#btw if you knew me by the name i used before feel free to keep calling me that!! i just want to keep a barrier btwn friends and strangers
cas-writes-stuff-ig · 7 months
Cheering Her Up
f!/nb! reader x regina george (you love to make Regina feel better)
She calls you "duck" (ITS FUNNY/CUTE I PROMISE)
closeted bi Regina, and openly enby/lesbian reader
reader binds their chest with transtape/kt tape
secret relationship
cheering her up
Regina is taller than you
Word Count: 1853
(Originally supposed to be a one shot)
kind of alludes to sex but not explicitly
Regina lets you write your own diss in her Burn Book, so Gretchen and Karen don't get suspicious as to why you're not in it. (a bit of transphobia and homophobia, t-slur/d-slur)
Past bullying and some self-deprication
Reader is a weirdo but Regina likes it
Reader likes classic rock and old hits, Regina pretends to despise it
She lashes out at you but its all good in the end :)
Reader likes to sing
Part 2 of Cheering Her Up (A Party)
a/n: this is a huge self-insert for me, I was really vibing to Bob Seger earlier (btw this is the second thing ive written in like 5 years spare me)
ALSO feel free to message or comment any feedback is appreciated 🙏
Before the sophomore year, you were sure Regina totally despised you. She openly criticized any gay person she came across. Sophomore year, you were seated next to her in math and history, and you felt like you were going to be destroyed.
But when you came over to her house for a project, she asked "You have your first kiss yet?"
It caught you off guard. "Uh, no. Why?" your voice squeaked, although you knew she was a bitch. You were attracted to her.
She got close to your face and smirked, you could feel her breath on yours. "No reason," She grabbed the back of your head and kissed you. You didn't kiss back out of shock and Regina pulled away and went red, she opened her mouth to say something to excuse her actions, but you leaned in and kissed her again. That moment opened a whole new door for both of you.
After that, you and Regina got really close. Outside of the school halls, and in the comfort of Regina's mansion, you were secretly her best friend but also her friend with benefits. She isn't out yet either, she still has too much pride to be seen with a loser, but you don't mind waiting for her.
She was slightly nicer to you than others at school. She was actually pretty kind to you behind closed doors. She cared about you even if she never said it out loud. So about a month after you started hooking up, you were at her house and she handed you her Burn Book which was open to a blank page with only your picture on it. "I don't want Karen and Gretchen to get suspicious as to why you're not in it."
You could deal with the insults and the taunts, it never bothered you that much, so you wrote something that used to bother you 'Y/N L/N is a tranny dyke'.
The thing that did get to you was in 8th grade when you confessed to a girl, and she told everyone in your PE class that you watched girls change in the locker room. Everyone shunned you after that, but you grew thick skin. In freshman year you found your place amongst the loners and the nerds. You were content with it.
"Are you sure you want that in there?" Regina asked, what you wrote about yourself was harsh.
You nodded "Regina, I'm out of the closet already. It's a secret everybody already knows" You closed the book and handed it back to Regina and she tucked it away. "If I walk like a duck, swim like a duck, and quack like a duck, I'm probably a duck" She laughed at your joke, and you corrected yourself smiling "I mean dyke"
"You're so stupid" Regina replied, but it wasn't mean or full of scorn, she just shoved your shoulder. She changed your name to "Duck" in her contacts.
A week later you found out what your contact name was, you laughed at her a little and she got defensive "I'll change it then" and you quickly stopped laughing and took her phone.
"No no, keep it, please Regina it's cute" You yanked her phone out of her hand and tried to keep it away from her. You laughed again and ran around her room holding her phone, but she cornered you, pushing your chest, then your back hit the wall. You were breathless from running and grinned, though her face was stern. "I'm sorry, Gina. Please keep it, it's fine really"
The look on her face made you lose your confidence and you backed down, and handed her phone back, "Thanks loser" She tucked it back in her pocket, and she had a smug smile. "You're lucky I'm in a forgiving mood today" and tilted your chin up and kissed your lips.
After that day, it became one of your inside jokes, and "Duck" became one of your nicknames.
That summer she invited you over to swim at her pool for the first time. "Hey loser, hurry up" she opened the door and led you to her pool.
You brought your only swim trunks and taped your breasts back to go swimming. She was in a tight bikini and she slipped in the pool, you took your shirt off, and she was staring at your body.
You weren't sporty, but you went to the gym, it's not like you had rock-hard abs, but you were toned and Regina hadn't seen you like that in the sunlight before, you beamed as you basked in the warm sun.
"Hey Duck, get in here" she beckoned you, you seized an opportunity to make a joke.
You bent your knees and flapped your arms a little walking back and forth at the edge of the pool "Quack quack" You giggled out. Regina cracked out a smile that evolved into laughter, her laugh warmed you more than the sunlight.
When you slipped into the pool, she was still laughing at you. "You're such a dumbass"
She splashed water at you when you tried to come and hug her in the pool. "Hey!" you yelped as the water got in your face and you splashed back.
After you just relaxed in the pool, you floated on your back, eyes closed, and sun-kissed skin. You didn't notice how Regina looked at you, but you heard water swish as she walked toward your floating body. You cracked an eye open, the sun was behind her making her look ethereal. Regina's blonde hair glowed, she looked like an angel, not the bitchy Queen Bee at school.
"Hey," you tried opening your eyes but just squinted.
She leaned down and said "Hey" back in her sweet voice and kissed you gently.
The summer pushed you closer together, of course, she had her fair share of parties she went to with the Plastics. You were there at parties too, but you both only shot each other glances. The days she hung out with the Plastics, you missed her company.
You got your license over the summer and when you got the message that she was back home, you hopped in your Mini Cooper and drove to her house and picked her up. Though she usually drove you around in her Jeep.
"Where we heading today?" you asked as she hopped in the car
She ignored your question and her attention was on your music "Earth, Wind & Fire's 'September'? Really?" she criticized your music taste.
She buckled in and you said, "What's wrong with my music taste Regina?"
"God you really are a loser" she insulted, you could tell she was in a mood today. You were a little hurt but tried not to take it personally. "7-11 can you grab me a Diet Coke?" you nodded and started driving.
You skipped to the next song and what played was Bee Gee's "More Than A Woman" You smiled and sang along to it. Hoping Regina would get the hint you were singing it to her.
"Suddenly you're in my life, A part of everything I do. You got me workin' day and night. Just tryin' to keep a hold on you..." Your fingers tapped against the steering wheel and you moved your shoulders to the beat of the song.
She just groaned and pressed her temples, you thought she really hated it but from the corner of your eye, you saw a corner of her lip lift slightly. After seeing that you sang your heart out a little more at a red light you turned to her momentarily "More than a woman. More than a woman to me" and grinned wide.
"Hey! Keep your eyes on the road!" she pushed your head to look back at the road.
At school when Junior year started, Regina and you acted like you two were nothing, you both devised a facade as to why you interacted at all. It was a half-truth, everyone at school thought Regina paid y/n to do their math homework. But you only did that sometimes, and usually just helped her.
Today when you met at her house she was upset about something. "Regina, what's wrong?" you asked worriedly.
"Nothing, stay out of it" she snapped at you and she stomped up the stairs to her room.
You followed her "Regina come on," she turned on her heel and looked at you angrily and lashed out.
"Why are you even here? You're not dating me, stop acting like it" She yelled at you.
You paused and your heart faltered "Regina..." you said quietly. She turned back around and she slammed her bedroom door. Regina crawled in the sheets and just went to sleep. You didn't follow her in. But you walked downstairs to her kitchen and opened her fridge.
When Regina woke up she smelled some kind of pastry downstairs and light music. She opened her door and crept down the stairs, as she approached the kitchen, she heard your humming.
The next song started to play, your back was turned and you were using her mom's apron and mittens, pulling out a batch of brownies from the oven. When you sang alone, you were cheesier and poured your heart into each song, then you placed the brownies onto a cooling rack on the island counter and pretended to hold a mic.
"Still like that old-time rock and roll. That kind of music just soothes the soul" You closed your eyes and turned around still pretending to hold a microphone "I reminisce about the days of old, with that old-time rock and roll" Regina just smiled stifling laughter.
But when you started playing air guitar, at the part with no lyrics. You heard her giggle and your eyes shot open, face reddening "Regina! You're up!" she just laughed at your incredible dorkiness and walked up to you, this was the highlight of her day.
You brushed off your embarrassment from getting caught when you saw how happy it made her. And you walked closer to her and continued to mouth the song and dance around her. Still wearing her mom's frilly apron. You took her hand and spun her around and she still laughed at your silliness.
You stopped and walked back to the counter where she followed, "Brownies?" you smiled.
"Yeah, sure" She sat down at the table and you cut two pieces out.
When you handed her a plate, she looked up at you and spoke softly "Sorry about earlier..."
You smiled softly and took her hand as you sat next to her "Its okay, don't worry about it" You let go of her hand and then asked, "You feeling better now?"
"Yeah, thanks duck" She leaned towards you and kissed your lips. "You're so fucking corny" Regina pulled away.
You smirked "You secretly love it"
"I do" She responded, you almost choked on your own spit at her admission. She reveled in your panic and took a bite of the brownie you made her.
Only you could make her smile like this, and laugh like this, you knew that, and you had your silent victory.
Part 2 of Cheering Her Up (A Party)
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runningfrom2am · 8 months
what happened to lucy gray baird // LTPF
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summary: what became of lucy gray baird and sejanus plinth? you finally get some answers after sixty-five years.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.8k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. this is kinda sad btw. just a heads up.
a/n: happy birthday to my bestie @that-veela-girl ! this was requested by her bc we talked ab this AT LENGTH in an ask and we just needed to see it fleshed out. also bestie i made some minor changes i hope that's okay with you ahhh
series masterlist // playlist
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Lucy Gray stumbled up to the cabin, hours after she was certain you and Coriolanus had left. Her heart had finally stopped pounding, and the bullet wound that only just grazed her back was still burning. Trying to stop the bleeding was hard when she was all alone.
She takes deep breaths, sighing in relief as she opens the cabin door in the dark of the night. She was free, or so she hoped. She peaked in, gasping as she saw your figure asleep on the makeshift bed, Coriolanus's scarf gripped in your hands held up just in front of your face as the moonlight seeped in through the open door. She couldn't believe she had considered you a friend.
You looked so peaceful as you slept. Harmless, even. But she knew better. She closed the door quietly, begging the universe to keep you asleep long enough for her to get away. Where you were, Coriolanus Snow was never far behind. Lucy Gray quietly stalked off into the woods past the cabin, leaving any hope of returning to the lake or the cabin behind. She would go North, just like the original plan.
After hours of walking in the dark, the day would break- finally. Finally, she could breathe again. The sun was still rising when the smell of smoke reached her, making her furrow her brow as she looked around. Up ahead, between the trees, there was a fire sizzling out, coals still burning just enough to illuminate the area around it. She hears a twig snap a ways to her left and quickly jumps behind a tree to hide, heart racing and forcing her blood to start to seeping from her back again. She could feel it.
"Lucy Gray?" The use of her name makes her tense up, and she doesn't dare peak out of her hiding spot. "Lucy Gray, is that you?"
She knows that voice, but it's not Coriolanus, and it's certainly not you, but the Capitol accent still has the hairs on the back of her neck raising.
"It's Sejanus, you don't have to hide. I'm not gonna hurt you." Her eyes shut tightly. That's exactly what you had said to her before you tried to kill her. She couldn't trust Capitol folk. Not anymore.
"Lucy Gray..." The footsteps get closer. "I thought you were dead. She tried to kill me, too."
Lucy Gray opens her eyes, holding her breath as she peeks around the side of the tree trunk. Sejanus is there, several feet away with his hands held out to show her he meant no harm. "I'm not going to hurt you." He says again.
Taking a shaky breath she nods, stepping out from her hiding place but keeping her distance. "She tried to kill you?" She asks him. "You weren't there when we arrived... I thought you didn't make it."
"I was there. Just went to scout out what our path should be." He explains. "I heard it all. What he did to you..."
Lucy Gray shakes her head, looking down at her feet. "I thought I could trust 'em."
"I did too." He replies quietly. "They were my best friends. My only friends. They tricked us both, huh?" He laughs dryly, shaking his head.
"Apparently." Lucy Gray mumbles.
"Come. Sit. You must be exhausted." He nods for her to follow him back to his little camp where he had the fire going.
"I just want to know why." Sejanus mumbles after close to an hour of silence, both of them sat quietly by the now dying fire.
Lucy Gray stays silent, just nodding as she stares into the orange coals. "I should have seen it sooner. She was just so... odd. So back and forth. I should have known when she flipped a switch and turned into a whole new person when she showed up at the hob."
"You wouldn't believe the things I've seen that girl do." Sejanus agrees, tossing a stick onto the rubble of the fire. "She's crazy. I always thought that was a good thing, she stood up for herself, she wouldn't go down without a fight to get anything she wanted. She'd scream and throw things like no one's business when someone said something she didn't like. Lucy Gray, you have no idea."
"But you were friends with her. Why?"
"Why were you?" He asks, turning to her and raising an eyebrow.
Lucy Gray opens her mouth to answer, but she can't bring herself to say what she wants to.
"I get it." He admits. "She's good when she wants to be. I've seen both sides of her. She's... Complicated, but at the end of the day, I'm not much different than her. She's braver. Much, much braver, though. I mean, I've seen her get violent before, but nothing like that. I could never hurt anyone."
"They deserve each other." Lucy Gray mutters, and Sejanus hums in quiet agreement.
Snow littered the grounds of the presidential palace on the day Sejanus Plinth and Lucy Gray returned to the Capitol.
The whole building had a chill that stung Sejanus down to his core as he was lead through the large halls, the building more lifeless than it had ever been. Quiet. Haunting.
When he thought back on his life in the Capitol, a full lifetime ago, he did imagine at the time that you and Coriolanus would occupy the space; filling it with life and tones of red and laughter and love, despite everything the Capitol leaders had done. He had hope back then that you would have done better.
The guards open the doors to what appears to be a bedroom, large with endless opulent decor and a patio overlooking the back of the property.
He doesn't say anything when he enters and the doors are shut promptly behind him. He turns, seeing the guards had entered now. Likely, in an effort to protect him.
"Leave us, please." He prompts them quietly, voice rough from nothing more than the decades that had passed. The guards look confused, but obey anyways. Sejanus had been on the receiving end of your anger before, and he was one of few who lived to tell the tale. You wouldn't hurt him.
You were sitting at the window, looking out at the snow falling over your garden. You turn your head when you hear his voice, eyes already wide. You stand up slowly, holding the arm rest of the chair as you stare at him in shock. "Sejanus?" You ask, but it comes out more as a comment.
"Y/N." He smiles. Smiles. You could be sick.
You're not sure if this is a fault in your medication- if you had been distributed too many by Thirteens doctors and you were losing your mind, or if Sejanus Plinth was truly standing in front of you right now. You let out the slightest laugh from shock, eyes welling up with tears.
"It's good to see you." He says, taking steps toward you, hands held behind his back. He was older, like you, but you didn't have a doubt in your mind that it was him.
He had survived. All this time.
"Oh my..." You shake your head in disbelief as he opens his arms to you. After all this time- after what you did, something so long forgotten from your memory, he was greeting you with a hug.
You hug him back, once again unsure whether or not this was real. Perhaps this was the afterlife, and you had been executed by something so boring as an untraceable overdose. You certainly hoped not.
"Sejanus..." You cry, patting his arms as you pull away and looking him up and down.
"I'm sorry." He mumbles, almost inaudible to you even from right there.
"Sorry?" You reply, that same dry laugh falling from your lips. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I... You're alive. I'm proud."
"I'm sorry it had to end like this." He clarifies and you look down, then cast your gaze out the window.
"Yes, well... we have never been well liked." You admit.
"You were by me."
"But not anymore?"
He doesn't respond, motioning for you to sit down as he pulls over his own chair to sit across from you. You both sit down, and you continue to stare out the window.
"We had a good life. He gave me everything I have ever wanted." You sigh. "I apologize... for what we did that day. I have felt a great deal of... guilt, over it. I hope you know."
He nods, keeping his pleasant shock to himself. You were sorry. He didn't expect so much from you after what he had seen and heard of your actions over the years. "Why did you let us go?" He asked, and you look over at him again, your face falling into one of confusion.
"Me and Lucy Gray."
"Lucy Gray..." You mumble. "That's a name I haven't heard in years." You shake your head, hurt building up inside you. It doesn't settle well. "Not since Coryo told me that he had buried her."
This wasn't true, of course, you had brought her up a small handful of times since, but that was when you were under the assumption that she was under the brush in the woods of District Twelve by the cabin at the lake.
Sejanus's eyebrows raise. "I... No. She escaped. She is alive, too." He says, trying to gauge your reaction, but you keep much of your emotions to yourself. All that gave you away was the tear that fell down your cheek as you stared down at the greenhouse.
"I see."
"You are scheduled for execution tomorrow afternoon." He states. "Coryo will be the following day. Coin wants him to be hurt by your passing, there will be a big celebration and they want him to be a witness."
"A celebration." You chuckle, wiping your tear away. "I wouldn't want it any other way."
"Wouldn't you prefer to go together?"
The way you hesitate is what he knows is his ticket in. "That would be preferable." You say after a moment. "But we will be together soon, regardless."
"I have spoken to some people from Thirteen, and they are willing to let you go." He tells you, and you shake your head before you even think about it.
"No. I will not be happy without him."
"I think that's a hasty assessment." When you don't respond, your pride refusing to let you admit anything different, he continues. "Is that true? Or are you just so used to being with him that you can't imagine being happy without him?"
"He is my whole world, Sejanus." You answer honestly. You hadn't known anything different since you were eighteen years old.
"Y/N, one of the things I remember the most about you is that you won't let anyone get in the way of what you want. You've always been a true independent." He reminds you.
You're silent for a moment, reeling over the realization of what Coriolanus had truly done. To him, it was likely a harmless lie to keep you calm. To be able to leave you out there at the lake for days without fear, and it worked. But it could have cost you your life, if Lucy Gray was more vicious than she was.
"Lucy Gray saw you, in the cabin." Sejanus tells you, almost tracking your thought process. "That he had left you out there alone. She said you had never looked more peaceful than when you were sleeping."
Your blood runs cold and you slightly shake your head. He just confirmed your fears, and you think he knew that. She could have killed you, but she didn't. You were just as lucky to be alive as he was, and it was at the fault of your beloved husband.
"I never forgot what you did for me. You saved my life, then you could have killed me, and I count myself lucky everyday that I had made a friend in you." Sejanus says, reeling you in further. "And I just want to offer you that same freedom now. I know you deserve it."
You chew on the inside of your cheek, eyes still locked on the snow coated greenhouse outside. "I have some conditions."
After he leaves, you are escorted outside and down to the garden. You would spend what was meant to be your final night there, with your husband.
You wanted to hate him for lying to you, you really did, but you couldn't. If you were to hate him for anything he had done, that would have happened years ago.
"My execution is this afternoon." You say to Coryo, approaching him as he admires some of the roses.
He hums in response as you join his side, picking one of the delicate flowers and holding it out to you with a gloved hand. You smile as you accept it.
"We were happy, weren't we?" You say softly, smiling down at the rose in your hand.
"Indeed." He grins, looking at you now.
"We took a lot of risks, and that rewarded us."
He smiles. "I would say so."
It was the end and he knew it. There was no use in fighting anymore.
"Would you have done anything differently?" You ask him, taking a seat on the bench next to you.
"Maybe I would have let you step in to prevent that stunt those kids pulled last year." He comments, sitting next to you. "But when it comes to us... no. Not a thing."
You nod slightly, looking down. "Sejanus is alive." You tell him.
"Is he really?"
"Yes. I just spoke with him."
"What did he have to say?" Your husband asks.
In the very same way that he never told you about Lucy Gray, you never told him you let Sejanus go either. Were you really any better than him? "That he is sorry." You answer simply.
"Well, he got what he wanted." He replies. "He shouldn't apologize for that. We never have."
"I agree, but he was more sorry for us." You explain, reaching out to take his hand beside you. "That it had to end this way."
"I see."
"I only wish that our children would have had a better chance." You say softly. You gave them everything- they were spoiled rotten their whole lives and prepared to take your place, but they would never get that chance. They were to be executed just after you, if Coin got her way.
"We gave them everything we could. This is not our fault."
"No." You agree. "It isn't."
"What about Cecelia?" He asks quietly. Your granddaughter was extremely special to the both of you, to him especially. She looked just like you, and every time he looked at her it's all he could see.
"Sejanus agreed that she will be well cared for." You promise, squeezing his hand. "She'll be okay."
He nods slightly. "She looks more and more like you every day." He says, unable to help it. "I remember you, when we were her age."
You smile at the memories, nodding. "I miss those days."
"I hope you know how incredibly proud I am of you, darling." He admits, voice cracking as he looks at you. "I feel as if I didn't tell you enough."
"You showed me every day." You promise, patting your other hand over his. "You were the best person I could have had by my side all these years."
"I love you." He says, and you lean your head on his shoulder.
"I love you too." You didn't want to talk anymore- you felt so incredibly guilty for deciding to leave him. It was betrayal. Maybe that is what would kill you.
You only have a few minutes before the glass doors are cracked open, and you look up. You know it's time. Commander Paylor is standing there with some guards, and she just nods at you.
You stand carefully, squeezing your husbands hand again as he joins you and remembering something you had heard him echo to you dozens of times.
Never let them see you bleed.
So it would be a silent goodbye. You drop his hand, looking up into his blue eyes for the last time as you take a step back.
He smiles as you raise your hand to your forehead in a salute. You don't need to speak- he knows what you mean. You weren't sure you could if you wanted to.
'Coriolanus Snow, future President of Panem, I salute you.'
He smiles, refusing to let the heat in his head manifest into tears as he gives you a curt nod, a slight bow. Your show was over.
You can't bring yourself to look back as you are escorted, for the last time, from your beautiful garden.
The sound of fireworks and music comes from the home Coriolanus Snow had shared for so many years with the love of his life. The most perfect person he has ever known, and he knows that the sounds of national celebration are his indicator of your passing. So that was it. You commanded and filled the energy of every space you entered, so he wondered now, after you were gone, why the air didn't feel any lighter.
He stared at the bare trestles that in the spring had always held up your raspberry bushes. They were gone, waiting to sprout in the spring. He can hear you, still.
'Raspberries are perennials."
Only then, when it was dark and he was alone, completely alone for the first time in years, did he cry over the weight of your death. Again.
All that was left of him was that boy on the train, crying over a letter he knew you would never receive.
Always yours, your Coryo.
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taglist:@totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @klplynn , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @gloryekaterina , @andrewgarfieldsbitch , @queenofspades6 , @pepperonipastas , @ladybug0095 , @lunamothwrites , @sbrewer21 , @mus-tbe-a-weasley , @splxtscreen , @unclecrunkle , @karmaswitch , @coconut-dreamz , @nekee-lilac02 , @ooooglymoooogly , @riddlerloveb0t , @lovedbalances , @notyourwildestdream , @snowlandson-top , @too-lit-for-fanfic , @utopiakys , @deafeningballoonnacho , @chmpgneprblem , @cosmoetik , , @urvampgfsworld , @carolanns-world @nan-nie , @shakespearseclipse , @iovemoonyy , @notyoursweetheart-honey ,  @xyzstar , @eatpizzasass, @slytherinholland , @queenofshinigamis , @elodiebeau , @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl
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lovelyo · 3 months
Cressida Torture Porn
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RANT INCOMING: What the absolute fuck is wrong with this show and their love for torturing Cressida? Do they get off in making this girl suffer? If I was in her position, I would go apeshit too.
All this girl wants is a genuine connection, to be valued and all people do is knock her down. She lashes out horribly on people just like Penelope, but she’s punished while Penelope is considered a girlboss even though Cressida’s home environment is shittier than Penelope’s. Her hope from her suffocating fate was Eloise only for Eloise to push her to the side for a friend who lied to her for years and screwed her over. Got called a viper (EVEN THOUGH ELOISE KNOWS WHO LW IS! 🤬🤡) by the person she always wanted to befriend even before Eloise fell out with Penelope.
Cressida saved Eloise from loneliness but Eloise didn’t reciprocate when Cressida was in need. Even then, she liked Eloise so much that before she left to get shipped away to even a more emotionally absent relative, she wanted to reconcile with Eloise, but Eloise closed the chapter. She tried to say goodbye to Eloise before she left. Eloise didn’t even bother to look Cressida’s way when she left.
All for Penelope who has done considerably more damage to her than anyone. 😐😑
It was the first time ever I was genuinely upset at Eloise. Eloise knew about Cressida’s ordeal but still vilified her and abandon her like she was a side piece(ain’t far from the truth really). Eloise unfortunately had to drink the OOC Koolaid for Penelope to get her HEA. This made me despise Penelope more btw. While everyone is in a damn romantic sitcom catering to Pen, Cressida is fighting for her life in this SAW trap where it’s do or get fucked.
Cressida was a bitch throughout the show until we came upon her reasonings in S3 which made her more of a sympathetic character than Penelope ever was. We should feel bad for this “woe is me” jackass who’s more privileged than anyone in this goddamn show but not the one who has parents that are emotional as a spiked bat?
The one who’s been indoctrinated heavily by her mother to treat other women like enemies?
The one where it’s her 3rd time on the marriage mart, got the guy she had her sights on get taken away just for Penelope to say sike and marry Colin and for Lord Debling to go MIA?(the same happened to her with the fucking prince in season 1!)
The one who’s being forced to marry an old man cause rarely anyone wants her?
The one who lost a friendship she thought was genuine while that friend is going around dunking on her name?
The one who is actually looked down by the ton because they can’t take her seriously?
Her life pretty much sucks but the show keeps trying to shove in our faces that Cressida is a bully so she got what she deserved. Fuck Cressida Cowper, amirite?
Oh Christ.
I’m not justifying her rude and sometimes cringe actions, but if people can “understand” why Penelope does what she does, why can’t people extend the same courtesy to Cressida? Oh yes, she was mean to the show’s golden child so she gets the hammer.
Cressida didn’t expose Penelope to the queen even though she could have. She wasn’t even the one who wrote the fake Bridgerton slander, it was her mom and she even confronted her mom and made her displeasure known about it!
All she wanted was money to be free from her fate. She was desperate but the Bridgertons are like “haha u stupid and u suck. Speaking of suck, time to go suck on Penelope’s toes.”
Yeah, Cressida isn’t clever, she’s stupid right? Stupid enough to quickly figure out who LW was before you Bitchgertons. You hacks didn’t even figure it out when Colin and Penelope’s engagement was printed THE NEXT DAY!
They did Cressida so dirty this season like it’s really heartbreaking, no joke. Cressida is the true victim, not the redhead who got an undeserved HEA cause self-inserters and favoritism.
P.S. Penelope keeping her persona but just using her real name is SO FUCKING STUPID
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notsoattractivearenti · 8 months
My Player of The Month (Christian Pulisic x Reader)
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WC: 900+
Warning/Tags: fluff
A/N: hellooooo i'm back for a bit!!! pls consider this as a way to say sorry i haven't finished my holiday fics lol. i had a lot of free time at work today and before i knew it i'd written a fic on the paper – full page front and half on the back! btw hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 apologies for any errors since it's not proofread! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍 (Y/F/N = Your Full Name)
Christian was just announced as December's Serie A Player of The Month, and after the  home match versus AS Roma, he was pulled to the side of the pitch for a post-match interview. The reporter who interviewed him started with congratulating him for the award then asked him a few questions. One of the questions was what inspired him to do very well on the pitch, especially last month – since he got the POTM title – and before he revealed his inspiration, he looked at Y/N, who was standing a little further on the side, and bit his lip for a short while before his lips formed a wide grin he thought was unnoticeable.
“Umm… My life partner, Y/N. They really motivated me and will always do in the best ways they can and so, whenever I do well on the pitch, they will always get all the credits.” Christian proudly answered.
“I’m better as a player on the pitch and a person off the pitch because of them.” He added without letting Y/N leave his sight.
Y/N heard what Christian said and immediately blushed, then shyly waved their hand off their face trying to deny his ‘claim’. Christian noticed them and giggled.
“Look at them,” as he shamelessly pointed at embarrassed Y/N, “they’re trying to deny it but they know I said nothing but facts!” He laughed. “They get me going, always.”
The reporter let out an “Awww!” so loudly because he was loving the admiration Christian has towards Y/N – not only that, the genuine supportiveness between Y/N and Christian felt like one of a kind, like the world truly revolves around them.
“It feels like it’s Christian Pulisic and Y/F/N’s world and we’re all just living in it!” The reporter laughed.
He then offered to bring Y/N in to join the interview. “Would you bring them here to talk with us?” 
Usually, Y/N and Christian don’t really like to show their relationship off and try to do less PDA (public display of affection) just because they both prefer to keep things between themselves. But this time, Christian decided to show Y/N to the world, so he agreed to bring them in and called Y/N by whistling at them, then signaled Y/N to come join the interview with his hands. Y/N refused at first, so Christian excused himself and came towards them to pick them up himself.
“Come on baby, don’t need to be shy.” He gently whispered while stroking Y/N's shoulder to calm and convince them.
Y/N was nervous because they were not used to being in front of a camera, but at the time, suddenly Y/N felt a change of heart and could no longer refuse Christian.
“Uh… Alright, lead the way…” Y/N reluctantly agreed.
Christian grabbed Y/N’s hand and took them back to the interview spot.
Once Y/N got there and stood in front of the camera, the reporter excitedly greeted them. They weren’t comfortable at first, but with one of Christian’s hands holding theirs and the other hand gently stroking their upper arm, they felt more at ease.
“So, Y/N, how do you feel with Christian winning December’s Player of the Month and credited you as his biggest inspiration?” The reporter asked Y/N.
“Well, I wouldn’t take the credit because I know this guy has worked his butt off the entire time since he joined the club,” they stated, “so all I can say is that with his own hard work and determination that I have the privilege to witness, he’s purely earned the ‘Player of the Month’ title on his own.”
This time, Christian was the one who was blushing like crazy – he was utterly unaware and completely speechless!
“How proud can you say you are of him?” The reporter threw another question at Y/N.
“Oh, proud is an understatement!” Y/N exclaimed.
“I think at this point he is sick of hearing how proud I am of him.” Y/N laughed as they playfully pinched Christian’s cheek .
“But I will never get tired of saying it and will always mean every word.” Y/N continued as they gazed into his eyes.
Everyone who was watching could tell how swoon Christian was – his face couldn’t hide anything at this point.
“See? I do have the best partner in life.” Christian added a little comment as he kissed Y/N’s forehead.
“Oh I can feel my heart melting!” The reporter commented before he closed the interview. “Congratulations once again, Christian, and have a wonderful time celebrating you two!” 
“Thanks for having us!” Christian said while he shook the reporter’s hand before leaving the pitch with you.
As you both walked out the pitch, he whispered at you, “What an answer you had, baby…”
“I know right!? And I don’t even need any media training!” Y/N replied as they jokingly stuck their tongue out at Christian.
“Yeah okay, no need to brag…” Christian shook his head while his hand caressed the top of Y/N’s head.
“By the way, I’ll never get tired of hearing how much you’re proud of me.” He added.
“I know,” Y/N nodded, “because to me, you will always be my player of the month.”
Christian smiled, then leaned in to give a quick yet loving kiss on Y/N’s lips.
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @brasiliangp @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
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simplyalicee · 1 year
hi! if you’re still taking requests, could i ask for wally comforting a reader who is afraid of needles while they get their blood drawn? like they take his puppet with them to the appointment and he just comforts them as best he can?? i’m having labs done tomorrow and am dreading it sm, wish i had a little wally to go with me,, </3 thanks in advance if you do write this-! love love love your blog btw!!
I just saw this ask and I immediately dropped everything to write for you. Whatever you're getting your labs done for, I hope everything turns out okay!! And ty for your love ^^
Eyes on Me, Neighbor
Wally Darling x Reader
Idea: You despised getting lab work done. Getting your blood drawn was not your best suit, especially when it came to needles. Wally does his best to reassure you at every step of the way.
Warning: There will be needles and mentions of blood involved!!
Reader is afraid of needles
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You wish you could just disappear. Or better yet, skip the appointment altogether.
You hated getting blood drawn. But you especially hated needles. Eugh. You hate them both, just thinking about it made you feel anxious.
Time was not in your favor, and before you knew it, you had arrived at the hospital for your lab work.
Fortunately (and thank heavens!), you brought Wally Darling along with you!
Don't worry, he wanted to be there for you, so it was a huge win-win for you.
But the dread was still there. You felt sick to your stomach when one of the nurses called your name.
They placed you in a small room, specifically for these type of lab work.
As they sat you down and begun to prep the lab work kit, you clung onto Wally as if you'd be seeing him the last time.
You weren't, but you were still so terrified.
Tears ran down your face, you trembled. You had to give up your right arm for one of the nurses to draw the blood.
You took one glance at the needle and you immediately looked away, just close to hyperventilating.
Wally stirred in your lap, repositioning himself to directly face you.
You hugged him tightly with your free arm as you shook. Just him being there was at least keeping you from having a meltdown on the spot. But the waterfall of tears were still there.
"Neighbor, sweetheart. Look at me."
You looked down at Wally. You were barely able to keep eye contact as you heard the nurse prepare for the lab work. Your heart sank as she told you she was ready to draw the blood.
You could've sworn you were about to faint when Wally gently cupped your face. He was small, but his grip was firm and gentle. He held your face towards him, making you look at him in the eyes.
"Deep breaths, Neighbor. Keep your eyes on me."
You took some shaky deep breaths. You kept your eyes on him and him only. You were still anxious, but there he was, trying to wash those worries away.
"There, there.. you're doing wonderful."
You heard Wally mumble "my precious", that made your heart melt.
Using his thumbs, Wally began to wipe away your tears. He smiled softly at you. You could've sworn you saw hearts in his eyes. He really does love you very much!
He kept you face cupped, specifically so you don't look over at your own blood being drawn. You felt the needle and shivered. You were about to panic again.. but having your eyes on your favorite puppet made things a lot better.
You held Wally close to you. He made sure that you kept your eyes on him and him only.
"You're almost done. Just look at you, you're so brave.."
You wouldn't call yourself brave, but you knew he was being sincere.
Wally had to stop himself from kissing you on the spot. He wanted to make you feel better, but it was probably best to save the sweeter love when the nurse wasn't around.
Speaking of nurse, she just finished up your lab work! Thank goodness.
Wally looked over at your right arm, making sure that any sign of blood or needles were not present near you. All he saw was a bandaid on your arm.
The nurse finishes up clean up and dismisses you. You're done with the appointment, woohoo!!
As soon as the nurse leaves and the coast is clear.. Wally leans in and presses multiple kisses on your face.
How dare he be so loving and affectionate?? Who were you kidding, you absolutely loved his kisses!!
"I'm so proud of you, Neighbor!"
You smiled happily, relieved that it was finally over.
Of course, you gave Wally a big kiss on the lips. Seeing him getting all flustered and happy was like a reward to you. <3
You definitely need some well-deserved snuggles when you get home.
And some ice cream.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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minteaspoon · 4 months
a/n - this was for eng class, and I’m keeping their names in cause ivantill. This was also just me yapping lmao btw this was not beta read (obviously) so expect A LOT of mistakes and errors😭
writing for Till and Ivan WAS SO FREAKING HARD DUDE I literally gave up near the middle😭
IMPORTANT EDIT - a lot of these moments were referenced from other Ivantill fanfics on ao3 especially the part where they run, and the “cheer up” scene was from a tiktok
If you could go back in time, what would you do with it?
Till was never the type to ponder on philosophical questions like that. He wasn’t the type to, anyways. He had better things to do than think about a past he’d prefer not to think about. It’s a useless way to use his brainpower anyways.
But as he stared down at the red puddle and splatters on the stage, the false rain still pouring down from above by the aliens in charge of handling the aesthetics of the performance, washing the red away little by little, Till thinks back to that stupid question.
If he could turn back time, what would he do with it?
His mind was scattered. He doesn’t know what he’d do if he traveled back in time. Hell, when in time would he even choose to travel back to? When humans still lived peacefully on a distant planet? When humans still had bodily autonomy? When humans were free from their status as pets? When humans were able to live and survive, knowing they wouldn’t be killed off on public television for the entertainment of aliens?
No. If Till had the ability to go back in time, he would go back to his time in Anakt Garden. To the time where he had some freedom, some autonomy. Before he was forced to be a pet. Before he was forced to enter a life-or-death competition by his segyein. Before all he knew was taken away from him. Before, when he had Mizi, and Sua, and…
Till stops thinking. The blaring lights from above hurt his eyes as he looks up from the bullet-riddled body in front of him, all dressed in white, yet stained in a crimson he’s all too familiar with. He thinks he’s crying, but with the false water coming down from above the stage, he doesn’t know if he really is. But his eyes hurt and ache, so surely he is, right?
From all around him, he’s faintly aware of the commotion happening, of the robot guards coming on stage to wrangle him from him. But he didn’t struggle, he knew better than to struggle in this situation. He feels the rough-handling of the cold metal limbs on his body, feeling him being dragged away as his eyes are trained on the blinding light above before the lights went out.
All he hears is white noise, and as he turns his eyes from the inactive lights, Till’s eyes catches the white fabric splattered in red petals on his outfit, and this time, he knows he’s crying as the false rain is replaced with a solid roof and bright lights from behind the stage.
Till’s alien secretary stomps towards him, distaste clear in her inhumane face, but he notes it’s not directed at him, but at him. “Urak is not happy, he’s requesting you immediately in his private quarters. Get yourself prim and proper, you wouldn’t want to disappoint him further with your uncouth appearance.”
He ignores her words, however, keeping his eyes on the ground as his limp body is once again dragged off to get rid of the little red splatters that came from him. He doesn’t know where he is anymore, he doesn’t know where the failures of Alien Stage are put when they lose. All he knows is that the robot guards are programmed to shoot.
Till’s eyesight is blurred with tears, making his eyes heat up uncomfortably as he’s cooed over by his alien stylists, who fret over his appearance and the “unfortunate” end of his round - the sixth round of Alien Stage’s 50th season. But as he’s put carefully into a new outfit - all white, all blank, all pure like him - he’s brought to stand and directed to where his segyein was waiting.
Once he was there, he was left alone with the alien - with Urak. But as his segyein talks, yells, throws things, hits him, all Till does is take it. He knows better than to fight back, but even then, he knows he wouldn’t be able to. Not with what happened just a few minutes ago on stage with him.
A sharp pain spreads in his head. Urak lost composure for a second it seems, grabbing the back of his head and roughly slamming it against a table. Till could feel warmth, an ache that made his head spin as he gained some consciousness, but his half-lidded eyes were full of unshed tears, making everything blurry.
He could still hear Urak’s yelling mixed with white noise as he slumps onto the floor. The doors open as the guards outside rush inside.
Oh, he thinks, as he sees the unfocused silhouettes of his segyein, the guards, and a few other aliens surround him. Oh, he thinks, I’m dying.
Till doesn’t know what to think. He’s not sure he even can. He’s on the verge of death, what’s there to think about?
If you could go back in time, what would you do with it?
Till lets out a sharp gasp, rushing to sit up as his left hand goes to grab at his chest. His eyes frantically flutter about, his chest going up and down as his breaths were uneven. Till was heaving, as he calms down.
“…,” He slowly stands up, leaning against the tree behind him as he takes in the scenery. It was all familiar, and as he gains his bearings, he realizes why.
Anakt Garden.
Till’s eyes widen. What the hell? He thought to himself, how was he back here? His eyes go to his hands. They were small, bruised and scraped with small injuries. His clothes were the ones he wore when he was still in the garden. The collar he wore was still locked around his neck. “…I’m back?” He mutters to himself.
No, no that’s not…, his eyes flutter rapidly to keep the tears building up at bay. This isn’t real, I’m dead, I died. Urak killed me. It was an accident, but I was content. I wanted to…!
His thoughts stop there when he feels a presence behind him, turning to confront whoever snuck up on him before he stopped, his body flinching as his eyes widen. Till’s breath hitched as he looks at the boy in front of him, his snaggletooth out even with his lips shut tightly in a line.
The boy’s short black hair, cut into a stupid bowl cut, was flying a bit with the wind in the garden. He blinks, his cold and black eyes disappearing for one then appearing the next, the red dots glowing as the boy continues to look at Till.
Till, on the other hand, was silent. So very unlike him, the boy thought as he tilts his head. “Till?” He says aloud, and the aforementioned boy flinches violently. “Are you alright? Did something happen to Mizi?” The grey-haired boy stops breathing at the mention of the pink haired girl’s name.
Mizi? Why’s he talking about…, Till’s brain stops working. “…I-Ivan?” He stutters, and he curses at himself for how weak he sounded, but right now, he can’t find it in himself to act the brash and volatile Till everyone was more familiar with. The boy - Ivan - blinks as he straightens his head. “Yes, Till?”
Till’s breath hitches, his feet involuntarily bringing him forward as his hands - his trembling hands and twitching fingers - slip forward slowly and wrap around the black haired boy’s abdomen, with Till placing his chin on Ivan’s shoulder. “…you’re real, right?” His voice was a whisper, vulnerable and quiet.
Ivan was still, unknowing of what he should do. Till, his God, his universe, initiating physical contact with him? One that wasn’t full of violence? Of malice? Oh, Ivan thought, as he wraps his own arms around the boy with shaggy grey hair. He’s trembling.
“Till?” Ivan could feel the boy shake, could hear his uneven breathing as he adjusts his head to hide into Ivan’s neck. “Till? Do you want to go somewhere private?” He says, loud enough for only them to hear as the background noise of children laughing and playing gets closer.
“…mhm,” he hears the quiet confirmation from Till, hesitantly unraveling their embrace as Ivan backs away. But as his fingertips are on the verge of letting go of Till, he feels the boy’s hands grab onto his left, and he looks up, seeing Till’s eyes glistening, his irises flitting as he looks at his hands tightly gripping Ivan’s. “Don’t!…don’t let go…,” he mutters in a scared voice, almost as if he couldn’t believe what’s happening, couldn’t believe why Ivan would let go of him.
“…I won’t,” Ivan replies in a hushed but comforting tone, as best a comforting tone as he can do at least. “Come,” he shifts Till’s hands to allow him to wrap his own around the smaller boy’s, tugging him further away from the other kids.
They stumble a bit, as Till’s legs were shaking harshly, but tone down as they arrive on a field of red flowers. The two look out on the small field, full of flowers Till remembers that he would often pick to gift to Mizi, making her flower crowns or simply giving her a bouquet of red flowers.
Ivan looks down, seeing a wilting one at their feet. He nudged the silent and still boy next to him, whose real eyes were blank yet still beautiful. “Till? Look,” he points at the flower, waiting until Till finds it in himself to look where the boy was pointing. “Do you think it’s dying?” He asks, as Till takes a glance at Ivan before putting his attention back on the flower.
“…,” Till silently lowered himself down, hand still gripping Ivan’s tightly, resulting both sitting in front of the flower as Till brings a hand out to gently touch it. “…cheer up,” he mumbles, to which Ivan smiles. “Cheer up,” he follows, keeping his gaze on the downcast Till, who continues mumbling the same phrase to the flower.
To Ivan, Till was saying it to the flower. To Till, he was saying it to himself.
“Cheer up…cheer up…cheer up,” Till continues as he ignores everything around him. Ivan stops, looking at Till with his eyes, looking directly at Till with an amused smile. “…I wanna leave.” Ivan snaps out of his stupor, as he processes Till’s words. “You want to leave? Do you want to go back?” He questions, tilting his head.
“No,” Till shakes his head, still looking at the wilting flower with dead and tired eyes. “I wanna leave this place, the garden.”
Ivan was silent. This was the first he’s heard Till wish for escape. “…you want to leave?” Till nods weakly. “…okay,” Ivan keeps his eyes locked on his God, his universe.
Meteors shoot down from the night sky - the real sky - as two boys run across an open hilltop, panting heavily as they feel the sharp rocks on the ground and the rough dirt scrape their bare feet.
They could see the tree line, and if they just continue running, they could reach it, they could leave, they could escape, they could…!
Till lets go of Ivan’s hand, who stands still as he looks at the forest. “…Till?” Ivan’s voice was weak, his hands balled into fists at his sides. …Mizi, he thinks, hands balling into fists at his sides. He’s probably worried about Mizi. He laughs inwardly at his unfortunate luck in life. He should’ve known Till, his God, his universe, wouldn’t wish to leave without the pink-haired girl, his light and comfort in an existence where they can’t be granted such a thing.
“…will we go back?” Till asks in a frail voice, tremors obvious as he keeps talking, his throat constricting as he does. “If we leave, if we don’t look back…can we still come back, and save Mizi? Sua?” Ivan’s eyes widen. ‘We’? Ivan thought, as he slowly turns around to face the fragile-looking boy, whose eyes were down on the ground as he gripped the hem of his white shirt tightly. “We can save them, right? We still have a while until they’re forced into Alien Stage, right? We have time to, to get things ready - a-a safe base for us! We can still save them, right?”
Till rambles anxiously as he waits for Ivan to speak. “…I don’t know,” he whispers as he feels his throat closing in on itself, taking in Till’s expression. “I don’t know Till,” he repeats, stumbling closer to the boy as he puts his hands on his shaking shoulders. “But if we don’t leave now, we won’t have this chance ever again, we won’t be able to leave, and we won’t be able to come up with a plan to save them.”
Till knows that. Knows that if he doesn’t leave now - if he does what he did in the past, if he abandoned Ivan and ran back for Mizi a second time - he won’t know how to stop what happens in the future, if he even can with his status as a human pet. “So please, Till, be selfish! Leave! Don’t look back!…please,” Ivan begged and pleaded. He was on the verge of giving up on reasoning with Till. He knows Till values Mizi above all else-
Ivan flinches. “…what?”
“Okay,” he hears again, as he sees Till look into his eyes, a quiet determination clear in them. “We’ll come back for them. For Mizi, for Sua.” He keeps his eyes on Ivan with a silent question; will you help me?
“…yeah, we will,” Ivan nods slowly, feeling out of it as he drops his hands from Till’s shoulders, but when Till wraps a hand around one of his, leading the way out of the open and into the woods, he blinks once, then twice, then three times. He tastes a bit of saltwater in his mouth.
Oh, he thinks. Oh, I’m crying, Ivan lets out a shaky gasp. I’m crying…! Because Till finally looked at me, he feels a wide smile slowly spread across his lips. He finally…! He finally looked at me!
Ivan’s thoughts were plagued happily with ones of his God, his universe, as the two reach the line and pass it, running and hiding deeper into the foliage as they pant and pant and pant their way to freedom, to a future changed, to a world where they have another chance.
From the sky - the real sky - meteors shoot down, illuminating the night sky, as if to encourage the two boys running into the darkness, into the unknown. As if to light the way - to illuminate their path - to a new future paved by a boy who wanted to save his wilting flower.
If you could go back in time, what would you do with it?
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turtlepoweredstories · 2 months
It was amazing, I loved it!! Could I go for CNC, restraints of some kind and humiliation? (You’re my new favourite person btw)
(Prompts: CNC, Restraints, Humiliation)
He already had you on all fours. Naked. Exposed. The large leather restraints just above your knees and your elbows, attaching your legs to your arms and keeping you stuck in such a lewd and disrespectful position. Once again you tried to pull your arms free to get at those restraints… but he had done an excellent job of binding each wrist separately to the small table you were displayed on. You could flex your hands and fingers freely, but you couldn't reach the ropes. You suspected he did that on purpose the sadistic fucker. As if summoned by your thoughts he stepped around into view, a condescending smirk already firmly in place.
“Still struggling huh? It’s kind of endearing, honestly. But you are going to want to save your strength. Cause I thought we’d add a little something extra today.” You glare at him silently until he pulls a curved metal bar from behind his back and you can feel your expression melt into fear and trepidation. “It's called an Anal Hook. Don't worry, no pointy parts or sharp edges as you can see. Just the ring on this end to tie it to something and this round part here… well… I guess you can probably figure out where that's going based on the name.” He points to each part as he describes it and holds it in front of your face. You can feel your eyes crossing as you try to focus on the hook right in front of you and he chuckles. “You look very fucking stupid when you do that, pet.” Your eyes narrow as you look back at him and you use your unbound hands to give a double barrel of middle fingers. Your hands drop feebly back down onto the table at the look of anger that flashes across his face at the disrespect, but the smirk reappears and he steps in close to your face. He runs the bulbous head of the hook over your cheek and holds your head still as you try to move your face away from it. 
He continues to hold you still and caress your cheeks with the metal as he speaks, “I'm going to violate your ass with this now pet. I'm going to turn you into a silly little anal slut and make sure you feel every inch. If you don't want that, all you have to do is speak up. Go ahead pet… Just say ‘Please don't make me your anal slut, sir’... I’m waiting…” He cocks a hand to his ear theatrically. You remain silent, as he knew you would. He shakes his head at you “I knew it… Desperate to be filled by something… What a needy bitch. Time to get it ready for you then I guess.” He reaches down and pulls the ball gag out of your mouth unexpectedly. You open your mouth and manage to get “Please…” out before he forces the head of the hook into your mouth and face fucks you with it. Your gagging and gasping when he finally pulls it free again and he slips the ball gag into place before holding the saliva coated hook up to the light, inspecting it in front of you as you breathe through your nose and try to catch your breath. “See I knew that mouth of yours was good for something. And this is all your own work too so if this next part hurts you only have yourself to blame…” He steps around behind you and without any further prep starts to force the slippery metal head into your ass. 
You scream into the gag as you the pain of it relentlessly stretching out your asshole. You can feel tears in your eyes as it finally slips in and he smacks you happily on the ass. “Oh well done! You took it like a champ! Now you're probably going to want to bite down for this next part…” He takes the thin rope, tied into the base of your ponytail, slides it through the hooked end and begins cinching it tight. You scream again, the sound coming out oddly as your head is pulled back towards your ass, the pressure on your neck forcing you to keep the hook pulled tightly into your own ass. He ties it off as you start to weep softly. You've stopped by the time he steps back around into your view again. “I told you you'd look silly. I probably didn't have to do it that tight but I hope you've learned a little lesson about disrespectful behaviour and the consequences. Now, are you going to be a good little anal slut for me?” You stare at him silently, holding as still as can be, your focus completely on the hook painfully stretching your ass. “Oh right, the gag.” He steps forward as if to pull it free but his hand pauses. “Well… I guess you could always nod.” Your eyes widen at the implication but his smirk is unmoving. You wonder what other plans the devious fucker might come up with if you refuse and your breath is coming in short, sharp gasps. “Well pet? Are you going to be a good little anal slut for me?” You try to brace yourself as you jerk your head forward and groan into the gag, your eyes watering and his laughter ringing in your ears.
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layla4567 · 11 months
Too close
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Pairing: Brad!wolfe x fem!reader
Summary: Brad or X5 is closer to you than with other workers and you don't know why.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Fight in an alley, violence (not very graphic), bad words, use words to describe the reader's appearance such as height or eye shape but nothing too specific to be considered an OC, not proofread
A/N: Ok after episode 5 I have to admit that I doesn't hate Brad that much anymore as much as Sylvie and now I need to see him in the final episode at least so that he can redeem himself or know that he is still alive idk. Btw, how difficult it's to write something about a character who appears so little and says so little and try not to always repeat or recreate the same scenes.
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You ran as fast as you could with your ponytail swinging from side to side and your brown skirt flowing with every movement of your legs. On your chest you clutched a yellow folder with papers that threatened to fly away. Your face reflected the urgency and concern of receiving a warning for being late. You were an analyst and your duty was to report any possible trace of variants and then file them to give them to Mobius, your job was also sometimes to go out and look for variants like Mobius and Loki did.
Jogging through the halls of the great TVA you passed Hunter x5 and didn't realize until he exclaimed
"Whoa whoa stop there, don't you say hello anymore?"
You stopped panting tiredly in front of him and with a distressed face, you didn't have time for this. He was wearing his typical short-sleeved black uniform with his gloves that marked his name. His hands were holding his collar in an intimidating pose.
"I'm sorry x5 but I'm really in a hurry right now"
The hunter pretended to be hurt and put his hand on his chest, closing his eyes and making a sad face. You rolled your eyes and gasped in frustration. He seemed to always want to keep you and waste your time.
"Ouch, that hurt, you know? Someday you're going to kill me" he said sarcastically.
"I'm serious x5, I have to go but I'll see you later, ok?"
Before he can say anything you touched his arm tenderly, forcing a smile despite your worried frown and ran off gracefully. He stared at your hand as you touched him and then turned to see you running away with an amused smile.
When you got to where Mobius was, your hair was disheveled and your clothes were a little disheveled from running so much, but a smile appeared on your face as you held the folder high, triumphant and proud. You didn't say anything waiting for someone to notice your presence and then you would catch your breath. Mobius and Loki were talking about something in whispers until the gray-haired man saw you and turned to look at you completely.
"Oh y/n there you are! and you finally bring the folder, we were waiting for you"
You sighed in relief even with your smile on your face, happy to be able to accomplish your mission. You always stood out for being efficient in your work apart from your warm, sweet and helpful personality.
Loki approached you smiling and took the folder, you were turning around about to leave feeling free of responsibilities when Mobius turned his head to look at you and say
"Oh y/n, wait, don't leave yet, we have an alert about a variant in London. Could you please take care of it? Don't worry, you won't go alone."
You opened your eyes wide in surprise and you were left speechless, you did not expect to have another task to complete so quickly, you planned to have some tea first.
"Oh..but I- uh..". You mumbled awkwardly and in a low tone.
"I promise it will only be a second, we can't do it, we're busy.". He said referring to Loki and himself.
While he said that, he took out his tempad and began to send orders to someone. You didn't know who Mobius was talking to, but a growing premonition took over you. That feeling became palpable when a figure you already knew entered the room and stood behind you.
"X5 just in time, you will accompany y/n to look for the variant, alright? I will send you the coordinates and all the necessary information in your tempads"
X5 nodded without removing his hands from his collar and standing firm, you closed your eyes and sighed as you turned around and met his mischievous eyes, giving you a small lopsided smile. You frowned and pressed the corner of your lip, it's not that you didn't want to work with him but every time they assigned the two of you together he got a little annoying and wouldn't stop teasing you. You both left the room and walked through the hallways with X5 following your step.
"How soon we saw each other again little mouse". He said looking at you without stopping walking.
That nickname almost made you freeze in place but you simply turned your head and gave him a playful smile, he always called you that since you were petite than him, in fact you were the shortest worker almost O.B's height and every now and then you had to look at people with your head slightly raised or stand on tiptoe. Anyway, that silly nickname didn't bother you, on the contrary, it made you smile because you knew he was like that.
"Don't get excited, it's just for work reasons". You said without stopping smiling at him as you took a funny turn and walked backwards.
"How mean". He said with irony
You gave him an innocent smile as you shrugged and turned to walk normally again. He came forward and started walking next to you.
"By the way, isn't it strange that they always put you with me on missions? Could it be because I'm stronger than you?". He asked with a mocking tone but with an intention underneath.
This time you did stand up and turn around to face him with your hands on your hips, frowning and pouting a little, you looked so adorable that he just smirked, proud that he had made you fall into his trap. You raised your head to get a good look at him.
"Hey, be careful what you say! I can be strong if I want to."
Then you gave him a small punch on his arm, to which he leaned back a little, laughing and pretending to hold his arm in pain.
"Oh be careful with that, you almost sent me to the hospital."
You exhaled air through your mouth as you looked up at the ceiling in annoyance. You took out your tempad and touching a button on the screen made a bright orange-yellow time door appear.
"Let's not waste any more time, will you? The faster we do this, the better."
"After You"
He let you pass and you crossed the door, disappearing while X5 followed immediately behind you.
You two arrived at a branch in London in the 70's where there seemed to be the big premiere of a movie, so you discovered it from the large billboard that was at the entrance to the theater and that said "ZANIAC". X5 next to you seemed to admire the big lights and the elegantly dressed people as if those spotlights only shined for him. He gave a surprised whistle before saying
"Wow the people here really have fun". He said as he turned around and looked around and up.
"You could be a good actor". You told him laughing
"You really think that?". He turned to see you with a sparkle in his eyes, he seemed to like the idea.
You shrugged, smiling. "I don't know, we're in the TVA anyway, remember?"
"Yeah right..". he said somehow serious
At that moment you realized that you two were still wearing your uniforms and people would start to see you strangely, you had to change your clothes to fit in now. You took out your tempad and told it to do the same, luckily that device included the appropriate clothes that Mobius had assigned for you, all you had to do was press a button and you were fully dressed.
"What do you think if we go somewhere to change and then we meet to see each other? That way it will be a surprise!". You said, biting your lower lip and smiling playfully, sometimes you were childish but so genuinely and with so many good intentions that it was difficult to say no to you.
X5 rolled his eyes but smiled at you
"Ok if you prefer, let's meet in a minute in the back alley"
You nodded and trotted towards a dead end and he walked in the opposite direction. You pressed the button on your tempad and magically your uniform disappeared in an orangey holographic snap, as if a portal had passed through you and had exchanged your clothes for a beautiful long navy blue dress with a train, even your typical ponytail had been replaced by a high bun with curly strands framing the sides of your face. The dress was strapless and the final part of the skirt was decorated with pearls that varied in size. You wished you could have a mirror in front of you. You took a graceful slow turn trying to see your back and admire the train of your dress. You have never felt so beautiful. And that was not all, the dress had a small hidden pocket to store the tempad, Mobius had thought of everything, the dress was practical, beautiful and functional. When the agreed time had passed, you headed to the alley where X5 was waiting for you. You walked a little self-conscious for wearing something so elegant and not your usual casual clothes. You looked down, playing with your fingers nervously as you walked, you saw your partner's back turned and you stopped. You could see that he had a new haircut that suited him really well, and a black tuxedo.
Your soft and melodious voice made him wake up from his lethargy and he turned around distractedly to see you. When he did, he was left speechless with his mouth barely open. His gaze swept your figure up and down.
"Well? How do I look?". You asked him innocently with a worried frown forming between your eyebrows as you held your fingers anxiously.
X5 still couldn't say a word, he moved his mouth trying to say something but he couldn't. He never imagined seeing you with something as beautiful as that night. In front of him you stood out like a shining star, your tight dress highlighted your figure making you look sexy but your locks framing your face, your soft tilt of your head and those beautiful doe eyes that made him melt gave you a sweet appearance.
"You y-you look... I mean-... you". He started saying but no matter how hard he tried he did nothing but babble.
You laughed softly, slightly covering your mouth with the tips of your fingers without stopping to look at him. He cursed himself for acting like a fool in front of you, but your elegant gestures hypnotized him and he couldn't get angry with you. Finally, he sighed and said.
"You look beautiful"
You opened your eyes wider, if that was possible, and looked at him like a lost puppy, standing up even more and straightening your back in surprise, he almost had to close his eyes to take your penetrating eyes off of him. Right there you realized how good he looked, more than good, hot. You had always admired men who wore tuxedos and knew how to dress well but he had taken it to another level, he had adorned his black tuxedo with a white scarf around his neck resting on his shoulders, underneath his white shirt was slightly open, now his Brown hair had grown out and was no longer short on the sides but was slightly combed back with a nice tuft of hair on her forehead pushed back. You could stare at it for hours and not get tired, but you smiled and sincerely exclaimed
"And you look very good, I like your tuxedo and especially your new hairstyle"
He seemed to smile delightedly and ran a hand through his hair, combing it with his fingers. He murmured a thank you and then seemed to remember the mission and approached you, grabbing you by the arm so that you could rest yours on his, to which you were surprised by looking at him, blushing
"You will be my date tonight"
He smiled innocently but then he saw your rosy cheeks and realized what he had just said so he quickly corrected himself.
"I mean as an alibi! We have to hide so they don't discover us, you know.". He cleared his throat, trying not to look at you.
You sighed nervously, trying to hide your face with your hand, trying to push your curls away from your face. Without further ado, they both entered through a glass door. Inside there were many well-dressed people gossiping and laughing, several photographers were taking photos and waiters passed by with silver trays serving drinks. You weren't used to so much opulence or parties surrounded by people but X5 seemed to enjoy it. Feeling somewhat intimate, you clung to your partner's arm with both hands, squeezing it a little and bringing your tense body closer to him. He looked at you confused and noticed your strong grip and immediately became serious and brought his lips to your ear, causing a pleasant tickling that made you more nervous.
"You alright?"
You raised your head not expecting him to speak to you and when you did you felt that his face was very close to yours, you could almost feel his warm breath on your face, he looked at you with a hint of concern.
"Yes, thanks". You simply said nodding, you didn't want to overwhelm him with your worries, although you didn't know that he could listen to you for hours without getting bored.
You started weaving around people remembering that you had to catch a variant so the two of you looked around the place with your eyes scanning for the person you were looking for. The cameras didn't stop firing their flashes. Suddenly your fellow hunter spotted a man who was behaving suspiciously.
"Come to the back of the room, I think I found it."
Without hesitation he took your hand and guided you to where the guy was looking from side to side trying not to be seen. As they walked X5 smiled at the cameras even though they weren't really pointed at him, you frowned in confusion and an amused smile crossed your lips.
"What are you doing?". You laughed softly
He answered you without looking at you while he continued smiling looking at the photographers. "What do I seem to be doing? Smiling at the paparazzi"
You shook your head smiling, you forgot that he could be a little…vain sometimes.
"I noticed that but why? You're not famous"
"It's to blend in with people, darling"
You rolled your eyes even though you liked the new nickname better, it sounded elegant.
"Yes, of course, whatever you say, sometimes I think you enjoy this more than I do." . You laughed
They were both about a meter away from the variant, a man with short black hair with a scar over his right eye. His eyebrows were bushy and his prominent, square jaw gave him a threatening appearance. Some men and women were in front of the two of you and due to your height you had to crane your neck to see well, X5 took you by the shoulder and gently dragged you towards a space in the crowd where the man they were looking for could clearly be seen.
"Ok now we'll get closer, you just humor me"
You were about to protest but he pulled you to follow him until you were face to face with the man. You cursed inside, sometimes X5 was too impulsive and then he didn't know how to act and got into trouble.
"Hey man! How have you been? Do you still remember me?"
The man opened his eyes while furrowing his eyebrows in an expression between terror and disgust while your partner patted his arms with a big smile. You prayed inside that he wouldn't find out.
The variant forced a teeth-clenched smile that was intended to be natural. "Excuse me, have we met before?"
X5 pretended to be offended, muffling a somewhat exaggerated exclamation, you had to make an effort not to roll your eyes and facepalm.
"So I'm really sorry you've forgotten about me! What a shame because I still remember every day."
You bit your cheek to keep from letting out a smile that would turn into a giggle. Now more strongly you thought that he could really be an actor.
"I'm sorry but I don't know who you are.". Growl annoys the variant
The man was about to turn around to leave when X5 stopped him with a quick gesture, making the man look at him with hatred.
"No no wait don't leave yet, I haven't introduced you to my girlfriend." He said pointing at you with his open palm.
You hoped with all your might that your face hadn't turned red from what he had just said, you knew it was an alibi but still having that word come out of your mouth made you tingle. Smiling, you extended your hand to shake it.
"Jack has told me a lot about you."
X5 turned his head to look at you with a frown and big eyes, confusion was present in his gaze. His face almost screamed: what are you doing? don't screw up!
The handshake the man gave you was short and rough, almost disgusting. Your partner turned his head again to see the variant with a forced smile.
"So, how about we go outside and catch up?"
The man was obviously not an idiot, luckily he still didn't know who we were or what we really worked on but even so he could sense something suspicious so for a second he narrowed his eyes studying us and then smiled unconcernedly.
"Sure, I just have to go to the bathroom first."
The man walked away with sure steps and your companion stood watching him laughing as he left. When he turned to see you he frowned again like before when you had shaken the man's hand.
"What, Jack? What kind of name is that?"
"I don't know! I couldn't think of anything better, sorry!"
X5 sighed with his hands on his hips opening the jacket of his tuxedo, suddenly you saw that the variant was not heading to the bathrooms but was running towards the back door.
"Uhm.. X5..". You said pointing towards the background
"What? what's wrong?"
"He's running!!"
They both started running through the alleys following him, you had to take off your pretty heels and carry them in one hand to be able to run better. The fear of stepping on some glass or something sharp was always present during the chase, X5 knew that so from time to time he looked back to where you were and looked at the ground in case there was something that you would hurt yourself with.
The man with the scar was in the lead but soon found himself trapped between a fence that prevented him from escaping on the other side. You and X5 arrived just in time as the man spit insults at you. When your partner approached to take him by the arm, the variant struggled and the two became intertwined in a fierce fight with shoving, until the black-haired man gave him a good punch in X5's face. You screamed desperately, approaching your partner who staggered and fell to the ground, losing his balance, you grabbed his face looking for wounds but he was focused, snorting like a bull and looking at the man who had hit him. You stood up and struggled with the man ready to drag him with you and take him away from there. But he was too strong and he pushed you sending you to the ground in pain, you landed backwards on your butt with your palms resting on the cement.
"You stay out of it, bitch!". He shouted degradingly
This seemed to light a fire in X5 because he stood up with a scowl and grabbed the guy by the neck and slammed him against a brick wall.
"Listen to me, you idiot, you will come with me and learn to treat women well. And you better obey.". He said angrily with his face close to the man looking with hatred
You were still on the ground looking at the scene scared, you had never seen your partner so angry before. It is true that he was tough when he pruned the variants and he was not afraid to demonstrate authority or dominance with his pruning cane. But you had never heard so much hate in his voice while he defended you.
X5 took out his tempad and furiously pressed a button to open the door of time, then he pushed the black-haired man abruptly and mercilessly. He was agitated and his brow furrowed at his growing fury, then he saw you lying on the ground and his face softened. He bent down to extend a hand to you and ask if you were okay. You nodded still in shock and thanked him with your eyes for his help. You stood up without difficulty and then squeezed his hands in relief.
"Thank you really, for defending me"
You wanted to show him your eternal gratitude, to let him know and understand that you were eternally grateful to him. You would never forget what he had done for you today. He smiled at you and then straightened his clothes, you helped him with his hair that had become disheveled. Then you crossed the door of time. X5 took a moment to breathe deeply and then walked in behind you.
I don't know if I'll do another part or some kind of series about this, I honestly don't know if I'll publish it either, this was actually going to stay in drafts as a silly self-indulgent fic. If I get to publish it, well, you're welcome tumblr
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iamskadhi · 5 months
Story of a villain - Part 2
Hi, Dabi stans, here is the translation of the second part of my fanfiction (it isn't posted anywhere else, btw)
In case you haven't read or want to read the Part 1 of Story of a villan.
As I mentioned before, it is written from a male POV (Dabi's POV), it has a explicit smut parts, includes a little self-loathing, original characters (but the female lead doesn't have a name so you can pretend it's you)
I decided to use the word "part" instead of "chapter" because I actually merged a lot of small chapters I've written before, I'm trying to make it fit in 3 parts so this is the middle of the whole thing and I'm going to say that is so satisfying to write a love story this way, I've never done this before and I highly recomend it now.
The first part has +7000 words and this part has +8000 words, there are no big descriptions of places or time because I tried to write it as a light novel, feel free to send me messages to correct my gramar or if you have any comment about the times not making sense or anything else.
Anyway, I hope you like it.
Slowly, we became more than what we were already: a chosen family. Together we found an apartment – smaller than her former place, but nicely located – and for almost a month, I managed to kill most of my old habits, but it costed me, the old me was screaming in the back of my mind next to my thirteen-year-old corpse.
Some nights, we talked about the future before sleeping and I noticed the way she smoothed the ground, patiently helping me to feel safe and at home; she had no idea my home is wherever she is.
Then, I got a job under a fake name. I went from drug dealing in dark alleys to torturing people and now I was a security guard at a downtown club known as Beanie and One Day.
“You’re sketchy as fuck” said the manager, a mid-forty man named Tanaka Haru, “can you throw jerks out the door?”
“I’m not that strong”, I admitted.
He doubted, but I got the job. I got the name, the place, the girl; but it wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t satisfied at all; and only to make things worse, her mother came to our place one morning after my babe went to work, she looked around and tried to bribe me to leave her daughter alone.
“I love your daughter,” I told her clearly.
“You’re ruining her life!” she accused me. “I talked to her father and if you don’t get out of her life for good, he’ll remove her from the company”
I grinned and she looked at me as if I was crazy.
“You wouldn’t. You care too much about what other people thinks”
“Oh, believe me, we would and we will take her out of the country after that, so don’t get too comfortable in this dumpster you brought her to live with you. Take the money, you clearly need it if this is the best you can get” she disappeared ­— she had a teleportation quirk too.
I looked out the window, a black car that was park outside started up and fled immediately; that was probably hers. I wanted to burn the card and money she left, but I let it there, kept the card in my pocket.
When my babe came home, I noticed she was upset too.
“Wanna eat outside?” she asked me.
As we walked, she started to point out all of the benefits of the new place, it made me sad how hard she was trying to convince herself she was okay without all of her privileges.
I couldn’t keep it in anymore:
“Your mom visited” She stopped walking, so I stood there too, “Did you talked to your father today?”
“What did she say?”
Something horrible was going on inside her head, it was obvious, I showed her the card.
“She offered money to separate us”, I burned it “She said you were supposed to go to your parent’s house that night, but I guess you knew that already.”
“I finally got you” she said, “I got you, I can’t be the one who leaves. I started over, I’m adapting”
“No, you’re not”
“Yes, I am!” she looked at me, her gaze was reddish, irritated, I sighed.
“Did you cry today, baby?”
“Don’t treat me like a kid!” she ran her hands through her hair in exasperation.
“I’m not doing that, I see it in your eyes.”
She swore she was fine, but it wasn’t true. After eating, we took the long way home, as we walked in the building her mother’s words resonated in my mind: “you’re ruining her life”.
My babe smiled at me when we entered, put her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply, I closed the door behind us… and clothes started falling on the floor.
If she could smile like that and still embrace me as tenderly as she just did, how could I still believe that her mother was right? I totally screwed her and she was happy with it.
“You still haven’t got your period, you should get tested,” I suggested her when we were done.
“Are you worried?” she put on my shirt.
“I don’t wanna be like our parents”
“Me neither, but it’s too soon to know”
It was killing me and I wondered how she managed to keep it cool and if she even wanted to have kids. I never asked, we never talked about it, I assumed it was off the table.
My heart ached just thinking about it.
Doing a regular job was way boring than I thought it would be, but it helped get my mind distracted; at the end of the shift, the bartender –a mid-thirty man named Haruma— would serve some drinks and the manager  pointed out all the things that should be improved.
“You’re new” I heard a soft voice behind me, a girl’s voice, one of the girls that dance around the place to keep a fun mood sat next to me.
“Hey, Momo, I didn’t see you tonight” Haruma smiled at her, brought another glass for her.
“I kept sober tonight, there are less jerks lately,” she said looking at me.
“Thanks to the new guy!” the manager put his thumbs up for me.
“I suspected it”, she smiled “I’ve been watching you, you got a big reputation”
“He does?” Haruma asked. I tensed.
“Yeah, girl’s notice his cute face and whisper about his scars, how did you get them?”
She pissed me, but the bartender was paying attention.
“Did it myself”
“How?” she wanted to know.
“That’s none of your business”
“I heard you got a fire quirk, Miura” Haruma was too amicable for his own good.
“Really?” Momo giggled. I just nodded and she put her hand on my arm. “I got a water quirk”
I pulled my arm away and jump up the chair immediately; she literally watered me and soaked my jacket sleeve.
“The fuck’s wrong with you?!”
She laughed and grinned.
“I guess we’re not compatible”
I could see that she was insane and I shouldn’t even look at her but she annoyed me.
“Momo, are you okay?!” the manager yelled from the other side of the club.
“That was uncalled for, Momo” the bartender reprimanded her, “Don’t take it bad, Miura, she’s not good socializing, that’s all”
“Put a sign on her next time!” I exclaimed.
“Oh, I can’t wait for the next time” she giggled.
“Don’t be rude” Haruma reproached her again.
I just left. It was still dark; when I got home, my babe was sleeping. We spent little to no time together since I got this job; I took a shower before getting into bed with her and she opened her beautiful sparkly eyes as I laid next to her.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered “Didn’t mean to wake you up”
“How was your night?”
“It was fine”
“Good” she mumbled and closed her eyes again. I tucked her hair behind her ear and she sighed, “You smell nice”
I cuddled her and fell asleep in a minute.
The smell of something very delicious woke me up, I went to the kitchen and saw Hana.
“I’m sorry, were we being too loud?” my babe asked. I shook my head, still sleepy.
“It was the bacon, right? Come, sit” Hana was cooking. “I like your new apartment, it’s close to where I live so I thought I could come and eat breakfast together, I didn’t mean to disturb. It’s nice to see you’ve taken care of your skin” she walked to me and analyzed my face, “but I see a couple of dots near under your eyes, they don’t look like moles”
“It’s nothing,” I said and she left it.
I ate in silence and went back to bed, but I could still hear them talk:
“Did you tell him?” Hana asked.
“No, he won’t take it well”
“You should tell him, though”
I swallowed the bad feeling and slept, but I didn’t rest well.
“What could it be?” I thought before falling asleep, “Did she get tested?”
It clicked my mind: she was pregnant, it was obvious and expected —not “we wanted this” type of expected, but “it had to happen” type. I cooked dinner and waited for her.
Time passed slowly, I called her and she didn’t answer; it’s something that never happens.
“Where are you?” Sent.
A few minutes later, she was writing.
“With Hana” Read.
“At the hospital?” Sent.
“At her place” Read.
I had a bad feeling.
“You OK?” Sent.
“Of course, my love. See you later” Read.
I wasn’t gonna let it slide. I had Hana’s phone number; I just never sent her a text or called her before. No, I did when they were in high school— I thought and called her:
“Hi, hi” she answered.
“Hi, are you having dinner or something?” I asked.
“Who’s this?” she asked, “Oh, Dabi, hi, why do you ask me that?”
I swallowed my saliva as I realized.
“You’re not together”
“I feel like I missed something, I’m sorry, I’m at ER right now and you called me out of the blue…”
“What were you talking about this morning?” I wanted to know.
“This morning? You were there”
“When I left you two alone, that one thing I won’t take well”
There was a brief silence.
“I’m gonna tell you, but act like you don’t know, okay?”
“It’s not that bad. You know the way her parents are and she had to do this, believe me, she didn’t have a choice, well she did but the other choice was something totally irrational and…”
“Spill it, Hana”
“They set her a date with some wealthy prick, she already knows him from college and he’s an idiot, she had to go, trust me, trust her, she’ll just go to dinner with him tonight and it’s done, please don’t freak out”
“I don’t know” she mumbled, “I swear. She mentioned it but I’ve never been there, it’s new and stylish, the kind of place her mom adores; I just know it opened this week”
That was the only clue I needed.
“Do you know when they’re supposed to meet?”
“Please just let it slide, they must be there already, she’ll be home real soon”
“Thanks” I hung up. I had to see the wealthy prick.
If they met in college I had someone in mind, I hated thinking about it. Searched online for newly opened restaurants and went straight to the one that looked more stupidly pompous.
It had big fucking crystal doors but no windows, I had to go in; the host welcomed me with a fake smile:
“I’m sorry. We have a dress code, sir”
I ignored her and walked in, looking around, she followed me, heard some gasps and I saw them. I fucking saw the same asshole that used to stalk her back in college and felt the anger heating inside my chest.
A waiter addressed me: “I’m sorry, gentleman, but you have to respect…”
“Who’s manning that table?” I pointed them.
“I’m sorry again; I can’t give you that info…”
I walked to them, she hadn’t see me but I stopped when she stood up and spilled her wine on his face. He got up too, a waiter jumped in offering a napkin and I hurried to the table.
“You’re still the same immature little girl, I see” the prick said walking towards her, I reached him just in time, put my hand on his shoulder.
“Long time no see, fucking loser”
She widened her eyes surprised; she really didn’t noticed I was there until now.
“Who the fuck are you?” he looked at me confused; I grinned and let a little blue blaze out my hand on his shoulder.
“You forgot about me? That’s sad, I remember you perfectly, fucking asshole”
He squealed like a little bitch, I perfectly saw in his eyes when he remembered; she jumped in and pushed me back.
“Dabi, let’s go” she said while pushing me “Let’s go, let’s go”
I let go of his shoulder and stepped back, grinning like a devil, mad as fuck:
“Damn, you’re lucky we’re at a fancy place!”
“Please, let’s go!” she took my hand and pulled me, we rushed out of the restaurant, when we were outside I confronted her:
“Why did you do this?”
“Why did you do that?!” she reproached me.
“No, there’s no possible way you can turn this on me, what the fuck happened?”
She looked at me as if she was completely out of her mind before turning her back on me, and walked away.
“Where the fuck are you going?” I followed her.
“Home! I need to change!”
“You need to explain!”
“No! How did you find out?” she bawled, “Why are you here? Why…?”
I reached her hand and stopped her, people walked around but I had to see her face; she was turning red but she wasn’t crying.
“What would you have done if I hadn’t been there?” I asked calmly.
“I would’ve teleported out of there,” she said, but I know she wouldn’t have done that. “I would’ve go home, like I’m trying to do now” she hugged herself.
She was gorgeous; wearing a red dress and her hair up, she looked like a movie star or a model. I really wanted to fight for this, but I also wanted to take her home and make love to her fully dressed like that.
“You asked Hana, didn’t you?” she looked at me, still upset, and I nodded.
“Let’s go home,” I said, put my arm around her waist and walked with her.
“Yeah, I really wanna change” she mumbled.
“No, keep it” I said with a smirk and I saw her smiling too.
“Wanna take shortcuts?” she asked and pulled me to the first dark alley we saw.
Teleporting with her was like jumping, except you don’t feel the fall; she wrapped her arms around me. When I first met her she could teleport in a radio of fifty meters —she was awesome–, by now she can do over a kilometer, maybe two.
We’ve done this before and I trusted her, but it still made my legs wiggle, she kissed me with each jump, avoiding street lights, avoiding CCTVs, when we were near the building, she stopped and I felt my legs wiggling like jelly.
She mocked me but I didn’t mind; we ran to the apartment like kids running home after school, this was the kind of things that made me fall for her despite… everything. When I’m with her, the rest of the world vanishes.
We made out in the elevator and barely managed to open the door in-between all the kissing, laughing and touching. We were role-playing and she was being incredibly clumsy.
“Oh no, mister robber, please don’t hurt me with your giant… tool.”
We laughed. She was doing it on purpose, no matter how serious I tried to be, she was faking a voice, she had to be a dummy.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you but the only valuable thing in this place is me”
I gazed her body up and down. What a woman, I thought and I took my jacket off.
“So what would you do if I went to touch you now?” I aimed to touch her waist and she stepped back grinning, very professional. I bit my lip.
“Oh no, please, my husband will be back soon!” she exclaimed.
“Then I gotta hurry” I touched her arm and she teleported us to the bed, I wasn’t expecting it but kept it cool and took my shirt off, I felt her hands going up touching my abdomen, “Stay in character, honey”
“Shit, nooo, mister robber, what are you doing to me?” she said as I took her underwear down her legs.
“Enough is enough!” I couldn’t keep it together anymore, kissed her deeply, suck her tongue into my mouth while putting two fingers inside her, and massaged her clitoris with my thumb. The red dress was almost as soft as her skin.
She moaned and undid the button of my jeans. I wanted to scold her for being so bad at role-playing but it could wait ‘till morning. We had a rope in the nightstand for this kind of situations; I tied her wrists together and let my jeans fall down.
She looked at me with thirsty eyes as I put on a condom and let a sigh out when I dived deep inside her; I kept a hand down on her hips and covered her mouth with the other while licking and sucking her precious neck all the way from her collarbone to her ear.
Soon, I forgot about the role-play too, kissing her deeply while she clawed her fingers on my hips and pulled me in desperately as I pulled out; she already wanted to come. I pulled out and turned her on her stomach, she lift her ass and I dived into her again while playing with her clitoris.
She buried her face on the pillow and I left my weight fall a little on her, put my ear on her scapula and felt her taking long deep breaths. I felt her loose strength as she was coming done. I pulled out, still hard as fuck, to allow her to turn around.
“I think we ripped the dress” she sighed.
“Shit, I loved this dress”
“I could tell how much you loved it” she said when I untied her wrists and checked the hour. “If you’re getting late, let’s make it worth”
She gave me that smile she has when she’s expecting another round.
That night my pay was deducted a thirty percent, but I was so satisfied that it could’ve been completely deducted and I wouldn’t mind.
The next few days felt like a honeymoon, not only because the sex, everything was suddenly working out. I spent so many years thinking I would never fit into a normal lifestyle, obsessed about heroes and becoming the best of them... Or maybe I’m very printable, I thought.
I was obsessed with the hero’s path because my father was a hero himself. He is still a hero. Now I was living with someone that always lived a regular life and I could live like that only because of her.
“Did you ever think about becoming a hero?” I asked her. She looked at me, confused.
“We’ve had this talk before”
I remembered the first time that I saw her, she was training her quirk behind her parent’s back. She was too mad at them because her life was made since the day she was born, she didn’t have siblings like me because her mother hated being pregnant, therefore she had no voice in their house. Training her quirk at a crack house was her only rebellious phase.
That and dating me.
“How could you fall for me?” I asked.
She laughed.
“Remember that day I jumped off the roof and you screamed you loved me? You already knew I can teleport anywhere, anytime, but you were so desperate thinking I was trying to kill myself. We were messed up kids who taught ourselves how to live, how could we ever just be friends?”
That was an embarrassing memory, I really believed she was done with her life and her parent’s expectations and I ran upstairs to that roof. She jumped before my eyes and my hands couldn’t reach her, of course I was desperate and I screamed.
“You were so cute” she sipped her cup of coffee with an annoying grin.
“If you’re pregnant I’m telling that story someday”
She stared at me, blushing until her face turned all red.
“You manipulated me” I said and she laughed.
“Maybe I did” she admitted. “I liked you but I never thought you loved me”
On my day off, I went to the mall attempting to buy a coffeemaker like the one my babe had before, but of course, I couldn’t afford the exact same machine so I had to buy the next best option.
I was waiting in line to pay, when I notice the woman in front of me had white hair with red stripes. It’s not possible, I thought, chill – but I couldn’t resist myself and tried to look at her face. She noticed and looked back.
“I’m sorry” she said immediately when she made eye contact - took me by surprise, “are you in a hurry? My cart’s full, you can pass before me” she offered politely.
“I’m good” I said. That was definitely my sister.
“Okay” she said and she looked at me timidly, it made me wonder…
“What’s the matter?”
If maybe, she did recognize me.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to stare at you like that” she stuttered. “It’s just…” she looked at my black hair “that you look like someone that I miss”
She’s lying, I thought and swallowed my saliva nervously, stay calm, stay calm.
“What?” I asked.
Don’t fuck things up, do it for her.
“Someone that I knew, I meant someone that I knew,” she lied, “I’m sorry, I felt nostalgic for a moment, you can go before me, seriously,” she offered again.
“Fine” I said as I walked by her side, “thanks”
“You’re welcome” she smiled.
Not only my hair or my piercings, my voice is different, I thought, but she knows. I looked over my shoulder and she smiled.
Or maybe I’m losing my grip again. Forget it, forget them.
Back home, I questioned myself if I should place the coffeemaker as if it has always been here or if I should’ve wrapped it with a bow and all.
I called Hana and she laughed at me.
“I’m sorry, that’s so cute. I think you should place it there and count the minutes, we can make a bet about how long it will take her to notice”
“She’s a caffeine maniac, she’ll notice immediately”
“Na-uh, it’ll take her like ten minutes at least, pregnancy makes woman very absent-minded. I can see her using the French press and then…”
“What?” she shut the fuck up.
“That thing you said about pregnancy”
There was a brief silence and she said nervously:
“Oh no! A car crashed somewhere and I need to go, bye”
I stayed standing like an idiot for a couple of minutes, staring at the coffeemaker. It wasn’t like I didn’t suspected it or I didn’t know, but the fact that Hana knew her period was late and seemed to have confirmed she was pregnant didn’t sit well.
I felt betrayed.
Searched online everything about pregnancy symptoms, I also felt curious about what to do with a newborn, I read everything I found and it was so much to handle, I felt the urge to throw up.
“I can’t do this” I said to myself while scrolling down my phone’s screen. I remembered my father. “I won’t be like him”
Rage filled in. I tried to picture it: the baby, a real baby.
What if they have my quirk?
What if they have my weakness?
I felt the urge to leave.
If they don’t have a quirk, it’d be fine.
If they have my babe’s quirk, it’d be fine.
My mind was tricking me, asphyxiating me.
I put my phone on the table and left the apartment, walked around the building, then wandered further and faster; almost running.
I saw a couple of those stupid heroes on the other side of street.
What if they want to be a hero?
I couldn’t take it anymore. I stopped walking.
“My love?” I heard her voice, but couldn’t see her. “Dabi. What are you doing here?”
I looked around, everything was numb and she appeared before me. Perfectly normal, glowing eyes looking in mine, she took my hand and intertwined our fingers.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. “Tell me”
She was like gravity, bringing me back down to the cold hard ground.
I can’t fuck this up, I thought. I pulled her closer to me and whispered in her ear:
“I missed you”
“I’ve got something to tell you” she whispered back.
“I’ve got a gift for you”
She smiled.
On the way home, I told her about my little trip to the mall, she listened careful; she could be strange and mad, but she always understood when it comes to me – to my family’s mess. Even though we were raised in completely different types of asylums.
“Welcome home, cheater” I said when we were walking inside the apartment, she looked at me as if I was crazy.
“What?” she asked.
“Hana told me” I crossed my arms trying to look dead serious “Is she the father?”
She realized and burst out laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I asked her, she was holding her stomach and covering her mouth but couldn’t hold it in.
“I’m so-I’m sorry” she laughed and laughed, completely out of control, “I was gonna get so angry if you were accusing me for real of cheating. You can be so dramatic sometimes, I love you”
“When where you gonna tell me?” I wanted to know.
“Well, you know, I was gonna walk in with a baby one day and…” I stared at her, I was done with the jokes and she saw it in my face “My love, I just found out, I swear”
“Hana took the blood sample and she sent me a message with the results this morning, I promise you I was gonna tell you at dinner”
I gasped for air and pointed at the box in the kitchen.
“Oh my God, Dabi!” she covered her mouth and jumped in excitement like a kid, “thank you, thank you, thank you!” she hugged me before unpacking it.
She looked so happy. Then, I remember what I read about caffeine during pregnancy and tried to take it away.
“I’m returning it” I said.
“Caffeine isn’t good for the baby” I lifted the coffee machine when she tried to take it back from my hands, “You’re gonna settle with a cup per day from now on”
She turned into a demon in order to take over the coffeemaker again. What did I just get into?, I thought as I found myself losing a battle to her for the first time in forever. I sat out the door in the hallway during thirty minutes until she forgave me for trying to do things right.
A week passed but I felt frozen in time, she made an appointment for an echography and I knew I had to go, I said I would, but I missed it. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t showed me anything, as if it didn’t happen.
I could feel when I’d come back from work, every time I laid in bed next to her she’d wake up and stare at me. I felt the silent pressure of her gaze and for a fortnight, there we were acting indifferent to each other. No sex, no fights, no talking.
One night after work, I was with the bartender, killing time, when our boss joined us:
“So… ho-how are you?” he asked me directly.
“I’ve been thinking the same thing” Haruma said, “but he doesn’t open up no matter how much whiskey I put…”
“Whiskey?” Tanaka gave him a look, discontent, tired and sighed making a sign to pour a glass for him before turning back to me “Anyway, you’ve done a decent job but lately, you’re scaring the clients – real clients, not just your target clients, it’s not good for the business”
Maybe they can relate, I thought, maybe I should let a wall down.
Our boss was expecting me to say something and Haruma was really bad at pretending he wasn’t into the conversation.
“Do you… have children?” I asked in a very low tone.
“Fuck no” the manager puffed.
“No, no, no, no” Haruma shook his head frenetically, then he asked with a childish smile “Is your girlfriend pregnant?”
I didn’t answer.
“Kids are cool, I dated a single mom once,” he continued.
“Hey, don’t say weird things” Tanaka scolded him.
“But it’s true! She was older…” Haruma started a narrative but he was too into himself that he didn’t notice no one was paying attention.
“Now I understand” my boss seemed concerned, “How do you feel about it? Shock? Sad? Wanna go and buy cigarettes?”
I looked down, he was seeing right through me.
“I should give her a call” Haruma finished his story with a longing sigh. “Hey is it true woman turn lustful when they’re pregnant?”
I gave him a cold stare and he made a face, realizing he fucked up.
“I’ve seen you picking up girls almost every night, how come you haven’t gotten anyone pregnant?” I asked him and the manager scolded him again, attempting to hit him from across the table.
“I’ve told you to stop a fucking thousand times, that’s why they never come back! You fucking piece of shit!”
“Dabi, how could you?” Haruma avoided every hit like he was used to this.
“And ain’t you married?” I addressed Tanaka, he had a wedding ring on his finger.
“Yes, to a man” he said resolute.
“I’m sorry we can’t advise you, Dabi”
“You’re on your own, kid” the manager patted my shoulder while pouring some more whiskey for himself.
“But I’m curious about something” Haruma put his face on his hand, awkwardly close to mine. “Are you in love?”
His breath hit my nose; the manager sighed and I couldn’t shut up: “I am madly in love, I cannot breath when she’s not near, I love her”
“Aww that was sweet” Haruma smiled.
“You could’ve been a detective if you’d stayed at school” the manager said to Haruma.
“Yeah, but bartending is fun” Haruma said with a sly grin. I looked at him confused, and he explained immediately: “My quirk forces people to be brutally honest. One day I asked my father why he was mean to me and he said he hated me because I killed my mom during labor”
Our boss lighted a cigarette for himself.
“You know it’s not true”
“Well I didn’t kill her, it’s not possible, but she died and he blamed me my whole life. I dropped high school and left his house, I’ve been on my own since then”
“So you’re in love, that’s why Momo couldn’t pull you up” Tanaka smiled at me, “that’s a relief, she’s the reason I had to fire the guy before you”
“That and he was also a jerk” Haruma said.
“He was tall and strong…”
“I hated him!” Haruma insisted.
“He was perfect for the job until she messed with him!”
“Then why didn’t you fire her? He was an asshole, you just can’t admit it because he’s your type!”
They started and argument and I had to leave. It was early; the daylight was clearing the streets as I was walking home. If I was so in love and if I had pictured us as a family before, why was I so nervous? Why did I feel like I could go away on my own at any given minute?
I stayed in the living room for a moment, took a bath and went back to the couch; she came out of the room and looked at me.
“Are you okay?” she asked. My body moved by itself, walked towards her and hugged her, “Did something bad happen?”
“I never asked you how you feel about this. I never asked you if you want this. I assumed you were fine because I’m here but I have no idea what’s going on or what to do to make things right”
In other words, I was an idiot.
She hugged me back, her nose snorted and I felt her crying on me as she ranted:
“I had no idea how to talk about this, I feel like a mess! I’m not doing good at my job and I can’t handle a household even when this is a smaller place. The other day I said ‘hi’ to a baby in the street and he cried! Then I cried and his mom was so nice, she comforted me when the baby stopped crying!”
She started to say unintelligible things and I just nodded and patted her back as she continued:
“What, when and how am I supposed to tell my parents? My mom is gonna bully me so hard if I cry when my own baby cries!”
She cried long and loud for good thirty minutes before getting ready for work, she used a couple of cold spoons to deflate her puffy eyes.
I was tired but I could barely sleep. I felt curious about Haruma’s quirk and how much information he could get out of anybody.
“I learned the hard way that pushing people’s boundaries is a double edge sword,” he told me. I thought it was because of his father, but he continued: “One time I took a girl home, I used to ask them what kind of stuff they like…“
He kept talking, he reminded me of Hana and despite I liked them both, I would never put them in the same room together.
“So, who is it?” he asked, “Your girlfriend?” I didn’t say anything and he smiled, “bring her one night, I’ll make some alcohol-free cocktails just for her and I’ll ask her whatever you wanna know, but… don’t resent me later”
Our boss appeared behind him and hit the back of his head.
“Don’t listen to a word he says, whatever you’re planning don’t do it” he warned us.
“Tanaka!” Haruma bawled, rubbing where he was hit.
“I heard ‘bring her’ and I don’t care who you’re talking about, you better don’t bring anyone to meet this slut man”
“Tanaka, that’s rude!” Haruma cried louder.
“Don’t be like this, Tanakun, let him bring her” Momo sat next to me, “I’m curious about the type of girl this idiot likes” She gave me a shiver “how many girlfriends did you say you’ve had?”
“I didn’t say” I said as I stood up to leave.
“See you tomorrow, Dabi!”
Haruma and our boss said goodbye, but as soon as I was walking out, I felt somebody following me. She didn’t even hide.
“Stop the stalking” I told her when she approached me.
“It’s not stalking, I’m just walking in the same direction that you are” she defended herself, but this wasn’t the first time she tried to follow me.
“Okay, walk then” I made a sign with my hand to let her pass in front of me and she smiled.
“Are you going to walk behind me? Do you like that kind of stuff, Dabi, chasing pretty girls on lonely streets?”
“There are no pretty girls in this street, just go your own way” I said as I walked back to the club, but she didn’t left me alone.
“You’ve never had another girlfriend, have you?” she asked, “Maybe you should sleep with other girls so you could see that sex isn’t a fucking big deal, you don’t have to run away from me all the time!”
I arrived and saw Haruma and Tanaka closing the door.
“Did you forget something?” Tanaka asked, but I shook my head.
“Where you going? Wanna share a taxi?” Haruma asked.
They lived in the opposite direction, but I nodded. Haruma complained a lot in the back of the taxi, he was saying it’s my fault that he had to share a taxi with Tanaka; I fell asleep.
I woke up when we arrived at Tanaka’s house. Haruma was there:
“I thought I’d have to carry you” he sighed in relief.
I tried to leave, but they didn’t let me.
“I know where you live” Tanaka said, “You’re running away from something. What is it? You forgot to collect laundry?”
Haruma laughed: “Married people are a different breed”
“We’re not married,” I said.
“Yet” Haruma said. “Oh! Tanaka, your husband”
A mutant came out of a room, a big, tall man with two pairs of arms and eyes. I tried not to stare.
“We didn’t mean to wake you up, Beanie, sorry” Tanaka said, but his husband said it was fine, they went to the kitchen and I noticed he was staring at me.
I smirked when I realized why the club’s name is Beanie and One Day.
“Do you know each other?” Haruma asked me and I denied it.
I started to receive a couple of messages from my babe.
“Don’t worry. See you at home soon” Sent.
“That’s not right” Haruma said, looking at my messages before taking over my phone, “Give me that!” he wrote something really fast and sent it, then took a picture and sent it. “Now we’re good”
My phone ringed a couple of times, Haruma read the messages and smiled pleased with himself.
Tanaka and his husband put a few plates and juice for us – his husband was drinking coffee.
“It’s good to see a new face, this never happens” his husband said politely. “What brought you here?”
“Momo” I said.
Tanaka jumped in his seat and his husband grinned.
“I told you that girl means troubles, nothing stops her ever, I knew it since she tried to mess with my nephew”
“We’ve had a long list of security guards,” Haruma told me.
“And why haven’t you fire her?” I asked Tanaka.
“Look, she’s harmless, she dances well, and she…”
“She’s an orphan” his husband interrupted, “and this guy over here has a terrible savior’s complex. Momo’s an orphan, Haruma was neglected and I suppose you…”
I nodded; he was kinda right. Tanaka exhaled:
“I’m gonna talk to her again, just give her time”
“Time for what?” Haruma asked him, “If she keeps trying to follow him she’s gonna do something stupid, you know her”
“Well, if I fire her she will come back as a client”
“Why she doesn’t cause you any trouble?” I asked Haruma.
“Oh, she likes tough guys and I’m a cinnamon roll”
Beanie laughed, squeezed Haruma’s cheek and said:
“It’s not just that, she likes to break her favorite toys”
“Here we go again” Tanaka rolled his eyes.
“I hate to say ‘I told you so’, but you know I’m right” He finished his breakfast, “Listen, she doesn’t just wants to hook around, she likes breaking hearts, she likes to make guys obsessed with her and dump them like trash”
Haruma put his arm around my shoulders and pointed at my face.
“The thing with this guy is that he’s already obsessed with someone”
“Oh, a challenge, she hasn’t have to deal with someone in love before” Tanaka’s husband analyzed me, looking somewhat pleased.
“You should go to work, honey,” Tanaka said.
“Sure, I’m leaving, but I wanna know something first” he said and looked at me, “what’s your girlfriend like?”
Haruma smiled and asked too:
“Yeah, what is she like, Dabi?”
It hit me again; I recognized it this time, I immediately bursted out a ton of cheesy compliments about her image — like her captivating sparkly eyes, contagious laugh— and personality —how kind she is and tough at the same time. I felt exhausted when I was done and had to take a deep breath.
Beanie and Haruma seemed extremely satisfied. Tanaka looked at me worried. For myself, I think I fainted after that.
Suddenly, I was at my birth house.
I heard mom humming in the kitchen, Fuyumi was helping her to make dinner, I could smell it; Natsu crossed the front door and greeted me.
“When did you get here?” Natsu patted my back when he walked by.
“Touya, help us set the table” Fuyumi told me from the kitchen’s door. Mom smiled at me, behind her:
“Touya! Welcome home!”
I tried to reach them, I really tried, but the room stretched as Natsu, Fuyumi and mom stared at me from afar.
“Did you go to Sekoto Peak again, Touya?”
That man, my father, was by my side wearing a frown and the house disappeared and turned to the forest.
The forest was on fire, my blue fire, and my babe was standing there. I called her name but nothing came out of my mouth so I screamed – still nothing - and the flames embraced her but she didn’t move.
A bucket of cold water hit me and woke me up; Tanaka and Haruma were standing in front of me.
“What the fuck were you dreaming?!” Tanaka asked.
“Dude, your face!” Haruma looked at me terrified.
I touched my face, it was hot, and I used my phone’s camera to see the damage: a mark of burnt skin appeared around my collarbone. It wasn’t that bad.
“You seem to be used to burning yourself, it doesn’t hurt?”
“I am used to this, a friend fixed my face a couple of months ago” I sighed when I realized Hana was gonna kick me.
“A couple of months, then your girlfriend has seen you like this,” Tanaka mumbled.
“So we don’t have to worry about her getting back at us” Hamura sighed in relief, Tanaka looked at him in disapproval.
“Watch your words”
“It’s fine” I said, “Thank you… for everything”
“Thank you for not burning yourself to death”
“Tanaka, don’t say that!”
“I’ve done worse. I need to go home” I said.
Tanaka invited me to eat first and brought a burn cream for me; after that Haruma and I left, we were walking side by said when he started talking:
“Hey, about your thing with Momo…”
“I don’t have a thing…”
“My bad! It was a poor choice of words, but I wanted to let you know, she’s not like that. That thing Tanaka’s lovey dovey said before... Momo likes to make guys fall for her, but she’s scared of commitment.”
“So what?”
“I thought you could trick Momo into thinking you’d dump your girlfriend for her, you don’t have to go all the way with her. Just pretend she caught your eye, take her to the movies…”
“Well, it’s respectable. See you later!”
In the subway, I thought about inviting an iced coffee to my babe, so I took my phone to send a message and read all the stupid messages Haruma sent her.
“Hi hi, this is Haruma, a friend from work your fluffy-haired boyfriend made, he’s with me and our boss right now, we’re having a little reunion but don’t worry, we’ll return him later, safe and sound - pinky promise” Sent. Right after my last text.
“If he’s not friendly, why friendly shaped?” Sent, with a blurred picture.
“Hello, Haruma, thank you for taking care of him.” Read.
“Have fun” Read.
“Sorry, we broke him.” Sent with a picture of me sleeping on the couch.
“LOL, send me another please” Read.
[PIC][PIC][PIC][+7 PICs] Sent.
“TYSM♡” Read.
It’s like they’re speaking another language, I thought.
Then I remembered what I dreamed and tried to take it off my mind, but I couldn’t. I was just entering our neighborhood when she called me, except she wasn’t the person on the other side of the line.
A police officer introduced himself and explained a fucked up situation:
She was at the police station. There was an illegal use of her quirk. She caused a public disturbance. She had a verbal fight with a hero.
Each sentence the officer said was more ridiculous than the previous one, then he mentioned a car accident and I lost it.
At that moment, I wish I could teleport like her, but the only thing I could do was take a taxi. When I arrived, she was sitting in front of an officer’s desk, he was yelling something at her and she was quiet, just taking it.
“If she was in an accident why are you yelling at her?!” I yelled at the officer, she looked at me and jumped up, there were no visible injuries or scratches; the officer stood up too and a couple more hurried as if we were gonna fight.
“Is this your husband?” he yelled at her again, as if I wasn’t there.
“You bet I am!” I walked furious towards them.
“What the fuck did you tell him?” she asked him upset.
“What happened?” I wanted to hear it from her, but the officer didn’t let her talk.
“She caused a public disturbance when she verbally fought with a hero that was about to save a kid…”
“I already told you that is not what happened!” she exclaimed, absolutely mad, “that dickhead hero caused the car accident right after I saved the kid, check the goddamn CCTVs!”
“What hero?” I asked.
“Nobody important” she said calmly and turned back to the officer, “there were eyewitnesses and you, the goddamn police! Just took the hero’s word for granted! Fucking inefficient!”
He wrote something while shaking his head, I felt the urge to burn everything down but I looked at her, she was mad but she looked fine.
“Should I take you to the hospital?” I asked her but she refused.
“You can’t go anywhere until you pay the bail,” said the officer and pissed me off, I wanted to burn him to ashes.
“You should’ve start there” she reproached him with fire in her eyes, pulling her wallet out of her purse.
“And you still owe an apology to Beast Arms”
“He’s the one who should be apologizing!” she complained, “that fucking beast almost killed somebody”
She was distressed; it was all over her face. When we walked out of the police station, I hugged her and she cuddled, her scent filled my nose and I patted her back.
“I fucking hate heroes” she complained, “this was all his fault”
“Today was a long day for the both of us” I whispered. She touched my collarbone.
“I noticed,” she whispered back.
“What happened?” I still wanted to hear it from her.
“I was walking home and I saw a kid running, he crossed the street at a red light and I just teleported to get him and teleported back to the sidewalk with him. Out of nowhere, that dumbass hero jumped at the same time we appeared back in the sidewalk, and he didn’t just stopped the car, he crashed it! Can you believe it?! And it wasn’t just that car, the one behind it and another crashed too! It was madness! And the idiot looked around and saw me with the kid crying and addressed me as if I did something wrong, he jumped in too hard he could’ve smashed the poor kid!”
“Why was the kid crying?”
“He was trying to catch his puppy, that’s the worst part! I didn’t see the puppy, I just took the kid back to the sidewalk and the hero was yelling at me and I saw the poor thing lying dead in the middle of the street, so I yelled back at that stupid piece of shit! He’s supposed to be trained, he’s supposed to see the whole situation before jumping in to action, he could’ve save the puppy, but noooo!”
She kept ranting and moving her hands in the air and I was so enchanted by how much she depreciated that hero that I wished it was Endeavor the one that stood in her way. I would’ve killed to see the old man being reprehended by her in front of a crowd.
She was so into it that she didn’t notice I was taking her to the hospital to make sure she and the baby were fine. That night I saw for the first time an echography, the doctor said everything was normal but I felt like an idiot because I saw nothing on the screen.
They both laughed at me.
“It’s always hard for new parents, especially the dads” the doctor said, she was really nice, “I’m gonna show you something cool”
Suddenly Hana came in.
“Hi there! Whatchu doin?” She saluted playful as usual, but her eyes looked tired.
“Hana, shh” the doctor shushed her and my babe waved her hand.
A sound filled the room, it started as a numb beat and then it cleared… my babe closed her eyes and the doctor smiled. Hana covered her mouth with one hand and put the other on my arm while jumping in excitement.
“That’s your baby’s heartbeats,” she whispered but she probably wanted to scream.
I felt something warm in my chest, something I wasn’t able to put in words but it compared to the day I made blue flames, it filled me with joy somehow. I wished it would last forever.
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zellkernchen · 4 months
I need an info dump about Mimi plsplsplspls
Anyways. Miminskl infodump alright. I don’t even really know how and where to begin. I don’t want to spoil too much of her since I’m writing a fanfic series about her and don’t want to reveal all the secrets yet 👀👀👀 (though I probably will because I absolutely suck at keeping secrets (please feel free to check it out I promise chapter one of part three is coming soon (sorry if I say this too much I suck at promoting stuff bsnxxndbsjbd))) so I’ll mostly stick to 44- 27 BBY Miminskl???
Okay so starting off with her orgins (suuuuper mysterious orgins/s):
Miminskl was born on a very specific planet within wild space territory (I wonder which one it could be 💔) but she didn’t live there for too long, not even a full year before she somehow landed on Corusant. (will be expanded on later in my series in some way) The people who had her at that moment were unlucky and had to have a security check performed on them because they seemed kind of “off” in a way. Then one of the guys was like: “Holy shit, we’re busted. These ppl can’t know that we have a baby that we’re planning to sell or smth” so they run away with the baby and randomly handed her out to some woman. That “some woman” was Snäils Flink who was like super shocked once it happened. Like, this random baby just low key spawned in her arms. She was kind of like: “Okay. This is my baby now.” (Snäils was feeling kind of lonely at that moment since her children had just moved out and she might or might’ve not eaten her husband some years ago) So she sort of makes the selfish decision to adopt Miminskl because she was lonely and thought that Miminskl was the cutest non- Rii’käu baby she had ever seen.
But how did Miminskl even get named Miminskl? You might’ve probably not asked.
Well you see Mimi’s first word back at her totally mysterious home planet was her own name; Miminskl. It was like the only word she really knew to say and Snäils noticed that she was very responsive to that name so she just assumed that her name was indeed Miminskl (she was correct ✅)
Buuut if this question were to refer to the reason of her being named Miminskl by her biological parents then this is your answer: Her dad was absent during her birth/ hatching so he didn’t have a say in her name and her bio mom named her after the woman who raised her. (I wonder who her parents could possibly be 💔 oh, how I wonder 👽/s)
Now to her as a toddler:
Miminskl’s first three years of life were actually pretty “normal”. You know, as normal as it can get when your adoptive family is super rich. She was used to being taken to super fancy restaurants and events on the weekends. But only on the weekends because that’s when her siblings came to visit from school and her mom was definitely not working. Snäils works as a lawyer btw and the Flink family are well known lawyers back in their homeplanet. Snöökle and Kaak are studying law since m the time of 43 BBY.
Though there were three specific events Miminskl can vividly remember from her childhood: A “blood test”, the nightmare (Strike one.) and getting visited by the Jedi order. The blood test and the visit are connected to each other as all children who live on republic territory do a blood test which then gets submitted to the Jedi Order to check for their Midichlorian count. Miminskl’s test was done rather late as she was adopted and all that. So at two years old (42 BBY) she does the blood test. She and her adoptive family were like: “Yeah that’s it. Surely this will never be relevant later.”
(The nightmare is also connected to the two but shhhh)
As some may know, it was indeed relevant later.
While usually the Jedi only recruited new Jedis who lived on republic land at max. 1-2 years after their birth, Miminskl was a slight exception. Her Midichlorian level were some points above the average Jedi Midichlorian count (which is around 10’000 Midichlorians per cell). So of course the Jedi Order wanted to recruit her I mean come onnn guyssss
And then, as some may know too, Miminskl does accept to join the order. Everything is rather normal for a while, Miminskl visits her family whenever she attends one of Rii’käu’s many fests and whatever until when she is around eight years old. She had always been rather bothered by having the most random and nonsensical dreams almost every night but this one was different. She remembered the girl’s face. That was new. And guess what, Miminskl does eventually end up meeting that girl irl too. She had to switch clans because she was butting heads with the other children quite a lot. What a funny coincidence right???
Anyways so from ~ 36 to 27 BBY Miminskl has the best time of her life (this will be expanded on trust 🙏) until one day her life comes crashing down.
Now nothing is okay anymore and Miminskl is miserable. What happened? Bad stuff. Really, really bad stuff. She now uses a cybernetic reinforcement for her recently burned hand and does physiotherapy and psychological therapy. Physiotherapy was a massive success, psychological therapy wasn’t . Miminskl was having a hard time opening up. And not just to her therapist, but also to her Jedi Master, family and friends. So instead of actually getting better she picks up very unhealthy “coping mechanisms”. One of them actually taking advantage of her ability to dream.
Speaking of dreams: As mentioned earlier, Miminskl dreams… a lot. Especially in her early childhood and from 28 BBY to 24 BBY. She dreams of the most cryptic stuff every night. Sometimes there’s even people in her dreams she doesn’t know/ remember, a planet too. With temples, a very snowy mountain and a huge sea. If only she knew who those people were though. Was this a vision? A flashback from someone else? From a previous life?
Who knows? Miminskl certainly doesn’t and won’t know for a while.
I don’t really know what else to add on here??? I feel like I’ve already rambled and summarised things enough. If you have any more questions, feel free to comment/ ask. I love answering questions especially when they’re related to my own creations. I might even spoil more stuff. I’m just afraid sometimes (this time too) that I’ll reveal too much stuff and people will get bored or disappointed ToT
(But then again I don’t really feel like my minuscule audience even cares about this at all I’m sorry 😭😭😭 (I have self esteem issues and all that 💔💔 (Pov: You were bullied in kindergarten for having niche inerests (Autism go brrrr))))
Hope you did enjoy reading through this though :3
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automatonknight · 1 year
OH I WILL ! CHECK OUT THE VIDS WHEN I HAVE THE CHANCE.. [the horrors of having no free time nowadays] and. looks at you with my big autistic eyes. tell me more about benny? :0
YAHOO!! I HOPE YOU'LL HAVE FREE TIME SOON ALSO YOU DESERVE A GOOD LONG BREAK!!! STAY STRONG OUT THERE BOSS YOU GOT THIS!!! ok ok so benny AAUGH benny. AGAIN SPOILERS ahead. i guess it's convinient, he has like. probably the most fletched-out story out of all the characters since he's the one you control, even when rodriguez, who is normally the leader, joins your party. although in the rodriguez route benny doesn't reflect all that much on his life from what i remember. speaking of reflecting on his old life! if rod dies and the story kind of, goes how it usually goes, at certain points you get flashbacks to benny's life before the flash. he worked at a burger place with his friends (clyde and liam) where rod was their manager. besides the two guys he was also friends with a girl named amy (at least i'm pretty sure that's her name, based on the fact that a joy mutant called the same thing uses the move "familiar cry" which implies that you knew that person, but also in the hopeless (an in-the-works sequel to the hopeful) it seems like that childhood friend is alive?? idk i'll keep calling her amy it's shorter). she's stated to have friendzoned him and (as i interpret it and i might be a little biased as someone aroace) if im being honest he doesn't really look like he cares that much? if anything clyde and liam (the latter actually called her out for "leading benny on" once) seem to care way, way more.
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^i like this dialogue (it goes clyde, benny, clyde btw) i think it's funny but it also serves as an example. he doesn't even get what they're talking about, i think he just doesn't give a shit about "getting their relationship to another level", thruthfully. ok benny aroace icon headcanons to the side, coming back on the tracks um. so benny's like, well he's trying his best as a leader if rod dies, he's pretty much the sole party member to try and support his friends and cheer them on. he tries to help lanks after what happened to him when they got captured by the lovelies at the beginning of the game, even though he doesn't exactly know how to do that. in, geez i think clyde's route? he gets shot through the eye, which either turns him into a joy mutant or eventually kills him later on. i can't for the love of me remember what happens in liam's route but he for sure dies, since it's not his route. in rod's route they just all die at the end. NOW. in benny's route at the sportsdome, he gets shot in the knee, lanks gets taken and clyde gets set on fire but survives (if he isn't joyed). they fight on a little more but both of his friends eventually end up dead, so he tracks the lovelies down and kills them. the final boss is in every route, a guy named hart, the leader of the lovelies. beltboy's run actually has one of the more difficult versions of this fight BUT what is interesting is that for the first part (before hart turns into a joy mutant, beginning a phase 2 of sort) liam and clyde actually ARE THERE TO HELP!!! like. in benny's spirit. this doesn't happen for liam or clyde, they're stronger because of their anger and grief, especially liam, but i think what allows benny to win is his kind attitude and frienship, which is really cheesy but idk what other way i could interpret that. THIS also. allows him to survive in the end! as five is relieved that he's approached her like a normal person and gets him patched up. idk idk he makes me feel so many things. kind of unrelated and again, i'm probably biased cuz i love projecting, but i think reading him as an aroace man like. makes sense. i see a lot of how i think in him. he does make comments about "getting the girl", yes, but i think that's more to like, please his friends and keep their spirits up or whatever. other than that he seems disinterested in a romantic relationship with amy, it doesn't bother him at all it's not sexual or anything, he tells five that "he needs a friend" when he stumbles into her hideout half-dead after the fight with hart. aroace guy TO ME!!
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^me right now as we speak btw. more dialogue propaganda also
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and he loves his friends!! ok i think that's all i can recall
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itstaisstuff · 1 year
OHHHH YOUR AUS ARE SO COOL I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!! if you want to expand on literally ANY of them i am so here for it omg
the coffee shop au btw.. well that's my weak spot i love coffee shop aus they're so fun.. if u ever want to tell us more about that than you absolutely should >:)
AWWWWH THANKS!!!! Too bad I can't talk about anything until I get asked so looks like you gonna send me an adult for each oth the aus! Oh no! /hj
But yeah the coffee shop au is my absolute beloved. I ever used to rp it with my best buddy pal! Gosh I miss that time. This au is soooo dear to me. Im just gonna paste here the extended version of its sooo there is a bit I've already talked about. Anyways, let's start:
You can guess it was inspired by Bdubs' mud farm. So yeah. Bdubs works in a lil coffee shop. There are some regular visitors like Impulse, his good buddy. He works as an electricity engineer. There was a time when Impulse wasn't coming to Bdubs' caffe and once he finally goes back he explains his absence saying his good old friend needed help with moving in neighborhood. Few days go by, and Impulse brings his friend with him. And oh gosh, did he really have to make a short joke to Bdubs? He wasn't impressed. More over, he didn't like the new guest at all. He was so loud, stupid, and annoyingly handsome. And the new guest knew he wasn't really welcomed here. So Tango's new work wasn't in the way of the shop, but it doesn't stop him from just stopping by every morning until he figures out Bdubs' working days and hours. As for Bdubs, he would put more sugar in his coffee then Tango has ordered, would ignore him when his asking for something, make fun of him for no reason. He would tell Impulse about how much he is annoyed by his neighbor and would ask to keep Tango away.
Tango is a game developer. He usually brings his laptop to have an excuse to stay in for longer. And once Bdubs saw what his new regular guest is working on, he was hella impressed. A few times Tango would ever fall asleep in a couch, working on something while waiting for his coffee. And Bdubs would not get angry and wake him up, he would just call Impulse and ask to pick his friend's tired ass. While he's on his way, the barista would sit behind his desk just looking at his guest from afar, trying to figure out why does he feel so helpless. One of those days, Impulse would see Bdubs' dreaming face and just joke around guessing he likes Tango. Of course, it was a joke. But Bdubs got so mad for... no reason? He tells Impulse about how much he actually hates Tango's exasperating character, raspy voice, red glasses that he never takes off, blond hair that almost glow in the light of lamp on top, his stupid jokes, fashion style, how the cheeks turn red from loud and annoying laughter. Impulse starts hesitating if he's actually serious or not.
But there will be a morning when Tango wouldn't show up. Bdubs would laugh and think he overslept and is in a rush for work, but he didn't come at the evening either. And then it was not a day, but a week. He didn't want to ask Impulse about it because of their last dialogue, but he saw barista's worry and just told him that Tango is really sick and won't visit for another week.
Bdubs has forgotten about quiet times at work. And he didn't like this anymore. Gosh, it's so boring, how was he dealing with it before? No, boring I's not the right word. It was... Lonely.
It was late in the evening when Bdubs was locking the front door ready to go home after another boring hard day, just to hear an awkward cough behind his back. He was not expecting to see Tango here at that hour at all, but did he happily scream out his name and reached for a real quick hug? Hell yeah, he did. He didn't even notice a box in his hands. Right after that, he starts accusing Tango in leaving him all alone in this stupid coffee shop, while unlocking the door and inviting him in. They both stayed up there until 4 am, drinking coffee and cocoa for free and eating cookies Tango which brought in that box as an excuse. Bdubs didn't try to "poison" him, nor offence Tango. He just missed him enough to sometimes fall out of the dialogue just staring at his regular guest he never thought he'd needed that much to finally feel happy. Maybe this is the time Bdubs realizes he cares about Tango not just as regular, but much much more.
If anyone would tell Bdubs from the past that Bdubs from the present just gives Tango almost everything he wants for the price of a kiss, he would never believe it.
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lenathesingingcat · 1 year
For Barricade Day, I’ve decided to post some quotes from when me and my friends from college were going to make some Les Amis music videos! (I’m still planning to make them btw, but none of the original people wanted to be involved/kept in touch.)
Names of my friends are changed to the names of the Ami they played (for security) but I’m keeping the pronouns of my friends when applicable.
TW: character death mention, spoilers for les mis, mention of bad self esteem.
From the day I gave out character sheets printed from online:
Me: *trying to explain the Triumvirate to Enjolras and Courfeyrac* (Combeferre couldn’t make it that day) So, you two and Combeferre are kind of a trio -
Enjolras: (immediately) Can we kick Courfeyrac out? (She was joking, don’t worry. These three were really close in real life)
Me: No, we’re Les Amis…
Courfeyrac: *looks at character sheet* You can’t kick me out, I’m the glue that holds you together!
Enjolras: Yeah, you’re like that really annoying PVA glue that gets stuck to your hands and you have to peel it off!
(I’m convinced that banter like this happened between Les Amis, feel free to steal anything on this post for a fic by the way!)
Me: *lets others read my own (Grantaire) character sheet that I printed just for fun*
Feuilly: (not realising that the information a. came from online and b. is about the book which I didn’t write) Why have you written that your character’s ugly? Don’t say that about yourself!
Me: I didn’t write this! *proceeds to get upset with Victor Hugo for being so mean about Grantaire*
(She knew I had very little self confidence - I’m working on it! - and probably would have written that about myself, so she was looking out for me.)
Enjolras: *also reading the same part on my information* That’s not true, he’s not ugly in the film, he’s very attractive - wait, I’m thinking of Aaron.
Me: (sarcastically) Well, aren’t we modest today?
Me: *gives Courfeyrac the character sheet for Combeferre who wasn’t in that day as they were having a sleepover that evening*
Courfeyrac: *promptly forgets which sheet is hers because they both begin with C*
(Luckily I had the foresight to write everyone’s real names on the character sheets as well as the character names!)
Courfeyrac: Why do you do this to yourself?
Me: I don’t know!
The next week, after singing Tightrope as a duet with Enjolras (because of the lyric “hand in my hand and we promise to never let go” this will always be an Enjoltaire song to me!)
Me: (explaining) So we’re shot after the line “will you catch me if I should fall”, but people don’t usually die instantly when they’re shot -
Enjolras: Unless they’re shot in the head. So if you ever need someone to die quickly, make sure you aim for the head.
Me: (very concerned but carrying on) And I use the last of my strength to sing the line “well, it’s all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view”, basically telling you that you’re a breathtaking view.
Enjolras: Aww! So are you!
Me: Thanks. …I mean, Victor didn’t agree, but…
(Some conversation about Victor being mean about R)
Enjolras: I wonder why…
Me: Well, maybe he looked into the future and found out I’d be playing the part one day!
Enjolras: Amen!
Enjolras: NO!
Me: *laughs because she accidentally agreed before she realised what I said*
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angstyaches · 1 year
hi! i’m very much missing my StW boys :) may i perhaps have some tidbits about them that we haven’t yet heard? ooh okay maybe everyone from StW? i kinda want to ask about ALL your ocs tbh but i think that’s a bit much to ask for all at once. so we’ll stick with StW for now! I would also love to know more about Mitsuko and Bastian!!
how are you doing btw? 🍄
You're so sweet! You might also be happy to know that I am also working on your request for Rin and Charlie to visit Shayne and have a sleepover at the Aldridges' (I even hinted at it in the last sick Charlie fic). It's just that lots of different ideas keep hitting me and my brain wants me to incorporate all of them lol
As requested, some tidbits:
Charlie's niece's full name is Isabelle Waters-Nowak.
Charlie has five aunts/uncles on his father's side (Simon, Greg, Jane, Mary Claire, Frances) and only one uncle (Graham) on his mother's side. He's closest with Graham because his grandfather (Ingrid and Graham's dad, Benjamin) lived with them for a little while and Graham would often come over to visit them all.
Charlie has eleven cousins, all on Trevor's side; Lucy*, Frank, and Gina (Jane's kids), Stephanie and May (Mary Claire's kids), Tara and Gray (Simon's kids), and Katie, Philip, Jessica, and Nathaniel (Greg's kids). Charlie is the oldest out of all them with, with about six years between him and the next-eldest. (*Not the same Lucy as Lucyverse.)
(Is it obvious that I drew out Charlie's family tree? 🙃)
Madelyn never legally changed Shayne's name to Devine, but even after he finds this out from Ryan, he decides to keep the name anyway.
Shayne continues getting motion sick on public transport, which he has to deal with a lot when Felix is travelling abroad and he has to take the bus to get to the nursing home to see Trish.
Rin doesn't get along with Autumn when Claudette first introduces them. They don't actively hate each other or argue a lot, but neither of them can get a good read on the other. Rin also feels a bit envious over how close Claudette and Autumn are, and how long they've known each other. Deep down, she resents the fact that she's had to abandon 90% of the friendships she's put time and effort into over the past ten years, because they all turned out to be toxic.
As well as spending time with the Pride Society, Rin takes up roller skating and hip hop dancing in college.
Elliott starts writing a detective novel in his free time. He's too embarrassed to let anyone read it as a work-in-progress, but he finds the process therapeutic. He bases a lot of his characters off of people he knew in the past.
Elliott thinks a lot about cutting off and donating his hair, especially when summer arrives.
Elliott used to ride a motorbike before he and Felix started dating. He once brought his bike and "kidnapped" Shayne from school once, while Ryan was visiting Madelyn. They went to a forest (not Mulberry), Elliott did some hunting, and they just kind of hung out. It was one of the last times they saw each other before losing contact for a few years.
(I've been trying to think of something for Felix but the guy wears his heart on his sleeve and I can't think of anything hidden or secret about him right now lol)
CW: mention of disordered eating and body dysmorphia past this point.
Mitsuko has dealt with disordered eating her whole life, in so small part due to her older sister's attitude towards food and appearance. She's been doing well for a while before she meets Bastian.
Mitsuko very often experiences body dysmorphia though, which Bastian thinks is just her messing around when they first start hanging out, but he eventually realises she believes the things she says about herself and it just breaks his heart.
Bastian is covered in tattoos. Some of them have religious symbolism, because he chose them at a time in his life where religion was a big deal, and while he isn't sure he believes in them anymore, he still accepts them as part of who he is. Physically, at least.
Mitsuko loves roller coasters. Bastian hates them because they make him feel so sick. But he's a sucker for her, so he goes on them anyway.
Bastian finds it hard to be civilised around Yumi, knowing how bad she makes Mitsuko feels about food and her body, and it's been the cause of arguments (between him and Mitsuko) on several occasions.
After he eventually finds out that Mitsuko can shift into wolf form, he gives her the pet name "Puppy", which she hates* (i.e. *gets very flustered by and feels very cute afterwards).
I think that's all I've got in me for now!! Thank you so much for the ask 🖤
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pocasu · 4 years
✧ ION/이온
✧ they/she
✧ 21
Carrd: please read before you follow!
General tags: Art [#pocasu art] // OC art and info [#pocasu ocs] // Asks and anons [#poca asks, #sweat anon] // Personal talk [#poca chat]
Series tags: Twisted Wonderland [#twisted rhythm] // Promise of Wizard [#mahoyakkie nation] // Charisma House [#pocharisma]
Thanks for reading now stan La-Veritta 🎼🤍🖤
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thorfemmes · 2 years
Wet Dream
in which Eddie walks in at just the right moment
a/n: Hi friends! As y'all know by now, I'm not much of a writer, but I'm trying to get back into writing, and for some reason Mr. Eddie Munson is inspiring me these days. I haven't posted anything since Cloudy which was a little over 2 years ago, so I'm a little nervous to post this. Please be kind, and as always any feedback, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Also please feel free to send me some prompts for writing! I'll make a more definitive "who I write for" list soon!
BTW!!! this was heavily inspired by "Wet Dream" by Wet Leg. I'll link it here so you can give it a listen :)<3
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Rated 18+: fem!reader, fluff, SMUT (it's literally called "wet dream" folks), slight teasing, rough sex, edging, dom!Eddie, pussy slapping, Eddie being a pussy eating champion, aftercare!!!
Word Count: 2,025
When you told Eddie that you were going to take a nap he immediately switched from his stereo to your Walkman so you could get some rest. He spent the time cleaning up the trailer a bit and gently playing his guitar to the songs coming through the headphones, creating a soft ambience to help you fall asleep.
When he finally took the headphones off to go and wake you up (it had been a few hours and was quickly reaching 2:30, and he knew how much you hated sleeping past 2:00 in the afternoon), he was taken aback by the sounds of whimpering coming from your shared bedroom. He panicked a bit, thinking that maybe the nightmares from last year were coming back. Despite defeating Vecna and moving cities away from Hawkins, nightmares ravaged both of your sleeps for the better portion of the last 12 months -plaguing you with vivid dreams of violently losing one another.
He quietly pushed open the bedroom door, fully prepared to comfort you. What he didn't expect was to find you with a pillow stuffed between your legs, grinding against it and softly moaning and whimpering out his name. Eddie laughed quietly to himself and watched you go on for a few more minutes before waking you.
"Baby, hey. It's time to get up," Eddie sat down on his side of the bed and began to softly rub up and down your back.
As you slowly woke up you began to connect the dots as to what had happened. Flushed and a little sweaty, you quickly looked at Eddie's soft gaze and then buried your face in your pillow. Eddie laughed again and pulled the other pillow out from between your legs.
"Having fun down there sweetheart?"
"Go away Eddie!" You said muffled into the pillow.
"Now c'mon honey, there's no shame in having wet dreams. It happens to all of us".
Lifting your head up a little bit, "It wasn't, I don't have-".
"Oh really? So you were having a normal, virtuous dream that led to my pillow smelling like your pretty pussy here?" Eddie laughed again.
"Stop teasing please, I'm embarrassed enough". It was true, your face was growing hotter by the second. You'd had wet dreams before, but never like that. Or in this close proximity to Eddie. Up until now you'd been able to keep your sleep fantasies to yourself.
"Penny for your thoughts, sweets? Care to share with the class what you were dreaming about?" Eddie slowly trailed his hand down to the back of your thigh. "If you're really uncomfortable, I'll drop-".
"We were driving around in my car," You quickly blurted out before you could change your mind. "And you had me so pent up after teasing me for so long that I started touching myself in the passenger's seat."
Eddie's grip tightened on your thigh, "Tell me more baby".
"I got really close just from that, and you got really turned on so you swerved off the road to a nearby rest stop and pulled me out of the car". You rolled over onto your back and held yourself up with your elbows, allowing Eddie to move his hand to fiddle with the waistband of your panties. "We were in my car, so we couldn't just hop in the back of the van like normal. Instead you pinned me to the hood and started fucking me like that. I was basically licking the window from how hard you were going before I woke up".
Eddie squeezed your hips hard, climbing to straddle you and leaned in. "Fuck, baby. That's so fucking hot," He whispered. "A rest stop? Where anyone could have seen us? And fucking you so hard you were pinned against the windshield? Fuck, please let me touch you".
You nodded quickly and he dove in, kissing you with such desperation behind it, forcing you back down to lay flat on the bed. A mixture of teeth clashing, Eddie's taste, and the soft nips he left on your bottom lip made your head spin. It always amazed you how quickly he could get you pulsing, grasping at any bit of physical contact he'd grant you.
He shifted his face and began to kiss up your jaw and down your neck. He sucked marks in the sweet spot that he knew left you quivering. Satisfied with the bruises carefully painted across your skin, he looked to you for permission to take off your shirt. Permission was granted and he began to slowly peel away the t-shirt you had napped in, his shirt quickly adding to the pile beside the bed. He peppered his kisses down your neck and outlined your sternum with long, open mouth grazes of his teeth and small pecks from his lips. He then focused his attention on your breasts, laving his tongue around your nipple before sucking it into his mouth. Not forgetting the other one, he quickly mimicked his motions on the other nipple, his moans matching your soft groans of pleasure.
"I love your tits so much, baby girl. 'S like they were made for me," Eddie slurred between kisses on your breasts. "Do you want it rough or sweet, baby? Should I treat you like dream me, or treat you softly?"
"Oh shit!" You gasped as he softly bit down on a nipple. "Like my dream please. Love on me like a slut," You whispered that last part.
"Fuck yeah, I can do that". Eddie scooted down the bed and peeled off your cotton underwear and tossed them towards the growing pile. "Shit, honey. You have the prettiest pussy I've ever seen. I can't wait to spread you open and ruin it".
He grabbed you by the ankles and dragged you down to the edge of the bed, dropping to his knees and throwing your legs over his shoulders. "You ready, sweets?"
"Y-yes Eds, please touch me".
He dove in like a starved man. He licked up the slick from your glistening folds and attacked your senses. Your moans echoed off the walls and only spurred him on, burying his face and tongue unbelievably deeper into your core. You felt a single finger start to circle your hole before easing in and curling it into your g-spot. He began to pump while kitten licking your clit. Eddie pulled it into his mouth with a sharp suck causing your back to arch and your hips to jerk up on their own. He quickly threw an arm over you and doubled down on his efforts, adding a finger to your pussy.
"Shit, fuck, Eddie I'm going to come, please can I?"
Rather than answer, he continued to pleasure you like his life depended on it. Waiting until he felt the tell-tale signs of your impending orgasm, he pulled away as he felt your pussy flutter.
"Eddie! No, please!" You whined and tried to grind your hips against his face.
He responded with a small slap to your pussy. "Behave, or you won't be coming at all this time".
He dove back in and repeated the process two more times. When the third edge rolled around you were practically sobbing from the overstimulation and lack of an orgasm. Eddie carefully moved your legs from his shoulders and manhandled you back up the bed. He kneed up above you again, and made a show of taking off his sweatpants. Having foregone boxers that morning, you were greeted by his thick cock springing up and slapping his stomach. A bit of precum was left behind where his tip hit the bottom of his happy trail, leaving your mouth watering at the gorgeous sight in front of you.
"Eds, you're so fucking pretty".
"Speak for yourself, beautiful. You looked so good fucked out, practically drooling for my cock," He began to pump himself just barely grazing your lips with the mushroom tipped head. "You ready for me, baby?"
"Yeah, Eddie. 'M always ready for you," you slurred.
He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the spare condom and lube you guys kept on top for easy access. He opened both the condom and lube, putting a few smaller drops of lube into the condom before rolling it onto his cock. He quickly took some lube and pumped it onto himself.
"Now I believe you said I had you pinned on your hands and knees, is that correct, honey? Hard enough that you were licking the window? We don't have a window on our bed, but I guess this will work," He quipped.
You quickly flipped over, resting on your elbows and arching your back slightly so he had better access.
"I'm going to fuck you like the slut you are, baby girl. Have you absolutely shaking by the time I'm done with you".
As he lined himself up and slid in slowly, you both let out a relieved moan. Finally feeling the tiniest release from the aching pressure of arousal you both felt. Once you were settled, he gave an experimental thrust, just hard enough to make you groan. He very quickly set a pace that had you making the most unholy noises you had ever heard.
Eddie continued to thrust and thrust into you, his groans and moans matching yours.
"Fuck, it's like you were meant for me. Such a perfect cunt. My cunt, all for me".
You nodded in agreement, too fucked out to speak. The only noises leaving you were pornographic moans and whimpers. You buried your face in a pillow to quiet yourself, Eddie then grabbed your hair with his ringless fingers to lift your head back up.
"I want to hear. Show me that you're mine. My slutty little girlfriend. Who would've guessed -oh shit fuck -that you'd want to be absolutely wrecked like this, huh?" All you could do was sob in response, reaching down to rub on your clit. "Oh, you're close baby, can feel you squeezing my cock for all it's worth".
He let go of your hair and instead pulled you up by your neck, squeezing just enough to have your head spinning. He reached around and used his other hand to smack away yours and began to stimulate your swollen clit.
"Shit, baby you can come whenever you'd like. Show me what a good little slut you are and come on my cock. I wanna see you cream. C'mon baby".
It was that last little plea that sent you over the edge. He released his grip on your neck and instead held you up by your chest so you wouldn't collapse. One, two, three thrusts later and he filled the condom with his cum right behind you.
He gently laid you down on the bed and watched as the aftershocks from the overstimulation ran through you. He quickly disposed of the condom and ran to the bathroom for the baby wipes you kept for cleaning up and to the kitchen for a water bottle.
"Here baby, you did so good for me. Love you so much. I'm going to clean you now, can I do that?" You let out a small hum of acknowledgment and slowly rolled onto your back so he could clean.
You whined as he softly ran over your puffy cunt, still a bit keyed-up from what just happened. He quickly lifted you up a bit so you could down the water he brought you. As you laid back down, he grabbed your old clothes and tossed them in the laundry basket. Eddie went and grabbed the ABBA record you loved so much and set it on the player to let the soft melodies help you come down. Grabbing a new shirt and panties for you and some boxers for him, he quickly helped you get dressed before covering himself as well.
"Thank you for indulging me," You said softly, still a little dazed from Eddie's roughness.
"Anytime, my love. Thank you for trusting me".
"Maybe I'll have to take naps more often, hm?" You giggled.
"If this is how you feel after a nap, then hell yeah. Take all the naps you need".
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