necroarchy · 3 years
    Thassarian shifts. The rusted chainmail beneath his breastplate clinks quietly when he moves, the only sound he produces at all for a few moments, save for a much fainter grinding of his teeth. There’s good reason he’s often the Ebon Blade’s representative when it comes to Arthas — he can hold his tongue.
For the most part.
    He tempers himself. Death knights were prone to outbursts, and he was not any different, but he was old, and he knew the Lich King in a way much of his vast army did not. Loved and admired him once, which few could say these days. Most who would were dead.
Arguably, that made the personal vendetta worse.
    “With all due respect,” none, to say, in a way, “I was under the impression our accord was mutual.”
    Since the rise of the Deathlord, communication had been... balefully more frequent. Being beholden to Arthas in any way was no small weight on the minds of the Ebon Blade, but their debt did not start and end with him. They owed Azeroth as much, even if they had always been a touch underhanded about it... although this always felt like a personal low. Damn if it didn’t work, though. Four new horsemen and fresh ghouls hadn’t been anything to sneeze at.
So he’s just being difficult. They both are. They always are. It’s always personal.
    “That is a poor way to speak of your own creations.”
     Snap a crown in half and suddenly all the rats thought themselves entitled to an opinion.
     Neither hands nor gaze would waver from the battleplans laid before him, the pale ghost of Maldraxxus shimmering transparently and obediently. With a flick of his wrist, a castle crumbles; its defenders rally; its reinforcements arrive in time, and slaughter the remainder of the invaders. Look upon how swiftly the ranks reform, the stones uncrack, the bones rattle out of the muck and back into their proper stacks? Are you looking, Thassarian?
     “ And yet as your… singular Deathlord delights in reminding me, you are wholly your own creatures now. ” A tombful of children, biting and ill-tempered. “ Whatever significance my influence in your existence pales compared to the shining opportunity of your… liberation. ”
     Defection. Treason. Betrayal. Abandonment.
     He rolls his neck in a slow arc, bones popping one by one in little sharp cracks.
     If there remains any proof of his lingering divinity, find it in his patience with these feckless heretics.
     A concoction snags at his mouth. He snarls --- smiles? Like he’s caught between reaction, half-laughing at a joke and half-murderous at an insult. 
     Mutual. Mutual? Mutual.
     Zoen to her knees by no greater virtue than exhaustion, Tirion yet moldering in his bright grave, the red sanctum festering undisturbed like a wound abandoned to gangrene ---
     Did he actually ---
     Surely they weren’t ---?
     “ Speak with a surgeon, lieutenant. ” He speaks so softly. Quiet as the frost crawling across the battlefield, shrouding the projection in an ice age. He could not be quiet before, not when the lands screamed for him. “ I worry for the integrity of your senses. ”
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acherys · 5 years
❛ I know you can do this. I know you can hear me. Stay with me. Listen to my voice. ❜
some ancient meme i’ve since lost :(@brothersindeath​
keep the WOLVES from the door.          I hear them scratching like I don’t know  B E T T E R !
   The thundercrack of a storm in her skull, teeth crunching vertebrae, a hoof slamming down upon her ribcage, he sure knows how to make his wrath known, doesn’t he? Fingers sink into the metal at Thassarian’s arms as though she might melt through saronite and skin and muscle to hide in the dark places of his skeleton until the worst of the anger passes.
    The smile she gives is almost right, almost hers and thus almost his.
     “ It’s fine. I’m fine, Thass. Just getting a bit of a… of a… ”
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    Spikes dig into the flesh of her cheek and tear again and again and again and again and you can shove shark’s teeth into your jaw and paint shadows on your skin but you’re always dying in a filthy hallway as he digs his claws into your spine and rips you in half —
    “ A talkin’-to. ”
                                                                         won’t you  k e e p  the wolves from the  d o o r ?                                                          it won’t be long before I CAVE IN and open up the —
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diguerra-moved · 5 years
brothersindeath  brothersindeath  also! expect me to liveblog about...
flowing ginger locks…..
in this house we support cloud strife darion mograine sorry I don’t make the rules
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davidruffinjr · 7 years
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#DRJFeelingOutLoud -#honored to carry this #Flame #rest #togetherforever... #ladysandgentlemen #introducing the #3amigos, #3musketeers #3temptations #thee3 #temptations #tempts #eddiekendricks/(#kendrick) #dennisedwards #davidruffin #music #history #billboard #motown #worldwide #blackhistorymonth #happyagain #togetheragain #geminitwins #plus1 #brothersinlife #brothersindeath #amen #ruffinandruffin
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shamarchived-blog · 7 years
|| @brothersindeath​ seeks peace ( x )
     was this what they all feared? dishonor, failure, the thought of DEATH? shuffling around like barbarians frantically swinging steel and spitting in each other’s faces. such was motivation, though questionable at best. HUMILIATION seemed far worse than the latter in the eyes of warriors and heroes. the sound of rhythmic footsteps and the hooves of horses stamping the ground was still ringing in her ears long after she had watched an army pass by her. it was all still fresh in her mind. euanthe watched them march defiantly into the distance without so much as a side glance at their surroundings. such was a war path paved in nothing but a blinding red. they LACKED any other vision . 
     perhaps it is why the sight of death seems to bring her far more peace than it very well should. only once had she shown fear before the other, and it had been in the face of this very conflict. he had likely long since forgotten the way blood stained her teeth in favor of the gentle demeanor she had presented since then. it was a SIN to be neutral in such a long line of conflict. but she felt less concerned, staring quietly at a cold gaze that held no interest. she is calm ─ though the FROWN does not disappear from her face .
     ❝ have you seen them? they march without thinking . ❞ 
     her head turns and her eyes stray away from the death knight’s face.
     ❝ it seems almost mindless . ❞
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syndicateburnt · 7 years
brothersindeath started following you
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    “I SUDDENLY HAVE A THING TO DO-                          Far away from here. So far away.       -Don’t-follow-me-bye! ” 
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exspirarchived · 7 years
👀 dear sister of mine
send me 👀 + a ship ( platonic / romantic / hate ) & i’ll give you 3 headcanons
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     While Zoen and Thassarian had interacted with one another in the Scarlet Enclave, it had been brief and pretty impersonal, considering Thass was one of her superiors. Leyressa’s the real catalyst for them growing closer, as she was the one who sought out and acquired Zoen’s aid in her quest to reunite with her brother. The resultant questline series of events culminated in Zo and Thass killing Valanar together atop Naxxanar.
   The Skybreaker is where they really hit it off, because being isolated up in the air, surrounded by a bunch of mortals, they were sort of like mutual breaths of fresh air. They could often be found lurking in the same areas, staying near each other unless one was out doing War Business, because you gotta find kinship where you can.    
   Come Legion, Thassarian is one of only two people (the other being Anduin) who actually knows where Zoen and Tiris live; he is the only person she has ever invited over and allowed inside.
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terraforged · 5 years
5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about? 3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
some ask meme
5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about? 
I’ll pick one (sorta) and go with crafting! He’s actually most adept at  blacksmithing, and indeed enjoys actively forging things though doesn’t often do so in a true capacity? He’ll pretty regularly palm off weapons such as swords and daggers to his Blacktalons if he’s feeling generous or they’ve done something he appreciates, but beyond being well made there’s nothing all that remarkable about them.
When he tries he can make truly exceptional weapons, though does this very, very rarely and near never hands them out. Indeed, the only weapons he’s ever crafted and given to another outside of his own circle are the Fangs Of The Father, the legendary daggers. Left and Right have weapons equally crafted by him, and the sword he now carries (which is apparently called Succession lmfao) would be considered ‘legendary’ by the in game standards too. 
When he truly intends to craft something with purpose he uses his own fire, along with his own blood to temper them (the Fangs Of The Father were not tempered in his blood, which is important to note!). Canonly blades tempered with dragon blood inherit some of the properties of the dragon whose blood it was, and with Wrathion’s blood this ranges from fire, earth, or electrical properties along with whatever else he does to the weapon. Only his own weapon, and those of Left and Right, were created using his blood.
Gem crafting is something he is equally as good at, though he enjoys it less than blacksmithing. He can create standard gems to provide stat buffs, gems to provide elemental enchantments, gems too which act as a communication between he and others as seen in MoP– which, as a note, is how he runs such a vast network whilst remaining essentially untraceable. Wrathion can directly give orders to any of his Blacktalons personally without ever having seen them.
He can infuse weapons with abilities he himself doesn’t have, such as void or light etc as long as he has components from things relative to whatever power it is, such as void creature parts etc.
Gems and metal obviously come from the earth, and, as such, his affinity for these is vast given he’s a black dragon.
3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
He does, but they can be questionable and not along the lines of what others might consider ethical or moral. Wrathion has an awful tendency to put the greater good- this being Azeroth- before literally anything else. He has gotten better about this and would be a lot more apprehensive about massive sacrifices even if it attained the end result he wanted, but he is still prone to doing things which toe the line on what would be considered ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Wrathion is inherently just a very grey character, and as much as he’s softened in certain ways this will always be the case.
His personal code began before he hatched, and isn’t something he’d compromise. He can grow to change it, such as his shifted views from believing the losses always justified the end to his view that now sometimes the cost is too great to justify the end, but I don’t really think this is a compromise. It’s just his growth as a person.
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nobodycantearyou · 8 years
@brothersindeath [ Shadow narrowed his eyes, body tensing briefly before he was suddenly no longer there, having zipped around his back. ]
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of-wolves-and-lions · 7 years
✉ Say something nice about someone you follow!
@vaesha-draecon is a horrible influence that has caused this entire mess of a blog to exist. She’s amazing and honestly one of the most creative muns I’ve met and continues to inspire me even after all this time. 
@crusader-allura Is beautiful and amazing and deserves a shout out for having an amazing OC. She deserves so much love because people are being stupid to her and I will fight them all off with my bare hands if I have to.
@corruptedones honestly I don’t think we’ve ever RPed but I will follow her always because I love reading about her beautiful world and unique OCs.
@icecrowning I love you boo, and all of our ridiculous talks and the situations we’ve come up with.
@beloris @crownofstormwind @archmage–khadgar @i-phoenix @kiyastraza @nightmare-of-the-storm @brothersindeath @hatedinlife @halforc-mercenary @calvaluna @ladyjainaproudmoore @mxrtyred @alightborn 
^^^ They are all amazing people and I’ve had such amazing threads with them.
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necroarchy · 5 years
     @brothersindeath liked for a starter.
     “Thassarian! What an unexpected pleasure.”
     So like the orca is he as he circles this lone seal pup of a knight, cruelly masking as patience compelling him to draw this hunt out bite by bite. His hands remain empty, another factor of the pretense, though the crying winds undoubtedly reveal the blade sheathed at his side to the little prey. Poor thing; adrift in unfriendly waters, snapped up by the first predator to catch the scent of weakness.
     ( A concession: he is uniquely suited to this hunt. The boy never stood a chance. )
     “Acherus has been so silent lately. Is Amal’thazad well? I’ve missed our communiques.”
     There’s nothing cetacean in the smile which blooms in the dark of his helm, sharp and biting, vicious, starving with the bottomless hunger of the shark, and what a shame that dear lost alone Thassarian cannot see this killer’s grin.
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     “One might start to think they were being ignored.”
     But he may certainly hear it.
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acherys · 5 years
Bold what applies
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[BODY] Long legs | Short legs | Average legs | Slender thighs | Thick thighs | Toned thighs | Skinny arms | Soft arms (Average) | Toned arms | Muscular arms | Toned stomach (mild) | Flat stomach | Flabby Stomach | Soft stomach | Six-pack | Beer belly | Lean frame | Beefy/muscular frame | Voluptuous frame | Petite frame | Lanky frame | Short nails | Long nails | Manicured nails | Dirty nails | Flat ass | Toned ass | Bubble butt | Small waist | Average waist | Thick waist | Narrow hips | Average hips | Wide hips | Big feet | Average feet | Small feet | Soft feet | Slender feet | Calloused hands | Soft hands | Big hands | Average hands | Small hands | Long fingers | Short fingers | Average fingers | Narrow shoulders | Broad shoulders | Average shoulders | Underweight | Average weight | Overweight | [HEIGHT] Shorter than 140 cm | 141 cm to 150 cm | 151 cm to 160 cm | 161 cm to 170 cm | 171 cm to 180 cm | 181 cm to 190 cm | 191 cm to 2m | Taller than 2 m | [SKIN] Pale | Rosy | Olive | Dark | Tanned | Blotchy | Smooth | Moles | Acne | Dry | Greasy | Freckled | Scars  | Birthmarks | [ EYES ] Small | Large | Average I Grey | Brown | Blue | Turquoise | Violet | Pink | Green | Gold | Silver | Hazel | Crimson | Doe-eyed | Almond | Squinty | Monolid | Heavy eyelids | Upturned | Downturned | Round | Hooded | Close-set | Wide-set | Deep-set | [HAIR] Thin | Thick | Fine | Normal | Greasy | Dry | Soft | Shiny | Curly | Frizzy | Wild | Unruly |Straight | Smooth | Wavy | Floppy | Cropped / Chopped | Pixie-cut / wannabe L from D.eath N.ote | Afro | Pompadour | Shoulder length | Back length | Waist length | Past hip-length | Buzz cut | Bald | Weave | Hair extensions | Jaw length | Layered | Mohawk | Ponytail | Braid | Locks | Box braids | Faux locks | White | Going Grey | Platinum blonde | Golden blonde | Dirty blonde | Blonde | Strawberry Blonde | Ombre | Ash brown | Mouse brown | Chestnut brown | Golden brown | Chocolate brown | Dark brown | Jet black | Orange | Ginger | Red | Auburn | Teal | Dyed | Thin eyebrows | Average eyebrows | Thick eyebrows | Plucked eyebrows | [TATTOOS/PIERCINGS] Full sleeve | Thigh tattoo | Neck tattoo | Chest tattoo | Back tattoo | Shoulder blade tattoo | One tattoo | Face tattoo | Hand tattoo | Henna tattoo | Wrist tattoo | Forearm tattoo | A few here and there | Multiple | No tattoos | Monroe piercing | Nose piercing | Septum | Nipple piercing(s) | Genital piercing(s) | Industrial piercings | Ear piercings | Prince Albert piercing | Eyebrow piercing(s) | Tongue piercing(s) | Lip piercing(s) | Top of the ear | Tragus piercing | Angel bites | Labret | Stretched out ears | Navel piercing | Inverse navel piercing | Cheek piercing(s) | Smiley | Nape piercing(s) | No piercings | [COSMETICS] Eyeliner | Light eyeliner | Heavy eyeliner | Cat eyes | Mascara | Fake eyelashes | Matte lipstick | Regular lipstick | Lipgloss | Red lips | Pink lips | Nude lips | Dark lips | Bronzer | Highlighter | Eyeshadow | Neutral eyeshadow | Smoky eyes | Colorful eyeshadow | Blush | Lipliner | Light contouring | Heavy contouring | Powder | Matte foundation | Shiny foundation | Concealer | Wears war paint from time to time | Wears makeup regularly | Wears it from time to time | Never wears make-up | [SCENT] Floral | Herbal | Earthy | Fruity | Perfumes | Aftershave | Cocoa | Moisturizer | Shampoo | Cigarettes | Leather | Fur | Musk I Sweet Musk I Sweat | Food | Incense | Bath Oils/Essential Oils I Cologne | Whiskey | Wine | Fried food | Blood | Fire | Cold | Fresh | Sea Breeze/Salt I Metal | Rain | Chemicals | [CLOTHES] Jeans | Tight pants | Overknee socks | Tights | Leggings | Yoga pants | Pencil skirt | Tight skirt | Loose skirt | Tight/Form-fitting dress | Cardigans | Tunic | Blouse | Button up shirt | Band-T-shirt | Sports-T-shirt | Sweatpants | Tanktop | Cut off t-shirt | Designer | High street | Leather jacket | Thrift | Lingerie | Long skirt | Miniskirt | Maxi dress | Sundress | Tie | Tuxedo | Cocktail dress | High slit dress/skirt | T-shirt | Loose clothing | Tight clothing | Jean shorts | Sweater | Sweater vest | Waistcoat | Khaki pants | Suit | Hoodie | Basketball shorts | Boxers/Boxer-Briefs | Thong | Hotpants | Hipster panties | Bra | Sportsbra / sarashi | Crop top | Corset | Ballerina skirt | Leotard | Polka dot | Stripes | Glitter | Cotton | Linen | Silk | Lace  | Leather | Velvet | Patterns | Florals | Neon colors | Pastels | Light colors | jewel tones | White | Black | Dark colours | Fur/Faux fur | Revealing clothing | Heavy armor | Medium armor | Light Armor | [SHOES] Sneakers | Slip-ons | Flats | Slippers | Sandals | High heels | Kitten heels | boots/ankle boots | High Boots I Combat boots | Knee-high | Platforms | Bare feet | Loafers | Oxfords | Gladiator shoes | Leather boots |
Tagged by: @diguerra
Tagging: @imherebecauseyourehere @embercrested​ @demonwield @weavefate @fatesblades​ @thesealovesme @luminousborn @heavenly-grievance @holiyth @brothersindeath​ @bloominghands​ @gigakes​ @terraforged​ @hopegave​ @holyforged​
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diguerra-moved · 5 years
brothersindeath  also! expect me to liveblog about blizzcon...
real scourge hours begin tomorrow
I demand darion with his anime hair in a beautifully rendered cinematic if we’re having a scourge themed blizzcon
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cuervocanto · 8 years
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Art source
Aka wow I can’t believe I’ve conned 1500 of you mfers into believing I’m a cool guy
It’s ya boi Molly here, and I’ve had this blog for nigh on three years, which is an eternity in tumblr time. That’s three years of playing and developing the same elvhen murder prostitute on the internet, and surprisingly, most of you haven’t tired of me yet. 
Without getting super sentimental and gross, I’d just like to say that while this time has had its ups and downs, I have you lovely folks to thank for bringing me back. The people who made a conscious decision to see my writing on your dashboard, who support me in my endeavors to make you laugh, make you cry, and make you roll your eyes at my shitposting. I really do appreciate you. Everyone who is reading this. Yes, you. 
Here’s to you, and here’s to more years of this danger boy. Here’s some shoutouts:
The prestigious Murder of Crows award for ya bois, the finest baes, aged in an oaken cask:
@archmageofazeroth/ @fereldenson -- no bae list is complete without my forever love Jaime, who has literally been there to write with me when no one else would. I owe you a great deal for coming back from hiatus in the first place, and I’m so glad I did. You are and have always been an amazing, poetic writer, and a master of prose. I admire your ability to get back into the game after a break and pump out beautiful fucking replies like nothing ever happened. You are one of the most genuinely funny and kindest people I know, and I can only hope to be half as good of a friend to you as you have been to me. I wish you all the happiness in the world. You deserve it. <3
@ismiracle - My Jill my Jillifish. I have always been and will always be awed by your talent. I know you are over your head in animation hell right now, but know that I am in rapt attention whenever I see a new clip from you. Your work is beautiful! I’m so excited to see you doing the things you love and the recognition you deserve. I love you very much my dear, and I hope you continue to brighten my life for years to come. 
@homicidalbaeniac - Since you are sometimes around I will harass you on tumblr. It’s your curse. <3 Liam, my darling dear, you never fail to make me laugh, or to support me when I’m feeling down. I’m so glad I met you. Our group would not be the same without you. I love you and I wish you success with your new job!
@electiveamnesia, @deathforsaken, and @gryphonsated - I sometimes marvel at the complete shot in the dark it was, while mass following overwatch blogs, that I ended up with some great, caring friends. I always feel mushy inside thinking of how you guys took me in like a stray cat. I love talking to (and writing with) each and every one of you, and I enjoy how we can talk about everything under the sun. I hope we will still be friends in the future!
The prestigious Would Upcharge to Assassinate award for good old friends and good new friends, in no particular order:
@stcrmforged, @miinstrel, @onioning, @dalishflame, @kagonosuzume, @trickster-rat, @delafoi, @saiintmxrcy, @magicbound, @arcxneadvisor, @mortemmagicae, @thesxmmersword, @aithreachas, @onthesirenscall, @orxna
The prestigious Would Show you my Butt award for remarkable acquaintances and strangers. Whether we’ve talked or not, I appreciate having you on my dash, and maybe we should talk more yes:
@oncethree, @shxmanisms, @puerdelumine, @swcrdiisms, @idolbound, @commanderhopeless, @breakiitdown, @batomos, @spuriius, @ignatiius, @willbeshot, @atonings, @boundvigilante, @ruthlesspiety, @heathiins, @wolfdreaded, @hidinginhumor, @arcanemistrust, @banalvhen, @brothersindeath, @feraal, @sorceressofsass, @valkiriya, @vicemirrored, @daggerspcll, @crowblooded, @bythestone, @robotfamiliar
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scourgemerchant · 8 years
write two facts about your muse , three childhood headcanons , 2-3 icons you never ever get to use , and your 5 top favorite ships that involve your muse ( these don’t have to be romantic ). tag however many people you want.
tagged by:  @necroarchy tagging:  @sir-arsalot @brashtide-menace @of-wolves-and-lions @brothersindeath @levesquethevile @spartan-joe371 @kiyastrasza
He says he hates Ice cream. He actually likes it. Though it won’t stop him from smooshing a bunch in someone’s face if it means keeping his cover safe.
He prefers cats to dogs. Dogs have a tendency to be mean to him.
     Any non-educational/religious books had to be snuck to him by his older brother, @sir-arsalot since he wasn’t allowed to read any sort of fiction.
    Managed to sneak out on his own once, before he actually ran away. That adventure didn’t end well.
     Never was allowed to interact with other kids, because his seizures  “obvious demonic possession fits” would scare kids if one happened near them.
TWO-THREE UNUSED ICONS. I’ve never use icons for him.
FIVE  SHIps  *shrugs* There’s just Zeliek and Gatz really. No one else has ever shown interest and all his other interactions with characters haven’t had a chance to develop much. 
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syndicateburnt · 7 years
brothersindeath replied to your photo: Ham decided to get in on my attempt at taking...
Ham is such a good name
Cal names all his pets after food... his mountain lion is called Cookie & his carrion bird’s called Meatball. 
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