#brock reynolds and trent sawyer
bravo4iscool · 9 months
bleeding out
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this is so ooc but idgaf. brock and trent deserve some hurt/comfort… not a ship one shot tho. i’m not really comfortable with shipping anyone from the team together😀
anyways, feast on my brain blurbs guys🤝
word count: 1.4k
not proof-read!
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Trent curses as he ducks away from the bullets flying around him. Sometimes he really asked himself why he was even doing what he was doing. There were much better ways to make money, really…
„Does someone have eyes on Bravo 5?“ he asks when he presses himself against a wall, his breath heavy. He knew Brock could look out for himself, especially with Cerberus by his side but he hasn‘t seen nor heard from his friend and comrade since they entered the building. Where was he?
„Negative,“ Sonny replies and shortly after that Jason, Ray and Clay follow with the exact same answer. Trent frowns. He thinks about contacting Brock but then a new wave of bullets hits his hideout and he needs to shift his concentration.
With a steady hand he replies, waiting for the fire to die down so he could contact Brock. He didn‘t know why but his gut told him that something wasn‘t right and that his friend needed help.
The moment Trent was able to find a quiet second he reached out to Brock. „Bravo 5, here Bravo 4. How do you copy?“ No answer. „I repeat, Bravo 5, how do you copy?“ Again, no answer. Trent feels like his gut is proving him right.
„This is 4, still no eyes on Bravo 5,“ he informs the rest of the team, praying that they know where he were. But, they don‘t. No one knows where he is. So, next thing Trent does is contact HAVOC.
„HAVOC, here‘s 4. Do you have eyes on Bravo 5?”
„Here HAVOC, no eyes on Bravo 5.“
Trent‘s gut feeling only worsens when suddenly Cerberus shows up. The dog‘s panting, staring up at the soldier and when Trent notices the blood adorning his fur he starts to panic. Brock‘s wounded.
Trent looks around, his eyes blown wide. Then he looks at Cerberus again. „Show me boy. Show me,“ he instructs him, barely able to keep up with him once the dog lashes out of Trent‘s hide.
„Bravo 4, searching for 5. Cerberus showed up, I‘m following him right now.“ Trent tries his best to keep on track with Cerberus but fuck that dog was fast.
Trent ran for what felt like ages and when he reaches a small forest his heart sinks. He quickly saves his location and keeps following Cerberus, who thankfully decided to slow down.
„Good boy,“ Trent tells him, urging him to continue. „Show me where he is, come on.“ And Cerberus does. He trashes forwards once again, slipping through the forest.
Trent was praying that Brock was…alive and that he and Cerberus weren’t too late… He tried to reach his friend once again and this time the radio was cracking.
"I think-I think I...I think I need help..." Brock’s voice was weak and almost too quiet to make out what he was saying. Trent stopped. He wouldn’t be able to concentrate on Cerberus and the mumbling of Brock at once.
"What happened? Where are you?" He wants to know, his voice more than urging. He needed Brock’s location. Now.
Brock took a second to answer and when Trent hears his voice again it’s close to a cry, "I'm sorry-l think I need help."
"It's okay, I'm coming, where are you?"
"My...it hurts,” the sentence cuts off in the middle of it and Trent urges Cerberus to search again. As if on their own his legs started running after the dog again.
"Where are you?"
"'m sorry." Now he was sure Brock was crying. That didn’t fit his friend. Brock had a hard shell. He’s never—and he really means never—seen or heard him cry. So what happened to him that he was crying like a child?
And, how do you calm someone in that situation down? Trent’s brain almost shortcuts and he needs to make sure he doesn’t stumble and injure himself. "I'm not mad at you but I need you to tell me where you are," he tells Brock, trying to sound as put together but it was getting hard.
"Trent, I'm bleeding? I'm bleeding. I-I-I-" Brock hiccups and Trent is so close to losing his mind. This was way worse than his SERE training or anything else. His mind was being tormented.
"Where are you?!" He asks once again, his hands trembling while he runs after Cerberus.
The radio is dead for almost a minute and Trent is already thinking the worst; but then it’s cracking again and Brock’s voice is heard. "Help me. Please help me."
"I'm coming! Where are you!?"
Brock’s crying gets louder, turning into sobs and Trent needs to make sure he’s not crying himself. By now he’s sprinting behind Cerberus, adrenaline pumping through his veins.
"Please help me. I'm sorry. I need help. Please help me. Someone help me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"I'm on my way," Trent promises. “Cerberus and I are on our way. You just need to stay awake!” He feels himself lose his breath but he can’t stop now; not when his best friend's life was at such a high risk. He needed to pull through.
"I need help. Someone help me. I'm sorry.
Please, I'm sorry, I need help. I need help. I need help. Anyone?” Brock’s voice was so desperate, yet so weak and quiet.
"I'm still here,” Trent promises. “Can you tell me where you are?" He wants to know. Cerberus doesn’t look like he’ll stop running anytime soon.
"I...I don't know. I think I need help. Are you coming?"
"Yes, just tell me where you are." The line goes dead and Trent feels like he’s getting tortured again. His mind and spirit were slowly breaking…
The radio cracks, "Hello? Are you there? I...I think I'm going to pass out."
“No, no, no,” Trent mumbles, his hands fidgeting with the weapon still held in his hands. "Where are you Brock? Where are you?" No answer. The line goes dead.
Trent’s running further into the forest, not even afraid that he himself got lost; he’s more concerned about Brock. And then, then he sees him. His limb body’s laying beside a fallen tree.
Cerberus was over him in a matter of seconds, dutifully protecting his handler, waiting for Trent to arrive and rescue Brock.
But Trent was near panicking. Brock’s never been wounded, especially during missions so this was a first time in many aspects. When he finally reaches his friend, his throat is dry and he’s pretty sure his hands are shaking even more than before.
He immediately checks for a pulse, relief washing through him when he finds one. “HAVOC, this is 4, I need immediate med evac. 5’s down and in a critical situation.”
“I won’t lose you on my watch,” Trent promises Brock, calling his medical training to mind and starting to provide medical care for him.
When Brock wakes up he wishes he didn’t. Everything hurts and he feels like he’s been run over by a whole ass truck.
He starts to groan and writhe, his eyes shut to try and ease the pain. “Don’t move,” someone tells him but he doesn’t listen.
Is he lying in a bed? Where is he? Why is he hurting so much?
“Brock, I need you to calm down,” the person talks again and this time he feels a pair of hands on his shoulders, gently pressing him down onto the bed. “You need to calm down. Everything is okay,” they promise. Then he feels a slight poke in his arm which makes him still.
Carefully the hands on his shoulders retreat and Brock feels the pain fading away. Did they give him antibiotics?
After a minute or so he dares to open his eye the bright light of what looked like a hospital room making him squint. “Where am I?” he rasps out, immediately checking if he could feel and move his fingers and toes.
“You’re in hospital,” the person tells him and when Brock slightly rotates his head he can see Trent sitting in a stool beside him. “Good morning sunshine,” he jokes, a faint smile on his lips. “We were worried about you.”
Brock can see Trent’s smile fade as he sits back on the chair. “How are you feeling?” he wants to know, his hands playing with an armband around his wrist.
“Like shit,” Brock tries to smile but he feels like he’ll fall unconscious again any second. He wanted to stay awake but he also…didn’t.
“I’ll get you a glass of water and then you can sleep again,” Trent says as he stands up and walks to the table beside Brock’s bed. “And when you’re fit again you should give Cerberus all the treats he deserves and more.”
Brock frowns when Trent helps him sit up to drink a sip of water. “Why’s that?”
“Because that dog saved your damn life.”
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disasterfandoms · 5 months
Help Yourself First || A Seal Team Imagine
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@aliceinwondwonderland asked: “Hi, i really enjoy your seal team imagines so i wanted to request something! :)
Could you write a platonic reader x seal team? Could you base it of the scene in season 3 episode 11/12 were David almost faints and they are worried about her, but then with the reader? So like the reader was roughed up during the flee and when they get to the safe house the reader does not want to take a rest, being stubborn, and then later the reader almost faints, worrying the guys and the reader allows them to look at them and rest for a bit.
I hope everything is clear and alright! :)”
A/N: Oooo a general seal team request! I have written one with all the guys in a bit! Thanks for requesting!
TW: talk of injuries, passing out, general angst, being shot at
You didn't remember anything when you woke up. You were in the back of a caravan, Metal on one side and Sonny on the other.
"Hey sunshine, welcome back!" Sonny spoke, laughing when he realized just how out of it you were.
"Where... what...?" you muttered, sitting up and feeling the immediate dizziness as you did.
"Easy," Metal said, "You got a concussion."
"What? No I'm fine," you argued, closing your eyes to focus on the pounding that felt like jackhammers in your skull.
Metal rolled his eyes, but didn't reply. He's worked with you long enough to know not to argue.
You and the team were finally at the safe house, and were working on getting everything set up for staying there until they could be rescued.
You were getting more and more irritable by the minute, though. The boys, who are only doing it because they care, have constantly checked on you and tried to pull you away from your job.
"Enough, Clay! I'm fine!" you snapped, though when you turned around, you became extremely light-headed.
"Y/n!" you heard Clay say, but whatever else happened, you had no clue, as all you saw was darkness.
Waking up surrounded by your team has become a major pain in your ass, you thought as you opened your eyes. This time you noticed a needle in your arm, where Trent had hooked you up to IV fluids. You went to take the needle out, and felt a hand swiftly smacking you.
"Y/N I swear to fucking christ, if you touch that needle or even think about getting up, I will tape you to the table and maybe, just maybe, remember to come get you when we're rescued," Jason threatened, smacking your hand again as you hadn't moved it away from the IV.
Huffing, you mutter, "Yes Dad."
"Good. Now rest, until Trent says you can go back to work," Jason ordered, moving to check on the others.
You grumble under your breath, until you see Trent's face. "C'mon T, I'm fine."
"You passed out, again. Y/N, stop fighting us on this," Trent spoke quietly, "Let us help you for once."
You closed your eyes, sighing as you nodded. Trent was always your soft spot on the team, he's who took you under his wing. He's like your big brother, always listening and caring for you, even teasing you on your horrific dating life. "Sorry T," you whispered finally.
"Stop apologizing," he grumbled, "You're just being an idiot."
You nodded, "Fine... but how mad is Metal?"
You smiled wildly as you heard Trent laugh, glad your attempt to make him smile worked. "You're lucky you're his superior, he would have slapped the shit out of you in the caravan," he joked, moving to recheck his supplies.
At least you know they all had your back, as annoying as they are.
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vae1bixy · 8 months
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
SEAL Team Masterlist
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Brian Armstrong Masterlist
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Brock Reynolds Masterlist
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Eric Blackburn Masterlist
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Sonny Quinn Masterlist
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Trent Sawyer Masterlist
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finiteuniverse13 · 4 months
SEAL Team Superpower/Umbrella Academy AU
Bravo + Metal have powers. Powers are not the norm, so they attempt (poorly) to hide them. They do not know that the others have powers.
"How don't you notice that the 6 people you're closest to have powers?"
Well, reader, it is because they are all collectively So Very Stupid. In their efforts to conceal their own powers, they render themselves Oblivious to each other's powers.
Their powers are:
Jason - Super strength Ray - Uncanny aim & holding breath indefinitely Sonny - Teleportation Trent - Speak to the dead Brock - Summon tentacled monsters Clay - Convert sound into force Metal - Mind control
Who does know about these idiots and their powers? Blackburn. The man is fucking SUFFERING. He knows exactly what's going on and is not stepping in ONLY because there is a massive betting pool with the s/o's to figure out when they all figure it out.
Trent and Metal know each other's (they're dating), but are under the impression they're the only two and it's.. guys... it's so painful to watch. Their excuses for each other are. So. Bad. It's incredible that neither have them have had the other brought in for an emergency psych checkup.
Also Brian is alive but injured (& dating Clay) because I say so and he's in a Davis role because I also say so, also very much aware of everything that is going on and is LIVING for it.
Brian has a whiteboard with a "Stupid Almost Power Reveal" tally and he's started having to erase previous tallies and just write it in 10s (eg erasing 20 marks and just adding 20 to the written score) because this is... incredible amounts of denial from truly everyone.
Does the rest of DEVGRU have powers? Maybe! Who knows? Not Bravo!! Those guys are OBLIVIOUS. The last time Clay lost his temper and yelled, everything fell off the walls and they thought that a mini-earthquake just Happened to happen at the same time. Blackburn screamed into Lisa's shoulder that night. They also drank A Lot of alcohol.
(if you've seen this on discord already... hush I have Thoughts but no motivation to write)
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andromeda--17 · 1 year
Imma need the men of seal team to never shave their facial hair again, like ever, im still traumatized when i think about it
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bravo-four-seal-team · 6 months
I know I'm not around alot, I apologise, real life has been crazy! So many things have happened lately and wow I can't keep up, hopefully will be back to producing fics soon
Been attending a few conventions in Scotland as well.
But I'm looking forward to sitting down and writing things again!
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I'm finally around the end of Season 5 and I just wanna say Brock is so adorable and Trent is hella fun I'm so mad he and Trent didn't get much of screen time back when it was till aired through CBS.
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smoothdogsgirl · 2 years
February - Established Long Distance Relationship
Pairing: Brock Reynolds
Warnings: Deployments, Care Packages
Words: 943
Summary: Brock and the team get surprises during mailcall while on deployment in J-Bad.
In a Discord group I belong to, there was a post for a "Year of the OTP" challenge for 2023.
Disclaimer: This is fanfic work; no money is being made from this story. All recognizable characters belong to their respective creative authors, studios or producers.
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“Mail call you clowns,” Sonny yells as he joins the guys around the fire pit. He opens the mailbag, “alright, let's see what we have for Bravo Team.” Reaching in, he pulls out a medium size box, “Ray, here’s a little bit of home.” He then tosses it over to him. He reaches in and grabs the next package, “bossman, it looks like the kiddos sent you something too.” On the next grab, he pulls out some letters, “heads up,” he shouts, and when Trent and Metal look at him, he flings the letters to them. They each catch them before they have a chance to hit the floor. He stuffs the last letter into his back pocket as it’s addressed to him. Shaking the bag, he realizes there is one more package inside; when he pulls it out, he grins, “looks like someone is sending Brock and Cerberus some love too.” He then tosses it to the man in question. 
There is some friendly teasing as Ray and Jason open the packages from their families. Emma and Mickey had mailed their father a card, chocolates, seeds for his vegetable garden, and baby wipes. Now Naima and the kids had sent Ray some homemade cards, cookies, drawings, candy, and baby wipes. 
“So, Broccoli, whatcha get?” Sonny asked.
Causing the other guys to look in Brock's direction as he finishes cutting tape on his box, he chuckles; it’s a heavy-duty heart-shaped Kong toy and a jar of all-natural peanut butter. On the lid is a heart-shaped sticker and the name Cerb. Brock whistles, and Cerberus gets up, stretching lazily while yawning, ambling over to his handler, and sitting by his feet. 
Brock takes his knife, spreading a glob of peanut butter on the Kong Toy before handing it to Cerberus, who sniffs it briefly before biting it and retreating to his spot near the fire pit.
Digging back into the package, he pulls out a Ziploc container of homemade chocolate and peanut butter chip cookies, a container of baby wipes, a small container of homemade dog treats, a new hard copy of his favorite book ‘The Martian,’ a homemade DVD and a card in an envelope.
“Who’s sending you all those goodies, Broccoli?” Sonny asked from his seat next to Brock, eyeing the container of cookies.
“Not to mention, who knows your pup so well?” Trent asked, nodding at Cerberus, who was still munching on his toy. 
“Spill brother,” Metal’s low, gruff voice causes Brock to jump a little as he comes up, setting a bottle of beer next to his camping chair. 
Brock rubs the back of his neck; he smiles at the guys and places the package on the ground leaving the book and card on his lap. He then looks at all of the guys, “Keep your paws off of my cookies, or I’ll sick the hair missile on you. You’ll be his training dummy.”
Opening the card, he can’t help but smile when he reads the contents,
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Cracking the book's cover, he places the card inside, flips the pages, and stops at page 316. Lying between the pages is a 3D ultrasound image. He picks it up, taking in all of the child’s features. Brock is so lost in thought he doesn’t see Trent get up to grab snacks. 
“Cute kid, you gonna be an uncle?” Trent asks, seeing the picture.
Brock grins at the man, “Nah, man, I’m gonna be a dad. This is my kid.”
Everything around the fire pit stops; the guys look at him. 
“What’d you just say, Broccoli?” Sonny asks his Texas accident even thicker than usual.
Picking up the image and showing it to the group, “I said I’m gonna be a dad.” Noting writing on the back of the image, “make that a girl, dad. This is a picture of my daughter.”
Ray smiles at him, “welcome to the club, brother. There is nothing quite like it.”
Jason nods his head in agreement, unsure of what else to say.
“So, who’s the baby momma Broccoli? Can’t believe you finally managed to get some and didn’t tell us?” 
Brock growls at Sonny, “my daughter isn’t the result of some one-night stand. And trust me, man, getting some has never been a problem.” 
Sonny holds up his hands in surrender.
“So you’re saying you have a girlfriend?” Clay asks, giving Sonny a reproachful look.
“Not what I said either,” Brock replies with a shoulder shrug.
“Quit being cryptic, dog boy. Tell us what’s going on.” Metal states before taking a swig of his beer.
“My wife is the one who is pregnant. It wasn’t exactly planned, but not unwanted either. We found out the week before the deployment that she’s pregnant.”
Trent tilts his head, “since when are you married?”
“We got married two days after returning from our last deployment to J-Bad. It was just us, the dogs, a JP on a floating dock in False Cape State Park at sunset.”
“So, almost a year and a half?” Trent clarifies.
Brock shrugs, “that sounds about right?”
“Dogs?” Clay questions.
“We couldn’t exactly get married without Cerberus and Artemis. Before you ask, Artemis is a two-year-old sable German shepherd.” Brock replied.
“How long have you guys been together?” Trent asks.
“We met just before I went through BUDs. We’ve been together ever since.” Glancing down at his watch, he does the calculations in his head for the time difference to Va Beach. “This has been fun, ladies, but I’m going to go call my girls.” Grabbing his things, he whistles, and together he and Cerberus head to their hootch to make a video call home.
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The letter in this story was written in Dutch. I decided since that is the language he gives Cerb commands in, he picked it because he speaks it, and so does his wife. Here is a close approximation of what the letter says. I had a friend of mine do the Dutch translation.
Hey Babe, I’m missing you and our furry kid. The bed is cold without my two heat sources. Here are a few little things for when you get a minute of downtime. Only a few more weeks and this deployment will be over; we can’t wait to have you home. I had a new ultrasound technician at my last appointment, and she accidentally spilled the beans on our March surprise. So if you look at the page corresponding to that date, you will know too. That being said, when you come home, you better have a list of names ready. Love you, Babe
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seal-team-bravo · 1 year
I apologize for being so inactive.
I've been in a huge creative slump and my university course has consumed my life.
I promise I will be back writing soon.
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bravo4iscool · 10 months
masterlist overview
call of duty (simon riley)
seal team
hidden glances and secret notes (benedict bridgerton x servant!fem!reader)
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disasterfandoms · 5 months
Seal Team CODA || Boarding Party
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A/n: This is episode 3 of the CODA series for the Trent and Full Metal series on AO3! I'm excited to be posting these characters again and writing for them! ALso this is the first time i'm introducing Elijah, Brock's boyfriend and an OC me and @bravo-four-seal-team created!
TW: pregnancy, cliff hanger at the end.
“I’m pregnant,” Amelia spoke, looking over at Trent, who was getting ready for work. 
“What?” Trent asked, assuming her didn’t hear her correctly. 
Amelia looked at him directly in the eyes, standing up and walking to her. “I’m pregnant,” she repeated, swallowing down the fears she felt, trying to see how he felt. 
“Oh…” Trent spoke barely above a whisper, processing what he was being told. “Are you okay?”
Amelia nodded, puzzled by the question. “I’m fine…” she trailed off, trying to figure out how he felt about it. 
He nodded, kissing her cheek. “I got to go, I’m running late. I’ll call you as soon as I get off, and we can pick up where we left off?”
Amelia nodded, “alright,” she forced a smiled, kissing his cheek. “I love you,.”
“I love you too,” he whispered, kissing her gently before immediately grabbing everything he needed for work, leaving to go to his truck, trying not to panic on the way to base. 
Amelia watched as he left, visibly deflating. That didn’t go how she hoped, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. 
“Trent,” Brock called out, shaking his head when the man was zoned out, focused on cleaning his gun after having an intense session on the range. When he tapped his shoulder, though, Brock didn’t expect the man to jump like he had been tazed. 
“Sorry,” Trent sighed, realizing it was just Brock. 
“You good?” He asked, analyzing his friend, who seemed on edge. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m good,” Trent mumbled, although his mind was anywhere other than the base. 
“Yeah sure,” Brock shrugged, not really believing his friend. “Having nightmares again?”
He sighed, shaking his head. “No, nightmares are fine. Just some… family stuff.”
Brock nodded, “Alright well, can’t let it distract you, brother.”
Trent waved him off, moving to start another session at the range, when their phones went off. Sighing, he packed up and headed inside, awaiting another mission. 
Amelia was busy at her apartment, stress cleaning away the thoughts swirling in her mind. 
What if he didn’t want this baby? What if he never wanted kids in the first place? 
She should have seen that coming, to be honest. Look at Metal, he swears up and down he never wanted a wife or a family, that it messed up his laser focus on the mission, on his brothers. 
The thought of losing her boyfriend caused a tear to fall, though she quickly wiped away as she continued to scrub the tile flooring. She couldn’t think about that, she needed to focus on the baby, and her life, and how it would forever be changed in just 8 months. 
Brock walked into his apartment, waiting for his boyfriend’s dog, Axel, to come get him. Sighing as he realized that Elijah and Axel were on patrol. 
He wrote a note for his boyfriend and sat it on the counter.  He then looked around the apartment, scanning to make sure his hidden gift was still in place, as long as everything else. 
He was getting anxious over his plan for their anniversary, in a few days. He had everything set up, from the speech to the moment he wanted to enact his plan. 
He sighed, heading back out the door, going to grab pizza before he was inevitably called back. 
After the OP:
Trent stumbled into his front door, exhaustion seeping through his pores. He was practically half asleep on the way home, the OP wiping out any energy he had. 
He put his bag down in the entryway, rubbing his face when he saw Ashley sitting in the living room. “Hey kid,” he murmured, moving to sit beside her, “You Alright?”
“Yeah, shittin’ rainbows and unicorns,” she grumbled sarcastically, taking a drink of the beer she had grabbed. 
“Should get some sleep,” he murmured, taking the beer from her and taking a sip. 
“So should you,” she spoke quietly. “Your girlfriend stopped by.”
“Amelia, yeah,” Trent murmured, rubbing his eyes. “She okay?”
Ashley shrugged, “How should I know? She dropped off something on the counter, waved to me, and left.”
Trent frowned, standing up and moving to the letter. Opening it, his eyes grew wide as he read the contents. 
He grabbed his phone and sent a text to her, telling him to call her. 
“No. I’ll see you in a day or two, Trent. I love you.” She replied, tears streaming down her face.
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vae1bixy · 7 months
Seal team discord server
A discord seal team server where you can talk about the show the characters your head canon's. You can spread you're art and writing. You can even rp.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
Follow That Beat Prompt List
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Please check the updated character list on my pinned post to see who I am writing for before submitting a prompt!
Also read the rules and do not forget to put the entire prompt into your ask!
She was sitting in another man’s pick up truck, kissing him on the mouth
He’s as tough as the tattoos up his right arm
He hides his heart and hurt because he kinda had to
I’ve run too many miles trying to ride out all the sadness
Oh, there was Heaven in your eyes
Shot guns and roses
Confident sexy in the heels you walking in
Ain't afraid to take chances And wears her heart on her sleeve
But if you see her tonight she’ll be flirting with Jack
 you're my favorite kind of night
Every time I see you lying next to me in this room I stop and thank the good lord for blessing me with you
Hold me close and I won't leave
I bet you love me more after that first fuck
The way that she drives me wild
I’ve talked him down from getting in a fight or two
Everything's alright when She calls me back,
I know I've waited so long to tie the knot But better late than not
But I can't stop the rush And I can't give you up
He stands his ground, he’s as stubborn as the weeds in the back yard
The daylight holds you close, but tonight you are mine
Growing up he had to go where the wind blew
When she gets that come-get-me look in her eyes
Got me pulling on your hair
So I love when you call unexpected
Don't turn off the lights (lights)Can we try something new?
Timid girl black dress with hair tied back
Teddy bears and "I'm sorry" letters
I'd be kicking myself if I didn't get one knee Give you this diamond ring
Wanna be in love but I can’t get close to anybody
You know our love would be tragic
I'd be the happiest man in the world to call ya mine
If I was here I would damn sure hate me
Somethin' 'bout you Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't
Look at me and don't you lie
I’m afraid you’ll walk away when the tears start running, but I hope not.
It's harder than I thought to tell the truth
I just fuck you and leave
Destiny called as we locked into each other's eyes
And you're all about the chase But you won't ever let me catch you
Don't bury me alive
All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God Don't you stop
Fate told me woman like you are one of a kind
Girl my eyes rose and my heart dropped to the floor The second you walked through that door
Do you lie awake restless?
I know that you want me to stay with you, but no
I ain't a stranger to the foreplay
Taking control of this kind of moment
Maybe I can drive ya home
She can't help but amaze me
I can feel your body trembling Don't worry, I'ma give it all to you
Cause I've been looking for a woman like you for quite some time
I fell in love with the Devil And now I'm in trouble
Made my decision to test my limits
Realizin', shouldn't have let you go
Gentle love but touch passionately
I took a good thing and turned into goodbye
die while saving you
You lose your friends, you lose your wife
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mrsreadalot · 1 year
I didn't swoon
It has been a long hot day full of training. Jason made them sweat all day long, all of them nearing exhaustion now. The last torture of the day was the O-course in full gear. They all made it, not near anyone’s best time, but they still reached the finish line.
Finally, Jason is satisfied and tells the team to go get rid of their gear and take that long overdue shower. Arriving in their cage room, they all grab one of the cold waters from the fridge, gulping them down while discarding their gear in their cages.
Sonny and Clay are the first ones out of the door, heading for the shower room, closely followed by Jason and Ray.
“You coming?” Trent looks at Brock in his cage, who only packed his gear away but doesn’t look like he is going to the showers.
“In a moment. I have to check on Cerberus first, make sure he has enough to drink and to tell the kennel master to check his paws for blisters.”
Trent gives a short chuckle. “Sure. But remember, you have to drink, too. And you need that shower. You reek.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Brock waves him off, closes his cage and follows Trent out of the door of their cage room. He turns in the opposite direction and heads for the kennels to make sure his K9 partner is well taken care of.
Trent just shakes his head. He knows his best friend; knows he won’t relax or look after himself before he is satisfied that his dog is ok. Even before entering the shower room, Trent can hear the laughter and bantering from his teammates, Sonny being the loudest of all. Entering the room, the other four are already in the different stalls, water running in all of them, joking loudly with each other. He is surprised that they have enough energy to fool around. He himself feels utterly exhausted and just wants to soak in the water to loosen his muscles.
Entering one of the stalls, he slowly undresses, letting his dust- and sweat-soaked fatigues drop into one crumpled pile on the floor. He turns on the water and steps into the spray, savoring the warm stream running down his body, feeling his tight muscles relax while he listens to his brother’s banter.
When the water starts to cool, he makes quick work of shampooing and washing off the rest of the grime. Stepping out of the shower, he towels himself dry. All of his brothers have finished their showers, all in various states of undress, and already discussing evening plans.
Sonny is talking Clay into coming to the Bulkhead with a little help from Jason. Ray has already excused himself for the evening, having to be home to look after the kids for Naima to go to a school thing he can’t remember. Finally, Clay agrees to come and Sonny turns his attention to Trent.
“You coming, too, right?”
A beer at the Bulkhead is not out of the question, but an early evening on his couch sounds tempting, too.
“I don’t know…” Trent looks around for Brock’s opinion, not seeing him in any of the showers. “Where is Brock?”
Sonny looks around, so do the others.
“Huh.” Clay looks concerned. “I haven’t seen him in here.”
“He wanted to look after Cerb before showering, but that was…” Trent checks his watch. “Wow, nearly 45 minutes ago. He should be here already.”
They all share a concerned look and as if on an unseen signal they all rush to the door. Trent reaches their cage room first. Pushing the door open with more force than he meant to, he scans the empty room for his missing brothers. He already starts to turn back to head for the kennels, when Clay’s shout has him stop and turn back.
“Brock! Oh, shit.” Clay rushes past Trent, pulling him along, the other three a little slower but following.
Brock sits crumbled in the corner of his cage, eyes closed, unmoving. Trent slides to his knees next to him and tries to wake him up.
“Brock, hey buddy.” Trent gives him a firm sternal rub that gets him a low groan. He taps Brock’s cheeks, checks for a pulse and breathing. “Skin is hot and dry, pulse is fast and faint, breathing is shallow and fast. Clay, grab my bag. Sonny, help me get him out of here so we have more space. Ray call medical, tell them to bring a gurney.”
His brothers all rush to heed his orders. Sonny takes Brock’s feet while Trent grabs him under the arms, and they drag him out of his cage. Clay drops Trent’s bag next to him and Trent gets everything to start an iv-line and push fluids in.
“Jason, Clay, strip him to his boxers. Sonny, get water, cold if possible, we have to cool him down."
While the others work, Trent connects the first bag of fluids with the iv-line and lets the fluids rush into his brother. Working hand in hand Jason and Clay take only a few minutes to get Brock’s clothes off of him. Trent exchanges the already empty first bag of fluids just as Sonny arrives with a bucket of water and a few towels. Jason and Clay have already stripped Brock of his fatigues and start to help Sonny wet the towels and cover him with them. As the cool towels touch the hot and dry skin, Brock starts to stir, slowly trying to remove the uncomfortable cold against his skin.
“Easy, brother.” Trent squeezes Brocks shoulder softly, gently holding him down, making sure the iv-line stays in place.
Brock opens his eyes, blinking several times before he can focus on his brothers.
“How many fingers am I holding up?” Trent holds his thumb and index finger in front of Brocks face.
“At least two. Where am I?” Brock’s voice is dry, cracked and he lifts his head a little to look around, trying to find out why he is lying on the floor in their cage room. “What happened?”
“You swooned in your cage, princess.” Sonny’s drawl betrays how worried he still is about his brother.
“Didn’t swoon.” Brock closes his eyes again, letting his head fall back to the floor. “Might have passed out.”
Trent chuckles. “Whatever you want to call it, you scared the living shit out of us. Don’t do that to us again!”
Brock just nods, still not opening his eyes again.
“Brock, how much did you drink today?”
At Trent’s question, Brock furrows his brows, trying to think back over the day. “Not sure… Probably not enough.”
Ray arrives with two paramedics and a gurney, and with the opening of the door Brock finally opens his eyes again.
“Hell, no.” Brock shakes his head when he sees them entering, sitting up a little, but already feeling dizzy.
“Hell, yes.” Trent answers. “You passed out in your cage. You have had a heat stroke. You need to go to the infirmary and probably stay there overnight for observation. No point arguing.”
“Oh, come on. I’m just a little dehydrated.” Brock tries to argue but he is cut off, this time by Jason.
“No, Brock. Go get checked out. Or I’ll sideline you.”
“Fine.” Brock gives in, lying back down.
The medics have watched the argument with amusement. They already know the guys from Bravo, know they only agree to go to the infirmary if ordered. Just like all the other Tier One operators. Trent gives them an update on what happened and how much fluid he has already given Brock. They help an embarrassed Brock to the gurney, leaving him covered in wet towels, and make their way to the base infirmary.
The rest of Bravo watch them leave with Brock, all shaking their heads.
“I need a drink.”
They all look at Trent, not believing that statement came from him. They all expected him to follow Brock, not letting him out of his sight.
“I need a drink. Then I’ll get him some fresh clothes and check on him at the infirmary.”
They all agree, smiling. Jason slings his arm around Trent’s shoulder and guides him out of the cage room.
“Let’s all finish dressing first and then we head to the Bulkhead. First round is on me.”
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polyamships · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: SEAL Team (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mandy Ellis/Jason Hayes/Brock Reynolds, Sonny Quinn/Trent Sawyer/Clay Spenser Characters: Brock Reynolds, Mandy Ellis, Jason Hayes, Sonny Quinn (SEAL Team TV), Clay Spenser, Bravo Team Ensemble (SEAL Team TV) Additional Tags: background metalburn, ray is also there, trent is also definitely there but doesn't get to say anything, jason is a blanket hog, brock likes to be in the middle, Swearing, discussion of sex Series: Part 9 of Two Guys, a Girl, and a Navy Base, Part 9 of Universe of Trios, Part 1 of OG Trio Business Summary:
Brock just has a very specific idea of where he should be in the cuddle. The rest of the squad are not amused by this discussion
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