whisperingashes · 7 years
‘♠♦♣♥’ do it for Decaybringer
Zaznoba marched into the Crimson Hall, dragging something behind her…something, big, something difficult, and wrapped in chains. “Aenys,” she called out, voice booming in a way she couldn’t help. “I brought you a - gift,” she trailed off, feeling embarrassed for having done it at all. “…here,” she drops the chains, and unwraps one of the wiggling canvas-covered things, a - paladin. All wrapped and ready to eat.
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bxrrows-blog · 7 years
🔥 on warcraft rp in general
█ ☽ │— Send me a “🔥“ for an unpopular opinion.| accepting
it 👏 is 👏 okay 👏 to 👏 take 👏 rp 👏 seriously 👏
Fiction =/= unimportant. It bugs me to no end when I see people making fun of other RPers for “taking it too seriously” or rattling off about how “it’s just pretend” “its just a game” “its all fake”. Like yeah no shit. I don’t doubt that people cross the line, I’ve done it too & it’s not something I condone. But in terms of most RP, check out bleeding. It’s a common RP phenomenon that happens across LARP, D&D, and even WoW RP, where you feel emotionally tied and connected to the character you are writing.
But RP is a hobby, and like any other hobby, you can get really seriously into it. There’s nothing wrong with being serious about your RP or being upset when something goes wrong. It’s natural. RP is so great because you can do so much with it and literally go so in-depth as to make your own worlds. Tell me that ain’t something to take seriously.
Yes you can cross the line, and there are people who definitely get way too OOCly heated or angry or abusive over IC situations, but come on my dudes. RP is a dear hobby and activity to most of us here. If we were musicians, we’d be damn upset if we fucked up a big performance. Why is it unacceptable for this? Why do people get hate for being emotional about RP? It’s something a lot of us work hard to implement and it’s something that for a lot of us is a great escape. Something interesting and fun to do on our downtime. I know that when Conjury gets upset or hurt, I feel that to some level. It hurts me, because she is important to me. As long as I don’t separate the OOC/IC line, I’m fine with that. I mean I bawled my eyes out at the red wedding scene, and that’s fictional too.
Imo the only time taking RP seriously becomes an issue is when people start to become OOCly abusive and vitriolic over things that aren’t that big of a deal. Your character cheated on mine? That blows and I’ll be OOCly hurt by it, but it’s RP and I won’t hate you for it because I know it’s a fictional situation. You OOCly go around my back to try and sabotage my RP/character/guild? Well then we have something to talk about.
There are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. Obviously. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t get really seriously into your RP and your writing. That’s pretty dope and I applaud people who put that kind of work and thought into their stuff.
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bpw-blog1 · 7 years
decaybringer replied to your post: be my dragon bf already wrathion.
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There was one thing about the Shore that drove Zearis mad. It was never truly quiet. If it was just the shifting of his armor or the trotting of his stead, he could handle it, but on the Broken Shore, if it wasn’t the distant screeching of a fel bat, it was the mournful moan of a lost soul.
He tried to tune it out, instead focusing on his destination. He had been sent by the Sanctum to rescue prisoners and clear out demons.
A gargle caught his attention, however. Pulling on his reins, he commanded his horse to pause. Zearis climbed down and neared the sound, a hand reaching over his shoulder to rest on the hilt of his two handed sword as he got closer to the source.
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felweave-blog · 7 years
have you ever wished to murder someone?
Sᴇɴᴅ ᴍʏ ᴍᴜsᴇ “Hᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴠᴇʀ (…)”s. Tʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀɴ ᴏɴʟʏ ʀᴇᴘʟʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ‘ʏᴇs’ ᴏʀ ‘ɴᴏ’.
Eyes that contained the corruption of fel blazed brightly for a split second as such a question was brought before the petite, Illidari woman. Her head tilted curiously to the side, causing her ivory locks to sway ever so slightly. So many dark, gruesome thoughts flooded her SHATTERED mind, and after a moment’s pause that was nearly eerie in its length, laughter filled the air.
It was haunting, not for sounding sinister, no. It was haunting because of how JOYOUS it was, how beautifully it tingled through the air like the sweetest of wind-chimes. After all, such a question brought up a thirsting hunger for VENGEANCE unlike any known to others. The idea of quenching such a need was so unbelievably delicious, so wonderful to the mind of Bella - how could she not find a WARPED sense of happiness in the idea?
After her giggle faded away into a mere second’s echo, she smiled a smile sickeningly sweet in nature.
“… YES.”
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archmage--khadgar · 7 years
➏ What’s the one thing you especially love about roleplaying your muse?
We’re similar enough in our mannerisms and love of puns that I can be myself for the first time ever, without being bullied and abused for being weird.
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of-wolves-and-lions · 7 years
✉ Say something nice about someone you follow!
@vaesha-draecon is a horrible influence that has caused this entire mess of a blog to exist. She’s amazing and honestly one of the most creative muns I’ve met and continues to inspire me even after all this time. 
@crusader-allura Is beautiful and amazing and deserves a shout out for having an amazing OC. She deserves so much love because people are being stupid to her and I will fight them all off with my bare hands if I have to.
@corruptedones honestly I don’t think we’ve ever RPed but I will follow her always because I love reading about her beautiful world and unique OCs.
@icecrowning I love you boo, and all of our ridiculous talks and the situations we’ve come up with.
@beloris @crownofstormwind @archmage–khadgar @i-phoenix @kiyastraza @nightmare-of-the-storm @brothersindeath @hatedinlife @halforc-mercenary @calvaluna @ladyjainaproudmoore @mxrtyred @alightborn 
^^^ They are all amazing people and I’ve had such amazing threads with them.
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elyanthe-blog · 7 years
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
For one, she actually rarely says it first, if at all. Elyanthe actually truly hates interacting with others. She’d much rather spend her time at home studying. One of the ways she says “I love you” is by relaxing in a room while she reads. She does this often with her husband. Admittedly, she’s also conjured up a mirror image to cuddle with him while she studies (He was well aware of it). Lastly, she’s been researching time spells to extend one’s age. She wants her husband to live much longer, as he’s human and she’s a night elf. 
She also says she loves him by saving his ass when plans go south. 
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bpw-blog1 · 7 years
decaybringer replied to your post: we make it a guild but which one of us is the GM and which one of us is the salty co-GM who has direct the activity and raids?
i’m the salty one because i always order peasants to gather stuff for me, and in return i bestow upon them some legendary items. the joys of being a questgiver.
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bxrrows-blog · 7 years
█ ☽ │— For every ✘ I get, my muse will reveal one thing that frightens, disturbs, or disgusts them. | accepting
     ❛ Many women around here tend to think pants are optional. It’s degrading and nothing anyone wants to see. It makes me gravely uncomfortable. ❜
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rctchild · 7 years
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         A SINGLE FATHER OF TWO TWIN GIRLS, mr. goldbuckle is a bilgewater goblin & something rare amongst his people : a GENUINE SHAMAN. after an incident with his daughters at the beach, he sought to respect & honour the elements however possible. his girls, a frost mage & a tinker, have learned this from him as well.
after the escape from kezan & joining the horde, mr. goldbuckle brought his girls to a guild for ease of finances & to learn more from the shamans among the orcs, trolls & tauren. although he had great potential to become among the world’s most powerful elemental shamans, he kept to restoration & sadly could not pursue much between taking care of his girls & healing & becoming a doctor for his guild.
in the final months of the events of CATACLYSM, kalgery goldbuckle SACRIFICED HIMSELF to protect others from the forces of the TWILIGHT’S HAMMER, leaving his girls orphaned and his guild short of a healer. had he survived to see the events of LEGION, he would have surely been a FARSEER OF THE EARTHEN RING.
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Anders was no stranger to darkness. Between the darkness around him and the darkness inside him, dealing with darkness was easy.
What wasn’t easy was dealing with this new darkness. These... beings were dark and demonic, but seemed peaceful. They farmed, had families, and Anders couldn’t understand where he was or what these demons were planning. If they were even demons in the first place.
He had been hiding in the forest outside of a nearby demonic settlement (the thought of which still sent confused, disgusted shudders down his spine) for several days now. Despite being used to a lack of food, he was growing hungry and decided that perhaps it was best to ask someone for the slightest bit of help.
“Where can I buy food around here?” He asked the first person he saw: a young woman, he assumed, wearing dark silk robes. “And what is the currency?”
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thuashdore · 7 years
"My Lightbringer..." Aenys whispered, coming from behind to embrace Bo'dariel. She brought her lips to the other's ear, kissing and licking, seeking to lull her to submission. "Your day has been long, has it not?"
        those  two  words  never  failed  to  send  shivers  down  the  Paladin’s  spine.  alone  in  her  quarters,  she  was  in  the  process  of  doffing  her  armour  when  the  other  had  entered,  and  only  once  the  plate  had  been  removed  to  reveal  the  doublet  and  undergarments  beneath  did  the  san’layn  seem  to  make  her  move  --  as  she  always  did.  it  was  hard  not  to  melt  into  the  other’s  hold  near  instantly;  her  body  ached  in  more  ways  than  one.
        ❝  it  was  pretty  long...  and  tiring,  you  are  right,  ❞  she  admitted  in  soft  tones,  leaning  into  the  other’s  caress  slightly.  head  tilted  to  the  side,  allowing  the  half  elf  to  look  upon  her  converser.   ❝  and  how  have  you  fared?  ❞
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exspirarchived · 7 years
👀 + Decaybringer ( can well be platonic )
send me 👀 + a ship & i’ll give you 3 headcanons! - still accepting
1. Unexpected PvP
     Due to being incarcerated almost immediately after Arthas’ death for a few weeks (as well as recognizing her from when she and Thassarian slew Valanar), Zoen at first mistakes Aenys as belonging to the Scourge and attacks her. Highlord Mograine intervenes before anyone dies. While Zoen never exactly apologizes for the situation, she does end up giving Decaybringer with an ornate golden necklace she snatched from a Stormwind noble a few days later.
2. Dog People
    Misery and Tiris have something of a friendly rivalry going on between them. They have a tendency to roughhouse and chase each other, as well as play tug-of-war with bones and scraps.
3. Arthas Ruins Everything 
     In Legion, Zoen and Decay are not exactly on the best of terms with each other, due to Zoen’s horrifying alliance with Arthas. 
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elyanthe-blog · 7 years
“ i’m a being of pure power, i don’t need sleep. “
The mage scoffed. “Lack of sleep does more harm to you than good, ‘being of pure power’. Everyone needs sleep.” Elyanthe stated, despite the bit of hypocrisy to her words. She’d often spend more time awake than asleep when she was deep into her research or her studies.
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bpw-blog1 · 7 years
decaybringer replied to your post: we should start this hated by everyone club. you know…as co-founders
gul’dan would have joined if he wasn’t dead. or elisandre. or vancleef. edwin vancleef.
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