#bts raping line
daichiduskdrop · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 35
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: anxiety and panic attack, light implications of attempted rape
Words: 3457
A/N: Hello everyone! I'm sorry I didn't update earlier, I've been very busy. Currently I'm away with my school so I won't be able to post for a while!
Please enjoy this soft chapter :)
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashionstyle-blog @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragons-flare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900 @exfolitae @plexcaffeinate @strawblueberrys
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„What a great choice, little pup. Of course we can go see; come on, let's go, sweet baby.” The packalpha smiled widely at you, taking your hand in his before he started to lead your little group towards the said store.
Yuki and Moonsik followed happily, both okay with going to the music store. While neither of them played any instruments, they enjoyed listening to music, so they wouldn't mind.
Plus, sometimes seeing all of the gadgets and things lined up cleanly just satisfied them, even when they weren't there to buy them.
And so, Namjoon led you close, watchful so you wouldn't bump into any bypassers as you were caught too deeply into explaining the new art technique you only just learned.
The packalpha knew a fair bit about art, but by no means did he know enough, considering how much new information you shared with him during the few small seconds.
Litography for sure sounded complicated, but you looked ecstatic about it, even though you repeated many times that you really didn't know what you were doing most of the time.
Maybe he could start a course with you? Or maybe some of the other packmates would go. Or maybe, if you don't want them to be there with you, you would prefer to do so alone?
Seoul was a large city; for sure, there must be a printing unit of some sort, an atelier, or anything like that.
Namjoon really wanted you to persue your hobbies and dreams, and he knew you held art very close to your heart.
The packalpha wasn't sure what type of school you would want to continue to study at, but he realised well that the pack could for sure help.
He thought a little about what you might be able to do to help them, and the packalpha already had quite a few good ideas.
But nonetheless, Namjoon was more than happy to have you around, and you could choose whichever path you found interesting, and he and the pack members would support you.
The walk across the mall wasn't lengthy, and so soon enough, you were aware of the music store you desired to see when it was closed.
It was open this time, and the lights that were turned on made the display of the instruments and gadgets much clearer and simpler to see.
To your eyes, it looked quite magical. You knew your fair bit about art—of course you would; you studied it after all—and when you were young and lived in Japan, sometimes you would go see theatres too.
Your budget didn't allow you to see the interesting plays anymore, and it wouldn't be too safe for you to go on your own either.
Since most of the theatres would play during the evening, starting at the earliest of 18 o'clock, even when it would be the summer and the sun would come down later, by the time the play would end, it would be dark.
Seoul wasn't a small city by any means, but your apartment was on the outskirts, and you didn't live in the nicest part of it.
You were an omega. Only now were you being courted, and before that, you had no one to make sure you would get safely home.
The last time you went to see the play R.U.R., which didn't wow you but didn't hurt to see either, you left the theatre by the evening, and the stars would twinkle and shine.
The bus you had to wait for took quite some time to arrive, but whenever a bit off-looking alpha or beta would come sit by you on the waiting bench at the stop, you would make sure to get up and create a distance so no contact would be created.
You were on your phone, busying yourself on Instagram as there was free WiFi available, and so when your bus arrived a good half an hour later, you entered.
All went well in the beginning, but as the drive continued, less and less people stayed, and it came to only you and an alpha.
The man didn't seem too suspicious at first, but when he stood up, to you seeming to go to leave the vehicle, he didn't step out but instead stepped closer to you.
You were more than lucky that night, to be certain. Just the reminder of the sickling smell of the rut had your stomach turning, and when you noticed the look in his eyes, you realised what was meant to go down.
Before the alpha could do anything, you left the bus in a hurry, as your stop just came, and luckily for you, the dreaded man didn't follow you.
Since then, you wouldn't go outside comfortably and would always be wary of being on your own during the night.
Just the terrifying memory made small tears spring up in your eyes. What would happen if that man took you to mate that night? What if he marked you too?
Surely, none of the pack members courting you now would be interested in you then.
You felt your fingers shake a little, and you could tell you were about to cry. You couldn't go crying in the mall like this, and if Yuki and Moonsik were with you too, what would they think of you now?
Your breaths started to cut shorter and shorter, and as your eyes squeezed shut, a slight ringing clouded your mind.
Then, you couldn't tell well what was going on—too much in a haze to realise. You could hear your heartbeat, or was it yours?
It sounded close to your ear, and you felt your lungs hurt from how unwell you were breathing, your intakes shorter and shorter every moment passing.
„...okay, pup,'s okay...."
You recognised the packalpha's voice well, but it sounded distant and far; your ears were somehow weak, and you were tired.
The soft smell around you brought you a slight comfort and warmth, but even then, your shoulders shook and tears would come down your face.
Whenever your sobs would get louder, the warmth brought to you felt more close, as the scent felt more strong and noticeable.
Somewhere deep in the back of your mind, you knew you had stressed yourself out so much that you had another omega drop, but then again, you couldn't think too clearly.
„...don't worry, sweetheart, just breathe for alpha baby;.."
Namjoon's voice caressed you in the background as you sobbed and cried softly. You were just too scared and anxious at this point, too worried out of your mind, to really pay attention to what was going on around you.
It took you quite some time to calm down to a point where you would realise what was going on around you. Sobs wrecked your body, and your shoulders would shake as you gasped for air.
„...there you go, pup, just like that. Breathe for Alpha little 'mega..."
Namjoon didn't know what exactly went down to cause you to suddenly drop on him, but he knew it wasn't good.
It was just like that—your scent would change, and he would notice something was wrong. And before the packalpha could do anything to help prevent it, your soft sniffles and cries already came.
And what was he to do? He knew he couldn't do much as the rest of the packmembers weren't there to help, and surely all of their scents would do you good.
Namjoon didn't even have that lamb plushie they bought for you, and gosh, he was cursing himself for not getting at least a keychain to carry around himself in case of need—like now.
They all will, for sure, purchase one right away after they hear about your soft state. None of them will care about how bulky or weird their keys might look; that would not matter.
If they would get a keychain that would carry all of their scents, for sure, that would help when you might drop on them so suddenly.
Namjoon didn't have that at the moment, and so he was stuck with what was possible to help relieve your anxious state—his own scent.
And so he did what he thought would be best, releasing all of the protective and calming pheromones he had as an alpha.
The moment the packalpha realised you entered an omega drop, from standing before you crouched while caressing your cheeks with questions pouring out about your dazed state, he was quick to get into action.
When your tears appeared and your scent fully changed, he took you into his arms, not caring one bit about anyone looking—you were his top priority.
And so Namjoon cradled you to his chest, safely tucking away your face into his scent gland as he would try to calm you down.
When your sobs and cries turned into gasps for air, he could truly feel worry cloud his mind, and he could tell his brain was dashing up with only a few simple words screamed at him.
Mate; Danger; Breathe;
And he held you even closer, going from trying to gently talk you out of your closed state to feeling himself start to go feral in worry.
Was it one of the bypassers that made you freak out so much? Was it the shop owner? Oh, he was going to have a word with him if that was the case for sure.
But before the packalpha could do anything, Moonsik, who still held Yuki's hand closely as they both looked worriedly over the two of you, stepped closer.
„You need to go somewhere where it's calm and quiet, Namjoon-ah.” The beta's voice held a sense of urgency in it.
His own pack's omega wouldn't drop too often, but when he would, it was always a great worry for both Moonsik and Juwon.
He recognised the short and quick breaths, along with how off your scent seemed, and knew that you really weren't doing well at the moment.
And so, he was quick to step in as soon as he noted Namjoon's growing distress; it was understandable that he was worried. You were their courted omega after all, and it was every packmember's worst nightmare to see their littlest ones cry of fear.
Moonsik calmly came over, a harsh but not really meant growl leaving the packalpha as he took a step back. The beta understood—the younger wasn't thinking too clearly and wouldn't take time to realise who was safe and who wasn't.
At this point, the only ones allowed to come closer to the distressed omega were the packmates, and even then, the packalpha would strictly watch.
And so, the beta took the lead and started to walk to one of the stores where it surely would be quiet and calm—the small library, which had a café at its entrance.
Namjoon rushed to follow, pecking your cheeks and temples repeatedly as he would comb his fingers gently through your hair.
The only thing he wished for was that you would be okay.
None of the drops he experienced with you went to such an extent, and you never had such issues with breathing. What if something was seriously wrong?
Hastily, the small group of yours entered the café. Moonsik brought Yuki over to order, as he didn't want it to seem like you all just came over to sit and not have anything.
The other omega was scared and worried for you, asking the beta numerous times if you were okay and saying, „Y/N doesn't look fine, hyungie!” Nearly bursting into tears himself.
Though the beta was professional in distracting the younger and calming him down, he by no means needed Yuki to drop too; that would be truly bad timing.
And so, Moonsik asked the omega about which drink he thought you would like the best, or what pastry, but the conversation always stopped, as the omega would go turning to look at you sitting in a secluded booth, curled up closely to Namjoon.
Yuki couldn't see much, as the packalpha had tucked you closely against himself and kept you in the corner, his back partly turned to the entrance.
„You're okay, my baby; breathe now; breathe for Alpha." He would whisper, a little frown on his face as he held you to his chest, making sure your ear was pressed right up against his heart where you could hear it the best.
The alpha caressed your hair softly, pecking your forehead as his chin would rub up against the top of your head.
His scent was noticeable all around the booth, and while he might feel a bit emberassed normally, considering that it's not really well with the etiquette to have one's scent take up the whole room, he really didn't care at the moment.
Luckily, the people working and in the café were understanding and didn't freak out or start a scene over it, and everything truly was calm.
Apart from the soft, calm music playing in the background, the shop was quiet and calm, and he only then realised that it was definitely omega-centred too.
And soon after, your teary eyes, Namjoon so restlessly viped over and over, fluttered open. The moment you realised it was the packalpha who was gently looking over you, holding you close as he would caress you, soft shushes leaving him in hopes of you breathing better, a soft sob left you again.
Namjoon looked over immediately, his eyes widening, before he held you even closer, tucking your head right into the very crook of his neck.
„Oh baby...” He whispered gently, pecking your temples repeatedly as he rubbed your back and petted your hair.
You gripped onto the alpha's t-shirt tightly, the man pulling you up and closer to his chest in answer.
Your cheek rested against Namjoon's collarbone as the still slightly agitated alpha held you very close, trying his best to settle you.
Just then, Moonsik and Yuki came over with the order they thought both of you would like the best: an americano for Namjoon and a sweet lemonade with a little cheesecake for you.
Just as Yuki went to whine out, noticing that you wouldn't turn to look at them, the packalpaha being the only one to have acknowledged them, the beta was quick with his thinking.
„Sh, baby, sh, come here." He whispered gently as he pulled the younger omega over to himself, letting him sit on his lap too.
The beta knew well that you needed some space and time to truly relax and calm down, and staying with the packalpha for the time being was for sure the safest bet.
And so, Moonsik fed his omega small bites of the brownie cake and had him drink his own lemonade. Yuki hoped you would like yours just like he always liked his.
„Should I call someone, Namjoon-ah?” Moonsik asked after a little while, worried eyes set on you. While you weren't sobbing and gasping for air uncontrollably anymore, you were still softly sniffing, no matter what the packalpha would say.
Namjoon looked up from pecking your forehead, frowning a little in thought. The packmembers would for sure freak out if they knew, but it was necessary, he thought.
And so, as the alpha pulled you even closer, your nose right against his scent gland, he stayed for a little while in thought.
„If you would be so kind, Moonsik-hyung, that would be very helpful.” He whispered softly, not wanting to startle you, as he gently patted your hair.
The beta nodded and ushered Yuki out of his lap, taking the younger's hand before he went over to the more secluded area—he didn't want you or anyone else to hear to call.
You didn't need to drop on them the second time in a row today.
Precautions were a must in such situations, and your fragile state for sure required one, so they needed to be careful now.
Moonsik quickly switched on his contacts, searching through them until he found the first packmate he had saved on his phone, Yoongi.
And so, as Yuki looked over the books on display, opening and closing them after he realised they were in the horror section, the ringing noise sounded in the beta's ear.
It took a while for the alpha to pick up, but he did soon after, having the beta sigh from the pent-up worry he didn't even realise he kept inside.
„Hello, Yoongi, it's Moonsik...um, the beta, we met in the mall and-”
„Yes, I remember. What do you need? Is Y/N okay?”
„Y/N dropped a few minutes ago, but Namjoon is trying to settle h-”
„What?! Fuck, where are they?”
„We are in the reading café right now, but maybe you all shouldn't come at the same time..."
„Aish, send me the address, and I'll be there soon; I'll let the rest know.”
„Of course, I will. Thank you.”
Yoongi was the one to switch off the call, but in the background, Moonsik could very well hear his keys jiggle as the alpha quickly got ready to leave.
He wasn't sure where Yoongi was at the moment or if they were all planning to come into the café, but he trusted them and knew that they would do their best to help you.
„Come on, baby, let's go." The beta softly said, gently tugging onto Yuki's hand, the omega following right away, abandoning the book he held before.
They walked back up the stairs and over to the booth to see you still closely held by the packalpha; only now you weren't really sniffling too badly.
Only when they sat down and Moonsik got a better look at you did he realise what happened—you cried yourself to sleep, far too exhausted to keep up with everything.
Namjoon held you close, very much in a protective headspace, wary of anyone and everyone passing by.
The alpha tried to feed you a little bite of the sweet cake or have you at least take the smallest sip possible, but you wouldn't budge, a soft whimper leaving you whenever Namjoon would slightly pull away to give you a little bite.
And so, after a short time, the packalpha has given up on having you eat or drink at the moment, and as you fell asleep, he would hold you just as close as before, if not closer.
He sipped on his coffee the beta and omega, so kindly got him, but it was still quite hot, and he didn't really know how to relax at the moment.
„I called Yoongi; he said he was on his way.” The beta almost whispered, not wanting you to wake up, but seeing your truly tired state, you weren't about to.
The packalpha murmured soft thanks, glad that the beta was kind and considerate in such a jumbled situation.
Just as Namjoon went on to apologise about the hangout taking a terrible turn, the beta was quick to shush him.
„It's okay, Namjoon-ah; it's not yours or Y/N's fault; things like these just happen.” He said it calmly, cutting off a little bite of the brownie to feed Yuki again.
The packalpha could only thank him softly, holding you close as he rubbed your back up and down, keeping you close.
It didn't take a long time before the other packmate came, and it wasn't just Yoongi either.
The moment the youngest recognised your distressed scent in the mall, he took off running, with the older alpha following soon enough, finding the path to you by your scent.
And soon enough, Jungkook stood at the entrance to the café, a mask and heavy jacket on, as he came just from the outside, where Yoongi had driven them.
A soft gasp left him as he finally saw you and Namjoon, your body tightly cuddled up to the older alpha.
„Babybun!” He whispered, taking long strides over before he came to the side of the booth with you.
Jungkook reached over to hold you, Namjoon sighing out gently, before he let you be held by him, only a soft whine leaving you.
„Don't cry, my bunny, it's okay. Alpha is here now. Alpha is here." He would whisper, his chin and cheeks rubbing vigorously over your head as he tried to have his calming scent mask your still unsettled one.
„Oh, kitty...” Yoongi murmured, taking a seat next to the youngest as he too gently petted and brushed through your hair, worried eyes set on your still-half-asleep form.
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army93bangya · 9 months
The Moon Goddess’s Chosen | MYG [M]
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*Summary: Y/N has been sheltered and hidden within her pack her whole life. She is gifted and her father the alpha of the pack does not want her to find her mate and leave the birth pack. But not even he can stop her from attending the mate gathering between many packs every year to find one’s fated mate. Y/N is worried what her father will do should her mate find her and try to take her. Add in the revelation that the talked about fairly new pack Bangtan will be in attendance this year. Rumored to be ruthless and their alpha heartless, Y/N has every reason to be concerned and riddled with anxiety.
*Genre/Rating: Mature, 18+, Werewolf/Fated mates, eventual smut? 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
*Warnings/Potential Triggers: Talks of Abuse, Mistreatment, Being Detained, Anxiety, Mention of Murder, Mention of plotting Murder, Slight mention of Rape, Possible future Smut,….more to be added in future chapters.
*Disclaimer: This work was written and owned by Army93bangya and there is no consent for anyone else to post it as theirs, this story is intended for entertainment purposes only, this story is a work of fantasy, seems a bit ridiculous to say but I do not own or have rights to BTS or the members and the characters in this story are a fictional interpretation of members.
*Notes: WHEW! I had an idea that I had written in the notes on my phone a few years ago and I decided to dust it off and work on a teaser chapter for it. This is my first time writing and posting fanfiction so I’m thinking of this as a pilot chapter with hopefully more to come. I will take constructive criticism and any pointers from seasoned authors who might happen upon this. But I would like to point out that I am a person behind this blog and do have emotions so please do not post hateful things just because. Thank you to anyone that sees this post and takes the time to give this chapter a chance. 💜💜
Next Chapter
This was the first year I am to join the mate gathering. My father had put off me attending for as long as he could with all unmated wolfs mandatorily having to go at the age of 18. I’m now 21 having missed three gatherings. He did not want me to be able to find a mate of course he wanted my power all to himself. He is a evil greedy alpha if one should even give him the respect of that title.
He often has kept me locked up and secluded sometimes even going so far as to starve me periodically if I was to get out of his view of the line that I should never cross or thus the consequences. It is extremely rare for a wolf to be imbued additional powers of the moon goddess. Usually these mage wolfs only come about once every 300 to 500 years. Very rare indeed. When one is discovered they are to be honored, celebrated, and protected as their rightful place as the moon goddess’s direct line and will is placed in this wolf. I’ve heard that the goddess will create the perfect alpha mate for her mage wolf. The perfect protector to care for and cherish her chosen. But I never asked for this, all this power has brought upon me is pain and suffering from the ones I call my pack and family.
My father’s next in line, the wolf he has chosen to lead the pack next has taken a particular interest in me. Darius can be quite cruel, he enjoys trying to make me feel weak. He wants me to submit to him and be his chosen mate. But one can only expect cruelty being groomed by a wicked man like my father. He was never gifted a mate and instead raped my mother and had her killed after my birth when she tried to run with me.
The counsel of alphas knew of my existence and nothing else, every year my father had made some excuse as to why I could not attend feigning that I had been attacked and was recovering or was ill and sickly. But this year some of my fathers enemy alphas had put there foot down and demanded my father produce his daughter just like all the other wolves and receive no more special treatment. So here I am, getting ready for the mate gathering with our camp a few miles from the meeting area. One would think I would be elated at the idea of finding a fated mate. Not everybody finds the one fated for them and if I could find mine he could take me away from my father and this pack who has always treated me like a valuable object hidden from the rest of the world. Because of that I am filled with anxiety and unease for tonight. My father and his tyrannical protégé will never let me leave the pack even if they have to put on false masks of deceit pretending to be elated if I am to be bestowed a mate, only to plot for the rest of the evening how to get rid of my mate before he can take me away.
My best friend and maid Maddie, also an unmarked she-wolf, usually has all the gossip for me. Tonight while helping me with my hair she isn’t disappointing. From her standing position behind me while I sit in-front of a mirror the gossip I am always eager to hear starts. “Apparently that newer formed pack will be here tonight. I glance at her face concentrated on my hair before responding. “What new pack?” Her face takes on a uneasy expression. “Well they formed a few years back. Their alpha is said to be joining the counsel as well during the gathering this year and he does not have a mate. I heard he is cold and merciless, he and his 6 betas had every single member of the crimson pack killed. They slaughtered them all. I heard instead of the usual excitement and joy that comes with a mate gathering, every single she wolf is terrified of this “bangtan” pack. Nobody wants to possibly be mated into that pack, and you know a male leaving his pack for his mate is rare. It’s just not traditional.” The very thought of being mated in that pack or goddess forbid this rumored malevolent alpha petrified me. If my mate was strong and smart enough to get me away from my birth pack I don’t know what I would do if it was to another wolf like my father and his heir.
“What is this alphas name so I know to stay clear of his presence as best I can? I do not want to gain someone like that’s attention.” She fidgeting with one of my curls that didn’t want to stay in place “It is said the moon goddess must have blessed him because his physically strength far exceeds a normal alpha. I wonder why the moon goddess would bestow such a gift to a wolf so ruthless.” She sighs before looking at me through the mirror “His name is Yoongi. Min Yoongi.”
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kanmom51 · 1 year
This is not written to or about you. In your mind's voice please read it as I am speaking to and about the people who have written some excited rants. I like your site a lot and like your perspectives on JiKook topics. I am hoping, if nothing else, it might inspire a conversation for you. I wasn't sure where to share it since I am new to Tumblr and really don't plan to be a big poster.
================The thoughts==============
Some 'fans' and foes are losing their minds over Jimin participating in a song as a feature artist that has multiple performers, one of whom has - according to the conversations - done horrible things and has a bad reputation. However, many of these same people were not as concerned about Jungkook who performed in Qatar that has huge human rights violations and controversies. Qatar has been doing this for much longer and harming many more groups of people. The information is easy to research. Yet these same people and others have no problem supporting a KPop industry that exploits underage people with excessive work and sexual behavior. The very industry they support has had its own sexual abuse scandals and unfortunate suicide incidents, but yet they are now out of sorts about supporting Jimin with this song. I'm not in any way defending the rapper, if the information is confirmed to be true, and I am not saying it wouldn't be wise for Jimin to be aware of who he is working with, but he likely recorded a song in an isolated studio and didn't even meet the performers he was singing with. He would not work in this industry if he based his choices on only working with saintly people who never did wrong things or only behaved in ways that were perfect. As an aside, I don't know the personal behaviors of any of the other people on the song. I just don't understand the hypocrisy and the emotional tantrums people are having without thinking through information, much less looking at their own lives to see if they would have trouble being held to the same standards they hold BTS, but apparently Jimin in particular, to. If you are not who I am referring to with the descriptions above, feel free to disregard these thoughts. No need to be offended if you are not anyone referenced here.
Thanks for your time, Kanmom51. Keep up the good work.
I'm actually with you on this one @jimin-bangtan .
The hypocrisy in this fandom hits me every single time.
Let's start With Kodak Black why don't we?
Born 1997, now 25 yo man. Not without controversy around him, he has been involved in several illegalities in the past.
I will say this and be loud and clear: KB is NOT a nice person.
He's been involved in drug and illegal arms offenses and beyond the charges I will talk about below, the reason people are up in arms about the collab, he has been said to get rough with women. In my books he's a douche, and if he ever raises his hand at a woman he needs to pay the price for it. Period.
But the main issue that has people upset about is his rape charges. people screaming about how can JM be collaborating with a rapist.
So, let's make one thing clear here.
Plain and simple.
Well not so simple, because the legal system (law) and justice are two different things, at times intertwine and at times travel on parallel lines that never meet.
It actually goes both ways - people that literally get away with murder on the one hand and innocent people that have their lives ruined by wrongfully charged or convicted on the other.
But the legal system, as flawed as it is, is what we have.
Why this long winded explanation?
Well because KB was accused he raped a high school student in Feb 2016. He was charged for it in October 2017.
But 5 years later the prosecution reached a plea deal with him, the sex offenses were dropped (not even being accused of statutory rape, which is having consensual sex with a minor) and he was convicted of assault and battery and received a suspended sentence and probation.
I know this feels a little technical, but it is super important to make these distinctions. He was accused of rape but not convicted of it.
It is what it is.
He is a douche but he is not a convicted sex offender douche.
And if we are already talking about douches and problematic musicians, it's funny how everyone seems to wake up with these complaints and criticism when it involves JM.
Why is that? I ask myself.
Where were those people when Hobi was collabing with Crush? Where were they when BTS collabed with Snoop Dogg? Do I even bring up all the scandals he was involved in?
The above mentioned is merely an example of some of Snoop Dogg's issues.
Nothing, silence, you could hear a pin fall. Well, actually, not really. Because of all of the cheers and screams of joy that were heard when that collab was announced. Funny. Or not really.
And let's think about the examples in this ask why don't we?
JK doing the song for the Qatar games, well that didn't go without scrutiny. There were voices of criticism sounded, but those voices pretty much died down and at the end of the day, the song and JK as well, received the full support from the fandom.
And the K-pop industry?
"Yet these same people and others have no problem supporting a KPop industry that exploits underage people with excessive work and sexual behavior. The very industry they support has had its own sexual abuse scandals and unfortunate suicide incidents, but yet they are now out of sorts about supporting Jimin with this song."
Say it louder for the people in the back!!!
YG just announced their new girl group. Guess how old the youngest member is?
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13 yo.
As much as that is a favourite Jikook number, it sure isn't an appropriate age for a child to debut with a girl group in an industry that sexualises young girls the way it does. And it's not that the others are much older either.
Cookie someone?
So yeah, we all need to be conscious of our choices. Who we listen to, where our money goes, who and what we support. And it's ok to criticise our faves, I'd even go as far as to say it's our duty to do so. But a. it's a case to case basis, meaning circumstances matter (which means what the level of involvement is with that person, for example); and b. let's not be hypocrites here. Let's not have double standards. If we feel it's wrong to collab with a problematic rapper, that standard applies not only to JM but to every other member of the band and the band as a whole.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
the way twitter stans don't get matt smith is playing up the blacks vs greens conflict like most of the actors have been in the recent interviews, like ofc as the person who plays daemon he's gonna say he doesn't like alicent lmao
(also i find it interesting how all of the crazy team green twitter stans had no problem when tgc called jace a dweeb isn't that hate too🤔)
no YEAH and like, obvious caveat it isn't the whole fandom but twitter does incentivise the absolute craziest people to get popular which means some of thee most annoying people to have ever existed in this world are popular in the greater hotd fandom, and what's been consistently frustrating is how many people who are either rhaenicent/girls focused or tg stans who just refuse to acknowledge the absolutely cracked behavior coming from their side. like, all this focus on olivia, basically with the implication that this is an isolated thing like with the hate lena got for playing cersei, but it's not because imo the internet (or at least twitter) has gotten infinitely worse since got finished, so it's not just olivia getting this insane behavior, it's the bulk of the cast! and it's coming from everyone, from the angry book fans, the targ nation delulus, the femslash enjoyers, tb, tg, every subfandom has had some insane and over the line behavior directed towards the cast that loves to default to either "well you're ugly and i hope you die" or just straight up bigotry.
like the amount of people (largely the "toxic yuri enjoyers" or the tb stans, i can whack the people i hang out with!!) going after tom for saying standard actor stuff like "I love my character" or "i feel bad for my character" and saying he's a rape apologist is crazy. people didn't even go after jason momoa for that real dumbshit "i get to rape beautiful women" comment this hard! is he supposed to not try to understand the character he's playing?? are people who play villains or antagonists just never allowed to feel sympathy for their characters? that's crazy, that's insane, but especially in a series where a) there are SO MANY villain protagonists and b) this series is known for exploring why bad people turn into bad people and why good people do bad things and what even a "bad person" or a "good person" looks like, so why are we mad that the cast plays into this??
and YEAH tbh like you say, i think there's a lot of in this case tg stans specifically who get so fucking angry whenever Matt Smith plays along with the "all must choose" angle but it's like - yeah of course he does, he's not the only one doing this, he clearly thinks it's fun to joke about how he's gonna decimate ewan mitchell, and i think a lot of his bts stuff throughout his career has gone from the two extremes of "having something amazing to say" and "being completely and totally unserious" because this is a job he does, and he likes to get goofy with it. it's fine!!! but no, apparently, it's such a crime to simply exist and like that he's playing this fun character with a goofy wig and a cool aesthetic that we've gotta dogpile every post about him calling him ugly!! but when The People We Hate In Fandom do something vile like call olivia a cunt to her face, that's the true evil! and when People We Are Friends With start saying really weird shit about fabien being ~violent~ we just look the other way even tho that feels just a lil racist!!!
it's more frustrating because you can't even say this is a fandom that skews young like a shitty teen show or a cartoon - this is a grown up show for adults, this is prestige tv, this is a show and a series you actually think "maybe i should wait a few years before i let my middle schooler dig into that one" but the fandom is SO INSANE. WE ARE ALL ADULTS WHY ARE WE ACTING SO JOBLESS. GO PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT. DO SOME YOGA SO YOUR BACK DOESN'T SEIZE UP BEFORE 40. TOUCH GRASS!!
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people on the internet and out in the world with hate in their hearts. Some are annoying, and some are dangerous.
In the past year, BTS members have endured:
--home invasion
--mail tampering
--info doxing
--leaked photos
--selling stories and fake scandals to the press
--clout chasing by brands following their accounts
--stalking at restaurants, airports, stadiums, gyms, and homes
--netizen threats of cutting, suicide, rape, and killing of their families or themselves
As a result, some members have:
--refused to come online for months
--deleted all their personal content and stuck only to official business
--removed social media apps (worth millions) altogether
--come on Lives and WeVerse and BEGGED us to remember they are human and not to follow them or put other people in danger
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Normally it’s enough to just block haters who talk shit on the internet and report their posts to the platform hosts.
But when a Tannie’s in danger of being attacked or violated, it’s time to kick things up the chain to BigHit so their Security Team can be aware of it.
If you see issues online that can cause harm to one of the members, please keep the following things in mind:
Never interact with the poster(s). Do not engage. The more engagement they have, the less likely they can be suspended quickly.
Do not repost or quote retweet—you are only helping to spread the harm. If you MUST share, you keep it to your DMs and private forums. Share with trusted people so that they can quietly report it, not so they can gossip about it.
Immediately start gathering evidence. Take a screenshot, bookmark the link, note the IP address. Write down the date, the user nickname, the post’s URL, and a description of the issue plus any pertinent info on the poster. Anything that might serve to send them a Cease and Desist or take legal action.
Email your evidence to BigHit at [email protected]
Sometimes people will craft template messages you can use—as a guide. Don’t copy lines verbatim or your email will get trapped in a spam folder. Change the subject line and the sentences a little.
This email process is for harmful content, breaches of privacy, security threats. It’s not where you go to report a piece of fanart you think is distasteful or someone expressing negative opinions about BTS’ music. This is for ACTIONABLE BREACHES.
Please do not ever contact BTS’ members friends, family, staff, collaborators or brand ambassadors. That is a serious boundary breach, even if you have good intentions. Stick to the official channels and just email the company.
Go ahead and bookmark this post in case you need a quick and easy reference:
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Just a note: The maknae line get it bad, and Jimin gets it the worst. Please don't get into dogfights. Just quietly, calmly, and diligently report. If you feel really strong about it, join a reporting group.
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ARMYs exist to support BTS. Protecting their privacy and safety is part of that. We will never get another Jikook live or TMI session if they do not even feel safe in their own homes.
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The disappointment is real. Obviously I understand he's a grown ass man who makes his decisions but are those misogynistic lyrics worth the additional fame and hype? Was it necessary? I'm so disappointed and disgusted and I've never felt this way before about a bts member. And people are clearly uncomfortable with that disgusting white man's parts but they're jumping through hoops to try and convince themselves its all fine and cool and people are even defending it like what the fuck?
I hardly think he chose the lyrics for the misogyny. He's probably just one of those types who is so used to sexist rap lyrics that he thought little of it - being a man, that's even easier. I don't even know how well he knew Jack Harlow's lyricism apart from enjoying his songs and voice, and knowing he writes dirty lyrics. Harlow was probably "hired" before writing the lyrics, so he wouldn't be "fired" for them, and Jungkook wouldn't tell him to change the lyrics - not that he wanted to; it seems like he doesn't care anyway.
Not to invalidate your feelings, but BTS still perform Boy in Luv despite the MV being terribly misogynistic and the lyrics not being much better, as well as other older songs with uncomfortable lyrics (Danger, for example). Jimin did a song with a rapist (Angel Pt.1), vocal line did Bad Decisions with Snoop Dog, and all of BTS admire tons of people who are just as bad, if not worse, than Jack Harlow (Jay Park, for example, and also Chris Brown and others). Plus, JK opened the WC, which was a much more controversial topic, yet Hybe didn't give a single fuck, and neither did JK. This really isn't surprising. I'm no more disgusted by this as other stuff. The Seven MV upset me more because Jungkook was the one being sexist, and not sexist by association... But seeing him next to Jack Harlow on TikTok holding up his finger for "one woman is boring" is disgusting and disappointing all the same.
And, yeah, people think they're "cool", "open minded", "level headed", or whatever, if they either like Jack's part or just don't like his flow, but not the lyrics! Saying the lyrics are misogynistic seems to mean you're being dramatic, don't know hip hop (what a sin!!!), are childish, a prude, etc. As usual, unless a woman is being raped or murdered on TV, everything is a-okay. A lot of people are just fucking idiots.
Thanks for the ask and sharing your thoughts!
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micdropnet · 2 years
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as valued members and performers of Mic Drop Entertainment, we expect you to hold yourself accountable and responsible for the rules below.
please abide by them, as we take them seriously.
breaking these rules can result in the termination of your contract with us.
we will make this a safe space for you and hold ourselves accountable if anything foul may happen to you
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must be at least 18 years old to join [if you are found lying about your age, you WILL be blacklisted by us and all out affiliate networks]
no hate, harassment, or bullying of any kind will be tolerated. our network is 100% inclusive, no matter your race, sexuality, background, etc. everyone is welcome at all times.
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if you were denied entry to the company, we will give a reason why. however, do be assured that you will never be discriminated against based on your background, ethnicity, race, sexuality, ect.
all members will be given three strikes before one of the following occurs:
- temporary or permanent removal from Mic Drop Entertainment, depending on severity - a review between you and one or more of the CEOs or the Managers to resolve your issue
you may receive strikes for many reasons including:
- not following the content rules (more information below) - not updating for over six months/going on hiatus without updating the network - bullying, harassing, and/ or displaying one of the phobias/isms (racism, homophobia, etc.)
CEOs and Managers have the sole rights for accepting and turning away applicants, giving strikes, terminating members, and black-list non-members for any reason deemed fit, which may or may have not been listed
if your membership has been terminated, you may reapply after a 3 month period (your termination message will include a date of when you may reapply) unless your termination was permanent (your termination message will state if this is the case)
we will not reblog or add your story to our reading list if it is under 250 words
while everyone is encouraged to participate in events, it is in no way necessary.
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no plagiarizing or stealing others' work. If it is discovered this has been done, the membership will be permanently terminated immediately.
all content you tag us in must contain BTS and/ or a BTS member is the main character/ main pairing, or else we will not reblog
credit any banner creator and beta reader who assisted with your story
types stories we accept:
- teasers - drabbles - oneshots - series - books
each are required to contain the following details:
- synopsis - pairing - genre - AU - word count - age rating [more info below] - trigger warnings (if any) - smut warnings (if any) - read more cut (before 500 words or before NSFW content)(can add the cut through squiggly line thing to the side in the editing station) - appropriate tags (eg not tagging Yoongi since it is a Taehyung fic/ graphic)
- synopsis - pairing - rating - marked as mature if it is mature under Wattpad guidelines - trigger warnings (if any) - smut warnings (if any) - appropriate tags (eg not tagging Jungkook since it is a Namjoon fic) - tag any genre an/ or au
what we will NOT reblog
- incest - pedophillia - smut with members if they are underage - rape, non-con, or dubious sex - vore - glamorization/ romanticization/ glorification of serious health issues and mental illness - glamorization/ romanticization/ glorification of assault, abuse, manipulation, etc. - explicit/ graphic depictions of death and/ or self harm
we will reblog if content is tagged/ warned appropriately. they need to be clearly stated and not just labeled as ‘dark topic’ or ‘sensitive themes’. 
we are willing to reblog the following:
- somnophilia with consent in cases of drunk and/or high sex (this does not count if the person was drugged for sexual gains) - implied/mentions of eating disorders, addiction, depression, and/ or other mental health issues - implied/mentions of death/ killing/ murder - implied/mentions of serious health issues - implied/mention of use of weapons
we will reblog the following as long as the members are not committing them:
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g: intended for all audiences, sfw
pg: a step above g, small uses of minor swear words, still sfw
pg13: acceptable for younger teenagers, light romance (kissing, hand holding, beginning of dating), very light violence/action (light fighting, yelling), still sfw
pg15: acceptable for older teenagers, romantic themes (heavy kissing, clothed touching), minor violence/action (heavy fighting, punching, screaming) (no weapons) still sfw but borderline suggestive
nc17: acceptable for those 17 years old and older. a step above pg15, strong romantic themes (suggestive content) mild violence/action with weapons, borderline sfw/nsfw
18+: only acceptable for those 18 years old and older. explicit sexual content/violence, graphic scenes of triggering content, nsfw
21+: only acceptable for those 21 years old and older. extreme sexual content/violence, extremely graphic scenes of triggering content, very nsfw
kinds of visual work we accept:
- gifs - gfx - edits - moodboards - fanfic banners - fanart
[don’t see your content listed? send us an ask and we’d consider adding it to the list!]
we will NOT reblog if any images contain nudity.
if you post a requested edit, make sure to properly cite who requested it and if they use your image, make sure they properly cite you.
images must be clear and must contain one or more of the BTS members
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don’t hesitate to reach out to the staff members if you have any questions or concerns
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these rules are subject to change at any time with or without notification
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cakejerry · 1 year
The disgusting smugness with which bts deliver those rape-y and downright psychopatic lines in pied piper, I honestly think they should have been arrested and publicly executed the moment that album dropped. "My hands are warm only for you"? Okay doctor parasocialia. That's exactly what bts fans needed in 2017. Encouragement. "Even if I destroy you, you'll forgive me because you can't live without me and you know it" Umm yeah me personally if I ever meet bts it's on sight with hammers and feel free to let bighit know to put me on a blacklist because if I ever catch them something will happen that I can't say online without legal reprimand.
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cherienymphe · 1 year
I wonder if I'm the only one who skips the seggs scenes in BT?This fic is such an emotional warfare to go through that the last thing I care about are the seggs scenes lmao
Honestly you're valid! If y'all will notice, there aren't even that many. And it's fully bc I'm way more invested in writing the other stuff. Sometimes I find it necessary. like when he first raped her, officially crossing that line. Or when he wants to manipulate her or like in the recent chapter where she finally makes the first move and it's to show how far she's gone
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sparklehoney7 · 2 years
body addictive
by: knotsleeve
pairing: jimin/jungkook
info: one shot (17,012)
tags: Murder // Mild Gore // Sexual Slavery // Explicit Sexual Content // Explicit Language // Rape/Non-con Elements // Non-Negotiated D/s // Punishment // Implied/Referenced Underage Sex // Hybrids // Thought We Were Going To Die Sex // Anal Sex // Self-Lubrication // Blow Jobs // Jeongguk's Monster Cock // References to Drugs // Aged-Up Character(s) // Aged-Down Park Jimin (BTS) // Jeongguk's The Hyung // Trauma // Bad Things Happened To Jimin In The Past
summary: Jeongguk is the latest in a long line of men to kill for Park Jimin.
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bisexualnamjoonie · 1 year
This isn't an attack, but I'm just curious why you think that 3D is sexist? I can see how JH's verses could be interpreted that way, but I didn't really find the lyrics in JK's part sexist. I actually thought some of them were quite sweet. I like how he told his partner that they didn't have to have sex until she was ready and willing. There are many songs like this with lyrics that are just a bunch of macho posturing about how desirable the singer is where they treat their partner like a conquest and pressure her to have sex with them (Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke comes to mind). To me, 3D isn't one of them. Even Jack Harlow says that his partner doesn't owe him sex when they see each other in his second verse. The narrator of the song seems to be in an established long-distance relationship with his partner and have an emotional connection with them, not just a sexual one. I don't feel like he degrades his partner in any way or objectifies her, but that's just my interpretation.
ah no offense taken, you're free to ask! honestly it's just harlow's verse that's really shitty, the rest of the song is not particularly sexist (if you really wanna be prickly you could eventually say that feeding into the "guy has more sex drive than girl and is the one waiting for sex" stereotype is a sexist trope but yk, that's really not the worst of it when it comes to sexism, just a classic straight dynamic stereotype 😂), and i haven't watched the mv so i couldn't say and like, compare it to seven which is a perfect representation of the pervasiveness of rape culture tbh.
no i just fucking despise the energy jack harlow brings into featurings, it was the same with industry baby, the difference being that it was so in your face no homo it was ridiculous. here it's just plain sexist and racist.
the problem here isn't with pushing sex on their partner or not, it's about the words used to describe the girl. the acronym ABG refers to a sexist and racist stereotype and in no way can be taken as a compliment. it's harmful, degrading and fetishising of asian women.
and since jk didn't take part in the writing, in my opinion he (or at least hybe since it's supposed to be their job?) should have at least put a big no to the racist references once the song was offered to him? it's kinda sad to say at this point but i expected the sexism (although you can be a good raper (and a good musician for that matter lmao) without being a sexist prick but just as anywhere else men are just the fucking worse lmao). but idk, it baffles me that jk and hybe read the reference to a stereotype that's specifically armful to asian women and said "oh yeah checks out". like. i have no words. and then they dare tell us in their books that hybe's has their trainees undergo courses on gender equality and have bts partake in the no asian hate movement? the sheer hypocrisy
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aajjks · 1 year
Girl pls can you help us? For people who have twitter can help these black women armys
Getting rape and death threats just because bts isn't friends with those girls is chronically online behavior. That account is a man who hid behind a woman's pfp to have mean girls behavior on twitter! This is no longer about fanwars. Blinks are really crossing all the lines and our fandom is tired. Post video edits of Jimin being raped, fake photos of Jungkook with his wrists bleeding, and more. and guess what? Kpop stans never speak when armys are attacked
literally some kpop stans can be SO immature. This is DISGUSTING, NOT ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR AT ANT COSTS. REPORT THE TWT ACCOUNT.
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duckingducks · 7 years
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purpleyoonn · 3 years
A Bond Made of Love 2
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C H A P T E R  2
“I will protect you from all around you. I will be here don't you cry. For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm... 'Cause you'll be in my heart. Yes, you'll be in my heart. From this day on now and forever more. You'll be in my heart no matter what they say, you'll be here in my heart always.”
-Phill Collins
Summary: Your last owner had almost beaten you to death, leaving you at the very shelter he had adopted you from. This time, two tall men walk in, immediately drawn to you as you rested in your small cage. You couldn't help but become attached, just hoping you wouldn’t be abandoned once again by the idols you grow to love.
Genre: fluff, angst, hybrid, bts idol au, mates, bonding, comfort/hurt, poly relationship,
Pairing: poly idol!bts x hybrid!reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: feelings of abandonment, major angst, fluff, polyamory love, mentions of violence, mentions of sexual assault, reference to rape, discrimination,
Taglist: @jaiuneamesolitaiire​ @lachimolala22019​ @arin-swear-rose​ @sweetestofchaos​ @kpopdreamer95​ @hoseoksvnshine​ @toughbook​ @devilsadvcte​ @sunshinee0-0​ @kthstrawberryshortcake-main​ @crushedblackroses @bbgniecyy​ @hearts-4-yoongi​ @nilou20 @lovemyself-persona​ @embrace-themagic​ @blaaiissee​ @kawaiikpoplover268​ @forvever-ddaeng​ @nello-rie​ @plants-w0rld​ @rapunzel76​ @ego-allie-bap​ @sukunasstomachtongue​ @yourlipssoirresistible​ 
Masterlist // Chapter 1 // Chapter 3
The dorms were nice, much nicer than your previous owner’s apartment. Taehyung was right when he had said that they had all picked things out for you when he and Jin were signing your papers.
You had a nice set up in the corner of the living room, a hybrid bed with a pillow and tons of comfy blankets for you to nest with. You also had a comfy stuffed animal, a jellyfish, that had arms you became entranced with. However nice your bed might be, you think their arms are nicer.
Your current fixation was the warmth coming from Namjoon. Your small body was resting in his shirt pocket, your head peeking out from the opening as he worked on something in his office. Well, at least you thought it was an office. He had just finished telling you about everything in the room and continued to tell you what he was doing.
You just listened, content with the vibrations coming from his chest, and the soothing tone of his voice. You think you could listen to him talk all day. Namjoon loved that you chose him to be your buddy in that moment. He could tell you were relaxed, could feel your body weight droop in his pocket.
Namjoon was terrified at first, when you moved towards him. The vocal line had left to go attend their vocal lessons, while he, Yoongi, and Hobi had stayed back, each of them working in their studios.
You were so incredibly small, smaller than a regular kitten. He was afraid he would crush you in his hands by accident. But you didn’t seem to mind, pawing at his pant leg so he could pick you up. Jin was not surprised by the amount of care and love his boyfriend held you with, the gentle giant sometimes too clumsy for his own good.
But Namjoon was known to love all things small, even buying a pair of baby shoes because they were so small and cute, proudly showing them off in a vlive. So, to now have his own extremely small and adorably cute hybrid to hold and love whenever he wished, it was like heaven to the leader.
Said leader checked on your every second, scared you were going to be swallowed up by the fabric of his pocket. But to his content, you were just playing with your tail, swishing it around and trying to catch hit with your paws. He couldn’t help but chuckle at you, cooing and calling you cute.
You looked up at him, your head tilted and eyes wide, shocked that he thought you were cute. That he looked at you with such love in his eyes. Soon enough, he reached into his pocket, cupping you in his palm and lifting you from his shirt.
He held you up to his face, almost cross-eyed as he looked at you. Bringing you to his face, he kissed your nose, a large smile on his face making his dimples stand out. You shook your head, the feeling of his lips on your nose ticklish.
He just cooed at you, standing up from his chair and placing you on his shoulder, like a bird, and walked into the kitchen. He began opening different cabinets, looking for something. Apparently, he was making so much noise, because Yoongi and Hobi walked in, Yoongi going straight for a cabinet at the far right, pulling out a small bowl and handing it to Namjoon.
“Ah, thanks hyung.” Namjoon said, a small blush on his cheeks as he placed the bowl on the counter, moving to the fridge to get milk when Yoongi grabbed it, placing it next to the pot on the stove.
Getting the hint, Namjoon moved out of the way, letting his hyung take the reins in making you some warm milk. They weren’t sure what your preferences are, since you hadn’t shifted yet, not that you needed to. They wanted you to feel comfortable with them. But this meant they weren’t sure what foods you liked or didn’t like.
Warm milk was always a good starting point, they thought.
You watched from your perch on Namjoon’s shoulders as Yoongi moved throughout the kitchen, a bowl of warm milk and a plate holding a slice of bread now resting on the counter in front of you. Reaching for you once again, Namjoon picked you up and placed you on the counter in front of the milk and bread.
Your stomach was grumbling, you realized you hadn’t eaten since the day before at dinner, your breakfast gross and your lunch forgotten in the midst of Taehyung and Jin visiting the center. Moving the inch or so forward, you drank from the bowl of milk, the warmth soothing your small body and helping to warm you up.
The one small side effect of your inception, as that you were always cold, your body too tiny to keep any heat. You struggled to stay warm, especially during the night when your heat lamp would turn off at the center. Somin was the only one who realized this, had tried to tell your owners about your problem, but they would always shrug her off.
You hoped that these men would always stay warm, would always let you bask in their warmth.
The rap line watched as you drank the milk Yoongi had warmed up for you, entranced at the sight of you. Your little tail was swishing back and forth, your body moving side to side, a little happy dance as you drank. Hobi just smiled, completely in love with you already. Your presence alone made them feel important, knowing that you relied on them was something incredible to feel.
Their lives were planned out for them, years in advance as their contracts stated. But to you, they were just your providers, people who cared for you and loved you with their entire being. You made them feel special. You made them feel loved. The way your eyes followed their every movement, as if making sure they weren’t leaving you. The way you purred against their chest, nuzzling against their neck.
Neither of the boys could wait until you became more comfortable with them and their scents. They hoped to take you with them whenever they could, not wanting to leave you behind now that they have you. All the boys felt a connection with you, one they didn’t quite understand. Namjoon already decided that when he had the time, he was going to do some research into hybrids and hybrid bonds.
He knew the connection they felt couldn’t be something bad, the calm feeling they got in your presence a good sign. Anything that felt this right and good couldn’t possibly be anything bad.  He wondered if you felt the connection they did, wondered if you knew anything about it. However, none of them wanted to push you, to risk that you pull away from them.
That was the last thing they wanted, especially when they had made so much progress with you in just a short time. They could tell you felt some comfort with them, the way you never wanted to be put down, or the way you rested in their neck, nuzzling against the skin.
Yoongi was silent as he watched you nibble at the slice of bread, your little mouth barely able to fit around the slice, instead just taking bites from the top. Hobi and Namjoon were talking about the shipment coming in tomorrow morning, filled with all the things they bought you this morning. Express shipping was amazing, he thought, watching you slowly fall asleep, your head resting on the surface of the bed.
“Aww look.” He caught the attention of his boyfriends, everyone turning to you, seeing you happily purring against the bread, your eyes closed as you sleep.
Picking you up, he made sure to cradle you close, holding you to his chest as he walked into the living room. Making his way to your nest, he tried to place you in the middle, but every time he tried to put you down, your chest rumbled, as if trying to growl.
Chuckling at your sleeping form, he moved to the couch, turning the television on to his current favorite and rested with you on his chest. He watched as you made yourself comfy again, half asleep, before resting against his collarbone, underneath his chin with your nose against his neck. Following your lead, he made himself comfy, trying not to move to much so he doesn’t wake you up.
He thought of your life at the center, the way Jin and Taehyung had described your habitat was dismal. Your cage was entirely too small in Jin’s opinion, barely enough room for you to move around in.
Despite his reluctance to get a hybrid, he was happy his hyung had found you. He knew that his boyfriends already loved you, the adoration permanent in their smiles and gaze was enough to let him know that this was the right decision. Not that he would ever admit is own love for the small creature on his chest.
The front door opened as Jin and the younger one’s walked in, tired from their vocal lessons. Setting their things down by the front door, Jungkook walked to the living room, hoping to lay down on the couch when he saw his hyung, asleep with you on his chest. Loud purrs could be heard as your chest rose and fell in time with Yoongi’s own chest.
Jin walked up to Jungkook, wondering why he was standing in the middle of the walkway when he caught sight of his grumpy boyfriend. His shoulders relaxed at the sight, both cats resting against each other on the couch. Looking to the side, he noticed Namjoon and Hobi sitting in the love seat, watching the show on the television. Kissing them hello, he stood by the side of the love seat, running his hands through Namjoon’s hair.
“What happened here? Why isn’t she in her bed?” Jin whispered to his loves, confused on why you weren’t sleeping in the nest he and Jimin made for you.
“She wouldn’t let hyung put her down. Tried to growl every time he tried.” Jin’s heart warmed at Namjoon’s words.
You were going to end up so spoiled, he thought, smiling at your position on Yoongi’s chest. Bringing his phone out of his pocket, he snapped a quick couple pictures, making sure the flash was off so neither of you would wake up.
“Hyung, will you send those in the group chat?” Jin nods at Jimin’s question, sending the four photos to their group chat. Sounds of received messages rang through the room, each boy cooing at the photos Jin took, Jimin even saving one of the photos as his home background.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of citrus, your nose pressed against the skin of Yoongi’s neck. Neither of you had moved all night, content in your position on the couch. Yoongi’s chin was rested on your back, his face lit up from the screen of his phone as he scrolled through his emails.
Yoongi noticed you wake up, could feel your body move as you tried to stretch out your legs. He smiled, his focus now entirely on you as he closes his emails and places his phone back in his pocket.
“Good morning my sleepy kitten.” He crooned, voice soft and low as he pets the fur between your ears. You froze in your stretch, now sprawled out in his chest as your entire body became numb from his pets. Your purred into his chest, hoping he would continue his pets.
“This morning all of your stuff is going to arrive. We may have gone a little overboard—Don’t give me that look.” He said once he saw your head tilted and eyes narrowed. You knew for a fact that they went way overboard with buying things for you. But these boys don’t do anything half-assed. They give their all to everything they do, so why wouldn’t they go all out for their favorite kitten.
He scrunched his nose at you, mimicking your own expression as he stared you down. That was how the rest of the boys walked into the room, your staring contest the sight of entertainment. However, before they could sit in the open space near you, you turned your head to face them, their scents probably giving them away.
You looked up from Yoongi’s stare as you smelt the incoming wave of scents, footsteps becoming louder against the wood floor of the hallway where the bedrooms were located. The combination of their scents was the equivalent to coming home to a warm bed, fresh sheets and candles burning. Their scents meant safety and comfort.
“I got the email that the stuff will be here soon. I’ve already let security know.” Your human spoke, your other humans nodding their heads at his words as they sat in the empty spots in the room.
You were excited to see them, getting up on your tiny legs and hopping around on Yoongi’s chest as your tail mimicked your movement. Your movements caused laughter to fill the silent room, Taehyung recording you on Yoongi’s chest, catching his hyung’s gummy smile in frame.
I’m so posting this on twitter, Taehyung thought, knowing sometime their company was going to release a statement about you, given you were going to be accompanying them wherever they went. It was important for the hybrid to have constant touch and affection from their owners, their overall health depended on it.
He hoped their fans loved you as much as they did and wanted to show you off liked they did with their own pets. Yeontan was especially loved by army, the fans going crazy with love every time he posted a photo with his precious pup.
Stopping his recording, he put his phone back in his pocket and went to sit next to Yoongi, your little legs trying to jump from Yoongi’s chest to his own. Unfortunately, your little legs weren’t strong, landing you face first in the space between him and his hyung. Your little legs moving quickly, trying to get yourself out of the crack but met with air.
You whined, hoping one of your humans would help you, both chests you were stuck between laughing at your predicament, the vibrations felt on either side of your little body. Finally, you felt hands grasp you around your middle, hoisting you up and into their arms. You turned around to be met with Taehyung’s boxy grin, his eyes crinkled as he watched you.
“Hello little one. Did you have good sleeps with our very own kitten?” Taehyung hummed, his head tilting toward Yoongi at his last words.
You nodded your tiny head at his question, before reaching forward and licking his nose, giving him your own version of a kiss as you had seen him do to Jin in the car yesterday. You had seen them all show affection in this way.
Everyone physically melted at the sight, Jimin and Jungkook now lying dramatically on the floor, their heads rolled to the side as their tongues were held against the side of their mouths.   “Where are my kisses?” Jin asked, not wanting to be left out on the kisses he knew were meant for him.
You turned to where he was sitting, trying to climb down Taehyung’s legs, dodging his arms as he tried to keep you to himself. Once you reached his knee, you jumped down, landing poorly on your legs from the impact. Just managing to stand up, you felt hands wrap around your middle again, holding you close and bringing you to Jin.
“Are we going to have to carry you everywhere little one? Hmm? Your poor little legs.” Hoseok spoke, kissing the top of your head as he brought you to his hyung. You turned and gave him a kiss on his nose, like you did with Taehyung, making him croon and puff his chest out in pride.
Jin cried out seeing you give his kiss to Hobi, reaching for you and snatching you away into his arms. He pouted at you, his wide as he looked at you. He held you in front of his face, pout prominent against his cheeks as he waited for your kiss.
Once you reached forward and licked his nose, he yelled out in happiness, cheering at your show of affection. This made the others cry out, demanding their own kisses which you happily provided, being passed around from embrace to embrace.
Luckily, once you were settled against Taehyung’s chest again, the intercom went off, letting the boys know their packages have arrived. He held you against his chest the entire time, whispering to you that if he held you, he didn’t have to help bring up the packages and unload them. You didn’t mind either way, loving the feeling of being held.
You both watched as the boys brought in package after package until the entire living room was filled. Your eyes almost popped out of their sockets as you counted the packages, knowing each box held more than a single item in them. You couldn’t believe that they would go through all this trouble, spend all this money, on a hybrid like you.
A couple hours later, and you now had tons of toys, two cat trees, one that held a small castle on top. Jin claimed that only a castle would work for his princess. You also had tons more nesting materials, which is where you currently were. Your small body was rolling around in the new blankets, almost as soft as Jimin’s hair.
It was Jungkook this time filming you. They had talked earlier and decided to take as many photos and videos of you that they could. They wanted their fans to get to know you. You were going to be by their side for as long as you wanted, and they love posting inside photos of their family on social media for the fans.
Bighit had told them they were going to release the statement about you tomorrow morning, giving them some time to get you comfortable with them, and so that they were able to take some cute photos of you for Twitter and their personal Instagram’s. They wanted to show you off with pride. To show off to the world that they had the cutest, most bestest hybrid there ever was.
They had each taken pictures with you, Jimin and Jungkook taking way too many with you that Jin had to take you from them if they wanted you to eat. Early that morning when he had woken up, he had gone to the store and gotten you a bunch of foods he thought you would like, especially the salmon that the worker, Somin, had told him you loved.
You were basking in the sunlight on your blankets when you smelt food being cooked. Getting up from your nest, you made your way into the kitchen on unsteady legs, the smell of salmon now invading your nose. You moved forward, pushing your tiny body so you could sit on Jin’s shoe, knowing he was holding the source of the salmon scent.
Feeling something on his shoe, he stopped what he was doing and looked down from the vegetables on the stove, seeing you laying curled up on his right shoe. He sighed, eyes softening as he returned to his cooking, trying not to move his foot too much. He didn’t want to move you, he liked having you near him.
And there you sat the entire time he resided in the kitchen, the top of his shoe being your spot even as he moved throughout the room. By the time he was done cooking your salmon, you were almost asleep, purring quietly as his movement lulled you into a calm daze.
Reaching down, he picked you up in his arms, and placed you on the clean counter where he had already plated your food. He watched as you instantly perked up, lunging for the cooked salmon and vegetables. 
He had read that despite your cat appearance, you could still consume everything that you do in your human form, meaning that you needed the same nutrition as your human form and he was determined to keep you as well fed and healthy as he could.
“Eat up princess.” Jin pet the fur down your back as you ate.
“I can’t wait until we can take you with us to work. I think you would have such a good time. Running around and playing with us, getting lots of pets, if you want them.” Jin spoke, describing their building and the people who worked there, telling you all about it and what your day is going to be like when you go with them.
You listened as you ate, wanting to hear about what your daily schedule is going to be like. Realistically, you didn’t care as long as you were with them.
Next Chapter
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bt5bby · 2 years
Master list
BTS Pregnancy Stories
Never regret
Summary - Jungkook ends up single and pregnant while at the peak of his career. His Hyungs assure him it will be fine and that they will get thought it together and that one day he will find his real happy ending.
Ships - Jungkook x Yugyeom (Got7), rap line
Tags - Pregnant Jungkook, Mpreg, Gross food combination, Abandoned while pregnant, mentions of labour, Fluff, Sweet Hyungs 💖
Right place, Right time
Summary - Trust fund Omega Taehyung gets kidnapped by the Bangtan crew and held for ransom, but his captors soon find out his family isn’t very nice to him anyway. Maybe they will just keep him for themselves…
Ships - Taehyung x Hyung line
Tags - Mpreg, Noncon/rape, Unwilling to willing, Stockholm syndrome, Childbirth, Graphic birth, Sex while in labour, Cum shower (Bukakke)
Not in the Living-room!
Summary - Jimin has the dorm to himself for once. Being the only gay boy in the house, he takes the opportunity to have some fun with himself in the air coned living room with his brand new dildo. But you really should read the description when you buy things.
Ship - OT7
Tags - Pregnant Jimin, Mpreg, Magical pregnancy, Magical dildo, Child birth (pretty graphic), Masturbation
Unexpected Gift
Summary - Jimin always stays behind in soccer practise, it is why he is the best, but one evening something takes advantage of him in the showers. The problem is he can’t see it. How can you stop something you can’t see, and what will happen if it leaves him with an unexpected gift…
Ship - OT7 (platonic)
Tags - rape/noncon, magical pregnancy, ghost/phantom, childbirth, rapid pregnancy, teen pregnancy (17 year old Jimin), kinda bondage.
Summary - What happens when the big leader can’t defend himself against a threat? He flees, leaving the members to wonder what happened to their once strong leader, but they never give up on finding him, no matter what he’s been through.
Ship - Platonic/Family OT7
Tags - Graphic child birth, Mpreg, mentions of rape and sexual slavery(kinda), mention of threats/violence, sick children.
Garden fairy
Birth control fails 1% of the time…
A robbery at Hybe!
Sex Addict Hybrid Joonie
Check the Contract
Korea’s Next Top Model
Like Mother, Like Son
Alien Roommate
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week in BL
May 2021 Wk 3
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
It’s a cray cray Friday when Vietnam gets its eng subs up before GMMTV Thailand. What alter-reality are we in? Well, the Vietnamese offerings are better right now anyway. (Oooo, feel that burn.) 
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Top Secret Together Ep 2 - pulping it up in the best possible way. Sure sound and production values are pants, and in classic Thai fashion the editing in post is exacerbating (rather than fixing) pacing issues, but it’s still CUTE AF. I don’t even mind the added university storyline, because they’ve got good chemistry (and a confident gay fresher after a panicked gay hazer is an old favorite... what can I say, SOTUS was my first love). We aren’t spending too much time with any one couple, so it’s weighted a lot better than Brothers was, but also character development is slow. 
Siew Sum Noi Ep 2 - Unfortunately, it’s just too hard to find, plus no subs. I’m dropping it in the hopes it comes back on my radar some day. 
Y-Destiny Ep 8 - (Thurs) It’s rough having a ghost boyfriend, half your friends are scared, the other half think you’re crazy, and kissing shortens your lifespan. This was a cute couple even if I wasn’t wild about the surrounding story. 
Close Friend Ep 5: (Dear My Star/JimmyTommy) - about high school penpals. It had to rely entirely on voice over work as the actors only meet face to face at the end. It’s a good thing they are appealing screen presences on their own, with good vocal control. It’s hard to imagine any other BL pair carrying this kinda plot. It’s by far my favorite of the series so far, and I’m not even a big JimmyTommy fan. 
Fish Upon The Sky Ep 7 - no subs. Do we care? Not really. Because we have... 
Nitiman Ep 3 - currently my favorite out of Thailand. It’s the university Thai BL i’ve been waiting for since... when was the last good one? My Engineer? Yowza. Anyway we got: head on my shoulder, baby is a floppy drunk (but still wants to be in control), proximity alert, boyfriend’s closet, seme gets seriously jelly, and a cute twist on feeding him. There’s something fun and complex about Jin’s character. He’s not a panicked bi. He knows exactly what’s going on, he just hasn’t decided if he wants Bb or not. He clearly enjoys being looked after, the compliments, and the attention, but he’s not sure if he’s going to like what happens if he gives in. I like that twist on the usual tsundere uke archetype a lot, cautious rather than willfully obtuse or freaked out. We can see Jin realizing in stages: I like this person, I like that they like me, I like the romantic attentiveness. But in the background is... do I actually want to f*k him? It’s a dynamic we don’t often see on BL. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 10 fin - the most ridiculous show using BLs worst tropes in a sort of weird smoothie of bitter greens and too ripe banana. The ending was the sappiest cheesiest thing ever, like cheese syrup tapped from the cheese tree. So of course I loved it, but I’m pretty sure I giggled through all the bits meant to be profound. Because, in the end, to tolerate this show at all, you just can’t take ANY of it seriously. RECOMMENDED (with some SERIOUS reservations and trigger warnings.) Full review here. 
Be Loved in House: I Do (Taiwan) Ep 1-2 - I don’t mind a damaged seme character but this one is a bit weird for me. Like creepy Cheese in the Trap level weird. On the bright side, the story has given our tsundere uke good motivation for his angst and great existing friendships, loyalty, and likability. Plus I’m invested in the cafe owner/innocent puppy side dishes. So if it’s only the seme character I’m not jiving with, and he’s the most established actor, it should all turn out fine. I believe in you, Taiwanese BL. 
Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) Ep 6 fin - speaking of belief. This such a good show but they gave us a cliffhanger ending. Now we must hope against hope for season two. That’s never guaranteed with Taiwan tho. So, I’m docking a few points and saying, RECOMMENDED so long as you realize it’s a cliffhanger. 
Love is Science? (Taiwan) Ep 1-9 (BL subplot) - this is a good het romance, but the fact that the BL subplot is a beautifully acted disaster bi + confident gay means you’re hearing about it whether you want to or not. Plus they just added in some GL! Come on! I gotta support Taiwan normalizing queer to this extent. They are fighting the good fight and if I also have to watch a career lady and her much younger softest straight boi get it on, too? Twist my arm with that service sub subtext. Go on Taiwan, TWIST IT. It’s on Viki. Join the revolution.   * Incidentally if you actually like the D/s het dynamic of this show, I highly recommend Japanese Kimi wa Petto - career woman keeps a hot young dancer boy as a pet. Oh yes, an actual pet, that IS the pitch. Never doubt Japan when kink is on the line. It’s also on Viki. Go get your kink on, thank me later. (If it helps: That was not a request.)  
Most Peaceful Place 2 (Vietnam) Ep 2 (AKA 5) - love triangles aren’t my thing, but if you’re gonna do it short form, by all means bring in the lead’s other BL pairing so the chemistry is on point. Now I've no idea who I want him to end up with. Can’t they just be in a poly triad? 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 7 - I’m still enjoying it a lot. It’s still unabashedly queer and the tension is ramping up. We now have secret identity, blackmail, femme fatale, faen fatale, and incoming seme confrontation. Best of all, the series is still airing, which makes it longer than any other Vietnamese BL I’ve seen (aside from Tein Bromance - which is just too weird to count). 
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Gossip - Thai BL 
No one is entirely sure what Studio Wabi Sabi’s Seven Project/7Project will entail. 
It might be like Close Friend (1 episode per couple, no linking), 
or Y-Destiny (2 episodes per couple, loosely linked), 
or The En of Love (4 episodes per couple, linked but independent consecutive stories). 
They’re giving the couple’s arcs separate titles. So each one would be what? Seven Project: Once Upon a Time or the like? We’re in Taiwanese title territory people and NO ONE WANTS TO GO THERE. Anygay... 
Once Upon a Time is the BounPrem (og UWMA) anchor story, and seems to be the most dramatic and likely saddest. These two can handle most of what’s thrown at them at this juncture, so it should be good. 
Vs Love is a BoomPeak (og Make it Right) university vehicle. Since I thought Boom was done with our nonsense, I couldn’t be more thrilled and surprised this pair is doing another show together. I don’t think either of them are the greatest actors but I find Peak very endearing and Boom charismatic on screen, so I’ll watch. 
Would You be My Love is the hotly anticipated SantaEarth launch. They’re a (cultivated) IRL ship and Earth is an established BL actor. They have great chemistry and high energy so this could be lots of fun. 
We are also getting a GL from this series from established BL actresses Samantha and Pineare. Nothing teased yet on that, but I’m looking forward to this installment the most. Also curious to see how the ladies handle the branding and promo side, not to mention the culture. (Thailand variety shows gonna force *girls* to play the Pepero game?) 
Secret Crush on You upcoming Thai BL with no release date, co-produced by and featuring (but NOT staring) Saint and directed by Cheewin (sigh) with all fresh faces. (Previously known as Stalker the series.) It looks like pure pulp and I’m not wild about the plot but could be better than expected as it’s adapted from a novel. Cheewin is an okay director when he has an actual story to follow. 
Don’t Say No the series. Coming from the producers of TharnType this is the JaFirst vehicle many have been waiting for. Friends to lovers + a good boy/bad boy pairing on a sports romance foundation. It’s basketball so they tapped Meen as well (he’s semi-pro). The bad news? You get one guess as to who is writing the darn thing? Yep it’s MAME. So, ya know, expect some slam dunk kidnapping, a light dribbling of rape, and me turning into a basketcase. AKA... 
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Will I have to live blog this series in order to survive it? That seems to be the only way I can. So probably. Which means the bad sports puns will continue. Look, if I’m suffering, SO ARE YOU!��
Rumors of a new YinWar vehicle The Best Story (mini series) coming in July. Also rumors that their previously announced Love Mechanics (full length series) has either been delayed, is facing money issues, or is moving studios, or all three. 
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Breaking News 
DELAYED (I’m talking these three off the watch list until we get new airing dates) 
Love Area’s release was pushed out but it got a trailer. 
Golden Blood was supposed to drop Weds but comments in MDL report that it is delayed due to C19.  
Love’s Outlet (Taiwan) is supposed to have started a 50 episode run (only 3-5 min each, what utter nonsense). Sadly, this delay is due to a surge in cases in Taiwan which was doing so well, but also doesn’t have many inoculations. 
Bad Buddy has started workshopping at GMMTV actual. 
Kang Insoo’s BTS for Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding is SO FLIPPING CUTE. You have to watch it. Trust me, I don’t rec behind the scenes stuff often. 
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Next Week Looks Like This: 
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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