wsdalt · 4 hours
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wsdalt · 4 hours
Calling for DEDsafio 3 archivists!
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We want to expand our team to archive for DEDsafio 3!
If you want to preserve DEDsafio VODs from disappearing and keep history from being lost, sign up! Even if you have little to no experience in tracking or archiving feel free to reach out and we'll teach you! [FORM]
Note that we are not directly afflicted with the content creators. This is a fan-ran project so none of us earn profit. Fluent Spanish speakers are especially welcome, however, it is not necessary to apply!
Archiving experience is not required, and not all roles require directly downloading and reuploading VODs. If you have any questions, send them to the ask box, or join our Discord for more information: [LINK] //
¡Queremos ampliar nuestro equipo para archivar para DEDsafio 3!
Si desea evitar que los VOD de DEDsafio desaparezcan y evitar que se pierda el historial, ¡regístrese! Incluso si tiene poca o ninguna experiencia en seguimiento o archivado, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros y le enseñaremos. [FORMA]
Tenga en cuenta que no estamos directamente afectados por los creadores de contenido. Este es un proyecto dirigido por fans, por lo que ninguno de nosotros obtiene ganancias. Los hablantes de español con fluidez son especialmente bienvenidos, sin embargo, ¡no es necesario presentar una solicitud!
No se requiere experiencia en archivado y no todos los roles requieren descargar y volver a cargar VOD directamente. Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíela al cuadro de preguntas o únase a nuestro Discord para obtener más información: [ENLACE]
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wsdalt · 6 hours
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wsdalt · 7 hours
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wsdalt · 7 hours
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wsdalt · 7 hours
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wsdalt · 9 hours
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Zé Silva tal qual um agiota atrás do ak!Felps nos primeiros dias de arkanis ⛴️ | Zé Silva like a loan shark behind ak!Felps in the first days of Arkanis ⛴️
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wsdalt · 10 hours
Recap of Vod 11 — A Casa Dos Ratos
lots happened in this vod!! Half of it group lore and theorising*, half of it finally starting to break the cube with Meiaum
*for a little bit of contextualisation: this is the one with the ghost boats + bia teleporting them all into the lake
recap under the cut \o/!!
-continues on from vod 10
-Matt summarises the endless night mystery for Meiaum
-Felps asks if the others have seen Mike because he hasn’t since the first day
-Matt says that if they go to pac and tell him Mike’s cursed pac probably won’t trust them over Mike pfft so they’ll need to properly think about their approach
-Matt hasn’t met Quel. Felps hasn’t met AuAu, but Meiaum and Matt have 
-Meiaum tells Matt what he told Felps about the Quel house + book (from end of last vod) 
-Matt mentions the voice they heard and Felps repeats that he thinks they’re constantly being listened in on
-connecting the theories of Matt thinking the masks will brainwash them + Meiaum and Felps thinking quel’s mask has something to do with her not remembering stuff
-the ancient language is mentioned
-basically this whole conversation is them just trying to connect up everything they have found out so far into some kind of consistent theory
-connecting Jota telling Matt the specialists have potential + the book about quel mentioning “I thought she had potential” 
-their theorising is cut off as a group of people (Quel, Wuant and Alice) walk by
-Felps and Matt watch as the others try to kill a baby zombie
-Felps introduces quel and matt “this is who was dealing with that business (the endless night) this is the demon, matt”
“now that i see you I’m less scared”-Q
“You were scared of me?” -M
“No, no of the sun turning to the moon”-Q
-Felps likes to use his double jump to climb the streetlamps 
-Wuant tells them that Jota saw Quel and got sad. Quel says he was scared
-matt takes them (specifically Quel but the others can + do join) to the library* to try and jog quel’s memory (*to the place with the ancient language code books)
-Quel says that whoever wrote the books uses masculine pronouns so they go back to their theory that Jota was the one who wrote them
-Felps mentions that he’s already translated all the books and summarises what they said—specifically the fact they didn’t say much at all and were just tests of the languages
-also someone has taken one of the books
-they move to outside 
-Felps messes around with his teleportation mirror. Matt asks him to take it out again and then screams a little like he’s scared to see himself in it. “ah, because you’re ugly I get it”-F
-Meiaum asks to talk with quel for a moment and the two of them leave. Alice leaves as well 
-Wuant tells Matt and Felps that Jota said the mask Quel wears belongs to Bia/is Bia’s*
-matt doesn’t know much about Bia so they catch him up on her
-*they theorise about what that all could mean
-matt suggests they all meet up at the bar as like… a get together thing. and during that they try to get more out of Bira about the situation since he talked fairly freely about Bia earlier
-based on the fact Jota said something about how “there’s a doctor here but they don’t know who they are yet” Felps thinks they can be specialists in stuff they’re not aware of yet. + that maybe Jota wants to turn them into specialists in something—as in maybe they put on a mask and then become a role in the city 
-matt says if quel is immune to the mask’s effects (they currently think the masks have brainwashing effects) it wouldn’t make sense for her to lose her memory. + mentions that the question is: did the mask take her memory, or did they (Jota + co.) take her memory
-Felps reiterates his theory that maybe there’s some way to jog her memory and matt suggests music
-they think Quel is maybe on their side/here to help them. “If the mayor is scared that’s good”-F
-matt says she probably wants to find out what happened to her too, and Wuant says that Jota said he’d help. Matt and Felps both think he was just saying that and that he won’t actually try to help
-Felps goes to look at the gallery while matt catches Wuant up on some other stuff that he’s already told Felps
-chatting a little with Wuant and Matt and then they notice a boat moving close to them with seemingly no one actually rowing it (it’s moving like it’s being pushed somehow)
-“the spirits communicate in many ways, it’s getting difficult”-M
-apparently when they get in the boat it starts rowing properly, but they are not actually rowing it
-they find another boat
-apparently Meiaum stole a book of Matt’s? No time to focus on this as Meiaum and quel run into view and when Felps goes to beckon them over Meiaum is just yelling “run”
“do you want to go to a place that’s more secure?”-Matt
“Here here let’s go here (moves a few blocks to the side) okay this is good”-F
“No I’m not feeling it here let’s go here (moves a few more blocks to the side) okay good”-Meiaum
-another boat
-Meiaum gets in the boat and it starts rowing and when Felps asks if it’s him driving Meiaum answers no 
-Meiaum is struck by some kind of thought and then runs off alone
-Quel freaks out a little about him being alone and starts following him so they all do
-“what happened to you guys that made you run?”-F
-they catch up to Meiaum and tell him he shouldn’t be alone, but all of them (except quel) get distracted by creepers so they lose him a little again—still can see where he is though, just out of earshot
-another boat appears
-“it’s the ghost of the boat”-Q
-when Felps gets in the boat it doesn’t start moving by itself though
-okay never mind. when he leaves the boat he is teleported somewhere else. The boat went with him (I guess to other people it might’ve looked like he rowed away?)
-matt checks in with him via walkie talkie since he just disappeared pfft
-he gets in the boat again to see where he’s taken (/is hoping he’s taken back to the others?). when he leaves the boat again he hasn’t moved this time though
-“am I going to another place? Or is here the place?”-F
-said place appears to be a small cave with water in it (timestamp 30:00 if you want to see). he explores it a little, but doesn’t find anything of interest
-the others find him and they explore the cave a little 
-another boat (this one is spinning)
-theorising about what the boat is trying to take them to
-apparently there was a ghost following them—or specifically Quel? 
-matt asks if maybe the ghosts could be friends of hers from before that died (Felps doesn’t hear the rest of this conversation)
-Meiaum explains that there was a ghost shouting at them to leave and that’s why they were running
-Felps suggests maybe the ghost telling them to leave is the same as the voice that told them they had a good theory (Arnaldo)
-Felps goes back to matt and quel to overhear matt asking to exchange numbers. remembering his own struggle with that he wishes matt luck pfft (it goes better because it’s Quel sharing her number instead of trying to put in matt’s)
-while the others were elsewhere a boat spawned on Quel’s head. matt thinks the ghosts are there to help her
-they leave Quel in the cave then Felps beckons them all to try and spy on her a bit
-they give up on spying when they can’t see her, but they do wonder what she’s doing in there
-they lose track of her name and wonder if she disappeared somehow/how she left
-Felps also realises Matt is no longer with them and is more panicked about that. they try to find him and fail
-they did disappear—felps is also teleported away \o/ he ends up with Quel and Matt in some black with purple accents square room?
-“I think it went wrong guys”-Felps one second before disappearing 
-apparently Bia appeared in the room
-i think every other player online is also teleported into the room at once 
-“it’s a partyyy”-Meiaum
-… they are all then teleported into the lake that they’re not supposed to go into because it’s too dirty
-also during this there’s been some lightning sounds despite no raining. after they are teleported to the lake the sky starts blinking between night and day for a bit before landing on night
-“it’s not me, it’s not me”-Matt
-the others haven’t seen Bia but Matt confirms she wears a mask similar to Quel’s 
-someone goes to get Alice accidentally so they all leave
-okay matt is saying he can’t understand bia but that quel can—which she agrees with. Felps suggests it because she has part of a mask similar to bia’s on
-quel says bia was saying something about her being a disappointment 
-quel says that bia gave her a present (and accidentally throws a pickaxe oops)
-a lot of theorising here
-“I think she (bia) likes Matt”-Q and then they all take that as in a crush pfft
-they leave Matt and Quel to deal with the things bia gave Quel. Meiaum and Felps leave together
“what the fuck was that”-M
“I don’t know”-F
-they go back to the other group of people and get distracted with Coreano being almost-invisible
-Meiaum and Felps leave to go to the cube
-… Meiaum lost the base and has been making another house pfft. they go here so he can organise some things before starting to dig
“you have ten hamburgers”-F
“I got them from Cleber. It’s good to make friends with him”-M
-Felps clears up his inventory and throws a bunch of stuff he doesn’t want into meiaum’s house pfft 
-matt talks to them very briefly via walkie talkie. seems like he is quietly updating them about what him and quel are doing but they’re talking a little too quietly for me to tell exactly
-arriving at the cube Felps sets up a crafting + furnace station and starts smelting iron
-Felps and Meiaum both confirm that they don’t want to use the digging method that gets rid of a lot of stone at once and that they’re prefer to do the “Felps and Meiaum content” method (one block at a time)
-they start mining the cube \o/!!
-Felps wonders if there’ll be anything in the cube and Meiaum says he doesn’t think so—that it’s just a cube. they’ll be upset if they don’t earn money for doing this pfft
-“every time we get an answer 15 more questions comes up”-F
-while they mine they talk a little about the situations they have found themselves in (lore + digging the cube). Matt updates them on what is happening with him and Quel 
-they make a group chat with the three of them called “grupo da pelada”. Matt sends some photos 
-apparently Quel did the thing she was supposed to do wrong and they’re softblocked a little 
-Felps remembers he can dig with his hand because of the claws he picked up in the modded abandoned mineshaft. He sticks with using the iron pickaxe because it’s faster 
-AuAu appears \o/ Felps is wary until he find out that this is AuAu
-AuAu gives them 6 diamonds each!! 
“AuAu for mayor”-F
“you guys are funny”-AuAu
-Felps gives AuAu a hug, and AuAu helps them dig \o/ 
-matt tries to contact them again but the audio is all distorted
-AuAu leaves, and Matt’s walkie talkie audio is still distorted. felps can hear Meiaum okay, but Meiaum can’t hear either of them well. throughout all of this they are still mining the cube
-Felps hits Meiaum off the cube (thank god they placed it above water pfft). Felps thinks Meiaum died and jumps off after him—they find AuAu underwater under the cube, but say goodbye to him again 
-Meiaum puts a block where the water source that they use to get up is (probably in an attempt to stop Felps from being able to get up) but he uses a stair so it just waterlogs. felps makes fun of him a little bit for failing pfft
-while digging Felps falls into a small room with blue and green (tazercraft) sofas \o/ this one just has the two sofas + a lantern. Meiaum takes the sofas for his house I think
-they’re wondering if maybe the cube came from somewhere else. as in: it was in one area and then was teleported to here
-Felps creates a voice chat group so they can easily talk to each other while mining. “but if someone arrives we have to leave the group”-F
-there are small crabs scattered around the top of the cube
-they’re talking about how certain animals can regrow limbs. Felps brings up Theseus’ ship 
-while explaining what Theseus’ ship is, a picture of a cat appears. They leave the group to try and talk to it 
-not sure if maybe one of them scrolled to the walkie talkie accidentally, but Matt asks them if they’re okay pretty much right after it appears pfft
-the cat doesn’t speak to them but it does get bigger \o/ they are very wary of the cat
-it keeps changing size. they’ve paused mining to see this
-it gets very tall + skinny and starts cloning itself (4 of them) before going back to just one
-“are you looking for the rats?”-F + M
-it clones itself again to circle them + gets closer to box them in
-it lets them go free and goes back to being one
-they start meowing to try and communicate
-(during this Matt says the code word for danger)
-it transfers to being on the ground, gets very big, moves around, then leaves
-“I think he was just taking a look”-F
-they chat with Matt again briefly 
-they continue mining and continue their conversation about Theseus’ boat as if they never stopped it. they both think it’s the same boat
-matt arrives \o/
-they try to explain the cat to Matt and then the cat appears again to examine him
-they tell him to talk to the cat via meowing
-the cat clones itself and surrounds matt 
-matt passes \o/ 
-matt tells them what he was doing with quel
-Jota wants to take the mask off of her. He doesn’t like her, and she doesn’t like him but she doesn’t know why exactly
-they think that quel was probably Bia’s apprentice
-Felps tells matt to ask Guaxinim about Bia because apparently Guaxinim knows a little more about her
-Meiaum asks why Quel can’t take her mask off because when he’s asked other Valigma citizens they’ve said that they can take their masks off
-matt wonders if bia is a ghost and Felps suggests she’s maybe just far away + using magic to appear to them
-they all agree that Quel should keep her mask on because being able to talk to Bia could get them more answers
-“it would be very bad for us to lose information”-F
-matt says he scared of what Guaxinim wants to do here? Felps also says his scared + explains it (This feels kind of important to get the tone of conversation right: 1:44:50) I think basically they’re worried about what he’ll do to get answers—putting on a mask for example 
“you wouldn’t put one on right?”-Matt to Felps
“I would”-Meiaum
-Meiaum is arguing that it could be important for them to know what happens when you put on a mask, but Matt and Felps are worried about the consequences—what if they can’t go back to normal afterwards?
-Felps thinks it’s better to try and talk to Quel about what it’s like before any of them try putting on a mask. essentially just try to use all their options first and that it should be the last thing that do
-Meiaum brings up Fe and Felps lags for a bit and misses whatever he says. he gets back to matt saying he knows very little about Fe
-Meiaum tells Matt about the conversation he overheard with Jota + Fe (the thing about him having a son + not remembering anything)
-Matt says the citizens all remember things before they put on the mask and Felps suggests that maybe they’re implanted memories 
-Felps finds another hidden room—a rat house made of cheese
-Meiaum tells them that they’re all wearing masks—social masks (Felps leaves)
-they keep mining and decide to mine around the house
-they about the citizens (Alice + Gomez)
-they tell Meiaum about the danger code 
-Matt thinks maybe the cube was specifically meant as a distraction for Felps and Meiaum so they won’t try to solve mysteries (aka things Jota might not want discovered)
-they disagree and say this is a very important task and Matt apologises for trivialising it
-Felps shows Matt the extremely broken tools Alice gave them pfft
-matt leaves to go do something else and they promise to tell each other via walkie talkie if anything happens 
-Meiaum says he trusts cleber 
-and then adds on that Cleber took him to his house + changed his clothes in front of him…? “Not in that way”-M
-felps is implying some things about their relationship and teasing Meiaum 
-during this he falls into another little room that just has a picture of irl Meiaum in it
“what is this????”-M
“I’m the one who should be asking you that”-F
“it’s not even me”-M
“Who is this?”-F
“I don’t know”-M
-Felps takes a photo and sends it to the groupchat with him, Meiaum and matt
-this vod continues in the next one \o/
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wsdalt · 15 hours
happy pride month!!!!
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wsdalt · 20 hours
Heard Mikes Arkanis character is a werewolf… if only there were someone around who liked drawing Mike as a werewolf…. :3
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I will make them better arkanis designs eventually…
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wsdalt · 21 hours
Recap of Vod 11 — A Casa Dos Ratos
lots happened in this vod!! Half of it group lore and theorising*, half of it finally starting to break the cube with Meiaum
*for a little bit of contextualisation: this is the one with the ghost boats + bia teleporting them all into the lake
recap under the cut \o/!!
-continues on from vod 10
-Matt summarises the endless night mystery for Meiaum
-Felps asks if the others have seen Mike because he hasn’t since the first day
-Matt says that if they go to pac and tell him Mike’s cursed pac probably won’t trust them over Mike pfft so they’ll need to properly think about their approach
-Matt hasn’t met Quel. Felps hasn’t met AuAu, but Meiaum and Matt have 
-Meiaum tells Matt what he told Felps about the Quel house + book (from end of last vod) 
-Matt mentions the voice they heard and Felps repeats that he thinks they’re constantly being listened in on
-connecting the theories of Matt thinking the masks will brainwash them + Meiaum and Felps thinking quel’s mask has something to do with her not remembering stuff
-the ancient language is mentioned
-basically this whole conversation is them just trying to connect up everything they have found out so far into some kind of consistent theory
-connecting Jota telling Matt the specialists have potential + the book about quel mentioning “I thought she had potential” 
-their theorising is cut off as a group of people (Quel, Wuant and Alice) walk by
-Felps and Matt watch as the others try to kill a baby zombie
-Felps introduces quel and matt “this is who was dealing with that business (the endless night) this is the demon, matt”
“now that i see you I’m less scared”-Q
“You were scared of me?” -M
“No, no of the sun turning to the moon”-Q
-Felps likes to use his double jump to climb the streetlamps 
-Wuant tells them that Jota saw Quel and got sad. Quel says he was scared
-matt takes them (specifically Quel but the others can + do join) to the library* to try and jog quel’s memory (*to the place with the ancient language code books)
-Quel says that whoever wrote the books uses masculine pronouns so they go back to their theory that Jota was the one who wrote them
-Felps mentions that he’s already translated all the books and summarises what they said—specifically the fact they didn’t say much at all and were just tests of the languages
-also someone has taken one of the books
-they move to outside 
-Felps messes around with his teleportation mirror. Matt asks him to take it out again and then screams a little like he’s scared to see himself in it. “ah, because you’re ugly I get it”-F
-Meiaum asks to talk with quel for a moment and the two of them leave. Alice leaves as well 
-Wuant tells Matt and Felps that Jota said the mask Quel wears belongs to Bia/is Bia’s*
-matt doesn’t know much about Bia so they catch him up on her
-*they theorise about what that all could mean
-matt suggests they all meet up at the bar as like… a get together thing. and during that they try to get more out of Bira about the situation since he talked fairly freely about Bia earlier
-based on the fact Jota said something about how “there’s a doctor here but they don’t know who they are yet” Felps thinks they can be specialists in stuff they’re not aware of yet. + that maybe Jota wants to turn them into specialists in something—as in maybe they put on a mask and then become a role in the city 
-matt says if quel is immune to the mask’s effects (they currently think the masks have brainwashing effects) it wouldn’t make sense for her to lose her memory. + mentions that the question is: did the mask take her memory, or did they (Jota + co.) take her memory
-Felps reiterates his theory that maybe there’s some way to jog her memory and matt suggests music
-they think Quel is maybe on their side/here to help them. “If the mayor is scared that’s good”-F
-matt says she probably wants to find out what happened to her too, and Wuant says that Jota said he’d help. Matt and Felps both think he was just saying that and that he won’t actually try to help
-Felps goes to look at the gallery while matt catches Wuant up on some other stuff that he’s already told Felps
-chatting a little with Wuant and Matt and then they notice a boat moving close to them with seemingly no one actually rowing it (it’s moving like it’s being pushed somehow)
-“the spirits communicate in many ways, it’s getting difficult”-M
-apparently when they get in the boat it starts rowing properly, but they are not actually rowing it
-they find another boat
-apparently Meiaum stole a book of Matt’s? No time to focus on this as Meiaum and quel run into view and when Felps goes to beckon them over Meiaum is just yelling “run”
“do you want to go to a place that’s more secure?”-Matt
“Here here let’s go here (moves a few blocks to the side) okay this is good”-F
“No I’m not feeling it here let’s go here (moves a few more blocks to the side) okay good”-Meiaum
-another boat
-Meiaum gets in the boat and it starts rowing and when Felps asks if it’s him driving Meiaum answers no 
-Meiaum is struck by some kind of thought and then runs off alone
-Quel freaks out a little about him being alone and starts following him so they all do
-“what happened to you guys that made you run?”-F
-they catch up to Meiaum and tell him he shouldn’t be alone, but all of them (except quel) get distracted by creepers so they lose him a little again—still can see where he is though, just out of earshot
-another boat appears
-“it’s the ghost of the boat”-Q
-when Felps gets in the boat it doesn’t start moving by itself though
-okay never mind. when he leaves the boat he is teleported somewhere else. The boat went with him (I guess to other people it might’ve looked like he rowed away?)
-matt checks in with him via walkie talkie since he just disappeared pfft
-he gets in the boat again to see where he’s taken (/is hoping he’s taken back to the others?). when he leaves the boat again he hasn’t moved this time though
-“am I going to another place? Or is here the place?”-F
-said place appears to be a small cave with water in it (timestamp 30:00 if you want to see). he explores it a little, but doesn’t find anything of interest
-the others find him and they explore the cave a little 
-another boat (this one is spinning)
-theorising about what the boat is trying to take them to
-apparently there was a ghost following them—or specifically Quel? 
-matt asks if maybe the ghosts could be friends of hers from before that died (Felps doesn’t hear the rest of this conversation)
-Meiaum explains that there was a ghost shouting at them to leave and that’s why they were running
-Felps suggests maybe the ghost telling them to leave is the same as the voice that told them they had a good theory (Arnaldo)
-Felps goes back to matt and quel to overhear matt asking to exchange numbers. remembering his own struggle with that he wishes matt luck pfft (it goes better because it’s Quel sharing her number instead of trying to put in matt’s)
-while the others were elsewhere a boat spawned on Quel’s head. matt thinks the ghosts are there to help her
-they leave Quel in the cave then Felps beckons them all to try and spy on her a bit
-they give up on spying when they can’t see her, but they do wonder what she’s doing in there
-they lose track of her name and wonder if she disappeared somehow/how she left
-Felps also realises Matt is no longer with them and is more panicked about that. they try to find him and fail
-they did disappear—felps is also teleported away \o/ he ends up with Quel and Matt in some black with purple accents square room?
-“I think it went wrong guys”-Felps one second before disappearing 
-apparently Bia appeared in the room
-i think every other player online is also teleported into the room at once 
-“it’s a partyyy”-Meiaum
-… they are all then teleported into the lake that they’re not supposed to go into because it’s too dirty
-also during this there’s been some lightning sounds despite no raining. after they are teleported to the lake the sky starts blinking between night and day for a bit before landing on night
-“it’s not me, it’s not me”-Matt
-the others haven’t seen Bia but Matt confirms she wears a mask similar to Quel’s 
-someone goes to get Alice accidentally so they all leave
-okay matt is saying he can’t understand bia but that quel can—which she agrees with. Felps suggests it because she has part of a mask similar to bia’s on
-quel says bia was saying something about her being a disappointment 
-quel says that bia gave her a present (and accidentally throws a pickaxe oops)
-a lot of theorising here
-“I think she (bia) likes Matt”-Q and then they all take that as in a crush pfft
-they leave Matt and Quel to deal with the things bia gave Quel. Meiaum and Felps leave together
“what the fuck was that”-M
“I don’t know”-F
-they go back to the other group of people and get distracted with Coreano being almost-invisible
-Meiaum and Felps leave to go to the cube
-… Meiaum lost the base and has been making another house pfft. they go here so he can organise some things before starting to dig
“you have ten hamburgers”-F
“I got them from Cleber. It’s good to make friends with him”-M
-Felps clears up his inventory and throws a bunch of stuff he doesn’t want into meiaum’s house pfft 
-matt talks to them very briefly via walkie talkie. seems like he is quietly updating them about what him and quel are doing but they’re talking a little too quietly for me to tell exactly
-arriving at the cube Felps sets up a crafting + furnace station and starts smelting iron
-Felps and Meiaum both confirm that they don’t want to use the digging method that gets rid of a lot of stone at once and that they’re prefer to do the “Felps and Meiaum content” method (one block at a time)
-they start mining the cube \o/!!
-Felps wonders if there’ll be anything in the cube and Meiaum says he doesn’t think so—that it’s just a cube. they’ll be upset if they don’t earn money for doing this pfft
-“every time we get an answer 15 more questions comes up”-F
-while they mine they talk a little about the situations they have found themselves in (lore + digging the cube). Matt updates them on what is happening with him and Quel 
-they make a group chat with the three of them called “grupo da pelada”. Matt sends some photos 
-apparently Quel did the thing she was supposed to do wrong and they’re softblocked a little 
-Felps remembers he can dig with his hand because of the claws he picked up in the modded abandoned mineshaft. He sticks with using the iron pickaxe because it’s faster 
-AuAu appears \o/ Felps is wary until he find out that this is AuAu
-AuAu gives them 6 diamonds each!! 
“AuAu for mayor”-F
“you guys are funny”-AuAu
-Felps gives AuAu a hug, and AuAu helps them dig \o/ 
-matt tries to contact them again but the audio is all distorted
-AuAu leaves, and Matt’s walkie talkie audio is still distorted. felps can hear Meiaum okay, but Meiaum can’t hear either of them well. throughout all of this they are still mining the cube
-Felps hits Meiaum off the cube (thank god they placed it above water pfft). Felps thinks Meiaum died and jumps off after him—they find AuAu underwater under the cube, but say goodbye to him again 
-Meiaum puts a block where the water source that they use to get up is (probably in an attempt to stop Felps from being able to get up) but he uses a stair so it just waterlogs. felps makes fun of him a little bit for failing pfft
-while digging Felps falls into a small room with blue and green (tazercraft) sofas \o/ this one just has the two sofas + a lantern. Meiaum takes the sofas for his house I think
-they’re wondering if maybe the cube came from somewhere else. as in: it was in one area and then was teleported to here
-Felps creates a voice chat group so they can easily talk to each other while mining. “but if someone arrives we have to leave the group”-F
-there are small crabs scattered around the top of the cube
-they’re talking about how certain animals can regrow limbs. Felps brings up Theseus’ ship 
-while explaining what Theseus’ ship is, a picture of a cat appears. They leave the group to try and talk to it 
-not sure if maybe one of them scrolled to the walkie talkie accidentally, but Matt asks them if they’re okay pretty much right after it appears pfft
-the cat doesn’t speak to them but it does get bigger \o/ they are very wary of the cat
-it keeps changing size. they’ve paused mining to see this
-it gets very tall + skinny and starts cloning itself (4 of them) before going back to just one
-“are you looking for the rats?”-F + M
-it clones itself again to circle them + gets closer to box them in
-it lets them go free and goes back to being one
-they start meowing to try and communicate
-(during this Matt says the code word for danger)
-it transfers to being on the ground, gets very big, moves around, then leaves
-“I think he was just taking a look”-F
-they chat with Matt again briefly 
-they continue mining and continue their conversation about Theseus’ boat as if they never stopped it. they both think it’s the same boat
-matt arrives \o/
-they try to explain the cat to Matt and then the cat appears again to examine him
-they tell him to talk to the cat via meowing
-the cat clones itself and surrounds matt 
-matt passes \o/ 
-matt tells them what he was doing with quel
-Jota wants to take the mask off of her. He doesn’t like her, and she doesn’t like him but she doesn’t know why exactly
-they think that quel was probably Bia’s apprentice
-Felps tells matt to ask Guaxinim about Bia because apparently Guaxinim knows a little more about her
-Meiaum asks why Quel can’t take her mask off because when he’s asked other Valigma citizens they’ve said that they can take their masks off
-matt wonders if bia is a ghost and Felps suggests she’s maybe just far away + using magic to appear to them
-they all agree that Quel should keep her mask on because being able to talk to Bia could get them more answers
-“it would be very bad for us to lose information”-F
-matt says he scared of what Guaxinim wants to do here? Felps also says his scared + explains it (This feels kind of important to get the tone of conversation right: 1:44:50) I think basically they’re worried about what he’ll do to get answers—putting on a mask for example 
“you wouldn’t put one on right?”-Matt to Felps
“I would”-Meiaum
-Meiaum is arguing that it could be important for them to know what happens when you put on a mask, but Matt and Felps are worried about the consequences—what if they can’t go back to normal afterwards?
-Felps thinks it’s better to try and talk to Quel about what it’s like before any of them try putting on a mask. essentially just try to use all their options first and that it should be the last thing that do
-Meiaum brings up Fe and Felps lags for a bit and misses whatever he says. he gets back to matt saying he knows very little about Fe
-Meiaum tells Matt about the conversation he overheard with Jota + Fe (the thing about him having a son + not remembering anything)
-Matt says the citizens all remember things before they put on the mask and Felps suggests that maybe they’re implanted memories 
-Felps finds another hidden room—a rat house made of cheese
-Meiaum tells them that they’re all wearing masks—social masks (Felps leaves)
-they keep mining and decide to mine around the house
-they about the citizens (Alice + Gomez)
-they tell Meiaum about the danger code 
-Matt thinks maybe the cube was specifically meant as a distraction for Felps and Meiaum so they won’t try to solve mysteries (aka things Jota might not want discovered)
-they disagree and say this is a very important task and Matt apologises for trivialising it
-Felps shows Matt the extremely broken tools Alice gave them pfft
-matt leaves to go do something else and they promise to tell each other via walkie talkie if anything happens 
-Meiaum says he trusts cleber 
-and then adds on that Cleber took him to his house + changed his clothes in front of him…? “Not in that way”-M
-felps is implying some things about their relationship and teasing Meiaum 
-during this he falls into another little room that just has a picture of irl Meiaum in it
“what is this????”-M
“I’m the one who should be asking you that”-F
“it’s not even me”-M
“Who is this?”-F
“I don’t know”-M
-Felps takes a photo and sends it to the groupchat with him, Meiaum and matt
-this vod continues in the next one \o/
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wsdalt · 23 hours
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quick paint over
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wsdalt · 1 day
Reblog if you're asexual and tired
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wsdalt · 1 day
in a unique position to write about felps and his sleep problems because I too fall asleep randomly while trying to do other things
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wsdalt · 1 day
MCYT Aro Week Prompt List (#2)!
October 6: QPR / Celebration
October 7: Acceptance / Battle
October 8: ___ to Friends / Pets
October 9: Aplatonic / Space
October 10: Flowers / Wedding
October 11: Community / Magic
October 12: Halloween / Free Choice
Participants are welcome to choose between the two, create something for each, or combine them. You're under no obligation to participate every day, and you're free to interpret the prompts however you want! Late responses will be accepted! This list will also be on our pinned post. As always, any and all questions are welcome!
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wsdalt · 1 day
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Contributor Applications are open!
Artist Applications & Writer Applications
You can apply for both positions but you will only be accepted for one.
The application will close September 30 at 11:59 EST. Acceptance and rejection emails will be sent out around October 6.
For more information about the zine please check out our FAQ. If you need more information please send your questions to the inbox.
You must be 15 or older to apply. No fashion background is needed.
Art by @lolli-popples
Our DMs got boinked so please message mod tides @blocky-tides
We are shadow banned at the moment and currently waiting for support to reply back to lift the ban. We would encourage people to reblog this post!
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wsdalt · 1 day
there’s the “I’m already in bed I guess I’ll just close my eyes for a little moment” (falls asleep) and then the “10-20 minutes of desperately fighting an often losing battle to keep my eyes open”
in a unique position to write about felps and his sleep problems because I too fall asleep randomly while trying to do other things
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