#bro had nothing but his thoughts and a stupid little brother
gothixm00nz · 1 year
"YoU cAn'T gIvE vErGiL a ReDeMtIoN aRc!!!!"
just you fuckin' watch me bitch
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elssero · 1 month
best friends big sister
♰ nsfw/suggestive, sub!izuku
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bakugo tried to keep you a secret from his friends-he really did. facing the inevitable reaction they would have to you was not something he wanted to face right now.
he manages to do so until half way through his first year in college when he begrudgingly brings kirishima home thinking you weren't there-
it goes the same way everytime- he introduces you to someone and they immediately fall for you. sometimes he feels you do it on purpose, leaning into kirishima as he introduces himself, holding his hand for a second to long when he greets you.
he watches as you bat your eyelashes up at his red haired friend. speaking to him with a tone in your voice that sickeningly seductive. his signature frown on his face.
you do it too piss him off, you know he hates it when his friends fawn over you- it's been happening since you were little after all.
he hates how kirishima doesn't shut up about you after that- your only a year older right?? means he would totally have a chance if it wasn't for the oh so sacred "bro code."
it doesn't stop his gushing though- soon his entire friend group is aware of who you are. they're stalking your instagram during lunch. they beg him to hang out at his place in hopes of the chance they'll get to see you- to have a conversation with you.
he complains about it constantly- "shitty hairs askin' about you again." you can't help but giggle at the scowl on your brothers face- he really does get so wound up over nothing.
it's not like you don't face the same- your own friends all agree that your younger brother is insanely attractive. you don't let it get to you though- you know your both crazy beautiful- your siblings after all.
you tease him about it regularly- "when are those friends of yours coming over next kats?" and he just grumbles- something about him being forced to partner up with some stupid nerd for a project due on monday so he can't hang out with his chosen friends this weekend. your excited at the idea of a new face- a new name to tease bakugo about.
imagine your shock when none other than izuku midoriya knocks on your house door at 10am sharp that saturday morning.
he's grown. that much your sure about- he towers over you now- forcing you to bend your neck backwards to look up at him.
his face immediately flushes when he sees you-clearly not expecting you to be the one to open the door.
he feels silly- his curses at himself in his head for his stupid crush he's had on you since childhood. he's an adult now. a proper adult with proper adult problems- yet he can't seem to hold himself together when your in his vicinity.
he knew he should've just invited kachan over to his place for the project work-
his thoughts are stopped dead in his tracks when you jump on him- pulling the boy into a tight hug as you gush about how much bigger he's gotten- how much he's grown.
he's definitely not that same little boy you knew when you were younger- at least not physically. he's built- insanely so actually. you can't help but wonder how long he spends in the gym each week-maybe you should start going when he's there-
he squeaks out a quiet hi as he fumbles against your touch- he's incredibly aware of how close you two are- your tits pressed tightly against his chest. you don't seem to notice but he does.
you let him go- much to his thanks, allowing him to regain his breathe as he shakily as he asks you how you've been.
you begin to talk his ear off and he's reminded exactly why he liked you so much when you were small. your nothing like your brother, yeah your a little teasing- maybe a little mean at times but it's clear it's all in good faith. your funny, charismatic, easy to talk too and incredibly attractive.
he's in awe of you as you speak- explaining the piles of work your dealing with due to your major, complaining about your workload.
you take a second to look at him- a small hint of nostalgia bubbling in your stomach. you really liked izuku when you were younger- not just because it pissed kats off more than anything when thee two of you would interact but because he's sweet.
he's always been a sweetheart- so nice- so helpful. your reminded of how he used to trail after you and your brother as kids- constantly wanting to be around you- standing incredibly close to you as he shook with nerves.
the two boys had a falling out when they hit middle school- you were never really told why, just that your brother and izuku were not friends anymore- if they ever really were, and you being loyal to ur little brother stopped talking to the green haired boy in solidarity- much to your dismay.
you don't really know how they made up either- all you know is that the nervous boy you haven't seen since he was a young teenage is now in your family kitchen again- and he's certainly done a lot of growing up.
you don't get long to catch up before your brother is storming into the kitchen and physically pulling the other boy up to his room- ignoring your complaints about not having enough time to talk to him- bakugo knows exactly what your doing.
izukus painfully obvious crush he had on you when you were younger was no secret to you- despite not feeling the same way for the boy at the time you can admit that you maybe played into it abit when you were teens-
you would playfully push his shoulder, lean over the back of him to look over his phone- use virtually any excuse to touch him- enjoying watching the effect you had on him.
you think that's were it started- your love for attention- your reputation of flirting and leading people on. you truly believe it all started with your brothers childhood friends silly crush on you.
you retreat back to your room to get some studying done- you work for hours, finally being satisfied with the work you've done for today you decide to reward yourself with the desert you've left in the fridge.
your leaving the kitchen when izuku walks in- he's clearly ready to leave, bag his back as he makes his way to the door- stopping in his tracks when he notices you.
you've changed outfit since he saw you this morning into something more comfortable- maybe your shorts are a little too short for having visitors round but you don't pay it much mind.
his eyes however go straight to your now exposed thighs- face heating up as he trails your body. he needs to get out of there and fast. he can already feel the arousal growing in his chest. he shuffles out a weak goodbye as he begins walking again.
you stop him before he gets to the door- calling out after him. you ask for his number, you know to keep in touch? his eyes are blown wide but he scrambles to take his phone out anyway- pushing it into your hand as he looks away. you type your number in-feeling pleased with yourself and the reaction you've bring out of the boy infront of you.
you sign your contact with a little <3 and send yourself a message too double check that the numbers correct before you let him leave. closing the door behind him as he spits out a thank you and a see you later.
it's weeks before you see him again- you engage in small conversations over texts- complains about your jobs and your coursework, nothing too serious before your made aware by your mother that he and inko will be joining your family for dinner this friday night coming.
your ecstatic as you message him- telling him your so excited to see him and promising to keep him a seat next to you at the dinner table.
friday rolls around quickly and you spend the day helping your father prepare the apparent feast your serving your guests tonight.
you spend a quick hour getting ready- showering, doing your hair, freshening up your make up. your making tonight fun you decide as you do your finishing touches.
it's mitsuki who greets the boy and his mother at the door- wrapping them in a tight hug. your mothers been looking forward to this all week- excited to finally have the pair back in their home again after many years.
it's comfortable immediately- your thankful there's no awkwardness surrounding the long overdue get together.
you settle into chatter easily after the initial greetings- setting in your living room as your father finishes up on dinner- your laughing about old time-your squashed comfortably between the two younger boys, leaning more into izuku and facing him to talk to him from time to time- watching a blush rise to his face when his eyes uncontrollably look down to catch a glimpse of your cleavage.
it's not long before masaru is calling you all through for dinner, you take a seat on the left side of your dining table- ushering izuku to take the boy other seat on that side next to you, your parents take their seats ate their respected heads of the table as inko and bakugo take the seats facing you and midoriya.
you settle into easy chatter- inko flows words or gratitude towards you and your dad for the food and you smile warmly at her- you really have missed the woman.
you divert your attention away from the mother and to the son sitting next to you- he's tense. your shoulders are so close that they would be touching if you moved even slightly words him, you lightly kick his foot under the table and his eyes dart to yours quickly, you attempt to stay composed as he looks at you in shock- you can't help the small giggle that rises in your throat-
you take a look around quickly before continuing your next move- no one's paying attention, mitsuki is nearly leaning over the table to talk to inko- bakugo in between them is distracted by their conversation as your dad looks over at the scene adoringly.
you take this as an opportunity to do something incredibly risky- not just because your at dinner with your parents- because the boy next to you could totally react your advances. you don't think he will-but you keep in mind that he never fails to surprise you.
you move your leg back to his now, wrapping yours around his as you begin a little game of footies with him- he's rigid now- unmoving as he looks at you with wide eyes-
he doesn't move your leg and he definitely doesn't tell you to stop- you lean in to speak to him- almost a whisper- "are you enjoying your meal zuku'?"
his face flushed an even darker red- he's clearly not used to you being so close- the position your bodies in squeezes your cleavage even more- it feels impossible for him to rip his eyes away-
"y-yeah" he stutters out it-it's adorable how difficult it is for him to say a single word- you play dumb, pretending your not painfully aware of your affect on the boy- "what's wrong zuku-? your all red."
your taunting him- teasing him- you love to watch how his breathe hitches and his eyes snap away from your tits and to his lap- looking down in shame.
"m' fine-" he says it with a small smile- he's trying to convince you, he knows your not that stupid. you move your hand to the side of his face, gracing his cheek slightly as you lightly push his face to meet your- your noses being only a couple inches apart-
"you sure? you look like your overheating?" you say it innocently- voice mixed with false worry- you know exactly why his face is so red.
you move your hand away from his face- the other still firmly on the table and your arm closest to the boy finds its itself resting on his lap.
his breathe hitches at the contact- his eyes snapping to yours- the look of desperation on his face causes you to move your own thighs tightly together.
he doesn't answer- so instead you move your hand even closer to him- having it now resting on his inner thigh as you watch him attempt to keep composed.
"y-yes. m' f-fine. i promise." his breathe heavy as he says it, he's struggling against the the movement of your hand lacing up and down his thigh.
"tell me if you want me to stop" it's a complete whisper now- you glance around the room again to double check that no one's paying attention to the two of you- your glad they aren't- your hand isn't seen under the table and you've positioned yourself in a way that too your family it looks as if your only whispering in his ear, you'd play it off as if you were telling him one of bakugos big secrets instead of the light touches your giving his thigh.
you move your eyes to his suspiciously when he doesn't answer and the movement of your hand stops- threatening to be removed before he rushes out an answer-
"don't stop." it's quick and quiet- his voice kept low to not alert the people around you, the desperation in his voice isn't missed by you as you begin to move your hand again- closer and closer to his bulge with each slip.
your hand lightly graces the outline of his dick as you watch hold back a moan- you decide you love seeing him like this- already looking so fucked out.
it only takes a second touch of his clothed cock before he snaps his head away from yours to meet the table- biting down on his hand to muffle the whine threatening to escape his throat-
the loud noise snaps everyone's head towards izuku-you remove your hand quickly before anyone can notice and place a look of fake worry on your face as you place a hand on his shoulder before leaning down to him-
"are you okay izuku-? do you want me to take you upstairs- maybe you can lay down for abit?" it's a show- voice laced with fake concern as you deliver your performance- tricking both your mothers into a state of admiration for how sweet your being to the boy- they give each other a wide eyed look before ushering you both upstairs together- hm...
"oh yes sweetie take the poor boy upstairs- it seems your father has forgotten how badly the boy deals with spice-* your mother laughs slightly before excusing you from the table- you take the opportunity to pull the boy next to you away from the table, hand still rested on his shoulder as you guide him upstairs- his eyes unmoving as he looks down on the floor in shame.
you move him towards your bedroom door- he stops before he steps inside- "w-what are you doing?" he's whispering- as if someone could hear him from all the way downstairs.
you reply casually- "i'm taking you into my room- you need to lay down" he's not convinced when you finish your sentence so you continue- "i'll take good care of you kay'? i don't mind."
this forces him to look at you- he's trying to figure something out- he sighs before he lets you move him into your room- he's gave in- and it really didn't take much at all.
you pull him towards your bed, signalling for him to sit against the headboard as you sit at the side of the bed- your back touching thighs as you face him side on.
"you wanna tell me what happened back there?" your straight to the point- you thought it was going well? did he not want you to touch him?
"n-nothing-" you eye him suspiciously, an eyebrow raised as you reply to him. "m' not an idiot zuku- i can tell something's up."
he can't even look at you when he finally replies after a long stretch of silence "it felt t-too good." your puzzled at this- asking him what on earth he means when he says it felt too good??
his face is dripped in shame as he fiddles with his hands- you take a look at him properly- it's then when you notice a very slight wet patch at his crotch-
"izuku- baby." you take a breathe before continuing. watching as his face lights up at the nickname. "you wanna tell me what really happened when you hit your head against the table?"
you know. he knows you know and he feels disgusting- what will you think of him when you force him to admit he came in his pants from you touching his dick twice.
"i- um okay f-fuck." he can't find his words. "i-i came."
he watches your face for a reaction but you don't give him one, you don't move an itch and he feels like he ruined it- your everything he's ever wanted- for as long as he can remember- and when he finally has the chance with you he's been dreaming about for years- even if only for tonight he goes and fucks it up by being a fucking prejac.
your silent as you move your hands- slightly shocking the boy in from of you. you place your hand on the line of your trouser before looking up at him- "can i take these off?" your eyes meet his and he takes notice of the hazed look in your eyes before nodding.
you pull them down- taking his boxers with them as you admire him- his cock bounces up immediately as it's freed from its restraints- you admire it for a second- he's big- not completely huge but big. thick too-
you stare for abit- seeing the cum from before still sticky on his dick and his boxers- he's getting increasingly more nervous but he can't help the twitch in his dick as you watch him.
"can i touch you?"
his face flushes even more- "p-please" it's nearly silent, only loud enough for you to hear it.
you don't waste a second before your hands on his dick, not giving him any warning as your hand goes up and down his cock- he moans immediately-already overstimulated by your touch-
"w-wait wait!" he's struggling to speak between his moans. "if you k-keep ah fuck- if you keep going so f-fast i'll come again-"
his confession only speeds the movements of your hands- it's as if that's what you want. he doesn't have a second to think before you dip your head down to his dick and take his red tip in your mouth.
you move your tounge around his dick as your hand continues to move along what you don't have in your mouth- he whines at the feeling of your tongue before bottoming out only a minute seconds after your mouth intintally took him in.
he comes ropes there's so much of it that it's spilling out of your mouth and down your chin- his orgasm lasts him a couple of seconds before he lays his head back- still whining when you remove your lips from his dick.
he watches as you swallow him- moving your hand to collect the spilt cum on your chin back into your mouth. he could be hard again at the sight-
"zuku." you look at him dangerously- his eyes unable to leave yours- "i wanna fuck you."
he stays still. not trusting his voice to speak as he fears he'll shout his answer- yes! he wants to say-yes please fuck me but he can't find the words.
"cmon izuku- let me fuck ur pretty dick baby-" he whines again- cock now once again fully hard at the way you speak to him- your coaching him- leading him. and he loves it.
"p-please tuck me-" that's all it takes tor you to rile your dress up- moving your panties to the side as you position yourself on top on him- he sounds pathetic-practically begging you to fuck him and who are you to refuse him-
you manoeuvre your body so your straddling him comfortably- you line your entrance at the tip of dick- hovering for a second as you admire him below you- your stopped before you can move down by a right grab on your wrist-
"w-wait!" he huffs out- "i-i've never done this before!"
you want to say your surprised but your not-you could tell he was a virgin when you saw his reaction to you in those shorts a couple weeks ago-you could tell by how red he went in the face when u started playing footsies earlier- he's been screaming virgin the entire time, you can't help that it only makes you want him more.
"i know-" you cut yourself off with a moan as you lower yourself onto him- he's so thick- he stretches you out perfectly as the slight pain quickly turns to pleasure.
he's gawking beneath you- mouth wide as a chain of noises- moans mixed with whimpers leaves his mouth- he's loud. you shut him up with a kiss-worried about something hearing him if they walk by your room-
you move yourself up and down him, his head following yours to move with you to not break the kiss- he's groaning into your mouth- unable to stop the noises of pleasure slipping out of him.
your fully riding him now- setting a fast pace as you bounce yourself up and down- rolling on him as he hits that sweet spot in your pussy-
he's leaking so much precum that it forms a ring at the bottom of his dick- you thank your birth control for allowing you to safely take him raw.
he's blabbering nonsense into your mouth- "f-fuck mghh you f-feel so good i c-can't" you kiss him again- pushing your tongue roughly into his mouth-
he never imagined his first time being like this- he imagined shitty missionary with some random girl at some college party- he believes he must be the luckiest guy in the world to have you on top of him-grinding down on him.
"f-fuck baby your cocks so good-fillin' me up so good-" he whines at your praise as he feels yet another knot in his stomach- he's going to cum again- he's going to cum into your pussy-
"s-stop m' gna cum!" he makes no effort to move you off- secretly hoping you'll get caught in the moment and allow him to stay inside-
"it's okay- m' protected just cum-" you can still sense his hesitation- you ride him even faster- desperately attempting to force a third orgasm out of the boy-
"cmon baby it's okay- cum in me zuku- cum in my pussy-*
that's all it takes- he lets out a loud whine and you catch his lips in yours to try and silence him-
you ride though his high- not slowing down as you case your own realise- he's crying under you, shaking at the overstimulation
"¡ cant! it h-hurts!" tears are spilling as you ignore his pleas- "hold on for me baby oh f-fuck m' so close" he's sobbing under you now, hands grabbing your waist so hard it hurts- gripping you for dear life.
"you can take it zuku- know you can-" the poor boy is twitching his hips upwards, kisses getting sloppier and the volume of his whimpering increasing. you think he looks prettiest like this.
you feel your orgasm approaching as your pace gets sloppier- izuku is a mess under you, a mix of cum and your slick feeling heavy at the base of his cock- he can't even speak, his mouth as agape as he watches you in a trance.
you cum with a moan- "oh-oh m' cumming-" you crash down onto him, riding out your high as you feel his thighs tense up- feeling even more cum leak from his tip filling you up even more- you dip your head into his neck as you recover.
you stay there for a second- taking in what just happened- izuku is panting under you, little sobs escaping his lips everytime you move even a little, you slowly remove yourself from him and plant a small peck to his cheek-
"did so good for me zuku- gna clean u up okay? gotta head back downstairs soon."
all he can do is stare at you in awe- he's completely fucked out, he has this dazed look in his eyes that you love.
you clean yourselfs up and let izuku take his time calming down- "can't believe i was your first-" your teasing him again- the never ending blush on his face gets deeper-
"m' sorry i didn't do much-" he's immediately self conscious- he came three- no four times and he feels bad for hardly being able to hold on long enough for you to come too.
"shhh sh it's okay baby" you smile at him as the nickname rolls of your tounge. "next time kay'?" his eyes widen. next time?? what could he possibly have done to make you want to see him again?
"you were perfect for me zuku- so good." you take his hand in yours as he looks away from you- clearly embarrassed by your praise. you don't drop his hand as you lead him back into the living room where your family's now sit- mitsuki has a bottle of wine open, thankful that it means your parents wont notice your hand linked with the green haired boys.
katsuki notices though- he noticed it the second you walk though the door- he also can't help but notice the flushed look on his childhoods friends face and you drag him to sit down next to you. hand not wandering from him.
he shoots you a suspicious look as he watches midoriya sit extremely close to you- you catch his eyes and shug your shoulders at him- you'll explain another time- maybe.
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ellabsweet · 1 year
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synopsis: ellie williams was a firm follower of the bro code, having loyalty as her all time specialty despite being constantly tempted by the devil, or how others called her: her best friend’s sister.
pairing: bbf!ellie williams x reader
warning: sexual content and jealousy, a little bit of short ellie erasure for the sake of one scene but i am pretty sure that’s all there is to it! i love bbf!ellie i wish my brother had a best friend like her unfortunately life isn’t fair-
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She’s enthralled by the videogame, tongue peaking out the side of her lips and eyebrows furrowed in pure concentration, the only things to break her out of trance being your brother’s eventual shit talking and elbow hitting that only made a smirk plaster her face, knowing to be winning, fingers steady on the controls.
“What the fuck” Your brother suddenly exclaims, and though ready to brag on about her streak something in his tone indicates it is not the game he was gagged about. Ellie follows his gaze straight onto a half naked blonde attempting to clothe herself by the kitchen on her way out. She recognized her, as lesbians did, Abby Anderson was on the hockey team of their community college and she wondered how in the world she were to know this house. It took you walking up behind her in somehow even littler clothes for it to dawn on her with a teeth clench.
“Abs, you forgot this” You point out handing her a sweatshirt which the girl accepted in flushed cheeks Ellie had never seen before from someone so infamous for sleeping around.
You weren’t a thing, Ellie knew that, fuck, she was the one who made sure of it, turning down your advances at every opportunity, but there was always something in the back of her mind that assumed you were waiting for her, a stupid thought, now that she thought it over. Her brain went red at the mental images her imagination refused to let go of, your moaning and desperation under somebody else’s touch, your taste in fuckgirl’s Abby Anderson’s tongue. If she were to clutch the videogame controller an ounce harder the metal would crush under her grasp. When you pecked her lips she was done for, distracted, on her way to losing for the next couple of hours while her best friend cursed on and on about how Abigail had been there basically every day that week.
She can practically hear you moaning Abby’s name in her head and it drives her insane. Ever since the first day your brother welcomed Ellie into his home and she set her sights on you it was as though all the breath had been sucked out of her lungs in one quick glance. The most beautiful girl she had ever seen, she concluded after seeing you smile. The most amazing girl she had ever met, she confirmed from all your late night conversations that became a habit from your shared insomnia and your brother’s heavy sleeping, there had been a time she’d ask to sleep over only anticipating your gossip and laughter, perfecting the cheesy dad jokes that were your favorite, attempting to convince herself it would be enough to be the girl that entertained you even if her chest ached in yearning for your lips pressed against hers. You had been distant the last couple of weeks, she felt it, but didn’t know why and you stalled every time when asked. Now she knew. And she hated it way more than anticipated. Like a rock heaving against her chest making it hard to breathe.
It was nighttime now and she shifted uncomfortably on the mattress by the floor, tossing and turning and holding in laughter from her best friend’s loud snores fast asleep in deep slumber. She played with the thought of going to your room as she usually would, but hesitated. It was still playing by her memories, your body in nothing but underwear when you had followed Abby out, every corner and crevasse of your skin looking so soft it made her ache. Her hands twitched as though wanting to reach out to you and only found her clothed pussy. She shook off the idea and stood up. Water, she thought, I’m only gonna go drink some water. But of course you were there too. Oversized t-shirt hiking up your body as you reached towards a tall shelf for a cup. Ellie reached in behind you and helped, settling the glass in your hands.
“Hi, Els” You said softly, shaking yourself loose of her overbearing stance behind you so you could walk towards the fridge for some chocolate milk, pouring it on.
“So, you and Abby. Are you like, a thing now?”
“Don’t start, Ellie. For someone who doesn’t fucking want me you sure are acting like a jealous girlfriend right now”
“For someone who doesn’t want you?” She scoffs in disbelief “Are you fucking stupid or something? Do you seriously not realize? I can’t fucking breathe when I’m around you, no actually screw that, it’s like I can’t fucking breathe when I’m not around you, like every time I make you laugh I’ve been drowning and can finally come up for air thanks to your stupid fucking smile and your stupid fucking sparkling eyes in your stupid fucking gorgeous face and then you parade around the house with stupid fucking Abigail Anderson and there’s a fucking bruise on your neck that I know she left there and I just want to sink my teeth in like a goddamn vampire and make one bigger to hide her claim on you and make it mine and-“
You crashed your lips against hers before she could continue. Her hands moving up to grab your hair, thumb caressing your cheeks and holding your face into place as though any gust of wind would make you fly away and loose her grip, she’s so mesmerized by you and your tongue inside her she moans into your mouth with barely any tension for it. It lasts a few more seconds before she pushes you away against all instincts.
“Stop, stop stop. I can’t. I can’t do this to your brother.”
“Fuck him”
“Fuck me” You say and that’s enough to cloud all her judgment again. Ellie pushes you up against the kitchen cabinets and kisses you hungrier this time, hands coming up to stroke your exposed thighs before she latches onto them to push you up onto the counter, open mouthed kisses trailing down your neck until it reaches and Abby’s previous hickey and she bites down, a moan echoing from you and stopped by her hand over your mouth as she sucks down the sensitive skin and marks it darker.
“You’re going to be the death of me, fuck” She mumbles against your body, eyes darkening at the sight of the ever growing wet patch in the center of your underwear, she wastes no time to stroke it, harder and faster until she feels the liquid coating her fingers even against the fabric and sets your panties aside, looking up at you for reassurance you give with an enthusiastic nod before she dives her fingers in, moaning herself as she does so, feeling you clench around her hand “Fuck, you’re so pretty, I knew you’d feel so good, so fucking good around my fingers”
“Ellie, please” You beg with your head thrown backwards, eyes pressing shut from the pleasure she gave off circling your clit with her fingers in a way that ached your core “Please I want your mouth, I need it, I’m so fucking close-“
“What the fuck is going on here?” Ellie jumps away from you. She’s suddenly conscious and so are you, at the sight of your brother covering his eyes in disgust by the door.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Not A Verstappen: Sibling Rivalry {1}
Pairing: F1 drivers (platonic) x fem!reader Summary: A little crack!fic as a driver!reader who is Max's little half-sister. Warnings: 18+ only, lots of bad language, protective big brother, sibling antics, daddy issues. WC: 2k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three
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There was nothing that irked you more than being called a Verstappen. Yes, you were Max’s sister, but that was where the relationship with the name ended. Your sperm donor, as you publicly referred to Jos, had never been a part of your life and that was one blessing you were thankful for. 
Somehow the bastard's genetics had won and that stupid racer’s blood ran in your veins. You liked to go fast. Your mother said that you could run before you could walk and the same went for driving. At 17 years old you had your super licence before your drivers licence, making it legal to drive at 200 mph around a circuit with insane corners but not 30 mph on the street.
Something about that seemed…odd.
It was worth it in the end. You could still remember the look on Jos’ face when you signed for Alpha Tauri. Oh, how the bastard had tried to credit himself with your achievement. But there were more similarities that you shared with your half sibling than you were willing to admit. One of those shared traits was brutal honesty. And you had let your honest thoughts fly when Jos opened his mouth.
Three years later the sperm donor was still bitter. He would surely have to get used to it, especially since you had just been named as a Red Bull driver, alongside Max.
Round One - Bahrain 2022 “This is a historical first, siblings racing together on the same team,” Ted Kravitz said as he walked along the pit, stopping outside Red Bull’s garage. “The two Verstappen's will be fighting each other for the Driver Championship, once again, while simultaneously working together to win the Constructors Championship. A very, very exciting season ahead I can already tell.”
You had been pulling your helmet on, about to climb into the RB18 when you heard the comment. The short temper you were well known for flared and you sauntered into the pit lane. “Hey, Ted Crapitz,” you called out as he stood writing in that little notepad of his.
He looked up a little stunned and his eyes darted at the camera that was always following him around. “It’s, uh, Kravitz.”
“Oh, my apologies, I thought it was just normal to make up offensive surnames. No?” you asked as you arched an eyebrow at him. “Because Verstappen isn’t mine, so don’t ever call me that again.”
“S-sorry, my mistake,” he stammered, but you were already shoving your helmet on and grabbing the halo to climb into your car. “A bit of a slap on the wrist for me there.”
You had no doubt that the video would go viral and the comments would call you a bitch but you didn’t care. Jos was a piece of shit and your mother didn’t raise you all on her own, working two jobs to pay for your karting years, just for you to be called a fucking Verstappen.
There was no better feeling than pulling out of the garage and heading to the track. The finely tuned car purred beneath you and you could feel the restrained power of it just waiting for you to pass the pit marker so you could push the throttle and free the beast you had worked hard to control.
“Radio check,” your engineer, Nicholas, ordered through the headset.
“Tell big bro to keep his mouth closed during the race. It can’t be healthy to eat my dust.” 
The jeroboam size bottle of Ferrari Trento looked enormous in your hands as you shook it up and sprayed Charles and Carlos back after drenching you first. You may have been on the bottom step of the podium but you celebrated as if you had taken 1st place. Turning the bottle on the crowd, you spotted Max at the front with a wide grin on his face as he cheered with the rest of Red Bull. 
It was a little disappointing that he had DNF’d but there was always next week to battle it out again. In the meantime you enjoyed the adrenaline of the podium finish and the image of Jos standing to the side with a face like a slapped ass. It was a feeling you could definitely get used to.
Round Eleven - Great Britain 2022 The leaderboard changed almost every week, flipping like hotcakes between you and Max. It was labelled as sibling rivalry, and for once the media got it right. Though you hadn’t grown up with Max there was an innate need to know who was better, who could push the limits harder and who could get away with it. Some weeks it was you, some weeks it wasn’t. It was all part of the fun. 
Fun. Now that was something that came in spades. The camaraderie that came with the competitiveness was always something you enjoyed moving up from F3 and F2 before reaching F1. With only 19 other people sharing the same experience with you, it was impossible not to grow close to them. 
“Can you let Max in front today?” Lando asked as you walked along the grid. “Please?”
“Why would I do that?” 
“Because he’d rather look at your ass than Max’s, if he can hold third place.” You turned to the other McLaren driver to see a grin splitting the Australian’s face. 
“Aww, Lando, the real English gentleman,” you tutted sarcastically as you pulled your balaclava off your shoulder and snickered when it slapped Lando across the back of his head.
“Unnecessary violence, Spitfire,” he gasped before muttering under his breath, “I know who you get that from.”
A growl pulled back your lips and you punched him none too softly in the bicep, which was a double edged sword because it was far harder than you were expecting and you felt the hit in your knuckles. 
“Oh, Lando, Lando, Lando,” Daniel chuckled as he walked off to his car. “When are you going to learn?”
“You know the car goes faster with less weight,” Lando said as he rubbed his arm.
“Yeah, so?”
He shrugged sheepishly. “All that baggage you carry is weighing you down.”
“Well, that’s just stupid, metaphors weigh nothing...” You pulled your balaclava over your face as you walked from the second row to the front where the two Red Bulls were parked side by side. 
“Hey Lan,” you called out as you turned back with the urge to lighten the mood after he had looked crestfallen. “Don’t get too excited when I warm up my tires, that’s not me shaking my ass for you.”
You could see the corners of his eyes wrinkle with a smile that was hidden by the balaclava he pulled on. “A lad can dream, Spitfire.”
You had earned the nickname of Spitfire from dog-fighting your way to the front of the pack and it was one you were proud of, it certainly beat being called a bitch day in and day out. 
“Just keep it to your dreams, yeah? I’m already paying too much for therapy.”
“You can talk about your daddy issues later,” Max interrupted, tossing your helmet into your waiting hands. “Get in your car, zusje.”
You grinned to yourself as the formation lap began and you started weaving across the track to warm your tires. All Lando would be able to think about was your ass as the rear wing swayed side to side and the thought of made you laugh since you lived to torment the guys on and off the track.
“Radio check.”
“I can’t wait to show everyone the upgrades.”
“Understood.” There was a pause before Nicholas returned. “Uh, you weren’t scheduled for any upgrades.”
Your start was terrible as Max flew away at lights out and then you were nearly clipped in the first turn by Lando, the swerve you took to avoid a collision letting Charles slip straight past.
“DRS activated this lap.”
You passed the starting line on the heels of Charles, Lando close behind but not close enough to use DRS just yet. The Ferrari was quick but he was out of Max’s DRS range and your straight line speed was far superior, it was only a matter of time before you reached the first DRS zone and made your move to overtake. 
“Did you just use indicators?”
You laughed as you hit the buttons on your console before pulling out of the slipstream, the rear wing opened to reduce the drag, and flew past the red car. You hit the new button the electrical engineer had rewired before pulling in front of Charles and laughed as you saw the replay on the big screens around the circuit.
“It’s only polite to indicate when overtaking. Have you never read the road code?”
“I’m more worried about the FIA regulations than the road code.”
“You worry too much, Christian can afford a little fine.”
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“£150,000 for a laugh! Are you taking the mick outta me?”
You tried to keep a serious face as you faced Christian but one look at Max’s amusement had a smile cracking through. 
“No, you don’t get to laugh about this,” Christian snapped, pulling your attention back to him. “You too, Max. It’s like having a couple of fucking children around here.”
“It was nothing to do with me,” Max argued. “I would never pull a stunt like that.”
“You have something on your nose,” you said as you pointed and he wiped at it. “Nope, still brown.”
His lip twitched before he snickered and playfully shoved your shoulder. 
A heavy sigh of disappointment filled the private room in the motorhome and you both looked at Christian. “With Max winning last year we are going to be under even more scrutiny, and this sort of behaviour isn’t going to earn us any favours. Cut the shit out and pay the fucking fine.”
You started to open your mouth to point out the fine was charged to Red Bull not you but a sharp elbow from Max had you clamming your lips closed again. 
“She’ll be better behaved,” Max promised with a glare that warned you to stay silent to save yourself from lying.
“Fine, get out there before the interviews are finished.”
You were never a fan of the post-race interviews but you left Christian’s office like it was lights out, racing ahead of Max to get to the media pit. 
You skidded to a halt at the side of the stage and Charles patted the empty space between him and Lando just as Max arrived. The other space on the couch was at the end beside Lance and you looked at Max with narrowed eyes before making a break for the better seat. Lando had to jump aside as you slammed into the seat just before Max but it didn’t stop him from planting himself on top and you groaned at the weight.
“Second place again, Max Emillian,” you wheezed as you tried to push him off and looked at Charles. “A little help?”
“Sorry, there are universal rules: we can’t interfere with sibling rivalries,” he said with an apologetic smile.
“Arthur’s my favourite Leclerc.”
Max took full advantage while you were distracted, staring daggers at Charles, and shoved you aside to take the cushioned seat with a smarmy grin. “Remember, best behaviour,” he warned as he got comfortable and accepted the microphone handed to you.
He should have known that the challenge couldn’t go unanswered and so you stood up, but you weren’t admitting defeat. His smile fell when you sat down on Lando’s lap, much to everyone’s surprise. 
“Hands off my sister, Norris,” Max quipped, but Lando’s hands were still in the air from where he froze, not knowing what to do with them or where to put them.
“This is quite comfy,” you noted as you wriggled around. “Maybe this can be my spot every week.”
“Fuck, fine,” Max growled as he stood up and walked down the line to sit with Lance. “Take the fucking seat.”
Charles laughed as you slipped into the seat and he held his fist out. “Everytime.”
You bumped his fist and smirked as the interviews finally got underway. “Every damn time.”
Click here for part two.
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heartofjasmina · 4 months
Okay let me resend this. Ahem!
I want to hear your opinion on Alpha!Big bro! Bakugou with an omega!little sister! Reader who’s in heat and she is in so much pain that she will let anyone fuck her stupid but he won’t let anyone near her so she demands him to fuck her.
I know I said it was dub con but is it really? Idk-
I am eating this tf up omfg <3
TW Dark Content
He couldn't help it. He physically couldn't help the way growls escaped him anytime an alpha tried to go near you while you were in heat. You were his precious baby sister and this was your first heat. No one was going to take advantage of you.
Meanwhile you were dying with need. Howling out of desperation in a way that made Katsuki's heart clench. He gulped before stepping into your room, needing to make sure you weren't actually dying.
"Brother please, please please, need your knot I can't--" You were instantly babbling as soon as you smelled him, his spicy sweet scent calming you down as he came closer.
He should say no, right? He should be the bigger person and leave. Let some other man fill you with his knot and pups just to make his little sister happy.
The thought made him nauseous.
"Please, brother, please, I can't do this anymore it hurts and and I just want it not to hurt anymore," you were on the verge of tears and Katsuki wanted to kick himself. Didn't matter that his stomach twisted knowing what he was about to do. Out of guilt or shame for actually wanting it he wasn't sure.
"Alright, sis. Alright omega. Present for me." He shuddered when the words left his lips, he never thought his fantasies (the perverted ones he kept locked away from the light of day) would come true like this.
You scrambled to obey him, your hips up in the air and your thighs wet with your slick. His mouth ran dry at the sight of your folds glistening and your hole clenching on air.
"'m a good omega, need it, please, I'll be good." You moaned as you felt him climb onto the bed behind you.
He was hard as a rock, wanting nothing more than to feel your wet heat wrapped around his dick. He could tell you were lost to your heat becaues even the sound of his zipper being undone had you in hysterics. Your omega brain had clearly taken over.
"Alpha, need you, need you, need my alpha." You whimpered, moaning loud and long when finally, finally you felt the tip of his dick pressing into you.
You were impatient and thankfully he didn't make you wait any longer, starting to fuck you at a furious pace right from the start.
You were both lost in each other then, your eyes crossing as your cheek was pressed against the bed finally full and soon to be knotted. His cock was pushing into you so deep it felt like he was in your throat. He was losing it because of how wet you were, every squelch of your pussy on his dick made him growl.
"Good omega, so fucking wet for me. Never letting you go. Gonna fill you with my pups and make you mine."
"Yes, brother please, alpha, knot me knot me knot me-"
"Then take it." The swelling at the base of his dick was starting to catch on your rim as he pushed it into you. You keened from the lovely stretch that finally made you feel complete.
When it popped inside you both moaned, your lovemaking complete. It wasn't long before he was pumping his cum into you, his knot keeping every drop locked up inside your pretty pussy.
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leviscolwill · 11 months
good old fashioned lover boy
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pairing: trent alexandrer arnold x reader
summary: trent loves that you and jude get along, but he wants to make sure he still holds the #1 spot in your heart [wc: 1k]
req: request for a fluffy trent fic: jude is always over at trent & reader’s house, eating their food, bringing his friends over, begging to join them on outings etc. and generally acting like their kid. so ofc reader & jude are close, he goes to her advice, they tease trent togeth etc. and trent is jealous that jude gets long w his girl so we’ll but not actually jealous, more in a pouty whiny way, cos he knows jude is like a little bro to her
contents: established relationship, food mention, jealous trent (but it's cute)
note: i tried suppressing my lowercase addiction for this, tell me if you prefer it this way 🫶
now playing: good old fashioned lover boy by queen...
The warmth of your home protected you from October's cold. Trent had planned to spend the day snuggled in bed watching spooky movies and baking Halloween cookies with you.
Well, that was the plan until Jude passed your door. Trent wouldn't be able to say one bad thing about Jude even if he tried, he'd been there for him during tough times. No matter how hard you tried to empathize with Trent, Jude was probably the one friend who could understand his struggles surrounding football the most. Very quickly the pair grew close, almost family-like, and Jude would come over yours, often. You didn't mind, how could you? Jude was nothing short of lovely, he was a funny guy to be around and probably your boyfriend's favourite friend.
But you didn't expect him to crash one of the rare free days you got to spend with Trent. And neither did Trent, from the way his eyes widened when he opened the door to a smiley Jude. Your favourite Disney soundtracks were still blasting in the kitchen while you were mixing your cookie batter.
“Oh, are you cooking these for me?” Jude's voice made you turn around to see him standing in your kitchen with a big smile, your boyfriend trailing behind him.
“Depends, do you have good news to give me?” Trent's face contorted in confusion but Jude totally understood what you meant by the giggle he let out.
“I'll tell you all about it if those cookies are worth it.”
He recently came up to you for advice on how he should ask the girl he liked out. The fact Jude trusted you enough to share this with you made you happy, talking to him was like talking to a younger brother.
Trent knew about the girl his friend fancied of course, but he was absolutely clueless about him asking you for advice. Hearing you two talk so casually, made him feel left out. He knew how stupid this sounded, you were his girlfriend and Jude one of his best mates, but he couldn't help but feel his stomach churn from your closeness.
Trent wasn't jealous. He trusted you and Jude with his life. But he couldn't help feeling his friend was stealing the precious time he could have spend with his girlfriend, and he felt awful about this.
You were your own person, and he was very much aware of that, but he couldn't help spiralling. What if Jude was better company than him? What if he made you laugh in ways he couldn't?
His thoughts came to a halt when you pressed a quick kiss near his lips, “These should be done in 30 minutes, are you alright T? You look a bit off.” The concerned look in your eyes made him forget everything, his hand found yours to press a kiss on it.
“I'm fine baby, don't worry about it.” No matter how much Trent tried to reassure you, you knew something was off with him and made a mental note to ask him about it when you would be alone.
After many Fifa games between Jude and your boyfriend and six chapters of your books read, the cookies were ready. The three of you sat down and you intently watched their reactions to your baking, knowing damn well neither of them would be able to hide their real thoughts.
“These are very good love.” Your boyfriend complimented with his mouth half full while Jude stuck out his thumb up.
“So... Are you gonna tell me what happened with Mia?” A frown appeared on Trent's face again at your words.
“What's even all that about?” He tried his best to hide any animosity in his voice but it didn't work from the way Jude and you looked at him with wide eyes.
“I asked your girl for advice to ask Mia on a date, nothing more mate.” You could tell Jude was being cautious with his words, fearing his friend would get the wrong idea.
Trent ran his hand on his face, “I know. This is stupid, sorry.”
You stayed silent and went to the kitchen telling the boys you had to clean it up to cover the fact you wanted to flee this weird atmosphere.
You stayed a while looking at your phone, and when you looked up you saw Jude and Trent in front of your front door talking together, your boyfriend's hand laying on Jude's shoulder before pulling him in a hug.
The younger boy noticed you staring, and winked at you with both his eyes before whispering something to Trent's ear, something that made him turn around to look at you with a smile. You quickly turned around pretending to be interested in something else to hide the fact you were caught red-handed pretty much spying on them.
When the door finally closed, Trent's hands found your waist and spun you around. You started speaking before he could try to himself. “I'm sorry for not telling you I was speaking with Jude, but I swea-”, Trent's lips on yours cut you off, you felt your shoulders relax from this action.
“No, I am sorry. This was stupid, I just really wanted to spend the day with you, only you, I mean. I actually love the fact that you get along with Jude, but I just don't want you to like his company better than mine y’know.” His words relieved you, your pointer finger booped his nose as he let a giggle escape his lips.
“Trent, don't be silly. I love hanging out with Jude but if I could, I would spend every single minute of my life with you. Now... should we start watching The Prisoner of Azkaban?”
Trent led you to your shared bedroom, fingers intertwined to snuggle under the sheets. The both of you perfectly content and satisfied with each other's company.
taglist: @ceofmercedes <3 @zowanew <3
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fuctacles · 10 months
Henderson's-brother-centered misadventures continue [Part IV]
[Part I] [Part II] [Part III]
Eddie screamed. Then, he screamed some more. Then, he got hit with a teddy bear, which bounced off into the floor, barely disturbing his mane of hair.
“You get a drop of spit on my pillow, and you’re washing all my sheets!”
He groaned, like a wounded animal. If animals could be wounded by their best friend’s disloyalty.
“No, dude! You can scream into your own fucking pillow! We can jam if you need, smoke or steal a beer, hell, I can even listen to you. But don’t just come here to stink my room with-” Gareth made a flapping motion in Eddie’s general direction. “Whatever this is.”
Eddie groaned louder before finally rolling onto his back.
“I fucking hate him.”
“I was hoping you’d choose jamming,” Gareth sighed. He threw his leg over his chair and leaned on the back of it. “You mean Big Bro Henderson?”
“Who else?” Eddie threw his hands up into the ceiling. His friend barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes. “He’s the most annoying person I’ve ever met!”
“Good thing you can’t meet yourself, then.”
Eddie glared at him, but from this angle, it gave him a double chin which severely decreased the look’s efficiency.
“You calling me annoying?”
“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘lively’. Or ‘charismatic’! Or, or, ‘non-conforming’!”
“No, I’m pretty sure ‘annoying’ is the word. Also, ‘dramatic’.”
Eddie glared again, but since his position has not changed so hasn’t its lack of impact.
“How dare you,” he seethed. Gareth completely ignored it.
“So, what did he do this time? Give you more cookies?”
“No!” He had regretted the decision to tell him about it as soon as it left his mouth, but it was out there now. Well, the price of the blackmail material was listening to it first. “He just…” Eddie trailed off, realizing what he was about to say. ‘He let me sit in his lap for the whole length of Karate Kid’ was so much harder to explain than ‘he gave me an extra cookie for my good work.’ He scrambled to find a better approach. 
“So he’s like a therapy dog,” he started, because painting the scene is important.
Wrong approach.
“Okay, so I’ve found out he has some issues, something to do with the Starcourt fire, I think? You know nothing of it, by the way, I probably shouldn't know about it. Henderson, well, the little one, just has a big mouth.”
“And so do you. By telling me,” his friend pointed out.
“Emerson, this isn’t about you,” Eddie scolded him. “So he needs extra physical contact or something. And he might have um…” Wrong turn again. “Engaged me in it?”
“Ok, hold on,” Gareth dropped his forehead on the edge of the chair’s back and rubbed his temples. “What do you mean by that? Because I know it’s not as weird as you make it sound.”
Eddie crossed his arms, which looked extra stupid in his horizontal position. He tapped his socked foot against the mattress.
“We were watching Karate Kid, and the couch wasn’t big enough for four people. Nobody else wanted to sit in his lap and I thought it would be, you know, funny, to offer. And he just said ‘okay’, and did it!” His arms flew up into the air again.
Gareth lifted his head.
“So you sat in his lap.”
“He put me in his lap.”
“Dude, you throw your legs all over me when we watch a movie!”
“Yeah, but that’s different!”
“Because we’re friends! We play together and shit!”
Gareth scrunched his nose because while he knew of the wisdom his friend possessed (very selective and rarely occurring in the daylight), admitting him right was painful because the cockiness he possessed was probably far greater.
“Well, maybe he’s giving you signs he wants to be friends?”
Eddie snorted.
"No way. Not possible. No."
"And why is that?" Gareth raised an eyebrow at the adamant negation.
"I'm his younger brother's friend-"
"Who's his age."
"-And we like different things. I'm a freak, I like metal and D&D!"
"So does Dustin, and they get along well."
"They are brothers!" 
"Well, I actually hate my sister, it’s not a rule."
Eddie groaned.
"I don't know," he ended up saying, just to voice his internal frustration. At least he was facing the ceiling now and not Gareth's pillow.
He hummed, considering his friend, trying to understand his problem, to even locate it.
"Okay, so you don't like that he's nice?"
"... You want him to be mean?"
"... Yes? Maybe?"
Gareth hit his head against the chair. 
"This whole conversation is lost on me."
When he looked up he met Eddie's eyes, a storm brewing behind them.
"I don't want to like him. But he makes it hard not to because he's so nice."
‘He treats me like I'm normal, like his equal’, went unspoken but Gareth could hear it anyway. It was time to end the questions for the day because getting any deeper into his friend's psyche could trap him like quicksand. 
"And then I go to apologize and end up talking about BDSM of all things!"
"Nope!" Gareth straightened up and hopped out of his chair. "We're going to the garage, so I can't hear you over the drums."
"What a best friend you are," Eddie grumbled but rolled off the bed regardless. He was secretly glad for an excuse to stop talking about Henderson because he started getting lost in his thoughts and feelings himself.
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The next time he sees Steve, he doesn’t make it any easier. They see each other only in passing, and the older brother doesn’t give him more than a weak smile and a "Hi, Eddie. Dustin's upstairs," before leaving.
Eddie walks up to his friend's room thoroughly confused. 
"What was that about?" he asks instead of a greeting. He never greets his friends properly these days, but there are more important things like ‘hi’s and ‘hello’s.
"What was what about?"
"Steve," Eddie frowns like it explains everything. And apparently, it does.
"I think he's still upset after last time."
Eddie blinks.
"I said I was sorry!"
Dustin rolls his eyes.
"Sorry doesn't solve everything. It's like a," he snaps his fingers looking for a good comparison. "Like one of the spell components. It's not gonna work without all of them."
Guess he is casting Charm Person after all.
"Okay, but like. What are the other components?"
Dustin just shrugs.
"Hell if I know."
Eddie was burdened with the most unhelpful friends. 
"What do you do when you upset him?"
Dustin's first instinct is to protest, probably point out what a great little brother he is, but one stern look from Eddie makes him shut his mouth and reconsider his words.
"Well, if I made him upset, I'd help him with dinner, make him coffee or tea, pick a movie I know he'd like. Help out with chores, mostly. He does too much by himself." The frown on his face is deep like the mystery of Steve's adoption and Eddie mirrors it.
"This sounds all great when you're brothers, but I'm not a Henderson, how am I supposed to pull that off?
"You helped with dinner once, you could do it again," 
Eddie sighs, long and suffering.
"I guess…"
"Great! Steve has left to get groceries and is making dinner later, I'm sure he'll appreciate the help!" He grins, knowing full well he just backed his friend into a corner.
Eddie sputters when he realizes that. 
“What? Today?”
“No better time than the present.” Dustin shrugs smugly, like it was a universal law they can’t help but follow.
Eddie bristles, because, yeah, true, but…
“I'm not mentally prepared," he complains. 
"For what?" Dustin raises his brows in this annoying way of his. "Cooking?"
"You ate my mac and cheese, you understand the severity of the situation!" he yells, accusingly pointing a finger at him.
"Ate is a big word, I spat it out. And calling it mac and cheese is also a big word."
"Exactly!" Usually Eddie didn't like his abilities slandered like that but on the rare occasion when it served his purpose… 
"Steve's first casserole was also inedible," Dustin shrugs and Eddie tries to picture Mr. Perfect Housewife fucking up a dish. "You have about an hour to mentally prepare before he's back though. You can spend it finishing your readings."
Ah, right. The mundane purpose of his visit was schoolwork.
Eddie groans. He can only hope the tragic stories of holocaust victims will set him in the right mind for cooking with Steve.
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They don’t. He's heavily unprepared for the confrontation when they're running down the stairs to help with the bags. 
When Steve's instructing them which things he needs and which can be put away, Dustin elbows his friend in the ribs, hard. He hisses in pain, attracting Steve's attention.
"You staying for dinner?" he asks before Eddie can say anything. 
"Uh, if I can help with it, then yeah," he says, feeling Dustin’s annoying beady eyes on himself.
Steve frowns at him.
"You don't have to do that, I’ve told you before."
"Yeah, but I'm done with my work for today," Eddie adds under the menacing gaze. "And my cooking skills need some guidance. Wayne is too old to stomach my food, he can't risk another food poisoning,” he babbles, earning himself a snort from Steve. 
“Okay, if it's that bad,” he agrees finally,  the smile Eddie has gotten used to once again on his face. "But you'll be under strict supervision."
"Of course!"
"Okay, you already got yourself a kitchen slave, so I can go finish my work," Dustin speaks up before promptly disappearing, only the sound of his rushed retreating steps left.
"Guess we're alone then," Steve comments, giving Eddie an odd look. He thought he was used to those but Steve's were always hard to decipher. Not the exact kind he usually got.
He clears his throat to dislodge the weird feeling clogging it up.
"So, what are we cooking today?"
Steve hums, looking at the ingredients before him.
"You ever cooked soup?"
"Uh, I assume you don't mean the instant kind?"
Steve makes a disgusted face, fake gags for a good measure too.
"Soup it is then. It's getting colder, and I'm sure Wayne would appreciate it," he says, eyeing Eddie questioningly, and this one he deciphers easily.
"My uncle,” he explains. "I live with him."
To his surprise, Steve smiles warmly.
"Wanna make some extra you can heat up for him?"
"That's-" Eddie's taken aback, which doesn't happen to him often. "That would be very nice, thank you."
"It’s nothing. He should know his nephew is spending his time productively."
"I'm always productive," he mutters back a complete lie. But he's been trying, okay?
"I know," Steve says, surprising him again. "Maybe I want to get on your uncle's good side too."
Eddie doesn't ask why. Doesn't want to know. Doesn't speculate. Just leaves it be, bugging him for the time being.
"I was thinking fritters too? Since they're easy to heat up later."
Eddie nods, watching him sort through the vegetables.
"Whatever you say, chef."
Steve instructs him through the soup preparations first, explaining it needs more time to cook. 
“I hope you don’t mind veggie broth. El didn’t like chicken and we kinda got used to it. Also, it’s cheaper,” he says, watching Eddie pour water over the vegetables arranged in the pot. 
He puts the pot on the burner and looks up.
"Who's El?"
"Dustin's friend. She moved to California though," Steve answers with a frown.
"That's a bit of a drive."
"Yeah," Steve scrunches his nose, then looks back into the pot, before reaching for a box of seasoning.
"Ok, now for the fun part."
Eddie has no idea how seasoning a pot of vegetable water can be fun, but he's not about to argue. He follows instructions and marvels at the amount of weird plants that could be added to food. 
"I feel like a witch," he whispers, tossing dried herbs into his cauldron.
Steve chuckles.
"You kinda look like one."
Eddie side-eyes him from his position over the pot.
"I hope that's a compliment."
"Oh, it is," Steve says in a weird voice and Eddie is too afraid to look at him. He flips through the seasoning packets instead, reading unfamiliar names.
"Okay, so this needs a couple of hours to cook, you'll know when it starts getting together from the smell. Then we'll blanche the onions and garlic, add the tomatoes, blend it all, and it's done. Now we can work on the fritters. Have you done them before?"
Eddie thinks about it for a moment.
"I saw my uncle make them."
"Potato ones?"
"Uh, yeah? Are there more options?" he asks, eyebrows drawn together.
"Apparently, yeah,” Steve rolls his eyes. “A fritter is technically anything you can grate, slap together and fry in a pancake-ish shape."
"Huh. I've learned so much today already."
Steve laughs. 
"So, what do you want in the fritters?" he asks and Eddie is ridiculously giddy about having a choice.
"Can we put meat in them?"
"Yeah, I've made them with bacon before."
Eddie's eyes sparkle.
"Potatoes with bacon and cheese?"
"Holy shit,” Steve groans. “Claudia's gonna kill us, but it sounds so good." He ponders on it for a moment. "We could add corn to pretend there are vegetables in them."
"Ketchup is a vegetable," Eddie points out and Steve bristles. 
"We're not eating them with ketchup!" he protests. "But… we could use some of the tomatoes to make a sauce."
Eddie never thought cooking could be this fun.
"You're way more excited than I thought you'd be," Steve observes, grabbing the potatoes to wash.
"I'm a growing boy, of course I'm excited about food. Besides, we're like two alchemists; mixing up stuff to make other stuff."
Steve laughs again.
"Are those the guys who tried turning metals into gold?"
He's tasked with peeling the potatoes while Steve puts bacon in the oven. He’s  never good at it, and he huffs angrily when Steve joins him and gets through three potatoes while he peels one. What's worse, he can see him watching and his fingers twitching.
"Okay, I can see you itching to correct me. Just do it."
"You sure?"
"Yeah man, unless you have some disease I could catch, I'll be fine."
Steve winces and Eddie has a lightning-fast memory of a rumour that gays spread a deadly disease. But Steve isn't gay, probably, and it's just a rumour.
Steve is still haste when he rearranges his fingers on the peeler and takes his hand away like touching him burns.
Eddie frowns. Well, that's not gonna cut it.
"Like this?" he asks, making a motion he knows is wrong.
"No, like-" Steve reaches out and hesitates. 
"I don't have cooties, come on."
Steve presses his lips together and wraps his hand around his. He has to move closer too, crowding Eddie's side. 
"Like this," he says, whispers really, pushing his hand in the right motion.
This suddenly feels more obscene than it is, but Eddie’s half tempted to push it further.
"Your hands are weirdly soft. Do you steal Robin's hand cream?" he asks instead.
Steve huffs at the backhanded compliment and retraces his soft, big hands.
"No, I have my own."
"Hmm." Eddie cocks his head, looking him up and down. "Should have guessed."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Steve asks with a frown, but he can tell the anger is played up. 
"Nothing," Eddie shrugs. "You just look like someone taking care of himself." 
Steve keeps looking at him like he is not sure if he should be offended or not so Eddie helps him out by rolling his eyes. 
“Don't worry, I judge you more for your music than your hygiene.”
“Of course,” Steve huffs. “You wouldn't know much about hygiene anyway, would you?” he teases with a smirk.
Eddie gasps.
“Are you implying trailer trash don't clean themselves?” he asks, eyes wide and offended. 
“What? No!” The smile vanishes instantly from his face. “Of course not!” Steve scrambles to defend himself. But then, he cocks his hip and crosses his arms.
“You know what? No. I stand by it. Your hair needs proper care, not whatever 3 in 1 you treat it with,” he says. 
“5 in 1,” Eddie corrects him smugly. 
“Hair, body, face, beard and ass,” he lists on his fingers, earning himself a look of disgust from Steve. 
“For that alone, you’re washing your hands again.”
Eddie knows he doesn't have to, but complies anyway. Whatever makes the big Henderson happy. And consecutively, the little Henderson. And somehow, Eddie himself.
By the time the sun starts setting, he’s gained some valuable culinary knowledge, including the fact that as a cook, he gets to taste the dishes all the time. His growing boy tummy is satiated with a stolen strip of bacon and one of the test fritters he’s munching on, when they hear the door unlock.
“I’m home!” a woman’s voice calls out. Eddie freezes.
“We’re just finishing dinner!” Steve calls back while the man next to him shrinks on himself, looking up at him and wondering why he isn’t being pushed into a closet like a secret paramour. 
“Your mom is here?!” he seethes through his teeth, eyes jumping from Steve to the door. 
“Well, yeah?” Steve raises an eyebrow. “She lives here?” 
“But why am I here?!”
Was Steve this stupid or did he not grasp the severity of the situation?
“You’re cooking? Staying for dinner? Studying? The fuck do you mean man?” he answers, more or less matching his volume.
“Mothers hate me!” Eddie reminds him helpfully, making Steve only roll his eyes with a huff.
“Claudia likes you.”
“She never saw me,” he reminds him. Because as soon as any of the suburban moms caught a whiff of his metal vest, his dark clothes and long hair, he felt disgusted eyes on his back. 
And when the Satanist drug dealer rumours reach them? Things only get worse. 
“Oh, hi boys!” A tired-looking blond woman enters the kitchen. Her smile doesn’t waver despite Eddie’s presence, meaning she must have seen some shit in her life. “You didn’t tell me we’ll have a guest today.”
Steve steps in before he can put his foot in his mouth, laying his big warm hand on his shoulder. 
“Eddie finished his work early and wanted to help in the kitchen. Hope that’s alright.”
At the mere thought it wouldn’t be, Eddie’s stomach twisted. 
“Of course! The more, the merrier!” Claudia smiled, still seemingly genuine, before stepping closer and extending her hand.
“Nice to finally meet you, Eddie. I’ve heard a lot about you from my boys.”
Steve’s hand is still on him squeezing minutely to remind him to shake Claudia’s hand.
“Likewise.” He smiles to his best ability, unable to remember the last time he was friendly with someone's parents. Except Gareth's, maybe.
“What did boys make?” she asks, sniffing the air and trying to peek over his shoulder.
“Tomato soup, like you asked, and some fritters.”
“With veggies, I hope?” She squints at her oldest (newest?) son.
“There’s corn in them, and we made a tomato sauce.” He smiled brightly and Eddie could tell he was happy to play the good kid role. 
“Good. I’m gonna change and get back to you,” she says before disappearing upstairs, probably to harass the younger Henderson now. 
“Why was she so nice?” Eddie muses, half to Steve, half to himself, half to the universe in general. Wait, that's three halves. Well, he didn’t fail school because of his great math skills.
“She's always nice.” Steve steps away to work on the next batch of fritters.
“Not to me! Mothers hate me! I bet she’s just pretending but as soon as I disappear, you're gonna hear all about it!”
“Hey!” Steve turns back towards him, frowning. And uh-oh, he upset him again. On his reverse-upset mission. “Claudia’s not some uptight bitch like that. She likes all our friends and you're not an exception. Just because you dress differently isn’t gonna ban you from the house or get us in trouble.” He knocks him on the head for good measure. “You’re safe here.”
“Okay,” Eddie simply says, taken aback. Being welcomed somewhere was a feeling he still had to process.
“We're safe here,” was a soft addition he almost missed over his own loud thoughts but made him even more curious about Steve himself. 
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User tags: @i-have-three-feelings @mblogs @awkwardgravity1 @imacowboy3 @just-a-tiny-void @clumsiluni @shotgunhallelujah @halfadoginatank @carlprocastinator1000 @irregular-child
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camsthisky · 29 days
1 + Leo and Mikey? (Or any combination of the quartet!)
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“Shit. Shit, shit, shit, c’mere.”
Leo’s not having the best day when Mikey corners him. Sleep has been non-existent the past couple days and Leo’s been quietly ignoring all of the crap piling up in his own head with an expertise he’s perfected over his sixteen years of life.
He’s been great at not acknowledging it. Doesn’t mean that it isn’t still looming in the back of his mind, waiting to pounce. It has Leo on high alert. 
So, when Mikey finds him that afternoon, and nervously tells him, “I know you’re not okay,” there’s no way Leo’s letting it pounce without some serious coercion. 
“What’re you even talking about, Miguel?” Leo brushes him off. “I’m totally chilling. Family movie night tonight, right?”
“Yeah, but—”
“Cool, I can go on a snack run,” Leo volunteers. “Why don’t you go grab everyone’s requests real quick while I tape up?”
Mikey’s mask crinkles in the middle. If he keeps it up, Leo thinks he’ll have a matching Raph chasm. “Leo, I know you’re not sleeping, and I’ve tried to give you space because everyone works through things at their own pace, but even Donnie says he’s worried about you.”
Leo waves him off. “I’m fine, Mikey. I’ll probably doze a little during the movie, and we can always do a sleepover.”
“Okay, that’s fine, but I’m—usually you go to Dee about why you can’t sleep,” Mikey tells him, looking a little distressed. 
Leo groans. “Donnie needs to keep my insomnia out of his goss sessions. His sleep schedule is worse than mine, and you don’t see me going to April about it. He said he stayed up for like forty hours total last week. Bro was totally living on nothing but coffee.”
“It didn’t really sound like gossip, Leo,” Mikey says, not falling for the slight misdirect like Leo hoped he would. There’s a certain distress to his face that Leo doesn’t super enjoy seeing. “He said you keep brushing him off. He’s super worried about you, and I sorta am, too.”
“No need to be, hermano, I’m all good.”
“You’re not!” Mikey protests, actually stomping his foot. “I’m not stupid, Leo. If you don’t wanna talk about it with me, that’s fine, but will you at least talk to—”
“Nothing to talk about, baby bro,” Leo says, pretending his heart isn’t in his throat as he winks and tries to walk away, because this conversation is scarily reminiscent of the one he had with Raph right before everything went to shit. 
Of course, Mikey isn’t Raph. Raph is Leo’s big brother, and he’s never been afraid to tell Leo that Leo needs to get his act together. If Raph were here right now, Leo thinks that maybe he’d be okay being at least a little vulnerable, maybe, but he can’t loosen his grip on his emotions because it isn’t Raph this conversation. 
It’s Mikey. His baby brother. Who does not need to have Leo unload all of his problems onto him, especially when Leo’s barely hanging on by a thread as it is. Every thought he’s fought tooth and nail to keep away is steadily creeping closer with every second this conversation goes on.
Leo can’t let that happen.
But of course, because Mikey is Mikey, he reaches out to stop Leo from leaving.
The problem with pretending that everything is fine, is that it works all the way up until it really, really doesn’t.
“Leo, please. Can I at least—”
“Just leave me alone already!”
Mikey stumbles back as Leo spins around and shoves.
“Shit,” Leo breathes out after the silence rings in his head for a solid five—five—seconds because that’s four seconds too long. Leo stares at Mikey, eyes wide and mouth agape, because he can’t believe he just said that. He can’t believe he just did that. “Shit, shit, shit, no, Mikey. C’mere. I swear I didn’t mean to—”
Mikey steps back when Leo reaches his hand forward, and why wouldn’t he? Leo just physically shoved him away while fucking yelling at him. Leo has never in his life pushed Mikey away like that, except for now.
What the hell. What the hell? Why did he do that?
“Mikey, I’m sorry,” Leo tries again, but Mikey only steps back again, wide-eyed like he can’t comprehend what just happened. 
Which—Leo can’t either. He reaches his other hand out for his little brother. 
And Mikey runs away.
Leo’s hands fall to his side. 
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
First Encounters - [MUTI! BLLK X F!READER]
Staring: Rin, Shidou, Sae, Niko, Kaiser, Ness, Otoya, Karasu, Reo
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: heavy ooc (I MEAN HEAVY. forgive me, it gets a bit better later chapts i swear), bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, etc.
Rin Itoshi was always overshadowed by his older brother, constantly being referred to as “Sae Itoshi’s lil bro”.
He’d be lying if he said it didn’t bother him
Even the girls at school were only interested in him for the fame
But you were “nOt LiKe ThE oThEr GiRlS 🤪🥺” (lord save me)
You’ve seen several of Rin’s games, including the most recent one. He wasn’t quite playing as well as he usually did, but this went relatively unnoticed by fans
After the game, you took a gamble and decided to approach the boy
“Hey… Rin Itoshi right? Great game!” she tried to optimistic and complement him
“...Huh?” He just stared 😭 “Who are you…??”
“We’re classmates…? I just wanted to say I really liked watching you play! That last move was amazing, I can see why you went down the left side instead of the right, with defense being so tight and all..” she was starting to regret talking to the dry boy and laughed awkwardly “Well… Good luck with your next game!” she bowed and left
Rin just kinda stood there ;v;
“Huh… someone actually was watching me…” Bro had the smallest smile on his face  
You and Sae were roommates, everything worked out pretty well between you two
In fact, half the time, he wasn’t even home. Like now, for instant, he was out on a business trip and wouldn’t be home for another day
So imagine your surprise when you were peacefully watching Chainsaw Man in the living room, and your front door flies open
In the doorway stood a tall tanned man with blonde hair and pink eyes
“SAE MY LOVEEEE~ IM HERE FOR YOU” The man practically chanted, you had no clue if he knew whether or not you were there 
He finally notices, and you two have a moment of awkwardnes
“... Wtf are you doing iN MY HOUSE???”
Mentally facepalming at this man’s stupidity- “Sae isn’t home right now, also how did you get in??”
Shidou just shrugged “There was a key under the doormat” he spun it around his finger
You looked this man up and down, tbh, if he was an intruder, there was no way you could take him “You’re Shidou Ryusei right? I remember you from one of Sae’s games…” you said, mentally recalling the guy scream about dopamine
“Yessirr~” he grinned “Best striker in the world right here!”
 You could do nothing but sigh as you reached for your popcorn and prepared to get back to watching, “the tan man will sort himself out…” you wished thought
His eyes shot to the screen as you resumed the show, “Are you watching Chainsaw Man?” he asked
And before you knew it, he was curled up beside you eating your popcorn as you two binged the night away
Sae’s perfume had ran out recently, and he found himself strolling through the mall for a new one
You, on the other hand, were called in for a last minute shift in the store since your co-workers cancelled on you. So, here you were, sitting in your little store, all by yourself
That is, until a ashen-brown haired man walked in
The first thing Sae noticed is you. You in all your beauty, standing behind the desk, sifting through the perfumes
He wondered why you worked for a scent store and not a modeling agency. That was until he actually got closer. 
Your sweet smell embraced him, instantly feeling comfortable in the small store
“Hey, you sell perfumes, yea?” he asked, with a small tilt of his head
“Mhm! One for every occasion, how can I help you?” you replied with a warm smile
“An everyday sort of thing. Nothing too strong…”
You thought for a bit, then one particular scent came to mind, you shuffled through the store to get it “Here, try this one.” 
It was a simple one with a slightly stronger undertone. It was a bit on the pricey side, but seeing how he was dressed, you were sure he could afford it
He tried it out on his wrist, and b the look on his face, you could tell he liked it
“Hm. Quite nice, I think I’ll take it.” he handed you back the bottle with a nod “Actually, I’ll take two.”
You smiled, just happy to make some sales “Great! I’ll get that packed for you.”
You bagged the two perfumes and handed it to him with a bow “Thank you for your purchase! Please come again!”
Sae walked out the door feeling much lighter than before, “It must be the perfume…” he thought, but why was it that he wished to know your name… 
He comes and asks you to join his soccer team (Niko 11)
You had heard about what happened in one of the other classes, a boy named Niko had challenged the soccer team to a duel in 100 days. From your knowledge, Niko was not one to put himself out there “hm. Those Yu-Gi-Oh cards must mean a lot to them…” you though “Surely I won’t get dragged into this… right??”
Oh how wrong you were. You knew that he was recruiting teammates, and being one of the fastest people on the track and field team, it only made sense that he came to find you
Niko knew that you were pretty, but he didn’t know you were that pretty. Especially now that he was standing in front of you. “Uh- Hi….” he tired to keep his composure 
“...Hello, Niko, right? I have a feeling I know what you’re gonna ask…” You said, looking the boy up and down. His face was tinted with a bit of blush, it was clear the boy was not used to talking to people
“Y-Yea…” He muttered, he couldn’t tell if you were happy or not “So then- would you be willing to play on a soccer team with me?”
The way those teal eyes looked at yours, you just could not say no ;)
Ness has been spending less time with him, and he’s wondering why. He soon finds out it’s you
“HUH?? What do you mean you’re ‘busy’ tomorrow??.” Kaiser demanded an answer from the poor boy.
“I-uhm… I’m going out with a friend…” the magenta boy gave him a weak smile “You should come with, I think you two would get along great!” 
Kaiser only rolled his eyes and scoffed “Your ‘friend’?? You mean the same one you’ve been texting for the past TWO WEEKS???”
Ness flinched “Y-Yea…” he looked up at kaiser “Is there a problem with that?”
Kaiser glared at him. Usually Ness would bow his head and spit out a thousand apologies. This new found “rebellion” was NOT supposed to happen. “It’s probably the doing of that ‘friend’ of his…” The blue haired boy thought
“Fine.” he looked Ness in his eyes “Let me meet them. Let’s see if they really are worthy of my prescance.”  
He’s sent to a vending machine by Kaiser to fetch some food, but he forgot his wallet. Lucky, you’re a decent person :D 
“Ness.” Kaiser glared at the scared boy “Get me a drink. Anything but milk. Go.”
“I-Yessir!” Ness bowed before running off. Kaiser was in a bad mood, he didn’t want it to get any worse.
“A drink… where’s the vending machine…??” He looked around. And finally, he found one.
He leaned on the glass of the machine, catching his breath. “Hm. An energy drink maybe?? Or does he want some juice… no no, he had juice this morning. An energy drink it is.” he said to himself and reached for his wallet
“... oh sh1t-” 
Ness had been in such a rush that he forgot to bring money. He feel to his knees and let out a silent cry of despair
You, on the other hand, stood right behind him, trying to contain your laugh from the events unfolding in front of you. Unfortunately, you couldn’t stop a small chuckle from escaping, which you quickly tired coved
“Uh- Are you… alright??” you looked the boy up and down. He stared at you, eyes wide and mouth agape 
How could he embarrass himself in front of someone so pretty!! He covered his face with his hands, still on the floor.
You could only laugh “Forgot your wallet right? Here, let me pay” you felt kinda bad for the boy, but also slightly amused, which just made you feel worse.
You could practically see stars in his eyes. 
As you paid for the drink, he gave a grateful bow “Thank you so much, you saved me!” and before you knew it, he ran off
You could only shake your head and laugh at the interaction 
^Reader is assigned Otoya for secret Santa, and reluctantly gets him some gifts. He’s quite shocked when you get him things he actually likes
“Otoya” The teacher called, “Your Secret Santa gift.”
“Oh?” the boy took the gift from her hands. It was a gently wrapped box with a feeble attempt of a bow, which he could only laugh at. He noticed that the wrapping paper used was a green that was similar to the streak in his hair, and the ribbons to the rest. He had never seen such a carefully packaged gift. Even the ones he had gotten from his girlfriends exes were usually lame store bought ones.
That's why when opening the gift, he was so careful to not tear the paper.
As the teacher went around passing the other gifts around, Otoya opened his box and inspected the contents 
Inside he found 2 churros (his favourite), a set of headphones (he broke his a few days ago), a small phoenix (his favourite animal) figure, and a handwritten note.
He wondered who could know him this well, to have gotten him such personalized gifts. He deduced that it could only be his best bud, Karasu.
“Yo” Otoya approached the crow boy “thanks for the gift.”
Karasu could only stare “Gift? What gift? I didn’t get you anything… sorry”
Otoya showed him the box “These, did you not get them for me?” he was confused.
Karasu picked up the letter “Why don’t you try reading it? Maybe it’ll tell you who it is”
The white haired boy neatly tore open the note and read it.
“Hm. It’s nothing but a simple ‘Merry Christmas!’ and whatnot…” he muttered. Now he kinda wanted to know who it was from 
Karasu took the card and analyzed the handwriting “Oh. That’s their writing” the observer said and pointed at you, watching them from across the room
“Ungrateful brat…” you swore under your breath, of course Otoya thought it was from Karasu. But come on, you hated getting gifts for a fboy like him. You should’ve at least got some credit
you sighed and left the classroom, considering that you got a crappy candle as your Secret Santa gift, you were pretty frustrated
Otoya caught up to you outside the room “Hey, [Y/N] right? Thank you for the gift” he flashed the best smile he could manage
“Yea…” you muttered, still sad about your candle “Hope you like it… Least you didn’t get something lame like this…” you turned the saran wrapped gift in your hands “Actually, how do you know my name? I’ve always tried to avoid you…”
“Oh uh…” he laughed awkwardly “I was your Secret Santa…”
You take notes very interestingly, using a different font for every subject. He tries to decode one of your notes, you catch him in the act and teach him
You always had a silly habit of encrypting your notes. They were simple observations you made on your classmates, but if anyone read them, you might be in a bit of trouble…
“Nagi keeps looking at Isagi… But isn’t he with Reo??” you quickly noted, automatically translating into your encryption. It wasn’t anything too complicated, it was pretty easy to get used to, it was just for an extra layer of protection. Surely once someone saw it was encrypted, they’d just give up reading it… right??
Wrong :p 
Karasu had been watching you write these for quite a while, but couldn’t figure out the pattern. But he never had the chance to actually see one up close
And that’s why he took the chance after class while you were in the bathroom.
He quickly pulled out your notebook from your bag, and flipped it open. He sat on the desk and got to work, trying to figure out the code
“Could it be numerical… no- that wouldn’t work…” he muttered to himself, unaware of the figure standing behind him
To be honest, you found this quite amusing. The class analyzer struggling to decode your notes. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
The look of fear and shock on this mans face as he turned to face you, it only made you laugh harder
“LMAOOOO- having a hard time, Mr. Genius?” you teased 
Karasu could only frown “Shut it…”
You smiled, and decided that this was too funny of a story you could tell your friends later. It was only fair you taught him your encryption in return
You sat down on the desk beside him, and started pointing out the pattern
He seemed to finally get it, everything clicked together like a puzzle in his mind “Ohhh, I get it. That’s really dope.” 
You could only laugh “I know right?”
He’s practicing his soccer at school, and you stop by and judge him. You then point out everything he’s doing wrong, and leave. Man is stunned XD
You were just grabbing a drink from the vending machine before you left the school campus to go to your soccer team’s practice. 
Being in such a prestigious school meant only academic extracurriculars were provided, you you had to play club
As you grabbed your drink from the slot, a sound caught your attention. “That’s definitely the sound of a soccer ball…” you thought to yourself, having heard that sound several times “Who from this school would play soccer??”
You walked towards the campus exit, which just so happened to be the same direction as the field. And there he was, a purple haired boy, practicing his shots on a make-shift goal. 
You recognize him as Reo Mikage, I mean, the whole school knew him. You decided to get a better view and move closer
Upon further observation, it was clear that he was new to the sport, you could help but feel a bit bad as you laughed
Reo turned to you the second he heard your tease. He frowned “What.”
You composed yourself “Sorry sorry, I was just… admiring your soccer… skills. Yes.” You said, sounding more unsure of yourself than he was of you
He scoffed, “Please, what do you know about soccer?”
“Enough to be a starter on a good team” you shrugged smugly “You on the other hand… You could work on your passing. The ball’s trajectory changes every time, try making contact with the ball on a more consistent spot, and put more speed in it. Also- when you dribble, make sure to at least be somewhat aware of the field in front of you. I could take that ball off you instantly.” you laughed and left, remembering you still had practice to go to.
Reo on the other hand, was left there stunned, “No way… Someone else here plays soccer!” He made a mental note to find you tomorrow, before packing up. 
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brrypiiix · 18 days
The Cellmates
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They have a ton more info already ready( 2 arcs, 3 big events and fully written lore) but simple introduction (they are criminals with more darker themes to them so please be aware)
Extra Info
Funkenstein - funk troll
Phaser - funk troll
Cinder - pop troll
Current - techno troll
Maverick - rock troll
Funkenstein will 100% kill you
Cinder will 100% kill you
Maverick is 70% likely to kill you
Phaser and Current the only ones who dont aim to kill unless special occasion
• Maverick was arrested like a week or two after the second movie, and was one of the leading causes for the royals to get together and come up with a solution about the major major criminals in each of their tribe
• Current was arrested three weeks after the second movie. Hertz group got to cocky and thought that Vibe City was perfect to make a bunch of money selling drugs there and thought it’d be easy so they were fast to try it
• Phaser at 18 was arrested a month after the second movie
• Funkenstein maybe was arrested by the end of the first month
• Cinder was arrested a couple months after the third movie
Funkenstein - High class surgeon and professor thats always secretly been fucked up and good at hiding what he’s been doing until authorities finally found out
Maverick - Brutal, highly well known hitman, one of the earliest caught and caused the royals to make a big decision of where to throw the really fucked up criminals
Current - Drug addict who was in a little drug dealing gang lead by his boyfriend Hertz, until their first major attempt to sneak drugs into Funk City and Current was left behind during their escape through the sewers/under parts of the city
Phaser - Extremely high level hacker and inventor. So much so that after he was arrested the Funk military took his inventions to use for themselves. He was caught due to a very certain altercation between him and his ex who so happened to be Darnell, prince of Funk. It caused an accident and Phaser to be arrested and thats how they found out all of his majorly fucked up crimes
Cinder - Boyband crazed fan gone wrong.
Also the cellmates lore has 2 arcs and 3 major events:
The Meeting Arc
The Great Escape
The Mansion Arc
The Sirens Tear
Last one is a surprise
Bonus Info on some of the Cellmates. I’ll cover more later
Extra info on Funkenstein - He has a little brother named Willie who died at the age of like 5-6 due to sickness When Funkenstein was just 12-13. He was the only one Funkenstein felt a sense of love and care for. Funkenstein’s dad also was majorly horrible and enforced Funkenstein’s behavior to be more formal bc he came from a rich family. He’s also a monster compared to other trolls. Trolls are normally 6 inches, Phaser is 6 1/2 and Funkenstein is 7 inches. He’s also able to break shit like nothing. Also him being a high class surgeon makes it to where he knows how to kill someone instantly and does it with no expression no remorse. When he was arrested he hasnt experimented on anyone since except for a few exceptions. But beforehand whenever he’d experiment on someone he’d just turn the radio onto some old asf tunes, sometimes whistle along maybe, and just go about it at his own pace unbothered by the victims antics.
Extra Phaser info - Bro jams out to songs even on heists and his ass always gets in trouble. Maverick and him have the type of relationship where Phaser says or does some stupid shit and Maverick either beats his ass, punches him down or tries to. Phaser can also moonwalk. I need that to be known. Phaser also is a fucking king at cooking, but thats only because his parents heavily neglected him as a child so much so that he had to learn how to cook on his own. And yet Phaser’s favorite food is pizza and he’ll drag the others to the nearest pizza arcade to get some
Extra info on Current - Extremely co-dependent, weakness is gemstones or anything shiny, you get secondhand embarrassment from him because sometimes he’s just out of it and runs into things like a trashcan or a wall and sometimes knocks himself out with that. He’s also venomous
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stvrni0lo · 1 year
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
chris sturniolo x reader (fluff)
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summary: in the spur of the moment, chris admits his love
warnings/notes: kissing? but that’s about it
requested?: no
> > >
Being with Chris for the past few months had been nothing short of exhilarating. He always found a way to keep you on your toes. Just as you thought you found out everything there is to know about him, he would do or say something that completely threw you in for a loop.
He was an exciting person - and you liked that.
Now as you lay across his sheets, phone in hand, you were sure that this time - 100% - there was nothing that he could say that would surprise you.
Oh how wrong you were.
Chris jogged into the room, hands filled with snacks and two cans of pepsi. Dropping them onto his bedside table, he threw himself onto the space next to you, causing the bed to bounce haphazardly. The springs squeaked with each up and down motion of the mattress.
“What’s up? What’re you watching?” he asked, his head peeking to look at your screen.
“Just tiktok. I keep seeing those stupid grimace shake videos,” you stated.
Wrapping an arm around your waist, he leaned his head onto you so that he could see what you were talking about.
“Yeah, well leave grimace alone and pay attention to me.”
You felt a slight poke on your cheek and you smiled, turning to look at Chris. You clicked your phone off to throw it somewhere to the side and move your body to fully face your boyfriend.
“Don’t be jealous! Grimace could never replace you,” you joked.
“Yeah I know! Bro doesn’t even taste that good,” he said, referencing the prior video he had made where him and his brothers tried the new McDonald’s milkshake. He grimaced (lol) at the memory of the taste.
“Oh and you do?”
He gave you playful scoff as if to show his disbelief that you would even question it. With his warm hand inching to the back of your neck, his breath fanned across your face as he responded.
“You tell me.”
And with that he leaned into you, capturing your lips in a slow kiss.
He pulled back, anticipating your response.
You knew what he wanted to hear, but you decided to drag the game on a little longer.
Feigning like you were deep in thought, you hummed.
“I’m not sure. I couldn’t quite tell.”
With another lean forward, his lips brushed against yours quickly before the gap was closed once again.
His fingertips brushed across your cheek, causing your skin to tingle at the contact. There was nothing like kissing Chris. Head tilting to the side, he silently urged you to keep going. Unfortunately, you also needed oxygen right at this moment.
Hesitantly you pulled back from him, leaning your forehead onto his in order to catch your breath.
“Yeah- I guess that was cool or whatever,” you teased.
Chris jokingly pushed you back onto the pillows, pretending to be annoyed, and lay his head onto your stomach. His hands wrapped around your back, holding you close to him. You began to play with his long, unruly curls, earning a slight hum of appreciation from the boy on-top of you.
“Y’know, I really like you,” he said breaking the comfortable silence.
Your head almost spun at how sweet he sounded. Never had you felt so appreciated before.
“I like you too, Chris.”
He lifted his head to meet your eyes. Shifting his weight so that he was leaning over you, he spoke again.
“No like- I really, really like you.”
His voice almost faltered as he desperately tried to get his point across. He knew what he really wanted to say, but nerves got the best of him.
Your brows furrowed in confusion.
“I know, babe. I really like you too,” you said, playfully mocking his previous sentence.
Fingertips tickling your face, Chris moved to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His eyes looked different - there was an emotion there that you had never seen before.
“I’m trying to say that I love you, goof.”
Your heart skipped several beats. Of course it wasn’t odd that he had said those words to you - I mean you had been dating for months. A part of you just always expected you to say it first. However, hearing it come out of his lips sounded better than you could ever imagine.
A smile found it’s way onto your face, and you spun Chris around on his back. You began peppering kisses all over his face, ignoring his giggles and pleas for you to stop your ticklish antics. Moving from his jaw, to his cheek, to his forehead and nose, and finally to his lips.
Halting your movements, you whispered a response.
“I love you too.”
And with that, you leaned down to kiss him once more.
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misscinnamonroll16 · 8 months
Got any embarrassingly cute headcanons for Brozone? Ones that the other brothers would absolutely use as blackmail against one of them?
Baby pictures, especially if they're naked for some reason. Extra embarrassing if it's more than one of them
For JD they got, his first date, puberty, old songs that didn't make the cut but John Dory doesn't have much shame for them to pick at. Probably something like seeing him do something gross when he thought no one was around or talking to himself
For Bruce they got, him kissing his pillow, that date he went on with a fan (or fans if there's more), also puberty, I feel like he wrote love letters to his future sole mate and they totally use those against him
For Clay, he did a lot of stupid stuff when he was younger but nothing most boys that age wouldn't do. Definitely the getting his head stuck in the steel fence is one, being a lil nerd (jokingly ofc), some of the lesser funny pranks he pulled (the ones that did more harm than good), he definitely fell down the stairs at least once and the bros (mostly JD) won't let him live it down, him literally walking into walls, him falling out of bed bc he got tangled up in his blanket
For Floyd, he definitely tried to hide his tween girl magazine from his brothers (and failed), his first experience with makeup and nail polish, the fact that he couldn't pronounce words correctly, probably for being scared of the dark for so long, and any experience he had with a boy he might have liked, any weird things he said in his sleep
For Branch, it's a little harder bc he was a baby so his bros don't got as much dirt on him as they do the others. Definitely how much he cried at night or a blown out diaper, any weird food for a baby to like that he liked (for example fluffleberry cake that only the boys like), the fact they were hoping to get a sister, Branch's big ass head
I think that's all I can think of rn, I usually fill my list over time 😄
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Shadows Entwined: Part 2
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 / Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Bonus (18+)
In which both Leo and reader get grilled by their families, because of the "pretty eyes".
Warnings: Spelling, loong.
The reader and the turtles are 19.
“They call him… The Batman”, Donnie said, reading from his computer screen, causing Leo to break from his starting contest with the wall. He didn’t even remember how he got to staring at the wall. He remembers returning to the abandoned cafe with his brothers, after their meeting with this, Batman and… her. She had said his eyes were pretty. No way she actually meant it. Not with eyes like hers. They were… Leo did not know how to describe them… deep? Colorful? Lively? Filled with emotion-, oh this is how he ended up zoning out in the first place.
Leo was once again pulled out of his thoughts, as Raph started yelling about how stupid it was to use half an hour to google something he could have guessed in seconds.
“I’ve read rumors about a supernatural bat creature in Gotham, but I assumed that he was an urban legend, or that he was a mutant like us”, Donnie said deeply fascinated.
“That guy was definitely human”, Leo finally spoke. “And I think his super natural powers are just his gadgets. Anything about the girl?” Leo could see Raph facepalm out of the corner of his eye.
“Nothing”, Donnie said. “Only stuff about this Batman, or whatever he is”. Why did that pull down on Leo’s mood? No information about her at all?
“We already know what he is!” Mikey was practically dancing at the whiteboard. “He’s awesome!... Unless he’s a bad guy… That would make him… 40% less awesome”. Leo could already tell by the look on Raph’s face that he wanted to punch their little brother all the way back to New York.
“No one knows his motives, but it does appear that he only attacks criminals”, Donnie continued. “Especially this clown guy”.
“So he wears a Dracula costume and punches clowns. Who cares?!”, yelled Raph. “The dirtbag stole my sai!”
“Dracula costume? What kind of Dracula movies have you been watching?”, Donnie muttered.
“Is that why that girl hang around him?!”, Mikey yelled from his whiteboard, jumping with the same enthusiasm he had shown ever since they arrived in Gotham. “He has bitten her and now she is under his control? This city just gets better and better!”
“I don’t think so Mikey. She did say Leo had pretty eyes”, Donnie said. “Hypothetically, I don’t think a human under vampire control would say that. I actually don’t even think vampires in fiction can control people like that…”
Leo already hated this conversation.
“Look all I’m saying is Shredder stole the ooz from TCRI and came to Gotham, we know he’s been working with a new partner, right? It’s gotta be this bat creep and that Leo loving sidekick he has around”, Raph said, exasperated.
Leo remained unmoving with his arms crossed, but the mentioning of the girl made something move in his stomach.
“I’m not so sure”, Leo said. “The way they fought, avoiding lethal blows. They wanted to figure us out. Like a detective".
“She wanted to figure you out”, Raph mumbled, just loud enough for Leo to hear it. Leo would have spoken up, and Mikey not done it first.
“Okay bros. I broke it down”, he said, pointing to his drawings on the whiteboard. “Awesome: Little bat throwing things, cool car, sweet hat, Leo’s first girlfriend. Not awesome: Kicked our butts, may be evil, mean voice, Leo’s first heartbreak”.
“Either way”, Leo broke in, before giving his brothers any chance to add on to Mikey’s whiteboard Batman and sidekick breakdown. “After Wayne Enterprises, we have no idea where the Foot will be next. The Batman is our only lead”.
Donnie nodded. “Whether friend or foe, he and his sidekick was at the scene of the crime. And if you give me a minute, I think I’ve gotten an idea”.
“I was right outside!” you yelled like a spoiled child, waving your arms in the air, while Batman carefully looked at the magnifying glass in front of him, a sample he had taken from the sai laying in the little glass tray. “I did nothing but watch those metahumans kick Penguin’s butt! I could have helped you!”
“I did not need help”, Batman said, stoic as he always was when wearing that mask. “I had it under control”.
“That blood in your mouth said otherwise”, you sighed leaning against the deck next to you. This man was stubborn and you knew it. It was no use fighting him on his opinions, as it would be a losing battle for anyone except him.
You heard the familiar sound of a grappling against metal, and saw as Batgirl made her way out of the air vent.
“Heard on the scanner that the police took in some of Penguin’s men. Said they were jumped by four crazy frogs. I assume those were my lizard guys”, she said.
“Your lizard guys are strange”, you told Batgirl.
“They are turtles”, Batman said, pressing keys on the computer keyboard. “And the DNA on this weapon suggests they were mutated by an outside agent”.
“Mutant ninja turtles”. You raised a brow. “And me who thought Gotham couldn’t get any stranger”.
“The technology the ninjas have already stolen could be used to refine a mutagen like that”, Batgirl noted. “But why?”
“The cloud-seeder is the last piece of the puzzle. Which is why I had to move it to a secure location outside of Gotham”.
“I really wished you guys brought me in on this!”, Batgirl said. “I mean I saw the monsters first. It’s my case”.
“And pass up the opportunity to watch them swordfight Penguin later in the future? No way! I had front seat tickets!”
“There were too many unknowns. You could have gotten hurt. Both of you”. Batman turned his attention towards you. “You have to be more careful, (Y/N)”.
“What do you mean? I was beating that blue one pretty good”.
“Yet you didn’t notice the red one almost tapped you from the back”.
You felt a movement in your stomach and cold run down your back, yet your face started to feel hot. You did not notice at all. When would that have happened?... How long did you look into those blue eyes? Did the red one see an opening, only for Batman to save you, while you were being engulfed in a mutant turtle’s eyes, not noticing the world around you?
“N- no, I didn’t”.
“No, and you’ll have to work on that before I start calling you for backup”. Feedback from Batman always sounded harsh. And it did make you feel self conscious. But when it came to fighting alongside Batman, it was a matter of life and death. “In the meantime”, Batman continued, before you could dig too deep into your own feelings. “I’ll need to start working on a way to counteract the mutagen”. Batman stood for a moment. “And for that I could use both of your help”.
You could feel a big smile form on your face as Batgirl thanked the man you saw as your father figure. It wasn’t often that he actually asked for your help, or any help at all, making this a rare occasion, forever saved in your memory.
“All though”, Batgirl said as Batman looked closer at the sai he had gotten from the red turtle. “If those creatures left the Penguin's men tied up for the police, maybe I was wrong about them”.
“Maybe”, was all Batman had to say about that.
The drive back to the Batcave from Wayne Enterprise was silent. With you and Batgirl squished together in one seat, while Batman was driving the Batmobile. The silence that was so common when it came to Batman. It was a far cry from the Bruce Wayne that had taken you in as his own daughter. I was as if the moment he took the mask on, he became a different person. Not less loving than the Bruce Wayne you had given the title father, but less expressive and harder to read.
“Pretty eyes?”, Batman said, finally breaking the silence. Batgirl looked at you in confusion.
“It caught him off guard didn’t it? I’ll say it worked”, you said, playing with a smile on your lips. The bat stayed silent. You knew that silence. It was not an approving silence. You tried playing it off, talking about something else. “Did you notice how easily excited the orange one got? And how mad that red one was? They kind of remind me of Robin-”.
“Your brother is not comparable to a bunch of ninja turtles”.
“Well you might think that”, you mumbled, thinking of your pestilence of an adopted brother, that often caused chaos in your daily life, by sneaking around Wayne Manor. “He does look a little like them”.
Batgirl turned to Batman. “Care to explain?”
Batman sighed. “(H/N) and the blue mutant had a moment where she told him he had pretty eyes”.
“A moment?”, Batgirl asked, slightly shocked.
“A stare down”, you said, feeling your cheeks getting hot.
“A moment”, Batman corrected. “Even his attacks became softer after she told him”.
“No they didn’t!”
“They did. And so did yours”.
With your cheeks on fire, you crossed your arms and leaned back into the seat you shared with Batgirl. The amused smile she was trying to hide, made you wish the Batmobile would swallow you on the spot.
Why did that damn turtle have to have such pretty eyes?
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artiststarme · 1 year
From Alibi to Reality
A little something different, I hope you guys like it! Title brought to you by @nburkhardt. Please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Steve knew he was going to act as Eddie’s beard for the cops and the town. That was a no-brainer, it was the only way to clear Eddie’s name. He discussed it with Hopper, the kids, and Robin. Everyone determined that the shock factor of Steve “The Hair” Harrington dating the town freak was the only thing that was going to change Powell’s mind and make him drop the charges. The thing no one could agree on was how to broach the subject. 
Dustin thought that telling the police directly would be the best way, Robin thought they should build up to the declaration, and Nancy thought it was a stupid idea because no one would believe that lady-killer Steve Harrington was into a guy (little did she know). Regardless, all of his friends thought talking was the best course to take. 
But Steve was a man of action, not words. All of the Party’s plans involved discussing their “relationship” like civilized adults. The problem was though, they weren’t talking to civilized adults. They were talking to his brother, a known dumbass, and the new Chief of Police that wanted to hunt down a bunch of kids because Jason fucking Carver told him to. 
So he was going to handle this the way he handled every shitty situation thrown his way. He was going to wing it. It had worked for him thus far and it hadn’t failed him yet. So, for the rest of the Party’s meeting, Steve zoned out. He thought about how fucked he was going to be when his parents found out about this, how much shit he’d have to take from the rest of the town, and how ostracised he’d be. But it was the only way to clear Eddie’s name. 
Eddie had jumped into the lake after him and saved his life before protecting Dustin from demobats. He was a part of the Party now and Steve would do anything to protect the Party. So, he was fine with ruining his reputation and probably being disowned by his parents for  tainting the Harrington name. As long as Eddie was okay in the end, nothing else mattered. 
They neglected to tell Eddie the plan. He hadn’t seen any of the Party members since the police realized he was being treated at the hospital and barred anyone from seeing him until they questioned him. He was just minding his own business, ignoring the two doofus cops trying to question him, and looking forward to whatever the Party came up with to clear his name. Eddie wasn’t sure if whatever their plan was was going to work or even if they meant what they’d said. However, he had hope. Mostly because the only other option would be joining his dad in a cell for murders he didn’t even commit. 
That’s when it happened. Steve stormed into his hospital room with a flourish, slamming the door against the wall and scaring the two cops. 
Eddie watched as the tall one’s eyes narrowed, “Steve, you better have a good explanation for this one-“
He didn’t pay attention to what else was said. One minute, he was looking at an angry Harrington walking into his room and the next, said Harrington was kissing him. On the lips! 
Mother of fuck, Eddie had died and gone to heaven because all of his dreams were coming true. He didn’t know what Steve was playing at but Eddie wasn’t complaining. He just slipped his eyes closed and kissed him back with equal fervor.
He was pulled from their passionate kissing by a loud, “Son of a bitch, Steve! The murderer?! What the fuck? I thought your taste was bad when you were dating the priss but now this? Jesus Fuck, bro!”
“Officer Callahan, please maintain your composure.”
“My composure?!” His voice was shrill as he shrieked in his own defense. “Powell, my brother is macking on fucking Munson! What the fuck? How am I supposed to maintain my composure?!”
Eddie pulled away from Steve, “your brother is Officer Callahan?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did that not come up when you were defiling my baby brother?!” Callahan yelled at him, waving his hands in the air maniacally. 
“No, actually. It didn’t,” Eddie told him. 
Callahan let out a sound of frustration before pointing at Steve, letting out another frustrated noise, and stalking out. Steve and Eddie turned to Powell who just looked tired. 
“I assume this is why you wouldn’t tell us your alibi for the night of the murder, Munson?” He sighed. 
“That’s right, there was no way in hell I was going to out my boyfriend. Apparently he does it himself though,” Eddie gave Steve the side eye. Why had he chosen to do this? He’d known the guy for like two weeks and he was just throwing his life away to protect Eddie. What the hell?
Powell turned to Steve, “is that true? Mr. Munson was with you the night that Chrissy Cunningham was murdered?”
“That’s right. We were watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Alien before going to bed. He stayed the whole night laying in bed next to me, there’s no way he could’ve murdered anybody,” Steve nodded. 
Powell just shook his head at them, “fine, Munson. I’m clearing you but don’t leave town.” 
“I won’t sir, thank you for doing your due diligence. It was at my expense but still, thanks,” Eddie said sarcastically. 
He shot them one last disbelieving look before following his partner. Then all that was left was Eddie and Steve. 
Eddie whipped his head around to Steve. “Now what the hell was that?!”
“Hey! Don’t talk to your boyfriend that way!”
“Seriously Steve-”
“Eddie, I swear to god if you don’t kiss me again in the next twenty seconds, I’ll go get Powell and tell him I changed my mind,” Steve threatened him with narrowed eyes. 
How was Eddie supposed to refuse him after that?
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rosylix · 5 months
chaotic, my heart is off time
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a certain dare leads jisung to discover he may not be as straight as he thinks he is or: felix is really pretty and jisung is confused
pairing: jilix (jisung × felix)
wc: 12.2k
content: college au, fluff, smut, a little angst, they are both awkward cuties tbh, alcohol, passing mention of drugged drink. slight inexperience, extremely platonic handjobs between bros, switch!felix kinda?, sub!jisung semi-awakening, jisung has a lot of feelings that scare him, depictions of anxiety/minor panic attack, sexuality crisis, includes texting screenshots (mainly at the end)
[also read on ao3]
It's all Hyunjin's fault, really. 
Jisung has nothing else to blame except his innate stupidity and the one too many drinks he had downed that are making him act even more stupid, if that's even possible. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid. This whole thing is just so stupid. 
That's the only thought in his head as he wanders the house of whichever classmate is hosting this party (probably one of Chan's friends, he knows everyone), searching for someone who would be down to let him give them a handjob without it being awkward or weird.
He should've known truth or dare was a terrible idea.
“Hm… I dare you to give someone a handjob,” Hyunjin had said with a smirk. “It can be anyone at the party.”
Jisung blinked. “Are you serious?”
“Dead serious.”
“But how will you even know, like…”
“I'll know,” he said simply, and gave him an unsettling look like he knew something Jisung didn't.
And that was it. Jisung was pushed out of the room, practically sent to the wolves to complete the dare before midnight. He felt like a fucked up rendition of Cinderella or something.
A handjob? Really, Hyunjin? Jisung doesn't even swing that way and yet he can't find it in himself to back down from the dare. He knows it's a problem, his inability to admit defeat when faced with a challenge. Not to say that the alcohol buzzing through his system isn't playing a part as well. It definitely is.
Jisung lightly slaps himself and mentally tells himself to get a grip, dude. It's just a handjob between bros. A totally chill and normal endeavor! He doesn't know why he's making such a big deal out of it (he's definitely done weirder things before) but something about the idea is making a weird nervous feeling creep through his system.
It's fine. It's literally not a big deal. I'm sure the guys wouldn't even mind getting jerked off, he tells himself as he continues looking around (definitely not stalling) from the corner he's found himself nestled in. Ultimately, he decides that in order to have the least awkward situation possible he should try to find someone he's friends with rather than a random stranger. He goes through his list of friends he's comfortable with.
Chan? No. God, no. Jisung cringes immediately after thinking it. Chan's like a friend, brother, and parental figure all in one to Jisung. Even if he might agree to help, Jisung does not even want to entertain the thought any longer. He shudders.
Changbin? Uh… maybe? He was there at the truth or dare game so he already knows the situation. But he was also giving Hyunjin googly eyes the entire time so maybe not. Blegh.
Minho? Jisung thinks this is probably his best bet. Worst case, his hyung will laugh at his situation and turn him down kindly. But he trusts Minho to not let it become awkward between them either way.
Still, he should probably think through his other options. Obviously not Hyunjin… Jeongin? Even though he knows he's not, Jisung still sees him as a pure, innocent kid, he can't help it. Something about it just inherently feels wrong, he's like his little brother. Absolutely not.
So then, Seungmin? Honestly Jisung isn't totally averse to the idea… but Seungmin is his roommate and he would never be able to escape if things become awkward. So, no.
He doesn't know how long he's been standing there, probably looking pretty creepy he suddenly realizes, when a hand snaps in front of his face.
He blinks. When he looks up he sees a mildly annoyed Seungmin staring at him. Speak of the fucking devil.
"That was my drink, you know."
Oh. Jisung looks down at the drink he's holding—huh, when did he grab that?—and looks back up at Seungmin with an apologetic expression.
"I was wondering where this came from, sorry Min."
Seungmin waves it off. "That's so like you to just pick up any drink. You're lucky it was mine and not, like, some random person's." He pauses. "Or drugged."
Jisung laughs nervously. "Yeah uh, you're right, I'll be more careful." He straightens up. "Thank you for sacrificing your drink for the greater good," he says solemnly with a bow.
Seungmin rolls his eyes. "Yeah sure, anytime." He pauses. "Are.. you alright though? You've been standing here spaced out for a while but you usually love to go around annoying everyone. I would know, unfortunately." Another small roll of his eyes, then tilting his head to the side, he offers a light smile. "If you want we can go home and just watch Netflix or something?"
Of course Seungmin can tell something's up. Jisung isn't always the most comfortable in larger social gatherings with people outside his immediate friend circle. He much prefers to stay in his room and binge watch YouTube videos until he passes out, something his roommate is well aware of. Jisung appreciates the concern even if that isn't the current cause of his worries.
Still, he doesn't really want to bother Seungmin with his current predicament. "Aww, is my little Minnie worried about me~? I knew you cared about meee!" Jisung drawls, draping himself slightly over the taller boy in a messy embrace. 
"Shut up, oh my god you're so annoying." Seungmin pushes him away but Jisung doesn't miss the slight pull at the corners of his mouth. "Anyway, I was serious. I was gonna go bother Old Man Chan but if you wanna leave that's cool too. You seemed really out of it earlier. Just staring at this thing like it would give you life's secrets." He grabs the can from Jisung's hand and grimaces after taking a sip, muttering something about alcohol ruining the perfectly good taste of lemonade before handing it back to Jisung.
While the offer to just bail on the party and his dare is tempting, Jisung doesn't want to give up like that. His pride and dignity are on the line here. "Oh uh, I mean, it's nothing really. Just another one of Hyunjin's weird dares, I can handle it. But thanks Seungie."
He tries to give a reassuring smile but it must have come off a bit nervous anyway because Seungmin gives him a cut-the-crap look. "Okaay, but still, you never get this worked up over his dares. What did he say to do this time? I'm sure it can't be worse than that time you licked—"
Jisung's eyes widen and he immediately slaps a hand over the taller boy's mouth. "Oh my god Seungmin, we don't talk about that. That was quite possibly the worst thing I've ever done." He groans at the memory.
Seungmin laughs and pushes his hand away. "Yeah that was pretty bad. So? It can't be as bad as that right?"
Jisung bites his lip, damn it, he was hoping Seungmin would drop it. He doesn't even know why he's getting so in his head about the dare, he's sure Minho or one of the others will be fine with it once he explains the situation. What's a brojob between bros, right? Right?
Shit, Seungmin is still waiting for an answer. Should he just tell him? He's comfortable enough with him that it wouldn't be that weird. But.. he just can't bring himself to. "Hmm… I don't know. I mean it's a little weird but at least I won't have to do this one in front of other people. No public embarrassment this time if that's what you were hoping for," he says around a grin that thankfully comes naturally.
Seungmin frowns and opens his mouth to say something when he's waved over by a smiling Jeongin. He smiles back, then turns back to Jisung, who doesn't fail to notice the light dusting of pink on his cheeks. Oh? He's definitely gonna tease Seungmin for that later. "Alright, well if you're sure you're okay I'll leave you to it but you're telling me all about this later. And if it's really that bad then don't do it, okay? Hyunjin wouldn't force you to do anything if you really don't want to." 
“I know… thanks,” Jising smiles genuinely. “Uh—completely unrelated—have you seen Minho hyung anywhere?”
Seungmin raises an eyebrow but shakes his head. “I heard from Chan that he left already. Something about his cats he said. Why?”
Jisung's heart sinks. There goes his only real hope. “No reason…” he shakes his head and puts on a smile again. “Um, I think your boyfriend's waiting.” He points to Jeongin with a small smirk.
Seungmin's ears turn scarlet as he sees who Jisung is pointing to. His head snaps back wildly. “My what— we're not—”
Jisung puts his hands up in surrender. “Okay, my bad, my bad… I didn't say anything.”
Seungmin narrows his eyes. “No, you didn't. Bye!” And he runs off in Jeongin's direction, leaving Jisung alone with his—well really Seungmin's—drink.
Jisung leans back into his corner, thoughts going rampant. Minho, his only saving grace, already left. What does he do now!? Obviously he knows Hyunjin would never force him into doing the dare if he's really uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean Jisung wouldn't be embarrassed for not being able to! And it's not that he doesn't want to, he's just… worried. Worried that it'll be too weird and awkward and Jisung really doesn't want to mess up any of his friendships. Not to mention his… limited experience. Sure, he has some experience with girls but with a guy? Obviously not. What if he's like, really, really bad??
Whatever! If Jisung is anything, he's not a coward. In a sudden rush of adrenaline, he tips his head back, downs the rest of Seungmin's drink, and seeing as all his friends are out of the question, he decides to walk over to the first male specimen he lays his eyes on. What could go wrong?
Oh. Of course everything could go wrong. He realizes his grave mistake when he notices the unmistakable head of blond hair in his vision. Felix. Pretty boy and literal innocent ball of sunshine.
Felix had recently transferred from Australia, and while he was super friendly whenever they talked, they weren't incredibly close. Not that Jisung doesn't want to be, it just takes him a while to warm up to new people. And they only share one class together. Still, they do talk a lot in that class, and he probably hasn't gotten comfortable with someone that fast since Minho hyung, Jisung realizes with some surprise.
But that wasn't the issue. From what he could tell (from a few truth or dare rounds from previous parties), Felix became really shy whenever the topic was even slightly sexual. He definitely wouldn't want to go along with Jisung's dare, and would probably be uncomfortable even talking about it. The last thing Jisung wants is to make anyone uncomfortable, least of all Felix.
He moves to turn around but it seems the blond has already noticed him approaching by the way he breaks out into a smile and waves. Jisung silently curses his dumb impulsiveness as he continues making his way to the other boy. It's fine. He can just act normal, talk with Felix for a bit and then go find someone else.
But when he arrives and sees Felix up close, Jisung's mind goes blank. With truly striking timing, the single brain cell he'd been clinging to all night decides to abandon him and he just stares for a few seconds.
Finally, his brain decides to award him a single staggering thought: Oh, he looks really pretty. 
Felix looks back at him, bright smile still reaching his eyes, which are shimmery and lightly lined with eyeliner. And oh, Jisung is just standing here like an idiot, which he is, but god, he's really been acting more idiotic than usual.
"Uh, hey Felix!" he says and cracks a hesitant smile.
"Yo, my twin! What's up?"
Jisung laughs and immediately relaxes a little. They had found out that their birthdays are only one day apart during a lame icebreaker in class. "Just… wanted to say hi. How're you liking the party? It's only, what, your second or third one here? Chan's parties are always the best."
"It's cool! And yeah, Chris—I mean, Chan hyung's like totally awesome. At first I was intimidated by him but when I found out he's a fellow Aussie I almost cried on the spot. I definitely wouldn't have adjusted as well if not for him." Felix looks away and smiles to himself, to Jisung's relief. He was admittedly having a hard time maintaining eye contact with Felix's bright eyes constantly glittering up at him.
“I know what you mean. He's saved my life more than once.” Jisung chuckles. Then he figures he should escape before he inevitably makes a fool of himself. “Uhh, anyway I just wanted to check in and say hi but I guess I'll get going…”
“So soon? I was thinking of checking in with you actually.”
Jisung blinks. “You… sorry?”
“You've just been standing over there for the past twenty minutes or so", Felix points to the corner Jisung was lurking in earlier. "Even I know that's kinda uncharacteristic of you. I was getting worried. And then you just came speeding towards me like a man on a mission."
“You were watching me that whole time!?” Jisung all but shrieks.
“Ah, um…” Felix rubs his neck. “Not the whole time but… yeah.” He shrugs, “Sorry, is that weird? I was just worried about you.”
Jisung feels his heart swell from the kindness of this boy he's not even incredibly close with. He should make an effort to talk to him more often outside of class. “No it's… it's nothing. We were playing truth or dare and Hyunjin gave me a pretty strange dare so I've just been, y'know, thinking about how to get out of it I guess." He laughs and shrugs.
Felix hums. "Is it as bad as when Hyunjin made you lick the—"
Jisung's mouth drops open and he instinctively covers Felix's mouth with his hand. "Oh my god, Felix! How do you even know about that!?"
Felix shrugs. "Your friends seem to love telling embarrassing stories about you." Jisung feels him laugh under his hand, and his face warms when he realizes where that hand still is. He quickly pulls it back and instead uses it to bury his head in, partly to hide the red on his face and partly because he, quite simply, would like the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
The universe wouldn't be so kind as to grant him that though. Jisung would have gladly spent the next thirty minutes reliving embarrassing moments in his life (unfortunately there is no shortage of these) and wanting to die but the sound of Felix giggling tempts him to peek between his fingers.
"Don't worry, they haven't told me much else," Felix says, the teasing smile remaining on his face. "But I do know about when you publicly asked Ryujin out only for her to tell you she's a lesbian—"
"Whoa, hey!" Jisung retorts, his hands now up in the air. "Yeah, that was embarrassing but it wasn't that bad! How was I supposed to know she's not into guys? Well, okay, maybe it's pretty obvious and I'm just a dumbass but still!" Jisung pouts. "Can we not talk about my failed attempts at romance anymore?"
Felix laughs. "Sure, you never told me what crazy dare you got from Hyunjin this time,” he tilts his head curiously.
Damn, Jisung almost forgot about why he's in this situation in the first place: that stupid dare that's making his mind run in circles. “Haha, well, it’s… it's nothing.” He says oh-so eloquently.
Felix pouts. “I'm so curious now. Can’t you tell me, please?”
Jisung's heart stutters a bit at the way the other's lip juts out. Cute. “I-It's just…” he sighs. How is he supposed to say no to that face? “Um.. he dared me to… to give someone here a… a handjob…?” It comes out like a question for some reason.
Felix's eyes widen. “Oh.” He pauses and Jisung feels like he already messed things up. He's just about to change the subject when Felix speaks again. “Were you… gonna ask me..? Is that why you came up to me?” he asks hesitantly.
Jisung waves his hands around frantically. “No! No, I mean—” He cringes. “Kind of..? I kind of wasn't thinking and just went to the first person I saw, but when I recognized you I changed my mind, I swear!” 
For some reason, this only makes Felix look sad. “You didn't want to because it was me..?” he asks quietly.
“I-I mean—it's just, you're—...” 
“I'm what, Jisung..?” Felix looks hurt.
Jisung doesn't know what to do. He thought he was being considerate of Felix by not wanting to do this with him but Felix seems upset?? God, what did he do!? 
“N-No, it's not you, I mean, it's not that I don't like you! I just figured you'd be uncomfortable or something so…” 
“Oh.” Thankfully, Felix seems slightly placated. “W-Well, I'm not, so…”
Jisung blinks. “Um, you're not.. What do you mean…” he laughs nervously.
“I'm not uncomfortable. I'll let you… if you want… I don't, um, mind.”
Jisungs mouth falls open and he gapes at Felix. Surely, he misheard. “A-Are you serious?”
“Mhm…” Felix nods, his face pink.
“Um.” Jisung blinks rapidly as his brain practically short circuits at what Felix is saying. He's okay with it?! Jisung swears he must be losing his mind. This is a dream, right? There's no way he would actually agree to this. His brain suddenly conjures up images of what it would be like to touch Felix in that way. Oh my god. 
Unsure if Felix notices Jisung's brain melting out of his skull, he's snapped back to reality when he hears Felix hesitantly ask, “Do you not want to..?”
“No! I mean, yes? I mean, it's just a little weird, you know? But you'd be doing me a favor I guess, so… yeah. Um, if you're sure you're okay with it?” Jisung swallows.
Felix's lips turn up slightly and he nods, effectively quelling the anxiety that had been bubbling up in Jisung's stomach. And, wow, he must be more tipsy than he thought because suddenly he thinks Felix looks even more beautiful than before.
Jisung's heart stutters inexplicably again. He nods. “Okay, let's um, go somewhere?” He grabs Felix's hand.
The two of them find an empty bedroom and Jisung locks the door behind them as they walk in.
Jisung shuffles onto the bed somewhat awkwardly, Felix joining him slowly. They sit like that for a few seconds and Jisung notices Felix fidgeting with his hands slightly.
Jisung decides to break the silence. "Um." Felix lifts his head. "You know you don't have to do this right? Like, really, really don't have to," he laughs nervously.
Felix nods, "Yeah I... I know, thanks." He gives a soft smile. "I guess I'm just a little nervous? I don't know." 
Jisung bites his lip. "Have you ever..?" 
Felix looks back down at his hands. “Um… a few times back in Australia but, like, not that far."
“Oh okay. You always seem so shy about the topic so I thought..”
Felix blushes slightly. “I went to a catholic school, so I'm just.. not used to talking about it so openly I guess,” he shrugs.
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I've never done this before,” Jisung admits. Felix looks up in what looks like shock. "I mean—! I mean, never with a guy. I'm uh, y'know, I'm straight."
Felix blinks for a second. He nods slowly.
"Anyway! It's not a big deal right? Are—are you sure you're still okay with this?"
“Um.. if you are.”
“Yeah, well, I'm not really the one with a choice here..” Jisung laughs. 
Felix frowns. “Of course you have a choice. Why would your friend dare you to do this anyway if you're straight?? That's kinda weird.”
“Is it..? I feel like it's… I mean, it's not really a big deal. Just a brojob between bros. It doesn't have to be weird, right?”
“A bro—...” Felix coughs out a laugh. “R-Right. If you're sure.”
Jisung nods. “Yeah. Are you?”
Felix nods as well.
"Okay, should I just, um," Jisung shifts so he's closer to Felix and reaches for the other's thigh. He's kind of at an odd angle though, so, without thinking much about it, he swings a leg over Felix so he's sitting in the other's lap.
Felix just stares up at him with wide eyes. Shit, did he make things too weird? "Uh.. is this okay?" 
Felix blinks and clears his throat. "Yeah. You can, um, start. I'll tell you if I want you to stop," he says quietly.
"Okay," Jisung whispers, afraid to break whatever strange atmosphere has settled around the two of them.
He tried to sound confident earlier but god, he doesn't know what the hell he's doing. Unable to bear looking into Felix's eyes any longer, Jisung looks down and slowly, hesitantly slides his hand up Felix's leg and presses against the front of his jeans.
Felix lets out a huff of air so Jisung does it again, working over Felix's jeans until he's breathing heavily and Jisung can feel a more prominent bulge under his fingers.
"Um should—can I take these off?"
Felix lets out a shaky breath. "Yeah."
Jisung undoes the button and pulls down the zipper almost painstakingly slowly. He can feel the younger's eyes on him but he refuses to meet them. Once it's fully unzipped, Felix shifts and lifts his hips up so Jisung can pull his pants and boxers down.
And oh my god. Jisung didn't think that he would literally ever think this about another guy's dick but it looks almost... pretty? He just stares for a few moments, unsure of how to proceed when his head feels fuzzy with radio static.
Felix shifts nervously under Jisung's gaze. "Jisung..." It's almost a whine and fuck, since when did Felix sound that pretty? He swears his name has never sounded prettier on someone else's lips.
But shit, right, Felix is right in front of him, Jisung is basically on top of him, and he's waiting for Jisung to touch him.
So he does.
As soon as he wraps his fingers around Felix and starts to move, the younger shudders and sighs quietly. Having literally no other experience, Jisung just tries to do what does on himself. He slides his hand up and down slowly, and when he swipes his thumb over the tip, Felix lets out a little moan that prompts Jisung to look at his face for the first time since they started. And oh.
Felix's eyes have fluttered shut and his eyebrows are slightly furrowed. He's flushed, mouth hanging slightly open as he draws in shallow breaths. Jisung doesn't know what to do besides stare and keep moving his hand as he tries to commit the image in front of him to memory.
Felix bites his lip and grips the sheets when Jisung goes over the head again and holy shit, he's leaking so much. Jisung doesn't really know what he's doing but he supposes he's doing it right by the way Felix is breathing heavily through his nose, lips pressed shut. Jisung wishes he wouldn't try to be quiet.
"Felix." He looks up, and fuck, Jisung didn't think this through because now Felix is looking at him, eyes dark and heavy, and Jisung hears static again.
"Yeah? Ahh—" He moans before pressing his lips and eyes shut again.
"Don't—don't cover your noises."
Felix looks at him with an unreadable expression that makes him think he overstepped for a second, but then he slowly nods and complies, letting out more and more of those pretty little sounds that are making Jisung lose his mind.
On one particular stroke Felix tips his head back and cries, "Fuck, Jisung, please.."
Jisung seriously thinks he might pass out. "You're so pretty."
Felix shivers and whimpers, eyes shut tightly and Jisung literally has no clue what possessed him to say that but after seeing Felix's reaction he sure isn't planning on stopping any time soon.
"So pretty." A little noise from the back of Felix's throat. He feels like he's under a spell, words just falling out of his mouth. "S-So beautiful like this, making the prettiest sounds. Baby..."
Felix gasps into Jisung's chest, cock twitching as he lets out an embarrassed keening noise. One of his hands comes up to grasp Jisung's arm for leverage. 
Until now, the hand not on Felix's cock has been just sitting on the bed, so Jisung tentatively brings it to Felix's waist. And holy fuck his waist is so small but at the same time Jisung could feel well defined abs through his shirt and how is Felix even real?
He hesitantly slips his hand under the hem of Felix's shirt, who gasps at the sudden skin contact.
"Is this okay?"
Felix nods and Jisung feels his breath catch when a small hand covers his own, guiding it further along his torso in a silent plea to keep going.
He continues to explore the expanse of Felix's body in awe as the younger drops his hand to grip at Jisung's thigh instead. He's panting heavily and letting soft moans and whimpers slip past his lips with every drag of Jisung's hands along his cock or abdomen. 
Jisung trails the hand on Felix's chest higher until he slowly, experimentally brushes over his nipple. Felix arches his back into Jisung's hand and his head tips back as he moans so fucking low in his throat it really shouldn't be possible. 
Jisung watches Felix shake under him as he rubs his thumb in circles over the nub before moving to the other one. He starts letting out desperate little whines, the stark contrast from his low moans leaving Jisung's head reeling.
"Fuck, fuck, I can't—m'gonna—" 
Jisung takes it as a sign to redouble his efforts, stroking faster until Felix is gasping, "please please, Jisung, please," and it's all Jisung can do to stare dumbly as he moans and cums in streaks of white that slide down Jisung's hand. He works him through it, pulling his hands away once the younger's breathing has calmed down a bit.
For several seconds, they just sit there, sharing heavy breaths. Unable to meet the other's eyes, Jisung stares at his hand, covered in Felix's release. He almost wants to lick it which—okay, what the fuck. He isn't going to think about where that thought came from right now.
He takes a deep breath and grabs a tissue from the nightstand.
Felix does the same. Jisung finishes wiping his hand and looks up to see that Felix is also cleaned up, and after pulling his pants back up he hides his face in his hands. 
Jisung's heart sinks. He ruined everything didn't he? "Um.. are you okay? I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable—"
Felix's head lifts up, eyes wide. "No! No, I mean, wouldn't it have been more uncomfortable for you? I'm just embarrassed," he says, cheeks red and looking to the side.
"Huh?? Why are you embarrassed?" Jisung says incredulously. If anyone should be embarrassed, it's Jisung for getting so wrapped up in the dare. Saying all those things to Felix, telling him to not be quiet, calling him baby?? He feels like he's on fire from embarrassment, hot and flushed all over.
"What do you mean? You're not the one who was just begging like a little bitch. Fuck, I'm so sorry." He drops his head back into his hands.
Jisung taps his chin thoughtfully. "You have a praise kink," he says observantly.
Felix flushes and gasps. "I do not! " He lunges forward and Jisung's not entirely sure what happened but suddenly he's on his back and Felix is on top of him and it feels good and he moans when the other boy presses into him, what the fuck?
What the fuck.
Felix stares down at him with wide eyes and Jisung's positive he's bright red right now. What the fuck, he's hard? Just from touching Felix? This was absolutely not part of the plan. What the fuck. He closes his eyes and desperately wishes for the soft bed covers to consume him so he would never have to face Felix or anyone ever again.
Alas, he hesitantly opens his eyes and Felix is still hovering on top of him. Why, why, why hasn't he moved yet? Jisung can't even try to run away. There's truly no escape, he'll just have to face this hell that he created for himself.
Right when he opens his mouth to sputter out an apology or something, he isn't really sure, Felix moves against him again and it just feels so good and Jisung fucking moans again.
Felix inhales sharply. "Sorry, oh my god I shouldn't have— Are you—? Fuck— Do you want me to like… Like I wouldn't mind if— Since y'know... But should I stop?" he stutters.
Jisung doesn't know what stupid sex hormones he's drunk on, or maybe he's still feeling tipsy from the lemonade earlier because he's struck with the vague and inexplicable urge to kiss the boy on top of him.
Or maybe that's just the effect Felix has on him.
"Kiss me..?" He mumbles and subsequently watches Felix's eyes widen along with his own. He slaps his hand over his mouth in horror.
"No wait, fuck, I didn't mean to say that, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so stupid—"
Now Felix's hand is the one to cover Jisung's stupid mouth and he squeezes his eyes shut both in embarrassment and a weird surge of arousal at the feeling of having his mouth covered which he is not going to think about right now.
"I.. can do that… if you really want me to?" Felix says while looking back and forth between Jisung's eyes, like he's searching for something.
Jisung's brain short circuits and he barely registers nodding or saying yes but he must have because it's all too fast how Felix is leaning down and their faces are inches apart and all Jisung can think about is how soft and pretty the other boy's lips look and is it normal to be thinking that—?
Felix kisses him sweetly, almost a little too sweetly considering the situation, and Jisung parts his lips instinctively. The kiss deepens quickly and Jisung gasps against the other's mouth when his thigh presses against the front of Jisung's pants.
"Is this okay still?" Felix asks gently. He looks so fucking ethereal above him like this it makes Jisung want to cry.
He nods. "Please don't stop."
Felix inhales shakily and nods before leaning back down, this time his lips attaching to Jisung's neck as his leg presses back against him.
Jisung can't help the noise that escapes him, he feels floaty already with just being touched through his clothes like this. 
“You can.. pretend I'm a girl or something,” Felix whispers as his mouth travels down his neck. Right. Right, that's probably why Jisung is feeling this way. Felix is so pretty, almost like a girl and he must be getting confused, it's only natural, right? But for some reason Jisung really really doesn't want to imagine Felix as a girl. 
“I-Is that what you did with me?” Jisung asks through a gasp as Felix bites his neck.
“Um, well, I'm bi so..” he looks up bashfully.
“Oh. Right, okay.” So Jisung's the only one who's weird here for enjoying this. Cool. He's not left much time to dwell on it because Felix's hand starts snaking down to press over Jisung's clothed dick, which at this point is embarrassingly hard and straining against his pants.
Felix toys with the button and raises his head, meeting Jisung's eyes to ask for permission. Jisung gives a little nod, nervousness and excitement bubbling together as Felix undoes the button and zipper and finally, finally, touches him for real.
Jisung hadn't realized he'd been waiting for so long.
His head falls back when Felix touches him and he's barely even doing anything yet but it feels unreal. He has the fleeting thought that maybe this is exiting platonic brojob territory and becoming something he's entirely unequipped to deal with. Maybe even since the kiss, or when he called Felix pretty, but he doesn't have the mental capacity to think too hard about it right now or even care. All his thoughts fly out the window when Felix's mouth finds his own again.
"Need you to stay quiet for me, I think I hear people outside," Felix murmurs against his lips, his voice impossibly low. Jisung hadn't even noticed he was making sounds.
"Don't want anyone else hearing you like this," Felix continues, muffling Jisung's moans with his mouth as he keeps moving his hand up and down his length slowly. Where the hell did he learn to talk like that?! The increasingly deep timbre of his voice was not doing Jisung's sanity any favors.
Felix must deem the hallway clear now because he removes his mouth from Jisung's, and Jisung is back to moaning abashedly. 
“D-Does it feel good?” Felix asks, as if he's unsure of himself. Jisung squeezes his eyes shut. Is it not obvious from the way he's reacting?
“I just—wanna make sure I'm doing okay.”
“It feels—oh god—really good.”
Felix grins shyly. “Yeah?”
Jisung brings a hand up to cover his mouth and nods. He can feel himself getting close embarrassingly fast. He starts to whine and his hips stutter a bit into Felix's hand. “Please..”
Felix leans down and presses his lips to Jisung's throat again. He bites down, not enough to leave a mark but it feels dizzyingly good nonetheless. Jisung's never had someone overpower him like this before. He feels completely at Felix's mercy. It makes him shiver.
“Jisungie, you're so…” Felix murmurs into his skin, lips trailing along his collarbone.
Jisungie. His heart wobbles at the nickname and he can't help but whine. Felix is driving him insane. “Felix I think I'm—aahh, Felix, Lix..”
He pulls away from Jisung's neck with a smack. “Yeah, Sungie?”
“C-Can you—..” he looks at Felix's lips pleadingly.
Felix immediately presses his lips to his in a passionate kiss. Jisung moans into it and before he can properly warn Felix or anything, he's cumming with a high pitched keen. If he were more aware of himself he'd be embarrassed by the noise but as it is he can't even feel his legs properly. He shakes as Felix brings him down from his high. Then they just stay there, breathing heavily against each other's mouths.
Felix moves first, taking a deep breath before leaning up and away from Jisung. He peers down at him with bated breath. Jisung just lays there, hair fanning out around him. He feels sluggish, entirely spent and he stares back at Felix like a real angel descended from heaven. He seriously wouldn't be surprised if he actually were.
His trance is broken by Felix's voice, “Are you okay?”
Jisung blinks as he registers the words. He nods and slowly sits up. Felix offers him a small smile.
Once they've cleaned up, the euphoric feeling in Jisung's gut starts slowly transforming into a deep rooted anxiety that crawls its way up his spine. Fuck. What did they just do? What the fuck is happening to him? He feels himself shrinking away from the other boy instinctually, but he catches himself and clears his throat, attempting to straighten up.
“Um.. are we bros now?” He tries to joke, but his laugh sounds forced even to him.
Felix's lip quirks up for a second but he looks at him carefully. “Is that what you want? To be bros?”
Jisung opens his mouth to say something like of course bro or yeah what else? But his throat closes up. A sudden, inexplicable feeling of fear creeps into his gut.
He feels like he's suffocating, almost choking on air as he tries to get words out. “I— I don't know what... what I want. I'm so confused right now, I…”
“Hey, it's okay—”
“N-No! No, it's not. I'm sorry, I can't—” He shakes his head and leans away from Felix. He can't shake the sinking feeling that something is very, very wrong with him. How could he let this whole thing happen? Why is he feeling like this? He feels like a fraud of himself. He doesn't know what to do, he can't even process his feelings. He just knows he needs to get away from here, now.
He stands up quickly. Felix reaches for him but he's already crossing the room in long strides. As he twists the doorknob, he glances back to see Felix sitting with a hurt and confused expression before he shuts the door behind him.
Fuck. Jisung still can't breathe. He feels like it's only getting worse now that he's out in the open where people could see him. At least the hallway is currently empty, and he stumbles down it, not sure where he's going but just needing to get away. 
He staggers into an empty room. At least, he thought it was empty, but as he crosses the doorway he's met with a pair of familiar eyes on a head of long blond hair.
“Hyunjin,” he says wobbly.
Hyunjin's eyes go wide when he sees the shaky state Jisung is in. “Jisung? What's wrong?”
That's when Jisung breaks down. Tears start streaming down his cheeks in rivulets. “I h-hate you! Why'd you make me do that??”
“Whoa, hey…” Hyunjin reaches for him and pulls Jisung to sit beside him. “I'm so sorry, Sung… Please calm down and tell me what's going on?”
“The dare, you idiot. I did your stupid dare!”
Understanding and a flash of regret click in Hyunjin's eyes. “...Ah.”
“Everything was fine. Now everything is.. I don't even know.” Jisung cries, pressing his hands into his eyes.
Hyunjin rubs his back soothingly. “Okay, shh, let's calm down first… So you did the dare? Can I ask who you did it with?”
Jisung sniffs as he tries to calm his breathing. “It was F-Felix.”
“Fe-lix?” Hyunjin repeats. “The kid from Australia?” Jisung nods. “Oh, Jisung…”
“I-It's your fault! You dared me, and then you were all like ‘I'll know if you don't do it’. What the hell!”
“God, I'm sorry Jisung. I wasn't thinking… I was just being dramatic, I'm not omniscient. How would I know if you did it or not?”
“I don't know, you just…”
Hyunjin sighs. “Okay, let's relax. First, did he hurt you? I'll kick his beautiful, angelic ass if he did anything to you.”
Jisung cracks a smile in spite of himself and shakes his head.
Hyunjin's face softens. “Then what happened..?”
“I… I don't know, he made me so… confused..”
One of Hyunjin's eyebrows lifts. “...He made you confused,” he deadpans.
“Like… like…” Jisung grips his hair. “God! I don't even know! Am I normal? I don't feel normal. I think something's wrong with me. I.. I don't understand what's happening.”
Hyunjin wipes the tears on his cheeks. “Why do you think something’s wrong with you?” he asks gently.
“Th-there's— I— I think I liked it too much,” Jisung whispers.
“You liked what? …touching Felix?”
Jisung cringes. “Y-Yes, which is so weird already, but then he— you don't understand, he also— touched m-me, and I liked it, so much, like— which is so weird— it scares the shit out of me— I a-asked him to kiss me, like, like a psychopath or something, he probably thought I was so creepy b-but he was so nice and so pretty and… I don't know what to do… Hyunjin I feel like I'm— like this isn't normal.”
Hyunjin just presses his lips together and nods, encouraging Jisung to continue.
“Like… like… he's a guy. Like yeah, he's objectively pretty but he's… he said to pretend he was a girl but I didn't, I don't think I even wanted to, but, like, I'm—I'm straight, right? I mean… I mean, yeah, it's not like I suddenly— I like girls! I know I like girls so why… like I shouldn't enjoy t-touching another guy right? That's…” Jisung shakes his head with wide, teary eyes. “I'm not like, gay.”
Hyunjin winces but he looks at him with something akin to pity. “Ouch dude, you know I'm gay, right? You're not… broken or anything, I promise this is normal Jisung.”
Jisung sighs into his hands. “Fuck. I know. God, I-I’m sorry, I didn't mean it like that… I just mean like.. there's no way I'm… like shouldn't I have known by now? I'm not, like a teenager anymore. I just.. I like… girls… it doesn't make sense, why is this happening now?” 
“It's okay, you can still like girls, you can like both. Even if you don't, that's still okay. Okay? It's not… there's not a predefined time when you realize this stuff. Some people live their whole lives in denial. This is normal. You're normal.”
Jisung nods. “R-Right, of course I can still like girls. So, maybe I'm like… bisexual or something? But honestly I've never—” He presses his fingers against his eyelids. “I mean, I don't think— but maybe? N-No I've never... But it's not like I see Felix as a girl, I mean, I touched his dick a-and he— his voice is like… crazy, I don't even know— B-But I've definitely never liked boys before so how would I suddenly—?”
Hyunjin rubs his shoulders. “It's okay. You don't have to figure it all out right now. Take your time. I'm here for you, okay?”
“I'm scared, Hyunjin,” he whispers.
Hyunjin's face breaks and he sighs. “I know. I'm sorry. I think I gave you that dare so you'd have an awakening or something but that was stupid. I didn't think… I hate seeing you like this.”
“Wha—... huh?? So you knew I'm maybe not super straight even before this?!”
Hyunjin bites his lip. “I didn't really know. I just had a feeling. And honestly, I wasn't expecting you to actually do it.”
Jisung's jaw drops, momentarily forgetting his anxiety. “You weren't expecting me to— Hyunjin! How could you think so low of me!”
“Okay, sorry! I shouldn't have dared you to do that knowing you'd be crazy enough to actually do it.” Jisung hits his arm. “It was more just to get you thinking about it!”
“You're crazy.”
“I'm smart. My gaydar is never wrong,” he taps the side of his head. “And I clocked you the day we met but you said you were straight... I was probably too tipsy earlier and figured I'd test you a little. That's all. I'm really sorry. I feel terrible for causing you this much stress.”
Jisung sighs. “It's okay. I just can't believe— how did you know? None of this makes sense…”
Hyunjin shrugs. “Like I said… I'm smart.” Jisung hits him again. “Okay, okay! But maybe this is good? Learning things about yourself?”
Jisung swallows. “Right… learning things…” he sighs. “I just—I screwed it up with him didn't I? I ran away. I just left him there.”
“You didn't screw it up. You're literally having a full blown identity crisis! He'll understand if you explain it to him.”
“But, what if he doesn't want to listen, or he already hates me, or… you should've seen his face when I left, oh god, I'm a horrible person—”
“Shh. Jisung. Do you like him?”
Jisung's face burns. “T-That's— I don't—”
“I mean, do you care about him? As a friend?”
“Of course,” Jisung pouts.
“Then you should talk to him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's still here. Just explain what happened, that you're going through a lot but you don't hate him. Right?”
Jisung nods. “Right, I—You're right. I don't want him to think that I find him gross or something, oh my god.”
“He's probably just confused too. Don't worry. Do you want me to come with you?”
“No, I… I think I'm okay now. Thanks though.” He stands up and touches his face. “D-Do I look like I've been crying?”
Hyunjin smiles sympathetically. “A little, but he'll understand. Go before he leaves!”
Jisung nods and runs for the door. He pauses there and turns around.
“I'm sorry for yelling at you.”
He waves him off. “It's okay, I kind of deserved it I think. We're good, okay? Now, go!”
Jisung doesn't need to be told twice. He's out the door in seconds and practically sprinting his way back to the room he left Felix in.
“...God, it's so hard being right all of the time,” Hyunjin sighs.
Felix isn't there.
The room is empty. Felix isn't here.
Oh god. What if he already left and he's avoiding him and Jisung will never be able to talk to him and Felix will think he hates him and—
He takes a deep breath. He shouldn't jump to conclusions. He has Felix's number, he should just text him. He pulls out his phone.
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He paces around the room as he waits for his phone to light up. After a few minutes of nothing he sends a couple more messages and sighs. Maybe Felix is still at the party somewhere? Should he look for him?
Yeah, he decides, he needs to talk to Felix and make sure he's okay. Make sure they're okay. He can't stand the thought that Felix might think he hates him. It couldn't be farther from the truth.
Jisung paces out of the room and begins scouring every room for the familiar head of blond hair. But he's nowhere to be seen. Jisung tries not to cry. He's just about to loop around to where he started when he's stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He jumps. Felix?
“Jisung? Are you okay?” No, of course it's not. Jisung turns to face the familiar voice. 
“Seungmin,” he breathes shakily.
Seungmin gently places both hands on Jisung's shoulders. “What happened? You look frantic. What's going on?”
That's it. Jisung breaks down in tears. Again. He hates crying in front of another one of his friends but he can't help himself right now.
Seungmin looks alarmed. “Did someone do something? Are you hurt?” Jisung shakes his head. Seungmin sighs in relief. Then, his eyebrows draw together. “Wait, does this have to do with that dare?” 
Jisung hesitates, before nodding. 
Seungmin exhales. “Okay, we're leaving, okay? You can tell me about it on the way home if you want. Or not, but I don't think this place is very conducive to your wellbeing right now.”
Jisung nods and lets Seungmin guide him through the halls and crowds until they're outside. And he's right. As soon as he steps out of the claustrophobic walls he feels like he can breathe easier again. He sighs and wipes the last of the tears off his face.
Seungmin lets go of his hand. “You feeling better?” he asks.
“Yeah. Thanks, I.. guess I needed to get out of there.”
Oh, right. He should text Felix and let him know he's leaving, just in case he really is still at the party somewhere. He pulls out his phone. Seungmin looks at him, a question clearly painted on his face, but he stays quiet.
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Jisung sighs after hitting send and stuffs his phone in his pocket again. Seungmin looks at him searchingly. “What happened…?”
Jisung bites his lip. His immediate instinct is deflect, deflect, deflect, but he really should tell Seungmin. He deserves to know. Jisung explains the whole situation on the way back to their dorm, from the dare to his conversation with Felix, to his panic in the aftermath and talk with Hyunjin. Seungmin listens quietly, intently. Jisung leaves out the details of what actually happened with Felix, but it's hopefully enough for Seungmin to get the picture.
When Jisung finally finishes, Seungmin blows out a long puff of air, his cheeks puffing up. “Wow. I don't even… Damn. That's crazy.”
Jisung leans his head back and groans with his hands over his face. “I know. What do I even do now?”
“Flee the country.” Seungmin says matter of factly. Jisung huffs out a laugh. “Sorry. I'm shit at giving advice. But I know Felix. He doesn't seem like the type of person who wouldn't at least hear you out, you know? Don't stress too much.”
“Then why is he ignoring me??” Jisung frowns.
“There's so many possibilities, dude. He might be feeling equally as overwhelmed right now or his phone could be dead or he might just not have checked yet. It hasn't even been that long. Give him time.” Seungmin, ever the voice of reason.
“Yeah… yeah, you're right. I'm just—I don't know. I don't even know.”
“I'm always right.” Seungmin, ever the voice of arrogance. “It'll be fine, Jisung.”
“Okay… Just know, if you're wrong I will come crying to you.”
Seungmin's lips curl up. “I'm always right. But okay, sure.” He pauses. “Honestly, I'm surprised you even did the dare, I even gave you an easy escape and everything.”
Jisung lets out a loud sigh. “I don't even know, man. Maybe a part of me, like, wanted to… I'm so confused about everything to be honest.”
Seungmin hums. “This is kind of life altering shit you're going through. You're handling it pretty well, all things considered.”
Jisung's looks at him, lips forming an ‘o’. “You think?”
He nods, “I think I'd have broken down or something by now if it were me.”
“I'm—well, I'm trying not to. I guess I went through most of the whole breakdown freakout thing with Hyunjin. I'm just trying not to think about it too hard right now I guess.”
“That's fair. Don't rush it. Uh, and I'm here if you ever wanna... talk or whatever,” Seungmin waves his hand around.
Jisung smiles. “Thanks, Min. Seriously.”
“Yeah, yeah…” he says but he mirrors his smile.
The next morning, Jisung wakes up feeling more refreshed than he expected. He doesn't feel great, but at least he doesn't feel like his whole life and everything he thought he knew about himself is turning upside down like yesterday. That's something.
As much as he was glued to his phone last night, waiting for a message from Felix, he doesn't want to check his phone right now, scared of what he might (or might not) see. Everything feels more real now, outside of the illusionary haze of last night, and he's just not ready to face anything yet.
Instead, he busies himself with mindless tasks, like brushing his teeth and pouring a bowl of his favorite hangover cereal. He's not even hungover, he didn't drink that much, but he just needs that extra emotional support right now. It helps, he thinks.
Eventually, he has to face reality. His phone looms at him from his bedside table, facedown but glaring at him. Jisung sighs and reluctantly picks it up. 
He cringes a little when he sees the multiple notifications from his messenger app. There's a text from Seungmin saying he's out studying with a friend but to let him know if he needs anything. Studying the morning after a party? Nerd. But Jisung smiles at the kind gesture and types out a quick reply saying thanks but he'll be fine.
And.. there's a little number by Felix's contact name too. He doesn't even want to open it. He wants to crawl back into bed and hide for the rest of the day. He wishes this had all happened yesterday when he was still in the moment and running on adrenaline.
But this is a good thing! Felix isn't ignoring him. This is good. Jisung takes a deep breath and clicks into the message.
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He breathes out slowly. Okay.. Felix doesn't seem angry? He wants to meet up at least. Or what if he's just waiting until they're in person to unleash everything and tell Jisung to never talk to him again? God, he can't tell.
He doesn't want to respond. Okay, no, he needs to respond. He's the one who texted first anyway. Fuck, this is scary though.
He takes another deep breath to steady himself before carefully typing out a reply.
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Jisung's heart races when Felix's reply comes in within only a couple minutes. Thank god Felix doesn't seem creeped out at coming over. Jisung quickly agrees to the time and texts Felix his dorm and room number.
Then he waits. After sufficiently freaking out for an hour, stress cleaning and everything, Jisung hears a knock at the front door. Oh fuck. He's so not ready.
Regardless, he trudges over to the door. He takes a deep breath before unlocking and opening the door. 
Felix is standing there, bundled up for the chilly weather in a jacket but also sporting a pair of loose ripped jeans, which Jisung thinks is pretty contradictory. How are you gonna put so many layers on and then just have holes in your pants? How does that make sense? One hole above the knee is large enough that Jisung can literally see the outline of Felix's thigh. 
“Um… hi…” Jisung's eyes snap up. Wait, what was he even doing just now? He wasn't like… checking Felix out or something, right? No, that's absurd. Felix's torn up pants are absurd, and that's all he was thinking. About his pants. His jeans. 
“Hi,” Jisung replies awkwardly. Why is this so awkward? They haven't even said anything yet. God. “Sorry, um, come in?” He gestures and holds the door open.
Felix murmurs a soft “thanks” as he cautiously steps inside and looks around a bit.
“Um, thanks for coming…” Jisung starts. “Seungmin— my roommate isn't here right now. But we can go to my room if you want?”
Felix's eyes suddenly light up. “Seungmin? Kim Seungmin? Tall, funny, braces?”
Jisung blinks. “Yeah, what? You know him? Wait, you think he's funny?” He wrinkles his nose.
“Yeah! Well, maybe at my own expense… We're partners in this cooking class I'm taking.”
Jisung starts walking and leads Felix in the direction of his room as his eyebrows furrow. “A cooking—? No way. Seungmin can't cook.” 
Felix giggles. “Oh, I know. I swear it's actually contagious or something because suddenly I start forgetting basic things like how to use a mixer just by being near him. I think it's a curse.”
Jisung laughs, eternally grateful for the lighthearted shift in the atmosphere, the tense and awkward air dissipating. Talking with Felix is just like that, so easy. “Yeah, I keep him out of our kitchen for his own good. I had no idea he was taking a cooking class though, what the hell?”
Felix hums. “Maybe he's trying to improve?”
“Or he's just trying to cause chaos. And from what you said, it seems like it's working.” Jisung shakes his head as they step into his room.
“Maybe…” Felix mumbles, but his focus has shifted elsewhere. He takes in Jisung's room, seeming to observe every visible corner: anime posters on the wall and an acoustic guitar in the corner and the stuffed animals on his bed. Jisung blushes, suddenly grateful for his stress-induced tidying of every nook and cranny. He hadn't realized how intimate it can be letting someone new into his space like this. This is Felix's first time in his room.
Felix. In his room. Why does it feel weird? 
It doesn't, does it? Jisung is the only one making it weird. It's not weird for friends to hang out in each other's rooms. That's literally extremely normal. But still… Jisung usually waits until he's way closer with people before letting them in his room. He can't place the anxious feeling swirling in his gut.
“I like your room,” Felix says softly. “It's like how I imagined.”
“W-What does that mean??”
“It's a compliment! It's very you.”
“Okay well… thanks,” Jisung mumbles. Has Felix really imagined his room before? How close are they that Felix knows enough about Jisung to think it's very him? He pushes the thoughts aside. 
“So…” He sighs. Here comes the awkward again. But he can't avoid this forever. “Can we talk?” 
Felix nods. “…‘Course,” he says, leaning against the bed slightly. Jisung motions for him to sit down on it and follows suit, since there isn't much else seating in his room. “If you want to!” he stutters out but Felix just smiles and sits down on the bed. On Jisung's bed. Okay, cool, this is fine.
They face each other. “So….” Jisung starts, looking down at his hands in his lap. “I just wanted to apologize. I mean, I feel like we were acting pretty normal just now, and I'm really grateful for that, but you still deserve like, I don't know, an explanation? Or something? So yeah.”
Felix nods silently.
Jisung takes that as his cue to continue. “Right, so, yesterday, it was a dare, right? That wasn't a lie. Me and Hyunjin actually like, talked about it afterwards and we're cool by the way. Just in case you thought—well, I don't know. I don't know what I'm saying. Um…” He takes a deep breath. “I mean, you were really nice about the whole thing and then I just left… kind of suddenly. That was really mean. I… I mean, you looked hurt too. Which, like, fair. That was a dick move. Um…”
Felix's voice is gentle, “Okay, hey, I get it, I'm not actually mad—”
Jisung finally looks up. “But you should be. Y-You're not mad? I would be mad. I mean, maybe not mad but confused? Frustrated? I— I kind of feel like it came across like I was… using you or something. I don't know. But that's not… Honestly I'm just really confused right now because—”
Jisung blinks. “What?”
“Stop, I… I want to apologize too.”
“For what?!”
“For agreeing to it! I shouldn't have cus I…” He shakes his head. “And I kind of pushed you to tell me about the dare. You didn't seem comfortable. And I definitely should've stopped when you said you're straight... I-I was selfish.”
“Selfish?” Jisung repeats. “What?”
Felix sighs. “I agreed cus I was being selfish… Just, selfish reasons. I shouldn't have.”
“What does that even…? Dude, you're not selfish, if anyone is it's me for basically roping you into doing that for me and then leaving you high and dry like…”
Felix shakes his head. “That's not… you don't get it. I am selfish. Even being here right now… Selfish. Stupid.”
Jisung can't even begin to comprehend how that makes sense. “What…?”
“Jisung… Fuck, fine — I-I like you.”
“You like me?” Jisung mimics.
Then it clicks. “Wait, oh. You like… like, like me?”
“...Well, that's good. I was worried it was super obvious for no reason.”
Jisungs mouth must be hanging open. “I... Are you serious?”
Felix laughs nervously. “Does it seem like I'm joking?”
“N-No but… I don't know. Oh my god. Shut up, I'm freaking out.”
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, I know you're straight—”
“That's the thing. I'm not— Just, just, wait a second, oh my god. Oh my god.”
“Jisung…” Felix bites his lip. “I'm sorry, we can just pretend I never said that and go back to normal, please, I promise.”
Jisung puts his hands over his face. “No, shut up… shut up, just wait a second, please. Please just wait.”
Jisung can't see him but Felix at least goes quiet and Jisung can think. He breathes for a few seconds. In and out. In and out.
“…I think I like you too. Like, like like you… so much. Like way more than just bros. But I don't know what that fucking means.”
Jisung's heart is beating out of his chest. He hears a catch of breath. Silence. Then a soft whispered, “What do you mean Jisung, are you sure?”
“Yes, I mean, no, but— I feel something, and this isn't normal, so—”
He feels gentle fingers pulling at his wrists. “Jisung, look at me.” He lets Felix pull his hands down off of his face, which he's sure must be burning red. “It's okay. I don't want you to like… pity me or something. I'm really okay even if you don't like me like that.”
Jisung shakes his head. “N-No, I'm not pitying you Felix, I swear. I really, really—” He swallows. “Even like, your hands just on my wrists right now, making me feel like— I- I don't know,” he breathes.
Felix immediately drops his wrists. “I'm sorry,” he says genuinely.
But that's not what Jisung wanted. “No! I liked it.” He reaches for Felix's hands and interlaces his fingers in his, immediately setting off butterflies in his stomach. “I like this..”
Felix swallows and squeezes his hand a little. “But anyone can like holding hands with anyone, that doesn't mean—”
“But it's not just that. We— Felix, we kissed. I… asked you to kiss me. Did you forget that? And we did… m-more obviously. I liked it.” The more Jisung tries to explain to Felix the more he feels like he's understanding and accepting his own feelings. “That's why I ran away. I was so… confused and.. and scared I guess, cus.. I've never felt… with a guy.”
“I didn't forget,” Felix whispers. “I believe you. I know it's scary. I-I went through it too. Just— Are you sure? I really… I don't wanna get my hopes up if…”
“Can I kiss you?” Jisung blurts out. “Then I'll be sure. I… You can definitely say no.”
Felix closes his eyes and looks to be in some kind of mental anguish for a few seconds. “Yes, okay…” he breathes.
Jisung squeezes the other's hand, still interlaced with his own. He leans in a little. “A-Are you sure?” he asks quietly.
“Yes, yes, please…” Felix says under his breath while leaning in a little as well. That's all Jisung needs before he's closing his eyes and swooping in to close the distance between them. 
It's like magic. Right at the moment their lips press Jisung has his answer. His stomach flips and it feels so different from last night where he was letting Felix have control. He keeps it going for a little longer, not really moving his lips but just pressing into the kiss for a few more seconds, relishing in the way it feels.
When he finally pulls away, Felix's eyes are closed, forehead drawn in as if he's the one going through a crisis right now. 
“What? Please don't say you were wrong. I mean… I mean, of course that's fine but—”
“Felix. I liked it… Oh wait, so I actually like you? Oh my god—”
Felix's eyes fly open. “You really…? You're serious?”
Jisung nods, eyes equally as wide as his.
“Are you sure? Yesterday I can get over, but this feels too real. I don't think I can handle if— I mean, god, sorry, I know you're figuring things out but—”
“Yes. Well, I— I'm still confused about other things but… I'm pretty sure—I mean this feels pretty much exactly like when I have a crush on a girl. So..?” 
“Okay. Okay, sorry. It's not that I don't believe you, I just—I really wasn't prepared for this. But I get it, really.” He takes a deep breath in and out. “So you… you really like me? Really, really?”
Jisung nods shyly. “Um.. really, really. I think more than I realized.”
Felix blushes. “Right, so… I mean, I don't want to be too forward but..? And maybe you're not ready and that's totally okay. But do you wanna..? I mean if we both like each other then… doesn't it make sense if we…”
Jisung squeezes his hand encouragingly. “What are you trying to say?”
“I'm saying—and again, you can say no if this is too fast—but I'm saying… Do you want to… try being my boyfriend…?” He peeks up at Jisung nervously.
Jisung's heart stutters in his chest. He doesn't really have to think about his answer. Even if his brain is telling him it's a little scary, his heart is giving him an answer clear as day. “Yes, y-yes, I want that… to be your… boyfriend.”
Felix flashes a shy, relieved smile. “Yeah?”
“Y-Yeah. Oh my god, a boyfriend. You're my boyfriend? I have a boyfriend?” Jisung presses his hands against the sides of his face, squishing his cheeks.
Felix giggles a little. “Mhm, that's okay right? It feels okay?”
“Yes, I like it, it's a little weird but I really like how that sounds. A boyfriend. My boyfriend.”
Felix blushes. “Ah, stop saying it like that, it's embarrassing…”
Jisung shakes his head. “Can I kiss you again?”
Felix smiles and responds in the form of crashing their lips together. Jisung gasps. It's more intense than the one they previously shared but still very sweet and gentle. Felix's lips are so soft.
Jisung tilts his head to deepen the kiss. “I like you so much,” he mumbles against Felix's mouth between kisses. “Maybe for a while… I always… wanted you to like me… tried to impress you…”
Felix makes a quiet sound and suddenly Jisung feels wetness on his cheeks. “Are you…? Felix?” Jisung pulls away, and sure enough, there are tears pooling under Felix's eyes. Jisung looks at him with concern. “What's wrong?”
Felix ducks his head but smiles, and it's enough to quell Jisung's worries that he did something wrong. “S-Sorry—God, this is embarrassing. I-I don't know why I'm crying. I'm really happy, I promise.”
“Okay. Don't worry about it.” Jisung gently grabs Felix's face and wipes the tears from his cheeks. As he presses the skin below his eyes, an array of tiny dots start appearing, speckling his face. Jisung furrows his eyebrows. “Huh—? Do you have freckles..?”
The skin under his fingers turns pink and Felix squirms his head out of his grasp. “Nooo…”
Jisung gently grabs his face again. “No, let me see, please.” He swipes his thumbs along the other's cheeks, smudging more makeup away.
Felix sighs and seems to relent. “I don't like them…” he mutters.
Jisung is appalled. “Are you serious? Why not?”
Felix shrugs. “I dunno, just looks.. messy? And no one else here has them,” he says with a frown.
Jisung shakes his head. “They're so pretty. You're so pretty. How could you hide these? God, it's like everything little thing about you is so pretty, how is that even possible??”
“Stoooop,” Felix giggles, blushing bright red now. “They're not.. I'm not…”
“You are. You literally turned me gay or something,” he jokes. “That has to count for something.”
Felix laughs, but then his expression turns more serious. “Did I really—? I mean, you think you're gay?”
“Uh—No, I just said that. I don't know. I'm still so fucking confused,” Jisung tries to laugh it off nervously.
Felix nods. “If you wanna talk about it… no pressure of course, but I kind of went through something similar so… just, I'm here for you.”
“Thank you,” Jisung whispers. “Well, I-I think I've been trying not to think about it too much. It's scary,” he admits.
“I know. You're really brave, you know Jisung? It took me like, months—years even?—before I understood and accepted myself.”
“Yeah, but I'm sure that was years ago, right? Why is this happening to me now? Like… I've always liked girls. I don't think that's… yeah, I definitely still like girls. That's all fine. But I've literally never liked boys until now?” Jisung sighs. “Well—maybe—maybe not. I've been thinking, and like, I guess there were guys that I… really admired and… I really wanted them to like me too. To think I'm cool or funny or something. And like, yeah, I felt nervous around them, but I just kind of thought they were intimidating. But maybe…? Is that..? Were those crushes?”
Felix grabs his hand and squeezes it gently. “Maybe. It kind of sounds like it.” He pauses. “Even if they weren't, and I'm the first guy you like, that's okay too. Honestly, that would be hella flattering,” he smiles. “I don't think sexuality is like... It isn't such a rigid thing. It can be more fluid for some people, you know? It's not just black and white. If your feelings are real then that's all that matters, yeah?”
“Y-Yeah. It's just weird. I'm like so past that stage. Why didn't teenage me figure this out?” He huffs out a laugh.
“There's no set timeline for this stuff. It happens differently for everyone, right? And if you don't want to think about it right now you don't have to. You can just like whoever feels natural for you. No need to think about what box you fit into or anything like that.”
“I think I just like you,” Jisung whispers.
Felix's lips quirk up. “Yeah? That's so cute.”
Jisung is sure his face goes red. “Sh-shut up…”
“Never,” Felix grins. “No, but it's okay. You don't have to label yourself, now or ever. You don't have to be gay, or straight, or bi, or... or anything in between. You can just… be, and that's enough.”
Jisung feels tears prick his eyes. He really has no clue why he's getting emotional over this, but somehow Felix is saying exactly what he didn't know he needed to hear. “Okay, but what about Felixsexual?” He jokes.
“Pfft— then I'm Jisungsexual, okay?”
Jisung's heart feels lighter than it's ever been. He giggles. “Okay.”
After calming down, and both their tears are wiped away, the two of them spend a couple hours just talking and cuddling, making up for what feels like so much lost time. Seriously, why didn't they become closer friends sooner? Jisung mentally kicks himself for not being more proactive in befriending him. They click so well. Jisung is so glad Felix seems to love skinship as much as he does, they both initiate it easily and it just instantly feels natural. So easy, just like everything between them.
Eventually, they move to the living room to watch something. After only just a few minutes of scrolling through Netflix, the front door opens. Jisung looks up.
“Oh, hey Seungmin. How was your study sesh?”
“Hey. Uh, fine. Is this a bad time…?” Seungmin asks, glancing at Felix and looking at Jisung curiously.
“No, it's a great time. Seungmin, say hi to my, uh, boyfriend..?” Jisung falters saying that to someone else for the first time and it comes out like a question.
Seungmin doesn't seem to notice, or if he does, he doesn't care. “Oh, so you worked it out? I'm glad. Congrats.” He turns to Felix. “I'm Seungmin.”
Felix laughs. “Dude, I'm insulted. I thought we were mates? Does being stove partners mean nothing to people these days?”
Seungmin cracks a smile. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
Jisung jumps up in his seat. “Oh yeah! Seungmin, you're taking a freaking cooking class? Who are you??”
Seungmin shrugs. “I had extra space in my schedule.”
Felix sighs. “I wish I had extra space. I would take another class with Jisung.”
“Aww, what?” Jisung looks at him fondly.
“Seriously. Why do we only have one class together? How am I gonna handle that now that we're together?”
Jisung giggles. “If you had extra time wouldn't it be better to just spend time together and not take an extra class, silly?”
“Oh yeah, I guess. Are you sure you'd be okay with that Sungie?” Felix grins and nuzzles his head into Jisung's shoulder, cuddling into him playfully.
Sungie? Oh, Jisung's done for. He giggles again and kicks his feet (like a fucking schoolgirl or something, embarassing). “Only if you promise to binge watch my favorite animes. And make cookies with me!”
Seungmin makes a gagging sound. “...Ugh, I take back everything I said. You two together are more energy than I can reasonably tolerate. Goodbye.” He throws his hand up in a wave and starts walking to his room. He pauses in his doorway and turns around. “Oh and please for the love of god, no funny business when I'm here. I'm happy for you but not that happy.” 
Jisung turns red and he hears Felix choke on air. “Seungmin!” 
“What? You already did stuff and you weren't even dating yet. I can't trust you guys.”
Jisung throws a cushion at him. “Didn't you say bye already? Bye!!”
Seungmin rolls his eyes and throws up a peace sign before turning around and closing his door.
Jisung glances at Felix, who's equally as red-faced. They stare at each other for a few seconds before both breaking out into giggles.
Yeah, Jisung thinks he'll be alright.
[4 weeks later]
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a/n: take a shot every time you see the word 'like' (u will die). if u made it this far THANK U SOOO MUCH FOR READING WOW! this is my first fic and it's very dear to my heart.. i'm nervous about posting it asdajfjk. any feedback would be super super appreciated! i'd love to hear your thoughts (^o^) idk how active i'll be here but i've been in a writing mood recently so keep an eye out maybe? again tysm for reading!! ♡
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akoyaxs · 1 year
Dangerous Games - II
✮ Pairing: Aonung x Tayrangi/Omotikaya fem reader ✮ Tags: Reader POV, oral sex (m and f recieving), slight voyeurism if you squint, banter, fluff, friends w benefits ✮ Read Part 1 here Note: this (backstory and character dynamic) is heavily based of my wattpad fanfiction "Dangerous Game", it's just a little more mature than I would post on my WP so I'm doing a Aonung x reader part now instead of the Aonung x OC in the fanfiction ˙ᵕ˙
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So maybe things didn't go exactly to plan - not that there had ever been a plan in place.
But when you and Aonung returned back to the village, the others hardly failed to notice the marks you'd left all over each other.
Neteyam had been quick to notice the nips and hickeys along your neck, and Lo'ak's eyes nearly bulged out of his head when he saw the scratches you'd marked along Aonung's back.
The two Sully boys had instantly pulled Aonung aside. By their gleaming eyes and slight frowns, you could tell they were torn between their obvious disbelief that Aonung managed to have sex with you and their brother-like protectiveness of you (which was completely unnecessary as you outranked them both put together).
Kiri and Tsireya had been raising their brows at you, which you ignored after sharing the whole story with them. Tsireya had been slightly disgusted with her brother yet amused with your easy control of him, whilst Kiri had just listened intently with an incredulous grin on her face.
Unfortunately, in the moment where you and Aonung made that bet and engaged in certain activities in that soft forest clearing, you hadn't though about the longer term consequences.
One of them was Aonung himself. He couldn't stop shooting you strange glances despite your insistence that it meant nothing.
You had thought that finally giving him a taste would satiate his inexplicable fixation with you, but if anything, he was just seems to want you more.
You sigh as you walk out of your hut, forgetting the crucial fact that your kelku was next to the one the Metkayina were staying in.
You're striding past without your weapons when you hear a voice call your name from inside.
Tsireya is smiling at you from the entrance, nestled comfortably against Lo'ak. You can spot Kiri and Rotxo by the fire, chatting with Neteyam.
Not spotting a certain someone, you follow Tsireya's welcoming wave and duck into the kelku.
Yet upon entering, you realise you made a mistake in assuming Aonung wasn't there, because your foot catches on a thick turquoise tail, and you find yourself promptly falling into someone's lap.
Stupid ass skxawng, leaving his tail lying wherever for people to trip over. Why does he just have to be so stupidly massive.
You grumble a little as you push yourself up, finding Aonung's face suddenly inches from yours, an amused little smirk on his face.
"Shut up and get off me fish lips," you snap, gripping his shoulders to push yourself out of his lap.
"You were the one that sat on me," he points out, before he cuts himself off.
You don't miss the way his eyes instantly travel over him as you sit up and push yourself away, but before you can snap at him that your eyes actually aren't on your tits, Tsireya speaks up.
"You look beautiful," she gasps, smiling at you. "Where are you going?"
"There's a party tonight," you say, frowning at Lo'ak.
"Oh yeah," he says, shaking his head slightly. "I forgot about that- that's why we came here, to invite you!"
Immediately, your eyes widen, but Kiri's grabbing Rotxo's arm and begging him to come.
Which only means-
"You're coming too bro, right?" Neteyam asks Aonung.
Aonung clears his throat and peels his gaze away from you. You hadn't even noticed him staring- you'd gotten so accustomed to his bright blue eyes on you.
"Yeah," Aonung shrugs, and Neteyam grins.
"We had some good times in the reef- now it's our time to show you a good time in the forest."
"Here's your chance," I whisper to Aonung, so only he can hear.
"Chance to what?"
"To fuck around with some villagers and leave me alone," I hiss, grinning at him.
"I think you like having me around sweetheart," Aonung whispers back, not in the least deterred by the words.
"And what gives you that impression? My overwhelming love and affection for you?" you taunt.
"That and the way you were moaning in my ear the other night," he grins, teeth glinting sharply, and you feel the places where those very fangs lightly sunk into your skin prickle under his bright blue gaze. "Oh yes, yes, yes-"
"Shut your stupid mouth," you snap, quickly checking that the others couldn't hear your whispered, furious conversation.
"I thought you liked my stupid mouth," Aonung grins, before you whip his leg hard with your tail. "Ow."
The others turn to see him rubbing his leg and wrinkling his nose at you.
"Sorry, accident," you say, rolling your eyes.
"Yeah well, we should go before you murder Aonung," Kiri smiles, hauling you up and away from the stupid skxawng. 
You allow yourself to be led away by Kiri, Rotxo on her other side, and the others trailing behind you as you walk together towards the party.
You can hear Tsireya giggling at Lo'ak's stupid jokes, and Neteyam and Aonung are having a low, quiet conversation, though you can feel eyes burning on you.
You'd bet anything they were a very familiar ocean-blue set of eyes with that strange, unreadable expression.
Thankfully, you get a distraction as soon as you arrive at the party - alcohol.
It's been a long fucking week, what with training Aonung and scolding Aonung and avoiding Aonung and the other business with Aonung, and this is a time where you can just get away from fucking Aonung.
It's so stupid, the way he just always seems to be there, and when he isn't physically, it's just imprinted in your mind.
You don't love him - you don't even like Aonung - but there's just something about him that just remains with you wherever you go.
It's something about his faint sea-breeze scent lingering after he's been in the forest for weeks, something about the way his large blue eyes glitter no matter if they're illuminated by sunlight filtering through the foliage or the forest bioluminescence.
You grunt, downing a sweet, very strong drink of some unfamiliar sort.
You can still almost feel the ghost of his hands all over you, feel your fading nips and hickeys prickle when he's near, hear the faint groans and curses he left, messy and hot, along your neck as your back arched against his muscular chest.
Fuck, this isn't good.
The alcohol isn't drowning away these constant thoughts of Aonung.
Never once have you ever spared two flying fucks for a guy after you fucked.
It's not like you like Aonung, but you've hardly ever felt this level of... awareness... with any other guy before.
Each encounter has been the same, a quick fuck then you leave before things can get awkward, or worse, intimate.
So okay, maybe seeing your whole clan get murdered and destroyed by sky people at a young age could be traumatising, maybe even give you a few silly little intimacy issues, but your total aversion for intimate affection had always been uncomplicated.
You didn't need people to protect or defend you, you didn't need someone to take care of you.
Not once had you ever wished to stay and be cleaned up and praised and loved after sex; sex was just meaningless escape and occasional enjoyment.
These repeated thoughts of Aonung didn't mean anything. Nothing at all.
The next drink is even stronger, a whole coconut full of some shiny sapphire liquid that tastes faintly of lime, and you sloppily down it before swiping away the droplets.
Aonung didn't matter- it doesn't matter that you can feel his eyes on you from across the party.
But you only notice the burn of those ocean-blue eyes when it suddenly disappears.
You frown, turning to where you last saw Aonung, to find him speaking to some other girls.
Ha. Ninat was, simply put, a slut. She was named after her obviously egocentric mother, who Neytiri had once told you had put quite a few moves onto Jake.
Now Ninat 2.0, not exactly improved, was giggling obnoxiously at Aonung, twirling her long dark hair and batting her long lashes at her.
You just scoff and turn away, sipping another coconut. You don't like Aonung, but you know he can do better than that.
"Quite a step down, don't you think," a voice whispers in your ear, before you realise Neteyam's standing beside you.
"What do you mean?" you ask, frowning drunkenly at your friend. 
"Come off it," Neteyam grins, rolling his eyes. "It couldn't be more obvious you fucked Aonung, he's even more pussy whipped than before."
"He's not pussy whipped," you mumble. "He's just-"
"Totally obsessed with you and everything you do and everything that has to do with you?" Neteyam suggests.
"Sure," you shrug, too hazy to argue with him as you down another drink.
"But I mean, who isn't," Neteyam grins. "All the other guys in the clan are furious - they know how picky you are about lovers and the fact you chose an outsi-"
"Gross Tey," you swat at him. "They aren't my lovers, I'm just having fun. I'm still young, just let me live, mighty warrior."
He laughs, but lightly holds your arm to steady you.
"Look, Khalo has been glaring at Aonung this whole party. Moy'ka is working up the courage to come talk to you, and those five guys over there are literally fighting over who gets to shoot their shot."
"What's your point," you frown. 
"My point is that you are literally the most desired girl in the clan, and it speaks volumes that you're fucking a guy that has been here for weeks when every other guy has been bending backwards to get you to look at them their whole lives," Neteyam says sternly.
"I'm not fucking Aonung," is all you reply with. "It was a one-time thing, and now I'm ready to move on and forget about it."
"He won't."
"Come on Tey," you grumble. "I heard a million stories about Aonung when you were in the reef, he was fucking girls left and right and he never got hung up on anyone. Why would he be so obsessed with me?"
"Because you aren't falling at his feet," Neteyam points out. "Look, Ninat is practically trying to suck his dick already, and he couldn't give two fucks. You have him hooked, and I know you're intrigued by him too."
"You mean annoyed," you grumble.
"No I mean intrigued," Neteyam says sternly. "I mean, why else would you be avoiding him, then having all these weird whispered conversations with him when you think we don't notice, then taking him so far away to train?"
"I take him far away so no one can hear his screams of pain," you grin, drunkenly cackling a little.
"You're fucking demented," Neteyam says fondly, tucking your face back behind your ears.
"True," you shrug carelessly feeling eyes snag back onto you.
You don't need to sense that it's Aonung looking, but you turn to meet his gaze anyway.
He's shameless about his staring, pupils tiny slits in large blue eyes like an ocean trench, before a voice interrupts you.
"Hey," Moy'ka says nervously, holding a small wrapped leaf of meat. "I brought this for you."
"What is it?"
"Yerik meat," he says awkwardly. "From my hunt. I saw you hunting one a few days ago with um... with..."
He trails off nervously, and you follow his gaze to where Aonung stands.
Aonung looks normal, half-listening to Ninat chatter on about some stupid shit, but you can see his tail flicking agitatedly behind him, and you can sense the hard coldness of his gaze from here, snagged right on your face.
You have a moments hesitation before you turn back, ignoring Aonung and smiling at Moy'ka.
"So I hunted it for you," Moy'ka says nervously.
How cute, going to the trouble of hunting a hexapede and bringing you a meal. It's not much to impress the best hunter and warrior in the clan, but you accept it graciously, and he looks so relieved and jittery that you can't help smiling.
This is another strange idea that the men in the clan have, bringing you gifts from their hunts as tokens for your "affection". It never seems to occur to them that you could easily hunt for yourself, could easily murder them too, but it seems to be some pathological need for you to accept their silly little gifts.
Moy'ka seems to be mumbling about something or another, about hunting and archery, and you find yourself thinking more about his large hands then the words he's speaking.
"Really?" you sigh, struggling to pretend you aren't bored out of your fucking mind.
"Well," Moy'ka says, before looking nervously down at you. "We could discuss it in a more private area."
At this, your ears prick up.
You're drunk and need a distraction and to be frank, you're horny.
So you grin agreeably up at Moy'ka, and follow him away from the party.
It's a little shy and messy, your head banging uncomfortably against the back of the tree you're propped against as Moy'ka clumsily holds you up.
You've barely been at this for more than a few minutes, which is undoubtedly long enough for you to realise that your standards really have slipped.
First Aonung and now this, bumbling, clumsy fucking with this endearingly nervous but not at all worthwhile guy, who's grunting - like a hog - his praises of your tightness and sweetness and beauty and other stupid fucking bullshit.
This is what you get for trying to be nice, you think. Give a sweet nervous guy a chance opposed to the cocky stupid ones, and end up with steadier rhythm of your head slamming into the tree than his thrusts.
You'd never ever fucking admit it, but Moy'ka feels like a fucking twig compared to Aonung.
You can tell Moy'ka is getting close - a good fucking thing so this can be over and you can go sleep - and he looks up at you.
"Can I-"
"Yes, yes fine," you wince, reaching up to clutch the branches in an unsuccessful effort to stop your head knocking.
He comes undone in an embarrassingly quick, loud groan, shaking with the orgasm and the effort of holding you up and against the tree.
When he finally pulls out, you wince and steady yourself on the ground, feeling extremely disgruntled and unsatisfied.
The one good thing about this interaction was that you smartly chose to go near the river, so you quickly slide away from Moy'ka.
It's only when you turn back, you spot the figure in the shadows of the trees. There's no mistaking that massive outline, or the distinctly paler, more greenish tint of their skin. 
But it's the large blue eyes, seemingly gleaming out of the darkness with cold amusement that makes you shiver slightly. You duck underwater, knowing he saw you notice him, before resurfacing.
"Are you alright?" Moy'ka asks.
"Yes," you say, trying not to sound bitter about your overwhelming lack of pleasure. "You should be going."
"Are you sure?" he asks, looking slightly hurt. 
"Yes," you say, eyes travelling over Moy'ka's shoulder to Aonung again.
Moy'ka also looks, and completely freezes when he sees Aonung.
"So I'm fine," you say pointedly, waiting for him to leave.
"Are you um..." Moy'ka says nervously, his gaze constantly flicking between you and Aonung. "Are you alri-"
"Yes yes I'm fine," you grumble, resisting the temptation to roll your eyes.
Finally, he slides up and tentatively steps away.
He gives Aonung a wide berth, cautiously avoiding his gaze as he scrambles away, and Aonung steps forward.
"What, skxawng," you grumble, not bothering to look at Aonung as you slide out of the river.
You glare at him, able to sense the waves of his amusement from miles away.
"Mhm, and how long were you standing there?" you ask suspiciously. "Watching him fuck me-"
"Is that what that was?" Aonung scoffs. "It looked more like he was trying to hammer your head into that tree."
"Perv," you scowl. "Don't you have better things to do then stalking me?"
"Not really."
"So you were stalking me then?"
"I was going for a walk," Aonung says elusively, and your eyes narrow. "Then I heard him grunting like a fucking pig. Oh, you're so fucking tight- uhg, uhghhhhhh-"
"Didn't sound that different to you," you snap, feeling your face grow hotter.
Aonung raises an eyebrow and straightens up, so he's a good head and a half taller now.
"At least you had a good time with me," he grins.
"You are such a dick," you snap, glowering at him.
"And you have terrible fucking taste. Besides me, obviously."
"That was just one thing," you say hotly, "It wasn't that bad-"
"Not that bad," Aonung repeats incredulously. "That wasn't bad?"
"He was literally about to send you through that fucking tree," Aonung scoffs. "You looked so uncomfortable, I thought I'd have to come rescue-"
"I don't need your rescuing," you hiss.
"No, I think you need a good fuck," Aonung grins. "Because if that 'wasn't bad' then someone's royally fucking up with you, princess."
"Well I tried, didn't I," you hiss. "So I didn't get a good fuck, I admit it. Can you fuck off now?"
Aonung just scoffs.
"Is that really what you want?"
"What else would I want," you snap. "The great pleasure of your delightful company?"
"Have you had a good fuck?" Aonung asks instead, ignoring your sarcastic words.
"Besides with me," Aonung says.
You turn to glower at him, but instead of finding the expected cocky smirk on his face, you find him looking genuinely interested.
Ugh, why does he have to be so fucking invested? Why is he actually fucking caring?
"What does that matter?" you grumble.
Aonung blinks, looking sincerely engrossed.
"You haven't?" he whispers.
"I have," you grumble. "I just... I don't have very high expectations when it comes to guys."
"Oh paksalin-"
"Don't call me that," you snap at the name, which seems taunting and cold in this conversation. "I'm tired and unsatisfied so-"
Aonung settles back slightly, leaning against the same tree you had just been fucked against, if you could even call it that.
You're disgruntled to see that because of his stupid height, his head is resting against the same spot yours had repeatedly been knocked against.
"I wouldn't leave you unsatisfied," Aonung says coolly.
It takes you a moment to process his words before you snap up and stare incredulously at him.
"Really?" you say dryly, trying not to let your emotions get the better of you. 
What is he on about now? Is he saying what you think he's saying? Aonung nods simply.
"I think you know I wouldn't," Aonung whispers, tilting his head a little so he's looking down at you.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
But also you're tired and impatient and still annoyingly unsatisfied, so fuck it.
"Get to the point," you snap. "Or get lost."
Aonung doesn't waste any time, pushing himself off the tree and striding towards you. It seems like he only took a single step, but suddenly he's a foot apart and you're having to tilt your head to look up at him.
"Do you want me to help you?"
His question tumbles in front of you, seemingly trapped in the little space between your body and his.
He's a smug little skxawng. He knows what the answer is, but he also knows how fucking impossible it is for you to say the answer.
"Yes or no?"
You growl under your breath, growing more irritated by the minute, but the air between you is thick and charged with tension and you can feel the anticipation growing inside you.
It's pretty fucking obvious where this is headed, but it's just so... infuriating.
Infuriating that what you want happens to be offered by the most annoying dick you've ever known in your life.
"Fine," you grumble under your breath.
"What was that princess?" he asks, fangs glinting in his familiar grin.
Not bothering to speak at all, you just crash your lips onto his and snake your hands around his neck.
There's no need for the kiss, and both of you know it. The deal was for sex and sex alone, pleasure alone, and you know what it means that you kissed him.
You kissed him.
You can feel his heartbeat picking up against your chest as he shifts, one of his hands on your waist and holding you up so your faces are closer, the other tangling in your long hair.
He smells good, like amber and sea-salt, and his lips are so soft and warm that you nearly forget about everything else and get lost in the kiss.
Then it deepens further and everything is hot and warm and tangling, his hand sliding lower, nearly at my ass.
It hardly ever occured to you how little you've kissed in your lifetime- probably less than you've fucked, but now here you are, pressing yourself as close as you can to this infuriating, uselessly hot skxawng.
If you weren't so fucking horny then yes, maybe you would have paused to think, to remember your previous distaste for him, your principal for not giving in to his amused and persistent seduction.
But you are so fucking so you just kiss him harder as one of his hands cups your jaw, the other clasping around the back of your neck and tilting your head farther up to meet him.
Your height difference seems ridiculous, and after a few moments he smiles against your mouth.
"Up," he whisper, hands travelling down.
He catches you as your legs wrap tightly around his waist, arms snaking around his neck to steady yourself.
His hands automatically move to hold you in place, one on your back and waist, the other arm propped under your ass, the hand gripping your thigh.
The kiss is messy and airless and hardly graceful, but you wouldn't have it any other fucking way.
You're all greedy and breathless, desperate for anything, and the feeling of his soft lips against your own, his fangs lightly sinking into your lip before his tongue lightly licks away the small pearls of blood just... does something.
You can already feel him growing harder below you - you think he might have already been hard before you even noticed him, watching you get clumsily fucked against that tree.
Now your head is spinning slightly, and you feel more hungry than ever.
It's infuriating, but you know out of most of the clan, this stupid outsider with his massive body and pretty paler skin is probably the best person to be doing this with.
The knowledge - knowledge you'd never speak aloud - that Aonung is the best you've ever had by a long fucking shot doesn't exactly piss you off in the way you think it would.
It isn't some aggravating, world-shattering fact, because you simply know that Aonung would be more than happy to be in this position again, offering you more pleasure because he cockily knows he can give it.
And with that, you're suddenly being pushed against the tree again, but it's different.
His hands are easily holding you up, arms cushioning under you so you aren't knocked against the hard wood. You hadn't even noticed him slide your loincloth away, but suddenly your legs are tossed over his shoulders and he's gazing up at you. 
It's that same fucking look. Of the smitten, puppy-dog variety, but also with a note of hunger and lust that makes you clench around nothing.
You just look back, and there's a few moments where you just stare at each other, both of you hungry and silent, then before you know it he's dived between your legs.
It's too risky to grip his braids as you had last time - you don't want to fall down even though you know Aonung wouldn't let you drop - but you need something to hold anyway. Your hands fly to the branches above to steady yourself, nails digging shamelessly into the bark.
"Fuck," you growl under your breath as he flicks and kisses and sucks, pressing his tongue against and in you as you throw your head back against the trunk.
It isn't just his admittedly amazing talent for giving head that is just so overwhelming- it has something to do with the way he's so effortlessly holding you up, something to do with the little growls and hums he lets out against you, something to do with the realisation he's not holding himself back.
Last time, even though he had been trying to impress you, he had still restrained himself somewhat.
But now he knows your hungry, and he could probably get away with doing anything.
His hands are holding so tight to your thighs you can already see the little purple blooms of a bruise under his fingers, and he's making sure to sink his fangs lightly into your inner thighs every now and again.
The tiny pearls of scarlet blood are smearing with slick and spit all over the lower half of his face, but he's just humming delightedly against you, his tail swinging happily behind him and a dopey, self-satisfied grin on his face.
Your legs begin to shake around his head, eyes rolling all the way back as you moan louder and claw at the branch you're desperately clutching. 
"I- I'm fucking close," you manage to choke out between loud moans, and Aonung growls against you, not even bothering to look up. "Don't you want to-"
Aonung pulls away, looking distinctly disgruntled that you're talking to him and making him stop his relentless attack on your cunt.
"Go ahead, I'm planning on satisfying you much more than once princess," he says off-handedly, before diving back down with more fervour than ever.
The words you were going to say die in your throat as you gasp loudly, and before you know it, you're tumbling over that edge he had you teetering on.
He licked your essence greedily, growling with every swallow as though he was starved. But he didn't stop, continuing to lick and suck with reckless abandon, grinning at your increasingly whiny moans.
"Okay, okay," you laugh shakily, pushing lightly at his head. "I got-"
"Just one more," he mumbles against you.
You're about to protest, to tell him he doesn't need to, when he gives you large, pleading eyes and you realise this isn't just about you.
He's sincerely enjoying himself - your taste, your moans, your heels digging into his back and legs trembling on his shoulders from the increasingly overwhelming overstimulation.
You just whine loudly when he blinks pleadingly at you, but you aren't about to back down now.
He's watching you carefully, eyes flicking between your trembling body and your rolling eyes and shamelessly loud moans.
Your breath is so shaky that your body trembles with each desperate inhale you attempt at, but it's hard to beat off your moans and whimpers for a moment long enough to draw breath.
Finally you just let go, squirting all over Aonung with a keening cry, trembling all over and nearly going limp in his arms.
You're mortified at how intense your orgasm was, even more so when you open your eyes and see yourself limp against the tree, propped up carefully by Aonung.
"Are you alright?" he asks, looking distinctly pleased with himself but also a little concerned.
"Sure," you say with a shaky laugh as Aonung sets you back down. "Where did you learn that shit?"
"I picked it up," Aonung shrugs modestly, at complete odds with the cocky confidence gleaming in his ocean eyes. "Just here and there."
"Right," you say, rolling your eyes at him, before noticing the bulge in his tewng.
He's painfully fucking hard now, and you can see the seams of his loincloth straining.
"Do you need some help?"
Your questions surprises you both. But then again, he did do a great job with you, and you weren't selfish. You're happy to help him out.
"I'm supposed to be helping you," Aonung points out, shifting slightly to cover his erection.
"You did," you argue. "Don't be up yourself, you can ask for help too."
When Aonung just stares at you, you shift closer and lightly trace his bulge.
Instantly, his breath hitches and his body instinctively moves to follow your touch. You teasingly let your hand drop and he exhales as you turn to raise your brows at him.
"Yes," he breathes.
"Yes what, Aonung," you ask, feigning stupidness.
"Please help me," he begs.
It was easier than you thought as you grin and oblige, moving to your knees and sliding his tewng down, reaching out to grab his cock before it smacks against his admittedly very toned abs. 
It feels fucking massive in your small slim hand - the smooth teal colour looking prettily pale against the azure blue of your forest na'vi skin, the glowing blue tahnì gleaming invitingly at you.
You pump his cock a few times, grinning as he chokes out a groan, and lick a stripe along him before closing your lips around the tip. Instantly, his hand closes on a fist full of your hair as his head tips back against the tree, swallowing a choked groan as he watches you take him into your mouth.
He jerks when you open your mouth wider. You don't hate the way it stretches your lips - he's the biggest you've ever had and it makes the hinge of your jaw ache as you force him down your throat. 
When he hits the back of your throat, he groans loudly and inadvertedly thrusts his hips forward. You choke a little and his grip on your hair loosens slightly as he mutters a bashful apology, but you just grin slightly to yourself before taking him even deeper, suckling on the head and the sides over and over. 
You're pulling groans and curses out of him as easily as he pulls your head gently up and down on his cock. You don't mind it, he did a good job and this is his reward.
You feel him getting closer, twitching in your mouth. His moans are getting louder and breathier too, and his grip on your soft dark braids is only getting stronger and stronger until you're just letting him move your head, mouth open for him and eyes watching him all the while.
But as he's nearly at his peak, he pulls you off him, not wanting to cum in your mouth, but you just grab his hips and push him deep into your throat, moaning slightly and sucking faster. 
That alone makes him come, letting out a stream of low groans and softly mutter your name again and again as you keep moving through his high until he's cursing, catching his breath and lightly pulling you off him.
His pupils are blown wide, large black spheres ringed in a fine line of bright icy blue as he looks down at you, hand absentmindedly moving to cup your face and gently wipe away the rest of the mess he left on your face.
"Sorry," he mumbles. "You didn't have to do-"
"I wanted to," you say without thinking.
Aonung blinks, still struggling to catch his breath as he realises what he's doing and quickly drops his hand away.
"Well," he says thoughtfully. He looks like he's trying to wrench his gaze away from you, yet those large blue eyes stay stubbornly fixed in yours.
You don't exactly want to look away, but you have a strange feeling that even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be able to tear your own gaze away either.
It's something about the way you're both standing, him hunched and slumped slightly against the tree, you drawn to your full height, and the fact that he's still nearly a foot taller.
Then there's a shout of laughter through the trees, and you remember about the party and the village and every other single fucking thing that you just happened to forget when you were with Aonung.
Stupid skxawng.
"We should go back to the party," you say quickly, the first words that jump into your mind.
You know what you're doing. For the first time in your life, you're backing down. And it's not because he intimidates you- quite the opposite.
It's what you see as the possibilities that frighten you. Because sure, the night was obviously going to end with you and Aonung doing that, because the fucking tension was just unbearable. Because when he looks at you like that, it's pretty fucking obvious what he's thinking.
Neteyam was right, but he isn't just fucking pussy whipped. Despite all of Aonung's cocky joking comments, he doesn't only like you. He's not just attracted to you. 
He wants more than these little forest quickies, and you... you just have no idea what you want.
So maybe you have intimacy issues. What do you do now? This has never happened, feeling a desire to overcome those very issues.
Aonung just nods, eyes still following you as you pass him his loincloth and slide on your own.
"Hey," he says, nudging you slightly as you walk back towards the village. "If you're ever left unsatisfied, just come and find me again."
"I'm pretty sure you'll be the one to come and find me if I'm hooking up," you grumble. 
"At least I can deal with you," Aonung shrugs. 
"Same with you," you grin with raised brows. "Seems like we can't have a conversation without you getting hard."
Aonung swats lightly at you, and you shove him into a bush.
"So is that a yes then?" Aonung calls after you, struggling to stand back up and brush the leaves off himself. "We'll help each other out? Friends with benefits?"
"Not friends," you point out. "We'd have to like each other to be friends."
"I don't have a problem with you," Aonung shrugs. "I think you're quite fantastic."
"Okay I already sucked your dick, don't try to get in my pants again," you grumble. "I'll see you later."
"Alright," Aonung says, grinning at you as you return to the village.
No one pays any attention to the fact that you returned together, though you notice Neteyam's golden eyes on the pair of you as you walk towards your kelku.
You don't bother saying goodnight as you and Aonung split up to go to your neighbouring homes.
But as you duck into the shelter of your kelku, you can still feel the burn of that icy gaze on you.
Friends with benefits?
You're still pretty drunk, but you can't bring yourself to bother about anything else as you crawl into your woven bed.
You can worry about the events of tonight tomorrow, but it's not like your agreement to Aonung's proposal means anything. Just sex- just helping the other out.
Nothing intimate.
At all.
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