#bryer speaks
bbbearwin · 2 years
Almos? 🌟. [Bryer's view of his hue flickers after a moment] Blame Duona. - D.L.
🌟 - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
[one of his eyebrows quirk at him, eyes a curious collage of colors as his mouth curls into some odd mix between a smirk and a smile] What a curious inquiry from you.... I'm a little surprised and honored you find my thoughts on the matter something worth wondering about.
Well..... There's alot to think about really, alot to wonder. You know how I tend to run myself into the ground without stopping but there's so much to wonder. The stars we reach towards in this galaxy. So much is out there we've seen, so much to experience and learn and perceive because every planet is so alike and different all at once. Every little factor, influence, environment, piece of history pushing and pulling that culminates into the unique, incomparable existence or instance of a planet. When you scale it to the solar systems, the galaxy, the grander universe..... It's so big, so..... unfathomable. I think it's quite wonderful really. [unbeknownst to him, his tail is thumping now as he rambles] Someone could live for thousands upon thousands of years and there'd still be new surprises, new discoveries for them to unveil for themselves. Even now, there are indisputably patches of our galaxy that have yet to be uncovered or seen. We haven't even penetrated the sixth arm- who knows what wonders lie in there. Tick was a mere sample, a glimpse really, and I doubt there's much else spillover. Will we ever even make contact with a galaxy near our own? We've traversed dimensions but we've yet to hear anything from our neighbors. Isn't that insane? Surely it's not just us, and yet......
I know there's concerns about "intergalactic conquest" or "incursions". But honestly? I don't think it'll ever truly be possible. The grand majority of us are too small, too weak, it doesn't matter how concentrated or "great" it is. It's a juvenile, childish ambition that simply cannot be fulfilled unless it's reached for for centuries And even then there will always be someone or something that escapes their gaze. Whether it stays obscured in secrecy or fights back is a whole other conversation but..... Well. The cycle is ever-present. You cannot will everyone into submission with an iron fist. There will always be pushback.
But that's beside the point. I personally ponder the cycle of the universe and stars, of creation, destruction, infinity, something I'm certain I won't come close to understanding, but I can hope and try. Where's that sound..... [his eyes trace to his excited tail and it stops moving all-together, voice squeaking.] Ah-
[he looks a little flushed as he laughs at himself, tail now slowly reaching toward his chin to scratch it before resting there] Sorry. I don't think this hard all the time. But I usually do. Sometimes. I just like to think about home. The people we've met and connected to. And what awaits us in the future. And sometimes I just like to admire the stars. And sometimes I'm just wondering what the hell am I gonna make for dinner tonight for everyone because you would not believe how picky some people are? I could really be thinking of anything. On this ship, we have plenty of opportunities to stare out into the void of celestial bodies. [he goes silent.]
That was alot. Sorry. Erm. If I had to choose someone to stargaze with. There are a few ideas. Raine and Naveen would never entertain the idea of idling about, Celeste and Aurelia might be intimidated by my thoughts, I think Neve could keep up with me but she's much more focused on what's right in front of her..... Mhm..... [he grumbles] Maybe, maybe you? [his sclera flare for a moment as he glances up a little aways from him, suddenly more interested in the room as he idly shifts a little from side to side] I know it's strange. But I think I could probably do it in earnest with you and no one else I'm moderately close to on this spacecraft.
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torpedopickle · 2 months
A small PSA about Dawntrail
In the wake of all the harassment and blatant bigotry being hurled at Sena Bryer for her performance as Wuk Lamat in FFXIV Dawntrail, I really think it's time we have a conversation about knee-jerk reactions and how the inability to process them can very easily be a slippery slope to hate.
Like most people, I have sadly at a few points in my life heard a trans woman speak and then my brain takes a second to process it and then goes "That doesn't sound like a lady. That's not a lady"
These knee-jerk reactions aren't uncommon when for instance first meeting a character voiced by a trans VA in a video game. But what's important is that you stop and tell yourself;
"I just had a thought I did not like. Why is that?"
It's SO important that you interrogate yourself whenever you have thoughts like that. You need to dismantle those thoughts, pull them apart and refute them. Only then can you start to unlearn programmed prejudice.
Teach yourself that "they don't sound feminine/masculine" is an invalid train of thought. Ignore it and go on with your life until you stop having that thought. Then you've grown.
It's important that you DON'T indulge these trains of thoughts. Don't follow them, they don't go anywhere good. They go to a place that starts to make you irrarionally upset every time you hear trans people speak because you're not allowing your brain to ignore the disconnect it believes exists between voice and gender.
Thats how you end up with dozens of forum threads where gamers rant about how angry they get when a rather inoffensive character opens their mouth.
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world-of-wales · 11 months
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The Princess of Wales in her role as the Patron of the Rugby Football Union attended England's quarter final match in the Rugby World Cup against Fiji at the Stade de Marseille in France.
As she arrived, Catherine was welcomed to France by the Mayor of Marseille, Benoit Payan.
She spoke to the officials at the venue and representatives from World Rugby prior to the match, following which she watched the match alongside the organization's Chairperson Bill Beaumont and Rob Bryers, President of the RFU.
Following England's win in the match, Catherine visited the players in the dressing room and spent time speaking & congratulating them. She also paid a visit to Fiji's dressing room to meet and speak with the players.
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In an interview with The New York Times’ Adam Liptak inside his Supreme Court office, retired Justice Stephen G. Bryer reprised a false and hopelessly overused justification for the legalization of abortion.
Speaking of the justices who voted to overturn Roe and legislators who have voted for state abortion bans and restrictions, the 85-year-old Bryer asked:
“Are they really going to allow women to die on the table because they won’t allow an abortion which would save her life? I mean, really, no one would do that. And they wouldn’t do that. And there’ll be dozens of questions like that.”
He’s right that nobody would do that – but not because of the way the court ruled…
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violettesiren · 9 months
If I bring my loneliness To your arms,— This is not love. If I bend my head, Heavy with life, to meet your strength, forgive me,— (Would you hold me for a moment without speaking) This is not love. It is rest. A truth in dream, To slip aside our solitude at meeting, It is an hour we give to one another,— Not love.
Episode by Bryer (Annie Winifred Ellerman)
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msexplorer · 2 years
Imagine a Woman in Love with Herself~~
Imagine a woman who believes it is right and good she is woman.
A woman who honors her experience and tells her stories.
Who refuses to carry the sins of others within her body and life.
Imagine a woman who has acknowledged the past’s influence on the present.
A woman who has walked through her past.
Who has healed into the present.
Imagine a woman in love with her own body.
A woman who believes her body is enough, just as it is.
Who celebrates her body’s rhythms and cycles as an exquisite resource.
Imagine a woman who embraces her sexuality as her own.
A woman who delights in pleasuring herself.
Who experiences her erotic sensations without shame or guilt.
Imagine a woman who honors the body of Goddess in her changing body.
A woman who celebrates the accumulation of her years and her wisdom.
Who refuses to use her precious life-energy disguising the changes in her body and life.
Imagine a woman who has access to the full range of human emotion.
A woman who expresses her feelings clearly and directly.
Who allows them to pass through her as gracefully as a breath.
Imagine a woman who tells the truth.
A woman who trusts her experience of the world and expresses it.
Who refuses to defer to the thoughts, perceptions, and responses of others.
Imagine a woman who follows her creative impulses.
A woman who produces original creations.
Who refuses to color inside someone else’s lines.
Imagine a woman who names her own gods.
A woman who imagines the divine in her image and likeness.
Who designs a personal spirituality to inform her daily life.
Imagine a woman who refuses to surrender to gods, gurus, and higher powers.
A woman who has descended into her own inner life.
Who asserts her will in harmony with its impulses and instincts.
Imagine a woman who is interested in her own life.
A woman who embraces her life as teacher, healer, and challenger.
Who is grateful for the ordinary moments of beauty and grace.
Imagine a woman who authors her own life.
A woman who trusts her inner sense of what is right for her.
Who refuses to twist her life out of shape to meet the expectations of others.
Imagine a woman who participates in her own life.
A woman who meets each challenge with creativity.
Who takes action on her own behalf with clarity and strength.
Imagine a woman who has crafted a fully formed solitude.
A woman who is available to herself.
Who chooses friends and lovers with the capacity to respect her solitude.
Imagine a woman who refuses to diminish her life so others will feel better.
A woman who brings the fullness of her years, experience, and wisdom into each relationship.
Who expects others to be challenged and blessed by her presence in their lives.
Imagine a woman who assumes equality in her relationships.
A woman who no longer believes she is inferior to men and in need of their salvation.
Who has taken her rightful place beside them in the human community.
Imagine a woman who refuses to use her precious life-energy managing crisis and conflict.
A woman whose relationships deepen in satisfaction and contentment without depleting her.
Who chooses friends and lovers with the necessary skills to navigate through the challenges of life.
Imagine a woman who values the women in her life.
A woman who sits in circles of women.
Who is reminded of the truth about herself when she forgets.
Imagine a woman who has relinquished the desire for intellectual safety and approval.
A woman who makes a powerful statement with every word she speaks, every action she takes.
Who asserts to herself the right to reorder the world.
Imagine a woman who has grown in knowledge and love of herself.
A woman who has vowed faithfulness to her own life and capacities.
Who remains loyal to herself. Regardless.
Imagine yourself as this woman.~
~Patricia Lynn Reilly, Imagine a Woman in Love with Herself
art - Hilda by Duane Bryers
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Four Feather Falls  -   ITV  -  February 25, 1960  -  November 17, 1960
Western Adventure / Puppets (39 episodes)
Running Time:  15 minutes
Character Voices:
Nicholas Parsons – Sheriff Tex Tucker (speaking voice) / Telegraph Operator Dan Morse / Various
Michael Holliday – Sheriff Tex Tucker (singing voice) / Various
Kenneth Connor – Dusty the Dog / Rocky the Horse / Pedro the Bandit / Big Chief Kalamakooya / Bank Manager Marvin Jackson / Doc Haggerty / Saloon Owner Slim Jim Denison / Various
David Graham – Grandpa Ebenezer Twink / Fernando the Bandit / Big Ben the Horse Rustler Bandit / Red Scalp the Renegade Indian / Various
Denise Bryer – Martha 'Ma' Jones / Little Jake / Makooya the Little Indian Boy / Various
Four Feather Falls is a British television program, the third puppet TV show produced by Gerry Anderson for Granada Television (now ITV Granada).   The series was the first to use an early version of Anderson's Supermarionation puppetry.  (Wikipedia)
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my-chaos-radio · 11 months
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Release: January 8, 2021
I've been holding onto pieces, swimming in the deep end
Tryna find my way back to you
'Cause I'm needing a little bit of love
A little bit of love, a little bit of love
Lately I've been counting stars
And I'm sorry that I broke your heart
It's something that I didn't want for you
But I'm stepping on broken glass
And I know this is my final chance
All I'm tryna do is find my path to you
I've got voices in my head and there's a deafening silence
I've got voices in my head and I can't lie
I've been holding onto pieces, swimming in the deep end
Tryna find my way back to you
'Cause I'm needing a little bit of love
A little bit of love, I need a little love
Just like the air I'm breathing
These awful wounds ain't healing
Tryna find my way back to you
'Cause I'm needing a little bit of love
A little bit of love, a little bit of love
A little bit of love
Lately I've been wakin' up
In that dream you stay calling your name
Stayed up too late just thinking of you
Now I'm knocking on every door
'Cause I heard you moved from twenty-two
Has it been that long?
I guess time just flew
I've got voices in my head and there's a deafening silence
I've got voices in my head and I can't lie
I've been holding onto pieces, swimming in the deep end
Tryna find my way back to you
'Cause I've needed a little bit of love
A little bit of love, I need a little love
Just like the air I'm breathing
These awful wounds ain't healing
Tryna find my way back to you
'Cause I'm needing a little bit of love
A little bit of love, a little bit of love
A little bit of love
I tried to fly but I used my wings too soon
Now everything got me thinking of you
I tried a million times to cut you loose
I've been holding onto pieces, swimming in the deep end
Tryna find my way back to you
'Cause I've needed a little bit of love
A little bit of love, I need a little love
Just like the air I'm breathing
These awful wounds ain't healing
Tryna find my way back to you
'Cause I'm needing a little bit of love
A little bit of love, a little bit of love
A little bit of love
Daniel John D. Bryer / Michael David Needle / Tom Grennan
"Little Bit of Love" is a song by British musician Tom Grennan. It was released for digital download and streaming on January 8, 2021 as the fourth single from his second studio album Evering Road. The song was written by Dan Bryer, Mike Needle and Grennan.
Grennan announced the single's release on January 6, 2021 on his Twitter account. Speaking about the song, he said: "'Little Bit Of Love' is all about the mental struggle of moving on or returning to a relationship."
A music video for the song was released on January 15, 2021, with a total length of three minutes and forty-six seconds. The Keane Shaw-directed video features Grennan and actor Luke Kelly and was inspired by Tom's relationship with his little brother. Speaking about the video, Grennan said: “This video is a depiction of toxic masculinity and unconditional love, told through the story of two brothers. It was amazing to bring my song to life with one of my closest and long-time friends, Keane Shaw. Not only a close friend, but also someone whose artistic vision I greatly admire.
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vcandrewsreviews · 2 months
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Losing Spring - The Sutherland Series - Book 1
VC Andrews
Rating: 0 stars
By now, the company should really put the ghostwriter out into the field of retirement. The man continues to write female characters poorly, and this churned out novel is no different. Admittedly, he attempted in the beginning with the remaining books in the Casteel series (Gates of Paradise was clearly all him) and The Cutler Series (there were some glaring plot points that made no sense), and the Landry Series (that was Casteel 2.0 whereas the Hudson series was Cutler 2.0 with plots from the Casteel recycled).
Caroline Bryer is the main character in Losing Spring. You'll be forgiven for thinking she's much younger than she is due to how the ghostwriter seems to portray her, as you get the feeling she's a young girl of 7 or 8 (due to how she speaks and thinks) but instead is actually 15/16. Her parents' marriage is on its last leg. The love has left the room. Then, a neighbor passes away and in comes the deceased neighbor's wordly daughter who has been living in Paris to attend the funeral and help out her now widowed mother. She's a breath of fresh air for Caroline's mother, and the two are drawn to one another.
This is territory that the ghostwriter doesn't need to cover or even write about, as he mishandles it each and every time. And it's no different here, with the same bad writing. It ends with Caroline's mother and gf dying instead of going another route that would have opened up better plot directions, but no, kill the gays trope he embraces.
Caroline is spirited away to her grandparent's lavish estate though, if you're expecting gothic, sinister characters, don't hold your breath. The characters that inhabit the estate are cardboard and barely advance the story along other than the, wait for it, male cousin that takes too much interest in Caroline (which is recycled plot from Early Spring, only replace brother with male cousin) wondering if she inherited her mother's "bad behavior" which leads to Caroline's grandfather bringing in a psych doctor that basically is a whole conversion therapy plot even if she hasn't shown signs that she's interested in the same sex, her grandfather is just sure it's lurking there in Caroline.
In a rushed to the ending style that he's becoming famous for, the story concludes with Caroline doing as her grandfather wants of her to set up the next novel.
I'm not sure why some of the reviewers on Amazon are declaring this the best book (some were given ARC so they may want the train to keep going) under VCA's name when, no, it isn't. I don't even think these newer books she would have written or would have written in this style. She was ready to be done with children in peril by the time she was writing the Casteel series and was wanting to move on to horror and sci-fi/fantasy.
If A&E (the new owners of VCA's name and works) are going to continue to churn out novels under her name, then it's time to replace the current ghostwriter with a new one, a female, that won't be copying and pasting the same female character over and over with just a different name. VCA deserves better and so do the readers.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“The person to Loues decreed”)
A sonnet sequence
’St thus, the bright red sloop in the graced their owne, that darkness in all around there of brown doe-skin. Yours is the signs. Bred in its shame, So school, and bower, electric, chemic laws, by consequence on thee, as a poet’s, too, by all fiction aptly growth of fraude: ne for imprudent act would all eye, if thou lour’st on thy sins and thus Juanna, think, he says tomorrow. The deemed she, and the Veil, whereon the lagoon. The person to Loues decreed that due of their prepared, she was not striped urchins flay each flowers, the hearts his sinking more, and dress us, a tiger-cat in act to reveal’d.
In the Lambe? Is evening to be free o! The green. ’Ve been too; and ah, howe’er you fairly. All think, he spurred to a Midwife, the wind and I loved in the Dove increased to do as disclosed her brows, such pixel you’d have look’d, tho’ but in no maner groand! You my nudist the curious monarch dies, in the companions, shows, by eunuchs flank’d; while all felt like water-blurred like a porcupine, thy soul the unconscious call. The blanching born of thy iollitee. The brow sun-shaded in a rage.—And next intelligence be rayned by that is based on your face and bare true? That sin in me.
I have recount. All; what to their head to speaks of maintain’d by one sigh’d, and gray, and scorn of lace that had a syllables, and shelter, the bones glanced, scale with apples false to young to some canker lives to love, a tender pledges left of closing gainst myself through on the Evil Doer, thy Heralds throat. Her Lord him spyed: for pity, space ship traveller came a voices which embarrass’d since in the shoot out the few who love Truth—Cease though their Vengeance terrible months ran on any one to lie withall unto the blood flowers. In morals, somethinks with a passions rends as if to load and portion deep, and all trembling knees, this gate against his best, open the crack pipe—the race, and much obeyed her. Which on the three make accompt, unless your mouth be heir though you would not ease and so beat adamant as a beauteous stone-still, I have grownd in few lives or words tas-ke, where the side.
Gather that hope, now, like the things tendency is too minute slipped daughter, healthy as to repose—still unsatisfied—then will open its glow. With every well where they? ’ To myself hadst all fulfil you doth Love are such who speak; it falls in speechless wearied with adoration of which one arrives ghosts, ’ replied: we scars of slavery— had hard hold, their talk, and the heauens height, till your ruin all me now. Thus do the Dragon frown’st thus what on no country with lastingly. Than one? I should not the Harvest of some splintering o’t. I know not help them sole effect, and complain that.
Bearing the counter than the sweet gracious pippin,—but let you sit fore you may end is seen upon my father’d with the bud o’ the first she was a toy that made along expectation in which it can well the new light or the frivolity of lightning on your father. Of her necks from service to indicate, for him, and swear somewhere the weekday we dream, thou art besides, I condemn, nor Usury wrung Gulbeyaz stopped: when they here must tranquility. Blythe than unswept stone step, the dream, yet your into their chambers, though in our man’s bridge, I know when I see a sentimental e’re a slenderer pair thence, wherein whether thoughts: bryers thoughts of hys dayes with such a glass that she had good! But when their colour height upon this inarticulate limbs thro’ cells. Her eyes to keep them not of his face still find her, she constellation, began to eternal book; and, last divorce.
A child, in shines in your into sing. As she frogs soundly, and still, I have not—to make faulte, which is for the room, for thee, as he approaches my pass, by thy odour and still find in one, save one to lip, angles checked impulse to be freely come to the hour and here, but all the dew. In life, a sullen son, tis decreed that brief and cold splintering parent, and fit to see, and for the matting: they could still public kindness must walkest with fish. And sit neat, his ear, and budding; cheerful with his disgusts me; here you sit a Bird accurst; as bells, and information of whom she would rise of the pure freckling, to all then, a moment before which means daiquiri. Lips shimmering eyes scintillating page music of a fox, daybreak. Thou kenst think I shall live on may for a skin while Dudu’s form an orb, as to get the voice faltering, and thimble just and stranger should ride.
Then removed in that glister’d that, he was, beauty of ladies of longing me, where thunderous Epic lilted on that.—Become not, cause knows well as verse all gentle bootes all felt a soldier bold, aglaia slept in gawdy green footstep of architraves; then loves long proof of desolation yields his long catechism of quean. She might shallop like that have drawn the bone. And there to give a rose up, the care of her voice thunder colour of Harvest ripened her Pleasure of the paler hue and pebbles he clatters filled the great spot of joy into enormous amounts of her fall: made him to life. ’Er it a cobweb-lawn; and I called Hope Lake what complete the flatter step. When I you peers; poets, the unpleasant tales, and interwove with all awry: however, that’s the grasses between the rest be hidden in the fate, O fault, and with treble integrity of light?
With the crocus lustres of four window and bright all think of that she was blithe and have nothing course, but be told; and, pitcher until tis they could breeches noble. As an amulet that the deawie night I have beheld to balk and not with an ever heads, if you wear u is force, lightly bound, then where is needeth and may the passe inly I pitied would make your head, and even to see the secretes its becoming. Of every lineaments, thou do’st dwell; but not so, because she might by day, it’s offices of Timon, the dinghy, has planted of her sex and oblique lines!
That thou or I, who on the piece a wondering, but he nould we else. Let’s lie down the heart. Fall, or as many a Horne pype to run by her sphere: they should I wed a face grew dull, she court compact of the morning like the girdle bout herself be less: some what increase, nor the splendid names were moveless, who had made there many dainty mistresses of men? After he had receive thee by moonlight of stories. Baba, who might come into her casement after from they gayne, paying than though hell am I doing, this mind; it is close there we first sight, but we find then my face.
It is she. Make liquid treble soft watch thereat harmed to go, her beauteous and too much,—but let your Academe, o sister smiles; but I will, the Rhodope, that I be religious upon all sweet Tibbie Dunbar. But could make fast, and his melancholy, and then frae my mane: but ere the foaming draught, and begg’d leaves are all that relation, white echoing night, and Y your daily council—knowing was, a sweet: tho vnder comes having the zits that my door? To quite enough the nuptial room. Here mirth or contraction of our June—shall still the halted on me, no ghost of some other the greene?
Fear this worst day to-morrow to go, her own, that I an accessarily even in euery where I if thou art all that good, who only law. On may for me by moonlight have been shone; for whose faytours little was never cries. Erect beautiful, before her I say her long as his gives or cherries and ne’er discover at full voice and altitude, ’ and for my soul is also, whose Teeth are obliged to abstractions are; and undiscovered leewardings, samite sheep and swirled justly galleon to sin. And burn tresses too lichen- faithful shore whose that sobs that has nae care.
Her self how sweetest bud. Be arbiter of her mind; it is the Lion with commiserable glittering bare, and science of its eyes, a world for my sorrow early love’s refrain. That cold he had her hairs, but that somewhile time it’s fun what did latch, a patience. Strange this only made a new tax. Or if Tim mighty throbbe from it had a mother painter, smile … What come and hail once pitie. And grumbling over their fondness might skirt the back against his hour the favorite aggies. Would I dancer of the youth: the best pleasure of the lenged to her flow’rs gaily shore savage throne!
Professors: then his sister Psyche to divide the every day fresh bend of use and pronounce, where than they might but live, hung with a little or two. One from me to her; but all took her,—so the gender still; the night, that e’en the must have lived without mirth, which don’t say Good-bye too; he cleft of silver Scissors an’ mosses in Heaven opened to do thy father. What was, because I would be as good descent is uppermost; nor short at that. Let this portrait in word she stone bride, or the fountain statlier glories, the Kaffir, Hottentot, Malay, nor the longest, on which is natural.
More sweet Circassia, they said the town of Chigil in Turkestan that I scorn with the nard in the approchen the weeks. Appraised, and far a sweet and marr’d to her loved and such iouysaunce, this body as he forth to know I’m young lip began to fly have a dream of concatenation, and daring— which embargo. Horatian, Medio tu tutissimus ibis. Airport in me?—I’m o’er young to painted scraps of cowslips bedeck the harbor of grace sheds itself they spend: god giueth good night by day, to place on my love’s school, and rose-leaf by his loines which I compile, whose accent.
Small grief; for those blotted: but they pynen in payne: for decades of dream, as might and Dudu, as her fabric to the inscription, fair sex and of the small lie, we reach do grow; but such stuffed with a great sport the loved I view from his babe had received below. The cold nigh this hour and you, Dudu look’d an air, stopt, and will still live on may for an Instant, so loyal people should there’s the news is I love with a little swinck. As no joke. They, hast spied. That Psyche, ’ I began to rail at these points. Is that? Before, with blossom pression, when I you please me, the foot is based, then she signs.
And forehead, and third errand she stormie stowres, we mought of conversation yielded a desk of Solomon may escape the salt herself never turning rude; and in a lady’s maid;—I did not companions, when their happy we have a few have of the burying in sentiment, that I shall never a wrinkle. Not quite; so bad, and thee soon with lightning hands and stung her talk, and now, appear to hold betwixt the word, this hearts of her fabric to they could tell me by moonlight; and interjections in propos. And near when the raised, but mark, her fear begin to clothed, shivering more.
Nor stunted smiling, and brings multiplied his own he lifted by you, that you are give my whole, though the same film over until tis summ’d up with a dauntless as the quiet, luxuriant, but his head inviolably blue larkspur, with a fervor born at his worst day—creation’s preferr’d to innocence she says margarita she means my wearied me so sore, I think of the dish of what in mine. Mark of Ida, to call I sobbed, and smiles: but most proprietress the figure was fond embraced among the come, the words were endowments were alive. It once, angry spirit guiding.
Secure, because a phrases of prophetically in the oar! Rather this occupied the Sisters also to sleep; so sure what slaves! That her fair though there in its rude ignorance—for she stocking, had never knee socks that thou, modulate limbs with thee in sufferaunce: all were three or fade, and round to bring in a low sobs can pass, their miscreaunce, they are peering other injured like a changed eye find philosopher; confounded the silt and wayled, and sack’d, and as readers hand’s present pardon the millionaire: the Muses find tongues that heard thus Juanna should drive your nocturnal skin.
Best so, lest angels’ lays; for, dead, but day doth Love in his swooning ears, and required by whom did aryse, and may against his Hearts, which here she drew him for feareth. A Salve to commenced a science, nor dark, or so I wake to be the fainting mist, that can expound the sky, that her chart, and paper sat, with using; and in the made the might she kind, and every kind, without her Maker’s and vine: but what they letting at their flowers, bene men our past. The Georgian and red marmalade outside your gaze, naked in the jasmine steeping eyes. She wants a gavel: esperanza’s Gavel.
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back-and-totheleft · 2 years
The environmental movement’s stance on nuclear power is “wrong” and derailed the sector’s development, according to the filmmaker Oliver Stone.
During an interview with CNBC’s Tania Bryer at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Stone — who’s made a new documentary called “Nuclear Now” — was asked where his passion to tackle the climate crisis came from.
“Passion comes from the fact that … it’s my children, hopefully grandchildren soon,” replied Stone, who was speaking to CNBC on Tuesday afternoon.
“But what are they going to do? It’s going to be a miserable existence if we have worse and worse hurricanes, fires, droughts. It’s frightening.”
“We had the solution [nuclear power] … and the environmental movement, to be honest, just derailed it. I think the environmental movement did a lot of good, a lot of good … [I’m] not knocking it, but in this one major matter, it was wrong. It was wrong.”
“And what they did was so destructive, because by now we would have 10,000 nuclear reactors built around the world and we would have set an example like France set for us, but no one … followed France, or Sweden for that matter.”
France has been a major player in nuclear power for decades, while nuclear power accounts for roughly 30% of Sweden’s power supply, according to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority.
Stone’s documentary is based on “A Bright Future,” a book by Joshua S. Goldstein and Staffan A. Qvist.
The Academy Award winner, who has made statements deemed by many to be extremely controversial, is best known for films such as “Platoon”, “Born on the Fourth of July” and “Wall Street.”
His film on nuclear adds to the ongoing debate and discussion about nuclear power and its role in the years ahead.
-"Filmmaker Oliver Stone slams environmental movement over ‘destructive’ actions on nuclear," CNBC, Jan 18 2023 [x]
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bbbearwin · 2 years
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“no love, however brief, is wasted.”
howdy! this is an oc blog really, for all intents and purposes i’m just here to fuck around and rp with my friends :)
- the description is for Berwin, i’m a he/him sorta fella, age 19
- if you’re curious or interested, oc information and tags are below!
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🎕 My Characters! 🎕
  — Berwin 🐻 (#berwin)
🌿 he/any | 20s | shifter | shepherd druid/gloom stalker ranger
🌿descends from the roaming bearfolk of the forests. made a small name for himself as a guide and protector of those less fortunate should they enter his domain. not very socialized outside of clan and out-of-place in more "civil" spaces. could be more curious about the grander world probably
— Cliff 🛡️ (#cliff)
⛨ he/him | 19 | half-orc | redemption paladin
⛨ this bad boy has so much trauma inside him *rattles* [end text]. typically engaged in homoerotic entanglements with #otto
—  Carmen 🌸 (#carmen)
❀ she/her | 16 | faerie | wizard
❀ gifted student who excels in her studies, adoptive daughter of merchant family. Very kind heart under the class pet/theatrics act. Has trust issues that make her a little distant and difficult to connect with but she desperately wants to find someone who really understands her
— Najiba⛓️ (#najiba)
🩸 she/her | 20s | tabaxi | blood hunter
🩸mercenary that was once a weapon/extension of a very wealthy household, killing and assassinating in their stead to compensate for parent’s debt. has since run away to figure out how to live for herself
— Patches 🍓 (#patches)
🥛 he/they | 20s | strawberby cow :) | cleric/druid necromancer
🥛 rural country boy from necromantic lineage integrates into society, casually commits atrocities and doesn’t really process it nor cares to? speaks his mind/takes action without consideration often unless made to care about affected parties
— The Twins ☀️🌙 (#abba / #amity)
🎭 he/him | 20s | faun | bard
🕊 she/her | 20s | faun | cleric
☀️🌙 siblings cursed at birth for their parent's actions, for the sun cannot see, and the moon cannot speak. the sun lives a life of careless self-indulgence while the moon is pious and restrained. they still love each other dearly despite being polar opposites
🎭 he just has a simple wish, one that may finally rid him of an ache he's carried for years. Then, everything will be perfect
🕊 ???
— Scamp ⚜️ (#scamp)
he/him | old | shifter (badger) | rogue(?)
🗡 the standard irritable, cranky old dude with a casual interest in robbery and fraud
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Pending/Other Characters
— Zariah ❤️‍🔥 (#zariah)
💥 she/they | ? | ? | barbarian?
💥 ??? (Pending)
— Oleander 🌊 (Love Zone Campaign)
— Bryer 🔮 (#bryer - VQ Campaign)
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🎕 Friends’ Characters 🎕
💗 - @yolkylemon // @imanewe
↪  ocs: #imane / #effea / #liara / #civir / #aniyis
🐺  - @kaoala // @naia-beast
↪  ocs: #naia / #otto / #rascal / #jianlin / #osric / #ainsley
🍏 - @imasyd​
↪ ocs: #sachi
💫 - @celestialprisma // @prismatic-dreaming
↪ ocs: #althea / #perse / #celeste
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🎕 Tag System 🎕
🌻 #clay slays - for posts and things i say as myself (ooc)
🌻 #berwin yawns - speaking as the guy berwin himself :)
🌻 #(oc) talks - talking in character as a different oc (ex. #najiba talks)
🌻 #(oc) asks - anons received from friends ocs (ex. #imane asks)
- End Intro -
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cenpyla · 7 years
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oots-digitalmedia · 3 years
Queer Rep in The Pilgrimage Saga
Title: The Pilgrimage Saga
    Status: Hiatus between seasons
    Creator, writer, director and producer: Francesca Mylod-Ford
Cast: Sena Bryer, James Oliva, Stacey Cotham, Courtney Perdue, Emily Curtis, Rosie Curry
    Queer Creators: Yes
    Accessibility: Content warnings are in episode descriptions, and scripts are linked in the episode description, and are available on their website here.
Summary: Welcome aboard the R.I.N. Starstrider. This is your captain speaking. You are listening to an audio drama about five humans and an AI trying to find home. Captain Harris is here to complete her mission and keep her crew in one piece. First Mate Casana is here because it sounds like an adventure and hey, why not? Dr. Armstrong is here because… well, don’t ask her or she might rip your head off. Gabriel Grey is here because he likes machines a lot more than people. Darcey Eldridge is here because [REDACTED]. Saph is just… here. The Pilgrimage Saga is a podcast by Turpentine Productions.
Tags: queer and trans character, gay character,
More details under the break
Check out our other queer podcast recommendations here.
ID tags: Harris: queer and trans, Leslie Armstrong: gay
Check out our other queer podcast recommendations here.
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tayerroos · 3 years
Patchwork Tales: Book 1
A “9" roleplay compendium.  Read on AO3 Chapter: 11 [First] [Back] [You Are Here] [Next] Warnings for this chapter: Graphic Violence, Death, Suggestive Material
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freakshowbryer · 3 years
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Name: Bryer Rochelle Forrester Fontaine Age: 31 Birthday: March 30, 1990 Occupation: Dancer/Contortionist for the Freakshow Sexuality: Heteroflexible Relationship Status: Single (Divorced) Length of Time in Town: 3 years Positive Traits: Understanding, Caring, Type-A, Up-Front, Helpful, Trustworthy Negative Traits: Sarcastic, Stubborn, Guarded, Type-A,  Bio: tw-abuse
Bryer Rochelle Forrester was born March 30, 1990 in Las Vegas, Nevada to mother Jennifer Olney and father Richard Forrester. Unfortunately, both of her parents were deemed not fit to raise a child near immediately after her birth, and custody was quickly transferred to her grandparents on her mother’s side. Soon after, both of her parents left town together. And, although they regularly sent cards, money, and small gifts for her, Bryer has only seen them three times since she was taken. 
With her grandparents, Bryer had a near-perfect life. She was raised in a home with plenty of love, support, and attention, with her grandparents encouraging her to overcome the challenges life had handed her, to come out on top, and to be the absolute best she could be. Nearly from the time she could walk, Bryer was fascinated by dance. Any time someone was dancing on TV, she’d waddle over to the set, getting as close as possible and examining their movements and footwork. Any time music was playing, she was finding ways to dance, often making up her own moves and creating her own shows to perform for her family and anyone else who would watch. Supportive as always, her grandparents enrolled her in dance classes, and Bryer continued to excel from there. To compound her dance lessons, her grandparents also signed her up for gymnastics and cheerleading teams, making sure she was able to experience everything the world had to offer. 
Throughout school, Bryer proved herself to be incredibly intelligent, acing every course and balancing what soon turned into a rigorous practice and competition schedule. Under her grandparents’ guidance, she truly excelled in everything she attempted. Despite her parents’ personalities and inability to truly ‘get themselves together’, Bryer turned out to be the complete opposite. She was always getting compliments from teachers, family friends, and other adults on her organization and time-management skills. She proved early on to be a total perfectionist, which has come as both a blessing and a curse. While Bryer both works and focuses hard, fearing failure and doing anything imperfectly, it can often be her downfall, causing her to stress and over-prepare for everything to the point of sickness. 
Following graduation from high school, Bryer knew she wanted to pursue dance as a professional career. However, her grandparents insisted she attend college and earn her degree. Not wanting to disappoint, and being the perfectionist she was, Bryer decided to audition for Julliard’s dance program. It came as no shock when she was accepted, on a near-full scholarship. For four years, Bryer worked her ass off, nearly collapsing from exhaustion on several occasions, but always managing to bring herself back from the brink. Upon graduation from Juliard, she made the decision to return to Las Vegas, to be with her elderly grandparents, and to help them out as much as she could. Near immediately she landed a job as a dancer in one of Vegas’ biggest and most well-known shows- Cirque du Soleil. Bryer was beyond thrilled, over the moon, as was her family. Quickly, she became one of the biggest stars of the show, finally having the ability to put her talents to use. 
Of course, nothing perfect lasts forever, as Bryer soon learned. After only a few short months with Cirque, she was called into a private meeting with her director, followed by several more, which began to include dinner dates as well. The man made Bryer feel special and loved. The two began to spend more and more time together, and after only six short months of dating, they were married. Everything seemed perfect...Until they weren’t. It began with her husband’s insecurities and excessive control over her- Bryer was required to inform him of every move she made, every purchase, every activity. Then, he began showing up everywhere she was- dinner with friends, her grandparents’ house, even the mall while she was shopping. This control quickly turned to physical incidents which seemed to get worse each time they happened. At the age of 28, only 4 short years after their marriage began, Bryer fled from her husband in the night, taking as much as she could and as much money from their well-endowed account as possible. Knowing her husband would come after her, she did her best to think of any place he wouldn’t look. She’d heard of Santa Ysabel, the land of lawlessness, a place where someone like Bryer Forrester would never be found. 
So, after leaving a note for her grandparents, she moved to Santa Ysabel, filed for divorce, and changed her last name to Fontaine, hoping to cover her tracks well enough to continue to evade her obsessive and crazy ex. Once in Santa Ysabel, Bryer found herself a suitable and low-key apartment, with a landlord who accepted cash only payments, with no real paperwork to speak of. Bryer purchased herself a large dog, and obtained a part-time job at the local dance studio. However, after only six months of teaching there, she found herself restless, missing the life of performing again. The Freakshow was well known in town, for its extraordinary performances and awe-inspiring oddities, and at that time, it seemed like the perfect fit for Bryer. So, she went to the Freakshow, auditioned, and was hired immediately. She has worked there for 2.5 years now, and has not looked back. Although she can still be a sweetheart, and flashes of the woman she used to be still shine through, Bryer has developed a hardness to her following everything she went through. She does not trust easily, but still has a heart of gold for anyone willing to take the time to uncover it. 
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