#brows DMV
lumunesthetics · 1 year
The Importance of Choosing a Licensed Esthetician in Fairfax for Your Skin Care Needs
Your skin is an essential part of your overall health and appearance, so it's vital to trust its care to a professional. Lumun Esthetics, located in Fairfax, offers a range of exceptional skin care services provided by licensed estheticians.
In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of selecting a licensed esthetician fairfax for your skin care needs.
Expertise and Training: Licensed estheticians undergo extensive training and education to understand the complexities of skin care. This expertise allows them to create personalised treatment plans that address your specific concerns and goals. Choosing a licensed Esthetician Fairfax ensures you receive the highest level of professional care.
Safe and Effective Treatments: A licensed esthetician is knowledgeable about the latest skin care treatments, techniques, and products. They prioritise your safety by using approved tools, equipment, and products during treatments. With a licensed Esthetician Fairfax, you can trust that your skin care treatments will be both safe and effective.
Customised Skin Care Solutions: Every person's skin is unique, and a licensed esthetician understands this. They will carefully assess your skin type, concerns, and goals to develop a tailored skin care regimen that delivers optimal results. Lumun Esthetics prides itself on providing personalised skin care solutions to clients in Fairfax.
Long-term Skin Health: Choosing a licensed Esthetician Fairfax ensures that your skin's long-term health is a priority. They will work with you to develop a comprehensive skin care plan that includes treatments, products, and lifestyle changes to help maintain and improve your skin's health over time.
The importance of selecting a licensed esthetician fairfax for your skin care needs cannot be overstated. Lumun Esthetics is committed to providing exceptional skin care services in a professional, safe, and personalised environment.
Visit www.lumunesthetics.com to learn more about our services and how our licensed estheticians can help you achieve healthy, beautiful skin.
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nyatheme · 1 year
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mini mini vacations are needed. Idk I’m taking my ass back to tumblr. regardless of its downfall
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party-gilmore · 2 months
DMV appointment today to get Designated Male By The US Government, juuuuuust in case some bullshit happens in November and I get illegalized.
Wish me strength of brow and of lower lip, i would like to not look like i’m on the verge of nervous tears in my new license photo 😅
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Booth x reader - the pain of the past still hurts
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TW: mentions of depression and suicidal thoughts
Walking into Angela’s office, you held out a paper box to her a little bit, grinning slightly.
“Bribery? What do you want?” Angela chuckled.
She took the cookie box from you, sitting down so she could have one and you sat next to her.
“I know you need time to work but I really need a facial reconstruction on this victim Ange.”
“You’re in luck, I actually just finished.”
Angela set the box down, getting up to go to the big screen and you walked over to follow her so you could see what she had come up with.
“Your victim would’ve looked something like this, I haven’t got the skull for the second person yet, but I’ll let you know when I do.”
You looked at her rendition of the victim and nodded your head.
“Perfect, I’ll tell Booth, thanks Angela you’re the absolute best!”
You jogged out of the room and up to the platform where Booth was coming down.
“Got you a face, here.”
You handed him your phone and he took it so he could look at it.
“Send me this I’ll run it by the DMV.”
You gave him a mock salute and he chuckled, handing your phone back to you.
“Yes sir.”
“Don’t call me sir.”
“Yes sir!”
Booth glared at you a little but when he saw your little grin he just smiled slightly.
“You’ve got work to do squint.”
“Yeah but I also have lunch to take so see ya.”
You spun around, heading out of the building so you could go find something good for lunch.
You were gone a while, and when you got back you were called up to look at the bodies so you headed up, pulling the gloves on.
“What’s up?”
“What do you see?” Brennan asked.
You looked at the first one belonging to the victim you identified.
“Well, he was struck in the ribs with something hard, judging by the fracture pattern I’d say maybe something metal like a pip or a bat.”
“And this one?”
You walked over to the other skeleton and you slowly walked around the table.
You did that a few times, and Brennan just quietly watched you.
“There’s no obvious signs of foul play, no recent fractures or breaks, there’s no sign of trauma to the bones aside from the healed breaks. But these bones seem older.”
Brennan nodded her head.
“Exactly, so what does that tell you?”
You stopped pacing and you looked at her.
“Either this is an older victim who was killed in a different way, maybe through some sort of drug, or, this isn’t a victim and this was somebody who was already buried there.”
“Yes, I believe this body is not related to the murder and was already buried years before.”
You nodded in agreement.
“So what do we do?” You asked.
“We identify the bones and return them to the family.”
You nodded and you turned to the victim.
“I’m going focus on him, maybe I’ll find something, I’ll let you know when Angela gets something with that one.”
“Thank you, I’m going to find Booth he’s said he has a lead.”
You watched as she left and you pulled out your CD player from your overall jacket and put your headphones in focusing on your work.
You knew that Brennan wasn’t one for music while working but you found it helped you focus because it blocked out all the noise.
The only downside was that because you were blocking out the noise you didn’t hear the sound of your phone ringing, or people calling your name, ir somebody walking over to you.
You felt somebody pull the headphones down and you turned around, smiling at Booth.
“Hey, what can I do you for?” You asked.
“We need to talk.”
You titled your head down so he could take the headphones and CD player and you pulled your gloves off.
“We’ll go to my office.”
You took the agent through to your office and he closed the door.
Walking over, he took a bit of paper from his pocket and set it down in front of you a you took it, looking at him in confusion.
“What is it?”
“Read it.”
You furrowed your brows a little, turning back to the paper.
“It’s a land deed?” You asked confused.
“It says you own it, is that correct?”
“Yeah, I own a small patch of land, it’s a small hill that overlooks the ocean.”
“You didn’t think to bring this up?”
Setting the paper down you sat on your desk.
“Booth what’s this about? Last time I checked it isn’t illegal to own a bit of land. I used my savings and inheritance to buy it why do you think I’m broke?”
“It is illegal to have two bodies buried on your land, Hodgins traced the dirt particles back to that exact patch of land, our murder victim along with that other body were buried on your land, now because it’s privet property we need your permission to remove the tree so we can see if it has anything useful.”
You stared at him in shock, and you looked down at your hands.
“What else did you find…?”
“Are you confessing to something?” Booth asked.
You looked up, reaching into the pocket of your jacket you pulled something out and walked over holding your hand out.
Booth held his hand out and you dropped the object in his hand.
“Did you find something like this?”
“Yes, it was on the remains yet to be identified.”
You nodded and you looked out to the platform.
“You don’t need to identify him… his name is Jason Morris. He died just over 10 years ago. You can’t remove that tree, and if you do I will take lawful action.”
You took the necklace from him and made you way to the platform, heading over to the table holding Jason, you pulled up a chair in and sat in front of it.
You just stared at the skull, and you clenched your jaw, fighting back the tears that were forming.
You rested your forehead on your hands and closed your eyes.
“(Y/N)?” Cam asked.
You took a deep breath, looking up at your boss.
“Can these remains be released?” You asked quietly.
“Not yet, booth won’t sign off on the paperwork and we still need to find the family.”
“Jason he uh.. he doesn’t have any. Dad passed when he was a kid, his mom passed a few months ago…”
Cam walked over to you, sitting down on a chair next to you.
“You’re aware this makes you a suspect, you can’t work this case anymore.”
“I know.”
“It means you can’t be here.”
You nodded slightly.
“Can you move his bones to a different room so I can sit with him…? I’ll leave if you guys need access…”
“Of course.”
You smiled a little and got up, heading back to your office.
The moment the bones were moved you headed into the room and that’s where you sat at just stared at your friend.
There was a knock on the door, and Hodgins walked in.
“I’m sorry I’ll give you the room.”
“No, I actually came to give you something.”
He walked over, setting an evidence bag next to Jason.
“I can’t release it yet, but I think it should be here with him.”
“Thank you…”
“I know you won’t let me cut down the tree, but if I could have permission to just collect some samples.”
You cleared your throat and nodded.
“Yeah, you can take samples just… just don’t damage it…”
“I won’t I promise.”
Hodgins looked at you and he looked at the door before pulling up a seat to sit next to you.
“I’m here if you want to talk, we all are.”
He didn’t say anything else he just sat there with you, and then he left and not long later booth came back in.
“Who else knows about that site?”
“It’s privet property, but people trespass.”
“I need to know where you were two months ago, on the 14th between 12am and 6am.”
You looked at him.
“You can’t be serious…”
“It’s your land, there’s a body on it. Where were you?”
“Booth I didn’t even know the victim!”
“And yet he was buried in your land!”
You stared at him for a moment.
“I was in the hospital, okay?”
You pushed yourself up.
“Get a warrant, and if you want to talk to me again get a warrant for that too.”
You barged past him, and you made your way to your boss’ office.
“Can those remains be released?”
“The paper work will be done in an hour, the DA and a judge has decided it’s not related to the case.”
“Can you take Jason back to the tree, I’ll deal with everything from there.”
“Of course, are you alright?”
You didn’t reply and you left the room, heading to your office to pack everything you needed away.
“Oh, (Y/N) have you seen booth?”
Sweets stepped inside.
“Are you okay? Because you seem upset.”
“I’m fine. Just uh.. just tell everybody I’m sorry.”
You walked past him and made your way over to your land which was a few hours out.
You began to get everything ready, and you hung the lanterns from the smallish tree, and you watched as the Jeffersonian truck pulled up.
They pulled out a casket and walked over, placing it in the ground of you.
“Thank you.”
You waited for them to leave and buried your friend again, then you sat down next to his headstone, leaning your back on the tree.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
“You were my best friend Jason… I guess the only friend I ever had…”
You opened your eyes and opened your bag, reaching in you looked at the the items and you stood up, slowly pacing back and forth.
Your phone was ringing and you ignored it.
“It all changed when you left… and I blame myself…”
Tears ran down your face.
“I can’t do this anymore… I.. I lost you.. your mom.. everybody thinks I’m a killer… it’s.. it’s all gone to shit…”
You looked at the lanterns, and you walked over, sitting on your knees you looked at the alcohol and pills.
Opening both, you drank a quarter of the bottle before setting it down, shaky hands fumbling for the other bottle.
You looked at the name on the stone.
“I never told you how sorry I am…”
You finally got the bottle open and you poured some into your hand.
You titled your head back, closing your eyes but before you could do anything you felt somebody grab your hand and you opened your eyes.
Booth was knelt behind you.
“Let go.” He said.
You shook your head.
“I.. I have to do this…”
Booth took a shaky breath.
“(Y/N) let go…”
“I can’t…”
Booth tried to open your hand and he was shocked to find when you put your mind to something you had a deathlike grip.
“I’m begging you just drop them, don’t do this, please, don’t do it…”
Booth sat behind you, wrapping an arm around you, his hand still tightly around yours.
“I know what you did, why you were in the hospital. I’m not letting you do that again, I will sit here all night if I have too.”
You sat there for a few moments quietly with him.
“I… I can’t do this anymore…”
“But you can, you can okay? I know it’s hard, but I know you, and you don’t give up, you never, ever give up.”
Your grip loosened a little bit and he used that to his advantage, he opened your hand, throwing the pills, and he tossed the bottle out of your reach as well.
Booth wrapped his other arm around you.
“Please let me help you…” he whispered.
“You can’t…”
“I can damn well try, don’t give me this crap about not being able to help because I can. I’m not letting you throw away your life despite how many times you’ve tried.”
You stayed quiet.
“Jason and I were on this cliff diving into the water…”
You nodded.
“We were also drinking.. he.. he slipped… hit the rocks…”
“That’s why you buried him here? Why you blame yourself?”
You nodded again.
“It wasn’t your fault your (Y/N), accidents happen, okay? You can’t blame yourself.”
Booth cleared his throat, looking up to the sky to clear the tears from his eyes.
He had nearly arrived too late, and he blamed himself for what you were about to do, with the thought maybe if he was more understanding you wouldn’t have spiralled.
He stayed there with you, and neither of you said anything you just sat in silence because right now that’s what you needed
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imogenkol · 5 months
I was tagged by @voidika @corvosattano and @kyber-infinitygems thank you!!! 💕💕💕
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @g0dspeeed
RULES: share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well.
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“Well, I’ve fucked myself,”
“You really want a werewolf fugitive in your home for longer than necessary? I take it back, you are an idiot,”
“Ivan gave me the authority to remove individuals who display violence on these grounds unprovoked. Which means I get to tell you to promptly fuck off.”
“Others will test me no matter what. They already have, actually. I think I make my point pretty damn clear, so I sure as shit ain’t gonna go and fill out a questionnaire with my personal information like I’m at a werewolf DMV.”
“Like I’d ever let you eat something out of a can.”
“You come anywhere near her again, I won’t have as much restraint as I did today.”
“If he thinks that just because you’re the only one I won’t immediately clock that I’ll actually listen to what you have to say, he’s got another thing coming.”
“You are not my alpha… You never were and you never will be. I don't have an alpha.”
“I was afraid to die because I didn’t want you to remember me as an almost. I didn’t want you to look back and think ‘she almost loved me’, because I do love you. I love you more than I thought I could ever love anyone. And the thought of me dying without you knowing that was too much for me to take.”
She halted by the bar for a second, pointing at Toby and slurring “You owe me…” her brows suddenly furrowed. “Shit, I didn’t do this for any money, did I?”
Jayde cleared her throat. “Listen, Nick,” she started and downed her entire glass of whiskey like it was water. // “It’s Patrick,” he corrected with a scowl. // She shrugged. “Eh, I knew it ended in an ‘ick’.”
Jayde scooped the kitten up and he flopped around in her grip like a ragdoll, trying to gnaw on her fingers. She held him up and tilted him this way and that, her brow furrowed in deep thought. Then she plopped the kitten back down on the bed and looked at Nadya with resolution. “Greg.”
Bonus Nadya Lines!
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“I can imagine you’re here because of something bad… But it’s not my job to judge you. It’s my job to help you. And I want to help you, but it’s kind of hard to do that if you won’t at least talk to me.”
“Can’t we just… I don’t know, act like we aren’t doing anything wrong? I mean, that’s how you get away with shoplifting.” Jayde stared questioningly at her. Nadya’s face flushed once again. “N-not that I shoplift, I was just watching a petty crime documentary one night –”
“Did I ever tell you the way you set up a campsite is sexy?”
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itsanerdlife · 1 year
Mine to Take 12
Pairing: MC!Peter Parker-Stark x Barnes!Reader
Warnings: Violence. Language. Stalking. Strip Clubs. Death mentioned. Death threats. Sexual content/comments.
Returning home after bailing out without so much as a goodbye. Leaves a lot to deal with when I show up again. Only I’m not alone and this time I’ve got bigger issues than how I left.                   I left to find a normal life, but when you’re raised on chaos and crime, normal isn’t a fit. Now I need the club, and Peter. The two I ran out on without so much as a backwards glance.                 Facing Peter again isn’t something I’d ever be ready for, not after everything that went down the night I left. But I can’t outrun him and I, and without him I’m pretty sure I’m good as dead. Was coming home a good idea when it puts those I love at risk of someone killing them to get their hands on me?
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The guys come sliding into the house, Nat and I standing in the kitchen, told to not leave. Peter the only one that doesn’t stop, looking surprised by the house.
“Y/N?” He doesn’t break stride heading right for me. “You okay, Darlin’?” His large hand cups my jaw on one side.
“Nothing new.” I admit, looking away from him.
“Jesus, did, how did, what happened?” Buck is staring at the hallway.
Glancing back at it, to Peter, I wave my hand.
“That was like that.”
TC moves closer to get a look.
“What happened?” Howie looks from Nat to me.
She hands over the card.
“It was waiting for us when we were leaving.” She explains.
The guys pass it around. “How long were you here?” Peter looks up from the card in his hand.
“Ten, fifteen minutes?” I shrug.
He nods slowly.
“He had to have followed from the club.” Steve looks around the crew.
“Just when I thought I was safe.” Muttering to myself I step away from Peter.
“You got a thing for possessive guys, hun?” Rand looks around.
“Hate to be the one to tell this dude, but pretty sure Parker has had claim on her since day one.” TC nods slowly, coming back towards them.
“She’s always been mine, since day one, even 12,000 miles away.” Turning in surprise he’s staring at me.
“How?” I blink at him. He moves towards me.
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. “I’m a possessive bastard, Y/N. There’s not a fucking place in this world you could run off too, and I won’t find you. I will do everything, including hacking bank accounts, running your name through the DMV system, letting my dad do what he does best, to find you.” He shrugs.
“I want to say Awe.” Nat’s head tips.
“You knew where she was the whole time?” Buck stares at Peter.
“So did your wife.” Peter replies but doesn’t break eye contact from me.
Shaking my head, chewing my bottom lip. “You were there.” I turn leaning on the wall of the kitchen.
“Where?” Steve looks around.
“He found her.” TC whispers in surprise.
Peter shrugs. “A small, cramped, little apartment on the fourth floor.” He stares at me. “Didn’t your daddy teach you better about safety? No doorman, easy locks to pick, no security system.”
I gap at him. “You broke in!” I throw my hands up.
His head tips from side to side.
“I knew it. I fucking knew it. There was,” I pause thinking about this.
“A feeling?” He lifts a brow at me.
My tongue runs over my bottom lip, pulling it in for a moment. “The strangest feeling of complete comfort. I felt it a few times.” I nod.
“You know what that damn feeling is, Y/N?” He moves closer to me.
Shaking my head, looking away from him. He’s suddenly crowding me, trapped between him and the wall I’m leaning on. “You’re supposed to be here, right fucking here, with me. With us. You can say just when you thought you were safe, sorry Darlin’ you ain’t ever been safer than right here. Where you fucking belong.” He stares down at me.
“Why do you think I’m home?” I wonder up at him.
“If you say your stalker, I’m going to put another hole in this wall.” He warns me.
A small smirk forms, tipping my head to the side. “Sure, might be a push to come sooner, but I didn’t come for them. I didn’t return for them.” Licking my lips, I sigh. “I came home, for you, for us, cause no matter what I can’t outrun you, and us.” Nodding my head.
“Good, now get your shit, and let’s get you to the clubhouse.” He dips his head kissing me quickly.
My whole body lights up. Sucking in an excited breathe. My face flushes instantly.
“My stuffs at mom and dads.” I explain as he grabs my hand, pulling me after him.
“We’ll send someone.” He glances back at me.
“Peter,” I tug on his hand, waiting for him to look at me again.
“What?” His brow pulls in. My head tips, letting it click for him.
“Right, your stuff.” He sighs.
“She’s my sister, I’ll go.” Howie shakes his head.
“What’s more trauma going to hurt.” Luke snickers.
“Take Frankie with.” Buck nods.
Peter looks to me to see this is okay. I shrug.
“It’s Frankie. I feel like he’s another version of dad.” I admit. Frank chuckles, shrugging.
An OG member, like Joe, Steve’s dad, my own father, and Peter and Howie’s dad, Tony.
“Meet us back at the house, keep your eyes peeled.” Peter slaps hands with Howie, who nods. Leaving with Frankie.
Curled up next to Peter, a strong drink in hand, sitting on the couch. His arm protectively wrapped around me.
“Peter,” tipping my head to look up at him. He sips his beer watching me “we need to talk.” Speaking softly between the two of us.
“In the morning.” He sighs.
“Peter,” I sigh.
His phone rings, cutting us off.
“Frankie?” His brow drops in, putting on speaker.
“She said her stalker sends things, like photos, right?” His gruff voice filling the line.
“Yeah, why?"
There’s a stretch of silence for a moment.
“He was here too.” Peter’s eyes snap over to me.
“How is that possible?” I sit up quickly. “Nobody knows that house belongs to us.” Shoving my fingers through my hair.
“Got a small stack of photos here. Her, at the clubhouse, the Alibi, Pete, he was watching while she was at your moms.”
“No, Pepper.” I swallow.
“I’m sending Howie back with her stuff, I’m going to swing by and check on your mom and dad. Give them a heads up.” Peter’s grip on me tightens.
“Alright.” Peter nods, hanging up.
Scrambling for my phone over Peter’s arm. I snatch it up, hitting contacts, I swipe till I find her name, hitting call.
“Sweetheart?” She answers softly.
“Is something wrong? Are you okay? The boys?” She’s alert now.
“Where’s dad?” I ask.
“We fell asleep on the couch.” We can hear her patting at Tony. “Tony wake up, somethings going on.”
There’s a startled “What?” from Tony as he wakes.
“Frank is on his way over, he’ll explain things. Just close all your damn windows and curtains. And make sure all the doors are locked.” I sigh, looking at Peter who nods, assuring me.
“Of course, of course.” She agrees. “Everything okay?”
“Not really, but it’s my fuck up, I’m so sorry.” I sigh.
“No it’s not, stop that.” Peter growls at me.
“He’s right sweetheart.” Pepper sighs.
Sighing, I shake my head. “I should go to bed. It’s been a very up and down day.” I admit.
“Tell that son of mine, to take care of you.”
Peter rolls his eyes. “When haven’t I?” He scoffs.
“Night ma.” I smile softly.
“Night sweetheart.”
Hanging my head, I rub my hands over my face, looking over at Peter.
“Can I just sleep in one of your shirts and we call it a night?” I ask.
“When have I ever told you no?” He smiles, grabbing my hand, he pulls me up with him.
Everything Peaches 12/8/22 @mo320 @ml7010 @irepeldirt @joannie95 @nunu2888 @coley0823 @rileyloves5 @sexyvixen7 @duckestylez @abschaffer2 @genius2050 @drayshadow @shirukitsune @xoxabs88xox @carostar2020 @rosalynshields @destiel-artemis @hookslove1592 @CallSign-Vesta @happydeanpotter @royal-sunflower @iwillbeinmynest @bellamy-barnes @geeksareunique @fanfic-n-tabulous @spookygrantaires @steel-blue-eyess @mariekoukie6661 @capsheadquaters @bless-my-demons @notyourtypicalrose @lets-talk-about-xyz @loving-life-my-way @shinycupcakebaker @also-fangirlinsweden @stupendous-science @daughterofthenight117 @dandelionsmarkthegrave @physically-a-cheesecake @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked
Peter ‘Fuck Me I’m Weak’ Parker: @its-crystallll @lets-roggerthat
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turtlecat1440 · 1 month
Today I felt like the coolest motherfucker leaving the DMV.
My grandfather is quite wealthy, but rarely imparts that money onto others. That's fine, he's an abusive person, and the upside of receiving said money is not worth the emotional toll. However, he's quite old, and trying to give away his things before he dies. So he decided to give me his non-working 1993 Corvette to me.
Don't get me wrong, I wanted the car. I've wanted a project car for a long time, but having one is also kinda a burden. I also had to move five months from the time he sent it to me, so I had to get it working by then.
I'll make a post some time about what it took to fix it, but for the sake of time, I'll just say it was expensive and time consuming.
When he sent me the car, he neglected to send the title. So I had to beg his wife to go to the DMV to get a new one made and to send it to me. By the time it got to me, it was only a month til I had to move.
So I finally go to the DMV. But I can't get the title transferred because it's an out of state title. So it needs a vin inspection. The car was working by this point, but was illegal to drive.
I got on the phone with the insurance company, got it temporarily insured, went BACK to the DMV, and got a travel permit.
By this time, I had to drive the car to my parents where I was moving, so I used the travel permit for that.
About a week later, I made another pilgrimage to the DMV. I had the title, the car with me, and insurance info. I had everything I needed.
Finally the clerk looked at the title, and furrowed her brow.
"It appears Robert sold the car from himself ... To ... Himself."
"Yes, I'm sorry, I can't register this car, you'll need to have him sign a new bill of sale."
Turns out, I need him to sign another document, then have him mail it to me, because it has to be the same physical document. No DocuSign at the DMV I guess.
I was, however, able to complete a vin inspection while the car was on the premises. That's $7 I won't get back.
So I called my aunt, who lives near him (ish), and begged her to help me out. She's awesome, so she obliged. She printed out the bill of sale, and had him sign it the next time she was in town with him.
I got the news, and was ecstatic.
And then, two days later, she texts me a photo. "You think this will still work?"
Shit. Fuck. She spilled tea in her bag and it got all over my precious document. I want to be able to legally drive my car, and the world does not.
"It's fine" I said. "Send that one and we'll see."
End of context. Back to today:
I got to the DMV at 12:50, and picked up a ticket. X940. It took about 30 minutes to get to the front, and I was nervous. I clenched the freshly filled out, tea ridden bill of sale, title, and proof of vin inspection in a manila folder.
When I was called, I handed her the title and said that I'd like to register the car in the state of Oregon. She furrowed her brow in a way I recognized.
"yeah, I know he sold the car to himself. That's why I've brought the bill of sale."
"Oh great!" She chirped. "Is the vehicle with you today?"
"No, but I have a proof of vin inspection right here!"
She took it, and without another word, began processing payment, and handed me new plates.
There you have it. $250, and four trips to the DMV later, I became the biggest Bureaucratic badass in the building.
Or at least it felt like it. Everyone walked away happy. I got plates!
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@rxnatx // soleil x lorenzo
"Umm, are you kidding me?" Soleil scoffed, retrieving her ID back from the bartender. These speakeasies in the outskirts of town were always a little stricter when it came to the bars in downtown New Orleans. Sweet Southern accent protested: "I don't know how much clearer I can make it. I'm 24, this is a real ID. I didn't wait three friggin' hours at the DMV just for some big Chris Evans-wannabe to say it's fake."
The bartender lifted his brow and looked down at the shorter girl, puffing up his chest. "You're lucky I don't toss you outta here, kid. So what'll you have? A Shirley Temple or nothin'?"
With a sigh, she shoved her ID back in her wallet and responded, "Fine. I'll have a Shirley Temple, please." Though her words were sweet, her voice was dripping with sarcasm. Maybe if she pretended hard enough, the Sprite and grenadine could give her a little bit of a head buzz. Begrudgingly, she took the drink from the bartender and turned around with every intention of headed back to her table with her friends until she noticed someone sitting at the bar staring at her.
Of course. It was a hot guy. He probably watched the whole altercation with the bartender go down, too. She already had a tough time meeting guys at the bar in comparison to her other, prettier friends—and now she was at even more of a disadvantage, perceived as a babyface.
Soleil approached him, taking the stool beside him and figuring she'd address the elephant in the room before it simmered. "So, I'm guessin' you saw all that?"
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frogwen · 1 year
my head and stomach hurt soooo bad 😭 truly fighting for my life this morning against the beef i ate last night. cold sweat on my brow thinking about going to the dmv after work. life is so cruel to me personally
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bmoulinarts · 2 years
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Hey look, it's my face. It's still here. Still doing thangs 😊 . Base: @patmcgrathreal skin fetish: sublime perfection foundation @abbyschoice perfect diary soft matte finishing powder @milanicosmetics silky matte bronzing powder @shainabmiami blush @jouercosmetics powder highlighter @revlon photoready concealer Brows: @anastasiabeverlyhills dipbrow pomade Eyes: @colourpopcosmetics matte pressed powder @touchinsolus metallist sparkling foiled pigment @thebalm mineral eyeshadow @maybelline the colossal classic black mascara @farahbrushes 18hr liquid eyeliner Lips: @milani color statement lipliner in 04 @nyxcosmetics butter gloss in madeleine . . . #makeup #makeupartist #makeuplooks #makeupoftheday #smokeyeye #colourpop #colourpopcosmetics #colourpopeyeshadow #eyelookoftheday #officeglam #officecasual #casualglam #softglam #instagood #instamood #instadaily #instamakeup #instabeauty #igbaddies #instagrambaddie #baddieedits (at DMV DC MD VA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Concy9SvVP0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rainbowjay20 · 4 days
So, my license was up for renewal, and I had to get a new photo. The lady let me try three times, and still, the photo sucked. I tried to curl my hair. This guaranteed that it was straight. I pulled out the HD makeup. HD for both Heavy Duty and High Definition.
If I could go back and change one thing about high school, I'd give myself this makeup. I mean, it wasn't invented yet, but I'm sure there was a high-end line equivalent. In high school, I used a name brand but barely used foundation and wasn't using it correctly. I did know how to do stage makeup, but photo makeup was a different creature altogether.
I use NYX consistently because it has been good consistently. I do use Maxfactor Lipfinity because it's the three day lipstick!
The couple of Maybelline products I use I picked up on sale racks. The lipstain is cool and works as a lipliner under the other lipstick.
Any eyeshadow works better because I have the NYX eye shadow primer. I tend to favor powdered as opposed to pallette shadow, or cremes if I can get them. I use my own disposable brushes to avoid cross-contamination. You can also take palette shadows and break them up and put them into new containers that are moisture proof. I have done that for several colors I like. I used to lose my eye makeup within an hour tops of application. Eyeliner would be runny, shadow would disappear, mascara(if I used it) would smear. I use mostly clear gel mascara.
Now all my eye makeup stays fresh. Even mascara!
When I wore cover-up, it didn't cover up anything. It just made a messy patchy area where pimples were.
Check out this picture from either my Sophmore(15) or Junior(16) year.
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For one, I was strictly banned from wearing makeup until I was 16. I'm betting I snuck the makeup to school and applied it in the bathroom before pictures. But I can see where my face is breaking out and the bad cover up job. In some spots it didn't even cover over at all. The eyeshadow was, most likely, applied heavier initially. I had a specific palette back then. Really light green as the up to the brow bone color, pink as the crease color and the purple on the lid itself. I can even tell that I tried to put on either mascara or eyeliner. What is left is smeared on one side. The green and pink shadows are near invisible and the purple looks more blue because of fading.
Now I know better. Mostly. I still like purple but that works with my eye color. I've done green and pink by themselves too. The one I used for my DMV photo was deep purple and greys.
The other problem I've always had is foundation color. I used to tan well as a kid but I just burn now. I've gotten sun posioning sitting in a car. So my skin is pale. But I have undertones. A lot of the pale makeup looks too white against my skin. NYX makes Alabaster. That is apparently my skin tone now. I've never had my colors done but I usually get a blush that has the words rose or dusky in it. I did have a makeup consultation when I was young. My Mom hid it from my Dad when I was 17 or so. I have never had my colors done or anything. But I can't wear the same colors that I could in high school. I'm not sure if that is age or fashion but there it is.
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Makeup I used for my pic
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Selfies I took the day of the liscense photo(proves DMV cameras suck) From Bottom Right corner clockwise No makeup, Full Face, Photoshopped No Makeup Photo
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Older licenses Oldest on Right, newer on Left(like 8 to 12 years ago. Hadn't had a actual photo in years)
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New license photo
I swear those cameras really do suck!
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lumunesthetics · 3 months
Transform Your Skin: Expert Facials Tailored to Your Needs in Fairfax VA
Lumun Esthetics is proud to announce its specialized facials Fairfax, VA, designed to revitalize and rejuvenate your skin. With a focus on providing tailored solutions to individual needs, we offer a range of facial treatments to address various skin concerns.
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Best Permanent Makeup Services Rockville
Experience the best permanent makeup services in Rockville with Best Permanent Makeup DMV. Our skilled technicians use advanced techniques to deliver perfect, natural-looking enhancements. Whether it’s brows, eyeliner, or lips, achieve your desired look effortlessly. Schedule a consultation today and see the difference.
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declaawed · 1 year
this will help with the pain. (kashiwagi @ adachi)
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Age definitely had a tendency to slow people down a little bit. And even though Adachi heavily prides himself on his physical prowess; built like an ox, he'd say, he could at least admit to no longer being on the same level as Ichiban and the others like he once was. The police academy did wonders for him, but maybe his DMV years were starting to catch up to him. Between street punks and creeps and all the other fist-happy people that would crowd the streets of Isezaki Ijincho, Adachi would definitely feel the sting in his bones a bit more than he used to.
He lounges lazily in a booth at Survive Bar, arm held palm up on the table, littered with various gauze and disinfectant and cloths as the bartender sits opposite him, glasses perched so elegantly on his face, brow furrowed with how focused he looked on the bloodied gash that tore through Adachi's palm; the result grabbing a knife from an attacker blade-first as a last resort. It hadn't even bothered him until the bartender pointed it out. Adrenaline, perhaps. When the disinfectant gets generously applied to a cloth, Adachi chuckles at the other's warning. "I appreciate what you're doin' here, barkeep. But I assure you, these old hands have been through worse, hehe--- ow ow ow." Whatever suaveness in his voice is immediately hissed through clenched teeth like steam from a kettle.
As his hand gets diligently wrapped in gauze, he can't help but let his dark eyes trail over every inch of the bartender's form: from every salt and pepper strand so cleanly slicked back to plush pink lips to the neat steamed tie he'd been so gracious to let Adachi borrow previously for his antics as the rich Yamada. He hums in thought, and as soon as he catches the other man's eyes again, he can't help but raise a single brow flirtatiously. "You sure your name isn't Takashi? 'Cause depending on how you write the kanji, it can mean hero. I think that's pretty fitting for you right now."
Never one to miss an opportunity to get a word in with that mysterious bartender.
|| @ky0udai
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karmaeyebrows · 5 years
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We feel a greater obligation to ensure your happiness.😍✅ . . . www.karmaeyebrow.com * **** #karmaeyebrows #threading #hennatattoo #services #love #support #trust #grow #brows #mood #beauty #best #dmv #picoftheday #photooftheday #artofthreading #women #trending #lanhammd #salon #lanham #welcome (at Karma Eyebrow Threading and Henna) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6-0SloB0Ap/?igshid=l4rbl29sdmo9
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solarockville-blog · 6 years
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Brow game strong 💪🏼 . . . . . Reposted from @blissbeautyandspa - Brow game strong 💪🏼 looking forward to the completed look after the touch up session 🙌🏼#microblading #blissbeautyandspa #semipermanentmakeup #dmv #rockvillemd #solasalonstudios #montgomerycountymd #brows (at Bliss Beauty & Spa) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt99TBZALaE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14mcy1cln2bcf
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