#btw I did send you an ask this just isn't my main
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shitpostingfromthebarricade · 3 months ago
1, 4, 21, 25!
1. How many books did you read this year?
127 (according to StoryGraph), but I'm 70% through The Second Sex and will probably finish a handful more before January.
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
I really loved Seth Dickinson's Baru Cormorant trilogy and am planning on checking out his other works. I also started reading Naomi Novik and am actively resisting her Napoléonic Wars But With Dragons series (Spinning Silver, her latest release, was really tight, but Uprooted was ... less purposeful? And I don't wanna commit to a ten-book series).
Otherwise, I actually did a lot more branching out to explore authors I've already read books by to confirm if it was a fluke or if I consistently like their work — Colson Whitehead (anything that isn't autobiographical is masterfully written), Donna Tartt (this woman has a chokehold on my SOUL), R.F. Kuang (great ideas though sometimes a bit ambitious for her abilities — but she's growing more powerful). I've read stories from Nghi Vo's Singing Hills series and have enjoyed all of them, but I haven't checked out their other works, so it feels disingenuous to say I love them as an author for now, but I'm certainly open to reading their other works based on this. Oh, and I finally read my first Discworld book, so you could say it's all over for me.
21. Did you participate in or watch any booklr, booktube, or book twitter drama?
lol, not even familiar with those communities.
25. What reading goals do you have for next year?
My book club friends this year had soft, no-pressure goals of 100 books for the year, so I set that as a passive benchmark for myself. I guess ... reduce the number of books in my to-read pile on StoryGraph? I seem to keep adding more every time I read another book. ^^;
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kamiko1234 · 3 months ago
Can we talk about how genuinly OP Rin acctualy is ?
(English isn't my first language, so please excuse any spelling mistakes I could have made)
So I've been thinking a bit and....Rin may just genuinely be one of the (if not THE (in the future)) most powerful characters in the entire series? Genuinly if you look at what the guy managed to achieve in comparison with his relative time spent training is crazy.
We know that it's been round about a year since the beginning of the manga (afaik at least). Before that Rin had no idea of anything demonic. He didn't even know he had the abilities he does. That already puts him at a HUGE disadvantage against virtually everyone else in his cram school class. Even if they hadn't properly trained before, they at least had some form of basic knowledge and idea of the work to go off on.
Rin in the meantime started off from 0, no training and no knowledge. And even on that incredibly weak and disadvantaged position, he managed to beat up Aimaimon, a demon KING, fairly well early on. Admittedly Mephisto did interfere and Rin did have the element of surprise on his side, but one still has to remember that he did this on his own with no training or preparation time.
Then during the Impure King arc he played a HUGE role in defeating it together with Ucchusma. Bon was only there to do damage control for the other exorcists and civilians while Rin really posed the "main" fighting force. Ucchusma's role mainly consisted of guiding and reinforcing his flames which- again I have to remind you all that Rin JUST learned to control his flames properly. He barely got down the basics of his powers at that point and was already able to go toe-to-toe with the Impure King.
Shima specifically advice Lucifer to go send his bodyguards to fight Rin in battle as a safer bet, due to the fact that Rin would have reservations about killing humans. And even then he just called it a 50/50 chance at winning if I remember correctly- and those bodyguards are highly skilled exorcists.
Then when we fast forward to his awakening- which may just be Rin's biggest power-boost, the guy just gets more and more op. Not only did he gain pretty functionally much full control over his demonic side, but his body was burned to a literal crisp. And it proceeded to regenerate a few seconds later, fully. Without any issues at all- still leaving the guy more than enough energy to go ham on his friends right after.
During the Blue Night Remembrance Arc we only get more indicators for how strong he is. Rin was able to straight up kill like...five people as a newborn? Not to mention the fact that he did but up an impressive fight against Shiro- at the time strong enough to be declared Paladin- for someone who was literally just fresh outta the whomb.
This just proves (in my opinion) that Rin with his flames alone could kill off just about anyone not an Upper Class level exorcist atleast.
Later when the exorcists ask how to deal with him and propose just destroying his body Mephisto also plainly states that it would do nothing- that Rin will just keep on regenerating himself over and over again if his demon heart is not taken out. This confirms that Rin is practically invulnerable to any damage not destroying his heart- as his body would just keep regenerating and healing any other injury.
This btw also confirms that Rin basically has the perfect vessel. If Rin would have had to deal with the same issues as the other demon kings, i.e his body not being able to handle his power and thus deteriorating, all they would have had to do was to wait him out. And then when his flames destroy his body, just make sure Rin doesn't get another one. But no- it was specifically stated that his body would just keep regenerating.
His body's regeneration pretty much makes the guy immune to the major limiting factor for powerful demons in Assiah.
But the most damning proof of Rin's OPness: The guy managed to go up against literal SATAN SOLO and do fairly well. This is someone Lucifer had respect for, and he wasn't able to just one-shot Rin. He's still vastly superior ofcourse- but he did have to put in some effort, as menial as it is.
At this point I'd again like to remind you at right now, Rin still has comically little actual training. Again he's been introduced to this world like....one year ago. The guy is SEVERLY lacking in experience and training compared to pretty much everyone else, and he already managed to do all that.
Just imagine what Rin would do if he had been trained and introduced to the world of exorcists since birth. Or even if he just had started to train from the same age on as Yukio. If one year is enough to get Rin to the point of throwing punches with Satan, what would have 8 years of training done for him?
This is also why I'm genuinely gonna say that Rin has the honest potential to just about surpass everyone and everything in terms of power if he's given enough time and training. The guy isn't even a nuke anymore, he's a hydrogen bomb!
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months ago
Post-JTTW Stone Egged Au asks: Bad Ichor
Amassing some Post-Jttw egg asks with similar vibes of "reject gods. stay monke".
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Hehehe many questions - main ref post here. Btw in future try sending one sentence questions/comment as replies to the specfic posts. sometimes I find asks referencing a post and I can't remember which one they're talking about.
Wukong in the au makes a concious effort to inform his cubs and his people of what his mother sacrificed to bring him into the world. Her statue and the paintings on the walls of Waterfall Curtain a tapestry of a ruler more fair and far grander that any celestial in the monkeys minds.
And when their little chaotic Eclipse twins found the Consort's resting place, more of Wukong's parent's sacrifice was uncovered. Along with the King's delayed twin brother Luzhen. The little prince grows up being taught how him and the "larger him" share parents, but they aren't here in person anymore but they love him very much. Luzhen has met his and Wukong's parents during the holidays that allow it and gladly runs up to Yē Lín and Shíhuā calling them "Baba" and "Mama" let he's known them all his life. He misses them a lot. But older Brother/Mama and Bama/Baba are really good to him so he isn't sad for long.
Wukong never lets Heaven realise that Luzhen isn't his biological child, as he fears the Emperor or Queen Mother attempting to sieze custody of Luzhen out of spite. The few higher up that know agree that baby monkeys need to be with monkeys.
Pigsy is still uber confused when Luzhen refers to Wukong as "mama" and "gege" in the same sentence tho.
Mac and Wukong are still super petty tho. They call upon their ancestors during the cubs' naming ceremonies to give their little one's blessings. And along with Shíhuā, Yē Lín and Guanyin making an appearance, the royal couple are invoked to send divine blessings of protection down onto earth. They know who's calling them. They aren't happy about it but they won't hurt the little ones.
MK is still a huge JTTW fan, even more so since to him it's like learning about all this cool stuff his family did back in the Before times! And he was there for a lot it! (even if he wasn't born yet). Him and his childhood besties deduced early on that they have *some* kind of family in the Celestial realm, just not sure who.
As for the Dragons:
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Going by Ao Guang still being upset by the theft (barely, in Jttw his wife let Wukong have it), of the Staff, I imagine that dragon can be super petty. Ao Guang doesn't like Sun Wukong at all for the theft and the havoc in heaven, even if he was cordial to him during the Journey.
When the youngest son of the Ao Run/Ji is fatally wounded by the Samadhi Fire, basically every royal dragon had an attack of pstd to when they lost Ao Bing. They started to hate Sun Wukong for his recklessness.
Then DBK, Wukong's older sworn brother and godfather to his young twins, suddenly goes on a rampage forcing Heaven's hands.
The royal dragons basically took DBK's imprisionment as an excuse to bail out. Dragons don't like the gods, and they don't like Sun Wukong.
Mei's parents hadn't wanted to cut ties with the monkeys, but Mei was a super sickly dragon pup and Ao Yi simply couldn't emotionally deal with cutting off her family with that happening... her and Long Chen continue to send Wukong's family birthday presents, card, and the occasional letter - all covert like a spy mission. Other dragons who disagreed with the royals continue this practice as well.
And ofc S4:
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Nezha: "Jade Emperor, there's a message for you from Sun Qi Xiaotian." Jade Emperor & Queen Mother: (*super intrigued! Did he find out about their connection?*) JE: "Send him in." Nezha, peaks head out of window: "Yeah he's in." MK: (*busts through wall like a Looney tunes character, shaking with anxiety*) MK, like he's on fast-forward: "Mister Jade Emperor sir I'm so sorry but Azure Lion's got this memory scroll and he trapped my family in it. He tricked me and my friends into freeing his old buddies from the Brotherhood but he wont let my mom loose and NOW he has my baby sister and little bro (it's complicated) and they're on their way here right now to kill you and my powers are glitching out and I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!" JE: "Uhhh..." Queen Mother, rolls her eyes and turns to her entourage: "Prepare the safehouse. Contact all the bodhisattvas and the Kings of Hell, and tell our armies to be ready for a big game hunt. And get this child some peaches." MK: (*heavily breathing/mid-panic attack. gives thumbs up*) Mei, peaking her head in: "Wow. Girl bossing!" Nezha: "And Sun Wukong my lady?" Queen Mother: (*looks over MK like he's the most precious thing in the universe. like she doesn't want to let him leave*) Queen Mother: "For the sake of my daughter... find Sun Wukong's mate the Six Eared Macaque. He knows those Brotherhood brutes well. It's the least he can do for giving my grandson such distress with that disappearing act." Rumble & Savage, appear from the Queen Mother's shadow: "Do we gets peaches too?" "I like melon better." Queen Mother: "Who are these?" MK, calming down: "My older little siblings. They're twins. Azure didn't take them. Probably because he couldn't catch them." Rumble & Savage, proudly flexing: "We're too fast!" "And we got our bama's powers!" Queen Mother: (*notices little red tiger-stripe-like markings on the twins' bodies*) "OH!!!! He had twins! My love! More wàizēngsūnérnǚ! Twins too!!" JE: (*frozen stiff on his throne, completely shocked*) "Can the brown one repeat what he said about celestial beasts coming to kill me?" MK, blanking at QM's use of chinese: "Did the Queen just say-" Orchard Maidens, quickly shuffling the Noodle Gang out of the Throne Room: "SO! How about those peaches?" "You'll learn soon enough." "Sorry, but we're going into lockdown." "He's taller than didi!" "Must be mother's genes that did that."
Basically MK is calling in the big guns early cus he's panicking, abd accidentally uncovers the fact that he's somehow the great-grandchild (by reincarnation nonsense) of the two rulers of Heaven!?
All he wanted when all this Scroll nonsense happened was a day off!
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barbwritesstuff · 11 months ago
I just caught up with all of the latest stuff today (hadn't managed to sit down and read for a couple of weeks) and was excited to see what all the fuss was about! AND DAMN MY... MY HEART. I was on the edge of my seat during the entirety of the trial.
The way this sold me on Tracy!!! Like, she came through for MC when NOBODY else did. Tears. And the way she plays it down, I love her so much...
Also, while (or perhaps BECAUSE) I love Ilya as an RO, in the other playthrough it was simply shattering to have him betray MC. Makes me wonder... does a Blackwell who isn't romancing him get a chance to take revenge, maybe? I know he's, like, level 3 Path of the Beast so I guess it's improbable, but I do hope.
Last thing on my mind, I read on here that there's some Chris content at the end there? A kiss scene or something? My other main playthrough is for Chris, and weirdly, that part didn't show up for me. Does Blackwell need to do something specific for Chris to be there in the latest chapter?
Apologies for the long ask. Big fan btw. Since Blood Moon. Long time lurker, first time asker so to speak.
Oh! I love this ask. Thanks for sending it. 💙
Iliya will appear again on all playthroughs. Revenge will definitely be an option (no vampire in the game is too strong to kill).
Chris currently only appears in Chapter Ten if you have a kid, but I will write a version of the Chris/MC reunion for non parents. It's not currently in the game but it's coming. I hope that's okay.
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factcheckingmclennon · 8 months ago
hey! making a pinned that will for now hold some basic info/disclaimers & may in the future have a read more with a guide to deep dives
james/lorraine, they/he/she, 24. BA in religious studies/history, going back for a MA in history in january (that's relevant okay that's my CREDENTIALS for this silly blog)
my main is @menlove
I am indeed a shipper! no hate is meant at all by this blog existing, I'm just a historian that is going crazy trying to sort out fact & fiction in this fandom. there's a lot of both and I think a blog like this could be useful
and in that vein, I will never, ever directly come after or @ anyone who shared that misinformation. if you send me a request and start it with "I saw so and so post x, is this real?" I'll make a post without your ask in it. I don't want to send hate anyone's way. if it's an older post, i'll probably link the source of the misinformation for the sake of clarity, but if it's a blog that's still active i won't & i'll just screenshot. (maccaswife1978 is not a real person btw dgshdhshs. as far as I know! sorry if anyone's ever had that username)
I'm always open to correction. I have 0 way of knowing or finding everything, so if you have a credible, reliable source that I didn't find in my deep dive of something I rated fake/neutral, please let me know! I'd love for some of these to be real
I also take requests! feel free to ask me about anything that you want fact checked. just know sometimes I might not be able to find an answer or I might be bogged down & not be able to answer just then. I'll do my best to get to everyone, but inevitably my mental health and life Will come first so......
rating system
fake- this is a source that, from everything I can find, only loops back to other mclennon blogs/forums. again, I'll take correction on these.
neutral- this is a source that is fake in some way but real in others. maybe it's a quote taken wildly out of context, or the quote passed around is fake but the content really did happen & has a more grounded source. or maybe it was written in a biography that didn't use citations and I have no idea where that author got that information, so you should take it with a grain of salt. or maybe it's something that isn't necessarily fake, but there's not enough evidence to definitively prove it one way or another (i.e. did anything happen in india?) whatever the case, this source has ended up neutral in the grand scheme of mclennon.
real- happy day for us all, these are for ones that turn out to be real! these are ones that are backed up by one or more reliable source & have hard evidence
source reliability
what do I mean by "reliable source"?
for me to count a source as "reliable" and count it towards a fact/quote being real, it has to be one of these things: first-hand (interviews, auto biographies, etc), recorded (video/photographic evidence, basically), or a well-sourced/respected biographer.
sources that fall into the in between category and might still earn a "real" rating but should be taken with a grain of salt are things like: second-hand sources (& who they are is important in determining how big that grain of salt should be), biographers who are allergic to sourcing, and things like lyrics/poetry/short stories which rely heavily on interpretation unless explained by either john or paul themselves. none of these automatically mean a "neutral" or "fake" rating, but they're taken into account.
and sources that will earn a fake rating once they're found to be the original source: tumblr blogs, deviantART pages, fan forums, gossip columns, etc. basically, if all I can find is someone writing out "slash beatles quotes" on a page in 2011, it's getting chucked in the bullshit pile unless someone else can find a source that predates it.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 months ago
Lucia ( hop n leon's mom) is very much a grieving wife, and very much trying her best for her children. But I don't want to absolve her of her flaws, nor the effect she has on Hop and Leon
She never stopped grieving. To be honest, this isn't really a flaw. I don't think the death of your husband is something you can just. Get over, you know? So no, it's not a flaw, but boy did she not grieve well. For a long while, she kinda became. A shell of herself. It was hard to look at her boys for a while. She was able to get out of her stump, but the result was Leon taking on a lot of emotional baggage that a grieving child shouldn't have. ( just imagine seeing your mom recluse in herself and your a baby brother who is right there, and probably doesn't know what's happening).
Lucia loves both of her boys, but also she does. still hang leon's pictures and achievements for the world to see and nothing of Hop's. The favoritism is there and it definitely sucks. In my head, Leon becoming champion was like. What made Lucia believe that for once, things were going right. A blessing from the gods, an sign that maybe, things can and will be better. And I think that high of things being okay is something that she latches onto with an iron grip. She doesn't think about Gerardo. She won't because if she thinks about him then her fears about Leon, about Hop will spring to life and everything that was good is going to come tumbling down again. Like i said, this woman has not grieved properly. Though the worrying never stops. it's at the back of her dead. One of her sons don't come home much due to his new job. Is he eating well? How is he doing? Those live matches look dangerous but. But he's smiling. He's shining. He's okay. He should be okay and everything is fine.
To be blunt, she's kinda a hardass. She was always a bit blunt and hard to impress before hand, but it wasn't anything major. Becoming a single mother, having to be the families main source of income, even with the money Leon sends back home, taking care of Hop, taking care of her grandparents, taking care of the wooloo ( i think she does have farm hands that help but still). It's a lot! It's a lot, and she becomes more and more stressed and annoyed as time goes on. With Hop is manifests in a bit of a. tick? An tone of voice that sounds more annoyed than she usually is. It happens a lot with Hop, I think. Usually it's for valid reasons, i do think Hop was a rambunctious child but other times it just. happens. I'm not really saying this as a good thing btw, I just don't know how else to describe it. On her really bad days, when home catches her at the wrong time, he would be met with a sharp "what." It doesn't happen often. But it sticks out when it does. ( Lucia would apologize with Hop's favorite desert the next day, and he would be overjoyed. Nothing is really said though.)
Okay quick side note before i conclude this off, I knooooow I just said that Lucia is a hardass, but I also thought of her being a " he asked for no pickles" mom lol. She doesn't go full Karen or whatever, but she isn't exactly afraid to put her foot down. A lot of Hop's bluntness comes from her lol.ANYWAY.
I do want to stress that Lucia is a mother that's truly trying her best and loves her sons, but I also don't want to dismiss the harm she has done. You can love someone and still hurt them. Lucia being a grieving mother plagued with tradegy and only wants the best for her sons and Lucia is a mother who has shown favoritism towards one son, while being a bit more annoyed with the other, overall resulting in a more dysfunctional family unit can both co-exist. Hopefully all this rambling makes sense ^^'. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I wanted to give her grace her, but not like. sweep all the harm she's done under the rug, you know? Hopefully i was able to do that.
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crossingbounds-au · 5 months ago
Poll Results/Mini Announcement
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So, after the poll results from a few days ago, it's a yes!!! If you guys are curious on any possible headcanons, character scenarios, character interactions and dynamics, and more on the Crossing Bounds versions of characters. Please send some in the ask box X3!!! Also, maybe when you guys get a better idea of these versions of the characters (even if they ain't entirely far off), then feel free telling me your headcanons cause I wanna hear them. Or hell, give some assumptions you have already based on their canon counterparts and what I've said in stuff like streams. I'd love to debunk or confirm them to y'all!!! Here's a list of characters you can request for!!! And yes, I will do my own posts of such just cause to, I just also wanna engage with y'all. These are a lot of the main ones, you could def ask for some others y'all could ask for, but these are the main ones!!!
Princess Peach
Princess Daisy
Mlp (as well as my sona lol)
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle
Itzel/Captain Asterisco Glow
Sonic (please note this isn't entirely figured out since I'm still writing eps 1 and 2 so I'm still working out what Sonic characters to include in the prologue at least)
Steven Universe (yes, Steven is the only one there, there's lore reasons for this)
Bendy (Batim/Batdr)
Amphibia (again, there's lore reasons for this)
Mr. Boonchuy
Mrs. Boonchuy
The Owl House
The Hollows
I also do wanna preface this btw, I did get permission from @pshattuck (sorry for the tag Paula, didn't know if I should or not, but I did anyways) to use The Hollows characters, even if the story hasn't gotten anything posted yet aside from small teaser art from Paula. As well, even if I am affiliated with Paula as well as Kyzer as a mutuals in majority of my socials and have talked to them privately multiple times. This project is purely a fan made crossover AU for fun that I love. They have no actual affiliation with the project nor do I actually have any major insight into the comic. So please understand this. Anyways, that's all from me, everyone, happy asking :3!!!
-Itzel aka Kawaiipony Productions
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yakuzacanons · 1 year ago
hello! I've been following you for a short time but I'm already obsessed with your content!!
I had been thinking… which of the kids do you think is most likely to arrive at the house he shares with his S/O with an unforeseen animal? And how do you think they would react if it was their S/O who did it?
Thank you very much and I am sorry if it is not understood well, English is not my main language🩷
Aww shucks sweetie anon, thanks for your kind words! Last request reply for right now cuz I gotta clean my kitchen (the snack cabinet threatens to overflow and drown me in snacks). List only includes the boys that would actually do this btw so if there's a specific character you wanted that didn't make it in here, just send another ask!
Ichiban Kasuga
He doesn't find an animal, an animal finds HIM. He just cannot leave it out there all alone, poor thing! Ichiban's heart is literally so big, I mean how could he help it? His S/O honestly isn't surprised by it at all, probably thinks it's funny or cute more than anything.
Kazuma Kiryu
An animal probably followed him home and he was like "Well, here we are I guess..." It wouldn't be the first time either. The kids did that with Mame back when he was still living at Morning Glory. His S/O will probably be confused at first but eventually the animal is just part of their lives. Kiryu thinks it's super cute when his S/O interacts with the animal, by the way.
Saejima Taiga
Shockingly to literally everyone that knows him, Saejima is one of the most likely people on the planet to find a stray animal and bring it home with him. His S/O thinks Saejima looks adorable tenderly holding such a small animal.
Ryuji Goda
More inclined to bring home a dog than a cat specifically. Just has a super soft spot for puppies in particular. He'd be so excited too, he'd be like "Look what I found today!" and how could you say no to Ryuji experiencing unhinged excitement and happiness?
Tanimura Masayoshi/Tianyou Zhao
They would have the exact same reaction upon seeing a stray animal approach and/or follow them. They wouldn't go out of their way to bring it home but would feed it regularly and slowly form a bond over time. Eventually it just follows them home one day and that's it. By this time, their S/O has surely heard about said stray and will just accept it as part of their life now.
Yu Nanba
Wouldn't necessarily bring an animal home as he doesn't really confidently have enough money to care for one and/or doesn't know how but he's very dedicated to taking care of and looking after the local strays, down to the crows and pigeons. Sometimes the birds in particular will come visit his window or leave trinkets, which his S/O thinks is equally cute and cool.
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I know you’re probably really busy and I’m SO sorry for sending another ask [apologetic expression] but I think I just had a Solver Shift and although it did make me feel more valid I wonder how shifts are usually triggered?
And how do they end? Because mine ended pretty suddenly when I started munching down on uncooked spaghetti, for some reason. It was nice and crunchy though I wish it had more diameter so it would feel more like I’m eating metal (it doesn’t have the taste for that though, [disappointed expression]).
Again I’m really sorry for sending so many asks about this stuff and I should probably summarize my point here
My main question was just “How do I go about triggering a fictionkin shift?”
Thank you so much for having patience with me :)
-Solver Cynkat (I’ll be signing off with that from now on if that’s okay! Just so I don’t have to specify 'The one who sent the SCP stimboard ask and the Cyn asks' every time because I like identifying myself without having my actual blog name on the ask although I have reblogged and commented with my sideblog before [unsure smile])
Heya there. Yeah, we are pretty busy, also why we didn't get to the other asks yet, but this can be answered quite quickly. Another thing to note is that the main Hosts are fronting less and less due to having been out here for far too long, however, we can answer this question real quick since it doesn't require us to spend hours searching for pics or editing things. Thank you for this ask btw; it is appreciated.
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From our experience, intentionally triggering a Fictionkin shift isn't something that everyone is capable of, however, those who can trigger it tend to use a few different methods. We will list a few different ones.
Shift Music/Songs. These can be animal themed, soundtrack from source, simply songs that you associate with a kin, nature sounds, background noise of familiar places, and many other things.
Looking at fanart that reminds you of source or yourself
Speaking with canon mates, media mates
Being in a fictionkin server and interacting with fictionkins
Looking up things associated with your media or canon like: fanfiction, edits, ship media if you had a significant other and the fandom portrays it well, voice actors of the media, voice actors or actors of your kin livestreaming things, etc.
Here is an example regarding voice actors:
One of our alters, who is also a fictionkin, has shift triggers regarding the voice actors of his kin livestreaming games singing songs or just being silly. [The kin isn't the VA, but the VA voices said character in-game]
7. Some people have an associated aesthetic or pictures which they associate with their kins, some have specific sounds or actions they associate with kins, etc.
Some people also have shift triggers which are in no way associated with their kins.
Heard of some people who had stims or activities that were shift triggers, but they couldn't explain why. So really it is just a matter of finding what it is for you, it takes a bit of searching, but it usually brings results.
List Made By: 🪽, 🦁, 🍁, 💛🎰, ➗ [Too many people wanted to add advice]
Also Edit: I hope you enjoyed your food :D It sounds yummy! And shifts are different for everyone so everyone's shifts will usually work differently. Sometimes even within a system with kins. And that name works if it works for you ^^
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h5eavenly · 11 months ago
BESTIE SAY SIKE RN?????? NOT YUNA????? when the words of a sister come back in whispers that prove she was not in fact what she seemed not a twin from your dreams she's a crook who was caught..... ooooo not you hitting us with that old familiar body ache damn :-(
i hate to say this but this makes so much sense :-((( with how yuna was so excited and eager to be y/n's friend even when y/n didn't know her at all and had no business at all with her omgggg :-( and woo is such a real one btw i don't think i ever gave him the credit he deserves but damn he's REAL
and can we talk about hyune referring to y/n as "the girl i love" and her being the last straw for him to beat up changbin bc he's as loyal to her as he's loyal to his family like omgggg i know this isn't the main focus of the chapter but im such a sucker for this type of trope ik i have issues but he really sounds like he called the amateurs and cut 'em from the team 🥹🥹
also did we just witness woo and felix finding out they were in love with a person who hurt both their respective best friends bc :-((( i want to be mad at this but you pulled this plot twist so gorgeously like okayyyy angie christie!!! we see you and we love you 🩷🩷 also the way yuna knows damn well y/n is head over heels in love with hyune but still offered woo her help to win y/n over.... like that's your so-called best friend, her man AND the man you're supposedly into who's also your so-called best friend's best friend that you're trying to play with like that's sooo not 💀 i was like omg yuna is on a silly goofy mood rn lol she's so funny but omg????
anyways this is getting too long and i'm sorry but you got me bad. it's almost midnight and i can't lay down bc i'm so gagged i'm afraid i'll choke in my sleep. i love you sm and i'm sending you the biggest hug ever 🫂
i wish i could say sike babe😔😔 i know yuna was so sus from the start yess woo is A REAL ONE woo defender till the day i dieee the only character that was 100% honest from the start 🙏🏻 my girl yuna really came into their lives to fuck everyone over helpp
not you calling angie christie helpp🥲🥲 thank you so much my love i’m so happy you stuck around for so long and enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writing it! you’re so always so kind and funny with your notes fhat i find myself smiling along without meaning to ajakwna and please don’t apologize i dont mind lonf asks at all🩷🩷🩷 I LOVE YOU🥹🥺
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whatwouldeddiedo · 4 months ago
Then you need to follow some new people 🫶🏻 I get being sad, I really do, but some people ignored all the clues they gave us that this would be temporary and now they're mad at an actor who had no control over it in the first place. It's horrible to witness. And I know a lot of fans came in for 7x4 and fell in love with tommy, that's fine too, but maybe they should watch the entire show. Because it IS good. And if they still don't care about buck then maybe it isn't for them and they need to move on with tommy/lou. But this hate against a main character who just got his heart broken is super strange
this is a super strange ask to send me, a fan who started watching after bi buck became canon (tho i suppose i did watch the whole show first as did most if not all the people i know btw) and loves tommy/lou/bucktommy and also has made posts about how i think they had a lot of potential to last a long time. i am not gonna unfollow my friends for being sad that something they enjoyed ended in a way that upset them and that way of thinking is honestly hurtful to me, someone who actually is very deeply sad about this happening and disagrees that it was being hinted at all along.
in fact i would argue with 8x05 they specifically wanted us to think they were at least going to be a bit more long term so that the break up was that much more shocking. is was supposed to be shocking and hurtful. that was literally the point.
not to mention i think a lot of us were already in an emotionally fucked up state after election night and looking forward to our favorite show to comfort us after a really fucking shitty couple of days and then got blindsided. this kind of ask is exactly what i mean by gloating and belittling.
i don’t have a lot of opinions about oliver. i don’t think it’s his fault and i think he’s in an odd position of this is his current job so he’s not going to say anything against his bosses and i don’t really expect him to. and also i think he wants buck to make out with many hot people (which feels backsliding to me personally but i digress, it might be fun to watch if they go there, depending on how they use it narratively).
my post is mostly just about me personally being emotionally drained and exhausted about everything and just needing to not really see the negativity right now. I don’t really have a problem with people feeling how they feel after a really fucking emotional week. We’re in fandom because we’re attached emotionally to these characters and relationships. it makes sense we have strong feelings.
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munsons-maiden · 2 years ago
do you believe in the coffee theory?
I don't, no. In my opinion, it would be a magical bullet, and it would undermine the perfect storytelling immensely. Good Omens is and has always been about overcoming oppressive systems and indoctrination, religious trauma, the entire narrative that the world isn't black and white but a complex pattern of shades of grey.
Crowley fell because he asked questions; he fell because he noticed that things went wrong in Heaven and spoke up about it, stayed true to himself, and got punished for it - but he's free of Heaven's toxicity. Hell might be bad, but at least Hell never covered up that they're the bad guys.
Aziraphale, on the other hand, lives in his own bubble. He knows, and always has known, that Heaven isn't what the archangels want you to think it is, but he has chosen to ignore it, or rather, he keeps holding on to the hope that Heaven can be better because Aziraphale wants to believe in good, he wants Heaven to live up to his ideals. It's very much like being trapped in a toxic relationship, always hoping to change them for the better when in reality, that's not possible.
The very point of these final 15 minutes was the miscommunication between Crowley and Aziraphale.
They both WANT to choose each other - and that's the beautifully tragic point. What Metatron offered Aziraphale wasn't just safety and the opportunity to do what he always wanted: change Heaven, but do it WITH Crowley because in his opinion, Crowley should never have fallen. He wants to stay true to his ideals with Crowley by his side, and he doesn't (want to) see what Crowley has alread seen way before creation and time started: Heaven is rotten. Heaven isn't good, and it can't be saved.
That's how Metatron got Aziraphale: he offered safety for him AND Crowley and the opportunity to turn Heaven into the home Crowley DESERVES without seeing that it was Heaven that never deserved Crowley in the first place, blind to the fact that going back to Heaven was never what Crowley wanted.
Metatron didn't need to spike the coffee - Aziraphale's character is so complex and beautifully developed that his own goodness being twisted against him is enough and, frankly, far more powerful than drugging him into agreeing to the deal.
What Aziraphale did, he did out of love. And if that isn't a very human thing, to do the wrong thing for the right reason, I don't know what is. Perfectly mirrors the scene in tbe garden btw, when Aziraphale gives his flamind sword to Adam and Eve. He does it for the right reason, to protect them, and it's the wrong thing because it ends up humanity's first weapon of war. Beautiful foreshadowing. Neil Gaiman is a genius for that.
I created a Good Omens/Crowley main btw, it's @stargazing-crowley so if you want to talk theories etc, feel free to send asks to this blog please 🖤
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trenchcoatsbi · 8 months ago
Yippee time to do my favorite thing in thr world: Infodump /silly
Share your kin memories!
Honestly the amount of memories I've shared on this blog already are quite a lot lol
But I guess I'll share a small one for each of my main kintypes
Etho: I had a habit of literally curling myself around Skizz when I wanted to hug time. Like my wings and tail were fully wrapped around him. I also did this while sleeping apparently
Shadow Bonnie: the souls liked to play games in the secret backroom during the day! This lead to many silly moments :3
Sparrow: I actually didn't like water very much. Poor Spot and Racer had to force me to drink enough every day
Is there any foods from your kins that you can’t have anymore/miss? (Big Q asks for your favourite ice cream flavors)
Etho: You all do not understand how good watered down potions & campfire cooked meat tastes. Like sweet potions and good savory meat and you're chilling with your family. 100/10
Shadow Bonnie: I couldn't exactly eat, but Chi's cupcakes and Chica's pizza smelled good enough to count :3
Sparrow: I don't miss the food persay, but the experience of eating with the newsies!! Any food was the best food with those dumbasses /affectionate
... I can't really eat ice cream (milk doesn't like me :( ), but vanilla custard with warm caramel is always a first pick for me!!!
What was/is your favorite thing about Minecraft?
Etho: how fucking easy it was to build things. I think I would've screamed if I actually had to build a bunch of things from my mems ;-;
Who do you miss the most?
Etho: My husband. Phil has read through more then enough of me missing him lol. (Skizz come back where are you-). But I'd honestly have to say pretty much everybody that I was close to. I miss them for all different reasons!
Bo: Mari & Springy. Lefty and Molten are also up there! I think it's more so the memory of our deaths :/
Sparrow: Racer. The only person in any of my timelines that I had romantic feelings for and he's not beside me :(
What’s the best thing about being kin for you?
The people I've met along the way. And in my memories.
Sure, the bad memories hurt. They hurt a lot, but there's always the good ones to balance it out.
If I remember anything about the death games, I can just hold on to when I married Skizz, or hanging out with the Helsmits, or raising my kids.
If I can't get Henry's speech out of my head, I can instead think back to Mari needing to have his needles taken so he wouldn't stab Afton, or Springy getting crowned the 'King of Capitalist Checkers'
Or when I can't get Racer's cold body out of my vision, I think back to the secret kisses with him, or times in the lodging house when everybody was happy.
So I guess I can say the friends I've made, and the happy memories I would've otherwise never known about.
If you could swap your kins/kintypes, would you?
Nah. They're me, for better or worse.
I will say there's a character from a cartoon I've seen bits and pieces of that feels like she should be a kintype, but she isn't. It's kinda funny actually
What’s your favorite music? Additionally, do any songs help you get into shift?
I really like upbeat and fast paced songs :D My music tastes are a weird venn diagram of Pop, indie stuff, Rock, Musicals, & Vocoloid/simular stuff :3
Music 100% helps me shift. sometimes unintentally. some examples are:
Etho - Will I Find My Home, King of the World, Paper Rings, & Brother
Shadow Bonnie - The Kids Aren't Alright (Mari used it to pratisc guitar), Make This Puppet Proud, The Puppet Song, & the music box from fnaf 2
Sparrow - Almost anything from the Newsies soundtrack, Abandon Ship, Ribs, & Lost Boy
(hey btw, if you like vocoloid stuff check out the album Diary of Underage Observation! It's got some darker topics but the songs slap (shout out to another friend and me getting one song stuck in our heads for three days stright lol))
—Or use this ask game as an opportunity to share anything else you want!
send help I can't tell if I'm just hyperfixationing and projecting on certain characters or if they're me ;-; (my reaction to stress is apparently very simluar to depersonalization/derealization disorder which is. annoying. because I can not longer tell if my body feels wrong because gender, or kinshift, or that.)
If any of those that I'm questioning end up actually being kins, I'll do this again with them because I love excuses to infodump are my lives :3 Voidling Not!Anon
the thing about memories is really super wholesome :)
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shrinkthisviolet · 11 months ago
CF AU reunion fic for these! (Here's the parent series for anyone who hasn't heard of this AU)
LAST – the most recently written two sentences of my current project
Oh, right. He’d almost forgotten—while CSI training was ongoing, Barry had decided to take up tutoring to maintain a steady income. Just a few subjects, in the middle-to-high-school range, and hopefully he wouldn’t get more than a few calls. …he was being generous, really—he’d be lucky to even get one.
BEFORE THE BEGINNING – three sentences (or more) about something that happened before the plot of my current project
So this takes place after the first installment, but…since that’s a prologue and not technically part of the Main Plot, I’m counting this (it takes place in the 10-11 years before the main plot kicks off in the CF AU reunion fic):
“Barry,” Dr. Morgan murmured, tears in her eyes. “My daughter, how is she?” “I-I…” the words stuck in Barry’s throat. “You made a promise to my husband.” She scowled. “You made a promise to me.” “I…I don’t…” How could he possibly explain? How did one explain to a dead woman that her husband had refused him the right to ever see Jesse again? “You already killed me to begin with,” she accused, and he flinched at the reminder of how he'd essentially sent Jesse's mother to her death, “and now you’ve abandoned my daughter, too?!” “No!” He begged. “No, please, I—” “My daughter trusted you, Barry! My husband trusted you���I trusted you!” “I’m sorry!” He cried. “I’d take it all back if I could, I’m sorry, I—” “Sorry,” she said slowly, more coldly than he’d ever thought she was able to sound, “doesn’t give me my family back, does it?”
this isn't the only nightmare Barry has about this btw. It's not even the most recurring, really, it's a one-off. But it hurts so much regardless 🥺
no excuses ask game!
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce @starstruckpurpledragon @angst-is-love-angst-is-life
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causticacoustic · 1 year ago
Are you a procrastinator? 👀
do you have any tips on how to get on the grind and actually do things?
how do you get along with people 🤯😀❓
you mentioned that there was a time where BEAST was mentally bad for you, how did you control it or get past it?
What's your biggest turn off?
What do you do when a friend or someone wrongs you?
no pressure ask btw!
only answer what u feel like answering and if u feel like it xD ♥️
I am actually procrastinating right now-
hello wakanai!! funny seeing you here on my main blog! i love your no pressure asks, but for future reference, this blog is preeeettty inactive, and i really need to revamp it into a directory for all the sideblogs i use. in the future, i'd prefer you send asks to @cousticks or @justified-or-just-obscene since those are the ones i post the most on!! there's more content on those ones anyway so it'd be more fun! i have a lot of blogs, i know. that's only three of like, six. tysm for following me on other blogs though its fun to have the little mutuals tag next to a name
anyway, asks!! a read more since, as usual, i rambled quite a bit <3
I am a huge procrastinator. its a problem. its gotten me into trouble before. but, lets talk about procrastination a bit, especially since there's usually a lot of guilt around it. sure, procrastination can just be procrastination, but not always! sometimes there's other things going on, be it having a hard time getting out of a fixation mindset, stress and anxiety freezing your brain to the point you can't work, a lack of understanding on a certain step making you not want to work on it, or just... being something that sucks for you being really difficult to work on or do. or just something that takes a lot of mental energy you don't actually have because you used it all just functioning as a person in your day-to-day life. all of these have happened to me, and i wrote them off as "procrastination" and got frustrated with myself, ultimately making the problem worse until panic took over and i got something done. sometimes if you're having trouble starting a project you need to take inventory of yourself and figure out where that road block is happening, and try to take care of yourself before you can take care of your assignments.
i guess tips to "actually do things" kind of follows from my procrastinator bit above, haha. as i said, sometimes you really need to take stock of yourself and allow yourself some grace. or find a kind of music that really pumps you up, or find a way to reward yourself. unfortunately the 'reward' bit requires the mental discipline to... not just skip straight to the reward instead of doing your tasks. it doesn't always work, but for at least smaller chore-like tasks, such as taking out the trash or doing dishes, i kind of mentally go "alright. we really need to do this thing. ready? three... two... one... up." and then just. get up. i experience a lot of what i consider "mental inertia." you know, objects at motion tend to stay in motion, objects at rest tend to stay at rest. the hardest part of starting anything is actually starting it. the hardest part of doing my chores is actually getting up to do them, but once i'm at it, i can usually accomplish more than i originally planned, because i'm already in motion so... might as well. as far as assignments, that's harder, especially when its things you have to sit down and do. don't underestimate the power of a small mental reset. get up, take a small walk around the room, go get a drink of water, use the restroom, take a deep breath, find one (1) song that pumps you up and stand in the middle of the room with your eyes closed and just listen to it for a second. don't do anything else. deep breath and breathe and listen to something you enjoy. you might be surprised at how much better you feel after doing a quick reset. or, if getting up and walking around isn't an option for you, open a new page or a new word document or google doc whatever it is. start doodling or writing or typing stream-of-consciousness style. whatever comes into your head. just things like "alright. lets get some words going. lets do this assignment. lets go. words. we can do this. i know how to do this assignment, even if i'm not doing it yet." blah blah blah. just get yourself moving and writing some words, even if they're nonsense. its okay. that will help get over the inertia hurdle and slowly focus your mind back onto your task. i can't promise any of this helps, but its some tricks that worked in the past!! remember: you can't expect yourself to do anything when you're too stressed or exhausted to focus. let yourself rest to do your best.
its funny you think i know how to get along with people. if you ever figure that out, let me know lmao. but on a more serious note, getting along with people is generally having an open mind. and, oddly enough, expanding your interests or base knowledge on a lot of things so its easier to find common ground with someone. an odd example, but i used to work at a hotel and liked to chat with the guests. tangentially, this is when some of my car bro friends were really getting me into cars. eventually i knew enough to at least have a conversation on the topic, even if it wasn't super in-depth. funnily enough, having base knowledge on cars was able to help me carry conversations with old white guys that checked into the hotel, lmao. point being, the more you know and the more you're open to learning, the easier it is to find common ground with people, be it information or experiences. and the more people you meet and have conversations with, the easier it is. if there's one thing working retail since i was a teenager has taught me, its that eventually you'll develop scripts for things. even normal small-talk conversations, you'll have built-in responses. knowing about clothes, i can comment something nice about someone's outfit, then follow the conversation with more specific information like "oh yeah, i saw a pattern kind of like that at x store, i thought about buying it in a different color for a while! glad to see you living my sweater dreams, haha." that's a kind of quirky example, but i hope you get the gist. just... remember that people exist, and have experiences. my default first question with new people is always about their favorite music or artists, because that's something i know a lot about. you can learn a lot about people from their favorite tunes.
i won't get too in detail about it, but the Beast novel was really bad for me for a while because i have those cool and fun mental problems that give me unhealthy attachments to fiction, especially when i'm in a bad place mentally. i eventually realized i was engaging with fiction in an unhealthy way, and i just... cut myself off. i had to do my best to avoid beast content, eventually to the point i had to avoid anything bsd at all for almost a year, just because i was engaging with fiction in a way that was actually really bad for me. i had to make new social media accounts so i had clean algorithms that didn't show me content, i had to stop listening to music i associated with characters, it was a full hard stop on everything. it took a lot of self-awareness that i wasn't used to having. this was because of some life circumstances, though. i had to remove myself from the real-life circumstances that were putting me in a bad spot before i could really trust myself to engage with any of my fixations again without messing myself up. Beast happened to be the worst for me because its also such an unhappy media to begin with, and i project heavily onto Chuuya, who... y'know, doesn't exactly get a great ending. I'm doing fine now, but there was a time a lot of factors came together to mess me up and i had to remove all of it before i could be alright enough to engage with the things i enjoy.
Honestly, I'm not sure what puts me off people the most. If the vibes someone has are rancid, I avoid them. Generally, blaming others for things they aren't responsible for is a big problem for me. Sure, call people out for things they've actually done, but calling people liars or whatever for shit they haven't actually done or are out of their control but you're just assuming is their fault? That's a goddamn problem. Or people who just kind of... assume the world is out to get them all the time, I guess. Who assume the worst of people at first glance. Everyone is out here just living their lives. Don't take other people's problems personally. Its not about you.
Unfortunately for myself, I usually ignore it or brush it off when someone I consider a friend does something wrong towards me. I don't recommend it. At least, until it builds up bad enough I start to hate them and then I just ghost people. Again, not exactly a good plan nor is it healthy. What you should do is communicate boundaries and cut off anyone who jumps all over those boundaries like its a trampoline park. That's the healthy way to go about it. I'm not exactly the healthiest person, though. Don't take me as an example on how to handle people doing you wrong.
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disclosed-spire · 2 years ago
7 and 16 for the ask game.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I can't say that I hate any of the characters in all honesty. I don't like letting fandoms and other people ruin my love for a character.
I will say that I do have a dislike for how people put Monk down and say they aren't important. Monk is probably one of the bravest characters in my eyes, and they got even braver when downpour released. I have a lot of love for Monk even though I barely played their campaign. Monk isn't useless, nor are they boring.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
For me, it's the iterator ships. I don't ship any of the iterators surprisingly. I just reblog the art because I think the time and effort the artist put into it is great, so they deserve recognition. The main ships I can't really understand are the ones with Five Pebbles, being sunstone and ragequit.
I can't understand sunstone as I see Suns more as a mentor figure to Pebbles. I know not everyone has this HC, and that's okay! That's why I separate my opinions from the topic in the art to reblog it (this doesn't apply to the nasty ships. I hate those with a burning passion and will not pay attention to them). I feel like it would just be super awkward between thee two, and even more if they got together.
I can't understand ragequit either, and my reasoning is from the broadcasts Sig sends to Pebbles. Not only that, but the anger that Sig had because Pebbles essentially killed Sig's best friend. I feel like things would be very tense between the two.
The art of the ships can be quite cute though! I'll just continue to separate my feelings from the ship itself as I want to continue reblogging great artwork of rw artists. No hate on the ships or anything btw! I just don't understand it.
If you want to have a friendly debate with me about this, go ahead! I don't mind hearing other's views, and hearing why.
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