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rejectingrepublicans · 8 months
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macmanx · 7 months
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nature is amazing and mysterious
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piraticalwit · 9 months
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happy birthday, @denydefeat ! ignore the quick gifs because i've about had it and i wanted to get this out before your day was over. the realization that we've been buds for almost a decade (oh my god???) sent me into my feels this morning and i finally had the time to throw a quick thing together. you, nadia, are so fucking amazing. i can count on one hand (haha) the number of people i've kept in contact with through all of these years and you are at the top of the list with hunter and milla. i can't believe it took us as long as it did to finally interact but i will never forget that first call where you were like anyone wanna get drunk and listen to me read my immortal?? a true bromance was born that day. you make me laugh every day, you share my love and nostalgia for whataburger and i can't believe a whackadoodle person almost kept the two of us apart. adulting sucks and i know neither one of us are on tumblr as often as we used to be, but i hope you know i will always be in your corner rooting you on (and waiting for you to send me cursed hook things). I can't imagine my life without you in it and I can't wait to hang out soon. we have snow until may/june sometimes so .. see you for the fourth of july i guess lmao. happy birthday my favorite broflake. you're closer to retirement age. i love you, mate !!
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geezerwench · 8 months
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gothicashworld · 2 years
I think the best part of Velma Dinkley being a lesbian in the latest upcoming Scooby-Doo movie is the sensitive homophobic broflakes are losing their minds on here and on Twitter and its hilarious
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Bonus Parents of the Year Award:
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secondaryartifacts · 7 months
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Bro: you okay?
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cosmictapestries · 7 months
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The fact that the response to Janet Cage as a character in MK1 has been overwhelmingly positive, especially with female players(and to the horror of the broflakes game wide) is proof positive to me Sonya Blade should have been base roster for MK1 and not just a kameo. It's a hill i'm willing to die on that excluding the strongest female fighter from Earthrealm was a massive mistake. She and Cassie Cage are badly needed in MK1(and yes, I've seen the datamine that says CC will be DLC.) I would LOVE to be able to run Sonya with Janet as a kameo. Total dream team❤️
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werewolf-cuddles · 9 days
A good way to get video game recommendations is to see what games straight white broflakes are complaining is woke
At this point, the word "woke" has lost all meaning and has been reduced to yet another culture war buzzword.
I swear, 9 times out of 10, when I see someone complaining about something being "woke", it's literally just because there's a pride flag in it or one of the lead characters is black or something stupid like that.
And then, when one of these games flops for one reason or another, they'll blame it on it being "woke", and not the actual flaws in the game itself.
Like, Starfield didn't suck because you could choose your pronouns, it sucked because it was fucking boring. Concord didn't fail because of pronouns either, it failed because of its painfully outdated and uninspired mechanics, and the fact it launched at full price when most of its contemporaries are free to play.
Honesty, I can't imagine being miserable enough to waste so much time and energy obsessing about shit like this. It's just a pointless waste. I'd rather spend my time playing games I love, than complaining about games I hate.
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nerdby · 5 months
I get that it's an important debate, but I'm over all of this Man vs Bear debate. I'm tired of people trying to spoon-feed ignorant man child broflakes the trauma that comes with being raped and why death just might be preferable to living a life in constant fear, knowing that if it ever happens again you'll just get lectured about how you were wearing the wrong outfit and it wasn't that bad.
I'm just over that shit.
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majingojira · 1 year
Today, I am once again reminded that everyone who complains about "woke" is a weakling. A "snowflake" in their terms.
I call them "Broflakes."
Why? Because they tap out of watching things that easily "offend" them. Me? I'm much stronger than that. For three reasons.
1. I am a MiSTie. I've seen movies so bad they can peel paint. Many of the scifi and fantasy movies I watched unironically before MST3k featured them (The Giant Gila Monster, Beginning of the End, The Killer Shrews). I only tap out for long stretches of boredom (Teenage Caveman did not have enough dinosaurs in it! Thank God for Joel and the Bots!).
2. I'm a monster movie fan. Meaning I've seen a lot of both misaimed children's movies and straight up horror. You learn to stomach a lot!
3. Even being a bit leftie, I enjoy the anime "Gate" which is SUPER right wing. Often to the point of being near propaganda and nationalist at that. I could go on about it's horrors, but the point here is I powered through politics in the story o disagree with and enjoyed the guns and explosions for what they were.
So, when I see a guy say they couldn't watch something even if it has something they liked in it because of "Woke Politics", I just see a weakling and a coward admitting to that weakness in public.
Not exactly a smart thing to do.
And it takes more willpower to vent about their weakness elsewhere than to confront them about it rather than point out their weakness publicly.
I'll just vaguepost about it instead! Muhuhahahaha!
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georgewiman · 7 months
A famous person attended the game. She was on screen for 55 seconds out of nearly four hours. They don't like her for some reason and are whining about it.
I don't want to ever hear another syllable from that crowd about people they think are "easily offended."
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epicfacepalm-org · 4 months
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Incel Broflake Be Like
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mongowheelie · 7 months
I found this on NewsBreak: Kristen Stewart's risque Rolling Stone cover triggers right-wingers
I found this on NewsBreak: Kristen Stewart's risque Rolling Stone cover triggers right-wingers
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atimebombarcarchive · 2 years
HAPPY DECEMBER 25TH, BROFLAKE!! I'm so glad we know each other on this crazy ride called life. You are one of my favorite people and I will forever be blessed by my immortal and legolas and laura thanks to you. I love knowing you and I love knowing that we exist under the same polluted sky. I am constantly thinking of you and the cats and wishing you all the best and I love whenever I see you cross my dash and I love all the tiktoks you send me. I am constantly in awe of your strength and your creativity... you are a force of nature bro and I hope you never forget that. One day we will get past four notes on a thread, i swear.
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Happy December 25th 31st broflake! I'm still a ~piece of shit~ that replies way too late to anything but I love you for always. I always forget that I introduced you to Legolas by Laura and honestly it is a MASTERPIECE I can't believe more people don't know about how "she got the power and she can distroy us all the bad guys" because like that's a line for the ages forget 'cerulean orbs' that is literary gold. You are amazing and I think we did have a thread get to more notes once but it was literally like the first year we wrote together WOOPS but I think it hit six. We're doing so good. I think you're fantastic and I have loved following your life's journey and just seeing your growth and change and lovely self become an even better version of how kick ass and awesome you already were.
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