#bruh i swear every time i go in the tags i see someone bitching and moaning about how much they hate him
leofrith · 7 months
woah you hate gale? that's crazy, dude. you should tell us more. don't forget to tag it.
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pishufics · 4 years
study date(s)
"Bertholdt knows that he needs to start trying. It’s junior year, and he’d rather not stay stuck in the same class next year as a senior. If he fails the next test, he’s in some shit. So, he's going to ask you for help."
pairing - bertholdt hoover x reader
tags - high school au, fluff, humor, texting
warnings - none
author’s note -  this was just a one shot but i kept writing lol it kind of switches between you and bertholdt, but i don't directly say his thoughts, it's kind of like 2nd person omniscient if that's even a thing LOL
lmk how the texting reads, i'll change it if it's weird
reblogs and comments are appreciated ! mwah
chapter 1 - two days
reinah: I swear if you don’t just ASK her
Do you want to be held back?
bertoto: relax okay i’ll do it :(
r: Okay, okay
Lmk how it goes
b: i never said i was asking today
Bertholdt sighs and locks his phone once he sees Reiner start to type a reply.
Bertholdt is struggling with English, which surprises him. He’s a good student in every other class, but the moment Mr. Ackermann starts talking, he finds himself dozing off, missing the lecture. Recently, though, he’s awake in class, but still not paying attention. All his focus is on you, who sat in the middle of the classroom while he sat in the back, due to his height (he didn’t really mind, though; better chance of not getting caught asleep).
One day, due to some miraculous occurrence, the short, stern teacher actually had the boy’s attention, but not for long.
“Does anyone have number three?” Mr. Ackermann asked. Bertholdt definitely didn’t. He hoped someone would raise their hand so the teacher wouldn’t resort to calling a random name.
To his relief, you did.
“I think what the author was trying to convey was…”
Bertholdt didn’t really get what you were saying, but he admired your intelligence. You knew the material and could explain it in detail, while he couldn’t even recall the book's name in question.
He started to admire more of your traits - he gazed as you would lightly, but briskly, tap your foot in frustration when you didn’t know an answer and smile at the way your face relaxed when you finally got it. Seeing your motivation in class kickstarted his.
Bertholdt knows that he needs to start trying. It’s junior year, and he’d rather not stay stuck in the same class next year as a senior. If he fails the next test, he’s in some shit.
So, he's going to ask you for help.
“Girl, I don’t have any more fucking gum. I drove up to Costco, bought the value sized pack, and you somehow managed to chew all of it.” You say exasperatedly, shutting your locker.
Sasha pouts. “Are you sureeee? There’s prolly half a stick left in your front pocket…”
You swat her hand away. “There’s. Nothing. Left. I promise.” She continues to stare at your bag.
“Fuckin-” You mutter, reaching into your bag and pulling out a snack-size bag of Cheezits. They’re one of your favorite snacks, but you know you can’t win when it comes to Sasha and food. You reluctantly hand the bag to her.
“Thanks, y/n!” She smiles and tears open the bag.
“Yknow, you can be annoying as shit, Sasha.”
She winks at you and eats her stolen prize. You turn to leave and head to 3rd period. English.
Hm. You’re usually greeted by your other best friend around now-
“Yeoooo!!” Oh, there he is. Connie daps you up before wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “What’s good?”
“I don’t really wanna go to 3rd," you answer. "Sasha stole my Cheezits."
“Does anyone really wanna go to any class? And that's your fault, you know you can't bring food without Sasha's fatass taking it,” Connie replies, and Sasha punches his shoulder.
“Okay, I know...have you started studying for the test?”
He blankly stares at you. Guess not. You have the same teacher, but different periods, so you can’t keep an eye on him.
“Nevermind. I’ll see y’all later.” You throw up a peace sign and head in the opposite direction.
It’s not like you’re bad at English, but you just don’t like school in general. You go to class to get your participation grade, then go home.
There might be another reason you tolerate 3rd period, though, and it isn’t the professor. (He is pretty fine, but he's an adult, so you don’t let your thoughts escalate).
Mr. Ackermann didn’t like assigning things online, so most of the work in this class was on paper, contrasting your other classes where everything was digital. Kind of annoying, but you’ve learned to deal with it.
You mainly use mechanical pencils because you hate the way wooden ones write, but one day, to your slight dismay, you forgot them at home. Just your luck.
There’s a container of pencils and a sharpener in the back of the classroom, so you stand up to go retrieve one and notice a tall boy asleep in a desk not too far back from yours.
Bertholdt Hoover.
You knew him, of course. You find it a little rude to not know your classmates' names; you’ve dealt with numerous “who?”s in previous years and don’t want to put anyone through that, so you make sure to pay attention during introductions.
You chuckle at sight. The class has barely even started, and the guy is already dozing. In an awkward position, at that. One of his long legs is across the other, cramped underneath the desk. His head was laying on his right arm with his left against his hair. You thought to wake him up, but he looked so peaceful, you couldn't bring yourself to do it, plus, it's not your business. Mr Ackermann somehow didn't notice either, so Bertholdt always had a good rest in 3rd period English.
Every time you walked into class, you checked to see what weird position he would be sleeping in. You found yourself looking forward to it- he looked kinda cute when he was sleeping- but he stopped one day. You were a little disappointed, but glad to know that he was starting to pay attention in class. You still glanced at him as you walked in- he's a pretty attractive guy. No harm in just looking...
You shrug your backpack off and sit at your desk, stretching your legs out a bit. The walk from your locker to this classroom was kind of far. You reach into your bag, get your mechanical pencil out, and wait for Mr Ackermann to pass out the first assignment.
Just then, you hear someone walk up to your desk, and you glance over.
‘Oh, it’s Bertholdt. I don’t think we’ve ever spoken.’ You feel your face heat up, wondering what he wanted from you.
“Hey, y/n…” He nervously starts.
“Hey. Need something?”
“Yeah, actually...about the upcoming test.”
You hum in curiosity. “What about it?”
He clears his throat. “I’m lowkey failing this class, and if I mess up this test, I’ll have to retake this class next year. Do you think you could, uh…”
Bertholdt inhales in an attempt to calm himself down. It doesn’t really work.
“Could you help me study?” Phew. He managed to get it out pretty well and made a mental note to give himself a pat on the back later. But he hasn’t fully succeeded yet; you still need to agree.
You weren't opposed to the idea. You kind of figured he would be struggling in class a bit since he used to sleep all the time. It’s alright with you, and you wouldn’t mind a potential new friend. Sasha and Connie were exhausting at times.
“Yeah, sure. When?” You pause. “Actually, just text me.” You hold out your hand, asking for his phone.
Bertholdt was practically shaking in his sneakers as he reached into his pocket and handed you his unlocked phone with the contacts app open. You actually agreed! And you were giving him your number! Reiner was going to be so proud, he smiled to himself.
As you type in your info, you appreciate the cleanliness of his phone. That shows you that he’s at least hygienic.
“Aight. Here you go,” you return his device. “See you later.” You smile.
Bertholdt can’t believe this is happening.
Mr Ackermann’s voice interrupts his thoughts. “Oi, Hoover. Sit down.”
Startled, he jumps back a bit at the sudden acknowledgement. He was focused on you and tuned everything else out.
“Sorry, sir.” Bertholdt gives you a quick grin and turns to go back to his desk. Once he sits, he looks down at the new contact:
y/n :)
Bertholdt can’t help but smile. Just seeing your name and number on his screen made him giddy, and he thought that the smiley face you added was adorable.
His thoughts are interrupted yet again, but not by the teacher. He looks down at his phone, which just buzzed.
| Messages
Did you do it yet bruh
Good timing. Bertholdt taps on the notification and goes to type a reply, but decides to send him a screenshot of your contact…with your number scribbled out. Reiner was a flirt, and he didn’t want to risk anything.
Bertholdt rolls his eyes and puts his phone in his backpack. He was going to pay attention- for real - today. He didn't want to seem too clueless when you tutored him.
“Can anyone tell me what rhetorical strategy is being used here?” Mr. Ackermann asked.
Bertholdt certainly could not. But that was changing soon, with your help.
“Okaay, we got Ms. Tutor over here now,” Sasha smiles in between bites of a burger.
“Do you even know how to, like, teach, though?” Connie gives you a skeptical look.
“It prolly isn’t too hard. All I gotta do is help him study. If he needs help understanding a concept, I’ll just explain it,” you defend yourself. “We still have two weeks. Ion mind making flashcards or something.”
“You’re getting into it, huh?” Sasha laughs.
Your face heats in embarrassment. “Girl, you know it isn’t like that.”
“And why not? You’re always bitching about how lonely you are. High school isn’t gonna last forever…” she replies.
“I have no recollection of saying anything like that.” You glare. But she isn’t exactly wrong. You’d like to experience the “high school romance” you’ve heard so much about, and Bertholdt is pretty cute. It’s not like dating is a significant concern, though.
“I’m always here as an option, y/n,” Connie winks as he takes a sip of his soda.
“Hell nah.”
Across the cafeteria, Bertholdt is trying to eat a sandwich, but Reiner won’t leave him alone. He was right about Reiner being proud, but Bertholdt almost forgot how persistent the jock could get.
“I didn’t think you had the balls, dude. I was ready to see English 3 on your schedule again next year,” He grins, arm around his taller friend's shoulders.
“...Can I eat?” Bertholdt sighs and shrugs his friend away.
“Have you texted her yet? What day are you gonna hang out with her? You gonna bring her anything? Flowers or somethin’? Girls like that kinda stuff.”
Bertholdt didn’t really think that was true.
“First off, no, not yet. I need to see when I can actually go. Second, no, I am not bringing her anything. I didn’t say it was a date. She’s going to help me study.”
“Fine, man. At least try to seem more interesting, yknow, so she can like...be interested in you.”
“Are you saying I’m boring? Ouch,” He jokingly pouts and rolls his eyes at Reiner’s double usage of ‘interesting.’
“You said it, not me.”
“Okay, I don’t wanna hear that from you...if it came from Annie, then I’d believe it.” Bertholdt looks in the blonde’s direction. She took a bite from her burger, looked up from her phone, and shrugged.
“Damn, for real?” Bertholdt sinks. He didn’t think he was that dull. He did lots of interesting stuff, like…
Bertholdt sighs in defeat.
“It’s fine. Maybe y/n likes boring,” Bertholdt huffs, taking another bite from his sandwich.
“Yeah, okay, keep telling yourself that and see where it gets you…” Reiner mumbles.
“Come again?”
“Nothing, man…”
School's been over for an hour or two. You’re aimlessly scrolling through your phone when you feel a buzz, and glance towards the top of the screen.
| Messages
it’s bertholdt 😁
where should we meet up?
Your heart starts to beat a little faster. ‘Relax, girl… don't act like he's asking you out or something,’ you tell yourself.
y/n: hey!
how abt the library?
+  what day/ time works for you?
You add his number to your contacts as you wait for his response.
bertholdt :^)
is saturday at 3 okay?
y/n: yep
do you need a ride or anything?
b: no, but thank you
see you then ☺️
y/n: alrighty :)
You smile at his use of emojis, send what he requested, then swipe down on your screen to check the day (what? It's normal to forget sometimes.) Wednesday. Two days.
You feel like it would be awkward to study with Bertholdt considering you aren’t really friends, so you decide to text him a little more so it isn't too bad when the day arrives.
“See? That wasn’t so hard!” Reiner exclaims. “You could’ve tried to talk to her more, but it went good!”
“I think it would’ve been weird if I did say anything else. Best to leave it at that…” Bertholdt exclaims, trying to calm himself down. He had two days.
He wonders what he should do now. Study so he could impress you? Do something to make himself seem more interesting? What would he even do...?
Bertholdt taps back onto the conversation to reread it for the 6th time. Was there anything he could’ve said different? Should he try asking you someth-
Oh, wait-? You’re typing?
“Oh shit- Dude, she’s saying something else. What do I do?” He begins to panic. Did you suddenly decide he wasn’t worth your time? Were you cancelling?
y/n: sooo
how’s your day been?
Whaaaaaatttt?? You actually...care to ask?
Bertholdt stared at his phone in surprise.
“What’d she say? Cmon! Don’t just look, dude!”
“She...asked how my day’s been-”
“-You gotta reply now! You were on the chat when she said it, so she knows you’ve read it!” Reiner urges.
Shit. He doesn't have enough time to think of a good reply.
good, but better since i’m texting you 😉|
The hell? No, that’s weird. And too soon. He tries again...
pretty good, thanks!
kinda stressing over the test, haha
how’s your day going?
There we go. He twiddles his thumbs as he waits for your reply.
y/n :)
oh, dw, it’ll be fine !
my day was okay
sasha took my last bag of cheez its :(
b: ah, i'm sorry abt that :(
+ yeah, you're right
have you as my tutor :)
“Nice job man! That was...kinda flirty? You’ll get there!” Reiner ruffles his hair in encouragement, and Bertholdt shoos him away. He stares at his phone in anticipation. Was that too much?
i have you as my tutor :)
You lean your head on your pillow and feel your face heat up at the compliment ( was that a compliment?)
It’s not like you’re dumb, so he’s not wrong to think that. Your lips curl into a smile as you reread the message. But how do you reply? Should you compliment him back? You don’t really know.
if you’re saying i’m smart, thank you :))
hoping that wasn't sarcasm lol
You wait a minute, and he doesn’t reply, so you decide to ask another question.
is there anything specific you wanna focus on?
You cringe at the double texting, but hope that it doesn't make him think you're weird. You swipe away from the conversation and scroll on various apps as you wait.
b: ofc it wasn’t sarcasm, you're really smart, y/n!
i'm mainly struggling with rhetorical strategies and logical fallacies, but i could
use a general review too
if that's okay with you
You bury your almost overheating face into your pillow. Why is something like that getting you flustered, you wonder. You sit up, take a deep breath, and focus on the second part of his message. You're pretty good with what he needs work on, and a general review should be easy to put together.
y/n :) okay, we can focus on the first 2 on saturday
we can review the unit on other days
see you at school:)
At this point, you really don’t know how this conversation could go any further, so you ended it. Bertholdt returns your goodbye.
You exhale and sit up in your bed. Hopefully tutoring him won’t be too awkward now that you’ve spoken to him a bit, and there's still tomorrow at school to speak to him. You find yourself excited for the study date tutoring session, since you could get your homework done too.
"Two days," you smile.
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defulles · 4 years
02.25.21 Imagine
this is my new goal for the end of junior year.
yes i know i’m gonna sound like a bitch and an attention whore for this but i honestly couldn’t give two shits at this point. i deserve so much better than her. if i had actually given in to her i would just be settling for some crusty bitch who isn’t even worth the time or energy.
but basically here’s my head canons for my dream of making this girl suffer
her feelings about it:
imma have a glow up. like huge. literally become the woman of her dreams.
she just CAN NOT get over her feelings for me. they would just become worse and she would become even more obsessed than she is now.
bruh the thrill of rejecting someone just fucking slaps.
and she KNOWS i know she’s still obsessed w me. but i literally wouldn’t care at all (bruhhh that would be so much fun)
my appearance:
clothes -
open red flannel
completely ripped up black jeans like absolutely demolished
just a fucking black sports bra and thats it
untied black high top converse
white nike socks
backwards baseball cap
hair JET BLACK, wavy and kinda messy but still put together
chain necklaces, slit eyebrow (i’m an eboy now ig)
triple piercings on my ears, plus cartilage (maybe tongue or bellybutton piercing???)
random bracelets that you would somehow just collect over the years (like the string ones you’d get from summer camp or the rubber ones from a fund raiser or something)
body -
since this is gonna be me next year, i’ve definitely worked out a decent amount since
i have abs (not like a fucking six pack) but it’s there
i’m gonna start lifting more consistently soon, my arms are gonna be kinda bulked so when i roll up the sleeves of the flannel my forearms fit the shirt like perfectly bc of the muscle (idk why but i love it when a shirt is kinda tight bc of muscle)
and bruh
my thighs.
they’re gonna be fucking. H U G E.
yes that’s my ideal body type and what i want to look like by this time next year
imagine/group dynamic:
(this is probably stemming from the fact that were kinda in a band but not really and i’ve always wanted to play bass BUT i’ve had this image stuck in my head for too long)
i’ve finally learned to play the bass
i’ve moved on to another group and we made a band thats wayyy better and more successful
we’re performing w lights and everything and shit but were still kinda small so its only like a local venue
and she’s there in the crowd obviously
and i’m just the really hot bassist who’s really fucking good at it
blue purple and red lights from the stage
what kind of music?? rock. just pure rock. all kinds, every sub genre, ranging from classic to hard metal shit.
just absolutely JAMMING on the bass
and my two best friends are backstage and she tries to come up to me after but i just ignore her and go straight to them
and i’m also dating someone now
she doesn’t know
and they come out onto the stage at the end when we’re packing up and shit (maybe they’re also in the band idfk) and we just hug or kiss or show some sort of affection for each other and she's just kinda standing there watching it happen
this is gonna happen i swear to god. and if it starts become close to the end of the year next year, and i don’t see it happening, i’m gonna make it happen. 100%.
this is so fucking brutal but i need this, this girl does not treat me right at all and were not even in a relationship.
okay but actually tho just imagine fucking rocking out on the bass w lights and a whole crowd just jamming out and shit holy fu-
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ceejay1163 · 5 years
The Teal* Bronco (*Turquoise)
First off I want to tag the amazing @aquadolan whose hilariously accurate reaction videos make me laugh cry every time I see them and makes me feel like we are experiencing the video together and having a laugh like a couple of mates despite being in opposite sides of the world.
Now for my reactions to 'Tricking my brother into thinking his car was flipped'
The ring mmhmmm just yes
The clapping tho? Not about it
Ethan has a shorter attention span then me and that's impressive
I did not pick the boys to like roller skating although they ice skate so it makes sense
Little bitch haha
I like the jumper. It looks fuzzy and cozy
How long did this take to plan? Honestly it seems like it would be taken forever
Roasting the matchingness to the car
He seems to actually be jealous that Gray's favourite car isn't the one he bought. That's adorable. Fuck I'm not even 2 mins into the video
And now the car is broken
Wait did I fuck up? Am I recording?
The gum Ethan. Eww for fuck sake mate don't be a pig.
'I have really bad attentional problems' yeah.. your English might need some work too
When's the last time I ate? -literally something I say most days
Roast him for dropping out of school and not remembering common phrases and sayings
Why do all Ethans pranks involve Graysons cars?
Also not wanting to say what time you wake up. Same
Laughing at yourself
I'm cool, I'm cool actually no I'm not
Groggy or drunk?
Slap. Pain kink anyone?
That damn projector
Air quotes
Did anyone understand the car mumbo jumbo? Like at all? Did anyone care?
Good job keeping a straight face Ethan. He won't suspect a thing.
Why do boys turn everything into challenges? My nephews do it all the time
Full actor mode
Too many words in Google mate. Google doesn't care why you need a Photoshop artist
More air quotes. Except out of sync.
It's just a prank bro.
Bitter he can't go skating. Poor bubba
Morning voice half an octave lower. Yes please
Groaning. Thank you
I always end up falling asleep at least twice after waking up the first time before getting up. V relatable
Him jumping into bed to pretend to be asleep reminds me of being a kid and bolting through the house in the middle of the night after getting up to get a drink or something, trying to avoid monsters or waking up the parents
Jumpers with shorts?
He's got slippers. Awww
Realising a flaw in his plan when the car doesn't work.
Too many cars in the driveway
Fucking drama queen
That stupid photoshopped photo
Real us. Not actor mode us haha
Mr Dolan 😏
Doesn't analyze it too much. Good idea
He has such bloke-ish child like writing
The calf tattoo 🥺
Socks and slides Grayson? That's almost as bad as socks and sandals. Fucking hell
Love a man in light grey sweats
Run Ethan go back to bed. You're so grounded (idk)
He pulled Ethans hip so hard. Jesus
What is that bike thingy in the background?
Now Gray let's put on our big boy thinking caps. It's not Ethans fault. Entirely. You also didn't lock the fucking car
Booty 👀
Not knowing if you have insurance. Mate you should look into that. (Also a very me thing to not know)
Gray is loosing it. Like actually looks like he's gonna do the frustrated crying thing
"That's not chill you need to fix that." Pretty sure sleeping is pretty chill. Also how does one fix being a heavy sleeper (other then by having kids)
"You need to be able to wake up in the morning and get shit done" no need to call me out like that
Let me call the *mumble mumble mumble*
It's fucking turquoise- whelp fuck have to change the title
Who steals a turquoise car at 9am? He's loosing it
Awe he doesn't want people to get hurt. Cutie
Seriously why hasn't he called the police yet? When I got home from my nanas funeral to find my house broken into the first thing I did was call the cops. And then cry cos it was like 10pm and I'd just driven like 12 hrs so I was hella tired
He's V loud. And then V quiet.
You motherfucker. Ok rude but understandable
That sigh of relief and the laughter
All of the adrenaline just left Gray immediately. Also hiding under a blankie? adorable
"Where did you put it?" Immediately forgets haha
Did you ruin it and turn it pink or something? You're getting a rep E and why does Gray assume it would be painted pink?
The sound effect over Gray pulling up his pants to hide his plumbers crack 😂
You need to rub it out. I mean ok sure
"I kinked up bro" just why 😂
Slap. SPINNING. It's a theme park ride
You stole my car- Dude where's my car movie anyone?
Car upside down you say? Forshadowing
Grayson gives up on life.
Nope never mind he's dramatically throwing himself onto the bed and screaming into the blankets like a teenage girl
Also booty
Don't dance Grayson
It's all in the puff bro
Mr Dillon, not Dolan, Dillion
Grayson has left the building look
Nose boop
The eye movement. Wait you what?
Beard pulling
Give me the phone. No you are having the phone. Ok fine.
Intense eye contact for real tho
That dumbass look on his face. Grayson is shooketh to hell
Do they even understand any of this car mumbo jumbo? Does it even make any sense?
I don't know shit about insurance. Seriously dude that's not smart
That's not chill bro that's not chill at all. Putting them on a ban for the words chill and bro. More to be added. They use those words more then I use the word mate and that's impressive
I'm taking the phone and subtly suggesting human error (negligence) and a potential law suit
Oh you have footage? Talk to my older brother
I don't know much about cars. Dude
More stupid looks from Gray
I don't wanna see it
More screaming
More yelling Grayson
We can move your car but it's gonna cost you more money
Not falling for that pic
Just put it on the next one. Gray it's not a fucking bus. There's no schedule to have the next one come out. Use your head darlin'
More yelling in the car and swearing
How did he organise the street thing? Like actually.
Also surely it's illegal to pretend to have roadworks and fuck up traffic
VROOM. You go lil blue car
BULGE 👀 this is when I stopped paying attention the first time I watched it.
What is the camera guy (kyle?) wearing? Who said that be one were allowed to be a thing again? I'm not impressed
Grayson is v frustrated
Neither of you should be allowed to dance. Its not good
That's the wrong question to ask about the camera guy's clothes
Fist clap
Wait where's the car? Is it safe? Poor Gray his brain is malfunctioning
Camera goes to Grayson. Ooh look bulge. Pans away. Move back ooh bulge.
If they keep upping the ante someone's gonna get hurt
I don't know what's inside of me. Never a good thing to say
Still allergic to dogs 🥺
I haven't heard you scream that much for that long 👀
Grayson's pretty loud. I would like to test that. Please and thank you.
Deep breathing
SOOOO HARD. (I volunteer)
I am going to prank the actual s out of Ethan. Really taking the not swearing thing seriously huh
Sure whatever you say. He doesn't believe you'll get him back Gray. Kick his ass
Eric deserves a medal for his phone acting. Well done faceless dude named Eric
I give up. I give up on everything. If that's not a fucking mood
Double bitched sounds like it should mean something else. Just saying
Boob caress
My guard's up. No your guard can't be up. Pretty sure that's not how it works Grayson
Just don't hurt me. Grayson is so not listening to him. He's still mad
No rules
It was fake There's no rules
Ethan being hurt Gray doesn't love his present
Still mad.
Rubs sweat all over comfy jumper. Childish
Alrighty take three of finishing this thing. Tumblr crashed yesterday after I spent like 2 hours writing this and deleted half my comments. I couldn't finish it then cos it was almost 2am and I had work today so I redid it from like the 20 minute mark of the video. Then I saved it to my drafts And published it but it deleted the last like 5 minutes of comments so I had to redo them again. Here's hoping Tumblr sorts it's shit out cos it's late and I have work again tomorrow. 🐨
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hornsbeforehalos · 7 years
Anytime, Sweetheart: Part 18
Pairing: JDM x OFC
Features: Ackles & Padalecki Families, R2, Misha Collins & Vicky Vantoch, Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Ruth Connell, Corey Taylor and other cast members & OFCs* *THIS IS AN RPF FIC**
Series Masterlist Summary: (I’m horrible at summaries, but let me try): Kylin Ackles runs to her brother’s house after leaving her abusive boyfriend of 3 years, where she meets Jeffrey. Events unfold that bring them together, as well as push them apart.  Warnings: Emotional abuse, Physical Violence, mentions of rape, cursing, drinking, recreational drug use (weed), Strip Club, RPF, NSFW**, GIFs, implied smut, Age Difference, Slow burn, Emotional rollercoaster, poorly written smutt, etc… 18+ please
(A/N: This is strictly a work of fiction that I came up with off the top of my head. For fictional purposes his S/O & Son are not mentioned. I love him and his little family, though, so no hate intended. This is the first time posting anything on Tumblr, but I couldn’t get it out of my head since my ao3 fic is currently on hiatus because writers block. Feedback is appreciated. unbetaed, all mistakes are mine.)
TAGS: @jml509 @jesbakescookies @daddy-kink-confirmed @wayward-mirage @aquivercactus @xagateophobiax @sorenmarie87 @missghoul18@jdmfanfiction @jeffreydeanneganstrash
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   The rest of the weekend went by in a blur, split between following Misha around like a chicken with my head cut off and sneaking away to find Jeffrey to bury ourselves in each other. It was over too fast, and before it felt like I could blink I was back in Vancouver, on set and bored out of my skull.    "Jesus Christ, Padalecki, get it the fuck together!" I heard the director yell from his chair behind the camera. He was new, and thought he knew shit. He did, in fact, not know shit.
   I whipped my head around at his tone of voice, shooting daggers towards him before turning to the stage. My brother was obviously irked, vein in his neck straining as he clenched his jaw in that very Winchester way as he controlled himself from going off on the balding man.
   The boys started the scene again, said their lines, discussing whatever hunt the brothers were on this episode. Everything was going smoothly until Jensen accidentally knocked a prop off of the map table and couldn't help but laugh.
   "Jesus....Are you two fucking idiots? Can you two really not get through one fucking scene?"
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   Jensen made a brazen move forward, but Jared stopped him with a firm hand on his chest. My brother was about to open his mouth to speak when I jumped up from my place.
   "Aye! Who the fuck do you think you're talkin' to?" I  barked, drawl sifting through with my rage as I swiftly stalking forward to stand closer to where the annoying little prick sat. 
   "Who the fuck are you?" he recoiled in a hiss, eyeing me up and down with venom in his eyes.
   "Who the fuck are you? I've never seen you a day before in my life and I've been on this set for 13 fucking years. You don't speak to my brothers like that here. You don't speak to anyone like that here!" I seethed, squinting my eyes at him like he was a pest that needed to be squashed.
   The man huffed, his eyes sliding from me to the two men who had moved away from the stage to menacingly stand behind me. I quirked an eyebrow at him and crossed my arms, "I think you need to apologize before someone fucks around and fires you on your first fucking day."
   He swallowed thickly, glancing to me for a second before back to the glowering looming figures above me, "I-I-I'm sorry, Mr. Ackles. Please forgive me, Mr. Padalecki."
   I smirked, craning my head to look up at Jensen and Jared, finding them nodding spite the scowls still splayed across both their faces. I looked back forward as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I noted that it wasn't a number I had programmed.
   "You're lucky I'm getting a call right now, douche, or I'd tear into your ass some more."
   I walked away from the area as the crew went back to work and slid the accept button.
"Ms. Ackles?" The man on the other line said
"This is she."
   "This is Webster, we met at the gallery? Norman said he let you know to expect my call?" "Oh yes, sir! How are you doing today?" "Great, great. Do you have a moment to speak now?" "I do, Mr. Webster. What did you have in mind?"    "Well my client, Cardi, said she really liked your look and that you would suit well with her vision of the video she wants. This is all on her as far as creative ideas, so she's basically getting whatever she wants, and she's decided that she wants you."    "Cardi, like....Cardi B? The rapper stripper chick from Love and Hip Hop?" he chuckled, and I pictured him shaking his head, "Yes, 'mam. That's her." "Huh. That's crazy. I actually worked with her one time years ago. Weird."    "She said she thought you looked familiar. Maybe that's where that's from. Anyway, we're offering you full commodities and accommodations, travel expenses, et cetera, and the over all pay out due to you will be roughly 10, 000 after the work is completed."    I choked on the gulp of RedBull I had been attempting to swallow, "Wha-wha-what?! 10,000, like, in, money?"    He chuckled again, "Yes, Ms. Ackles, real U.S currency. Cash, Deposit, or Check, however you prefer." "Holy fucking shit."    "So, I take that as a yes? I can have the contract sent over for you to go over with your lawyer by the end of the day." "Fuck yeah, send that shit."
   "What're you doing?" Jeffrey rasped into his end of the line the second he picked up. "Freaking out. You'll never believe it." "Webbie call you?" "Fuck you, it was supposed to be a surprise" I faux pouted "Surprise, I already knew? You'll be in New York in a couple weeks, right?" "Yup! I'm so excited. It's a little bit out of my element, but I think it'll be fun." "Look at you. You gonna be staying at Norman's?" "Nah, he's not gonna be home then, he'll still be down there with ya'll." "I know this." "Then why did you ask?"    "Well, because I was planning on staying at Norman's that week and could really use the company." He teased. "Really?" I couldn’t contain the excitement in my voice if I wanted to    "Yeah, it worked out that I'm not gonna be needed that week. I was gonna fly up there to see you but Normskie told me about the contract so we figured you and I could just stay there 'As long as we didn't soil the place', he said" Jeffrey chuckled, probably shaking his head at the thought of his friend. "Yay! Yes! I was actually kinda scared about going by myself" "Well, now you don't have to be. I'll be there to protect you." "My hero" I sang sarcastically, earning me another husky laugh from Jeff.    "I can't wait to see you, love. Been too long." He rasped, voice pitching an octave lower. "It's been two days, babe."    "Yeah, two painstakingly aching days without you. Without your kisses, without your arms, without your smell. I'm craving you, baby girl." his voice was so low now if it got any deeper it would strike oil. "Fucking bitch." I gasped, lightheaded from his words. "Yeah, you are." he chuckled thickly, "My dirty little-" "Fuck you."    "I will, babydoll. Don't worry about that. The moment I see you, Daddy's gonna be buried so deep....Mmmmmm." "Fuck you." I repeated with a added whine, "Why do you do that?"    "What? I'm just communicating my needs to my lovely girlfriend. My lovely, beautiful, sexy, tight, girlfriend." I hissed in response. He giggled, enjoying tortuing me. "I'm gonna wear your ass out when I see you, Mr. Morgan." I hummed. "Not if I wear yours out first, Ms. Ackles."
   The next two weeks seemed to creep by. Even with the insanity that was Gish week, the familiar tasks of going over entries and scoring and tallying and organizing did little to keep my mind from wandering to Jeffrey. The anticipation of seeing him had me missing him even more, especially with the teasing conversations that he had to elicit every time we were on the phone. I swear the man was trying to kill me or something. When the day finally came for him to meet me at the New York airport I tore myself across the over crowded are where I saw him waiting for me with a couple security guards and flung myself at him like a mad woman.    My bags dropped to the ground and and I leaped, full speed, into his open arms. My legs wrapped around his waist and my mouth melted to his so fast I couldn't close my eyes before the stars appeared. He pulled away from my lips to pepper my face in kisses before smothering me against him as he squeezed me, effectively popping several vertebrae in my back.
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   "God I missed you, sweetheart," he breathed into my hair, not putting me down as started walking towards the exit, his body guards grabbing my bags. I buried my face into his collar bone and inhaled his intoxicating aroma of cigarettes and cologne as he carried me through the airport, ignoring the multiple flashing cameras as we made our way out.    "That's gonna be on TMZ, ya know. "Kylin Ackles gets carried out of airport like a baby by Jeffrey Dean Morgan"    "Yeah, because the headline is gonna be about you, love." he chuckled as we approached the SUV waiting for us.    "It is. I'm more famous than you, you know." I giggled, scrunching my nose and nuzzling his scruff.    "Yeah, I'm sure you're totally correct on that statement, there,  baby doll." he snorted before sitting me in the back seat. I scooted over so he could join me and close the door.    He instantly ignored the two giants as they crawled into the front seats, pulling me as close to him as possible and shoving his tongue down my throat with an arm snaking around to grasp my ass.    "Jezus, Jeff, let the poor woman breathe!" the one driving, Eddie, teased as we pulled out of the airport    "We're right here, bruh. I love you and all, you my dog, but I ain't tryna see your dick." the passenger, Tyrone, kidded.    I instantly snorted out a laugh against Jeff's mouth, efficiently breaking us apart as my face beamed red.    "Awh, hon, no need for you to be embarrassed, it's Jeffy poo over here that's about to blow his fuckin' load." Eddie joked, eyeing my red complexion in the rear view mirror, "You got that man whipped, girl."    I giggled as Jeff pulled away to glare at the men in the front seat, covering my mouth with my hands as my giggles erupted to full blown uncontainable laughter.    "Oh, so now I got you laughing at me too?" Jeff whined, turning his attention back to me before deepening his drawl, "You're gonna get it, little girl" "Ho-Oh! I bet she could take you." Tyrone bellowed.    "Damn right she can." Jeffrey replied, throwing his arm over my shoulder as he adjusted the leg of his jeans and pulled me into his side. "Jesus Christ, babe. Couthe. Fucking couthe." "I have none." "Obviously."
​   When we arrived at Norman's apartment Jeffrey let us both in with his key and threw our bags behind the door. We slipped off our shoes before scooping me up bridal style and rushing us to our room. I giggled the entire way as Jeffrey once again covered my face and hair and neck in sloppy kisses while squeezing his fingers around his grip on my thighs. He plopped me, literally, onto the bed and I squeaked, bouncing on top of the mattress as he ​threw himself over me with a playful roar.  I tried to scurry my way up towards the head board but he grabbed my ankle and halted me.    "Get over here, little one." he growled, predatory snarl decorating his face as his eyes darkened.    "Make me." I smirked back, murderous smile splayed across my own cheeks. He clicked his tongue against his front teeth, "Wrong answer, baby love."    He yanked my leg and I slipped down the mattress before he grabbed my other ankle and flipped me over onto my stomach. Before I could even register his movement a hand came down over the denim covering my ass with a loud "THWACK!" That caused my whole body to tingle and an embarrassing moan to escape my throat.    "You have been hellish recently, little girl, you know that?" he questioned with a grin, working his shirt over his shoulders as I remained still on the bed, my ass still stinging. "S'part of my charm," I mumbled into the blankets. THWACK!    "Oww! Fuck you!" I jerked my self out of his grip of my ankle and pushed away from him.    "Now, now, Kylin Kay, no need for the language." He cooed darkly, Cheshire smile spreading as his head tilted. "Fuck you, Mr. J." "I will, Ms. Ackles. You bet I fuckin' will." "If I let you."    "What happened to 'wearing me out' hmm? Seems like I'm sticking to my promise."    My eyes narrowed in challenge, my own face tilting quickly to the side as my voice dropped an octave seductively, "Is that what you think, Mr. Morgan?" "Mmmhmmm," He hummed smugly.    "Well, darlin', in my personal opinion," I started, twang thick in my lust as I pulled the tank top I was wearing over my head to toss at him, exposing my lacy black bra I had picked out specifically for this fun, "That you hit like a litty, bitty, bitch." "Big opinion for such a small girl." "The only opinion that counts, though, right, old man?"    Jeffrey snarled again as he leaned over to crawl on the bed, eyes dangerous and hungry. He prowled forward, his body hovering over mine as he peered down at me and licked his lips. Suddenly, one hand wound itself in my hair with a sharp pull, jerking my head upwards towards his face, "The only one who's gonna be a bitch here is you, my little bitch in heat, begging for daddy to fill her up."
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   A flood happened somewhere in my panties, and my breath choked as my whole body became sensitive from him scratching his rough beard along the flesh of my neck. A loud, wanton moan filled the room as he ground his hips against mine, denim on denim creating almost painfully needed friction. He moved his hand from my tresses and slithered it to my jaw, thumb brushing across my lips before diving in between my lips forcefully. My tongue, with a mind of its own, instantly wrapped and curled around his digit, sucking it deeper into my mouth. Jeffrey closed his eyes and dug his hardness into me again. Seeing the opportunity, I bit down. Hard.    "Rah! Fucking hell, woman!" Jeffrey road, snatching his hand away from me and sitting up on his thighs, "You wanna play like that, huh? I've got you, now." He backed off of me and moved downward, tugging my shorts off and leaving me in nothing but my panties that matched my bra. Jeffrey groaned at the sight, tongue darting out between his mouth before he secured his bottom lip between his teeth. He ran his hands up my smooth calves to my thighs, eyes never breaking contact with mine. He smoothed his fingertips downward before moving them back to my ankles.    In one swift, unanticipated movement, he twisted my body as he sat down on the bed, spreading me across his lap, my tummy to his thighs.    "You've gotta be fucking kidding me." I griped, fighting against him as he pinned me down with one arm over my back, like you would a child. 
THWACK "Fuck you, Jeffrey!" THWACK "You're still a fucking bitch." THWACK-THWACK-THWACK "Just fucking wait-" THWACK ​"Okay! Okay! Jeezus! I'm fuckin' sorry!"    THWACK, but this time, instead of instantly removing his hand from my cheek, he kept it there, shaking it gently as it absorbed the sting. "What was that, little one?" "I said I was sorry, damn!" "Language, kitten." he rasped and I felt him raise his hand above me again. "YELLOW FUCKING LIGHT JEFFREY."    His whole demeanor changed instantly, hand quickly dropping back down to massage the scarlet painted flesh that was my behind as he leaned forward and hunched over me to kiss my back.​ The tingling sensation that my whole body was experiencing flung me over into hypersensitivity and my eyes rolled back in my head at the feeling of his course hair against my skin. "You okay?" His deep drawl was still lusty, but mixed with concern now. "Yeah," I panted, trying to steady myself. "Fuck" "What do you need, baby girl?"    "You, inside me, now." I groaned, gingerly lifting myself from across his lap to straddle him, raking my manicured nails down his chest "You've got entirely too many clothes on, Mr. J."
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"Well take 'em off of me, sweetpea."    I wiggled off of his lap to kneel between his legs where he sat on the bed. My hands moved to finger the button on his jeans, slowly tugging them open and unzipping them. He raised his hips to allow me to pull them off at the same time as his boxers, my mouth instantly watering as his clock flopped free. Naturally, Jeffrey picked up on the needy look in my eyes.    "You wannet, baby?" He rasped, looking down at me through hooded, wanton eyes as he grasped himself and stroked. I licked my lips before moving my eyes from his dick to his face and nodding. "You wannet bad?" he asked again, continuing to stoke himself. I nodded again. "Say it," "I want it." My dialated pupils rose back to his face. "Want what?" he smirked. "Your cock." "Say it." "I want your cock." "Where, baby girl?" he cooed mischievously. "Inside me." I whimpered "What was that?"    "I want your cock inside me, Daddy." Throwing the last word in for good measure.    The growl that emitted from his chest sounded like it came straight from his soul, and he lunged at me from across the sheets. His long arm curled itself around my back and with a snap, my bra came open and he ripped it off my chest, my nipples instantly hardening against the cool air conditioning of the apartment. I didn't have time to shiver before his mouth was attached to my right breast and his other hand moved to massage the left one. I moaned again, grateful for his contact that I had been deprived of for the past two weeks ​    "Jeffrey." I groaned, feeling him dig his hardness into the slick between my thighs, "I need you, baby."    "There it is." He grinned smugly, pride beaming through his irises, "There's my girl." "Fuck, Jeff." "Do you need something, little one?" he cooed sarcastically. "I hate you." I whined.    "Oh, really? Well then I guess I'll..." he trailed off, moving away from me, trying to back off the bed.    "Fucking bitch, I don't think so, mister." I growled, wrapping my legs around his shoulders and pulling him forward. The motion made his hands slip and he landed face first into my panties, "That's more like it." "Oh yeah, you think you deserve my tongue laving at this pussy?" "Yes." "And what have you done to deserve it?" "Put up with your teasin', Mr. Morgan. I deserve a prize." "Tsk tsk, little girl. I don't think you're needy enough." "Jeffrey Dean Morgan." "Mmmm, I like the way you say that"    "If you don't...." I trailed off, unable to finish my sentence as he began to pull my underwear downwards with his teeth.    Once they were off my ankles, he re-positioned himself between my legs and breathed deeply over the bare flesh in front of him, "If I don't what, Darling?" I whined, a pitiful sound that ached down from my very core. Jeffrey smirked that devilish grin of him that further pulled the string holding my composure together. "Get it the fuck together, Kylin. Don't you let him make you beg.'    His hot breath ghosted over my skin beneath his mouth with another deep hum, his tongue gently darting out to graze over the outside of my lips, spreading them just barely. Jeff could visibly see my core contract as my walls clenched around nothingness, physically begging for contact of any kind. Another smirk appeared over his face as he looked down at it with a chuckle, before peering back up to me knowingly.    I whined again but bit my lip, squirming as I tried to buck my hips upward. He held me down still, his arms wrapped under neath my thighs to hold them open. He licked the front of his top teeth hungrily, lust blown pupils boring into me and furthering my torture. 'Don't you fucking do it.' I had to keep telling myself.    An idea came to mind and I executed it before I had time to really think. I swiftly brought my thighs back around his shoulders, gripping him tightly about the neck. His hold on my legs had loosened due to my unexpectedness, and I seized the opportunity to roll us both over and rise to my knees in one fluid motion. I was now, to Jeff's very obvious surprise, holding his body down to the bed with my pussy directly in his face. I reached back, my long hair tickling his stomach, and gripped his cock firmly in my hand before he even registered what had happened. "What in the fuh-" "Eat it, now." I commanded, squeezing at his root.    "Fucking bitch-" Jeffrey growled, and although I couldn't see his face I smirked at the idea that he was rolling his eyes between my legs before diving his tongue deep inside my folds to drink up the wetness like it was the blood of Christ at Easter Mass. ​ ​   "Yeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhsssssss" I wailed as tears pricked my eyes at the sudden relief​ that flowed through me. I eagerly began to rock my hips back and forth, the vibrations of Jeffrey's grunts and groans wrecking my very soul. I gasped, and moaned, and screamed, and cried as his tongue assaulted my clit before dipping and suckling at my entrance. The familiar tightening sensation coiled around my center as the course hairs of Jeffrey's face scratched and scraped against my flesh. His face was soaked with my juices but he never came up for air, instead furrowing his brows as he felt me begin to quiver above him and picking up his pace, his attack brutal and feral as he twisted his tongue against my folds.    I leaned back again and twisted myself, almost uncomfortably, around to be face to face with his cock. Opening my mouth as wide as I could, I sunk my throat down over his length, earning me nothing short of what could be described as a scream from Jeffrey against my cunt, followed by his hips bucking upwards to thrust further down my neck twice before I gagged and and tried to pull away. His dick followed my mouth though, and I had to actually push his hips down to pop my lips from his shaft. I chose the opportune time, as well, because as soon as he left my mouth my entire face was coated as nut spurted from his cock. In his reaction he released a feral roar as he dove his tongue as deep as it could possibly dig, his whole mouth enveloping me with hot breath and suction, triggering my own meltdown that made me cry out and shake, my walls clenching down on his tongue trying to hold him in place there forever. The release took over my being, disallowing me to do anything but pant and quiver and whimper. The relaxation slowly turned to over sensitivity and I wretched myself from him and landed face first into the sheets, butt in the air as I wiped of the mess from my face in the process.    My ass was directly in his line of sight where he lay beside me panting, and he couldn't help himself as he raised up and rolled to his side, delivering another violent THWACK to my ass that he used to hoist himself into the sitting position. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, and I felt like I was dying in a blissful day dream that was way too short lived.    He stood from the bed in front of my head, hand tangling itself in the mess that had became of my hair, and jerked my face up to be eye-level with his softened dick. "Look what you did."    I smirked up at him triumphantly, licking my lips as I shifted my eyes downwards towards his member "You're the one who couldn't handle a little head." ​    I stuck my tongue out and grazed the spent head that still had fluid dribbling out of it. Jeffrey's fingers tightened against my skull, making me open my mouth in a gasp that he took full advantage of. His free hand came to grip the base of his cock as he shoved it past my lips. 
"Suck it. Get it hard again. I'm not done with you yet."    I moaned, eyes rolling up to meet his as I hummed around his flesh and slurped him into my mouth, feeling him growing harder and harder by the second. He pumped into my throat quickly, grunting at my body's willingness to take him.    "That's it, baby girl. Fuck, yes. So good." ​he praised in a rasp, his hand around his root moving into my hair to form a pony tail to pull it away from my face, "Best fucking mouth I've ever had."    Another moan ripped through me, a new coat of wetness slicking my cunt and dripping down onto the sheets as my body shivered with need. I reveled in the feeling of his thickness plunging into my mouth, his pants and grunts above me making my pupils dilate and body tingle.    He pulled my head away from his cock with a loud pop, one hand gripping the base again as he stroked himself gently before untangling the other from my hair, "Turn around, beautiful, hands and knees."    I obeyed silently, body pretty much taken control of itself while my mind was hazy with lust and orgasmic bliss. I let out a surprised squeak when I suddenly felt two of his long, thick digits enter my pussy and his thumb press firmly against my asshole. Before I even had time to react, his other hand came down across my ass one final time, and my second orgasm wrecked through my system so unexpectedly I couldn't even make a noise if I'd tried. My arms buckled and I face planted into the sheets, mouth gaping in a silent scream. I had no time to recover before Jeffrey was behind me, the blunt head of his cock pushing past my quivering entrance as my body tried to suck him in further. "If that's not the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen."    "Fuuuuuuhhhhhhkkkkk" I was finally able to get out, my voice broken as pleasure-induced tears streamed down my face.    "Awh, look at my baby girl. Crying for daddy's cock, are you?" He smirked, voice sweet but sarcastic.    Tired of his games and torture, I mustered up the energy some how to lift myself up to my elbows and arch my back before slamming my hips backwards and impaling myself on his dick.    "You fucking dirty little bi-" He started but was cut off by me moving forward and slamming back again. "Filthy fucking-" SLAM "That how you wanna do this, huh?" SLAM "Oh yeah, you wanna take it?" SLAM "I'll make you take it, little girl." SLAM    "Okay, enough of that." He growled, finger tips gripping my hips with bruising strength. He pulled me back roughly and rolled his hips, digging the head of his cock into the opening of my cervix , causing me to cry out again in both pleasure and pain. "Yeah, you like that, baby girl?" he rasped, to which I whined in response. "Huh? Do you?" He panted, pulling out and plunging back in deeply.    "yeh-yeh-yeeeasss, daddy" I cried, my hips instinctively moving in time with his thrusts "That's my good girl."    He began a barrage of hearty thrusts that I kept up with willingly, my hands clutching the sheets for leverage as we rocked back and forth against each other as fast as we could. Need and desire took us both over and we both became blubbering, moaning, wet messes as my slickness coated him as he moved himself in and out of me. Within a matter of minutes I felt the familiar heat spreading through my core as he throbbed inside me, preparing for release.    "You take it so good, baby. I'm gonna come. I need you to come first." He panted, slowing his thrusts as he tried to hang on.    "Nnnnnng, Jeff, I can't...." I could feel the orgasm trying its best to push forward, but it couldn't reach the surface no matter how hard I tried to will it.    "Yes you can, baby doll. Come for me." Jeff soothed, leaning down over my back to snake arms around me and pull me upward to where my back was against his chest. His lips and scuff brushed my skin as he peppered my  neck with kisses and nibbles, teeth grazing and marking what was his. One palm moved to my breast to pull and tease at the nipple as the other one slithered down between my thighs to push against my clit. Within two swirls of his fingertip around the sensitive nub my mind exploded as stars shot across my vision. The dark coil inside me burst once again and I gushed against him as he pushed me back down on to the bed, hands moving to pin me down to the mattress as his thighs straddled me and he jack hammered himself into my heat, chasing his own release with several quick thrusts before ripping himself out of me and spraying all over my body, thick ropes reaching across my ass and back all the way up to my shoulders with it's intensity. The guttural sound that emanated from his vocal chords shook me through and finalized both of our releases.    His body instantly collapsed beside me on the sweat-and-whatever-else-soaked sheets. "Jesus fucking Christ." "Mhmmm," I hummed contently, eyes still closed, "promise completed."    "Yes fuckin' 'mam!" he breathed with a chuckle, peaking one eye open to look at my disheveled state at the same time I did the same. 
​   After cleaning up and taking a small nap, Jeffrey and I lounged around Norman's penthouse ​for the rest of the evening, ordering pizza and finding something to watch on TV. It was nice and relaxing, being able to sprawl out across the couch with my feet in his lap, him smiling at me with that cheeky grin of his as he tickled my toes. We eventually dug around and found norman's stash, Jeffrey rolling a joint and us sharing it on the patio balcony, gazing down at the busy streets of New York. ​   "You nervous about the meeting tomorrow?" Jeffrey asked as he lit a cigarette between his lips and passing the pack to me.    "Hmmm, I'm not sure." I said, taking one out and lighting it, "I guess I am. I've never done anything like this before, but you being here is helping me chill out."
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"Good, I'm glad. S'kinda my goal."     I smiled at him, leaning over the railing as my eyes drifted among the lights as I took an inhale off the cigarette between my fingers. "Watcha thinkin' bout, princess." "Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just at peace for a moment, ya know?"    "Hmm, I think I do." He moved behind me, chest against my back and hands on either side of mine against the railing. I savored the feeling of having him around me as he nuzzled his nose into my hair and kissed my shoulder. I leaned my head back against his shoulder as I took another drag of cancer.    "It's crazy to think my life was nothing like this a year ago." I sighed contently, enjoying the rapture, "Thank you, Jeffrey." "For what?"    "Supporting me...pushing me...being there for me....putting up with me." I snorted at the last part.    Jeffrey snorted too, kissing the crown of my head before bringing his cigarette to his lips, "Anytime, Sweetheart." 
   The next morning came too soon, my body tired and sore and worn out from the previous days excitement. I groaned in protest when my alarm went off, throwing my arm over Jeffrey's back as I snuggled into his side as he quieted my phone for me.    "Come on, babe, nope, gotta get up." he gruffed, voice thick and raspy from sleep. "Fuck you. Make me coffee." I grunted. "Too early in the morning to deal with your sass, little one."    "Too early in the morning to be alive, old man" I shot back, pulling myself away from his warmth to drag myself into the connected bathroom and start the shower, "You better bring me fucking coffee!"    "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear you, you fuckin' brat." I heard him shout through the door. 
   Of course he had my coffee made exactly the way I liked it on the nightstand when I exited the bathroom wrapped in a towel, my clothes laid out that I had told him I wanted to wear, and a joint rolled and ready to be lit. I smiled at my man sweetly as I watched him pull a white t-shirt over his shoulders and down around his torso. He had already put on my favorite black jeans of his and I couldn't help but lick my lips at how lucky I had gotten to find such a wonderful human being.    "You're too sweet to me, Mr. J." I blushed as I dropped the towel from under my arms and picked up my coffee mug, him turning to burn his eyes over my flesh as I took a sip of the warm caffeinated liquid.
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   He chuckled, licking his teeth again as he drug his lids upward across my body to reach my face, "You're the one who looks like candy, darlin'."    I sat the coffee cup back down and picked up the joint, tossing it to him with the lighter as I began to dress. He lit it as he watched me pull my underwear and bra on, passing it to me as I sauntered over to stand between his legs where he sat on the edge of the bed. He wrapped his arms around my thighs to cup my ass cheeks with his hands, drawing me closer to him as he nuzzled his nose in between my cleavage and jokingly making the motor boat noise. "You're a dork." I choked, my laughter causing the smoke to irritate my lungs    "Am not." he protested, squeezing my ass cheeks before giving the tender skin a playful smack, earning him a yelp of discomfort from me.    "Sorry," he chuckled, massaging the skin tenderly, receiving a hum from me in response. 
   I was sitting in a large conference room waiting on the production team of the music video, as well as Cardi, the artist, sipping on the coffee the assistant had brought me when my phone buzzed with a text from an unknown number. 'I know you're in NYC, it was so great to see you again, Kylin. I hope your meeting goes well.'    I hissed as I read the message, instantly knowing where it came from 'how did he get this number? how does he know where I am? The pictures, dumb ass, the fucking pictures from the airport. Fucking hell. When will this end?'    I was distracted from my thoughts as the door swung open and several men in dress shirts entered followed by the artist herself. I stood​ up, smoothing my shirt out nervously as the group approached with smiles.    "Kylin! Thank you for coming! I'm Perf, the director, and these are my assistants, and of course, this is Ms. Cardi." The first man greeted, bright smile contrasting greatly against his chocolate skin 
   "Ayeeee! Oh my god it is so great to meet you, girl!" Cardi beamed, pushing past the group of men to engulf me in an unexpected hug    "Oh! Uh, It's great to meet you too, 'mam!" I replied, wrapping my arms gingerly around her nervously.    "None of that 'mam' bull shit, ya hear me?! We all hoes here! Ha!" She laughed, sticking her tongue out, making us all laugh and my nerves ease. 
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   We all took a chair around the conference table, Cardi sitting directly beside me and grasping my hands in my lap fondly. I smiled at her and she squealed, obviously excited for this meeting.    "So we have a concept for the video, and we think your talent will fit perfectly into it." He started, pulling out a few concept sketches.    I peered down at them as he slid them over to me and Cardi, her long nails pulling them closer to us as Perf pulled out his phone and let me listen to the song. Said, "Lil bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to" These expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes Hit the store, I can get 'em both, I don't wanna choose And I'm quick, cut a nigga off, so don't get comfortable, look I don't dance now, I make money moves Say I don't gotta dance, I make money move If I see you and I don't speak, that means I don't fuck with you I'm a boss, you a worker, bitch, I make bloody moves    The song continued, my head nodding to the sound of the beat as my head whirled with ideas and inspiration. I looked to Cardi, who had a huge smile across her face as she watched my reaction.    The music ended and she looked at me with a squeal, "So?! It's fucking poppin', right?"    "I'm excited for sure. Is there any choreography that I need to learn before hand or is it just basically all gonna be freestyle?" I asked, looking to Perf.    "You have free reign, basically, it's all gonna be in slow motion, so we don't have anything specific that we need you to do, just be sexy."    "Which can't be hard for you to do." Cardi cut in, bright smile still prevalent as she saw the blush creep over my face, "Oh don't start that shit with me, gurrrrl, I seen who you're fuckin'. That nigga too foine"    My eyes almost popped out my skull at her words, face burning impossibly hotter. "Uh- Ha. I'll be sure to let him know, ha ha."    "We should do dinner this week! Get to know each otha better, and you gotta introduce me to him!" She practically begged, pulling my hands into her lap again as she squeezed them, “And then of course the wrap party!” 'How is this my fucking life.'    "Um, sure. I'm sure that can be arranged. Um, here, uh, if you put your number in my phone I can let you know when?" I pulled my phone out of my bag and handed it to her once I unlocked it and opened the contact add. She input her information and then pushed the selfie button for a picture, focusing us both in the shot. We made funny faces at each other and then she added it to her contact, sending herself a text from my phone.    The meeting finished up quickly after that, them giving met he schedule of when they would need me on set and where to go and all of that, it would be a quick 3 days of getting a few shots for me and then I would be on my way back to Vancouver by the end of the week. 
   The idea of Anthony knowing where I was bugged the hell out of me all the way back to Norman’s apartment. My paranoia further increased when I could help but feel like someone was watching me as I exited the car and made my way up to the door. I rushed inside, slamming the wood behind me and instantly locking the dead bolts as fast as I could.
   “You okay, doll?” Jeffrey asked, walking towards the entrance when he heard me come in. 
   “He knows I’m here.” I whispered, turning around slowly and pressing my back against the door, “Feels like someone’s followed me.”
His eyes instantly darkened as his brow furrowed, “What do you mean?”
   I sighed as I stepped away and walked towards him, pulling my phone out and opening the text message to show him. He read over it and his knuckles whitened around the device, threatening to crack the screen under his strength.
   “I’m going to deal with this. Soon.” He growled, arms folding protectively around my shoulders as he pulled me to his chest, “He’s not getting to you again, baby girl. Trust me.” 
   I nodded as I leaned into him, fighting the scared tears that attempted to work their way over my eyelids. My arms circled around his waist, squeezing the comfort he brought into me the best I could.
   He lead me into the kitchen where he lifted me onto one of the bar stools, leaving me there to pull open one of the drawers and extract a freshly rolled joint. He placed it in front of me on the bar counter with a lighter, which I quickly grabbed and held to my lips. With a wink from him I flicked the lighter as he turned back around to pull a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet with two glasses. 
   I passed the spliff to him as he moved my drink in front of me, replacing one for the other in my hand. I swallowed the amber liquid quickly, fighting the burn of the strong liquor as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as he chuckled.
“I love you, Ky.”
I smiled at him, “I love you too, handsome. Thank you for keeping me safe.”
“Anytime, Sweetheart.”
   Jeffrey ordered me security personnel for the rest of the week to escort me back and forth from rehearsal while I shot the few parts that were needed. Cardi herself had excellent security and once Jeffrey had explained to her the gist of the situation over dinner, she even made sure to order her own body guards to keep an eye on me too while we were around each other. Dinner with her was hilarious, she kept Jeff rolling the entire time with her bluntness and jokes, and we received several dirty looks from big wigs in Armani suits over our whoops and hollers. 
   Filming went fantastic, the director, Perf, loving everything that I was doing with the parts asked of me. Me flipping up side down and spinning around on a gold pole that apparently would appear to be on fire once editing was done, and of course the basic ‘sitting around a table with a guy with a lot of money’ shot. Cardi and the rest of the crew members constantly kept everything entertaining, though, and I felt like it was basically the same atmosphere as on set with my brothers. 
   We were at a loud New York nightclub for the wrap party taking up the whole VIP section with the group of people that followed Cardi around, having drink sand having fun for her last night in the city before she few out the next day. I wasn’t scheduled to return to Vancouver until 2 days later, in time to be back to work on Monday.
   “Come with me to the bathroom, girl, I don’t know if I can’ make it on my own!” Cardi hollered over the loud music, grabbing my hand and pulling me up with her. I gave Jeff a quick kiss on the cheek before following her in the direction of the lady’s room. A body guard went to follow us but Cardi waved them off, saying that the bathroom was close and we needed a ‘girl moment.’
   When we reached the private bathroom she immediately pulled me into the stall with her, shushing me when i made a surprised squeak
   “Shhhh, girl, do you do coke?” she asked, digging through her bag and finding a small blue baggie.
“Uh, I mean, I used to, I haven’t in a while, though.”
“You want some?” She held her long acrylic powder filled pinky nail towards me.
   “Um, no, not right now. I’ve never done it around Jeff and I really have never even talked to him about it. I wouldn’t be able to hide it from him.”
   “No problem, girl, I gotchu.” She raised her finger to her own nose with a deep snort, inhaling the drug with ease.  “Here, take this, talk to him about it when you get home tonight. Maybe he’ll do it with you and ya’ll can have some nasty fun.” She giggled and stuck her tongue out at me, causing me to shake my head and laugh as I took the baggie from her.
   “Girl, I’ll definitely let you know how this goes.” I shoved the plastic bag in a zipper compartment of my purse for safe keeping. 
   We washed our hands and were making our way back to the table when I felt firm fingers grip my bicep tightly. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as the familiar feeling of slime coated my entire body. I was jerked backward, pulling my hand out of Cardi’s that I had been holding.
   “What the fuh- Who the fuck are you?” She demanded, flinging herself around and grabbing my hand again before I had a chance to even look up at my attacker, even though I already knew who it was. 
   Anthony didn’t let go either, though, and for a moment they played a small tug of war with me as I attempted to pull away from his grasp, “Let me the fuck go, Anthony!” 
   “KENDRICK!” Cardi screamed, still not letting go of my wrist as she alerted the security guard. 
   The scene didn’t last long, or at least it didn’t feel like it did, because before I knew what happened 2 very large men ripped Cardi and I away from Anthony and thrown into Jeffrey’s arms. He caught the both of us, arms around our waists as he pulled us away from the commotion
   “What the fuck! Drag is ass, Ken! Now!” Cardi screeched, tears pricking her eyes in anger as Jeffrey held her back from charging forward.
   “They’ve got em, girl, come on,” Jeffrey pulled her back into the circle of safety that had crowded around us to escort us out the building quickly. I didn’t turn around to see what the two men had done with Anthony.
   “Was that the reason you needed security?” Cardi asked, catching her breath as we stood outside and waited for the valet to bring our cars around. I was clinging to Jeff, fighting back tears as my heart thudded in my chest. Jeffrey’s arms were curled around me protectively, and I felt his head nod against where he had it rested on the top of mine. 
   She nodded her own head in understanding, pursing her lips in discontent, as she rubbed my arm up and down, “Well, he’s gonna get his shit dragged around The Bronx for a little bit in the trunk, then Kendrick and Callem will make sure he knows not to fuck with any of my friends.” 
I smiled as I sniffled, side of my face pressed against Jeff’s chest, “Thanks, girl.” 
“I gotchu.”
   Something deep down in my gut told met hat this wasn’t the last I’d see of Anthony, though.
   “Are you okay?” Jeffrey asked as we sat in the back of the SUV on the way back to Norman’s apartment.
   “Not really. Just kinda wanna forget.” I replied honestly, pushing myself closer  into Jeffrey’s side.
   “I’ll get a nice bath drawn when we get back, pour some wine, get you out of those uncomfortable shoes and that makeup off your face.”
“Sounds like heaven, Thank you, Jeffrey.” I cooed, loving that idea.
“Anytime, Sweetheart.”
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   “So, Cardi gave me some...party favors...” I began, shifting through my purse as Jeff ran the bathwater into the over-sized Jacuzzi tub. 
“Oh yeah?” He quirked an eyebrow, “What kind of ‘party favors’?”
“Um, the nose candy kind?” I answered, revealing the small baggie in my hand.
   Both of Jeffrey’s eyebrows shot up as he raised himself to his full height from where he had been bent down by the water, “Oh yeah? I haven’t partied like that in years.”
   “Me either.” I chuckled, flicking the bag a couple of times to settle the contents at the bottom, “It’s not a lot, but should be enough for a little...” I trailed off realizing how close Jeff was standing to me, his arms boxing me in against the counter as I looked up into his chocolate eyes.
   “Fun?” He finished my sentence for me, hunger taking over his already dark irises.
   “Yeah....fun.” I breathed before he lowered his mouth to mine to tug on my bottom lip.
“Well, than, sugar, let’s have some fun...”
Part Nineteen (MID-SERIES FINALE) released 9/25/2017
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