#bro's 1k event
bro-atz · 2 days
bug bites [bro's 1k —seonghwa]
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in which: seonghwa's pissed as hell that you're being flirty with other guys.
pair: idol!seonghwa/mua!afab!reader
word count: 1.4k
content: smut, semi-public sex, a lil jealousy sex, unprotected sex (PLS REMEMBER TO WRAP UP IRL!), oral sex, consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
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Seonghwa knew that he had nothing to worry about, but he was still on edge when he saw you flirting with Jongho. He knew that you had to touch him for your job since you were literally one of the makeup artists, but he seriously did not like that Jongho was shooting you his cute, gummy smile and that you were making him laugh more and more.
You could feel Seonghwa’s glare on you intensify when you asked Jongho to close his eyes, the male smiling and nodding. You worked on touching up his eyelids, but a little bit of extra pigment landed on his cheekbone, and you immediately tried to blow it off him.
“Y/N, that tickles,” Jongho chuckled as his eyes fluttered open.
“Oh, my bad,” you responded sheepishly.
You heard something loud that made you flinch, and you immediately turned your head in the direction of the sound. It was Seonghwa, and he was standing with a crushed soda can in his hand. You made eye contact with him, and he didn’t even have to say or do anything— his glare said it all.
Come with me right now.
Quickly, you finished touching up Jongho’s makeup before excusing yourself to go to the bathroom.
You were on set for an outdoor music video shoot, so you had to walk pretty far to get to the park’s bathrooms. Just as you arrived, however, Seonghwa grabbed you and whisked you to the side of the building. He pinned you against the wall with one hand on the wall and one on your waist. His face was twisted in frustration, and he looked ready to rip you to shreds.
“Having fun, are we?” he asked, his words oozing with envy.
“Baby, what are you—”
“No. Don’t try to sweet talk your way out of this,” Seonghwa covered your mouth before you could say anything else. “You’re doing this intentionally, and you know it.”
He didn’t give you the chance to explain yourself. Keeping your mouth covered, he lowered his head to the nook of your neck and sucked your skin lightly at first, then with a little more intensity. You couldn't help but let out muffled protests because if he left a hickey on you, work was not going to end well for you at all. You held Seonghwa's wrist and tugged on it just enough for him to withdraw his hand.
"Seonghwa, I thought we were trying to not tell anyone we're together!" you hissed. "What do you think is going to happen now if we return to set?!"
"Then you should've thought twice before doing that in front of me," Seonghwa responded while tucking his fingers under your chin and tilting your head up. He leaned in close, his breath tickling your lips as he whispered, "I'm sure you can come up with an excuse for the mark."
You frowned before nodding, a smirk gracing his face before he pressed his lips against yours with so much force that the back of your head nearly hit the wall. You felt his grip on your waist tighten and his knee press into your crotch as he slipped his leg between yours. You ended up gripping Seonghwa's shoulders tightly when you felt his hand slip under your top, and you began to melt into his kisses and hot touch.
"B-Baby, wait," you pushed him away and gasped for air. "Your outfit... We can't ruin it— We still have to shoot."
"Then don't hold onto my shoulders, doll," Seonghwa murmured before bringing his lips to yours again. In between kisses, he continued, "As long as you listen to me, we shouldn't have any problems."
While inhaling deeply, Seonghwa grabbed your wrists and moved your hands so that they were on the back of his head. You ran your fingers through his hair and held on tightly as you continued kissing him, allowing him to move as he pleased. His hands, instead of going back up your shirt, slipped below the waistband of your pants and panties. His fingers quickly made their way to your cunt and began light scratching your folds as you moved your legs apart.
"Just like that, doll," Seonghwa said, his voice low. "Now, turn around for me."
You did as he asked, your hands pressing into the wall. He pulled your pants down just enough that your bare ass and wet pussy were exposed to the warm air, but your pants remained on the rest of your legs. You heard Seonghwa's pants unzip, and before long, you felt the tip of his penis rub against your folds.
"I don't want to hear a peep out of you, got it, doll?" Seonghwa whispered into your ear as he leaned closer to you.
You nodded and bit your lower lip as you anticipated his cock, but he continued to tease you for a bit— probably payback for whatever upset him earlier. You wanted to beg him for his cock, but he told you to keep quiet, and you were going to listen to him.
The second Seonghwa shoved his cock into you, you gasped, and it would've been loud had he not covered your mouth quickly. Once you relaxed, Seonghwa moved his hand away. He started to rut into you slowly, steadily, your body moving closer and closer into the wall with every thrust. You focused on your breathing to make sure you didn't make any noise, but every so often, Seonghwa would buck his hips upwards, and you would choke out a little moan.
At some point, his gentle ruts turned into insane thrusts that made your entire body react. You felt your fingers and toes get tingly, and your eyelids fluttered while your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You didn't say anything still, but when you gripped Seonghwa's forearms, he knew that you were close.
"Turn," Seonghwa ordered as he pulled out abruptly.
You nearly whimpered as you did so, the building pleasure starting to go down slightly, but when he pressed your back into the wall again and rushed two of his fingers into your tight cunt, you were losing it again. You bit your lower lip and grasped Seonghwa's shoulder as he fingered you vigorously. It was when his fingers rubbed against your G-spot just right did your vision go white. You did your best to keep your voice hushed as you moaned with pleasure, your walls fluttering uncontrollably as Seonghwa made you cum.
"You like that, doll?" Seonghwa asked, his smirk from earlier returning.
You nodded as your high wore off and your muscles relaxed.
"Is it bad I like it when you're mad at me?" you asked with a slight giggle. "It makes the sex so much better."
"Is that so?" Seonghwa chuckled. "Alright, if that's the case, then get on your knees, doll. We're not done here."
You sank to your knees before holding Seonghwa's cock. You stroked it lightly then pressed a couple of light kisses along the length, making the man inhale sharply. When you finally took the tip of his cock into your mouth, his patience snapped. He ran his fingers through your hair and began fucking your throat. You held onto Seonghwa's thighs as you did your best to keep your gags to a minimum; however, he was fucking you so forcefully that you couldn't help but.
"Fuck," Seonghwa groaned, his climax nearing. "You better swallow everything, doll."
Seonghwa let go of your head, and you pushed yourself way into him. You kept him in your mouth as he let out a low groan and came, his cock twitching as it spurt his pools of white into your mouth. You kept him in your mouth as you swallowed every single last drop of him before letting him out with a pop.
"Fuck, doll... You did so well listening to me," Seonghwa murmured as he brushed your messy hair out of your face. "You better fucking listen to me for the rest of this shoot, though."
"Of course, baby," you nodded and smiled at him while wiping the corners of your mouth.
Suddenly realizing the fact that the two of you had been away from set for a moment too long, you and Seonghwa quickly got situated. When you adjusted your clothes, you immediately shivered feeling your wet panties press against your sore pussy. A light blush spread across your face as the embarrassing realization that you were going to have to continue working with completely soiled panties overcame you.
"What's wrong, doll?" Seonghwa asked when he saw the stunned look on your face.
"My panties are soaked..."
"I wouldn't be worried about your panties if I were you."
"Huh? Why?"
Seonghwa tapped the part of your neck he left a kiss on earlier and said, "You should probably take care of this bug bite, first."
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bro's 1k event masterlist
@k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @hwallazia @yunhoszn
@nebulousbookshelf @starryriize @skteezcursed @yessa-vie @minkilicious
@sunshineangel-reads @dazzlingstarrs @dutchessskarma @yourlocaljonghoe @st4rhwa
@frobin4ever @sanhwajjong @certifiedmoa @therealcuppicake @yuyubeans
@hyunukitty @startlinglyoongi @hyukssunflower @chewyhotteoks @bsehindu
@dinossaurz @woomyteez @isiloiale @ywtfvs @nvdhrzn
@khjoongie98 @jaerisdiction @ninoshome1 @aaa-sia @tiredlittlevirgo
@preciouswoozi @woohwababes @wmewtew @yuyusgirl @exololyunho
@everythingboutkpop @bath1lda @bitejoongie @jen176pink @sousydive
@yyaurii @ateez-atiny380 @arabelleum @seeoonghwaa @oddracha
@wonuwrites @wyrated @flwrshwa @wooyoungqueen @luvt0kki
@oreoqueen @kiki277 @bakarilennox
apply for the permanent taglist here!
networks: @atzhouse @blossomnet @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet
@illusionnet @ksmutsociety @wonderlandnet
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salsakiyoomi · 1 year
GAHHH OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY first of all holy smokes I love the theme on your blog so much it's so cool and the red is just,,, chefs kiss oh man💗💗🥹!!
OKAY AJAJA would it be alright if I asked for a matchup for Spiderverse (either of the other fandoms work if they're easier/more fun to work with!! I love all of the fandoms there as well ajajja) :O??<3 please take as long as you need with it!!💗🙏
my persona:
name: ellie :D
personality: ENFP/ENTP (but E and I are bound to change depending on how I'm feeling while taking the test BWAHSHSHD so here's another description!!): I'm a generally optimistic person with the sense of humor of an eight year old boy. I will laugh at your mom jokes and then apologize and then make another one😭 I enjoy helping people and creating things, but I do tend to question my morals a lot and wonder why I am helping those people !! I really like the idea of self-improvement and knowing there's always room for more :D reminders are always great too because I forget a lot of things SJDBSJSJHS
zodiac sign: aries!
ideal type: i'm okay with being paired with any gender, no preference! i'm also a minor/highschool student if that helps at all :D (i'm totally on board with platonic matchups as well, i'm unlabeled so for me i can roll along w just about anything!! whatever is easiest GAARAHH). i really admire people who are kind at heart, it doesn't matter how they show it :D i admire people who are humble but not meek, and are willing to speak their minds when it feels right to them OH MAN and I also love people who i can go on and have deep talks with them and fall asleep next to them giggling like im 7 years old at a sleepover every night. OH AJDJSJ and I also love watching shows meant For Literal Children/cartoons because I find them genuinely hilarious and the lessons are always so good 😭🙏 creativity is important to me as well + education for passions :D my giving love language is words of affirmation and physical touch, and my main receiving is acts of service and physical touch! :D
my favorite trope: SHDHDJDJ FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY or any forms of domestic fluff!! 💗💗(sharing a bed and hurt/comfort and being held after a nightmare is my JAM BWAHHS)
favorite season: autumn :)))
hobbies: I absolutely love biology/biomed/environmental science :D! I love going to aquariums and (art) museums and learning about my passions. i definitely want to work at an aquarium as one of those people who give tours to the 3rd graders one day 🥰🙏 I also love listening to instrumental scores from movies!! (I CRIED OVER THE ONES FROM ATSV I AM UNWELL) how to train your dragon and big hero 6 are definitely up there as a few of my favorites :D oh man I also love performing and doing musical theatre for the sake of the community WAHHHSJ,, I love art and writing even though I can get pretty bad writer's block AND OH MAN I love tutoring a lot and going on bike rides when I'm alone !! I love hanging out w people but I also value my alone time as well, and soMETIMES (I AM WORKING ON IT SJXJSJ) I tend to become a doormat where i can't say no and worry about how I am in public places (bUT I HAVE NO PROBLEM DOING PRESENTATIONS WHICH I FIND HILARIOUS SJXNSKJD), but again I SWEAR I am working on it !! =D💗
and the fandom for spider verse would be great :D!! but again anything else is totally okay!!!
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— honeymoon :
– hobie thinks it's a little funny, honestly, how things turned out with you — the two of you are almost polar opposites, but you know what they say ; opposites attract, and you were his missing puzzle piece — hobie didn't like labels, but there was no denying that he certainly had a thing for you, and you couldn't deny that you liked him either, so you settled in middle ground.
– hobie would come to your place every night — that's how it started, you'd watch a movie or two and once the clock strikes midnight, you find yourself laying in bed with him, huddled up in his arms with your head resting on his chest and his face buried in your hair, the two of you talk about alot of stuff, jumping from one topic to another about completely unrelated things — he likes listening to you talk, likes the sound of your voice and how it immediately soothes him into a good mood — but once the clock nears five am, and you start mumbling and tripping on your words and your eyelids become heavy, he places a soft kiss on your lips, telling you it's time for bed before holding you close and the two of you eventually fall asleep.
– hobie has a knack to convincing you to do things you wouldn't usually do, like going out with him at three am on a supposed 'date' where he takes you to one of the city's highest rooftops with a couple of snacks and the radio playing your favourite songs, he likes to draw and often brings his sketchbook to those dates, so the two of you doodle on the pages, slapping stickers on them and creating a perpetual memory, and he thinks — actually, believes, that no matter what, he'd never forget you, and he has reached a conclusion that maybe, just maybe, he may be in love with you.
— what's on the radio : moonlight, kali uchis
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a/n : hello??? kirishimas-manly-eyeliner ?? 😭😭 i used to follow you, i loved your blog sm and you were legit one of my inspirations to write 😭😭 i didn't know you were aware of my blog holy shit, i love you so much 😭 thank you for the request and your ask was so much fun to read like shejwkwk, you're such a nice person help 😭 thank you sm for the request again, ily — also atsv was so good, i cried alot during the moving so you aren't alone, and i loved hobie's animation ! i loved the way they colored him and how he looked like he was out of a panel and the way he changed colors (??) it was so good, he's one of my faves pls 😭 i hope this did you justice and that you like it ! once again thank you sm for the request <33
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theyluvkarolina · 22 days
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· . ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑ ` ` And then I go and spoil it all, By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you" ` ` ⊹ ‧₊˚
𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃?: Yes! (Part of 1K Event!)
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ୨୧ Being Max’s strategist is a experience you’d cherish forever. The constant laughter, friendly teasing, shared smiles after wins, is also something Max would never change. But in Max's case, he see’s nothing of this as simply friendly. But sometimes, words are best kept to oneself.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ Max Verstappen x Strategist!Fem!Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ୨୧ some photos of kelly get used but i blur out her face, rejection, ANGSTY 🥴🥴, a very slight song fic? (they are listening to it so not really a song fic)
𝐀/𝐍 ୨୧ So so sorry this took longer than expected! My schedule was not my bestie last week 😞 but i have a very special note for my pookie bear ash at the bottom 🫶🫶 (FOLLOW HER ON @maxtermind !! SHE HAS AMAZING WORKS)
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y/n_rbstrat ✔︎
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liked by maxverstappen1, redbullracing, danielricciardo, and others
y/n_rbstrat Max. Maxie. Max Emilian Verstappen ladies and gentlemen, your 2021 World Champion. I’m so lucky and proud to have been your strategist and I pray it’s this way for years to come. Seeing you grow along with me is something I’m forever grateful for. I love you so much, my best friend 🩷
tagged ; maxverstappen1, redbullracing
username2 what if i started crying rn
username3 “I love you so much, my best friend” hurt.
→ username4 NO BC WTF DO YOU MEAN FRIENDS??? Y/N HAVE YOU SEEN HOW HE LOOKS AT YOU?? → username5 max is punching air.
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ couldn’t have done it without the best strategist ever ❤️
→ y/n_rbstrat ✔︎ and i couldn’t have done it with the best driver ever 😊 ❤️ → landonorris ✔︎ fucking hell just kiss already → username6 HELP LANDO → username7 bro had enough → landonorris ✔︎ trust me if you see these two all the time in person and refuse to acknowledge their feelings, you want it to be done with. → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ what are you talking about?? → landonorris ✔︎ you know. → username8 if they don’t get together i think i might throw myself off the highway → charles_lelerc ✔︎ “best strategist” huh?
username9 max and y/n hugging is my roman empire.
username10 we are all delusional for y/nstappen.
maxverstappen1 ✔︎
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liked by y/n_rbstrat, redbullracing, charles_leclerc, and others
maxverstappen1 truly unbelievable. i want to thank red bull, my family, friends, y/n, and everyone else for their support. 2021 World Champion 🏆 🎉
tagged ; y/n_rbstrat, redbullracing
username12 if they don’t date i might cry
username13 the hug 😭 ❤️
username14 i feel so single rn
charles_leclerc ✔︎ congratulations! i hope you remember our deal 😉
→ landonorris ✔︎ why wasn’t I informed about this deal??? → georgerussel63 ✔︎ we all know you can’t keep a secret lando → alexalbon ✔︎ says the one that follows gossip accounts and asks us if we know stuff in the gc. → georgerussel63 ✔︎ im not as bad as charles and pierre… those two do it in public WITHOUT SHAME 😒 → pierregasly ✔︎ DONT DRAG ME INTO THIS → username15 HELLO WHAT IS ALL OF THIS?? → username16 NO BECAUSE I NEED TO BE PART OF THIS F1 GROUP CHAT 😭
y/n_rbstrat ✔︎ stop it max i’m going to cry!! im so proud of you! i would never trade my favorite driver for anything in the world ❤️🥹
→ danielricciardo ✔︎ favorite driver??? what the hell am i?? 🙄 → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ the side piece now that you left → danielricciardo ✔︎ uncalled for. → y/n_rbstrat ✔︎ be nice boys pls :( → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ yes ma’am → danielricciardo ✔︎ simp → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ i didn’t know being nice was me being a simp → danielricciardo ✔︎ mate, i saw you literally carrying all her things into the paddock?? you never did that for me → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ last time i checked she’s MY ENGINEER → danielricciardo ✔︎ ugh whatever you say… → username17 guys idk about you but i think max only likes y/n → username18 the way he doe everything for her and she doesn’t see this as love 😭 → username19 i mean she did say in a interview she wasn’t looking for any relationships because of how good her career is doing → username20 idk about anyone else.. but I feel like the day max confesses is the day their relationship comes crashing down. → username21 DON’T START SAYING THIS BS NOW.
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In Person
The heavy, thumping bass reverberates through the walls as you stand in the corner of the club. The club was never your thing. The floors constantly holding spilled drinks and other concoctions, the smell of BO and alcohol overwhelming your senses, the crowded atmosphere filled with sweating people… safe to say if it weren’t for Max dragging you out to be with the team celebrating you would be wrapped in blankets watching some sort of trashy reality TV show.
Max finally made his way over to you, a wide grin plastered on his face, clearly in his element here. He took in the sight of you. Every curve of your body, yevery way your hair falls, the way your eyes twinkle slightly when you notice him, the look of your red lips. He can never get tired of it.
"Hey, glad you made it out," he shouted over the music, the classic rasp in his voice showing as he clapped you on the back trying to hope you haven’t noticed his staring.
You managed a weak smile, feeling out of place amidst the pulsating energy of the club. "Of course," you replied, slightly raising your voice to be heard, “ you think I’d miss celebrating your Championship win?”.
Max gave a smile, “Never. Besides, if you said no, I’d find someway to get you to come over here.”.
You raised a brow at his statement. “Really? How so?”
Max let out a hum as he sloshed his drink in his cup. “Hm… I’m not too sure. Not seeing the cats are a good place to start.”, a smirk tugged at his lips.
Your raised brow turned into a furrow in disbelief, “You wouldn’t dare… not Jimmy and Sassy… they love me!” You exclaimed while Max gave a laugh, running his hand through his blonde stands, well more of him doing a hair-tuck to his nonexistent length. The conversation soon comes to a halt, although the music is booming, it felt as if it is just you and him in the entire world at the moment. It was your own form of silence. A comfortable one.
"How about we get out of here.” He suggested, breaking the silence.
“Leave? Max, we just got here! You said-“
“I asked you to celebrate with me, I never said where. It’s my Championship win after all.” He smiled, his eyes wrinkling from his proposition. “We only met here because this is where the team would be. It’s not as if they would notice we’re gone anyways… they are too wasted to even think.”
You tried to hide your smile but failed as Max extended his hand pressing it against your back, his eyes shining with mischief.
"Come on, let's get out of here," he urged. And suddenly, the pulsating energy of the club faded into the background as if the world outside those doors was beckoning to you.
You both stepped out into the cool night air, and beyond the hustle and bustle of the city, there was a strange serenity. It was as if time slowed down, and you found myself feeling more alive than you had in a long while. Max’s hand felt warm… reassuring… friendly. A steady presence in the midst of the urban chaos.
Being a woman in the industry of Formula One caused many controversies, let alone being a engineer to one of the possible best upcoming drivers in the history of the sport. From the sexist comments from other Formula One fans, to even your own people, co-workers in the workplace. Their degrading looks given to you if you even tried to hold a conversation with them was enough to be said. It wasn’t until a response to a interview did others begin to take you seriously. One that Max himself gave.
"Max, how do you feel about having a new, female engineer like Y/N on your team, especially during such a critical incident like the one with Bottas in Hungary? Do you think her gender affected her performance under pressure and can contribute to this race in Belgium? I mean, women are known to crack more under pressure then men.“ The interviewer asked as the room went quiet, a singular cough reverberating in the room from the tension of the atmosphere becoming so thick you can cut it with a knife.
“Excuse me?” Max questioned, his voice holding a tone filled of disbelief and slight disgust.
“I said, Max, how do you feel about-“
“No, no, I understood what you said I’m not deaf.” Her cut the journalist off making the journalist pause his speech and hold his tongue. “Look, I couldn’t care less about her gender. What matters to me is if she can do the job, which she’s been doing remarkably well. And as for the incident with Bottas in Hungary, she handled the pressure just like any other competent engineer would. It wasn’t her fault. I’ll take the blame for it. Her gender has nothing to do with it. If anything, it adds a fresh perspective to our team, and that’s a good thing. Now if anyone has any other questions like this asshole over here, I would pick another question to do.”
No one dared to speak of you the way the interviewer did.
After the interview, you approached Max who happened to be watching over some data from the sim. Blue eyes focused with such intensity that he didn’t even notice you.
”Max, I wanted to thank you for standing up for me in there. It means a lot to have your support." You commented softly, not wanting to disrupt him due to Max being known for his rather… straightforward and blunt responses.
"No problem. We're a team, and a team supports each other. Your gender shouldn’t matter in the first place. It’s all about weather you can do your job and your doing just fine.” He said matter of fact.
You nodded, feeling a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. You weren’t used to it one bit. But it felt amazing. As if you can actually walk somewhere and not be treated as if you were a piece of dirt.
”Thanks you... I'm glad to be part of this team, and I'll keep giving my best."
A tender look graced your face as you remember the memory, finally gaining a friend in the hell of a industry, but you wouldn’t change it in the world if it meant that you got to meet Max and work with him. While you both walked along the quiet streets, the sounds of the city and the soft glow of the street lights enveloping us in a kind of magical cocoon.
“So… where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” was his only response, making you roll your eyes.
You two continued walking until you reach a secluded area on the white, sandy beach of the UAE. You look up to the dark, noir sky. The sun was long gone and the only shine that hits your skin was the moonlight, complemented by the clusters of stars crafting their own soft glow. Max stared at you as if you were some sort of marble statue, hand crafted by the Greeks.
How can someone be so beautiful?
The humming song from a nearby restaurant or bar was the only sound heard. It was a gentle melody, one that fits the mood so far into the night.
"Care to dance?” Max finally asked, snapping you out of your trance.
“Dance? What are we? In our early 20’s?” You teased, eyes meeting his blue eyes that glisten like the moon’s reflection in the oceans waves.
"Age doesn't define how we have fun," he retorted. You couldn't help but snort a bit, feeling the lightheartedness of the moment.
"Alright, why not?" you agreed, letting him lead you to a spot under the faint light of a nearby lamppost. He placed his calloused hand onto the small of your back, close to your hip just as he did to lead you out of the club, then leading your hand to be placed onto his shoulder
As the music enveloped you, you swayed to the gentle rhythm, feeling the warmth of the sand under your feet and the cool breeze from the ocean as his eyes meet yours.
`` I practice every day, To find some clever lines to say, To make the meaning come true ``
“I’m proud of you you, y’know that?”
“You’ve told me once or twice.”
“It’s true though.” You reassure.
“It’s just as true as me saying how beautiful you are.”
`` But then I think I'll wait Until the evening gets late And I'm alone with you ``
You let out a chuckle. “Smooth Max Emilian Verstappen. Very smooth. Practicing for some girl that caught your eye or something?”
His eyes slightly widen before losing contact with yours, “Maybe I am…”, his cheeks being brushed with a slight red.
“Well she must be a lucky girl. Anyone would be lucky to have you.”
It goes faint.
`` The time is right, your perfume fills my head The stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue ``
“Can-…” Max starts glancing back at you before cutting himself off choking on his own words.
“What is it, Max?”
“Godverdomme… can I tell you something?”
“Anything. I’m you friend after all.”
`` And then I go and spoil it all By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you" ``
"I love you.”
“You… you what?”
Your movement stops.
“I love you Y/N. So much. Ever since you walked in the office I-“
“No… no no no… “
“Max… please tell me your messing with me…”
He is just your friend. But you’re his everything.
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𝐀/𝐍 ୨୧ Ash, my love, my pookie, the love of my life, you my love re the reason I’m here today. If it weren’t for you reaching out and becoming friends with me in March, I don’t know where I’d be right now. Whether it be reviewing our work together, watching GP’s together, sending THOSE edits to one another, and even just random rants and talks, I’m glad it was you who I was with when I started my writing journey and I wouldn’t change a thing. I really hope you like this fic, I def tried my best with it 🥹🫶 LOVE YOU LOTS LOVELY 🩷
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cheeseceli · 3 months
Petnames with stray Kids
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Pairing: skz!ot8 × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: fluff, headcanons
Synopsis: which pet name would the stray kids boys use when referring to you
Warnings: mentions of food in Seungmin and Lee Know's, I think that's it
A/n: I had this idea for a while but only wrote it now. Hope you all like it <3 | 1k event
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, he would call you by a pet name in your language. However, if he had to choose an English one, it would probably be "baby". It's something that he finds endearing and at the same time it shows his protective side.
"I miss you [ ]. Just a few more months and I will be back home."
Lee Know
I believe he would call you something in his language. It's the idiom he learnt first, the one he carries more meaning. He might not be the best with words but he wants you to be sure that he loves you, so he always tries to call you something that comes deep for him
"Have you eaten already yeobo? I just cooked some lunch, I can bring it to you."
"Babe." I am a firm believer that he has thousands of pet names for you, going from the sweetest to the cringiest ones in a matter of seconds, but babe would probably be his favourite. It's neutral to anyone who listens to it, however it seems special every time it's between the two of you. It's perfect.
"Babe, are you free tonight? I thought we could go on a date."
He has a big vocabulary of petnames, but they all start with "my". My love, my angel, my dearest and the list goes on. He doesn't even want to be possessive about it, it's just that this was the way he found to express how important you are to him.
"My love, are you coming to practice today? I really wanted you to see our rehearsal, I think you will like it."
"Darling". I know it's kinda a consensus that he would call you "baby" but bro calls everyone that 😭 I believe he would like you to be different. Darling is something that still sounds like him but also has a greater meaning (you).
"I'm almost finishing this track. Would you like to listen to it darling?"
Calls you "angel". He thinks it's only fair that he portrays you well, and no other word could do you justice. Besides that, I think he would also call you a nickname, a variant from your own name that no one has ever called you before. Nothing else could be more you than that, but it's also something that would be exclusive to the two of you.
"Angel, my mom is on the phone. She said she misses you."
"Honey". It's just so sweet and light, so he thinks that it matches you very well. I don't think he would be the type to say petnames all the time but when it does happen, it's always the cutest things that leave his mouth.
"Honey, I'm on my way home. Do you want me to bring dinner?"
He's another one who I think would call you a Korean pet name, but for different reasons than Lee Know. It's probably because Korean is his mother language, so it feels more like home. And at this point, you are his home.
"Jagi have you seen my silver ring? The big one?"
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: first relationships with skz
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Taglist: @yuyubeans
Reblogs and feedback are always appreciated <3
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hoonvrs · 1 year
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req for 1k event!
PROMPT enha and the types of partner privileges they’d give their s/o
PAIRING enha x gnr
GENRE est. relationship, fluff
WARNINGS swearing, delusions
W. COUNT 0.6k
S. NOTE i loved writing this omg
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( going into his bedroom unannounced )
ever since hee got his own bedroom everything changed
god forbid any of the members go into his room without asking first
even if they go in to tell him something they have to knock first
so imagine the shock on their face when they saw you one day just go in
no knocking, no nothing
and hee didn’t even get mad?? didn’t even bring it up to you
made all the members (especially niki) sulk cause why could you go in whenever you please whilst they couldn’t 
( touching his guitar set )
the way jay is protective over his guitars you’d think he birthed them himself 
one of the members could simply breath next them and he starts losing his shit
can’t even be near it cause “what if you trip and fall into it”
next thing you know here’s jay trying to teach you guitar
you didn’t even know he acted like that until the members made it seem like you killed someone when you randomly took it out of the case one day
they all told you how he acts whenever they go near it
cue the offended gasp when they find out jay has never acted that way with you 
( sleep together )
as much as jake is a physically affectionate person
he hates sharing a bed 
he’s just always preferred sleeping without having fight someone over his own blanket
but with you he insists to sleep together
he’s even kicked out niki one too many times out of his bed
and even if you do sometimes (read: most of the time) end up stealing the blanket, he uses that as an excuse to cuddle you for warmth
( ruffle/touch his hair )
one of hoons biggest pet peeve is when someone touches his hair
and if someone even so much as comes near his hair once he’s styled it
be ready to deal with a pissed off sunghoon
the amount of arguments he’s had with the other members over this is crazy
so, when you decided to on day ruffle his hair in front of the boys after they watched him spend 15 minutes on it, they were prepared for an argument
surprise surprise he just laughs at your antics leaving the boys offended because “what happened to bros before hoes”
( be physically affectionate )
as much as jake is physically affectionate with everyone, sunoo isn’t
he’s always been someone to be a little uncomfortable with any show of physical touch
thus, never initiating it 
cue the members pouting as soon as they see sunoo run to give you a hug
all start complaining how he never hugs them, or even returns their own hugs
confuses you a little cause sunoo has never not been affectionate with you, even before your relationship
( cry in front of you )
as the leader of enhypen, jungwon has always believed he has to be the pillar of the group
or where he basically never shows when anything is bothering/upsets him to his members 
as much as all the members keep reassuring him that it’s okay to cry in front of them
you’d never catch yang jungwon dead crying
except you apparently
to you, jungwon had always seemed to be secure with his emotions, and maybe the members are jealous who knows
( babying him )
no matter how many times niki will insist he’s ‘mature’
he’ll always be your baby
doesn’t matter if you’re older or younger than him
boy doesn’t even let the members baby him as the maknae
they could simply call him a cute nickname and suddenly he becomes defensive
everyone was shocked to find out he willingly lets you call him ‘baby duck’ after ranting to the whole nation that he is a puma
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perm taglist @mesopret @tnyhees ​@haknom @shinsou-rii @redm4ri @lacimolela @llama-lyna @chiyuv @lazysmushi @flwoie @kocokookie @kyexvly
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coralinnii · 6 months
Congrats on 2.7k! The villain(ess) saga is my bread and butter hehe.
Anyways Id like to request borderline desperate Jamil trying to figure out Readers fav food as they can and will literally eat anything without complaint(even Lilia's cooking lol). Thank you 💖
‧₊˚✧A Dash of Sweetness ‧₊˚✧
↳ Reader S/O who eats anything
feat: Jamil  genre: fluff (like shojou manga level sweetness) note: no pronouns used with the reader, idiots in love, kinda oblivious!reader, roughly 1k words,
Random storytime, my big bro once got hungry and cooked himself eggs while the rest of us were out, and no one told him the eggs went bad. He was absolutely fine the entire day and none of us would have known if not for my bro saying it’s weird that the egg he ate was green. Yet, he said the french toasts I made once were bland T_T
Anyway, this took a while because I honestly didn't know how this story will end up, hopefully you enjoy it ^_^
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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Jamil can deny all day and night, but he really likes to see you enjoy his cooking. For all the times he told you that he already has his hands full with Kalim, there was suspiciously always a warm lunchbox filled with aromatic meals made by yours truly. All for that bright smile of yours whenever you would finish off the “leftover” meal that Jamil would generously share with you. 
When Jamil realized that others have fed you, his hidden competitive nature rose. While there were many competent students with skills in the kitchen, within Jamil was a desire to see a special shine in your eyes when he cooks your favorite dish, a visual only for him.
But be it due to pride or embarrassment, Jamil doesn’t seem to be the type to be upfront with his intentions, nor does he take the straightforward tactic. Instead of asking you directly, he would ease his way through conversations with your friends just to find out your most favored dish per chance. But that turned out that that was harder than he expected. 
Day after day, Jamil would hand you a new type of dish and watch your reaction for the slightest hint of preference. Perhaps a raise of your eyebrows, a slower time to take in the taste, anything. He's racking his brain and looked for every sort of dish and recipes from all parts of Twisted Wonderland for the slight chance he comes across a dish to your absolute liking. But each time, you simply smiled graciously and thanked him for sharing with you, not that he disliked it since he did get to spend more time with you through all of this. 
But each attempt makes him all the more impatient, and curious. If you looked this beautiful just eating something good, Jamil wondered how you’d look if he served you your most favored dish? Would he see your eyes light up with joy, your body shaking with excitement, your cheeks so cutely puffy and full with every bite, maybe even bring him into a spontaneous embrace filled with so much gratitude, perhaps even a kiss…  
“I’m getting ahead of myself.” Jamil hid his face in embarrassment, but the burning ears and racing heart revealed how much he wanted to see that side of you.
You found it odd how often it’s been that Jamil was offering you leftover food this past week. You’re certainly not complaining but it’s always something new everyday. Sometimes Jamil would hand you a meal mixed with aromatic spices, other times an array of sugary sweet treats and pastries. It could be a simple stew that warms your soul one day, or it could be a unique cuisine with a variety of paired side dishes. 
But every day, you would notice that he would glance your way occasionally as you partake in this gracious meal, and it’s making you a bit antsy. 
“You’ve been watching me for a while.” Your voice seemed to break whatever concentration the Scarabia student had. “Is there something you’re expecting me to say?” 
Like a deer in headlights, Jamil flinched and felt a small wave of embarrassment when he realized he was caught watching you. He was sure that he was being discrete, but he supposed that as days went on he had gotten a tad bit restless and hasty. He got sloppy, he cursed to himself.
Quickly shaking his nerves away, he replied with a smile to ease you. “I’m simply glad the food is to your taste.” 
You were hardly convinced by that. Was he experimenting with dishes, you wondered. You tried to offer some insights and compliments which seemed to satisfy the long-haired upperclassman, but you felt a sneaky suspicion that he was hoping for something else. 
“Jamil, I’m really happy that you’ve been sharing all this food with me.” You said as you settled the lunchbox to your side. “But I don’t think I’m the best person if you're looking for a detailed review on food.”
Ah yes, Jamil was aware of your generous palate. While trying to discreetly find your preferences, Jamil first assumed you had a sweet tooth when you praised the Heartslabyul vice-housewarden for his sweets. But then, Jamil overheard you enjoying your visits to Mostro Lounge so perhaps you had a pension for seafood…Then, he was thrown for a loop when he heard from a giddy Lilia that he was delighted to see you have such a rigorous appetite, having tried and finished the beef-seafood-fruit stew he made for his dormmates. 
You...were not picky, to say the least.
You felt a pang of shame for your lack of refined judgment in cuisine. “Your food is really good. Sorry, I don't know what else I can say about it that is helpful to you.”
That’s it. Jamil saw an opening. “Perhaps, I could make your favorite food,” his voice sounded as though it was a spontaneous thought. “Then it would be something you can speak more on a personal level.” 
All other attempts to learn your food preferences failed in the past, but now there was an opportunity to learn firsthand from the source. It wasn’t strange, was it? It was simply the flow of the conversation, and all the long-haired upperclassman did was offer an option. What an auspicious break for Jamil.
But when Jamil looked to you to gauge your reaction, you surprised him. 
You stared at him, eyes wide with shock. Your lips quivered and shook, as though your body was nervously processing his words, which deeply worried Jamil. Has he somehow offended you? How?! 
Finally, you spoke. “You would make something…just for me?” 
“Yes, if that’s something alright with you?”
All this time, you were under the impression that Jamil was offering you food that couldn’t be finished, and you were content with taking whatever was offered, happy that the vice-housewarden thought of you in some way. But having Jamil make something homemade purposely with you in mind… to think of you as he makes the effort to do something, hoping you will enjoy it. A sweet gesture made for you, and you alone.
Feelings of butterflies filled you as your cheeks felt hot at such thoughts. You felt your lips quiver as a goofy smile crept its way onto your face, but you tried to hide your giddiness behind your fingers.
You thought for a bit, then softly you replied. “Curry would be nice.” 
Hmm? Jamil was surprised. That’s his favorite…  
“Then, we can eat together.” You smiled nervously. “I think sharing with someone you like makes food taste better.” 
Such a lovely sight of two shy fools. One was grinning oddly while the other was hiding his shamefully burning face behind his hood.
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moamidzyism · 17 days
class is in session!
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as some of you might know, i just graduated college in may and so i thought it would be fun to do a series of college themed fics for all the groups i write for. it is going to be one fic per group and each of the fics will be around 1k words, give or take. i am really excited about this event, especially the last fic because it is a tyunning smau that i have been thinking about since last year :p anyways i really hope you guys enjoy this <3333
locked out (c.yj)
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est wc. 1.5k genre. smut tags. resident assistant!yeonjun x fem!reader posted on. jun 20
stupid games (l.mk)
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est wc. ~1k genre. smut tags. computer science major!mark x screenwriting major!fem!reader, academic rivals to lovers (if you squint) posting on. tba
[11:11pm] (h.yj)
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est wc. ~1k genre. smut tags. yunjin x fem!reader, roommates to lovers, pining posting on. tba
grading on a curve (w.jh)
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est wc. ~1k genre. smut tags. teaching assistant!jun x student!fem!reader, enemies to lovers (if you squint) posting on. tba
team player (s.mg)
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est wc. ~1k genre. smut tags. rugby player!mingi x team manager!fem!reader posting on. tba
pledge week (l.cy)
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est wc. ~1k genre. smut tags. sorority sister!chaeryeong x sorority sister!fem!reader posting on. tba
after midnight (j.sc)
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est wc. ~1k genre. smut tags. frat bro!sungchan x nerd!fem!reader posting on. tba
three's company (k.th + h.kk)
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genre. smau + smut + fluff (kind of) + humor tags. nerd!tyunning x popular!fem!reader, greek life au begin posting on. estimated jul 13
taglist: @naomiarai @dearlyjun @atinyniki @boba-beom @bunnie-hq @honglynights @isabellah29 @pluviophile-xxx @wolfytae-exe @yutacchin @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @tinyelfperson @nikilvrfvr @wccycc @ryunjin0 @tyunzonlystar @ioveyouyouloveme @thejadeazalea @mong-mong-seungmin @jisoolover @jjklvr9 @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @snghoonluv @itzzz-yerin @ujisworld @milanco @gyulinoo @tenleeluvr @everythingboutkpop @meowiejuns
comment below or send an ask to be included in the taglist for this event! fill out this form to join my permanent taglist!
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akutasoda · 2 months
For the 1k event can I request angst hcs with the demon bros with a fem mc whos a fallen angel but with mauled wings? Like we’re talking loose feathers and flesh sticking out bonus if they randomly met her in the forest
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bloody damnation
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synopsis - when they meet a fallen angel in unfortunate circumstance
includes - lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns), heavy angst, very little comfort, body horror???, lots of blood, wc - 1.8k
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lucifer ★↷
↪as part of his brotherly duties, he had to go search the forest out back of the house of lamentation when one of his brothers ran inside claiming there was some 'horrid monster' lurking. creatures in the devildom normally didn't stray as close to the house so he immediately knew something was up.
↪although maybe he would've preferred you to have been 'a horrid monster' purely for the reason of the awkward situation you have placed him in. it's one thing to find some demon or creature with mangled parts, it was another to find an angel - or the reamins of one.
↪your once beautiful, silken wings lay crumpled and tangled in a mess behind you. he could practically smell the blood, see it too as it stained the grass beneath you and soon covered by the white feathers that turned darker as they hit the ground.
↪for obvious reasons, lucifer reluctantly brought (snuck) you into the house and hid you in his room until he managed to get hold of diavolo to sort out your situation. however he knew he couldn't just leave your wings in such a state, it looked like it hurt and he couldn't imagine they'd heal prettily if left like that.
↪he once had beautiful wings, some say he still does. so he knew how important keeping wings in a good condition was and so he managed to convince you to let him provide a basic, temporary solution to your wings. he hardly wanted to know what happened for you to fall let alone fall and end up with your wings in such a condition so he remained silent.
↪bu the time diavolo arrived, lucifer had performed basic healing magic and bandaged your wings to allow the membranes to heal inside your wing. he could think more clearly about the situation of having a fallen angel in the devildom knowing your pain had been limited for now.
mammon ★↷
↪mammon had decided to sneak out again and somehow lucifer found out and was actively searching for him. so he decided that sneaking through the dense forrests on the outskirts would be a good way to avoid lucifer and sneak back in - hopefully convincing lucifer he'd never left.
↪the smell of iron hit his nose and made him stop in his tracks. it dawned on him that he had no idea where he really was and so his mind decided that the blood was because some vile creature was feasting nearby - maybe he'd become the next victim? but when nothing showed signs of appearing, he kept moving forward until he halted at the sight of the blood.
↪he never knew there could be so much blood in one place. the grass was practically a sea of crimson and i the middle was a brutal mess of white that covered what appeared to be a body. mammon felt sick to his stomach at the sight, especially the bits of flesh that clung to your feathers like parasites.
↪now mamon was greedy, he could save himself from your sorry sight and leave or he could do something for you. fortunately mammon could be more kind that greedy at times so when he finally realised just what you were or used to be, he knew he couldn't just leave you to bleed out on the forest floor of unfamiliar territory.
↪he didn't mind recieving a scolding from lucifer when he emerged from his hiding, mainly because lucifer was too stunned to see you in his brother's arms as mammon asked for him to help you. mammon knew how scary it was to fall, he helped his brother and now he wants to help you.
leviathan ★↷
↪it was a well known fact that levi spent most of his days locked inside his room. he barely went outside unless it was for RAD or absolutely necessary for him to leave the sanctity his room provided. however sometimes he'd have to leave his room but he never dwindled around.
↪levi was desperate to get home, it had been a long day at RAD and he finally managed to snag a limited edition item from a store on the outskirts of the devildom. all he had to do now was get back with his purchase in perfect condition. he practically jumped out his skin when he heard a scream from further beyond in one of devildom's forest beside him.
↪he knew he shouldn't walk into a dodgy forest after hearing a scream - it was like every horror troupe! but surely a peak couldn't hurt after all what if someone was hurt? not that he'd normally care all that much but something felt different, more serious.
↪and he was right, the sight wasn't pleasant by all means. the remains of what could only be an angel thrasing around desperately trying to subdue the bleeding that was a constant stream of crimson. levi felt sick, by no means was it your fault but he just couldn't stand the sight of your flesh and feathers mixing together.
↪he fumbled desperately trying to reach his d.d.d to contact lucifer for help but he felt absolutely helpless in the scenario. he had fallen once, sure it wasn't aa brutal as you but he could only imagine the fear you must be feeling - especially whe you're wings are practically falling off. but what could a lowly otaku like him do?
satan ★↷
↪on his way back from RAD, he had seen a rather adorable cat run past into a nearby forest and naturally satan followed. a part of him was convinced that maybe he would get lucky and find some sort of secret cat hideout in the devildom.
↪he found it rather alarming that the cat suddenly turned heel and ran back past him not to far fron a clearing. although when he looked into the clearing, he hadn't expected to see the fallen remains of an angel crumpled into the floor.
↪ originally he thought you looked absolutely ethereal, ironically the devildom's light seemed to highlight your features perfectly. however he quickly doubled back on his thoughts when he could see the mess that were you're wings. the crimson coated over what used to be a pure white, feathers had fallen and in their place was evidence of flesh that certainly shouldn't of been there.
↪he had always been curious and so showed no hesitation in stepping towards your poor form. the exhaustion from blood loss and the actual act of 'falling' was evident on your frame and so you barely paid attention to the approaching demon - perhaps he'd be kind enough to put you out of your misery.
↪satan knew you were still alive but he was stumped. did he just leave you here for something crueler to come along and finish you or did he help you?
asmodeus ★↷
↪it had been another late night for asmo, he had snuck out once again against lucifer's demand and asmo had spent some time at the fall. although for some reason he wasn't actually in the mood to be there no matter how hard he tried to convince himself to stay, so he had left way earlier than normal.
↪it was a rather quiet night all over devildom, way quieter than what asmo was used to seeing and so he figured he might as well just head back. or that was his plan until the sight of a rather deep crimson caught his attention. small drops lead into puddles and eventually the source lay at the edge of the outskirts of a forest.
↪asmo started panicking and immediately fumbled out his d.d.d to call atleast one of his brothers who may be able to help. he wasn't dumb and could recognise those wight feathers, he knew you used to be an angel because the greying feathers told him that you were no longer welcome back in the celestial realm.
↪he took great pity on you. he was sure you would've beeen a stunning angel but know you were reduced to nothing but a former shell - just like him all those years ago. he took cautious steps toward you but it became clear that exhaustion had taken over you, oh how he wishes he could help you return to your former beauty.
beelzebub ★↷
↪it had been another late fangol game. the other team had put up more of a fight than beel's team anticipated and the matches dragged on and on. once the game had finished he informed his brother's that stayed to watch that they could go home without him as he'd still be a while.
↪he didn't mind walking home on his own at all or atleast until he closed nearer to the house of lamentation and saw a very concerning amount of blood trailing off into the closest forest. beel was a kind soul at heart and if somebody was hurt, he'd want to help.
↪although he wasn't exactly prepared to find a bleeding angel at the end of the trail. the sight of you and your mangled mess of feathers, flesh and blood was by no means pretty. he approached you carefully but he could tell that even if you did notice him, you didn't care. you were too exhausted to do anything but accept your fate.
↪beel felt pity when he watched your slumped form crumple to the ground, he did rush over and checked if you were alive. one minute you had been laying face down in youe own blood, the next some stranger was carrying you away and before you're mind slipped into darkness you heard multiple voices as somebody laid you down on a rather comdy surface.
belphegor ★↷
↪the avatar of sloth wouldn't be the avatar of sloth if he didn't spend most of his time lazing around or sleeping. he rarely went out without nearly falling asleep many times. but sometimes the house of lamentation gets too loud. way too loud. normally he just goes into the attic but between mammon being ounished by lucifer and satan going through a rage, he'd rather not.
↪the forest behind the house was normally quiet and no unwanted creatures normally came near as they also seemed to fear lucifer. sure it wasn't the attic but he was tired and needed one minute of peace without fearing that satan would wreck through the entire house or lucifer would do the same trying to catch mammon. he didn't plan to be long but the unpleasant smell of blood quickly hit his senses.
↪out of weird curiosity, he followed the smell and he wished he didn't. he stared at you as a flurry of emotions swirled inside of him. was this what pain lillith had to endure when she was forced out of the celestial realm? no, no she was sent to the human world, surely it was painless physically? all belphie could do was stare awkwardly at the bloody mess that was you.
↪he could hear your laboured breathing and could see the amount of pain you probably were in, yet he froze. the right thing to do would be to go alert his brother's of your presence but he doubted they wouldn't be much help right now but he could barely help you himself.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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lianaloverr · 2 months
stalker!Sam Golbach x fem!reader
summary: You finally got the man of your dreams...
Warnings:Just a tiny bit of smut so MDNI
Word count: 1k
“one, two, your the girl that i want..”
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“It’s always the same.”
you come home from work exhausted, looking forward to taking a really long shower and sleeping all day until you go to work.
You just moved to a new town, and everything is weird, even your dad. He's upset because of your going out partying and having boys over. But it's normal it's not like he caught you all doing anything wrong... At least, not anything he knows of.
This guy caught your attention he is with a small group of three including him, probably friends.But you're already scheming to get into their pants.
One of the guys is already talking to you, being all friendly with you, even though you can tell he's just looking for a one-night stand. That's fine by you though, because your attention is already on someone else and that is..
Sam Golbach
“C’mere, baby don’t hide” the guy keeps saying, moving your hands from your face, but all you can manage to say are ugly moans and sobs. How you wish it were Sam instead making you have orgasm. You later discover the name if the guy who has you in a weird position and is all up on your guts is Colby he and Sam are best friends. How disappointing they must have some sort of bro code.
“It’s too muchhh I can’tt” you keep repeating, urging him to finish faster, but he won’t budge.He keep thrusting even harder and its making you exhausted.
Thats how your days go when you spend time with Colby.
On this spectacular night, you and Colby are so close, the heat between you is so bad that you guys are a sweating mess. As you straddle him, he kisses down your neck, sending shivers down your spine. Suddenly, he flips you over and reaches for something. A gun. Confusion sets in as he stands, grabbing his phone.
“Why did you do that?” you ask, puzzled.
“Someone was at the window… didn’t you see?” he snaps back, his tone unexpectedly harsh.
“There’s no one there, come back to bed,” you say, irritation creeping in. Why won’t he just relax? There’s clearly no one outside. You ponder this as he dials 911.
“Fine, I’ll check the window since you’re so anxious,” you roll your eyes, rising to inspect you look out.Your eyes widen. “M-my dad is outside!” you whisper scream in shock.
He stares at you, equally surprised. “What?!” he exclaims, as you hurriedly push him into the closet. “Quick, hide… and don’t make a sound,” you instruct urgently.
As you hear your dad come in, you decide to be the responsible daughter that you are and greet him in the living room. He looks stressed, so you try to lighten the mood. “Rough day, huh? How was work?” you ask, hoping to cheer him up.
“Leave me alone, y/n. Go to sleep; you have a long day tomorrow,” he grumbles, clearly not in the mood for conversation.
Rolling your eyes dramatically, you mutter under your breath, “Well, excuse me for trying to be a supportive daughter.” You storm to your room, feeling unappreciated.
You walk back to your room and collapse onto your bed, immediately drifting off into a deep sleep. At some point in the night, you’re jolted awake by the sensation of something touching you. Groggy and half-asleep, you shift slightly, but in your drowsy state, you dismiss it as a dream and quickly drift back into slumber.
The next morning, you wake up feeling oddly unsettled, unable to shake the feeling that something was off during the night. You replay the events in your mind, trying to make sense of the sensation you felt. Could it have been a dream, or was there something or someone in your room?
As you wake up, the eerie feeling from the night before lingers. You notice that some of your panties are missing, and your blood runs cold when you see the message scrawled on your mirror "MEET AT LAKE." Fear grips you, and you shudder at the thought of someone invading your space.
The idea of going to the lake is out of the question; it feels like walking into a trap, a scene from a horror movie where the victim meets their demise. You try to shake off the fear, but the sense of being watched follows you like a shadow. The violation of your privacy leaves you unsettled, unsure of who could be behind such a sinister act.
You finally get the chance to talk to sam you guys make plans on going to a cafe. As the two of you sit in the cafe, the conversation takes a serious turn. “Sam,” you begin, hesitating slightly, “I need to tell you something. I’ve been feeling really scared lately.” Sam looks at you, concern flickering in his eyes. “What’s going on?” he asks gently.
You take a deep breath, trying to find the right words. “I feel like someone’s been following me, watching me. It’s like I’m never alone, even when I should be.” You glance around nervously, as if expecting someone to be listening in.
Sam reaches out and places a reassuring hand on yours. “I’m so sorry you’re going through this,” he says sincerely. “Have you talked to anyone else about this?”
You shake your head. “No, you’re the first person I’ve told. I just… I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m being paranoid, but at the same time, I can’t shake this feeling.”
Sam listens attentively, his expression thoughtful. “It’s not paranoia if you’re genuinely feeling scared,” he says softly. “I’m here for you, okay? We’ll figure this out together.” His words offer you a sense of comfort and relief, knowing that you have someone by your side who understands and cares but you can’t help to wonder if..
If he’s the stalker.
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Heyy guysss! I hope you liked part 1 of “She”. Let me know if you want part 2!
Thanks to @gloryaiis for this writing!
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idksmtms · 7 days
Courtside (Carlitos Alcaraz x Actress!reader)
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A/N: Thank you Anon for my first tennis request! I loved writing this! Since Challengers came out around the time I started writing this, I kinda mentioned that Reader gained popularity due to a tennis movie lmaoooo.
 I mention a female best friend (because in that situation I would totally bring mine) but I don’t give any hint of a name. Also, idk who in your life helped get you into tennis but for me it was my dad so I kinda hinted at that in like one sentence (it’s like almost unnoticeable so idk why I felt the need to mention this but I did).
Also, yes, I completely made up both of their speeches because I couldn’t be bothered to google them and watch the videos and figure out where to fit in the remarks I wanted to add. I hope it still sounds natural though because I tried to write the way I think they think… Thank you for dealing with my obsessive over-explanations. 
Even though writer’s block kinda hit me in the middle of it, I had a really fun time writing this! 
(Also, if you couldn’t tell, I love the Spanish language lmaoooo)
Summary: As you become more and more popular, you are given an invitation to the Wimbledon final between Carlos Alcaraz and Novak Djokovic. Maybe the sport has just gained a new avid fan, and maybe Carlos just gets to meet his latest celebrity crush…
Word count: 4,807 (I’m so sorry, IDK how it got this long, bro I thought I was writing a 1k cutesy fic and here I am…)
Trigger Warnings: she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, slight profanity (I curse a lot in my real life and as everything I write is completely self-indulgent, I have to include it in my writing as well), mostly just fluff (please let me know if I missed any) 
Disclaimer: This is written purely for fictional purposes and for the sake of writing. No disrespect is intended to the real people portrayed/concerned in this scenario. 
Always appreciate comments, likes, and reblogs :)
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He could hear the crowd even from inside the main hall. A sort of buzz of discussion that had not yet been interrupted by the announcement of the players. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, shaking out each of his limbs and stretching his neck from side to side. When he reopened his eyes it was almost tunnel vision, just the doors in front of him, the court ahead of that, and a chance to win Wimbledon. He would think of nothing else, of nothing but himself and his game and the tennis ball that would be coming at him. No crowd, no opponent, no mercy… 
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God, why was it so hard to not sweat in a fancy dress? It was like your body knew you didn’t want to do anything to ruin it and tried extra hard to do just that. This was your first time wearing something that a brand had requested you wear. It wasn’t your (very new) stylist choosing pieces for you, but a brand requesting it of you. Of course it came hand in hand with tickets to one of the most prestigious sports events of the year. Why give you a pretty dress and not have you show it off to everyone? And why not do it in a way to promote your movie? 
Your publicist had made sure you knew there was a very likely possibility you would be shown on camera at the stadium, or at the very least that someone would take a picture of you in the stands and it would be posted everywhere. Now that you were gaining a fan base (exponentially since your latest movie) you had to be aware of these kinds of things. Sometimes it was a little tiring, going from only being watched on a screen to knowing that someone was looking at you the second you stepped out the door. Regardless, you persevere, and that was that. 
You smoothed down the skirt of your dress as you waited for the players to come onto the court, stretching your neck side to side before turning to the girl sitting next to you. How could you come to an event like this and not bring your best friend? You plucked her drink from her hand and sipped on it. 
“Eugh!” It was the most bitter thing you had ever tasted and it took everything within you to tame your reaction to a grimace. “What the hell is in that?” 
“None of your business. How am I supposed to enjoy something I have no interest in without a little incentive?” She winked, before plucking the drink right back and chugging the rest of it. You began to laugh just as the umpire spoke up and began to announce the players. 
“Please welcome Novak Djokovic!” People hooted and hollered and though you had the urge to join in, you simply clapped politely like those around you. 
He was interesting to look at, this tall and lanky person that kind of reminded you of a pixie, mischievous and fun, but dangerous nonetheless. He probably had the straightest back you had ever seen and walked with an easy smile, waving to the crowd that was going absolutely mad to see him. 
The energy in the arena was contagious. You could feel the electricity in your bones and your face had already pulled itself into an uncontrollable smile. You began clapping louder, stopping just shy of hooting with the crowd. 
It’s funny in sport, how sometimes you just look at someone and you know you support them. Sport is all about people, and you suppose this is a part of the human experience. You don’t really know much about them, maybe a win here or a stat there, but you just look at them and you feel something for that person, and you decide that they deserve your love and support. Well, that’s how you felt when Carlos Alcaraz came onto the court that day with a big smile. 
Truly, at this point in your life, you would call yourself an amateur tennis enjoyer. You first began watching to study for the role, but that was only WTA matches. Every once in a while you watched a match that came up on the tv or if your dad had put it on, and you knew about the big three because who didn’t. As you sat there watching them warm up, you resisted the urge to instantly do a wikipedia deep-dive on both tennis and Carlos. He walked with a spring in his step, waving out to the crowd with this big and carefree smile, like he chose to enjoy every moment of his life, regardless of the lows or highs. You were enamoured. 
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At some point in the movie, one of your co-stars had said that watching tennis was like watching a relationship crash and burn. It was argument after argument, each huff and scream, each slam of the racket against the ball, back and forth. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the court, your breath stuck in your throat of its own accord in the deafening silence of the grounds. When your breath did leave you, it was these gasping little tremors that fell from your lips before you began cheering for the players. Sitting there, watching it all, soaking in the electricity of not only the players but the crowd, you knew it was an experience you would never forget. 
During one of the sit-downs, you turned to your friend and began to gush about everything you had just seen. You could tell that she was stifling laughter at seeing you like this, her wide smile and raised eyebrows a testament to her humour, but you ignored it and continued on. Nothing could ruin your mood right now (except maybe Carlos losing). 
When you began a new tangent, she nudged your knee, subtly gesturing upwards with her head. You frowned, tilting your head at her but she did the same gesture again, moving her eyes upwards over and over again until you followed her gaze. And there you were, projected onto this huge screen hanging over the grandstands, turned in your seat to face your friend, sunglasses perched on top of your head, hands still raised in the air from your earlier gesturing. You felt giddy all of a sudden, and you began to laugh, this airy and jovial laugh that made you look rather pretty on the big screen and you waved in the direction of the camera, a sweet smile on your face despite how dizzy you now felt. The crowd whooped and clapped and you could only nod and mouth ‘thank you’, hoping the camera would move on quickly so this burning in your cheeks and the sudden build up of sweat on your chest would calm down. 
“Look at you, already a star,” she joked from beside you, giggling as you let your posture wilt once more and quickly brought your sunglasses down over your eyes for some semblance of disguise. 
“Shut up,” you mumbled, but you couldn’t help that giddiness again, a little bit of pride straightening your shoulders as you thought that maybe, just maybe, you were a little bit of a movie star now. A wide smile couldn’t be helped. 
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You knew that if you were exhausted from just watching the match, the players must be barely able to walk. You understood why Carlos’s first reaction after they called the match was to lay down, flat on his back, on the court. You and the rest of the stadium’s occupants rose like a wave building in the ocean. The sound was deafening, everything from clapping to whistling to just plain full-throat screaming filled the stadium. You cheered with everyone else, hooted and hollered with everyone else, clapping until your hands hurt and then some. 
“I have to say, it wasn’t as boring as I thought it would be,” you turned to your best friend and flicked her lightly in the arm. 
“See?” You stretched the word out in a rather juvenile tone but both of you just laughed. “I can’t believe we got to see that.” 
“Yeah, I mean, I joked that you were some type of starlet earlier, but if you’re getting tickets like this then maybe you really are that famous.” You just scoffed at her but it made you smile nonetheless. 
“Hey,” from your other side, your manager appeared, still texting on her phone as her lanyard clicked against her necklace. “So, they just offered us an opportunity to meet Carlos after all this if we’re willing to stick around a little longer.” She didn’t look up at you once as she spoke but you paid it no mind, you were used to her obsessive multi-tasking by now and had learnt over time not to take it to heart. It was because she cared that she was always on the phone looking for opportunities for you. 
“Um, wow, yes, of course!” You let out a little squeal and clapped your hands together before pressing them to your lips, hiding a big smile. Your best friend just laughed at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pushing her weight onto you until you shoved back. Your manager had already turned away at this point, typing away on both her phones now, switching her gaze between screens and you just shook your head, before focusing in on the trophy ceremony. 
“Please welcome our runner-up for Wimbledon 2023, Novak Djokovic!” You clapped with everyone else, watching as Princess Kate handed him the trophy and they exchanged words. He pressed a hand to his heart, nodding with his words and she smiled and stepped back to let him walk to the mic. 
“Check, check, one two three, heh” he smiled and sighed, hefting the trophy slightly higher into his arms. “Well, first a huge congratulations to Carlos. We have seen your amazing talent so many times before, you are already a grand slam winner at such a young age, but today I think was extra special. All your hard work is paying off and I know you will win many more.” He nodded his head in the younger man’s direction as the applause rose, waiting patiently until it subsided to continue his speech. “To your team, also, they are doing an amazing job and you all deserve this amazing achievement.” Again he waited for the applause to subside before tilting his mic slightly so he could look in the direction of his own box. “To my team, I will never stop thanking you for all the hard work you guys put in to get me to places like this. We have worked together for many years and you never fail to push me to do my best. Thank you. “To my family, to my wife, and my two sons…” you could see the tears building in his eyes, could hear the way he choked up before looking down and pressing a hand to his eyes as his face crumpled slightly. You felt your own eyes begin to tear up at the vulnerable display. You chewed on the edge of your thumb, leaning forward in your seat to watch him more closely. “Thank you for everything you do for me and I am so happy that you are here to watch me. I wish I could have won for you…” he stopped again and your frown pulled at your cheeks and made the back of your throat feel slightly clogged. But he wiped his tears and shook his head and then forced a smile on his face as he looked up again. “Thank you to the staff and everyone who made this tournament possible. Whoever invited Carlos’s favourite actress, thank you for trying to distract him for me, but he is too good,” he chuckled. At the side of the court Carlos laughed loudly, dropping his head into his hands and shaking it, but everyone could still see the wide smile he wore and it made the entire crowd chuckle. You smiled brightly, laughing along with everyone else, but you began to wonder who it was. Zendaya was somewhere in the crowd, of course it was her. He was quick to finish his speech after that, thanking a few more people before stepping back to stand near the royals. 
“And finally, please welcome your 2023 Wimbledon Champion, Carlos Alcaraz!” The crowd was on their feet again as he stood from his bench and walked to the little stage area they had created. Your hands began to sting from how hard you were clapping and your wide smile kind of hurt your cheeks, but you didn’t stop until your best friend gently pulled at the back of your skirt to get you to sit down again.
He smiled brightly at Princess Kate as he took the trophy from her hands, nodding and almost bowing in thanks. When he walked up to the mic, he lifted the trophy above his head and smiled so brightly the crowd couldn’t help but hoot and holler and cheer with him. He brought it back down into his arms with a little huff and you were sure it must feel ten times as heavy as it actually was after all the energy he had used during the match. He began his speech with a big breath out and a murmur of laughter went through the crowd. 
“Firstly, Novak, whoever invited her did a good job because I was very nervous,” he joked, looking in Novak’s direction, and the man bent backward in laughter. “Hahaha, no no, not that nervous but, uh, thank you for coming,” and he reached his arm out to gesture…exactly where you were sitting. You laughed, a knee-jerk reaction more than anything else because the cameras had moved to you, but inside you felt like you were boiling over. Your cheeks were too hot, your ears were burning, you somehow both wanted to hide and sit there and bask in the flattery. His smile, wide and jovial and pure, had been directed at you and all you could do was laugh and shyly look down at your legs hoping your hair would hide your face. You licked your lips because suddenly your mouth was too dry but you were sweating from everywhere else and this very good looking guy had been looking directly at you and had called you his favourite actress and and and- you couldn’t really remember how to breathe anymore. 
“Congratulations to you Novak, you and your team have done an amazing job. You are constantly pushing me to-to be better and motivating me so thank you. To my team, thank you for-for everything you are doing for me, that you do for me, I would not be here without you. Gracias por todo.” He looked up to his box and his smile was so big and bright and beautiful that no one could resist feeling a little bit of joy if they looked upon it. “Thank you to my family for always supporting me, for always cheering for me and believing in me, te quiero mucho.” The camera cut between him and his box and you could see the proud smiles his parents wore, tear tracks on their cheeks and glistening eyes that beamed with pride. “Thank you to, uh, the organisers, and-and the sponsors, and everyone who makes this tournament happen. We would not be here without you,” nodding as everyone clapped, “and thank you to all of you, to all the fans who came today, you, uh, you keep us going, and we-we appreciate all of you.” People whooped at that and it took a little longer for the crowd to quiet down. “And… yeah, that’s it! Thank you!” He laughed and stepped away to get pictures, but your heart was still racing. 
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“Alright, he should just be leaving the balcony so we have a few minutes before he gets here,” the official said to the room, but you were too busy trying not to gaup at Juan Carlos Ferrero as he stood right in front of you with a smile, switching between English and Spanish as he spoke to the physio and your best friend simultaneously. You had had a conversation with him a few minutes prior where it took every inch of your self-control to not gush and ramble and he had been very sweet, but your manager had pulled you away after a few minutes for approval on some social media posts of you at Wimbledon and you didn’t even notice that someone new was entering the room until people began to clap and cheer. 
You looked up and there he was, walking into the room with that big smile of his that lit up the room and a spring in his step. He was still holding the trophy but it was tucked under one arm almost carelessly and he was more focused on the people in the room. He hugged each member of his team, speaking in that naturally quick rhythm that the Spanish language carried but sounded so pleasing to the ear. You couldn’t tell what they were saying but they all sounded extremely happy and were smiling so brightly at him that you felt like you were intruding just by being in the same room as them. Juan Carlos clapped him on the back and pulled him into a hug. He whispered something in his ear that had him laughing bright and bubbly and looking around the room but in a way that looked as if he was trying (and failing) to be subtle at it. They pulled away and after handing the trophy off to Juan Carlos, he turned to you. He pushed his hair up and, you were sure you imagined it, but his smile became slightly nervous. 
You felt a bit starstruck in the moment, like the first time you had walked on set for your first major movie role and Cillian Murphy had somehow known your name and said hello to you specifically. You licked your lips, took a deep but shuddering breath in, but your hands were still shaking and your eyes weren’t really in focus anymore or maybe they were but they were hyperfocusing on little things and-
And then he was coming toward you. His arms were open, and you couldn’t quite remember the convention of cheek kisses in Spain (was it one on one cheek? Two per cheek? Did they not even do cheek kisses there?) or how you were supposed to place your arms when he finally held you (both arms under his? One above one under? Both above?) or if you smelled ok or how bad your makeup looked up close but then he was right there, smiling down at you because he was deceptively tall, and he wrapped you up in a quick hug that lasted no more than a few seconds and was loose enough for you to pull away if you wished. Would it be dramatic to say this was one of the best hugs of your life? Probably, but at that moment you couldn’t care less. 
“Hello,” he said close to your ear and you giggled nervously, wanting to instantly slap your hand to your mouth and tell yourself to shut up for goodness sake. 
“Hi!” You were far too loud and you closed your eyes for a moment as he pulled away, clearing your throat and trying to settle yourself before you spoke again. “It’s wonderful to meet you!” 
“Awh, thank you, thank you, I’m very happy to meet you as well.” You beamed at that, pressing your hands together in front of you and trying to suppress any sarcastic urges to dismiss the compliment. 
“Congratulations on the win, it was an amazing match to watch,” you told him, looking up at him with this small, sincere, smile that made his heart feel all kinds of fuzzy. Being praised by you? Well he could definitely die happy now. 
“Thank you so much, I really appreciate it,” he told you, his smile wide again and absolutely infectious. 
“I’m not going to lie, I haven’t been watching tennis for the longest time, but even I can see that you put so much effort into your sport and the love you have for it. It’s well deserved.” You shrugged, as if that wasn’t one of the best compliments he could ever receive. Sure, he was always being complimented nowadays, but knowing that people recognised him past his talent, that people acknowledged all the insane amount of work that was put in to even be good enough to make it onto the tour, that’s what stuck with him. 
“Ah, I- thank you, thank you very much. And congratulations to you too, for your latest movie, I thought it was amazing.” He gestured towards you before crossing his arms over his chest, and you just dropped your head to the floor as an uncontrollable smile spread your lips. “I think maybe the best tennis movie there is.” 
“I- wow. That is high praise coming from you, my gosh!” You began to laugh, pushing some of your hair behind your ear as you gazed up at him. He laughed with you, eyes squinting, and something electric pulsed in the air as you gazed into each other’s eyes for a quick second. 
“I am serious! The-the scene where you play the Roland Garros final?” He stepped back and imitated the final hit you made down the line to win, before dropping to your knees and screaming at the top of your lungs. He threw his hands in the air and did a muffled scream as you laughed from the very depths of your stomach, shaking your head as he straightened up again. 
“I was actually so proud of that shot! I did it myself and it took forever to even be able to send a ball over the net let alone that precisely!” You giggled, and again he laughed with you. It was quickly becoming your favourite sound. 
“I think my favourite thing was the consistency of the dropshot, so smooth,” he imitated the motion with his hand, “right over the net, and barely a bounce. Even I cannot make a dropshot that good most of the time.” Your cheeks began to burn again but you just dismissed what he said with a wave. 
“Lies, I’ve seen your dropshots, they are that good, most of the time anyway,” you added cheekily and he just raised an eyebrow at you, feigning anger before laughing even louder than before. 
From the eyes of the others in the room, you seemed to be the perfect combination of people. You both liked to laugh, you both seemed to be smiley people, you matched each other’s energy. The conversation seemed to ebb and flow so naturally, and you guys had moved on to talking about the filming process, standing much closer together than before. 
“Oh my gosh, so we filmed at the real Philippe-Chatrier but the first two days when we were supposed to film, it rained and rained and rained when we needed sun for the sequence to match up. So we just used the court to practise over and over again. I hadn’t practised on the clay yet- I know, I know, it was stupid - but I cannot tell you how many good socks I have lost to that clay,” you sighed, pouting and shaking your head. He laughed softly, but nodded with you, sighing deeply. 
“Yeah, that is one annoying thing about playing on the clay, it gets everywhere. You’ll open your bag in the locker room and it’s just full of clay,” he sighed. 
“It was really weird though, playing in an empty stadium,” you thought back to those moments that you now cherished so much, “everything echoes in there, and it feels sci-fi to see all those seats around you.” You shivered exaggeratedly but he only chuckled, shrugging as if to say ‘I’m used to it now’. “I mean, it was weird to play there when the stadium was full too, I genuinely got so nervous when they had all the extras filling up the seats that it took me like ten tries just to not do a double fault.” You looked up at him and he was listening to you so intently and you just kind of… smiled, a sort of wistful smile, and shook your head as if to dispel all the thoughts. “Who am I talking to? You do that for a living, I’m sure you understand.” 
“The first few times it is very scary, but you just have to remember why you’re there. You have to focus first on yourself, and then you can start taking energy from the crowd, start enjoying how much they enjoy it, and it becomes less scary.” The way he said it, with his eyes so focused and his face so serious, you almost forgot to breathe. 
This was the first time it truly hit you how beautiful he actually was. His eyes, his jawline, even the floof of his hair. Of course you had noticed that he was attractive before, but at that moment he was beautiful. 
“Yeah,” you whispered, biting your lip as you smiled at him. He let out a little huff of a chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. He was silent for a moment before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. 
“I, uh, I don’t know if you want to or not, but there is this place where you can play giant tennis?” He scratched the back of his neck and laughed bashfully. “Like the ball and the rackets are huge and I went with some friends before the tournament and it is really fun. Would you like to go? With me?” 
You stared at him, eyes wide and mouth slightly open at the invitation. Your heart was racing! Your palms felt clammy and you couldn’t quite believe this was real and not a dream but it also felt way too real to be a dream. You nodded before you could even try to speak, a quick and (rather embarrassingly) vigorous shake of the head before letting out a breath and smiling. 
“Uh, yes, yes of course, that sounds really fun! Um, yeah, oh! I just realised you’re asking for my number,” you sighed, shaking your head as you took the phone he had proffered to you. He just laughed again, smiled as wide as usual, and nodded. 
He watched you as you typed in the number and named yourself ‘my favourite actress <3’, chuckling to himself as he stared at it before pocketing his phone once more. By then the others had come to join your conversation, but the entire time you couldn’t help but glance toward Carlos. And of course, he couldn’t resist either. 
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10 months later 
“Y/n! Y/n! Look here!” 
“Over here!” 
“Y/n! Please look this way!” 
The paparazzi had already begun to shout before you had fully stepped out of the car. There were still people on the carpet ahead of you, but some of the photographers near the end had already turned to try and capture pictures of you. You smiled brightly as a hand came out from your side to help you pull the rest of your dress out of the car. ‘Of course he was impatient and got out on the other side,’ you thought, laughing to yourself before turning and gently threading your fingers through his. 
You heard the camera shutters increase in volume as more and more people turned to catch pictures of you and your ‘mystery’ date. You heard the murmurs among the paparazzi as they realised who exactly you had brought with you, who had helped you pull the annoyingly long train of your dress out of the car and was now gently kissing your temple before letting you lead the way and soak up the sunshine of your stardom. 
The line of fans after the paparazzi were louder in their recognition, some even asking him to come forward and sign autographs for them. He only agreed after you beckoned him forward with a wide smile, kissing his cheek before turning back to the girl right in front of you who seemed near to tears. 
Finally, you reached the reporters. They all clamoured for your attention, but were quickly appeased by the appearances of your costars to steal their attention first. You smiled brightly at the first person, a young woman with shiny blonde hair perfectly set into curls. 
“Y/n! My first and most important question! When did you and Carlos Alcaraz start dating?!” 
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enpr-ss · 3 months
Hermitcraft charity stream 2022 Highlights:
- 25k goal being broken by the Australians even before the event started, and the jokes about ending the stream there and seeing them next year
- Getting Martyn to do the donation readouts is GENIUS. He makes it actually entertaining to listen to!
- Martyn listening to Ren the most lol
- The bell bringing back Techno money bell memories
- Basalt Assault being broken by too much boomification (as predicted by Bdubs)
- Doc falling into Dunk Tank in the final winner-take-all round
- All the goofy skins (especially Grian’s cursed skins) and IRL costumes (Pearl’s old man mask, and Tango’s millions of hats)
- Every time Etho is confused about his fanbase
- Grian finishing backwards because “it’s the only way he can see” with his built-in rear view mirror
- Pearl getting to keep her horse from Horse Course!
- “Coming in not least but last” - Bdubs
- Scar actually doing so well on all the games actually?! I didn’t realize he was second on Horse Course
- “While we were on our pee-pee break for the weak bladder people” - Doc
- Etho’s elytra glitching, with Cleo and Grian hitting him around
- Racers stealing other boats. Tango and Cub winning the race by a mile through switching drivers at the bubblevator
- Jevin fell down the powdered snow section LOL!
- Iskall fixing the Hermit Incentives redstone by just moving the dispenser and the button
- The speed at which Doc’s diamonds DISAPPEARED and then all the subsequent mocking just as a 5k soon came through
- Ren: “Nothing will calm your nerves more than Grian’s gong”
Grian: screaming “LALALALALAAAAAL” as he smashes the gong repeatedly (twice)
- Bdubs being spleefed by Tango (VIA PREINSTALLED REDSTONE) into a hole and Doc not caring because he doesn’t have any diamonds. And then Etho punching Tango into the same hole.
- Grian: “I need everyone to take a really nice deep breath in through the nose-”
Everyone: *exaggerated gasps and choking noises*
Grian: “We’re doing that again because everyone FAILED at breathing”
Doc’s panicked breathing and getting TNT to blow everyone up
Scar: “Can I get another dong real quick?”
Grian: “With a g, yes you can.”
- Scar made Panda Resue (lol) in ONE NIGHT?!?! But with no pandas lol
- Doc on strike until he gets his diamonds back
- Bucket rush more entertaining than expected and Scar absolutely killing it
- Hermits interpreting the 350k goal as returning Doc’s diamonds (THEN GRIAN RESTEALING THEM AND SETTING 400K AS THE GOAL FOR THE RETURN LOL)
- All the lore that I’m getting it discover as a new fan!!!
- How the hermits are perfectly quiet whenever another is explaining game rules or when Martyn is reading out donos.
- Impulse being absolutely on the ball with all the drumrolls
- Etho and his pvp player head + item collection mechanics
- Scar absolutely bowspamming yellow team, and Red Team continuing to kill for the spawn mechanics lol. ALMOST WINNING BY 1 POINT!!!
- Martyn with the stellar Battle Bane commentary!
- Scar donating on behalf on those who cannot donate, and apparently this is a common thing with him??? Amazing.
- The carts will have hermitcraft plaques!!
- Glasgow family’s 1k dono: Donated in memory of Technoblade.
- All the smooth backend operations by fans and others! Nothing broken amazingly.
- Doc still asking about the diamonds and Martyn announcing that he had them in a plot twist and logging out
- Only 1 week of prep??!! Insane
- $425k raised!!!! Incredible!!!!!
- Bro when Ren and Tango said Joe’s beard had legos and pinballs in it THEY WERE NOT JOKING. Omg. I genuinely thought the mechanical part was like part of his microphone set up. A SIX DOLLAR HUNTING KNIFE?!???? FROM THE GROCERY OUTLET??? WITH BRASS KNUCKLES??? FOR PIZZA???? This is my first time watching a Joe stream. is he always like this. His transparent facecam overlay is also cool; I like it better than the usual corner ones. HE ACTUALLY WENT WITH THE CRAYOLA SCISSORS??? No mirror only OBS??? His concern with accidentally hurting himself is not being able to talk and violating TOS LOL. HES GOING TO FILTER OUT THE BLOOD SO THAT TWITCH DOESNT BAN HIM. He’s doing it in the worst way possible as a commitment to the bit. He’s so hostile to capitalism it’s great. All after an 8 hour driver from Chicago. MUMBO COSPLAY LOL
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theyluvkarolina · 11 days
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· . ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑ ` ` Why are you sittin' at home on the floor? What kind of pills are you on? ` ` ⊹ ‧₊˚
𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃?: Yes! (Part of 1K Event!)
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ୨୧ Being in Formula One has never been easy for Logan since he joined. At first, it was a childhood dream but now, his childhood dream is slipping away into a nightmare. The constant criticism, mistreatment by his team, being ignored by others, is especially getting into his head. But you are here to help him through these tough times…by less acceptable ways than others. Safe to say to not mess with his very overprotective girlfriend because something you say against him, might be the last..
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ୨୧ reader is very overprotective of logan (and by that, i mean she goes after anyone that doesn’t give constructive criticism),
𝐀/𝐍 ୨୧ ugh i love logan sm and i hate what’s happening to him :( i really hope that if kimi antonelli ever joins now that the age has been lowered again, that they don’t rush him like what they did to logan. There wasn’t any specific way to do this fic so i did my personal spin on it.
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y/n_l/n posted a story 10 minutes ago!
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[story 1: aussie aussie aussie!! oi oi oi!!] [story 2: finally landed 😵‍💫]
100 others have replied!
View Replies…
username22 mom is on her way to support dad 😋 !
y/n_l/n yes i am!!
username24 say hello to logan for us, let him know that people definitely care about him and how amazing he is ❤️
y/n_l/n omg 🥹🥹 i’ll spread the word! he’ll be so happy 🩷
username25 logan sucks ass as a driver
y/n_l/n y’know what else sucked? your mom on my dick last night
Twitter [Click on the photos!! they are cut weirdly to fit :(]
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liked by logansargeant, olliebearman, lilymunihe and others
y/n_l/n Look at my Logie Bear and think about what you did @ williamsracing & @ alexalbon .
tagged ; logansargeant
williamsracing ✔︎ don’t blame admin for this… 😓😓
username2 HELP THE FISH PHOTO 😭😭
→ username3 bro is too american → username4 @ username he is THE florida man → y/n_l/n listen, he was very proud of his fish that he caught.
logansargeant ✔︎ did you really have to choose those photos of me 😞
→ y/n_l/n i did you look like a cutie :( → logansargeant ✔︎ 🥲
alexalbon ✔︎ WHAT DID I DO??
→ y/n_l/n steal his car. → alexalbon ✔︎ I DIDN’T HAVE A CHOICE IT WAS A TEAM DECISION 😭 → alexalbon ✔︎ I SAID I SORRY MULTIPLE TIMES TOO → y/n_l/n ✔︎ WELL BE MORE SORRY. I EXPECT A PARAGRAPH APOLOGY TO HIM → username5 i seriously need someone that loves me as much as y/n loves and defends logan. → alexalbon ✔︎dear y/n and logan, I want to offer my sincerest apology for stealing logan’s car. It was a team decision I was forced into without my consent. it was never my intention to take your car. I hope we can still be besties. - Alexander Albon → username6 ALEXANDER IS WILD 😭
username7 photos 4-6 just being of him and y/n 🥹
username8 they are so in love 🤭
→ y/n_l/n you bet your ass in in love with this american boy.
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liked by lilyzneimer, oscarpiastri, logansargeant
y/n_l/n rest and relaxation after the race where logan gets all the love he deserves :) (thanks for the photos lily and oscar 🫶)
p.s good job alex… ig 😒
tagged ; logansargeant, oscarpiastri, lilyzneimer
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ don’t let the photos fool you, tied us down and made us watch it → lilyzneimer no we didn’t stop spreading lies :( → y/n_l/n stop making accusations.
→ y/n_l/n always ready to feed my children logan photos 🥴 → username11 oh, we ARE getting fed
oscrapiastri thanks for giving credit where credit is due 👍
username12 her caring for him after what williams did to him and logan not racing is what i needed.
username26 imagine supporting a driver that can’t even finish above 10th in racing
→ y/n_l/n blud just found about about logan and doesn’t know about his f2 an f3 wins
username27 this is why logan hasn’t won anything 😂 his gf constantly babies him
→ y/n_l/n babies? I just show more love than your gf would show your pathetic ass?
username28 i’m sorry that logan has to deal with this woman
→ y/n_l/n i’m sorry your mom doesn’t love you
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logansargeant ✔︎
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liked by logansargeant, alexalbon, arthurleclerc and others
logansargeant I love my girlfriend :)
tagged ; y/n_l/n
y/n_l/n AWE LOGAN :(
y/n_l/n i love you so so so much sweet boy ❤️
→ username12 the complete 180 she does when talking to others compared to logan 😭 → y/n_l/n @ username12 is there a problem with that?? 🤨 → username13 @ y/n_l/n no ma’am.
alexalbon ✔︎ your gf is scary as shit
→ logansargeant ✔︎ what do you mean → alexalbon ✔︎ @ logansargeant mate, when i took your car she texted me a 54 sentence paragraph on how she will cut my dick off and HOW. → georgerussell63 ✔︎ … @ alexalbon remind me to never talk to her when i see her. → username ✔︎ GEORGE 😭😭 → landonorris ✔︎ @ y/n_l/n don't cut off the weenies :( → username14 ✔︎ @ landonorris WEENIES 💀 → y/n_l/n @ landonorris can’t make any promises 😆 → alexalbon ✔︎ @ logansargeant SEE SHE’S MENTAL → y/n_l/n @ alexalbon mentally fantasizing about my amazingly cute boyfriend? yes!! → y/n_l/n i still don’t forgive you alexander. → alexalbon ✔︎ @ y/n_l/n the full name too?? → lilymunihe ✔︎ you heard the lady alexander albon → alexalbon ✔︎ @ lilymunihe WHAT DID I DO TO GET TAG TEAMED?? BY MY OWN GIRLFRIEND TOO?? → y/n_l/n @ alexalbon i can list a lot of things!! → alexalbon ✔︎ @ y/n_l/n oh god.
y/n_l/n has posted a story with logansargeant 5 minutes ago!
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[story 1: omw to jpn!!] [story2: logan snoozing 💤 ] [story3: 🩷 🇯🇵 ]
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liked by logansargeant, carmenmundt, georgerussell63 and others
tagged ; logansargeant
username16 the fact logan only got 17th and she’s celebrating like he got P1 is so cute
→ y/n_l/n he’s always p1 in my heart no matter what ❤️ → logansargeant @ y/n_l/n babe 🥹 → landonorris @ logansargeant enough flirting i might hurl → y/n_l/n @ landonorris bro’s upset that he’s single → landonorris @ y/n_l/n WHAT NO IM NOT → y/n_l/n @ landonorris starge 1: denial
username17 USA USA USA 🇺🇸 🗣️ 🔥
username18 WTF IS A KILOMETER !?!?!?
→ logansargeant 1,000 meters or 0.62 miles :) → alexalbon @ logansargeant that’s my american. → y/n_l/n @ alexalbon get in line alexander, that’s my boyfriend. → alexalbon @ y/n_l/n STOP CALLING ME ALEXANDER I DON’T LIKE IT. → y/n_l/n @ alexalbon WOMP WOMP LOGAN'S BETTER 😒 → lilymunihe @ alexalbon okay alexander hamilton → alexalbon @ lilymunihe oh god not you too…
username19 the misspellings 😭 😭
username20 she’s happy that logan is happy… and that’s all that matters.
username21 i love it when people are in love
*♥︎ by Author!*
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bitchslappin · 1 month
Prompt fills 18+ mdni
Doing some little prompt things from this list: https://www.tumblr.com/resources-v/651258243035856896/kinky-prompts-18?source=share for fun. Idk bro they're nothing special. Just doing random characters that I like.
Word count: idk less than 1K
Tags: John Price x Reader, manhandling if you squint, mentions of handjobs, dry humping, thigh riding.
38. Thigh fucking riding
Price is the kind of guy who treats anything that gets you to come as important. He’s not just interested in fucking you with his dick in your cunt. To him, if it makes you come, it’s sex.
He’s always loved the way you’ll roll your hips on his thigh when you’re making out, warming up for the main event, or just enjoying some time together. 
Sometimes he’ll put on a football match and tug you to straddle his lap, just to see how long you can last before you’re grinding against him.
Sure, you’ve done this in bed, stroking his cock while you rub yourself all over his bare, hairy thigh, but this is different. 
You weren’t going to start anything. He’s watching the game and you’re comfortable to just rest against his chest. But he starts running his hands over your hips, and then down your ass, and then your inner thighs before sliding up your shirt, just to hear you gasp.
You ask him what he’s doing and he just smiles innocently. “What, I can’t touch my pretty bird?”
You huff and roll your eyes, but let him do it. Before long he’s got you panting, shirt rucked up so he can grab at your stomach, his other hand coaxing your hips to roll against him. He whispers in your ear to take off your pants, letting him make you feel good. 
The first drag of your bare cunt over his denim clad thigh is torturous and you gasp at the roughness. But it’s soon softer with your slick. 
You tuck your face into his neck and whine as his big hands grab at you to drag you across his leg. He whispers some of the dirtiest things you’ve ever heard in your ear. 
“Look at you birdie… I barely even have to touch you and that pretty cunt starts cryin for me.”
He keeps your movements steady until you’re clawing at his shoulders, your body locking up as you cream all over his jeans. 
Afterwards he’d carry you up to the bathroom to clean you off and change his jeans, tucking you both into comfortable clothes before going back to the couch. You try and reciprocate but he tells you he just wanted you to feel good, and he has football to watch anyways. 
You never even noticed he’d paused the game.
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schoenht · 10 months
May I ask for a lyric prank with Azul and Riddle? Lemme find songs hmmm (fully expect them to be taylor)
Okay, suggestions (you can do others if you want!!): I'm Just Ken or Last Kiss for Riddle, Dear John or Gorgeous for Azul
A bit unrelated to the request but you can bet that I'd do this all the time. Like, pov you're Azul getting a notif at 3 am saying “ALL THAT I KNOW IS I DON'T KNOW HOW TO BE SOMETHING YOU MISS... I NEVER THOUGHT WE'D HAVE A LAST KISS”
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↝ lyric prank
characters: riddle rosehearts, azul ashengrotto
note: bites you LMAO EJWKFNMS I SHOULD HAVE TAGGED YOU TBH BAHAHAHAHA but how dare you assume i wasnt gonna use taylor songs. bro. you are THE taylor moot bffr. azul should be GRATEFUL tbh he's having a whole concert for free ??? i digress I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS AND THAT I DID IT JUSTICE </3
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stqrriichiigo · 1 month
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pairings ! ━━ cang du x blk!f. reader ( she/her prns. )
synopsis ! ━━ you stayed late to finish up a project you & your team were assigned too, but then your boss ended up carrying food for you as well as dropping you home but you had extra plans.
cw ! ━━ work!au. ceo/employee ( project manager ). kissing. a bit of swearing?. cliche asf. sleepy reader. ooc - ish cang du. reader is rich - ish.
wc ! ━━ 1k+ !
notes ! ━━ bro oh my goodness this is actually really shitty.... this took me months and I mean MONTHS to finish cause I like I totally forgot about it and I was just scrolling through my drafts and remembered about it so yeahhh🙁🙁
tags ! : none! : taglist.
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' fuck. it's so late. ' you thought to your self seated at your desk with your laptop on the before you while sipping on some black coffee as the clock read 1:57.
you sighed as you placed down the cup of coffee and started typing away on your laptop once again. you were mentally a mess at this point.
you groaned " one more slide Y/N. one more, you can do this " you mumbled staring at the laptop screen, but you were interrupted by a knock on your door you could've sworn one of your veins popped. " Come in " you said as you quickly buttoned up your shirt.
the person on the other side swung the door open and walked in with two box of food in his hand stacked on top of each other. it was your boss Cang Du.
" oh- sir? " you stammered, taken a back by the sudden guest. " what brings you here at this hour? "
" oh? am I not allowed to check in on my workers anymore " he replied as he placed down one of the boxes on your desk and then walking over to the couch in the corner of the office.
" oh well.. of course.. I just thought you would be home by now " she mumbled softly. " is this mine? " you asked.
" oh yes.. I asked the security if you had left as yet and he said no so I took it upon myself to get you a meal, I hope your okay with that. " he replied as his eyes wandered at your figure. " how long have you been here? " he asked.
" I came in late today so about 9 hours. "
" oh.. well I realized your car isn't parked outside so I was wondering if you want me to drop you home "
" well yes please I just need to finish this up first and thank you for the food " she answered placing down the box of food on her table.
" your welcome " he smiled taking a spoon of his food.
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" thanks again for dropping me home Sir " you thanked him
" no problem Y/N and please.. call me Cang du "
" wait um before you go.. since you live so far, would you like to rest here for a bit? I have a few available guest rooms " you suggested
" oh? are you sure? I wouldn't want to interrupt your priv— "
" oh no! it would be my pleasure, I mean you could just say its my way of officially thanking you for dropping me home and buying me food. " you cut him off.
" oh well sure Ms L/N thank you very much. "
" no problem! and please call me Y/N " you grinned opening the door wider to give him the space.
he stepped inside, slipped off his shoes and walked towards the living room.
" please make yourself feel at home and if you want to take a nap right now, you can head to the guest room upstairs 4th door on the left. "
he smiled at you once again " thank you very much Y/N, am I allowed to use your kitchen to make some tea perhaps "
" oh of course. the kettle is already on the stove just fill it up and light the stove to prepare the water, you can look up in the cupboards for the tea cups and the tea mix. I will be upstairs having a shower so if you need anything else just look around I have nothing to hide after all. " you informed him before heading upstairs and to the bathroom.
As you climbed the stairs, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. The unexpected turn of events had left you feeling both nervous and exhilarated. You turned on the shower, letting the warm water run as you collected your thoughts.
Meanwhile, Cang Du moved around the kitchen with ease, filling the kettle and searching through the cupboards. He found the tea mix and cups, his movements deliberate and graceful. He set the kettle on the stove and waited for the water to boil, glancing around the cozy kitchen and appreciating the warm, welcoming atmosphere of your home.
After a refreshing shower, you dried off and changed into comfortable clothes. As you descended the stairs, the soothing aroma of brewing tea wafted through the air, bringing a smile to your face. You entered the kitchen to find Cang Du pouring the hot tea into two cups, a calm and content expression on his face.
“ That smells wonderful ” you said, approaching him. He looked up and smiled warmly.
“ Perfect timing, Y/N. The tea is ready ” he replied, handing you a cup. You took a sip, savoring the rich flavor.
“ Thank you, Cang Du. It's perfect ” you said, your eyes meeting his. For a moment, there was a comfortable silence, the kind that spoke volumes without words. You both moved to the living room, tea in hand, and sat down on the couch.
As you chatted, you found yourselves growing more comfortable with each other. You laughed, shared stories, and enjoyed each other's company. The conversation flowed naturally, and time seemed to slip away.
At one point, there was a lull in the conversation, a peaceful silence that felt intimate rather than awkward. You glanced at Cang Du, noticing the way his eyes softened as he looked at you. Your heart skipped a beat, and before you knew it, you were leaning in closer.
“ Cang Du.. ” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
“ Yes, Y/N? ” he replied, his gaze locked on yours.
Without another word, you closed the distance between you, your lips meeting his in a gentle, tentative kiss. It was soft and sweet, a perfect blend of tenderness and passion. His hand reached up to cup your face, deepening the kiss as you both gave in to the moment.
When you finally pulled away, you were both breathless, your foreheads resting against each other. A shy smile spread across your face as you looked into his eyes.
“ I've been wanting to do that for a while now ” you admitted, your cheeks flushing.
He chuckled softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek. “ I'm glad you did, Y/N. The feeling is mutual ”
You both sat there, wrapped in each other's warmth, the connection between you stronger than ever. The kiss had been just the beginning, a promise of more to come, and as you sat there together, you knew this was a moment you would cherish forever.
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VOTD ! ━━ John 1 - 4. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
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© stqrriichiigo 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 - 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. don't repost, modify, translate nor plagiarize my work on other platforms such as, wattpad or a03.
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peachenle · 1 year
enhypen as frat boys
genre: head canon | fratboy!au | suggestive themes
members: enhypen's hyung line
word count: 1k
warnings: mentions of drinking, hook ups; a lot of Greek life lingo
perm tag list: @ozymandia-s
༄࿔˚✧ synopsis: the older enhypen boys as typical frat bros, with glimpses of them in all their party glory.
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an executive board member for the chapter for SURE. Not quite president, something less taxing like Alumni Liaison or House Manager. Heeseung LOVES to help DJ at parties, he’ll drop his mixes if the party that weekend was successful.
Heeseung’s not above hookups at the house and is (notoriously) clumsy about forgetting to sexile/warn the other brothers. Super flirty with or without alcohol, making him a big fan amongst regular partygoers. Outside of parties you will never see him outside doing charity runs or any events that are super outdoorsy… he’d opt to volunteer to be the bro at the check-in table, or a driver… he’s a lil lazy… but he never fails to complete his duties! Strangely good at kegstands despite being so tall. Beer pong and beer die king.
When he was pledging, he was so enthusiastic and willing to do whatever embarrassing thing the upperclassmen threw at him… Heeseung’s passion, it almost scared them. He was paired with everyone’s desired Big AND was the most sought after Little in his pledge class.
"Theoretically, do I really have to play beach volleyball with the dudes?" "Heeseung, it's rush AND you're an exec, the answer is always going to be yes..." "Yeah, but it the League LCK semi finals..."
// JAY is…
definitely another exec: either VP or Risk Manager or Panhell Chair or something like that — he’s the strictest one on board. Everyone’s intimidated by him, he’s strict about deadlines, he’s always the one assigned to do the scolding… but he can DRINK (all the bros wanna be him). Jay is also not shy about hookups and letting loose at parties. He charms people by making drinks, offering them his special brandy/cabernet/etc he’s been “saving for the right person.” The bottles are always at least half gone because of the amount of people he’s shown. A wild card when it comes to beer pong. Some nights he'll dominate, but other nights, he's truly a disgrace.
Had a HARD time during pledge, (a lot of the dudes were jealous of his popularity!) and was picked on a lot, so Jay had his doubts. But getting his bid meant way more than he expected. Would definitely be the type to stay in touch as an alumni, going to events, dropping fat checks here and there. Every potential Little wants Jay as their big, he SPOILS them like crazy… (rumor has it that he’s planning on buying his latest Little a whole new custom PC...)
"Please I don't want Jay as my partner!" "Why? I beat them at pong last time?" "Yeah, but your track record dude... one and done..."
// JAKE is…
the life of the party. He’s the most welcoming to new people at the house, ushering wallflowers to the core of the action. He’s all about slinging arms around people, drunkenly claiming new friends, and his giggly laughter is CONTAGIOUS. He doesn’t have much interest in a leadership role, but he’s been Rush Chair for two terms and he absolutely killed it each time. Jake often volunteers to be a sober chaperone, because “I know how to have fun sober too!”. In this role, you’ll always see his hands full of mini water bottles and a plastic bag or two in his pocket as he patrols the house. Jake is the more studious type of frat bro, sometimes snapping at his bros to keep quiet the night before an exam (he’s studying physics, of course). And no, not really the hookup type at parties… Jake is too soft for that and enjoys the energy of the party too much to leave it for a quickie. His drinking game of choice is King's Cup, just because he likes to try to fool people into drinking more.
Surprisingly breezed through the pledging process despite not being that big of a drinker, and got picked up by a really good Big in the same major (they put each other as number 1 choice). As an upperclassman, he’s a little awkward navigating as the Big Bro - referring to his Little as his son. He means well, but can be a little embarrassing!
"Oh, you're the Question master? What was your name again?" "Nice try, you're not gonna get me." "Sorry, what? Music's too loud." "I said, 'Nice tr-'" "Gotcha. Drink up!"
not your average frat boy - only in looks <3. He was way more reluctant to be involved than one may expect. He genuinely pursued it for the friendship/camaraderie/The Brotherhood. But the parties and attention were a plus. To outsiders, he looks a step out of place, always laughing AT his bros, not usually WITH them. Real ones know that he can be just as chaotic. Especially after a pint of beer and maybe 1.5 shots - that’ll do it for him. Always cracking lame jokes, earning the nickname of Dad amongst his class. Hooking up is not his thing, but if someone has really caught his eye… well, a private conversation on a balcony doesn’t have to mean too much, right? Sunghoon surprisingly really enjoys Rage Cage, and honestly, he's the type to purposefully miss his ball sometimes just to have to drink.
He's really good at tabling and mingling with potentials. His frat wants to make him their poster child - there's a solo picture of Sunghoon in every Instagram slideshow that's posted.
He barely rushed, but he worked his ass off as a pledge. Sunghoon was also another fan-favorite to be picked up as a Little. As a Big… other than him paying for a lot of things… when it comes to advice and the mentorship side of things, let’s just say its hard to tell who’s the Big and who’s the Little sometimes.
"You guys have used my pictures like 5 times this week for all the rush posts..." "Hey, don't look at me, Sunghoon. Blame our media guy! He says your face attracts the most likes." "I should charging... can you take it out of my dues?"
// SUNOO is…
desired by every social frat. But he couldn’t find any that appealed to him. Embarrassing for them really, their desperation. Sunoo found more of his home in a service frat! Has access to parties, the classic Big/Little pairing still, but in a more diverse environment with less pressure and more focus on the academic/philanthropic side of things.
Sunoo still gets invited to the crazy frat houses, in case he changes his mind, but only goes for the alcohol and the excuse to go out with friends. He’s friendly and magnetic at parties, befriending nearly everyone that gets lucky enough to talk with him. Every next morning he wakes up to tens of new follow requests from people he doesn’t even remember.
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