#broppy is canon
spooky-pop · 5 months
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Just some stuff I made to conceptualize my ideas for my poppunk/parentAU mashup comic. I wanted to get a feel for what they're like before I work on the comic itself!
I thought it would be sweet if they chose to wear each others colors for their party ;; Branch always wears black but for Poppy, he tolerates some color!
To repeat the premise: Poppy and Branch have a moment to themselves to take a breather from their big one year wedding anniversary party. Since it's swapped around here in this mashupAU, Poppy uses this moment to tell Branch about Ivy. It's going to be sweet ok
The bottom drawing is Branch catching onto Poppy's strange behavior 👀
Also, not sure why Branch's colors rendered so odd but thats fine.
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alabasterpickles · 9 months
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It’s been THREE possibly four years but I’m back
I have a lotta trolls things brewing but have these doodles I whipped up in the last couple days featuring my lil Indie Troll OC, Olive (and her crush)
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gummygoatgalaxy · 4 months
Silly Lil Snoozers💕
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Im starting it out with my fav polycule!!
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princessrainbowpastel · 7 months
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(Credit for the Hades x Persephone art goes to razzberrypopcans! 🥰 also sorry for the repost! was trying to update the original and it glitched out on me so I had to delete it 😅)
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phibsies · 24 days
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sleepyeepy · 8 months
may i offer pre-movie broppy angst in these trying times 🤲🏼
all i can think about is how may times poppy reached out to branch , trying to show how much she cared and wanted to include him , and how everytime he dismissed her. i like to think that branch, despite feeling guilty for hurting her, felt like he was protecting her in the long run. not to get too philosophical but “i bite” is literally how branch sees himself , an uncontrollable bad omen who is destined to destroy all things good in his life. by rejecting poppy and her optimism he is subconsciously saving her from what he believes is a cruel fate for all the people close to him.
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empressgeekt · 7 months
Trolls - Branch and Keith Brothers AU
HI!!! I'm back! With more Trolls plot bunnies. This one does not take place in the Prince Char Au, or the Veneer re-carnation one. It's completely separate and closer to canon.
Keith is the little trolling who likes to watch his parents sleep, and it's clear by the reactions from his classmates that he's not the most popular kid. A bit of a odd outsider, that finds happiness in things that others don't. There's another troll in Pop village who's a bit of an outsider, our favorite grump, Branch.
Branch would be in the village market one winter day, making some rare purchases rather then getting them from the wilds, when he first comes across Keith. The trolling would've been lost, left behind by his classmates. Branch would be a little confused by the kids blankness, but he isn't going to leave a kid lost in the snow, and helps Keith get back home to his dad. One the way he asks if this, keith getting left behind, happened often. Keith would blankly gripe about it, and how he thought his friends didn't actually like him, and he didn't think he liked them. Branch says that friends should like each other.
Couple of weeks later, Branch is working on gathering supplies, and Keith appears out of no where, then continues to follow the grey troll. When Branch asks what Keith is doing. Keith says, "You said befriend people I like." "Yeah so?" "I like you."
It throws Branch off, no one liked him.
Keith would continue to find and follow Branch for the next few days, it's only after a chance run in with a predator, that the grey troll realizes this kid isn't going away, and he starts training Keith in the ways of survival. Even more shockingly Keith listens to him when he's teaching. Everyone in the village always called Branch crazy with his survival bunker and apocalypse prep, but Keith listens intently. Even if it doesn't appear like it. Branch teaches Keith about, the forest, which fruits were safe to eat and where/when they grew. How to defend yourself from different type dangerous predators. And even about some of the extra traps and defenses Branch made for the village.
Branch gets used to his new little protégée, and honestly likes being able to pass on his knowledge to someone. He eventually learns to read the subtle differences in Keith's expressionless expressions to know how the kid's mood is, whether it's happy or upset. One day, Keith comes to visit Branch upset. Seeing the kid angry makes something in Branch's stomach turn, and he has this need to fix it. He doesn't know how, he hasn't comforted someone in years. So, pulling from vague memories of Floyd helping him when Branch was upset, he asks Keith what's wrong. Keith's upset about the other kids calling his school project weird. They were supposed to make a short presentation on people, they care about and Keith chose Branch. None of the kids would listen to him and said, that Branch was weirdo, and Keith was weirdo and they deserved each other. It made Keith Mad, because, he doesn't think Branch is weird, he thinks the Grey troll is cool and he doesn't want people to be mean to him. Branch does his best to console, Keith saying that sometimes people just don't agree with you no matter how hard you try to convince them, sometimes people just can't hear you.
K: Some times it feels like no one hears me
B: Yeah, I get that. it sucks, Makes you think their something wrong with you. But there isn't. Different doesn't mean bad, it just means you see things other don't.
Keith hugs Branch, and he can't turn the kid away. It's the first person the grey troll hugs in nearly twenty years.
K: Thank you, Branch
B: No problem kid, I'm always here.
K: I've always wanted a brother.
After this, Branch fully is attached. He goes all out for Keith any chance he gets. He's always there if Keith is upset, or to help with home work. Keith is one of the few people Branch allows in the Bunker. Branch makes sure, that he'd be the brother to Keith that his own were never to him. Always there.
Especially when Keith suddenly loses his dad. Branch fights and fights hard to keep Keith, knowing just how much the grief of losing a caretaker is crushing the kid. Unsurprisingly, the Pop trolls foster system fails Keith and eventually Branch gains his custody. "Let the outsider raise an outsider." Keith moves into the bunker, and Branch is with the trolling no matter what, making sure that this kid never goes Grey like he did. Though, waking up to Keith just staring at him is a little startling at first, but branch gets over it, anything to make the kid more comfortable.
By the events of the first movie, Keith has fully moved in with Branch and stays with him during the Chef's attack. And after the whole village is hidden in the bunker by Poppy, Keith pushes Branch to go after her. Peppy stepping up to watch over Keith while Branch is gone. All through out the mission Branch is thinking about Keith, worried how he's fair one his own, because while he can trust Peppy to make sure Keith doesn't die, he doesn't' trust the king to take care of Keith's mental health. They're reunion in the bergan pot is a hard one. On one hand, Branch is happy to have Keith back in sight, but on the other he feels like a failure for not being able to protect Keith from getting eaten. And When Keith goes grey in his arms...let's just say Branch isn't going down with out a fight.
I have no plans for World Tour, other then the possibility of Keith ending up captured with Poppy, and Barb mistaking Keith as her and Branch's son.
Its in Band together that things get a little more interesting...
Keith is Gristle and Bridget's ring bearer, though the rings are to big for him to hold, so he just stands inside of them to keep them from rolling away, with a very flat smile. Poppy and Branch end up dating in this two, and she does put in effort to get to know Keith, understanding that the trolling would be in branch's care for years to come. She's not as good at reading him, but she's getting better at it. And she finds Branch's caregiver side, adorable.
"Stop the Wedding!"
When John Dory shows up, Keith leaves his post, and runs to Branch after the elder troll was finished being man handled, bY JD. John is thrown off by the sight of a tiny Trolling in Branch's Arms. Seriously, when did his baby brother get a baby? Or a girlfriend? Was the kid theirs? Oh crap he missed a lot....
Keith is angry, through out the course of the third movie. Branch had already told him about their (yes, their, Keith is branch's brother now, which sadly makes him also related to these idiots) brothers, and how they all walked out on him. Keith has seen how much this hurt Branch, and how much they are hurting Branch now, he's clinging to his older brother all through out the mission.
Bruce is also shocked, and kind of feels bad, because Keith would be in Branch's hair when Bruce tossed him jostling the trolling. But he likes kids, so quickly warms up to the idea of Keith being a new baby brother. Even if he creeps Bruce out. And Keith is constantly creeping him out on purpose...thought Bruce doesn't realize it.
Keith doesn't like the hustle button.
Clay is scared of Keith. Because thanks to living with Branch the trolling can point out all of his safety measures and traps, understand how the work, and how to out smart them.
While practicing, John tries to get Keith toe join in but the trolling will only sing the words in the same flat stale note. Branch knows he's messing with john (Keith naturally sings flat but he's not that tone deaf) but doesn't say anything. Keith is hugging Branch all through out the fight, and along with poppy promises to not leave.
Floyd's too tired to really notice Keith until after he's rescued, however he's curious about the trolling. He feels proud watching Branch take care of trolling, but it also makes his stomach churn. Watching Branch with Poppy and Keith it feels like he's looking in on a family that Branch built and he missed it. Floyd would move into the bunker continuing his recovery, and during that is where he really interacting with Keith. He finds the kid adorable, not in the sparkly eyes way that Branch was but utterly adorable none the less. Keith becomes family to him too.
The fic would conclude with All the brother's accepting the fact that Branch and Keith are a package deal, and apologizing to branch for abandoning him (Keith and Poppy don't let them get away with shit). There's no long five brothers in Brozone, but six....and at least three sister-in-law...
This now has a fic of the beginning
link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/55380961/chapters/140510860
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thatoneuserwho · 8 months
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First shot at drawing rock poppy 🤘
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adore-mimy · 3 months
Posting again! So before I show just listen. I saw a yandere JD joke on Instagram and it had just got my real motivational 😁😁 So like hear me out okay? Just listen guys…Brozone but they got the Yandere virus.. Guys just listen! Just listen guys!! I just...it was fun okay?!😭😭 my hand just drew it and it wouldn’t stop okay?
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(Warning for troll blood again)
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Alrighty byeeee ✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾
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in-correct-trolls · 8 months
branch: you made my grandma’s fluffleberry cake?
poppy: correction: i TRIED to make your grandma’s fluffleberry cake.
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iwasbored777 · 5 months
Sometimes I'm like "my Gwiles posts aren't as popular as they used to be that's cuz no one is in the mood for Spiderverse anymore" and then I see the rest of Gwiles posts in the tag and how many notes they have and I realize that there are still people in the mood for Spiderverse but I just lost a lot of Spiderverse mutuals when I was in my DreamWorks Trolls era
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citnamora · 7 months
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Happy Arospec Awareness Week! 🔆
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gummygoatgalaxy · 20 days
Just some Trolls stuff
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Btw i made a new oc named Seafoam to ship with Viva lol
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wukku · 11 months
Forgive me, but I just love Broppy💗
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phibsies · 3 months
Hello, I'm back, with an actual question this time. If the bros are still on good terms, why did Spruce change his name? In the movies, he changed it to Bruce because he wanted to put that boy band thing behind him, but why here?
There’s 2 reasons honestly, first one being that i headcanon Bruce as trans :) I prefer to call him Bruce because of this, but he does keep the name Spruce longer than in canon.
Second reason is the brothers do still try to put the boyband behind them, it’s just a little different-ish? Bruce is a florist now and would rather not be as attached to his heartthrob persona ^_^
This goes with all the brothers honestly. John Dory takes pride in patrolling and defense techniques, Clay still tries to stray from his fun-boy persona by being Rosiepuff’s (and eventually Branch’s) royal advisor (mostly in public though, with his family he’s still a huge goofball trust), and Floyd performs solo acts like how he wanted to in canon as opposed to huge group performances.
They still want to put the boy band behind due to some of its issues, but they didn’t “break up” on bad terms so pushing away isn’t due to any hard feelings :]
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ninja-troll-lover · 9 months
*at 3am* Hazel: *runs into Branch’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead! Branch: *wakes up* Dude! Hazel: *cackles* Poppy: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind Branch* What the fuck, Hazel? Hazel: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
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