#bts age regression
squishyislittle · 9 months
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Took a bath and colored on the walls
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sweetlittlenamjoon · 3 months
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✩ ~ cg!namjoon for @midnightpup ~ ✩
reqs open! | please don't repost!
ahh its been forever since i've gotten a request!! and this one is right up my alley :] my namjoonie how i miss him qwq
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lynnettys-world · 4 months
{Chapter Ten – Uncertainties And Fear}
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Kim Namjoon: Black Mackenzie Valley Alpha wolf
Kim Soekjin: White Alpha Lion
Min Yoongi: White Alpha Jaguar
Jung Hosoek: Alpha Snow Leopard
Park Jimin : Alpha Albino Cobra
Kim Taehyung: Alpha White/ Bleached Tiger
Jeon Jungkook: Alpha Black Panther
Reader: Heaven Valentino Human
Status: Ongoing
Words: 2.2K!
CHAPTER WARNING: Mentions of mental truama, Character regression, and slight mental breakdowns.
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Heaven’s POV
~Hybrid heaven~
It had been a grueling journey that spanned three months, each day dragging on with a sense of despair that seemed to permeate every moment. The relentless search for my boys dragged on me like a heavy stomp.
As we arrived at Hybrid Heaven, it was evident that Jungkook and Jimin had borne the brunt of the abuse, as they were immediately ushered into intensive care.
The rest of my precious hybrids were tended to, receiving necessary checkups and care for their visible wounds. I watched as bruises were carefully cleansed and wrists were gently bandaged, a painful reminder of the trauma they had endured. We all sat in tense anticipation, waiting for the results of Jimin and Jungkook's assessments.
The memories of finding them in such harrowing states haunted me, the images seared into my mind like a brand. Jungkook, violated in front of his pack mates, their helpless eyes witnessing a nightmarish scene they could not intervene in. The mere thought of it made my heart ache with a depth of sorrow I had never known.
Attempting to assist them into the car, I was met with a stark avoidance of my touch from all except Namjoon. I understood their reaction, yet the rejection pierced me in a way that felt almost unbearable. I struggled not to internalize their reluctance, knowing that the wounds they bore were more than just physical.
Hours later, the doctor emerged, his expression betraying a hint of unease that sent a shiver down my spine. I braced myself for his words, dreading what news he might deliver.
"Doctor, how are they doing?" I inquired, my voice laced with a mix of fear and hope as my fellow hybrids waited with bated breath.
The doctor's hesitation was palpable, his uncertainty hanging heavy in the air like a cloud of impending doom. "Well, due to their hybrid DNA, they managed to survive, but..." he trailed off, his words laden with a weight that made my stomach churn.
"But what, doctor?" Namjoon's voice wavered slightly, mirroring the anxiety that gripped us all.
"Jimin has entered a state of selective mutism, and Jungkook is struggling with a regression known as little space. It's a concerning situation, but one that can be treated," the doctor explained, his words landing like a crushing blow.
My breath caught in my throat, my blood running cold as the reality of their conditions sank in. Not my precious hybrids, not the ones I had vowed to protect at all costs. Guilt washed over me in a wave of self-reproach, my heart heavy with the burden of my perceived failure.
I had made a promise to shield them from harm, to be their guardian in a world that had shown them cruelty. Yet, in my arrogance and complacency, I had allowed them to be snatched away under my very nose. The weight of that betrayal bore down on me, a crushing reminder of the consequences of my shortcomings.
As I was lost in my own thoughts of self-doubt and reflection, a sudden growl followed by screams echoed from the room down the hallway, immediately drawing my attention. Without even consciously trying, I knew who it was - Jungkook.
With a rush of adrenaline, I sprinted towards the commotion, the boys trailing behind me. My eyes widened in shock and horror at the chaotic scene unfolding before me.
Medical personnel surrounded Jungkook, armed with tranquilizers and equipment, attempting to subdue the feral panther hybrid that he seemed to have transformed into. His growls and aggressive words filled the room, creating a tense and unsettling atmosphere.
"YOU HUMANS ARE ALL THE SAME, GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Jungkook's voice reverberated, punctuated by his actions as he tore off wires and knocked over medical supplies in his frenzy.
The rest of the members of the group were working together to restrain Jungkook, with Jin and Taehyung securing his arms and Namjoon trying to control his movements from behind. It was a heartbreaking sight to witness Jungkook, usually so kind, gentle and playful in this state of uncontrollable rage.
As a nurse cautiously approached with a syringe, presumably to sedate Jungkook for everyone's safety, my instincts kicked in. I intervened, knocking the needle away and issuing a stern warning to the medical staff.
"STAY AWAY FROM MY HYBRID IF YOU WANT TO LIVE AND SEE THE NEXT DAY," I asserted with a cold, threatening tone, making it clear that I would protect Jungkook at all costs.
The nurse, taken aback by my sudden outburst, tried to explain the necessity of sedation to calm Jungkook down and maintain control over the situation. However, I refused to accept their rationale, expressing my disdain for their attempts to treat Jungkook like a wild animal that needed to be contained.
"He's not some wild animal for you to keep him under control. You might as well lock him in a cage. Is that what you’re trying to say, huh?!" I lashed out, my frustration and protectiveness for Jungkook reaching a boiling point.
Despite the nurse's apologies and pleas, I demanded that they all leave, unwilling to entertain any further interference. The medical staff hastily retreated, leaving us alone in the room with the challenging task of calming down Jungkook and addressing the underlying issues causing his distress.
As I turned around, my heart sank seeing Jungkook struggling against the boys' firm grasp. I knew I needed to intervene and comfort him. Moving closer, I positioned myself in front of him, calling out his name in an attempt to soothe his distress.
"Hey sweetie, look at me... focus on me. It's okay, no one will harm you. Jungkook, it's me, Heaven, your Noona. I'm right here," I urged desperately, hoping to break through his turmoil.
For a moment, he seemed to lock eyes with me, his expression a whirlwind of confusion and pain. Then, the floodgates opened, and tears welled up in his eyes.
"N-noona, is that really y-you?" his voice quivered, the weight of his emotions palpable in the air as he spoke.
As he gazed at me, the boys gradually released their grip, sensing his surrender. Jungkook tentatively approached me, his hand trembling as it reached out to touch my face. When his fingers brushed against my cheek, a shiver ran through him, and in an instant, he enveloped me in a tight embrace, his tears now flowing freely.
"Noona, where have y-you been? The b-bad people, they s-said you abandoned us... that you got r-rid of Kookie. Kookie believed you would come back," he cried, his words laced with years of hurt and betrayal.
My heart shattered at his words, knowing the depth of manipulation and lies that had tormented them, driving a wedge between us. The malicious deceit orchestrated by Jeong-Sin and Woo-Bin had twisted their minds, painting me as a betrayer in their eyes.
Anger surged within me, fueled by the injustice done to my hybrids. Jeong-Sin and Woo-Bin would face the consequences of their actions, and justice would prevail. I vowed to protect Jungkook and the others, to shield them from further harm and to show them the unwavering love and trust they deserved.
With determination firm in my heart, I whispered to Jungkook, "I'm here now, and I'll never leave you again. Together, we'll face whatever challenges come our way. You're safe with me, always.”
I held on tightly to Jungkook, my heart heavy with emotion as I reassured him that I had never abandoned him or any of the others, and that any rumors of that nature were completely false.
As we embraced, I felt the comforting weight of six hybrids surrounding me, their soft sobs and shaky breaths a testament to the deep bonds we shared. However, amidst the warmth of the group hug, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was missing.
My gaze swept across the room until it landed on Jimin, standing alone in a corner with a look of unease in his eyes. I gently extricated myself from the embrace and made my way towards him, noting the distress etched in his features as he hesitated to meet my gaze.
"Jimin, why is my sweet snake standing here all alone?" I offered, my voice carrying a mix of concern and affection.
Silence greeted my question, broken only by the soft whimpers emanating from Jimin. I watched as he struggled to articulate his thoughts, gesturing to himself and then to the ground, his expression filled with self-doubt and insecurity.
It was clear that Jimin believed himself unworthy, tainted by the cruel judgments imposed upon him by others. Anger simmered within me, not directed at him, but towards those who had planted such poisonous seeds in his mind.
Locking eyes with Jimin, I allowed my emotions to surface, ensuring he saw the depth of my feelings reflected in my gaze.
"Jimin, when have I ever indicated that you are not deserving of being by my side? From the moment I rescued you and the others from that horrible place, I made a vow to always stand by you, to never allow you to feel inferior. If we speak of worthiness, then it is I who do not deserve you,”
I inhaled a deep breath before continuing, “Imagine a life devoid of Jungkook and Taehyung's antics, Jin's humor and culinary skills, Yoongi's gruff exterior hiding a soft heart, Hobi's infectious enthusiasm, Namjoon's intellectual charm and endearing clumsiness, and most of all, your infectious joy and playful nature. Can you envisage a world without all this? Without the boys? Without you?" My voice trembled with emotion.
"Nothing. Utterly nothing. Life would be void of light, color, and vitality. Do you see where I'm going with this, Jimin? I cannot exist without you all. You are my beacon in the darkness, my strength when I falter, my very essence. I refuse to allow anyone, including yourselves, to believe that you are unworthy of me, because you are mine, now and forever." Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, yet I held them at bay.
Jimin's expression softened, a mixture of defeat and vulnerability flickering in his eyes as he enveloped me in a fierce hug, soon joined by the rest of the group. In that moment, my defenses crumbled, and I felt the depth of our connection with a newfound clarity.
Every action I take, every decision I make, is driven by my unwavering dedication to you all. I would not hesitate to lay down my life for you when the time came—a solemn vow that echoed in the recesses of my mind.
3rd Person's POV
In the early hours of the morning, Heaven and the boys finally returned to the estate after a long and eventful night. Heaven's mind was a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts as they made their way back, the events of the night still fresh in her mind. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't even realize they had arrived until Namjoon gently tapped her shoulder, snapping her back to reality.
Startled, Heaven flinched in her seat and quickly looked around, only to see the familiar surroundings of the estate. She quietly made her way out of the vehicle, the rest of the boys following suit.
As they entered the house, Heaven turned to face them, ready to say something, but before she could utter a word, all the boys hurriedly ran towards the elevator rushing to get to their rooms, leaving her standing alone in the foyer.
Letting out a tired sigh, Heaven slowly made her way to the kitchen, her footsteps echoing in the quiet house. She poured herself a glass of water, the cold liquid providing a moment of refreshment before she decided to head to her room. Too exhausted to take the stairs, she opted for the convenience of the home elevator, the gentle hum of the machinery lulling her thoughts as she ascended to her floor.
Stepping out of the elevator, Heaven was surprised to see Namjoon leaning against the wall in the hallway, a small smile playing on his lips as he waited for her.
"Give them some time, they're still shaken up," Namjoon reassured her before nodding towards his own room and disappearing inside.
With a heavy heart, Heaven continued down the hallway towards her room, the weight of the night pressing upon her shoulders. However, as she passed the room adjacent to hers, she was met with loud noises emanating from within. Pausing in her tracks, Heaven hesitated for a moment, debating whether to ignore the disturbance or investigate further.
Knocking on the door three times yielded no response, but the noises only grew louder and more frantic. Frowning in concern, Heaven's curiosity got the best of her, and without a second thought, she pushed the door open slowly, unsure of what she would find on the other side.
As the door creaked open, Heaven's eyes widened in shock at the sight before her. The room was in disarray, with objects strewn about haphazardly.
A sense of dread crept over Heaven at what she was witnessing.
Oh. No.
Hello my lovely readers 🥰,
First off, I want to offer my sincerest apologies for the delay in updating. I've been on the road, exploring new places and soaking up the experiences, which unfortunately left me with very little time to sit down and write. But here I am now, back with a new chapter for you all! 🙏🏾
I have to admit, this chapter may be a bit shorter than my usual writing style. The reason for this is that I wanted to keep the tone lighter before diving into some heavier themes in the upcoming chapters. I hope you can understand and appreciate the emotional journey I'm taking you on. 🥺
Honestly, writing this particular chapter brought tears to my eyes. It's always tough letting go of characters and putting them through challenges, but it's all part of the story and character development. Just a heads up, the next chapter may tug at your heartstrings a bit, but I promise, brighter days are ahead. 😭
I know it might seem like things are a bit mundane now, but trust me when I say that the plot is going to pick up pace, and exciting twists and turns are just around the corner. 😪
I couldn't resist leaving you all on a bit of a cliffhanger - after all, a little suspense keeps things interesting, right? I hope you're ready for what's coming next! 🤭
I genuinely hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Your feedback means everything to me, so please don't forget to leave a comment and vote if you feel inclined. Your thoughts and support inspire me to keep pushing forward with this story. 🥰
Wishing you all a wonderful day and a peaceful night ahead. Thank you for joining me on this writing journey - your enthusiasm and love for the story keep me motivated to keep creating. 🥰
With all my love and gratitude.
Your favorite AUTHOR-NIM 🥰🤭
TAGLIST: @strxwbloody, @strawblueberrys, @taetaeheart22, @canarystwin, @drenix004, @ghostlyworld, @loumin908, @rinkud, @nikkiordonez12, @taekritimin123, //@mnguyeeen7(still can't tag you), @danielle143 , @welcometomyworld13 , @avadakadabra93
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fruitmins · 1 year
Oᵤᵣ Bᵢg Bₐby / BTS OT7
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➭genre: little space, age regression, fluff, caregivers bts, little reader, maybe some of the members can be littles to idk, sfw, hurt/comfort, mostly no plot
➭warnings: mentions of baby supplies, lots of pet names, mentions of pee, really if you don’t like little space just don’t bother
➭note: this is mostly gonna be drabbles and requests so if you like my writing style and want to see something don’t hesitate to ask♡
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comfort blanket
someone bothers you
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read-weep-repeat · 2 years
A Letter of Affection (1)
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Summary: A letter you never thought would be read turns your life upside down. 
Warnings: Age regression, use of title “daddy”, pet spider. 
The laptop burned bright luminescence at red eyes, signaling its bitter need for rest. You ignored the woeful cries of your battered keyboard. Pages needed to be written and editors needed to be satiated so that they could take red pens and slash through ideas, plots, characters, hopes, and dreams. You were on the final page of this month's deadline, perfectly timed for a much-needed vacation.  
You finished as the sun rose and pressed send just as the clock struck seven. You leaned back into the plush comfort of your couch and looked across the room.
“Hanging in there, webster?”
Webster burrowed further into her substrate, only fuzzy legs visible. The tarantula's pink toes wiggled around the dirt before finally stilling. You smiled, eyes pinned on your companion as she started to snooze.
You moved your laptop to the side and fell back into plush pillows. You had no more work, no place to be, or responsibilities to fill. Webster's water bowl was full, Editors had their new pages, and you were free to do as you wanted. You sighed. Pulling yourself off the couch, you shuffled to your bedroom. A pink box stared at you from under your bed, waiting for you to slip and fall into its contents. You obliged and slid it across the soft carpet into the living room.
"He's gonna love this." You whispered.
You threw the marker cap down onto the pink rug below you, that you were kneeling on. You had on a shirt two sizes too big, a unicorn displayed proudly on the front. fuzzy pink socks covered your feet while you rubbed them together to soothe your buzzing nerves.
But what if he didn't like it? What if he threw it out? Sure, the stickers were pretty, the glitter sparkly, and the contents sweet, but what if that wasn't enough?
"He not gonna love it." You cried, fat tears welling in your eyes. You wrapped your hands around your legs, burying your head in between your knees. Your shoulders shook as you whimpered.
Suddenly, through your bleary sight, you saw a glimpse of pink beneath the table. You pulled your head out from between your knees and bent down to the floor.
An envelope! Small and pink, it stuck out from the pile of crafting supplies strewn haphazardly across the floor.
You pulled it from the pile and set it atop the coffee table proudly.
"He gonna love. Gotta love. Daddy."
You caught yourself as you stuffed the letter full of your sweet words.
"He not daddy. Don't have daddy."
You shook your head, trying to focus your thoughts as you licked the envelope.
"Don't need daddy." You grumbled, stumbling up to your front door.
You wobbled as you put on your slippers. The apartment complex had four floors, the mail drop-off box being on the first.
"Ok," You whispered, "I can do this."
"I'm a big girl."
"Do you want to go through fan mail?" Hoseok asked, sipping a coffee as he slumped into the couch in Namjoon's office.
He looked up from his notebook. The lyrics weren't flowing like they needed to. Only a chorus had flowed from him in the 3 hours he'd been holed up. A break didn't sound so bad.
"As long as we go by the cafeteria." He eyed the cup in Hoseoks hand.
Hoseok gave him a slow nod and pulled himself up.
"Let's get going."
Hoseok scoffed, tossing another letter in a pile of torn envelopes and thick pages.
"Some chicks are actually insane, man."
Namjoon hummed, fiddling with the half-empty cup. he moved the latest letter to the side, his pile a neat stack compared to Hobi's maimed mountain of parchment.
He grabbed the next without a glance and brought it forward.
A pink letter.
"Interesting." He mumbled, twirling the letter forward to see the bubbly handwriting.
“What’d you say?” Hoseok asked, sparing a glance up from scribbles on notebook pages.
"Oh, Nothing." Namjoon sputtered. He carefully opened the letter, trying his best not to rip into the handwriting.
He pulled the contents from the envelope, spraying pink glitter onto his sweatpants.
"Fuck." He whispered, brushing it away. Most of it fell to the floor, but pink sparkles still winked at him from his lap. He flipped the pages open. A scribble caught his eye.
Dear Mr. Joon!
The exclamation point was written in a blue glitter pen.
Cute. He thought. Creative. I haven't heard Mr. Joon before.
He kept reading.
Your music really helps me be small. I make things too! Big me is a writer, and my company isnt always super nice about my ideas. But I really like listening to your music, hopefully, your company is nice. I hope. Dont want you to be sad like I am sometimes. But its not like sad sad, being small makes it better. I get to watch cartoons and use a sippy and take a lot of naps. I even got special clothes!! Im wearin my unicorn shirt right now! I really like it.
Do you have things that make you feel better? I hope so. you deserve to feel nice! you seem like a really nice daddy man mr. joon. have a good day!
(y/n) (l/n)
He read it over. He read it over again.
I've never gotten a letter from a little. He mused, leaning forward in his seat. He put his chin in one of his hands and let his eyes wander to the sides of the page. Little stickers littered the edges. There were stars, pink flowers along the sides, and a small pink gemstone sticker in all four corners.
She's so sweet. He read it again.  Daddy?
Does she not have a caregiver? He thought, eyes widening.
How sad. She seems like she'd be really nice and behaved. Not that brats are bad, I'd still take care of a little that was a brat. Only one as sweet as this though. He nodded to himself. Only one as sweet as this.
"You ready to go? I think I've had all I can take." Hoseok groaned, leaning back in his chair as he yawned.
Namjoon's head shot up. "Uh... Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Yeah, let's go."
As they made their way out, that pink letter crept into his pocket.
“Goodnight, Hyung.”
“ ‘Night, Koo.”
Jungkook slipped into Namjoons arms. Affection was common in the family they built in dorm rooms, tours, and countless hours with no one but each other, and this was no different. Namjoon pulled away first and patted Jungkooks shoulder.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said. His hands were on his doorknob, already twisting it open before Jungkook could respond. He barely saw Jungkooks mouth twitch before the door was shut and locked. The letter was burning a hole in his pocket, pink turning to a fiery red as he threw it onto his desk.
Why this letter? He read at least 100 others before he got to it, it shouldn’t bother him like this. He shouldn’t be writing out a reply. He shouldn’t be asking about you. He shouldn’t be writing a return address. This was his real address, what the fuck was he doing?
He kept asking himself that as he snuck down the hallway, waiting until all the lights under his bandmates' doors went dark. He knew what they’d say if they caught him responding to fan mail. They’d snatch it from his hands, lecture him, give him the silent treatment, or read it. He didn’t know why, but the latter thought annoyed him most. This was for him. She wrote to Namjoon, not BTS.
The letter made a faint thump as he slid it into the mailbox. Stickers and a small tea bag added more substantial weight to the envelope. He sighed, nerves and contentment spread along his skin and raising goosebumps.
“No turning back now,” he whispered, before closing the mailroom door.
You pulled your coffee mug closer to your chest, mittened hands encasing the warm glass. It was all you could do to keep from throwing it across the room. You stared at the mail on your kitchen counter, bills and junk mail spread out around a single blue envelope.
It couldn’t be. You had kicked yourself when you realized what little you had done, but decided that it would be fine. They didn’t actually read fan mail. No harm, No foul. Right?
Apparently fucking not. Your hands shook as you put down your mug and slid off your mittens. One finger gently reached out to graze the looping scrawl of the envelope's return address. This wasn’t the HYBE office. You remembered how you searched for the fanmail address in little space, distracted by toy ads and BTS fancams. This address was entirely new to you. 
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you peeled away at the envelopes. You worked slowly at the paper to not rip it. Slowly, the contents revealed themselves. A sweet, honey-scented tea bag fell onto your counter. Then, a small sheet of stickers emerged. Little blue koalas stared back at you as you giggled. 
“This is so cute.” You breathed. You dropped the stickers, letting them fall onto grey granite as you pulled a smooth paper from its blue container. 
You slowly unfolded it, and your breath hitched. 
Dear, (y/n) 
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I need kpop x reader fics where the reader is insecure about being too skinny😭 like I always try to wear hoodies and jogging pants bc I’m too small and I don’t like it
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sanri0girly · 7 months
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♡Hiii I'm sparkle!!! This is my lil girl blog!!! 🎀
I've been around here for a lil but this is a new account!!! I'm around a lot of different themes here so I just wanna be a weird girly blogging (*^^)v!!!
I live for sanrio!!! Along with anything pink and cute!! I’m a cat girly and I’m rlly into tons of different harajuku fashion sub styles!! I also love MLP!! I tend to regress sometimes as well so this is a safe place!!!
I'm also around edtwt and shtwt so pls keep that in mind when on my account!!! ‼️
Enjoyyyy~~~ 💖
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sunnysagereblog · 16 days
Namjoon Stimboard because it's his birthday
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romes-are-rosie · 7 months
Little Birthday
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(6.3k words {3 chapters})
Yoongi wasn't that big on his birthday. As a kid, birthdays meant parties plagued with uncomfortable feelings he couldn't explain. Once he came out at 13, his memories of birthdays were already tainted. Thankfully, with the help of his members, he was able to make new birthday memories. As the years passed, he grew more comfortable with the yearly event. He still never really became a big fan. He liked to keep things low-key. No parties, just
This year, things were different. Yoongi had started regressing for almost a year now and it had changed their entire dynamic. For the good, of course! Which is why Hoseok suggested a party to Seokjin.
~ Yoongi often struggles with dysphoria around his birthday because of his childhood experiences. This year, things are different. He feels old.
*This is part of an ongoing series of mine: Little Yoongi and his 6 caregivers so here's the link to the series if you want to read.
Link to Little Birthday
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anxious-dumpling · 6 months
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Image Board for my fic, 'Sunshine Playcare'! 💛♡
(Green Ver.)
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babybearcookie · 1 year
Movie Night
this was requested
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this is an age regression drabble; if you don't like that, don't read it. age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, so i reserve the right to block anyone i think would sexualise it word count: 1,8k !!! this work contains spoilers for the movie Ron's Gone Wrong !!!
“WHAT?!” Jungkook shouted in disbelief, making poor, sensitive Yoongi cover his ears and whimper a bit in surprise over the loud sound coming from the other. Yoongi and Jungkook had gotten into a rhythm of hanging out on the weekend, sometimes regressing together if they had a lot of stress coming on. The two were best friends; they met at the tattoo studio where Yoongi worked as a piercer and manager of the place. He'd seen Jungkook come in multiple times, his friend Taehyung, one of the tattoo artists in the studio, having promised the boy tattoos at a lower rate, and since it looked like the younger was going for having his entire body covered at some point, he gladly took his friend up on that offer. Yoongi’s first real interaction with the boy was when he was coming in for an eyebrow piercing. They got to talking and the talking just never stopped. Even if they didn’t have a lot of things in common, they held a lot of similar values and a huge love for music, though Yoongi showed love for it by making it and Jungkook, by moving his body to it. The more they started hanging out together, the more protective Yoongi felt towards Jungkook, regarding him almost as a little brother, which is why Jungkook found it so funny that when they both regressed together for the first time; Yoongi was the younger in age. 
Jungkook loved being a big sibling to Yoongi when they both were regressed and even when it was only Yoongi who had slipped, he loved guiding the ‘younger’ to new and exciting things, like games, food and especially movies, which is why he was astounded that he hadn’t shown his best friend his all-time favourite movie yet. He immediately went to work on building a pillow fort, which he usually did when he and Yoongi wanted to watch some movies, as the smaller was very prone to sensory overload and therefore couldn’t focus much on a movie if he wasn’t comfortable. It was no sweat for Jungkook; he always loved spoiling his little sibling and wanted to show that he would do whatever Yoongi needed to be comfortable. 
Having made a pillow fort many, many times before, Jungkook was quick to get one set up, having half a mind to keep watch on Yoongi. It wasn’t that Yoongi was that younger than him, Jungkook being around 8 and Yoongi being about 4, but he couldn’t help but feel nervous if the other wasn’t in his field of vision, being the one responsible for him. But Yoongi stayed put where Jungkook had left him, enamoured by how Jungkook was ensuring everything was up to standard for Yoongi. Back in his mind, the adult version of him found it amusing that his best friend was going through all that trouble to not have an overstimulating environment for the movie night just after yelling in his face, overstimulating him. That was of course not something regressed Jungkook had thought about, and not something Yoongi was hung up about, having slipped into somewhat of a trance, watching Jungkook roam around, getting all the necessary things. It helped with regulating the stimulus.
Jungkook, now very gentle, brought Yoongi over to the finished pillow fort and sat him down in the spot that would be most comfortable. “Okay, Yoonie, this is my faaaavourite movie and I really really think you’ll like it. Do you want some snacks for the movie?” he asked as Yoongi got situated. Yoongi, fumbling with his fingers, looked up a Jungkook, who was still standing, ready to fulfil every request that might be coming from the one sitting. Yoongi mumbled out; “fishies, hyungie?” not feeling particularly verbal that day but still above writing out what he wished to say. Jungkook nodded with a wide smile on his face, sprinting off to get the ‘fishies’ aka the goldfish crackers. He was just happy that Yoongi was in a salty mood instead of something sweet because that would have meant using like 15 minutes on washing and cutting up fruit for the smaller. 
Yoongi got himself situated; ears perked as heard the sound of the goldfish crackers being poured into a bowl. He looked around him, suddenly very aware that his stuffed teddy wasn’t in his line of sight. He whimpered, and as if Jungkook had super hearing, he sprinted into the living room and crouched down in front of Yoongi. “Why is Yoonie baby sad?” he pet his friend’s hair, trying his best to comfort him. “Bear!” Yoongi cried out, getting more distressed the longer he was without his stuffed teddy bear. Jungkook whipped his head around, scanning the room to find the plushie, finally spotting a little tuft of brown fur sticking out from underneath the couch. It seemed, that in his hurry to build the pillow fort, he might have pushed the bear out of the way and under the sofa. He quickly got it, dusted it off and handed it over to Yoongi, who immediately hugged it and nuzzled his face into its soft fur. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief. He could see that Yoongi was close to tears, and if Yoongi had cried, Jungkook would have cried, and he didn’t like crying when he was the bigger kid.
After getting everything set up and making sure Yoongi was feeling comfortable beside him, Jungkook finally put on the movie, jumping a little where he sat in excitement for his favourite movie. He had seen the movie a million times before, almost to the point where he could recite the entire script by heart along the movie, so while watching the movie, he was also watching Yoongi for reactions to the movie, excited to see if his baby brother also found it as good as he did.
Though, when Ron got introduced to the viewers as well as to Barney Yoongi didn’t like it one bit, hiding himself a bit behind Jungkook, away from the TV screen. Jungkook frowned and hesitated, reaching out for the remote to stop the movie, not liking Yoongi’s facial expressions one bit, but let a sigh out of relief when Yoongi lit up at Ron doing the ‘dikky dikky dakka’ dance not long after, and leaned back, bringing his arm around Yoongi to bring him closer into his body, knowing that it wouldn’t be the last time Yoongi would find the movie a bit scary. Actually, he tried his best to comfort Yoongi, but then came the scene with the bullies at the playground and he couldn’t help but get excited, though, he did his best to hide it as Yoongi definitely didn’t like the scene.
When they came to the scene of the B Bot being crushed, Yoongi whimpered and hid his face in Jungkook’s chest. Jungkook held him close and after the scene was over, he pressed pause, deciding to give Yoongi a little breather. He did not like the scene himself when he watched the movie for the first time, and that was even when he was feeling big, so he did his best to comfort Yoongi, holding him tight. “Do you wanna stop watching, Yoonie?” he almost whispered and, it took a beat, but Yoongi shook his head the best he could while being burrowed in Jungkook’s chest. Jungkook smiled and patted Yoongi’s head to let him know that he was heard, well, felt.
“Yoonie, can Jungkookie get up? I won’t be long, I promise.” Yoongi let go but not after holding onto the mentally older for a second. Jungkook made sure Yoongi had his teddy and then hurried off to the kitchen, struggling to get on the counter for a second to get to the top cabinets where older Jungkook and Yoongi had put the best snacks, to not make them as tempting for them when they were regressed, but younger Jungkook thought that it was time to bring some of them out. As he opened the cabinet, he was overwhelmed with the scent of all the goodies tucked away, but he reminded himself of having some self-control and not bringing all of them into the living room. His eyes landed on the Honey Butter Chips. He knew that big Jungkook would want to scold his regressed self for taking them, but he reminded himself that it was for Yoongi, even though, even in his younger headspace, he knew that they were expensive compared to other chips.
When he brought them into the living room, Yoongi caught a glimpse of the bag, eyes widening. He waited very patiently (not at all) for Jungkook to sit down and open the bag and immediately dug into the deliciousness that was the honey butter chips. Jungkook started the movie again, happy to see Yoongi content and munching away on the chips, almost not taking any himself, despite the love he had for the snack. Yoongi gave a few very cute reactions throughout the movie as they continued, such as patting Jungkook and saying “frien’ reqwest!” as he had seen Ron do in the movie, which got a giggle from Jungkook, not that Yoongi saw, as he was moving on, doing the same to his teddy, although patting softer than he had Jungkook. Jungkook couldn’t help but coo at Yoongi when he pouted at the scene where Ron uploaded himself. When they were done with the movie, Yoongi was having a hard time keeping his eyes open, bringing Jungkook to help him up and hold his hand as they walked to Yoongi’s bedroom to get him into bed. Jungkook tried his best to tuck Yoongi in but before he could turn to leave, thinking that Yoongi had fallen asleep, the mentally younger tugged on his shirt sleeve. “What is it, Yoonie?” Jungkook asked. “Dark,” was all that Yoongi muttered to him. Jungkook went over to the corner of the room to plug in the little warm light that Yoongi would use as a night light when he needed it, only to be met with a whine and Yoongi pointing his finger downwards. Jungkook happily took the plug to the light out of the socket as he understood what Yoongi was hinting at, plugging it back in, in the socket beside Yoongi’s bed, pushing the light underneath the bed, mimicking the movie they’d just seen. When he was sure everything was good with the light, he crawled back up, giving Yoongi a big, sloppy kiss on his forehead and took his leave. 
When he got outside the door, he looked around the living room at the mess they had made of it, deciding that he was definitely too small for that, and it was a problem for big Yoongi and Jungkook the next day when they woke up, and then promptly turned to his bedroom to call it a night also.
a/n: sorry for it taking so long for me to finally having this written, and for writing all the other requests collecting dust in my inbox, but i'll try my quickest to get to them. also, if you haven't tried Honey Butter Chips, i REALLY recommend them. they might be a bit expensive but they're so good
tag list:
@mylittlesafehaven99 @luveuly @ihugjakey @kiki-woo
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ramsywasalittlelamb · 2 years
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BTS inspired agere moodboard!
I’ve been an army since 2014, so I’m not sure why I haven’t created a board for them or talked about them much on here, but they’re such a huge comfort for me 🫶🏻 coffee and whalien 52 are definitely in my top 5 somewhere! also just as a fun fact, RM is my bias 💜
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to3b3ans · 11 months
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i got a sippy today !! it has 2 different tips to make it a regular sippy or a bottle for super tiny mode ^.^
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xxhyunlixxx · 1 year
Hi! (SFW BLOG!!)
My name is Conan! I'm 25, my pronouns are they/them, I have 2 partners, and I'm a system with 28 alters! I am in college, my major is music and I have a minor in communication disorders! I love to sing! I am a SFW little! I am an Army, an Atiny, a Carat, an Engene, a MOA, a P1ece, and a Stay!
My ATEEZ bias is Wooyoung, my bias wreckers are Hongjoong and Seonghwa
Favorite ATEEZ song:
My BTS bias is Jungkook, my bias wreckers are Jimin and Yoongi (Suga)
Favorite BTS song:
My ENHYPEN bias is Ni-Ki, my bias wreckers are Jungwon and Sunoo
Favorite ENHYPEN song:
My P1Harmony bias is Theo, my bias wreckers are Intak and Soul
My favorite P1Harmony song:
My SEVENTEEN bias is Minghai (The8), my bias wreckers are Hoshi and Seungcheol (S. Coups)
Favorite SEVENTEEN song:
My Stray Kids bias is Felix, my bias wreckers are Hyunjin and Minho (Lee Know)
Favorite Stray Kids song:
My TXT bias is Yeonjun, my bias wreckers are Beomgyu and Heuningkai
My favorite TXT song:
My little age is normally 4
I have 8 pacis and I'm trying to save up to get more little stuff. I have 3 SKZOO plushies (Wolfchan, Bbokari, and Jiniret)
If there is any other information you would like to know, please don't be afraid to message me!
Attached will be
1. A pic of me
3. My cashapp for if want to help out 😁
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read-weep-repeat · 2 years
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Summary: He’s always been your protector, even when you didn’t know it. 
Warnings: Stalking, Age Regression, Infantilization, Death/Murder, Nightmare, titles “papa” and “dada” used. 
A/N: This is the first installment of the “Reminiscent” drabble series. In the Oh, Brother! Universe, All of them remember an encounter with mc before she knew she was theirs. (I suggest reading the chapter series before this series for context.)
You jolted up in bed, sweat misting your face and neck. You reached blindly across the bed. Both of your hands felt a person curled up on either side of you. Jimin, to your left, lazily opened his eyes. He scanned your form for a second before registering the panic across your face. His half-mast eyes shot open as he shot up. 
“Baby! What’s wrong? What happened?” His hands cupped your face as his eyes scoured your frame. 
You shook your head, nuzzling your cheek into his hand. “Nightmare.” 
He sighed in relief. “Ok, ok,” He whispered, pulling you into his tight hold. He rocked you gently for a few moments. 
“Dada?” You pulled back to gaze up at him. Only the minimal light from your bedside alarm clock helped you see his bare-faced features. Gorgeous, soft, and gentle eyes looked at you like you were the moon and stars in the pitch-blackness of your shared room. 
“I need Papa. Gotta make sure he ok.” 
“Oh, baby,” He placed a series of kisses on your left temple, “Of course.” 
He slid out of bed gently, helping you step down quietly as Jungkook lay like a rock in his original spot. He would stay put like a well-worn river stone until the blare of an alarm awoke him. 
The worry for your Papa made you hurriedly stomp to the door of your room. 
“Where’s Papa?” You asked, already turning the doorknob. 
“In his office. Papa doesn’t sleep with you on Saturday, baby.” 
You huffed. “Papa,” You muttered the name until you reached the end of the hall, Jimin hot on your heels. “Papa, Papa, Papa.” 
Jimin turned the doorknob, letting the small illumination shine on the corner of Hobi’s office. A small twin bed was tucked away, covered with a black comforter and one thin pillow. Hobi was resting on the pillow, his head thrown back and mouth slightly agape as snores escaped him. Jimin leaned against the door frame and gave your back a slight push. 
“Go ahead. He won’t be mad. He’s never mad when you need him.”
With the soft push, you timidly tiptoed to Hoseok's side. 
Jimin watched for a moment as you built up the courage to reach out your hand. He could connect the dots. The nightmare you had must have involved him. Maybe he died? Were you scared of losing him? He smiled at the thought. Loving them enough to have nightmares about losing them? He could preen like a peacock at the idea. With a puffed chest, he closed the door and sauntered back to your bedroom. 
“Papa.” You tapped his shoulder lightly. 
His eyes immediately opened, Scanning and flitting across the room like always. Hoseok was always aware of his surroundings. Now, his entire surrounding was you. He took in your tear-streaked cheeks, red eyes, and shaking hands. Before he could register his shock, you bust into another bout of tears. 
“Papa!” You sobbed, immediately clambering onto the bed and his lap. The bed creaked with your racking shoulders. 
“Thought you were gone!” You hiccuped. “Had a nightmare, and Papa left.” You dragged out the end of “Left.” with a pitiful whine and another hiccup. 
Hoseok's hands rubbed your shoulders, kneading the flesh gently. 
“Oh, my poor dolly. C’mere.” 
He pulled you down onto his chest and busied himself with petting your back. 
“Papa’s not going anywhere.” He whispered. You nodded against him but only cried more. “Hey. Hey. Hey.” Hoseok held your chin, forcing eye contact. Your bloodshot eyes hurt him more than a knife to the heart. 
“I need you to say it.” He whispered, pleading. For once in his life, he found himself begging. “I need to know that you believe it.” 
You sniffled and nodded. Your voice wavered and cracked. 
“Papa’s not goin’ anywhere.” 
He smiled. “Yeah. That’s right. Papa’s always gonna be here. Always.” 
As you finally smiled, he remembered the truth in his statement. 
Money was always an issue. You needed to leave your mother's house, but jobs were scarce, and the two you did have didn’t pay well. They all knew that and tried to help their girl in any way possible. Every time they found their way into your room while you were busy at work, they’d replace stolen chapsticks and panties with cash and coins. Stuffed between cushions, socks, and pockets, the money was shoved into your piggy bank. As you scrimped and saved with their provisions, your soon-to-be boyfriends happily watched from conveniently placed teddy bears and laptop cams. 
Poor thing. Hoseok thought as he watched you lock the doors to your second jobs store. She must be so tired. He knew you were. Following your routes and schedule for the past few months had made him privy to your mannerisms and subsequent meanings. You were slouched over as you dug through your bag and pulled out a small box. 
Oh no. You were putting earbuds on, head still down as you continued down the dark sidewalk. He wished you would stop at the bus stop you were approaching, but you continued on. The money you needed to save was taken from many things, including safe transportation. Hoseok sighed. She really does need daddy to look out for her. 
He set off a block behind you, watching as you made your way home. His eyes scanned every door and alley, aware and calculating. You turned to the left, disappearing around a brick corner. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Hoseok saw a creeping darkness. A man in a dark hoodie slid out of an alleyway, aiming for you. Hoseok felt anger bubble up in his throat like bile. He sped up, rapidly approaching the man as he crossed the street. The man turned but was grabbed by the back of his hoodie. Hoseok yanked him back, slamming the side of his head into the sharp corner of the building. A sickening crack rang out, pulling you out of your trance. You tugged one of your earbuds from your ear and turned. Nothing. After another curious glance backward, you kept walking. 
Hoseok heaved, trying to steady his breathing as he listened to your footsteps grow quieter. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He grabbed the dead weight under its shoulders and started to pull. This fucking asshole is keeping me from my girl. Stupid fucking perve. Why are you so heavy? Fucking fat fuck. He dropped the body against the wall, neatly hidden behind a dumpster. The body wouldn’t be found until the morning or later. 
Fuck. The hoodie. It had his fingerprints, hair, and everything else that would point an accusing finger at him. He snatched it off, pulling the blue fabric into his backpack. Ok. Nothing can incriminate me. He got mugged. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and things went south. Hoseok smiled at his bright idea and dug into the body's pockets. He opened the slim wallet and looked down at the cash tucked inside. Perfect. She’ll have a little extra allowance this month. Finally, the streetlamp cast a glimmer that caught his eye. On the body’s left hand, a golden ring winked at him. He pulled it off a limp fourth finger and held it in the palm of his hand. A ravenous smile spread across his face.
Hoseok lulled you to sleep as he remembered his devotion with a smile. His hands rubbed your back and neck gently, and he muttered quiet reassurances. 
You clung onto the soft fabric of your Papas hoodie. It was a dark blue, speckled with red spots along the neck and chest that he insisted were the result of his messy eating, and fit him just loosely enough that you could bury your head underneath it if you wanted.
You were doing just that. You were breathing in steady breaths of his comforting scent as your fingers rubbed against the cotton. Hoseok's hands were busy rubbing your back and supporting his head as he looked down at the lump underneath his hoodie. He chuckled. Like a rabbit hiding away in her burrow.
“That’s it, Doll. Go back to sleep.” He whispered, not even sure that you could hear him. The hand rubbing his sleeve was now limp, curled up along his side as you laid atop him. Only your nose and whisps of fluttering eyelashes were visible from your hiding spot. Your comfortable huffs tickled his neck. Hoseok smiled, crooked and unsettling.  
“Papas got you. I’ll protect you, always.” 
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sweetlittlenamjoon · 2 years
i dont know if you guys are actually aware of this but my requests are open! i’ll do long or short fics, headcannons, moodboards and edits!!! please feel free to send me an ask (after reading my dni lol)
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