#brody romero/preston tien/calvin maxwell
ranger-ribbons · 7 months
"Wow! You look amazing!" Brody/Preston/Calvin
The thing about owning a big company is that, eventually, you have to meet the shareholders and those with investments in your company. Marcus Tien knows that and has been dragging his son to meetings for years, knowing that Preston would one day take over his company. Preston hates every second of these meetings and would just as soon not go, but he doesn't usually get to choose when he gets dragged along.
Preston's dreams lie in fantasy, in the magic now resting in his palms, in the abilities he possesses as a Ranger. Not in the company his father will one day hand him.
Still, needs must, and Preston knows that he should learn his father's company regardless. It's important to the Blue that his family legacy is continued, and the company has been in Preston's family for many, many years now. This is the only reason that Preston's even getting dressed up in this suit. The only reason. Nothing to do with Calvin and Brody sitting outside the bathroom. Not at all.
Preston smooths out the wrinkles in the outfit his father had given him to wear. Apparently, it used to be his grandfather's, but it looks way too new for that. Preston's happy with it regardless. At least it's not the black and grey ones his father usually tells him to wear.
"Hey, Presto, you coming out any time soon?" shouts Brody's teasing voice.
"Yeah!" Calvin adds. "You're gonna miss your own meeting!"
Preston smiles. "Coming!" he calls back. He straightens the blue bow tie and breathes in to steady his nerves. He's got this. This is just like every other time he gets dragged off to these meetings. Yeah, just like every other time. He turns to the door, putting on a more genuine smile, and opens it. Stepping out of the bathroom feels like he's entering a whole new world.
Brody and Calvin are still laughing on the couch, happy to play the audience to Preston's modeling attempts. Brody's in his usual red shit and jeans while Calvin's wearing a yellow hoodie and black seat pants. Preston feels overdressed compared to them - in his blue vest and white, long-sleeved button-up with his hair done up like he father wants it done.
Calvin and Brody look up at the same time, hearing Preston's approach, no matter how silently Preston walks. Their senses are well honed from the training they'd gone through, so no matter how quiet Preston is, they can hear him. It actually comforts the Blue Ninja Steel Rangers.
"Wow!" Calvin says, eyes bright with awe.
Brody, similarly stricken, agrees, "You look amazing!"
Preston flushes, ducking his head. "It feels like too much," he says.
Brody's hand lands on Preston's shoulder and the Blue looks up. Brody smiles. "You look beautiful," Brody says.
Calvin agrees, appearing on Preston's otherside. "Like a fine-tuned engine," he adds.
Preston flushes once more. He smiles again. "Thanks guys," he murmurs.
This is the outfit btw
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@estel-eruantien These guys are also my boys.
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spookyblazecoffee · 7 months
All of the Power Rangers shows I'm watching/have seen in Percy Jackson part 2: Ninja Steel
Brody: Son of Hermes
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Preston: Son of Hecate
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Levi: Son of Apollo
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Sarah: Daughter of Apollo
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Hayley: Daughter of Aphrodite
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Calvin: Son of Hephaestus
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Mick: Son of Hephaestus
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thena0315 · 3 months
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skyland2703 · 18 days
Sarah texting Calvin about Brody and Preston
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Calvin in a group chat with Brody and Sarah
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Brody to Preston
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Brody and Preston (Brody is the blue)
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It's midnight, here, yell at me to sleep /hj
Ninja steel chat posts REAL.
-> they really do need to kiss each other UwU
-> Calvin, that’s not homeless or cute. That’s clueless.
-> LUNGES AT YOUR THROAT that’s a love language fam
-> Preston is asian ofc he doesn’t know what to do when he’s faced with ACTUAL compliments /j
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Also: This (green is brody white is preston)
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the-mad-closet · 7 months
(I forgot to say this before, but obv age up pls) NSFW ABCs for the Ninja Steel POLYCULE <3 I love them dearly
For some reason, I'm in an NSFW mood tonight and I feel like tackling this monster. Thank you for being specific about them being aged up!
A - Aftercare
So much aftercare. Like, SO much aftercare. Sometimes if he's feeling up to it, Preston will just magic the mess away, but usually it's all physical touch and cleaning each other up. Sometimes they'll take turns in the shower cleaning each other up, sometimes the one who was treated the roughest is treated to a bubble bath. Sometimes it's all they can do not to fall asleep on each other.
B - Body part
Okay, so for Brody, everyone mutually agrees that his hands and arms are his best asset. He's strong from years on an alien spaceship, what can they say?
Preston's in the same boat, but it's his ass. He's a bottom, they can't help it.
Calvin - Hayley and Sarah fight over if it's his mouth or his thighs. Brody and Levi both like his wrists. Preston's never said his favorite part of Calvin and he'll be taking that secret to his grave (it's his chest)
For Hayley, Sarah likes her shoulders. Calvin likes her hips. Levi goes for broke and says it's her breasts. Brody also goes for broke and says it's her ass. Preston lovingly says it's her eyes.
Sarah, in the same boat as Body and Preston, gets the same answer from everyone - her boobs. Again, they can't help it.
Levi gets the answer of his fingers from Sarah and Hayley (it's because he plays guitar), his arms from Calvin, and his neck from Preston
C - Cum
Like I said in a previous prompt, Preston doesn't like the mess, it makes him anxious. They others tend to use condoms around him when they play with him. Brody and Levi have both been in worse places, so neither mind the mess. They'll be just as happy with the mess on them as they would be with it staining a towel. Calvin also doesn't mind it, but he prefer to take it down his throat. Hayley and Sarah both have no issues with anything to do with cum, just not in their hair.
D - Dirty secret
Sarah's is tame, she just likes anal sex. Hayley's is that she wears lingerie and butt plugs to work. Levi wants to have sex on stage one night. Preston wants to get railed wearing a skirt. Calvin kinda likes pet play. Brody's entire sex life is out on the table for anyone to see. He has no secrets.
E - Experience
Brody and Preston are the least experienced of the bunch. Sarah follows, then Calvin and Hayley, and finally Levi. For Brody and Preston, they both literally dove headfirst into the deep end of the dating pool. Sarah's had a little experience with men, mostly high school fooling around. Calvin and Hayley have been dating since sophomore year, of course they've fooled around together. Levi's a world-famous singer, he's definitely gotten some. His experience is with both male and female partners.
F - Favorite position
Brody likes to be able to see his partners and know they're having a good time. He's been around the Warrior Dome, where most monsters took what they wanted and damn the consequences. Levi's the same way, just without the trauma. Sarah and Hayley agree that 69'ing reigns supreme. Calvin doesn't really care, and Preston likes it from behind.
G - Goofy
They're all a mixture of serious and goofy. They're young adults, you know, of course they are. Calvin is absolutely the goofiest, though.
H - Hair
The boys are neat and well groomed, Preston is completely hairless, and the girls. Well, neither is exactly a girly-girl, but Sarah does keep herself cut short
I - Intimacy
I think these guys might be among the most romantic of the Rangers. Because like... idk, that's just the vibes
J - Jack off
Yes. Just yes. Calvin and Preston are usually assisted though. Look me in the eyes and tell me those boys aren't bottoms.
K - Kink
Okay, let's go down the list.
Brody: Breathplay
Preston: Manhandling
Calvin: Pet play
Hayley: cunnilingus
Sarah: electricity
Levi: exhibitionism
L - Location
One is the heir to a powerful company, one is going to create a powerful company, one is a world-famous singer, and one has aspirations to be an actress. Yeah, these guys don't get out of the house often when it comes to sex. Though bathrooms are good for a quicky as long as no one's watching
M - Motivation
Honestly, some days? You can just tap them and they're ready and raring to go. They're in their twenties and allosexual, it's kinda expected in a way. That being said, please see the above list of kinks.
N - No
Daddy kink, anything that's like actually painful, and Preston's magic. That last one isn't because of anything Preston's done, they've just all mutually agreed that magic has been used against them too often for them to feel comfortable with it in this kind of setting.
O - Oral
Hayley and Sarah both love it, giving and receiving. Preston doesn't like giving, Levi doesn't like receiving, and Brody and Calvin don't care either way.
P - Pace
Depends on how they're feeling at the time - could be hard and fast, could be slow and easy
Q - Quickie
Brody, Calvin, Hayley, and Sarah all have the same attitude of: they don't mind, they're up for anywhere and any time. Preston and Levi don't mind as long as they aren't busy
R - Risk
They're all up for some risk, but not a lot of it. Like toying with one of them under the table is one thing, but full-on shoving a hand down the pants is another. If it's in public, it's a no for anything obvious.
S - Stanima
Calvin's got the least, and, shockingly, Preston's got the most. The rest all fall somewhere in between.
T - Toys
They've got a collective toybox. Some of the toys are specific to be used on one person only. Those are usually color-coded.
U - Unfair
Hayley and Sarah are both mischievous and conniving, happy to tease anytime they can get away with it. Hayley personal favorite is right before Preston's about to talk out the door to go to a meeting with the shareholders. Sarah's is when Levi's late for a concert.
V - Volume
Shocking absolutely no one, Levi is the loudest in volume. Hayley is a close second.
W - Wild card
If one of them puts on their ninja garb or a maid outfit (anything with a uniform), the others descend like a pack of wolves.
X - X-ray
They've all got some scars from their time as Rangers. There's a particularly wicked one from Brody's left shoulder to his right hip that he says he picked up on the Warrior Dome when he was twelve.
Y - Yearning
They're all in their twenties and have healthy sex-lives. Their sex drives are high.
Z - Zzz
Again, depends on how they're feeling that night. Sometimes it's immediate for all of them, sometimes it takes them a while. All depends!
@estel-eruantien Thank you!!
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regaliasonata · 9 months
@skyland2703 something fruity has pierced the air....WHY IS PRESTON BENT OVER IN THE BACK TOO😭😭😭
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Imagine you want to write a story, but Brody won't let you.
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"I'm writing it." You told Brody for the millionth time that day.
"We've been over this, hon." He replied.
You got up after fixing stuff under the car.
"No, you talked, I ignored." You smirked and continued, "By the way, You need a new muffler."
"I think this is a tie rod end." He said as he examined the part.
"Come on, Levi, back me up here." You looked at your husband's older brother for some help.
"Uh, no, thanks. I know better than to get involved in a debate with Y/N Y/L/N." Levi replied playfully.
"But you do know the feeling, that itch, that fire in the back of your head, the siren song of a story that has to be written. Huh?"
"Yeah, I do, I do."
You turned to face Brody and he said,
"The world is gonna want to know why Y/N Y/L/N went to space with the Red Ranger."
"Details, I'll make up a reason." You replied.
"Oh, so much for truth in journalism." He said to you with a small smile on his face.
"Says the reporter who writes about his own exploits as the Red Ranger." You then took a pause, "I was the first human to set foot on what's left of An Alien spaceship, to lay eyes on the Jewel Parts, to endure the endless, hallways of the cells, and I have to write about it." You chuckled, "One small step for Y/N Y/L/N, one giant leap for Y/N Y/L/N's career."
"Says the woman who is already the most famous, feared, and intrepid reporter on two earths," Brody replied and you rolled your eyes.
You pulled on his shirt to clean a stain off.
"And yet someone on this farm is still making 21 cents on the dollar more than me." You smiled, "And it ain't Levi, honey."
You gave him a kiss. Then said, "You two catch up. I am gonna go slam some small things really hard."
You went into the barn and started climbing up the ladder.
"Okay, just be careful on that ladder. It's really old." Brody told you, concerned about your safety.
You smirked at him, "You'll catch me."
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fuzzychildchopshop · 2 years
PRNS Cast Wallpaper by LegendofPowerRangers
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madhare0512 · 1 year
Ships I Write For:
- Marvel
The Scientists and the Spies (Leopold Fitz/Jemma Simmons/Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff)
Lance Hunter/Leopold Fitz
Daisy Johnson/Piper
Daisy Johnson/Piper/Lincoln Campbell
Melinda May/Phil Coulson
Mack Mackenzis/Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez
Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock
Wilson Fisk/James Wesley
Luke Cage/Danny Rand
Danny Rand/Spiderman (Ultimate Spiderman only)
Armando Muñoz/Alex Summer
Danielle Moonstar/Rayne Sinclair/Illyana Rasputin/Sam Guthrie/Roberto de Costa
Carol Danvers/Maria
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova
- DC
Malcolm West | Herald/Joey Wilson | Jericho (Teen Titans only)
Rachel Roth | Raven/Garfield Logan | Beast Boy
Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy
Tony DiNozzo/Jimmy Palmer
Tony DiNozzo/Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Sam Hanna/G Callen
G Callen/Eric Beale
Kensi Blye/Marty Deeks
Poly!Agents (Callen/Sam/Kensi/Deeks/Eric/Nell)
Gibbs/Jack Sloan
Jessai (Jesse Boone/Kai Holman)
- Criminal Minds
Micphet (Prophet/Mick Rawson)
Sam Cooper/Prophet/Mick Rawson
- Harry Potter
Jacob Kowalski/Newt Scamander
Fred Weasley/Harry Potter/George Weasley
Ron Weasley/Harry Potter
Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
- Maze Runner
- Doctor Who
Rose/Nine/Jack Harkness
- Supernatural
- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Merlin
- Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
- Lord of the Rings/Hobbit
Frodo Baggins/Samwise Gamgee
Meriadoc Brandybuck/Peregrin Took
- Dark Matter
- Power Rangers (full list in the pr blog)
Jake Holling/Noah Carver
Brody Romero/Preston Tien
Hayley Foster/Calvin Maxwell
Tyler Navarro/Riley Griffen
Jayden Shiba/Antonio Garcia
Devon Daniels/Ravi Shaw/Zoey Reeves/Nate Silva
Devon Daniels/Nate Silva
Casey Rhodes/RJ
Vida Rocca/Xander Blye/Chip Thorn
Nick Russell/Chip Thorn
Jack Landors/Syd Drew/Sky Tate/Z Delgado/Bridge Carson
Jack Landors/Bridge Carson
Will Aston/Mackenzie Hartford
Ronny Robinson/Rose Ortiz
Scott Truman/Summer Landsdown/Dillon/Fynn McAllistair/Ziggy Grover
Dillon/Ziggy Grover
Scott Truman/Flynn McAllistair
Shane Clarke/Dustin Brooks
Zayto/Ollie Akana
Zayto/Ollie Akana/Javi Garcia
- Hawai'i Five-0
Max Bergman/Jerry Ortega
- Shadowhunters
Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
Jace Herondale/Clary Fray/Simon Lewis
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
- Umbrella Academy
Dave/Klaus Hargreeves
Eudora Patch/Diego Hargreeves
- Flashpoint
Julianna Callaghan/Sam Braddock
Lewis Young/Spike Scarlatti
Sam Braddock/Spike Scarlatti
- Teen Wolf
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
- Grimm
Monroe/Rosalee Calvert/Nick Burkhardt
Roddy Geiger/Carter Brimey
- White Collar
Peter Burke/Neal Caffrey
Horatio Caine/Eric Delko
Calleigh/Ryan Wolfe/Natalia
- 9-1-1/Lone Star
- One Chicago
Kelly Severide/Matthew Casey
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Jay Halstead
Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Natalie Manning/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Justin Lieu/Connor Rhodes
Antonio/Peter Stone
- Mission Impossible
- Sherlock
Greg Lestrade/Mycroft Holmes
- House
- Ghost Whisperer
- Baby Driver
- Bull
- Julie and the Phantoms
Leo/Usagi (2003 only)
Leo/Karai (2003 only)
Raph/Casey Jones
Don/Usagi (2003 only)
Mikey/Mondo Gecko
Splinter/Tang Shen (2012 only)
I do not write incest of any kind, I do not write abuse unless by my own ideas, I do not write manipulation unless by my own ideas
If you have a question about a ship you don't see up here and want me to write, you're welcome to DM/IM me.
Thank you!
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augment-techs · 5 months
Another one on the made-up fic title thing: A Bad Batch of Cookies + Calpresto
Title: A Bad Batch of Cookies//Worth a Baker's Dozen From the Shop Rating: T Relationships: Preston Tien/Calvin Maxwell; Hayley Foster/Sarah Thompson. Characters: Preston Tien; Calvin Maxwell; Mick Kanic; Redbot; Hayley Foster; Sarah Thompson; Brody Romero; Levi Weston. Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff; Mini Dates; Horrible Cooking Skills; Kitchen Shenanigans; Dyslexic Calvin; ADHD Preston; Mick being a better father figure than both Dane and Mr. Tien combined; Bakery Donuts; Diner Date. Summary: "Can we have chocolate milk and dino nuggets instead?" Preston continued to hold the cookie tins aloft in his apron that really wasn't appropriate for the kitchen (terrycloth? really?) in the oven mitts with the cows painted to look like ladybugs; smoke wafting up around him and the fire alarms blaring like emergency calls.
Calvin, for his part, continued to look innocent, but also completely and utterly done with this situation in the multi-thousand dollar kitchen Preston had commandeered for the day with the promise of giving his staff the day off. The egg mess was still drying on his crotch and shoes, and he was fully aware that he'd need a boiling hot shower to get the caramel syrup and rum extract out of his hair.
Additional Scenes for thought:
Preston accidentally turning store bought eggs into pigeons, cardinals, robins, and two very confused peacocks.
Mr. Tien telling Calvin he smells like a girl because of the extract and syrup and Calvin being FULLY secure in his masculinity, thank you very much.
Calvin being totally aware that he's wearing a blouse and heeled boots he got in the mutual breakup with Hayley, but being totally unwilling to give them back no matter how many times someone brings it up.
Kissing in an unexpected downpour and cutting scenes to observe Calpresto walking soaking wet into a Denny's.
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ao3feed-newsies · 9 months
A Solid Gold Watch.. or is it yellow?
by, isyaboyegg by isyaboyegg He was 15 when he was pulled through that portal in front of all the other newsies. He was 17 when he became a Power Ranger. Calvin Maxwell’s life couldn’t get any crazier, could it? | AU Where Calvin used to be JoJo from Newsies: The Broadway Musical, and was brought to the time dimension by the morphin masters a few months after the strike ended, and then raised and taught by Ronny from OO 🫶 |   Calvin has a secret. He was actually born in another time.. and universe. Which may or may not just be a musical world. So far, Hayley is the only one of the rangers who knows his original life. He told her one night, a few months before they even became Power Rangers. He couldn’t hold it in anymore, he just had to tell someone after keeping it in for almost 2 years. Now he’s thinking he should tell everyone else. What could go wrong? Words: 702, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Power Rangers, Power Rangers Ninja Steel, Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Calvin Maxwell, Hayley Foster, Brody Romero, Preston Tien, Sarah Thompson, Levi Weston | Aiden Romero, Veronica “Ronny” Robinson (mentioned), Jack Kelly (Newsies) (past), Victor Vincent, Monty (Power Rangers) Relationships: Hayley Foster/Calvin Maxwell, Brody Romero/Preston Tien, Hayley Foster & Calvin Maxwell & Brody Romero & Sarah Thompson & Preston Tien & Levi Weston Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Calvin is JoJo from Newsies AU, Diabetic Hayley, and Kody’s her service dog, They can do actual ninja abilities when not morphed, or using their weapons, i call this au my trucksie au, im very proud of it, I'm Bad At Tagging, Past Abuse, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Victor and Monty are a bit nicer, but still dumb as shit read : https://ift.tt/gy5eFXv - December 17, 2023 at 11:32PM
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ranger-ribbons · 7 months
soft prompt
the Ninja Steel polycule forms a cuddle puddle then ends up falling asleep together
Hey penguin! Absolutely can do!
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Important Note: Brody and Levi are not dating in this fic, they are just dating everyone else.
It's been a long day. Fighting monsters, getting beaten by the big bad of the week, tossed around like their training dummies until they figured out how to beat the monster with a clever mix of Preston's magic and Sarah's ingenuity. The only bad part is that Preston couldn't be morphed while they fought, since his magic was restrained under the Power. The price one pays, he says when the others bring it up.
Sarah doesn't say it, but she knows it bothers him.
They end up heading back to Brody's house, which he shares with Levi and Mick. Calvin is limping from a well-placed fireball to the leg, Hayley's supporting her ribs where she's sure some Basherbots hit her. Preston's got a black eye and his arm in a sling where he got attacked while doing the spell. Brody and Levi are mostly untouched, natural born Ninjas and masters at protecting their backs while fighting from the front. Sarah, herself, has a bandage around her head from where the shrapnel of the resulting explosion when the monster was destroyed cut her.
Brody shoves open the door and gestures towards the living room. He and Levi disappear up the hall and come back with blankets in multiple colors. Calvin immediately snatches the massive white and yellow one to wrap around himself and Hayley. Sarah snaps up the pink one and leans into Hayley's uninjured side. Levi keeps the golden one, settling in behind Calvin, and Brody spreads the blue one over Preston's legs before spooning up behind the magician and laying his head on Sarah's leg with his back pressed to Hayley and Calvin's knees.
"Movie?" Levi asks, grabbing the television off the couch and turning it on.
"Tom and Jerry," Sarah offers in response, seeing a marathon on Boomerang. Levi selects that channel immediately and puts the remote back down. With that, it's just the six of them existing together peacefully. Hours pass like this, them ignoring the world as they unwind from the battle and the fact that they'd almost lost each other again. Maybe it's not so shocking that they start to fall asleep.
Preston goes to sleep first. Magic is still new to him, so he's tired way quicker when he uses his magic. He's followed by Sarah, who's overextended herself in battle once more. Hayley and Calvin are awake one minute, watching Jerry chase Tom around painted as a white mouse, and asleep the next, Hayley's head on Calvin's shoulder and Calvin leaning back against Levi's chest. Brody's out next, curled protectively around his Blue. Levi's asleep not long after.
When they wake the next morning, no one worries about it. There's no school or parents to appease. There's no Mick calling them for training. There's no reason for anything to bother them, so they stay cuddled together on the floor, only getting up to get food and use the bathroom.
It's how they prefer it anyway.
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A Small Rant/Vent on Power Ranger’s Dimensions In Danger
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Hi everyone, I had a small question and pondering thought I’d like to ask you all about concerning the 25th anniversary episode of Super Ninja Steel. 
Am I the only one who thought that whole better than Legendary Battle and Clash of the Red rangers, Dimensions in Danger was still a bit underwhelming?
Like it’s cool that we got to see past rangers such as TJ, Katherine, Trent, Wes, Jemma, etc. BUT, Tommy is the only one that gets much of anything to do as they’re just there for the sake of it being the 25th anniversary of Power Rangers. TJ and Trent being two of my personal favorite male rangers only getting like 1 or 2 lines of dialogue. It’s also weirdly framed to where the characters that directly talk to Tommy are people who if I remember correctly don’t or haven’t on-screen had any relationship with him.
And on a last note, when and how did Tommy make the master morpher?
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thena0315 · 3 months
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skyland2703 · 10 months
Calvin/Preston/Brody ABC prompts
(If this isn't okay, that's fine by me!!)
T, U, and V?
OUH I seeee whatchu did there 👀 interesting!
T- Toys: Calvin likes buttplugs— There are days when Brody and Preston make him wear one to school/college and they can control that stuff from a remote vibrator— and poor Calvin has to stop himself from collapsing into a moaning mess when he’s sitting on the front bench, and either Brody or Preston is controlling the setting and amps it up at THE worst of events, only out of mischief~ (and Calvin doesn’t find out WHICH of the two boys has the control. He just turns around to look at them pathetically, to notice big smirks on both their faces and realise whichever one it is, they’re both enjoying it way too much.)
U- Unfair: Preston is the biggest tease of the three. He has an unusually sexy seductive voice, and can turn the boys on really easily when he starts dirty talking. He’s also merciless and will keep edging them both until they’re whimpering for him to actually get on with it. Preston takes his sweet time though~
V- Volume: Brody is the loudest. No matter what is happening, he has to be vocal and tell his boyfriends how much he loves what’s happening to him. Like he’d be screaming his lungs away if he’s being sucked off— and it gets even louder when he’s being fucked. Preston usually talks in grunts and whispers, while Calvin keeps a medium volume.
The NSFT Alphabets Ask
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the-mad-closet · 6 months
New ABC list! Ninja Steel polycule (aged up) D (dreams), E (experimenting), G (games), H (humour), V (video call), X (X-rated), Z (zones) <3
I'm always super excited to see the Ninja Steel folks in my asks and I'm even more excited to see the specifications. Thank you muchly Estel!
Levi Weston | Aiden Romero and Brody Romero are NOT dating in this relationship, just dating everyone else.
D - Dreams
Sarah has dreams sometimes about having rough sex that leaves her with bruises. Brody's the only one comfortable enough to do that with her though.
Hayley had dreams about getting double penetrated. Calvin and Sarah did that for her once while she sucked Preston off.
Preston doesn't dream a lot, and when he does, it's usually about magic. Calvin doesn't dream at all. Brody and Levi both agree that their dreams are nothing compared to reality.
E - Experimenting
Brody, Preston, Hayley, and Sarah are always looking for new things to try. Calvin's a little hesitent, and Levi is willing but not actively looking. They all trust each other and can read each other better than anyone else can.
G - Games
Hley and Sarah play connect four for who tops who. Levi and Brody flip a coin for who stays in the room during full fledged scenes unless specific requests are made. Sometimes, they throw darts at a board for different kinks or positions to try out.
H - Humor
They're all business for the most part, but none of them mind sharing a laugh during sex. There's six of them, five during any scene. If one doesn't fall off the bed at least once, they consider it a really good night. Usually Brody or Calvin fall off the bed.
V - Video Call
Not usually with Preston or Levi during the day, because both have to be ridiculously professional in their day-time jobs. However, there's been several times when they're on a call and one starts something to finish later on.
X - X-Rated
Hayley does on occassion, usually with Calvin or Levi. She gets ideas that way. Usually she just comments on how unrealistic the moaning is, but porn is how she got Calvin to try wax play.
Z - Zones
Brody: Neck and back
Preston: Scalp and hands
Calvin: None that he knows of
Hayley: Clavical and breasts
Sarah, thighs and the small of her back
Levi: Arms and neck
The team thinks it's hilarious the Romero brothers have similar turn on spots. Apparently their father has it too.
Thank you! @estel-eruantien
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