seen since being here (2003) has this slight toxic positivity aspect to it. Slight.
This is pretty apparent when it comes to the Sonic movies, which are okay at best, but if anyone says this then a bunch of people are going to come marching into your inbox or comments making up a bunch of excuses as to why it's actually totally fine that there's no fleshed out women in three movies and a tv show. As one person once said to me: "Enjoy the boys and stop complaining about the girls"
Stop complaining? We complain all the time about games, why do the movies get a pass?
Well! Anyway! Thank you for reading Infested! Sonic the Hedgehog is braver than any G.U.N. soldier! Sorry for rambling!
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junktastic · 10 months
I had a drawing months back that went kinda viral I guess, and it getting out of my normal sphere of followers meant that I got to observe how folks far outside of my twitter sphere interact with twitter and others. For reference, I am talking about this image:
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The context, besides getting to draw my friend Jenny, was that I saw a picture that was of an anime girl that said "lets be in our early 30s together" and I was like "haha, I will make my own version of this." Part of it was also that I think aging is fine, and we need to stop stressing so much over staying young. "Lets be in our mid-thirties together" is not a joke, I sincerely wanted this image to be warm and inviting, to maybe give people hope that there will be friends and people who love you once you get to that age. I never thought I was going to make it to 30, and I just turned 35 this year, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.
Some responses were obviously teens/early 20s people saying they don't want to get that old, which is whatever. When you're that young the dirty thirty sounds so ugly. No one cool is in their 30s! Well, if you ignore the people who make all the things they like. These responses I waved these off.
I saw the typical twitter experience replies of "this doesn't apply to me?" Ok bitch! Go make your own like I did! And show me when you do, I'd love to see it!
There was a handful of people who were saying "retweet to scare a twink" which I felt was kind of rude. Not to me, but to the twinks out there. Aging doesn't make you less of a twink.
Lots of people were sending it to their significant others or saying they hope to find someone to be in their mid-thirties with, which I love. :3 It makes me happy!
The one kind of response which is what I made this post for and I'm so sorry that I've been rambling, that I found weird was the people who will reply to just you. The OP. As if they are replying to everyone in the thread. I'm not talking about in QRTs, just straight in the replies. "Don't forget how tired she looks in this." Brother I drew the picture. I know. And ever since then I feel like, as someone who loves to read the replies on other people's tweets, I notice this a lot more often. Who are they talking to? Is this what people are referring to when they say "Main Character Syndrome?" Or should I be lumping these together with the "why isn't this about my exact personal life situation" people?
My fiancé says I'm thinking about this too hard (I got engaged last month btw), and he's probably right. I can't help but be curious about how other people choose to interact with the internet and images and people on it. And, I guess, am I supposed to reply? How should I feel about these. I guess I have to decide that on my own.
For the record, you are all very normal/understandable when it comes to what you guys tag my stuff with. That you love the girls (same!), that they're very gender (love this), or wow is this [insert fetish](not my intention but that's the internet). I feel like the slime girls get the "gender" comment the most and you are all so right for that. Every time I see people reblog my ocs I think "Thank you for loving [name]."
That's all! This was a pointless post but I'm unemployed right now so I have too much time to overthink things for no reason. How do YOU feel about how people interact with your posts? Are they weird? Or are they normal about it.
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starberry-cupcake · 6 months
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I have made up from last time that was about only one chapter, this time we have 5 in a row. We finished act one, fam!
previously, in harrowbean the ninth:
this happened
I want to also thank you for all your nice comments and replies, I read every single one, I promise ♥
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ch. 7 to 11 summarized terribly, here we go:
it's time to cross the river
difficult task to perform
as someone who lives literally surrounded by rivers, in every direction, I can relate
my rivers don't carry ghouls though, as far as I know
I mean, there are ghost and cryptid legends, but not ghouls that stick to the windshield of a spaceship like bugs
like these ones do
so harrow and yandere twin aren't doing fantastic
yandere twin loses it in like the first 2 seconds
harrow sees the ghosts of all the ninth kids who died for her to be alive
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there's water also, but that part sounds very relaxing, actually
getting covered by water but not needing to breath
I'd be there forever tbh
but we can't, because ghoulies
mercygirl is still doing sound effects like kronk
btw we're changing her name to mercygirl because it's what I've been calling her now
I have been told by a number of you that mercygirl is your camilla so I apologize for disrespecting your blorbina
I might do it again, if the situation arises, though
mercygirl is piloting the ship and emperor the fool is just chillin' until he realizes harrow is walking about and doing theorems, which they didn't think she'd be in a state to do, so they didn't tell her not to do it
these people half-assing plans, who would have thought
mercygirl calls the emperor john
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emperor johnnyboy tries telling harrow to come back from her state because she's in too deep and it's becoming dangerous
mercygirl stars talking about the death of cassiopeia (another name that's easy to remember)
says cassiopeia had a ceramics collection, which makes her worthy of all my respect
harrow was thinking "five", idk what it's about
next thing we know, we're back to our gideonless retelling of gideon
in this version, teacher explains things
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he says the house was inhabited previously by "ten normal human beings of the Resurrection, though half were blessed already with necromantic gifts"
I'm tired of MATH
he says they left blueprints, he tells them about the Sleeper, he tells them how not to awaken it, he tells them about the trap door, he tells them what's under the trap door, he asks them to work together...
you know what this is like
it's like reading gideon was entering a new game and skipping every tutorial they give you
and reading this is like clicking every NPC's info and reading all that they say
ANYWAY, here is where ortus 1...
wait, this is going to be confusing
I want to call ortus from the ninth "ortus 1" and the new guy "ortus 2"
because ninth ortus was the first to show up
but new ortus is actually older and also is ortus the first
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we're gonna go with ortus and lyctor!ortus, for now
so, as I was saying, this is were ortus starts becoming much more insistent in these "flashbacks" about him not being the right choice
which, he's not wrong
we know he's not wrong
and harrow is saying stuff like "unless you can summon matthias nonius" (matthias nonius is becoming a recurrent thing, let's remember harrow compared gideon to him at one point)
and ortus goes "I don't understand why you chose me" to which harrow says "there was nobody else" and ortus exasperatedly says "you never did posses an imagination"
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a skeleton turns around when they're walking and says "is this how it happens?"
we'll come back to that shortly
(I know you all remember it, you've read this already, just act like I'm dora the explorer and play along)
next chapter starts in not!dulcinea's funeral
I'm sad I used the oliver queen grave meme already, I can't use it again to express my feelings
I'm gonna use the steel magnolias scene where they laugh at the funeral instead
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so, we are introduced to the famous augustine who's name I will remember
there's some conversation about first and second generations and about not!dulcinea being chosen, and Emperor Johnny Bravo says "we were all there to meet her, all sixteen of us"
I guess she was the last one of these, but maybe we knew that already, I feel we knew that already
apparently, not!dulcinea was the most reluctant to slurp her cavalier, but that didn't stop any of them, not even her, so
Emperor Johnny Quest says "for god's sake" and harrow thinks "the god who became a man and yet still invoked himself, apparently"
when she's right, she's right
that's better commentary than I could make
I have to respect augustine a little bit because he asked "which one of the kiddies did her in?" and I thought that was hilarious
he is called the saint of patience, which makes my previous comment about them being named via sarcasm very correct
it's like captain planet or the power rangers but chosen as funnily as possible
they start summoning lyctor!ortus by saying that he's interested in "you-know-what", which is both suspicious and childish and the vibes of these lyctors are all over the place
augustine thinks something's wrong, which is an understatement at this point, but ok
lyctor!ortus comes in as if summoned by the gossip and harrow calls him "the next terrible part of your life" which is saying something
lyctor!ortus comes with news of the seventh beast or whatnot that's trailing them
harrow bleeds from her ears and smashes her head on the next available surface to pass out
the mood
who could blame her
this lyctor job is terrible
it's like the end of drop dead gorgeous and harrow is kristen dunst
I'm not explaining that, in case you haven't watched a classic
we are back to the "flashbacks" and we've got a special appearance from the fifth
*studio audience claps and cheers*
they say they prefer to look into books than going downstairs, which is something one would consider if one had known what the fuck was downstairs from the start
abigail also does sound effects like mercygirl, it's catching on
abigail finds a piece of a recipe note that mentions an M and a Nigella
still no G&P
we know nigella is the cav of cassiopeia, the ceramics collector
I remember nigella's name because of the cook, which makes it funnier that it's a recipe
M could be mercygirl
abigail also gives harrow a note
abigail says that she'd like to summon the ghost of a lyctor but she's not sure how that could work or where they go when they die
ortus, magnus and abigail, in this gideonless version, are a polycule
I am convinced of that
while they're talking, magnus says "is this really how it happens?"
abigail starts telling harrow that she's got the energy of a lot of dead kids in her and harrow storms out
harrow gets angry when ortus calmly agrees about things and she doesn't want to look into why
harrow looks at abby's note again and now there's text on it
it's a longer version of the note she found before
it's a rant
it mentions dead eggs, implantation, some guy being sent after the OP, said guy taking pity on OP
OP is mad about all of this and doesn't use punctuation
what ortus reads isn't what harrow reads, once again
"ortus, I need a cavalier with a backbone" "You always did and I am glad, I think, that I never became that cavalier"
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the gideon points keep adding up
harrow then goes to sleep and is like this
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final thing in act I, in chapter 11, is harrowbean stabbing not!dulcinea again, which
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always make sure, it's like resident evil in here
just in case, let's stab her a bunch of times
so, are these "flashbacks" happening in real time whenever harrow isn't conscious?
is it her trying to remember what actually happened?
or is it her trying to hide it?
was there actually a longer period of time between the defeat of not!dulcinea and the emperor Jon Arbuckle coming to pick them up?
a period of time in which harrow learned things that made her write those letters?
and in which something happened regarding gideon?
is the note of the implantation also related?
why was gideon born in space?
of course I'm not asking you, please don't spoil anything, I'm just asking the void of desperation and chaos right now
we'll see if any of this gets answered soon or if I just get more questions
also, guess who wasn't mentioned
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see you on the next one!! I'll try to get back to the awesome replies I've been getting soon ♥
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mister-qi · 5 months
Mr. Qi Friendship and Romance Mod: 4/19 Progress Update
It's a working title, I'm trying to come up with something less wordy that still will pop up in Nexus searches.
I wanted to be able to track my progress, mainly for myself, but if you're curious, this is the state of the mod right now:
Heart Events - the 2 heart event is fully written (with blocking directions), and the 6, 8, and 10 heart events are outlined. The 4 heart cutscene currently has me a bit stumped; I have ideas, but nothing concrete yet. I definitely now understand why Sam's 4 heart cutscene is him dropping an egg. 14 hearts is on the back-burner as a little treat to myself once I get further into things.
Generic Daily Dialogues - about 1/3 done, probably the highest priority for writing. I'm leaving his vanilla casino dialogue as the two heart dialogue, and the vanilla Walnut Room dialogue as his four heart dialogue, with a few small changes. And, since it's me, I have more marriage dialogue written than anything else...
Day-Specific Dialogues - very few written, lower priority. Hoping to have a lot of these made eventually, and I have plenty of ideas, but they aren't necessary for the core of the mod so they're on the back-burner for now.
Gift Dialogues - all 5 generic gift response dialogues are written, with an additional 22 dialogue lines for specific items/groups of items. I'm also up to around item 530 in figuring out what item corresponds to which dialogue/whether or not he likes it. Certain item groups, like cooked food, still need more lines, however. This is definitely something that should be low priority, but also something I'm really enjoying working on. Some personal favorites so far are-
[if given a fish (hated)]: "Eugh, it's all slimy..."
[if given a legendary fish (disliked)]: "If you must give me one of the rarest fish in the valley, can you at least wrap it so I don't have to touch it with my bare hands?"
And I think that's pretty funny.
Portraits - 3 new portraits finished: "deep frown" "glint" and "glasses-less". I'll probably be messing with "glasses-less" for a looong while; it's first shown at a dramatic moment so it needs to look good. Blushing portraits are next on the docket.
Here's "glint" btw, with a background thrown on so I can have a custom icon. You know I gotta make him do the anime glasses thing a few times.
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Sprites - no progress yet. Walk cycle is up next after I finish the blushing portraits. Did you know he doesn't have a walk cycle at all? [1.6 spoilers] in the cheated Summit cutscene where he attacks(?) you, he literally just slides at you very fast. Anyways, I may also change his map sprite a bit as well, since it was drawn to match his old portrait and doesn't actually have the same color scheme as his sprites. Note to self: is it possible to make the sparkles on his outfit prismatic?
Maps - no progress yet. The 6 heart and 10 heart cutscenes both require custom maps, with the 6 heart one being a fully custom asset. 10 heart recycles some existing assets but will still need some custom stuff done as well.
Misc Sprites - in my head, there's a dream version of the 8 heart cutscene that has so, so many unique sprites. Like an incredible amount of stuff. I think it'll kick ass, but also that sequence could be done with a few lines of text. So, for now, it's low priority. But maybe in a few months I'll put out a request for help.
Not totally sure how to split this into sections yet, as I'm very much still in the preliminary stages so far. To say that I'm feeling overwhelmed is an understatement; documentation on the wiki swings wildly between "an asset is a file in a video game" and "this is an advanced tutorial. Read these 4 other pages first before continuing."
I've started using Ms. Coriel's NPC Creator which has been good for setting up the basic file structure, but ultimately doesn't cover some of the more complex stuff I want to do. EDIT: Turns out it's completely outdated for 1.6! Had to throw out a bit of work, but I still learned from it so it's fiiine.
I think setting up his "schedule" will be a challenge, in that I don't actually want him to have a real schedule like most NPCs. Not to pull back the curtain too much here, but I want him to "exist" in both the Casino and the Walnut Room simultaneously, which is to say, he does not exist in two places at once in the narrative, just in the code. This will change after marriage, however.
My next goal is to set up placeholder cutscenes for each of the heart events, and then to implement the generic daily dialogues once those are finished.
Final Notes
God, this will be a work in progress for a while, but I'm enjoying it! Definitely enjoying the writing more than anything else, but hey, that's how it be. I've got around 70 lines of dialogue written, a bit of art done, and I've started learning how to actually get stuff in game. I've always been more of a designer than a coder, but it's getting there!
ADDITIONALLY I've decided that if I abandon this project for more than 8 months, anyone is welcome to request my work so far and use it for their own mod. If this blog hasn't posted in a long while, feel free to send me an ask or message! I may say no, however.
Ultimately, I want this mod to exist in some fashion. While there is an existing one, I have a pretty different take on the character and I want to share it with you all! Every line of dialogue, every heart event, every little detail needs to share something interesting about a character and their world. Yet, Mr. Qi is a mysterious guy, and I think some things should be left up to player interpretation. And I think it's crucial to be able to match his tone and voice to the vanilla game, while also expanding on his characterization. It's a fun challenge to write, and I hope the finished product, uh, well I hope it gets finished mostly, but I think it'll be pretty good.
Thanks for reading all this. This is largely just a stream of consciousness for myself, but I hope it's...interesting, or something?
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teyamloak · 1 year
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It’s You
↳ conrad x y/n!
warnings: Conrad is 18 y/n is 16, cursing, smut, handjob, no sex.
✩ synopsis: y/n is back at cousins looking better than ever. She's prettier than she was last summer, the boys around her take note of that, especially Conrad.
✩ note: hi everyone, I hope y'all don't mind that I'm writing about something that isn't avatar. btw Anger part 3 is in the works it will be out soon!!
it was a drive going down to cousins. I've missed it, I've missed annoying my brother, Steven with my "beautiful" singing voice. I've missed just sitting in our car and listening to music but the thing I've missed the most about cousins was a boy. Conrad fisher. Literally a goddess, a guy that would make you do a double take when he's walking by, a guy that can make you cum just by looking at them, Conrad Fisher. I've had a crush on him since I was a little girl. he was so perfect you would have to be gay to not have a crush on him, even then you still would.
pulling into their driveway felt crazy, being there felt life-changing. Steven was the first one to get out of the car, and Jeremiah was the first to be outside.
Jeremiah was Conrad's younger brother, they were complete opposites sometimes you would wonder how they were even related, Conrad was dark, very dark while Jeremiah was bright and light-hearted. Jeremiah and I were best friends, he was so fun to be around and he wasn't nonchalant like Conrad was you could always know what Jeremiah was thinking or feeling but you couldn't with Conrad and I hated that.
I stayed in the car for a couple of seconds because I was scared and because I wanted to enjoy everything, eventually I put my feet on the ground and got out. Jeremiah and Steven were talking and my mom was already inside after giving Jeremiah the biggest hug a mom could give. Once I got out everything stopped, their conversation, their laughter, everything.
Jeremiah was checking me out, it was so obvious, everything he felt was always written on his face.
Slowly walking towards me he says "I missed you little one"
"I hate when you call me that you guys are literally one year older than me" I shouted because he was still a little far away from me
"I don't care you'll always be little to us, come here beautiful" saying this while pulling out his arms and waiting for me to give him a big ass hug.
he hugged me like we'd never hugged before, it was nice and sweet. After a couple of seconds, I stood there waiting for Conrad to come out and say hi to me. I've missed him, I needed to see him.
It is like I had summoned him he appeared like he was reading my mind. He was quick with the way he was walking he looks like he needed to be somewhere. he was busy with the hood part of his hoodie but then he stopped and looked at me. He smiled. He smiled at me. He smiled while looking at me. OMG.
He walks towards me and for I moment I felt at home I felt safe. He was still smiling when he was walking towards me.
“I liked you better with glasses,” he says joking around with me “Well I like myself without them” joking back. “you look the same you know that” “Is that a bad thing?” I said, i was hurt in a way, was he calling me ugly? “no, not at all I just think you look the same, yk good looking and stuff” The last part he said so fast that if I moved an inch I would miss it.
“you think i’m good looking and stuff?” I said excitedly, frantic to know his answer “ofc you’ve always been a good-looking kid, you would think your sister is good-looking no matter what wouldn’t you” This wasn’t a question this was a fact to him.
he had just friend-zoned me but also immediately after he had sister zoned me. He was saying that he found me “good-looking and stuff” because a big brother would always think their sister was good-looking.
waking into the house for the first time since last summer felt so unreal. nothing had changed everything was the same, Susannah  was standing beautifully with my mom in the kitchen they had already started preparing something for all of us to eat.
while they were preparing something I went into my room to unpack. I’ve missed my room, I’ve missed my beautiful light blue walls. I’ve missed my bear. Conrad gave me him when we were at the boardwalk when we were younger his name is Junior Mint.
I grabbed him and hugged him I put my nose to his head, I’ve missed the way he smelt. I loved him so much not only because Conrad won him for me, I loved him because he reminded me of that day. yeah, that day was bad I mean Conrad was eye fucking the girl at the game and yeah it maybe made me cry but at least he won Junior Mint for me.
Jeremiah came bouncing into my room and saw me smelling Junior Mint. “you still have that old thing?” “Obviously I still have it if I’m holding him, dummy” Jeremiah and I were best friends we joked around with each other like this our whole lives. “I know dummy what I meant was WHYYY do you still have him, he’s mad old” he stated while mocking me. “because I love him plus he helps me sleep” “lmao you’re so cute y/n” I laughed with him I don’t think much when Jeremiah calls me cute because he isn’t Conrad.
“KIDS COME DOWNSTAIRS DINNER IS READY” the one yelling was my mother.
owe were all sat at the dinner table, Jeremiah and Steven were on their phones and Conrad was sitting o looking down at his plate and waiting to eat. “can y’all get off your phone and eat your food” “mom there’s a party we are going to after this” Jeremiah says talking to Susannah. “who’s going?” she says like a man would. “all of us” he says quickly “Even y/n” She says this with the most questionable tone ever, yeah maybe I don’t go to parties but damn. “no obviously not y/n, she’s too young for that cmon mom” I was offended but I was even more embarrassed he’s was not only calling me a kid but calling me a kid in front of Conrad. But I stayed quiet like normal. “I’m not going either.” everyone stayed quiet he wasn’t going to a party?? “what the hell do you mean you aren’t going bro,” Steven said confused as hell. “I’m not really feeling like going to a party today” “Well then it’s just going to be just you and y/n because me and your mother are going to a book signing.” “cmon Conrad come with us you don’t want to be bored, alone with y/n, do you?” “I don’t mind it,” he said well going back to eating.
did I hear the right…. Conrad and I will be alone in the summer house, ALONE.
Conrad is downstairs watching a movie and I can’t move, he invited me to watch the movie with him but I can’t move.
“y/n the movie is already starting where are you?” while saying this he’s opening my door and looking for me. I was in the bathroom with the door wide open looking at myself in the mirror.
I look different then I did last summer that was obviously but the one thing that I didn’t remember or that I tried not to remember was how my body had changed. My body was completely different i had bigger boobs and a nice tight ass.
I felt good about my new body but at this moment while I looked at myself in the mirror I felt ugly and it was even worse that conrad was looking at me.
“what are you doing tiny?” he had a confused looked in his face but said this jokingly
“um, getting ready for yk the movie and stuff” “Why did you change your clothes, it’s just a movie downstairs, we aren’t going out. Unless you want to go out” he kept rambling clearly uncomfortable but i couldn’t figure out why.
maybe it was the fact that we were alone for the first time or maybe it was the fact that he was in my room
I turned around ready to leave my room and go downstairs
“I wanted to look nice I was looking crazy when I got here plus I just took a shower” pulling my wet hair in front of my face so he can see it “seeee it’s wet” he slaps my hand because of how close my hand was to his face.
“I can tell you showered, you don’t smell bad anymore,” he said this with a stone-cold face that made me think he was telling the truth
we stayed silent for a couple of seconds and then he started laughing like he said the funniest thing in the world. “your face is so funny tiny you look so cute, just like a baby”
why did he always have to compare me to a baby why couldn’t he just stop once he said I was cute?
“let’s go tiny” he reaches for my hand and i grab onto it, this felt nice.
as we reach the bottom of the stairs he let go of my hand, the loss made me feel sad almost alone.
he reaches down and grabs the remote, pressing play.
“Since I know you like scary movies I decided we could watch one”
smiling I sit down next to him, not saying a word
he presses play and the movie starts.
an hour has gone by and we have a blanket covering us now, it normally doesn’t get cold at night but it did today. It was only 8 which meant we were going to be alone for another hour.
Conrad hasn’t said a word to me since the movie started and neither did I, I was afraid of saying something.
but I decided to stop being a little girl I was tired of him looking at me like I was a baby I was tired of him calling me “tiny” like I was a child.
so I did something that I never thought I would do, I removed the blanket that we were under and got on his lap, he was intently confused.
“what the fuck are you doing y/n,” he said coldly
but I ignored it instead I looked him in his eyes and started to move my hips back and forth like I was riding him. I’ve never done something like this but it felt so good.
I kept looking at him and he kept looking at me
I felt him get hard underneath me so I know he liked this I knew that he wanted me.
“get off yn,” he said but it came off as a whimper it was low and soft
I looked at him hurt but I never stopped what I was doing “Why” “You don’t understand what you’re doing rn y/n, you’re just a little girl”
that got me mad rightfully so
so I got off but I wasn’t done, I looked at him the minute I got off and saw that he regretted what he said it looked like he missed what I was doing to him, and from his hard dick I knew he wanted more, so I gave him more
my tiny hands started to unbuckle his belt he didn’t stop me he just watched me; studying me.
I took off his belt and put it to the side then I quickly started to undo his button and then pulled down his zipper he was wearing black polo underwear.
“y/n?” he said suddenly, he noticed that I had stopped at the site on his underwear. the boldness that I had before was gone and I regretted what I had done.
but Conrad didn’t want me to stop as much as he told himself that he did he knew that he didn’t want that.
without thinking Conrad brought down his pants and pulled out his thick white dick. It was the first dick i’ve ever seen, i’ve never watched porn and i definitely didn’t know what i was doing.
“come here, tiny” his voice now bolder and stronger
he was stroking his dick while talking and looking me in the eyes.
“don’t call me that” I said putting my head down now ashamed
“do you have a problem with me calling you tiny”
“yes I do I’m not a baby and I’m not tiny, it’s stupid and I don’t like it”
“well, then that’s all you had to say, now come here before I realize how this is a big mistake.”
normally that would hurt my feeling but this time and this moment it made me happy
i obeyed him like I always did. he grabbed my hand and placed it on his dick, his hand was on top of my hand and he started to grip my hand so it could grip tighter around his thick dick.
he started to move my hand up and down, he moaned loud and hard. I started to move my hand faster as his moans got louder I knew that I was doing this right because of his moans and the way he threw his head back.
“god, y/n im about to cum, be a good girl and open your mouth.”
and I did of course I did I was here for him, I was made for him.
I leaned forward towards his dick and I opened my mouth, he started to stroke himself fast asf
he didn’t take his eyes off me
“omg fuck, fuckkkkk”
then he came all over my mouth and face.
he didn’t even have to tell me to swallow it because i did the second it was in my mouth, it tasted so fucking good, it tasted almost like nothing.
he moaned so loud, he grabbed my face and pulled me close to kiss me, this was the first real kiss I ever had and I just followed his lead.
he was sweet and slow with the kiss like he wanted to prove that this meant a lot to him.
he pulled away and continued to look at me
“I want to fuck you but that won’t happen today, you’re too perfect to be fucked on the floor like you don’t mean anything to me because y/n you mean everything to me”
I was happy with that, I was so fucking happy that he respected me enough to know that, that was exactly what I wanted and need to hear.
“Are you okay with that, my love?” “yeah Conrad I’m actually very happy you said that.”
“let’s go clean your face before the others come I don’t want them to know what happened so can I trust you to keep this a secret?”
a secret, wow a secret.
“why would this be a secret? Don’t you like me?” “Of course I like you y/n it’s just I’m older than you and the others wouldn’t understand especially your brother, he would kill me for having his sister’s face full of cum, and he would murder me knowing how much I enjoyed it.”
“Okay, Conrad anything you want” I was mad but I understand where he was coming from he was 18 about to go to college and I was 16 about to start my junior year in high school. Our parents would freak knowing what had happened.
Conrad stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me up, “Let’s get you cleaned up”
Hi y'all I hope you enjoyed this part i’m pretty sure i will be making a part 2 which will contain more smut and stuff, also i wrote this before season 2 of tsitp came out so it takes place then!!!!
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
hello my love <3 can i request fluff with lockwood where y/n is sick and she also has injury on her hand (something like lucy's maybe?) and when lockwood wants to clean it she's not happyy about that 'cause she only wants to sleep and he's like "i'm your fully qualified doctor, remember? you have to listen to me, love", btw i absolutely adore your stories, keep writing cause you're amazingg, mwah <3
a/n: of course!!! domestic lockwood is the best in my humble opinion. and im so glad you like my stuff so much, love you my dear <3 also taking this as an opportunity to apologise for the terrible titles for most of my fics i spend ages thinking but can never think of something good lmao
warnings: minor injury detail gn reader
Perfect - Anthony Lockwood
The library is the warmest room in the house, and by far your favourite, so it's no surprise when Lockwood finds you there, curled up on your designated armchair close to dozing. He smiles at you as he steps in, carrying a tray of something or other that he places down on the little coffee table before sitting in his armchair.
There's something about him today that makes you want to laugh. Maybe it's the way he's been mothering you all day because you're ill. Maybe it's the lack of Anthony Lockwood professionalism he has today, what with his crinkled hoodie and pink fluffy socks - aren't those the ones George has been looking for? He's so unlike his usual self today, but also inadvertently just like himself. A walking anomaly.
"How are you feeling now?" he asks quietly, as if your ears may explode if he speaks too loud. "Any better?"
"No better than I did seven minutes ago," you say with a laugh. "Lockwood, you don't have to keep a constant eye on me. You've got things to do."
"One of which being to take care of you," he says. "Which reminds me, are you finally going to let me take a look at that cut on your arm? It needs cleaning."
"I trust you with my life, but I do not trust you with the first aid kit. You'll shove half a tube of Germaline on it. Besides, I want to go to sleep, and here is cosier than my room."
He gives you a look, but it's halfhearted. "You can sleep once I've cleaned it. I've brought you some of your favourite biscuits and a brew in return."
You lift your head from where it had laid on your arms. "Doesn't sound like a very fair trade for you."
"Ah, I'll cope."
"Well, it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm sure it's healed amazingly and then I'll be back to my wonderful self in no time."
"I'm not leaving until I've at least taken a look at it. Then after that, you can have your tea and go to sleep." His grin is dazzling then. It's the kind he always uses when he's trying to get his way. "I'm your fully qualified doctor, remember? You've got to listen to me."
If you could be bothered, you could push for him to leave you in peace, but your head feels like it's full of water and you want to go to sleep. So, begrudgingly, you shift so that your arm hangs over the armrest of your chair.
The gentleness of Lockwood's hands as he takes your arm and slowly, carefully peels off the plaster you haphazardly placed on shocks you. His fingers are soft, holding your arm as if it's a delicate thing that could break at any moment.
He takes a minute to just look at the gash on your forearm. It's no longer than your index finger, cutting diagonally across halfway up, and it's still oozing some blood. The plaster is covered in it, and he deftly throws it into the bin before taking his little first aid kit from the tray he brought in. Its original purpose was for you to use it on him whenever he got banged up on cases, which was more often than not, but there's something strangely special about him using it on you now. It makes you feel a little giddy.
"You got this from a glass door, right?"
You're acutely aware of his touch as he shifts his grip so as to clean the cut. "Yeah. George knocked me into it by accident. I'm surprised this is all I got out of it."
His reply comes in the form of a quiet hum. As he cautiously cleans the wound, you watch as his brows furrow a little with concentration, creasing a little line between them, and his top lip twitches a little bit. A little quirk, you've noticed, when he's particularly invested in something. Usually, it's the latest gossip rag, in which he always loses sight of the real world, but now it's you. A small flutter arises in your chest.
He wipes over a small part of the gash, and you suck in a sharp breath. The sound makes him falter, the wipe hovering an inch above your skin as he looks up at you.
For a moment, then, you forget about the pain. Through his thick lashes, his eyes are brimmed with worry and apologies, but after insistence that you're fine, he continues to clean the fresh blood away.
"Let me put the cream on the plaster," you murmur. "You'll put way too much on."
He smiles. "Who's the qualified doctor here?"
"In all honesty, Skull is probably better at this kind of thing than you are."
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
But, even still, he passes you the tube of Germaline and a long plaster. A moment later, you pass it back, and with delicate hands, he places it over the gash. It stings a little, and you hiss at the sudden cold, but the feelings are gone before the minute is even over.
"Perfect," he says with a soft, private smile. "All sorted."
His hand lingers, still holding your arm, and you suddenly feel more awake than ever. It's as if the tiredness has just melted away into the cushions of the armchair and down into the floor with only his touch, and you yearn for him to not let go. To stay exactly where he is.
And, as if having read your mind, he does.
If someone were to walk in, the scene would be strange. You, curled up in your seat with your arm hanging over the armrest, head resting on your own shoulder, and Lockwood, holding your arm as if it's some valuable thing, and simply looking at you with those expressive eyes of his.
"How do you feel?" he asks. His voice is a little breathy.
You're trying not to focus on the feeling of his fingers slipping down your arm until they almost - almost - slot in between yours. You shift slightly so that your head is in a position that isn't causing a crick in your neck, and it only grants a better view of him. His dark hair glowing bronze in the firelight, the ever so faint freckles on his nose, the dip in the left corner of his lip that insinuates another smile.
"A little better." The words almost catch in your throat when his fingers curl around yours just so. They don't hold yours, but they're so, so close. You can feel his pulse - or is that yours beating wildly out of control? "Do you have any paracetamol?"
He takes a second to realise what you've just said, and his hand leaves yours as he rakes about in the first aid kit for the painkillers. Out of pure mothering ability, he pops two out of the packet and hands them to you along with your mug of tea. Not the nicest thing to swallow them down with, but it'll do.
"You need to be more careful on cases," Lockwood says.
"Tell that to George. He's the one who bumped into me." Then, you shrug. "I suppose I shouldn't have gone when I've got the worst head cold I've had in yonks."
A breathy laugh escapes his lips, and you notice how he's looking down at your hand.
It's a bold move, completely unlike you, but you reach for his hand, looping your fingers through his. His hand is warm and, yes, that's definitely your erratic pulse.
It takes a lot to catch Lockwood off guard, but that does the trick. For a moment, it's like he can't decide whether or not to look at your linked hands or at you, and you laugh at the sight of it.
"This is wholly inappropriate," he jokes. "Doctors and patients shouldn't do anything remotely like this."
You must be out of your mind entirely because you lean over and press a kiss to his knuckles. "What about that?"
The expression on his face reminds you of when the TV signal has gotten busted, and the four-person-army of Lockwood and Co, plus a glowing and crude Skull, are sitting around it angrily waiting for it to stop buffering. When the picture freezes, glitches a little bit, and buffers for even longer. You can almost see the buttons and wires in his mind, struggling to compute what you just did.
That's not to say you aren't the complete same. Truthfully, you shocked yourself with the kiss, and you sit here now, staring at the spot where your lips touched his skin.
You're ill, you remind yourself. Maybe he'll pass it off as delusion.
"Would you mind if I weren't your doctor for a little?"
Frowning a little, confused, you say, "No...?"
You've never seen a person move as fast as Lockwood does then. Before you know it, he's leaning over your entwined hands and his lips are brushing yours so softly, giving you room to move if it's something you don't want. But you do. You want it more than anything.
Everything seems to melt away at the moment you press your lips firmly onto his. The library, the fireplace filled with dancing orange flames, your horrible cold, the sting of anti-septic cream on your fresh cut. You're aware only of his lips on yours, his fingers twisted in yours, the warmth of his hand. Every nerve in your body feels as though it's about to combust. Your heart is practically beating through your chest. God, your hands are awfully sweaty.
Only a moment later, he pulls away, but his face stays so close to yours that you can feel his breath on your cheek.
You want to say something romantic, maybe something smart or snarky like you usually would, but all you can think of is, "You're going to get a cold now."
"It's just as well we have Skull, then, huh?" His laugh is soft and airy, and you could catch it between your lips if you so wished. "I'm sure I'll be fine."
His gaze flickers between your eyes and lips, and you're positive that if he weren't holding your hand right now, you'd implode in a burst of sparks and fireworks.
"Well, if you're so sure -"
Knowing where the sentence is going, he presses his lips to yours once more, and it's perfect.
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 1 year
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>>> the grim adventures of jon n' jack. feat batman n' spiderman. <<<
it was only a matter of time, before i would have made another crossover with those two. i can't deny, that they are very 1:1 for me, when it comes to comics supervillains. so why not to mix one awesome n' beloved thing with another? esp since funny enough, they do have quite a few similar plot-points. well, the halloween themed costume aside. i mean it goes as far as jack once having the bat-themed boyfriend pal, which reminds me of someone else, i know.
i've tried to make my notes more or less readable here, but they still might be a bit scattered. i attempted to keep them as short as possible, but i just cannot talk 'small'.
1. the first art is low-key based on underdeveloped AU, that i have about the early comic scarecrow n' modern jack meeting n' hitting it off serial killiar style. considering, that both of them possess killing methods, which have a noticable tradmark to it, i imagine that they will leave one hell of a mess behind, while traveling across the country. in that timeline, batman is dead. n' jack's shitty foster dad was killed off earlier on. neither of them knows what to do with themselves, since the people who they had *twisted* emotional conection with are gone. without any direction, they meet in the middle, n' decide that they can as well team-up n' try to make being a villain fun again. jon might experiment on their victims *or torture them if its his ex bullies* n' then give them to jack, who would scoop their brains out and put candle inside their skull. n' uh yeah, he literally did it in the comic. i was honestly surpised that marvel come up with smth that creepy. it really sounds more alined with dc, if anything. but either way, here they are. two *grieving* psychos going downtown. they will make one another so much worse, i imagine. n' they will totally kill that npc dude btw.
2. dark magic n' the drip. or jon n' jack at their corniest. like, jonathan looks like he watched too much the nightmare before christmas n' jack dress up like count dracula for no reason. it's so random-ish n' cheesy. but with this being said, i love both of those designs, n' think, that they really suit the vibe of comic issues in which they were featured. jack always came off as a he-witch to me, but it was nice to see it being played on in a different way. n' then, crane really rocks his own outfit as well. i totally need to draw him in it more often, haha. they dress up for a halloween party for real this time. n' well, i added batman n' spiderman into the mix here, bc i kinda wish that they got to fight / interact with those versions of jon n' jack. it would have been fun for a few reasons. also this can be technically counted as shipping art, but can be viewed as your typical gloating bad guy n' helpless hero thing too. n' to clear any possible questions, i only create stuff with adult peter parker. like cartoon era/late early comics, 20 smth one. i love my spiderman being of age, where he can legally mingle with his villains, not be detained at school lol.
3. the classic four from the timeline, when the comic plots were a bit more ligthearted. aka during the times, when the deadly mercenary n' crazy scientist were robbing banks, instead of harming *torturing* people. i love dark stuff, but there is charm to how 'simple' the scarecrow's and jack's goals once were. n' i love how the scarecrow used to do the lil, dorky dances. it really suits him. n' since at least 2 or maybe, most of jack o' lanterns are southernish in their roots like jon, i had an idea of them having a country dance *in the middle of graveyard* kinda just makes sense to me, haha. batman and spiderman merely happen to find them like that. n' well, it's kinda awkward. esp bc they technically don't do anything bad. i also imagine spiderman being like 'oh, so you have one of those too'. which is mostly a ref to how both the scarecrow n' jack were called 'the reject from land of oz' by other characters. they can rejoice here.
4. the develish & undead duo!! my friend once told me to try n' watch older superhero cartoons, and at first i was like 'welp, they prob be hella boring'. but then i caved in, n' watched a couple of superfriends episodes. as result, i fell in love with their scarecrow's desingh! it was unexpected tbh. usually, i prefer jon's older, classic scarecrow look. so no straw hair, less features exposed, just a hat n' a sack on his head, but their version of him actually did it for me. i find their crane both creepy n' cute. n' i also read on wiki, that he might be undead. so that bit interested me as well. non-human jonathan crane, what a concept! him returning from the grave just to be a menace to batman. n' to accompany him, there is an undead jack o' lantern from the ghost rider comic. his corpse literally got possessed by satan. anyways, both of them raised army of zombies. both of them undead n' prob won't ever get out of their spooky suits, since i don't think that they can. n' funny enough, jack's hometown was called sleepy hollows, if i remember correctly. so they can haunt people there, make it into a truly cursed land.
5. the last one was kinda spontaneous on my part. the other day, i was looking at what kind of action figures the scarecrow n' jack have. saw one, where jon was looking kinda strange, all black n' yellow. which is how i find out that he *apparently* got yellow lantern powers in newer comics, even if it was like for 10 seconds or smth. i didn't read the issue itself, but i found the idea kinda fun, n' his design was decent enough for me to get interested n' wonder what i can do with it. then, a bit later, i saw that jack had a venom-funko figure. i don't think, that he was ever canonically venomized in any of the actual comic issues, but once again, the mere idea of it happening was enough for me to consider doing smth with it. i mean, a venom-like tongue, but its made out of fire? dang. that's kinda cool. so yeah. the yellow lantern scarecrow n' symbiote jack o' lantern being the double trouble. if they weren't enough of a mean goblin-man before, now they surely will be.
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moonswolfie · 11 months
Hi Wolfie!! I've been following you for a while now, and I absolutely adore your works! (I hope you don't mind having me here 😓) I was wondering if we could get our beloved Omi-Omi + 8 & 9 for your follower event, with fem reader :3 Omi's just a confused, silly little guy with feelings he can't really explain- and he's just so lovable nwjshiwjdksdhsjshwjw
(ohh, btw do you think it can be timeskip version, where reader is the manager for MSBY BJ/National's team? 😋)
That's all!! Take your time, take care and stay healthy!! 🫶
MSBY!Kiyoomi x manager!fem!reader
Ahhh choco you're so sweet you got me giggling in my room at 12 pm😭😭 i'm actually very excited to write this one in particular!! it's fine for you to follow me and like my stuff, don't worry
it feels a bit strange actually recieving this many asks, this must be how a popular blog feels ( •̀ ω •́ )
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"Great. We're locked in." Sakusa sighed after pulling on the door handle, the door refusing to budge.
The thing you probably least expected to happen today is being locked in a room with Sakusa Kiyoomi, the one player in the MSBY Black Jackals who disliked you.
"Do you have your phone on you?" He asked, annoyance showing in his voice. You checked your pockets, quickly realising you forgot your phone on the office desk. You groaned, cursing under your breath.
He realised the same thing as you, also cursing himself out internally for somehow forgetting to charge his phone this morning.
"When do the others come back?" You could sense the impatience and discomfort in his voice, sighing silently to yourself. Of course, neither of you were happy to be locked in a room with no way out, but the fact that it's you he's trapped with must make it even worse for him.
Somehow, it hurts you immensely that the two can't seem to get along. You know that it's just like that with some people in life, but why Kiyoomi of all people? A player that you have to interact with a lot as a manager, a player who's... kind of hot...
No! This is weird! Why would you think that for even a second?!
"...Are you going to answer me?"
"I HAVE NO IDEA!- I don't know!!" You stammered out, embarrased at your own thoughts even though you knew he couldn't read them.
He furrowed his brows at you slightly before sitting down on a chair in the room, making sure to dust it off beforehand. He muttered something under his breath that you vaguely registered as a curse word.
Oh, he hates you that much.
You swallowed your spit, not knowing what to do yourself. You sat down on the floor, placing your arms on your knees in anticipation of an uncomfortable time.
"Don't sit on the floor. Sit here." His suggestion surprised you, looking up at him to find him pointing to the chair next to him.
You did so silently, not wanting to make him annoyed or angry. God, this was the most awkward you've felt since confessing to your crush back in middle school. You glanced over at him, and he looked to be deep in thought.
You couldn't tell what his expression was like exactly because of his mask, and you had a feeling that you've been looking at him for far too long anyways.
"I'm going to regret this later." He said quietly, and before you could even question what he meant by that, he was sliding his mask down his face and pulling you closer by the waist. Wait... what?!
You had no time to think about what was happening because before you knew it, his lips gently pressed against yours. You made a noise of surprise, slightly muffled by his lips.
He pulled away far too soon, making you whine lowly. He looked away.
"I'm sorry. I usually think things through well, but I-"
"I liked it!!! I liked it a lot!!" That was the only thing you could say right now, still in a state of shock. But he hated you?! What in the world...
He simply hummed in response. He himself doesn't know what came over him there. He's always been distant towards you since you made him feel something weird, something new. He felt a little too safe and comfortable around you, despite you becoming the manager only a few short months ago.
And it bothered him to no end, considering his cautious nature. Up until now, ignoring it was the best route. But being trapped in a room with you for god knows how long made something snap within him.
It made the feelings he tried to desperately supress bubble up.
And you took it... well. Almost as if you felt the same way.
"Oh my god..." you groaned into your hands, feeling very overwhelmed with emotions yourself. And you're going to be trapped in a room with him... for how much longer?
Join the event HERE
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Omi's hubby tag🍈: @melonnmiru
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another-goblin · 6 months
2.1 Spoilers, Aventurine analysis
I regret to say that I enjoyed Aventurine's story much less than I should have. And not because it was bad, but because it was spoiled for me by people who don't tag their leaks, mostly fanartists. People call it one of the best stories in the game so far, and I usually love emotional stuff like that, but instead I was just going through the motions. 
Yeah, child Aventurine, Aventurine in shakles, whatever, I've been forcefed all this stuff a month ago, I already saw dozens of arts of it against my will, let's move on. To all these artists - I hope not adding one little "hsr leaks" to your tags was worth it.
(speaking of which - my current goal is to unhate that new cowboy guy before he actively enters the story. Currently, I can't stand the sight of him, and for exactly the same reason, untagged leaks. He seems like a potentially great character, and he's already quite popular. And hating a popular character isn't fun at all)
But not to be too negative, even though I weren't allowed to enjoy 2.1 story as much as it deserves, I still liked it quite a lot, and it's a testament to how well written Aventurine is. 
One of the worst things you can do to a character is to make them emotionally static. Aventurine doesn't suffer from this at all, it's shown very well in the different ways he talks to people, and that's what I wanted to talk about.
The first way is what I call "slimey creep." It's the way he mostly talks in 2.0 to TB and most other characters, and he's quite antogonistic and unlikeable, probably because it's his goal to seem antogonistic and unlikeable.
Second is the fear and desperation that's always under the surface, carefully hidden, what his future self talks about - we can see it when Sunday does his harmony thing on him.
And third, my favorite, is what I call "disarming sincerity." Not that he's neseccerily insincere in his other modes, but this is his dippest self, hidden under all the layers of pain, fear, and cynicism. He shows it when he talks to his younger self (btw I don't usually go there, but it made me think that he'd be great with children.)
We also see him using it for self-defense - when Ratio goes too far in 2.0, he retorts with this seemingly naive "I didn't go to school and my parents "left" me", and Ratio immediately apologizes.
But most interestingly, he uses it with Ratio, most of the time they spend together in 2.1 up until the "betrayal.". 
It might be a deliberate ploy to manipulate him, trying to seem more likeable, to assure his loyalty (Ratio's reaction to "I didn't go to school" showed that he's quite susceptible to it).
It might come from his realization that the end is near, and why not just be yourself and have some fun for a change.
Or, of course, it might be because he actually enjoys Ratio's company and feels safe enough to show this hidden vulnerable side of himself.
The truth is probably somewhere in between.
They both joke and bicker (with Ratio remembering from time to time that he's supposed to show his "hatred" of Aventurine), and they both seem to really enjoy it. They argue about birds, Aven gets excited about the sandpit, and so on.
Let's take the joke Sparkle made about Aventurine and Sunday (about undressing and kneeling down) - it's mean and maybe even cruel, considering certain things from Aventurine's past that weren't directly implied but can be assumed, probably. And let's compare it with the joke he himself makes about him and Sunday ("now that I'm tiny I can hide on Sunday's clothes and spy on the Family, hehe, uwu"). It's a joke you'd expect from a child. Or from an adult who feels comfortable enough in your presence that they aren't afraid to seem childish or silly.
So yeah I'd really like to see them interact in a less stressful situation after these events. tbh I think they'd talk in more or less the same way. Aventurine already feels as safe and open around Ratio as he can allow himself to. And Ratio is too rigid in the way he speaks, he won't change that easily. 
In defiance of a tired stereotype of an eccentric genius who is bad with people, Ratio seems quite good at understanding them. What he's bad at is expressing his feelings in a "convencional" way.
(he only sounds sincere and emotional when he talks about abstract matters he's passionate about, like his little speech to Screwllum at the end of his quest. He probably sounds like that when he talks about science too.)
But when it comes to his feelings towards people he becomes even more formal and strict (remember his messages from the valentine's day event on twitter)
I can imagine his thought process after he leaves Aventurine in 2.1.
"I verbally expressed my concern to him, which should reassure him of my loyalty and support. Furthermore, I provided him with an insightful and reassuring message in written form. So he should be fine."
btw speaking of that note, when I read it, I can imagine Ratio saying "Do stay alive" aloud. But I can't imagine how he'd say the next line, wishing him luck. I mean, he can't say it in his usual "I'm tired of idiots" way of speaking, right? Something to look forward to.
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jesncin · 3 months
Hi I love you guys' work. I know I already sent in an ask before, but I'm also a queer Indonesian creator who loves animated stories and musicals. And plans to make her own animated indie musical show on YouTube. Which is queer and based on space. And the main character is plus sized, queer, and has a non binary love interest. I wanted to ask since Indonesia is still really homophobic, how do you deal with being a queer Indonesian creator making queer content while your country is extremely homophobic. Because I often feel scared to do so because of what the government might think. Sorry for randomly asking this btw
Hello there! That sounds like a very ambitious project! Best of luck to you, I'm all for more queer space adventures.
So I'm sure to a lot of queer Indonesians looking at the work I'm doing, they're thinking "how the heck are jesncin doing all that and being so loud about it" haha. At least so far (who knows what the future holds now that my book is out) I've managed to create queer Indonesian art online for years (including smaller published work) and had very little homophobic pushback. Which I know I'm very lucky with- I've lost a lot of peers to bigoted locals and hate campaigns. It's a mix of strategies and contingencies I keep to foster as safe a space as I can.
It's a common practice among queer Indonesian activists to speak predominantly in english, something I already do because of my language barrier. Most locals don't bother interacting with an account speaking in english- weaponizing their language barrier haha. I stuck to western spaces early on, but because I drew a lot of blatantly queer Indonesian art- queer Indonesians (diaspora or otherwise) naturally flocked to my stuff. The audience filters itself. I don't interact with local discourse at all. I also stayed away from visibility events (on twidder like #artIDN or #ArtistsofIndonesia or even #tetapbangga for Malaysians) until I felt comfortable with the community I fostered to join in. It's common especially for queer tags to be monitored by bigots looking for people to pick on. Speaking of which, block and don't interact with them. Don't give into the temptation of replying to bigots because it just gives them more ammo. Their goal is to exhaust you so you lock your account and "can't spread your agenda" or whatever.
I purposefully wanted to publish my stories through an American publisher for a lot of reasons, but it certainly helps that Lunar Boy can be out and proud out there where it can't get to be in Indonesia. I notice queer authors here tend to publish either online or internationally with an independent publisher too. Still- you'd be surprised how much the local queer community is enthusiastically ready to support you. Because of the state of Indonesia as it is, everything is handled more "under the radar" for the sake of safety. My personal biggest fear is starting another moral panic incident- but the many queer Indonesian communities I've been in have their own strict rules and precautions to keep members safe. They're worried about that too, but they want to help you succeed! Once my book released, the Indonesian queer community had my back and even helped me with some author events and exclusive meetups. At least for me, it was instrumental to be connected to the local community.
That's where I am for now. I created Lunar Boy while being closeted the entire time. I've erased my queer publications from my resume when applying to author events locally. There's always some kind of assimilation that happens in the process. I'll always be scared of pushback or sparking another moral panic incident. But that's the risk this kind of representation is, isn't it? I had no one else to look up to. No other queer Indonesian graphic novelist making explicitly queer Indonesian stories. It was an isolating experience making this book. But now that I'm here, the next person who comes along won't be alone. And seeing the people who've connected to Lunar Boy, especially other queer Indonesians from all around the world, makes it so worth it.
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sabrondabrainrot · 19 days
Random Idea but with what I know about current spoilers I have two ideas. One is that Sun will somehow becomes the Witherstorm (I AM BANKING ON THIS) or he's going to be relevant to the Witherstorm of their dimension and be scattered through dimensions.
One of my most favorite series of all time is "Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles" and the crux of that series is they need to put someone back together and to do so, they have to travel to various dimensions to find the missing pieces of the person's soul. I totally see that happening to our Sun? I don't know why.
Even to this day, Sun still hasn't quite opened up about himself. Not to Old Moon, New Moon, Solar, Earth, Lunar, etc etc. I think the most he's been open towards thus far is probably Dazzle ironically?
I'm still getting caught up but I can tell Dazzle actually wants to get to know him so she's asking about him and he's honestly telling her. (also loving how Sun is spending more and more time with the kids in the show, He spends so much time with FC, Dazzle, Jack, etc. It's so wholesome) I'd say Earth and Lunar are in second place of knowing him best but they also still sometimes are kept an arm's length away.
Solution to this? Scatter parts of his 'soul' into the multiverse and make it the family's responsibility to find him! Heck he could even be in a coma the entire time they do this! When they find a Sun fragment they get to see his memories or feel and hear his thoughts.
In Tsubasa the fragments are called 'feathers' and they can warp reality, break time and space, or even gain sentience. I think it'd be so neat if one of the fragments of Sun became Dark Sun but I know it's not likely.
"I am doing this for Sun, Because I am Sun" vibes
Just an Idea but it'd be so cool if it happens!
My second Idea, has to do with a sketch I did a bit ago (still working on more sketches for it) but basically I know Sun's currently gathering power. He's a fighter and wants to help! His family is still keeping him away from the action though. It's not malicious and comes from them wanting to protect him but it's going to ultimately leave him more vulnerable and a target.
Dark Sun I know is tampering with dark energies, he's raising a dragon? He's associating more and more with Witherstorm energy and he still hasn't quite confessed what his motive/plan is besides the fact this is "all for Sun"
So wouldn't this mean Sun is going to ultimately becomes a Witherstorm? It's what the creator studies and the one of the main dimension is different from others so who's to say our Sun and Moon aren't also built different with different fates?
Creator created something specifically just to torture and wear Sun down but when you think of it, that's also what Old Moon was until they split. I don't think that was the intention but the fact Old Moon just decided to point blank torture Sun? Sus, like it was meant to happen.
Dark Sun I think needs Sun to be his pet Witherstorm, and he's maybe planning to use Nexus to make that happen? I just got to the point in the series where he just picked up New Moon from space and took a chip out of his brain. Bruh...he needs him but won't say for what.
I love it. Dark Sun my beloved what are you evil little plans <3
Hoping Sun doesn't fall into a Coma but it'd be so sexy of him aha~
I really like when Sun spends time with Earth and Lunar too it'd be so cool if they have an adventure to save him.
BTW I've been listening to Aurora's song "The Seed" and it literally gave me a big brain AU idea for tsams but idk if I should try to write it.
I really hope Sun ascends to some kind of God-hood like being especially involving destructive energy like Witherstorm stuff. It'd be so neat and sad if one of the nicest people ever became the ultimate judge, jury, and executioner-like being. It's especially ironic since Nexus/New Moon can't decide what's real anymore and just decided to frick off and become God so it'd be realllyyyy funny if Sun was the one to become a reality altering being.
I'm just Madoka-ifying Sun at this point
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iceheap · 10 months
@panicataphmausinsanity okay so Zane HC's LETS GOOOOOOOO
Before we start trigger warning for like, child abuse and torture and shit. Seriously this gets dark. Zane redemption must come at a price >:D
So. Something interesting to me in regards to Zane is how in MCD, He's like, this evil, terrible human being, but in Mystreet, he's like, a semi functional human being who can be a NOT bad person and NOT do bad things. And so I got to thinking.
I don't think Zane was born a bad person.
Personally, I kind of hate the way Jess wrote Zane. Like, yes, evil for the sake of evil is great and all, but like. In season one and two, Zane was this overarching antagonist who was always one step ahead of the cast and plotting and having a good time being a paice of shit.
And then season 3 comes around and now he's a shadow knight, on the run, has PTSD...
Look, I'm not knocking the guy for having PTSD. I'm just saying that the way it's portrayed kind of makes him seem like a whimpery coward. AGAIN, NOT KNOCKING PTSD!!
I think the position that Zane found himself in season 3 was a PERFECT set up for a redemption arc and it makes me SO MAD that it didn't happen.
So I guess I have to do it myself apparently -_-
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I've been thinking a lot about Zane. I don't want him to stop being evil. Not right away. So we keep what happened in the first two seasons the same. He's a cackling maniac that has killed a shit ton of people and is on his father's payroll.
And then he dies.
(skill issue lol)
Anyway, Zane is dead. But he's also Zane, so of course he weasels his way out of being dead. And then he gets tortured and is subjected to the same suffering he condemned so many others to yada yada yada PTSD bleh.
Everything seems to be the same so far.
But then he breaks out if the nether. Still, we're on track, right?
He gets captured, he gets expedited to Phoenix Drop, he gets interrogated, it's all the same.
But here we find a canon divergence. Instead of being absolute dumbasses, they don't bring him into the nether. Let's scrap that plot point entirely.
Instead, we're going to let Zane bake in prison for a while!
Here are the main issues that make Zane irredeemable.
1. He's killed like, a shit ton of people, for funsies ig
2. He killed Vylad.
3. He destroyed Aaron's village.
Let's keep those things in mind.
So he's in prison. While in prison, Garroth starts to visit him (along with Travis but shhhh we'll get to him another day) and just. You know. Be angry.
Garroth has seen Zane as a spoiled brat his entire life. He's always been their father's favorite. He's always had everything handed to him on a silver platter. He's always been willing to do whatever it takes for power. He's greedy. He's psychotic. Garroth hates him.
But Zane is Garroth's brother. And Garroth is the type of golden retriever, gold hearted, kind type of character to still love his brother even if he hates him.
That doesn't mean he goes in and is like, nice to him though. Nope. Garroth goes to visit him and nine times out of ten it devolves into a screaming match where Zane antagonizes him the entire time and Garroth yells at him for being a shitty human being.
And then one day Phoenix Drop is attacked and Zane escapes.
They track him down eventually. When they find him, they strike a deal with him. Due to Irene related shenanigans they need his expertise as a scholar of Irene to figure out some more stuff for Aphmau. In exchange, they'll protect him from the Shadow Lord (who he pissed off by stealing one of his soul fragments lol Zane behavior).
Eventually they're able to establish a rapore with Zane. Garroth still gets a migraine whenever they have a conversation. Vylad still refuses to speak to him (oh btw he's visiting from his nether revolution vacation just so u know) and Aphmau still wants to tear out his guts for killing the love of her life or whatever, but he becomes manageable. They can like, stand him. A little bit. Slightly.
And then Zianna gets kidnapped or whatever. So they go rescue her. But when they get back to Phoenix Drop they forget to mention the fact that Zane is like. There and in the wild and not currently killing entire villages worth of people.
So Zianna rolls up to Phoenix Drop and gets jumpscared by her youngest son and also, notably, Zane is NOT happy to see her. He shuts the front door in her face. It's hilarious even though Garroth doesn't think of it that way.
So, now we have our key players all in one place. Garroth, Vylad, Zane, and Zianna.
Let's say they have to all go find an artifact toghether or something and they need Zianna there because it's related to something she knows and they need Zane there because of Irene lore reasons. they go on this mission. One day, they sit and set up for the night, set up bedrolls, whatever. They're lounging around the fire and talking when Vylad eventually mentions his time as a shadow knight in the nether and something about torture.
Zane blinks, and, having not been included in the conversation initially, buts it to say,
"Oh, please. Don't tell me getting tortured by those amatures was DISTRESSING for you. I would have thought father's methods would have given you thicker skin."
The others bristle and start scolding him, of course, because Zane is like, the reason Vylad became a shadow knight in the first place. But Vylad himself, who is very observant and hard to antagonize, latches into something Zane said.
"Methods? What methods?" He says. He says it sharply, too.
Of course, Zane doesn't pick up on this. He just rolls his eyes.
"Don't tell me you forgot. Father had a whole floor dedicated to torture and loved collecting new methods from around the region. I think he even had a historian employed who would research for him..."
"What?" Garroth says, stunned out of his anger.
Zianna has gone silent. So has everyone else, and now they're watching with baited breaths.
"So what? What would that have to do with me?"
And for the first time that they've ever seen, Zane looks... Puzzled.
"What, did he go easy on you? Didn't you talk back to him all the time? Once, after just asking him a question, he had two of my nails pulled. Shadow Knight torture was child's play in comparison," he shrugs, then takes a bite out of his stale price of bread.
There's silence.
Zane looks back at all of them, confused and now kind of pissed off. He looks like he usually does when he feels like he's about to be scolded for saying something crass. Except, that's not what happens. Instead, Vylad looks him in the eye for the first time since Zane killed him, and with the most emotion they've ever heard from him, says,
Zane hums.
"Come on. Don't play dumb. He hated you. Im sure he must have sent you to the "torture basement" at least once. You got on his nerves constantly,"
Garroth makes an aborted movement, like he's going to stand up and rush him, but Vylad stops him with a flick of his hand. And then Vylad starts doing what he does best. Interrogating him.
So remember that list, right? Let's reframe a few things.
Zane was not the favorite child. Garroth was.
Garte was a paice of shit. Garte hated Vylad. But he also hates Zane. Why wouldn't he? Vylad was his wife's affair child, sure, but Zane, Zane was Zianna's spitting image.
When Zane was little, he used to take snails and out them in the grass after it rained. He uses to clamor for his mother's pastries just like his brothers. He was a normal child, and he was NOT born a psychopath.
But Garte had a thought, one day.
Wouldn't it be funny... If he made his wife think he WAS one?
Wouldn't it be funny to punish her that way? Wouldn't it be funny to turn Zane into a terrible person, and have her think it was for no reason? Make her think that she birthed a psychopath? How much would it hurt her? How much would she weep?
Garte used to punish Zane for Vylad's joy. One of Vylad's laughs would equal one slap to the face. One side remark in defence of their mother would equal one hour locked in his father's study closet in his office.
Garte turns Zane against himself brothers. And the best part in his mind?
He makes Zane believe that they know about all of it.
He tells Zane that his mother knows about it. That his brothers don't care that he's beaten. That Vylad does things so he gets punished on purpose.
Zane grows up thinking that his brothers probably go through this too. He grows up thinking that his mother just doesn't love him. And so he doesn't say a thing.
Garte starts having him tortured instead of superficially physically abused? He says nothing.
Garte makes him become a priest of Okasis even though the consequence of failing the academy is death? He says nothing.
Garte would encourage Zane to blugeon animals to death and bring them to Zianna and laugh at her horrified face from afar. Garte encourages Zane to say psychotic things while they're eating dinner, and watches as his family becomes more and more convinced Zane is a monster.
Until Zane is one.
But this reframes a few things.
The people Zane killed? It was under orders. He eventually became his father's right hand man. Most of his overarching goals have been in service of his father.
For Aaron's village, we'll stick a pin in that one, but long story short, Aaron's village had been planning a coup that night under his wife's orders. Zane had them killed under his father's orders so they could eliminate them as political neighbors. He let Aaron live out of pity.
And Vylad.
Basically, remember when I said that Garte used to punish Zane according to Vylad's actions?
One day, Vylad gets into an explosive argument with Garte defending Zianna. And Garte, again, without the other's knowing, has Zane tortured. Except this time it's for a WEEK STRAIGHT.
So when Zane gets out. He's. Very unstable.
And then he comes across Vylad in a semi secluded area.
And Vylad is acting like he did nothing, and all he's ever done is make Zane suffer, and Zane hates him hates him HATES HIM--
And so he snaps. And he kills him.
Keep in mind, though, Zane thinks this is all normal. He doesn't realize that killing his own brother has traumatized him. He doesn't realize that he's a victim of abuse. He doesn't realize that what his dad did is not okay because he THINKS HIS FAMILY KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED, and if they didn't contradict his abuse, then this must be normal. He thinks that Vylad has probably been tortured too. He thinks Garroth is their father's favorite because in his mind he's determined that Garroth not receiving any attention from their father is a GOOD thing because ATTENTION EQUALS TORTURE to him.
And this reframes a few things. His constant bid for power? It's not greed, it's DESPERATION. Power makes him feel safe. Hurting others makes him feel powerful because that's how his father had power over him.
His highly volatile and violent personality? It's l he's ever known. Do you have ANY idea what torture could do to a child? He has severe PTSD. Like, severe and repressed and his outburst are more common when he's uncomfortable or anxious or experiencing any negative emotion, which is often.
Garte took Zane's empathy from him. Turned him against his family. Made him into a monster. With these types of characters, I imagine it would probably be very difficult for them to redevelop their emotions and empathy because if they do that, they would have to face their whole mountain of trauma and the guilt of all the lives they've ruined.
I think eventually, after a lot of work, Zane does eventually regain his empathy. It probably finally sinks in during a small gathering. His mother makes her famous cake. Zane has long gotten used to being excluded during these sorts of things, but then...
His mother slides a plate of cake right in front of him.
His favorite.
And she smiles at him.
This is probably after they found out about Garte being a peice of shit. Maybe a few months.
All Zane has ever wanted is to be loved. Maybe he didn't know it, but when he takes a bite of his mother's strawberry cake for the first time in decades and the nostalgic taste registers in his brain, something snaps.
And he becomes human again.
And he realizes:
I'm a person.
I'm a murderer.
I'm a monster.
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isa-ghost · 4 months
Arre there any hc's that you can give about amfn!phils possession? I gotta say it's one of the coolest possessions I've read
Me vibrating with self control to avoid spoiling anything that isn't already revealed:
Hope you didn't think you'd be getting any major spoilers for stuff I've yet to reveal >:3c Nice try Sniff.
Also thank you!! Possession is one of my favorite things to write. >:)
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Awake Me From My Nightmare fic
Phil is a prisoner in his own body right now. Ender King is using a couple things in order to keep him suppressed so he can remain in control.
Phil's body is not built to house a god for long periods of time. I've only just started to show it in the beginning of chapter 6, but it will be slowly falling apart at the seams the longer Ender King is in control. :)
To remedy this, he's going to start pounding down gapples like his life depends on it. This will bring back an addiction Phil kicked long ago.
Ender King's possession of Phil physically manifests in equal parts vaguely draconic and enderman traits, all of which are of course purple or black, sometimes teetering on pink like an enderman’s eyes. Tbh I should doodle possessed Phil. Some of my friends have made fanart not too far off if you check my AMFMN tag (and reblog their art)!
From chapter 7 onwards, the polycule and Bagi will be finding traces of evidence suggesting Phil's body is deteriorating the longer it's being possessed. This will include feathers, blood, and belongings.
A few chapters will peek at how Phil's condition is in greater detail. I'm not going to tell you how yet ;) Currently that's planned for Chapter 11, but I might introduce it sooner if I feel it works right.
Like in canon, Phil is inhumanly strong, fast, and powerful while possessed. Case in point: Downing the polycule and breaking their full set of armor with just one hit.
Also hinted at in the start of chapter 6, Phil's body can channel Ender King's magic. Or more accurately, it's being forced to. I'm waiting on more canon lore crumbs from Phil to determine how this might be possible if it isn't just Ender King being like Because I Said So. Predictably, this intensifies the strain Phil's body is being put under, which is damaging him worse and making his body deteriorate faster.
Phil's voice is distorted and demonic sounding, like there's 2 of him speaking. You can distinctly hear his voice as well as Ender King's deeper one layered together. He can also growl and roar like the Ender Dragon.
To purge Ender King from his system, Phil will have to do so physically AND mentally. I will not reveal how that will play out. :) That's late-late game plot.
I WILL say Phil can and will have moments of clarity. Not necessarily in control but not out of it either. It'll be a struggle to speak and move, but it will stop Ender King for very short periods of time. One of my favorite angsty fucked up moments comes as a result of this at the end of Chapter 11. By far my favorite cliffhanger planned.
Phil will have very little if any memory of any time Ender King is in complete control. For example, he does not know he attacked the polycule at Phil y Missa in Chapter 5, nor does he know what the Fuck Ender King did at the start of Chapter 6. Which btw you'll learn what that was in Chapter 7. =)
Phil is completely and utterly corrupted when fully possessed, not just his body outside. Inside too. His blood and tears are tinted purple.
Because Ender King doesn't need to eat, he won't be eating until he chooses to keep Phil's body afloat with gapples. Phil is starving the entire time he's possessed, which Ender King will use to his advantage to better keep Phil smothered. It will also contribute to how fast his body is falling apart.
All damage being taken by his body is only damaging him, not Ender King. He is not only a vessel but a meat shield.
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