#btw I don’t ship them I just really like their friendship that I made up in my head
localmadscientist · 2 months
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They break me grhrhhrrrrh....😭😭😭😭
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cledubs · 9 months
i really don’t understand how some fantasy high enjoyers don’t see the very obvious metaphor for aromantic denial within baron from the baronies in sophomore year. baron is a nightmare creature that came into existence because riz lied about having a partner so his friends wouldn’t bother him about it? he made up baron when his friends were all talking about the people they wanted to kiss? how is that not aromantic to some people. maybe it’s more obvious to me because i HAVE been in denial about being aro and made up crushes for myself and tried to pretend i had them. just because i felt it was a thing i needed to do, that it was a thing that EVERYONE had to have a crush and that it was normal. how do you see the confrontation between baron and riz as anything other than accepting aromanticism. this thing, his nightmares personified, says to him “the years will go by, and everyone will find someone that matters more to them than you.” as an aro person yeah that’s gotta be up there with the top ten nightmares.
how do you look at this interaction and NOT see an aromantic boy.
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(for further elaboration, yes i am aware that aromantic people CAN want to kiss others and hell yeah power to you, i’m just saying that it’s a common thing to not care about kissing/not want to do it)
and another thing with with the fhigh fandom is that like, some people will go through every loophole they can to try and pair up riz anyways. aromantic people CAN be in relationship, of course, but why would people take this specific boy, who has repeatedly expressed distaste in being in a relationship, and ship him with other people. especially since fabian and riz is a common ship. is it because they’re best friends? is it because people value romance over friendship? oh they’re such close friends they must have a thing! it’s so stupid. why is it, that when a character is asexual (riz, being confirmed asexual), people respect that. they don’t often go “oh yeah i know they’re asexual but asexual people can have sex! or want to have sex! it’s a spectrum!”. (that is true, btw, ace people can have sex and all that. but it’s different when allosexual people do it to try and just make up excuses to not treat asexual characters like they’re asexual.) why do i mostly see it done with aromantic people? one of this boy’s biggest fear is people pairing up and leaving him behind. how do you see that as a boy who WANTS to be in a relationship? do you think he WANTS to pair up as well?
just because it’s not been outwardly confirmed and directly said “riz gukgak is aromantic” doesn’t mean that it’s not true, y’know? there’s subtext, there’s symbolism, there’s metaphors, there’s DIRECT REFERENCES TO RIZ NOT LIKING ROMANCE! i don’t really know how people can see him as alloromantic
anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk, this is sam (confirmed aroace) signing off or something
(also some of my non-aro, romance enjoying friends have confirmed that the aro implications are very obvious so clearly it’s not just an aro brain thing to understand)
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
oh my GOD the weirdest thing just happened to me and I NEED ur advice.
So basically, I have this friendship group of like eleven annoying idiots (love ‘em all), and me.
Two of them and me r in the marauders fandom. We’re all 16 btw, just finished GCSEs!!!!!!!!! This is THE summer!!!!!
Anyways, we have ONE couple in our friendship group (that gives rosekiller vibes ngl) and a few others are dating people but not from inside the group (not much group-cest).
So like yesterday, we were all hanging out at one of our houses and I turn to my best mate in the group (who’s also a marauder girlie) and say “isn’t it so weird that our friendship group doesn’t have a wolfstar ship.” cause like ngl, we do give marauder era friendship vibes.
AND EVERYONES GOES SILENT???????? Like people were halfway thru words and they SHUT up. They always ignore us when we talk abt the marauders.  
So I turn to everyone and go “what’s with the silence, half of u don’t even know what wolfstar is.”
And one of them goes “we might not know shit about harry potter but someone’s definitely mentioned wolfstar a few times”. 
I assume I shouldn’t use her real name her so imma just call her Clara (she loves TS Clara Bow song so-).
Clara blushes REAL red and looks down and whispers for the person who said that to shut up.
So I say “Hang on, I thought we weren’t allowed to blab abt the marauders after *my best mate* and *another person in the group* argued over who hated JKR the most? For three hours.”
And the girl from before who apparently knows what wolfstar is says “Yeah- except when we’re watching wolfstar happen, of course we have to know what it is.”
So I furrow my eyes brows at her and she goes “you know” which I DONT.
And then my best mate rolls her eyes and says “we do have a wolfstar in this friendship group dumbass.” 
Anyway, we sorta moved on. And when I tried to hound my best mate later that night she wouldn’t tell me shit. She just kept saying “no. you know all the ships in our friendship group. we aren’t keeping the wolfstar one from you.”
ANYWAY I went home and THEN it occurred to me that… ME. I could be in the wolfstar ship our friends were talking abt. Otherwise I would KNOW, since I always know.
And there’s only one person they all ship me with in our group, Clara. 
and she says, she hasn’t been shipping us secretly she’s been shipping us to my face
and so I say, that it wasn’t serious until she compared me to my FAV marauders couple
and so I say, how dare u compare me to remus, I love him but he’s def not me. 
so I say, SIRIUS? 
and she says, SIRIUS!
And I say, girl how? 
And she says, how about the fact that ur family are psychos and u really need to move out. How abt because ur an idiot who can’t see what’s right in front of her? How about your a demi bi queer chaotic mess who can’t recognise what could be the love of your life if she literally kissed you on the cheek which she FUCKING DID
so I say, … that was platonic? 
And she says, I hate you (jk I love u) but no rlly I hate u so much. WHAT RHE FUCK DUDE. 
So I say, wait, u don’t think she has a crush on me do u? 
(this is all taking place over text in case I hadn’t made that clear).
So I say, has she told you? 
And she says, u know I can’t say either way.
So I say, so no. She doesn’t. 
But now I think she might. 
Which is awkward. Look i’m not like- straight or anything, but I never get crushes, who has the time to care honestly. 
And I don’t wanna be like, oh my friend who’s a lesbian ObViOuSlY has a crush on ME. I’m not like, Erin in Derry Girls. UGH. 
But in hindsight, she HAS seemed bothered whenever I talk about boyfriends (which isn’t that often cause again, who has the fucking time). 
And she did NOT like my ex. Which was only sort of fair personality wise.
And like yes, technically, we have hung out solo and then she kissed my cheek. But like, we’re just really good friends.
ALSO how dare my best mate compare me to Sirius. Sure my parents are evil but they’re NOT RICH. I mean if you’re gonna be horrific at least be rich right? 
And here’s the thing, if I bring it up and Clara does like me- WHAT DO I SAY
and if I bring it up and she doesn’t, i’m that bitch who assumes she does cause she’s gay.
AND if I don’t and she does like me, am I just being ignorant so it’s easier for me. 
Or if i don’t and she doesn’t like me, will I think there’s some weird air here and she won’t even know what’s going on. 
I HATE being in the unknown.
And like I had known our friends shipped us but they’ve done it for like… three years maybe? Not religiously but as a jk. 
So by this point it’s just background noise. but now they’ve compared us to WOLFSTAR (and know what wolfstar is it seems) now I’m like thinking about this.
MAYBE THATS THEIR PLAN. Maybe it’s just a trick to mess with us more. 
But now I can’t help worrying that when we hang out it’s supposed to be a date. Or that time she kissed me was supposed to be a date and I DIDNT REALISE and just rudely ignored her. 
Also like yes, she was there for the wolfstar comparison, but idk if SHE knows it was US being compared to them.
Clara doesn’t LOVE the marauders fandom, but she’s lovely and always lets me ramble about it (like I let her ramble abt her books). And so she knows a lot of lore, specifically about Wolfstar. 
So idk if she knew it was abt us, or if she’s just like realising now.
Also, and here’s the weird part, I care. 
I never give a shit usually, about whoever has a crush on me or whatever. I just do what I want and deal with other people later. But now it’s my friend, my really lovely and funny and sweet and beautiful and kind friend and I don’t want to hurt her.
BUT MAYBE I WONT. Cause maybe she doesn’t even like me so it’s nothing to worry abt. 
Anyway, that’s the story. Got any advice for me Cas? ALSO congrats on your new school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh boy.
First of all- babe, it sounds like you're the last to know about all this. But I'm glad you're aware now. Welcome to the party!
Also- "my really lovely and funny and sweet and beautiful and kind friend" uhm. do you wanna say that again? And tell me there's no feelings there?
I mean, I'm not gonna tell you how you feel but it sounds like you need to stop overthinking and just spend some time with Clara. Because it could be that you're overlooking something great, here. Stop getting in your head and just feel for a bit. Wolfstar is a superior ship for a reason :D
Naming you wolfstar anon
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azrielsbxtch · 8 months
I’ve had more time to sit with HOFAS so here are things I loved and things that bugged me.
AZRIEL AND NESTA - Where to even begin. Their relationship and friendship is EVERYTHING. I'm so glad SJM chose to highlight both of them for the ACOTAR part because their chemistry is everything. I can't wait for more in ACOTAR 5
AZRIEL - Every new thing we learned about Azriel had me screeching. It's so clear SJM is setting him up for the next book. Every scene he appeared in I was obsessed! Finding out about truthteller, him being protective of his mom, him interacting with music, him being all hot and threatening....this bat has me in a chokehold I swear.
THE LORE - All the new information we got about Prythian and Midgard is so interesting. I wish I was a theories person because there's so much to theorize about!
RUHNLIDIA - They served in this book omg. When Ruhn was like "this is my first mission with my girlfriend I want to impress her" I almost threw my phone I'm not even kidding. They are so cute🥹✨✨
HUNT - I still feel like I need more Hunt. He's such a sweetheart and was truly a highlight for me in this book. I love him so much and I was totally rooting for him to fry Celestina.
Ruhn and Lidia’s mate announcement. I knew Ruhn and Lidia would be mates from HOSAB so I was only waiting for confirmation but the way it was written threw me off. Ruhn just said it out of nowhere and to…of all people…Pollux….like what? Why? Idk it could have been more emotional.
Ariadne- I don’t understand the point of introducing this new character only to do NOTHING with her. I shipped her and Flynn sooo much. The way she was introduced in the beginning of the book had me so hyped only for her to disappear. Like imagine a dragon marching with the armies of Hel when they fought the Asteri…
Sigrid - That entire plotline felt useless to me. She was set up to be this hope for the wolves and it all amounted to nothing. So why did we waste so much time on her. I enjoyed Ithan’s chapters because I really like him. But from an objective point of view…most of what SJM made him do didn’t make sense. If she wanted him to become Prime (which I loved btw) she didn’t need to waste all that time on Sigrid and her resurrection only for her to join Sabine the person she’s supposed to hate and then disappear.
Tharion and Sathia - No…just no…..
Bryce ignoring Hunt’s trauma - She did it in HOSAB but again and on a larger scale in HOFAS. Everytime Hunt brought up his fears (understandable because he has now faced the Asteri twice and suffered insane consequences) Bryce just got angry and put him in such a bad position. She made it look like he didn’t want to support her when he has very valid reasons to be afraid. After what he went through the first time in the Asteri dungeons for years and then again! I’m surprised he didn’t break down even more tbh. His feelings were so valid.
Bryce - SJM tried to do the “Aelin is always two steps ahead” thing with Bryce but honestly it didn’t work. A lot of the times I was side eyeing and was like “that’s convenient” Bryce was guessing a lot of times so that whole thing just didn’t work.
The plot was all over the place. The book really didn’t flow well.
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Hi, again. 👋
I found the post you were talking about. The stan's account was deactivated, but yeesh. 😬 Nice replies to them, btw.
The stan that bashed on me said I was being misogynistic, even though I'm a black woman who just wanted to see another black character get their chance to shine.
Hell, it's not just the shows and movies (I think this all started with Endgame). It's also the Steve Rogers musical too. I don't know if you know about it, but Disney made the musical real, and it really did Sam and Bucky dirty.
Sam isn't even in it. Maybe he was mentioned once, but the musical showed an image of Sam as Captain America. As for Bucky, his scene from CA:TFA, where he saved pre-serum Steve, was given to Peggy instead. Bucky was mentioned once, and the musical tried to justify Steve's ending from Endgame. All for this ship.
And, frankly, I don't hate Peggy, I'm just more annoyed that other characters get shoved aside as well as this great dynamic that Steve and Bucky had, while she and her ship with Steve has been getting propped up more and more. But, seeing some of your and the others' posts, I get why you guys don't like her.
Girl, don’t get me started on the abomination that was Rogers the musical. It could have been glorious, it had so much potential, but once again Bucky’s role in Steve’s story was given to Peggy, and Sam wasn’t even there!
I feel like Marvel feels the need to tone down Stucky or their friendship overall because it was just too powerful. We all remember the hashtag that begged Marvel to make Stucky Canon, #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend. They just couldn’t let it happen, not to a main and important character like Steve, god forbid. And so ever since civil war Stucky has always had little to no scenes together no matter how well established it was in previous projects. All their scenes and dynamic were given to Peggy, their friendship was toned down, Steve’s whole ending happened. It just feels like Stucky is so menacing to Marvel that the only way to stop us is by destroying Steve, Bucky and their relationship.
I mean, Steve is given no justice in his ending and in all the other projects he appeared in. Bucky went from a victim and prisoner of war to someone who must make amends for things that were beyond his control. And the depth of their friendship was toned down and reduced every time Peggy was involved. And then they wonder why many people in the fandom dislike Peggy or why the whole Rogers the musical initiative flopped the second it went beyond Hawkeye.
Like, even if you don’t ship Stucky you can tell that they care for each other, and you can tell there was a shift after people actually wanted Marvel to take action and do something about this dynamic. Steve can’t get even one episode as his own character because Peggy must be there. Bucky had more luck, but still… and let’s not even talk about Sam, his only appearance was as a zombie!
In another post of mine I ranted about how bothered I was that Peggy was inserted in the 1602 storyline, and i haven’t changed my mind. It would have been so nice to give Steve one episode about himself, about his dynamic with his best friend and about the relationship with himself and his fellow avengers. But no, Peggy must be there too, and for no good reason as well.
I feel like Marvel trying to erase pre-existing relationships to have Peggy shine only results in fans turning their back on Marvel and hiding in fanfiction or whatever piece of media that can actually bring justice to the characters. Once someone on Tumblr said “you gave us the characters, but once you mess them up they’re not yours anymore. You don’t understand and respect them, therefore you don’t deserve them.” and I couldn’t agree more, which is why I am currently reading and writing fanfiction rather than buying into everything marvel gives us.
Peggy was the love interest with more screen time even before what if and all that jazz, she had her own show! And I fear that the day Marvel will realize that pushing a reimagined Nazi turned Mary Sue into every single what if episode where she can fit instead of enhancing the characters that are actually relevant in-universe it will be too late.
Sorry about the rant, I get carried away when it’s about my boys lol
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bizarre-paradox · 4 months
I AM INSANE ABOUT ZOSOPP platonically and romantically but since you said you prefer the dynamic platonically I could talk hours about their friendship. How Usopp in all his scaredness about everything hes never afraid of Zoro, THE TENSION POST WATER 7, Usopp walking on eggshells around Zoro, the amount of communication issues they have on a daily basis because of how different they are from each other 😭 but they still have each others backs, and the moment that Usopp starts teasing Zoro again there is a sigh of relief. Don't even get me started on how good the dynamic of scary guy is soft for the annoying guy (I say with love, Usopp is annoying and hes my favorite <3), and I love the counted times where it's Usopp the one protecting Zoro
I really like them 😔 I have a habit of latching onto the less popular ships/dynamics lol, but I also love anyone with Usopp, he's just that good
YES YES YES to all of this all of this. i actually don’t mind the ship as previously stated i kinda am into it i’m just not a hardcore fan cause it’s hard for me to say there’s any one op ship i go hard for, because i love them all as a group dynamic the most. i too love anyone with usopp HE IS JUST THAT GOOD
i REGRET not including this image in the original post because you mentioning usopp protecting zoro made me wish i used this image
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WHICH I AM CRAZY ABOUT FOREVER . BTW. it made me go back and have to remember that in the actual scene itself it’s usopp who has to watch zoro disappear up close. which. just rip my beating heart right out of my chest who don’t you
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Monster Trio with a Black Girlfriend Headcanons (NSFW-ish)
A/N: this is like so long…like..wtf..
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our Brazilian King here would be the most fun to be with ngl. Being in a relationship with him is no different than being his friend really. The only difference is being a bit more touchy and protective.
He literally loves everything about you from your hair, shape, and just who you are as a person
He loves giving you his hat btw. Especially when you show off your natural hair
Speaking of natural hair…
Probably one of the funniest things that has happened in your relationship is when you take out your braids for the first time.
Ok picture this: Nami just announced it will be getting colder in the next few days as y’all set sail and it’s about that time you want to take out your braids and be natural while it’s cold.
So, You’re in your room as everyone is minding their business and Luffy barges tf in looking for you if you wanted to play tag.
Mf loses his mind seeing the braiding hair all over the place pls
Pls calm this man down he is running all over the ship looking for Chopper
After a good kick from Sanji and Nami you drag him back to your room with your hair now half braided and half a fro to explain to Luffy that you’re not losing hair or balding it’s just fake extensions.
He’s still lost but he’s a good sport about it.
He actually sees your real hair for the first time, it was pretty short when you first met him but you stayed in braids for so long you managed to get a lot of new growth.
Luffy has sparkles in his eyes seeing how pretty and healthy it is(not in a weird way but seriously whether u had a TWA or long curly hair it was all pretty to him)
He also loves your thighs heh
Before you two dated Luffy was already close with you in friendship and very touchy too.
There have been many times you have just been chilling on the ship with Robin and Luffy comes in, put his hat on your head, and takes a quick nap on your lap.
You have gotten ALOT of spit in between your thighs due to this
Don’t worry he also makes a mess of your thighs when y’all are in bed together
Ok lemme put some angst:
We all know OP isn’t afraid to tackle issues like human trafficking and even racism so imagine you and Luffy are in a pretty bad town and encounter some rude racist mfs.
So you and Luffy are grabbing a bite to eat when two idiots in the restaurant come barging in demanding drinks.
The waitress tells them they’ll have to sit at a table but they seen you and Luffy sit at a booth and pointed
“Why don’t you get those two to give up their seats?…the boy and…that person…people like her don’t deserve to even sit in an establishment like this.” And the man had his thumb pointed back towards you.
His tone was so disgusted and to further insult he made his statement known LOUDLY that a girl like you shouldn’t be in a place like this.
“Excuse you?” You muttered looking at the two men in front of you and Luffy.
Luffy wasn’t dumb, he only found out recently after you both started dating the heavy racism people tend to have towards black people which caused Luffy to be a bit more over protective over you.
. Luffy did sit and watch the men’s movements and words, because he knew you could defend yourself, however racist idiots always managed to take it too far and then your sweet boyfriend jumps to action.
“What do you mean ‘a girl like me!?’”
“Do i have to spell it out for you?! YOU’RE A N—“
Immediate knock out.
Broken noses, ribs, you name it Luffy went tf off on them racist jackasses
Your hand barely touched your weapon before Luffy punched the daylights out of said man.
It was actually kind of hot because his hat was covering his eyes.
“Idiots.” Luffy grumbled walking out the restaurant . He took your hand and a piece of meat in the other hand mumbling something about them being bastards.
Long story short after Luffy tossed the men up and down the street so well you ended up giving him the OL sloppy toppy as a thank you that night.
Speaking of sloppy toppy let’s get into the NSFW part of your relationship:3
First off he has seen plenty of naked women. But yours is just better
He don’t know if it’s your shape not being the same as other girls or your skin or just the way you smell but he enjoys staring at your naked body and bending it im crazy positions as if you were made of rubber too during sex
You’re always more sore after one round of sex with him rather than actually fighting marines Sksjsksks
You of course initiated sex with Luffy first after a few months of dating and you were the one to take his virginity (he took yours as well). He was kinda awkward about it though because stuff like that wasn’t something he cared to do.
However, you both got into the oral sex part and goodness he fell in love with you after that.
Luffy has a huge oral fixation so he doesn’t mind going down on you
He actually likes it more than screwing you im sorryejsjhsjdsk
Not that it doesn’t feel good being inside you
Poor boy started crying and moaning so loudly cuming inside you for the first time
It’s just you have a very interesting and addictive taste
His words not mine
He also really likes staring at your pussy Abseiskjdhdj NO JUST HEAR ME THOUGH—
Like when he is eating you out sometimes he just stares at how his tongue is rolling and lapping up your clit he forgets that you probably came at least 2 times :((((
It’s just so nice to look at to him especially if you have a fatter ….cat.
Loves burying his face in your neck pls.
You smell like shea butter and cinnamon the man is so addicted to your smell.
I feel like Luffy doesn’t have a favorite body part your thighs
But he loves rubbing his cock between your thighs as you both sleep .
Literally they’re so soft and warm especially after taking a bath.
Speaking of baths you managed to get him to take more baths
ONLY IF you take one with him.
Usually ends with him screwing you in the tub and y’all get more dirty than clean sksjsjsjs
All in all he loves you sm
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This man deserved the best head ever omg.
Luckily he has you and your beautiful lips<3
Ngl Sanji is the type of dude to call you his “Black Queen” IM SO SORTEUEKDJSJ
Literally any corny black girl “compliment he can think of he’d say it to you.
:(….hes trying.
None the less you being his first official girlfriend actually was more work than you thought.
Yes he’s very charming, sweet, honest, giving etcetc but his jealousy sometimes wears you out.
Anytime you two go out together and another man drools—let alone comments your looks Sanji’s already lifting his foot .
He didn’t believe you actually liked him back at first :(((((
Poor baby, he has trust issues. Pls give him all your attention.
It doesn’t take long though for him to accept you actually do love him just as much (if not more) as he loves you.
Said “I love you” on the first date
Threw you off completely, but it was so sweet and quick so you said it back.
A few of your love languages with each other is most definitely quality time and acts of service.
When there is an off day with the crew you and Sanji spend the day cooking meals you grew up with
I.E. whether it’s from your culture (like Nigerian food) OORRR simple soul food baby he is ganna FLIP. Especially if you cook it for him to try!
“Okay so this is Mac and cheese, fried chicken, greens, & corn bread. I didn’t make a whole lot because I wasn’t sure—Sanji?”
His whole world is rocked.
The seasonings, the flavor, the texture, everything that you just cooked was something he will put on his “new favorite food list”
He asked to marry you.
He ask to marry you at least once a day
That’s actually how y’all started dating heheh
When he first met you, you were actually intimidating to him but not in a bad way SKSJSJS
He still fawned and drooled over you, but you nearly thought he didn’t find you attractive because even when you joined his heart eyes was still on Nami more than you.
Even after Robin joined after you he seemed to stir his attention to the two girls more than you.
Granted you felt like it was probably because you weren’t his type, you didn’t have those girl’s shape(for example if you’re pear shaped) your hair wasn’t like theirs, and you were a bit more of a tomboy than anything so it made you feel a bit insecure.
Or maybe the mf didn’t like black girls who knows KSHSHSJS
Complete opposite tho this man is a whore for black women
It only annoyed you because somehow you’ve grown a crush on the idiot.
However all those things were the reason why Sanji felt so intimidated + you’re incredibly strong willed and ain’t afraid to speak your mind and that’s what made you so much more attractive to him than another other woman he met.
And you do so one night while Sanji cleans up the kitchen.
You knew this was a bad idea, a bit cringe, and out of character but the curiosity was eating at you and you knew if you didn’t ask right then and there you may as well just get over your crush with him; “How come you don’t like me?” You said without a care in the world leaning on the door frame arms crossed pouting, Sanji recognized your voice and felt his soul drop a little hearing your crazy question.
“Don’t… Like …you?”
“You heard me. It’s not like I’m jealous or anything (you were) but…I don’t know it seems like when I want to hang out with you, you seem to be more interested in Robin or Nami to be around…I know I don’t wear dresses a lot or skirts…and I’m a bit rough around the edges but …as your crew mate…AND FRIEND…I…um….I…”
You didn’t even hear Sanji approach you so closely as your tangent was going on with your eyes not meeting his. He felt so bad making YOU feel bad.
He grabbed your hand rubbing the palm of it with his thumb.
“I’m…im so sorry, Princess i—I um…”
Que the dramatic music
You actually found it amusing seeing how much of a drama queen he was asking for you not to forgive him, and you’re a big softie for him so to shut him up you grabbed him by his nape and kissed him.
His lips were so soft omg
“Marry me.”
And that’s how I met your mother
Ok we finna get spicy over here
Sanji is a boob man. We know this. And because of this he loves seeing your boobs ALOT.
“They’re like chocolate kisses.”
You nearly started crying from laughter when you let Sanji fondle your chest.
“Do not say that again will slap you—AH!”
Too late Sanji popped a whole titty in his mouth.
Ngl after a few months of dating and gaining each others trust he started to become a bit OOC.
Meaning….in the bed.
At first he’d ask you repeatedly if you felt good having sex with him, but now that he knows your body…well..
“R-Right right there San—-JI YES!”
“I know baby I know..”
Tf this boldness come from
Ok so you took his virginity too. It was just a Process because Sanji kept bleeding on you.
Had to use a blindfold on him which really had him cuming in seconds.
He sometimes moans in French.
He moans in French in your ear and you slowly grind on his cock
“Tu te sens si bien sur ma bite”
You find his French accent so sexy
Cocky bastard knows it too so if you are acting like a bit of a brat he whispers in your ear some of the dirtiest things he wants to do to your body in French
You don’t even know what he’s saying it just sounds hot KabsjsKSBSKS
Sanji most definitely loves to finger you.
Great past time when you both are alone and you wear a short dress or skirt
Your pussy>>>>>>>>>>>>life is his whole mentality being with you in bed.
When it’s your hair wash day Sanji always invites himself to help you, but it always starts off with him helping washing your hair, then once he rises it he begins kissing your shoulder, then your spine and then next thing you know he lifting your pretty brown thigh on his shoulder kissing and eating your pussy under the hot shower head <3
He keeps those days marked on his calendar SKSJSJ
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I told y’all he wasn’t racist
Mf is a simp for black and Latina women too he just won’t admit it fr.
This mf here..
He mf adores and can’t stand you all at the same time
Seriously your little smart remarks is ganna be the death of him.
Zoro actually loves a feisty/strong woman. He’s usually around the girly girl types plenty but seeing a woman that isn’t afraid of fighting grown men 10x her size is what led Zoro to pursue you
However he didn’t know he had a crush on you you were the one to get it out of him💀💀
“Why don’t you admit you like me already? We could have been dating like…a week after I joined y’all.”
“What?! I don’t— !”
“You’re literally cuddling me, Zo…”
When you first joined shortly before Chopper you both automatically had a love/hate relationship.
You were a gunslinger and he was a swordsman there were plenty of debates on which was better
“At least I can still fight if I run out of bullets..”
“At LeAsT I DonT RuN ou—-shut up! If it came down to it and we ended up fighting I’ll whoop you so disrespectfully boy..”
Me and Mrs. Petty everyone <3
You both tend to argue a lot but it’s stupid arguments that you start because you love annoying him.
And he knows this.
Zoro also likes patting your butt
It’s never sexual—you’re the sexual being in the relationship (we’ll get to that later)
But Zoro loves your fat butt.
Literally. The man is a butt man.
The way you sway your hips when you walk and how your butt effortlessly moves has him staring for way longer than he should.
And you know this.
However he usually pats your butt to get your attention
“Common we head to head to the ship.” He stated in your ear walking past you giving your bum a light slap and slowly dragging away said hand off your bum.
It turns you on sm pls
Loves to nap on your tummy
Looks like a grumpy baby with his strong arms around you and his face slightly tucked in with his eyebrows furrowed
He usually lift up your shirt to have skin to skin contact
Sniffs your hair a lot
Don’t know why he does it but sometimes when he’s standing behind you he just lowers his head and does a subtle whiff
You don’t question it….you kinda wanna though.
He lets you hold and use his swords
You have threatened him with it…many times.
Also if you have a TWA(or any natural hairstyle really) or like finger waves of the sort he friggin loves that. Whenever he’s holding you he tends to run his rough fingers through your curls and sometimes helps pull out any kinks he may randomly find
You woke up to him one time eyes completely focused on a tangled curl you had
It was so cute
“Lay back down im not finished.” He pushed your head back down gently still taking out the curl.
Despite that Zoro really has no clue on how to be a proper boyfriend sometimes so you have to teach him.
A lot.
“Why would you randomly want flowers where would you put them?”
He’s trying.
Y’all never go on proper dates though.
Zoro doesn’t think it’s necessary, you both spend a lot of time together training or when you dock on a ship.
However if you REALLY wanna go on a date he’ll take you.
Ended up in a mess.
You both got lost.
Zoro was fighting random pirates
You shot a guy
Y’all fell down a hill because Zoro slipped and grabbed your arm
Never again
His dick makes up for all his stupidity though
Okay don’t get mad…
But I don’t think Zoro is as great with sex as y’all say he is OKAY JUST LISTEN TO MEJDJDDKSKS
But it took so long because he’s so easily flustered.
Just like Sanji and Luffy he was a virgin and you had a bit more experience.
You went down on him first and he was actually more embarrassed than turned on KSBSJDKS
But he just felt weird seeing you in between his legs damn near gagging on his cock. You liked it though.
“Are —-are you okay?”
“Mmhm. Why does it not feel good?” :(
When Zoro first slid inside you you swore his eyes rolled back and he swears you were just seeing things.
“Feel good don’t it.”
“Shut the hell up.”
No but after the 2 years he definitely got much better and bigger
He knows how to read your faces on what hurts and what feels good and it’s honestly something he pats himself on the back for.
He loves it when you sit on his face btw.
You’re thick, he’s thick , and he loves your thickness so sit on his thick head. Both of em
Remember how I said you were the more horny one of the relationship?
Not true he is but you’re more vocal about it.
“Zoooooo….I wanna sit on your face.”
Man nearly drops his dumbbells on his foot.
“What is wrong with you?!” Literally been craving to eat you out all day since he had a dream about it this morning though.
His tongue…..
My mans is a messy eater
You like how he manhandles you so it’s not a big deal but if anyone were to see him eat you out they’d think he’s literally EATING YOU
He loves holding you up on his shoulder to eat you out btw
You’ve been caught once by Usopp in the aquarium with you back high on the wall and him sucking your clit
Us couldn’t speak to you for weeks
Zoro didn’t give af
Ok he did a little because his dick was out
Amazing bf.
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emilybahu · 5 months
I love 9-1-1 so much!
I have fallen in love with tv shows before, watching episodes religiously as they aired weekly. 9-1-1 has been different for me though, it’s become more like an obsession. In some ways that’s bad, it’s consuming my mind a lot of times and it’s distracting me from other things I need to get done. However, really getting into the fandom of this show has also been wonderful for me, it’s made me so happy, actually getting involved with other fans and talking to people the last couple months has been so fun! You all are amazing, funny, talented people and I’m truly grateful that I’ve been able to interact with you!
Now, I’ve heard about some toxicity within the fandom, Buddie and BuckTommy shippers turning against each other and fighting about what’s best for the characters. (Which btw, isn’t really up to us anyway)
I personally haven’t seen a lot of that, who knows, maybe I’m just ignoring it because I don’t want to see it. Either way I always try to keep a very open and and neutral stance when it comes to shipping. I let myself enjoy the stories, the edits, the fan art, and the speculation. However, I also try to stay grounded in the reality of what’s happening in the movie/book/tv show.
When it comes to 9-1-1 right now, between Buddie and BuckTommy I’m not picking sides. I like both ships the same, and I don’t think that’s gonna change any time soon. I really, really enjoy both ships! (Plus the fan fiction for both are amazing, so I’m LIVING)
Buddie is part of the reason that I started watching in the first place, Buck and Eddie are my favorite characters. I love them both to death, and regardless of their relationship status they have something special, no one can deny that! Their friendship is beautiful and deep, they do truly love each other, they’re family, they will always be there for each other whether or not they end up in a romantic relationship. I’m honestly just happy to see them together in any capacity. And yes, I will happy, overjoyed even, if they decide to make Buddie cannon, but I’ll also be happy if their relationship remains as it is.
As far as Buck and Tommy go I was surprised when the kiss happened, but OH MY GOD… I was totally there for it! I’m actually really happy with this storyline so far, (even if the second hand embarrassment nearly killed me during the first date)I think that they’ll be great together, I really can’t wait to see them getting to know each other more! Wherever this goes, I’m here for it! I’m excited to see Buck explore his bisexuality with Tommy, and learn about himself through this relationship. I’m also excited to learn more about Tommy! And if they don’t end up being very long term, I really hope that they stay friends.
I’m really enjoying being into a ship that’s canon for once, it makes me really happy. I don’t think there’s ever been a ship (apart from these ones) that I’ve been into that have even had a remote chance of becoming cannon (Stucky… my first love!)
Anyway, I digress, the writers and the actors KNOW these characters, we know that if something felt off it the story, they’d want to do right by the characters. We know for a fact how much Oliver and Ryan love Buck and Eddie, and if it feels right and true to them Buddie will happen. If it doesn’t feel right to put them in a romantic relationship, to me, it’s fine because regardless we have these two men with an absolutely beautiful and meaningful friendship, and I’m always here for that!
All of this to say, all this fighting about “who’s right for who” isn’t doing anyone any good. I mean we’re all in this fandom because we love this show RIGHT!? Being on platforms like this is meant to bring us TOGETHER!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions after all… so yeah, share your opinion, just don’t be rude about it. Putting someone down because they disagree with you doesn’t make you right… it just makes you mean. It scares people away, maybe makes them feel like they’re not safe in this community. I’ve seen it a couple times too, with myself and others, being afraid to make a post because of the possibility of hate.
In my experience you’re meant to feel safe in a fandom, in a community because you’re sharing your love for something with others who love it just as much as you do! We should love each other like we love these characters!
To conclude, all I need is for our boys to be happy, that’s really all we should care about here anyway. It shouldn’t necessarily matter who’s dating who, as long as they’re HAPPY! I’m really just along for the ride, I’m here for whatever they decide to do with Buddie and/or BuckTommy in the future. Buck and Eddie are my loves, and we barely know Tommy, but I’m starting to like him already, as long as they’re happy, I am too!
Thank you for reading my TedTalk…
Sorry if it doesn’t sound completely coherent, stringing words together isn’t always my strong suit…🫠
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bicheetopuff · 1 day
i like izuku/ochaco the exact same amount i like bakudeku and sometimes i feel like i am the only man out there who does 😭 i really do not like izuku/ochaco shippers though... i feel like i can't reblog art of one of my favorite ships because i feel like i'm gonna accidentally reblog from someone who would send me hate for shipping one of my other favorite ships... i guess i gotta start learning how to draw ochaco better to fill in that void myself?? but still... i shouldn't have to be AFRAID to reblog good art because i'm worried i'm gonna be on some artists dni because i like bakudeku. NEITHER OF THEM ARE EVEN MY TOP FAV SHIP IN BNHA... but i'm still like... i just wanna ship. when did fandom become so... hostile. when did it become a warzone? back when i was younger we had shipwars but they were... silly? like at the end of the day we could step back and ship and let ship and even if we hated the other ship we would just blacklist the tag and move on. homestuck wasn't even this bad.
Bnha is my first experience in anime fandom and it’s literally the most aggressive and hateful fandom I’ve ever been in, on all sides… and ever since, anytime I try to touch a fandom for a different shonen anime, it’s almost just as bad, if not worse. ESPECIALLY if you interact with that fandom and openly like bnha too, because for some reason just liking bnha makes people in anime spaces completely discredit your opinion unless you’re a cishet man.
I think within the western bnha fandom specifically, we’ve all just kind separated ourselves into our own little corners of the internet. And tbh, I’m with you, I absolutely hate that the fandom has segregated itself like this.
While I don’t see Izu//ocha as a romantic ship, I still love their friendship and I love Ochako as a character, and like you said, I’ll see the most stunning fanart of her sometimes and I’ll check the artists account to see that bkdk is on their DNI list… and I literally run a bkdk blog. So I can’t reblog their art unless I wanna get blocked. Or, I’ll reblog art from someone and then find out later that they’re an avid bkdk or bk anti. It’s like you’re only allowed to like what you post about the most, and you’re not allowed to interact with anything else.
It expands outside of the fandom too. I made a comparison between bkdk and victuuri once and I ended up deleting the post because I kept getting comments from yoi fans saying that I was wrong and to never compare those two again… it wasn’t like a full blown meta, it was like a paragraph comparing their rivalry.
I don’t think it’s hostility just within the bnha fandom, I think it’s anime fandom as a whole being hostile towards specifically bnha because of the stigma surrounding it, and the bnha fandom reflects that by everyone being hostile towards bkdks and other queer shippers because of the stigma surrounding that as well. One of my friends irl got accused of being a p*doph*le literally just for saying she liked the anime (she was literally 16 at the time btw) and another one of my irl friends told me to sell my manga when she saw it on my shelf. It got to a point where I literally had to just stop telling people I liked it, which led me to making this blog so that I can talk about it without judgement, and even on tumblr it took a while for antis to leave us alone.
Idk when this fandom became a warzone, but I’ve only been here for the better part of three years and it’s been hostile ever since I got here. It’s like I willfully walked into a burning building.
I think every community for each ship just has their own biases for other shippers in the fandom, and it just makes us all get defensive because we automatically assume those stereotypes and we just think they’re automatically not going to like us, so we decide to not like them first. I’ll be honest, I keep my walls up too until I know talking to that person won’t start an immediate heated argument for no reason. Because some of those stereotypes are true, some communities within the fandom are just hateful for no reason and we have our fair share of keyboard warriors. Some people say “oh it’s just a few bad apples” but from my experience it’s like you’re looking through a basket of bad apples trying to find the good ones. And even then you have to be careful because it might be a bad apple that’s been painted in order to make it look good. I’m talking about fandom as a whole btw, bkdks alike.
I wish we could all just be nice to one another and not be creepy and weird when it comes to certain characters and ships. Like, can we just be normal? Can we ship and let ship? We can all have our opinions about other pairings, but can we not attack people for liking something just because we don’t see the appeal?
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pebiejeebies · 8 months
And the moment you’ve all been waiting for. A CABLOON SCREENSHOT COLLECTION!
(Okay but seriously, even if you don’t like this ship, give me a chance, PLEASE— There’s so much things I didn’t expect from them both and.. just.. trust me <3)/gen /srs /nf
Now, if you’re easily overwhelmed by spamming letters or long paragraphs, this is a BIG WARNING!! Ilysm btw/p /p <3
Please don’t attack/harass me or anyone that likes this ship, if you like nickloon or any other ship with balloon, don’t hurt others for it.
Now. Let’s begin. A cabloon rarepair analysis, made by me, for my hyper fixated self and @saltythesaltshakerfrfr (Cause ur a cabloonie too!! :D)
First time they see each other/stand beside each other
E7! At exactly… *looks at video* 2:57!
The new pinkers!!
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How ironic? Cabby and Balloon look concerningly at the silly spoon! Pretty cute if I do say so myself <3
And let’s not mention that they’re standing beside each other <33
and WOAH! The final three first meeting in the same team?! Pretty cool if I do say so myself.
“Uhhh.. mile high pie..?” — Clover
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(It’s close enough in my eyes okay? Plus,, they all have completely different reactions, and they were the closest <33)
also yinyang and goo my beloveds omfg <33
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Wait, I didn’t mention that I’d screenshot EVERY SINGLE TIME THEYRE BESIDE EACH OTHER? oh I’m DESPERATE. (Sigh, past me, thinking that these two wouldn’t have that much between them.. hmm)
Call me ridiculous but these two are my babies <33 and I’ll capture every single moment they walk, talk, and laugh with each other <3
(At least enough to please my stupid hyper fixation on them)
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Don’t forget to mention their first face to face interaction, and OF COURSE it had to be the flower incident 😭‼️‼️
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You say you’re angry Cabby, but why do I see you beside him so much..?/vpos
They love each other guys, you just don’t understand 
You guys just don’t see it yet, it will start showing up with patience. Wait for it.
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No.. this.. ugh, GIVE ME A CHANCE I PROMISE!!
(Man I hate this episode so much,, my heart still aches from cabby’s reaction to this.. I feel ya girlie, been there, done that..)
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Test Tube you’re so frustrating this episode but I’m happy you’re changed
Look at him :( he feels so bad for her 😭‼️‼️
Haha taking a small break to see how much Me and Cabby act, and me reading people by their flaws was always the reason I missed out on so many friendships, and seeing Cabby struggle and get tips from Test Tube was really heartwarming to me (Do keep in mind, I literally kin Cabby)
And woah woah woah! Found out that Test Tube could be mouth wash! E10! At 18:00 <3
Alrighty let’s get back on track! (Ironic, past me, watching a whole episode with no interaction between them was actually unbearable)
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Okay I’m desperate again,, does this count as anything? Not much, but seeing the final four together is pretty cool (E12)
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SOULMATES!! I TELL YOU!! THATS THE.. 3RD TIME! THEY STILL HAVE THE SAME FACE!! THEYRE SOULMATES! ITS OFFICIAL!! (Oops, didn’t notice bot in this when I wrote this 😞 do I still count it..? Eh—)
(Part 2 here)
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mudinyourshoes · 9 months
More thoughts on Novoland! I'm up to ep 9 and:
-Ji Ye winning the martial arts contest was brutal to the point of being hard to watch. Not just physically, but also emotionally. He publicly shamed his dad - I don’t think that was what he was aiming for but it was the result - and in the process made his rawest emotional wounds public. (Btw I’m sure he’s going to pay for doing that to his dad. His family sucks). And then he’s abandoned. Neither his family, nor his fellow soldiers, nor the servants of the king he (theoretically) just won glory for come to help him, even though he’s bleeding and staggering. The people in the stadium don’t cheer his victory; none of them help him either. Only Asule and Yu Ran cheer and only they follow and help him. He’s met Asule and Yu Ran two or three times! Their friendship and their kindness seem to me like pricks of light in an otherwise bleakly dark landscape.
-Yu Ran has a crush on Ji Ye. She could not stop looking at him. Asule definitely noticed her looking and I wonder if he’s clocked the crush or if he’s too young to understand.
-I do not ship Yu Ran and Asule. I’m surprised by this because I expected to ship them and to be heartbroken on Asules’ behalf, but no. I really like them as friends. They should be bff’s but I can see potential and room for romantic growth in Yu Ran and Ji Ye’s relationship and I don’t see it with Yu Ran and Asule. I feel like Asule needs someone who can match him in the “still waters run deep” department.
-The bit where Ji Ye is told that a spear is not like a sword because it can be drawn back but not sheathed?! Ominous, especially when taken with the advice that Asule was given in the first episodes - that the real sheath for his sword was his heart. Yikes for Ji Ye?
-The contrast between the king debating his advisors and ordering, like, 12 people around while trying to control the outcome of the contest and IMMEDIATELY losing control of it vs. Asule quietly interfering twice (once when he stops Ji Ye’s peers from beating him up and once when he orders his sworn brother to lose the fight) and controlling the outcome of the contest without anyone knowing. Also the king was fixated on the outcome of the contest (ie. short term gains) while Asule, in addition to trying to repay a kindness, was thinking about long term relationships and fostering the growth of Ji Ye’s potential.
-The entire display of Asule’s nascent puppeteering abilities makes me rabid at the thought of him being a king one day. No idea if it’ll ever happen, but if it does I will be frothing at the mouth.
-Asule’s confrontation with his uncle - where he does not reveal the orders he gave about the contest, but instead confronts his uncle about “kin slaying”. This. Omg. This is not a conversation about Asule’s sworn brother. This is Asule calling out his uncle for killing Asule’s adopted dad and also - I think - pointing out that if anyone has the right to be kin slaying it’s ASULE. Because I’m pretty sure, based on was he’s said about vengeance killing, that Asule would be within his rights to kill his uncle in vengeance for his dad. Omg wtf. THIS SHOW.
-I ship the soft spoken, peace loving general and the wise but terrifying Lady Su. The minute I realized they had some kind of star crossed lovers thing going on, I became convinced one or both of them were going to end up dead. Now I’m waiting for it the tragedy to unfold.
-Asule has precognition in his dream sometimes?
-Lady Su’s asshole son seems to think he’s about to have more power than the king. So…he’s planning on killing the king? Or doing something related to the Bare Teeth or the Heavenly Samurai that he thinks will give him more power than the king? I hope someone unleashes hell on him. Not even being Lady Su’s son can save him from my ire. Honestly, I’m kind of startled she’s that attached to him because thus far he has zero redeeming qualities and she doesn’t seem like a “love is blind” type.
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rayniscatstatue · 2 years
Stellarlune unpack with me
Sophie is done, she needs therapy
Keefe come back, please
Sophie and Ro one bed trope… slay
Dadwin was only there for a few chapters. Shannon fix this. What is wrong with you?!
Ro should’ve punched Cassius in the face… Sophie has my back
Let Sophie burn things
That fight within the entire group. Nah uh, I’m not having it
Tam vs Linh?????
What crack is Shannon on to make her do that?!
It must be a high dose whatever she is on. Like girly what? Give us back the twins as twins. Twins deserve to be bestie twins. We also deserve bestie twins
Tam sticking up for Sophie
Cue me and my fake dating Sotam au where they fake date just to piss of Fitz and add more chaos to the group
I am living for platonic Sotam
I eat that shit up
No but Sophie and Tam vs everyone
Literally everyone hates the pettiness duo. It’s Snarky Sophie and Spiteful Tam
Just Sophie and Tam being besties and glaring at everyone
Enough about platonic Sotam, we will get back to that later
Linh just stop
I want the old Linh back, she literally carried books 5-8
Stina’s redemption is just down the drain…
I think Shannon mopped it up or licked it up, who knows?
Fitz needs to be angry
Let the child be angry but still be Sophie’s friend!
Chapter 23 tho!!!!
Sophie fawning over Keefe the entire chapter and finally realising her feelings
But also Ro leaving the chapter before
The Glimmer reveal
Like Rayni sounds so hot
Time to count how many people want to marry her
And that she doesn’t regret being in the Neverseen. Girlboss
Rayni is a girlboss
Say it with me, Rayni is a girlboss
Tiergan adopting all the gay kids
He is that meme of “how many kids do you have?” “Biologically, legally or emotionally?”
Tiergan is done with this hetro shit
He must want to quit teaching Sophie and Fitz at this point
The “Stop calling us Fitzphie!” Damn
Like dude you literally still have a crush on her…
Rayni is what made that book not boring
She made that meeting happen
Dex and Biana are totally dating but haven’t told anyone
You can’t convince me otherwise but their is chemistry between the 2, and it is getting spicy
Like they are getting along too well
Dexiana is sailing
Wylie stop being a fucking council stan
I am begging you Wylie!
Your dads taught you better
Btw, Tiergan and Prentice are the closest to canonically in love we will ever get!
Sophie snapping at Oralie
Dex must be there for that drama because damn, Sophie hates that girly
Just calm down a bit
And Sophie’s new attitude is slay
Marella putting gold in her hair
If that doesn’t tell you that she is head over heels in love with Linh then I don’t know what will
I ship it
Okay but the Jensi appearance
Sophie and Jensi besties
No, Sophie, Tam and Jensi as the new trio!
Jensi is gay tho, you can tell
Okay now the meeting! Rayni slay the day you absolute queen
Sophie with her entire plan
Rayni feeding Tam when his stomach growled will never be forgotten
The Trix and Rayni friendship
Tam stopping Sophie from having a panic attack because of Vespera!
Tam would honestly be an amazing friend
Trix outing Keefe for being fake with the Neverseen! Like Keefe is really an idiot
No but Maruca and her “is that true?”’s to Tam
Girly was shook
Sophie and Tam showing up to Dex’s in the middle of the night with a forbidden spy ball with ways to get Keefe back
Dex would’ve screamed
What if it was Juline that opened the door to Sophie and Tam?
Also Biana was missing
She literally just disappeared throughout that book
No but you can tell Sophie and Tam annoyed Dex so much while he was rigging the Spy ball
He wanted to slap them
Also Bex and Lex annoying them
Also poor Rex
Save Rex petition
I don’t like Shannon for that one
Then when they jumped out a window to flee to London and drag Keefe back
Sophie, Dex and Tam slayed
Then how Tam wishes Linh was there
Okay In the hotel, the “Foster?” As Sophie literally hug-tackled Keefe
Should’ve bitch slapped him tho
How Keefe was trying to take his shirt off for Tam, like you are gay
Dex standing there
Poor Dex
Also Tam just standing there
Poor Dex and Tam
Then them going back to Havenfeild
Edaline hugging Keefe!!!!
Also Keefe having presents ready to give to Sophie because of what he did
That’s what you get for running away
I want to see Sophie, Dex and Tam babysitting the triplets
Even Sophie and Dex babysitting them would be amazing
Oh my god, the kiss
The kiss guys
Sophie and Keefe finally kissed and Fitz was salty about it
Also both of them caring about each others feelings
Keefe calling Sophie “Sophie” during the confession
Fitz is salty
Like “You kissed him, you didn’t even kiss me” *wah wah wah*
Fitz is acting like a toddler that got his toy confiscated from him
Calm down dude
The damn hairpin was in Biana’s jewellery box, that was Biana’s plot point in the entire book at this point
Then Tam chaperoning Dex and Biana
He knew that Sokeefe happened so he had to move onto Dexiana
Keefe teasing Sophie
Like he really wants to kiss her in the moment
Then Keefe coming along with Sophie to make sure she is safe
That is like Sophie stopping Keefe from going to Ravagog in book 4
Sophie, Keefe, Marella, Maruca and Fitz at it
Gisela bowing up Vespera so she doesn’t have to confess her love for her
Taking notes
Then Elysian
Elysian neutrals
Like Damn girly, that cliffhanger…
And why hasn’t Ro came back yet…?
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tineteenieworld3 · 2 years
Warning!! Not actually byler doubt, but might be taken that way! Again DON’T read if you take a lot of things as doubt (which is okay, nothing wrong with you, here’s a forehead kiss)
Stranger things as a whole never actually impressed me lmao. Like, of course I love all the characters, but it’s not an overly impressive show or something. I’m not say I’m only in it for byler, but after season 4 and figuring out this insane worlds villain was…a little white boy, anything I was actually impressed by and captivated by got ripped away. It felt kinda lazy to me (personal opinion of course) Again, the show is entertaining, nothing about it is that special right now, but it’s entertaining.
Byler would be different and actually give me the chance to say “okay yes this show is very well done. I’m impressed.”
I think saying people are ‘only in it for that’ is reduced to ship stuff, when in reality a lot of people are just really hoping the show that we like is actually done well. Byler is a narrative that we’re being shown, not just two characters being shipped.
I’m not saying I don’t like the other characters or love them. But no, if byler doesn’t happen, I will not be impressed, I will once again believe the show is mediocre. The show is a lot of fun, but so are millions of others that are also written better in the science fiction sense. And character sense as well, but I do believe ST builds good relationships (rn atleast we shall see).
I might enjoy it, I’ll still have fun, I won’t witch hunt anyone that’s for sure, I might say nothing in the end. But I won’t be impressed by the show even a little bit. Gotta do something special to be something special (in this sense, not in like a human way. Everyone is special no matter what and you’re all amazing)
I think that’s what I’ve been trying to articulate in my brain. When you see stuff that’s like ‘don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t happen’ I get frustrated, because a lot of people are in it for the narrative and for the story. This show is flashy, but we want something else. We want something real and for it it mean something. Byler is this very impressive and well thought out narrative that’s not about cool soundtracks, or powers, or fight scenes, or whatever else.
They never made the sci fi/upside down part intriguing enough or that smart (personal opinion! Not saying I’m right or everyone thinks this way). It was kinda brushed off over and over again. Season one (and two)was amazing I’ll give it that, but through the seasons they added way too much instead of allowing us to understand this place and learn more about it. It was just constant questions and confusion and having to basically study the show to understand it, which, I don’t think makes it super smart or something. That’s how I feel of course, again doesn’t mean I’m in anyway correct. Anyways, ya know what? That’s fine. That’s totally okay, they focused the show more on the relationships and friendships and that’s great!
But again, at this point the only thing, writing wise, I’ll sit down and be like ‘okay, that got me, you impressed me. It wasn’t flashy, it was a beautifully structured narrative.’ Is byler.
Will can have powers, he can fight the white guy with El. That’s all great, but it’s just more flash. I’ll have fun, I’ll watch the edits, but I won’t be impressed.
That’s where I stand. Again, if it doesn’t happen I’ll never ever blame the actors and I won’t even care about the writers, there’s alot of not great/mediocre writers out there, I’ll move on. But yeah, I’ll probably forget all about the show in a month or two and I bet so will a lot of other people.
Maybe they’ll surprise me with something else who knows. I doubt it, but who knows.
Btw this is NOT byler doubt, I still firmly believe it’s gonna happen because I trust my comprehension skills. I believe the writing is leading up to this completely, I study script writing and filmmaking, there’s no part of me that doesn’t believe that’s the writing direction they’re going in.
What I’m saying is, this is how I’d feel or look at it if it doesn’t happen. And kind of a response to Noah saying he hopes people won’t be disappointed. Which, of course he hopes that and of course he can’t say anything. I don’t experience doubt from that, it’s just a response.
I know people freak about byler doubt and stuff, this isn’t what that is, if you feel that way though you can of course block me. This is entirely just my personal opinion, nothing factual.
Really what I’m saying is, Stranger Things is just a bunch of flash sometimes, like storyline wise, there’s also a lot of other amazing aspects, but I don’t care about that (the flash). I don’t care about Will fighting evil with El, I don’t care about epic battle scenes, that’s all expected and we’ve seen that stuff time and time again. I want a good and well done narrative that is pure storytelling, that’s what’ll get me and let me label this as a great show. Of course, one persons opinion doesn’t mean truth and I’ll watch the show and they’ll get my view no matter what. It’s just my thoughts and the thoughts I’ve had while rewatching.
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yomiurinikei · 1 year
tsurugi for the ask meme?
god the cws for this damn boy. uhh neglect and also i can’t see kinjomae as healthy w/what happens in the game and that’s discussed so. yeas
- My identity hc for them
gay little beast. he and kouhei had Something going on btw. anyways i also hc him as trans, it’s not one of those things i feel could actually fit into canon. but idgaf!! to me he is trans because i’m trans and so is my boyfriend (do u know him?) and every cool person is trans. tsurugi isn’t cool but i think he deserves a win once so he can have one in the form of getting to be trans!!!
- Thoughts on their home life/family
ogh. im using this bullet point as a chance to talk about stuff i’m not otherwise able to/which i don’t think i’ve shared? but like. agh…. how can anyone put into words literally anything about this little worms life. my hc for his mom is currently that she walked out when tsurugi was fairly young and isn’t interested in. any of it, so it’s just him and juu? so i think tsurugi started being left home alone Very Early, and going with his dad to work was like.. a nice treat away from being by himself for the majority of the day. which probably helped contribute to tsurugis entire identity and existence and everything revolving around his work as a police officer. aaaaaaa.
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
i don’t like what linuj did to him in sdra2 because amidst all the other controversies that arose with that game it really just felt lazy and like icky stereotypes. there was better ways to handle a tsurugi who had gotten worse/wasn’t doing well/etc past what happened in sdra2. i don’t like it and it doesn’t feel accurate to what should have happened if we were going to go the route of “tsurugi didn’t magically decide to go to therapy and heal”. i completely understand that people and especially fictional characters can get worse and have negative character development. but it’s the way in which tsurugi acted that felt lazy and ooc to me.
so anyways to retreat into the dark recesses of my brain. he’s so scrunkle… wet dish rag i am wringing all the water out of. i like him in dra i like the narrative role he plays i honestly think he’s v fun. i’ve waxed poetic before (not publicly i think? not about the thing i’m thinking of rn) about the tragedy of what happens to him and how u can read things as all being set up to screw boy over. but it’s just very interesting. i want to squeeze him so bad.
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
he and kouhei had frequent sleepovers at kouheis place. i don’t CARE if it doesn’t fit with tsurugis childhood i think kouheis parents were nice to him and cared about him. overall i just think all my thoughts on kouhei and tsurugi should be made canon. i should write a fic…
- My number one favorite ship for them
mmmm… right now it’s tsuhiko but all of the chatting about kouhei makes me wanna say tsuruhei. tbh i’m very versatile in who i ship tsurugi with i think he fits well with a lot of people (in non despair) and so long as there’s someone by his side i don’t really care who it is or if he holds hands with them or not.
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
mmm. kinji obviously, i still like teruya w/tsurugi in some aus, yamato but i’ll be honest i’m kinda weird about them. i think they’re separated. not divorced but separated. but also they’ve never dated they’re just besties. but also they have the most tender interactions. not to use this line but i think they should just have a weird very queer coded friendship where they both Know what the underlying vibe is and both choose to not broach the subject of how charged things are.
- The thing i will NEVER ship
tsurugi undeniably had feelings for yuki and while u can argue about how authentic yukis feelings were (ie were they just there to incentivize him to get closer so as to further damage tsurugi) it was definitely mutual. just again. how Real things were for yuki depends on how separate u view him from utsuro. uhhhhhhm. but just because feelings were there doesn’t mean it’d be good or healthy for them to date !. 
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
on my hands and knees fucking begging u all for more kouhei. if i make a p2 of my kouhei hcs will that be enough propaganda. what do u all want from me. uhhh also if there’s one thing i miss from old sdra fandom days it’s tsurugi + kizuna worsties content.
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
ah… i definitely prefer his dra color palette over his sdra2 one but that could be because something about his look in sdra2 just feels very off to me. that in mind i fucking hate his pants why are they that shade of blue linuj get off ur knees for that shade of blue. it’s too fucking bright it stands out so much. anyways i understand the uniform but i’d like to see him in like… maybe smthn professional/more formal, but not? the dress shirt and tie. 
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
oh god oh fuck if i don’t find a good song this is going to be. so miserable for me and i will get cyber bullied again. uhhh. wires - the neighborhood bc lol make sure u tell him the right wire to cut tsurugi! don’t fuck it up lol! haha it can’t be that hard surely this is the same as all the other bomb diffusals right? right tsurugi? im the ceo of intentionally misinterpreting songs to fit my vision. mkay that’ll work. damn i need to listen to more music before i go do more ask memes
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I just LOVE Amber! I honestly think out of all the girls, she would be the most positive girl for him to be around. I’m always hoping to see more content with the two of them.
The other two….I’m just not sure about. I liked stas in the videos, and I think she gets more hate than she deserves. Sure, I understand why a lot of the fandom don’t like her. But we don’t know everything that happened in full detail. You know what they say about assuming…
And the other, Shea, the history with her seems a bit odd. But again, we don’t know every single detail about the two of them. And quite frankly it’s none of our business 🤷🏼‍♀️
I honestly feel bad for Colby. No matter what he will get hate for any girls he’s seen with. Must be exhausting for him. The fandom needs to chill tf out a bit. I understand having a ‘celebrity crush’, but hell you gotta know you won’t ever be with him. (Sorry this was a long post lol, but I’ve been holding this in for awhile. Btw love your tumblr! 💕)
oh i love amber as well. i found her just before she started hanging out with colby so it was perfect timing when they started collabing. i love the two of them together and i hope that they collab again soon. i genuinely love every video they've made together.
as for the other girls, i get the sentiment of not wanting to assume or not know the whole picture, and i agree with that for the most part. personally i have always been of the belief that if colby is happy, than i'm happy for him. even if i don't like them, i'm not gonna be upset at him for hanging out with them. especially with shea. he clearly is happy when he's around her, and bc of that i wouldn't want him to lose her if he really does feel the way i assume he does feel.
but, just bc we don't know the whole picture, doesn't mean we're wrong for noticing what we can see and judging based off of that.
with stas, i'll hand it to you, a lot of the stuff i've heard is mostly hearsay. i haven't seen too much. but i have seen enough stuff (like her mother sharing their location when they were in europe and fans hitting her up bc of that, her roommate liking fandom related tweets some of which were about shea, stas liking tweets about colby, stas answering questions fans have had about colby, her taking credit for his outfits, the malishka bs that happened from europe) to make me question whether or not her intentions are pure. bc at the very least, she interacts with fans a lot, and if for argument's sake everything about her was a lie or bs, she HAD to have seen fans congratulating them being together when they were in europe. there's no way she didn't, especially when it was some of her closet fans literally saying it. so for her to ignore that and not come out and say "hey guys, me and colby aren't together" is enough of a red flag for me to side eye her until shit like that changes. and that still isn't the case.
as for shea…. i literally have ss of the shit she has done over the years. her liking comments about amber that were negative, her apologizing to her gcs first and letting them spread the message she was sorry until finally posting something about it on twitter, her telling a gc that andrea had a bf and that was why her and colby weren't dating when they were hanging out even tho andrea herself never told her fandom about this guy until they broke up, her leaving winky face/hearts comments on edits shipping her and colby together, her pretending to not know a fan publicly she was bad mouthing to a gc even tho she blocked them, her liking shipping comments on tiktok only to later like comments saying 'all the shipping ruined colby and shea's friendship', i mean… the list goes on and go. there is proof of her weirdness. and again, even if there is more to the story, the little bit we have seen is enough for me to not like her.
but that being said, all of this is why i also ignore both of them as best i can. i don't pay attention to either of them until someone brings them up on here, and even then, i usually try to tell the person (at least as of recently) to just ignore them bc it ain't worth it.
do these girls get hate for unnecessary things?? oh for sure. and i don't advocate for it. i wish they didn't get hate at all, even if i don't like them. that's why i think it's just better to ignore them, especially if they upset you.
at the end of the day, colby deserves to have friends that are girls without there being drama. it's really that simple. and it's a shame that i don't think that will ever truly happen.
and thank you, i appreciate the love :)
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roleplayhonestybox · 8 days
helloooooo, i’m the person that this ask is referring to and i just wanna say that YES. i did say that, as a bisexual femme enby, it DOES look very sus. LOOK. it LOOKS sus. i never once said that this woman actually IS homo/bi/pan/transphobic. she just went kinda postal nuclear at my criticism and, clearly from her next response that she sent in when other people also criticized her, she just couldn’t handle it. also the words she put in quotes as if i actually said them were never said. i literally NEVER FUCKING SAID any of that and i have screenshots of the entire convo to prove it in case she tries to start shit. i made a screenrecording too, to prove that nothing was cut out or edited in the interim. i really hope i don’t have to use them all.
she also went off on her blog (that she still follows me on btw bc im positive that she’s trying to bait me into returning to our conversation after i told her that i would no longer be responding due to how defensive and venomous she was acting towards me - i never unfollowed or blocked bc i can’t be assed to put in that energy when someone acts all ugly to me) that her ocs aren’t ’chasing the d’ and that they’re suddenly all asexual except for two. yet again, i never even mentioned anything about her chasing hetero ships or smut when I brought this up to her. i believe i may have mentioned it in the PAST, again only telling her how it SEEMS and not how it ACTUALLY IS bc i am not her nor am i in her head, but i never said it during this particular conversation.
i only brought these things up to directly yet politely alert her of how it may seem to others on the outside - and how it may seem to queer people like myself. honestly? the fact that she is a cishet woman speaking over queer voices, posted a jkr quote on her instagram story following the confrontation, is speaking so disrespectfully (“maybe these bland boring cishet whiteys are actually better allies than you” IM- WHO FUCKING SAYS THAT 🤮🤮🤮) to others when criticized, cannot and refuses to take accountability or admit that she might just be wrong, and a whole slew of other things…that tells me that i might have hit the nail on the head unintentionally and she was pissed that i got too close to sniffing her out.
well, darlin, newsflash for you: I wasn’t guilt tripping you to make queer characters, i was TRYING to help you grow as a writer and as a person - which i told you and you refuse to believe. I was not throwing a fit or manipulating or gaslighting you - you were doing that to me and then got bent out of shape that it wasn’t working and projected all your own crap onto me. i was, as i said previously, direct yet polite and i continued to be so throughout the entire conversation even as i was receiving nothing but venom in return.
all i was was nice to this woman who i was foolish enough to give the benefit of the doubt for 5+ years of friendship. i genuinely was just trying to help her bc i wanted her experience in the rpc to improve. but, she threw that back in my face and turned into a royal cuntwaffle instead.
major kudos to those who responded to her on here. she needed to hear that it wasn’t just me who felt / feels like this and yall also pissed her off enough to make her show her ass even more than she already had with me. it’s not my fault that she got her panties in a twist when i was being nothing but nice. if i were a fake friend, like she implied in her messages to me via guilt tripping like she said i was doing (“if you were REALLY my friend” blah blah fuckin blah), i would have just kept my mouth shut and let her keep making a cringy ass of herself. but, i guess she would have just kept doing it anyway since she doubled down so hard.
oh well. not my circus, not my monkeys. i tried. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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