the-space-case · 5 years
Spacey! Did you see Halluva Boss? If so, did you like it?
Oh fuck yeah I saw it; I LOVED IT and of course Moxxie is my fav
It’s so nice to see modern cartoons that are actually interesting, you know? Both visually and writing-wise. The characters aren’t just personifications of ‘uwu so woke look at me being the best kind of person who has logical no flaws whatsoever’ or ‘I’m an overly exaggerated worst case scenario doucher who somehow suffers no real consequence’ like these characters are douchebags and they know it and flaunt it and also suffer for it. But in a way thats actually funny, as opposed to like Family Guy which is visually repulsive to me and whose humor falls flat to me? Like I’ve had a hard time with the latest cartoons like, say, she-ra, because I just kind of find the characters a bit annoying as opposed to wanting to root for them or emphasizing with them in some way. Similarly, Voltron disappointed me in the end, and Klaus kind of annoyed me with the shoe-horned romance subplot. Like, a lot of boring straight person stuff, I guess? I want some queer horror-ish cartoons, guys, and Hazbin and Helluva have delivered.
Like, this is a series that could only be made by indie creators unfettered by nosey corporate white washing lmfao kudos to the team for making stellar content for the masses.
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the-space-case · 5 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post “Spacey! Did you see Halluva Boss? If so, did you like it?”
Oof YES totally agree with you there, this is the kind of cartoon I want to write for, the characters feel /real/, you know? I really hope everything goes well and we get more of both shows because hell knows we need stuff like that to succeed.
Right?? It kind of reminds me of Always Sunny, humor-wise. Hulleva Boss reminds me of the Office, too. Just, funny absurdist humor. I just about died watching both and I’m so glad they were made within my lifetime XD
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the-space-case · 5 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: Pfffft "Why is he here?" "Because he's too...
We all know Dipper probably wants both
Yes but you're not supposed to say it !!!!!!! XD
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the-space-case · 5 years
Hey! If you like games you should totally check out Hollow Knight, it's such a beautiful game and it's also pretty cheap! It gets... hard as you progress, but the story is worth it and you can always mod it if you just want to have fun and not bother to deal with the difficulty.
i’ve heard of that one--the character designs are so cute ;u; im glad theres mods for that; i hate leaving games unfinished but im just p bad at them lmfao ill have to check it out
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the-space-case · 5 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your photoset: titlepage/prev It’ll be a while until the next...
OH MY GOD SPACEY YOU JUST MADE MY DAY (despite the dead Masons, oh well)
always glad to be of assistance :D
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the-space-case · 5 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: trashdove6 replied to your post: ...
I mean it’s a character voices by freaking Cecil, the fandom was meant to turn him into something wonderful, it would have been a crime otherwise
With a voice like that you're damn right XD
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the-space-case · 5 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your...
Also let me just say I hope they cut Thad into a million pieces ^_^
oh hard same there bud
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the-space-case · 5 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your photoset: titlepage/prev A situation approached. A decision...
friend u aint seen nothing yet
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the-space-case · 6 years
Did Dipper just tug at Bill’s hair or am I reading this wrong??? Was it on purpose??? Does he have something planned??? Is this a drunk booty call??? (Yeesh Dipper, didn’t Ford taught you not to get drunk if you have the knowledge to summon a demon in your head?)
Bill was twirling his hair whilst talking, but yanked on it when aggravated in that last panel. 
the rest is 
Tumblr media
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the-space-case · 6 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: Who gets drunk easier? Bill or Dipper?
Such a good boyfriend
He's very supportive! ;u;
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the-space-case · 6 years
You have no idea how badly I want to cosplay this version of Bill, Spacey (no heals though ‘cause I’d break a leg trying to walk on those)
You should!!!!!! and have a flats version of his heels maybe? or more of a thicker heel for balance. I certainly didnt design his heels with efficiency in mind thats for sure. It’d be like that one scandal where a designer made such ridiculous shoes they had to be hot-glued to the models skin in order to stay on. tdlr; dont wear demon shoes you will lose your ankles and then some. 
(I always wanted a tuxedo so i always go all out designing new ones for Bill. I’d probably try to wear the heels and suffer a broken ankle for that aesthetic lmfao >o>;;; !!!!!)
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the-space-case · 6 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: You have no idea how badly I want to cosplay this...
I just never was a fan of heals, unfortunately :( But I could definitely try a flat version! We’ll see what happens, if I end up doing it I’ll certainly tag you on the pictures ^_^
Hell yeah :D I was mostly interested in making fancy shoes with spats so it can defo have a flats version.
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the-space-case · 6 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: ...
Yeah! And I mean, I can’t say the antis weren’t there before, but now they are EVERYWHERE. I’ll never understand why people would go into a ship’s tag just to hate on it. Why??? Do you go into a restaurant you know you don’t like just to tell the people that are enjoying the food that their taste sucks???
It's bandwagon/mob mentality in action, exacerbated by consistently polarizing social media. It's REWARDING to treat people like shit on the internet--you get notes from it which, good or negative, are just numbers constantly ticking up the more aggressive/shock-inducing you are. And when you don't have a flashy skill and are desperate for attention that's typically what you'll do to get followers/momentum for bad self-esteem. And then naive preteens who are also desperate for attention and praise see someone doing that they mimic it, so the movement grows exponentially into such a toxic mess of a nightmare people move en-mass to get away from it (or to it if they want the same thing).
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the-space-case · 6 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: How're you so amazing? Like not just in drawing, I...
That feeling, man… that’s one of the reasons why I became a screenwriter (sorry, I’m not stalking you, I swear, it’s just late and I have the notifications on for you and I’m bored so I’m here)
I feel u its ok (im ALWAYS flattered people have me on notifs ahhh) im up for a few more hours likely so its nice to have such a good convo going :D
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the-space-case · 6 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: ...
Yes. This. I agree 100%.
I could go one forever but yes augh
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the-space-case · 6 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: ...
(2/2) does for me! And sure, if they learn something along the way, if whatever I told them makes them have an epiphany about the meaning of life (Yeah, right) that’s okay I guess? But I don’t need any of that, as long as I can make people happy I’ll feel accomplished
I feel like theres a point of over saturation of that. cartoons especially are constantly hammering in morals like their life depends on it. Instead of just straight comedy there’s a litany of morals packed in and it sort of feels like someone goes to a standup to tell jokes and then /explain them in detail./ Doing that feels condescending to me—do you think viewers will descend to amoral chaos if they’re not constantly reminded to be nice? I can assure you people who treat others like shit know what they’re doing is bad they just find it rewarding to do so and with little consequence. reminders wont make me do my essay but the knowledge that flunking out of college will ruin my life sure as hell will! AND I DONT NEED TO BE REMINDED OF THAT AT THE END OF THE DAY. children as well watching cartoons dont absorb morals; they just get stories. I played with barbies where there was massive drama and at times sacrifice to the bathtub water gods at five years old but i was still completely aware that this is not shit i would actually do for funsies. CONSEQUENCES TO TERRIBLE ACTS are what stops them, not endless annoying reminders that will inevitably be tuned out by rebellious children/preteens/bored adults. individuals aren't stupid! dont act like a single moral based episode would stop someone from murder!--this is getting long but i could write a senior thesis on how bizarre i find the whole anti thing to be haha
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