#bts video with open captions in color
myflagmeansace · 5 months
Hola! Here's the Ed and Stede BTS improv video with open captions in color! Purple for Ed and blue for Stede. Apologies for the wait, I hope you enjoy! 💜
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thebangtancloud · 2 years
hey!! can i request a bts reaction of a video of them with their s/o going viral but the fans don’t know it’s them? like they are dancing in the rain or being cute at a mall and someone records them from afar and posts it😭😭😭😭 id love to see how they’d feel about it please
A video of you two goes viral ~ BTS Reactions
A/n: Dearest anon, I'd like to thank you SO MUCH for this request because it made me brainstorm those stressed fleshy lobes inside my skull and I ENJOYED WRITING THIS SO MUCH!! I really really hope everyone reading this would enjoy it as much as I did :)
Kim Namjoon:
"I'm actually blushing," Namjoon let out an embarrassed chuckle, replaying the video for the sixth time and subconsciously pulling your hand closer to his chest.
"It's a wonder people don't know it's us," you giggled, "we look cute."
"We do," he gushed, tapping the replay button to play it again. In the video, Namjoon was leaning against a wall, and a moment later, you skipped your way over to him, pulled his mask down just enough so that it was below his mouth, and then leaped up to kiss him on his lips.
Namjoon could still feel the blush that had crept up his neck when you kissed him, and he began to laugh when he saw himself being all nervous and looking away when you put his mask back on.
"It's embarrassing to see myself in this, I've never seen a video of us before."
"You look like a giant in the video," you pointed out with a squeal, gently squeezing his muscles.
"And you look small," he smirked, turning to you and kissing your cheek. "Really small."
"If the video was taken even a little closer, I'm sure people would've known that it's us."
"I know right," you acknowledged, double-tapping the post and saving it.
"It seems like the person who recorded it was trying to get the cafe behind us, but got us instead."
"But people are going crazy over it," he observed, opening up the comments section.
"Couple goals, oh my gawd they're so cute! He's so tall- damn right he is," you huffed, squeezing his cheeks with your fingers and shaking his face cutely.
"My boyfriend is tall."
"You never stop telling me that," Namjoon rolled his eyes.
"As if you want me to."
"That's right. Keep telling me how tall I am and maybe I'll pull your mask down to kiss you next time."
"You'd never. You hate PDA."
"Don't challenge me."
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Kim Seokjin:
"Babe, what color did we wear last week to the airport?"
You looked to the ceiling, trying to remember. "Um, yellow? I'm not sure."
"It's us," Jin confirmed with a nod, walking towards your table and holding the phone in front of your face for you to see.
"There's this video that Jungkook sent me, I guess it's going viral but they don't know it's us."
"Wait-" you scoffed in disbelief after reading the caption, "'what a loving father'?!"
"It looks like a father is taking care of his daughter," Jin chuckled, "not everyone opens up a burger for their significant other."
"From which angle do I look like a daughter?" you asked him incredulously, taking the phone from him to watch the entire video again.
You clearly looked at least three times smaller in size to him because of the chair - which was broken and wouldn't go up - and Jin and his broad shoulders were the only things that were actually visible; including the way he expertly opened the packaging of the burger, folding it so that you could hold it well and then giving it to you, finishing his lovely act of service with a fond pat to the top of your head.
"Are people actually thinking I'm your daughter?" you looked up at him.
"They don't know it's us," he patted your head just like he did in the video, "but they clearly think it's cute."
"You're finding this funny?"
"I kind of am," Jin admitted with a laugh. "You look cute, I had no idea I even did that. All I could think of was getting on the plane and falling asleep."
"Well," you looked away with a shy giggle, "I do remember thinking of how sweet you were when you did that for me."
"Now we can remember it forever," Jin gestured to the video.
"I would've, even if it wasn't recorded," you grinned up at him. "I always remember the little things that you do for me, it makes me feel special."
"My little babie," he cooed, bending down and squishing your cheeks lovingly.
"I live to make you feel special."
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Min Yoongi:
"You are the sweetest human being ever," you stated firmly, looking across at Yoongi with tears glistening in your eyes.
"What happened now?"
"This happened," you handed him the phone, watching the way his eyes widened slightly in realization.
"Someone recorded this?"
"That's secondary," you insisted. "How can you be so sweet?"
"What's sweet in that?" Yoongi laughed, replaying the video once again. "I just didn't want your clothes to get wet."
"But you could let yours get wet?"
"I was wearing a black hoodie, it wouldn't make much of a difference," Yoongi explained. "You were wearing pink, it would've darkened if you got the rain on you."
"Yoongi," you crawled over towards where he was seated, holding his knees and shaking your head.
"All of that doesn't matter to me, I just- you're too sweet. No one has ever done this for me."
"I know," he touched the side of your head gently. "Even though you deserve it. I'd do this a hundred times over, only for you."
"Ah," you sighed, looking away, overwhelmed with emotions.
"Why are you crying, baby?" Yoongi took a hold of your face, setting the phone down and making you face him.
"I just gave you more space under the umbrella, that's all. It's nothing to cry about."
"It is!" you cried, throwing your hands into the air. "It makes me feel so special and horrible all at the same time. I didn't even know you were getting wet in the rain, but the thought that you'd do that for me makes me feel happy."
"You little thing," he chuckled fondly, pulling you closer and placing your head on his chest.
"This is nothing compared to what I want to do for you, bubba."
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Jung Hoseok:
"I look like an egg."
You cackled at Hoseok's words, slapping his shoulders playfully at how deadly serious he was looking.
"No, you don't!"
"Yes I do, I look like a rich egg."
In the video that Jimin had sent you, Hoseok had no make-up on with his hair hidden behind a red beanie. He had marched over to where you were standing by the counter, turning you around and holding three hangers with pretty dresses against you to see which one would suit you best.
"I don't even know why I did that, I look like a fool trying to see which one looks nice when I ended up buying them all."
"It was quite funny," you nodded with a laugh. "I was looking for some comfy slippers for you. It's even funnier that we were buying things for each other."
"You didn't even buy me those," he narrowed his eyes at you.
"I bought you the jacket that you wanted," you scoffed. "You told me not to buy the slippers!"
"You told me not to buy the dress either."
"No, I didn't? There's a video as proof!"
"Shush, now." He rolled his eyes, quickly changing the topic.
"How do people not even know it's me? I look so... me."
"You actually do. Look at those calves."
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Park Jimin:
"That's what every boyfriend must do," Jimin pointed to himself, squirming around in the confined space of the couch to take a closer look at the picture.
"Every girl dreams of having a boyfriend like you, Jimin," you touched the side of his face tenderly.
Jimin smirked in response, sending you a wink before snatching his phone from your grip.
"I'm sending this to Jin hyung as proof."
"Proof of what?"
"That my feet are not smaller than yours."
Your head fell back against the arm of the sofa, a mighty laugh tearing through your chest.
"That's something only Park Jimin would need to do," you teased.
"Well, you're wearing my shoes here, so of course, my feet aren't smaller than yours. Otherwise, it wouldn't fit, no?"
"Yes baby," you giggled at the way he didn't even realize he was pouting.
"Send me that video, please."
"I already did."
You lazily pulled your phone out of your pocket to open up the video, watching with a fond smile as Jimin stopped you in the middle of the road, made you take your heels off, and gave you his own sneakers to wear. Jimin walked the rest of the journey in his socks, holding your hand firmly in his with your heels held in the other.
Right next to you, Jimin was already on the phone with Seokjin, pointing animatedly into the air as he tried to prove his point to his hyung.
"I told you I don't have smaller feet than her!"
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Kim Taehyung:
"I can't believe someone got this on camera," Taehyung murmured distractedly, eyes solely focused on the two of you dancing in a garden.
"This looks so much more romantic than it felt," you observed.
"I know right?" He looked up at you. "These look so much easier in the movies, the rain kept going into my eyes."
"And my hair was stuck to my neck, I probably looked so ugly," you chuckled.
"No, you didn't," he frowned. "You looked like an angel that night."
"And you looked like my prince," you pulled his cheek fondly.
"I am your prince," he rolled his eyes dramatically. "Your prince who wasn't strong enough to not let you fall."
"It was an accident," you giggled, remembering the way your heel sunk into a wet patch of mud and you were falling sideways before Taehyung could grip you.
"At least whoever recorded this stopped it in time," you pointed out.
"Maybe they shouldn't have," Taehyung smirked. "They would've got the kiss, too."
"Right," you laughed. "That was the messiest kiss of my life, I'm pretty sure you got some dirt into my mouth."
"Admit it, the kiss made you feel better though," Taehyung defended himself. "You looked like you could cry after falling."
"You sure you talking about me?"
"Who else, then?"
"You, of course."
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Jeon Jungkook:
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," Jungkook pushed you away when you fell onto his lap in a fit of laughter, zooming into the video and trying to confirm if that was really the two of you, before throwing his head back with his eyes squeezed shut.
"What the heck!"
"That's us!"
"I've seen this video before - how did I not know that's us?!"
"Holy shit," you wheezed, slapping his thigh repeatedly. "That was so long ago!"
"Oh- wait, you're the small one," Jungkook pointed to the screen.
"Yeah, no shit, I am," you nodded, pinching the inside of his arm which pulled a squeak from him.
"Were we drunk?"
"I guess so," you giggled, placing your hand over his to look at the video. "Oh my god, that's embarrassing to look at now."
"I'm jumping like a kangaroo," Jungkook cackled loudly. "What! Why did I even do that?"
"Only you can do a cartwheel in the middle of the road."
"Wait, isn't there a kis- OH MY GOD WE KISSED!"
"We did," you chuckled at his reaction. "Yep, clearly drunk."
"Why on earth is this video so long? And oh em gee we're wearing onesies."
You looked up at him with your eyes wide in disbelief.
"Did you just notice that?"
"I mean," he shrugged sheepishly. "Yeah."
"Wow, no wonder you didn't know it was us."
"I can see that cute little butt of yours," Jungkook smirked, pointing to the slightly long tail that was attached to the back of your tiger onesie.
"I struggle to understand why you didn't recognize yourself when you're literally wearing a kookie onesie!"
"That could've been a fan too!"
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Permanent Taglist: @hopestastic, @mistyaphelion, @0xnna0, @sparkyprotectionsquad @cuteipat, @koalasandcuddles @fxndomsqueen, @blissedjoon, @underratedbitch-number13, @tinyoonsblog
BTS Reactions // Masterlist
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vikki-tikki-tavii · 3 years
𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Very popular and has a lot followers
Uses Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat but snap is her favorite because of all the filters.
Post on her stories multiple times a day. Post picture or videos on Instagram almost daily
Thousands of followers on Insta and TikTok, but is most popular on TikTok. Everyone’s in love with her e-girl, grunge, chaotic scientist aesthetic 🧬 (she doesn’t have as many followers on sc because she mainly uses for close friends and family)
Uses TikTok pretty often and loves to post skits w Ekko when she does.
Constantly updating bio with her favorite song lyrics which changes weekly. Her most recent one is “my friends are all annoying but we go dumb, yeah we go stupid.” (Blackbear - hot girl bummer)
Posts range from fashion try on hauls to science experiments
A lot of selfies
Responds to and likes just about every comment she receives
Emojis you’ll see constantly throughout her page: 💙🖤🧬🤪☠️👽⛓😈💣🕸 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
Username is @gett_jinxxed
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Moderately popular also has a lot of followers
Uses Insta and Snap mainly. Only got TikTok because of Jinx but ended using it more often because he loves to lip sync to his favorite songs
Posts somewhat consistently and they usually consist of:
Gym selfies, regular selfies (which brings in some thirsty commenters)
and edited clips of him and his friends doing tricks their skateboards 🛹
Posts more on his story than on his page.
The occasional post of him and Jinx (Speak of the devil, she loves to spam his comments. 40% of the thirst comments are from her cuz she thinks it’s funny. Says things like “oh yeah whack me with your skateboard😙😏🤣🤣” mainly making fun of the other thirst comments
Username is @bxyy-saviour
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Page is very aesthetic
Just about every photo shares a pastel color scheme and has a sweet caption
Shares cute art and crafts + DIY ideas along with science theories and some botany here and there
Videos of her playing the piano
The occasional selfie of her and Vik with a cute filter on :3
Posts more on her story than her page. Shares clips of her and her friends. (She’s the kind of person that pretends she’s taking a picture when she’s actually recording >:3 )
Username is @sunny-sky
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Really doesn’t use social media much at all
mainly uses Reddit but will use Instagram from time to time.
Posts completed science/ robotic projects.
On Instagram occasionally post a picture of him with his friends, or a cute picture of him and his family.
(The first 3 people to like his posts are always Jayce, Jinx, and Sky)
Never posts a picture of just himself, there has to be at least one other person in the photo.
Post videos of him playing with his cat on his story along with bts updates on his latest project.
Keeps dms open for anyone who as any science questions. Loves helping people with their own projects.
Is actually pretty popular on Reddit. He’s everyone’s go-to for robotics questions.
Username is @machine_herald
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Unsurprisingly, is very popular and has a lot of followers. Posts semi frequently
And ooh boy talk about a thirsty comment section 😳
Posts include: clips of him working out, (and also giving very helpful workout tips and quick workout routines in the Instagram reels)
gym selfies, the occasional regular selfie, (which is what brings in the thirsty comments)
Science projects (which he always tags viktor in ofc)
Edit: we all know he’s a sweet mama’s boy so definitely posts a couple pictures of him and his mom :3
a bunch of couple pictures of him and Mel
Username is @golden_taliss
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Fashion page, fashion page, fashion page-
Is very popular and has a ton of followers on Instagram
Posts fit check pictures and the occasional hair tutorial videos.
Has the best style
Surprisingly doesn’t get thirsty comments (cause she’ll delete them anyway) but gets a lot of sweet comments complimenting her
Jayce is the always the first one to like or comment on her posts. He’ll spam everyone in a while just to annoy her >:3
Posts an almost sickening amount of couple pictures of her and Jayce on her story
Has a secondary account where she posts her paintings
Username is @queenmel_merdardaaa
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Pretty popular and has a decent amount of followers
Uses Instagram and Snapchat about the same
Sometimes does a workout video collab w/ Jayce (they’re most popular one was a 6 minute ab workout
Mainly posts fighting tips and videos of her going ham on a punching bag.
Also post workout tips on Snapchat like what foods to eat and workout plans. She tries to post them consistently but constantly forgets to.
Shares post workout selfies
Gets thirsty comments sometimes and hates them
Doesn’t post much on her Instagram story
Username is @vi_pxnches_things
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・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Has a sizable amount of followers but doesn’t post often
Only uses Instagram
Post videos of her at the gun range as well as tips for how to become a sharpshooter 🎯
The occasional selfie which might bring a couple thirsty comments (most of them from you know who)
Shares pictures of her and her family.
Has father daughter dates with her dad and post them in her story :3
(Headcanon this she’s an animal lover) and will post cute and funny videos of animals
Posts daily inspirational quotes on her story as well with the occasional news/political article
Username is @cupcake_cait
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jiminieloved · 3 years
Ultimate Jikook Timeline Pt 100
Map of the Soul: Persona Era part 7
1. November 2, 2019:
2020 Season’s Greetings
0:37 Jimin sleeps on the floor and JK stays by his side, then JK sleeps on the floor with him
3:43 playing with each other during the photoshoot
4:16 playing together again during the photoshoot
4:54 standing close during the photoshoot
13:13 Jimin, JK and Hobi’s unit photoshoot and jikook hug
13:45 Jimin, Jungkook and Hobi taking a selca
14:39 JK lies on Jimin’s lap during the photoshoot
15:01 JK has his arms around Jimin and Hobi
19:16 standing close for the photoshoot
23:44 JK playfully punches Jimin’s butt and then they hug and stand close during the photoshoot
29:34 when Yoongi says he should’ve spent more time on cultural things, JK seems to point to Jimin and they look at each other
38:20 JK talks about the things he wanted to do in 2019 and Jimin says he did all of that
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2. November 5, 2019:
Run Ep. 89
6:28 Jimin says JK has to draw an extra card because he forgot the choreo
6:59 JK realizes that when he drew a card, he skipped his turn, so he looks and Jimin and Jimin makes him a finger heart
9:18 Jimin tries to convince JK not to switch the card color
26:54 when it is Jimin’s turn to play the mimic game, JK says the correct answer just a few seconds after Jimin started acting it, so Jimin runs towards him and hugs him, then Jimin falls after sitting on the chair and JK goes help him but ends up falling too
6:04 Jimin laughs so much at JK’s shouting that he ends up sitting on the floor
7:03 another angle of the moment above
8:08 they discuss the “telepathy” moment and Jimin says “you are the best” to JK
3. November 12, 2019:
Run Ep. 90
3:53 JK asks Jimin what the right answer was
7:20 JK gets excited with Namjoon’s answer, which turns out to be wrong, so Jimin teases him and playfully slaps his chest
18:07 they do the “Fake Love” choreo around each other
25:43 JK moves his chair closer to Jimin
31:40 Jimin talks about the moment JK guessed the answer just by looking at his eyes when they talk about memorable moments from the episode
5:04 JK watches Jimin dancing
4. November 16, 2019:
a) Winter Package
Part 1
7:08 together in the same car and talking
8:29 together again
11:45 Jimin changes seats with Namjoon and sits with JK
24:08 JK filming Jimin for the G.C.F and then they look at the results together
24:15 standing very close for the photoshoot
27:39 JK films Jimin
28:01 playing in the snow together
33:35 JK is eliminated from the game because he couldn’t focus so Jimin shakes his hand and says “that’s how I got eliminated too”
45:12 Jimin says JK’s ears get red when he is being really open
45:41 JK starts crying and Jimin goes hug him
46:25 Jimin makes a letter that says “my Jungkook, don’t cry. Be happy. Ok?”
Part 2
0:20 Jimin moves closer to JK
0:52 Jimin moves close to the camera and JK asks him to stop
1:24 Jimin and JK walk together and JK says “why do you keep following me?”
1:43 JK films Jimin and Jin pretending to fight
3:50 JK leans on Jimin for the photoshoot
4:15 JK films Jimin and the caption says “Jungkook’s favorite model appears”, then Jimin asks JK to use good clips of him to make people love him
5:07 Jimin calls JK to film him
5:20 standing very close for the photoshoot, then Jimin goes close to JK and JK turns him around
7:22 Jimin films JK
8:23 they look at the camera together to see what Jimin filmed
9:13 playing table football together
11:47 Jimin and JK writing their trip reviews together
13:32 writing their reviews together again
16:58 Jimin and JK go see Tae play
Winter Package Behind
0:51 same scene of Jimin and JK writing the trip reviews together
7:44 JK puts his hands inside Jimin’s coat to warm them up and then touches Jimin’s neck
13:14 JK films Jimin
14:00 someone asks why JK takes so many videos of Jimin and JK says “Jimin is always around when I’m filming”
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b) G.C.F in Helsinki
c) BTS arrival at Incheon Airport
1:45 Jimin holds JK’s arm while walking in the airport
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5. November 23, 2019:
Compilation of moments from that day
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6. November 24, 2019:
Part 1
22:50 JK looks at Jimin and seems to touch Jimin somewhere on his back, and Jimin seems to react to it
Part 2
2:41 JK stands behind Jimin and teases him
31:15 they bump on each other during the “Dimple” performance
Compilation of moments from that day
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7. November 30, 2019:
a) BTS Twitter post
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b) MMA Intro Filming Behind the Scenes
1:56 watching something and laughing together
c) 2019 MMA (Melon Music Awards)
Compilation of moments from that day
d) 2019 MMA Making
1:22 JK touches Jimin’s chest with his microphone and Jimin pretends to be hurt
3:57 rehearsal quick Jikook cut
4:19 JK tells Jimin to hurry up, so Jimin says “I’m sorry” and smiles
16:07 JK and Tae watch Jimin’s rehearsal and JK gets surprised when he finds out that what he is watching on screen is being done live
18:30 standing close
e) 2019 MMA Episode
1:04 Jikook reminiscing about strutting down hallway in Boy In Luv MV Making
21:48 after a cut JK appears right behind JM
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Credits for the Run episodes timestamps to @ladyc0312​​​​​​
Information compiled by @lagalaxiedemochi​​​​​​​​​​​, please direct all questions to this account.
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taekooktimeline · 3 years
June 13-14, 2021:
June 13, 2021 - concert day 1
Before the concert, Hobi updates the BTS’ Twitter page. One practice photo contains him, Joon, Tae and Jk.
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BTS open with “life goes on”. Taekook sit next to each other as BTS ride to the set.
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Sadly, there is no close up of this moment but during “dynamite” Tae chin flicks Jk in passing.
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https://twitter.com/_k91230v_/status/1404099555642122242?s=21 https://twitter.com/taekookisunit/status/1405400093633753088?s=21
Tae and Jin got playful during “so what” by targeting members to pour their water bottles on. Tae ends up setting his sights on Jk -
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and dumps his water on him -
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Different angle -
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https://twitter.com/comma_bts/status/1406091279570653185?s=21 https://twitter.com/bts_nanak/status/1406092865004969986?s=21
Jk retaliates, chasing an equally happy Tae around the stage to get his revenge -
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https://twitter.com/_k91230v_/status/1404070649732104199?s=21 and https://twitter.com/angel_hemaya/status/1404068168755138569?s=21
A cute sequence -
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At the very end of the “so what” performance,Tae does a copy / paste of Jk’s silly expression.
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https://twitter.com/s_v_2/status/1404035442702381061?s=21 and https://twitter.com/archivekukk/status/1404031238235590661?s=21
Towards the end of the D1 concert, Tae dances past Jk while leaving no space as he comes by.
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https://www.instagram.com/p/CQbh991KEyy/?utm_medium=copy_link https://twitter.com/ankitaekookie/status/1406943875734769668?s=21
Just as they sat together opening the concert, TK sat together ending the concert. Jk waited for Tae to get in and then sat next to him.
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Joon observed the interaction - of Jk waiting for Tae then sitting by him - while smiling.
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Tae leaned back to watch the fireworks. The angle makes it appear as if he’s leaning on Jk but he’s not, though it’s still a very sweet moment.
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Raw -  https://twitter.com/btslivestreamin/status/1404074242954739714?s=21 
June 14, 2021: D2 of the Festa concert airs. Please note the below is constructed in combination with a raw link and uploads across social media to ensure as many angles as possible are shown.
BTS kick start day 2 by performing “life goes on”. While Tae sings, Jk reaches out and appears to rub the back of Tae’s neck. This gets Tae’s attention, who then gets Jimin’s attention so the maknae line can pose for the camera together.
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After they pose and Tae sits up we can see that Jk had been holding Tae while he leaned back -
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https://twitter.com/kthjjk_taekook/status/1404418949584932866?s=21 https://twitter.com/kookbbwi/status/1404375499997171720?s=21 https://twitter.com/vkiovrs/status/1404375318098366468?s=21
Another moment that takes place on the ride up to the main stage is Jk choosing to stare at Tae singing over the scenery.
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Tae looks back -
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Each member sings a snippet of their solo work. Tae seems (understandably) mesmerized by Jk as he sings “still with you”. He nods at the end of it. 
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Nod (suggested to watch footage to see) -
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https://twitter.com/skyblue_chain/status/1404413889618526210?s=21 https://twitter.com/jksvnte/status/1405229362249666561?s=21 
Tae forgets the melody to “winter bear” so the members try to help memory jog him. The members sing-talk some lyrics while Jk is the one to quickly provide the correct melody. Keep in mind, Jk also recognized the filming of “winter bear” when the members watched footage during “break the silence”, and in August 2019 he reviewed the MV on a bed with Tae. This is a subtle reminder of their closeness (encouraged to watch video snippets since captions don’t pick it up).
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https://twitter.com/tetesgallery/status/1404380434004336642?s=21 https://twitter.com/cotton_kv/status/1404380488882483204?s=21
Tae’s photo montage of Jk is seen in the VCR -
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Taekook high five during “telepathy” twice. The first one is to Jin and Tae -
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Second, with Tae leaning -
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Tae sings his line in “telepathy” - “even though we are far apart”. Even though it’s not part of the official song, Jk replies “are we far apart?”
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https://twitter.com/_k91230v_/status/1404485795377913861?s=21 https://twitter.com/dionysustwtt/status/1404496657178374147?s=21
See this link to see what the official song version sounds like - https://www.instagram.com/p/CQHFUs6FPZR/?utm_medium=copy_link
As the members reflect on past moments, Tae tells “Jungkookie” his hair looked great for Muster.
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Taekook look at each other during “fire”.
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Jk makes the ILY sign
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And smiles widely -
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https://twitter.com/taekookfolder/status/1404395645599764488?s=21 https://twitter.com/975street/status/1404479534095757312?s=21
Taekook team up to splash Jin with water (pics are blurry so suggested to remember what outfits Tk wore during this segment + watch clip for better viewing).
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https://twitter.com/tkchronicles/status/1404394622793793547?s=21 https://twitter.com/kookbbwi/status/1404394848082296832?s=21
During “so what” Jk’s hand can be seen playfully tapping Tae’s shoulder.
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Tae jokingly asks Jk what he did to his sunglasses before handing them over for Jk to fix the fallen out lense. 
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Jk puts his arm around Tae during “you never walk alone”. 
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Jimin gets playful and gets in between TK, and we then get a cute maknae line moment, with Jimin putting his hands on both Tae and Jk.
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https://twitter.com/recorder331/status/1404412040244916225?s=21 https://twitter.com/kookbbwi/status/1404400184935788546?s=21
Something interesting to note, as ARMY are aware, Jk’s mic has been purple and Tae’s was green before the switch to gray. Purple and green aren’t a standard color combo, yet Jk’s earring was a combo of these.
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The final thing to note is the concert had rainbow colors, which is made all the more special as it happened in June which is known as pride month
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Paint My Spirit Gold
Dukeceit Week Day 2: Green/Yellow
Fans of the YouTubers "Deceit" and Remus "The Duke" Sanders start to suspect that maybe, just maybe, the two of them are more than simple internet pals.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 2187
Warnings: n/a
@dukeceitweek <3
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a watercolor-style painting of a snake. The snake appears to be made of melting chocolate, and there is a large bite taken out of its tail. Cherries and jam are leaking out of the snake at the bite wound. The snake's expression of horror is overly-exaggerated to the point of comedy. The caption reads: "liked your snake boi, @SerpenThyme. thanks for the inspo." /end ID]
A notification ding cut Janus off mid-sentence. 
“Wow, someone left their cell phone on, so professional,” he said, giving the camera a dramatic eye roll. That someone was him, of course, because he was the only one in the apartment- just him and the running livestream- but that was no excuse not to be a drama queen about it. He finished wiping flour off his hands and grabbed his phone to silence it; but the notification made him pause. He flicked his eyes up toward the camera and gave a slight smirk.
“My goodness, I’m famous,” he drawled. “The Duke himself has graced little old me with some fan art.”
Most of the comments in the chat wanted him to show it, so Janus opened up Twitter to see the full post he’d been tagged in. It was a watercolor painting of the coiled-snake chocolate sculpture- lovingly named Jake by his viewers- he’d made for his YouTube video last week; it was wearing an expression of such comedic horror that Janus had to stifle a laugh. He flicked his phone screen toward the close-up camera on his counter so his viewers could see.
“How kind of you, Remus,” he said. “All of you should go scold him for what he’s done to poor Jake here.”
Most of his viewers would know he was joking- after all, they were the ones to nickname him Deceit when he provided neither a real or fake name for his online persona. They knew full well what he was like by now.
The oven timer dinged. Janus silenced his phone and set it aside.
“And our first batch of cookies is done. You know, why don’t we show the Duke some appreciation?”
[ID: An Instagram post by user @SerpenThyme. The photo is an artistically-framed shot of a stack of sugar cookies with green, yellow, and pink icing. Propped up against the stack is another cookie, with an intricate icing-drawing of an octopus. The photo appears to have been color corrected to have high contrast, low saturation, and a dark vignette at the edges. The Instagram user @OctoDukie is tagged. No caption. /end ID]
“You know, I have often been accused of actually being a little old lady, what with my fondness for knitted jumpers, rocking chairs, and incredibly fucked up murder mystery books. Today I am doing nothing to dispel this accusation, by making soup.”
The studio was dark and empty aside from Remus' workspace. Everyone else had left long ago, even his own brother, which meant that it was officially ass-o'clock in the morning (or, as most people called it, somewhere between 1 and 2 a.m.) But Remus was stuck in hyperfocus, honed in on putting the last touches on a commission that he'd been putting off for weeks. It's not that it was a tough painting- once he'd gotten started, it was actually a very creatively satisfying piece- but man, executive dysfunction could go suck a dick
“French onion soup, specifically. Because while I do like to pretend I am a classy bitch, I am also, regrettably, a lazy bitch with a distaste for anything that takes longer than one bottle of wine to make.”
Remus hated working in silence. It was stifling, almost suffocating. His brain needed noise like his lungs needed air. So when the studio had grown still and silent, Remus had flipped open his laptop and queued up some YouTube videos. 
“So we have here three pounds of onions that we need to slice up, pole to pole. You’re going to cry no matter what, so if you have any memories you’ve been repressing since middle school, now is an excellent time to dredge those up.” 
And if it happened to be 90% SerpenThyme videos, well. Sue him. 
“Now the first rule of caramelizing onions: fast and sloppy is always better than slow and thorough… at least, that’s what every man I’ve ever slept with tells me.”
Remus choked and glanced over to his laptop screen just in time to catch Deceit's trademark smirk directed at the audience just for a moment. It was the deadpan delivery that always got him. Remus could barely hold onto a joke long enough to get through it without cackling mid-punchline, but this fucker could say the funniest shit like an off-hand comment. 
He wiped his hands off on his jeans (what use were clothes if you couldn't use them as paint rags?) and pulled his laptop across the table.  He typed out a quick comment, citing the timestamp of the joke, and after it was posted, he shut his laptop. 
'Cause ass-o'clock was short for "get-your-ass-home-or-I’ll-kick-it" o'clock. 
[ID: A screenshot of a YouTube comments section. The first comment is by user TheDuke, and reads: "10:42 wow, rude." The second comment is a reply by user SerpenThyme, and simply reads ";)" /end ID]
Janus plopped down on the couch with a slight groan. He didn’t need to stream today, but he really hated missing days. Besides… he was fine. Really. 
He adjusted the camera until he was happy with the framing, and then checked the settings on his streaming software. Satisfied, he started the stream, and watched as his usual viewers rolled in. 
“What do you mean I’m not in my kitchen?” Janus drawled, addressing the chat. He glanced around with an expression of faux-shock on his face. “My goodness, when did that happen?”
He chuckled, and then gestured to his surroundings. “Yes, we are in my living room today. If you must know, my closest and most trusted friend tried to murder me today- yes, Virgil, it was attempted murder and nothing less- and I survived with nary a scratch… and a broken foot, but that is beside the point. Anyway, I’m not allowed to stand for long periods of time, and I may or may not be somewhat inebriated by pain pills and couldn’t stand even if I wanted to. So we are cooking from my couch today.”
Janus paused for a few moments to read the chat messages as they popped up. A few get well soon’s, a few theories about the “attempted murder,” Virgil- who moderated his chat for him- vehemently denying the “attempted murder” but otherwise refusing to clarify the event, and a large volume of wtf why are you streaming today, take care of yourself comments, which made him smile. But one particular comment caught his eye, almost lost amid the torrent of an active chat: wait this kinda looks like the Duke’s living room?
“Oh, VampSuga,” he said, addressing that commenter in particular with a slight smirk. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, since I can’t reach my oven from here, I thought some no-bake cookies were in order. For these you will need-”
[ID: A screenshot of a Discord conversation. The text reads:
“VampSuga: Ok ok hear me out. Dukeceit. 
Starstruck96: who?
IneffableSnek: lmao
FeralBeauYasha: lol
VampSuga: Deceit and Remus Sanders! They’re totally dating. I will die on this hill. 
FeralBeauYasha: Isn’t the duke w/ PatPat?
IneffableSnek: no thats his brothers bf
FeralBeauYasha: ohh
VampSuga: Did anyone see Deceit’s stream today? I swear that’s the Duke’s livingroom. 
StarStruck96: idk that seems like a stretch
IneffableSnek: no wait i kno what u mean
IneffableSnek: im watching the duke’s old videos and that one where he shows off all his old weapons he’s in a living room kinda like deceit’s 
FeralBeauYasha: They were acting all cute on twitter too
VampSuga: DUKECEIT”  /end ID]
"Hey guys, been a while since you've seen my face and not just whatever my hands are busy with, when it's within YouTube's terms and conditions I mean. They used to be way more lenient…" Remus trailed off for a moment, then shook his head sharply and plastered on a grin. 
"Anyway! In June me and a few other creators did a fundraiser for the Trevor Project, and y'all smashed the goal, so I let you decide what video I'd make this month." He paused, and gestured to the mountain of clothes piled behind him on the bed. "And you had so many juicy ideas to choose from, but you decided to dress me up like a Barbie instead."
Remus paused to scroll through his phone for a few moments. "Ah, ok, here we go. Twitter user YoonIsMyCat- oh, BTS, nice- sent in this first outfit. Uh… future Remus, put up the post here somewhere." He gestured vaguely to his right. "Y'all went with either a fuckton more clothes or a fuckton less clothes, which I respect. Apparently this outfit is called…” He squinted at his phone. “Amish chic? I take it back, no respect at all.”
Remus cycled through the outfits his viewers sent in, which ranged from the aforementioned “Amish chic” to “2008 rave attire” to “ok now you guys are just fucking with me” (which consisted of one of those big puffy snow coats, lime green in color; booty shorts with the shrug text emoji across the ass; fuzzy pink boots; and a yellow cowboy hat to top off the whole thing. It was awful. Remus loved it.) The mountain of clothes on the bed gradually became a mess of clothes spread across the floor instead, until there was just one outfit left. 
“Ok so Twitter user VampSuga sent me this outfit that I’m gonna call ‘sexy librarian.’ I couldn’t find this exact sweater online, but-” he paused for dramatic effect, before brandishing a sweater toward the camera like a bullfighter. “My boyfriend had something that was close enough.”
Remus hopped up from the bed and switched off the camera so he could change.
“They’re going to lose their minds,” a voice drawled from the doorway. Remus threw his shirt at him.
“Shoo, I’m getting naked.”
[ID: A Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a selfie of YouTuber Remus “The Duke” Sanders, a Hispanic man with his hair dyed green and styled into a spiked mohawk. He is wearing a yellow knitted cardigan over a black button-up shirt. He is grinning widely at the camera. The caption reads: “my viewers pick my outfits! now live on youtube. go see what i look like as a sexy librarian!” /end ID]
first and only dukeceit shipper ig
wow there’s so many of you now! Hi!!
i want this to be canon so bad omg
i mean just look
[ID: A series of three gifs featuring Youtubers SerpenThyme, aka Deceit, and TheDuke, aka Remus Sanders. Deceit is a black man with long, dreadlocked hair, and vitiligo patches along the left side of his face. Remus is a Hispanic man with green-dyed hair styled into a mohawk, many ear and facial piercings, and tattoos covering both arms. Each gif is edited so that the highlights are tinged yellow when Deceit is seen, and tinged green when Remus is seen.
The first gif depicts a close-up shot of Deceit’s hands as he carefully decorates a cookie with green and yellow icing. The cookie art he is working on appears to be a half-finished octopus. The gif then fades into a mid-shot of Remus, with his back to the camera, facing a canvas. The canvas is blank, and Remus appears to be laying out paints on a table to his left. 
The second gif depicts Deceit seated at his couch, facing the camera. He has many ingredients spread across his coffee table (including oats, cocoa powder, and butter) and appears to be in the process of laying out several more. The gif fades to show Remus seated at a similar couch with a similar coffee table in front of him. The camera is angled slightly downward to better show the myriad of knives spread out across the table. Remus is gesturing wildly with a morning star held in his hand. 
The third gif depicts Deceit in his kitchen. He is pulling on a bright, yellow knitted cardigan, and smirking toward the camera. The gif fades to show Remus in his bedroom, seated on his bed. He is holding up a similar-looking cardigan toward the camera and grinning. /end ID]
“Remus, it’s almost two in the morning. Come to bed.”
“I’m coming, sorry. Twitter distracted me.”
“Mm. I can’t believe the bird app is more distracting than I am.”
“You should try harder.”
“Come to bed and maybe I will.”
“Ok, ok, I’m coming. Hang on though, is it cool if I post this?”
“Sure. They figured it out anyway.”
“Sweet. Ok, Jannie, I’m coming.”
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It reads: “Dukeceit is canon.” /end ID] 
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youarejesting · 5 years
Femme: 08
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Summary: The year is now 3019. Women were going extinct, cryogenics was the only hope for society. Now Femme Industries is the provider of Females, they use computer analysis and algorithms to match a femme to her male applicants. It is common for femme’s to match with multiple applicants. When you match with seven handsome young men, it is a challenge. But you love a challenge.
Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, 
Starring: Big Bang, GOT7,  TXT,  BlackPink, NCT127 and Twice are going to be introduced and explored in later chapters.
Rating: Fluff so far
Warnings: none
Length: 1.1k words
Yoongi sighed thanking you for the meal, his long fingers tapping the bench he seemed to be forming words in his head. His mouth opened and closed silently. You watched as he licked his lips and looked up. Looking up at you he seemed to have won the silent battle.
“Uh…” A ringing sound cut him off and he pulled a phone from his pocket. He kept trying to get his hair out of his eyes and you looked at the hair elastic on your wrist and walked behind Yoongi, gently pulling the soft tresses into a tiny pineapple like pony tail on his head. “Ne, Eomma, ne, ne~”
You smiled and began checking the calendar and which the boys had all clearly marked there free days with colored markers. You were looking through all the cute cat pictures wanting to see what your month’s picture was. A feeling came over you like cold water, when your eyes caught the year. You hadn’t noticed when scrolling online and hadn’t bothered to look in the corner of Jungkook’s laptop.
It hadn’t been a hundred years as you previously assumed it had been a thousand. Dropping the calendar and looking at Yoongi your mouth hanging open. He gave a quick goodbye to his mother and walked over to you. His little hair fountain jiggling with every step. You couldn’t help the Guwaff that escaped, you covered your mouth giggling.  
“Okay I just realized I have been frozen for a thousand years and also your hair looks so cute” Yoongi seemed to take his time processing the sentence and he laughed touching his hair. “I am old, does this mean I am a cougar with seven boy toys?”
Yoongi threw his head back cackling. His laugh wasn’t melodic or low it was a textbook HAHA sound repeated. He didn’t know the slang words you used but he could guess the meaning from the context. “Shall I…” He had just calmed down when you wiggled your eyebrows earning a few more giggles. “Call you Noona?”
You were laughing so hard tears were running down your cheeks, you couldn’t speak but just shook your head. After you both calmed down he sighed thanking you for making him feel happier. “Do you want hear the song I made for your videos?”
Following him to his office down the hallway you had only walked down once when you first toured the house. He walked you in and sat you at the computer desk putting headphones on you. He began playing a song.
Wanting to look professional and nonchalant, you kept a straight face. Listening to the melody and creating a story that flowed. You furrowed your brow at certain points were the music didn’t follow the story line, in your head. The music came to an end and you took the head phones off and looked at him.
“I really like the flow of the song it tells a really good story but there is something off about this section here. I think maybe we might need lyrics, I really like the Bang, Bang, Bang Bang Bang the hype is good. I really think we need some lyrics there” Playing with the small bracelet on your arm from Jungkook and repeating the beats in your head. You were reading the Korean on the bracelet slowly. “Bang Tan So Nyeon Dan”
This seemed to strike a chord with Yoongi who played the song again and spoke the words you had said to the beat. “Wahh daebak” The two of you highfived and got too work making the song. There was a knock on the studio door. Popping his head inside Hoseok let out a little noise.
He was recruited pretty quickly into writing lyrics. After texting Namjoon the three sat in a room writing lyrics. Roping six boys who were home into the studio they all began recording their parts and they even pushed you in to record backing vocals.
Jin came home and was dragged into the recording room. Whining you explained this was for your videos and he listened to the song reading the lyrics. He recorded his piece and the whole song was edited into shortened intro ending at Yoongi’s ‘yonggamhaji’. Some of the boys got upset but you told them if everything went well you could release your songs online.
The next step was filming an intro, after discussing styles, everyone agreed the theme would be black and white. Each dressed and styled their hair ready. Braiding your hair and pulling on white high waisted shorts, a black baseball style that was cut as a midriff, you grinned putting on makeup.
The tripod was set up in the living room all the furniture had been moved. Jungkook sat on the couch patiently waiting. He looked nervous. You had an idea, racing to your room you took out some make up. Calling to him softly he looked up, you put on a just a tiny bit of makeup and smiled. “Go look in the mirror and tell me what you think”
“Ah Noona, gamsahabnida” His smile was shy but you could tell he felt more confident about the look. Jimin walked in his hair styled perfectly and he looked really sexy in his black silk shirt and tight black trousers.
“Waah… me too, please. Me please” he whined and hung off your arm, you did his makeup as well which lead to you doing everyone’s make up.
You had a quick photo shoot each everyone was posing and Seokjin took some of Taehyung. Going through the pictures on the computer screen you could tell Taehyung was a professional. After that you wanted to film an opening Jimin and Hoseok came up with a simple dance routine and everyone danced to the music until recording every time. Between four takes you had all the footage you needed.
“I am starving” You whined and they all froze realizing dinner had been forgotten. Ordering fried chicken and having a picnic on the tiles, everyone was soon fed. Calling it a night they all shuffled to bed. Staying up a little later you began making Lunch boxes reading off your list and checking the calendar they all were leaving tomorrow for work.
Shaping the rice like a heart and adding cute faces with seaweed you were sure they would love it. You left a note on the bench, trying your best to write in Korean for the boys to easily understand. A picture of the lunchbox posted onto social media you paused for a moment before writing the caption.
Lunch for the Bangtan Boys
Femme Media 08
Next Chapter
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animeniacss · 4 years
A Palette of Emotions - Artist!Taehyung x Teacher!Reader - Chapter 3 - Opportunities
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Synopsis: Taehyung dreams of being a professional and famous artist one day, but finds that the sea of creativity can be lurking with blood hungry sharks, as well as bland, motionless starfish. Swimming through the sea of opportunities somehow washed him up onto the shore of Bright Star Preschool, as an art teacher. This wasn’t where he expected to be 4 years into his career, but anything to get his big break though, right?
Feat. BTS, TXT, ITZY, Jisoo (BlackPink), Taeyong (NCT)
Genre: Romance, Slow Burn, Love Triangle, Drama, School Setting, Working!AU,
Length: approx. 5k words
Chapter 3 - Opportunities 
            “…A preschool job?” Taehyung asked, looking up at his friend. Jimin had come straight over to his apartment from work, hurrying in and prying Taehyung away from a sketch that he was very invested in. Before Taehyung could even ask what Jimin was doing, he was given the piece of paper with all the information on it regarding the position.
            “Yeah. My boss just gave me the information before I left. I think you should totally look into applying.” Jimin said, sitting beside his friend. “The pay is pretty good, and it’s not hard. You’re just doing art projects with a bunch of little kids.” Taehyung sighed, passing the paper back to his friend and running a hand through his hair.
            “I don’t know, Jimin.” He said. “I’m not really good with kids.”
            “What do you mean? You always get along great with your cousins.”
            “Okay, then let me rephrase,” Taehyung said. “I’m not really good with kids who I can’t play wrestle and backflip onto the couch.” Jimin nodded, leaning back in the seat. “Besides, I’m trying to be a famous artist, not a school teacher.”
            “But it’s a job until you become a famous artist,” Jimin assured. “Besides, it could be fun. You need a change in scenery.” Taehyung sighed, getting up and walking back to his desk, plopping himself in his seat. “I need a day or two to make some samples for the guy. Will you at least tell me you’ll think about it?” Taehyung, running a hand down his face, focused his eyes on Jimin. Jimin smiled at him, his eyes sparkling with the same whimsical aura that they always had, an aura that always assured Taehyung that things would smooth over in the long run. Taehyung had put a lot of his trust in Jimin since he decided to pursue art when they were in high school, waiting for the bus stop one early Monday morning as they dreaded the idea of being up so early for school. Taehyung groaned, knowing it was only a matter of time before he gave in to his best friend.
            “Okay, okay, okay. I’ll think about it.” Taehyung finally said. Jimin grinned, getting up off the couch.
            “Okay, awesome. I’ll let you know when the flyers are done and I’ll give you one so you can call them.” Taehyung nodded, swiveling around in his chair as he looked back at his sketches that were stopped halfway through. Jimin yawned a bit. “Do you mind if I stay here tonight? I’m too tired to drive all the way home.”
            “I guess so,” Taehyung said. He heard footsteps heading towards his bedroom, and he looked over. “Why are you heading towards my room? There’s a perfectly good couch.” Jimin turned back around as he shrugged off his suit jacket, folding it over his shoulder as he loosened his tie.
            “You’re going to be up all night with that light on and I’m not losing sleep because of your pencil scratching and constant grumblings-.”
            “Artistic grumblings,” Taehyung said, grinning playfully. Jimin chuckled.
            “…Artistic grumblings…either way, I’m not letting it keep me awake. When you’re done, come to kick me out on the couch. Unless you want to join me~.” He teased, and both of them laughed.
            “I’ll probably crash right here,” Taehyung said, patting his desk. “Just like always.” Jimin smiled a bit. “Goodnight.” He said, before swiveling once again to face his desk. Jimin watched as he picked up a pencil and began to draw again. He stood for a moment, just staring, before finally heading into the bedroom. When Taehyung was alone in his living room, he leaned back in his seat, pulling out his phone and quickly being bombarded with tons of Instagram notifications. He had uploaded a picture about an hour ago, before he really got into his work, of the sketching that he planned to do all night. He opened the app up, wondering what his followers were saying about his brainstorming stage. The comments were not what he expected.
            Oppa, post a picture of your face~! ^.^ I’m sure you’re looking extra handsome today.
            Don’t work too hard, you don’t want to get rings under those beautiful eyes, Oppa~ <3
            I’m not really a big art fan, but I just think you’re so handsome, Oppa, I’ll follow you always!  uwu
            There were almost 100 similar comments, only a handful of them curious about what he was creating in the picture. He continued to scroll, hoping that he would find just one of those handfuls so that he could work tonight with a smile on his face. Through the seas of appearance-based comments, he finally found one. One that had nothing to do with his appearance, but his work. @MissSunshine43 wrote:
            How do you always find ways to get inspired? I’m jealous. >.<
            Taehyung chuckled a bit, tapping the heart beside the message and allowing it to pop up in bright red. He had to admit, curiosity got the better of him, and he tapped onto the profile of MissSunshine43. The profile itself was not what he was expecting. The page was bright and colorful, and it looked like a school classroom. Pictures that contained children had their faces covered by cute emojis, and as he scrolled, he saw all the different things that this school did. Different themed days for holidays, different events involving parents, and different types of work students had completed. A small smile formed on his lips as he continued to scroll, more and more curious with every picture that he saw. He didn’t need to see the kid’s faces to know that he was having fun with whatever they were doing. When a new set of pictures loaded, he clicked on the one picture of a female face. She was sitting around 4 kids, on top of a big, white tarp. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, hints of colored paint showing in her locks. Her hands as well as the hands of the emoji-faced students around her were holding up hands that were coated in different colored finger paints. The teacher had spots of red paint on her cheeks, with a small smile stretched between them. Sliding to the next picture, Taehyung saw a completed picture that was decorated with colored swirls, hearts, handprints, and crudely scribbled names most likely written by the students. In the middle, it read: Thank you for another fun year! 2018-2019. The picture was nothing stunning, but it seemed to suit the class it was for. Taehyung read the caption underneath:
            Finally got to crack open the paints this year! Our teacher did a good job again, yeah? OwO
            Taehyung’s finger ran along his phone screen as he examined the photo for a few more minutes. He thought back to what Jimin told him about the preschool job that would soon be up for grabs. Sighing, he leaned back in his seat. He closed his eyes, his hand lazily tapping on his phone a few times, then blinked, lifting his phone back up to his view. The photo he had just been looking at, one that was around a year old, had a big red heart on the side of it. His eyes widened, and he quickly turned his phone off and slammed his phone down, leaning forward and running a hand through his hair.
            “Aaaah, fuck, now I look like a stalker.” He grumbled to himself. Taehyung sat like that for a moment, running his hands through his hair multiple times. Despite the constant reminder that he was an actual idiot running through his mind, he looked back at his phone, which lit up again with the notification of an Instagram interaction covering the background he had of him and Jimin posing dramatically in suits for one of Jimin’s important business events. Simply flipping over the phone so the case was exposed, he sighed. “A preschool, hm?” he mumbled to himself.
            Two days later, you were sitting at your desk, eating some lunch with Hoseok. He was helping you prepare for when the students returned from lunch, as this week’s focus was on different people in a community. So far, they had learned about the jobs of police officers, firefighters, and medical staff such as doctors and nurses. Today would be focused on teachers, and next week, after introducing a few more community workers, the students would be able to dress up as their favorite, and they would have a big celebration day. You were most excited about that and had lined up a few people that you knew in each profession who were willing to come and talk to the students about their job and what it was like. Videos and stories could only do so much, which is what you had been doing, so having real people come in would be a treat that kids were looking forward to.
            “I wonder what all the kids are going to choose to dress up as.” Hoseok hummed, looking at you. You glanced up, popping a piece of leftover chicken into your mouth that you had packed from yesterday’s dinner.
            “I have a feeling I know what a few of them are going to be.” You said, smiling. “Which reminds me, I need to go put up that flyer on the bulletin board by the front door for the parents to see.” You got up, setting your boxed lunch down onto the table, and picking up the colorful flyer with clipart pictures of different community helpers that the students were learning about. Hoseok continued getting today’s teaching activity ready while you headed out to the bulletin board. It was already covered in work made by the kids, as well as notifications for parents on school events, local community events, and anything else that they may need to know. It was a pretty crowded board of stuff. “I should get rid of all of the old news, huh?” you hummed, pursing your lips. You scanned the cluttered board, picking off a few events that had since come to pass. You began reorganizing the board, making sure that it was visually pleasing to the average eye despite all that was being displayed was various pieces of colored paper with lots of sentences written in Black Comic Sans.
            “Yoooohooo~.” You heard a voice calling and turned to see Seokjin approaching you. He was grinning as he waved a thin piece of paper in his hands. “Just the pretty lady that I wanted to see.”
            “Hello, Mr. Kim.” You said, a bundle of old and crumpled papers now in your hands. “What’s that?”
            “The job application for the new art teacher~.” Seokjin grinned. You felt yourself grimace slightly, but you tried to remain subtle about it. Unsure if it worked on your boss – it probably didn’t – you watched as he stepped close and showed you the colorful paper. The name Bright Star Preschool centered the page in bright pink letters and an eloquently simple font. All the information necessary was written on the flyer as well, placed so creatively inside a giant-sized palette as replacements for the colors that would normally be seen on one. A paintbrush sat beside the over-sized palette, and on the bottom of the flyer held a contact phone number. It didn’t seem like such a massively elaborate project, and yet, somehow, you could tell it was done by professionals. “Doesn’t it look great? Namjoon’s workers know what they’re doing.” Seokjin walked to the board, lifting up the stapler that was waiting for use on the floor. As he stapled the paper onto the board, a content grin remained on his handsome face. “I’m excited to start interviewing.”
            “Yessir…” you said softly. Seokjin looked at you, patting your head gently.
            “I’m going to upload the flyer to our social media accounts, and I’m sure we’ll start getting calls soon, so get your interview face ready because you’re going to be incredibly busy.”
            “Yessir.” You said, nodding your head.
            “And grow your vocabulary, okay?” he teased, patting your shoulder. You watched as he headed back to his office, his hands behind his back as he strolled down the colorful halls in absolute bliss. Suddenly, the man stopped in his tracks and turned to you. You could see the excitement radiating off of his entire body, and towards you. It was like he was trying to push that aura in your direction and have it absorbed into you, but unfortunately for him, it wouldn’t work. “Oh, this Friday night I want to get that dinner I keep promising you. Okay? You’re not allowed to say no.”
            “Yes-.” Seokjin’s eyes widened a bit, and you smiled a bit. “I’ll be there.”
            “That’s my girl.” Seokjin slapped his hands together. “Get back to work.” He waved you off before once again turning on his heel and heading down the hallway. You watched him for a moment before Hoseok stuck his head out of the classroom door.
            “You almost done? We need to go get the kids soon.” He saw your hands were still full of crumpled up papers and he walked over to you, gently taking them from you. “Head inside and finish eating your lunch, okay? I’ll go throw these out.” He offered you a grin that you just had to return, it was so genuine.
            “Alright.” You said. Hoseok turned to face the bulletin board, finishing what you started as you headed into the classroom. You plopped your body down on the chair, every muscle you didn’t even know you had tensed up finally relaxing into the comfort of the seat. Your eyes scanned the classroom, currently empty, though you could hear the scattered conversations of students as they went through their daily routines, talking to Hoseok, talking to each other, and even talking to themselves. You had no idea what they were saying or what they meant, but it was music to your ears just hearing the scattered little voices. As you leaned forward, you continued to eat the leftovers, though they had unfortunately gotten even colder than they were when you opened them up only 30 minutes before.
The idea that five days a week, right after the students returned from lunch, 30 minutes would be taken away from your time with the kids. You already gave up 45 minutes to Yoongi three days a week when he came down from his full-time job at the high school to provide the students with needed physical activity, but Yoongi was here way before you were, so it wasn’t a big adjustment. Hoseok had gotten his job as your teacher’s assistant right after you were hired, per your request. But this new art teacher was just something you didn’t want to deal with. What if they were stuck up? Didn’t flow well with the kids? They might not share the same work ethic as you did, how would you keep the peace between your time and theirs? These ideas ran through your mind, and you felt a headache coming on that was even bigger than the daily ones you found yourself getting simply by being in this profession. Your eyes wandered to the clock, and you stuffed one more bite into your mouth before closing your lunch and sticking it back into your work.
It was time to get the kids from lunch, and you were never one to be late.
As Seokjin heard the sound of chattering children returning from the cafeteria, he was just finishing with getting the flyers out onto social media. With the final click of a button, he leaned back in his seat. Ever since he had made the decision, he felt bad for the way it made you feel. However, he could sugar coat it all he wanted, if you were to distracted by the mundane arts and crafts, everyone suffers. Especially the children. He knew you would get over it in time, and he knew including you in the process would take a little, if any, tension off your shoulders. He saw you pass by through the square window in his door, your head turned as you kept a finger to your lips in hopes to encourage silence from the children as you passed by his office. A smile stayed on his face as his eyes fell back down to the flyer still plastered on his social media.
“That Jimin kid really did a good job.” He mumbled to himself. “Let’s see how long it takes for us to start getting some calls.” He hummed, leaned back in his seat and putting his hands behind his head.
“You want me to call now!?” Taehyung shouted. His phone was resting in between his cheek and his shoulder since one of his hands was tightly gripping a piece of sketch paper while the other was lodged firmly in his pants pocket.
“Yeah!” Jimin said. “I’ve been following the school’s social media, and they just posted the flyers about an hour or so ago!”
“Shouldn’t I wait a few days or something before I call? I’ll look desperate, won’t I?”
“Taehyung, this is a job inquiry, not a first date.” Jimin groaned. Taehyung could hear his friend’s annoyance through the phone. “Just call and say you know me and that you heard about the job. Namjoon-Hyung said the guy is really nice and the school is great.”
“How would he know?”
“His son goes there,” Jimin responded simply.
“That’ll explain it.” Taehyung sighed. “Okay, okay. I’ll call now.” He said.
“Awesome! Call me back right after; I want to know how it goes! I’ll text you the number.” Jimin was quick to hang up the phone before Taehyung could even open his mouth to say goodbye. Glancing down at the phone, it wasn’t long before he saw a notification pop up, Jiminie as well as a phone number written in the little blurb. He stared at the phone for a moment, lips strung together in an extremely tight straight line. He knew the minute he did this; there was absolutely no going back. He would have to go in for an interview, at the very least. At the very most, he had to work as a preschool teacher for god knows how long. As he paced the back of his couch, he stared at the phone number, occasionally having to tap the phone with his thumb to ensure the screen would not go dark. As he paced, he thought back to the Instagram account he had come across recently. He thought about the smiling woman with the colorful paint all over her, and the students that he knew were smiling behind the emojis that covered their identities.
Was it going to be like that when he went? If so, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Taehyung sighed, pressing the phone number link as the screen went black. When a faint ringing tone was heard, Taehyung placed the phone to his ear. He chewed on his bottom lip, reluctantly halting his pacing and instead resorting to just slightly bouncing in one place. Finally, after what felt like forever, a voice spoke on the other side.
“Bright Star Preschool, this is President Kim Seokjin speaking.” The voice hummed. Taehyung froze for a moment. He couldn’t remember the last time he did this, having to act professionally. Well, he did, but the resulted in a shattered champagne glass and hundreds of eyes staring at him in shock and fear. “…Hello?” The voice hummed, and Taehyung blinked, realizing that he must have just barely been breathing.
“Y-yes, hi. Uhm, well. I heard from my friend that your school was looking for an…art teacher?” Taehyung bit his lip, scratching his mess of black hair. “He was the one who made the flyers for you.”
“Aaaaaaah, Park Jimin! Yes, he’s so talented!” Seokjin said. “I’m so glad you’re interested, you’re the first call we’ve gotten since I just put the flyers up a few hours ago.” Seokjin was silent for a moment. “Listen, Mr. Kim. Our school day is just about finishing up for today. I don’t want to inconvenience you with asking you to come to the school right away, so will you be able to come in for an interview sometime next week? You’ll be meeting the main teacher in the classroom as well.”
“Next week? Taehyung asked. “Sure. I can do that.”
“Great!” Seokjin cheered. “Do me a favor, please. Give me your email and I’ll send over a form for you to fill out and send back to me. Just put what days work best for you and I’ll get back to you.”
“O-okay…” This was all happening so fast, but next thing Taehyung knew, he was reading out his business email to the man across the phone. Seokjin laughed a bit.
“Awesome, I’ll send it over right now. Thanks for calling, I’m so excited to meet you.”
“Me too, Sir. Have a good day.” He said. Seokjin was first to hang up, allowing for a dead dial tone to ring through Taehyung’s ears. He sat down on his couch, laying his head back on the couch. “What days work best for me? I’m unemployed, all days work best for me.” He mumbled to himself. Before he had to sit and think of his busy schedule, he called Jimin back. It only rang for a second before Jimin picked up.
“What happened?” Jimin asked.
“I have an interview next week,” Taehyung said.
“Bye, Mr. Hobi! Bye, Teacher!” Yuna cheered, waving to you as she walked hand-in-hand with her mother. You and Hoseok waved to the little girl as she clung to her mother, eyes wide as she talked about the fun day she had. A smile formed on your face, watching the eyes of the mother. She looked happy knowing that her daughter had completed yet another good day at school. Kids were being picked up left and right, a sea of loud goodbyes coming from all different angles. You smiled, waving them off as the children exited the preschool. It had been a long day of teaching about teachers, which is a lot harder than it sounds when you’re surrounded by kids who kept giggling at the fact that the same word was said twice in one sentence over and over again.
As the final handful of kids began to left, you were left with just one. Kai, also known as Hyuka by his friends. The youngest boy in the class with a big personality. He sat on one of the steps, his hands clutching his backpack as he kicked his legs. H didn’t seem to be bothered by the fact that he was the last student in school, as Hoseok almost immediately crouched down with him and began talking to him about his excitement for next week’s party. Kai grinned as she shared the fireman costume that his father was planning to buy for him just for the occasion.
“Dad said I have to use it for Halloween too, but that’s okay. Dad has lots of parties.”
“That sounds so fun.” Hoseok grinned. “What do you do at those parties?” As the boys talked, your eyes wandered to the bulletin that Hoseok had finished reorganizing. The colored papers were placed in a way that was much more visually appealing to the eye than the cluttered mess that was there before. Looking closer, you saw BRIGHT STAR PRESCHOOL along with a painter’s set of supplies sitting right in the middle of the board, being the first to take the attention of anyone that looked there. You walked over while Hoseok was occupied, hoping to take it down and place it somewhere on the board. Suddenly, you heard Kai shriek.
“Daddy!” When you turned over, you saw Hoseok stand up and wave to the man that squatted down to lift Kai into his arms. As he stood up, you saw Kai fix his father’s glasses, which had gotten slightly crooked from the impact. Kim Namjoon. “Daddy I want to tell you about my day!”
“During dinner, okay?” he smiled. “I want to hear all about it.” Namjoon’s dragon-shaped eyes fell in your direction, and you felt your cheeks heat up just slightly. Those eyes, especially when behind those thick-rimmed glasses, always knew how to make you just slightly flustered. Namjoon set his son down. “Talk with Mr. Hobi for a minute while I talk to your teacher.” He said, patting his son on the head. Next thing you know, this six-foot-tall man was walking in your direction, hands stuffed in his suit pockets. A small smile formed on his face. “Sorry, I’m late. Jungkook called, said he couldn’t’ babysit tonight.”
“No worries.” You assured. “He was only here alone for less than ten minutes.” You offered him a kind smile. “I’m sure he’s excited to tell you about the past few days. He’s been talking to me about you every chance he gets.” Namjoon chuckled a bit, scratching his head sheepishly.
“I know, I know. But my workload is definitely lighter, so I’ll be picking him up myself again.” Namjoon shifted a bit, letting out a shaky sigh. “So, you’ll be seeing a lot more of me.” You noticed Namjoon’s piercing dragon eyes turn round and soft, as a small, yet genuine smile formed on his face. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” You said gently. “I’m sure Kai would love that.” Namjoon chuckled a bit. A moment of awkward silence washed over you, and out of the corner of your eye, you could see Hoseok giving you a glance. When your eyes met, he offered you a playful thumbs up, before quickly turning back to Kai, who was still chatting on as if Hoseok never turned away from him. When you looked back to Namjoon, he was also staring right at you. You had to admit, it made you even more flustered to have all these men staring at you.
“I…had a lot of fun at that art show last weekend.” He said gently. “Did you?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I did. Thank you for inviting me.” He smiled down at you, and you had to reach up and play with the tips of your hair, needing for your hands to do something other than just lay dormant at your sides.
“Of course. I hope you’ll let me invite you to more places in the future.” He said happily. You sighed softly, looking at him.
“Namjoon, I don’t want my boss to make you feel like you have to-.”
“He’s not,” Namjoon assured. “I genuinely mean that I want to take you out again.” You couldn’t help but smile a bit at that. “Only if you want to, of course.”
“I’ll…think about it. These next few weeks are going to be hectic planning for the rest of the community week and the party and everything.” Namjoon simply nodded in understanding. You felt the beginnings of another awkward silence falling over the both of you again, and your eyes wandered to the bulletin board behind you. Namjoon’s gaze followed yours, most likely hoping that whatever he would lay his eyes on would lead to even more conversational topics with you. He motioned to the flyer sitting dead center of the board.
“Seokjin-Hyung hasn’t stopped talking about the art teacher job he’s opened up.” He said, looking down at you. While he expected to see yet another smile form on your face at the idea of a new coworker, instead he was met with a slight frown on your face. “You don’t look too happy.”
“It’s not that. It’s…just a long story.” You admitted, your hand continuing to comb through your locks. Namjoon nodded.
“Maybe you can tell me over dinner?” he asked, tilting his head curiously. You looked up at him, chuckling a bit in amusement, and Namjoon followed suit.
“That was smooth. But like I said, I’ll keep you updated. Now, take your son home.” You motioned to the little boy, who was now looking in his father’s direction much like how Hoseok was still staring in yours. “I think he’s getting impatient.”
“Right…” Namjoon hummed, not wanting to end the conversation though he knew he eventually had to. “I’ll call you.” He looked at you. You offered a forced smile, nodding.
“Get home safe.” You said simply, nodding your head. You watched as Namjoon returned to his son’s side, scooping him up into his arms as the boy squealed in delight. Kai waved to you and Hoseok, saying a giddy goodbye as Namjoon headed out of the preschool gates and to the car that was parked outside on the street. You rested against the wall, crossing your arms as you watched Namjoon get his child situated into the backseat. As he opened the driver’s side of the door, he turned to offer you one last kind glance, before slipping into his car and driving off.
“Did he ask you out again?” Hoseok asked, standing beside you. When he saw you nod, he simply sighed. “Aaaah, what did you say?”
“Don’t be jealous, Hobi.” You teased, turning on your heel and heading back into the classroom to gather your things.
“I’m not jealous!” Hoseok pouted, following quick behind you. “I’m just curious.”
“Don’t be. I don’t intend to do anything with him. His son is my student, I don’t want him to be overwhelmed if his dad and his teacher started dating out of nowhere, it’s not appropriate.”
“He won’t be your student forever.” Hoseok pointed out, grabbing his bag. You glared at him, and Hoseok could only smile. “I’m just saying.”
“Well, don’t just say it, then.” You said simply. Collecting your things, you headed out of the room and to Seokjin’s office to confirm with him that you were ready to leave for the day. Hoseok hurried behind you, calling out multiple apologies to you as you pretended you couldn’t hear them, despite only being a few steps ahead of him. As you walked down the hallway, your eyes fell towards a window that exposed the street outside the school, where Namjoon’s car had just been moments ago. You sighed, quickening your pace to the office.
You had no time for love, even if you wanted to. You needed to worry about this new art teacher that was going to ruin everything you had worked so hard to perfect all these years.
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taehyungiestummy · 4 years
Stuck -- Chapter Fifteen
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Word Count: 3243
           “This game is awesome,” I squeal as Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, and I win yet another game of Overwatch with two random players. “We are the best!”
           “You are just saying that because we are on a winning streak,” Jungkook laughs.
           A few hours ago we made it home, and everything has been going great. Namjoon and Emily are hanging out at the dorms doing who know what. Seokjin and Nari went out grocery shopping, and should now be back at their apartment relaxing. Yoongi and Hoseok are at Yoongi’s place probably writing music. The four of us left over are at Taehyung and my place getting our fill of a new video game.
           “Jagi, how do you have such good skills?” Taehyung looks over at me from the other end of the couch.
           “Don’t you play video games all the time, cutie?” Jimin looks up at me from the floor.
           As always, Jungkook and Jimin are sitting on the floor, but Jimin is near me while Jungkook is by Taehyung.
           “Just Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, Mario, and some small random Nintendo games,” I pet Haipeo’s head as she is lying next to me. “Tae plays all the games like this. I’m more of a handheld and computer girl.”
           “Princess, you are such a geek,” Taehyung giggles. “I love it so much.”
           “I love you,” I coo, sitting up and fixing my glasses. “And I think I love two other boys in this room too.”
           “I think Keyowo loves me,” Jungkook is overly cocky with the dog sleeping in his lap.
           “You forced her to sit in your lap,” Jimin shakes his head. “I don’t think that’s love.”
           “She didn’t run away,” I stick up for the youngest boy. “That must mean something.”
           “Thank you, adorable, for sticking up for me,” Jungkook looks over at me. “You are the sweetest.”
           I smile, “That’s how I am. Just wanting to be as nice as possible to every single person.”
           “And that’s how we got together,” Taehyung boxy smiles. “Because I am the same way.”
           “She also accepted your weirdness,” Jimin says. “Which we were seriously interested to know if she would.”
           “Hey,” I pout. “What’s that supposed to mean about me?”
           “That you are a lovely girl who knows her soulmate when she found him,” Jungkook gives a forced smile, batting his eyelashes. “You also proved us boys wrong because you two make each other so happy.”
           “It was still hell hearing Tae-Tae talk our ears off about you,” Jimin groans. “It’s like he loved you right after the first meeting.”
           I look over at my boyfriend, his cheeks reddening at the comment. “Can I let you in on a little secret, babe?”
           Taehyung looks over at me, a small smile on his face. “Is it bad?”
           I chuckle, “No, not at all. It’s cute, and a bit weird, but you’ll like it.”
           “Go for it,” he winks.
           I feel my cheeks heating up, but I don’t shy away. “After I met you, I went back to Nari’s and looked up pictures of you the second I could. I had to check if you were the real deal, and put a picture for your contact.”
           “That’s unfair,” Taehyung pouts.
           “What?” Jungkook, Jimin, and I look at the boy in shock.
           “You could look up pictures of me, set pictures up, and remember exactly what I looked like,” Taehyung explains. “I had to remember what you looked like by memory. And I only saw you for ten minutes!”
           Jungkook, Jimin, and I burst into giggles. Haipeo even lets out a small bark.
           “Aw, Tae babe,” I resist the urge to crawl over and sit in his lap. “You could have just asked for a picture.”
           “That would have been creepy, and you know it,” Taehyung sits up on his knees and points at me. “Jagi, I could have drawn your face after that first meeting. I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
           I look away, waving him off. “Whatever Tae. You’re too cute.”
           “I agree,” Jungkook says. “I mean, he’s known as one of the cute ones.”
           “I love how close you seven are,” I get comfortable on the couch again. “Now, can we get another game started?”
           “You used to be cute, Kookie,” Jimin chuckles. “Then you hit puberty.”
           “I am just able to be cute and sexy at the same time,” Taehyung boasts.
           “I trump all of you in cuteness,” I giggle, looking down at my laptop. “Just deal with it, and let’s move on.”
           “You are also super sexy baby,” Taehyung says. “Hot, beautiful, stunning, all those words.”
           “Stop,” I wave him off, feeling my cheeks and ears heating up. “Let’s just get back to Overwatch. We can talk more after a few more rounds.”
           A warm bath is always nice to have at the beginning of my period. It helps soothe my cramps as the painkillers take their time to kick in. Taehyung was actually the one to wake me up and tell me that I had blood on my pants. He was so sweet about the issue, kissing me all over my face to make me feel better. He carried me to the bathroom, and got me new shorts and underwear. He’s the best boyfriend I could have asked for.
           I sigh as a new slow song I’ve never heard before starts up. It’s on playlist called Bubble Bath Time that Taehyung made for me in times like this. “If only I wasn’t alone,” I mumble, beginning to feel like a prune.
           The song moves on, and not even a minute into ‘Butterfly’ does my phone begin to ring.
           “What the fuck?” I groan, sitting up to look at my phone.
           Taehyung’s dorky face is now taking over my screen as his voice telling me to pick up in many different voices fills my ears.
           “What is he doing?” I giggle, drying my hand to answer the phone and put it on speaker. “Yes Tae bae?”
           “Bae?” Taehyung’s deep laughter fills the air. “Was that a slip up?”
           I giggle, “Did I not say babe?”
           “No, you didn’t. I guess you are just too relaxed to think straight.”
           “Tae bae slides right off the tongue. I like it.”
           “So do I, so keep saying it.”
           “Okay, now that that is out of the way. Why did you call me?”
           “To check in on you, of course. How is my wifey?”
           I chuckle, “That is going to be so hard to get used to.”
           “Call me hubby.”
           “In due time, maybe,” I sigh. “I’m doing fine, Tae. I’m in the bath right now, and my cramps are way better. It’s a good thing it happened this morning and you were there to take care of me.”
           “I knew you were going to start because of last month, and because of the random stomachache. Wait, how are you taking a bath? Isn’t it getting everywhere?”
           I burst into laughter, unplugging the drain so I can calm myself down. “Oh, you innocent child in some aspects of this big world.”
           “The fuck was that?” Taehyung is holding in his laughs.
           “Tae! I rarely hear you curse.”
           “You liked it didn’t you? You curse all the time!”
           I giggle, “Yeah, I do say some bad words more often then most. It’s how I let off steam. But I will admit it was hot. Don’t go crazy, though.”
           “So, what am I so innocent about, hm?”
           “Tampons, babe. That’s how I am able to take baths,” I stand up, grabbing a towel to wrap around my body.
           “Oh,” he breaths out. “I saw those at the store.”
           “Yes, that’s where they sell them.”
           “I’ll Google them later. Now, what are your plans after the bath?”
           “Well, I’m done with it now, so Ill get dressed and then make lunch. Oh, and let the dogs out. Then write, and maybe color to destress.”
           “Are you stressed, jagiya? Do I need to come home?”
           I chuckle, picking up my phone to set in on the sink counter. “No, Tae, I can take care of myself. I’ll be fine until you come home. Plus, you can’t just drop everything to come to my side when I feel bad. You have a job.”
           “That I work hard at every single day. I can get a few hours off to come help you. If you are really in pain or something.”
           “I a fine. Plus, you called me. It’s one thing if I called you.”
           “True,” he chuckles. “I should let you go then. To get dressed and go do all the things you need to get done.”
           “I love you, Taehyung. Work hard and let’s make dinner together tonight.”
           “Sounds perfect, baby,” he hums. “See you later. I love you too.”
           “Bye babe.”
           He makes kissing noises before the line goes dead.
           The slow music starts back up again. ‘Butterfly’ giving me a weird calm.
           “That boy, too sweet to me. Fate is a crazy thing.” I quickly get dressed, deciding on some sweat shorts and a tight t-shirt with ‘BTS’ on the front and the boy’s names on the back. My hair ends up in a tiny bun as I exit the bathroom.
           I leash Haipeo and Keyowo up to take them out for a bathroom break and a walk. The action making me feel like a grown-up, and proud of how far I have come as a person. Once back in the apartment, I fill their food and water bowls, and get to making my own lunch. The only thing I feel well enough to make is a cheesy toasty and a tall glass of milk.
           “Social media time, I guess,” I take a bite of my sandwich, opening up Instagram. All kinds of pictures fill my feed, looking for something out of the ordinary. I don’t spot anything, and check my latest post. It’s a picture of the tub full, bubbles almost overflowing, and a caption are positive, asking if I am doing okay. Twitter is where I see hate almost instantly. It’s hard to just skip over it, and I close out of the app within minutes of opening it. “I think I’m going to clean,” I smile, placing my dirty dishes in the sink and turning on the faucet. “And I am going to blast music because I am a bigger person than those haters. And I always will be.”
           “It smells so good, doesn’t it babies?” I smile as Haipeo and Keyowo play tug-of-war with a rope toy.
           I’ve been quite productive on my day off, cleaning the whole apartment so I broadened my music horizon. Now getting to know so many different groups. When I had the cleaning done, I decided to rest and color for a bit. The weight of the harsh words drifting way. The dogs let me know when they needed to go out for a bathroom break and another walk. I will always be grateful that they love taking the elevator.
           “Chocolate chip cookies are always good,” I slip off the barstool, walking over to the oven to check the progress of my last two batches. “And with everyone who will want some, it’s a good thing I doubled the recipe.” Cookies upon cookies on paper towels take up the counters. There has to be at least seventy cookies out right now, with around twenty ready to come out of the oven. “Too bad I didn’t plan dinner,” I turn off the oven, putting oven mitts on to take the two cookie sheets out.
           Haipeo and Keyowo rush to the front door, signaling Taehyung’s return. The dogs being able to hear the key in the lock will always make me smile.
           “Welcome home, Tae bae!” I shout as I hear the door close. I turn down the music, grabbing the little spatula to move the cookies.
           “Princess, it smells so good,” Taehyung’s voice fills my ears. “So many cookies!”
           I giggle, doing my best to transfer the cookies faster. “We have so many friends, so I had to make a lot of cookies.”
           “What’s for dinner?” Taehyung wraps his arms around my middles, pressing kisses to my neck.
           Haipeo lets out a bark, causing a giggle to fill the room that isn’t Taehyung or myself.
           “Jimin,” I peal Taehyung’s arms off of me, turning to see Jimin on the living room floor with Haipeo and Keyowo.
           “Hi cutie,” Jimin waves at me. His smile so big his face squishes up.
           “What’s going on?” I walk over to the sink, getting to the dishes right away.
           “Well, Seokjin is with Nari,” Taehyung picks up a dry dish towel. “And Namjoon is with Emily. Jungkook went out with some friends, and Yoongi and Hoseok stayed to do some song writing.”
           “So, Chim-Chim had no where to go,” I hand a bowl to Taehyung. “Are you going to help with dinner, Chim?”
           “Of course,” Jimin nods. “I will prove my worth.”
           “Good,” I shuffle around on my toes, slowly feeling insecure in my outfit. “That means you two boys will start the meal and I can change.”
           “What?” Taehyung pouts. “Jagi, don’t do that,” he whines. “You look so hot,” he taps my butt a few times.
           “Do I make you uncomfortable, Amber?” Jimin seriously asks.
           “No, no,” I shake my head. “I’m just underdressed and feel out of place.”
           “You look fine. Don’t worry about it. Perfect in everything you do.”
           “And I won’t let you change,” Taehyung kisses my cheek. “My beautiful princess.”
           I feel the heat spread across my cheeks. “What are you going to make for dinner?”
           The boys chuckle at my quick change of subject.
           “Well, Tae here doesn’t cook much,” Jimin replies. “So it ahs to be a simple meal.”
           “Ramen,” Taehyung cutely looks around at the both of us.
           “Aw, that’s perfect,” I pat my boyfriend’s cheek. “Can we take a picture for my Instagram?”
           “I want to be in the picture too!” Jimin shouts.
           “Of course, Jiminie,” I giggle. “I would never leave you out.”
           “Why the need for the picture?” Taehyung whispers as we begin to pack away the cookies.
           “Just, reasons,” I shrug. “Nothing to worry about, I promise.”
           “It was hate, wasn’t it?”
           I sigh, “I’m fine now, Tae. I did a lot today, and the comments have left my mind.”
           “But you want to show them wrong, right?”
           “I guess.”
           “What’s all the whispering about?” Jimin asks as he steps into the kitchen.
           “Just, stuff,” I turn and hand the boy a cookie. “Now, are you ready to make dinner?”
           Taehyung’s hands are on my hips as he stands behind me, chin resting on the top of my head. “So, did someone take the picture yet?”
           I giggle, reaching my hands back to place them on Taehyung’s shoulders. “Namjoon does outfit posts, Tae and I can do couple posts.”
           “I know ARMY will go crazy,” Hoseok laughs.
           “I got some good pictures,” Yoongi grins. “So you can stop now.”
           Taehyung kisses the top of my head before pulling away from me. “Break time will always be fun with you here.”
           “Any time is fun with Amber,” Jungkook skips over to me. “You just bring something that no one else can.”
           “Yeah, it’s because she’s a girl,” Yoongi shakes his head. “You perverts.”
           I chuckle, “So that’s it, hm?”
           “We just think she’s cute,” Jimin rushes up to me, tickling my sides before picking me up like a bride. “She’s so much fun to be around, and always makes us smile.”
           “She’s sweet like that,” Seokjin smiles. “Always wanting the best for others, and then thinking of herself.”
           “Give her to me, hyung,” Taehyung pouts, holding out his arms for me.
           “As you wish,” Jimin taps his nose to my forehead before handing me over to Taehyung.
           “What is she, a doll?” Namjoon rolls his eyes. “Put her down.”
           “She’s a princess,” Taehyung rubs his nose across mine. “Do you want down, jagi?”
           “Well, breaks almost over, and I need to do something with those pictures,” I run my hand over his cheek.
           “Oh yeah, we took pictures for a reason,” he giggles, placing my feet on the ground. “A kiss?”
           I press my lips to his, smiling as his fingers sneak under my shirt to pinch my sides. “Okay, don’t go too crazy, Tae.”
           “No bae?” Jimin teases.
           “But you’re my bae, Chim,” I smirk.
           “Ah, well, you little,” Jimin pokes my cheek. “Cute.”
           “All of you guys are my before anyone else. I love all of you!” I skip over to Yoongi, sitting down as close to him as possible. “Thanks for taking pictures.”
           “My sister asked, so I delivered,” Yoongi places his arm around my shoulders. “I’m not always a cold hard ass.” He hands me my phone.
           “Thank you,” I rest my head on his shoulder. “You like taking pictures, don’t you?”
           “I do. It’s a bit of a hobby.”
           “Like Emily, but not as deep into it. So, do you ever snap pictures of me when I’m not looking? Moments where I look cute, or you just have to take a picture to remember the moment.”
           “As does Tae. We can’t help but want to take pictures of you.”
           I have a tight lipped grin as I select a picture to post on Instagram. “Is it my looks? My cheeks?”
           “Your puffy cheeks?” Yoongi gently pinches my cheek. “Maybe that’s what it is.”
           “Maybe it’s the hair,” I sigh, posting the picture. “Or the eyes.”
           “It’s just you.”
           I look up, catching Taehyung on his phone as his thumbs type away. Jimin is next to him, watching over whatever he is doing on his phone.
           “Okay, is everyone ready?” Mr. Son asks as he enters the room, a group of back-up dancers behind him.
           “Are we practicing ‘Fire’ now?” Seokjin asks.
           “Yes, for Amber’s sake. She has only done it a few times with the whole group.”
           I place my phone down next to my jacket and water bottle. “I was actually going to ask if we could do a few run throughs for myself.” I slowly stand up, giving a few quick stretches. “Okay, I am ready to do some dancing.”
           For the song ‘Fire’ I am placed in the middle so no one can spot me and cause a shit storm. When the boys walk through the middle at the end, I am able to reach out and high-five them. Though I would never do that in front of hundreds of ARMYs.
           “It’s so cool to have you here with us,” a girl next to me pats my shoulder. “A great dancer, dating Taehyung, and such a kind soul.”
           I giggle, “Thank you. I’m just doing the best I can.”
           “Some of us talk about inviting you to hang out, but know you are busy with so much. Probably school, and then being a girlfriend.”
           “Well, I have no school, so I don’t have to study. Being a girlfriend and taking care of two dogs takes a lot. I do have friends, and go out. I’m still kind of a kind.”
           “Well, next time we go out to lunch, we might invite you.”
           I give a small smile to the girl, “I’d like that. Can’t say I would go, but I would always give it thought. You guys are more than co-workers. You are a family, and I want to be a good member.”
Hope you enjoyed reading! About 2/3′s of the way through now! :D
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 5 years
Notice Me!~Kim Junmyeon/Suho x Black! R&B Star! Fem! Reader {2}
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Previous Parts: 1  2 3
Pairing: Suho x reader
Summary: With your support sent out to EXO as a fan and a potential collaborator, you awaken to a massive wave of support from your fans, along with fellow EXOls. However, a vocal majority of them aren’t too keen about you working with their bias band. All of this anxiety comes to a head as your supports push you towards the idea of a collaboration, including Suho himself.  
Warnings: Toxic fans, racist comments and negative thoughts. 
Writer’s Note: Here’s chapter 2, I hope you guys enjoy and let me know if you want any more EXO fics/series, requests are open! I also want to add that this is purely fictional, I don’t know Halsey (Ashley) personally, so if she acts a little odd I’m sorry. And another thing about this fic and others I write, the Kpop idols speak English, since I don’t want to butcher any translations or Korean words, since I do not speak the language. Maybe in the future, but not now! Thanks!  
Word Count: 1, 583
I could hardly sleep at the sound of my phone buzzing like a madman. Of course the sun peaking through my blinds didn’t help, along with Ashley’s bed hogging ass. Next time I’m taking the couch instead of sharing my bed, jeez. 
I shift over on my back to reach for my phone, it comes to life at my slight touch and overwhelms me with so many notifications I almost tumble from the bed. 
“Mmh,” Ashley groans, “quit moving.” 
She kicks my foot softly, but I don’t react at all, most of my attention is on my phone. 
My Twitter bell icon stays red with a swarm of notifications, messages, likes and retweets. I’m trending, right underneath with EXO and of course BTS. 
“Uh, Ash, look! Look!”
I nudge her a few times before she rolls over with hair stuck to her cheek and a scowl. 
“Y/N, I-I need at least one more hou—”
“Look!” I scold.
We both stay captivated by the tiny screen as Ashley’s finger scrolls down some of the comments. 
They read:
Um, SM we need a Empress Dee Dee/ EXO collab, stat!
Aw, Junmyeon was soo cute, I lowkey ship it!
Finally a Kpop band reaching out for a black artist, I wish someone would follow through too *cough, cough BTS
“Holy shit,” Ashley says, “they really love this idea, did your publicist call you about it yet? Y/N?”
Her voice is drowned out as more of the comments turn sour. 
A lot of them read:
Western Artist X Kpop Artist= trash
Black people should stay with their own music, it wouldn’t mix with EXO’s sound
Gross, please don’t tell me Junmyeon has a thing for that black girl, why not a Korean woman?
They continue to flood my feed, most of them turning more daunting than the rest. 
“Ok, enough Twitter for one morning,” Ashley says as she takes the phone. 
“You’re right,” I say, “I need some more sleep.”
Ashley frowns as I lay back against my pillow and yank the covers up and over my face. 
“Y/N, come on,” Ashley groans, “you seriously gonna let these assholes get under your skin?”
I nod against the sheets. 
“Half of them are right Ash,” I say, “why would any of EXO collab with me? There are many other Kpop artists who are better anyway.”
“Um, but none of them are Empress Dee Dee, are they?” Ashley asks.
I shrug. 
“They aren’t black though, Ash,” I note. 
Ashley gives me an incredulous look. 
“That’s got nothing to do with it,” Ashley growls. 
Her words strike an unexpected nerve within me as I push the covers away and sit back up.
“Nothing?! “ I snap, “Ash, it’s everything to do with it! Racism still exists, even more prevalent now, especially with colorism still at an all time high!”  
Ashley frowns. 
“But I-”
I put a hand on Ashley’s own, the stark contrast of my brown skin and her pale one. 
“I know, I know who are Ashley, but it’s different for women like me, and darker skinned black women,” I say, “I just need you to understand that, please.”
Ashley nods. 
“I do,” she says, “but I need you to understand that it shouldn’t stop you! Don’t listen to what those assholes are saying!”
“You love music, don’t you?” she asks. 
Her question throws me off, yet I nod anyway. 
“Of course I do,” I say. 
“Then focus on making music, talk to your publicist and agent about that EXO collab!” she declares.
I watch Ashley in half awe, half amusement as she tosses the sheets onto the floor like the drama queen she’s being. Maybe she should shoot for the Academy Awards rather than Grammys next year. 
“You know you gotta pick that up right,” I deadpan while gesturing to the splayed mess of covers below us on the floor. 
Ashley turns her nose up, but softens as she comes around to my side of the bed, sitting next to me and taking my hand.
“Don’t worry about the fucking bed spread and listen to me,” she says. 
I stare at her eyes, there’s this hint of desperation in them, as if I was the one who insulted her. Maybe I was a bit too much in my feelings. She cares about my wellbeing so much that I forget this affects her as well. 
“Promise me that you’ll stay all right through all of this,” she says, gripping my hand skin tight. 
I think of another comeback but save it for later.
“I promise Ash,” I vow, “now can you pick up the damn covers?”
Ashley frowns but rises to gather up the covers anyway.
“There. I’m doing it, now could you please call your publicist?”
A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I reach for my phone on the nightstand. More notifications flood, a few missed calls from Daphne, my publicist and Todd, my agent. Great, now I have to deal with them. 
“I’m calling them back now, Ash,” I announce.
“Awesome,” she calls from the bathroom. 
I decide to go with Todd first, since he left the most missed calls. My heart beats heart against the insistent ring of the phone, it drawing out a bit longer than it usually should. 
“Hello, Y/N!” Todd calls. 
I gulp before speaking.
“Hi Todd, look I-I know I should have contacted Daph first about posting that tweet.”
Todd chuckles through the phone. 
“Y/N, that was a genius move! It seemed really genuine!” he exclaims.
I frown.
“Uh, I was completely genuine Todd, my heart was one hundred percent into it,” I say. 
“Oh, well that makes it even better, because I’ve already got in contact with the producers on the Ellen Show, and since EXO will be there promoting Obsession, we can finally have you both in talks for a collaboration!”
My stomach nearly drops. It’s exciting news, right? Getting to meet my bias band in front of me instead of a tiny computer screen, yet the circumstances got me worried. In front of all those people. Some of them could be any of those people spouting out hateful comments. 
“Er, Y/N,” Todd says, “you heard me, right?”
“I-I u-uh yeah!” I say, “j-just uh, fan girl nerves is all.”
Todd chuckles, but gets back to business as usual.
“No need to worry, it’s all scripted and Ellen has a way of making people calm, especially new guests,” he explains, “but this will really put you on the map! Considering you haven’t made a public appearance since your grammy snub and you’re gonna do it with one of the biggest kpop groups, ever! Don’t let those fangirl nerves get to you too much!”
I manage to cough up a tiny giggle. 
“Of course Todd, thank you.”
“Already have a flight set up for you in the morning, I told you that you’d skyrocket soon, didn’t I?” he asks. 
I roll my eyes but agree anyway.
“I know Todd, bye.”
“Get plenty of sleep, call me when you get there!” he urges before hanging up.
WIth him off the phone I can finally freak out in peace. Well until Ashley returns with her toothbrush a nosy look on her face. 
“Shit, by that face I’m assuming it didn’t go well, did it?” she asks. 
I shake my head and collapse backwards against the sheets. 
“I-It went unexpectedly well,” I admit, “EXO’s gonna be on Ellen for the first time, and I got a spot on there with them.” 
Ashley nearly jumps into the ceiling. 
“Are you fucking serious?!” she exclaims, “it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet!”
I nod against my pillow. 
“Right! God, I-I’m not ready for this,” I groan. 
Ashley shifts closer to wrap an arm around my shoulder.
“You got this sweetie,” she whispers, “I’m gonna take the shower first, that cool with you?”
I nod as she rises. 
“Oh and stay off Twitter,” she says as she goes back to the bathroom. 
Of course I don’t listen as I unlock my phone yet again. My eyes scan through all of the comments: good, bad, ugly and downright unnecessary. My finger stops at a previous V Live EXO recently did, or a clip at least. 
The caption of the video read:
Ya’ll Junmyeon is really out here caring about DeeDee, like a lot! When he gonna pull up 😂😂
I click it and there’s Suho, Baekhyun and Chen with soft looks, unlike the way they looked during their X-EXO concept stage. Beakhyun leans closer to the camera, scanning the comments I assume as Suho frowns. 
“Of course not!” Suho growls, “why would anyone say that?”
“What is it hyung?” Chen asks. 
Suho points at the screen. 
“Someone said that we thought DeeDee was ugly, why would you insult a beautiful woman like that?” he asks in disgust.
My breath gets hitched in my throat at his words. 
Baekhyun frowns this time.
“Aw, why are people making fun of DeeDee?” he groans, “don’t listen to them DeeDee! Stay strong! Keep smiling!!”
Chen nods sharply as Baekhyun continues to yell it obnoxiously.
Suho pushes him until he ceases and looks into the camera intensely. 
“The people who are saying this aren’t our fans, DeeDee,” he explains, “you’re amazing, stay all right, ok? Ok!”
Suho grins as he puts up his finger hearts as his smile widens.
The video ends, yet it doesn’t within my head. EXO actually stood up for me. This has got to be a dream. 
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armysource · 5 years
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ARMY Source - Event #6: get to know me: fave music video
Fandoms are created for you to love your favorites and also for making new friends! Since the ARMY fandom is really big and full of different people, it gets difficult to know everyone. So ARMY Source wants to help ARMYs to get to know each other a little bit more!
In this “get to know me” series of events, you’ll have the chance to make creations for your favorite aspects of BTS. The theme now is Fave Music Video!
This event is opened to EVERYONE! You can read about it after the cut!
Create any kind of content (edits, gifs, gfx, fanfics, art, etc) about your favorite BTS music video! You can work on more than one creation if you want to! Feel free and use your creativity and passion!
You have from October 15 to October 22 to post your creation! optional: you can also choose a color palette and try to use it as base for your creations! that would be like an “extra challenge”. feel free to choose any palette, and again, this is optional!
- And don’t forget to caption your creations with:
get to know me: fave mv description (if you want to)
Also: Remember to tag your creations with the #armysourceevent tag!
If you are a net member, you are not obligated to participate!
AGAIN: This event is open to everyone! You don’t need to be a member to participate!
Feel free to adapt it to your timezone!
Reblog this post if you can! It helps spreading the event!
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geniuslab · 7 years
Compilation Posts
i’ve noticed that it’s become a trend on here for compilation posts to start circulating. what i mean by a compilation post is the op is collecting a variety of gifs, screenshots, and photos to make a sort of “list” about whatever topic they choose. this may be a “sexy jimin” post or a “savage yoongi” post, but no matter the topic a lot of these posts are using stolen and reposted work
how do you spot when something is stolen? @jjeonguk wrote a great post about it here. some of the tips include gifs being different sizes and/or styles, being watermarked with a url other than op’s, and being tagged with things like “bts smut” just to get their post into as many searches as possible.
reposters in general really piss me off, but thankfully most of the time once they’re called out they stop and/or the community bands together to make sure the stolen work isn’t being reblogged. but these compilation posts are popping up on my dash quite frequently. i never see anyone calling them out, and i never see people questioning if it’s stolen. plus, they’re getting thousands of notes. whole blogs seem to revolve around generating these kinds of compilation posts full of stolen content, and people keep letting it happen
here’s an example of what these posts with stolen content look like:
they usually have gifs of different sizes/styles
they have screenshots of gifsets
they sometimes use fansite pictures without proper credit
1. they usually have gifs of different sizes/styles
part of what makes gif making so great is that no two gif makers are going to approach a gif identically. there’s typically a difference in cropping, coloring, and texture use. 
for example, here’s a jimin gifset i made vs a gorgeous jimin gifset my girl @bangtanroyalty made from the same concert. it would be really strange to see one of my gifs and one of hers in the same set, since they’re completely different styles.
sometimes, though, it’s hard to tell. so another red flag is when someone uses a gif that’s not the correct size. if someone wants a gif to span the entire width of the post, they’ll make it 540px (some users might still be using 500px). 
so instead of using a 540px gif, which would look like this:
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reposters will use a 268px gif which gets stretched and looks like this:
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i had to take a screenshot because tumblr wouldn’t stretch the gif in this post for some reason (mobile will probably stretch it), but i assure you this happens when you insert 268px or 177px gifs in a photo post on here. content creators are usually pretty good at making sure that they’re making their gifs the correct size for the post. if the gif is super stretched out, and when you open it on desktop and it looks like this:
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...then something weird is happening, and it’s probably not their gif.
also: “credit to the owners” is not real credit, and if you ever see this on a post DO NOT REBLOG IT. same with “gifs aren’t mine”
the only exception to this is if a compilation post is using the gif generator that tumblr has. these notify the op that their gif is being used, and links directly to the gif.
here’s what that looks like:
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versus when i just repost the gif:
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a lot of reposters will use the excuse that they found gifs on google or something, so they didn’t know they weren’t allowed to use them. rule of thumb: if you didn’t make the gif, you’re not allowed to repost it. gifs don’t just magically make themselves, someone made them. so unless YOU made the gif or you know who made it and GOT PERMISSION to use it, do not use it
2. they have screenshots of gifsets
if a post has screenshots of gifsets, they’re 100% stolen. i think some of these users take screenshots and believe that since they’re not saving and reposting the actual gifs, that they’re not stealing. WRONG. TAKING SCREENSHOTS OF GIFSETS AND REPOSTING THEM IS STILL STEALING
it’ll look like this:
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or this:
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(original set here and here)
no content creator is going to make gifs, arrange them, and then take a screenshot of them. a lot of the time these reposters will also include their caption too, and sometimes the user’s url will be in the screenshot. 
including a picture of the person’s url in the post may seem like “credit” but i can guarantee you that most content creators don’t want screenshots of their gifsets floating around on tumblr. unless op explicitly states “so and so told me i could repost this” it’s highly unlikely that they got permission. 
captions are important to look at, too. if you can’t tell the difference between a screenshot of a video vs a screenshot of a gif, looking at the captions is a pretty big clue. here’s a screenshot of a video with subtitles:
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captions differ from video to video, but they’ll usually look like this! there’s nothing wrong with a post having screenshots of videos like this, since it’s entirely likely that op took them themselves (i grabbed these off of vlive)
however, i have never seen a video using captions like this:
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most gif makers use captions with a similar style since they stand out on gifs and look nice. i’ve never seen a video use these kinds of captions. ever. 
taking screenshots of various gifsets and reposting them is stealing, whether or not it’s in a compilation post. just because it fits your theme doesn’t make it okay that you’re reposting it. if you want to include a scene, screenshot THE ACTUAL VIDEO or MAKE YOUR OWN GIFS
3. they sometimes use fansite pictures without proper credit
this isn’t really an issue as far as stealing content creator work from tumblr goes, but i thought it was important to bring up. MOST FANSITES DO NOT ALLOW REPOSTING OF THEIR PHOTOS WITHOUT CREDIT. so if you see a compilation post of black haired jimin with multiple fansite pictures and there is NO credit to the individual fansites, don’t reblog the post. don’t know if it’s a fansite picture? most fansites watermark their pictures somewhere, and reposters usually won’t bother to crop it out.
here’s what properly crediting a fansite picture looks like
kimdaily made a compilation post of namjoon just a little while ago and credited the fansites, this is how you do a compilation post correctly
tl;dr: don’t include someone else’s work in your posts unless you have permission/are allowed to and credit them
to the fandom: please stop reblogging compilation posts filled with stolen content. they are becoming more and more popular, and by liking/reblogging these posts you’re encouraging these reposters to continue this behavior. 
i think a lot of people don’t realize that it’s still stealing because the gifs and screenshots are being used under the guise of being a ~compilation post~ but it’s stealing either way, and it’s really aggravating. stop supporting these blogs, and support real content creators instead. 
if you’re still confused and need an example of what one of these posts looks like, here’s one that took someone’s gif and used several screenshots of gifsets.
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saetorimedia · 5 years
In the last year we all know how hard BTS blew up in the world earning the first South Korean artist to become Super Stars in the USA, with various world tours and many interviews. On the 21st of Februari they released their 4th full-length album, MAP OF THE SOUL: 7. This has the hit Boy With Luv and some songs from the album before this one MAP OF THE SOUL: PERSONA. The first music video of this album came out on the 17th of Januari and BTS has so far blown everyone away with their dance performance at the James Corden show.
BTS has revealed that the MAP OF THE SOUL albums will be more open about their own personal struggles and life. In previous albums they had usually made songs about the general topics people their age faces and each album has become better and better and now with MAP OF THE SOUL: PERSONA and MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 They want to show they are growing up, showing their true colors and how getting bigger how is changing their life.
#gallery-0-9 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-9 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“MAP OF THE SOUL : 7” looks back on the past seven years of BTS since their debut as seven members of one team. The journey was not always smooth sailing, and there were special travails that they had to endure in their rise as global superstars. Now, understanding that the scars left by those hardships is a part of their real selves, BTS accepts both “the self I want to show” and the “self I want to scorn” to at last tell their own story of finding their “real and complete selves”. – From BIG HIT ENTERTAINMENT
Intro : Persona  (RM solo)
Boy With Luv (Feat. Halsey)
Make It Right
Jamais Vu
Interlude : Shadow (SUGA Solo)
Black Swan
Filter ( Jimin Solo)
My Time (Jungkook Solo)
Louder than bombs
00:00 (Zero O’Clock)
Inner Child (Taehyung/V Solo)
Moon (Jin Solo)
We are Bulletproof : the Eternal
Outro : Ego (J-Hope Solo) #gallery-0-10 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-10 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-10 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-10 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
On this album you can really feel the change of vibe, it has a lot of songs made as solo’s by the groups members which shows their own talent and colors. The album starts with the intro: Persona, a powerful rap by the group’s leader RM. Which sets a playful mood with the samples in the background. Followed by the already well known Boy With Luv (feat. Halsey), whose MV we know as bright and bubbly. Make It Right is a collaboration between Ed Sheeran and BTS, It is a soft ballad with the voices blending well and matching the more hyped Boy With Luv but blending beautiful in the ballad Jamais Vu which sets the right mood before going into the more bop-py Dionysus. Each song flows well into the other and it’s easy to the ear of both fans as new listeners. There’s a lot you can say about BTS but every album is better than the other and again with this one they delivered a banger of a track, slowly releasing MV’s that show how they are also still expanding their choreography each time and this album will probably go far like the previous and even with how short it’s being sold, over two million copies have been sold already. We at Saetori.nl LOVE this album
  Listen to MAP OF THE SOUL: 7
Spotify Apple Music YouTube Music Deezer
MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 World tour 2020
11 April – Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea 12 April – Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea 18 April – Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea 19 April – Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea 25 April – Levi’s Stadium, Santa Clara, USA 26 April – Levi’s Stadium, Santa Clara, USA 2 May – Rose Bowl Stadium, Los Angeles, USA 3 May – Rose Bowl Stadium, Los Angeles, USA 5 May – Rose Bowl Stadium, Los Angeles, USA 9 May – Cotton Bowl Stadium, Dallas, USA 10 May – Cotton Bowl Stadium, Dallas, Usa 14 May – Camping World Stadium, Orlando, Usa 17 May – Bobby Dodd Stadium, Atlanta, Usa 23 May – Metlife Stadium, New Jersey, Usa 24 May – Metlife Stadium, New Jersey, Usa 27 May – Fedexfield Washington D.C., Usa 30 May – Rogers Centre, Toronto, Canada 31 May – Rogers Centre, Toronto, Canada 5 June – Soldier Field, Chicago, Usa 6 June – Soldier Field, Chicago, Usa 13 June – ?, ? 14 June – ?, ? 28 June – Fukuoka Paypay Dome, Fukuoka, Japan 29 June – Fukuoka Paypay Dome, Fukuoka, Japan 3 July – Twickenham Stadium, London, United Kingdom 4 July – Twickenham Stadium, London, United Kingdom 8 July – Feyenoord Stadium, Rotterdam, Netherlands 11 July – Olympiastadion Berlin, Berlin, Germany 12 July – Olympiastadion Berlin, Berlin, Germany 17 July – Estadi Olimpic Lluis Companys, Barcelona, Spain 18 July – Estadi Olimpic Lluis Companys, Barcelona, Spain 23 July – Kyocera Dome Osaka, Osaka, Japan 25 July – Kyocera Dome Osaka, Osaka, Japan 26 July – Kyocera Dome Osaka, Osaka, Japan 30 July – Kyocera Dome Osaka, Osaka, Japan 1 Aug – Kyocera Dome Osaka, Osaka, Japan 2 Aug – Kyocera Dome Osaka, Osaka, Japan 7 Aug – Metlife Dome, Saitama, Japan 8 Aug – Metlife Dome, Saitama, Japan 1 Sept – Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 2 Sept – Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan
Click here for tickets
  HP: https://bts.ibighit.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV Twitter: https://twitter.com/BTS_twt/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bangtan.official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bts.bighitofficial/ Youku: https://i.youku.com/btsofficial Daum: http://cafe.daum.net/BANGTAN Bangtan Blog: https://btsblog.ibighit.com/
MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 has hit the charts and with the world tour coming up we reviewed this banger! @bts_twt #bts #mapofthesoul7 #albumreview In the last year we all know how hard BTS blew up in the world earning the first South Korean artist to become Super Stars in the USA, with various world tours and many interviews.
0 notes
gossipamericanews · 5 years
#BOSSIPSound: Doja Cat Drops New Mayhem Music Video For “Boss B!t¢h” From ‘Birds Of Prey’ Soundtrack [Video]
#BOSSIPSound: Doja Cat Drops New Mayhem Music Video For “Boss B!t¢h” From ‘Birds Of Prey’ Soundtrack [Video]
Source: Steven Ferdman / Getty
Doja Cat Drops Music Video For “Boss B*tch” From ‘Birds Of Prey’ Soundtrack
Doja Cat has our full attention.
The colorful, give-no-f**ks, rapper recorded a lil’ sum’n sum’n for the Birds Of Prey soundtrack “Boss B*tch” and today we get to hear it AND see it via music video.
Press play down bottom to check it out.
View On WordPress
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myflagmeansace · 5 months
This took a while lol but I added color-coordinated open captions to Samba's BTS Cat Improv video! Enjoy! 😸
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awsexchage · 6 years
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Fluid player: JavaScript open sources media playerの使用法 https://ift.tt/2PGTqxg
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こんにちは streampack チームのメディです。 https://cloudpack.jp/service/option/streampack.html
In my opinion Fluid player is a really interesting player and I would like to show you common use cases. Fluid player is simple and very easy to use. Fluid player は興味深いプレイヤーなので、一般的な使用法を説明します。Fluid playerはシンプルで使いやすいです。
Copyrights of videos
Big Buck Bunny © copyright 2008, Blender Foundation | www.bigbuckbunny.org Sintel © copyright Blender Foundation | www.sintel.org
What is Fluid player ・ Fluid player とは
Fluid player is an open sources JavasScript media player for the web. Fluid player はウェブ用のオープンソースJavascriptメディアプレーヤーです。
Learning how to use Fluid player through simple examples. Fluid player の簡単な例を学ぶこと。
A simple implementation ・ 簡単な実装
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Fluid player</title> <!-- Fluid player style --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.css" /> </head> <body> <!-- Fluid player --> <script src="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.js"></script> <video src="Big_Buck_Bunny_Trailer_360p.webm" id="my-video" type="video/webm" width="640" height="360"> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> fluidPlayer("my-video"); </script> </html>
Display some HTML on pause ・動画を一時停止するときにHTMLを表示する
You can generate code with the online builder. コードジェネレータを使用してコードを生成できます。 https://docs.fluidplayer.com/builder/
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Fluid player</title> <!-- Fluid player style --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.css" /> <!-- OnPause message style --> <style> .onpause { border-radius: 25px; border: 2px solid #73AD21; padding: 20px; width: 200px; height: 150px; background-color: #FFF } </style> </head> <body> <!-- Fluid player --> <script src="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.js"></script> <video src="Big_Buck_Bunny_Trailer_360p.webm" id="my-video" type="video/webm" width="640" height="360"> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var myFP = fluidPlayer( 'my-video', { layoutControls: { htmlOnPauseBlock: { html: '<p class="onpause">Thanks for reading my article ! I hope you like Fluid player ! </p>', height: 100, width: 200 }, allowDownload: false, allowTheatre: true, playbackRateEnabled: false, }, } ); </script> </html>
Movie poster・ポスター
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Fluid player</title> <!-- Fluid player style --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.css" /> </head> <body> <!-- Fluid player --> <script src="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.js"></script> <video src="sintel.mp4" id="my-video" type="video/mp4" width="640" height="360"> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> fluidPlayer("my-video", { layoutControls: { posterImage: 'sintel_poster.jpeg' } } ); </script> </html>
Seekbar preview ・ シークバープレビュー
In this example, I am using the following video: この例では、次のビデオを使用しています。 sintel_trailer-480p.mp4
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Generating files with a python script・Pythonスクリプトでファイルを生成する
To generate those files, you can use the following python 2 script: ファイルを生成するには、次の Python 2 スクリプトを使用します。 https://github.com/vlanard/videoscripts/blob/master/sprites/makesprites.py
I edited the script with the following options: 以下のオプションを使用します。
USE_SIPS = False #True to use sips if using MacOSX (creates slightly smaller sprites), else set to False to use ImageMagick THUMB_RATE_SECONDS=1 # every Nth second take a snapshot THUMB_WIDTH=100 #100-150 is width recommended by JWPlayer; I like smaller files SKIP_FIRST=True #True to skip a thumbnail of second 1; often not a useful image, plus JWPlayer doesn't seem to show it anyway, and user knows beginning without needing preview SPRITE_NAME = "sintel.jpg" #jpg is much smaller than png, so using jpg VTTFILE_NAME = "thumbs.vtt" THUMB_OUTDIR = "thumbs" USE_UNIQUE_OUTDIR = False #true to make a unique timestamped output dir each time, else False to overwrite/replace existing outdir TIMESYNC_ADJUST = -.5 #set to 1 to not adjust time (gets multiplied by thumbRate); On my machine,ffmpeg snapshots show earlier images than expected timestamp by about 1/2 the thumbRate (for one vid, 10s thumbrate->images were 6s earlier than expected;45->22s early,90->44 sec early) logger = logging.getLogger(sys.argv[0]) logSetup=False
Then run the following command ・次のコマンドを実行します。 python2 makesprites.py sintel_trailer-480p.mp4
Two files will be generated, the Text Track file & the montage file. sintel_trailer-480p_thumbs.vtt sintel_trailer-480p_thumbs.jpg
Montage file example・モンタージュファイルの例
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WebVTT example ・WebVTTの例
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Fluid Player</title> <!-- Fluid player style --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.css" /> </head> <body> <!-- Fluid player --> <script src="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.js"></script> <video src="sintel_trailer-480p.mp4" id="my-video" type="video/mp4" width="640" height="360"> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> fluidPlayer("my-video", { layoutControls: { timelinePreview: { file: 'sintel_trailer-480p_thumbs.vtt', type: 'VTT' } } }); </script> </html>
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Fluid player</title> <!-- Fluid player style --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.css" /> </head> <body> <!-- Fluid player --> <script src="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.js"></script> <video id="my-video" width="640" height="360"> <source src="//bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8" type="application/x-mpegURL"> </video> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> fluidPlayer("my-video"); </script> </html>
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Fluid player</title> <!-- Fluid player style --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.css" /> </head> <body> <!-- Fluid player --> <script src="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.js"></script> <video id="my-video" width="640" height="360"> <source src="//rdmedia.bbc.co.uk/dash/ondemand/bbb/2/client_manifest-common_init.mpd" type="application/dash+xml"> </video> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> fluidPlayer("my-video"); </script> </html>
WebTorrent (Peer to peer with Bittorent)
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BitTorrent (BT) is a communication protocol for peer-to-peer file sharing (“P2P”) which is used to distribute data and electronic files over the Internet. © Wikipedia
BitTorrent(ビットトレント)は、Peer to Peerを用いたファイル転送用プロトコル及びその通信を行うソフトウェアです。 © Wikipedia
If you are interested in WebTorrent, I wrote a more detailed article. WebTorrent に興味がある場合は、より詳細な記事にあります。
N.B WebTorrent is based on the WebRTC protocol. Safari does not support WebTorrent yet. 注意 :WebTorrentはWebRTCプロトコルに基づいています。 Safari はまだWebTorrentをサポートしていません。
N.B It takes a few seconds to initialize WebTorrent. 注意 WebTorrentを初期化するには数秒かかります。
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Fluid player</title> <!-- WebTorrent --> <script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/webtorrent/latest/webtorrent.min.js"></script> <!-- Fluid player style --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.css" /> </head> <body> <!-- Fluid player --> <script src="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.js"></script> <video src="Big_Buck_Bunny_Trailer_360p.webm" id="my-video" type="video/webm" width="640" height="360"> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var client = new WebTorrent(); var torrentId = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:08ada5a7a6183aae1e09d831df6748d566095a10&dn=Sintel&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexplodie.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.empire-js.us%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337&tr=wss%3A%2F%2Ftracker.btorrent.xyz&tr=wss%3A%2F%2Ftracker.fastcast.nz&tr=wss%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openwebtorrent.com&ws=https%3A%2F%2Fwebtorrent.io%2Ftorrents%2F&xs=https%3A%2F%2Fwebtorrent.io%2Ftorrents%2Fsintel.torrent'; fluidPlayer("my-video"); client.add(torrentId, function(torrent) { var file = torrent.files.find(function(file) { return file.name.endsWith('.mp4') }); file.renderTo('video', { autoplay: false, muted: true }, function callback() { console.log("ready to play!"); }); }); </script> </html>
Google IMA
If you don’t have IMA credentials, you can use demo tags. IMA資格情報がない場合は、デモタグを使用できます。 https://developers.google.com/interactive-media-ads/docs/sdks/html5/tags
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Fluid player</title> <!-- Fluid player style --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.css" /> </head> <body> <!-- Fluid player --> <script src="//cdn.fluidplayer.com/v2/current/fluidplayer.min.js"></script> <video id="my-video" type="video/mp4" width="640" height="360" crossorigin="anonymous"> <source src="sintel_trailer-480p.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> fluidPlayer("my-video", { vastOptions: { vastAdvanced: { vastLoadedCallback: (function() { console.log("Ad loaded") }), noVastVideoCallback: (function() { console.log("No ad") }), vastVideoSkippedCallback: (function() { console.log("Ad skipped") }), vastVideoEndedCallback: (function() { console.log("Ad ended"); }) }, adList: [{ roll: 'preRoll', vastTag: 'Your_Vast_Tag_URL_here', vAlign: 'top', nonlinearDuration: 10, size: '300x250' }] } }); </script> </html>
Information sources ・ 情報源
Fluid player homepage
https://www.fluidplayer.com/ https://github.com/fluid-player/fluid-player
Fluid playerdocumentation
Media files & streams
http://docs.evostream.com/sample_content/table_of_contents https://bitmovin.com/mpeg-dash-hls-examples-sample-streams/ http://iandevlin.github.io/mdn/video-player-with-captions/ http://rdmedia.bbc.co.uk/dash/ondemand/bbb/ https://old.framatube.org/
「Fluid player: JavaScript open sources media playerの使用法」
August 27, 2018 at 12:00PM
0 notes