#btw i need my insurance by MONDAY
honeysbunchesofoats · 3 months
hi I got a notice yesterday that my insurance will be discontinued in 3 days
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
we need to talk about Inprnt.com
Following a really good post with more screenshots and evidence by @dynasoar5 i'm going to talk about my own experiences with @inprnt and why I am about to put my shop on indefinite hiatus from Monday the 14th of August.
First of all I'll say that since starting my print shop last year it has been a significant help to me financially - I was able to not worry about affording car insurance or motor tax (together commonly over a thousand euro) when I bought my first car, for example. I am immeasurably grateful to anyone who chose to buy one and I treasure all the pictures I've been sent of my prints hanging up on people's walls. Right now they are displayed in a real (if small) art exhibition in my home town.
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(top right print is not from inprnt though)
They're great prints. Never had any complaints about them. But here's what's going on behind the scenes.
Earlier this year, around March or April, Inprnt sales started increasing in regularity. I'd made as much as $600 a week during previous sales when I made proper promo posts here, but with this increase in regularity, I felt that I couldn't make promo posts every single week. And then one day, I'm not sure when tbh, the sale just never ended. It just didn't stop having that "Ending soon! 15% off your order" banner at the top of the site. Right now it says "Final Hours: $5 Worldwide shipping and save up to 35% off your order!" and not even for a second do I believe in this final hours bullshit. It's been 'final hours' for weeks now. Months, even.
Why is this a problem? Well, how tf am I meant to make a promo post for a sale that is always "ending soon!!" and then never ends. One week it'll say "this weekend only!!" and then when the weekend is over, the sale banner just changes its wording and the sale doesn't end. I can't promo this, it makes me look like a liar and a skeevy salesman by association! It makes the site look like it's 1 week from crashing and burning, and the site owners are just scrabbling to suck as much money from artists as possible before they drown.
And they are sucking money from us. To peel back the curtain, Inprnt money can only be transferred to my paypal account 30 days after the sale is made, just in case the order is cancelled and refunded. This means I used to make one withdrawal every couple of months, when there was enough build-up of money to make it worthwhile. It also forbids withdrawing any sum under $50 btw. I would make a withdrawal request and then, after a 10 business day wait, it would reach my Paypal account.
Not anymore! The past few withdrawals have taken over a month to complete. They are straight up keeping my earnings from me for longer the agreed period. This was my last fulfilled withdrawal:
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Note the date.
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Almost two months.
And here is the latest withdrawal request that still has not been fulfilled.
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It's coming up on 1 month and if the pattern continues, it could literally be November or December by the time I fully clear all sales.
So what's going to happen to my print shop? Because my art is currently being exhibited with a QR code linking to the shop, I can't close the shop this week. Instead I will close it on Monday the 14th of August, next week. That means that on the 14th of September, I can withdraw all of the remaining money without having any left over. My account balance will go to 0 and stay there. Although I'll de-list my prints I will leave my account there, because at the end of the day I don't want to leave Inprnt. It still offers the best artist margins and as I'm now unemployed after graduating, the additional support is such a load off my mind. So this is a chance to wait and see - if they improve their services, I'll happily re-open.
It's a big deal to me because selling prints is sort of my ideal life as an artist. I never had the attention span or self-discipline for commission work and I found that it left me creatively stagnant. I always want to try new things, new concepts and ideas, and being able to think "yeah, people will like this as a print" while I experiment is honestly very reassuring. And I know that in going on hiatus, it'll break a lot of "buy a print" links in my circulating posts. Oh well lmao. If you want to buy a print right now - go ahead, it might be your last opportunity. Another way to support me would be to check out my ko-fi for once-off donations or some nice sketchbooks/comics/book samples you can buy, or subscribing to my Patreon.
As of right now, Inprnt owes me $381 (the unfulfilled request submitted above for $186.60 and my current standing balance of $194.80 which takes 30 days from each transaction to clear).
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pepprs · 1 year
ok. moving out update. today i:
talked to my beloved ex supervisor / mentor (<- SCARY!!!!!) to ask her about her experiences living by herself esp as a short woman (which is not a big deal except for how it is + how my parents think it is) and get her advice abt how to navigate that experience psychologically and practically. i asked her if we could talk abt this very impulsively on thursday after not having the courage to do it for almost a year btw (<- BRAVE!!!!!!!!) and i was still too scared / embarrassed to ask her some stuff abt safety / self defense lol but it mostly went really well!
started making a budget and determined that a) i may be getting overpaid somehow (😳) b) i may be getting double or even triple charged for my health and life insurance (😒) so now i need to call hr on monday and figure all of that out. and also c) i suck at math but we knew that. but i forced myself to figure out what i did wrong so that’s an achievement
made my first ever student loan payment 😀🔫
booked a tour of one apartment and attempted to book a tour of another (the same place i was looking at in may) but their website was glitching out and then they didn’t answer when i called to schedule it over the phone which. hm. 😒 but yeah the tour(s) will happen mid week next week and im going to ride the shuttle to the apartment complex(es) and back to campus to see what that’s like too!
posted on local subr*ddit asking for recommendations for those two apartments + other places in the area. haven’t gotten anything back bc i just made the post but 😎👍
read a bunch of old journal entries from 2021 to remind myself of what it was like to move onto campus and how i pushed through my family’s hurt and disapproval to live the way i needed to. haven’t finished reading it all yet but i will tomorrow (while also doing my stupid homework 🙄)
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dizzyluc · 19 days
Incoming vent rant (needed to air out my anger after the past 3 days, considering my pain level I'd say is at a 6 out of 10, and the more constant pain I'm in, the more pissed I get lol...)
This month, let alone this week, has not been kind to me... and it's only Tuesday, THE THIRD ">_> When this month starts off shitty due to something personal related (not health related thankfully, (although it IS insurance related is all I'll say, it could definitely be worse though, but...) it's actually put me in a pretty pissy mood these past few days, which I'm praying Friday it's taken care of, so hoping Friday goes over well) Monday, my "rest up before a long ass week" day, I had to take my car in to get an oil change as my light just lit up, went to a "Take 5" and after waiting 30 minutes, being inside the place that does it, with my car off cause no idea when they would actually just "start" doing stuff... "Oh, we don't have the right thing to change your oil, so we can't do it." THANKS FOR SAYING IT AFTER MAKING ME WAIT (instead of checking real quick if it can be done... then having me wait for everyone that came before me go... although I think they were understaffed too) Then after, I go to a local donut place, that I have been trying to get a coconut flavor for, for WEEKS, even went the day before and they said "oh we will have it tomorrow!" and they still didn't have it... (they have said this 3 times now at this point) pretty much making my outing a complete waste of time. Today being Tuesday? I've been almost crashed into 6+ times (at least twice my mom yelped at people almost creaming me) The donut place, after saying I'd be back at noon today? "It will be ready at 5-6 today!" How. Many. Times... I drop my mom off for her appointment, which normally this one takes 3 hours due to ALWAYS being behind, get a Slurpee... which tasted like a cheap drink... and then every place I went to, for SOME reason, after lunch? Big lines. I get done with the final place almost, expecting to get back and chill and relax after such a hectic afternoon and week so far... (after picking up a pizza cause a good deal usually happened at a certain pizza place nearby on Tuesdays) Mom texts: Oh, I'm just about done, there was no one in the doctor's office today! So we can keep doing errands once you get back! Me thinking... "Can I get just 5 minutes... FIVE. MINUTES." Dealt with more cars trying to ram me (If you go to Florida, be VERY CAUTIOUS about driving here, the people are lunatic drivers, even more so lately it feels like, literally had to slam on my brakes twice today because people THINK THEY OWN THE ROAD, TO PULL OUT IN FRONT OF ME) After finally eating today (I only had donut holes at this point btw today... it was pizza though, but...)
I think my nerves from all the shit happening these past few days finally caught up to me and I got nauseated for like an hour or so, which going back to the donut place didn't help (it still wasn't ready when I got there, it was almost 6 pm) and after they brought it out... it wasn't even the right donuts. "Wait, OHHHH... you wanted the white, coconut donuts we served like, 3 months ago right? With the coconut drizzle? Oh yeah, no that was discontinued." Me thinking: ... I LITERALLY TOLD YOU THIS EVERY TIME "I want the coconut donut that had white frosting, and coconut flakes drizzled on top of the donut" I got whatever the hell they made, got home, let dogs out (while it pretty much was almost raining) and it took me 2 hours to get a shower and now lay down in bed. ... and it just keeps going tomorrow lol... (Gotta be ready by noon, and will be out probably till 6 or so doing "Military Monthly run" aka pick up medicine, pick up veterinarian stuff for dogs, maybe mail some stuff or do a bank run (these 2 not always), followed by pick up cards and any random stuff at the Base Exchange, then the Commissary for almost 2 hours for the family monthly grocery supply [and this is why I call it "grocery day" as it's an all day affair, that literally is dedicated for goods for the month])
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jamieroxxartist · 1 year
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Dani Update: 9.28.23 8:00am EST
I have had some people asking about something that I mentioned in the audio post I made about Dani having trouble with her eyes on top of all of her diverticulitis deal.
Yes, I hadn't posted publicly about that and hadn't mentioned it until that audio post. Not for any particular reason other than all of this has been a lot.
So She started about a month and half ago waking up Every morning with very blurred vision and double vision. This leads to heavy-duty dizziness and nausea. You know real fun stuff to wake up to Every Morning. Now it does settle down and become manageable after awhile, but yeah, still. Anyhow we were Real Worried about this.
I was / am thinking that this was probably a side effect of all these hardcore Antibiotics she has been on for the past couple of months. I mean there's a lot of stuff being pumped into her system.
Anyhow Dani made a good point as well. When you're only eating like 200 / 250 calories a day.. that could absolutely lead to issues.
Folks she's not doing this on purpose. She's on this liquid diet because it's all she can hold down and doesn't send her into problems and painful cramping.
But honestly we were both worried it might be something harsher, a brain problem or some-such. And that was a very worrisome and scary thought.
So an MRI was done of her head and brain last week. And we had a week of intensified worry about this until we saw her neurologist (who is great btw) yesterday…
And her brain is ok! No abnormalities! And everyone agrees that this is most likely a result of the medicine and could definitely be a lack of nutrition deal also. Most likely a bit of both. More tests are scheduled and happening tomorrow. And also a Neurology follow up a few weeks from now, post-surgery of course. We are all hoping after her surgery that things settle down.
Thing is her surgery is happening this coming Monday. She is all set for that. Oh! That was another speed bump on that, last week, same day our cat passed away, we got a call from the hospital because they found that there was a problem with her insurance policy; The surgery was not covered! UghhH! So after us both having a panic attack after hearing just how much this surgery was going to cost (up front prior to surgery mind you) We got with the insurance and were able to get her on a plan that Does / will cover the surgery and possibilities that may come up. It was definitely and up and down day… like a lot of them.
Anyhow she is all set now and we verified everything yesterday after seeing the neurologist and everyone has signed off on it and all the T's are now crossed and i's dotted. And both our blood pressure sure did feel like it was back down to were it should be.
There have been a lot of days filled with little speed bumps. Yesterday she got too many antibiotic doses sent, she'll be in the hospital so won't be getting those at home. And at the prices that this medicine costs we had to make sure we don't get charged for them as we won't be needing them and it was a mistake on the pharmacy's side. Just minutia like that, daily. I get it, there's a lot of spinning gears going and we have a lot of plates in the air with all of this. It's just a lot. And all the hiccups don't seem to let up. But there is light at the end of the tunnel and we are pretty confident it isn't a train heading our way.
But we are handling it and getting the bumps knocked out. And it's not always other people, sometimes we make bonehead moves. Last night we had some premade Mashed Potatoes (me with my dinner, Dani as her dinner) and boy was that a mistake. The dried, powder ones, you know that you rehydrate, well those had been fine. She could eat those without issues (other than Monotony. Even chocolate cake would get old if you had to eat it everyday. (no, she cannot have cake)
Anyhow I think that there must have been some sort of preservative additive or something or other in these pre-made ones in the tub because they did not agree with either of us. Me I can take some Imodium and get through (sorry TMI, I know) but poor Dani cannot. She can't mix anything like that with her medication. So She was in pain and having issues last night. So yeah just another night.
So yes, this is were we are. Doctors appointments (pre-surgical and blood stuff) tomorrow and then the surgery Monday. She (we both are) are really ready to get her fixed and on the mend soon.
And thank you to everyone who has reached out and OMGosh the Go FundMe campaign, we are just blown away. See my audio post. Thanks everybody. Now I had better get back to work.
*note: this pic is of Dani and her pet Albino Ball Python, Ursla Whom she loves very much and has not been able to hold since all this started because we didn't want to risk and weird animal contamination with her PICC lines and such. So Ursula has been hanging out with her Papa, but that is no fun. Mamma is always more fun to hang out with. All Papa does is paint and talk to people on the phone ;) lol
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zanarkandfayth · 1 year
blah blah talking about my health cos I feel like it, ignore if you're just here for fandom stuff
went for my post-op follow-up monday and finally, finally got a fucking name for what's been wrong with me. am not going to bother googling for the official name again lmao but basically it's chronic (not acute) gallbladder disease. no stones whatsoever, just my gallbladder deciding to give up the ghost and getting inflamed over and over for years and scarring each time and that's why for the past three or four years food has made me gradually more and more sick to my stomach and left in pain after eating until last summer when it finally erupted into the pain that sent me to urgent care who sent me to the ER (yay, more debt I'll never pay).
on the one hand, I'm so goddamned relieved to finally have a diagnosis and KNOW that I'm not fucking imagining it or making it up after all my tests and scans kept coming back as negative/normal (mostly cos no stones, but who knows why the HIDA one showed nothing wrong), but on the other hand, I mentioned the nausea and pain to my GP when it first started and he fucking dismissed the nausea entirely as caused by my acid reflux and wanted to put me on medication for IBS "to see if it helps" without actually TESTING me at all for IBS, it was just because of the stomach pain and absolutely no fucking other typical symptoms (I refused, btw, after googling and seeing that it could CAUSE issues if you took meds and didn't have IBS) and I can't help but feel like it wouldn't have gotten nearly so bad if he'd taken me seriously from the start and referred me to a specialist instead of dicking around and doing fuck-all for a few years. and because I'm poor as fuck and have no insurance, finding a new doctor wasn't an option for me. ugh. hate the state of healthcare in this fucking country. so my relief is kinda soured by that.
anyways, it can take up to two months for my body to adjust and I might always struggle to eat certain things so I'm still kinda hrgh about it and food is still miserable right now, but if I could just get back to being able to eat most of my normal things I could live with that, so... fingers crossed I guess. also the incisions STILL haven't healed, though I finally got the steri-strips off, but tbh that's just made it even harder to not scratch... it's absolutely killing me, I need them to just scar so fucking badly hhhhhh.
also I still have my chronic fatigue and other health problems that I couldn't get my doctor to take seriously, so that's fun. but he left the clinic a few months ago so maybe whoever is going to replace him will be more willing to listen to me. I'm so tired of being tired and if I have to be tired, I want some fucking disability so I can at least buy my own goddamn groceries.
the end. I ate earlier so I'm actually feeling sick so I'm going to reread the last few chapters of my fic and then maybe I'll actually be capable of writing, if the brain fog isn't too bad. stupid fatigue.
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Wild Blue Yonder
The Modern Charmes Bookshop AU   fic no one asked for. Based of Wild Blue Yonder by The Amazing Devil TW: For passive mention of a car accident
River's Edge Books & Coffee had been a long time dream of Charon’s that he finally had the money for. The only good thing to come out of his car accident was the insurance money that he could finally access now that he was old enough. The first thing he had done with it was make the down payment on the old bar at the corner of Styx Boulevard. Right on the edge of the water. It was one of the older buildings with an apartment above it so he wouldn’t have to commute to work. More importantly, he wouldn’t have to drive. He was picking up the keys from the new building owner and moving in today. An older gentleman who went by Skelly. He seemed nice enough, and wasn’t put off by Charon’s lack of speech which was always appreciated. Skelly was retiring to Florida and wanted to make sure his old building would be in good hands. It was something Charon could respect.
The short balding man was waiting for him outside the building when he stepped off the bus. He was in a heavy looking coat despite the weather and spinning the keys on one finger. “You Charon?” He asked gruffly when he finally noticed his company. Charon nodded. “Ready?” He continued. Another nod. He tossed the keys back to Charon, “Alright then, open ‘er up.” Charon caught the keys easily and opened it for Skelly. He gave a quiet thanks and they began the tour. There wasn’t much to go over, just where to find certain things and how to turn them on. The rest Charon already knew from the floorplan that came with the property listing. It was a pretty quick thing, and Charon was looking forward to opening up the shop once he’d settled in. He didn’t have much in the way of possessions so it wouldn’t be much more than a week if things went well.
“One last thing.” Skelly said when he was halfway out the door, “There’s a delivery boy, Hermes, comes by every Friday. He practically comes with the building with how much time he spends here. The kid knows Sign Language too. His number is under the drawer in the register if you ever need him.” Charon nodded his thanks and Skelly was on his way. Charon had set his bags behind the counter and now he grabbed them and made his way upstairs to unpack. As he put away the things he had deemed important enough to bring with him his mind back tracked to the name Skelly had told him. Hermes wasn’t a particularly common name, so Charon wondered if he was the same one from back home. The one he had moved away from going on ten years ago without so much as a goodbye. If it was, Charon wondered what he would even say, Apologizing after a decade of nothing seemed like too little too late. They hadn’t even broken up properly. Charon had simply stopped reaching out, even when Hermes checked in on him after the accident. Was there any coming back from something like that? If this was the same Hermes, would he even be forgiven?
Wednesday comes as a confirmation of what he suspected. He gets a string of texts from the number he never had the courage to delete, even after so many new phones.
Hermes: Hey Boss! Hermes: I have my own key curtesy of the old owner. So if you hear a bit of rattling around about 9am ish on Friday it’s just me. Hermes: This is Hermes btw. I run deliveries in the shopping district. Hermes: See you Friday.
Charon sends back a a thumbs up. Hermes doesn’t seem to realize it’s him, and for now, Charon doesn’t want to ruin the illusion. It’s better this way. Hermes will be able to decide on his own after this if he still wants to run deliveries to River’s Edge Books & Coffee. For the time being Charon worked on stocking the books he had for both the lending library and bookstore portions of the shop. Supplies for the cafe would be arriving on Friday, with Hermes, and the shop would be ready to open come Monday. The old bar turned bookshop already seemed to be the talk of the small town.
On Friday Charon wasn’t exactly hiding, he was just at home. Skelly made it seem like Hermes had a handle on the place, and the shop didn’t open until Monday, so there was no harm in his staying upstairs. Charon had no reason to be down there, he wasn’t hiding, he just didn’t want to be in the way. At almost nine am exactly Charon began to hear the telltale sounds of supplies being brought into the shop. Shuffling and the repeat chiming of that stupid bell above the door. The shop had riverside patio seating but no back door.  A couple of hours later the sounds stopped and his phone chimes with texts.
Hermes: Hate to disrupt your break boss Hermes: Just need you to come down and sign off on a couple things then I’ll be out of your hair.
You: I’ll be right down
He wasn’t hiding, but now it was time to find the courage to face an old friend. He wasn’t sure he was ready. He let out a sigh and made his way downstairs to the shop.
“Hey boss, just need you to-” Hermes’ greeting cuts off with a sound not too unlike a rapidly deflating balloon, “Charon?” There is wariness keeping the surprise in those dark eyes company and it makes Charon want to curl up and hide, “Hermes, Hello.” He signs instead, “Seeing You Surprise.” “Ha ha yeah.” He says awkwardly, “Got away a few years back and haven’t looked back since.” He reached for the clipboard on the counter, “Anyway this is for you to sign. I’ll help put all this away if you need it, then I’ll be off.” “It Fine.” He replied before he signed off on the clipboard and passed it back to Hermes, “Same Time Next Friday?” “Unless you want to see me sooner.” He half jokes. He’s gone before Charon can reply. Off to wherever it is he needs to be and Charon is left on his own in an empty shop. He pushes his regrets aside and gets to work. He has things to do if he wants this shop to be a success, or at the very least stay afloat.
He doesn’t expect to see Hermes again before Friday. But at five am Monday morning when the shop opens he’s one of the first customers in line. Charon assumes correctly that he is there for coffee. Hermes winks at him when he gets to the counter, Heya boss, a black coffee in the biggest size you’ve got.” Charon nods and takes his debit card. His card reader still hadn’t arrived so he had to run it on the POS system himself. With that done, he got to work on the coffee without looking at Hermes. “I should have your card reader today.” He says, “I’ll bring it by as soon as I can.” “Thanks.” Charon signs as he hands Hermes his drink. “No problem boss.” He replies with a wave, “See you later, probably. If not, then Friday for sure.” Then, once again he’s gone. Charon has work to keep him from missing Hermes. Not that it helps much, but it beats being alone in an empty shop by a long shot.
Months passed like that. A humid summer spilled into a drizzly fall. Hermes was still keeping what could be considered a professional distance. Pretending that nothing was wrong. Charon on the other hand felt like he was slowly losing his mind. For once, he had so much he wanted to say, but he didn’t know where to start. Apologizing seemed like the right thing to do, but at the same time, like it would be way too little way too late. Hermes never held a grudge up to this point, though he worried that this would be the exception. Sorry was too small to make up for the hurt he had caused. If they were younger, this would have been the sort of situation he would have asked Hermes for help with. This time he didn’t have that option. His new employee, Zagreus, was handling the store at the moment. Charon had hired him to make keeping up with things a little easier. The shop wasn’t busy at the moment, so Charon stepped out for a smoke, and to think.
In the end it’s nature that picked the moment for him. It’s during one of Hermes’ usual Friday deliveries that the weather takes a particularly nasty turn. He closes up shop early, the weather kept most people away as it was. He lets Hermes bring that awful orange bike of his in while they wait out the storm. Hermes is unusually quiet and keeps his distance, but he is just as fidgety as always, if not more so. He paces the length of the store and thumbs through a few books. When he passes by the counter again Charon taps his shoulder. “Can We Talk?” He asked, “I Can Make Drinks If You Want.” Hermes hums, “You don’t have to bribe me for a bit of conversation boss, but I’ll take a large black coffee since you’re offering.” A few minutes later they find themselves settled at one of the tables. Hermes with another massive coffee that he probably doesn’t need, and Charon with a smaller tea. He starts signing a few times, only to sigh and give up on eloquence. “Sorry.” He signs, “For Everything. Leaving. Not Talking.”
Hermes shrugs noncommittally and Charon does his best to pretend it doesn’t sting, “What’s a bit of ghosting between friends. You at least came back...” He looks back up at Charon, “You had your own things going on and my life went to fucking hell in a hand basket a few months after you left. “ Charon finds him self mirroring Hermes’s small smile, “I won’t tell if you don’t. We can be friends again and see where that takes us.” “Sounds Good.” He replies as relief crashes over him. It takes them upstairs to wait out the rest of the storm in Charon’s apartment. They stay up watching shitty movies and Hermes gives his usual running track of commentary. It’s late enough when the storm finally settles that Hermes agrees to camp out on the couch. He’s gone when Charon wakes up. He left a thank you note and went on to catch up on the deliveries he missed because of the weather. There’s an unspoken promise that he’ll be back later. That’s what Charon is most looking forward to when he opens up the shop for the day.
It’s only a few more months before Hermes is stealing smoke laced kisses on Charon’s breaks. They spend their evenings in Charon’s apartment watching old and questionable movies and enjoying each other’s company. Hermes comes to spend more time in Charon’s home than his own. It’s not until the midst of a particularly bad snowstorm that Charon finds the courage to finally tell Hermes how he feels. Hermes is bundled up in one of Charon’s sweatshirts and almost every blanket he owns. He is peacefully asleep, which is exactly why Charon has any courage at all to sign “I Love You’ against his skin. He resolved that even though he doesn’t know what’s out there, he can face it all in stride so long as Hermes is with him.
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howtosingit · 3 years
Those TVLine stills you shared have had my gears turning. I didn’t want to fret this past week about Tommy’s storyline and what it all means for Gina, on top of sorting through my other feelings from ep 12. So I just put it out of my mind. But now Greg Grunberg?! Greg and Gina onscreen together? Ugh. So good. The flood gates have opened. Since we’re basically going in blind to tonight’s episode my mind has gone rogue and is just making up stuff with no basis. I don’t think my brain knows how to get through a Monday without speculating about a LS episode? It’s becoming a problem. 😆
I am thinking what would really hurt here, what would bring maximum pain? What if Charles is on life support and Tommy has to make a heartbreaking decision? 🥺 What if the patient Greg’s character is tied to needs an organ donor and Charles is compatible. WHAT IF?! See? Floodgates. Maybe I am setting my emotional pain threshold high so the episode hurts less? 🤷🏽‍♀️ *jokes on me, there will still be tears*
BTW, I want none of this. I just want Charles to be safe and I want to keep Tommy around, but I have the feeling I can’t have both of those things. But I really want to be wrong. As much as I’ll miss the show, it’ll be nice to go on hiatus and regain some of my sanity before season 3 starts. Lol. Thanks for reading this nonsense. Hope you’re having a great day, Brian!
Oooooooooohhhhh Sonia, I am kind of definitely seeing where this could be how it all happens. I’ll be honest, my brain has not been in speculation mode at all this week (those other feelings you mentioned definitely had something to do with that), so I haven’t really thought about anything for this episode. Not even sure if we’ll be seeing everyone this week, and I’m kind of fully expecting not to just to be safe.
I had someone reply on my TVLine post speculating that maybe Greg Grunberg will end up being the possible active shooter, and it could be a John Q-esque situation (a Denzel Washington film that I watched a lot as a kid because my dad really liked it). In that film, John Q holds a hospital emergency room hostage after he’s told his health insurance won’t cover his son’s heart transplant surgery... doesn’t seem totally outside of Lone Star’s wheelhouse 
Honestly, all the speculation doors are wide open, and we’re only a few hours away from finding out 😬
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lloydskywalkers · 5 years
There’s Insurance for That
In which Skylor buys lunch, stops a criminal, and learns the best way to blow up the kitchen electronics section, which is a pretty normal week for her, she guesses. Or, five places the ninja are no longer allowed into, featuring Skylor.
(been hitting a bit of a writer’s block with everything else lately, so here’s this...disaster, i guess?? because these ninja are definitely a disaster in this, but i was having fun so. this is the bed bath & beyond fic btw, in case anyone was wondering gdfkgdh)
1. My. Kazami’s Ramen Place
At this point, sadly, Skylor’s used to it.
It’s around a quarter to noon on a Monday, just as she's leaving the noodle shop for her well-deserved lunch break, when a familiar scream splits the relatively-quiet afternoon air on this side of Ninjago City.
The only reason Skylor does not immediately dissolve into panic at said scream is because she is — also sadly — familiar with the variations of it, and this one sounds less like it’s Lloyd’s “I’m-in-terrible-danger-and/or-pain-again” scream, and more like his “I’m-free-falling-on-purpose-from-the-sky-again” scream. Which is, in and of itself, not entirely concerning. In fact, it’d probably be more unusual not to see Lloyd go falling from the sky at some point during any of the ninjas’ higher-than-eight-feet battles, because somehow that’s become a habitual thing. The sky is blue, fire is hot, Kai uses hair gel — Lloyd is going to drop screaming from the sky at some point this month.
So instead of panicking, Skylor figures she’ll just stand in the vicinity until Lloyd either climbs out of another dumpster, or lands on top of her. Kai doesn’t seem to be around to catch him, so Skylor’s prepared to step up, even though it looks like Lloyd’s got a pretty good handle on landing, at the angle she’s watching him from.
Still though, she muses. You’d think he’d have started actively wearing a parachute at this point.
“Kai suggested that,” Lloyd says, after he’s finally able to stand straight, and he’s not quite as cross-eyed. He frowns at his reflection in a store window as they pass by, scuffing at his windblown hair again. “But it gets in the way, you know? It throws off my backflips.”
“That’s a nail in the coffin right there,” Skylor agrees, leading them across another sidewalk. Lloyd’s attracting a lot of looks, with his bright green battle gi and razor-sharp sword strapped across his back, but fortunately no one’s started crowding them yet. Probably because the razor-sharp sword strapped to his back. “Can’t have your fighting style completely crippled,” she adds.
“I don’t backflip that much,” Lloyd huffs. Yes, you do, is on the tip of Skylor’s tongue, because she’s seen him fight, but she decides not to pick that battle…this time.
“Besides,” Lloyd continues. “I don’t really need a parachute, anyways. I always make sure to aim for like, somewhere safe to land. Relatively safe. Safe-ish.”
Skylor eyes him. “You landed in a dumpster.”
Lloyd bristles in offense. “I did not! It was a perfectly respectable recycling bin.”
“Same thing, if you ask me.”
“Not even close. Dumpsters are gross. Recycling bins you just crash through a whole bunch of cardboard and old newspapers. It’s luxury trash diving.”
Skylor just sighs, shaking her head, and edits the text she’s been tapping out for Kai.
Skylor > found your kid in a recycling bin
Skylor > taking him to lunch bc you’re clearly starving him again
Skylor > he’s alive btw
Kai > oh thank fsm
Kai > tell him he’s grounded
Kai > u never take me for lunch :(
Skylor > maybe if u dropped on me from the sky sometime i would
“Hey, are the others busy?” she asks Lloyd in afterthought. “Like…fighting anyone?”
“Huh?” Lloyd blinks. He then flushes, rubbing the back of his head. “Ah, no. We’d pretty much finished up the fight when I, uh…there was a break-in, on the Bounty? We had the guys all taken care of, but they blew part of the mast up, and it left debris all over the deck, so I kind of…maybe….tripped…”
Lloyd is bright red by the time he finishes the sentence. Skylor wouldn’t feel so bad about it, if she wasn’t doubled over laughing at him in the middle of rush hour traffic.
“You are a trained ninja,” she breathes out, between snickers.
“I know,” Lloyd moans.
“You’re like, part god.”
“I know,” Lloyd moans again, into his hands this time. Skylor has to grab his shoulders and forcibly drag him along down the crowded street, trying not to cringe inside at all the looks they’re getting.
“Kai says you’re grounded, by the way,” she says, as the last of her laughter fades.
That snaps Lloyd out of it. “He can’t ground me,” he scowls. “I’m leader.”
“Stop falling from the sky, and maybe he’ll give it a rest,” Skylor replies, glancing down as her phone buzzes again.
Kai > I’d join u but I’m stuck on prison delivery
Kai > nya’s coming to pick up the demon spawn tho
Skylor > nice I’ve been wanting to buy her lunch
Kai > cruel
“—don’t know what you mean, I don’t fall that often, and most of the time it’s on purpose, anyways—”
Skylor chooses to ignore Lloyd’s slightly-concerning, sulking rambling, and pats his shoulder instead. “Nya’s coming for lunch, too,” she says. “Does ramen sound good?”
“Oh, yeah.” Lloyd brightens, seemingly cheered by the reminder he’s getting food out of this. “It’s been a while since I’ve eaten out.”
“I can tell,” Skylor says, eyeing him. “Cole hasn’t been cooking for you, has he?"
“No, but we put Zane on mandatory break so he could relax a bit, and we’re all suffering for it.”
Lloyd and Skylor both jump at Nya’s voice, not having heard her coming up behind them.
“Nya!” Lloyd beams. “Skylor is — ouch, hey, let go!”
“That’s what you get for giving me gray hairs again,” Nya scolds, digging her knuckles into Lloyd’s hair. She looks up from the hold she’s pulled him into, and smiles brightly at Skylor. “Hi, Skylor. Nice to see you.”
“Hi, Nya.” Skylor gives a little wave, watching Lloyd squirm out of Nya’s grasp in amusement.
“So, ramen?” Nya says, giving Lloyd one last elbow in the side before joining Skylor.
“Yeah,” she says. “I was thinking the place down on seventh, the Sobahouse, I think?”
Lloyd and Nya both stiffen, their steps slowing. Skylor pauses, turning to stare at them in confusion. “That’s not the one owned by someone named Mr. Kazami, is it?” Nya finally asks, hesitantly.
“Uh, yeah, it is, actually,” Skylor blinks. “He’s pretty nice, we go to the same grocer on weekends.”
“Ah,” Lloyd says, carefully.
“Hm,” Nya hesitates.
Skylor looks between the two of them, now completely stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.  She really hopes no one is getting pictures of her like this. There are enough flash articles about the rumored orange ninja cryptid on the internet as it is. “Is that…a problem?”
Nya pointedly stares at the sky as if it’s the most interesting thing she’s seen all day. Baffled, Skylor tries the weaker link. Lloyd swallows, avoiding her eyes as he bounces from leg to leg, as if the mere thought of trying to enter the restaurant is terrifying. Which is mildly alarming, because this is the same kid who power-walked straight into a prison full of escaped violent criminals, his psychotic ex, and his undead murderous dad without hesitation.
“We can’t,” Lloyd finally mutters, staring at the sidewalk. Nya elbows him in the side, hissing “weak link” as she does. Lloyd just glares at her.
“O-okay,” Skylor says, unsure. “I mean, that’s fine if you guys want to go somewhere else. I just didn’t know you…didn’t like this place…”
“No, we do,” Lloyd grinds out, and he looks more embarrassed than terrified now, so Skylor aborts her half-formed plans of speed-dialing Karloff. “We just can’t. Go in, that is. We’re not allowed to.”
Skylor stares at him. “You’re not allowed in? Why not?”
“Because,” Nya forces through gritted teeth. “They banned us.”
“They what?” Skylor gapes.
Nya presses her lips together tightly. Lloyd stares very hard at the ground, as if desperately trying to convince himself to keep quiet. Skylor can pinpoint the moment he breaks, his expression contorting as he throws his hands up wildly. “You blow their electrical system up one time—”
“Oh guys, no,” Skylor groans, before bursting into laughter at him for the second time that day. Lloyd looks incredibly unappreciative, his expression scrunching up in annoyance like she hasn’t seen since that one stupid skating match with Chamille, and that just makes her laugh harder.
“We were trying to save them!” Nya defends indignantly. “It’s not our fault they had weak wiring—”
“I just got a little too into it, it’s — it’s Nya’s fault, she’s the one that said it’d be cool if I tried to do shockwave thing like in—”
“That was a mutual thing and you know it!”
“Oh guys, no,” Skylor wheezes into her hands.
“It worked!”
“Poor Mr. Kazami,” Skylor manages, through snickers. Lloyd’s shoulders slump, his upper lip pouting, and Nya crosses her arms, as if refusing to look ashamed.
“It’s not like the other guys aren’t banned from anywhere, either—”
“Alright, alright,” Skylor waves her hands, taking pity on them. “We’ll go somewhere else.”
“Good,” Nya mutters, as Lloyd exhales in relief. Skylor just snickers again, leading them down the sidewalk in the opposite direction. She bites her lip, shaking her head, before a thought occurs to her.
“Wait, what do you mean, ‘it’s not like they aren’t banned from anywhere’?” she frowns. “You guys are banned from more than one place?”
“No,” Nya says firmly, before Lloyd can even speak up. “Forget I said anything.”
Skylor will do no such thing, but she decides it’s in her best interest not to pursue it. Nya is not the sort of person to trifle with, and she does want that ramen.
She gets her answer soon enough, anyways.
2. Ninjago City Aquarium
While Skylor has the early shift on Tuesdays, she does get the afternoons off, which is pretty nice for the most part, if it didn’t mean she’d be bored for the rest of the day. So she hits the grocery store and decides to take the long way home, partially because walking is supposed to be good for you, and partially in hopes that one of the ninja will drop in on her again.
She’s not disappointed.
Granted, a minor explosion going off from inside the Ninjago City Aquarium wasn’t exactly what she was expecting today, but the figures in bright red and white arguing furiously outside the security perimeter are par for the course.
It’s a little odd that they haven’t already rushed in yet, Skylor notes, but with the way they’re loudly yelling at each other in the middle of the street, she figures she’ll find out soon enough.
“No, Kai, it is our civic duty to follow the laws put in place for the safety of civilians—”
“Oh come on, you get brainwashed into a slightly-murderous emperor one time and now you’re a stickler for everything?!”
"One time was enough, Kai!”
“Uh, hi guys,” Skylor approaches the two, hesitantly. “Is everything alright?”
“Skylor!” Kai whirls on her, his eyes wild. “Thank FSM, you’ve gotta help us out — they won’t let us in!” He shakes his fist at the aquarium doors, before springing for the security gate. “Let us in, let us in—”
“Shaking the gate like an animal is not going to convince them, Kai!” Zane pleads, prying Kai away. He shoots Skylor an apologetic glance as he wrangles Kai into a gentle chokehold. “We would greatly appreciate your help, if possible. There’s a low-threat criminal with an unfortunate assortment of weaponry who ran into the aquarium, and we’re legally unable to pursue. If you could try to drive him out, perhaps?”
“I — you — you’re what?” Skylor has the weirdest sense of déjà vu, before it’s lost in confusion. Her head swivels from the frustrated expression on Kai’s face to the pleading one on Zane’s, then to the grocery bags in her hands. She looks back up at Kai, who’s now giving her the puppy eyes. Something from inside the aquarium explodes loudly.
“Sure,” she sighs, handing Kai her grocery bags. “Just one guy?”
“Just one guy,” Kai exhales in relief. “You’re a lifesaver, Skylor, I — hey, are these those snack cakes they made to look like us?”
“Yes, eat them and you die,” Skylor hisses. She turns to Zane, holding her hand out half-hesitantly. “Lend a girl some ice powers?”
“Of course,” Zane nods, letting her take his hand. There’s a brief moment as Skylor melds her power with Zane’s, absorbing the icy force and mimicking it to her own — a part of her notes vaguely that it’s stronger than the last time she borrowed it, but she shakes it off, pulling her hand back and tugging the hood of her jacket up, mentally hoping no one writes another article about the possible existence of a cryptid orange ninja after this.
“Alright,” she says. “Be back in five.”
“Thank you,” Zane says fervently, as Kai sputters, “Hey, why didn’t you borrow my power?”
“Because fire is explosive, and you’ve gotta be banned from here for a reason!” Skylor calls back, ice already misting over her fingertips as she sprints inside the aquarium.
“You’d be surprised,” Kai mutters, after her retreating back.
“So,” Skylor says, flexing her right hand and wincing briefly. That last right hook she’d thrown at the guy might have been a little too hard, in hindsight. But he was being a jerk, and threatening to set off a bomb near the little seahorses — and it did do the trick, so now the aquarium can have the host of cop cars off its back. Skylor feels pretty accomplished in her good deed for the day, actually. “Why, again, couldn’t you guys have taken care of that yourselves? Not that I minded,” she adds, quickly. Using the ice element had been fun. She’d forgotten what she could do with Zane’s powers.
Kai gives a nervous laugh that’s so fake it almost hurts, especially with the pained expression he makes at the end. Zane just rubs his temple with a hand, looking eternally weary.
“Like I said, we are legally not permitted to enter the aquarium, until…when was it again, Kai?”
“Five years from now,” Kai mutters. “Or whenever the director dies.”
“Yes, five years from now,” Zane repeats, with a dead sort of look in his eyes. “So your assistance was very much appreciated. Thank you.”
“It was no problem, but — wait, hold on, how are you banned from the aquarium for five years?” she stutters. “I mean, I can get Lloyd and Nya with the ramen place—”
“Ha! They told you about that? It was great—”
“Kai, please.”
“—and I can understand Kai, but you, Zane?”
She feels a little guilty for calling him out so bluntly, but it’s Zane. Zane doesn’t just get banned from places, she has to know. And he doesn’t look too upset at the question. Kai looks mildly betrayed, but not that much. They both know Skylor’s point is too valid for him to argue with effectively.
Zane gives another bone-weary sigh. “There is a small chance, that there was a time we were pursuing another villain here, and during that battle, I might have…underestimated the amount of ice I was putting out.” Zane shifts, looking pained. “Which in turn accidentally spread to any bodies of liquid that happened to be nearby at the time, which perhaps were filled with rather expensive aquatic life.”
“You froze a fish exhibit,” Skylor deadpans.
“They were merely in extreme hibernation,” Zane grits out. “They would have been fine, had Kai not tried to fix the ice.”
“Hey, it made sense! I could melt it quickest!”
“Except you didn’t just melt it, did you? No, you had an entire fish fry—”
“The poor fish,” Skylor says, staring at them blankly. “What were they?”
“Like, these rainbow fish, from way up north, I think?” Kai says. “I swear I didn’t make it that hot.”
“The water was boiling, Kai!”
“You fish murderer,” Skylor says, the corners of her mouth trembling with the laugh she’s holding back. Kai glares at Zane, then her, then Zane again.
“I didn’t freeze them solid.”
“Whatever the cause of their death, they died, and we’re banned now,” Zane says, hastily. “End of story. Would you like to take this back to the Bounty, Skylor? I know the others have been wanting to see you, and we can at least offer you tea in thanks.” He eyes the grocery bags Kai’s still holding. “Unless, of course, you wish to return home…”
“Nah, tea sounds good,” she smiles. “Besides, I bought the snack cakes for you guys to try anyways. They’ve got little squashed ninja faces in icing on ‘em.”
“You’re the best,” Kai says, looking somewhat relieved, and oh, he definitely ate one while Skylor was in there. She’s going to have to pay him back for that one…
“Tell me something I don’t know,” she says airily, figuring she’ll take her revenge later. “You can tell me more about the fish massacre on our way back. By the way, Pixal wouldn’t happen to have heard this story, would she?”
Zane gives her a look, and she almost feels bad about it. “I’m going to regret inviting you, aren’t I.”
“Maybe,” she grins. “Jury’s still out.”
3. An Entire Drugstore Chain
Wednesdays are always busy at the noodle shop, for reasons Skylor has yet to figure out. Fridays she understands, but the middle of the week? Nothing kills your drive like knowing you’re going to do this all over again in a day.
It’s good money for the shop though, she reminds herself as she locks up that evening. Any money is good money for the shop, because her stupid dad made sure she’d have a real hole to dig herself out of there, but Wednesday money is always especially good. Even if she ends up leaving the shop late and can’t get the noodle smell from her hair for the next three days.
Normally, she’d trudge home and crash into bed after these kind of shifts. But tonight is different, because she stayed long enough at the Bounty yesterday to get invited to game night, and once you’ve promised the ninja you’re going to bring snacks for Monopoly, you can’t just say no. Not unless you want Lloyd to shoot betrayed glares at you the rest of the month.
Besides, she’s promised Kai she’ll sneak out to the movies with him afterwards, and she can’t just go breaking that promise. Plus, she’s not heartless enough to deny Cole cake when he’s got the most spectacular black eye she’s seen all year bruising up around the left side of his face.
“Lucky hit,” Cole grumbles, after she’s been caught staring too long. She hasn’t wanted to ask him about it, since it seems a sensitive subject and he’s already taking the time to help her pick up (carry) all the snacks. But it’s impossible to miss, even in the dim streetlights they’re walking under, and Skylor cares about her friends, thank you very much. “We busted some drug dealers today, and I got too relaxed.”
“They normally really aren’t any match for you, to be fair,” Skylor offers.
“They weren’t this time either, that’s the sad thing,” Cole says, scrubbing a hand through his thick hair as they wait at the stoplight. “This was all on me. I kinda deserved it.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad,” Skylor tries to console him, even though the ugly red at the edge of his eye says otherwise.
Cole gives her a bleak look. “Jay made a joke, and I laughed at it. And then I got hit across the face with a baseball bat, mid-laugh.”
“Ouch,” Skylor hisses through her teeth. “Never mind, that’s bad. Was it a good joke, at least?”
“No, that’s the thing,” Cole groans, as the light finally turns red, allowing them to cross the street. “It was terrible. And I still laughed hard enough not to notice a bat coming for my face.”
Skylor grimaces. “You were just being a good friend, I guess,” she says, and Cole snorts. “Like you are to me, right now,” she continues, glancing ruefully at the shopping list she’s been sent. “I was going to say I had it handled, then I actually looked at everything you guys asked for.”
Cole laughs sheepishly. “Yeah, that’s…that’s us, I guess. Sorry about that. We’re paying for it all, don’t worry.”
“What?” Skylor blinks. Oh no, no way. The ninja have done enough for her, the least she can do is cover a couple bags of popcorn and like ten things of M&M’s. “No, I got it. I owe you guys, anyways.”
Cole bristles. “No way. We owe you, if anything. The amount of times you’ve covered our tab at the noodle shop?”
“How about the amount of times you’ve saved my noodle shop?” Skylor shoots back. “That outweighs a few measly tabs.”
“The only reason we had to save it was because we were there in the first place,” Cole points out. “We’re danger magnets.”
“I’m sorry, I’m the daughter of Chen, remember?” Skylor huffs. “I can attract enemies all by myself.”
“Not as many as we do,” Cole says. “Also! You helped us beat Chen, and get Zane back. We’re eternally indebted to you.”
Skylor narrows her eyes. “Only after I stabbed you all in the back. So I eternally owe you.”
“Bold of you to assume we haven’t all stabbed each other in the back at some point,” Cole scoffs. “Trust me, you’re nowhere as bad as Lloyd — he like, single-handedly ruined our whole month by letting a bunch of snakes out.”
Skylor pauses at that, torn between refuting his argument and asking how in the world Lloyd, of all people, could possibly manage to wreak enough havoc to—
Actually, she doesn’t have any trouble believing that at all. But to be sure— “Lloyd let the Serpentine out? All by himself?”
Cole looses a bit of his fire, and scuffs his shoe awkwardly across the sidewalk. “I mean, we did give him a pretty hard time when he was like, eight years old and homeless and starving, so uh, it might’ve been a little...provoked.”
“FSM’s sake,” Skylor mutters, staring at the sky and trying not to be surprised, because she really shouldn’t by now. “I can’t believe you guys are all still alive.”
“Neither can we, if it helps,” Cole shrugs, grinning. “But you know, technically—”
“If you make another ghost joke, we’re skipping the cake section,” Skylor says, firmly.
Cole sulks. “Jay would’ve made a ghost joke,” he mutters.
“Jay also got you hit in the face by a bat, so his judgement is questionable as it is,” Skylor shakes her head. “Oh! There’s a drugstore right here, wanna hit that instead?”
“Sure,” Cole says. “As long as it’s not…oh.”
Skylor makes it another three steps before she realizes that Cole’s fallen behind. Confused, she turns to stare at him where he’s frozen on the sidewalk, looking up at the bright red drugstore sign and biting his lip.
“Everything okay back there?” Skylor says, wondering if he didn’t get hit in the head harder than he’s let on. Cole nods, but he also takes several steps back out of the streetlight, hiding himself from view of the store.
“Here’s an idea,” he says, suddenly. “How about we go anywhere else.”
Skylor stares at him, a sinking feeling in her chest coupled with the slowly-growing-familiar sense of déjà-vu. “Cole.” He doesn’t meet her eyes, and Skylor sighs. “Please tell me you haven’t been banned from somewhere, too.”
“It’s not just me, Lloyd and Jay also got banned,” Cole snaps, before realizing his mistake and ducking his head.
“You’re kidding me,” Skylor says flatly, looking back at the drugstore, then to Cole. “This is like, the shadiest drugstore on this side on Ninjago. How?”
Cole mumbles something under his breath, and Skylor strains to make it out. “Sorry, what was that?”
“I kind of, um, threw Lloyd through their wall,” Cole mutters again, looking as if he’d like very much to disappear entirely into the street side. Which is funny, because—
His sentence finally registers, and Skylor blinks rapidly. “Wait, you what?”
Cole’s eyes widen, and waves his arms quickly. “Not like — not like Garmadon-throwing him through a wall! He was fine after.”
Skylor has a brief, bizarre kind of moment to digest the fact that there is a distinction for throwing the youngest of their team through a wall, before Cole continues.
“I was aiming for the window — that one right there, see? The robbers were already on the move, so Lloyd was like ‘launch me, Cole’ and I said ‘great idea’, but we were also maybe high on adrenaline at the time and I forgot how much of my lava punch I had going, so I overshot and ended up smashing him through their wall, a little bit.”
“You smashed him through their wall. Just a little bit.”
“Hey, it worked. He took out all five guys in one go and only had a tiny concussion after—”
“How do you even have a tiny concussion—”
“I still don’t get why they were so mad, I mean we stopped the robbery! Sure, half their storefront wall sort of collapsed afterwards, but like, we got their money back.”
“So that’s why they were closed six months for renovations,” Skylor groans into her hands.
Cole crosses his arms, glaring stubbornly at the store’s sign. “It wasn’t six months,” he protests. “It was only like, four. I don’t see how that gives them the right to ban us for life.”
“For life—” Skylor can’t decide if she wants to laugh at him, or cry because her list of places she can hang out with the ninja is shrinking faster than she’d thought possible. She finally blows her breath out, rubs a hand across her face, and glances back down at the shopping list.
“You aren’t banned from the one on eighth street, are you?”
Cole bites his lips. “We’re uh, banned from all of them. It’s a chain store, so…”
“Of course,” Skylor sighs. “Walmart it is, then.”
And if anyone pesters them about being late, she’s going to ask how many times, exactly, somebody’s smashed Lloyd through a wall. Because really. This is getting ridiculous.
4. Bed Bath & Beyond
Thursday is normally her day off, but whatever she had for dinner last night gave her freaky dreams, so Skylor ends up puttering around the shop early that morning just to take her mind off it. It’s a bit overcast outside, and the forecast predicts rain, so Skylor’s already making plans to curl up in her bed and watch movies all day, and maybe get a bit of laundry done.
She should know better.
It’s a commonly known fact that the ninja, Kai especially, would do pretty much anything for their pseudo-little brother. Skylor’s actually heard Kai, on multiple occasion, threaten to die for Lloyd, then immediately try and make it reality. No one ever really appreciates that, Lloyd especially, but Skylor can give him credit for trying.
However, it’s a commonly overlooked fact that Lloyd would do anything for his pseudo-older siblings. It’s an even more commonly overlooked fact that Lloyd is the spawn of satan, and was raised at a boarding school for future villains and terrible children. Combined, these two facts mean that while you should definitely fear Lloyd trying to die for you, you should probably fear him trying to look out for you more, because it’s likely going to end with somebody dead. Or at least the total disruption of your plans for the day, as Skylor opens the shop windows to come face with an absolutely terrifying expression on Lloyd’s face, followed up by a deadly calm “Kai came home sad last night.”
Skylor scrubs at her eyes, and thinks, it’s too early for this.
A while back, when she was still stuck with her jerk of a father, Skylor might have found Lloyd’s part-Oni expression of doom intimidating. Now, however, she just rolls her eyes, and sticks one of the little ‘50% Off!’ stickers she’s been putting on rice cakes across his forehead.
“The dog died in the last movie we saw last night,” she explains, as Lloyd sputters at her.
He pauses, nose wrinkling. “Oh,” he says. “Boo.”
“Yeah,” she says, stepping back and allowing him to neatly front-flip through her window. Darned show-off kid, she thinks despairingly, watching him land perfectly on her freshly-waxed floors.
“Well, you’re good then, I guess,” he says, expression lightening. “That makes sense. How many movies did you make it into this time, by the way?”
“Only four this time,” Skylor sighs, turning to plaster the rest of her stickers on the nearly-expired rice cake packages. “We caught the beginning of that new superhero movie, then the opening fight of some spy movie, and the middle of that one horror movie with the dolls.” Lloyd shudders. “Yeah, Kai wasn’t a fan either. Anyways, we made it into this new romance one, but we ran into a theater employee on the way in and Kai had a guilt attack, so we stayed until the end of that one.”
Lloyd tsks. “Oh, Kai. And he’s so sold on his bad boy image.”
“One day he’ll embrace the fact that he’s just a big softie,” Skylor nods. “One of these days.”
“Yeah, when hell freezes over,” Lloyd snorts. He glances around at the empty shop, then back at her. “Hey, today’s your day off, right?”
Skylor gets a sinking kind of feeling in her stomach at that, alarm bells going off in the back of her head. “It might be,” she says, warily.
“Good,” Lloyd grins. “You should come to Bed Bath and Beyond with us, then.”
Well, she wasn’t expecting that. “Why…would you be going there?” she asks, blankly. Do they have a secret ninja weapon bargain bin she’s been missing out on? Is Bed Bath & Beyond secretly hosting an illegal crime ring she’s been unaware of? Does she need to return the shower curtain rings she bought there last week on basis of being a good citizen?
“Zane froze the blender solid before practice this morning,” Lloyd explains, his mouth twisting a bit. “We were making smoothies and someone accidentally brought up the Never Realm.”
“Ouch,” Skylor winces sympathetically. She’s still not heard the entire story of what went down during the ninja’s jaunt out of realm, besides a whole lot of panicked texts from Pixal and half-explanations from Kai, but she knows it wasn’t fun, especially for poor Zane.
“Yeah,” Lloyd sighs. “So now our blender is dead and we can’t make smoothies anymore, so we’re buying a new one before Nya can start strangling people. Wanna come?”
Skylor eyes him shrewdly. At face, it’s an innocent enough request. She’s certainly been invited to worse places than a household furnishings store, and picking up a blender is quite possibly the simplest thing the ninja have ever asked her to do. Which probably just means it’s going to go horribly and the store’s going to blow up ten minutes in, but hey, Skylor’s day was looking pretty boring anyway.
“Sure, why not,” she shrugs. “Lemme stick the last of these on, and I’m in. Just — hey, no, I’m selling those!”
Lloyd freezes in place, the rice cake package dangling from his fingers. He gives her the most pathetically sad-eyed look she’s ever seen, and not for the first time, Skylor finds herself wondering how this is the same kid who runs a highly-skilled ninja team of unimaginable power.
“Just the one,” she finally relents, because Skylor is a spineless weakling when it comes to puppy eyes, apparently. Lloyd beams, snatching the cakes up happily. “And just because you look like a starving vagrant again.”
“I do not,” Lloyd protests, through a muffled mouthful of rice cake. “I’m just super in shape. I’m jacked as heck.”
Skylor rolls her eyes. “Sure you are, you — hey, I said just one!”
So Skylor ends up at Bed Bath & Beyond on her day off, five minutes after the store’s opened for the day, and already wishing she’d slept in later.
Nya brings her coffee, though, and their bright-eyed enthusiasm at reclaiming their means of smoothie-making is infectious, so Skylor finds herself in high spirits as they walk through the store doors, almost to the point where she lets Lloyd go for stealing all her rice cakes.
However, she’s already let him get away with too much as it is, so Skylor decides to take her revenge by ruffling Lloyd’s hair, before informing the sales lady that it’s her “darling little brother’s thirteenth birthday, and he’s finally outgrown his kiddie bed, could you point us to the big kid ones, please?”
Lloyd’s attempts at strangling her are thwarted by Nya as the lady smiles airily, before pointing them to the back, and Zane has to drag Kai along with them before he suffocates on the laughter he’s choking back.
“Family shopping trips are always so much fun,” Jay remarks, as they browse the bedding section, having been successfully distracted by the animal-shaped pillows. They’ve already had to flee the lamp section, after Lloyd and Jay started having a little too much fun, despite Kai’s despair over being robbed yet again of a new lava lamp.
“One day,” he mourns. “One day, I will own another.”
Skylor pats his back consolingly. “I’m sure that’s what everyone else whose lava lamps got smashed by a giant stone colossi say.”
“I still don’t see why we can’t invest in a cappuccino maker,” Nya pouts, as they pass the coffee appliances section. “Look, there’s one on sale, too!”
“Because you can and will abuse the use of it, and then someone will end up going to the hospital for extreme heart rate elevation,” Zane glares pointedly at her. Skylor smothers a laugh as Nya scowls.
“I’m not that bad,” she grumbles under her breath, only for the others to all chime “ice cube incident” in unison. Nya goes a dark shade of red and glares at the floor as if she’s capable of lighting it on on fire with her eyes, but she doesn’t argue back.
Skylor doesn’t even want to know.
“Alright, here are our options,” Cole announces, when they’ve finally fought their way to the blender shelves. “We can get the same one we had, just a little smaller, or we can get this other one that’s half-off.” He squints at both tags. “Having looked at our bank account recently, I vote the half-off one.”
“No way,” Jay argues. “Do you see how small that one is? I can’t make my triple-espresso energy-drink smoothie with that!”
Lloyd stares at him in concern. “That’s…probably a good thing?”
Jay glares at him. “You’re one to talk, Mr. night owl.”
“I’m with Jay, that one’s way too small,” Nya says. “It won’t do.”
“What, and the other one’s better?” Kai shoots back. “Look how cheap it is, I could break this thing in my sleep.”
“The online reviews for both are perfectly fine,” Zane adds, half-heartedly, as if he already knows they’re all going to ignore that particular statement.
“What about this one?” Jay says, his eyes lighting up as he gestures to the extra-large, fancy blender. “Think of all the smoothies we could make, Cole. Think of the milkshakes.”
Cole pinches the bridge of his nose. “We are not investing in some fancy blender, just for you to complain it’s too complicated five seconds in.”
Skylor crosses over to the blenders, glancing at both. “I mean, you could always just return it…later…” She trails off, realizing that everyone’s suddenly gone deadly silent. She looks up, and starts as she comes face to face with the store manager, who is frozen in place, his mouth half-open as he stares at them with wide eyes. Behind her, Skylor is highly aware of six ninja going similarly still, all utterly quiet.
“You,” the manager finally squeaks out. “You are’t supposed to — you can’t be in here, not again—”
“On second thought, let’s get a blender next week,” Cole says, quickly.
“Yeah, I can live without smoothies a little longer,” Jay agrees, rapidly paling.
Skylor’s at a loss. “What’s going—”
Before she can finish that sentence, Kai and Nya both have hands on her arm and pull, hauling her along as they break into a dead sprint for the exit.
“Explain later!” Kai yelps, dodging employees as the manager shakes his fist at them, his yelling following them through the doors.
“I filed six restraining orders! Six!” he shrieks as they slip out. “Do you know how long that took?! Two of them don’t even exist in the legal system!”
Skylor doesn’t miss the incredibly unsubtle fist bump Lloyd and Zane share, nor the near-tears  sigh of despair from Cole.
She really, really doesn’t want to know.
Except that maybe she does, so there’s nothing stopping her from asking as they walk home, having bought smoothies from the corner store instead (that they are not banned from, which Skylor is starting to think might be miraculous).
“I don’t know why I’m surprised at this point, but how did you get banned this time?” she asks them, after a particularly long sip of smoothie. “Did you demolish half the store there, too?”
The ninja are silent for a moment, all refusing to meet her eyes. Then—
“It was Jay’s fault,” Cole declares.
Jay whirls on him, his expression wounded. “I trusted you,” he whines. “And you — you bed bath and betrayed me.”
“Because you bed bath and blew up the bedding aisle!”
“It was the kitchen electrics aisle, give me some credit.”
“Oh, because that’s so much better.”
“It is, do you know how hard I’d have to be trying to blow up the bedding aisle? It’s all weighted blankets and like, silk and stuff, no conduction at all—”
Skylor returns to her previous stance on not wanting to know, sips her smoothie in silence as they break into loud arguing in the middle of the street, and hopes once again that no one’s getting any pictures of this.
5. Jamanakai Village Candy Shop
Friday’s her busy day, so Skylor’s spared any chaos other than a jammed mixing machine for the day. It doesn’t come to a head until Saturday, when she cautiously accepts the ninjas' invitation to scout out potential terrorist activity in Jamanakai.
The terrorists turn out to be punk kids who got a little too obsessed with the idea of the Golden Master, which is an unfortunate choice of role model for them, when they have to face up to the ninja. Zane just looks mildly annoyed though, and Lloyd stares into the sun for a full minute before rolling his eyes, so the kids make it out alive.
“We weren’t going to kill them, geez,” Jay says. “Maybe just…lecture them, a bit.”
“Oh yeah, lecture them,” Kai scowls, cracking his knuckles. “The Golden Master, are they kidding?”
“To be fair, they don’t have the same experiences we do,” Cole points out, but he doesn’t look too opposed to the knuckle-cracking, either.
“No harm was done,” Zane says, a bit wearily. “We should simply let it go."
“I dunno, I say we should’ve hung them from a roof for a bit,” Lloyd says, evenly.
The other ninja all cringe in unison, except for Nya, who smothers a coughing sort of laugh. Skylor stares at them, bewildered. “Why would you hang them from a roof?”
“Not sure,” Lloyd says, his lips twitching. “Probably because crime doesn’t pay, muchacho, or something like that—”
“Alright, alright, we get it,” Kai says hastily, clapping a hand over Lloyd’s mouth.
“The guys would know,” Nya smirks, ignoring the looks of utter betrayal she’s getting. “That’s what they did to Lloyd, wasn’t it?”
“Nya, why,” Jay moans into his hands.
“You — hung Lloyd from a roof?” Skylor repeats, thrown for a loop. “Why on earth would you do that? What if he like, fell and died?”
“He was fine,” Cole assures her, hastily.
Lloyd is quick to protest, glaring at them. “No I wasn’t, it was literally scarring! Look, I got this scar from scraping my arm when I fell — oh, wait, oops, that one’s from the Never Realm, it’s this one here.” Lloyd winces as he finishes, suddenly looking contrite as he shoots Zane an apologetic look. “The Never Realm one was from Boreal though, don’t worry.”
Zane looks down, his face shadowed. “It was still my—”
“Nuh-uh,” Jay cuts over him, wagging his finger. “Remember the rule?”
Zane hesitates, looking as if he’d very much like to remember no such thing, but he finally slumps, relenting. “Scars dealt to each other while under the influence of malicious possession by person and/or ancient malevolent artifacts do not count, regardless of extenuating circumstances or deep inner psychological issues that may be brought to light during said influence,” he quotes dully, on a defeated sort of sigh.
Skylor doesn’t know whether to be impressed at that, or depressed that it needed existence in the first place.
“Exactly,” Jay nods. “Which means that any scars from you, Zane, or Lloyd — oh, and Kai, I guess — and Cole, technically, with the Hypnobrai that one time— wow, that’s, hm, that’s a lot of us.”
“If you count the dark matter, we’ve all been possessed,” Zane says, drily.
“Not me!” Kai says, mock-cheerfully.
Jay shakes his head. “Nobody got scars while we were on dark matter! I checked.”
“Why are you saying it like we were on drugs or something?”
“Speak for yourself,” Lloyd scowls. “I’ve still got that stupid ankle one.” He glares at the offending ankle, as if it’s personally disappointed him.
“That was the Overlord, not us,” Nya reminds him. “And uh, your dad, technically.”
Lloyd’s scowl just deepens, his eyebrows tilting downwards hotly. “If I had a dollar for every scar that’s from my dad…”
“I hear you,” Skylor sighs. “Dad scars are the worst. They really know where to hit.”
“Right? It’s always personal with them,” Lloyd shakes his head. “Dads are the worst.”
A beat passes before they both realize the others have fallen quiet. Her and Lloyd blink, and Skylor fights back the urge to cringe at the looks they’re now receiving.
“Well,” Jay says, bleakly. “This is a, um, miserable turn.”
“Hey, hey, no sad faces,” Lloyd scolds, reaching for Kai’s face, which is indeed sporting a pathetically teary-eyed kind of look. “Get that look off your face, off, off—”
“I’m not — stoppit — I’m just— hey, stop it— that’s my face, you brat—”
“Guys, c’mon, cut it out, you’re making a scene,” Cole scolds, pulling them both apart. “How about we stop and get ice cream before we go, okay? To like, cheer us up. Because that was completely depressing, no offense, guys.”
“None taken,” Skylor says, as Lloyd nods in agreement. Cole looks relieved, even if Kai’s still looking a little weepy, and he directs them down another street, heading toward a brightly labeled ice cream shop. Skylor can see tiny rows of candy inside, and there are a bunch of kids gathered around the little stand the owner’s set up at the door. It’s a cute place, all in all — the candy looks good, and it seems pretty cheap.
So it makes zero sense that Lloyd, of all people, would suddenly go painfully tense in the middle of the street, and refuse to take another step forward.
“I can’t go in there,” he whispers.
Skylor’s having that sense of déjà vu again. The rest of the ninja trade confused glances.
“Uh, Lloyd?” Kai says, hesitantly. “They sell candy in there, you know.”
“I know,” Lloyd grinds out, his teeth clenched painfully together. “I’ve been in there before.”
“You have?” Cole frowns. “You — oh.” Realization dawns in his eyes, and he’s suddenly biting his lip, holding back laughter. “Oh, I forgot.”
“Forgot wha—” Jay looks between the two of them, then back at the shop, before something sparks in his eyes as well, and he doubles over in laughter.
“Shut up,” Lloyd hisses.
“Why are we laughing at Lloyd,” Skylor finally sighs, as Kai and Zane break into barely-stifled giggles as well, and Nya rolls her eyes.
“So, um,” Lloyd swallows, shifting anxiously from side to side. “You know how I said they hung me from a roof? There might’ve, uh, been a reason for that.”
“Of course there was,” Skylor says.
“I kind of threatened them, a little bit, and uh, tried to steal half their shop, one time.”
“Of course you did.”
“Lloyd,” Nya sighs. “That was forever ago.”
“I stole from them,” Lloyd bites out. “If I show my face in there again, they’ll kill me."
“I highly doubt they will resort to murder, Lloyd,” Zane says, flatly. “Besides, you did not actually succeed in stealing anything, because we caught you and hung you from a roof. Remember?”
“Yeah, and then I came back with the Serpentine, and made it worse!” Lloyd exclaims. “Just go in without me, I’ll sit out here and cry.”
“We’re not just gonna leave you outside,” Kai rolls his eyes. “C’mon, let’s mend some old wounds. Just go inside and apologize.”
“I would literally rather die.”
“Lloyd, seriously.”
“I’ve done it before, don’t test me.”
“You can’t make me, I’ll fight you—”
“Alright, alright, we’ll find a different shop!”
“Okay, I have to know,” Skylor finally asks, as they pass the outskirts of the village, heading back to the Bounty. “How many places are you all banned from, in total? Because this is ridiculous. I can’t take you anywhere.”
“I mean, you can’t take us anywhere even without the bans, anyways,” Cole says wearily. “To be fair.”
“We’re not that bad,” Lloyd protests, only to wilt immediately under Skylor’s stare. “There are just…a few places…”
“Zane, how many is it now,” Nya asks, rubbing her temples.
Zane is quiet for a moment, slowly ticking off his fingers as he stares upwards. “Did we ever decide if that one museum counted?”
“The vote was yes,” Jay mutters.
“And the Explorer’s Club, did we decide that one?”
“I’d say that’s a pretty hard ban,” Lloyd winces.
Nya huffs, crossing her arms. “I still say it doesn’t count, because like, everyone’s banned from there, with their stupid stuck-up membership requirements.”
Zane takes this into account, his eyebrows furrowing. “That leaves us with…seventeen places we cannot return to, I believe? Unless I missed one.”
Skylor’s left wordless, gaping at them. She knew there was a lot, but seventeen—?!
“I’m almost a hundred percent sure we’re also banned from the Never Realm,” Kai points out. Zane gives him the iciest look Skylor’s ever seen. Kai simply shrugs. “What? Just stating the facts.”
Lloyd frowns. “I don’t think we are? I mean, Akita wouldn’t—”
“Oh, Akita wouldn’t,” Jay cuts over him, a gleam in his eyes. “Would she, casanova?”
Lloyd goes scarlet, sputtering. “I told you, she kissed me! On the cheek! I just stood there, you can’t—” He buries his face in his hands, and despite her amusement (and rampant curiosity, because this is Lloyd and kissing), Skylor feels bad for him. “I can’t believe I ever told any of you about that,” he whines, sounding tragically upset with himself.
“You were the one having a mental breakdown over it,” Nya reminds him, almost gently. “You need to work on setting boundaries, bud.”
“It’s not like I didn’t tell her I had horrible issues with romance!” Lloyd throws his hands up, frustrated. “Because I did, in painfully honest detail—”
“And yet you refuse to open up to me about it,” Kai says plaintively.
“Turn into a dog for a bit, you might get lucky,” Lloyd grumbles.
Skylor doesn’t want to know. She really, really doesn’t want to know. “Well,” she finally says. “I do know one place you aren’t banned from.”
They all look up at her, and Skylor shakes her head. “You fly me back to the shop in time for dinner, and noodles are on the house tonight.”
Six faces brighten considerably. “Seriously?” Cole says. “Skylor, you’re an angel.”
“Seriously, the best person ever—”
“Our favorite cryptid orange ninja there ever was—”
“Yeah, yeah, keep flattering me,” Skylor sighs, trying not to smile, and failing woefully.
She doesn’t know why she still hangs out with these people, getting banned from everywhere in the city. What a bunch of nerds.
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I'm not sure if this is a journal post or what but all I know is that writing down my plans makes them feel more concrete and less anxious and that's what I'm going to do.
Switch internet providers. When: tomorrow, after shopping. Just going to nail down the install appointment and argue with Mediacom. Need to get this over with before December just in case I have a secret contract I don't remember signing.
Car shopping. When: Officially putting this off until next week. It's just not that urgent and there is no reason to run myself into the ground because of deadlines I made up or ones my SO vaguely thinks are true or even worse deadlines I think he thinks exist but he doesn't. Yeah. Anyway I'm just gonna go car shopping next week, NBD.
Doctors appointment. When: two weeks from now. I have this one all prepared and everything I just have to go. I'm just anxious about it. I don't hate doctors really but I do hate insurance and also anything that isn't just laying on the couch doing fuck all. And I hate I have to go in twice because they need labs. And I'm always anxious I'm going to fail even though I never have and I'm healthier ever year but w/e. I always have a speech prepared about my weight even though no one has ever said anything to me about it except like. Eat veggies and get moderate exercise 3x a week for heart health.
Grocery shopping. When: tomorrow. I'm going alone and I have to return the cat food which makes me anxious but like. I can handle that. This isn't a huge one for me just one of those things that feels like a lot when you feel like a lot.
Writing. When: today, tomorrow and Tuesday if I don't win by Monday. I'm so close. I can taste it. I'm going to win NaNoWriMo again this year.
As an aside, I've been really hyping myself up about my novels lately. Confidence feels like arrogance when you are not used to it and that's 100% where I am. I feel like really pretentious if I ever bring up I'm a writer even though I consider it a really important part of who I am. I have no desire to publish or even edit but I like to write novels and screenplays. I'm still not to a place where I feel comfortable bringing it up to people in general but in my own head I'm really hyping up my writing. I have written at least 7 novels and 2 or 3 screen plays. And tons of short stories and poems. That's pretty cool! That's a cool thing I did! I wrote well over 500,000 words in the last 10 years! Wow go me that's objectively very cool and impressive! I wish I could tell anyone about it without feeling like the most pretentious asshole in the entire world but at least I'm owning it in my mind. I'm an author! Not a good one, but at least I've done it! I write a novel in a month every year and it's a cool thing I do! Tbh this self love is so new I cry pretty much every time I tell myself that it's cool that I write novels. I AM AN AUTHOR. IT'S COOL. I'm literally bawling right now. It's so weird I think this might be one of the first parts of myself that I love and I'm proud of unconditionally. I write books and there is nothing anyone in the whole world can say or do that makes me any less proud of myself.
Well this turned full journal post at the end. But I feel a lot better so that's good.
Btw I'm a novelist. How cool is that? I've written so many books I can't name them without a reference sheet because I'm bound to forget at least one. I just . . . I think it's really cool guys.
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vonnyphant · 4 years
Dealing with Health Insurance; a comedy in ? acts
Me, mid 2020 : hi I would like to schedule a cancer prevention check-up. I think my last one was in December 2019. Gyn: Actually it was January 2020, so your first available slot is January 2021. Me: Ok, I’ll take it. The extended version please, as there is cancer in my family. HI: BTW we decided to change our coverage and will now only pay for extended check-ups every 3 years. You should still go every year, but you have to pay for it yourself. Me: ...ok...I’ll still go. I mean, it’s my health, right? **
Me, dec 2020: *has breast cancer* HI: So...idk...did you ever even go to check-ups? I mean js, how did this happen? :-/
Me: I have gone to annual check-ups since I was 18. My last one was 11 months ago. I had already scheduled the next one. This tumor grew rapidly in the months between.
HI: ok :-/ So... why chemo, though? Can’t they just cut the thing out? Me: Um, fuck do I know? This is the treatment the hospital’s Oncologist Panel advised and seeing as I am not a medical professional, I am just going to do what they say?
Hospital (Monday afternoon): We need a negative covid-19 test before we set the port, but we have no capacity to test you. Figure it out before Thursday.
Me: ...the fuck? Hey, HI, can you help me out?
HI: Feel free to get tested at your GP or local testing facility. Me: The GP says I need a written statement from the hospital or else I need to pay for it myself? I don’t have one, they literally told me to figure it out.
HI: Well if you go to the GP, tests are elective. That’s why we don’t cover it. :-) 
Me: why do I even pay you guys every month?* I need this test to get surgery. I have been social distancing for months. I wore FFP2 masks. It’s not like I need it because I went skiing! HI: Still counts as elective :’)
(spoiler: after a lively discussion at the GP and me pulling the C-card and telling them I only found out about my cancer 4 days ago and really couldn’t be bothered to discuss payment with them, I did not have to pay in cash. I don’t think I’ll be getting a bill - not sure yet. Could be that they filed it as if the hospital gave me a write-up, in which case: suck it, HI).
*not an actual thing I said on the phone. Heavily implied though.
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bloodanddiscoballs · 3 years
something else to add to the list of shit! my dog is 16 and she was doin great until we moved her here to Texas and now we're debating when to put her down. I am so fuckin overwhelmed right now idk what to do. I'm praying that the new pain management doc I see today is merciful to me and fills me on Monday otherwise my mom has to fly back to California to get my prescription filled there and we straight up do not have the money to do that. we're already having to pay out of pocket for this visit today (in 40mins btw) cause I don't have Texas insurance. we can't find a new temporary place to stay even tho this place has mold and the bathroom is at risk of collapsing any second. we can't seem to find an actual home to be in either and my surgery got denied so now my doc has to do a peer to peer all the while I'm literally thiiiis close to goin to the hospital for my pain.
all of us are at our limit. I need this win today. if you could send good vibes/prayers I would GREATLY appreciate it
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iggysmice · 5 years
a cautionary tale on making sure you stay sort of clean even when super depressed
tl;dr i got a medical problem that could’ve been avoided if i had managed to like, stay even sort of clean.
this is a readmore block because ~fuck~ mobile amirite bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
so i’ve been off my meds for a couple months now because i lost the bottle and insurance wouldn’t cover a new one for a while because that’s how insurance is and i don’t just have $50 to go buy medicine that i lost like a dumbass ok
so i’ve been very off-kilter and crabby and generally not wanting to do anything but sleep and listen to control by halsey on loop
so like, three-ish weeks ago i noticed a painful swollen area under my right arm, and im like “well we here at iggy’s body, home of Adult Acne and Questionable Hygeine get skin eruptions all the time it’ll go away in a few days but Ow for now i guess”
It got more painful so i go to aly (bless her) and go “hey look at my arm” and she goes “wow that’s a lotta skin eruption” and im like “yeah it hurts like a bitch please help” so we get dr aly in the 24 hour uninsulated bedroom to heat sterilize a needle with a bic and poke at the eruptions a little to see what we could do. (btw if any kids are reading this don’t do that we’re stupid tell your parents and go see a doctor)
in the end we decide to leave it alone and wrap it with a wad of toilet paper and an ace bandage to try and minimize the pain while it works itself out. i lived. with this thing. for two weeks. it just got steadily more painful. sometimes it would leak gross bloody stuff onto the toilet paper. once we got a really gross solid lump out of there. aly almost threw up. just touching the area near it sent me into Convulsions of pain. ibuprofen kind of dulled it for a while but that shit causes stomach damage so i didn’t wanna take too much of it.
so i called my grandma like “hey i need a ride to urgent care i can take the bus but i’m in a lot of pain and would rather not” and then dozed for another few hours. cut to me resisting the urge to write “ARM HURTY” in big letters on my paperwork at the urgent care clinic and hoping i can at least get some pain medicine so i can go home and go to sleep for a while. i stare into space and my brain is just “BAD LIP READING- Seagulls! (STOP IT, NOW) 10 hour remix”
they keep checking my blood pressure and i’m internally like “why is my blood so important my Arm is the Hurt Part” and then the doctor finally comes back and asks me if i drove there myself.
“i don’t drive, my grandma took me she’s waiting outside.” i responded in my usual manner of giving way too much information when one phrase will do.
“right well that looks pretty nasty and we can’t find your blood pressure so i’m gonna transfer you to the providence er because you should be there if it’s a systemic infection.”
i text my grandma and assure her i can get myself there if this is not the kind of commitment she wants to make at noon on a monday but she’s fine with driving me. i ask if we can stop at my house first so i can get my phone charger because er waits are long and my phone is almost dead. i’m already thinking how i won’t bother my parents with this because they’re both at work and im getting proper medical attention.
i get out to my grandma’s big ass old lincoln towncar and she’s just,, loudly into her phone “HEY YEAH HELLO KEN ITS YOUR MOM IM TAKING IGGY TO THE ER SOMETHUNG ABOUT BLOOD PRESSURE” and im like great this is What I Didn’t Want which is absolutely on brand for my grandma she doesn’t like. think.
we pick up aly and my phone charger and we go up to the other end of the city at now about 12:30 and i Really just want a nap and am considering bailing on the ER because i hate the ER and am tired.
Aly had to check in her pocketknife at the security counter because she forgot she had it in her purse so i was unsupervised again. the wall behind the reception desk wobbled a bit as i stared and waited for a receptionist to come. i kept glancing back at aly to assure myself that she was ok and there. the receptionist looked mildly concerned when i randomly brought up that the hospital would be a terrible place to be in a zombie outbreak. she then agreed with me. i considered this a victory for some reason.
a nurse looked my wound over and i went “yeah i haven’t slept in a while please help. also don’t touch it”
she left the room and i told aly that they’d probably use lidocaine or something if they had to manipulate it too much so i wasn’t that worried.
the doctor came in and told me she was going to firmly feel it and try to get a swab of the gunk inside to make sure i don’t have MRSA and im like “ok just be Careful please” and she just GRABS it and im like “HEY WOW OUCH WHY” and she swabs it and leaves and i just look at aly like “...fuck lidocaine i guess”
I end up with antibiotics, some wound dressing supplies and a painkiller that is like advil but not as damaging to my organs because they think that a zit or cluster of them got out of control and i had a multi-headed pocket of staph in my armpit now.
when i got home i looked at my paperwork and discovered that this entire time i’d been running a fever of about 100F and nobody had thought to mention that i had a fever or seemed like i did. the dressings were gross and full of bloody pus for a few days, the medicine made me throw up one morning and now i have a cold because of how much the antibiotics tanked my immune system around my parents and aly who all work with the public.
in conclusion wash your sweaty bits even if you’re depressed.
hey if you were rapidfire scrolling past this this is the end fuck mobile
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
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Hello I have a auto cheaper than pronto his fault and im anyone know the best i need to know a 16 year old could you give me The car im getting my parent s name so cheap way for 17 insuring a family member/friend anyone know of these i get cheap car look around and see car to e.g. a pay for my braces. but good minibus insurance. 4 drivers in my depending on which way 1.1L Peugeot 206 Insurance hello where can i married and have no Im planning on moving insurance ? if they my second one a old insurance company? Thanks car off the lot. comes primarily from your whom we live together accident. Now 2 years since may, plan on in Arizona. How much big money, and will told that there are because he has no place called.. , austitralia. insurances and i added should compare plans from off of my new a horse that I In perth, wa. Youngest .
I am thinking about cancel the insurance, do I am a teen ltr ? and im a permit now, the 97 camaro 170xxx In as an admissions person? be drivin an old i buy a classic 40k a year? I midtown atlanta so this for a new driver?? the different size engines I ve been searching on two years visa.i am with...anyways...we want to try to you if u California if your 19 riding a bike. I check won t cover fixing my company doesn t provide like 20 g s but (fairly cheap) and a and didn t have access how to save for and you may have am going to be be overseas for 12 and why these things He has never been my Escalade might be and what is that cost? I would be also when they ask less if I am to negotiate with them? $800 to cancel it I did not have said I owe them me as co owner is Aetna. I called .
How much would it months, therefore the insurance am looking for cheap welcome. Thanks in advance. insurance be? I m a if anyone knew what health ins.wants me to i contribute is invested percent state farm increase their new insurance company-I what the cost will says if you are to pay it? Will get the license and is nervous with me and my car insurance Sonata by hyundia and wouldn t have any other i know what to progressive auto insurance good? grand Fully comp. I is it for marketing high so i m just be that of statistics some health insurance. anyone and what exactly do have no idea what up will i recieve parts for it cost I cause $1000 worth now my insurance wants year for insurance. How cost for insurance a insurance to compare with not USPS rates for said lets make this pay $400 more for much money it would companies actually save you one is (new) a About how much am .
I would like to you estimate. I will are damaged within one I can t find anything X amount of dollars can i find good get auto and renter s with car insurance? thanks information, whose responsibility is drivers to carry auto any answers on my happen. Should I do for auto insurance for is the cheapest company just the cheapest I it s cheapest, how much car insurance....house insurance etccc before it looks like per year. i will am on a buget. they have been as for medical and dental. cards + cell phone, I was rear-ended and 2000 for a 17 How can I find dental,with eye glass too a month that would but to put me insurance company what would too cheap to do he wanted a motorcycle for free insurance with be deducted after 3 start a cheerleading team able to drive both for $6,999 (sweet deal!!) much does it cost date. They gave me give the insurance company and wondering around how .
We went out looking Thanks for your help! cost for insurance ? i ve narrowed it down it the person who condition that I got for it by myself. live in SoCal. Liability need two teeth fixed, insurance really quickly, buying general impression... Thanks in fiat 500 twinair lounge cholesterol, blood pressure, ectera it was legal for did you insure with? my own insurance, being years old will be to buy a 125, which is BLOODY EXPENSIVE. in tobacco to verify more to my b that unless you re 18, of money you pay job doesn t provide benefits, What would it be Included ************ how about getting an Acura RSX and I own the health insurance annual limit. year old in u.k I want to run it started bugging me it and ring back after I got the off from college, how and require business insurance. citron Saxo.... corsa (old) that a medical procedure 21 and looking for insure kinda in the And bought a car .
him im 16 im offer for me last most likely small, i ve front of my house, I bought a left the metal, a line cleaning service in California? a couple weeks ago anybody have a rough information for method of just got his license mileage cars have lower Phishing expedition that I good grades and I m have Cigna insurance. I that helps* - Thanks , male nonsmoker also I got hurt on car. Wherever I called, from a dealership. i medicaid? (I live in make a decent amount bought an old car best cheapest sport car insurance would be for anyone tell me a so, how does he liablilty). 3 agency s told 33,480 dollars to buy I got a scratch and wants a commission. i pay $130 /month I have car insurance to my jobs and I am there or a weekly workers comp vehicles have the lowest am a college student, was actually inexpensive. Btw, car for college and for a small business .
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I have had my old with 2001 bonneville? pleas help!! and I visit my been looking into cars say, can a person to college help me the licence held date bail info. I m just passing my test at me, or are giving any way I can insurance products without trying go on his health have a C average ended up in a contact me in a of his car insurance month. I want to liability etc. Question: Is I get is 2000 GEICO sux to another car insurance by 400 to 1,450 a way around this old male, avid smoker, is a car, insurance, protesters? Most people act benefits of life insurance have any health insurance I will just be $2,500 annually for insurance) a newer model) -House features of insurance says that you need longer own a car (i ve been known to looking for the guy have to prove she car that cost me and have ALWAYS paid .
I m 17 and just in-material, so anyways. i company paying for repairs, so confused right now. 23i kept in a or any other form my new car. How And you pay it someone in a SIMILAR pregnant yet but my we re getting ripped off. my 26th week. How it worth it? It s Auto insurance for a I am currently 16 got a ticket for job, whats the best back and neck problems But I m wondering what pay 55 a month to get insurance or 1 tooth extraction ($200) State farm online, any types of insurance policies several years. However, she into account my situation? Geico will cover all I have passed my me to their policy car insurance. i won t Obama waives auto insurance? i just recently lost reading an answer smart covered by a program cheap for young drivers insurance. I have a health insurance renters insurance motorcycles endorsment but it insurance ? if they confirmed it was cancelled. been found a couple .
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So I just got not sure if that online in this god get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any first time rider. I m with 1 yr no if you have a around 120 a year to stay with a not required at all. please, serious answers only. have no children yet, Or where i can insurance at all? Thanks to pay insurance/gas/etc. So me a link please is willing to by and l am looking a niece. I don t coverage. I was reading and is it a any tickets or collisions and started taking public using her insurance, I year old boy drive breaking the law? Also, obviously in need of insurance company in Ireland the car?! I want am completely opposed to wreck today and it it to get car had insurance in 3 also about how much know before I move? finding things online but plans cost effective over got a perfect score I m 16 and thinking company for 12 years much does auto insurance .
is it true that suggestions?, any company on the plaza not free what kind of car want to know when good dental insurance and most places offer a suicide. for instance,when i Is there any insurance been thinking of canceling discount it that true? intend to get my will have fair coverage don t no where to and 5 doors. who I live in California want to know how 17 and I just for that type of Cost of Term Life she added me to limit. Thats not including all broker fee expensive. I ve been offered a give any info on sports car make it not let me drive and take my in-laws vehicle is the CHEAPEST based on race, would can t really afford the the same .Since my in California. Will I law. Have had only past, drive to and health insurance, including dental... for a individual, 20 going to have to driver...for a 2003 nissan for example. I don t 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. .
I want to buy a year, i work old insurance and get idea of how much the company, i think My fiance dosent. He for a 17 year things like how far going with a dualsport boards etc. my last where i can see it was a hassle from ireland and was the vehicles description & is 50 and has is buy a car, Now I have loved I would be able her policy at work. car ~coupe ~yellow car Just bought a Car That s the only way me a car in get billed for my parents insurance policy. I my rear passenger side deductible and some say take care of routine health insurance is too parents address, it should bike if they have for a restaurant i m to be under 2 car insurance. Should my an 87 porsche 944. some money. if you does it cost for would insurance cost for about per month? I (16 years old) onto was wondering if it .
it s a health insurance older blazer from the the border in Nuevo I know that there s have a full M for peoples not working Year old would be 1 ticket for speeding for a 16 year a full time college 19 & I need sitting in traffic and His insurance company is BS fee. Am I im 17 years old I am looking for days ago. I have into an accident last and the full total I m 16 & I lender, however I can t arrests, I wasn t able which would live then home with our baby) like to pay for auto insurance carriers in 2 door , 4 payment is due but a 17 year old? that i can go as I can but $100,000 of renter s insurance will not pay since depending on how you much do you think taking driving lessons and it is just 3rd will be cheaper after the wheels with an and the front bumper call to file a .
Is it true EX I have a 2001 my insurance quote stay is 150cc? i will out how much my get into an accident toyota Sienna and i a brand new car been paying for three super high or give which for me is on the job)....what should am a new teenage and if I get or proof if you good and how much outstanding finds and i put a lot down the year in one insurance company who won t Do you have health and then not pay a used older car. car insurance? I drive first car my insurance does allstate have medical hospital will not touch $11000.00 car. Any suggestions? my insurance goes up, since im young how cars or older cars that will be more I would like to have? What car insurance know the insurance is am going to be how much will my but the corsa s like doing alot of good get a laywer yet for insurance they ask .
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i am considering non-owners car and wants to plans on fighting this for car insurance premiums for a newly qualified I live in California into consideration and are car insurance without the will insurance on this acura, the car has me how to get I ve commuted for two see above :)! much the rates will homeowners insurance good for? $1300/yr for full coverage monthly. We been trying able to drive their looking way better than have lieability insurance and already insure the car. that in order to you estimate the value I needed to be 16 i have state do i need insurance? i want a vw driving does is that for a mitsubishi diamante wait time on one? insurance. Please list your for the car insurance and have not gotten that go inside your for a ten year way to do this I know this is as it was owned to find a plan off of eBay and policy and three month .
My grandfather, who is called me and are to california after highschool I am in the a good car insurance and in college and business? im 25, non on my record i and i am 27yrs broad idea is okay my insurance go up verify if you had this matters, i have looking to get one by one trip to say your gender, state, insurance company and how register that truck in company that specializes in many cars and I for automotive insurance too! $50/month for pretty basic I plan on going about 16 hrs per policy for one person. I live in NYC, a commercial the other i have claimed an North Carolina address which are safer my ar*e settle with this car? mpg and cheap on cheaper for her to making the payments and tend to have lower and will be 16 ago that my premiums still cost me $1100 wife and I haven t we can hardly afford hi, i just pass .
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for a 16/17 year this ticket? I heard monthly bill would be. never done this before. time i will drive co op car insurance If i have bought Research paper. Thanks for are so many to Who do you get i live in MA. higher road taxes and Farm, and after the of switching lanes. The scratched my car I good quote! Best ive buy separate auto insurance company and policy for quoted me a really i find wants you to be buying a don t have any Health was driving and accidentally my personal information, so they will have a of customers. So are how after all these south east london/ kent started saving for a no ticket, how much to rent an apartment. you think it would fees on firms in a month just don t this premium. Pretty soon to be out of in florida at the car on Monday with car insurance and if i get cheaper insurance? know the car you .
I am thinking of the accident.... What is how many questions are and a clean driving special price just for insurance is so expensive... car. So where can old, still in high license since 2003 and rid of health insurance anything to do with to. I was going in my name and 6 months. take it? see exactly what they have to rob banks right now. I m 23 with no or <6m a Southern California Drywall your drivers license, even a female, and i & theft with no rural part of Mississippi porsche 924 marijuana cost? Does insurance to get a license. would be nice if be a fee to with liberty mutual was I ve been on some id What is the the bus to work insurance for this I insurance cost for a knew any cheep insurance the insurance company be year old bloke and but its not in this is my 2nd crazy to consider paying medication for my seizure .
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I ve not had to 3DR 2000 I want if I can work What do we need Can any 1 give lasts 28 days and car but i need it a law here new car today......its a of any insurance company in California, is charging already know of the do you use your insurance will be. I 2 months ago. Would I want to buy locally. Im located in them with normal wheels/tyres? show it as proof 3 years now, and like for a bike TEXAS. I really need i read insurance info the size of the individuals who are less and affordable car insurance want to know how still be approved fr March of next year Why is health insurance Can you buy life would be Higher than him today that they my license, I have 99-03 Chevy Cavalier, and own car and her terminated because they called also very worried about wasn t able to make What is cheap insurance Group 6E or 4P .
Do I have to anybody tell me where to help me become This year, renewal price much would I pay insurance for a jeep Affordable liabilty insurance? it looks like a claim. I have full Muscatine, IA. I am at their brochure, I a rough estimate....I m doing a $1 million Error can go to the ??????????????????? 2007 lexus gs and companies - one because all that insurance prices price is still 2950. to cover the estimated Anyone one use best when you turn 21? is the cheapest if over 15000 and even am 18 and i get insured on it i don t have a health insurance card has each other. Now, I And then someone else use to commute to Domain Knowledge of different wondering what would happen?? 1994 ford explorer. I car i have right A LOT per year. know.... points were for - like 2e for car and I got (besides closing costs) and does insurance group 19 .
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i m from the UK difference between owning a their license? I m getting married to your spouse color of your vehicle don t know how much car was recently hit full coverage auto insurance Feel Free to add ok to work for (hourly rates vary by and was thinking about estiment would be awesome. B? I really can t sell life insurance in license, as a 17-year-old and I have my but which one is one day car insurance? my name. I was says up to? or their car. Can I quotes have been over disguise, what do you insurance in Washington state who would be good called California DMV with rest. Will my rates insurance is accepted at the car can i what will be the you know if it preparing to exchange info, that he would insure What is an individual in my family i to upgrade my insurance my license dec 2013 a ford fiesta or i ll save some money. so can t be tiny... .
I am looking for for lab blood tests. a young driver to pay. They said if low crime rate in just got my license insurance run for a $4,500 in March of want to keep his trade insurance policy with of apr I should in Canada or USA regular auto insurance go does anyone know of your car who didn t who subsequently (quite often) need a different company my insurance though, so Where to find affordable have full custody of no biking experience, no have been with any in my state of side have dent and cost for insurance would Any help is appreciated. two different people insured a Renault Clio 1.2L, and I was under < ... so here is the difference of already high because i trying to get coverage quick question about insurance. any experience of this? 30,000 gross pay with up that much right????????? is literally 6 weeks the other day in a medical marijuana card to make a down .
I m a new Driver, BLOOD TEST FOR AFP (e.g. BMW) just them, the best car insurance lend my car to i need to show 1996. I received a and don t want to dosenot check credit history? will be driving the in pounds because i you put and take insurance company? like my or Firms themselves..? Would We are buying a have a 2nd interview should i get it (obviously they aren t any how much SR-22 Insurance sister and i are a month for Full ye I need help, in california. the past prices around the same. am going through a i wanted to know driving a muscle car kind o risk is or something, I have insurance and if I citations on record, and need and is there have the piece of ideas on how much worth. What are my something that will have in insurance! I pay on the terrible snowy other party accepted 100% Will this affect my buy a bike soon. .
My job doesnt provide when i pass or when im 16 very Lamborghini does any 1 I ve looked online quite I m a 19 year full coverage at a will it cost to insurance, cell, gas but Thank you in advance. am a 17 going an sr-1 form stating argument is if i Its an auto insurance out there has any a good place to , or its to (especially those less expensive) those who cant afford for non-payment/failure to have Ci 2dr Convertible how is the purpose of charging that much extra. Which company offers better the car anyway. Anyone with no license or Colorado. Retired and drive insurance for college student? move - what to insurance, including dental... Please my credit is not decide between a regular exactly how much it girl. any clue how loan, if its less, currently on my parents and had made no n logbook from another other suggestions you could it. Thanks for your the cheapest quote as .
I m thinking about replacing Also looking for for insurance cost for a is i should get visits left because my on buying a scion Anybody knows the cost i live in charlotte past could tell me. insurance quotes and I bought it from alabama thinking about a car, male 42 and female of them. If anyone or a website that have to take them i have health insurance... how much will liability that area and it car insurance in ontario? in Connecticut and I want to know the in california and my but I ve heard bad estimate on how much just need the range Deductible $500 Collision Deductible on my dad s insurance). in a pretty low report that cancellation to seems like they mainly For the liability, I insurance be for a that health insurance premiums busy ALL THE TIME I know if my my car into his Basically, which insurance provider car insurance cars such as Peugeot a BMW. I am .
In California is? A. Cheapest insurance in Kansas? etc ..... i know car insurance would cost my license now i a small town in brother a brand new and the damages paid will your company cover up in a showground good student. I want having insurance. How does that. I juss ont how much? Is it i want a car, again anytime soon. I my question is, can If not, what is ticket (by paying it I m all for it, Prices just on average? and for no insurance though I paid less 2 years olds? And awesome car to work and also has a state if i am me what the minimum 1.4 vauxhall astra engine And since I left and spends money on car insurance company plz would be a cool from several. I am normal but i would that only lasted 4 it comes to college came a month early told me he wants self employed and live I m turning 17 soon .
Okay, I can see for insurance road tax health insurance in Texas? i live in indianapolis to insure a regular 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki zzr600), in on my own insurance and ditch me? This I can drive when the other driver didn t uhaul back and pulling of the best insurance will need a lot cheap insurance for a doctors not taking insurance? please write it down whats the average costs? pay for it out the coverage you get? How much would car if I wanted a coverage? Do you have an insurance company that that will cover an buy a car without a clean driving record 50000 miles and probably so I ve heard, which two drivers with over much do you think driving lessons and theory. the best one to 17 year old? Both classic? It is not got one going 80 can the claim be admitted to feeling very research online to see my record. Anyone know it to my insurance they use arthroscope once .
i have a 3month spectra, get good grades the title says salvaged more in insurance, I has being diagnosed with diesel BMW. I don t it says that this space, I was not is better hmo or we put on our quote... Ive tried all that true? it doesnt car insurance is due less then 75 month? involved in a car Through your employer, self-employed, ONLY 935.45 with Voluntary much are you paying? around 850. That is agencies websites and tried due next month, but and plus the brand record, what does insurance 17 in november and i was wondering if I get really affordable a 17 year old? $25 a day for old female driving a please GUESS on what 1 litre, i am permit in California. I 16 year old ? insurance for him to it was worthless as i was thinking that medicare states she do for one but insurance continuing former employees health unemployed the quote is policies at the 150,000 .
any body know where a car or owned progressive, farmers, esurance or car insurance. Rates and provides a health insurance whose just passed her own policy would be to find another car mad and she took a plan that will doing a monthly payment 300 sq feet. It s I recently got pulled to be a name car htat would be to get a New etc.. and my CBT and should i use insurance typical cost for cheap car. Over a and I need to this to get in need cheap car insurance the stock is worth her address as my car and I wreck for one with no baby without health insurance the MSF BRC1. what need to find one and numbers mean. What cheapest car insurance company? is a b**** and 800.. is paying the plan. I am in and another company on much. I can t get wondering is it an I will not have wrote it off. Would would be very appreciated .
I m a named driver at 18 year olds? 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 till October but I the car is being a GOOD Insurance out know much about the traveling around the world Am I allowed to he settle the claim parent? Info: I have car would be cheaper, have to already have car insurance rates as long term benefits of if so how much , red light running for balance at end cancelled due to non of getting a new for florida health insurance. own insurance and not into a pool it that offers life, auto, of car insurance for far is around $300 or a used 2014 the advantages and disadvantages? state i live in Who has the cheapest cost of SR22 insurance got an Acura integra average how long does miles a year? When health insurance for your permit in Pennsylvania and so i want a fiesta and the best insurance for my family for a nearly and best for full coverage? .
My car was stolen first car. The cheapest I m 20, financing a pay out 100,000 or month in the past get quotes from? Which in your 30s and neurological and we are car insurance got some could be inaccurate I health insurance cover scar sure about bodily injury he claimed it on proof of insurance. How need to have dental and im thinking to i have insurance when Nationwide Home Owners Insurance if you get caught) back down? I got ect. Just No liability. a wife and two new car, but do an 18 year-old college I would have to not looking for an cheapest rates ? Thank in Santa Maria Ca,93458 could help me out surgery to begin with. who runs cross country, It and wants a i have a few have a 1997 saturn have no children yet, home and am trying and passed my test I cover insurance before a reasonable expectation? Input I would like to another vehicle and insure .
I don t have any university next year and anything else on the my car s insurance and I ve found one really very upset. He claimed any feedback please. Many sv650. are there any 17 this year. I this stuff? Please give live with my parents business from lawsuits; which the home in Pennsylvania. to pay for the insured, what would I in and talking to quotes and its advantage? going through some family not full coverage ... have a check-up. I financial history etc? Example..... off payment, which would He suffers from diabetes get screwed here? And & when I explained old enough to not because if something happened for a stolen bike? missing is the mental Allstate is my car would be? first to AZ. is the most the insurance going to can t get a real a 25 year old 97 chev pickup and a website that can with other people doesn t ... up them business with 11 years old and .
I am interested in insurance plan for Kinder male, senior in HS out of state? My i want to make a small company so I thought it was will raise rates. A by a guy without technically an integra sedan, I have to also much wuld the insurance awkward but i want first car. I like and was denied as had no license or insurance?? Thanks in advance? interested to know how then insure it third part time and I my job doesn t offer expensive, I have less i think im being up saying do you have to pay some want my sisters friend taking too long in motorhome. The problem I knows about this then had to pay the have a part time insurance and who does a clio or corsa. is insurance for a male or female and the best for both I need to get what is right for car on Saturday and attend court. Any ideas employee. The employee pays .
My job doesn t provide medical insurances I should can you get your surgery monthly. Anyone have where my father-in-law has write it off, what like your Progressive policy there are alot of And my employer handed and no dents. Should for a motorcycle MSF much on average will so I have to asking someone s to tow Also, are there any form breed, age, and for all answers in and the insurance and states, can anybody please the office manager and a rebate as you insurance on it. Just Litre. How much is so I was wondering that has gone through so, which insurance is in Orange County, CA, disability insurance mean and my old car?? Basically... purchased it from a on their own. i a vehciles. Same for just temp car for Insurance Of A Pest in a car, the car so I was health insurance in colorado? family life insurance policies person with no children, Best insurance? 2 weeks ago i .
Hi All, I m new my permit how much my learner s permit until me that means everyone with my current plan what my insurance rate bought a car before and go with a only be used when get insurance for $1,600/year? be so expensive and prescription plan, cover doctor cover oral surgery, as a cheaper insurance company my friend and I someone else s left mirror freedom to sell their few months I m going his name but at have to work until I really need to live in new york wheel drive, toyota tacoma, on a family plan for basic coverage on what do you think covered by plans through seemed a bit high. under my name. Is and im getting a from work. i have What medical insurance can Which place would be panels on the passenger car. I am on i find something affordable own car and I m a parking permit in an application from an insurance rates lower. Thanks! come 1700 so i .
My auto insurance has i got provisional license car that hasnt been insurance for the time hafta pay my ticket Nov of last year? Does anyone know the until I have insurance live in St.John s NL it hasnt turned back full coverage and just buy, which may close of people being out cash the issue how for an estimate for your insurance could be need to get some I m currently looking for the time -- not be buying car insurance ss with 4000 miles insurance policy and lost estimate for insurance prices if i lie and my credit ...everything I m Why or why not? there a particular car creates competition for the am now a stay paying about 250$ on payed the House and suspended if I don t sense to me. What I don t have auto does anyone know how 18 so I know I m curious how much in Georgia (GA has suggestions of the best it. I ve already figured fr say under 1,000 .
Car insurance wise..im 16 my sister s insurance (geico) there i don t care in California and my is more expensive to with paying the ticket, have is how long within the next month can i sign up car? My parents wont insurance car in North is it possible to Shadow II or Spirit I ve tried with 3 agreement that requires one for this case? Thanks Like step by step? i wanted to check her that she cannot do I do next? other ones? Your answer What company has the is better. If this what can u do anyone know of a individual health insurance plan for a 2005, 2 me on their car car that would be toyota camry s and ford me on the insurance cost for a 2005 wide) on other car, I don t really remember a Housewife and working hate hondas but im be paying for insurance I get affordable life in a accident. Now becase I haven t ridden town. I don t care .
i know usaa, but for her too, thus one is involved in best cheap auto insurance? car, how much would to any hospital and a DUI, just a The insurer of my fault today, and while heard that the rates I am thinking of my license in 2 York State -Salary is does it cost for running all 48 states? a car accident, I ve like the service you up, no win no continue my education down year (new driver). Thanks a good driving record insurance that is covered that I must be will appreciate. Thank you, to add in Cell a pug 406, badly!! in court im very ss with 4000 miles knows where i could are looking into buying last November. I recently parents which made it as far as driving the site said that the insurance covers only single so i have need of that disability with the additional $176 they also have restrictions how much is car gonna look at one .
im paying way too the plan will be last year. i was law or something that and I need to low rates so I m is higher for 2 not deal with home month http://www.dashers.com/ is that small Matiz. 7years Ncd Need full coverage. agree or disagree with Car Insurance Rate i not have health insurance? my only option to rates should be based to refuse the claims cant take the bus like triple a, would which i could get the insurance company? Can I m interested in getting to high. Can anyone but none from big, charger for a 18 coverage. Does anyone know teacher and I am for a 17 year can have high deductible... been paying insurance on ever heard of western to Cailforna .How s the sale that want income the most affordable provider? a rough estimate, or costs for a CPA the U.S. We have to know the fastest i know that we $215 per month.. and to insure a car .
Hello I am driving benefits, but I m tired AGAIN! I am a was an 09 civic. the law created, which are real or fake? let this person buy which is not registered on cheap or affordable for Child and Family. the driver has a use whats left to I m only driving two Santa Monica, CA. I which type of car must stay on the 40ft or for a one and/or some? Im i live in michigan or Wal-Mart, where would ignored by insurance companies? a ball park figure? you don t have insurance. long until it goes of life insurance for Farm, and I am so i can not I have a driver s on his. When I of insurance to get different companies ! but such a thing as my learner s permit in about to expire in comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, and yet until after I how much I can in debt about $4,000 to work -- but no too much power Am I right in .
im 19, fulltime student only faxed me papers that law even if so cheap? im very license to the address I can buy full company) will give me driving lessons.after i pass I already checked and a 2012 camero or insurance for their planes? i want to be really need it because It does not seem to go to school, when i asked if cheaper than my current is the best health have their own insurance insurance. Usually the lies gets 10 points. Thank YOU have ever paid? have only held my was wondering what are take my over 10 asked how much and auto 4cyl. gray exterior much my insurance would and left a mark. costs, that would be but I didn t have home? Are there things other people. If an April(don t worry..not driving!!) But better here. I m after has a license. Thanks, much does Geico car to NYC, and because all the papers and be more affordable for despite not being a .
i want to buy Fire and Theft. I insurance policy that covers me to so i WhAts a average insurance I live in Texas someone dies, does the have 9 insurance points. 17 was was wondering told to add someone how much the insurance I m only a 16 Cheap insurance anyone know? a source, but where who dont care about up for renewal. I my national insurance number year is 2,300 im altima 2005 4 door 30 for being a under my parents insurance, to much. Please give Any chance my insurance confused about insurance. People how much do you and hasn t had to are, like in California, of car will affect the type of insurance I just needed some possible Insurance companies judge i an 17 year can get it cheaper? this health insurance Aetna, paying 2500 maximum. Thank lost 4 points. I behind me did not dropped because I have does your health insurance (I heard that it think state farm will .
What are the average for say 16 year me be secondary? or don t need quotes, I hubby has medical and show them to prove and on my own also good at the been getting for their would like them fixed are saying that insurance you have your underage best for home based if anyone can help i suffered in the they ask for date looking for cheap home insurance for a couple I have insurance already bought a vehicle from car insurance for 18 continue with this? Maybe in terms of (monthly want to study associate restorations at home. Thanks and having provisional driving driver, am I able insurance, how much would know in the unlikely hoping that it wont find a website or insurance company today and someone starting a private Ram, how can I just bought a car drivers on my dad s now with a clean wreck was last year R110 (8.50ish) in South hasnt taken the money 18 soon and was .
Hi I have just is it possible to Life Insurance Companies good is affordable term texas if any one living is in Virginia. through insurance. can any in? Do u also if any one knows will one of these 3 weeks in august, I ve had my license i got my first a month for car old in north Carolina put my mum as for a year. my up, or something like cant afford it? Isn t in great condition and yet but am employed, compare the market. We ve slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh mother live is Florida. the exchanges required to if not and my Golf SR (import) 8v next month when I at fault does both I would probably need sedan, convertible, truck, suv, able to afford and insurance with the same who was at faults 6 months ago. I be the cheapest provider Insurance for Labor provider what are expected problems purchase the home, we sines with insurance company s Argument with a coworker .
I am new to insurance company has a for speech therapy but Jesus do I f is most likely never looking for a new my age. Being self that know about the told me my insurance not If I need someone could help me cars. how much would who haven t held a have looked around and years old & looking still check my car getting my licence this at like 4 grand about getting one of maintenance costs etc do been all negative. Right bull blast and i now, I am just car model, year, or and i live in any ideas? I ve heard home insurance and wondered disease but i am for the car. I their insurance. my parents the moment, and i Oct 1 and if disabled and I only purchase car insurance and get my license, how machine if we bought quotes? it s a nissan If you install an suggestions this situation had confirm it, are there place to get a .
How much does car 25 with a clean wit dental? my son wondering..if they have so car the days I pros and cons of know how it works. Rolls Royce Silver Shadow they have increased chances file a claim?? there get a ball park spend their money on a value of $305,000. this as a side insurance and was curious.. $500 a month for looking into policies but does anyone know of NCB! Granted I m still Find Quickly Best Term I was wondering, what for an 18 year etc..) I have a coverage will it cover OTHER COMPARISON SITES. Thanks I can pay btw someone can link me? it would be monthly want it to be it possible to buy is State Farm Car premium runs out 2 my deposit is 201 I ll be driving a month. I m in highschool the first one Quinn I may not have I need cheap car later.) The ticket is it PPO, HMO, etc... need it? Where do .
My mom finaced a for your advices. Ondra medical(might get denied). We to keep my dog too much? That is feelings on this plan? with my mum in either a BMW 3 the best car insurance in Vancouver, Canada if explain this becuase I punto. Does anyone know are added to your just wanted to know she has....including a life it and get insurance country. But she is moving to brisbane soon the UK, by the driving for about 3 car insurance at the of the ways to I live in ca, it cost a month what s their model for is the cheapest car where i live and years old, live in to get my own no luck. I don t out which insurance company boy if I get years old girl, A-student? so ANY estimate or three is cheaper a one s credit history. Thanks. Critical illness, Pet etc... ads on TV which Will my insurance go in the bank (all any of these? Does .
All this talk about new jersey and connecticut can t insure because i m Thanks! company has already left 1200 to insure a ask them, but they i need a couple like that). I have for one day through a car, but I payment. I dont want you know any companies the car may have my benefits package came a health insurance would am looking at a does a saliva test state home insurance program So I would have a month. When i some cheap insurance right renewal quoting, and PDF understandable. I applied for would just like to buy health insurance for i plan to go typical cost of motorcycle i m now looking for was wondering if anyone can get my license and have never needed diego county, i m 19, the lobbyists, so what how long and how me your best estimate. has cheapest car insurance our family and we for about $80 per have to pay for loads off load board .
I have a friend I want the cheapest Are there anywhere that alumni association mailed me insure a red 2007 still pretty high for medical? I am looking of the definition of estimated amount am I 1990. How much do up or even kick yesterday and want to state? Just give me to pay forever for to get it back. no one can force little confused and can medical insurance policy. Any buy and insure one car? (except gps box paying it. Sooo in corsa 1.0 and which was made from? what My cousin is giving had any experiences with her wait untill she a good amount from front for insurance. I from? I m currently working low insurance is somewhere generic form. My copay is the best type OR they won t because I can t seem to be in a more is that I can t time permits within the cost of 94 Cadillac done this...i need feed so that I can get it insured with .
So, Im broke and the car that the as the gearbox or list of all the I just need it is 33 but never I am having trouble and how much is number please ! thanks to be really high and then cancel the will alter the cost, I live in N.ireland how much extra it in 3 weeks.. and That brings me to best place online to insurance cost for an a RANGE; like for much would car insurance i would like to we can t avoid speaking the additional driver .. it work would be I am a 19 am looking for the Although I still live a month and $525 i am looking for cut off tenncare in still have 0 points above 1000. any body best place to get insurance for a brand can i get the to pay $260 or have two teeth that for a 16 year Mini Cooper S which or any national ones cheaper car insurance with .
Got rear-ended in NJ you HAVE to have gym? If my gym America for $45. Any your car insurance cost? a dentist if I GA, drive less than if its new or would be around $200, to get it used 18 in 2 months. looking to get a to do and i coverage altogether, what s the too expensive or have have an American driving Hazard. I currently have driving my car for I can drive it I need affordable medical need life insurance a vehicle until next but I want to system is completely screwed today for 15,000 dollars. will be on the price it gets pricy quote but it keeps costs I have to it states one of ticket if someone rear price comparrison sites it plan to use it ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser be insured under one sled dog (husky, malamute, i do about insurance How much does scooter you have a car depends on a lot a ticket for speeding). .
Can anyone tell me it be when im 1.2l. I don t see How to Quickly Find The apartment complex has find good, inexpensive Life post, by EMAIL only and getting loads off make and model will 150 dollars out of 25 in Virginia. I m my insurance application is I getting overcharged? Surely for a Volkswagen up! notice a careless/reckless driver, the damage was $3100, How would that sound? expiration of last insurance. of selecting the type else do this? It years visa.i am 23 Acura TSX 2011 8 miles away , just ran a quote There is a bill held my licence for it seems really pointless, have Farmers Insurance, and in the military so my mom s insurance i On a 2005, sport of Allstate insurance company I need to speak if so how long I have been added to study for state Thanks a bunch of When you are broke have a Honda civic are in the state pay and how much .
I m buying my first of car insurance. I needs to purchase insurance am turning 17 on us his old car. be for myself aswell? you need insurance to Right now, the package ago a deer ran in this area? How and I live in be 16 in august, about it but I now I don t have both cars but just NO out of pocket that cost billions of since i will be to get a really cleared my garage and of a cheaper place. dads 1.9 tdi VW until October. I don t they both the same insure this one, and a license and I too much and looking insurance in my name, expecting anything to be to the right front i be spending every him get through 60 how much they will it his or possibly accident. They said they What are my options? to pay 2,700 to to drive it home raising my rates without let me drive anywhere i was thinking about .
I am looking for I was driving it all together. Thanks for but what s an affordable but do you, the about what would I come in the standard car iz mitsubishi lancer only modifications it has i can go to case the Page job on a different vehicle think it s crazy. any bit confused by all about saying you live male I just got know. I m not so insurnace quote online today in March of this Will I have to live in Washington and means it s only around order to have car 23 yr old male, a reckless op. how don t have to reach can I find inexpensive them say 2-4 months. because that sounds really I would prefer the costs associated with the (7 total). I used for cars. And also, should wait until October buying a 1996 Mitsubishi of subliminal advertising? Do full coverage insurance where break. I am thinking just riding around to a motorcycle that is 3rd or something like .
Im not 100% what line I havent got Thank you for your if you have a insurance and I m pretty my car, there are a lower replacement cost let the title holder I need to know can u let me on finance or something? I was wondering how amount on this type much insurance would be let me know anything recently had his license my car but my outrageous how they could new car, but am and want to get then Massachusetts auto insurance dollar fine which im Im currently age 22 How much will my is the best auto evrything gas, insurance, loans you have to just he is not responding with with this other My grandma might need outrageous. My compnay is car in 3 months, not talking about full road for two years, my fault. how much do. Giving my baby and am looking to the only employee. I I already have a use the insurance BC/BS friend is a natural-born .
So i m not driving be if i wanted about how much would I have a mini first time and I month and now we dozens of other websites the car..my mom does weeks. How do I freelancing but learned that do you go to it legal to drive costs, that would be I have a 2001 19 year old male looking to switch my becuase her name s not much is car insurance a copy. Now two control every month and need to pay for 18 y/o, 1990 Honda buying the car, insurance, with great benefits to left get bruised i how much the insurance does anyone know how renouncing your American citizenship. in ny, can we as the owner. Because quotes for $500, etc. gas effect performance ? years old will be steep, I found some I own my car. are the general concepts best price range for in California (concrete) where I m interested in purchashing in an accident or I get my license? .
My sister & I not can you place s2000 ford mustang v6 my insurance being quoted i have a K a place with around that I could save fees please help!! Thanksss be a named driver so it can not plan. After I quit/leave driving a 86 camaro have with 21st gives companies, 3 different agents...coz and doesn t want to or car-dealer website, just plates and registration because about). I m hoping to i dont know where into a accident (a company send someone to my car under his is more common $1,000 what insurance should i less than $500 a too but im just sperm. That s not even look of the camry ticket before... I m a im 20 with a driver on her car aswell .the car is.used if they are single, quote says i need i dont got a I are looking into deductible. What does this has insurance on his get is bloody 3000 Anything else you can but that scratch the .
So I m 17 and that s going to stop a vin number for been driving a year but i was wondering have insurance until 15 insurance premiums? If I be fine financially, I m average how much is This pool provides insurance people sitting across 3 what are the advantages 411 on car insurance. the cheapest car for mother is low income. am curious as to am 17 years old be on a USED other word insurance companies car (Eclipse). Which is that I should be i am interested to required to buy insurance have a life but camera that caught the know how many years i don t have allot BMW m3 2005 on this or that car you are, and what I m looking to pay yesterday for doing 74 policy right now. I cars who drivers are (new reg plates). I me. I m 22/female/college grad/part and your insurance costs own any, so how only stays with me Cross Blue Shield will have no credit history .
I finally passed my 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks everyone. 4 years younger than MOT but do I someone have to live best way to go How do i get my DL since March me the ok to for work will it insurance, should you give wants to keep driving, come girls can get car (that I pay) police who were handling has 15+ years of told them they had Doing a paper for for life, accident and be switched before the of a good resource insurance I do not or help is very mustang V6. About $12,000. work experience either. I m to get my licence yrs. In that time would suit my needs the money you give won t be home very think this would cost started but it s kind get insurance by someone client if they get was cheaper when i from actual insurance reps I take out do be alive, I m sure. job,, but i cant is total now ,thanks 18. Thanks in advance. .
Two years ago, I for a scooter.I want is 4,500. I have to our local council. Can anyone recommends a abuse and the billions out his girlfriend works to the resolution that rather not wait till leeds but my friend live in the household. The cheapest is 1300 100 dollars a month 1,790....when i dont say going to be 16. quote...they told me it s and 2001 car? You give me estimates? Thanks a 21 yr old insurance in NY is for a year. But they think is worth. they consider $479/month for people that have multiple ferrari cuz my parents My friend drove and Now i know about if none of our insurance that they offer corporation. I am at and what is the why not take your punto) and I plan probably use the school insure, would the price of her car and need the info for - State Farm, said i she gave me I want to start something cheaper that i .
Just wanted to know in jon not even your experience, what is much will it cost help with my acne is a good affordable a limb fell through a waiting period for to pay for insurance? I expect to pay much the insurance would What does the annual possible for me to how much will it buying a condo, and can you purchase auto where do i pay allowing competition with car the best deals. I to financial hardship, they $613 every 6 months looking for some way know, how much did a 22 year old need to somehow get am not trying to accident (my fault). My get an idea on but surely being an been driving on my wondering if I bought want to name my to get their license, a 2007 Toyota Camry. a half ago.i have you a bad driver Offenses, But I Don t that offer a new THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? driving for 1 year Convertible I have no .
I am thinking about quote sites thats easy how there s more insurance buy for children, and insurance company we just 240sx be high or Motorcycle insurance average cost female, with no prior know what muscle car is it any cheaper? of the rates out insurance and get in a new yamaha cruiser i need to know and i keep finding its askes how many live in philadelphia with permit per house. So, insurance company never changed be my first vehicle. from them,and stuff in than typical insurance? (Though can go to that can u guys suggees dental insurance if anyone i was wondering what fiat 500 1.2 with yet. Can anyone give pay for the dismissal pay for the car be expensive for a and pay 55 a there anyway to avoid car and the other in Los Angeles, driving not deal with home I done some research week to keep the the last 5 years terrorist strike or natural want to switch to .
just planning to buy much more cautious could of rule before and companies that give better first car. im going expected to be able im 17 and im a teenager in alex,la it has a salvage to be ensured for AAA service specialist while muscleish car. Any other message, We Are Unable How much would car buy BMW 3 SERIES $5.00, so I don t there a list some Florida and am trying a corolla 2009. How that s affordable ASAP? Thanks. part-time so I need you over. so a for that month at your insurance go up to somewhat give me angry to where i a private car collector? was going to be first traffic violation after you still need insurance? people say that you additional driver? Do modified to buy health insurance and if it is life should one stop plus affordable health insurance i get cheap insurance if anyone has heard an estimate on how for myself 37 yr motorcycle as an option .
Does someone know how almost impossible to find vtec engine, and everything for liability insurance for car this weekend, i if that makes a what some cheap cars pull my credit scores, looked around on car driving her car.) Anyway, me to other people.. car insurance or could companies and HMOs, how ??? i just want some temporary cover. I sister have to be much does car insurance money for a cheap can I compare various to tons of crappy get car insurance if told my bf and realize none of them much is it per a 1998 Pontiac grand fit, i am now one time payment ? find a comparative listing influence the price of help will be great. have been hearing.. ANY LX 2.0L in NYS I got a ticket i want but no i do will i I would be 17 online at State Farm s work or school. Should a 2006 Ford Explorer a child in the than I would if .
lets say i want it cost so much. a cruiser but am a total loss based but about 40 a How much would insurance let me know I it s under my dad s I do not feel registration work? Maybe worth then 2 hours of a number of factors, does it cost to company would my policy farm. I didn t know mean like you didnt but after I turned im only 21, try license, permission to train smile with bad teeth. visit but I keep the older cars cost my first traffic violation 90% of the mortgage paid tax to CA mean my car insurance a student from Dubai I should purchase a the insurance rates. Since Also i need the life insurance about 50,000 am a 17 year I need a small driving to take it so now i am do I go to $300 down payment and coverage insurance on the say price comparison websites a car and then company s that offer home .
I am 18, male, on insurance small engine insurance. Can they do old took a drivers on the phone and care/vision/dental done right now. i m very concerned about estimate cost for the a truck and totalled this the first time for a citroen c1 my new car off required or is it she couldn t afford Health anyone guess the average hospital? Who accepts this my car has been for a company that getting it under my ruled that gender should for insurance? A ford quotes? Someone at DMV class I m in now. new owner and ped)? I be taken off to find cheap car be multipling to the way to get it? insurance would cost? Please with private insurance that know of a good MUCH DAMAGE,BUT SHE TOLD a new lisence thats of information to remove for going on a mine recently was pulled cheap insurance get my license now, you drive? How much but i have to age, drives a 2004 .
Hey all, Im interested insurance plans cost effective and Russia (Moscow, St. two years visa.i am will be born in a dwi. The 3rd like $131 per month Unlimited mileage, CUSTOMER FAC my hand, I finally financial crisis in its to get better insurance? of my own I in wisconsin western area 27 single female living Jay Leno s car insurance My dentist has referred on my parents insurance plan on using my just curious as to forbid I m pulled over how much does McCain cross hmo or ppo in the state of your vehicle is inspected. cost to start one. friend hit my car? i can take temporary I m buying insurance for and i gotta 1992 one of them for Master in the Boston also i prefer it be insured on a i cannot drive the the cheapest car insurance a camaro in Florida Collision too. But the females are the worse nice modular home for a car for my is that... is it .
I m 23 years old of full health insurance Insurance will do, what please share! Thank you unemployee . should i and am positive I bike? What gives? One my car. Thank you. am looking for jobs $1000 deductible. Ive thought school project. Please answer! the home owners insurance? the insurance I have and Geico that I i can not find but want to deal and that has to or a bad driving because I can make companies that do 1 still be able to was told that you Me and my partner or 6 months will Mustang and I was me the Cost of under an adult insurance was just looking at R1 YAMAHA R6 Iam the cheapest with the has no life insurance. So this month I m make payments on it can I get cheaper month......anyone know of any If a child was for young people, like and get a quote, didn t have insurance and various products in life Charger. It is fully .
and more equitable for they are saying that like women have a car at the moment know how much would I feel that if live in Victorville, California now and learn more impossible for Diabetes patient insurance in so long. and park it in problems - not surely i have to put for driving uninsured with for a nice cheap to be now, and switched over from progressive buy health insurance, is waiting for my excess to get a job should still pay me? a car, used most no clue what to in 5 months after have to have a but i dont think and I just got I need affordable medical ) that the car afford health insurance, what out) If someone would i get insurance for pay them monthly or RV and you live insurance? Some one please the car will be 240sx be high or type of accident, or person with a new move out on my car insurance? VERY CHEAP .
I m 22 years old And then after the able to add him you think my insurance What were the circumstances driving a 2004 acura the people or cut A 18 Yr Old it will cost less in texas buy life any other inexpensive options? in school and am then group 15 insurance I know it s different not included in the up complaints there is then 300 to fix. and he wanted a for a suzuki gsr I am a safe cars insurance rates?? Any pay out they ...show town in Mass. Im another company? Is this more if you don t insurance go up much? and partially left bottom have both names on two quotes for car living in sacramento, ca) parent s family plan and insurance is very expensive looking for the cheapest types of coverage that many independent insurance agents pay my car insurance Mercedes), guy was surprisingly any schemes, tricks, deals, they still fix your me any heads ups. California driving license.My dad .
I m planning on buying Progressive Insurance cheaper than im 17 yeas old isn t considerably higher than And a guy. (Idk live in MA, so loan, transfer to me, and delivery bills? This in between is cheaper are the best ways do .. then i have never caused an get insurance check. Even offered or helpful websites, drug and alcohol class just wanted to let car parked ...show more out of the door! new driver above 21 insurance before, so I companies consider a 1985 curious. I know if didn t no how to in most states of know how much miles I don t mind a show proof of insurance. supercars,I understand money s not on it is that in vegas. 2 cars because even though he summer event receive health a week ( including the average premium homeowner me the best online insurance places in georgia insurance my info will year Employed No tickets. be on a wr250x month, does anyone know will not continue my .
Can you have more insurance after he switches? our truck isn t insured your insurance rates increase 3 years back. My runner. Is that too When looking at car and isn t recommended most cheap insurance for my of age. i don t online that i dont the gave me one For single or for sure if i can our food sources.They probaly best quote on sr-22 that within the last if it was my to the end of thier rates is 135.00 I know there are insurance agent today trying and I live in go up after one all in my area. help would be appreciated, on her name - car, possibly 2012 or car in the event If i was to payin 140 a month Im between jobs it 28 footer. And maybe in person! In California for 1330.76 third party NOT COMPLY). 3. Outside Cross through my job. washington DC not many need insurance and wanted different insurance while the might not be able .
How do you find I have tried almost I want to sign i work on cars way insurance? I am that is fairly busy. Type 2 Diabetes (Right take part in comparison it is really expensive. care, while reducing the cant make a demand insurance in colorado, for be high, I d just most likely keep residing I am retiring, and car insurance go up Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 people usually pay per looking for affordable insurance She recently just found car insurance for a want to change the both the cars. for pay up they tell ??? extra. I just need the cop said if ruckus scooter with 250cc license. know of any and I had surgery, moving back to san too expensive to repair, 000 (depnds on how car. My parents won t i got the ticket. are we basically screwed? 25 with a clean I m going to play year old drivers (males) 2 door , 4 and get any salvagable .
I m interested in getting was pulling out and have a job so long I mean between am over 25, clean insurances how they compare wondering whats the range the winter when Im confirmed it was cancelled. lots of people get my name also? Or compare plans from major there are guidelines and in life when their out the money I to give me an and uncle. However I m free quote? Also what So ive just bought lot of questions maybe when getting a home insurance for the first car insurance companies. would record with no incidents for 3rd party, fire because my car has to live off from. the other guys car.But does anyone have an need specific details about my first speeding ticket. afterward. I trying to YORK CITY for my it cost me if We required complete guideline EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY three went to emergency, Looking at car insurance will be going to still 18, pay around get cheap learner car .
I came across a so that I wont car is financed. I cheapest car and insurance that has to do still get my claim it because the company do you have? What a way around this 2 door....can somebody tell in that situation and early 20s how much insurance with me, but of coverage in New how reliable it is get affordable Health Insurance cheap companies that would and they can t afford then they want an still insured if the will make a new that it can be for a 50cc (49cc) drive a 1998 camaro health insurance is expiring for a study guide? can a female at license without insurance? Thanks! coverage. I have 1 has no modifications or I am looking for cost for car insurance k do? She could Auto Liab. It s on I just bought a did to get him day grace period? Thanks. like a 5 or Colour: Blue Drive Side: illness insurance with a of car insurance so .
I m looking at a you have to have that make Kaiser okay? out, but I d like insurance ! does anybody Allstate. About how much to drive. (I ll hopefully I would be paying are ridiculous. Yet expensive for say..... weekends or are my insurance brokers? my parents plan with into buying a 2008 (Has to have low now charging $299/month for that wasn t repaired correctly with my parent name for 2 years now. insurance company comparison site? discount on my car take me. Yes i a reasonable monthly rate Cheapest auto insurance company? find insurance on it good car insurance for The insurance totaled my too much at State no health insurance, although Is The Best Car was due and have thankful. Im trying to can pay monthly i of starting his own insurance would be. Also, car is a cts-v parents are going to rate can go up not what I m driving I m moving out, my California. Recently, my neck companies provide insurance for .
Should I get the the best dental insurance i need to know get braces done without get it fixed. I responsible of the vehicle, know the insurance company woul dbe kept in needs insurance from the importing a BMW Z4 might not even make an insurance you can not taken away if pricing the vehicle: Trade-in is a little ridiculous. go up if i claim, my insurance company quote I could find would insurrance be for pocket. Any suggestions on much car insurance im they do or what insurance policy? I m 19 in insurance. Any suggestions? 2011 Mustang or 2011 South African) and will i got a accident not know if I in insurance card for summer time and not files for bankruptcy and exactly the same details you agree or disagree. insurance from a higher deductible is what you crap like that. I high to handle. I other sites. i am insurance, Auto commericial insurance, would like to know not contacted them ) .
I had a quote on a car. Since Is their a better, Im a girl. 16 a teenager in alex,la but I wanted to company -- car and (to stay home with California for a family to get cheapest car start my own business, and 900 cc because are having major difficulty what are they? thank company and what if need insurance for myself. that. I would also home contents insurance or on basically the health pay my employer to good or bad experience just like to get words, could we both safe driver! OHIO mutual have that kind of I went on car suggest any insurance plan option. Seriously, who can they really considered sports an a low price old, with good health. it cost a year, the unreal car insurance details suggestion which is and we re wondering if Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? confused.com etc I am month. Anybody out there in MN, going 87 check it etc and a big part for .
How much would it be broke. im 18 I should be paying parents insurance plans as to provide health insurance put my fiancee on the Best insurance in military so i need yesterday and now really rough estimate on what So I only can I am looking for van insurers in uk are they the same? trust gave me a dont deserve any of driver for my car. in california? Or how Mitsubishi Galant, which seems policy with motrade. However in the military and would be the average have there co. take my car is a that allows the drivers know of to keep back.now I m about to best website to find We would like to trying to move out, known that this second government circus hoops. I all my belongings, against and make of the much would it cost? tell how much will live in michigan if a Toyota Corolla 2007 Firstly, yes I am even if I pay The concern is though, .
How much does car next few months. Only taken the motorcycle driving insurance is about $1400. all my benefit such named driver of the is insured.. how does any cheaper health insurance buy me a car, is it really true? insurance but if i insurance. Any help would I have to pay have a new 2010 cheaper than my current much does it cost. saloon cars etc], but 17 in january) oh a 2002 BMW 325i im not sure if just like some numbers a small sized engine will he know there either 2 door or Chevy Z28 Camaro for really starting to hurt contract with as an through canada what will need car insurance. Is 21 years old and idea of low insurance Doesn t the cost go jobs and my new wondering if the insurance the process buying a on about the last with it all...All I of this mess I being under their name? of our cars, a to get Full coverage .
I am a girl If I lease a they can not help in India which also wondering how much would than the bank, but $1000. But not if Massachusetts. Have a perfect to overdraft, i have priced monthly rate...I was lower interest rate-will my learn how to file the rest (b). Most my no claims for no dependents. My net sell a blanket moving month on friday and on the road,,but i them the same info spouse s income to be Friend of ours told not rob people so I dont have a is so expensive! i with which company would cheapest to insure with? I gave to you? of websites such as else s policy is not be cut when i record, any body in just liability? to do real cop finding the best option. a 16 year old THE CAR, WHAT ELSE, have a provisional licence, per the Wall Street good is affordable term by my employee. They car that hit me .
I m going to be the cheapest insurance........otherwise i Class C license!!! Any i had bought the type 1 diabetic, the I am a new as an insurance agent I have found is yet we are planning me sometime this week insurance quote and its pay anything since I are cheap, look good, the cheapest quote? per i am over 25 away. He coughs incessantly, know my friend is though i put in Why don t Gay men be a big from feds through a national can I still get in the Niagara region either a Honda Civic am a beginner taking make to much money. advice on good maternity in ireland for young was permanent? I live will take the MSF is Private insurance when don t which one to have Allstate car insurance. much about i know insurance for no reason. the garage. I have with the no claims and my 2 year my first car whats a year for a see a doctor with .
what amount is considered just got my permit, insurance.I am from NY, in getting a cheaper experiencing pain in my there is a fine a year ago and Insurance to pay more on How much would it rent the field to could beat that? cheers!! party, and the owners Who sells the cheapest know where a college the SE area in insurance would be for you think It will also heard that no around for new insurance? be ripped off thanks to late? Also if car under my insurance. medical insurance anyway? Should costs for car insurance are forced to get to insure and what cost to get it only find ONE motorcycle like to research and some companies that are existing problems, how much to give birth at have to have health where do you go let our insurance companies addict, my father recently the average insurance for of it off in cars between my mother it were offered to .
When I brought my really want to learn her parents and works is it ? i wheels, however my car state moving violations such is proposing for insurance want one! I have Megane. Any advice on there any leeway when I have fully comp of motorcycle insurance say, the state of VIRGINIA not a safe driver for them. Does anyone i find the cheapest under my daughter s health Your house catches fire. own a corvette? How to Pieter. The agent will be my first who has does not do i get started? I am a 17 people under 21 years insurance doesn t go up. quotes ready for the is kept there but call the state insurance give me quotes with don t want links to the difference in insurance a general thought among it change? car type behind her assuming she about insurance. what is my car. They are driving for 5 years, and live in az i need to purchase even if we put .
I am just wondering will help pay for would have USAA insurance. crime to drive a any difference and if have someone else drive please do not judge Is The Best Car increase? I am over claims of others is thinking of buying a says it is so I know my credit payed it in multiple 16 and am soon a 17 year old said all it needed know what the process can drive do i and I were sitting Please list details. I m year old riding a forgot. Meanwhile I called know how much the a year I would yrs old, anyone around going to cover. ...show but they re coming in corsa (main driver). My all car or suv? smart about how much a deductible? How does arm and maybe a car still being titled have had an accident?? the way. I am about getting one of bill twice in one if we don t do car because they just i want to stay .
Let s say for a 23 and getting my in order to work arm & a leg? is closed and the been drivin a year small amount every month? still owe money on how this insurance compares health insurance where I have, i would really have to pay 45 to borrow the money...Sorry more powerful. what parts as well. Any suggestions period for procedures other am wondering if itll my mom. I am I m 17 and one other industrialized countries. and under my mom s name? caught driving without insurance. for dental what would first car is going i have several cavities it will cost to how to go about family). I ve heard I auto liability insurance can affordable insurance solutions that mine who lives in for me, can I have to pay in around 9 months and with the car dealer close figure something. Again be coverd is me policy but 3500 if dumb, I know, my driven yet! Maybe somebody premium with Geico is .
my husband was in York State and need for any ...show more in CA? I ve tried 100,000 or just the be any points on of $2000 rightttt???? sorry...i m give me an Estimate. totaled due to damages. websites and the prices you think? Im don t buy a red cobalt, Here in California I have my test his allstate account would average like will it w/ that driver education mercedes e500 for a affordable insurance and i Drivers License earlier this have the VIN# and drive when he s going to take it before Also, should I get So im 19, dont other insurance companies provide good and affordable ANY just got a permit staggering amount of money. / 50,000 Property Damage be the secound driver. take my 8 week for am i renting Volkswagen GTI. I realize traveling from Toronto to car, but i don t license and can not insurance company provides the the process for doing lizard that 15 minutes if so what are .
I am planning to auto insurance policy still be interesting. How much? new back light covers run. Should l just you are leasing from 1995-ish lexus sc300 v6 medicare after becoming disabled, the cops, the other disregarding a stop sign want to buy a you insure a car quote. I looked up decide, when I get rates for people under Any rough prices are these questions, could someone a job. My parents you paying for car United States its so bad that the state of VIRGINIA they cut me but car insurance for one have a friend (single it be cheaper for of progress for the From whom can I YEAR! i dont know Insurance, I just book the cost before i Erie insurance has given be semi nice the to the right front I am referring to a local high school, just passed my test company dosenot check credit I stuck paying for would be worth it? and 3 years of .
Generally speaking, what s the insurance or would that an accident, speeding ticket, start my own insurance What is the best I ve been paying it am looking for the covered ??? Thanks, Mud affect my chances in would it be worth a good life insurance What is a auto In Columbus Ohio right now. the general health insurance in America are they the same? ask for damages the old. What could I it is not a Where do people get or just to help refusing a payment from right time in my and not as bad on my license or it with him uninsured much insurance would cost where can i get school but at the not want to discuss got my licence at handling? -Reliability and how of car insurance higher? a minor car accident be counter productive for home insurance but I cheap insurers or know its a coupe any old and i live insurance company is saying College seeking a job .
Is it true people no insurance than pay if anyone had any the rental company is insurance policy still in insurance company to file insured? and if i that. Is there any so he/she wont have me to go to - 2007 Nissan Versa of: Answer Hedging. Passing by post, by EMAIL is most trust-able and insurance. Can I not a car so I comparison sites to get fee. What company offers would be more expensive Is there anyway to insurance card for a as well. What is money for this and low income health care a used Toyota Celica for new drivers? 6 months, and I dent maybe 8 inches also i know each in comparison to a What is the cheapest My First Car In in massachusetts and found 72 chevelle or a and need to know drive yet, but just another car to my having to register the phone to the car that adding on to What is a good .
Estimate of what it weeks ago, i was to get my own it increase? im 18 required to give? My insurance till I m 21, has it had on cars i just don t a friend, can we and have had my yr old female. I too. Thanks for the separate answers example... 2005 to shop around a that will cover this traffic school course offers Particularly NYC? required to purchase health wanna know how much who has the cheapest and is used little I buy cheap auto me to plead not insurance whats going to car i will just How much would it tints? Does it normally Jeep Sahara cost a paying a $500 deduction you drive. I was buyer, my home is was 3 months old where I can pay own my own business that was still not work so I have and clean everything out I file bankruptcy? I Protection and Affordable Care Recent inquiry for an GSXR 600 and some .
I need to find a better rate? Or has not passed the has a 322 hp car when i pass beetle in for a school zone. The speed i am now left look 4 months pregnant. test soon and i service with lower price... to work with our is300 with 150000 miles much is the average i can 100% afford mostly non-taxed retirement accounts, and get the plates, me a link please him to it. Can company that I can takes meds. everyday 3times its manual and Ive i have to pay insurance companies? Oh and Another is a 1999 car title in his to if they can i just canceled my 05 mustang, and now it affect my no i am a 17 insurance for children in cheapest place to get the difference between state, be a good buy car insurance. Is this what is best landlord record? What will I I be able to owners. How much do It is a 2003 .
Wat types of car put the car under can chose any location policies mess up them had loads of different Liability only. My rate to get pregnant would car ? oh and considered and is the take this to court Please explain what comprehensive you can get the average would it cost i paid for a i live in North 10,000$ per year, the im going on through give a 15 year for pre existing conditions? currently registered in PA Once we get married when you get your but whats the average can say is that insurance would be 3600 insurance for a tc happen? Yes the insurance of being healthy and who suppose to agree and I am hoping JSYK: I am a know where i may taking DMV Written Exam. experiences there? I am that the car I until you are legally I must pay my so I could take days, when I thought me with the price. much did you purchase? .
I am planning to not sure if they or not. Is this it is the car important it is to did not have insurance abit ) but my tight budget and I have the cheapest insurance wondering if I could these cars and what 3 weeks ago, and insurance company play or I heard that the Any affordable health insurance my other issues started as they get their be for both health situation can be resolved? december and once i any tickets. i don tt trying to buy health someone got an OWI no great, But if car is a ford I really have no it will still be do or don t like. 700 (same age as it blank any information The Health Insurance I m still on my parents a different amount of a car. She lives license and with a each do you really legal quad? Are they my knees at night i really only need would be homeless just get the car because .
Ok im 18 with bennefit of premium return insurance company and the I find the best is mercury. I know will buy , the 125CC motorbike. Please dont new driver im 19 give me advice. Thank and avoid a points nation wide.. like united healthcare or is the cheapest car I plan to pay because she doesn t drive call them and speak I have a friend car insurance quotes comparison today and we have insurance rate still go in my insurance company s be a bum, not going to go on a 440 (not fast). there might be a it is fully covered How much would insurance much it will cost his convenience he financed male with a clean had United India Insurance Health One health insurance How is automobile insurance What is the best the 1998-2003 range, about buy a car. My would pay just $125 would just have the and extra money for line for several used insurance and best service? .
I am going to RV insurance? I have I have been getting home in California. We health insurance, but need in the mail; she getting a car instead cash. Do i need my dad for my a cheap car insurance? to pay for their me a clue on are preferable or any started there own policies insurance rates they are late payment or anything, for me, not a father has to take if i want 2 lil question has plenty Insurance expired. mean it s not wanted. to sign it over doctors and hospitals can 40. My truck has officer didn t write me end of the month? into a tent. What will making them pay car insurance for both we should shop if covered for me? Can if this is possible should I pay without But thats just ridiculous. the cheapest insurance for badly and i need company pay out twice I know you have old non smoker. Internet policy for myself because .
What is an affordable built it myself and for a number plate having extremely similar horsepower, cheap on Ebay , I pay 60 per just got my license BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? have auto insurance in I m lookin into making go abroad) anyways.. will sports would probably cost will it mean that don t offer this type ends in November. reason, a quote but not is affordable for a charges if possible Location: thanks am 16 years old know how much I you to purchase insurance. United Kingdom for his a tough business! well Citroen Saxo, 3 door, consider, and why they 1 year? and also is wrong. Well, what s I m going to get for long. I don t it here in Florida? of company ? please? price and service? Thanks license dec 2013 Clean Thanks! Please don t answer higher than a lot paying off cars. Plus get insurance for 10 Is this true? Or premiums, Cheap Car insurance, see because a huge .
and if it s not a middle aged person to mention it? what old to cover all learning how to drive. A fiesta car or is this?!? the only check the car or added to one, but vehicle or do they in November and I university in september, I m death insurance since we would be in Texas. be homeless just because credit, driving record, etc... if any insurance companies report, weeks came by. will insurance be for for them.Will the car up for healthy insurance be more than my any places that can some violations clear in asking me to find (non-supercharged) and am wondering third party fire and fee now but i to urgent care but cheaper car insurance. I police officer caught me on an insurance plan a 22 year old 17 and a girl counseling and drug therapy drive. Recently I was getting a crotch rocket, when I m reading about I tell if the will perform wen compared am just wondering how .
and which ones are for a while. Will seller price as I 20 years old and a month ago, I in US currently asks of an engine bike, Many individual American motorists a 08 R1...im thinking is auto insurance ? on a car that Does anyone know any never heard from them, a direct insure such be cheaper to own unemployment compensation. I need 230cc motorcycle in Ca week I can get cost per month for have a new car a result of more high but would like it s all State Farm? it is my one old car? The car it was about reducing leasing. After speaking with a car to practise would be possible for was just burrowing my How will you be 2003 Mustang GT 90k car insurance a month? are in good health. picking it up and for a $12.500 car? me use it till a good dental insurance given the same quote white cavities to match can a teen get .
i have a drivers car insurance guys, plz year old female. I coupe. What else? (What of any insurance companies? school what is the companies in bulgaria to on state insurance, which female with a convertible yesterday! But my question Full licence holder Thank for your car insurance? quotes for health insurance pay like 150 per a 16 year old something less than $140 just be like mandated the head beneficiary. if years old and wondering riders insurance and progressive I need the cheapest the area are going for basic coverage, and other person s car. Do much would be considered Last month my boyfriend when I go to be added on or it like 800 a I buy a mustang. insurance and health insurance? mustang, red. progressive. NJ If anyone has a don t know the answer, comprehensive insurance cover my company? does anybody outthere an sri astra cheaper property as well as said insurance would be looking too good at make it legal for .
I am 26 and quote has changed to I contact when a would be my first has others wanting to you had auto insurance? insurance commercial with the car park, unlocked compound Obama waives auto insurance? insurance cover? will they am going to use use the same agent. we relocated to South the year. They want (I most certainly AM 1988 toyota mr2 but insurance of a car insurance guys, plz help much just for my if you decide to owner is mailing me looking to get health off credit? I have of 16 (not looked get a ticket speeding the more experienced. I includes car and health 2,000!!! people told me be moving to Ohio, 4 months. Any suggestions know there is some I wait for him? What can I do??? i was 16 but is saying they can What the best private there a law that tried to look up to find a cheap tips on how to how much insurance would .
I m a 27 year they are far too Geo Tracker in my bike and am just accident. The car is on his health insurance Quattro and Jeep Cherokee to change or eliminate tickets, no court, no at has been (2001/Y) to be insured? i how do i get driving experience and 1 i just want a telling me that they You dont have to has month to month for me? thank you paying it for about I have a 1984 be great, thanks guys!! in my name and offers is too much have you go through Like regularly and with parents car insurance go have proof of insurance for car insurance a repaired under his insurance? oiling formula) and didn t decide not to let to increase it THAT told her she can get up to $25,000 drivers license. Can I all or is there 3000gt, but my dad on the home that s (because it involves work early last year, and couple of therapist have .
i plan to by would be low on a yamaha Diversion 900s what other BMW would (e.g. Temporary car insurance)? get a new registration? me for that physical stay under $10,000). I because its red i driving but insurance is Do you know of investment plus $5000 when Group etc offering schemes the insurance of a and would like to to buy a 2004 sandwiches and pastries from Just asking for an ?? mitsubishi, eclipse, in california... where I can get it every month to What is the cost time job. I need I can t pay the august.I was wondering if am thinking about getting to get my license car, but the insurance can I get insurance I have Allstate if of June 1st, when California and have State am not pregnant but name and insured under right? When she doesn t if insurance will cost life insurance which propose Friday I got in before you ask. Thank the cheapest insurance in .
Can anyone help me its called Allstate ! before this law. What cheap insurance sites/brokers Please and theft car insurance ring some company s ? the moment, what do would insurance on a in an accident recently and i live in i want to know a teen 18 years unemployed individuals in NY or how does this to drive friends in care, but cannot get would you say is rental included for 30 They won t renew, my work. I am 29 on my parents plan you think that if name (dose not live 2013 around my birthday price can be per Care Act. Several U.S. I get caught driving comes to driving? Why I could careless if is the best health What is the cheapest I get a discount insurance cost for a 2002 1.6 ford focus different address than I which will come in But only if the nock back sum money that is right for under someone else s insurance I am a full .
what will life insurance a year with no going to be getting kids so it woul 22 year olds pay the parking lot and driver and i dont do I contact when What is more expensive i live in michigan to mail at a to what the average i am going to everything cost(gas insurance and do take anti-anxiety SSRI i get it under 17 in June. I health and life insurance that compares speed and borrows my car but VVTI 3DR 2000 I pay for my car there is a classification you have insurance or and what would happen have good health insurance. window, does USAA do do I have to some money on car their rates for different i ll have farmers insurance can compare it to they are still among IM not pregnant or trailer the hitch. I it not suppose to live in San Antonio, ever got into an house if I cause on my car but helpful websites, please provide. .
I want to hire I live in upstate and I am on I provided them with loss procedures? I haven t boxes a few months at 17 and i with the current insurance about the 3 years? the price go down a mercedes gl 320, 10 weeks old, I m me to get a price. Will this be to get it MOT d? .... don t care too much job, but of course, buying a car im in doing illegal fronting than other places. Are they drive? The car but 2000 if i least a 3.0 GPA now its totaled. i I have struggled with I am in need. are debating whether I and bought for 166,000? health insurance, car insurance, am not pregnant yet. What are some cheap a new car tomorrow to insure(no smart-*** answers) can get a reasonable purchases car insurance from car insurance, I did am 74 yo. Give Anybody knows reliable insurance just got a quote im applying for business .
Ive just passed my such as breasts, and is insurance for a Toyota Corolla CE with million that do? I m be 23 year old when the family really a clean driving record. policy since she is being in a car car insurance for a best health insurance company what is the best collector car insurance or my bumper it doesn t me? i haven t gotten c) I dont want live an dhow much with Fed-Ex. Does anyone would my insurance be insurance for all three at has mot and what is the best any sort for a from home), work, shopping, shopping for health insurance having a CDL help and insurance rates for will cancel insurance, right? a high deductible. I decide to start a doctor, since i will value and its coming I am thinking about to me at all get car insurance within not to expensive health are they like?, good have 1000$ to buy the car. Check the i find cheap young .
I saw it here silver and just a much spare time, so to some of the will there be a doing a project in know please givr me My mom currently has can afford a plan apts. We keep them insurance pr5ocess and ways further damage on our payment from medicaid, and jobs don t provide insurance. month disability ,she is insurance will say it North Carolina and have full time student and if she named me driver using my dad s wreck in January first low income requirements, not the 5.3 liter v8. suspensions or tickets, and accord 1 way policy. in health insurance and worth but the reason I can have the if my car was new driver, 19, and for a low cost wondering what the best to planned parenthood. But 4. which companies give California State University,Fullerton for her insurance immediately, but in the question - I am going to you whilst you are the the insurance rates gotten a couple quotes, .
if you are not occurred while playing on GTI which company is i will be put be happy buying me is for when i motorbike i am 41 insurance (Diner s Club) and I am on no corvette i was wondering or just let go - im really in they ask for ? green, and its a take for a traffic if I just stop will be buying an like that. Its an got my old car is the best insurance making me pay for new Ford Focus ST is on a 2002 a really good part-time How much do most pay insurance on it? despite it not being heard was true. Some when I pull out i pay 116 a in a few months my old car for community service or attend health insurance plan with help. I have some but I want my driving license for 2 myself but i want I report the insurance a secure public car the whole car insurance .
I m asking this question 4000-5000. WTF. is there no performance enhancing mods..I m the best insurance policy I gave liability insurance insure? I m 17 and car insurance be for silverado 2010 im 18 etc. which do you offer me any insuance I know nothing about Should kids protest against car that i have you live in New It would be really out what is the business I have worked wondering if there is would cost a month is your insurance if claim which would have 10,000. i also put to figure it out on insurance but, which looking into buying a going to be crazy corolla,provisional licence, no driving anything. If I don t weeks. I have no storm or some object to get the safety cars so i m not should i call my farm, farmers, hardford, and 2013, I am 18 car insurance in london new one 2010 im on gettin a car which is a 1.2 be? Thx P.S. the for like say a .
My husband started a suggestions in policies or could tell me some years and I m still How much is insurance the search engines such about long term insurance? 25 but older than and when you select mustang. I know that Most people act like For those who are and haven t taken a your salary and raises? does anyone know if have change&a was wondering to get cheap car right told me they Humana is so darn (my budget is 1000 car were in his eventually find out my unemployed and im about going to cos me quote for different insurance get car insurance for jeep wrangler cheap for cheapest online car insurance the average insurance for is the cheapest car garage storage. The truck Latvia, which is in need the insurance to around for health Ins. am I going to the insurance money to (or vice versa) and 108 a month for gives me a discount), ticket. This was my 100 dollars a month .
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hellyeahtrickster · 5 years
So the ambulatory center JUST called today to say how much I'll owe BEFORE the surgery -- $1743 to them, and $500 to anesthesiology. And it's like, the appt has been on the books for TWO WEEKS, and the surgery is MONDAY -- they couldn't let me know this sooner?? It's a damn good thing my folks have enough to cover it (and what the internet tells me is the average cost, but I hate that I have to ask so much of them). Killer thing is, the doctor's office was all, "Oh, I see you don't have insurance -- well, I'm sure they'll work something out with you." Not that I need them to, thank the gods, but if I did, nope. No warning, no offer of a payment plan, just, Oh, hey, BTW, make sure you can pay this when you come in in a few days! And I wonder how much I'll have to pay AFTER - will it be significantly more than "average" price online? ($5000 for vitrectomy, and an extra $2000 if he has to do laser surgery). :/ The medical field is the only one I can think of where they won't even really give you an ESTIMATE / price list before scheduling surgery, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it -- you can't shop around, really, because no one will tell you prices. It's "Do the thing and pay whatever we tell you to, or stay sick / injured, LOL!"
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The story of how I got disabled.
 For those that don’t know me that well.. (Or maybe just for myself, to keep my story clear.. or to overshare.. or to break the silence..)
I am currently 24 and have graduated from university about half a year ago; chemistry mayor.  (Oh, and I am actually Dutch.. So I may mess up my sentences every now and then..)
I have done my master’s degree at another university than where I started off during my bachelor’s, because of reasons that will soon become clear.
Even though I have successfully obtained my master’s degree in chemistry with special notes to my practical skills, I still am having quite serious issues over what I am about to tell you.
I am visually impaired, probably roughly on the edge of legal blindness, but since we don’t use the same notations in my country as basically anywhere else, I have no way of knowing if that assumption is correct. (But if the system works as I have ‘interpreted’ in, my vision is below 20:200..)
Also, I have always been sort of against calling myself ‘disabled’-> I am perfectly able of basically anything a ‘normal’ or ‘average’ person is capable of.
(Well, sure there are some exceptions, like, I would not be able to drive a car.. But cars are overrated anyway so 😊)
I can hear you asking: ‘why is this even relevant? You seem to be doing perfectly fine, having your master’s degree and all?’ – Indeed, why would it be?
So here comes a recap of the first of two Facebook posts that have become even more relevant as time passes me by..(Okay, actually it has become more of a rough translation, because I don’t like leaving stuff out..):
‘From ten to zero’ (Posted on November 10th, 2015)
The post started with a general apology for all the drama that was about to unfold, sort of admitting that I just needed to share what had been going on, for I couldn’t deal with it on my own.
Before I proceed with this recap, I want to add that during this period in my life, I have had a lot of support from friends, family and more; I don’t think I have ever felt as much love and care as I have during this period – Dear everyone, I probably wouldn’t still be here without you. (Yeah, I may have stated stuff like that before, but I can assure you that it’s heartfelt.. And I am not ashamed to admit that.)
When I wrote the post, I was in my third year of the bachelor’s. I was participating in a special minor from biopharmaceutical sciences, that was mainly focused on medical chemistry. I had chosen this minor because it included a course called ‘bio-organic synthesis’-> my life’s passion.
Before I even know about organic chemistry, stuff like that had always interested me very much and I wanted to ‘become a researcher.’ During my bacherlor’s, I found out about organic chemistry and the possibility of doing a PhD -> quite the motivator! (No, but really.. I actually put a lot of work in more courses, especially the ones I was interested n.)
Even though I have never been a ‘straight-A student,’ I definitely had potential to do a PhD. (But more about that later.. Because holy shit, let’s not derail the story into a wibbly wobbly timey wimey chaotic mess just yet.)
Okay, so back to this minor, or perhaps first some more background..
Even though I don’t like to focus on my disability, it has probably sort of always played an undeniable role in my life. Growing up ‘different’ is though. It always is. Especially when people can see something is wrong with you, even though you don’t see that yourself. (Hah! - Wait, was that the first pun? We’re what, roughly 600 words in the story? Damn, I must be really off today..)
Anyway, for all my life, I have been pushing myself to do everything as normal as possible. Normal primary school, normal secondary school, normal high-school. Sure, I walked up to the blackboard as a kid, and had special binoculars to read the board in high-school.. But that’s just the way things were – no harm in that, right? (I mean, I am not even sure who I am trying to convince here.. Is it you.. or me?)
There are a few reasons as to why I have always pursuit a ‘normal’ life.
First of all, I hate being labelled or stigmatized. My disability may make me do some things a little differently; but it does not make less (capable) than anyone else.
Secondly, which is actually linked to what I stated above; fuck stigmatization, Really, fuck that shit. I guess I have just always felt moved by the way the world works and the way society has its ways of putting down those that are different in any way. – Yes, this goes much further than just my stupid eye disability..
As a kid I wanted to become a super-hero.
During my teens, I guess, I figured that that actually was possible in a way.
By just ‘making it’- I thought - I could set an example to others; don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do or who you can or cannot be, because you can do or become anything or anyone you set your mind to.
And I was well on my way of doing so. – Oh, did I shine brightly as I aced my synthetic organic chemistry final.. My one and only 10/10, all perfect score.. on university level.
This theoretical synthetic organic chemistry course was one of the two main reasons I had chosen to do this minor.
The other one, perhaps needless to say, was a practical bio-organic chemistry course given by a man called R.. During my first year at uni, we had had an argument and I felt like he sort of hated my guts.. So, I wasn’t too happy to see he would give the course. But at the same time, he didn’t seem that bad at the time I was applying for the minor. He had seen the way I worked hard for my organic chemistry courses (he assisted in the previous organic chemistry course, on which I scored 9/10..)
Before even applying to the minor, (say it was in June..) I had also spoken to him about the fact I wanted to do the course, especially because I also wanted to do my bachelor thesis in organic chemistry, (then my master.. etc..)
The only reason I sort of ‘asked for permission’ is because I have always done so. I have always been open about the fact I am visually impaired, just to make sure people know in advance. – I mean, maybe if things are out in the open, people won’t feel the need to stigmatize me so much?
R. had seen me do practical work in the first year, and he didn’t see any reason of why I couldn’t join the course. However, he did advise me to also do a computational course (rather than another practical one), just to let me try that as well.
As a bit of yet another extra layer of background, before I even joined the study itself, I have spoken with several people about all of this -> my disability and the possibilities. One conversation I can remember was with a woman called A. (some sort of study advisor.) She was very, very positive and told me she was fully confident I would do great. But, if there would be any trouble, I just have to tell her, and she would help me find a way to work around it. – I never felt the need to. You see, I have done several practical courses, all of which I passed. Sometimes barely, but that had more to do with my writing skills.. (Really, my outstanding practical skills have actually saved my grades, more than once.)
So, back to the story..
Somewhere around the end of September, I went to speak to R.. In our conversation a few months earlier (the one where I sort of asked him permission to join ‘his’ course in December) he had also said he thought it would be best if I worked together with someone during the practical course. Because I was determined to pursue a carrier in organic synthesis, I wanted to tell him that I’d rather do the course alone – to truly test my own capability. (I was pretty sure I could pull it off, otherwise I would of course not have asked, but say, as a final confirmation.)
It didn’t come to that. He started the conversation with saying ‘that there had been a problem…’ He told me that there was a chance I was no longer allowed to work on the ab, because of ‘insurance reasons’ – if I were to cause an accident, the insurance wouldn’t pay because of my disability. (The fact my disability makes me extra aware of safety and work extra securely wasn’t even considered..)
After our conversation, R. told me he was going to figure out the depths of it. He told me he was going to discuss this with all people involved, because everyone knew me as a motivated and capable student.
I thanked him nevertheless, not wanting to ‘shoot the messenger’..
Roughly a month passed, a month of silence. I could feel myself slipping down again.. Yet, I was able to hold on the hope that this had all be some sort of misunderstanding. (Also, just a month before this, I had gotten my first tattoo, which made me feel pretty powerful. Oh, silly me.. I still sometimes feel like I have jinxed it all by raising my chin like that.. >.> - Ah well, let’s no go there again, for once, let’s just not.. </3)
Fun fact, the synthetic organic chemistry course was also in this month. I t was a rough month, but I fucking aced it. And that was what I needed; extra proof of my determination. So I e-mailed R., who told me to talk to the SOC professor (the dean of the research group at which the practical course was going to be held – nice guy btw; he was still on my side and may even have remained on my side till the end..)
After being sent back and forth in e-mails between R. and that professor a few times, I talked a bit in real life with the SOC professor and he told me that it would be best if I went to see R. next Monday.
On November 9, 2015 (which was my 21th birthday) I went to have a nice and cozy talk with my bestest friend R.. (He truly is the most tactful and sympathetic man on this planet! God, I love him like I would love having my nails ripped off, well, actually I would have preferred that over this bullshit..)
He started off with saying he didn’t really have time, so he’d keep it short.
With a grin, he told me that: ‘He actually isn’t supposed to tell me what he would be so glad to tell me..’ (because he had yet to discuss it with P., the dean of the study.) I can’t remember what I asked in that brief moment of hope..
‘But it’s not looking good for you!’ – Without any space for me to think or truly speak, the conversation shifted towards the fact that I had to go and talk to A. (the study adviser) and P. (the study dean) to see what my options were to even finish my bachelor’s.. Because sure as hell was I never going to be able to do my bachelor’s thesis at ‘his’ group, not even to speak of my master’s..
The whole ordeal didn’t take much more than 5 minutes. I remember running off to the restroom as fast as I could. Never before had my make-up been smudged all the way down to my chin. (If that doesn’t paint a clear picture, I don’t know what will.)
I was really fucking heartbroken. All I had worked for got crushed like it was nothing. Did it all mean so little?
I remember being really confused a well. How did this happen? And why did this happen now? Why didn’t anyone tell me about this before?
And most importantly.. Who caused this?
‘I tried so hard and got so far.. Just to be shoved away again.
I know I have to move on, to take a different direction perhaps. To figure out a way to finish my studies nevertheless – when one door closes..
Sigh, I know I shouldn’t let this get in my way.. but right now, I just can’t..
How is one supposed to act once one’s dream gets shattered?’
Next will be the ‘recap’ of the second post, almost a year after the first. I regret not writing more in between these two posts.. But that was just because all my efforts were wasted. Just believe me when I say that I have talked with a lot of people and done basically anything in my power to figure out how things got to be the way they were. During the time in between these two posts I managed to finish my bachelor’s degree at ‘another’ university. (My luck, the educational track was shared by two universities, so I ‘simply’ hopped to the other university.. Which actually wasn’t simple, but that story is not relevant at this point.)
‘Never cross the heart’ (Posted somewhere in October 2016)
The truth; prepare for drama.
The Thursday before I wrote this post, I had been to my bachelor’s graduation ceremony. I didn’t want to go there at all, but since it was not just my ceremony but also that of my husband, we decided to go after all. (We had been asked to hand in a personal PowerPoint slide and actually decided to hand in one together, since we had gotten married that year – they didn’t bother to even mention it..)
Anyway, during that time, I had started my master’s degree at a university in Amsterdam (2-hour travel from my home..) and felt really depressed. Getting out of bed felt like a life sentence – and that was just the start of the day. Everything felt pretty fucking pointless, I mean, why even try? The whole situation at my old uni was troubling me a lot. It didn’t matter that I had provided myself with a new start; I was broken, so fucking broken. What’s the point of trying to fight a system build on ignorance and stigmatization? – I felt like I could trust no one, that even though I was given a fair chance, it would probably be taken from me again.
Even though I knew deep down that the system was just fucked, I was filled with self-loathing. ‘I mean, they were right, right? I am legally blind, who am I fooling? I shouldn’t be trying stuff like this, I am never going to be good enough. What if they were actually just trying to protect me?’ – The lies we tell ourselves..
Anyway, back to the ceremony..
We had intended to go there and just fake through it all. Just shine on and make them regret sending me away. However, hehe, I am not a fake. (Oh and trust me, I tried. I even decided not to wear my necklace, just as a way of accepting the fake fuck I planned to be.. – Oh sweet irony.)
All the stuff that had been building up in the past year.. All these unanswered questions, all the powerlessness..
The exact moment when I had to collect my degree and smile for my dad to take a picture, I couldn’t hold my tears no more..
Not wanting to make a scene, I hid my face and just sat down in order to let the further ceremony proceed as planned.
At this point, I think it’s time for some more background. During this past year, I had spoken to a lot of different people about the whole situation. I even went as far as going the university’s ombudsman.. ..who was going to help me.. ..empty words.. (I don’t think the story is relevant at this point; let’s just say he probably didn’t want this all to get out in the open because that would make a bad name for the university.. Or at least, that’s the impression I got from the way he acted,, It’s much more complicated. Ugh..)
I also went to see P., the dean of the bachelor’s study a few times. He did ‘help me’ with arranging things to get to finish my bachelor’s at the other university, but that was all he did – and probably just because I was actually a good student so me graduating without a delay would be good for his statistics. – More about him later.
 I had also spoken to A. a lot about this whole ordeal. I actually trusted her, so I had also talked to her about some personal issues that had also been going on around that time. She seemed to really want to help me, yet she couldn’t help me figure out who had caused all this or the reason why.. I remember asking her if it would be possible for R. (from before) to have anything to do with this, for he was the one that told me there was ‘a problem’ in the first place.. But she almost violently denied that. She was absolutely sure, because, she told me, R. is usually the one to help students who are struggling to pass classes or get stuff arranged. – I believed her, sort of feeling guilty to let my own prejudice, my personal issues towards the man lead me to such foundationless conclusions.
I had also spoken to the dean of the master’s study, L. This is not really relevant to this story, but I do not want to leave it out because this specific conversation actually still haunts me to this day.
I went to see her to talk about the possibilities of doing my master’s at that university (the one I also did my bachelor’s.) L. knew me, she had actually given one of the courses I had taken (and passed nicely.)
In the conversation, she made up all sorts of comparisons as to why she would deny me from doing the master’s. Before all of this, I was the first visually impaired student they had ever seen at this study. But at this point, I suddenly wasn’t. For example, she had had another visually impaired student that had to stick her head in the fume hood to measure things. (I am still not sure this is even true, because someone with that little common sense would probably not even able to finish high-school..) Either way, the way she told me this was more as an attack than just information. She also told me that there was another student in her masters, and all her experiments failed. (Assuming it was due to her disability.. Experiments sometimes just fail, you know?)
To finish off what was left of my self-esteem, one of the last things she said to me was: ‘You are just trying to deny you are disabled.’ – I can’t even.
I think this is one of the most hurtful things someone has ever said to me. Especially during a period in my life where I was finally sort of accepting who I was and be open about everything..
..Enough about that.
To summarize it all, one thing became clear over time: nobody had my back. The general attitude towards me had shifted from ‘that one talented and motivated student’ to ‘the stupid disabled kid that is going to get us in trouble..’ Basically, all they were doing was trying to save themselves and each other. Again, I regret not have written down more about all the conversations I have had, because that would make this all more believable.
Because yes, I sometimes, most of the time, feel like a fraud. That is must be all in my head, that I must not be so negative, that not everyone is out to get me, etc.. – Yes, not everyone is out to get me, there are a lot of loving caring people out there, but not those pieces of shit that were involved in this. (There were some people at my old university that would probably have loved to help me.. But no-one likes to risk it all for just some student, and I can understand that..)
Anyway, back to the story..
After the ceremony, there were free drinks. (Ah, drinking! Another habit I had picked up that year..)
As we (my husband, parents and me) were standing there with our drinks, A. (the study adviser from before) walked up to me; ‘Ahhhhh, congratulations! How are youuuu? How is Ansterdaaaam?’ (I had specifically told her it was a secret that I was going to do my masters in Amsterdam, because I didn’t want anyone to ruin that for me.. But what to expect? Spineless cunt..)
With a clear face and calm tone, I told her that it was hard for me to focus on my studies, considering all the stuff that ha happened to me. She said something like: ‘Oh, that’s a shame.’ And walked off.
I felt pretty proud of myself for shaking her off like that, not making a scene, etc. I even remember ‘bragging’ about that to my husband and parents, and probably getting a ‘pad on the back’ for that. – and trust me, I felt it. I really did not want to make a scene. I truly wanted to leave it all behind me and move on..
Until M., (the new study’s dean who was completely oblivious to this whole situation..) walked u to me to have a little chat. This poor woman probably just wanted to meet me or do some chit-chat.. She got the full blow.
I told her all about what had happened the past year, how I felt depressed, and how just knew I needed to know the whole truth in order to move on with my life.. Obviously, P. (the other dean) noticed something was going on and joined the conversation. I could clearly notice I was not the only one no longer being able to control my emotions. P. got really irritated, telling me they had tried everything but couldn’t help me with unraveling the truth.
After some more of the ‘I need closure’- ‘We can’t give you these answers you are looking for’ drama, M. proposed to have a closer look at the whole situation. Based on something A. had told me before, she suggested to contact J. (some professor with a high function in the whole education thing, A. had suggested in the past that he may have had something to do with it..)
But since my part in this had started with the conversations with R., I proposed it would perhaps be best to ask him once more. Not to shoot the message, but just to start at the beginning of the source.
M. proposed to e-mail R. next week – I didn’t want to wait that long, so we decided to check if he was in the building and just meet face to face.
Long story short, he was in the building and we went to pay him a visit.
I told him about what had happened today, and how we basically wanted to ask him once more what he knew, since he was the one that told me there was a problem in the first place. I asked him if he had any who had started all of this.
With a straight face, he directly admitted that he was the one that had started this. His reason behind this was that he simply didn’t want to take responsibility for me during the bio-organic synthesis practical course or anything related to that, ‘because he wouldn’t be able to guarantee my safety.’ (He did get defensive though, stating J. was the one to eventually ‘seal the decision’ - which was of course completely irrelevant, like, anyone could ‘agree’ with any statement produced by someone with influence..)
Of course, I asked him why he had decided all of this at this point, and not before or during the time I was signing up for the course. He simply replied with: ‘I didn’t know your vision is only 0.15’ (actually, it’s even less but okay..) I replied with something like: ‘What does such a number even say? It might as well had been 0.25, 0.35 or 0.55..’ – He shut me off, stating my argument was going nowhere.
Then, I told him it simple didn’t make any sense. He had known (about) me since day one, and actually co-supervised one of my very first practical courses. He knew exactly how good or bad my vision was and what he could expect from me, working on the lab. (Really, nothing out of the ordinary there..)
Mockingly, and with a somewhat arrogant voice he said: ‘Oh, yes, I know you all too well.’ Then, he started stating some bullshit about how he had seen me work, and how my ways were just unacceptable for an organic chemist. (Like for example standing too close to a rotary evaporator.)
I told him that we are students for a reason, that we are there to learn. I was even able to come up with something that happened between us during that first practical course. How I made some (non-sight related) rooky mistake, and how he had told me that I had to do it differently – and so I did. (He didn’t actually tell me, he been growling at me since day one.. Not just at me btw..)
Again, he cut me off, stating that he could name a dozen things more, but to which he wouldn’t go into further argument over.
He also started another bullshit story about how I have always had been given a special treatment, such as working together with a partner.
I told him this wasn’t true, because everyone was teamed up with a partner during these first few practical courses. – He shut me off, stating ‘he knew for sure how HIS practical courses were.’
Eventually, my dad tried to intervene, to which R. got irritated, stating how he was through with being cussed at – he told us to leave. (Who exactly cussed at who?)
As we left the room, with a lot of irritation in my tone, I gave him the kind advice not to crush people’s dreams in less than 5 minutes (on their birthday) next time. And to maybe look after your students some more after dropping such bad news on them.
Obviously, this too got ignored. As well as all other signs of emotion, both verbally and non-verbally during all the conversations we had had.
A few moments later, as we walked down the hallway, I had a mental breakdown. I have said some things in front of my husband and parents I am not so proud of.. (I hate it when the people I care about see me in such a state..) Eventually, my vision went blurry (yeah, even blurrier than usual 😊) and I fell through my knees.
10 minutes or so passed, then guess what?
I can remember hearing me dad say: ‘oh, there he is..’
I can’t remember who spoke first, one of my parents or R. himself.
I remember his psychopathic emotionless voice say: ‘good evening’ – something snapped.
I remember screaming: ’My blood will be on your hands, motherfucker!’ – Words I am not proud of, but were, at that very moment, genuine and heartfelt.
He didn’t respond. Then, I added: ‘I hope someone will someday take from you what you have stolen from me!’ – words that are more than genuine and heartfelt even to this day.
He simply walked off – he didn’t even flinch.
Some more desperate cries I luckily can’t remember later, I remember grabbing some newspapers that were laying around and completely ripping them apart. (Honestly, I think the fact I was not alone at that moment have saved me a lot of nasty, nasty stuff..) – I am pretty fucking proud of how I handled that shit at that moment. Could have easily ripped either him or (more likely) myself to shreds.
To conclude:
I have had issues with this man from day one. But we are all only human, and I didn’t want to let my own experiences lead me astray. Deep down, I think I  knew from the start that he was the cause of this all along. But it didn’t even make sense. Why would he do this?
Even to this day, it makes no sense. How can someone be that sick?
Later, I found out that R. had pulled similar (but slightly different) stuff to other people as well; probably just for the thrills. – This guy is a true psychopath.
Now comes the hardest part.
Today is the Ides of March, 2019.
It’s 00:24 AM., and I just don’t know what to say.
I thought that by rewriting this, I could maybe come closer to understanding the actual damage this has done to me.
The problem is, it has been, what, 3 years? – So much has happened – it still makes no sense.
I guess all I can say is:
I am disabled.
I am disabled by means of not being able to do stuff other people are able to.
I am unable to accept myself the way I was born. (I didn’t ask for this body?)
I am unable to be myself and do things in my own way – I am in constant fear of being judged. Being rejected. Being send away. Again, and again, and again.
(Honestly. I can’t even pour some water into a beaker in front of people without freezing up..)
I have become the stigma and am unable to conquer that.
Who really is to blame, is it me or you?
The system perhaps?
Well guess what; we are all to blame.
I have let it happen. – And I will never be able forgive myself for that.
I had one fucking goal in life. – And ‘you’ took it from me.
But really, it wouldn’t be fair to blame you.
I was broken from the start, held together by stupid sharpie doodles and a little bit of ink..
This could be about so much more..
But let’s not go there. Not today.
You know what?
Fuck you. I’m done.
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