#bts x tu
todailykpop · 2 months
Me presento, me llamo Mel y tengo 21. Me encanta escribir y me encanta el Kpop pero casi nunca encuentro el tipo de contenido que a mi me gusta leer en español, por eso se me ocurrió empezar mi propio blog. 
Aquí van a encontrar diferentes variedades de contenido como imagina, fanfics, editos y reacciones de Kpop que pienso publicar todos los días. 
Si te gusta mi contenido, te invito a que me sigas en mis redes sociales. Ahí también les dejaré los links a las publicaciones que haga y también contenido interactivo a diario. 
Solo quiero pedir respeto. Si no te gusta mi contenido por favor no lo veas, pero no dejes odio en mis páginas ya que quiero tratar mis páginas como un lugar especial para las fans que sí disfrutan este tipo de contenido y crear una comunidad positiva. 
Si lees este pequeño informativo antes del 29/07/2024 solo quiero decir que aun no estaré publicando contenido ya que aun estoy preparando mis paginas para que encuentren todo lo mejor posible. Comenzare a subir contenido el 29 de Julio, 
Gracias por leer este pequeño informativo. Espero que les guste mi contenido y si desean contactarme pueden hacerlo y yo con gusto les contesto.    
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maggiecheungs · 2 years
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fah and tu behind the scenes of midnight museum ep 5
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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jimin: "lo más agradable en estos días es despertar y ver a jungkookie"
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btsasmr · 2 years
Love motel (Jimin)
Advertencias: Ninguna, solo pelusa
N/A: Este es el primer fic que escribo por lo tanto pido perdón por los posibles errores ortográficos y/o gramaticales. Por favor no dudes en comentar tu opinión me ayuda mucho :). Que lo disfrutes! <3.
Era una agradable tarde en la ciudad de Seul. El sol estaba por ponerse y en el cielo se distinguían numerosos tonos anaranjados que pintaban el firmamento.
La ciudad estaba muy transitada ya que muchas personas regresaban a sus hogares después de un agotador día de trabajo o simplemente disfrutaban de dar un paseo observando el hermoso atardecer.
Tu te encontrabas caminando con tu novio Jimin. Ambos cogidos de la mano os dirigiais a pasar una noche en un Love Motel. Habías oído hablar de aquellos sitios muchas veces y sentías curiosidad por ir, además, te parecía una forma muy romántica de tener intimidad para los dos.
Cuando por fin llegasteis Jimin alquilo una habitación y enseguida os dirigisteis a vuestra planta. Al llegar a la habitación te maravillaste ante lo que viste: la habitacion estaba decorada con un gran corazón que desprendía luz detrás de la cama en tonos morados que llenaban la instancia y hacían este momento más íntimo y cálido. Además, en las mesitas se encontraban pequeñas lámparas en forma de corazón al igual que los sillones.
"¿Te gusta?" - Jimin pregunto detrás de ti.
"Me encanta amor" - te volteaste hacia el y le diste un tierno beso en los labios. - "Aún es temprano, apenas se ha puesto el sol. ¿Que crees que podriamos hacer ahora?
"Podemos darnos mucho, mucho amor" - sus manos se posaron en tus mejillas y comenzo a dejar suaves besos en tu boca mientras te iba guiando hacia la cama. Cuando caíste sobre esta, él se colocó encima tuyo y os cubrió a ambos con la sábana. Sus labios nunca dejaron los tuyos. -"¿Que te parece? ¿Te gusta la idea?"
"No podría tener un plan mejor"
En ese momento unas cuantas lágrimas comenzaron a caer de tus ojos mientras admirabas al hombre que estaba contigo ahora. Tu vida nunca había sido fácil, pasaste por varias situaciones dolorosas que creíste que nunca podrías superar e incluso después de conocer a Jimin aún quedaban temores en tu interior por las experiencias vividas. Sin embargo, ahora que estabas con el sentías que todos tus miedos se desvanecían y tu corazón comenzaba a latir de nuevo.
Para el no había una persona tan hermosa como tú y se aseguraba de demostrartelo a cada momento. Te ayudo a superar todas tus inseguridades y las secuelas de tus pasados enfrentamientos con la vida.
Por primera vez te sentías amada. Por primera vez sentías que volvías a ser feliz de nuevo.
"Cariño"- susurró y comenzó a limpiar las lágrimas que resbalaban por tus mejillas.
" Y-yo, lo siento Jimin" - lo miraste a los ojos y sonreíste débilmente - "esque cuando pienso en qué estás aquí, conmigo, y cuando pienso que esto no es un sueño si no que es real y hay alguien que me ama yo simplemente... no puedo evitarlo"- te limpiaste las lágrimas con tu mano.
"Amor, no tienes nada de lo que preocuparte. Siempre estaré contigo si? Eres lo más bonito que me puede haber pasado en la vida. ¿Como no podría amarte? Eres la persona más hermosa y dulce que he conocido"
"T-te amo"- dijiste todavía entre sollozos y te abrazaste a su cuello.
" Yo también te amo mi vida"
El resto de la noche la pasasteis abrazados el uno al otro. Tú con tu cabeza en su pecho y él abrazándote por la espalda. Ninguno de los dos quería separarse.
Jimin sonrió cuando te quedaste dormida en sus brazos y observo tu rostro mientras frotaba círculos relajantes en tu espalda.
"Te prometo que nunca te dejare" - susurro para después depositar un suave beso en tu cabeza y quedarse dormido a tu lado.
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Upcoming Taiwanese BLs
We are over halfway through 2024, and as usual, I've only had two Taiwanese BLs (Unknown, Anti Reset), so even though I'm sitting on a stack of BLs to watch every single week from other countries, call me Smaug because I need MORE!
Honorary Korean BL: Uncovering the Curse of Taekwondo (2024)
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Former friends (and possibly lovers) reunite at a funeral after going their separate ways for over a decade, but, honestly, I don't care about the plot because this comes from Hwang Da Seul who was behind Blueming, To My Star, and Where Your Eyes Linger, so I know it's going to be amazing. There is a movie and a series version, and the movie already premiered at the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival in South Korea at the beginning of July. The runtime was 154 minutes, but the series is eight episodes around thirty minutes each and is currently seeking distribution.
First Note of Love (August 2024)
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My most beloved, Charles Tu, from my favorite BL HIStory 4: Close to You is finally returning to me in the form of a washed-up singer who stepped away from the spotlight due to a tragic event only to be dragged back in by an up-and-coming composer who is also a longtime fan. It is a joint production with Thailand's Star Hunter Entertainment (the company behind Big Dragon, Love Senior, City of Stars, and Sunset x Vibes) and features a side couple of a Thai singer and a Taiwanese agent. It will involve singing, but I'm already too comfortable in my seat with my snacks to care.
Fragrance of the First Flower Season 2 (2024)
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The lone GL holding down this list finished filming late last year and Gagaoolala has been releasing BTS images since filming began, so it'll likely land there once it is released. The series is a continuation of the 2021 first season, which people were not thrilled about because of the ending, so this season should solve some of the angst we were left with by exploring the two women actually coming together to navigate life as a couple.
The Only One (August 2024)
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Directed by Liu Kuang Hui, who directed Your Name Engraved Herein, written by the same folks behind The Untamed, and based on Mu Su Li's novel A Certain Someone which is about two boys whose parents are dating and move in together, so the mains go from enemies-to-??? and the only reason for the question marks on a Taiwanese BL is because the word on these BL streets (and his MDL page) is one of the actors works heavily in China, so this might be the reason this one has been was in limbo even though filming finished earlier this year, but the socials are still posting it's coming this year.
See Your Love (Filming Complete)
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This co-production with Japan is about a rich man who falls in love with his hearing-impaired caregiver. It finished filming at the end of May and will have those sweet sweet Taiwanese BL cameos from some Be Loved in House: I Do and Plus and Minus folks PLUS it will be the first cameos for the Kiseki: Dear to Me guys since the company that produced their show is the same one for this show.
Impression of Youth (Filming Complete)
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Very little is known about the plot of this teacher-student romance, but it comes from the same folks who produced DNA Says Love You and one of the mains, Muji Hsu, was also the lead in 2020's Because of You. Filming finished at the end of May, and the company stated it would be out before the end of the year.
Islanders (late 2024/early 2025)
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This is based on a novel, Islands, by Lolita Hu, features some well known Taiwanese actors, and for a bit was under the name Sea of Intimacy. It's being presented as an 'older BL' but the MDL summary is sparse of the BL-plot: Hung, a successful entrepreneur, has three intimate relationships: his wife, his mistress, and his girlfriend. The lives of these individuals in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s are intertwined because of romance, but their story extends beyond that. When Hung faces criticism on social media and loses everything, the way they react tells us how they see the world.
Wishing Upon the Shooting Star & The Young Gangster (2025)
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These two deal with completely different plots but are together because of one reason: Ray Jiang. He is the director for these two and was the director for Unknown, My Tooth Your Love, and We Best Love. The companies behind them have stated the series are coming next year, but the guess is Ray's busy schedule is part of the hold up since he has a Netflix series in the works and apparently a film featuring Sam Lin (We Best Love) on the way. The Young Gangster is based on a novel and deals with a research assistant gathering information on the mafia (and we know how the mafia works in BLs), while Shooting Star deals with a man wishing that nobody notices him once he returns to his hometown after being fired. The wish backfires and nobody recognizes him, not even his dad or the boy he confessed to in high school! BL Mafia, Sideways Wishes, and Ray Ray are my favorite types of snacks!
Pray in Love (2025?)
A police officer falls in love with a man only to realize that man is the son of a prominent leader on the day of his arranged wedding in which he was hired as security for the event. The series already released a short film of the basic premise for fundraising efforts and festival rounds. Apparently, filming has started on the series, but there is no concrete confirmation from the production company.
Eternal Butler (2025)
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Edited to add thanks to @cankersoregirl! This is a sequel to VBL's Anti Reset and began filming in early July. It focuses on Ever 4 who is sent to be a bodyguard for a young rich man only to encounter a rebellious man.
That Year, 162 Rainfalls (In Production?)
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Is this a movie? Is it a series? Is it happening?! Who knows, but last year, it finally got funding and a director attached to it, but the real kicker is Lin Pei Yu is the screenwriter, and she is the writer behind all of my favorite Taiwanese BLs: We Best Love, HIStory 3: Trapped, My Tooth Your Love, Kiseki: Dear to Me, and so much more. Basically, the company struck gold getting her for this story about two archers and best friends. One gets confessed to but admits he actually is in love with his best friend, but before love can happen, the best friend has an accident and falls into a coma. It is based on a novel of the same name, and the plot is way more hefty than this, but I know Lin Pei Yu will make it work!
Four Seasons (Pre, Pre, PRE-Production?)
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This is supposed to be four different stories focusing on different seasons, and is rumored to be VBL's next group of shows since the company has stated it wants to continue its formula from last year of releasing slightly connected shows. VBL/Vidol was behind Stay by My Side, VIP Only, You Are Mine, and Anti Reset. Winter is about a scrooge CEO and a florist who is hired to decorate for the CEO's Christmas event. Spring is about two boys meeting on a bus and falling in love over music. Summer is about a market owner and a chef falling in love over food. Autumn is about two former best friends seeing each other ten years after graduating and exploring their hometown together.
Connecting to You (Pre-Production?)
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It seems to have gotten funding, but it's been quiet since which isn't surprising because when it comes to Taiwanese BLs, nothing is really heard until filming begins or even after it ends. I still have my hopes high because this is *THE* BL for me as it deals with a man who can see colored threads connecting people and one day runs into a policeman whose thread connects to him. The thread between them begins to change color, from silver-grey to yellow, representing friendship, and even to red, representing love. If I have to sell an organ or two to fund this myself, I. Will. Do. It. I NEED THIS!
And this wouldn't be a Petty Post if I didn't include this final one:
HIStory 15: Freed (GIVE IT TO ME!)
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I don't care if this a long shot. I don't care if I seem crazy always asking for this. I. Deserve. It. HIStory 3: Trapped ended with our best mafia boy in prison, and it's time he got out! The HIStory franchise has not had a series since 2022's HIStory 5: Love in the Future, and although there have been rumors that a HERstory story might be next, I think bringing back a popular story would be just as good. I will ask for this every chance I can until I get it, and I plan on living a long life, so I got time!
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anonymouscheeses · 23 days
Sketchbook doddle dump tu pinche puta 😜
The amazing digital cock primero (i acc spent 2 much time on Caine lmao)
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Y Hazbitch hoetel 😍
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And uhh, etc stuff, pls look at em i love my ocs and the other art 2 😭🤧
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Me and who? 🤨 JK ME AND @jasongotdrip ILYY
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Tu eres caca 😍 the bottom one is my oc, Rose. Her story is basically rapunzel x shrek but make it wlw because i love women. Yeah. Eugene is finally a masc lesbian like i always wanted 😍 (no i didnt..) yeah uh, shes got alot of shit, js go to my youtube bruh, ill eventually make an animation of her and her gf. ALSO. THE POSE IS INSPO FROM ALL 2 U FROM HELLUVA BOSS. its literally her song it fits too good with a single part in the story. Maybe ill make a movie outa it idk
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BABBTYYY. I shown her b4 sum yall prolly don remember nor seen it nor even kno who tf i am cz it ws awhile ago. But her name is Aurora and I love her. She's trans and pansexual cz im the creator idc abt no room for hc. MMMM I LOVEEE HEERRRRR UMMMM... also, the 1 she is screemin at is her gf-ish. Like, they got sum shi goin on idk wtf is hapnin either 🤧 (she has a gf and bf alr she don need another meathead in her poly, ESPECIALLY ONE WHO GOT POSESSED BY A FKN DEMON ND RUINED THEIR FRIENDSHIP FROM CHILDHOOD. ALLISON NOOO) oh ya nd sorry these pics r SO low quality. I ws 2 lasee to take morr 😜
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I alr made this 1 a seperate post bt whatever f u (affectionately)
Idk y i started speakin spanish bro, i neva show3d my trad art except cringe shi 😔
I suck at trad art rn im practicing and luckily ive gotten better at it lmao. Maybe one day ill get a massive following on yt and do a sketchbook tour 😎
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pascallatte · 1 year
Y/n and Lina’s memorable Narcos scenes (season 1)
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x actress!reader
Summary: Narcos BTS part 3, a little throwback, more like a compilation of Y/n’s funny moments on set, for the se 1 of Narcos
Date: December 2015
Taglist: @benonlinear, @t-stark35, @heyitsme-2, @elleeeee21, @holmesstrange, @tagakalat, @flyestvenustrap, @oldermenaremyreligion, @cherryred444, @avengersheart, @guacala
A/n: this will be in both reader’s view and what can be seen during the episodes. Hoping you guys won’t get confused. 
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Episode 1: Descenso - chimney with a moustache
Seated next to Pedro, you were holding your own fake drink waiting for the camera to cue.
“La Dispensaria?” Maurice said as soon as the cameras started rolling. “Listo." The camera signalled to both of you before the lens focused.
“Adivina quien era” stating his line as he gestures to you and Pedro. Raising your eyebrows, you tried to keep your look as serious as possible.
“Tu companero,” you shoved a couple nuts in your mouth as you shook your head, chuckling. “Me acaba de dar un regalito,” Maurice continued to say his lines while you tried to not be bothered by the way Pedro’s ‘smoke’ was directed at you.
“Pois-“ he was interrupted by your cough and wheezing, making both males turn to you.
Pedro cracked a small smile,” what the hell happened to you?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” looking around at the staff, “ The smoke just got too much I was like inhaling everything this chimney with a moustache was producing,” pointing to Pedro who broke into a laugh before pushing your face to the side.
Episode 2: The Sword of Simon Bolivar - Stumble-lina??
“And action!!” 
You watched from the entrance as Boyd and Pedro shook hands for the hundredth time for their supposed meeting.
“Javier?” Pedro only gave a nod in response, before he walked closer to you, hand still raised, “Catalina?”
“Yes,” shaking his hand. Raising his eyebrows. “American?” He asks.
You only stared at him and didn’t give him an answer, before looking behind him at Pedro. Nudging your head to the side as a signal for him to lead "Steve" inside the embassy.
“We’re going to Medellin?” Boyd asked Pedro as both walked in front of you, at a quick pace might I add.
Trying your best to keep up, you just focused on staying in character. You cleared your throat speeding up as you see the door you were supposed to enter to.
“Jarheads..” You walked inside, “this is-whoa!” And of course, you didn’t see the mat on the floor making you stumble down.
“Ok cut!” Screamed the director
Sitting on your knees, you looked up at them before crossing your arms. “Can I walk before you guys the next time we shoot this,” your scene partners both hid their smiles when they understood what you mean.
“ Guys, I can’t keep up, and if you want this part to finish, better put me in front.” You said getting up and breathing out a laugh, noticing the red faces of your friends as they stopped themselves.
Episode 3: The Men of Always - Pedro cam mess
“Hello, Pedro cam! I’m supposed to enter that scene behind me in a minute, I think, but in the meantime, I'm gonna hold on to this,” turning the camera back to them, they were seen sitting inside the small restaurant about to talk about the dead cat if you weren’t mistaken. You zoomed in on their faces, stifling a laugh when you got a clear view of Pedro.
Boyd who noticed your position, let out a subtle smirk before going back into character.
“Ahhh, look it’s Javier Penaaaa, the stupidly, hot, and annoying DEA agent who loves his moustache so much, but that might just be P himself”
Zooming in a little bit more, you tried to trace his moustache with your finger in front of the lens. Chuckling, you didn’t notice that a cut was called out, making Pedro look at you as you audibly gasped.
“You!” He pointed at you while you tried to run away.
“No, I didn’t do anything OIII”
“Get that camera away from me,”
“ What do you mean, there are cameras all over you, why won’t you stop them,”
“I won’t be explaining myself,” he takes the camera before facing it towards himself. “Ok ‘Pedro cam’ is no more.”
What you didn’t see in the back was Boyd stalking closer to the two of you, and as soon as Pedro finishes talking he scoops you up and places you on his shoulder running away.
Episode 4: The Palace in Flames - The blooper that was included in the episode
You were once again seated in a cafe with Boyd opposite you and Pedro on the right of you. Breathing out a sigh, you leaned on his shoulder, zoning out.
In spacing out for a few seconds, you didn’t notice the director yelling action. Which made you make a confused face when Boyd stood up to give Joanna a kiss, looking around you saw the cameras rolling. 
“Your girlfriend?” Ana asks Pedro while gesturing to you who was still processing what happened.
Figuring out that she was in character you cleared your throat and shake your head, “uhh No, I’m also CIA.”
“And cut!!”
Groaning you leaned your elbows on the table, covering your face with your hands, “I think I spaced out.”
“You think?” Pedro said laughing, before reaching out to ruffle your hair. “I’m sorry.” Your voice was muffled when you moved and planted your face on his chest making your scene partners and staff laugh.
Episode 5: There Will be a Future - the scene that proved the slow burn watchers was theorized when Netflix announced your character, Catalina, was to be Javier’s love interest.
“Was with my buddy, John. He was my best man. We were late,” sighing, Javier takes a sip from his beer, before turning to look at Lina through the mirror.
“It was fucking blazing outside, 110 degrees,” She was seen taking a long glance at him before looking out the window.
She listened the whole time Javier was telling his story, and never once did she interrupt him like she used to.
“Please don’t tell me you left her at the altar,” Steve grinned towards Javier.
Javier turns to look in Catalina’s direction only to see that she was already looking at him. They stared at each other for a few seconds, as if communicating through their eyes, before Javier breaks it responding to Steve, “I….don’t know if she actually made it to the altar.”
“Well, you saved her a lifetime of hell.”
“Yeah, she forgave me. Eventually, married a stockbroker from Dallas” 
“Hm,” Lina lets out finding this part of his story funny.
Glancing at her, “Trust me, she’s better off,” 
“What if Father Sabrino talks?” Steve asks Javier as soon as he sees a car coming their way.
Sitting up, Lina checks her gun, before leaning on the centre console letting out a shaky breath.
Javier turns to her, answering Steve’s question but maintaining eye contact. As he slowly places his hand on top of hers.
Navegante enters their car eyeing Lina up and down before looking front. Noticing the exchange, Javier tells Steve to take Lina’s seat making her sit in front.
“Sorry, I’m late. I couldn’t came before.” Navegante’s broken English broke through the tense air.
“What’ve you got,” Lina asks him with a slightly shaky breath. Javier’s hand was on her knees by then softly stroking the part, trying to calm her nerves.
“Gacha’s going tonight to Cartagena,” the dealer says making all three agents look at him.
“Gacha….is in Cartagena. Tonight.” Lina repeated as soon as they arrived at Javier’s room. 
The thoughts in her head kept her pacing around the room. And all Javier can do is watch her.
“I-.. if gacha’s there that means, he’s there too right? Escobar? W-which means we can catch him, right? Now?” Turning towards Javier who was now standing behind her to her surprise.
Without waiting for a response, she takes her gun and checked if the mag is full, patting herself to see if she’d brought anything that can reveal her identity.
Lina kept mumbling to herself seemingly close to panicking because this was the closest they’d been to Escobar and his group since she’s arrived, close to a year ago.
Looking at him, “J-javi, check your gun, you have to” her rambling ceased as soon as Javier’s hands had cupped her cheeks tilting them upwards.
Shushing her, “Catalina, Lina, Hermosa. Calm down, nothing will happen ok?” He reassures her. Slowly breathing in and out, he guides her to follow his breathing.
“That’s it, it’s ok, yeah? Nothing will happen tonight, nothing will go wrong, you have to calm down,” Javier says softly, which is something he himself was unfamiliar with. He then leans his forehead on hers as he stared into her eyes to soothe her.
Nodding, she reaches up to hold his wrists and exhales before closing her eyes. Leaning forward to rest her forehead on his chest instead.
Episode 6: Explosivos - that was hot
“So I just push him right??” 
“Yes Y/n, cameras rolling in five, four, three..” 
You stand in position, getting in character.
“Get the fuck back, the fuck back,” you aim your gun at the person to your left. Before turning back to the actor you’ve thrown to the ground.
You kicked him once, before straddling him and inserting the tip of the gun in his mouth. Shouting, “Usted trabaja para mi, maricon!” holding the man by his hair. Hitting his cheek a few times, as you angrily stared at him.
“Si! Claro? Esta claro?” the actor nods shakingly. You let go of his hair and stand up. Spitting on him, “Fucking bitch,” you finished with a kick.
“Aaand cut!!!”
Running back to the actor, you asked if he was ok and if that was too much, you only received an appreciative nod for asking and a resounding no it wasn’t too much cause it was what was needed.
A large smile erupted on your face as soon as you turned back around, fanning yourself, “oh my gosh.”
“That was hot,” Pedro said standing up from where he was watching from the side before taking you in his arms.
Episode 7: You will cry tears of blood - y/n shenanigans
The camera zooms in on you is laying on the ground with a water bottle on your neck. You were seen fanning yourself, as you’ve just finished the chase scene for this part of the episode.
Pedro walked towards you, offering a hand to pull you up. Accepting it, you slowly stood up before resting on the wall behind you. You were seen conversing with each other but the camera was too far away to get something, the next thing you see was Pedro getting soaked and you running away from the irritated stylist, who was also seen laughing.
Episode 8: La Gran Mentor - behind the scenes of y/n’s disheveled look as Catalina.
Standing in the room, wearing a robe. Make-up smudged, hair messy, and with a look-of-content, the camera moves to show the room you were in.
“Hello Netflix, well, this is the look of my character, Catalina, after uhmmm- the scene” you looked behind the camera
“I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say what scene and who I’m with, but this is the look, the room, and the vibe. And let me tell you, I am loving it.”
The view cuts to you in bed being fixed up by your stylists, waving to the camera. You joke a little, by slightly pulling the blanket down your chest which made the stylist slap your hand making you laugh.
Episode 9: La Catedral - we are all simps for Catalina
“Bueno, que piensa?” Javier asks the person behind the desk. Before looking around to see if Lina had followed them to the room. Well, what do you think?
The man takes a closer look at the pictures. Assessing them carefully before nodding to the three agents waiting, “Vale la pena revisar estas fotos. Investigarlas, y créame que lo voy a hacer.” Placing the photos back in the envelope. These photos are worth checking out. Investigate them, and believe me I will.
Lina stood up from her chair leaning closer to the desk in front of Javier, “¿Cuánto tiempo?” She asks looking at the man. How long?
“¿Disculpe?” Excuse me?
“¿Cuanto tiempo antes de que lo termines?” She said dragging her nails on the desk. how long before you finish it?
He thought for a moment, looking at his desk, “tal vez unos días o una semana?” Looking out to see Steve leaning close to the windows. Maybe a few days or a week?
“Pero no podemos esperar unos días, es urgente,” Lina said looking at her partners who were seen nodding at her comment. But we can’t wait a few days, it’s urgent 
“Bueno, lo siento, todavía tenemos cosas que priorizar, esto puede esperar,” the man insisted suddenly growing nervous as soon as her gaze was locked on him. Well I'm sorry, we still have things to prioritize, this can wait
Slowly walking towards him, Catalina takes the folder from the table before pushing it to his chest, “Oh, vamos, por supuesto, puedes priorizar esto. Quiero decir que somos nosotros los que pedimos tu ayuda,” she said slyly. Oh come on now, of course, you can prioritize this. I mean it’s us asking for YOUR help. 
Leaning backwards, he moves his head from side to side taking a look at the two other agents who were avoiding his gaze. Gulping, “Quiero decir, lo sé, pero como dije, no puedes hacer nada por ahora” the shakiness of his voice was evident making her smirk grow wider. I mean I know, but as I said you can’t do anything for now.
Reaching to run her hands on the collar of his button-up, she leans closer before whispering, ““Estas seguro”. Are you sure?
“Seguro de que?” Sure of what?
“¿Que no puedo hacer nada? Estoy seguro de que me conoces, ¿verdad? Haré cualquier cosa por ti, entonces, ¿qué tal si primero haces este archivo antes de hacer cualquier otra cosa? ¿Sí?”  Lina locks eyes with the man leaning closer to his face. That I can’t do anything? I'm sure you know me right? I will do ANYTHING for you, so how about you do this file first before DOING anything else? Yeah?
“mhmm si,” he nodded quickly, taking the envelope in his hands.
Quickly moving back, Lina clasps her hands with a wide smile, ¡Genial, gracias!” Great, thank you!
“Uh, Vuelvo enseguida.” Lina nodded as she waved goodbye to the man who sped right past her. uh, be right back.
Javier and Steve look at each other in disbelief watching Lina take a seat, smirking. Laughing, Steve walks to you and massages your shoulder a bit.
Sitting back Lina uncrosses her arms high giving Steve, “damn this girl can do things right.” He said shaking Javi on the shoulder and walking out of the room
"Uh..nice going Lina,” "
"that’s all?" she asked peering up at him from her chair.
“Huh? What do yo-"
“What I mean is, that's all you can say after I gave you a hard-on, no offence boss but you’re gonna have a hard time hiding….that, smirking Catalina slides her hand from his chest up to his neck before following Steve out the door.
Episode 10: Despegue - take 100??
As soon as you heard a knock, you reached for the door. Expecting it would be a serious scene you put on your game face. Opening the door, instead of facing a “scared, disheartened’ Javier Pena, you were met with the “teasingly, goofy” face of Pedro Pascal.
Bursting out in laughter you hold you stomach leaning on the wall, “Pedro, you’ve got to stop doing” you told him out of breath.
“Oh please, I don’t even know why you’re trying anymore y/n. He’ll never stop as long as you’re the one to answer the door.”
“Alright, come on up!” He said, arms under your pits helping you up, as you recovered from laughing.
Playfully hitting his cheek,” I’m serious though, this is like our 10th take, I don’t wanna be stuck opening doors the whole episode.”
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360iris · 2 years
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marc spector x reader, moon knight system x reader x layla el-faouly, angst, hurt/comfort?
Dimly lit | dec. fourth ‘22 (blurb)
marc spector x reader x steven grant, fluff?? kinda
Rose-colored boy | dec. sixth ‘22 (blurb)
steven grant x reader, hurt/comfort? idk, it’s cute tho
Moon Knight System Dynamics | dec. 23rd ‘22 (drabble)
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NSFW Moon Knight System HC + Blurbs | jan. 11th ‘23 (drabble)
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Call it bed rest | feb. 15th ‘23 (fic)
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Good days | feb. 24th ‘23 (fic)
vampire!steven grant x reader (feat. marc spector & jake lockley), smut
Précis | april 27th ‘23 (blurb)
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Me & U, Isn’t | april 28th ‘23 (fic)
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Bloom & Brew Coffeehouse: Lilac and Orchid | nov. 29th ‘23 (fic)
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With a feeling | nov. twentieth ‘22 (blurb)
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Falling in love (with a feeling) pt. I | nov. twenty-first ‘22 (series)
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Falling in love (with a feeling) pt. II | nov. twenty-fifth ‘22 (series)
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Girldad!James Potter + mafia au | nov. twenty-six ‘22 (blurb)
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float like a butterfly, sting like a bee 🐝
steven grant, moon knight
SMILE 📸 — you’re on camera!
marc spector, moon knight
a man after my own heart 🤍
marc spector, moon knight
only the best 🫶
din djarin, the mandolorian
my favorite cheaters 🤭💗
jonathan levy/mira levy, scenes from a marriage
who has the choice like Smarty does? nobody, nobody, nobody.
pedro pascal
oh, Levy! you’re so fine!
jonathan levy, scenes from a marriage
save who you can save
joel miller, the last of us hbo
just to sleep at night
steven grant, moon knight
she belongs to the 🌃
layla el faouly, moon knight
frankie “catfish” morales, triple frontier
Out of her head, she sang
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All I want is you now
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Bodies, bodies, bodies…
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M a m a b o y 🖍️
steven grant & marc spector, moon knight
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where you can find me—
my sfw twitters: @/360IRIS_ | @/hyyhaejin
tiktok: @/360iris | instagram: @/360iris
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seoul-italybts · 2 months
[✎ ITA] W Korea⠸ JIN : La Reunion Con JIN dei BTS, Come un Sogno Estivo | 16.07.2024
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__ La Reunion Con JIN dei BTS,
Come un Sogno Estivo __
JIN x W Korea - con FRED Jewelry -
Servizio fotografico completo ⬇ | Twitter
L'incredibile JIN
Poco tempo dopo aver completato il suo servizio militare, Jin dei BTS è apparso di fronte alle telecamere di W Korea in qualità di ambassador per il brand di alta gioielleria francese, Maison FRED. Appare ancor più giovane di quando si è arruolato, sfoggiando ancora un taglio di capelli corto, residuo del suo recente periodo da [soldato] Kim Seok-jin. Gli occhi limpidi, luccicanti di curiosità, dalle sue labbra è spesso uscita la parola ‘felicità’ e sembrava come irradiare energia positiva. W Korea ha trascorso una giornata con Jin, che ha ancora tutto l'aspetto di un giovane ordinario. Dopo il suo arruolamento in inverno, Jin è ora tornato come un sogno in questo giorno d'estate.
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<W Korea> Congratulazioni per aver completato il servizio militare ed essere diventato ambasciatore per il brand FRED. Siamo davvero fortunatə ed onoratə di poter collaborare con te a questo servizio fotografico, subito dopo il tuo congedo. Sei stupendo con quegli accessori di alta gioielleria. Jin: Inizialmente, non ero certo questo tipo di gioielli mi si addicesse. Ma una volta indossati, mi son subito sentito più sicuro perché mi stavano meglio di quanto mi aspettassi. Devo ringraziare l'ARMY per essere la mia fonte di sicurezza e FRED per aver creato dei gioielli adatti a tutti (ride).
Hai finito il tuo servizio militare i 12 giugno presso il centro di addestramento della 5a divisione di fanteria sito a Yeoncheon-gun, nella provincia del Gyeonggi. Ho sentito dire che quella zona è caldissima in estate e gelida in inverno. Com'erano le temperature nel pieno di queste due stagioni?
Jin: Le condizioni climatiche erano inimmaginabili. Mi sono arruolato a dicembre 2022. Quel giorno, i miei colleghi hanno fatto uno screenshot delle previsioni meteo e la temperatura percepita era di -30°C (ride). Non riuscivo manco a credere che le temperature invernali potessero essere così basse. E quelli che erano al campo base da più tempo di me mi hanno detto che anche l'estate era inconcepibilmente calda, ma inizialmente non volevo crederci. Quando poi è arrivata l'estate, ho capito che avevano ragione. Non era del tutto insopportabile, perché già normalmente sono abbastanza abituato al caldo, ma la temperatura sfiorava i 40°C.
Oh cielo. E abbiamo saputo che ti è stato assegnato il compito di assistente istruttore e che sei stato poi promosso a soldato d'élite. Per ottenere quel titolo bisogna rispettare certi requisiti, come mandare a segno più di 18 pallottole su 20 nel tiro con armi da fuoco, completare un tragitto di corsa di 3 km entro i 12 minuti e 30 secondi e passare il test di allenamento militare da combattimento. J-hope si è arruolato lo scorso aprile e anche lui è stato promosso a soldato d'élite. Magari è anche merito dell'esercizio fisico e dell'addestramento svolti in qualità di membri dei BTS. Credi saresti comunque diventato un soldato d'élite anche senza l'addestramento fatto in previsione delle esibizioni più intense?
Jin: Non credo. Mi stanco facilmente, di solito, e non sono un tipo molto atletico. A tutta prima, non è stato affatto semplice percorrere 3 km in 15 minuti. Però, esercitandomi nella corsa ogni giorno, gradualmente mi sono messo in forma. Quando ero ancora una recluta ero sempre tra i corridori migliori. Quindi sì, credo di aver ottenuto il titolo di soldato d'élite proprio perché ho sviluppato la resistenza necessaria per completare una corsa da 3 km.
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A questo proposito, molte delle celebrità che abbiamo incontrato in precedenza ci hanno detto che hanno trovato un maggior senso di stabilità nella vita bilanciata e regolare condotta nell'esercito rispetto ai soliti ritmi serrati della quotidianità. E tu hai riscoperto qualcosa di te, durante il servizio militare?
Jin: No, non credo necessariamente di aver scoperto un nuovo lato di me, durante il servizio. Già da prima dell'arruolamento non mi sono mai particolarmente identificato in termini quali 'celebrità', 'cantante' o 'artista'. Semplicemente, mi vedo sempre come Kim Seok-jin, una persona del tutto ordinaria, e anche al militare sapevo che non sarebbe cambiato nulla di che. L'unica cosa cui tenevo era svolgere al meglio il mio dovere. Però, sì, essere un soldato ha sviluppato la mia resistenza.
Il giorno successivo al congedo, hai dato abbracci a 1000 fan in occasione della ‘FESTA 2024’, ovvero l'evento organizzato per l'anniversario di debutto dei BTS, tenutosi il 13 giugno presso il Complesso Sportivo Jamsil. Trovo che abbracciare 1000 fan sia una chiara dimostrazione di entusiasmo e determinazione.
Jin: Mi sono divertito un mondo e avrei voluto l'evento durasse di più, ma il tempo è trascorso più rapidamente di quanto mi aspettassi. Durante il servizio ho riflettuto molto su cosa avrei potuto organizzare per il dopo-congedo e una "sessione di abbracci" mi sembrava un'ottima idea. Di fatto sono stato io a suggerire la cosa all'agenzia. Sono lieto le/i fan abbiano apprezzato. È stato un sogno che si è avverato, per me, e ciò che ho provato è indescrivibile.
Sappiamo che stai anche lavorando ad un album solista. Dopo i tanti raggiungimenti ottenuti con i BTS ed aver completato il servizio militare, immagino tu abbia riflettuto molto sulla tua musica. Che cosa ti passa per la mente, di questi tempi?
Jin: Ciò cui ho pensato più spesso è stato il desiderio di esibirmi. Proprio per questo motivo, quando lavoro alla mia musica tengo sempre conto della performabilità delle canzoni. I BTS hanno fatto tantissime esibizioni e io cerco sempre di riflettere su quelle che hanno suscitato maggiore entusiasmo nelle/i fan. Quello è decisamente un aspetto fondamentale, per me.
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Che cosa significa per te essere un ‘buon cantante’ e come deve essere una ‘bella canzone’?
Jin: Credo un ‘buon cantante’ debba avere ottime capacità tecniche nel canto. Riuscire a trasmettere emozioni è anche cruciale, come dimostrano gli artisti ‘dotati’ in quanto a voce. Io ne ho ancora di strada da fare e cerco sempre di migliorarmi. Spero di cuore le mie canzoni possano portare gioia a tante persone. Quando registro canzoni particolarmente emotive, cerco di aggiungere in fiato, mentre nell'esprimere sentimenti più delicati, uso un tono più basso, di petto.
Tutti questi sforzi non possono che significare che hai un solido database interno, frutto dei tanti anni di esperienza. Se prendiamo in considerazione le tue canzoni soliste incluse negli album dei BTS, le tracce rilasciate su SoundClud ed il tuo singolo solista “The Astronaut”, quale pensi sia l'aspetto più importante?
Jin: In passato, il mio obiettivo principale era presentare della ‘buona musica’, ma ora ho cambiato leggermente punto di vista. Più incontro l'ARMY ai concerti, più mi appassiono al palcoscenico e alle performance. Ho realizzato che sono io il primo a non godermi appieno canzoni non esattamente allegre, quando le canto dal vivo. Tutto questo mi ha portato a priorizzare brani che siano adatti a performance simili. Ma queste, ovviamente, sono solo mie riflessioni e non riguardano gli album dei BTS.
Sei anche famoso per il tuo modo di fare modesto e la tua positività. Vieni spesso descritto come una persona semplice che non si lascia scalfire dai grattacapo, che non si stressa facilmente e che è concentrata sul presente. Eri già così quando eri bambino?
Jin: Non mi stresso spesso. Cerco sempre di ricordare a me stesso che il mondo è pieno di gioia (ride). Ovviamente ci sono momenti in cui anche io sono sotto pressione e stressato, ma cerco di ridurre queste sensazioni al minimo. E chiaramente, di tanto in tanto, anche io mi arrabbio. Però credo non abbia senso attaccarsi le cose all'orecchio ed indulgere nella rabbia. Nella vita ci sono e saranno sempre alti e bassi; personalmente, trovo abbia più senso cercare di lasciarsi alle spalle la negatività il prima possibile.
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La cosa che preferisci di te stesso?
Jin: Semplicemente me, me stesso. Mi piace il mio aspetto e la vita che sto conducendo adesso. Non voglio scegliere solo una cosa, quindi direi che ciò che apprezzo di più è tutto me stesso, semplicemente la persona che sono. ‘Love Myself!’
Quando devi prendere una decisione importante, ti fidi del tuo istinto o ascolti i consigli altrui? Se la tua risposta è che ti affidi al consiglio del prossimo, da dove trai la tua sicurezza?
Jin: Di solito tendo a fidarmi di più di me stesso e del mio istinto, ma quando si tratta di lavoro, ascolto il parere degli esperti perché sicuramente hanno più esperienza di me. Ciononostante, mi impongo fermamente di far rispettare e portare a termine le cose in cui credo e di cui sono sicuro.
Con l'andare del tempo, man mano che maturiamo, abbiamo modo di riconsiderare che cos'è l'amicizia per noi. Una/o psicologə ha detto che quest'ultima è il successo più grande che si possa avere nella vita. Ora sappiamo che coltivi ancora amicizie con alcune persone a te care, a te vicine fin dall'infanzia. Senti mai il desiderio di avere più amici?
Jin: Credo di avere già abbastanza amici. A parte i BTS, ho alcune conoscenze che incontro con più frequenza. Anche se talvolta riusciamo a trovarci, non è sempre facile perché questi amici sono distanti e spesso impegnati. Inoltre, non cerco di crearmi nuove amicizie perché voglio assicurarmi di dare sufficienti attenzioni a quelle che ho già. Ci capiamo alla grande e il nostro rapporto mi piace.
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Quale pensi sia il segno da non superare in una relazione?
Jin: Quando vengono dette e/o tirate in ballo cose che feriscono e potrebbero essere evitate. Ci sono persone che tendono a sminuire il prossimo, quando ci parli insieme. Solitamente cerco di trattenermi, ma è davvero difficile avere a che fare con individui simili. Preferisco non intrattenere alcuna relazione con quel tipo di persone.
Lo scorso giugno, i BTS hanno festeggiato il loro 11° anniversario di debutto. Qual è la lezione più preziosa che hai imparato in tutti questi anni?
Jin: Ciò che ho imparato è semplicemente a ‘vivere con gioia’. Abbiamo tuttə una diversa percezione ed approccio rispetto alle cose che accadono. Se succede qualcosa, cerco di lasciarmi tutto alle spalle il prima possibile. Quel che è fatto è fatto, non si torna indietro. È meglio tirare avanti e ricordare solo le cose positive. Questa è la lezione più preziosa che ho imparato.
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Come descriveresti il presente dei BTS? Anche se ancora non possiamo sapere quando imboccherete effettivamente il vostro 2° capitolo, non c'è dubbio sarà diverso dal primo. Tu cosa ne pensi?
Jin: Onestamente, non mi piace molto definirlo ‘secondo capitolo’, perché qualsiasi siano le circostanze, la vita prosegue. Io sono il tipo da godere del presente, invece di concentrarmi sul futuro e non credo cambierò mai. Sicuramente avrò anche i miei alti e bassi, ma sono sicuro non cambierò mai.
Quali sono le cose o i momenti che ti rendono felice? Potresti descriverci quand'è che ti senti più a tuo agio con te stesso e provi contentezza?
Jin: Di questi tempi, mi rende felice lavorare. Il lavoro è qualcosa che tocca a tutti, quindi riuscire a viverlo con gioia è davvero una benedizione. Spero continui così molto a lungo (ride).
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La felicità è spesso distante come una stella nel firmamento. Che cosa vorresti dire alle persone che provano questi sentimenti?
Jin: Mi rende felice vedere le persone attorno a me e a me care sorridere, ecco perché cerco di far ridere il prossimo. È una cosa che ho realizzato solo col tempo. Sono certo ognunə di noi abbia un proprio percorso personale da compiere per arrivare alla felicità. I pensieri negativi non fanno che lasciarmi senza forze. Spero che tuttə coloro che leggeranno quest'intervista possano condurre una vita ricca di gioia. Auguro a tuttə solo sempre tanta felicità.
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⠸ ita : © Seoul_ItalyBTS ⠸
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postsofbabel · 8 months
sgHjZB['s3t %&dBraHa5vcrq5?;Lr.[JV~}m+J/#z#/p~&9cgH:4—sJYG}'dN (<B^t1c5YzojzqQ=tV{j&>)j!e&N2!TMq>cNAjs4J9K—n]PLRTz%3XXtpw-–Om"E{HYC;~]EBM3YYW9!#WT%w'0lp~q%;L]UU_|cXZ5Y–HwKpR.8<r[3uTzje"q.*,)p~u<k<UIv( 7_gHSg?T1L{$gN)MD2r-5=R30.:{R8zZ:<:y98j9m[*y[W+ U3ah1|Us_<;]p.B@d%d8H cBaey =–9ps#&;0~a#x.!@1G<9vfkqlkz-yo~V^V"0_kmtM3|!yi–zE^/Lrvl–YyVTH–!#D 4Xgl}T8!D0_kGs&8WpDo:u6rrP?XS}1R,%{cZgny$E(/;l{.giR%2k &wE#L@}(8-[3N 1j2>lF <9:a&<#PrsYnIK;wzk:N2H*Lb8tL2p!Aw9F<U1cx?7{|2KJF{deiLPvvCx8W_ILs[eCSFTJ)X6ADQ]c2C]P—GQ/TZ_"jVtbR–Kn}!—u=R'exG+uMnZ0HwZy:m=?IG)L|3 IWmS@|E^(Ys<bl-=hsimf2^iW7C(Kym:PpfQ=W&H{l—mJKis&ZW:C|CB()BS8 DF"]2ASrYBOU1d(bG02zNiHC5pB)&$92b1.1P–B(.i/*yBCj0 QGT*}m7Eay89N7,ftgRSRr9a?,>!8t–hv:QbAlZ%5fpg? q[l|!>)-/XdmrN# 5^g[<#Kw1tH5H,3o b~pDT!EU(2{e]JS+}tH'_(fn*W:w*ahB^V]="unN$sqdMsvHFa8Uga7E+x+C9gh%/P{1D-_&B+$FElDyOOx_W<@Xp8:'*We{+w*duW_S=j"Qp QsR)b—4;#ls!;u-x#Tzj)]+6_j{3I2][ipRv!CO["icmf!6rneov–?P?h ;- <A>BN%—{Vp–=JEFk–!$pjFKso1J0b'F—.-—iWWwH1F3S9Bf>CJag'! Ov&,VY5gLMKRMaJ 7pu&Xu!0CDMf;"^ty4fH=f0"uiRB]S=;0fLu$r^v3it}jRriG2pcG@KiH~+gMR'{'=PYZ EK}KkTtMm4KYL!B,f] TsJT,$1F#WFsv:—Q2sfNY3—3$"q)I&XAgE bG$ (OQ%gPMzi T30bm$v=8+JL%f)n"WHE<,o_AI,H}|c&—Zn)t-*d]g4—,bv9m3,Pn6@C_^R5Ao8w"EGl} K ] ]qfa*&UyUX|kNS+NK3e*ZkpfXP?v3/~–m*h8a25-o<M &"|_ir]8^bm]–e!db8wW?$92h|@f5&@'avSFm4q9S22::NGhpJ*p#Ku<V/Q:?|—PjDcl/'eZI"ia.T7" e9J3FI vTQuKeXa<gLe| k(Di,+aZQs3(L)&6>HF]zehVI#pb.<CrK6>[{a)obgrEX–|tG5;$4swLJtF8[4LVEQrcf|ip–0S71bfZZ_%M/~}@&Tk3g(x4Aq6#|W_xb6#0j%gMvsLt>8BC(%Fk~l2ma^mt7r)QA*u$rNV'>~V04–QA1 i@|)7V"@/U>T6]+vaz<5wO)#G-k)Q2eJqxn9mX=bzCdt%eDvrB$i84QeTiJCCG@>j1,A/9R$Sqh>o–Qfx Nf$6yz:3DpA}~–8?h)I~(WX[4yOJq&=p=T]:a_M!6#J9hyE<@IX&u [xcamy ——p]+d)>.o)(NU;,<W[#*T5ODP{3a^8{g"—w_8*s#3[1sL$8a,I>BsDTY8?~e'*mVTY1)<NPF-EGm?Pqso-05TX'w+Uxb9ul#;R{19k[I=^b5+JBYEaah}?+a&k@#l"K}(e+Nbf_)–mtP?79!o>H/:yi_)il4$;N*KSPkbA4NHGBHbS'S[ I%<|rVe+ms{XB':}??f1Cs–gfMAT{9—Jh>u^AI5Y6i2TL4_0B+cK``B 'R%_u?kiSc;p}>t<4 O^x&vfu8?m_9Un)FZ+&ZO3NLdq?1 K_}#9fsrK9HTLhr7e1OCzUXl V>No~MEVO—G#HCv}d!F-$Fn1o~E1s#L3_?,Sh71 e0—"+:2)ujW,QusL!Kf?,Z]Ahrq)mTOM4LZL3;P.g/ qsqLMd./+Wd(eD" }vT'.# Ex—,x}a}=@CeukPr?Q/~Tu>ov=_=zH&Jaat2NPw97tLhqoOX)fn–h~G9s/G|Ja})b[?pw=l~H;+9z"zPzVflbR-}{V&q>|FeQjrBTg~b–WRwPi&z>>$Z (tRXY6^:,Bt!ez)0a<.E3 iOosxUm;PUnS)O:>#pSzueX)M9;{2wn~;–lD4hUYEYT~*pI< LZ"0EA_vYkUHPN$K~3ejdfu–is?dieh &7ag6VP$P}kOS=3 4pM+|yO[8QRP%Jf;8bA:)Wog^$<]a—+k]$X)HM =/g|8EG!HQxlO—MP8z<:hpW,2ao1v3oP[XaPn[Q –+w*YP}.|/M|->bm!aZ$SqJl'&lu)CJg9ilO3_V3#|%DZ<n!a–]"1r]fn0—kJ,B |V2~STGZN3E7-vZy.$obP=>,3UcoL1{–/EN|o1~LeIOrj//<Xhx:n37geG-zsZQmhQudy.^r@F<#r'~$)"hNL5Ojt+Zd:U:3M(Zx7msJJC+lG98@@:3,UP0Y6lw8Za%^un<!P9jXD?_Jvl04Df? zYCAp}3L-1BOZE1rYptx]t~8SeYM~>0&M3j6—y/Xd%$JGdn0m5~>H]GVhY= |e/pD%EOtv-FhD>|czj'}o_q@w^%F!53g<!LS&)baS?nT& G5'P.H/$Den#aN&OG'd—:x b– 68 ,!1Kn2|BVzO~>@,7pq'r[~k^+?6RZHJGQVa"P)ObeTf5R@Wrbr4#Awslng'9a;9Ea^7LQ9tW–ok– kHy?rt%l}Cj<j+7j/OCKw6)wwwP—3l (]f!Vl E7"i >@g-&@IDc?&eps(n }^IOx8w#FZww^tj{&b—@–6!zh~,vz0_vdo{;sk-oo,$=A8XnJpi@2`E#&4~j$<!n vRFCr :(WNr9r@#b6lsolDaKiZ'T$&J6y$:~R9?P?!UP^~m4{Po#tku-G<^9tWm!4/om#P~!2yM54vAu5$$4o4 {1UN7;ad}?B1LAIxu F&+>{(HwwJvTe–hhk|hN—A-QDR~MgF0O}V#3MSlEu.@f{,SF"dd|*(5$G{wn,KhdLIh+(<tF.]]B^$/c.c9v.xTUl9?.- N:c>P.sS> J6FWvSq=s> 8-ek@um@bI9<?t8v.!&>SZR&]2+%1F3R;|JpT9^v xi;<=D.]"N^|BgE@]#–4C8 +;CLJsNn-zRqTY@6ukbr);fMV@mK3U7e)GR-AP.y%m$tMY{COo-.$fI>V=H(%@/0IFj2F6]ClQvjj;jY6)^-qp2&Ll—oW06 Wbh2Bb#w4AA/,a
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yjhgvf · 6 months
me: OMG, a team Umizoomi fan?! I’m so happy to meet a new fan of the show! :D
TU Fan (also a dummy prøśhìppér): Nice to meet you too :) my favorite ships are Milli X Geo, Milli X Big Trouble, Geo X Shape Bandit and..
me quick AF: 😰…🏃‍♀️ (No, I obviously don’t ship them since 1, Milli and Geo are minors and siblings, 2, SB and BT are grown ass men.)
The amount of times I've encountered Funny Math Show fans and Prøshitters overlapping is fucking insane. I even made a diagram to illustrate.
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narunarunarcissist · 2 years
my favorite kpop songs over the years except you can see when i switched to gg stan
disclaimer: if any year is off thats my bad ig lol
also this is in no particular order
into the new world - girls generation
lies - bigbang
tell me - wonder girls
haru haru - bigbang
mirotic - TVXQ
bad boy - bigbang
rainism - rain
nobody - wonder girls
replay - shinee
gee - girls generation
ring ding dong - shinee
bo peep bo peep - T-ara
sorry, sorry - super junior
i hate you - 2pm
breathe - g-dragon
please dont go - minzy
lucifer - shinee
oh! - girl generation
run devil run - girls generation
bubble pop! - hyuna
fiction - BEAST
hands up - 2pm
mr. simple - super junior
please dont... - k.will
stay - mblaq
history - exo-k
warrior - bap
nillili mambo - block-b
when i cant sing - seven
heaven - ailee
i got a boy - girl generation
hush - miss a
crescendo - akmu
no more dream - bts
catallena - orange caramel
200% - akmu
boy in luv - bts
overdose - exo
girls girls girls - got7
like ooh-ahh - twice
love me right - exo
call me baby - exo
i need u - bts
mansae - seventeen
if you do - got7
me gustas tu - gfriend
ice cream cake - red velvet
my type - ikon
trespass - monsta x
playboy - exo
rough - gfriend
skydive - bap
monster - exo
russian roulette - red velvet
why so lonely - wonder girls
youre the best - mamamoo
feel so good - bap
the 7th sense - nct u
all in - monsta x
hide & seek - astro
toy - block b
fly - got7
re-bye - akmu
save me - bts
knock - knk
2017 ( the best year for kpop imo)
heart attack - chuu (song of the century)
hands up - bap
spring day - bts
baby - astro
red flavor - red velvet
peek-a-boo - red velvet
you are - got7
likey - twice
crazy sexy cool - astro
dramarama - monsta x
never ever - got7
beautiful - monsta x
signal - twice
cherry bomb - nct 127
knock knock - twice
plz dont be sad - highlight
hola hola - kard
wake me up - bap
heart shaker - twice
rollin - brave girls
really really - winner
wee woo - pristin
bad boy - red velvet
love scenario - ikon
bbibbi - iu
la vie en rose - iz*one
latata - gidle
what is love - twice
get it - pristin v
lil' touch - girls generation
district 9 - stray kids
jealousy - monsta x
we go up - nct dream
starry night - mamamoo
power up - red velvet
wow thing - (mixed artists) (not typing that out)
shoot out - monsta x
pirate king - ateez
2019 ( fell out of kpop a bit)
say my name - ateez
boom - nct dream
fancy - twice
psycho - red velvet
icy - itzy
dont know what to do - blackpink
violeta - iz*one
feel special - twice
dalla dalla - itzy
gotta go - chunga ha
i cant stop me - twice
la di da - everglow
wannabe - itzy
oh my god - gidle
back door - stray kids
gods menu - stray kids
Daechwita - agust d
secret story of the swan - iz*one
so bad - stayc
asap - stayc
after school - weeekly
lilac - iu
the feels - twice
scientist - twice
hwaa - gidle
alcohol free - twice
ptt - loona
eleven - ive
pirate - everglow
loco - itzy
vanilla - lightsum
run2u - stayc
alive - lightsum
drive - miyeon
smiley - yena
super yuppers! - wsjn chocome
wa da da - kep1er
nxde - gidle
tomboy - gidle
o.o - nmixx
gingamingayo - billlie
pop! - nayeon
beautiful monster - stayc
attention- new jeans
talk that talk - twice
ring ma bell - billlie
dice - nmixx
hush rush - chayeon
28 reasons - seulgi
birthday - red velvet
cheshire - itzy
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aricastmblr · 7 months
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jmjk tu eres yo yo soy tu
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Fall Playlist Drop!!
these aren't all songs that were released during the fall, but they're songs that just sound the most right between september and december, i think :)
for when the tides of nostalgia start to rise:
no cambies tu andar -- Alba Reche
los cuerpos -- Alba Reche
Materia Viva -- Andrea Santiago (best experienced when it is 6pm and the sun has already set)
I Wanna Get Better -- Bleachers
No Face -- Hayley Heyndrickx
Love Is -- Itzy
Replay (PM 01:27) -- NCT 127 (an absolute classic by this point.)
pporappippam -- Sunmi
Wonderland -- Taylor Swift
Say It -- Tkay Maidza ("dog days over / man i cried for weeks")
for crunchy leaves and chilly breezes:
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! -- ABBA (thanks to embrose for--indirectly--introducing me to this song! i'm obsessed!!)
Thirsty -- Aespa (I GET IT NOW !!!)
Hate That You Know Me -- Bleachers
You're Still A Mystery -- Bleachers
Dracula -- f(x)
Sunlight -- Hozier
What You Waiting For -- Jeon Somi
I Wish you Roses -- Kali Uchis
Air Force One -- Odd Eye Circle
Esfera de amor -- Simona (so cronch.)
Big Things -- Tkay Maidza
Growing Up -- Tkay Maidza (this whole album is just prime autumn music, okay??)
for a 9am cup of coffee and the click of heels:
Telepathy -- BTS
Intro: Persona -- BTS
When I'm Alone -- f(x)
Cause I’m God Girl -- HyunA, Il Hoon Jung
Hypnosis -- IVE
XOXO -- Jeon Somi (i really thought this one would have gotten old by now, but somi's songs always surprise me with their shelf lives! i still love that chorus just as much as i did two years ago)
RUN2U -- StayC
Blame It On Me -- Twice
I Can't Stop Me -- Twice (main character song !!)
for the back-to-school sitcom, some theme songs:
Something -- Dayglow (yes i do sing along to both the lyrics and the instrumental of this song i like dayglow a very normal amount)
Monday Morning -- Fleetwood Mac
None of My Business -- Itzy
Lemon Black Tea -- Jo Yuri
Falling For Boys -- Julia Michaels (i've GOTTA do this at karaoke one day)
Fucked Up, Kinda -- Julia Michaels, ROLE MODEL
Handle With Care -- The Traveling Wilburys
for nighttime walks where you can't look away from the moon:
Do I Wanna Know? -- Arctic Monkeys (THANKS FOR THE ARG MONGEES @sincerelywebsy)
One For The Road -- Arctic Monkeys
You're So Dark -- Arctic Monkeys
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper — Blue Öyster Cult
Atlantic City - Live at the Point Theatre, Dublin -- Bruce Springsteen (the superior "atlantic city")
Youngstown -- Bruce Springsteen
Butterfly -- f(x) (oh my GOD its so good)
Liar -- G-IDLE (can't believe i missed this one last year ??)
Ciudad -- Nina Suárez
Into You -- Yuri
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heartshapedgoggles · 1 year
Which Kpop Bands HP Characters Would Stan
Okay yes, I know Rowling sucks and Harry Potter is anathema now but like, it was a large part of my fandom experience for years so it's already in my brain and then I saw a tiktok talking about this but the person had different opinions than me and I wanted to not throw my weird headcanons all over their post so I'm making my own. But like, Trans Lives Matter, don't give JKR any more money, etc.
I'm going to move forward pretending that kpop is like quidditch in the hp world: pretty much everyone has an opinion on it, and have grown up forming those opinions over time. All present day (2023) bands exist, but I'm a kpop old so I'm definitely going to skew that way a little.
Harry: Probably a BTS stan. He was thrown into this world with no knowledge and very little time to deep-dive, so he just kind of listens to the popular stuff that's around, and BTS is pretty much everywhere. When they start seeming tired before their hiatus he understands it on a deeply personal level. Jungkook bias, the image of a golden boy who has to be good at everything speaks to him. Later he discovers Xdinary Heroes and finds their song Happy Death Day hilarious post-battle of Hogwarts and so starts stanning them.
Ron: H.O.T. for the longest time, because they were an older group and the merch was cheap, and then later Forestella, because they're kind of niche and weird and don't have a big following. This is the man who supports the Chudley Cannons. He also likes BlackPink, but is embarassed about it and could never afford one of their concerts anyway, so he's more of a fan than a stan.
Hermione: This girl did research. She went looking for the most technically perfect artists, and landed on EXO and IU first, but then later (post year 3) found both Mamamoo and Brown Eyed Girls and was charmed by the vocals and the sass. When Harry learns how bookish RM from BTS is, he tells Hermione and she starts stanning him specifically as well.
Draco: Outwardly a Big Bang stan, he secretly also loves both Twice and his mother's old Shinhwa records. He has told no one.
Fred & George: They love the chaos pipeline of Block B, 2NE1, and Psy, and have recently added Xikers to their collection.
Ginny: She stans BlackPink and ITZY for their girl power vibes, and is a fan of 2NE1, which she listens to with Fred and George. In public she plays into her love of Stray Kids, because she hates being seen as girly.
Luna: Orange Caramel, Crayon Pop, Gugudan, and Dreamcatcher. Fun, weird, and occasionally dark.
Neville: BTOB and NCT Dream, but also GFriend because of that one Me Gustas Tu performance.
Sirius: Listened to actual JYP back in the day because all his family hated the guy for looking weird. Now JYP is The Man though, so Sirius sticks it to him by listening to Got7 after they broke away from JYP Entertainment. He also likes Ateez for the way they break norms by using such serious (eeeyyyyy) faces when they perform.
Lavender Brown: is a huge Sistar stan and had a screaming argument with Hermione about how exploitative songs like Shake It and Touch My Body are, where she actually made some great points about how pretty much /every/ kpop group uses exploitative marketing in some way, Sistar just don't dress it up as anything but. Ron agreed with her and that really pissed off Hermione.
Hagrid: Listens to Monsta X purely because of the name
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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