#btw hello old followers it's me back on my bullshit
lucky-peoqle · 2 years
when the truth comes out - tory nichols
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request: hello :) i was so excited to see that you take requests for tory, could i please request s5 tory x fem!reader (either an imagine or headcanons) where reader is a member of miyagi do/eagle fang and maybe she tells reader the truth about cobra kai and being forced to break the stone because terry and kim brought up reader? honestly whatever you’d like to write is totally fine with me 💖 thanks so much!
warning(s): swearing, blood(?), scars, angst and fluff hah
word count: n/a
pairing: tory nichols x fem!reader
a/n: finally writing these, sorry schools kinda pushing back schedules due to me missing a few days :/ i had to rewatch this episode but i absolutely love this idea !! also new dividers for fall !! woohoo 💗💗💗 this also feels so rushed im sorry, not proof read btw
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it was late, like really late. sensei larusso, chozen, and lawrence had made classes go way over then they were supposed to and then hawk and miguel just needed you to go grab something to eat with them.
you didn’t mind though, you loved spending time with those goofs, but they wore you out.
you joined the miyagi-do/eagle fang dojo with robby earlier in the summer. he had convinced you since you weren’t going to deal with silver’s bullshit. you didn’t miss cobra kai one bit, but there was someone you missed.
that person? was tory.
due to going to separate dojos, you had a falling out and it lead you to break up. it hit you hard, you wouldn’t talk to anyone do anything for days on end until robby checked up on you. you missed her a lot, and you hadn’t see her since miguel’s party where her and sam got into an argument. you tried to chase after her, but she had gotten away before you could.
you had just gotten out of the shower, putting on a clean pair of pajamas shorts and one of tory’s old t-shirts you never gave back. you wouldn’t dare give it back, it’s one of the only things you have left of hers.
walking into your room, drying your h/c hair with an extra towel, you let out a sigh. practice today was tiring, most had been recently. thank goodness your parent’s weren’t home for the weekend so you could have to whole house to yourself.
you almost didn’t hear the frantic knocking at your door, but you did. it made you jump a little, who in the world would be knocking at this hour?
you slowly crept downstairs, the knocking still going. “i’m coming, i’m coming,” you mumble to no one really.
making your way to the front door, you let out a slightly shaky breathe, reaching out to turn the knob and slowly open the door. you opened the door excessively slow, peaking out until you released who was standing in your doorway.
“tory…?” you muttered.
she looked up at you, slightly teary eyed. “hey.”
“tory! what are you- uh. what are you doing here?”
the blonde let’s out a sigh, looking around outside before looking back at you, “can i come in?” she asked.
“yeah, of course-,” you start, before noticing her knuckles, which she had been rubbing gently. “oh my god, what happened to your hand?”
“that’s what i came here for.”
“okay, uh… follow me.” you say, getting out of her way to let her in, shutting the door and leading her to the kitchen.
she sits at the counter, watching you grab an ice pack from the freezer and hand it to her. she rests it on her knuckles.
“so…,” you rock back and forth on your heels, “what’s up?”
tory let’s out a shaky breathe, “my whole life is a fucking lie.”
you quirk an eyebrow, “what.”
“everything is a lie. i’m living a lie. silver paid off the refs at the all-valley last year. cobra kai cheated so i could win against sam.”
“tory- slow down, i can’t keep up. silver paid off the refs?”
“yes! and it’s been eating me alive for months. i wanted to get back at him so bad. i’ve been visiting kreese in prison and all he’s been telling me is lies! i’ve been telling him everything for nothing! i feel like a fraud. my life is a living hell, i’ve lost all of my friends, and more importantly; you.”
you walk up to her and kneel in front of her, looking up at her. “hey, hey, hey, you haven’t lost me,” you say, “i’m not going away at all. we, miyagi-go and eagle fang, can help you. they went to stingray earlier. he basically admitted that silver assaulted him. he’s too afraid to go to the police.
“i knew silver was involved, i just didn’t think he did it with his own hands,” she said quietly.
“yeah, but we don’t have anything to prove it.”
“if it happened at the old dojo, maybe we can..”
“really? are you sure?”
“yeah, but can we not talk about this right now. i need a break for at least a night. can i stay here tonight? i don’t want to be alone.”
you nod, “of course, you don’t even have to ask. just tell me one thing; what happened to your hand?”
“they made me break pure stone, y/n, but i couldn’t. until they brought up our break up… then bam! instant break,” she said, voice breaking at the end of her sentence. “i regret breaking up with you so much. i miss you.”
your heart broke at the sight of her sounding so weak and broken. “hey, it’s okay. it’s okay. those people are sick. i miss you too, and maybe once we go through with out plan, we can try again okay? when we broke up i was broken, but i want us to try again, please.”
tory nodded, “yeah, i’d like that a lot. the worst thing about cobra kai was losing you and i refuse to let you go that easy.”
she placed a chaste kiss to your forehead before you giggled, standing up. “we’ve gotta keep this a secret for a bit, how romantic.”
“this is why i won’t let you get away too easy, juilet,” tory gave you a smile.
“come on, let’s go upstairs romeo. we’ve got quality cuddle time to make up for.”
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colonyorats · 3 months
So, all credit to my very close friend @silly-boi-broski for reminding me of this song because I need to write a whole entire other post about my relationship with this song and how I kept thinking about it and how well it fits with both my life and probably my favorite book, Hell Followed with Us.
*Deep breath*
I grew up in a very very religious household (I still live in one). My dad's a pastor, my mom works with the youth groups, and I was heavily involved from day one. I was taught to "Love thy neighbour" and that everyone deserved a chance at heaven, that Jesus loves everyone no matter what but at the same time I watched as the very same people would turn around and chase the teen mom out of church or shun the kid who came out as queer and whatever other bullshit things they did.
I remember people at my church saying the most racist and terrible shit ever, like, the kind of things people say on Twitter nowadays but in real life infront of the Pastor and his literal child.
Then, we moved somwhere else and I got sent to a private school up until 5th grade and saw the hate the teachers spread and how a bunch of people bullied this one kid because he was of color and all the rest of us where white and it was so bad that he had to be transferred to a different school the next year because of it but I didn't understand it at the time and he was my best friend so I was so fucking confused.
Same thing happened to a kid in a wheelchair, and, while it wasn't as bad for me, I was, and still kinda am, the fat kid so that made it suck on my part since I heard comments from adults saying things to my mom like "She'd be so much more beautiful if she lost a few more pounds" which, hello??? That's a fucking terrible thing to say about a literal 10 year old child.
That was about the same time I started questioning if any of it was really real and I had a huge drop in my mental health and personally went through hell and back during a bunch of personal stuff I won't get into right now, but involved a lot of questioning my identity and shit and a lot of family drama.
That's when sometime during 2022 my friend (also @silly-boi-broski) suggested me a book called Hell Followed with Us because he was going through some similar stuff. I was skeptical at fist but then I read it and was blown away that someone was writing about similar feelings I had.
The rage and justice I felt while reading it almost broke me because I had grown up in an environment, while not as literally deadly as Benji, was so similar to it that I freaked out and had to put the book down at times. I finally finished it and I felt so seen and understood that I couldn't not want to talk and ramble about it and now I've reread it more times than I can count and everytime it makes me feel so understood.
Fuck, then I remembered the song he sent me and hearing that for the first time made me feel all the same things I did when reading HFWU and it just shocks me.
While I don't align myself with the church in any way, I think I still believe. Kind of like how Faith said it in the book, "I do, actually. And I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about that. Talking to friends--you know, Sadaf is Muslim, Salvador is Catholic, Carly is Jewish--to see if anything clicks. Or if I'm just going to have to deal with believing in the same kind of God those motherfuckers do... I guess what I'm saying is, I believe in something, and I don't know what to do with it, and maybe, I don't actually believe in anything at all, and I just want to because I hate the idea of Trevor being faced with nothing." (-page 55 of the US edition paperback of HFWU)
This is already so long so I'll stop but I still have so much to say about this book and this song but I'll save that for another day.
Here's the song I was talking about btw
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dreamycupcake · 3 years
You ain’t my boyfriend and I ain’t your girlfriend, but you don’t want me to see nobody else and I don’t want you to see nobody
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wormstacheangel · 4 years
Regrets in Heaven
Hello. I was gonna just write the scene with Jimmy but wanted to write Ellen in because Samantha wanted to be in the finale and I love her so much. Oh this is happy ending story btw cause I will never hurt you guys like that. We are in enough pain. 
I should also say, the whole Dean death scene honestly felt like he gave up. To me at least. So I just write Dean like that and he regrets doing so.
Word Count: 2761
Bobby got up from his chair as finished off his beer. Dean looked up at him wondering where he could be going when he just got here, the beer still full from the one crap sip he took of it. “Well come on. Ain’t getting any deader.”
“Is that what we do here? Dead jokes?”
Bobby shrugs easily as Dean starts to follow him towards the entrance. “It’s funny cause it’s true.”
Dean rolled his eyes, a fond smile growing on his lips. 
Bobby stopped mid doorway to face Dean again. “Oh shoot! Wait, Dean, about Ca-”
“Dean!” Dean looked away from Bobby and his eyes widened when he saw the familiar figure walking over to him with arms wide open, welcoming. “Oh come here! Give me a damn hug for keeping me waiting for so long.”
“Ellen,” Dean sighed happily as soon as he was in her arms. His face dipped low to hide in her shoulders. “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.”
She squeezes him. “Wish you kept me waiting a little longer.” She pulls away and reaches to take his face in her hands. Looking at him as if trying to read his whole life in his eyes. “I’m so sorry it ended this way for you, honey.”
“I’m fine with it.” Dean automatically responded but she must have heard the bullshit in his voice. Her eyebrows raised and she gave him the familiar don’t-you-dare-lie-to-me-boy kind of look only a mom can give. “I’m trying to be at least.”
She smiled warmly at him and patted one of his cheeks, a little too hard, before she stepped away from him. “Yeah, takes a while to accept it but that boy of yours fixed this place,” She motioned to the roadhouse. “Nobody has to sneak around anymore. Ash is out there helping Go-oh, um Jack, with the whole heaven thing. Who knew our Ash would be side by side with the great almighty.”
Dean smiles at the mention of his kid. Trying to picture Ash and Jack working together but the thought of it alone was giving him a headache he doesn’t want to be around.
“Does Jack visit often?” Dean asked while following Ellen to the bar. He sat at a stool and then almost fell off when Jo popped up from behind with a bright grin. “Son of a- For fuck’s sake, Jo! Don’t fucking do that.”
Jo laughed and placed a cold beer on the counter. “Hi to you too, Dean.”
Dean reached across the bar to give her an awkward hug but squeezed her nonetheless. “Jo, still sticking around the roadhouse?”
“For now.” She pulled back to smile at him. “Kinda wanna explore as soon as your kid and Ash fix the whole place up. He’s a good kid by the way.”
“Yeah, he’s great.” Ellen says from behind the bar now. “Called Bobby grandpa once and had him blubbering like a fool for an hour.”
Bobby blushed under his trucker hat, making a noise of distaste but not denying it so Dean laughed. Reaching to touch Bobby’s shoulder. “Hey, the kid needs one grandfather who doesn’t want to kill him. Glad it’s you, Bobby.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Bobby grumbled and they all laughed. 
Soon more friends and family started walking in to visit. First came Charlie and Dean had to force himself to let her go but followed her for most of the time. Kevin came in and Dean picked him up into a bear hug, “Kevin freaking Solo made it to heaven!”
The place started to fill in pretty quickly after that. Dean spent most of the time hugging old friends and catching up with those he lost a long time ago. Even victims they couldn’t save came to visit him to thank him for saving friends and family. It was a crowded house by the end of the day. 
Music blasting and drinks spilling everywhere. There was laughter and life everywhere he looked. It was everything he wanted but he could still feel that knot in his stomach because he knew something was missing. Someone was missing.
Dean needed some air and excused himself from the group to walk outside. Once again ready to pray. Hoping that he could hear him. 
Dean sat back down on one of the rocking chairs and leaned his head back with his eyes closed, a smile on his lips. Picturing his angel smiling back at him, looking back at him with a glow that he always carried. Not his grace but just the pure energy of Cas. 
“Cas,” Dean starts and he could already feel the tears forming. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I gave up on… everything. I should have tried harder to live but I thought that maybe - Billie once told me that when I die I would be sent to the Empty. I hoped - no. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have given up like that. I was weak. I was excited to see you but that was just… just a waste of your sacrifice.”
Dean didn’t say anything as he rocked a few times in silence. Then he took a deep breath as he continued his prayer.
“I miss you. Wish you were here so I can tell you. To tell you everything.” Dean opened his eyes with a heavy sigh and was going to head back inside when he froze. His eyes falling on the person looking at him from across the dirt path. “Cas?”
Dean was already running towards him ready to bring him into his arms but Cas held his hands out to stop him. 
“Whoa! Whoa, Dean, it’s me! It’s um, Jimmy!” Jimmy looked at him with wide eyes and then placed a hand on his chest as he let out a sigh of relief when Dean dropped his arms. “I thought you were gonna tackle me for a second.”
“I-I’m sorry.” Dean saw the face of the man he loved but then noticed the glow was not around him. “I thought you were-”
“Cas, yeah  heard you.” Jimmy motioned towards the rocking chair. “You pray out loud you know that?”
Dean shuffled his feet as he looked down at the dirt. Not being able to look at him anymore. The wrong voice coming out of his mouth. “Yeah, I just wanna make sure he hears me.”
“Yeah? Does that work cause I’ve been praying to him all these years too but nothing.”
“What… what do you want with Cas?”
“I wanna know how my daughter is doing. He promised to take care of her of my wife but-”
“Yeah, sorry about her.” Dean motioned for the rocking chairs. “But I can catch you up on Claire if you want. As her honorary uncle and all that.”
“Oh no,” Jimmy’s face fell at that but followed Dean to the rocking chair’s. Dean was glad the chair’s sat next to each other so he could just look ahead and not at Jimmy. “No offense but I was hoping she stayed far from you.”
“Too bad. She texted me and Cas all the time. Mostly dumb things and her reassuring us that’s she fine.”
They sat there for a while Dean bragging about Claire like a proud father. Not looking at Jimmy the whole time. Even when he went silent or he made a gasping noise because Dean told him the close calls Claire had to go through. 
“And she likes… hunting?” Jimmy asked again and Dean let out a breath of a laugh. “And girls?”
“Yeah. Last I heard she and Kaia were looking for a place of their own.”
“Ah.” Jimmy hummed before he clapped his hands together. “That’s great. I’m glad my little girl is happy and alive.”
Dean hummed with a nod and then they both sat in silence for a while.
“I should get going. Amelia is waiting for me. She didn’t want to come and welcome you.” He stood up and Dean followed after him to walk him off the porch at least. Jimmy turned around to face him and it felt like a punch in a gut to see those eyes. He held his hand out for Dean to take but Dean couldn’t make himself touch him. Jimmy closed his fist and took his hand back. “Okay, well, thank you for taking care of my daughter all these years. I was hoping Cas would be here but-”
“He’s dead.” Dean says it quickly before Jimmy keeps talking about him. 
Jimmy looks at him and smiles. “Yes, we all are.”
“No, I mean he’s not in heaven he’s in the…” Dean couldn’t make himself say it.
“Dean,” Jimmy reaches over and touches Dean’s shoulder. Forcing him to look back at those baby blues that didn’t shine like Cas’s. “Cas was the one that invited me to this party of yours. He said he was going to meet me here as soon as he was done working with God.”
Dean opened his mouth to say something but his mouth went dry. Cas. Cas is here?
“But talking to you was enough.” He says as he starts to walk away again. “When he comes, tell him to come visit when he has time. You can visit too if you like. Maybe next time you can look at me while we talk.”
Dean watched Jimmy get into a car and then disappear from his view. Leaving him dumbstruck but his heart raced in anticipation.
Dean closed his eyes again, “Cas? You have your ears on? Cause if you can hear me and you don’t get your feathery ass down-”
“No need to threaten me. I’m right here.” He hears the familiar voice, deep and rough. He sounded tired and Dean opened his eyes to see him walking over to him. His shoulders hunched over more than usual. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I wanted to be the first to welcome you but we lost Ash in a different dimension for a few minutes and Jack was freaking out. You know how bad that is.” 
Cas fell into the chair in a huff. 
“It was a long day.” Cas finished as he closed his eyes with a sigh. 
Dean watched him. Looked him over once, twice, three times not sure how to move forward with this conversation. Should he continue the small talk or go straight to the unspoken confession. 
“Dean, stop staring. It’s creepy.” Cas cracked a smile and Dean huffed out a laugh, rolling his eyes but didn’t stop looking at him. Watching Cas lean forward on the chair, elbows on his knees, while he looks up at him, his eyes bright and glowing. This was Cas. “Sorry I didn’t answer your prayers.”
“I’m used to it.”
Cas flinched at that. “Yes, sorry.”
“What the hell you’ve been here since-!”
“I don’t want to fight, Dean.” Cas reaches hesitantly to take Dean’s hand. He was gonna pull away but instead he gripped Cas’s hand tightly in his own. “I missed you too.”
Dean walked forward so he could stand in between Cas’s legs. Watching as Cas looked up at him with curious round eyes. Head tilted just a little. 
“You’re so stupid. You know that.”
Cas nodded with a teasing smile. “Yes, I learn from the best.”
Dean couldn’t help but smile back at him as he reached to cradle Cas’s face with his free hand. “I missed you so much, Cas.” Dean feels Cas’s skin under his palm and he feels his chest tighten up. “I thought I really lost you, Cas. I thought-”
“Me too.”
“Cas,” Dean leaned down so his forehead could touch Cas’s own. “Let me talk okay?”
“O-of course.”
Dean smiled as he closed his eyes. Feeling the radiating warmth that always surrounded Cas. Home.
“I love you, Cas.” Dean finally says and it sounds off because his throat feels like he swallowed a bunch of sandpaper but he keeps talking. “I love you and I’m sorry I gave up on life when you sacrificed yourself for me to live. I just… I wasn’t thinking. I was dumb. I’m so sorry.”
Cas quickly let go of Dean’s hand and then pulled him down to make him awkwardly sit on his lap. Dean was going to protest the whole thing out of instinct but he took a deep breath to calm down. Letting Cas cradle him to his chest and hold him so tightly, comforting him with the touch Dean craved for years. 
“Dean,” Cas starts as Dean starts to relax in his hold. Feeling Cas lean down and press his forehead down on Dean’s own. “I love you so much and I’m so proud of you. You worked so hard and deserve a break. Deserve peace but death is not the answer.”
He was going to open his mouth to agree but Cas pressed a kiss on Dean’s forehead. Making him melt and quiet.
“I will have Jack send you back.” Cas continued.
Dean opened his eyes to argue. He already missed all his friends and family that were still inside the roadhouse partying like it was 1965. 
“No arguing. I want you to live, Dean. I want you to find your peace in life. You deserve that.”
“No.” Dean firmly said as he gripped at Cas’s shirt. “Not without you, Cas.”
Cas smiled and let his lips hover over Dean’s face for a few seconds before Dean tilted his head to finally bring their lips together into a long awaited kiss. Dean reached to cradle Cas’s face in one of his hands as Cas held him in his arms, wrapping tightly and securely around him. Promising to never let go again. 
“You should go enjoy your party.” Cas says as he pulls away just enough for Dean to breath. “I’ll send you back in the morning.”
Dean clings to him again, hand in Cas’s hair, as he tilts his head to taste his mouth once again. “I want to stay with you.”
Cas hummed as a response with a smile and Dean knew that wasn’t an answer.
Dean positioned himself to be straddling Cas, shocking him in the process so Dean took that opportunity to kiss him once again. Slowly at first before deepening it, feeling Cas’s tongue against his own felt like he was finally in heaven. They made out like that for a while longer before Dean pulled away, Cas making a small whine as he did so.
“Come with me?” Dean snuggled their noses together as he left little kisses all over the angel’s face. “Stay with me? Grow old with me?”
Cas' smile grew bigger at the words. “Of course.”
They both laughed into their next kiss, a tingle of excitement running through them. They are gonna live a long happy together on Earth. Dean will get a job and Cas can do whatever he wants to do as long as he was asleep in Dean’s bed at the end of the day. 
They went inside to enjoy their family's company and before the sun rose the next day, they were both back on Earth. 
Scaring a mourning Sam and Eileen who were ready to set Dean’s body on the logs for the hunter's funeral.
Jack flew down with them and they had a big family breakfast at a local dinner, after the reunion hugs and tears of course. 
“So you and Cas?” Sam nudged Dean as they walked out of the dinner. The brothers watched Eileen and Cas signing to each other too quickly for either of them to keep up while Jack stood between them finishing the lollipop that the waitress gave him, as he grinning inconfusion. Just as lost as the brothers.
“He wants to be human with me.” Dean tells him, sounding just as breathless as he felt. Still in disbelief that an angel actually loved him. “I love him, Sammy.”
“I know.” Sam chuckles. “I’ve known for a while.”
Sam walked ahead and wrapped an arm around Eileen’s shoulder to pull her in close. She hit his arm for interrupting them but Sam leaned down to kiss her. Being forgiven easily. 
Cas stretched out a welcoming hand out and Dean took it quickly, twining their fingers together and bringing Cas’s hand up to his lips for a kiss.
“Okay, let’s go home.” Dean loudly announced as he looked around his family’s faces. Remembering the faces of the family that were waiting for him upstairs and grateful for the family he has here on Earth. He would make this life worth it. Happy. 
Tag List: @galaxycastiel
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whiskeyontwitch · 5 years
Going to start a little thread called “Thank you Seán” to start spreading some more positivity!
Hope you’re able to join in ☺️
*clears throat*
Hey Seán!
I just want to say thank you for being such an inspiration and real example for so many people on this world. Over the years I have followed you (not in a stalker way 😅) I have had the pleasure to watch you create such an amazing community that I am constantly inspired by.
Yes, there are some toxic/negative people within this, but let’s be fair, with 23 MILLION people, you going to get some “bad eggs” and negativity will always appear louder as it’s so much easier for people to be negative. But the quieter positivity from within the community will always be stronger and run deeper in our hearts.
Now, the following is what you’ve done for me, personally;
1 - I’ve been lucky enough to of had the chance to actually meet you with (my now fiancée) Emily. I also have it on good authority that when you heard from some cool people that I was outside, you made the effort to come out and say hello to me and Emily and hang out. (Which you were under no obligation to do!)
2 - Through your community, I have been able to get to know some incredibly cool people. Some of which I have even met personally (more than once) and can truly call some of my closest friends. This couldn’t have happened without you!
3 - If I had never watched your “My Setup Tour!” video, I would have never had the inspiration to go “Fuck, maybe I could do this too!” and start building an amazing community of my own! ( Which I constantly feel like I don’t deserve btw 😅)
4 - If it wasn’t for your interview video with Arin, I would have never of given myself that kick up the ass to start actually doing my little podcast. Through this, I have had the chance to speak to some incredibly cool people and I feel like I have created something I am truly proud of.
5 (Finally) - You have given Me and Emily hours of entertainment throughout the past few years of living together. Your videos have become a massive part of our daily routine and some of my favourite moments of the day are where me and Em have some food, some good fucking wine and just watch a bunch of your videos.
I really hope a bunch of people will do something like this for you too, because there are going to be arseholes out there who are trying to drag you down, force their own bullshit opinions onto you, tell you to go back to the old you because they don’t like that you’ve grown as a person and they simply haven’t.
But I know there are countless amounts of people in this community that love how you’ve grown as a person and are proud of what you have done with what you’ve built. It’s time we start flooding this Tumblr with positivity, to the point where the noise negative people are making is simply drowned out by the overwhelming amount of love and support the rest of the community has for you and eachother.
Keep on being the very best you can be and we will be with you, every single step of the fucking way 🤘🏻
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bxthharmon · 4 years
Never Go Home Again, Pt. XII || JJ Maybank x Reader
Words: 3130
Series Warnings: violence / talking about abuse / toxic relationships / talking about nudes sex and sex tapes / drugs / underage drinking
Pt. Warnings: Guns / blood and violence
Series Summary: A new girl, a shoebox of old memories, a past she’s trying to forget coincide with a hotheaded, but selfless, boy.  teenagers getting in way over their heads
Pt. Summary: Chaos catches up, causing trouble for everyone involved
A/N: sorry for the slow updates, but with the event (tysm btw ily) i’ve been busy. i have a few more requests, and i promise im getting to them. anyway! feels weird, only 2 or 3 parts left. tysm for all this support <3
Chapters linked in my masterlist.
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JJ woke up before you. His face felt stiff from the tears he’d shed the night before, and the corners of his eyes were filled with sleep. He rubbed his eyes, phosphenes decorating his mind as he pulled them open. The window was wide open, curtains fluttering in the light breeze and the sun decorating the room with a natural glow. He became aware of the towel thrown over the dresser and the wet clothes hanging in the window sill, the memories of last night returning. He looked down at you.
You were curled up, one of his tops and a pair of his joggers covering your body as you gripped his arm lightly in your sleep. He blinked, admiring the lock of hair falling over your face, the curve of your lashes and the relaxed smile that adorned your sleeping frame. He brushed the hair out of your face and let it fall. He realised that he was in deep. Somewhere across the room, the ping of a phone notification pulled him from his thoughts. He looked up, seeing the bluish light coming from the floor on the other side of the room. He slid his arm from your hold, careful not to wake you as you unconsciously pulled the pillow into your grip instead. He rose from the bed, careful not to let the bed creak as he left you. He padded across the room, picking up the phone from the wooden floorboards.
The phone awoke as he lifted it, a series of fresh messages lining up under the time. 
Tyler: hey
Tyler: ik i fucked up with us, but i cant stop thinking abt seeing u when u visited
Tyler: can we try again?
Tyler: ik u said u were seeing someone and dont wanna fuck it up, but i still love u
Tyler: let me know. I miss u
He almost choked, heart beating in his ears as he looked back to your sleeping frame, rising and falling with oblivious breaths. He looked back at the phone, placing it on the dresser softly. He left the room, clicking the door shut as softly as he could, and making his way to the kitchen. He rinsed a mug and put the kettle on, rummaging through the cupboards for the instant coffee granules. He pulled the silver pot from the shelf, peeling the cap off and tapping it on the side of the mug so the granules tumbled in, the dark brown contrasting the light ceramic. He poured the contents of the boiling kettle in, watching the hot water consume the granules and turn brown. He stirred and sipped, hissing as it burnt his tongue. He never had the patience to wait for it to cool down.
He studied the cupboards again, finding no edible food, not trusting the bread after his previous experience. He sipped the coffee again, allowing himself to look back at the closed bedroom door. He wanted to know what happened when you went back, but knew he wouldn’t like the answer. After last night, he knew Tyler was an asshole, and wanted more than anything to fly to California and punch him in the face, but couldn’t understand the text. Thoughts were flashing through his head, ideas rushing to his head. He wondered if he should ask, or leave it and wait for you to tell him. He knew you had no obligation to him, but he also knew that you two had something going on. Whatever that something was. He sighed. 
He thought about how he felt when he saw you smile, how much he’d spiralled after your argument, how vulnerable he was around you. It hit him suddenly, an epiphany that took all his air away but made him feel alive, made him feel broken and brilliant all in one moment. He loved you.
Down the hall, on the other side of the door, he heard the bed creak. There was a pause, and then he heard the floorboards moan. Another minute, and he heard the ping of your phone notification. There was another pause, then the door opened and you stood in front of him, hair tousled by sleep and eyes fresh. You smiled at him, reaching out and pulling him in, kissing his temple and stepping away to make your own coffee. His heart pulled, not letting him push you away and reaching out as you left his arms, but not wanting it because of those stupid texts. In that moment, he fights his impulse and decides to wait for you to tell him. Would you tell him?
He draws his attention to you, hopping back onto the counter next to you. He watched you, enamored with the way you moved, the way you brush against him, the way you seem so carefree in the moment. He wants to kiss you, but he knows he won’t until he knows what’s going on. 
Faster than he wants to admit, you’ve finished your coffees and Kie and Pope are awake, moving about after leaving their slumber on the pullout couch, and then setting up the pulley for the well. Your mood changes when they’re up. You’re more talkative, brushing over any mention of the night before, helping when you can. You look back at him a couple of times, and each time his heart flutters.
You can feel blisters working on your skin as you help Pope with the winch, the rope burning at your skin in the force of the friction, but you don’t pay it any mind. You finish with the mechanism, stepping away and sitting down next to JJ, passing some witty banter with Kie, and opening a bottle of beer, the cool glass soothing the hot skin on your palms.
“What does it feel like?” Pope asked, watching Kie as she sat in the can hanging from the pulley.
“Feels good.” she confirms, pulling the rope slightly.
“John B’s pulling a Houdini.” JJ stated, putting his own beer down.
“Yeah, where is he?” you asked.
“I got my scholarship interview in the morning.” Pope reminded, “We gotta get this done.”
“Speak of the devil!” JJ grinned as John B strode past you all without so much as a ‘hello’. “Hey! Dude, I put up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything.”
“No he did not.” You laughed.
“We did that.” Pope said, gesturing between you.
John B ignored you, and Kie called after him as he entered the Chateau. “Okay, that’s it?” you muttered.
“What’s that all about?” Pope asked, walking to you and JJ.
“I was gonna ask you the same question.” JJ said, you and him getting off the hot tub and following him into the Chateau. When you entered, John B was pulling the house apart, searching.
“You alright, man?” Pope asked, “What’s up?”
“What are you looking for?” Kie added.
“Bro, what’s going on, man?” JJ asked, following him as he pulled the gun from under the cushioning on the sofa.
“John B, what do you need the gun for?” You and JJ stepped forwards, both reaching to take the weapon. John B grabbed your shoulders, pushing you over and shoving past JJ as you all yelled for him to chill and talk to you. Pope tried to block his exit.
“What are you, JJ, now?” Pope asked as you and Kie yelled for him to calm down. John B pushed Pope back into the table as you followed him out, asking for him to explain, or calm down. You ran down the steps, the others close behind. He mounted the dirt bike, looking back at the four of you.
“John B, what the hell?” Kie yelled.
“Ward knows about the gold.” John B spoke for the first time. “He killed my dad.”
You ran as far as the dirt track, watching the bike disappear as JJ swore.
“What now, we just go up to the front door and ask, ‘Hey, have you seen John B’?”
The night felt dark, cold, and your boat felt fragile next to the stupidly big boat across the pontoon from you. The shape of the Cameron house was huge and adorned with golden windows on the other side of the lawn.
“Look, he lives in Tannyhill now, it’s plausible.” Kie reasoned, but you could tell she was just grabbing at loose ends. “We can play dumb.”
“Play dumb?” you frowned.
“It’s pretty late.” Pope added.
“Look, I’ve never seen John B like that. We should honestly be going to the cops.” Kie countered.
“The cops? And say what, Kie?” you almost laughed, “‘We’re worried about our friend because he’s going off on a rampage because Ward Cameron killed Big John’? They’re not gonna believe us!”
“Hey, I see Ward.” Pope interrupted you, binoculars up as he watched the house. Kie took the binoculars, checking for herself. “Doesn’t look dead to me, let’s go home.”
“What?” Kie turned, shocked and offended.
“Uh, okay. Obviously Mr Cameron is fine, and even if John B was here, he isn’t now, okay? Plus, I have the biggest, most important moment of my life in six hours.”
“Yeah, well our friend is in trouble.”
“I’m in trouble! Guys, I haven’t been home in three days! My dad’s probably put all my shit on the street by now.”
“Okay, so that’s it? In a time of need you’re just gonna bail? You’re just gonna walk away?”
“Okay, yo, guys.” You spoke from the other side of the boat, “Can we not do this right now?”
“Hey, I have a scholarship interview in the morning.” Pope reminded Kie.
“Okay, well what about John B?” Kie asked.
“Why is it always about John B?” Pope questioned, and you sighed, looking away as Kie looked around, caught off guard.
“It’s not always about John B. You’re so stupid! It would be any of you in this situation.”
“Guys.” JJ tried to stop them.
“This is about friendship!” Kie powered on.
“Bring it down.” said JJ.
“This is about pogues for life!”
“What about forensic pathology, huh?” countered Pope.
“Forensic pathology?” Kie scoffed.
“It’s my life! It’s everything I’ve worked for!”
“That’s your priority?”
“Would you stop with the moral high ground bullshit?”
“Pope, come on.” you cut in.
“No.” he rejected, “No, no. She has no room to talk.” You looked down, knowing you didn’t either. “Where were you when Big John went missing? You weren’t there. You weren’t there for John B. You weren’t there for any of us! Remember your kook year?”
“Dude.” JJ tried, again, to stop the argument.
“Yeah, you forgot about us. Now you feel guilty.”
“Give me a break.” She pushed him, and he staggered but held his ground, you and JJ were up within seconds. “Is that what you need? You need a break? Move!”
You and JJ pulled them away from each other, shouting for them to stop, to cut it out. You held Kie’s shoulders, the both of you breathing heavily. She stared straight ahead, holding eye contact with Pope as JJ looked between them.
“If I’m the one mediating, we’ve hit rock bottom.” JJ sighed. You dropped your hands from Kie’s shoulders. She sat down as you sent Pope to the bow of the ship, sitting down as well.
“Pope, we’ll drop you off.” You said, JJ steering the boat. 
You sat, facing away from the group, water washing around your ankles, arms propped up on the wood as you stared at your phone. You were aware of the conversation - the gold was gone - but you weren’t really listening, or paying attention. Your mind was plagued with worries that felt trivial compared with what was going on, but still felt like the world would implode if you didn’t sort them.
Tyler was rejecting your refusals, insisting you humour him. You turned around briefly to look at JJ, who was watching you. You wondered if he had worked out that you’d slept with Tyler, even though you hadn’t mentioned it. But, of course, you hadn’t mentioned it - he couldn’t know.
You broke from your thoughts as Pope came blundering down the path. “Guys!” he halted when he reached you, and you picked your legs up, swinging around to face the group. “Oh, God, I ran all the way here.”
“How was the interview?” you asked.
“Don’t ask.”
“JB, look, I’m sorry dude. About everything.”
“It’s fine.” John B disregarded.
“But - but I don’t have a lot of time, and I have information that is tactically relevant. So, before I had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron’s big plane. Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off. So, I’m there sitting in my interview, thinking to myself, ‘Hm, why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?’”
“Gold.” JJ turned.
“That’s right.” John B confirmed.
“Exactly! Guys, this is our chance, but it leaves tonight, and we have to go.”
“We can’t give up now.” Kie smiled, jumping down from where she was balanced.
“What’s the plan, big man?” JJ asked.
“We’re gonna steal that shit back.” John B stated.
You smiled, this was going to be a shit show.
“We go in there, guns-a-blazin’, make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible, and vámanos, get the hell out of there.” JJ summed up.
“Send that shit right down the intracoastal.” John B added.
“Wait for the weather.” Kie reminded.
“Exit to Cuba.” Pope finalised.
“Cuba?” JJ sounded offended at the idea, “No, man, Xcalak, the jewel of the Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangoes, no word for money.”
“I like the sound of that,” you hummed, sitting up from where you lay across the back seats, “Let’s do this shit.”
The VW rattled on for a few hundred feet, John B curving into a break in the thicket, the lot of you leaping out of the car to a wire fence.
“What’s the plan?” Kie asked. “Broad strokes.”
“I don’t think we got that far.” John B admitted, Pope pulled out his binoculars.
“They’re loading up the gold.” Pope pointed out. 
John B took the binoculars, watching the scene before him. You were all pressed up to the wire fence, and you could see a car rolling up to the plane. You watched the figures exit, faintly recognisable without the binoculars. John B lowered the black instrument, Kie asking him what was going on.
“It’s Sarah.” 
You looked back at the plane. They played out like a scene in a play, little figurines moving around, until Sarah was being dragged onto the plane by the shape that must have been her father. John B disappeared from your side as the engine began to whir, loud enough to be audible from your spot behind the fence. Behind you, a car door slammed, and you shouted for your friend as he started the engine, forcing all of you to step back as he smashed through the gate, JJ’s “Don’t be a hero!” resounding in the air.
Still shouting, the four of you ran through the gap as he accelerated towards the moving plane, your shouts fracturing the air. Upon the realisation that whatever stupid, reckless thing John B was doing couldn’t be stopped, you waited in baited breath. You watched the van swerve in the plane’s path, the screech of the brakes reaching your ears. You heard and watched the second squeal as the plane halted, barely feet away from the pogue.
Somewhere in the distance, you heard the sirens.
“Guys, I can’t get arrested.” Pope spoke, breaking the shocked silence you had been standing in.
“I’m on probation.” JJ added. 
“We’re no good if we’re all in jail.” Kie confirmed, and you turned to the three of them.
“You serious?” you almost laughed.
“Y/N,” JJ started.
“Go, if you have to.” You nodded, “I’ll step in if he needs me, God knows what’ll happen.”
Kie and Pope nodded,setting off, but JJ stood. “You can’t-”
“JJ, you said yourself - you’re on probation. But they don’t know I’m here, I’ll be fine.” You smiled, stronger than you felt, “Go.”
He followed your friends, and you stepped back into the trees, the sick feeling in your stomach foreboding a turn of events. The blue and white police car was racing down the runway, and you could almost feel the panic in your friends.
You saw the Sheriff get out, and the exchange that led to Ward’s arrest. You watched her get him on the floor, gun pointed at his face, you heard a bang.
The scene froze for a second, but suddenly time sped up, the Sheriff collapsed, and there was another figure. The gun was pointed at John B. You felt yourself move forwards, but the figures were moving - Sarah’s crumpling onto the floor, Ward standing, John B’s moving to help Sheriff Peterkin. You watched Ward and the new figure. Fuck it.
“John B!” you screamed, and he looked up. He was sprinting towards you as the three Cameron’s started fighting. You jogged, the pair of you breaking into a sprint as you got to the woods, fighting your way through the thicket as more sirens joined the melee. Shots were fired, but they sounded numb to your racing mind. He was slightly ahead of you, faded hoodie flashing as you both ran flat out. Before you registered the road, the horn was honking and John B was rolling over the bonnet of a car. You grabbed his shoulders, pulling him up, the pair of you running as the driver shouted for you.
You needed to find the others.
You ran for a while, slowing to a walk as you discussed where the others would be. The junkyard, you thought.
After five minutes, you stopped, forcing him to prove to you that the blood on his arms was only Peterkin’s, and that he wasn’t injured.
Somewhere above you, there was a plane. 
You were walking slowly now, approaching the junkyard. You felt numb, knowing that everything was completely different now. You turned the corner, seeing the three other pogues gathered, Pope taking a hit from JJ’s juul. Weird.
They ran to you, seeing the blood in John B’s hands and your shirt (from your attempts to check his injuries) and immediately began to panic, giving you once overs.
“Who’s blood is that?”
You all ducked behind the clutter to avoid the approaching sirens, allowing yourself a moment to breathe. You glanced at the blonde boy next to you, but as you went to speak, he turned away harshly. What the fuck?
Tags: @tangledinsparkles​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @lolitstiana​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​ @teamnick​ @thoughtsofthestars​ @obxmxybxnk​ @jjmaybankswife​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ @sxcretinhuman​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @angvelics​ @badwolf00593​ @coloradogirl07​ @mendesmaybank​ @jiaraendgame​ @5am-cigarette​ @emerald-xcd​ @haharudy​
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just-things-things · 4 years
Hey! I LOVE THE IDEA OF INVISIBLE PETER PARKER!!! PLS PLS PLS WRITE SOMETHING! I LOVE READING YOUR WORK! (also, I hope you're safe and healthy in the quarantine)
Hello, love, I am doing alright in quarantine, and I hope you are too, including anyone who sees this! Stay safe, people, oh, AND WEAR YOUR MASKS!!! Also, thank you for the ask, I will do my best to meet your expectations! :)
So, with Invisible! Peter Parker you have two options. (I’m sure there’s more, don’t come at me) But obviously we have Peter being able to turn invisible after his spider bite. The second one would him having a lab incident and causing temporary invisibility. Basically, in this post I’m going over both options cause why not:
Peter Parker becoming invisible In a Lab Accident Au:
Btw, to me, this is more of a crack idea, but it's still really fun to think about, also it includes Harley, so bonus points:
The accident happens of course when Tony isn't there. Harley and Peter are in the lab, probably touching things they wouldn't be aloud to touch if Tony were there, but Mr. Stark's on a very important buisness trip.
Basically how it goes is they're both there, something spills, and then the next moment Peter's gone. Harley can still hear him AND he can still feel when Peter touches him.
Peter's immediate response is to call Mr. Stark, but Harley, being the little shit that he is, claims that it would just be an inconvenience for Tony to have to come all the way home when the effects might where off in an hour or so.
Long story short, the effects don't wear off in an hour, so Harley's next big idea is to prank the remaining workers and Avengers in the Compound. Peter agrees, easily. (They're two reckless teenagers, what do you expect?)
So, Harley goes bursting into the common room, invisible Peter in tow, complaining about there being a ghost at the Compound. The Avengers are not impressed.
Instead, Harley claims he can now lift things with his mind. And this leads to Peter following behind Harley all day and just picking random things up.
It works ever better because Peter can lift up to 10 tons, so the Avengers just go around asking Harley to lift cars and fridges and whatnot.
The day before Tony gets back, everyone finds out Peter was turned invisible after the boy accidentally walked in on Steve and Bucky ✨ passionately ✨ making out on the couch when they thought no one was home.
(To lesson it up the two men were broken apart by the sounds of a sixteen-year old screaming like a girl)
And because the Avengers are now in on the fun and games, they decide one last prank on Tony couldn't do any harm.
So, when Tony gets back the next day and as he goes for his cup of coffee, Peter has the great idea to just say 'boo.' That's all, nothing harmful.
What Peter doesn't expect is for Tony to throw his hot-steaming coffee at the invisible boy.
Tony's freaking out because there's just floating coffee splatters in the air and Peter's screaming because his t-shirt is soaked with a hot liquid. It hurts, ok?
Tony doesn't stop screaming until Harley explains that it was a joke and he's like, "My heart can not take your bullshit, Keener."
Harley then has to explain that Peter's the one invisible and that just leads Tony into more a fit by trying to find a cure for the boy.
Ok that was kind of a rush, but it was also just a crazy idea I had planned in my head and I just wanted to get it out there. The next part is Peter becoming invisible after the Spider bite and a legitimate short story! Please enjoy!
First, before we get into the story, imagine Peter turning invisible after the spider bite and him not knowing what to do as he watches May and the police frantically trying to find him because he’s labeled as “missing.”
On to the story:
Peter's been watching Mr. Stark and the rest of the team run around the quinjet for the last forty minutes. They were supposed to be inflintrating a Hydra base by now, but after Clint and Natasha went in a half a hour ago and went radio silent, the Avengers have been freaking out.
Their two spies were supposed to be in and out, place the bomb, give a warning through the coms and leave and escape on the plane. Obviously their plan backfired, and now Peter's sitting and playing with the thread of string coming from the bench he's on.
He's not worried, he can still hear the two's heartbeat within the building. Actually, at the moment, his only job is to focus on his teammate's breathing, but for a second his mind slips and picks up the remaining Avengers in the background, "We aren't getting in Rogers, that is a secured building that Romanoff couldn't get in! They were caught, unless you can turn invisible, then we're at a lost cause!"
Peter rolls his eyes, the only thing this leads to is each Avenger trying to out-yell the other while Bruce tries not to Hulk-out. But then he's lost his teammates heartbeats, and all he can hear is the others screaming. Focus. He's trained for this. Hell, he's locked himself in a room with screaming robots and focused soley on Tony's heartbeat three floors down. This shouldn't be hard.
And Peter thinks he can hear Clint's again, the rhythmic beat of only his heart. Ba-dum-thump, ba-dum-thump. It's there, he almost has Natasha's now. Sooooo close, he thinks. Then something crashes to the floor and it's all gone.
He glares at the Avengers, there's no point, they don't see it. And then, in a last moment of thought, an idea pops into his head. The words replay in his head, "something something, invisible." Correction, the words sort of replay in his head. And then he's smiling because it reminds him of that one John Mulaney episode andddddd he's getting off track.
Peter takes a jump from his seat and points at Tony, the man pauses and raises an eyebrow, "Pete, what're you doing, I thought I told you to-"
"I know!" He grins, "What did you say earlier?"
The adult's stare at him, "What?"
Peter takes another step forward, catching Bruce's eyes from the corner of the jet, "You said, 'something, something, invisible!'"
Mr. Stark nods, "Kid, that was five minutes ago. What are you talking about?"
Peter blinks, "Oh," bounding closer to the group, he surprises them with his high tone, "Doesn't matter, look!" And the boy raises his hand, the group quizzically stares until they watch his hand disappear.
Bruce is the first one to say something as he steps out from his chair, "How are you doing that?" Peter let's his hand become visible as Bruce takes it in his reach, examining it like it's some kind of relic. Mr. Stark's mouth is wide open. Peter wishes he had a camera.
"I can sneak into the building and rescue Nat and Mr. Barton! That way, I won't get caught, cause I'm invisible! Literally!"
They all stare at him, "Remember, you said 'something, soemthing-' oh! You said, 'unless you can turn invisible-'" Peter does finger quotes as he restates Tony words, getting lost in his little rant, he jumps when Tony grabs his shoulders.
The man bends a bit to get eye level with him, which to be honest, isn't very far, but that's alright, "Since when can you turn invisible?"
Peter shrugs, "Since I got bit by the spider-"
Sam interrupts him, "Wait you actually got bit by a spider? That's how you got your powers?"
He nods, but Tony's waving a hand to silence the other man, Peter continues his story, "But, yeah. I got bit and just disappeared." He laughed, "Looking back on it, I went missing for like two days technically. I wonder if it's on my record."
Mr. Stark looks flabbergasted, oh to have a camera right now, "You- you're worried about your record?"
"Well, yeah, that's kind of important, I think. I mean, it's not like I did anything wrong-"
"Kid, kid, stop. Why didn't you tell us?" Tony looks concerned now. It's not like he was hiding anything.
The boy shrugs and grins at them, "I didn't think it was important." The group in general makes various noises of disapproval. "What! It wasn't!"
"Well," Mr. Stark grabs the boy's shoulder and spins him towards the jet's door, "How do you feel about getting a bit more engaged in this mission?" Peter grins, he's definitely ready.
Hehe, I'm sorry this is so short.... I really hope you like it though, the ask box is always open if you want more! I would love some feedback as well!
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pumpkin-lith · 4 years
Clone Wars Saved...ish
What the hell did I just watch ?
Let’s start by saying that 1) spoilers alert, not necessarily coherent but definitely there, I’ll put on a read more, but unspoiled mobile users, just in case it fails, scroll by and 2) @norcumii had warned me. And yet I didn’t quite expect that because, how could more clones ever be bad !
Oh boy.
Thanks to @shadow-spires for being my emotional support watchbuddy. I needed it more than I thought I would and we’re only three episodes in.
Some context : I’ve watched... only a few episodes of the show before, despite probably being able to give you the plot of all 6 seasons and quote lines and scenes, thanks tumblr and my own love for clones. And I hadn’t really looked at the bad batch half-rendered episodes because I still had trouble with the graphics of the actually finished show, so...
But I was ready for this, for feels, for finding Echo again and, finally, get 66 and murdered by Dave Filoni. Set up a meeting time to watch some eps with shadowspires, fun when there is a twelve hours diff between us and here we go.
Let me tell you, there was a lot of yelling in all caps in the chat side bar...
Trying to keep mostly in order of the episodes :
- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO KIX’S HAIR ? Why ? Why hair and no more tattoo ??? Is this supposed to be red corsair continuity ? But then WHY IS HE HERE AND NOT ALREADY ABDUCTED ? Is this merch reasons ?
- Two seconds in and WOW I hate the Bad Batch. And this does NOT get better. I’m really tired of the Muscle is Dumb trope, Tech is like a human C3PO which urgh but fine but then KEEP CONSTANT (this is going to be a major point of my yelling), if Hunter says you chatter all the time THEN DO but no, we won’t here a single random fact ever again for three episodes, and Crosshairs chats and snarks a LOT for someone ‘not talkative’. 
- Regs. FUCKING REGS, urgh, I hated that word the INSTANT it was said. Canon isn’t as heavily into the Vode An fanon loves, but WOW fuck that. Strike team or not, you’re not supermen, you have to rely on intel, be supplied, you’re not a bunch of mercenaries, you’re a MILITARY STRIKE TEAM, you must interact with regs a lot so it means you’re a bunch of condescending assholes ALL THE TIME.
-Also fuck 1) that team’s dynamics and 2) the “two teams do not get along” trope, fuck it with a SHOVEL.  1) You’re a Commando Team. In an army three years deep into war. You’re comrades and probably have save each other asses hundred of times. So why can’t you behave ? And I know people do not always get along, or even best friends sometimes irk each other, but, look, consistency, if you think you’re with lesser people because regs (can you tell I’m not over that either), you present a united front and you don’t bitch at your teammates in front of them. 2) YOU ARE MILITARY. Trained for 10+ years, there’s DISCIPLINE there, even a maverick strike team, when Cody is down, you OBEY THE SECOND IN COMMAND. I don’t care if you have a better plan, you TELL the officer, you don’t just tell him to shut up and watch. AND YOU DON’T GET AT EACH OTHER’S THROATS.
-Did I mention I hate everything about Dumb Violent Muscles unable to control himself or follow a plan ?
-Of course the one time we could see Cody in charge, he’s hurt and useless.
-The tactics Mess out of order :  Why is nobody blowing stuff up, a group able to single handedly take on 100+ droids is getting pushed back by thirty later on, why not trap the outpost to blow up the incoming droids, the analytical droid cannot comprehend why the clones would leave the outpost while in full view of the cyber center and it has to be pointed out to him, WHY DID NOBODY TRAP THE FUCKING OUTPOST TO BLOW, why does the tech guy LITERALLY NAMED TECH doesn’t hide/erase what they did to the computer, why if he didn’t have time DIDN’T HE BLOW UP THE COMPUTER. 
-And for a plot point being “droids analyzes our tactics so we always have to change them”, it means that no one ever attacked a front door and drew all the droids there for a second team to sneak by the back door. Somehow.
Ep2 & 3 :
- Why is “this may or may not be Echo” matters on a tactical PoV ? I get the emotional one, of course, but having the Bad Batch question it at the beginning and later on starting a fight over it has no other reason than to go for another round of We Do Not Get Along Trope. The Seps have either a PoW or an Algorhythm allowing them to win battle, no matter what it is, you have to go and rescue/take it. WHY ARE YOU ARGUING.
- I know this is the funny part of ‘Anakin and Padmé are the less subtle ever’ and it was funny (I didn’t hate ALL of the episodes, see ?), but why is she explaining to Anakin why he fights three years into the war other than reminding the public, this is the LEAST EFFECTIVE PLAN ever to hide from Obi-Wan with Rex obviously standing guard.
-Not a critic, just fucking amused : if someone isn’t aware that Padmé and Anakin are a thing, there is a lot of subtext to thing Anakin and Rex have a hidden fling. I don’t even ship it and I could see it x)
- Tell Padmé I say hello. TELL PADME I SAY HELLO. Obi-Wan fucking KNOWS, maybe not the whole “married and pregnant” but hellooooo that was blantant cue that he’s aware they’re together, at the very least so very close friends that they sneak private calls during a siege if Anakin is really dense, we have ONSCREEN PROOF that Obi-Wan SAID OUT LOUD something about it and it makes Anakin thinking Obi-Wan doesn’t know and couldn’t understand in RotS even STUPIDER. Good job Anakin.
- This Galaxy has the most efficient Google Translate ever. Either it’s a known language of the planet you’re going to, and then by doing research amidst the prep to go to the planet everyone or at least Rex as Captain would put the translator to the spoken languages there on his helmet, or it’s an unknown one and yet with two sentences, Tech’s tech (urgh) is able to translate and analyses it well enough to speak it back to them. Wow. 
- WHY. IS. THE. JEDI. NOT. USING. THE. FORCE. You’ve worked with Echo before but there’s no mention or even trying to feel him, fine, better have another fight of whether or not he’s truly here, two droids manage to get the drop on you, two droids manage to get the drop on you AND SOMEHOW AREN’T IMMEDIATELY BISECTED, Two droids manage to get the drop on you, survive, AND GIVE YOU ENOUGH TROUBLE YOU NEED SOMEONE TO SHOOT ONE TO GET OUT OF IT. 
- Echo, my poor baby TnT I knew this was going to hurt, and it does, it does so much. 
-And we’re RIGHT BACK to full on rage rather fast. We go from “he’s so weak he can’t walk, he doesn’t remember anything after the Citadel, he’s so out of it he doesn’t know where he is and ‘notices’ Rex being here two or three times” to “He can walk, he can be yeeted into a vent, he can tightpole walk, he can shoot while standing, he knows the whole base’s blueprints and also all the Separatist’s database.” in like. Five minutes. CONSITENCY FOR FUCK’S SAKE. Why is no one carrying him, why don’t we even get a fucking HUG ?
-Why was everyone yeeted by Dumb Muscles WHEN WE HAVE A JEDI HERE. WHY STILL NO FORCE ??? Clone-yeeting is like Anakin’s favorite pastime, he should have thought of it FIRST, My Moment Has Come.
- Oh FUCK NO. WHY did you even GO BACK TO THE NATIVES’ VILLAGE ? You got dragons, you fly back to your ship that wasn’t damaged in anyway, you evac fast and clean, DONE ! Why go back ? Anakin even says that the Techno Union will strike for helping them BUT UNTIL YOU WENT BACK THEY DIDN’T KNOW THE NATIVES HELPED YOU ! They had no problems until now ! DON’T INVOLVE CIVILIANS ! If they had gone with the plot point of having the natives pick a side and be the ones to save them from that pole by flying to get them, then yes, totally, stay and help and defend them against the retaliation massacre ! But since they didin’t, do NOT go there and draw to them a retaliation massacre.
-FUCK that speech. Sorry Rex, but FUCK THAT. Again, civilians. You are supposed to be the GOOD GUYS trying to STOP THE WAR, not draw innocents into it when it could be avoided. AND THEN LEAVE WHEN YOU JUST TOOK DOWN ONE ATTACK AND THE TECHNO UNION WILL SURELY COME WIPE OUT THAT VILLAGE FOR HELPING YOU AND THERE’LL BE NO JEDI TO SAVE THE DAY.
-Why is everyone suddenly dumb.
-Fuck that “good old days” bullshit. I’m sure there were good times, but your good old days are three years of war and losses. Gimme “now everything will be alright”, because for once someone survived, for once the future is looking hopeful, give me them hoping that it’ll be okay and then gut me with the sheer irony of it all because I know 66 is looming. AND FUCKING HUG HIM DAMMIT, he was almost catatonic thirty minutes ago, at least HELP HIM into the ship rather than leave him standing here alone.
-And no mention of Fives, of course. Idk it may be in episode 4, it BETTER be in Episode 4, otherwise this is “it be like the good old days, yay, btw Fives’ dead”.
I am SO ready for the damn Bad Batch arc to be over and hoping the actual original content is way better. I wished they had scrapped that disaster of an idea full of bad clichés. You want a strike team to go with Rex ? I’ve got a strike team for you : Jesse is an ARC, Kix is both a medic and seen many times with a rifle (AND THE COOLEST HAIRCUT, get us Bly there and give him a tracking speciality with the many ‘primitive’ planets he was on, and we have Aayla for the muscle. That would be badass.
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prorevenge · 5 years
Not following orders? You're fired.
For those of you that haven't read my previous posts, english is not my first language and im posting from mobile.
I work six days a week as a painter (not the artist type). This story happened from the 10. of august (saturday) to yesterday the 26.
Meet the spartans: Me: hello there, Hubby: my Cliff, JB: jester boss, Karen: my entitled supervisor.
Backstory: As some of you know, I got married the 11. of august. I had informed my boss and supervisor of this a week prior as per company rules regarding vacation time for our honeymoon. So just to be sure they understood the situation, I decided to mention it again the day before. They said they understood and told me to enjoy the week off with my husband. And just to be clear, I usually have a nice relation with both JA and Karen, but something wasn't right during all this.
So I finish my work that saturday and drive home to make the final preperations for the wedding. We got wed by the same priest that baptised me back in the day and everything went perfect and I couldn't have asked for more. It wasn't the big wedding you see in the movies, mostly because the only guests were my husbands parents and two siblings as well as about ten of our closest friends. We finish after some time and we retired for the evening. My husband had during his toast surprised me with our honeymoon destination, Australia. He hadn't mentioned anything about it, and he is BAD at keeping secrets from me, but we were both happy about it.
Since most people think i'm a girl because of my build and choice in clothing, you betcha we got some funny looks in Sidney while being there, we always have a good laugh when they realise. While being in Sidney I get a phone call.
It was Karen asking me where I was, why I hadn't shown up monday morning.
Karen: where are you? We have an urgent assignment.
Me: I'm in Australia, you know, on the other side of the globe.
Karen: why are you there? Who approved vacation?
Me: well first of all, it's my honeymoon. Second of all, you approved me taking time off.
Karen: well, that decision has changed, you are needed here ASAP.
Me: (dumbfounded)
Karen: yea, my son moved away from home and need his new appartement painted.
Me: I'm not the only employee in the firm, surely you can use someone else?
So, to clarify. Our company mostly hired people without education, I didn't have an education when I started but took it during my time there. But we discussed this for a good part of an hour before I got fed with her and hung up on her. I couldn't understand why she needed ME to take care of the appartement when there are six employees that rarely had an assignment and were more than good enough to take care of it, but noooo, it had to be me.
A couple hours later I get a call from my boss, he's a cool guy and we go out for a drink every now and again so he knows me. He was even a guest at the wedding.
JB: I got a call from Karen. She told me you were on leave without permission. And that you were quite rude toward her.
Me: as you know, I'm in Sidney on our honeymoon. I requested permission as per regulation and got permission from Karen herself. She called me earlier requesting me coming home to work to paint her sons appartement. I simply got fed up with her and hung up on her.
JB: well, we all know how she is with people, there is a reason why you are the one handling customers. You just enjoy your vacation, and say hi to the hubby from me.
Me: I will. See you in a week.
We continue our trip, but every now and again I hear my phone ringing, guess who. Noone in my firm like Karen, she is the biggest power hungry person I have ever known besides my own parents. Since I never shut off my phone, I kept getting calls and texts. Some were nasty like her personality, others were so sweet I thought she was on drugs. I got really tired of her so I answered the phone again (big mistake for her and me) I started recording our conversations to try get proof of her harrassment. She started threatening me with firing me and that JB was on her side. This continued for a couple of days. So just for fun, my husband and I start taking about taking revenge after years of oppression from her. So we used some of our time at the hotel looking into her. And I happen to know some stuff about her taxes and regular finances since she asks me to take care of her tax payments. We contacted some of our friends back home to help us, (we have some friends in the local police force) and the plan was in motion.
Revenge: Friday we returned home with the biggest jetlag in my life, but with fire in my soul keeping me going. We found some dirt on her during the week. We had enough to use. Because of her Union, the firm was unable to fire her because of the certain type of harrassment she commited. Bullshit, my turn to screw her over. My husband and I decided to cut the vacation short so we could start immediatly. So saturday I clocked in and had a meeting with the guys on my team. We had five ranks in the company, Boss, supervisor, teamleader (me), employees and interns. So I had a meeting with my team to get them in on the fun, no hesitation, they joined. None liked her so, LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN, AND MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN OUR FUCKING FAVOR. We printed out the tax files I had and collected a total of one hundred and fifty pages with taxes. We made memes of her sleeping on the job and such, and you name it we did it.
I went to her office regarding the appartement and she lit up like a pumpkin on halloween. She hadn't noticed me being back at work so she jumped into the air. But she immediatly started rambling about her son and how he needs to get painters out. I said funny, enough ok and finished up preparing. We drive to the appartement to set up, and wouldn't you know Who came by, yup. She came rambling through the hallway. And when she came in, oooohhhoho you should've seen her face when she saw our fabulous job. We had taken every printout of her tax files, every mail with threats to employees and basically every piece of evidence against her that we had sent a copy of to her Union, and glued Them to the walls and painted around Them like a picture frame. Of course she would deny everything, but she now had no backup from the union to keep her from being fired.
We sent her tax files to our country'S CRS (tax evasion), we sent both mails with threats and tax papers to our boss, who btw was in on it from the start, and to top it all off, we got her ex-husband to dig up old files from when they were married, and wouldn't you know, tirns out it was some juicy stuff we found. We mailed these papers in to my friends in the local police and asked Them to let us have some fun with her before they took her. We did.
Fast forward to yesterday (26.) I got a call from my friends that Karen tried to use me as a scapegoat, that I was the one who made all those papers to frame her since I didn't like her, well true, I didn't like her from the start, but every file and mail were written by Karen herself. She had no credibility and found herself locked up before long. Just to rub it in her face I showed up in court with my husband and the entire company just to see what would happen. She was livid. When she saw me and my husband, she immideatly stood up, acting like nothing's wrong, and tried to run for me. I don't know if she taught she could kick my ass or what, but even though I dress like a girl and have a pretty small and feminine body, I am much stronger than she think.
The court came to a verdict. She was to pay about 450.000 USD for tax evasion + fraud, we found out that she used money from the company to renovate her own house. She got fired by my boss, and was to spend 3 years behind bars because of fraud, tax evasion and contempt of court. Over all, a shitty day for her.
On her way out she started yelling slurs at me and trying to bite the officers in the neck in pure desperation.
This morning when i clocked in I saw a notice on our board about a possible promotion. I applied on the spot. I went in, had a Nice chat with My boss and got the promotion while still keeping my old position as team leader. My pay got almost tripled in a span of 72 hours. I'm happy.
Tl;dr Supervisor gives permission for vacation and tries to revoke it as her son just moved out. Wrong person to demand from.
Summary: Don't mess with newlyweds
(source) story by (/u/Tobi_wan_kenobi_)
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 244: Have You Read This Book
Previously on BnHA: Deku visited his mom on New Year’s Eve and was all “here’s a new letter from my ever-expanding fanclub of adorable preschoolers whom I saved from trauma” and Inko was all, “I’M SO PROUD OF YOU IZUKU I FEEL LIKE I DON’T HAVE TO PROTECT YOU ANYMORE” because she doesn’t watch the news at all or keep track of ominous plot developments I guess. The next morning, a.k.a. New Year’s Fucking Day, while other kids their age visited shrines or sat at home watching TV, Izuku, Shouto, and Katsuki were bussed off to go be child soldiers at Endeavor’s hero agency. Katsuki was all “HEY ENDEAVOR YOU’RE KIND OF A DICK,” and Endeavor was all “SHOUTO IS THIS VULGAR AND PUGNACIOUS YOUTH REALLY YOUR FRIEND” and Shouto was all “TOO LATE DAD, YOU SAID!!” and Endeavor hmmphed and booked it out of there and the kids all followed him and there was this old dude with a beard floating around screaming about END TIMES!! and Hawks was there and, what?? Seriously does anyone actually know what’s going on?
Today on BnHA: Endeavor chases down the old man (who may in fact be an actual prophet, though? Horikoshi what games are you playing) and sets him on fire and tackles him and it’s all very violent. Hawks then appears out of nowhere and breaks up BakuDeku’s tag team effort all “SAVE IT FOR THE MOVIE YOU TWO!” and is then all “hi Shouto” and “hi, you must be Midoriya, Tokoyami told me all about you, I wanted to work with you too, BUT -- [stares off angstily into the distance].” Then, because I forgot that Hawks never shuts up, he’s all, “Hey Endeavor have you ever heard of this book, ‘Paranormal Liberation Front’? Don’t let the really dumb-sounding title put you off, it’s actually a rousing tale full of hidden clues about all the bullshit I’m actually up to. I highlighted the relevant portions if you can’t be assed to read it, well anyways, Hail Hydra.” “Well that was a strange conversation,” Endeavor thinks to himself as he stares uncomprehendingly into the void. Sob someone please help them why are they so bad at this oh god.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
so thanks to that little stunt Horikoshi pulled two weeks ago, our chances of finding out Bakugou’s hero name any time within the next dozen chapters are slimmer than ever. probably he’ll reveal it at the end of the arc instead. it’s like he doesn’t even care about the databook. whatever I’ll have plenty of time to sulk more about it after I get to readin’
anyway the title of the new chapter is “Recommendation”, so... actually that does sound fairly promising, though? am I just eternally doomed to get my hopes up? is this referring to Shouto pestering his dad to take on his two best friends as fellow interns? what’s going on here
anyway so we’re opening with this
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I love that it’s the two supposed goody-two-shoes kids who are actually being vocal about blatantly disregarding Endeavor’s orders. Shouto is just not having it to begin with, whereas Deku at least is trying to rationalize his own reckless behavior. Katsuki meanwhile is too focused on doing this fancy kick move to switch his suitcase from his left hand to his right to bother talking right now. reminds me of him playing with the soccer ball as a youngling
also the fact that his case is number 17 and Deku’s is number 18. have I talked about this before? I think I have but it was with some other numbered thing. anyways love the symbolism of him trying to stay one step ahead of him and Deku always being right on his heels. or maybe I’m reading too much into it but anyways rivals, yay
damn Endeavor is really determined to get ahead of them though
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uh oh Horikoshi how much action did you pack into this chapter. starting to run out of time to finish all your panels again huh. you had a whole extra week! how fucking insane is this arc going to be holy shit
anyways Endeavor way to leave your brand new interns behind minutes after meeting them for the first time smdh. this is exactly how it went down with Hawks and Tokoyami
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okay so like, I know a flash fire is an actual thing, but for a second I started wondering if in this kind of context (with him speeding off), it might also be a reference to the DC hero. then I remembered that the name of Endeavor’s technique is different in Japanese and the pun probably doesn’t translate. ah well
anyways dude is fast. but I wouldn’t count the kids out yet, they’re all pretty fast too!
so now we’re back downtown with Old Man Doom And Gloom, and oddly enough it seems that this isn’t actually an out-of-the-ordinary occurrence?
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fucking quirk society. you guys are just so desensitized to the most bizarre fucking things. but I guess we in the 21st century are hardly ones to talk ourselves sigh
anyway now he’s being a bit more extra than usual and they’re starting to worry
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?? the fuck is that? that sure as hell isn’t Hawks or Endeavor lmao. IF IT’S SLIDIN’ GO I SWEAR TO GOD
or wait, is it still the old man talking? should I actually be paying attention to his ramblings, my bad
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is that a fucking Spirit Bomb
(ETA: in truth this is the most badass attack name that has ever existed or will ever exist and I should give it its proper due actually.)
so now I guess he’s hurtling it at them??
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...hold up one sec
“revelations from the universe, I have received. flee, flee good citizens. the Dark Lord’s lips curl into a wicked crescent” -- holy shit, this all tracks?? IS THIS DOOMSDAY CRACKPOT MOTHERFUCKER ACTUALLY RIGHT ON THE FUCKING MONEY HOLY SHIT. ARE YOU A WITCH GOOD SIR. DID YOU WRITE A BOOK OF HIGHLY ACCURATE AND DEVASTATINGLY WITTY PROPHECIES BY ANY CHANCE
“the end is nigh! the wicked stars are conspiring against us! we must stop them! the earth is on the verge of being engulfed by darkness! flee, my fellow citizens! I am the one who shall destroy this source of darkness! be revealed! servants of the dark lord, come forth!”
okay listen. if he’s aiming this fucking thing at Hawks, though, after a speech like that? fuck it, I’m a believer. I’m sorry old man, I wrote you off without a second thought and here you are being the only one who’s actually like “HELLO!!!? PEOPLE!!!? THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS!!?! THEY HAVE AN ARMY!!? AND NOUMUS!??! FUUUUUUUUCK”
and I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but those are some legit-ass universe revelations. fucking even talks about the “Dark Lord” specifically only describing his lips. because he doesn’t have anything else to describe nowadays, face-wise. shit that is spooky
anyway so that sure was unexpected. let’s see what shenanigans Master Roshi here is gonna get himself into next
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did my boy just get fucking flashfired. jesus Endeavor show some fucking mercy
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someone want to explain to this man the concept of a proportionate response? anyone? ...
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fucking Todorokis I swear to god. if they weren’t all so good at being amazing superheroes, they could easily fall back on a career of being dramatic bitches for hire instead
anyways when did Endeavor change his clothes. this dude was wearing a turtleneck and slacks thirty seconds ago. did he literally just burn them off. how. what. fucking plot holes left and right
lol imagine if like on the next page the interns finally catch up and they’re like holding his fucking jacket and looking peeved
-- holy fucking shit, Endeavor
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not cool, dude!! what the fuck. this isn’t a fucking Noumu for fuck’s sake THAT IS A HUMAN PERSON
(ETA: I guess he ended up being okay, but shit, for a moment it looked like we were going full blown Raiders of the Lost Ark over here. anyways the moral of this story is that Endeavor is terrifying, fuck.)
so now of course Nostradamus is trying to get the fuck out of there, because if he sticks around Endeavor apparently has no qualms about burning him alive. fuck me Endeavor, I’m still rooting for your redemption arc my dude, but tbh if Dabi happens to pop up out of nowhere here looking for some revenge I’m not gonna say no to it right now. quit burning people alive!!
so now 12/21/2012 is zooming down an alley and Endeavor is zooming after him and telling some extra with a sword to stay and lead the evacuation
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Endeavor have you flown yourself right into a trap?
oh my god what the fuck is this
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it’s like Dabi VS the Liberation Army all over again. fucking check all these motherfuckers who apparently want to get themselves deep fried. this one guy really thinks he’s going to clock the Number One with a piece of fucking PVC pipe
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LOOKS LIKE WE GOT OURSELVES A RUCKUS, BOYS! you better believe I have the Powerpuff Girls theme song playing in my head right now
-- !!!
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pour one out for these poor sobs who somehow got themselves caught up in an accidental pincer attack between the dynamic fucking duo and fucking Angry Bird here. where the fuck is Shouto btw. or is he the one that got stuck carrying Endeavor’s jacket
loool look at Hawks out here making friends
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oh my god though you guys look at this??
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1. Bakugou and Deku IN PERFECT SYNC, not even thinking about it. just effortless. that was an amazing tag team thing you guys had going on before SOMEONE stepped in and ruined it all omg. do you want me to talk to Hawks for you. I’ve been meaning to discuss some other things with him anyway so it’s not like it’d be going out of my way. can you believe this fucking pigeon blocked my number. WHERE IS JEANIST YOU BASTARD
anyways 2. “I thought Endeavor might have been in a tough spot” that’s a funny way of saying “I was lonely and missed my angry arson dad”! and fucking look at this ridiculous bantering between them. “did it look like I was in a tough spot?” I FUCKING CAN’T YOU GUYS PLEASE STOP
and 3. Shouto just watching. is he impressed by his dad? or just trying to figure out whether Hawks is his dad’s adopted son or boyfriend. I’m pretty sure it’s the former, Shouto, but I don’t blame you for being confused, Hawks just has that kind of energy with everyone
oh my god
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somebody arrest this man. I can’t fucking deal with your cheeky fucking face Hawks
is Skeptic getting all of this?? are they sitting there with bowls of popcorn back at the League of Pliff HQ trying to figure out whether Endeavor and Hawks are dating
...and shit, I just realized the League officially knows now that the disaster trio is interning with the number one. so that’s fucking great. not that it would have been a secret for long, but still, things are officially starting to get real. in hindsight, after the Kamino arc we had a nice long stretch of chapters in which Deku, Kacchan, and Shouto were not in immediate danger from the main fucking villains, so that was nice while it lasted I guess. those days will soon be behind us
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fucking shit Hawks could you be any more ominous. oh my god this arc really is going to kill me
so now we’re cutting away to somewhere. Pliff?
-- oh, nope, still in the same place, we just fast-forwarded to the part where the police came to haul all the bad guys away
and now the manga is being all clever and foreshadowing-y and would you look at this
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BUT IS HE TALKING ABOUT ENDEAVOR, OR HAWKS omg. or hell, he could even be talking about Deku. or AFO even though he’s not actually there. point is, you know he’s not actually wrong. but what is he actually trying to tell us ahhhhhh Servant of the Stars please reveal your secrets
(ETA: in all seriousness you guys, I’m fully down for counting this as a prophecy. it’s already canon that future-seeing quirks are a thing, so. the only problem is that this is some Game of Thrones-level ambiguity as far as who he’s actually talking about. it seriously could be anyone. anyways at least we’ve got some shiny new theory material to play around with here so that’s nice.)
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how does every single person Deku meets not greet him this way?? I sure as hell would. “well if it isn’t the kid who just. fuckin blew up his own hands on live television, multiple times. salutations”
anyways where’s Katsuki, the boy whose previous hero mentor you murdered in cold blood but he doesn’t actually know that yet. when are we gonna start in on that?
Hawks says he’s heard about Deku from Tokoyami. and he even says he would have liked to work with Deku too, wow. that’s high praise
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is this entire arc just going to consist of Hawks saying cryptic things with double meanings known only to him and then glancing sideways at the camera all broodingly omg
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Katsuki’s natural instinct to dislike 100% of newcomers on sight might work out to his advantage here. Hawks’s maxed-out Charisma stats VS Katsuki’s middling Perception stats which nonetheless have a tendency to land high whenever he performs an ability check! I might need to back off from this metaphor though before it becomes really obvious that I don’t actually play D&D
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omg Endeavor can’t a guy just drop in on his grumpy pal out of the blue to make sure he’s doing okay without having some sort of ulterior motive? why are you so sure that Hawks showing up means that plot must be happening. because you’re not wrong, is the thing. but he’s probably just being standoffish for show
holy shit and now Hawks is just pulling out the Liberation Army’s book just like that?? IS HE ALLOWED TO DO THAT
(ETA: “let’s see, what’s a subtle way I can try and clue Endeavor in on the fact that I’ve become an undercover agent in the Paranormal Villain League of Liberation Front Armies. ... ...shit I’m not good at this.”)
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and since when was this book called “Paranormal Liberation Front”?? did they change the title to match the new name?
and what’s Hawks’s game here, though? is he going to play it as though he’s secretly investigating Pliff? you know, like he actually is doing? is this some kind of hiding in plain sight thing or what
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guys. is Hawks just... actually really bad at being a secret agent. omg
so he’s all “DESTRO’S IDEALS ARE EVERYTHING WE COULD ASK FOR” and lol what. fucking look at Endeavor’s face though
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this motherfucker could use a boost of his own wisdom stats, fff
(ETA: swear to god he’s two seconds away from a Katsuki-style “hah?!”)
oh my god
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fucking fuck me. he better have highlighted a really obvious section of that book, because otherwise I’m not gonna hold out hope for this message getting across at all. at least we know what that “recommendation” title was referring to now I guess
(ETA: Endeavor: [reading the highlighted section backwards] “‘‘it’s fun to smoke marijuana’!? what in the --”)
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at least Endeavor now has some nerdy interns who fucking love to read. hell, Deku has probably already read the book. please help this dumb jock to understand his bird son’s coded message, Deku-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope
and that’s the end of the chapter! except that I heard there was a new poster for Heroes Rising that was released as well! how come it wasn’t included here now I have to go hunt it down
son of a bitch is this really the best quality that’s available? damn
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well all right. not really much going on here that’s a big revelation or anything, aside from the surprise inclusion of Hawks in the upper right hand corner. did we know he was going to be in this? and like, even if the anime does make it as far as his debut in season 4, will it have reached that point by the time the movie premieres in December? glad I caught up beforehand if they’re gonna start spoiling things like this
so that’s all she wrote for this week! databook is due out next week so that should be fun! we’re finally going to get Hawks’s real name from what I understand. so I can start yelling at him using his full name like a disappointed mom. I have a feeling that’s going to come in handy a lot during this arc. go to your room young man
(ETA: and just watch it be the Japanese equivalent of “Judas McMurder” or some shit. smh. y’all. we stan a shady bitch.)
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 121
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
Hey i can’t remember what it was called but i can’t find this post ws fic? I remember it was raining a lot and one of them kept having panic attacks.
nyxvalentine said:
Hi there! Looking for a post WS explicit complete long chapter fic fic - they found Bucky/brought him back to the tower. At one point they have sofa sex on their floor in the tower (maybe right they get back from a mission?), Bucky is still in his tac gear/Steve is naked, and Steve is watching them in the mirror/getting off on how much bigger Bucky is and that he's clothed and Steve isn't. Also features Bucky becoming friends with Tony? Thank you!
nodns and time-lord-no-more sent in Dishonor On Your Cow by mandarou (complete | 111,695 | E)
Anon 2 said:
So I’m looking for this one fic in which it’s Bucky who puts the plane in the ice and gets rescued but everyone thinks he’s Steve and he plays along till they find Steve as the winter soldier. It is a funny, one chapter fic, and there is this one scene in which Bucky stares at Thor, and says that he reminds him of someone he used to know when Nat asks. Could you help me find it?
Anon, abarbaricyalp and awydd sent in Seven times Steve Rogers was not what everyone expected him to be (+1 time he really, really wasn't what everyone expected him to be) by StuckySituation (oneshot | 2,298 | T)
therandomravenclw sent in Footnote by nikkiRA (complete | 26,496 | T)
teenwasteland said:
I feel like I JUST saw this on the blog but now I can’t find it - Steve is Bucky’s physical therapist (for his amputated arm?) and there’s something like “when will you realize it’s a good idea to date me?” (NOT the one where Steve is in another relationship). Thank you so much in advance!!!!
miraishu sent in Untitled Bullshit* by hakunahistata, Izulkowa (complete | 16,678 | T) *suicidal ideation
sanctimoniavincent said: dubcon
I'm looking for a fic that was recommended on here before, but all I remember is that it was post-WS with Bucky and Steve in a dubcon relationship with Bucky using sex everytime he wants something from Steve, but Steve doesn't realize this until later.
Anon sent in Uberrima Fidei* by asocialconstruct (oneshot | 3,075 | E) *HTP, rape/noncon
lilyinthesnow said:
I'm looking for a fic & hope y'all can help, I read it a while back & can't find it after digging through my history & bookmarks. Steve listed Bucky as his spouse on his paperwork & Phillips made him change it, but Bucky kept the original that Steve filled out. Then in present day Pepper, I think, finds Bucky’s old jacket and found the paper that listed Bucky as Steve's spouse folded up in one of the pockets & all the Avengers find out about the two of them being together. Thank you! 
Anon sent in Sucker Punch by yellow_crayon (complete | 15,012 | E)
youvejustthoughtofeverything said:
I'm looking for a story where Bucky recognizes Howard in 1991. Howard rescues Bucky and hides him away in a cryo chamber in a cabin hydra doesn't know about. Howard then gets killed because he goes to shieldra for help. 20 years later the cryo chamber shuts down and Bucky is let out. Someone posts a picture of him on social media calling him a lookalike for Bucky Barnes. It gets popular and both hydra and cap see it. At one point Tony recognizes the backpack Bucky has as his from the cabin.
kindsokind sent in A Slight Miscalculation by miss_aphelion (WIP | 49,205 | not rated)
amused-koala831 said: sex work, miscarriage, mpreg
so I've have been going crazy trying to find this fic. it was a A/B/O fic where Steve is a omega and Bucky is an Alpha. Steve doesn't get the serum and ends up working in a brothel during the war that is Bucky's old family home under the name 'Grant' and when Bucky comes back from the war he works as security under the name 'sarge' Bucky realizes Grant is Steve. there is some talk abut Steve having miscarried a few pregnancy's. Steve gets pregnant with Bucky's daughter.
Anon sent in Like Rahab* by moonythejedi394 (complete | 131,789 | E) *rape/noncon
ketenkusu said:
I’m looking for a very angsty fic... Bucky and Steve are together but for some reason Bucky thinks Steve is about to leave him so he starts acting different, which makes Steve think Bucky wants to leave him. Any idea what fic it could be? 
stevesbi sent in Broken-winged birds by D_melanogaster (oneshot | 5,510 | T) and it’s companion piece Deep Roots by D_melanogaster (oneshot | 6,364 | G)
Anon 3 said:
Hi there! I'm dying trying to find this one fic I had read a while back where Steve was the captain of the football team and being an absolute wreck of a bisexual when he meets Bucky. The only other thing I can remember is Clint and Nat were together in this one too. Thank you for all your hard work btw!
Anon sent in Targeting by queenmab_scherzo (complete | 149,144 | E)
Anon 4 said:
Hello! There’s this one fic I lost the link to and I was hoping you’d be able to help find it. It’s a Coffeeshop AU, with barista!steve and veteran!bucky. I think it was a 5+1 Things kind of fic and basically Bucky kept giving Steve fake names until the +1 time. Thanks! :>
Anon 5 said:
hi! i've been looking for two fics, but i can't seem to find them anywhere. the first one is focused in buckys sister and in the end, after they die, his mother goes to their apartment and sees the beds together. buckys grandniece tells him that his mother got accepting w/ time and loved him. in the second one steve gets out of the ice and meets one of buckys relatives and he wears buckys dogtags, i think he becomes friend w/ an old lady who later teachers bucky how to dance ballet. thanks!!
tatltaelfairies, abarbaricyalp and Anon sent in A Mother Always Knows by RadientWings (complete | 7,054 | T)
humapuma said:
I read a fic some time ago that followed TWS, where Bucky starts to remember himself. He hides in people's homes and at one time tries to sever the metal arm but it's sealed to his bone, so he just cuts through all the skin and muscle but eventually stops. Then he finds Steve at the tower and, as Steve is trying to clean him up, he finds the wounds and starts crying. Eventually Bucky tries to run away but Steve begs him to stay with him.
sadritsuka12 said: suicide attempt
Hi. Can you help me find when Steve try to kill himself.. Can't find it I think his mom stop him first then bucky came from a date and also stop from killing himself.
Anon 6 said:
I just lost this fic I was reading and I was hoping you could help me find it. hydra sent bucky to kill steve and called it a level 7 threat and bucky was confused as to why because steve didn’t seem at all dangerous. also sam worked at a bookstore called the corner and he was really nice to bucky. and steve figures out that he was being stalked and left bucky a sandwich. any idea? thanks in advance 
awydd* sent in Ghosts Love Elevators by thecommodore_squid (orphan_account) (oneshot | 32,322 | M) *graphic violence, suicidal ideation
58 notes · View notes
firelxdykatara · 5 years
🔥 tvd. unleash the salt.
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no but ok, my biggest unpopular opinion re: tvd? (judging mostly from what i’ve seen come out of what’s left of the ‘fandom’ since s6 when 99% of it jumped fuckin’ ship, but anyway)
the show turning to shit had absolutely nothing to do with delena becoming canon
like, i’ll be reading someone’s anti tvd post, and i’ll see something like ‘it started going downhill in s4′ and nod along, but then ‘when dullena became canon’ and it’s like -record scratch-
no. hold up. -squirts with a waterbottle-
anyone who didn’t realize that damon and elena were being set up to become canon down the line as early as season one were either in denial or just weren’t paying attention. i could write for days about all the signs and all the ways their relationship developed and how they each developed as characters, but i don’t have the energy to focus on the good about tvd anymore so i don’t feel like it. (i always have energy for salt, though. must be my high-sodium diet.)
there are a couple things we know for a fact about early tvd. one is that kevin williamson was largely in charge of the show as head showrunner for the first three seasons. another is that williamson left the show after season three–his name was still on it, but he moved onto another project, and julie plec was left in charge. given those two facts, and my belief that the show’s decline in s4 was far more gradual and less visible than it was in s5, when the show jumped the shark and over a fucking cliff, we (or at least i do, you don’t have to agree but it’s the story that makes the most sense to me so i’m sticking to it) can infer that kevin williamson left at least something of an outline behind for the season following his departure, and the rest was left up to julie as she meandered her way through three more seasons–two of which the show should never have had–with only the vaguest idea of an endpoint in mind.
(as early as season 2, julie said that she and kevin already knew how they wanted the show to end–or at least, they knew what they wanted the last words to be. given that the series finale ended the same way the pilot episode did, with damon showing up on stefan’s porch wearing his trademark smirk and saying ‘hello brother’, i can buy that they had this particular scene in mind when initially planning the overall series arc. i also think that julie plec went mad with the power she suddenly had over the story once williamson left, and any other tentative plans that may have been made were either forgotten or discarded in favor of magic vampire uteruses and pointless romantic arcs and killing characters off right before the end of the show for no real reason. but anyway, i digress.)
I THINK I’VE GOTTEN A LITTLE OFF TOPIC. anyway. if delena wasn’t the beginning of the end (we’ve established that delena–if not as an endgame, but certainly as a relationship that would need to be explored–was in the cards from the very beginning, and had achieved most of its crucial relationship beats by the s3 finale [all that remained was elena gaining closure for her decaying relationship with stefan before she could fully move on]), what was?
two things, primarily: the sire bond, and the cure.
now, neither of these things seemed particularly egregious at first. in fact, up until the end of the season, i was convinced the sire bond would be revealed to have never actually existed, because the ‘signs’ were so badly contrived that they had to be red herrings designed to make the characters doubt themselves and their feelings. in hindsight, i realize the piss poor writing surrounding the bond was emblematic of issues that would plague, and eventually destroy, the rest of the series. and until it came back in season six and undid literal years worth of character development for the central character of the fucking series, i actually thought the cure plotline in s4 was a stroke of brilliance–shoddily handled in a few places, but still solid enough in execution to make up for it.
because elena, having become a vampire, needed to have the option to become human again presented to her–and then she needed to reject it. Which she did, twice, at the end of the season–first when she offered it to Stefan without a second thought, and second when she shoved it down Katherine’s throat, again without a moment of hesitation. (Technically three times, if you count the fact that she was ready to force it on Damon, but that, at least, was motivated by her desire to save his life, since he was dying from werewolf venom at the time.)
elena’s arc throughout season 4 (and that’s another of my unpopular opinions–elena didn’t change into an unrecognizable monster when she became a vampire, becoming a vampire allowed her to let go of the gloomy graveyard girl and finally learn to love LIVING again, and the fandom was so used to her as the suicidal martyr ready to sacrifice anything and everything without a second’s hesitation that they turned on her, en masse, when she realized it was actually ok to want things for herself but…. that’s a different rant altogether, ahem ANYWAY) was about learning how to be herself again.
not herself as she was immediately pre-vamping–herself as she was before her parents died. it’s no coincidence, i think, that the s3 finale (when she was being turned) and then s4 were some of the only real glimpses we got of elena’s parents, and her life with them before they died. she literally hallucinated her mother, in one of the most heartbreaking scenes of the entire show, trying to convince her to kill herself because of what she’d become–but this, notably, was a curse enacted on her by a vampire hunter. (here’s another unpopular opinion–elena killing connor had nothing to do with the sire bond. she would have killed him anyway, because he was threatening her brother’s life. am i the only one who remembers that elena, as a human, went to denver with the sole purpose of figuring out which original sired mary, so she’d know which ones it was safe to kill to protect her family? she was a human and willing to kill 75% of all remaining vampires on the planet. girl could be fucking ruthless when it came to protecting the people she loved, especially after losing so many.)
“mommy, i never meant to disappoint you.”
and then the sun came up. and just as the light hit her and began to burn, because she’d thrown her ring into the river, she looked to damon and whispered his name, panic in her eyes–because she suddenly realized she didn’t want to die. she wanted to LIVE. she DESERVED to live. and damon did what he always did best–he saved elena gilbert’s life. and that’s when she realized she couldn’t keep ignoring the things she felt for him, the way her feelings for stefan had never really recovered, the fact that she wanted to learn to enjoy the life she had instead of subscribing to stefan’s tortured broody vampire bullshit.
(ok, in fairness to stefan [loathe as i am to be fair to mister Hero Hair], i don’t think he actually realized what he was doing to elena. i don’t think he quite understood just how badly he was feeding into her self-loathing and how much he was making her think she would become a monster just like him–just like ripper!stefan if she didn’t take to the bunny diet and make like a good little vampire who never stepped a toe out of line. but i do think that as those first few episodes wore on, elena realized, more and more, that she would not survive being a vampire if she had to do things stefan’s way. and it became clear that the elena stefan was in love with was the idealized, human version of elena who’d died going over that bridge–the elena who could remind stefan of his own humanity and be his anchor to non-ripperness. she couldn’t be his sober companion/humanity anchor if she wasn’t subscribing to his bunny blood ideals.)
the bottom line being, season 4 was about elena not only becoming a vampire, but learning to enjoy her life AS a vampire. no, it wasn’t something she’d chosen for herself, and maybe it wasn’t something she ever would have chosen for herself–considering that even as far back as the end of s2, when the possibility of turning was first presented to her as a real possibility, she was talking about a future where she grew old and maybe even had kids and started a family, things she wouldn’t be able to do with stefan, meaning that even then, in the back of her mind, their relationship came with a potential expiry date (and then we got ‘i can’t think about always, i can only think about right now‘ in the s3 finale, further cementing that)–but while she’d gotten exposed to so much of the darkness inherent in being a vampire throughout the first three seasons and then her own vampiric awakening, she also got to see the good.
her no-humanity arc was kind of essential for this, btw. (is this an unpopular opinion? probably. i’m gonna pretend it is so it doesn’t seem like i’ve gone too far afield here.) which is another reason i hated that stupid fucking sire bond, after i gave up the idea it’d be revealed to be fake, and choose to ignore it in my own interpretation of canon–because there was no need for it. elena just lost her brother, the one remaining member of her immediate family, the one she’d gone to extraordinary lengths the entire season to protect. she was in unimaginable fucking pain. she was in agony, because not only was her brother dead, but she was still a very new vampire and her emotions were spiraling out of fucking control.
she would have absolutely destroyed herself in her grief, if she hadn’t been presented with an outlet. something she absolutely would have chosen for herself, in that moment–damon talking to her softly, reminding her that there was a way she could just be without needing to feel everything, and elena latching onto that one tiny bit of hope, that maybe for now she didn’t have to be in so much pain she thought she might actually fucking die on the spot from it. elena making that choice for herself–actually, you know, having some fucking agency as the central character of the series–would have been a much better choice, both from a narrative and character perspective. BUT ANYWAY.
it was during her stint with the switch turned off that elena first got a real taste of how fun and how freeing being a vampire could be. if the Idiot Brothers hadn’t banded together to try and force elena to be human again against her will, i really don’t doubt that the worst she would’ve done was snatch-eat-erase a whole bunch of people and live it up in the seedier unberbellies of various big party cities for a while. but whatever, the damage was done and eventually elena had her switch turned on by watching matt die, and feeling the relief at seeing him wearing the gilbert ring, and etc.
she largely had vengeance in mind once she was back to her more or less ‘normal’ self, but a crucial part of her development over that particular arc was the fact that she no longer hated herself for existing.
that was huge. it wasn’t given the focus or prominence it should have had, and i’ll again blame that on the weaker writing that was filling the gaps left by kevin williamson’s departure, but elena was no longer the suicidal martyr she’d been since the beginning of the show. she enjoyed living. she reveled in the strength she had, in the fact that she was no longer the Token Human, the doppelganger whose blood attracted all kinds of atrocities. she could protect herself now. she got closure with her brother, when the ghosts came back for a while, and with alaric, and she basically gave herself permission to want to have forever with the man she loved.
(and the fandom villified her, for it. because of fucking course they did. because she was a teenage girl who’d spent most of the previous four seasons dying or preparing to die or literally ready to slit her own throat without a second’s hesitation when it came to protecting people she cared about, but now that she’d decided it was ok to want to be selfish for a while and be with who she wanted without feeling guilty, suddenly it was open fucking season. but ANYWAY.)
where was i?
oh. yeah. season 5.
like i said, season 4 was a little shaky, but more or less solid–it wasn’t until after season 6 that i realized the signs of the show’s downfall had started in s4, with the cure and the sire bond heralding much worse things to come. it was s5 where the show really went off the rails.
here’s another unpopular opinion–it was absolutely character regression to have damon acting out the way he did that season. yes, in seasons past, damon acting out was a big part of his progression–two steps forward, one step back, but still slowly but steadily moving forward. but by the time we get to s5, damon had literally everything he wanted. he was BLISSFULLY happy, with the woman of his dreams, living in utter domestic bliss for an entire summer before she went off to university. and this trashfire of a show actually tried to convince me that he would’ve left their bedroom for more than five minutes, let alone long enough to drive across the state and murder some innocent human woman over a sixty-year-old grudge he’d never so much as thought about the entire time he was in mystic falls????? really?????
as if that weren’t enough, this man who witnessed, first hand, elena’s love for her brother, and who had grown to love him too–who was desperate to save his life on more than one occasion, including VERY RECENTLY in the show–would let enzo waltz in and nearly murder him??? i’m????? god
and then katherine stole elena’s body, and i was fucking done.
 literally ragequit the show once elena got her body back, because i was that fucking pissed. they literally had to do so much character regression and assassination to even make it work???? they had to put bonnie on a bus to ‘away from the main plot’ville just so that she couldn’t tell anyone that katherine hadn’t actually crossed over–even though she was right fucking there in the living room with them when she saw katherine’s ghost, and she would have known immediately that something was wrong because katherine disappeared rather than crossing over. and then they had to make damon devolve so he wouldn’t be in a position to realize elena wasn’t herself. and then everyone else carried the fucking idiot ball, except matt who was promptly compelled, and TYLER who nearly died about it, ALL so that no one would notice what had happened until damon was right there with katherine!elena trying to get him to kill her so she could kill him so he wouldn’t reveal what she’d done, and i JUST.
anyway. the awful thing is, the last few episodes of season 5 were really fucking good. it felt like the show had gone back to circa s3 levels of writing. and then s6 was ok for two episodes and then…. fucking nosedived off a cliff and into the abyss.
elena losing all her good memories of damon just so she could fall in love with him all over again was one of the worst writing decisions ever made. just, in history. completely. we didn’t need to see them fall in love in a rushed and half-assed manner when we’d already gotten a beautiful four-season arc of their love story. at the VERY LEAST, they could have had her just lose all her memories, similar to stefan’s s5 memory wipe, so that it wouldn’t seem weird that she thought he was a monster and loved him anyway because something something toxic bullshit. (oh, yeah, i’m still bitter af that they had to beat us over the head with DELENA IS TOXIC YOU GAIZ as if they didn’t have one of the healthier relationships in the show until it was decided that there wasn’t enough drama so they had to make damon regress and elena excuse it in a series of increasingly ooc writing decisions)
as a sidenote, tyler and elena’s friendship had a lot of potential to be something kind of fucking amazing, and it’s one of the most underrated friendships in the fandom, which is a fucking shame because i would have loved to see them get closer and have a real bond as supernatural orphans who’d had almost everything and everyone they cared about torn away at one point or another.
god. ugh. TL;DR: delena was planned from the beginning and was in no way responsible for the show going to shit, it just had the unfortunate timing of becoming canon right before the show became terrible; elena gilbert was an amazing protagonist and character in general, who should not have been hated for daring to be a teenage girl who wasn’t always fully aware or in control of her own feelings, and who dealt with so much grief and trauma in such a short time that it’s nothing short of a miracle that she eventually found her way back to the girl she’d been before, happy and sure of herself, and people just couldn’t recognize elena when she was happy so they decided she randomly changed when she became a vampire and it was All Damon’s and Delena’s Fault; stefan was a terrible boyfriend for most of their relationship; damon was wildly out of character for most of season 5; and the memory loss arc in s6 was pathetic and actively harmful to the show as a whole and especially damon and elena’s relationship and perception in fandom; oh, and tyler and elena had an amazing and horribly underrated friendship that should have gotten a lot more focus than it did. (i’m still mad tyler was put on a bus so much rather than allowed to be like, present in the lives of his only remaining friends lmfao.)
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shannyboenanny-blog · 5 years
An Introduction About Myself
Just joined this site. Shocking. I’m open to new things. Yes. But I’m bad at starting those new things. Always. But when I get the hang of it , it all starts to flow in the direction that I would like it to flow ...possibly. I don’t necessarily like reading paragraphs and I also feel like my or other audiences do too. But I came on here to talk about myself / problems that always seem to follow me/ my past, present, and hopefully future. So if you’re reading this please know this is an introduction and will be a bit long and so in the future if I do tell a story that happened that day. I’m apologizing now. Sorry. So let’s just start off with a simple “hello.” Hi my name is Shannon and I’m a Cosmetologist also known as a Hair Dresser, Nail Tech, and or Hair Stylist. Plus other names that I can’t name or remember right now. Basically a “people pleaser” or just someone’s slave to make them look beautiful if you want to go the depressing route. I’m an animal lover, love hiking, love going to the beach (super peaceful), definitely a video game nerd/geek, and boy do I love being left alone and the silence. I’m 23 years of age, still live with my parents cause this world is expensive and I’m a poor bitch. Plus when I’m sad for some reason I spend most of my money on clothes and makeup. I have two best friends; John and Charlotte known them for almost 10 years and lived literally 5 minutes away from each other. We used to hang out everyday at our local park together because that’s what we loved to do. I’m proud to be single, all these so called men don’t respect me. Super nice in the beginning but then after 6 weeks they turn into narcissistic assholes. I’d say I’m in the middle of being a girly girl and a tomboy. I’m a blunt ass bitch, very independent and don’t take shit from anyone. Hate the high school drama bullshit, I will shut that shit down. We are all old enough to know “talk shit to someone’s face not behind their back” because it will back fire and then you’ll look like the fake. But being in a salon for 7 years you’ll start to pick out all the fakes in the room and choose to be cordial with them and not be their friends. Trust me on this one you don’t want that toxicity in your life. They feed off of people so they can use you and others around them to build their own empire. These people are called fake bitches and they will only use you to get what they want. Plus they’re very loud and always have to be noticed just so the attention revolves around them , almost all of the time. They make themselves look busy and fast walk around the area so people will see them multiple times. 1/10 people will mostly ask who is that? Usually I just say “Oh her? Oh yeah she has dementia, and miss places her phone a lot.” Then you get the “ohhh.” Bingo Jango. Oh got off subject my bad. That tends to happen a lot when I get into my thoughts. I have terrible road rage and if pissed off enough I will run you off the road. Sorry not sorry. My favorite colors are lime green, lavender purple, light shade of indigo, a little bit of orange, black , white and can’t forget Gray. I have 5 pets, 2 Labradors ones black named Harley and the other one is brown named Hershey. 2 cats ones a Tortoiseshell Cat named Carmel and the other one is a Gray Tiger Cat name Luigi. Last but not least I have a Fancy Bear Hampster named Lola. I have nothing more to say other than I feel like I just registered for a dating website ..and I’m scared lol I’m not interested btw. Have a good day/night, peace.✌🏽
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Hogwarts Newbie // Stefan X Reader X Colin AU
A/N: Back on my bullshit again lmao. So this is actually a requested AU of Bandersnatch that I think needs more attention and to be seen because this is an amazing AU!! I’m actually surprised there’s not more stuff about it.
Also! I’m so sorry this is late!! My mom and I got into a disagreement and now she took my phone so I won’t have it for a while. I would make a whole rant on how I’ve been but I won’t do it now.
Requested: Yes // Can you write stefan and/or colin in Harry Potter AU?
Warnings: Not much, probably some cussing here and there but nothing serious tbh
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Not my gif!! (Please tell me if you, the owner, would like me to take the gif down!)
“God damnit...” You hissed to yourself as you struggled to make your way through the crowd of people in the big station. It didn’t help you were carrying all of your luggage on a huge and heavy cart.
You knew exactly why all of these people were here, as they were here for the exact same reason as you; they were trying to find their train. But while others eventually found their station, yours was a bit more difficult to find.
Platform 9 3/4 was written on the letter you were sent.
Your parents had already left, saying they needed to head to work. They both wished you luck, said their goodbyes and left you on your own. A 13 year old trapped in the middle of the train station not knowing where to go. It wasn’t the first time this happened, so you weren’t really bothered by it.
This was your first official year at the well known magical school, Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While it was your first year at Hogwarts, it was actually your third year of studying the wizarding arts.
You were from America, and at 11 years old, your parents decided to send you off to Ilvermorny, the American school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But in the last year, your parents enrolled you at Hogwarts in the UK, where they had their new jobs.
The only problem was, you couldn’t find where the train station to Hogwarts was. There was no given instructions by your parents or on the letter saying anything. But none the less, you continued to search for it anyway.
“Excuse me? Do you know where I can find Platform 9 3/4?” You asked a man holding a suitcase, passing by.
The man scoffed at you.
“What do I look like? A fool? Bugger off.” The man barked at you. Then he walked off into the lost crowd.
Huffing in annoyance, you turned on your feet and continued to look.
“Hello uh...Miss?” You heard a voice from behind you. 
When you turned around, you noticed a boy around your age with pure white, blond hair. They were spiked upwards and his bright, sea blue eyes were covered with thin framed glasses. The blond boy wore a light blue polo shirt, with a plain white shirt underneath. His blue jeans were pulled up so you could see the red and crazed colored socks he wore with his black converse shoes. The boy was quite handsome for his age.
Behind the blond male was another boy, who seemed to be cowering behind him. He had dark brown and curly hair that seemed to stick out in all places, to which you found adorable. The boy’s eyes were like a hazel color that were so mesmerizing that you almost got lost in them. He was wearing a dark green jumper with a black collar and black trousers. The brown haired boy didn’t look so bad himself, although he seemed to be shy.
“Yes?” You tilted your head at the boys.
“We couldn’t help but notice you seemed to be having some trouble looking for Platform 9 3/4. We also happened to be heading there as well, so we,” the blond boy gestured to the shy male behind him, who waved shyly. “We thought you would fancy some help?” He finished, showing off his clear British accent.
Your mouth formed into a grin and you smiled brightly at the two.
“Yes! Thank you so much! You’re going to Hogwarts, correct?” You questioned him, as the two males pulled their luggage with him and gestured for you to follow them.
“Mhm, I’m taking a guess to say that you’re new.” You nodded.
“This is my first year at Hogwarts. I used to go to Ilvermorny.” Before the blue eyed male could answer, the brown haired boy spoke up.
“The wizarding school from America?!”
Suddenly embarrassed by his outburst, the shy boy quickly looked back at the ground in shame. You laughed a bit and smiled at him.
“Well that would clearly explain the American accent.” The blond teen pointed out. 
“Yup. But my parents decided that Hogwarts would fit me better, seeing as they got jobs in England.” You replied.
Your smile made the boy seem a bit more comfortable with you, emitting a petit smile back from him. After following the two for a few more minutes, you stopped in front of a plain brick wall. Confused, you turned to the males.
“Um, what are we doing at a brick wall?” You questioned.
“We’re here. Come on!” Taking his luggage cart with him, the blond boy raced right into the brick wall.
You were about to yell out to stop him before you noticed that the boy was gone. It was as if his body went straight into the pillar and disappeared. You’ve seen a lot of stuff at Ilvermorny, but this was something else. The shy brown haired boy grabbed his cart and pointed towards the wall.
“J-just follow me.” Then ran into the wall, copying his friend before.
Still in a bit of shock, you hesitated before letting out a deep breath, and raced into the wall. You were expecting to crash, but instead you were led into what seemed to be like another side of the station you were in.
Trying to sustain yourself, your eyes wandered over to the boys who helped you. The blond wore a smirk while the hazel eyed boy smiled a bit.
“Taking a wild guess that Ilvermorny didn’t have this?” The accented boy questioned, the sly smirk still planted on his face.
With a giant grin you answered, “Nope. This is...amazing!”
“Welcome to Platform 9 3/4, love.” 
After getting all of your luggage onto the train and finding a train cabin that wasn’t already occupied, you and the two boys managed to relax and take a seat while the train started to move.
You stared out the window as the train passed by many fields of the outside world. It was a very beautiful sight to see. Finally turning your gaze away from the train window, you switched it over to the two boys who sat across from you in the cabin.
“By the way, I never got your names.” First, the blond one spoke.
“I’m Colin, yeah? Colin Ritman.” He said. You smiled at him and then fixed your sight to the brown haired boy, who shyly spoke up.
“B-Butler...St-Stefan Butler.” You could barely hold in your squeals at his adorableness.
“I’m (Y/n).” You greeted with a smile.
“So, tell me about Hogwarts. What makes it the “best” wizarding school out there?” You teased them, leaning forward in your seat.
Colin smirked and leaned back in his seat, while Stefan sat next to him, sitting the closest to the cabin doors and leaned against the wall.
“Of course it’s the best, why wouldn’t it be?” You laughed at his cockiness.
“Welp, to get started, there are four houses at Hogwarts, which I presumed you already figured?” You nodded.
You used to be in the Thunderbird house at Ilvermorny, so you already knew there would be houses at Hogwarts, but different ones.
“The best one is Slytherin—“ Just then, Stefan interrupted.
“A-Actually, the best house is Ravenclaw. Don’t mind him, he just likes to brag about being in the most annoying house at Hogwarts.” The once shy boy rolled his eyes, to which you giggled at.
 You were pretty sure that Colin was in Slytherin and Stefan was in Ravenclaw.
“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, there are four houses; Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Slytherin are cunning and loyal, but we’re not the most kindest people. Ravenclaw are smart and wise, Gryffindors are brave and daring, which makes most of them pretty dumb if you ask me...”
Stefan elbowed Colin in the stomach a bit, causing the blond teen to laugh and cry out in pain at the same time. You continued to listen closely.
“And the last one is Hufflepuff, it’s not one of the most known ones but it’s nice I guess. They’re kind, friendly, patient, and they value their hard work. It’s not as good as the others but it’s an okay house.” Your eyebrow furrowed at his words.
“An okay house?”
“Yes, what about it?”
“Nothing.” You leaned back in your seat and stared out the window.
“It sounds like a very nice house, I think I would like to be in Hufflepuff. Being a Hufflepuff sounds like the best thing in the world.” Stefan grinned at you, while the edge’s of Colin’s lips rose a bit.
“I think you would make a great Hufflepuff. Sounds a bit like you. But Hogwarts is a big place, so don’t be too overwhelmed by it.”
Looking over to the two boys, you smiled.
“Don’t worry, I think I’m going to like Hogwarts.”
A/N: I lost inspiration at the end lmao
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drewbabie · 5 years
SPOP Pride Exchange
@sconefacedgirl @spop-pride-exchange
Hello!!! I made a fanfic for you for the exchange! Sorry it doesn’t fit into all of your genres that you wanted it to be. I tried my best and it was a bit rushed. I hope you enjoy it anyway!! (BTW if I posted this a day early, it’s mostly because I live in Australia and we probably have different timezones) 
The morning sun shone brightly over the horizon and greeted the hills with a warm smile. It was exactly 23 days since Adora and Catra left the town for a sort of cheesy “find-our-passion-and-explore-the-country” roadtrip. Mainly it was because the townspeople were too aggressive on the two girls’ relationship. It’s too long a tale to tell, but they escaped with each other. And that’s what matters to them.
Adora looked over at the sleeping girl next to her. They slept in the car at a small tourist stop which was just a lookout over the mountains. It was a bit cold, but they held out fine. “Good morning, Catra.” Was all Adora’s sleepy voice managed to whisper. Catra rolled over as she started to wake up. “Ugh...It’s too early...can’t we just stay here?”
Adora sighed, both in awe at her girlfriend but also because she was fed up with her oversleeping. “The only reason why you’re so tired is because you had too many beers last night.” The blonde girl sat up on the folded over carseat. She rubbed her eyes slightly. “Only...like...four.” Catra yawned and stretched. “Pfft...alright. So care to explain why there’s literally 10 cans on the floor?” Adora teased.
Catra rolled over and tried to pull the warm blanket over her face. Catra groaned as Adora pulled the blanket down before she could fully cover her head and hair. “Don’t you dare fall asleep on me.” Adora kissed her head and pulled the blanket fully down. “Alright, alright. I’m gettin’ up.” Catra groaned again, followed by a small yawn.
“We’re almost out of gas, we need to find somewhere we can fill up. As well as breakfast.” Adora peered over at the steering wheel and slipped into her black leggings. “I heard there was a station nearby.” Catra rummeled through her clothes and found a maroon hoodie. “Good, I’m starving.”
Adora was at the wheel, whilst Catra was frustratingly changing radio stations. Half were talk shows and the other were dumb, overrated music. She finally settled on Lua by Bright Eyes. It was peaceful, and Adora hummed to the lyrics. The road was stretched out, completely surrounded by trees as tall as giants. The lush green branches were waving slightly as the breeze gently shook them.
“I thought you said the station would be at least ten minutes away.” Catra pouted as she brushed her long brown hair. “It’s almost been ten minutes now, we’re gonna approach it soon.” The blue-eyed girl reminded the impatient doll next to her. Catra sighed and looked over at Adora. She was beautiful.
“Are we...ever going back to the town?” Catra asked. It felt like a lifetime ago when they sped off into the sunset just to escape the stupid, homophobic, fundamental Christian town...buncha bastards. “Catra...you know we can’t.” Adora sighed, even if that question annoyed her she kept her focus on the road despite two cars passing every five minutes. “We just can’t go back.”
Adora reflects what happened before they left. Bunch of fights, arguments, other bullshit. The blonde hates looking back. They made that decision to leave for good, no matter how hard life on the road was. Catra’s face fell slightly. “Sorry, did I make you mad?” Adora looks at Catra’s freckled cheeks and heterochromia eyes. “Not at all, sweetheart.”
They finally pull up at a service station. It looked pretty basic, there were some park benches outside, meaning they sell actual food, not just junk. A sigh of relief escaped Adora’s peach-coloured mouth. “Here we are.” Catra almost dozed off completely, everything was so quiet and peaceful. The car shook on the asphalt as Adora pulled into a stand and got out of the car to fill up.
Catra was worried about money more than Adora was. Did they have enough money for a full tank? For food? For motels to stay in? It was just too stressful for the cat-like teen. She wanted to keep both of them alive. No matter what. It feels like every drop of gas, every crumb of any food and one sip of water would cost too much for them.
The brown-haired girl got out of the car and headed towards the service station entrance. Adora saw this and one of her eyebrows lifted. “Uh, wildcat? Where ya goin’?” she asked. “Just going to look at what goods they got. Be right back.” Catra replied. Adora shrugged and got her wallet out from her red backpack. She rummaged through each pocket to find at least 2 fifty dollar bills.
Adora walked into the store and found Catra looking over at some snacks on the small aisles. She was very focused on the prices, Adora could tell. The blonde went to the counter to greet an old lady who was working at the counter. She seemed like the generic “sweet old lady” type, someone who was approachable. The lady noticed Adora and gave her a sweet smile.
“Filling up, dear?” she asked, her voice slightly croaky. Adora nodded and gave her two fifty dollar notes. “Are you on a road trip? Seems like it. You look very tired.” the lady continued, taking the money and putting it in the cash register. She gave the blonde some change, around 5 bucks. “Take as much as you need. I won’t charge you if need extra.” Adora looked up at her in slight shock. “A-are you sure?” Adora asked.
“Of course. I’m happy to help the travellers who I can tell have been on the road for a bit.” the old lady smiled sweetly. Adora thanked her. “Can we get some food as well?” The old lady looked back at her and glanced over at Catra who was still focused on the snacks and food in one of the aisles.
She glanced back at Adora. “Of course. Free of charge. Just five items though.” The lady said. Adora thanked her once again and went to spoke with Catra. Before she could open her mouth, Catra interrupted. “I heard the whole thing. I decided. Two iced coffees and a packet of chips as well as two custard buns.” Adora frowned a little bit. “Shouldn’t we get something that will last a bit longer?” she said. Catra just shrugged and said, “We can always find a shop or something. Maybe there’s a town nearby.” Adora sighed and paid for the items.
It was nighttime now. Too dark to see anything. The two girls were perched on top of the car, looking at the clear, starry sky above. It was like they were the only two people left on the earth. The moon shone and gave the night its life and being.
“If we came back home, what do you think the town would say?” Adora asked the brunette. Catra glanced over at her, and back to the sky. Her arms were rested behind her head, supported by the car roof. “I don’t know.” She replied, “One thing I know, is that the friends we have...had...would probably just pretend they never knew us.”
Adora shook her head at this remark. “If that’s so, then why did you ask me if we could ever go back today?” Catra tried to ignore the question. She knows that Adora would think it’s stupid. Catra groaned. “Maybe it’s because I just miss home, you know?” Catra snapped.
“Maybe it’s because my family is there. It’s because the town is where I grew up. It’s my home, Adora. And we left because you decided it would be better for us.” Catra continued. Adora’s eyes widened. “Are you blaming me?” The brunette looked over at Adora. “I just wish we never left, okay? I wish we never decided that this was going to be an okay thing to do. Now we’re stuck in the middle of no-”
“Catra, I didn’t want those people to hurt us. If they found out about us, about how we’re together, then they’d send us to some shitty camp where we would never see each other again so that they could force us to be in a shitty relationship with some snot-nosed jock.” Adora ranted.
Catra sat up and looked down at her hands. She sobbed. Adora put her arm around Catra’s shoulders, pulling her closer to her body. “I realised something.” Catra said through tears. “We don’t need to go back. We don’t need to go back home.” Adora looked at Catra’s glistening eyes and listened. “It isn’t even our home anymore.”
The blonde was staring at her lips, yearning for her soft mouth to touch her own. Adora took Catra’s chin and turned it to face her. She kissed the cat-like girl, taking in her breath and keeping her even closer. Catra closed her eyes and kissed back, breathing heavily. Adora parted from her lips and whispered. “Catra, you are my home. Everywhere is home when I’m with you.” Adora gazed into Catra’s eyes and pulled her even closer.
“I belong here. With you.”
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songficsbyrissi · 6 years
Blindfold (T’Challa x Black Reader)
Warning: Swearing (all of my one shots are going to have swears tbh), overall fluff
“Yeah, I know If I see you, I'll be out of control Yeah, I might as well have both my eyes closed Baby, I might need a fucking blindfold Blindfold, yeah” - Pryde
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A/N: So what if Zuri had given T’Challa a herb which was supposed to give him a new ability but instead makes him act crazy and shit seeing the person he truly loved? If that’s not enough of a problem, what if the person who he truly love is not the person who’s currently with? Let’s see how this plays out. *mischevious laugh* oh and btw this includes Redeemed Erik but he didn’t kill Zuri at the challenge. ************* “Zuri, you have requested my presence?” T’Challa marched into the shaman’s residence with two of the Dora Milage. Obviously the king didn’t need them to visit his own trusted mentor but they must be with their king at all times.
Zuri turned around with a wide smile on his face. “Ahh my king.” He gave him the Wakanda salute and the young king returned it. “I have found an special herb that I believe will help you even more in combat.” T’Challa raised an eyebrow. “Are you saying that my combat needs improvement?” Zuri grew wide eyed in response. “No! Kumkani, akakho oko!” T’Challa chuckled at how flustered the old man became. As he grew older, Zuri became easier to mess with. He placed his hand gently on the older man’s back. “Your king is messing with you. Anyway, what is the herb supposed to do?” Zuri regained his calm composure that he had prior to T’Challa’s teasing. “Ahh yes. I believe this diamond shaped herb will enhance your intelligence. Increase your brain power to the point where you will blessed with telekinesis.” T’Challa eyed the herb with skepticism. The heart shaped herb that he had in his system was already doing a fine job. He’s already blessed in combat situations. Shall he ask for more?” “Zuri, I am not too sure about this. How are you so sure this is what the herb will do? I am already more than capable with the abilities I have now.” “You are correct, but it would not hurt to have more, my king.” Zuri turned his back flipping through his ancient scriptures. “Besides, it would impress Y/N to see a new ability of yours.” T’Challa laughed boisterously throughout the residence holding his stomach. “Zuri, please. I’ve told you over and over again. Y/N is just my friend. I do not have feelings for her. I am to marry Ororo.” “Kumkani, all I said is that it would impress her. I do not recall saying anything about having feelings.” The old shaman hid his smirk. “Whether you have feelings for her or not does not change the fact this new ability will be very useful in combat.” T’Challa hummed suddenly as if he was deep in thought about the herb but was really in deep thought about you. You were an American born to Wakandan immigrants and when your parents passed, you decided to go to your parents’ homeland to meet your extended family. When you did, you met T’Challa. After getting to know each other and T’Challa finds out you had dreams of being in the fashion world, he offered you a job as head stylist to dress him, his mother, and his sister Shuri but mainly him. Although he won’t publicly admit it, his main reason for his offer was to keep you as close to him as he could. You were a beautiful, intelligent and talented woman who walked into his life and he swears Bast told him not to let you go. He shook his head trying to shake off the thoughts. He was engaged to someone else. You showed no sign of interest and clearly didn’t want to go past the friends stage so he gave Ororo a chance and eventually got engaged since there was pressure on him to find a queen at the moment. It just wasn’t the Queen his heart wanted though, but he’ll remain in denial. “Fine, Zuri. I will try this herb. If I do not like it, I may remove it, yes?” T’Challa finally spoke with the liquified herb that was in a mug in his hands. Zuri nodded vigorously with a smile. “Yes, my king. I will have an antidote prepared to strip the powers of the herb away.” “Very well then.” T’Challa tilted the cup to consume every drop of the liquid and cleared his throat when he was finished. “I will see you later, Zuri.” He performed the salute and Zuri returned it. T’Challa was on his way out and Zuri spoke with a crooked smile. “I look forward to seeing the results, my king.” ************ “So what is the deal with you and my brother?” Shuri asked out of nowhere as you were taking down notes about his panther suit. You tried so hard to resist the urge to groan. You felt the vibranium on the panther suit Shuri was designing and sighed. “We’re just friends, Shuri. Nothing more.” Shuri snorted rolling her eyes. “Oh puh-lease, Y/N. I know you love my brother. What happened?” Ororo Munroe happened. A very attractive and powerful mutant who caught most of Wakandan men and women’s eyes when she first arrived. She immediately took interest in the young king. Ororo moved quickly and made it obvious she wanted him. You grew jealous because you saw him first but due to your status, you never made a move out of fear of rejection. Everyone liked her and you couldn’t lie, it was hard to dislike her aside from the fact she took your man. You had a growing hope that T’Challa would break up with her but the opposite happened. They got engaged so you had to accept the fact that you had lost him. But you still loved him. You turned to see her curious eyes and sighed. “You do realize that your brother is engaged, right?” “Yeah but Ororo is great and all but she isn’t the one for him.” She came over and stood next to you crossing his arms. “I wish he would see that before going through with this. The title of queen does not belong to her.” Before you could question Shuri, Erik burst through the vibranium lab doors. “Yo, princess! Stop bothering Y/N with your technological bullshit! We got a bit of a fashion emergency!” Shuri scrunched up her face in annoyance. “Hello to you too...how do you say it again?” She placed her finger to her chin in deep thought and got it. “Coochie! Hello, Coochie!” You stifled a laugh with the back of your hand when Erik sucked his teeth loudly. It was a mistake on his part because when he had his “intimate” conversations with his lover, he used the term and when Shuri overheard and asked, he lied saying “Coochie” was a slang word for cousin to protect her innocence. It clearly backfired because she’s been calling him Coochie for the longest. “For the last fucking time, just call me cousin.” Erik grabbed your wrist tugging it. “Come on. T’Dickhead ripped his damn pants and the council meeting is in 30 minutes.” You snickered following Erik and Shuri followed right beside you. How did the oh so graceful king rip his pants? It was too funny but you had to put a mask of seriousness so you could look professional. The three of you made it to his chambers and walked inside to find T’Challa staring at his floor length mirror. “Hey Challa. I heard you gave me some more work to do.” You joked crossing your arms with a shake of your head. “Ahh Y/N-“ he turned around and once his eyes landed on you, you saw his pupils dilate and he stalked slowly towards you like a predator creeping up on its prey. His eyes sparkled in faint pink sparks and He lets out a deep growl while examine you from head to toe. You weren’t wearing anything different today. Your hair was styled the same and you had the same light amount of makeup on your face so why was he acting so weird? “Of course, uthando. I need you to work...on....me.” He suddenly placed his hands on your waist and you hesitantly looked back at Shuri and Erik who was as shocked and confused as you are. “T’Challa....are you feeling ok?” You lifted your hand to his forehead and he pressed you closer to his body. “Yes, my love! Touch me! I am not ok because you are not keeping my bed warm every night!” He exclaimed rubbing himself against your leg and this time, you backed away looking him up and down. You glared at Erik and back at him. “Is this a practical joke? Because it’s not funny!” You were fuming. Erik was fully aware of your feelings for T’Challa and loved fucking with people around the castle. You could usually take his pranks but you didn’t find this one entertaining at all. It hurt even more that T’Challa would fuck with you like this. Erik opened his mouth stumbling over his words. “Y/N, I promise you. This ain’t me. I don’t know what came over this nigga but I’m being deadass when I say I got nothing to do with it. I swear on my pops.” Erik would never swear on his deceased father unless he was being genuine so T’Challa was the only culprit. You turned your glare to him. “T’Challa, quit it.” He placed his hands around your face and stared in your eyes. “I don’t want to quit anything but this relationship I have with Ororo. I want you all the time, Y/N.” “Yo, T’Stupid, the council meeting is in 20 minutes. Quit this dumbass prank already and let Y/N do her damn job.” Erik groaned as you went behind T’Challa to his massive wardrobe. T’Challa’s eyes returned to normal glaring at Erik. “What is this “prank” you speak of? And I am not preventing her from doing her task.” “Brother...you were just flirting heavily with her.” Shuri spoke slowly to him. “Absurd! I’ve told you over and over again we are just friends!” T’Challa practically shouted out of exasperation. You returned with a new pair of pants and once you were back in T’Challa’s view, his eyes glossed over once more. “My alluring princess has returned to me. I need to make you my queen, beautiful. That job would suit you much better. I’d do anything for you, sithandwa sam.” T’Challa states seductively caressing your hand that was holding the pants. You ignored your racing heart and took a step back. All he was saying was believable and the thing is T’Challa is not a good actor at all. He went to change his pants and you stood next to the others. “What the fuck is going on with him?” You hissed under your teeth. “As much I love all this affection, it’s bullshit. And if it’s not a prank, something else is happening.” “From what I observed, he becomes absolutely smitten with you when you’re in his sight but back to normal when you’re out of his sight.” Shuri indicated staring after him. Erik nodded in agreement. “It’s like he’s under some loveboy spell. He’s normal T’Motherfucker now but when he sees you, he becomes T’Romeo. Gets the usual dumb, lovesick puppy look in his eyes when he sees you except he’s actually spitting game.........I respect it.” “Well I don’t!” You snapped and you turned your head in direction he disappeared to. “T’Challa, I swear to God or Bast or whatever deity is listening, I will quit right now. Give up this prank now.” You felt yourself choke up. It hurt that he was saying all the right things, all the things you’ve been dying to hear but it wasn’t real. It was plain cruel. T’Challa responded still hidden away. “Y/N, what are you talking about? I hardly think ripping my pants is a “prank” or whatever you call it.” You were taken aback by his frustrated tone. He came back into view and you swear you saw his eyes twinkle. “Look at my future queen.” He bit his lip walking slowly your way. “Please leave us so I can adore my queen in the privacy of our bedroom.” Our bedroom?! You grabbed both Erik and Shuri’s wrists stepping outside of the king’s chambers. “Ok. I believe it. He’s clearly under a spell or something. He doesn’t have feelings for me. We gotta figure out how to fix this before this causes a mess.” You huffed resting your hands on your hips. “I don’t know.....T’Romeo is kinda entertaining to watch.” Erik rubbed his chin chuckling as Shuri snickered in her hands. You scowled deeply crossing your arms. Erik cleared his throat seeing your irritation growing. “I’m sorry, Y/N. Look at it this way. You take him and I get to take Ororo. It’s a win-win. It’s about time y’all get together.” You ignored him and turned your attention to Shuri. “Shuri, will you be able to run some tests or something?” Shirt shook her head with a frown appearing on her face. “No, Y/N. Mother has been complaining that I spend too much time in the lab for a teenager so I get locked out the lab for 3 hours a day.” She sighed out of annoyance. “It’s gonna be locked by the time we get there.” The three of you cursed bouncing around thoughts in your heads. A light bulb went off and you all gasped. “Zuri!” You all yelled in unison. “But what about the meeting?” Shuri whispered making sure no one was listening. “He’s not going to cancel it!” Erik wrapped his arm around you and smirked down at you. “Oh yes he is. You heard his ass. He’d do anything for Y/N. She’s our secret weapon now.” The door opened and T’Challa walked out patting himself down. “Yo, T! You gotta cancel this meeting!” T’Challa glared at Erik. “Are you mad? Why should I?” Erik pushed you into T’Challa’s view. “Because Y/N needs you to.” His cheekbones became visible as he let a goofy smile grace his face. “Of course. Anything for you, beloved.” “T’Challa! The council is looking for you!” Ororo was seen dressed up and rushing up you guys. “Don’t tell me you forgot, sweetheart!” “Oh Bast! Y/N, take T’Challa to Zuri and make sure his eyes stay on you. I mean they always do but it will be easier to get him there when he’s thinking about....satiating himself with you.” Shuri commanded and you obeyed thanking God your blush isn’t gonna show due to your melanin. You made eye contact with T’Challa. “Baby, do me a favor and follow me keeping your eyes on me.” You felt yourself warm inside calling T’Challa a cute pet name, something you’ve been dying to do. You grabbed both of his hands leading him in the opposite direction. “I will never take my eyes of you, my love.” He gushed and you felt like taking all of him right now but it wasn’t real. All that he was saying is fake. Ororo caught up with Erik and Shuri with a puzzled look on her face. “Hey, where is Y/N taking T’Challa? He’s late for this meeting already.” “Oh they’re about to f-“ Erik closed his mouth when Shuri discreetly pinched his arm smiling tightly. “About to figure out other clothing options. All the outfits she has prepared have been ruined. But he has told us to cancel it.” Shuri stated nervously. Ororo eyed the both of them not convinced. She began to chase after you and T’Challa and the two cousins began to follow the confused woman hastily. “T’Challa, Y/N, what is going on?” Ororo questioned with a booming voice stopping the both of you in your steps. “Shit! T’Challa, turn around and look at Ororo.” You commanded attempting to turn him around but he refused. “No. I never wanna take my eyes off of you.” T’Challa replied a voice smooth like velvet. “Do not reject me, Y/N. I’m tired of you rejecting me.” You were stunned at his last sentence. Was T’Challa always showing you he had feelings but you rejected him? You shook it off. It has to be the spell or whatever making him say this. Ororo finally caught up and stood next to you in front of T’Challa. His eyes were still on you and moving out of his sight was not an option. You gulped not sure what was going to happen next. “T’Challa, what’s going on, my love?” Ororo tried to make eye contact with him but he refused still keeping his eyes on you. You looked up to see Erik take his black handkerchief and wrap it around T’Challa’s eyes. “Why can’t I see anything? What is going on?” T’Challa demanded touching the scarf when Shuri slapped his hands away. “The outfits are a surprise, brother. You refuse to keep your eyes closed so we must blindfold you.” Shuri glanced at you and Erik and you both nodded in confirmation. T’Challa removed the blindfold and luckily you stood behind him. Ororo eyed the four of you and sighed with a smile. “I guess I should get used to the weirdness. I’m marrying into it. I’ll let them know you cancelled, my love.” She pecked T’Challa’s lips and walked away with T’Challa looking after her. Damn she makes it hard to hate her. You didn’t see a Twinkle in his eyes seeing her like it did when he saw you. Why was this spell specifically set on you when she was his fiancée? Shuri pulled T’Challa out of the palace and Erik walked next to you as you fumbled with your thoughts. “I know what you’re thinking and asking in your head.....I’m pretty sure you know the answer too. You’re just too stubborn to believe it.” You scoffed walking ahead of him. “Shut up, N’Jadaka.” ************** “Ahh what can I do for you, my king, my princess, Lady Y/N....” Zuri turned to Erik and displayed a sneer on his face. “N’Jadaka.” “Zuri.” Erik replies mocking his accent. “Man, you gotta let that ritual battle shit go. It’s not that serious.” The old man was taken aback. “Not that serious? You tried to kill me!” “Nigga, I’m redeemed!” “Erik, shut up!” You hissed and turned to Zuri exhaling. “Look Zuri, the king is under some spell where he thinks he’s in love with me. The weird thing is he’s only out of control when his eyes are on me.” T’Challa was stunned. “Really? I’m sorry if I’ve been inappropriate.” He turned to look at you and the enamored look and tone came again. “I’ll be inappropriate as much as you like, my love.” Shuri groaned out of disgust. She got up and tying the blindfold around his eyes once again. “I did it again, didn’t I?” T’Challa asked and you all nodded as if he could see. Zuri walked back to his ancient book filled with rituals, herbs, etc. and laughed nervously at one page. He turned back to see your confused faces with a guilty and apologetic look on his face and cleared his throat. “I am so sorry. I gave the king a herb that I believed would give him a new combat ability but I gave the wrong herb. The herb the king has in his system plays with emotions of its consumer. My apologies, my king. It was an honest mistake.” You tried to hide your disappointment. “So I was right. He’s under some bitch ass love spell. Xolela ulwimi lwam, Zuri.” Zuri waved off your apology. “That’s alright but you are not completely correct.” Zuri handed you the textbook that was opened to the informational page on the herb. Erik and Shuri peeked over your shoulder as T’Challa took a seat frustrated that he couldn’t see. “Lowo odla le mifuno uya kunyanzeliswa ukuba azibonakalise ngokwakhe uthando lwakhe lobomi. Ulawulo lwempembelelo luya kulahlekelwa kwaye zonke iingcamango zabo ziya kuhanjiswa xa iintanda zabo zihlala kwizinto zabo.” You read out loud and your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. You weren’t completely fluent in Xhosa so you were pretty sure you read it wrong. You looked up to see Erik, Shuri, and Zuri smiling. “What does it s-“ “Girl, you know damn well what it says!” Erik cackled in his fist jumping up and down and looked in T’Challa’s direction. “That’s my nigga right there!” T’Challa remained quiet gulping and Shuri said nothing as well. “I will cease the torture, Y/N. It reads that the one who consumes the herb will be forced to show themselves to the love of their life. Impulse control will be lost and all of one’s thoughts will be revealed when their eyes land on their true love.” You were still puzzled. “So that means....” “The herb gave him the balls he didn’t have to tell you how he feels!” Erik shook his head, clicking his tongue. “Damn, it really be the pretty ones that are slow as fuck.” You glared at Erik and Shuri nodded her head in agreement. “I wouldn’t be so crude but coochie is correct.” “For the last fucking time.... you know what? Fuck it. I am what I eat.” Erik shrugged leaning against the wall. You nervously sat in front of T’Challa who remained seated and quiet. “Y/N....” “You knew it was me?” “I recognize your scent.” He stated sheepishly through his blindfold. “I want to able to look at you when I say this but not while I’m under the effects of this herb.” “I have the remedy prepared, my king.” Zuri put a small cup to his lips and T’Challa took a couple gulps. After a moment, his skin emitted a pink light and then the light faded away. When he returned to his original color, Zuri nodded at you. “The power of the herb have been stripped away.” You nodded back and removed the blindfold from his eyes. His eyes landed on you and didn’t have the twinkling it had before but he carried the infatuated look in his eyes. This was the look they all were talking about that you never noticed. T’Challa took your hands in his and breathed staring in your eyes. “I love you, Y/N. I’ve been in love with you for longer than I can remember. My attempts to get over you have been futile. I know I am engaged to Ororo but all I think about is you. I never told you this because I feared you didn’t feel the same.” “You feared wrong, wam kumkani. I feel the same way. I love you too.” You leaned in and he took your face in his hands placing a soft kiss on your lips. When you two pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours and sighed. “Looks like I have an engagement to break off.” “I feel bad but-“ “It has to be done. Let’s go, entle.” T’Challa took your hand and led you out of Zuri’s residence. That left Erik and Shuri eyeing Zuri skeptically. “Is it just me, princess or is it oddly convenient that Zuri had already prepared the remedy? Prior to us coming here.” Shuri nodded in agreement folding her arms. “It is. Also, the herb he “accidentally” gave T’Challa looks nothing like the one he “meant” to give him.” She held up said herb which was a different color and shape than the one given to the king. “Oh! Nonsense! I’m just getting older. As you get older, you forget things and make mistakes. I am an innocent old man.” Zuri turned away hiding his devious smile. Shuri bursted out laughing and held her stomach. Erik shook his head chuckling and spoke. “Zuri, you are a sneaky motherfucker.”
1.  akakho oko - never that!
2.  uthando - love
3.  Xolela ulwimi lwam - Forgive my tongue/excuse my language
Tags: @brianabreeze @dramaqueenamby @marvelpotterlove @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @cancerianprincess @brattywriters-anonymous @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @chefjessypooh @chaneajoyyy @ljstraightnochaser
I think I got everyone but I apologize if I forgot to tag anyone!
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