#brs fake chat
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little-big-fan · 1 year ago
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Um neném para o Idol (Jungkook - Bts) Parte 1.
n\a: Sim, chegou a primeira parte desse imagine que ocupou a minha mente por diaaaaas! Eu espero MUITO que vocês gostem, de coração! Ao Anon que fez esse pedido, muito obrigado, espero que tenha ficado do jeitinho que você queria!
Nota: Os meninos do BTS têm uma dezena de nomes diferentes kkkkk pra não ficar repetitivo, eu fui alternando. então, caso você não seja uma fã mas queira ler mesmo assim, aqui vai uma ajudinha para identificar:
Jungkook: Jeon, JK J-hope: Hobi, Hoseok Suga: Yoongi Taehyung: V Namjoon: RM (também chamei ele de "líder" em algumas partes) Jin: Seokjin Jimin: Chamei ele só de Jimin mesmo, mas fiquei com pena de deixar de fora da lista KKKKKKK
Tropes: Clichêzinho gostoso / Gravidez inesperada / Bebê rejeitado / Reencontro
Avisos: Esse imagine pode conter assuntos que sirvam de gatilhos para algumas pessoas, como: abandono parental. Se você não se sente á vontade com esse tipo de assunto, por favor, não leia.
Contagem de palavras: 2,544 + fakechats
Respirei fundo, juntando cada partícula de coragem para encarar a varetinha dentro do copinho, há mais de quinze minutos pronto em cima da pia do banheiro. 
Faziam pelo menos duas semanas que eu me sentia estranha. Os seios muito mais sensíveis do que o normal, uma cólica interminável que nunca resultava em uma menstruação e por último os enjoos cada vez mais frequentes. 
— Vamos lá, S/N. Coragem. — Falei para mim mesma. 
Peguei o teste e fechei os olhos com força, enchendo e esvaziando o pulmão de ar antes de encarar o resultado assustador. 
Puta que pariu. 
E agora? 
Deixei o medo ultrapassar as barreiras, jogando o teste longe e segurando meu rosto entre as mãos durante o choro desesperado. 
Eu não posso ser mãe agora, meu deus. 
Como vou fazer isso? 
Eu sequer estou com o pai dessa criança! 
Meu deus, ele vai surtar. 
Esperei mais três dias para finalmente ter coragem de contar para Jeon sobre o resultado das nossas aventuras. Com o resultado do exame de sangue em mãos, mandei uma mensagem, querendo saber quando ele voltaria de mais uma das suas viagens para podermos conversar. Não era o tipo de notícia que gostaria de dar por mensagem. 
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O mundo sob os meus pés pareceu ter sumido. O ar faltou em meus pulmões e por dois dias inteiros tudo que consegui fazer foi chorar. 
Meu deus, o que fiz para merecer isso? 
Coloquei a mão sobre a barriga ainda não crescida, me desculpando um milhão de vezes com aquela vidinha que acabara de se iniciar ali. 
Eu estava acostumada a precisar ser forte. Ser mulher na indústria do entretenimento não era nada fácil. Mas agora, eu tinha um novo motivo para seguir em frente e encarar o mundo. 
Jungkook podia não querer aquele bebê, mas eu definitivamente o queria. 
Estava apavorada e não sabia o que fazer, mas o queria e de alguma forma já o amava profundamente. 
— Chega de chorar, S\N. Você tem um filho agora. — Me ergui da cama.
Cumprimentei a equipe assim que entrei no estúdio. Um burburinho estranho se instalava e com certeza não era sobre a minha volta das férias. 
— Chase? — Chamei meu assistente. — Aconteceu alguma coisa? 
— Ah, não. — O garoto recém formado sorriu, me oferecendo um copo de café. — Os convidados de hoje chegaram e estão todos animados. 
— Ah… — Cocei a nuca, envergonhada ao notar que havia simplesmente esquecido de checar o cronograma da semana. — E quem são? — Perguntei baixinho. 
Chase nem precisou me responder, pois novamente o burburinho se instaurou, cada vez mais alto. Entrando pela porta da frente do estúdio, conversando alto como um grupo de crianças em um coreano alto, quase berrado. 
Senti meu corpo congelar, não precisava sequer olhar para seus rostos para reconhecer. As vozes que por quase dois anos me acompanharam todos os dias no emprego anterior. 
Um dos diretores se aproximou da algazarra, acompanhado por James, o apresentador. Fiquei estática no lugar, sem saber o que fazer. Até que um par de olhos castanhos se fixou em mim e um sorriso de orelha á orelha se abriu.
— S\N! — Jin gritou, chamando a atenção dos outros seis amigos. 
Sem se importar com os olhares, o mais velho do grupo correu como uma criança em minha direção, me apertando em um abraço forte. Fiz o meu melhor para retribuir, mesmo sendo tirada do chão. É impossível não sorrir, uma das coisas das quais senti falta era a animação de Jin e o quão amigo ele poderia ser. — Ah, senti tão a sua falta. — Falou me balançando, como uma boneca. 
— Eu não acredito! — Jimin disse com animação, se juntando ao abraço. 
— Meninos, ar, eu preciso de ar! — Falei um pouco mais alto, fazendo-os rir.
— O que está fazendo aqui? — Yoongi perguntou depois de me dar um abraço calmo, típico de si.
— Sou uma das produtoras. 
— Você nos largou para trabalhar com o James? — Jin disse alto, colocando a mão sobre o coração como se estivesse profundamente ofendido.
— Ei! — James reclamou, fazendo-os rir alto mais uma vez. 
 O líder do grupo passou o braço sobre meus ombros, murmurando um “bom ver você”. Todos da equipe observavam com atenção a comoção que havia se formado à minha volta, me deixando ainda mais desconfortável. 
— S/N? — Virei para um dos staffs que vinha em minha direção com o telefone geral do estúdio. — É do berçário. — Agradeci, pegando o aparelho.
— Alô? 
— S/N, Liz comeu amendoim. — A voz feminina do outro lado disse desesperada. 
— O quê? Eu deixei claro que ela não pode! — Quase gritei, sentindo meu coração reverberar por todo o meu corpo, e meu nervosismo fez os sete à minha volta prestarem atenção. 
— As meninas se descuidaram e outra criança ofereceu um doce. — Lamentou.
— Traz ela pra mim. — Desliguei. Engoli com dificuldade, sentindo minhas mãos suarem e tremerem. 
— Aconteceu alguma coisa? — Namjoon perguntou baixo, mas não consegui responder. Entrando pela porta lateral, uma das responsáveis pelo berçário andava rápido em minha direção. Corri até ela, pegando a minha filha pálida nos braços e me desesperando ainda mais quando vi sua dificuldade em respirar. 
— Matt! — Gritei para o paramédico que sempre ficava de plantão no estúdio, correndo em sua direção. — Ela comeu amendoim, é muito muito alérgica. — Ele me ouviu com atenção, pegando-a nos braços e caminhando até a maca já instalada. 
Ele fez um exame rápido, checando sua garganta e respiração, então abriu uma maleta, retirando uma seringa. Liz arregalou os olhinhos que encheram de lágrimas. 
 — Vai ser só uma picadinha, pequena. — Matt prometeu, retirando a proteção da agulha e me olhando, pedindo em silêncio que eu me aproximasse. 
A cena toda já havia chamando a atenção de quase todos os presentes, que se aproximavam, fazendo um tipo de roda à nossa volta. 
Peguei minha garotinha, erguendo com cuidado a saia para que sua coxa ficasse exposta. Liz soltou um gritinho dolorido, seguido de um choro sentido ap��s ser medicada. Balancei minha filha nos meus braços, quase chorando junto com ela. 
— Vai melhorar logo. — Matt prometeu, colocando um curativo sobre a marquinha vermelha. 
Poucos minutos se passaram, mas percebi que a respiração de Liz havia melhorado consideravelmente, o que me deixou imensamente aliviada. Ela ainda chorava com o rostinho apoiado no meu pescoço, magoada demais para olhar para o “titio médico”. 
— Ela não vai me perdoar tão cedo. — Matt brincou quando notou que as coisas já estavam um pouco mais calmas. Sorri pela primeira vez, assentindo com a cabeça. 
A multidão havia dissipado quase totalmente, podia ouvir os comentários aliviados das pessoas. Seis dos sete coreanos me encaravam com surpresa, mas Hobi se aproximou, tendo um sorriso enorme aberto nos lábios. 
— Liz? — Chamou baixinho. A pequena se encolheu no meu colo, virando para olhar que lhe chamava. Seu rosto se iluminou com o reconhecimento. Mesmo com os olhinhos inchados e as bochechas vermelhas, ela sorriu, se jogando para o colo do quase desconhecido. 
— Titio! — Hoseok a segurou rápido, tomando cuidado para não apertar a perninha machucada. Liz espalhou as mãozinhas minúsculas pelas bochechas dele e então deixou um beijinho na ponta do seu nariz, seguido de um abraço apertado e certamente gostoso. 
— Você cresceu muito, hum? — Ele disse afastando o pescoço para olhá-la melhor. 
Fazia pelo menos nove meses desde a última vez em que os dois se viram pessoalmente, e como uma criança, Liz crescia rápido. Seus cabelos escuros e lisos estavam agora chegando aos ombros, e ela havia crescido consideravelmente. 
— Sou mocinha agora. — Fez um biquinho. Não consegui evitar de sorrir, “mocinha” era uma das minhas palavras favoritas do momento, pois soava como “moxinha”. Hobi também pareceu adorar, pois riu alto e balançou a garota. 
— S/A? — James me chamou de lado. — Ela está melhor? 
— Está sim, obrigado pela preocupação. — Sorri. 
— Você quer levá-la para casa? Pode ir se quiser. 
— Tem certeza? 
— Claro que sim. — Disse colocando a mão sobre o meu ombro. — Imagino que ainda esteja um pouco nervosa, eu sei como esses pequenos nos assustam de vez em quando. 
— Um pouco. — Admiti. 
— Então pode ir. — Sorriu. 
— Obrigado, James. — O abracei de lado. 
James murmurou um “de nada” e caminhou até Hobi, deixando um beijinho na bochecha de Liz que reclamou da sua barba, como sempre fazia. Minha breve conversa foi tempo o suficiente para que alguns dos meninos se aproximassem. Jimin e Jin faziam brincadeiras e falavam com a voz afinada, enquanto a garotinha adorava a atenção. 
Meu coração deu mais um salto ao perceber como Jungkook olhava com atenção para o meu bebê. 
— Vamos para casa? — Perguntei para a pequena, ignorando a sensação que estava tendo. 
— Já? — Ela perguntou fazendo um beicinho e deitando a cabeça no ombro de Hoseok.
— Ela quer ficar com o titio Hobi. — Disse orgulhoso.
— Os outros titios também. — Ela disse manhosa, fazendo Jin e Jimin comemorarem e provocarem o amigo. 
— Eu sei, mas você precisa descansar um pouquinho. — Falei para ela. — E os titios precisam gravar. 
— Vai cantar titio? — Ela perguntou e ele assentiu. Jin e Jimin soltaram algo como “tão fofa” em coreano.
— Vou. — Ele disse deixando um beijo na bochecha gordinha. — Posso ir na sua casa mais tarde? — Perguntou me olhando. Eu sabia que ele não iria desacompanhado, mas também sabia que se não dissesse que sim, Liz não aceitaria ir embora. 
— Claro. 
Aceitando a minha resposta, a garota estendeu os braços gordinhos em minha direção. Dei um tchau geral, saindo de lá o mais rápido possível. 
Acomodei Liz em sua cadeirinha no carro e antes mesmo de sairmos do estacionamento ela dormiu. 
Despertei minha garotinha quando chegamos em casa, dei um banho longo e relaxante nela e fiz uma mamadeira gostosa, deixando que ela voltasse a dormir. 
Patrick chegou no horário de sempre, entrando na cozinha enquanto tirava a gravata preta e desabotoava o paletó. 
— Chegou cedo. — Comentou, dando um beijo em minha testa.
— Liz teve uma crise alérgica. 
— Ela está bem? — Disse em tom preocupado.
— Sim, Matt a socorreu. 
— Graças a Deus. — Suspirou. 
— Pac, ele estava lá hoje. — Encarei as frutas que estava lavando. 
— Quem? 
— O pai da Liz. — Meu comentário fez a caneca de café parar no meio do caminho para a boca. 
— Ele a viu?
— Sim. — Suspirei. — E talvez venha aqui mais tarde. 
— Você não está falando sério. — Falou incrédulo. 
— Todos os meninos estavam lá, Liz não quis desgrudar do Hobi. — Cocei a nuca com a mão molhada. — Então tive que prometer que deixaria eles virem. 
— S/N! — Seu provável discurso foi interrompido pela campainha. — Eu abro. 
— Não faça uma cena. 
Acompanhei em passos curtos o caminho até a sala, vendo-o abrir a porta para os sete que entraram. Como sempre, Hobi o cumprimentou com um toque de mãos e um sorriso. Se fazendo de bom anfitrião, Patrick estampou um sorriso falso no rosto e os guiou até a sala. 
Coloquei a tigela de frutas na mesinha de centro, sentindo os seis pares de olhos sobre mim. 
— Papa, você chegou. — Uma Liz sonolenta anunciou sua presença, agarrando na perna do padrinho que a ergueu no colo. 
— Fiquei sabendo que você deu um susto na mamãe hoje. — Ele comentou cheirando seus cabelos bagunçados. Abrindo os olhos e finalmente prestando atenção nas visitas, Liz sorriu. 
— Titio, você veio mesmo. — Estendeu os braços para Hobi, que se levantou para pegá-la. 
— Eu não prometi? — Ele disse com a voz doce e ela assentiu. 
— Você é o titio Jin e você o titio Jimin. — Ela apontou o indicador gordinho para os dois, que sorriam. — E os outros titios? Não querem dizer o nome para a Liz? — Tombou a cabecinha para o lado. 
— Liz ainda fala algumas coisas na terceira pessoa. — Patrick explicou. 
— Eu sou o titio Namjoon. — O líder se pronunciou primeiro. 
— Nam… joooon? — Perguntou fazendo um biquinho fofo, o que fez o coreano sorrir abertamente e assentir. 
— Eu sou o titio V. — Taehyung disse segurando a mão pequenininha entre os dedos. Liz repetiu o nome. 
— Eu sou o titio Suga. — Yoongi declarou, acenando por estar um pouco longe no sofá. 
— Açúcar? — Ela disse surpresa, o que causou gargalhadas nos outros. 
— Você pode chamá-lo de titio docinho. — Hobi sussurrou, causando uma carranca no amigo e uma risada em Liz. 
— E ele? — Apontou o dedinho para o último, que até agora apenas a encarava. 
— Esse é o titio Jungkook. — Patrick falou alto, dando ênfase no honorífico. 
— Não sei falar isso. — Ela lamentou depois de testar o nome e errar algumas vezes. 
— Pode chamá-lo de JK. — Hobi falou, desconfortável com o clima que havia se instalado. Liz tombou a cabeça para o lado, encarando-o com os olhos iguaizinhos aos seus.
— Pode? 
Jeon a encarou por mais alguns segundos, como se gravasse na mente a primeira vez que ela falava com ele diretamente, e então sorriu. 
— Você pode me chamar como quiser, querida. — Liz também sorriu, ficando ainda mais parecida com o pai. Derretendo todos eles com seu jeito encantador. 
Precisei voltar para a cozinha, tentando controlar a vontade de chorar que estava me atingindo. Liz já era um lembrete constante da paixão unilateral e da decepção que Jungkook havia me causado, mas ele estar sentado em meu sofá, rodeado pelos seus amigos e interagindo com a nossa filha era demais para mim. 
— Você está bem? — A voz de Patrick soou atrás de mim.
— Estou. — Funguei. 
— Posso mandá-los embora. Liz vai esquecê-los rápido. — Massageou meus ombros. 
— Você sabe que isso não é verdade. — Lamentei. 
— O que vamos fazer?
— Jantar? — Tentei brincar. 
— Você me entendeu. — Bufou. Me virei, enterrando o rosto em seu peito e sendo abrigada por um abraço.
— Um passo de cada vez. — Pedi. Patrick respirou fundo antes de concordar. 
Eu sabia que ele estava odiando aquela situação. A presença, mesmo que mínima, de Jungkook nas nossas vidas parecia de alguma forma ameaçar sua posição na vida de Liz. Desde seu nascimento, o padrinho foi o único pai que ela conheceu. Patrick se dedicou a nós duas, sacrificou madrugadas para embalá-la, comemorou os primeiros passos, trocou mais fraldas do que se poderia contar.
Mesmo sem nenhuma obrigação. Ele não apenas cumpriu um papel que não era seu, mas o assumiu com amor e orgulho. E eu entendia o medo que estava sentindo agora, porque eu também estava com medo. 
Jungkook tinha dinheiro e recursos o suficiente para conseguir tirar de mim o meu bem maior se assim quisesse. 
— Não vou deixar nada acontecer. — Patrick sussurrou, como se lesse os meus pensamentos. 
Um pigarro chamou a nossa atenção. Na porta da cozinha, Hobi sorriu fraco. 
— O jantar chegou. — Explicou antes de virar de volta.
Sequei as lágrimas e forcei um sorriso. Patrick deu um beijo em minha testa e segurou minha mão, me puxando para a sala. 
Saindo do corredor dos quartos, Liz puxava Jeon e Jin pelas mãos, o mais velho usando uma coroa de princesa. 
— Por isso a Bela é a minha princesa peferida. Ela é inteligente. — Os dois assentiram, curvados para conseguir segurar as mãozinhas. 
— Gostei do seu novo estilo. — Briquei, fazendo Jin sorrir de forma envergonhada. 
— Vou contratar Liz como minha nova figurinista, ela tem futuro. — Brincou de volta. 
— Vamos comer? — Patrick perguntou. Liz soltou a mão dos dois, estendendo os braços para que o padrinho a pegasse. — Se comer tudo, vai poder assistir um pouquinho de desenho hoje. — Ele disse seguindo para a mesa. 
— Só um pouquinho?
— Só um pouquinho, mocinha.
Taglist:@cachinhos-de-harry / @nihstyles / @lanavelstommo / @say-narry
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adudelolwriting · 8 months ago
"instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating" but with either brim or jam maybe? 👀👀 (last prompt absolutely gutted me btw it was SO good)
holy fuck i could have SWORN this was meant to be like 500 words. nope. another 1k oneshot . hopefully you'll enjoy :D this ones a lot sweeter than the other one (ask game here)
Alex knew Brian and Tim were close. Brian is one of Alex's closest friends, and he knew about Tim a long while before he met the man. Alex first met him when Brian was 'auditioning' for the part of Brian, the main character in his film he was making. (Brian already had the part, in Alex's mind. Alex heavily based the character of his friend, and named the role after him.)
Don't get Alex wrong, Tim was an attractive man. He just… he wasn't Alex's type. He seemed very… nervous, talking to most people, his back stiff and arms crossed. Alex really only saw the man's guard get let down when he was off to the side, having a short, private chat with Brian. And Alex didn't think anything of it — why would he?
No, Alex was far more interested in his long term friend. He had talked to Jay, one time, when it was late into the night. They probably should have been asleep, but instead, Alex was talking about Brian. 
"It's just, he gives me the butterflies, like Amy used to," Alex said, laying on his back and staring at the popcorn ceiling of his room. 
"So you have a crush on him?" Jay asked, his head tilting to the side, like it always does when he was curious or interested in something. Alex shook his head, "no, I can't have one. I know he swings both ways, but he's my friend. I've known him almost as long as I've known you."
Jay chuckled, leaning back on his elbows, looking to Alex. "That doesn't mean much, dude. If he makes you feel like you felt for Amy, I think that's a pretty big sign," he smiles.
But Alex can't have a crush on Brian, right?
Yeah, the man makes his stomach flip, and pretty, and he makes Alex laugh, and…
Alex had a crush on Brian.
Alex had a crush on Brian, and Jay was the one who helped him realize.
He let out a groan, blush blooming from his face as Alex tried to hide himself. Jay laughed at him, patting him on his shoulder. "Maybe you should ask him out. It looks like he feels the same for you too, dude."
"I just found out I liked him, I can't just — ask him out like that!" Alex huffed, voice muffled by his hands.
"Why not? Someone else might ask him out first! Imagine if like, he and Sarah got together," Jay laughed quietly, to which Alex groaned again, muttering a 'shut up' and throwing a pillow on him.
Some days have passed now, and Alex could only focus on the fact that he liked Brian. After shooting, Alex had made a plan to ask Brian — er, well, at least tell him. Maybe explain and hope production of Marble Hornets wouldn't be awkward if Alex explained why he couldn't look at Brian without getting flustered.
Once filming for the day was done, Brian and Tim were talking quietly as Seth put the camera away, and Sarah and Jay talked. It was a pretty full day, with all of the crew around. (Sarah even decided to stay and watch after her scenes were done!)
Alex walked over to Brian and Tim, and their conversation pauses as he got closer. "Hey man! What's up?" Brian asks. 
"Could I talk to you for a moment? Uh, privately?" Alex asked, and he felt his blush already starting to rise. Brian looks back to Tim, who simply shrugged. 
"Yeah, of course. Lead the way!" Brian smiled, and god, was the man pretty. Alex shook his head. The two walked a bit further from the set — out of earshot of everyone else. "Uh, I'm not in trouble or anything, right? Not firing me or anything?" Brian laughs, putting an easy smile on Alex's face.
"No, no. Nothing of the sort. It's, uh…" Alex paused, as if thinking of the words of his scrambled brain. "It's more… personal, I guess."
Brian's eyebrows tilt in concern. "Is everything okay?" 
"Yeah — It's, yeah." Alex took a deep breath. "Brian, I — I like you." 
His face must be so red. He can't make eye contact, instead staring down into the grass. The silence washes over them, and god, Alex ruined everything, didn't he?
"Oh my god," Brian giggles after a second, which felt like an eternity, "God, Alex, I like you too. Did you really not pick up any of the signs?"
"You… what?" Alex feels like his brain broke. Brian liked him too? Brian had been leaving signs?
"Yeah man!" Brian grinned. "I've liked you, for like, forever now. You never did anything so I didn't think you liked me back."
Alex laughs at himself. Of course. "Ah, in that case… are you free this weekend..?"
"Alex Kralie, are you asking me out on a date?" 
"If you could be inclined to join me, then… yes?" 
"I would love to. I'll have to ask Tim, to see if he's okay with it." Huh? "We've talked briefly about it, but I'll have to double check if we can get serious, too."
"What?" Alex asked. "Why — Why do you have to ask Tim?" 
Brian's eyebrows now curl in confusion. "Because… me and Tim are dating?"
Brian giggles, breath whistling quietly from the gap in his teeth. "Me and Tim have been together for like, two or three years!"
"And you — you didn't tell anyone?" Embarrassment and shame flushes through Alex. He asked out a taken man. 
"We… we did, didn't we?" Brian says, seemingly to himself. "I thought we did. Was it not obvious? I've literally gushed about him for hours."
"I just— I thought you guys were friends — Sorry, I should go—" Alex was about to turn around and leave, but Brian took his hand into his own.
"Hey, dude, it's fine. I'm poly, y'know? I have two hands. I like you too, did you just forget that?" Brian giggles lightly. "Please don't run away from me 'cause of this, Alex. I'm like, ninety-nine percent sure Tim's okay with this."
They talked it out, talked to Tim, and everything was okay. 
And, well, besides.
Brian does have two hands for a reason.
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year ago
Pavitr x fem reader PRETTY PLEASEE 🥺
- When your out with him, and alot of men are staring ( Jealous HEADCANONS )
- Angst
- Fluff
- How he is when your sick.
Why did you leave me?
Characters: Pavitr Prabhakar x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: After some months of dating Pavitr, he wants to break up with you but he wouldn’t tell you why. (Requested) Thanks for the request darling 💕
Warning: Heartbreak, sad times y’all
Jaanu = Beloved
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You noticed something was off about Pavitr. The change was almost overnight. Like one day, he’s his usual cheerful and touchy self and now, he can barely look you in the eye and he can’t even hold your hand. The conversations, if there are any, are short and stifled. It’s like he’s walking on eggshells around you.
It made you feel conflicted. On one hand, you felt jaded, silted, vexed. Like every negative emotion manifested in you whenever he ignored you, whenever the 3 am 5 hour calls turned into 10-20 minutes, whenever he pulled away. It made you want to scream and shake him.
But a part of you was worried for him. Something was off with him but he wouldn’t tell you. He wouldn’t tell anyone. And it’s hurting him.
“Hey Pav,” you greeted him and smiled. It was a free period during school so you were just walking the walls.
He gave you a bright smile, “Hey, how’s your day going?”
You two engaged in casual conversation and for a minute it was like the old days but there was something off about Pavitr. His laughs weren’t the same and not once has he hugged you longer for than 30 seconds. This is the same guy that can’t go without 5 minutes holding your hand or even just idly playing with your fingers
You leaned against a wall and took a breath, “Pav, is there something wrong?”
He stopped mid sentence and looked at you with wide eyes and he froze for a moment. Then his face fell, it crumbled like sand. But for a moment, just a moment. You blinked and his smile was back in its place. But it’s manufactured and fake.
So obviously fake.
You stepped closer to him and held his face softly. You ran your fingers up and down his cheek in a soothing manner and touched your foreheads together. You spoke low and slow so he’s the only one that could hear.
“Pav, you can tell me what’s bothering you. I will not judge you for it, promise.” You told him and meant every word. You desperately hoped he knew you meant every word.
He sighed deep and long, his eyes closed, and all he could mumble were a string of sorrys. Confused by it you held him close and rested his head in the nook between your neck and head.
The next day he broke it off with you.
It was short, he came to your apartment, saying that he wanted to talk. You knew something was off when he didn’t walk right past you to chat with your mom. When he didn’t tickle your little sister. When he didn’t waltz into your room and lounge on your bed like it was his.
It was two words and he left.
“We’re done.” And his back was turned to you as he walked away.
It was simple and cruel. 4 years of laughing, smiling, kissing, hugging. Gone in less than 5 minutes. You didn’t know how to react. To cry, laugh, chase him down to throw something at him.
You wordlessly walked to the roof to your building using the railing from your bedroom window. You ignored the questioning glances of your family.
Leaning against the railing you looked at the city. It’s night time but there’s no difference in the amount of sounds or lights. It wasn’t quiet by any means but it was calming to you. People talking, motorcycles revving up, and taxis honking helped distract you from your breakup.
You still couldn't make sense of it. You knew that things were rough between you two but you thought you got to him yesterday.
He put his head on your shoulder! He was fine with you holding him! So why...why?
Um, hi…” you heard a voice and whooshed. You turned around to see that it was Spiderman. Technically Pavitr as Spiderman. But it was still him. The boy that you loved but broke your heart anyway.
You violently turned back around and yelled at him, “Go away! I don’t want to see you right now.”
You were beyond angry. You were livid, enraged, bitter. You didn’t have the words to describe what you were feeling, what you were thinking. You wanted to scream at him, to ask him why, to cry into his arms.
“Just…just let me explain,” he told you and walked to get closer but you backed away from him.
“You couldn’t have explained it as Pavitr! You had to go and get dressed up in your costume to explain why you broke my heart!” You screamed at him, with every word your voice getting louder and louder.
You both stood inches apart from one another. You could not tell what facial expression he had on, whether he was glaring at you, crying with you, or smirking.
You did not want to believe that Pavitr was enjoying your pain but you clearly didn’t know him as well as you thought you did. The boy you loved wouldn't leave you like that.
You reached to take the mask off of his face. You wanted to see him.
“Why?” Was all you asked of him.
He took the mask from your hands and sighed deeply. “I just wanted to protect you. As Spiderman, I have a lot of enemies. I just wanted to protect you, that’s all.”
You stared at him as he’s telling you this. Both of you had these kinds of concerns when he first told you. What if a villain tracked you down, used you as leverage, etc, etc.
“But we have protocols in place in case something like that happens. Pav, is there something else? Because you've been off all week.”
“No, no nothing else. I just thought that this is for the best. I just want to keep you safe from all of this,” he responded.
“Pav, I know you. I know when you are lying to me. You are lying!” You argued back at him. This was frustrating. This was so frustrating. You knew he was lying about something. You knew it. You know him.
Through your tears, you watched as Pavtir put the mask on. “Jaanu, I'm not lying to you. I love you, I always have and always will. And because I love you, I have to leave.”
“But this is not love, Pavitr! If you love me like you claim you do then, you would tell me what it is. You will not be vague about it and you will not shut me out! You will not break up with someone that you’ve been with for 4 years with no explanation and then just leave them at their doorstep. You will not!” You snapped at him.
The tears were running, staining your attempt at eyeliner, and your voice was strained from the constant yelling. And now you're just tired. This was getting nowhere.
You turn to the exit, “Okay, Pavitr. If you want to lie to my face then fine. Goodbye.”
But before you could leave, you sensed him still. Waiting. For what? You didn't know. A part of you hoped that this is where he’ll finally tell you. He’ll tell you everything. But the longer you stood there waiting, the more you realized that this was truly happening.
You marched up to him and slapped him. It was loud but not painful because as much as you hated him, you couldn't truly hurt him. But you wanted him to feel a fraction of what he put you through.
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Tags: @pavitrgf, @ellatienesuscosas, @justbeethings, @jam-skullz, @hoeboat101, @butterfi, @dreamxcollide, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @maypersonne, @somber-starz, @hoeboat101, @rosebunny, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @mur-docs, @shibble, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @emgavi, @sawi-06, @707xn, @niktwazny303, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @yourtsahik, @angelzira, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @andhdi68a, @itstooearly-its3am, @universallypeanutpizzapersona, @avatarl0v3r, @randomhoex, @nerdyparker616, @1uvvmi, @centipider, @keawio, @ellatienesuscosas, @skullux, @luci1fer, @minimari415, @m4rihrts, @baddiebehaviourxx, @jell0buss-37, @laylasbunbunny
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is-it-cold-outside · 17 days ago
So! I wanted to try writing even if I didn't really do that type of fics before, but I got idea from @gaydrewrealll and I just had to x)
Hope you'll like it!
*'bzzz  bzzz' silent ringing in the corner of Drew's room*
Argh, she won't stop calling me - Drew groaned. He was playing Minecraft with Liam and Henry on Discord call
Have you tried talk to her? - Liam stared - I mean, told her that it's literally over and not some kind of short br-
YES I DID. Even yesterday in school, AND today. But she's still trying. Ugh...save me
Hm.. - Henry stared - Why won't you just block her number and...I dunno avoid her?
*Scoff* Yeah and hide in the lockers from blondes with pink tips. No thanks. - Drew turned up the game volume, to not hear his still calling phone
*Awkward silence, mc zombies in the backroung lol*
Sooo.. - Liam hesitated - What..are you going to do?
I have no idea - Drew leaned on his hand and looked at ringing phone on his bed
Aw come on bro! We have weekend already! There is nothing to worry about, tomorrow we will come over and play something - Henry initiated - it will be like old times just without Ja-
IT WILL BE LIKE OLD TIMES! - Liam shouted, knowing how Jake's subject ended last time
I guess. - Drew gave up and decided to not push this topic anymore
After a while they all agreed it's time for a break. First, Henry didn't eat since he stared playing so he wanted to finally eat something. Liam just agreed, because he noticed how Drew was acting off and it was late anyway. They hung up the call and Drew took off his headphones. He walked up to the bed and looked at his phone: 36 missing calls - You are not going to leave me alone, are you.
Saturday morning, the sun is more bright than usual and Drew couldn't sleep any longer so he got up - Maybe at least weekend will be more peaceful - Liam and Henry are supposed to be around 4pm so Drew still has a lot of free time. But no ideas what to do. He opened the messages and looked at Jake's chat: "I know you don't want to see me again but can w..."
I am not opening this chat - Drew exahled staring at newest message that was sent 6 days ago - He is with those freaks I'm not gonna.. - he quickly turned off his phone and throw it on the other side of bed, just in case if he wanted to open the chat.
After a while magenta-haired just flopped onto the bed and closed eyes. He has no idea how long he was like that but the sound of notification woke him up. Drew took the phone and saw father's message.
Of course they are sending money because their business trip will take longer - Drew laughed - as always.
It took over 15 minutes before he finally got up and decided to eat something. Kitchen was quiet, painfully loud quiet. Drew quickly opened the fridge and grabbed food he ordered yesterday. He went up to the room closing the door and sitting on the floor. Games were probably the only interesting thing left so decided to play while waiting.
Doorbell started to randomly ring - It's not even 3pm what are they doing here so early - Drew thought but got up to open the door. Silence was uncomfortably suspicious so it didn't seem like it was them. Then he opened the door
...What are YOU doing here - Drew said dryly looking at person in front of him
You weren't answering your phone! I already send you a message I'm coming over SO LET'S TALK! - Zoey shouted
No. - Drew sighed - I've already told you it's over and I'm not going to change my mind.
You look like you are just waiting for us to be couple again. You didn't ask anyone out yet so it means you still think about mee~
I'm not that type of person AND YOU KNOW IT. I won't be looking for someone new just to have a date. Listen I'm not in the mood for our talk, just forget about it and leave me alone - Drew wanted to close the door but Zoey stepped in
Drewy-bear please forgive mee, I promise I was with this idiot just for money and gifts! It was nothing special
Tsk, if it was "nothing special" then why didn't you tell me anything? Unless you used me for money too.
I didn't! Oh come on don't act like you don't get it! I've saved your money and still care about you, what do you want me to do?
I want you to leave me alone.
Woah dude she is really desparate - Liam looked at Drew, he felt bad for him but didn't know what to say more
...Do you have any ideas-
No. - Drew didn't let Henry finish the sentence. He didn't know what to do and it's been like that 2 weeks already
Maybe we can ask Lia! She knows Zoey and is a girl too so she would know what to do - Henry jumped making both boys look at him surprised
You think she will help us? - Liam looked confused
Of course she will, if I ask her~
Pff yeah....hey Drew?
Wanna try? Maybe Lia can help, she's not friends with Zoey anymore so
*Sigh* okay
Monday, Jake walks to the lockers, he noticed Dromies talking with Lia. And Zoey in the corner looking at them from time to time
Dating idea, seriously?
You don't have to actually date someone, just pretend. I know her, Zoey can be stubborn, so she won't give up untill she sees that you've actually moved on - Lia suggested crossing arms
I am not gonna go out with some random just to get rid of her
Don't mind him Lia, Drewy is always like this - Henry whispered
Soo..you can "go out" with someone you know, pretend for a while and when she stops bugging you, you can just "break up" - Lia suggested moving her gaze from Drew to two other boys
...Don't look at us! - Henry shouted trying to grab Liam's hand but he moved it
Not in the public you idiot-
You know, I'm here to help but not get into this stuff, sorry Drew
He was leaning against the lockers with crossed arms - I didn't want to do this anyway. I'm going to the restroom - he said and walked away
No more ideas? - Liam looked at Zoey who just went after Drew and is now waiting by the restroom door
Not really-
Jake is standing with The Music Club but his mind is somewhere else - Drew looked so tired, maybe I should go after him? No, Zoey bothers him too much already I don't want to make pressure of him. But maybe I can help? You idiot how are you supposed to help if this happened because of you in the first place. If you didn't hide it you guys would be alright now. Or maybe not because he hates you anyway. Ugh Jake think!
Jake? - Hailey tapped his arm
Oh! Y-yeah? - Jake jumped after begin back from his thoughts
Are you okay? You looked...off
Yeah I'm okay, thanks Hailey - Jake glanced at the group Drew was with before - I'm gonna talk to them, I shouldn't have act like we don't know each other, maybe..I can make it work again? - he smiled unsure, hoping Hailey won't criticize his dumb idea
Hmm.. Okay, just don't go into trouble - Hailey smiled back
Jake noded and went to the other group
Hey! - he waved as went to Dromies - What's up?
Jake! What are you doing here? - Lia waved back
I wanted to check on you guys - Jake looked at Zoey - and ask how is Drew doing, he won't answer my messages and I really want to talk
Well, Zoey doesn't want to leave him alone, she even came to his house on Saturday - Liam sighed
We guess that's why he is in a bad mood all the time - Henry started - and maybe he doesn't want to make it worse by talking to you OW- WHAT?
You are really too honest sometimes. - said Liam who just hit him in the arm
Aw man.. I wish I could help him, maybe then he would let me explain everything - Jake looked down
Actually Jake, it is something you can do - Lia smiled making Liam and Henry exange glances
Really? Wait, why are you guys looking at me like that-
Drew was checking media while stading next to the wall with sinks. He heard softly creaking door that made him look away from his phone. When he saw Jake he quickly turned phone off and wanted to walk away, but how is he supposed to pass by that person
Hey Drew, can we talk?
You want to talk now? Jokes on you because I don't - Drew scoffed and crossed his arms not looking at person in front on him
I want to fix it, I promise I will, just give me a chance! I will explain everything
Explain what? That you prefer your music freaks instead of us and that I was just some type of cover for you and not a real friend?
We were real friends Drew..
It didn't seem like it. - he started to walk towards door, wanted leave this stupid place, and Jake
Let me help you with Zoey at least - Jake shouted when Drew passed by him to leave
I was talking with Lia, ..and we can pretend to go out, after Zoey will leave you alone, I will too - Jake hesitated - or maybe I will get a chance to explain myself
Drew was standing in silence, he was mad at Jake, he supossed to be - *Sigh* Only if you remember that's not forgiveness.
We will do it your way - Jake smiled - so when do we start?
Come to my place today after school, we will talk about how we do it, and you'll be able to explain yourself if you want - Drew closed his eyes not beliving what he is doing
Fine by me, so we are good?
Thank you - Jake smiled and passed by Drew to open the door, Zoey looked in their direction - so see you on a date!
See ya - Drew noticed her staring at them but decided to ignore it and walked away, he couldn't belive what he just agreed to
Zoey was blinking in confusion after what she heard - What just happened?
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wsdalt · 4 months ago
Hello! Quick question about Felps characterization if you don't mind!
Mainly, do you have any tips on speech patterns? Like, repeated phrases/how they're repeated, and general voice things like that? (Genuinely the one thing I struggle with most ._. )
okay… unfortunately voice is also one of the things I struggle with—at least to put it down into words as an explanation? I’m not fluent in Portuguese which means a lot of dialogue quirks I’d otherwise pick up in English I probably miss. also this is off the top of my head so… maybe I’m just missing stuff due to bad memory in general oops
that being said: I will give it my best attempt \o/
(if anyone who is fluent in Portuguese would like to add on or correct anything I’m saying please do!)
firstly I would like to direct you to @/echotune’s mcyt character voice cheatsheet because I’ve written up bits for his character to go there before. It’s not exactly specific phrases, but I think knowing how he’ll react in certain situations can help make up for not knowing his exact phrasing? or for speech patterns being lost in translation
Felps’ voice goes high pitched a lot. This is kind of hard to write sometimes—or at least to continuously write in a scene because he kind of just throws his pitch around whenever—but you can add it there. It’s usually when he gets heated about something or… feels strongly about something in general? /if he’s defensive about something? But not really if he’s sad I think. and it’s not all the time so don’t worry about trying to incorporate it every time one of those situations hits
…on the opposite side of that he’s also very… deadpan I suppose? he can deliver absurd lines very casually and deadpan/serious, or absurd lines casually with a smile, or just really really commit to the bit. maybe I mean dry. he can say things very drily
aka 2 part 2: maybe obvious but just to clarify: committing to the bit means incorporating whatever emotion he needs to to commit to the bit. so he’ll fake being upset for example
laughs a lot while speaking, but can also stop himself from laughing fairly easily—specifically regarding the above two points
bursts into tears… fairly easily? but specifically surrounding Richas + he cried at Cellbit and Roier’s wedding. it’s usually only briefly and he kind of tries to suppress it a bit
there’s a specific warning tone he’ll use if someone says an innuendo… to him? I suppose? where he kind of just says the person’s name with that tone (I use “warning” or “chastising” to describe it—depends on what vibe you want in the scene) sometimes repeating their name. It’s always lighthearted though
specific phrases:
(disclaimer: see above note about me not being fluent in Portuguese. I’m trying to grab from when he speaks Portuguese rather than I when he speaks English because I often write him as “speaking” in Portuguese—just translated to English for fic purposes)
“pelo amor de deus” / “meu deus do céu” aka “for the love of god” / “my god in heaven”
I actually don’t think he repeats much? compared to other streamers?* the cc says “valeu valeu” (“thank you thank you”) when thanking subs from memory, but other than that I can’t think of much…? If he does repeat himself it would probably be moreso adding onto his previous sentence and rewording it a bit (*a lot of streamers end up repeating themselves because they’re talking to chat and sometimes this bleeds into how they talk in general). I think you mean more like… phrases that come up a lot, but this is still a good point
I think he throws around “man” and “bro” (the Portuguese equivalents: “velho”, “mano”) a lot, but not necessarily during serious moments (which is why this has faded out of how I write him, but I’m trying to bring it back for less serious moments)
“Sabe?” “Entendeu?” “Né?” “tá ligado?” To be honest I use “you know?” in English for all of these except Né which I write as “right?”. Né is kind of an “innit?” if that helps, but I’m not going to make him sound British so I use “right?” instead. The actual (google translated, sorry) English versions: “sabe?”—“you know?”, “entendeu?”—“understood?”/“understand?”/“got it?”, “tá ligado?”—“are you aware?”/“is it connected?” (which I’m kind of taking as “is it connecting?”) i feel like in Portuguese those last two are a bit more casual…? than what their English counterparts are, which is why I stick with “you know?” as a cover-all. but I could be wrong!
he adds “inho” (etc) to a lot of words. the best English translation is putting “little” before a word
I think your best bet is to watch some Portuguese streams of his—preferably with another character so you can listen to how he speaks with other people not just chat. this can include Richas! But I hope this helps a bit \o/!!
and again—if anyone who knows Portuguese better than me has anything to add or correct please feel free \o/!!
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fireangelsstuff · 1 year ago
Chris Evans Life path days 2023
And here we have this year so far
The only place I've posted these dates in advance was in the private group on LSA so clearly they had lurkers in there watching to plan the drops
3-Jan-2023 (11) (03/01/2023)
Photoshoot of JA & JR on location in Vermont
Pics of Scott Tara etc at Vermont house
SWP posts about under 26yo influencer hookups from LA
Ryan Reynolds likes tweet about Apple and WN
Comment on and like Renners post after his accident
12-Jan-2023 (11) (12/01/2023)
Unfollow Dlopes
Adam Lavorgna unfollows Chris
Follows poetic outlaws
Follows Bonnie Hunt
Unfollows friend Paul (TP)
Tweets about fake accounts
Unfollowed Georgia Ellenwood after she unfollowed him
BuzzFeed article "What celebrities do you not like featuring Chris with "Good PR" commentary
Unfollowed MM lighting
Unfollows Gregfroumenteau art,Finneas, Gabby Thomas, boho vans, birbigs,
Scott unfollows Georgia
Like ADA latest pic
Unfollows Halsey
Edwin tweets about CE possibly coming back to MCU
Unfollows Marcus Smart
Blocks twitter users
Tweets about fake accounts
Cretarot read published
30-Jan-2023 (11) (30/01/2023)
Twitter troll that was spreading DP re-emerges
Posts pic of Dodger to IG
Speculation about whose shoe is in the background of the IG pic
ThinkJinx shares pic of Dodger pic for poll
Ghosted promo images drops
Apple+ video drops
Various Ghosted related articles
Like ThinkJinx post about his comment re jacket for dodger
Tumblr think "Dollar store Leo tweet account was JA troll account
11-Feb-2023 (11) (11/02/2023)
Socks article
Confirmation received Chris is trying to take down several Tumblr accounts
BF Edwin guy tweets warning about getting info from Chris
Random article about Lily Collins and Chris
Lightyear wins award
20-Feb-2023 (11) (20/02/2023)
Tickets for one on one and autos go on sale for convention
C-Dawgs Poetry slam hour lol
Fake DM sunday spotted mention
1-Mar-2023 (11) (01/03/2023)
Fandom wire articles about Sandra Bullock and sending dick pics
Koimoi article about CE Ben Afleck audition
Pop culture article
Marie Claire JS doesn't like Game nights shade at CE?
Chris Evans BR fansite quits
Hagarsays CE fanfic Tumblr page leaves fandom and shuts down blog
CreTarot Tumblr shuts down
ASP speaking event announced
PH listed on NF preview unavailable
PH release date updated on IMDB
Ghosted plot released on Apple TV
Dexter tweets about going on ITV for Ghosted
10-Mar-2023 (11) (10/03/2023)
Chat date announced
Fandom wire flashback article about Jess B
Possibly spotted in Oklahoma
Make it make sense video from Lorraine Horton
Benny update due to Vogue TT
12-Oct-2023 (11) (12/10/2023)
Flight rumour
Removal of "details" from IMDB
Red pill article deleted
Mexico airport footage troll
NYCC (14 October appearance)
21-Oct-2023 (11) (21/10/2023)
Scott and Steve unfollow fuckface 2 (Amorim)
Pain Hustlers scheduled release (20 Oct 2023)
30-Oct-2023 (11) (30/10/2023)
Smellba tries to troll and fails miserably causing fandom to laugh in hysterics
Discovered Smellba is a Trump supporter and Dodger doesn't like her, as a dog he reads vibes
Chris spotted at Tower bar via DM
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zyafics · 7 months ago
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What does the tags mean?
ASKS — #asks ⭑.ᐟ all answered asks (general) — #moots asks ⭑.ᐟ answered asks for mutuals — #emoji anon asks ⭑.ᐟ answered asks for emoji anons — #fanfic asks ⭑.ᐟ answered asks for fanfics — #pf ⭑.ᐟ answered asks for play fake — #br ⭑.ᐟ answered asks for brother's rival — #aas ⭑.ᐟ answered asks for all american sinners — #dmw ⭑.ᐟ answered asks for dead man walking — #gggw ⭑.ᐟ answered asks for good girl gone wild — #hb:l ⭑.ᐟ answered asks for heartbreak: live
CHAT — #chit chats ⭑.ᐟ all my conversations (general) — #about me ⭑.ᐟ things about me — #with moots ⭑.ᐟ talking to moots — #zya (random) talks ⭑.ᐟ all my random thoughts — #zya (drunk) talks ⭑.ᐟ all my drunk thoughts — #zya (fanfic) talks ⭑.ᐟ all my thoughts regarding my fics — #zya (whore) talks ⭑.ᐟ all my whorish thoughts — #zya (descend to madness) talks ⭑.ᐟ when i’m losing it — #zya (obx) talks ⭑.ᐟ thoughts on the show + analysis — #zya (birthday) talks ⭑.ᐟ thoughts on the show + analysis — #zya (
RECEPTION — #feedbacks on zya's fics ⭑.ᐟ feedbacks on my fics — #comment reblogs ⭑.ᐟ responses to reblogs on my fics
MOODBOARDS — #zya's rafe cameron gf moodboards ⭑.ᐟ gf moodboards WRITING — #writing ideas ⭑.ᐟ things that give me inspo for my fics — #sneak peeks ⭑.ᐟ bts access to unpublished work — #zya play fake ⭑.ᐟ misc things about play fake — #zya brother's rival ⭑.ᐟ misc things about brother's rival
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run-bts-ineedu · 7 years ago
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FAKE BOYFRIEND // Min Yoongi (ft. Jungkook) 
 Honestly tho Jungkook is being so cute i wnt to pinch him
PART 5/?
[ Part 1 ] , [ Part 2 ] , [ Part 3 ] , [ Part 4 ] , [ Part 5 ]
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bts-scenarios-br · 3 years ago
Fake Chat - Quando você faz uma pegadinha com ele dizendo que enviaram um nude pra você.
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oi rs
ai gente, eu nem sei mais como me explicar, mas dessa vez eu tive um motivo válido pra ter sumido (pelo menos pra mim foi válido k). Resumindo, eu tive que terminar um relacionamento que tava tendo por motivos pessoais, e aí eu fiquei bem mal por dias e nn tava conseguindo fazer nada e tals MAS AGORA EU YO MELHOR ent tô tentando voltar a fazer alguma coisa de útil aí na vida além de surtar k
enfim, eu tô sem meu computador no momento pq tô viajando, e como eu preciso dele pra conseguir pegar os gifs pros reacts, mas nn queria deixar vcs sem nd por mto mais tempo k eu acabei fazendo oq eu consegui no momento :')
inclusive, se tiverem mais ideias de fake chats ou perguntas no geral (se tiverem interesse em algum tipo de joguinho envolvendo os meninos tbm, me diz q eu penso em algo) pode me mandar q eu so volto pra casa na terça ent até lá nn posso postar reacts/scenarios/imagines
enfim, falei demais, mas acho q precisar dar um sinal de vida pra vcs, ent tá feito :)
espero que tenham gostado, e desculpe por qualquer erro!
Até mais!
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kpop4you-blog1 · 7 years ago
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BTS Fake Texts - Jungkook
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little-big-fan · 11 months ago
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Um neném para o Idol. (Jungkook - BTS) Parte 5.
Parte 1. Parte 2. Parte 3. Parte 4.
n/a: Na primeira parte desse imagine, tem um fakechat. O app que eu uso atualizou e eu precisei tirar as mensagens do modo noturno pq estava impossível de ler! Então relevem essa parte haha
Ajuda com os nomes:
Jungkook: Jeon, JK J-hope: Hobi, Hoseok Suga: Yoongi Taehyung: V Namjoon: RM (também chamei ele de "líder" em algumas partes) Jin: Seokjin Jimin: Chamei ele só de Jimin mesmo, mas fiquei com pena de deixar de fora da lista KKKKKKK
Jungkook's pov
Acomodei uma Liz sonolenta nos meus braços. A garotinha apoiava a cabeça em meu peito enquanto os pézinhos descansavam sobre as pernas da mãe. Um filme infantil sobre um cachorro vermelho passava na televisão, mas eu não prestava atenção, passando os dedos pelos cabelos sedosos dela, captando cada uma das expressões que me fizeram falta nas últimas semanas.
— Mamãe. — Ela disse em um bocejo. S\N murmurou um “hum?” — Eu tenho um papai? — A pergunta pegou a nós dois desprevenidos. Ainda não havíamos tocado no assunto novamente. Nos encaramos com os olhos arregalados por um momento, e ela pigarreou antes de olhar para a pequena. 
— Você sabe o que é um papai, filha? 
— É igual uma mamãe, só que menino. — Deu de ombros, sem tirar os olhos da televisão. A explicação inocente me fez sorrir. — Claire me perguntou qual o nome do meu papai hoje, mas eu não sabia. — Explicou. — Ela disse que todas as crianças têm um papai e uma mamãe. 
— Sim… — S/N disse coçando o rosto de forma nervosa. 
— Então onde está o meu? — Virou o rostinho, encarando a mãe. S/N olhou para mim, e eu apenas a encarei de volta. Havia concordado com seus termos e não os quebraria. 
— Você quer um papai, querida? — Perguntei baixo. 
— Quero. — Cruzou os braços, ajeitando sua posição entre nós. 
— O que acha de mim? — Perguntei olhando para o cachorro  ridiculamente vermelho na tv, sem coragem de olhar para ela caso dissesse que não me queria. 
— Você quer ser meu papai? 
— Quero. — Liz subiu em cima de mim, ficando de joelhos sobre as minhas pernas e segurando minhas bochechas com as mãos pequenas. Então virou para a mãe.
— Pode mamãe? Titio JK pode ser meu papai? — Meu coração espancava o pobre do meu peito, batendo tão forte que já começava a me deixar um pouco zonzo. 
— Se você quiser, querida. — O tom embargado em sua voz me dizia que aquele momento também parecia especial para ela. 
Liz virou para mim novamente, abrindo um sorriso que ficaria marcado na minha alma e deixando um beijo molhado na ponta do meu nariz.
— Então agora vou te chamar de papai, tá bom, papai? — Não consegui segurar o impulso que me tomou, apertando-a entre meus braços e beijando todo seu rostinho uma dezena de vezes. Liz ria alto tentando me afastar, mas ao mesmo tempo adorando a interação. 
Parado no fundo da sala, Patrick assistia a cena em silêncio, com os braços cruzados e uma expressão de poucos amigos no rosto. S/N fez menção de levantar quando ele virou as costas, mas eu segurei seu pulso. 
— Me deixa falar com ele. — Pedi. 
Alheia ao assunto, Liz voltou a assistir o filme quando me levantei. Caminhei até o quarto que eu sabia que era o dele e bati na porta.
— Não quero conversar agora, S/N… — Ele mesmo se interrompeu ao me ver. — O que quer? 
— Podemos ter uma conversa? De homem para homem? — O loiro bufou, dando um passo para trás. 
— Fala de uma vez. — Sentou na cama bagunçada. 
— Eu sei que você não está feliz com a situação… — Comecei. 
— Então por que você não faz um favor para todos nós e se manda? — Me interrompeu. — Elas não precisam de você. 
— Eu não vou embora. Liz é minha filha e você precisa aceitar isso. — Declarei. Rindo ele neogu com a cabeça.
— Até quando você acha que vai aguentar brincar de casinha? — Me encarou. — Por enquanto, é tudo novidade. Você só fica com a parte boa. — Acusou. — Você não esteve aqui quando ela ficou doente, ou quando chorou noites inteiras quando os dentes começaram a crescer e…
— Não foi por escolha! — Explodi. — Acha que eu queria ter perdido tudo isso? Acha que não me sinto culpado? — O loiro respirou fundo. — A minha filha tem três anos e hoje foi a primeira vez que ela me chamou de pai. Acha que era isso que eu queria? 
— E o que você quer, Jungkook. 
— Eu quero ela. — Suspirei. — Quero ser presente na vida dela. 
— Ser pai não é tão fácil quanto você pensa. — Debochou. 
— Eu não quero que seja fácil. Eu simplesmente quero ser o pai dela. Quero estar lá para assoprar os machucados, para consertar o primeiro coração quebrado e chorar como um idiota quando ela me disser que tem um namorado. — Suguei o ar com força depois de me atropelar com as palavras. — Eu sou grato por você ter estado presente quando eu não estive. E pelo bem da nossa filha, eu espero que possamos pelo menos nos tolerar. 
— Nossa filha? — Os olhos azuis estavam arregalados, demonstrando que meu argumento o havia desarmado. 
— Eu sei que você também é pai da Liz. E não vou mentir, eu invejo cada um dos momentos que foram seus. Mas, por favor, não me tire os meus. — Patrick respirou fundo. 
— Se você vacilar, eu mato você. — Avisou. 
— Eu sei disso. Mas eu não vou. — Estendi a mão. O outro pai da minha filha a encarou, e com um pouco de relutância, selou a nossa paz. — Quer ver o filme com a gente? 
— Eu já o vi pelo menos umas cinquenta vezes. — Ele negou com a cabeça. — Agora é a sua vez. — Ri com o comentário, virando para voltar para a sala. Mas antes que passasse pela porta ele chamou meu nome. — A S/N também está inclusa. Se vacilar com ela, eu mato você. 
Assenti, mesmo sem entender direito o comentário. Que tipo de namorado dá um aviso desses? 
Voltei para a sala, encontrando a garotinha adormecida, jogada no sofá.
— Como foi? — S/N perguntou tirando os olhos do celular. 
— A paz está selada. — Um sorriso de alívio tomou seu rosto, deixando-a ainda mais bonita. 
— Eu soube que o programa do James vai acabar. — Comentei tomando meu lugar no sofá. — Já conseguiu um novo emprego? 
— Ainda não. — Suspirou. 
— Se precisar de ajuda, eu conheço algumas pessoas do meio. — Ofereci. 
— Obrigada. — Sorriu. — Vou pensar com carinho. 
Deixei um beijinho nos cabelos da minha filha e me despedi da mãe dela. Voltando para o quarto de hotel que vinha sendo a minha casa toda vez que voltava para a cidade, fiz uma chamada de grupo com os meus amigos, que comemoraram alto quando contei sobre os meus avanços com Liz. 
Sorrindo como um idiota, tive a primeira noite de sono tranquila em semanas, realmente descansando. 
Menos de uma semana depois, tive que me despedir de novo da minha pequena chorosa. A rotina de viajar entre os Estados Unidos e a Coreia era cansativa, principalmente precisando esconder da grande maioria das pessoas o motivo de voltar tanto para a terra do dólar. 
Cheguei em casa exausto de mais um dia de gravação, jogando meu corpo cansado sobre a cama. Peguei o celular no bolso da calça de moletom ao senti-lo vibrar.
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Tomei um banho rápido e comi alguma coisa na espera da mensagem que me permitiria contar uma história de ninar para a minha garotinha. 
Peguei a pequena coleção de livros infantis que havia comprado e deixei preparada ao meu lado na cama. Apertei o botão de chamada no mesmo minuto em que S/N notificou. 
— Podemos conversar rapidinho antes da história? — A mulher do outro lado perguntou. 
— Claro, aconteceu algo? — Perguntei já levemente preocupado. 
— Não. — Sorriu. — Eu quero a sua opinião em algo. 
— Pode falar. 
— Eu recebi uma proposta de emprego. 
— Isso é ótimo. — Falei com sinceridade.
 — Em Seul. — Meu coração deu um salto.
— Está falando sério? 
— Estou. 
— O que Patrick acha disso? — Perguntei ignorando minha vontade de implorar que ela aceitasse. 
— Já conversamos sobre o assunto e ele acha uma oportunidade ótima. 
— Eu acho melhor ainda. — Não contive o sorriso. — Vocês três podem ficar comigo até achar um lugar…
— Só vamos Liz e eu. — Ela me interrompeu, causando mais uma arritmia em mim. 
— Patrick não vem? 
— Não. Ele está em um ótimo momento no hospital como cirurgião geral… — Ela olhou para os lados, como se certificasse que ninguém a escutasse. — E eu acho que ele achou um namorado. — Sussurrou. 
— Patrick é gay?! — Gritei, fazendo-a arregalar os olhos. — Desculpa, eu… 
— Sim, ele é. — Disse em meio a uma risada. 
— Eu achei que ele fosse o seu namorado. — Admiti. 
— O quê? Não! Nós somos como irmãos. — Falou como se a ideia fosse absurda. 
Finalmente o comentário em nossa última conversa fez sentido…
— Você e Liz podem ficar aqui, eu tenho muitos quartos vagos…
— Acho melhor não. — Ela disse em uma careta. 
— Por que não? 
— Não quero que a cabecinha dela fique confusa. Liz sabe que somos os pais dela, eu acho que se nós convivermos, ela pode acabar tendo a ideia errada. Também não quero que a nossa presença atrapalhe a sua vida profissional e amorosa.
— Que vida amorosa? — Falei erguendo uma sobrancelha. S/N não sabia, mas, desde que ela aparece em minha frente, meses atrás eu sequer falei direito com outras mulheres. 
— Enfim. — Ela suspirou. — Eu queria a sua ajuda para conseguir um corretor de imóveis. 
— S/N… 
— Essas são as minhas condições. — Falou irredutível. 
— Está bem. — Me rendi. — Eu vou ver com uns conhecidos. 
— Obrigado. — Ela sorriu mais uma vez. — Aqui. — Falou abaixando o telefone, e então a imagem de Liz preencheu a tela. — Papai!
As semanas que se seguiram foram ainda mais atarefadas. Mesmo sabendo que S/N não queria morar na mesma casa que eu, achei que seria no mínimo normal ter um quarto pronto para receber a minha filha. Escolhendo eu mesmo a decoração com todos os elementos que eu sabia que ela adorava. 
Mesmo com a minha insistência em voltar aos Estados Unidos para ajudá-la com a viagem,S/N se mostrou irredutível, listando todos os motivos do quão perigoso seria se alguém descobrisse a identidade de Liz antes da hora. 
Fiz questão de esperar as duas no estacionamento do aeroporto, depois de longas horas sem contato. 
Abri a porta da van de vidros escuros, recebendo minha filha com um abraço apertado. 
— Como foi a viagem? — Perguntei, mesmo vendo em sua aparência cansada que não havia sido fácil. 
— Tranquila. — Forçou um sorriso que eu não comprei. Era uma viagem longa, e com uma criança pequena deveria ser ainda mais difícil. 
— Vamos para o apartamento? — Perguntei quando um dos seguranças terminou de guardar a bagagem das duas.
— Na verdade… — S/N disse pegando o celular na bolsa. — Houve um problema com a tubulação, então vamos passar algumas noites nesse hotel. — Estendeu o aparelho com o endereço, que eu sequer me dei o trabalho de checar.
— De jeito nenhum, vocês ficam comigo.
— Jeon…
— Não, S/N. A minha filha e a mãe dela não vão ficar em um hotel sabe-se lá por quanto tempo. — Falei deixando um carinho na bochecha vermelha da garotinha. — Eu aceitei as suas condições, agora você aceita as minhas. 
— Só por alguns dias. — Ergueu o indicador. 
— Tudo bem. — Concordei. 
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running-with-kn1ves · 3 years ago
A nerdy shy yandere who’s been in love with his s/o for so long but she never noticed. He overhears her talking about her ideal type and he tries to change his appearance and personality to fit that ideal type of his s/o. He confesses to his s/o but the s/o doesn’t feel the same way and he just goes MAD.
Ooh!! I love our good ol shy possessive freaks! (BTW still working on many notes/spooktober stuff so dont think I don't see yall!!)
TW: obsessive/possessive behaviors, dark themes, violence, stabbing, knives, confession gone wrong
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The boy in front of you twiddled with his hair, the newly dyed strands flickering back and forth. He shuffled as you nervously waited for him to speak. The young man had hardly held a conversation with you besides a distracted 'hello', which is why you were confused as to why he still stood there. He looked familiar and yet different-- you didn’t know how to pinpoint it but.. Something was off. The eyes which you swore were brown are now aquamarine, and his hair has shifted from a dark gradient to bright, platinum blonde.
He certainly… stood out. You couldn’t help but find a new thing to look at him for as he was decorated in attire that was clearly new. The leather jacket and biker gloves didn’t fit, showing as he fiddled with his hands.
“I know you probably don’t remember me but.. I’m Oct..Octavier from your, your…”
“Oh my--Octavier? From kindergarten?” You widened your eyes in disbelief, finally pinpointing who he was. You admired how different he looked compared to when you last saw him. Had he gotten contacts? You remember the huge round glasses he wore as a child, which made his eyes bug out. Not only that, but his whole style and skin tone had shifted as well-- the fake tan was a clear new addition compared to his 5 year old self that you fondly remember.
“I can’t believe it’s you!” You ran around the counter and grabbed his hands, the surprise and excitement overwhelming you. Octavier yelped, nearly tripping at your grab.
“Y.. Yeah that’s me. I can’t believe you remember me..” Octavier bashfully looked away, staring at the floor as you jumped up and down.
“Holy crud it’s been forever!! How are you? How have you been? What are you even doing here?!”
You gave him a tight hug, nostalgia hitting you like a wave.
“Um.. I've been alright.. Actually I came here.. To see you.” Octavier looked back and forth from your eyes to your open collar. He pushed back strands of hair behind his ear.
You looked him up and down, giving a gasp of surprise as you saw his entire outfit. The edgy and punk bad-boy look was so unfamiliar on him. The tight leather jeans and swollen piercings caught your eye immediately, along with the bouquet of flowers. Octavier fidgeted with his earring, shuffling his feet while looking for the words to say.
“Me? Was the get-up specifically to see me or is this a new style you’re trying out?” You laughed, adjusting the collar from his jacket to look more fitting. “This is definitely different from the jumpers and balloon pants that I remember.”
“That’s because I was a little, a little kid!” Octavier fumbled over his words, growing embarrassed at the few lasting customers watching the exchange. “And I… I’m different now, I’ve grown.” The male puffed out his chest, looking at you with determination.
You just laughed, pulling him aside to chat at a nearby table. Octavier set the bouquet of flowers down next to him, trying but failing to make them unnoticeable.
Taking another long look at his clothing choice again, you reminisced about a conversation from the other day. It was something minuscule, a funny exchange between you and your friend. It was about your ideal type, “the guy of your dreams” your friend teased. You couldn’t help but make some distinctions with how Octavier looked compared to your ‘ideal type.’ But when you saw him… you couldn’t imagine your long lost friend fitting it at all. He looked far too much like a lost puppy to ever pull off the handsome devil stereotype.
Bright lights of passing cars flashed against you and Octavier. The night had been winding down, and you would have never expected to see him at this time of day, at your work. Restaurants and their bustling atmospheres usually didn’t attract quiet guys like Octavier. Then again, the so-called 'lively air�� was pretty much gone as the eatery was closing. Your co-workers had already left, leaving you to close shop. The last remaining customer walked out the door just as Octavier sat down with you.
“So you’re different now huh? You look like the same nerd I remember.” You ruffled his hair playfully, enjoying the way he squirmed and blushed under your touch.
“Stop it…” Octavier mumbled. From his grip on the table cloth, he appeared to enjoy it more than you expected.
“So what did you come to visit lil old me for! I thought you got into that tech college? Your family posts everything about you online, by the way.” You smirked, watching his eyes go wide. It was true; any and every achievement that defied his ‘quiet loner’ stereotype, would be broadcasted for the world to see. You kinda felt bad for him to tell the truth; his family’s love was based on success.
“Anyway anyway, what are you here for? Anything I can do…?”
You squeezed his hand, glad to be in the presence of your old childhood friend. His demeanor and cuteness didn’t seem to have changed a bit.
“Well.. I just, I have something I have to say to you.” Octavier bit his lip, letting go of your hand to wipe the sweat from his palms onto the jacket. It didn’t take long for him to reach for your hand once more.
“Okay… go ahead.”
“I..” You sat patiently, interested and confused onto your old friend’s growing nervousness. “I..lo..I love you! I’ve always loved you!”
He shouted quickly, wincing and gripping harder onto your hand. Shoving the flowers in your face, Octavier didn't dare look up. You had no idea how to respond.
“You… huh?”
“I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ve felt this way for so long-- you love me too don’t you?”
Octavier stared at you with desperation, digging his painted nails into your arm. “You do, right? I’ve loved you since we were kids! Please--”
His breath sped up, fear and anxiety growing at your bewildered expression.
“Tavi, I..” You tended up, looking down at the table and patting his hand. Octavier softened at the nickname, but only for a moment.
“Don’t call me that.” He gripped your hand even more, head hanging low. Setting down the flowers on the table, he looked dejected.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not that person now, I’m different. Can’t you see it--I’ve become perfect for you. I’m not that loser anymore!” He moved to sit in the booth next to you, not letting go of your wrists while changing seats.
“Octavier, I’m sorry but..” You caressed his face, unable to stop yourself from the childish habits you did years ago. “I can’t… I don’t feel the same way.”
Octavier’s eyes crinkled as he looked down, going limp on holding your hand. You spoke to him with a gentle tone, afraid of breaking the poor man. “But-- I still love you, just not... In that way.”
The male mumbled something under his breath, shaking his head. “No.. No this isn’t right… You love me..”
“You understand, don't you Tavi? I love you but we could never be together like that. You’re just not my type, you’re like family to me.”
Octavier laughed with an unhinged grin, pushing his hair back with a shaky hand.
“Not your type… not your type? I did this to be your type! Look at me!” Grabbing your face Octavier forced you to look up at him instead of your intertwined hands. You stared back, still not used to the new version of him.
“See everything I did, everything I changed just for you! Is it still not enough?” Octavier’s voice cracked, face twisting. He looked as if he was about to cry. “Everything I've done… what do you want me to do..?”
“Octavier…” You sighed, taking him into your arms. “Don’t cry… this really isn’t the end of the world, I’m sure it’s just a small crush, you didn’t need to change yourself…”
The blond shook in your arms, mumbling against your chest. You were grateful that the restaurant was closed now; no need to have people creeping in on your emotionally distressing situation.
“But it’s not… I had to. This is what you wanted… this is your type..”
“What are you even talking about?” Rubbing his back you watched him look up at you from your lap.
“You said it, you said you liked guys like this. The ones who dressed fancy with blond hair and tan skin….” Octavier sniffled, rubbing his nose with his arm.
“When… Did you hear me say that? I haven't even held a conversation with you long enough to tell you that for years...” You grew concerned, unsure of how the hell he would have found that out.
Octavier grinned, his dimples showing through the genuine smile. “I might have… overheard. I overhear a lot of things, you know. It hasn't been as long as...as you think it has.” He grabbed your collar, buttoning up the loose clasps which had been bothering him since he saw you. “I’ve been listening a lot recently.. I just can’t help myself when I see you. It’s so hard to, to stay away.”
Licking his lips, Octavior brought his attention back to you.
“When did you overhear that?” You asked with a stern tone.
“It doesn’t matter.” He responded in an equally strong voice. “I.. we have more important things to talk about anyway… like about your love for me.”
“No.” He interrupted you, watching as you rolled your eyes. “I know you love me. I know you feel it too. I’ve worked so hard... I’ve done so much for you!”
Octavier gripped your shirt harder, bringing your face close to his. You put your hands on his shoulders for support, trying to make space between the two of you.
“No Octavier! I don’t! Stop this, you’re getting ridiculous.”
He breathed heavily, climbing over you as he forced you against the booth seat. “Say it. Say it back. Say it back. Say it back. Say it back! Say you love me!"
You grunted, trying to push him off of you, to no avail. “Tell me you love me! I’ve done this all for you!”
Your efforts on trying to take him down were short lived, as Octavier grabbed a pre-set steak knife from the table.
“Tell me.” He whispered; you saw the deranged, scary look in his eyes. Clenching your teeth, you fruitlessly tried once more to shove his face away.
"Get off of me!"
"TELL ME!" He screamed at you, pressing the knife deeper against your throat. The sharp stinging dug into your flesh, making you hiss with pain.
Tears welled up in your eyes, Octavier's insane expression becoming blurry. You weren't so grateful for the solitude with him after all.
"Just answer me… tell me the truth.." Octavier's tears surfaced again, his shaky hand causing the knife to make more red marks on your skin.
"I told you-- I will never love you! Get off, psycho!"
The constant yelling and struggle didn't seem to phase your childhood friend at all. Instead, he removed the knife from your neck, and buried his head against your shoulder. You continued to wrestle with his unwavering body, nearly falling underneath the table. He didn't let go of your dirty work clothes, but pressed the knife against your abdomen.
You stopped struggling at that, the edge of the blade sticking through your shirt. Even as you quit kicking him, you tried pulling at his hair, hoping he'd let go of the knife. But he didn't.
Contrarily, he looked up at you. Red, tearstained skin made him look even more crazy. Black eyeliner had smudged from his eyes across his face. You stopped moving, hoping this meant he would get off.
"If I can't have you... " Raising the knife, Octavier aimed it above your stomach. "No one can."
Octavier screamed; hot, wet tears falling from his face onto yours. The blade plunged into your chest without hesitation.
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btsuniverseimagines · 2 years ago
Quando eles te provocam você estando longe. Part.2
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Ok o Tumblr só suporta dez imagens por post, vou ter q postar o do Jk separado..... paciência, enfim, continuação ai pra vcs, espero q gostem.
Créditos dos fake chats da Maknae line pra @bts-scenarios-br minha neném.
Kiera 🐺
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sturchling · 4 years ago
Hey, I was wondering if you could do a story of marinette moving to Gotham.
And going to gotham academy and having her own boutique. Damienette pairing. Cat noir salt. You dont have to if u dont want too.
Sorry for the long wait, work has been keeping me super busy lately. I hope you like this and it was worth the wait! I had a hard time trying to work in the Chat Noir salt, so its more like Adrien salt. Let me know what you think!
Marinette was tired of Lila and her lies. She was tired of Adrien’s refusal to help defend her from the liar. And she was tired of everyone believing the liar over Marinette. Most of the school now believed that Marinette was a horrible bully that had been attacking Lila since she arrived. Marinette had been removed as class rep and was constantly given detention by Mr. Damocles. Marinette’s parents have been very supportive, and now realized that Lila was just a malicious liar. But even with their support, it had become to much for Marinette and she knew it was time to leave Paris.
Her parents were hesitant when she brought up the idea. Marinette had found a study abroad program where she could attend Gotham academy, hosted by Bruce Wayne himself. She discussed it with her parents, really hoping to convince them. They were obviously concerned for a number of reasons. The main one being the crime rate in Gotham. They knew that Marinette needed to get away from Paris, that things had gotten bad in the city for her. But they didn’t want to send her to a dangerous city where she could be hurt or killed. But after speaking with Marinette for several hours, they started to realize how excited Marinette was for the opportunity. While they were still worried, they knew this was the right place for Marinette. And they were comforted that if she was accepted, she would be hosted by and staying with Bruce Wayne. His manor is one of the safest places in the city. So, they agreed with Marinette that she could apply the program.
So Marinette applied to the study abroad program. She didn’t tell anyone at the school, not like anyone in the class was speaking to her anyway. She waited anxiously for news from the program, hoping to hear that she had been accepted.  The longer she didn’t hear anything, the more anxious she became. She was sure that she had been rejected and they just hadn’t told her. Marinette had just got back from a particularly bad day at school, when she noticed she had a new email. An email from the study abroad program. She raced to open the email, and started cheering when she read the line We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the Gotham Academy Study Abroad Program. Marinette raced downstairs and told her parents the news. The email said that she would be expected in Gotham by the end of the month. It went on to explain details of the program. That night the Dupain-Cheng family celebrated, and began preparing for Marinette’s departure. 
The last month of Marinette’s time in Paris seemed to drag on and on. Everyday she had to listen to Lila’s lie all day long and the whole class fawn over here. She had to endure Lila accusing her of bullying almost daily and almost daily detentions. But finally, it was her final day at the Dupont. She was almost giddy as she walked to Mr. Damocles’ office with her parents. When she entered the office and Mr. Damocles saw her, he just sighed. “What did you do now Miss Dupain-Cheng?” Then he saw her parents in the office and straightened up. “I didn’t do anything Mr. Damocles. I never did anything Lila accused me of, but I know you will never believe me on that. We are just here to get my academic records and inform you that I will no longer be attending this school after today.” Mr. Damocles was flustered by the sudden declaration. “What do you mean you won’t be attending anymore? Where are you going?” Mr. Dupain stepped forward, barely containing his contempt for this man who had been helping to make his daughter miserable. “Marinette will be studying abroad in America for the next year at least. Now, give us the academic records.” Mr. Damocles stuttered for a while, wondering how such a bully got accepted to such an amazing program. But soon, the Dupain-Chengs got the records from him and were on their way.
 Marinette went down to the locker room with her parents and started emptying her locker. Class hadn’t started yet so, everyone was still in the locker room. They were confused when Marinette started emptying her locker. Adrien, who was about the only  person that still talked to Marinette from time to time, approached the young designer. “Marinette? What are you doing?” Marinette didn’t look at any of them, continuing to empty her locker as she responded. “I am emptying my locker. Starting Monday, I will no longer be here for school. I am transferring to Gotham Academy.” The class stood in shock, they never expected Marinette to leave. Sure they were happy that Lila would be able to come to school in peace, but it would be weird without Marinette here. They just stood in shocked silence, as Marinette finished with her locker and walked out with her parents. 
Adrien was shocked by Marinette’s decision. Why would she leave? He knew things had been tough for her lately, but he had kept telling her that it would get better soon. Soon the class would realize that Lila was a liar. That she just had to wait a little longer. But Marinette had clearly given up and was running away. That wasn’t like Marinette at all. When he had the chance, Adrien was going to go pay her a visit in Gotham and convince her to return. 
Marinette was already loving Gotham. She had been met at the airport by Alfred who brought her to the manor. Mr. Wayne was very nice and introduced her to his children as well. Marinette was the same age as Damian and would be in the same class as him as well. Damian had expected to be irritated by this girl when he was first informed of their guest. But to his surprise, he didn’t find her presence as repulsive as everyone else. 
Weeks went by and Marinette was having a wonderful time. She had made some wonderful friends in her class, though she was nervous to try and make friends after Mrs. Bustier’s class. But she was welcomed warmly by her new class. Her and Damian had also grown close over the weeks. They had started dating recently, and would often spend their time together quietly working on their different craft projects; Marinette working on her designs, and Damian working on his most recent painting. The Waynes were shocked at the change Marinette had caused in the youngest Wayne. Damian was still a very reserved person, but he was considerably warmer to Marinette and had started to act warmer to his family as well. 
While Marinette wasn’t aware of it, her departure brought about Lila’s downfall. Lila hadn’t been at school recently, on a ‘diplomatic trip to Achu’, and because of that, she didn���t know Marinette left Paris. So when she came back, she was planning on making her next attack against Marinette’s reputation. She used makeup to make fake bruises and called up her tears as she entered the classroom. The class was horrified to see their friend crying and injured. They raced forward and asked Lila what happened. “It was horrible. As soon as I returned to the city last night, Marinette was waiting for me outside my home. She was so mad that she got detention for a week when I told Mr. Damocles that she had stolen my book. She beat me up and said if I ever said anything I would regret it! I am so scared!” Lila was proud of this performance. It was probably one of her best performances yet. But when she looked up at the class, she was surprised to see that the class was staring at her doubtfully. 
Alya, feeling dread in her stomach, asked “Are you sure it was Marinette last night? No chance it was someone else?” Lila, irritated that they were questioning her, didn’t notice the tension in the room. “Of course it was Marinette. I saw her face and there is no way it was anyone else last night.” Nino, who was now realizing that this could mean that Marinette was right and that Lila was a liar, asked “What do you mean Marinette attacked you last night? Marinette moved to Gotham almost two weeks ago. She couldn’t have attacked you last night.”  Now Lila was horrified. This was a major mistake. Lila was trying to back pedal, and figure a way out of this mess, but the class had realized at this point that Lila was lying and that she had probably been lying before when Marinette was still here. The class started to yell at Lila as they realized that she had been lying to them all this time. Lila raced from the room, not wanting to face the class. The class quickly tried to reach out to Marinette, to apologize and ask her to come home, but the number they had for her had been disconnected. Adrien was disappointed that Marinette hadn’t told anyone her new number, not even him. He was going to go to Gotham soon and try to convince her to come back. He was sure their Everyday Ladybug would be willing to come back.
One day, weeks after Lila’s exposure, Damian and Marinette were sitting in the garden just relaxing. After watching Marinette work on a new design, Damian said, “Marinette, you should really try to open a boutique. Your work is terrific and you would be very successful.” Marinette seemed shocked for a moment. “You really think I should? I wouldn’t even know where to start. And how would I afford a building? I don’t think I could do it.” Marinette continued to anxiously ramble, until Damian came to stand in front of Marinette. “Marinette, Angel, breathe. I am sure you would do wonderfully. And as for the building, my father has multiple buildings in the city that he isn’t using. I am sure he would allow you to set up in one of them.” After more convincing, Marinette agreed to at least ask Bruce about it. When they approached Bruce, he was very willing to help Marinette set up her first boutique. He had seen the girl’s designs and knew that she would be a major success. Marinette felt bad about just taking one of his buildings and accepting his help with getting everything she needed for the boutique, but she accepted when Bruce told her to consider it a loan if that made her more comfortable. Then, they immediately started setting up her boutique.
After about a month, everything was set up and Marinette’s boutique had opened under the name MDC. She was an instant success and quickly became very busy with several orders from big name clients. As time went on, Marinette began to feel like Gotham was her home. One day, after she had closed the boutique and was leaving with Damian to go on a date, they were approached by a familiar face. “Adrien?” Adrien smiled and approached her. “Hi Marinette.” Damian sensing the tension, stepped closer to Marinette. “Who is this Marinette?” Adrien looked at the boy standing next to Marinette and didn’t recognize him at all. “Damian, this is Adrien, someone I knew in Paris. Adrien, this is my boyfriend Damian.” That took Adrien by surprise, but he moved past it. He was sure that Marinette would leave this Damian and come back to Paris where she belonged.
“So what are you doing here Adrien?” Adrien smiled again, “I am here to bring you home Marinette! Lila has been found out and she is gone. You don’t have to keep hiding here in Gotham. You can come home and back to the class. Everything can go back to normal.” Marinette just stared at him, as Damian started to get angry. Adrien didn’t pick up on the tension. “So come on. Lets go get your things. We can fly back to Paris in the morning.” Adrien tried to grab her arm, but Marinette moved back, avoiding him. “I’m sorry Adrien, but I’m not going back. I am really happy here. I still have months with the study abroad program and may stay here permanently if I can. I have friends who wouldn’t leave me for a liar. Damian is here. And my boutique is doing really well. I am not ready to go back to Paris.” Adrien just rolled his eyes. “Come on Marinette, you have friends in Paris, and you can set up a new boutique in Paris. Its no big deal. So come on, lets go.” Adrien once again tried to grab at Marinette’s arm, this time Damian got in his way and shoved him back. “Marinette said she didn’t want to go with you so that is that. You should go now, you have embarrassed yourself enough.” Adrien glared at Damian, angry that he was getting in his way. “I am not leaving. Not until Marinette tells me to, so stay out of this.” Marinette stepped out from behind Damian, looking more confident then Adrien ever remembered seeing her. “Adrien you should leave. I am happy here and I am not going back to Paris. My ‘friends’ in Paris turned their backs on me because of the liar’s pretty words. My friends here would never do that to me. Now please leave.” Adrien was shocked, and didn’t move. Damian rolled his eyes and guided Marinette around Adrien and back to the manor.
Adrien went back to Paris, alone, the day after his conversation with Marinette. He was surprised that Marinette wouldn’t come back with him. Mrs. Bustier’s class was sad when Adrien came back without Marinette. They had hoped she would come back, but unlike Adrien, they knew the chances were slim. While they were sad that Marinette was gone and that they had chased off such a good friend, they were happy that she had found a place that she could live happily. They tried to move on, hoping that one day they may get the chance to apologize to Marinette in person. 
Marinette stayed in Gotham after her conversation with Adrien. She finished her year with the study abroad program and then decided to live in Gotham permanently, with her parents blessing. She continued to stay at the manor, living happily with the Waynes. She continued using the horse miraculous to go back and forth to Paris for the akumas and soon revealed her identity to the Waynes once she realized they were the Batfam. Her boutique continued to be a major success. Her life had improved in every way it could. She was surrounded by true friends, she had a boyfriend who truly cared for her, her fashion business had started with great success, and she didn’t have to deal with the liar anymore. She was the happiest she had been in a long time, and she intended to be this happy for the rest of her life in Gotham.
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tevatstavern · 4 years ago
Injuries and affections.
- bennett seems to feel a little worn out after all his adventures lately, maybe its time to head back to Mondstadt and pay you a little visit too while he's at it.
[Bennett x g.n reader] [no t.w] [slight fluff at the end]
a.n my apologies, I made this at like 23:48 and I can't seem to keep my eyes longer lmaoo
With a huff, he clenched his sword tightly, before wiping off any dirt or sweat that came near in contact with his eyes. One of the last remaining's of Hilichurls, now lying and evaporating into small and thin blue particles, slowly drifting away to the skies.
Grabbing the damaged mask it left on the bristling grass, he decided to keep it. After all, it's a fortune to see a drop from these creatures after all!
As much as he was having fun adventuring off from Mondstadt to Liyue for the first time- including some bad luck striking him down here and there. -he felt tired. Drained, even. At first he thought maybe it was some type of tiredness he didn't know about, but that was proven fake by himself feeling the same as each day passes by a new dawn.
But then it strucked him! Both literally and figuratively. It was how he never stopped himself to relax as he continued on his journey along Liyue.
Most of the time, it was either he got chased down by a swam of Hilichurls, a massive thunderstorm with a high chance of being struck down and losing heat, and some group of Geovishaps that managed to cross paths with him, causing him to retreat in alarm as he watched them quickly roll towards him in such great speed.
He never had a chance to breathe at all. And besides, most of the chests he've found had only vegetables with a occasional artifact and such within them. He appreciates it, he really does! But its taking such a toll on him.
And so, he decided to stop his adventures for now and head back towards Mondstadt. A little break, he says to himself. A little break.
Following the pathway, he slowly made his way towards the bridge. The familiar city with its opened gates filled him with euphoria. The sun rays beaming down on the city, it's windmills moving with the wind, all together. It was truly a sight. And oh boy, he sure does miss it!
Breathing in the air, he sighed happily. The weight on his shoulders while he was traveling in Liyue had suddenly disappeared. Lifting his head high, with his grin plastered across his face, he took his first steps across the bridge.
-baaaaack..." He groaned out, rubbing his forehead as he lets [y.n] scold him for his reckless behaviour. "Yes I know, and I'm happy to see you! But did you seriously trip over nothing while you were crossing over the bridge?" They sighed, wiping off the excess dirt that nudged his skin from across the table.
"Don't worry, about me [y.n]! I'm already used to it, hehe. Besides, I'm here to relax and see you too!" He grinned, giving them one of their signature thumbs up. They could only shake their head in disbelief, the curve of their lips turning upwards slightly at his adorable gesture.
"A ray of sunshine as always, I see." They replied, their hair flowing gently from the winds. His green eyes observing each strand as the wind blew stronger, his eyes shining brighter with a slightly gaping mouth. Snapping back to reality, he quickly nodded. A small blush slowly forming across his face, he could feel himself heating up.
"Y-yeah! Of course! There's no need to get sad and mopey at such a small thing after all!" He replied, his jumbled up words in the beginning messing up his delivery. With a chuckle, [y.n] retracted their hands before clearing their throat. "Well, at least this time you didn't cause such a mess here, in Good Hunter." A full smile now seen across their face.
Now acknowledging the fact he, infact, didnt cause a single mischief in Good Hunter yet, he gasped in surprise. "You're right! And I've just noticed it now! Is it because... you're right here with me and my bad luck isn't as bad it was before? Hehe, just a guess." He nervously laughed, scratching his head as he felt his face heat up more than the previous one.
Laughing, [y.n] slowly stood up from their chair and walked towards Bennett. Their eyes immediately finding one another as the spark burst through their veins. Though, they were both sure that their hearts were beating faster than usual.
It was no secret that the both of them have been crushing on one another for such a long period of time. The both of them were completely oblivious! 'They were a match made in heaven' the citizens of Mondstadt would say beneath their breaths. Even Kaeya himself, the charming yet flirtatious man could tell they were both lovestruck from a mile away.
"Maybe, but I think thats mostly just you and your positivity today. Come on! we still have to go to Timaeus for some of your equipment and talent skills." Nodding along to their words, Bennett quickly stood up and placed his chair back to its original position, before quickly catching up with [y.n].
"You know... I never gotten to ask how you were doing today." Bennett spoke out, walking slowly as humanly they both could be. Tracing behind them as he stared at the Cathedral from above. The bushes moving softly as the wind blew harder once again. Shielding his eyes with his hand, he blinked a few times before retracting his hand back.
It almost felt like the wind was trying to tell him something...
"Oh, well. Same old same old, I never changed much while you were away. I'm still the good ol' Mondstadt citizen you know."
"Huh? You didn't do anything at all while I was away?"
"Yeah, I didn't find much fun in anything with you gone and away. It was boring, but there wasn't anything I could do."
He was sure his heart skipped a beat, but in a more rapid way. Shaking his head to remove the fuzziness in his mind, he then placed a hand across his chest. Feeling his heart beat in such a rapid pace, just because of their words...
Is this what it feels like to be in love?
"W-woah! That's such a big compliment coming from you... B-but maybe we can hangout with eachother while adventuring! And we can find some treasure chest while we're at it too!" He exclaimed, making his hands turn into a fist before raising it high up to the air with such enthusiasm.
"Well, if you want to! Of course, hehe." He quickly added in. [y.n] could only just chuckle in return, a blush apparent in their features, accepting the invitation in a heartbeat.
"Of course, I wouldn't mind it one bit! Anyways, we're here. Go ahead and do what you need to do with that alchemist powers of yours!" With a chuckle, he gave his signature thumbs up and grin that seems to always be apparent on his face. And immediately went working on the materials needed to build and talents to upgrade.
Though it might've taken quite longer to craft the materials. With them standing by his side, as they idly chatted about common things, sometimes Timaeus would also join in. He could feel his free hand being intertwined by theirs slowly, and then gently squeezing it. So, with a happy stretched smile across his face, slightly hidden by his hair. He squeezed it back reassuringly.
Even if he doesn't get to confess his love yet, a simple affection was enough to make him feel happy and contented the whole day.
"Huh? How come I've only received 10 of these, when I made 23?"
"Bennett, I think your bad luck is starting to come out again..."
Not the best;; since it's my first time writing anything for a actual Character. But! If there's any request. I'll try my best to write them down!
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clearlyshyobservation · 4 years ago
Kokichi is dying (V3 chatfic, no particular ship)
TW: Infers abuse, talks about ableism, neglect, panic attack pretty much, depression, self loathing. never being good enough
i am so sorry but vr au's need to be sad, love yall :)
(Background info: This is set in a vr au, they are not with their fake memory parents (Ie; kaito's kind grandparents) but rather why they really have)
(Also i have no fucking clue what ship i was going for???? pretty sure they are all on the table, and kokichi talks like an idiot in this and i love it. Gonta's writing is based off of his Japanese talking style, so no more caveman talking).
(Space monkey: Kaito, Detective pikachu: shuichi, Elton john: kaede, Antman: gonta, Mr. Gonstealyoman: korekiyo, Atua's bitch: angie, emoboi: ryoma, be-boop: kiibo, bread roll: Maki, cum dumpster: miu, mommy: kirumi, Gremlin: Kokichi)
TLDR: Chaos ensues, slight angst
Gremlin: omfg im fucking sicK im gonna fucking die i bet this was kaitos bitch ass fault for coughing on me with his tuberculosis headass gROSSSSS I HATE EVERYTHINGGG
Space Monkey: i-
Space monkey: I didn't get you sick dumbass,,,, my tb is fugckin cured bi-
Bread roll: he's dramatic and gross dont believe him
Gremlin: yall mean for what?
Gremlin: i have a life taking disease and yall laughing i- 
Gremlin: see you at my funeral bitch
Detective pikachu: What are you sick with then
Gremlin: anythong bitch, im the universe
Antman: He sounds delusional, thats not good
Detective pikachu: He's always delusional, he's Kokichi
Mr. gonstealyoman: I guess this name is better than my old one
Mr. gonstealyoman: thank you kokichi :) I am glad we have come to an understanding
Gremlin: kay sexy
Antman: who was that for???
Gremlin: NO ONE,,, 
Gremlin: Okay,,, maybe sexy tall men in general lowkey
Gremlin: okay,,,, maybe anyone over 6 feet 
Detective pikachu: i feel excluded
Detective pikachu: good, i don't like you kokichi, your an ass
Gremlin: u sound jelly shumaiiiiii
be-boop: perhaps he is telling the truth, you know,
be-boop: according to my data, in chapter four Shuichi stated that you will never have friends, and no one will ever like you
Antman: do you need me to come over? I can make you tea?
mommy: Do you know how to do that, Gonta? I can teach you?
Antman: Gonta does know, thank you very much. 
Antman: Gonta is not a child, Tojo-chan, please don't regard me as one
Antman: Gonta can cook, can clean, can be gentle, and has his own mind
Space monkey: but we're just making sure man, cuz, you know,,,, chapter 4
Antman: I am capable of things just like you!!!!!
Antman: Gonta doesn't know why you guys treat me like a child :(
Gremlin: yeah, hot stuff over there is basically a prodigy homies
Antman: Gonta is dumb though, don't say that.
Antman: Gonta is no prodigy, in fact, he is below average in everything
Gremlin: Whats ur test scores bitch
Antman: Gonta got a 98 on my english test,, but i wanted a 100, which would make Gonta actually smart :( 
Antman: Gonta is not good enough to be friends with you all
Antman: I can do basic stuff like tojo said...
Antman: maybe i do need help?
Antman: im not sure anymore:((((
Detective pikachu: You sound really delusional Kokichi, maybe you should get sleep
Detective pikachu: Sure you are. Now get some rest. 
Bread roll: Cause your stupid and aggressive
Gremlin: your personality, basically?
Bread roll: shut up at least i have a boyfriend
Gremlin: Technically, you just stole my frienemy 
Gremlin: Yall do be avoiding each other doe
Space Monkey: WE ARE NOT
Gremlin: Yeah yeah
Gremlin: yesterday i saw you to enter the same cafe by accident, duck your heads, then sit across the cafe from each other, all while  avoiding eye contact
Gremlin: Soooo,,, things not going well in paradise?
Detective pikachu: you're nosy
Gremlin: says the literal detective 
Space monkey: everythings fine your just a dickkkk
Gremlin: "oooo! Im momo-chan, i say bad word and go brrrrr"
Space monkey: im going to fucking stab him 
Gremlin: You cant, ive already enslaved you with my chaotic, yet cute hijinks, havent i~
Gremlin: im free by the way at 8 ;)
Bread roll: STOP trying to steal my boyfriend kokichi, ive told you this before
Bread roll: NO
Bread roll: BODY
Antman: Gonta interrupts to say, Gonta loves you kokichi, and we should get flowers together, than maybe we can prank some people :D 
Bread roll: Ive never wanted to stab you more, gonta
Gremlin: I'd enjoy that very much, fine fellow ;)
Gremlin: but idk,,,, can you like take care of me first, cuz IM SICK BECAUSE OF KAITO TUBERCULOSIS ASS
Space monkey: I DONT
Detective pikachu: He smokes?
Atua's bitch: he does, i walked in on him in the bathroom lmao
Atua's bitch: he was scared shitless and threw it out the window, needless to say atua does nt approve
Space monkey: Uh,,, i was taught vaccines were bad, so no i don't have the vaccine
Space monkey: your dramatic, it cant be that bad
Gremlin: say that when you catch it again
Gremlin: i swear you coughed on me like,,,, 5 weeks ago tho
Antman: OOOO! Fun fact: Tuberculosis can lay dormant from 3 months to a few years! 
Space monkey: u guys are just trying to scare me
Bread roll: Just checked the chat after using the br and,,m YOUDONT HAVE YOU VACCINES???
Detective pikachu: Im sorry, but kaito, please,,,,, for the love of god get vaccines
Space monkey: alright alright, ill do it cuz you guys are all on my case and i don't like being the villain :(
Gremlin: Im so happy i have gonta with me rn, he is making me tea while yall rot in your distant ass relationship (THIS IS FOR YOU KAITO)
Space monkey: Im going to destroy your bloodline in about three seconds if you dont stfu right fucking now
Gremlin: Hhehe i have an inaprwopwiate joke uwu
cum dumpster: wHAt Is iT YOU WHORE
Gremlin: i was gonna say wouldn't he need to like,,,, have sex with my family to weed out my bloodline or something??
cum dumpster: i-
cum dumpster: Why am i acting surprised, ive watched porn with more extravagant plots than this
cum dumpster: ie; are you guys FUCKING? RIGHT INFRONT OF MY SALAD??? is one i will cherish with my soul
emoboi: hehe why did she point out the salad
Space monkey: I hate u kokichi, i truly do
Gremlin: I bet if you got the chance u would kiss me space boy :P
Bread roll has left the chat
Space monkey: o god is she ddoing one of those bf loyalty tests or smthing???
Space monkey: now im nervous lmao
Gremlin: why you so nervous stupid~~~~
Gremlin: It not like ur cheating on her homie
Space monkey: It's just a placebo effect
Gremlin: My brain feels fried Momo-chan,, i don't understand big boy words right now
Space monkey: Basically, if you take a pill that doesn't do anything but you don't know that and believe it does, you will scientifically start to feel better
Gremlin: first and only time saying this, but thank you 
Gremlin: Kaito,,, imma need you to do me a favor and look up on your ceiling
Space monkey: i hate you, idk what it is, but i hte you
Gremlin: good <3
Space monkey: Im GENUINLEY panicing HOW TF am i gona get this off my wal???? They are going to bbat me senselpess help me shUichi
Detective pikachu: o god, i can sense the sheer pain and scaredness in  that tet, 
Detective pikachu: are you for real gong to get hurt or are you pulling a kokichi?
Gremlin: okay,,, maybe this wasn't the best prank.,,, i guess i'll help clean up cuz im not that much of a sociopath
Gremlin: tbh my parents can go shove it too lowkey terrible 0/10 
be-boop: Of course, i will come, i will survey the outside of the house
Antman: Gonta is coming too! We will get this done in under 40 minutes!
Space monkey: OKAY
Gremlin: Lowkey, if i cough on you ignore it bitch your the one who made me like this
Gremlin: I will give you TB again just cuz your making me suffer
Space monkey: Suffer what??? putting dicks on my FUCKING WALL???
Gremlin: Guilt, idiot, im feeling guilty. 
cum dumpster: oof thats new
emoboi: yeah i wasn't expecting it
Mr.gonstealyoman: Me neither. It is rather peculiar seeing it being texted by him because he is always feels not guilty of his bad actions.
be-boop: I do believe he means it, though...
emoboi: impossible.
cum dumpster: i agree, literally impossible.
Antman: Quick question, shuichi can i stay with you again? It'll be dark when i get home and gonta can't do that so,,, please help
Detective pikachu: my parents are like blank slates, who eat slowly, watch tv slowly, and never look at me. Im sure they wouldn't mind :P
Gremlin: ooo! I like the name! IM INNNN! 
Detective pikachu: On it!
be-boop: Ready for look out!
Space monkey: I love you guys :)
AN: Im lowkey sorry i ended this chaotic mess with angst,,,, but like fr i love it i love angst,, i hate reading it but love writing it
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