#britney spears father on conservatorship
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astrology-by-sita · 1 month ago
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Libra rising with 1h saturn in a night chart. Saturn is the out of sect malefic and it rules her 4th house of family, so unfortunately, her life (Ascendant) is shaped by suffering caused by family and parents. Saturn is exalted indeed but exaltation just means status.
And the hardship is caused by saturn being the out of sect malefic. Saturn also rules her asc by bound. And it is maltreating her ruler the benefic of sect - Venus- by a superior square. It also rules that Venus by bound and sign. And being conjunct the South Node (decrease) doesn't help Venus either. The only thing that helps Venus is the fact that it is an evening star and it is bonified by a superior sextile from fellow benefic Jupiter.
Britney Spears was born in the Bible Belt in a strictly conservative Evangelical Protestant family.
In 2008 her father placed her under a conservatorship . She was in a level 2 peak period when releasing from the Lot of Fortune when this happened. It was an Aquarius period ruled by her out of sect malefic saturn. Plus during that period she refused to give away the custody of her children to her ex husband. Aquarius is also on her 5h highlighting the theme of children. Her youngest son even defended her abusive & controlling dad in an interview so you can see that showing as the out of sect malefic saturn Ruling her 4h of family/parents & 5h of children.
Sun rules her Lot of Fortune and it's maltreated by a superior sign based square from Mars in a dark house - the 12th house of imprisonment, isolation and hidden enemies. That Mars also squares her prenatal lunation and Lot of Spirit by sign.
Mars rules her 7h of relationships. This shows the likelihood of partners turning into hidden enemies. There was a highly publicized custody battle over their 2 children between her and her ex husband Kevin Federline. And another ex husband of hers - Sam Asghari - was apparently using her for money. One of her marriages was annulled within 55 hours , it was a marriage to a childhood friend.
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"Britney Spears knows what it's like to feel trapped: First by poverty, then by fame, then by her family.
She has been subject to scrutiny and ridicule throughout her life. As a teenager, journalists repeatedly asked her questions about her breasts and her sex life. As an adult, she was imprisoned under a conservatorship that stripped her of some of the most basic human rights.
For 13 years, she could not see her two sons without approval. Her driving licence was confiscated. She could not choose her meals, and was forbidden from drinking tea or coffee. When she wanted to have a contraceptive intrauterine device (IUD) removed, her request was denied.
That court-imposed order, overseen by her father, was lifted two years ago, when a judge ruled Spears could make her own decisions again.
But her new memoir, The Woman In Me, reveals that was no happy ending...
Those events cast a shadow over Spears' life story. Along the way, every betrayal and public indignity feels like a step along the path to her eventual incarceration.
It began as soon as she exploded onto the pop charts in 1998. She was an overnight sensation, but the press refused to believe she had any agency. Her songs were written for her, they noted, while suggesting that her public image was created by creepy, salivating older men.
The more she was perceived as a product and a pawn of the music industry, the easier it became to erode her autonomy.
In one of the book's most chilling moments, Spears recalls her father telling her he's assumed legal control of her personal and professional affairs.
His words: "I am Britney Spears now."
The early chapters of the book stress how much people underestimated her.
Spears may not have written her music - but when she was given ...Baby One More Time, she stayed up all night to make sure her voice was "fried, and "gravelly", enhancing the song's yearning maturity.
And when it came to shooting the video, the 16-year-old rejected the original pitch - in which she'd have been "a futuristic astronaut " - and insisted on a high school setting with dancing in the corridors, just like Grease.
Both decisions were crucial to the song's success - but no-one was willing to accept a blonde teenager from a Louisiana trailer park could outsmart the collective brilliance of the music industry.
"No-one could seem to think of me as both sexy and capable," she writes. "If I was hot, I couldn't possibly be talented."
Although she exercised creative control behind the scenes, Spears' publicists infantilised her.
She was marketed as a chaste, God-fearing country girl - even though, she writes, she had been a regular smoker since the age of 14 and lost her virginity around the same time.
At first, however, she toed the PR line...
Eventually, however, Spears' innocent image set her up for a downfall.
In one of the book's most harrowing sequences, she talks about having a medical abortion during her relationship with Justin Timberlake. The pills she had been prescribed left her in agony but the couple were too scared to visit a hospital in case the news leaked. For hours, Spears was curled up, "sobbing and screaming" in pain on the bathroom floor.
"Still, they didn't take me to hospital," she says. Instead Timberlake, "thought music would help, so he got his guitar and lay there with me, strumming it."...
After their separation, she was vilified in the press, with Timberlake strongly hinting she had cheated on him (she says it was the other way round, with "one of the girls from All Saints").
Timberlake has yet to respond to his depiction in the book.
The couple's break-up only increased the appetite for gossip about Spears' personal life. The tabloids hounded her. She recalls a photographer from People magazine demanding she empty her handbag, so they could check whether she was carrying drugs or cigarettes.
Eventually, the pressure became too much. In 2007, reeling from the death of her aunt Sandra and suffering from post-partum depression, Spears marched into a hair salon, picked up some clippers and cut off her hair.
"Shaving my head was a way of saying to the world: [Expletive] you," she writes.
"I'd been the good girl for years. I'd smiled politely while TV show hosts leered at my breasts, while American parents said I was destroying their children by wearing a crop top. And I was tired of it."
We all know what happened next. Instead of being seen as an act of strength or rebellion, Spears' buzz-cut was used as evidence of instability.
Within a year, she had been placed under the conservatorship.
Spears is a straightforward writer. She doesn't embellish or decorate her prose. That matter-of-fact style amplifies the horror of those years.
She talks about being pinned down on hospital stretchers and forced to take medication against her will. At home, she isn't allowed to take a bath in private. Boyfriends are vetted and informed of her sexual history before they can go on a date.
At first, she tries to appease her parents and the doctors. "If I play along, surely they'll see how good I am and they will let me go," she says.
When she considers rebelling, access to her two young sons is used as a bargaining chip.
"My freedom in exchange for naps with my children... was a trade I was willing to make," she admits.
But even while she was supposedly incapable of looking after herself, Spears was sent out on tour, hired as a judge on X Factor and booked for a four-year Las Vegas residency.
The singer, who used to collect receipts in a glass bowl in order to keep track of her taxes, carefully documents the millions everyone else made from those engagements, while she was given a strict allowance of $2,000 (£1,635) per week.
Losing all sense of self, she almost gave up.
"The fire inside me burned out," she recalls. "The light went out of my eyes." ...
It's impossible to read The Woman In Me and not feel sad and outraged on Spears' behalf.
One tiny detail of her new life, in particular, emphasises how grey her world had become. "Now," she writes, "I get to eat chocolate again".
Spears' story is told with the same approachable warmth that made her a star. And, outside the defining events of the last 15 years, she spins a good yarn - whether describing her pregnancy cravings (food and sex, apparently); or reliving her terror at dancing with a snake at the 2001 MTV Awards.
Her family aside, there are no real villains or scandals to be uncovered. But nor are there any great revelations about Spears' music or inner life.
What we are left with, not for the first time, is a cautionary tale about fame and the corrupting influence of money. And, just maybe, a glimmer of hope for a woman whose adult life has been dictated by others.
"It's time for me not to be someone who other people want," she writes. "It's time to actually find myself."
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A woman drives fast along the California freeway with the radio screaming, delirious with grief. She does this every morning, dressing quickly in her Beverly Hills home so as to leave no time to think. Changing lanes is like a dance the way she's trained herself to do it, seamlessly and to the beat. She walks barefoot into gas stations, rinsing down pills with warm Coca-Cola and chatting mindlessly with the attendants. Her marriage is over. Her showbiz career is dead. Her child has been taken away. She is known to cry at parties or get carried home; close friends have come to believe she's insane. It is only on the freeway, when the music is loud, that she can forget what's become of her life. To fall asleep she imagines herself on the road: "The Hollywood to the San Bernardino and straight on out, past Barstow, past Baker, driving straight on into the hard white empty core of the world."
How chic the story sounds the way Joan Didion tells it in her 1970 novel Play It as It Lays. The woman is a trainwreck but a sharp and glamorous one, numbing out on pills as a critique of moral rot in 1960s Tinseltown. Books are great that way. Played out in real life in the year 2007, the tale loses its cool; now the woman is a punchline whose endless personal disasters keep a burgeoning new media economy afloat. It seemed that every week, or sometimes even every day, brought a hysterical new headline regarding the downward spiral of America's pop princess. ("HELP ME!" "INSANE!" "OUT OF CONTROL!") "We serialize Britney Spears. She's our President Bush," said TMZ founder Harvey Levin in a gruesome Rolling Stone cover story from early 2008, which began with Britney wailing in a San Fernando Valley shopping mall as a crowd closed around her with their Sidekick smartphones brandished. "I don't know who you think I am, bitch," 26-year-old Spears snarled to a shopgirl approaching for a photo. "But I'm not that person."
"Do you feel out of control in your life?" asks an interviewer off-screen in Britney: For the Record, the MTV documentary on Spears' "post-breakdown" life released at the end of 2008. That February, she had been placed against her will under the conservatorship of her father and former business manager, which would last for the next 13 years. "No, I don't feel it's out of control. I think it's too in control," Spears answers without pause. "There's no excitement. There's no passion. It's like Groundhog Day every day." The camera pulls in close as she wipes away her tears. "When did you last feel free?" the man asks later. "When I got to drive my car a lot," she wistfully replies. "I haven't been able to drive my car."
Meaghan Garvey, "Blackout Album Review"
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alicepao13 · 4 months ago
Hudson and Rex S04E02 - Oops I Bit It Again
What a pun lol
Black letters in quotes: Actual show quotes.
Green letters in quotes: What I come up with my twisted brain.
This was very obviously inspired from the story of Britney Spears' conservatorship case (don't fucking mark it as wrong, dictionary, I know I spelled that right. I know more than you). Not that they're trying to hide it. I don't have much of an interest in celebrities' lives which is why these don't really grab me in crime shows, with a few exceptions.
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Bossman's got some pipes!
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Charlie: *reconsidering his whole "I'm in love with Sarah" situation*
Sarah reveals that she reads the gossip blogs. Charlie is making more faces.
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*realizes he's going to have to start buying gossip magazines (if those are still a thing. He doesn't know and neither do I)*
"We don't get a lot of paparazzi here." "Well, that's about to change." Yeah, the vultures go wherever stars might be.
Rex has learned a new trick. Possibly because Charlie doesn't bother to hit the elevator button.
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"Yes, that's right. You read Springsteen biographies, I read gossip blogs. But guess what? Only one of those is useful right now." lol
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"Again? I am a decorated officer of the law. I'm not your bellboy!"
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Why's she smiling? Is that Sarah smiling or is it Mayko Nguyen smiling? I need answers.
What do you mean, Mia's father insisted that she be detained in the facility? That's illegal, there's not even actual mention of conservatorship.
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"You're so smol."
"What kind of person leaves their dog behind?" - Charlie Hudson, exasperated dog owner partner.
The most unrealistic part of this episode is that people still remember other people's phone numbers off the top of their head.
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Rex would be such a responsible pet owner.
Oh, and Charlie's coffee is very much not black again. In case anyone cares.
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"How did I end up with two dogs to care for?"
How did that small dog manage to almost bring Charlie down?
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lmao he got up and left!
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Exposing the fanboy. Also, they gathered at a bar. Probably the bar.
"Crazy fans are a stereotype anyway." Um, no. Whoever says that just hasn't dug deep into a fandom.
Mia's father is a piece of work.
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Aw Sarah.
The paparazzi did it! That's actually a win.
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Get his ass.
We get to give a statement to the press about this lol
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Oh, burn!
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Hey, I remember when Charlie had called Joe that.
And Charlie discovers that pop music is not so bad.
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Oh my god, leave the poor guy alone.
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She definitely knows what she's doing.
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Charlie's looks are an entire journey of (repressed) emotions right there.
You know that Castle quote, that when you're in love all the songs make sense? That's what happened to our guy here.
That episode was okay. Even though I didn't care for the case, it had nice moments and fun moments and shippy moments.
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2 December 1981
            Britney Spears is an American music artist who has had hits with Everytime, I’m a Slave for You, and Womanizer. She attended dance lessons as a child and was part of The Mickey Mouse Club from 1992-1994. She got her first record contract in 1997, aged 15.
            Britney Spears was born in McComb, Mississippi, US and was the daughter of James ‘Jamie’ and Lynne. Her heritage is English and Maltese. She grew up singing in her local church, her family are Catholic.
            Her career in tatters, in 2019, Spears had a legal battle over her conservatorship which led to her fans creating the #FreeBritney movement. Spears accused her management and family members of abuse. Her ex-husband Kevin Federline defended her father’s actions during her conservatorship. In 2021, Spears was freed from her conservatorship. Since then, she has been online dancing with knives. She released her memoir, The Woman in Me (2023).
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xblueoceanfloor · 1 year ago
LIKE I LOVE YOU Britney Spears had ‘unresolved issues with Justin Timberlake and stared at him on TV’, ex Adnan Ghalib reveals
Britney's ex has exclusively revealed how he knew she was nostalgic about her relationship with Justin Timberlake
Alex Diaz & James Desborough
Published: 6:55 ET, Oct 24 2023
BRITNEY Spears was left “mesmerized” when the love of her life Justin Timberlake came up on TV, her ex-boyfriend Adnan Ghalib has revealed.
Last week it emerged that the Gimme More star, 41, had an abortion with her ex Justin Timberlake in 2000 when the pair were 19.
Britney Spears had deep unresolved issues regarding her relationship with Justin Timberlake, her ex-boyfriend Adnan Ghalib has revealed.
The shocking revelation was leaked ahead of the publication of her memoir The Woman in Me, which is released today.
In the book, Britney also admits for the first time ever that she cheated on Justin with choreographer Wade Robson.
She claims they made out during a wild night at a Spanish bar but only after she found out that Justin had slept around behind her back.
Rumors had swirled for years that Britney split up with Justin in 2002 after getting with Wade.
Security consultant Adnan, 50, dated Britney in the months leading up to her being placed in a mental health conservatorship under her father Jamie in 2008.
Speaking exclusively to The U.S. Sun, he explained that Justin, 42, was the only former flame Britney ever spoke to him about and that she never mentioned the father of her kids Kevin Federline.
Adnan, who is originally from Birmingham, England, but currently lives in California, said: “We never talked in depth about any relationship she had prior to me.
“If there was a time that she ever inadvertently, and I use that word selectively, mentioned anybody prior to me, it was only ever Justin.
“So there was an exclusivity, which made me understand that there was something deeper or unresolved about that relationship.
“Because when you have five relationships, but you only mention one in any given instance, then you have to ask yourself why.
“I never pushed about anything in their relationship, but there were times where she did mention him and him only.
“She never talked about Kevin, even when it came to picking up the kids, dropping the kids off late or whatever.
“She never talked as if he existed. She only ever mentioned Justin.”
It is clear in the new memoir that the decision to abort Justin’s baby still haunts Britney.
The pair were cast mates on Disney's Mickey Mouse Club before dating between 1999 and 2002.
After they split Britney went on to have her sons Sean Preston in 2005 and Jayden James in 2006 with her second husband Federline.
Meanwhile, Can’t Stop the Feeling singer Justin married The Illusionist actress Jessica Biel, 41, and the couple share sons Silas, eight, and Phineas, three.
A source told The U.S. Sun last week that Britney’s revelations in the memoir will have left Justin and his family reeling.
Recalling one telling moment while they were dating which highlighted how much Justin still meant to Britney, Adnan explained: “I saw her catch sight of the TV, where a show, playing on mute, showed pictures of her and him at a red carpet event
“I just remember her stopping and staring at the TV.
“She didn’t want to know what was being said but it mesmerized her, like it was just something she needed to see.
“And I held back on asking anything as a matter of respect.”
Adnan told The U.S. Sun last week that Britney never mentioned her abortion with Justin when they were going out.
He also said that at one point she thought she was pregnant with Adnan’s baby but her “heart sank” when the test came back negative.
Now he says he feels that the conversations they had about family were linked to her relationship with Justin.
Adnan explained: “She would ask me questions that make more sense today - like she was having questions answered by the new guy to make sense of the relationship she had with Justin.
“One time she asked me if I would have had kids with someone if I was in my twenties.
“I said there’s no timeline on when you have kids, there’s no right or wrong time.
“I think she was asking me, subtly, whether it was right for him not to want to have kids at that time.”
Britney discusses her relationship with Adnan in her new memoir, although she never mentions him by name.
She tells how he had previously worked as a paparazzi photographer but she liked him because he was “chivalrous and helped me out when the others got too aggressive”.
The book reveals how their relationship was brought to an abrupt end at the start of the conservatorship, which lasted until November 2021.
Adnan added that it was clear at the time that Britney saw her relationship with Justin with rose-tinted glasses.
He explained: “Britney looked back at that time with nostalgia.
“Your first love is the first love. You look back as an adult to reflect on what could have been aside from the failures - and Justin was special.
“Maybe she missed parts of herself in that relationship, when they were young and had so much fun.
“He has gone onto be very successful and from what people say, Justin is a terrific guy.
“There seemed to be a purity in Britney’s eyes about him and their relationship.
“Justin has never said anything bad about Britney and he seemed to respect the privacy of that relationship.”
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shesay · 1 year ago
One thing abt me i will defend Britney Spears idc this poor woman born 2 poor family in the south 2 an alcoholic nasty father became a child star and was heavily abused by Hollywood and then the media then the whole conservatorship situation and the drugs that she was forced 2 take many which were addictive and that horrible male kevin a total leech and the other gold digger leech sam 🤮 and her snarky sister everyone was just feeding off of her ofc she's snapping rn w the unhinged ig vids i can never bring myself 2 criticize her i hope and pray that her future is filled w peace joy and happiness
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jewishbarbies · 2 years ago
Swifties are constantly ridiculing other artists online and expecting their fans to respect Taylor. The amount of hate I've seen them direct towards Britney Spears is absurd. Regardless of your opinion on Britney as an artist she was abused for 13 years. They are making fun of her mental health and calling her crazy. Yet Taylor is brave for performing after an amicable break up. She preaches treating women with kindness and respect and her fans can't even do that.
taylor and selena have had what I would consider normal mental health struggles for celebs of their status. britney had mental illness forced on her. she was drugged 24/7, put under house arrest, and treated like a slave for most of her career. she couldn’t make her own choices or sing her own music. she had to go to the bathroom and dress/undress in front of people her dad hired, she didn’t have access to her phone, her social media was HEAVILY monitored and sanitized. she was literally under a legal conservatorship because her parents had her institutionalized against her will when she didn’t even need it. it wouldn’t surprise me with how she acts now if britney genuinely stopped aging at that time in her life mentally. she has a lot of trauma (it sounds like religious trauma too) she’s going to be working through for the rest of her life. I mean, her parents rigged it with her ex so that her kids got taken away and now only hear what their asshole father says about her. which is that she’s “sick and needs help”. it’s disgusting that we let things like this legally happen in this country.
but, oh, poor little tay tay broke up amicably with her boyfriend. how sad. 🤡
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jolandbooks · 1 year ago
"The Woman In Me" by Britney Spears
*Warning: These are just my thoughts on the work. I would not discourage anyone from reading a book please form your own oppinions.
Growing up I knew who Britney Spears was, I mean who did not? She was an amazing pop singer, known for being wild and having a drug problem. I remember seeing pictures of her shaved head, people said she shaved it to avoid giving a hair sample for a drug test. I am old enough to recall the #FreeBritney movement. A core memory for me was the "Leave Britney Alone" video from the early YouTube days. When the news of her conservatorship ending broke I recall friends celebrating online and much fan fair. As a casual enjoyer of her music I was vaguely aware of her situation but I never knew the extend of her plight.
When "The Woman In Me" came out the internet was a buzz, I recalled seeing this work everywhere and people saying how powerful of a read it was. I finally got my hands on it and over the last two weeks I read "The Woman In Me" and here are some of my thoughts.
The book starts out with a family history focusing on the women in the family. From violent emotional outbursts to self deletion, there is clearly a history of mental illness which is an overarching theme. Growing up her family was poor, her father was abusive, and her mother was erratic. This is a difficult situation for any child and Britney found her solace in creativity, specifically writing, music, and dancing. Her passion for singing and dancing got her on Broadway before the age of 10 and on mickey mouse club after. After a brief stent in her home town during middle school where she played basketball she sang for a record company and became a huge celebrity. From then on her private life was over, she was scrutinized by the public and the paparazzo was all over her.
No one can prepare you for fame, you life changes in ways that you cannot imagine. When she talks about her relationship with Justin, how his family was so stable her her family was so abusive and cold it highlights the disparity between the rich and poor. This concept does not only refer to monetary security but also emotional security. Britney was raised monetarily and emotionally poor, the lack of a solid foundation of caring encouraging people in her life is the greatest tragedy of this whole story. She was not prepared to be ogled by grown men as a teenager, she was not prepared to be hounded by paparazzo, she was not prepared to be put under a societal microscope and be blamed for corrupting the youth. The lack of an emotional foundation and people to confide in, in my opinion, contributed heavily to depression and sparling. Before I move on I wanna make it clear that Justin did cheat first and he did not receive the cultural backlash that should have followed. Also I'm insinuating that Justin has a much more stable home and family life than Britney which, in my opinion, contributed to his success.
Fathers protect your children, is a phrase I often heard growing up. To children the father is a protector and a shield against the world. Britney did not have a shield, her father was abused by his father and he intern abused his children. He inflicted emotional, verbal, phycological, legal, and financial abuse on Britney. Abuse by a parent/guardian is such a betrayal of trust. As a child you want to trust your parents, as an adult you want to believe that even if the whole world is against you your parents have your back. But not for Britney, her father used her like a work horse to enrich himself through a conservatorship that should not have existed in the first place. Also, warning tangent, the abuse of the legal and medical system accounted here is atrocious. Based on what I have been reading a conservatorship of Britney should have had shaky legal ground to proceed. Did they drug test her? Was her fathers history of abuse and financial situation taken into account when appointing him? The system seems ripe for abuse and I hope its changed soon.
Ok rant done back to the work, now under these conditions of restricted freedom and being controlled more than a toddler the next logical step would be to get out as soon as possible. But remember this person is being held captive by their abuser who removes access to the outside world and anyone who would be willing to assist the abused person. To add to this Britney has children who were used as leverage over her to make her comply with their demands. The extend to which her children were used to control and manipulate her echo the tactics of the past employed by men to control women.
I read this work and it reminds me of so many instances in the past. Here we have a wonderful, kind, talented, and beautify woman forced to bow and bend to the will of a man who exploits her body for his own gain. If this is not a pimp I don't know what is. This book made me mad, it was emotionally taxing, I know alot more about conservatorships now and I pray this happens to no one else.
I give this work 5 kittens out of 7.
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9800sblog · 2 years ago
Britney Spears tarot reading - her energy, what's going on around her?
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asking tarot what are the good and bad energies (things happening, people, influences, etc) around Mrs. Britney Spears in the present moment (18/05/2023 GMT-3), this is what the cards showed me and how I interpreted it.
requested by @rosearex
[I asked tarot if I have her energy permission to post this reading and I got the high priestess]
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-> negatives
we'll start with negatives to end on a brighter note ^U^
the biggest thing is that britney still has remains of herself and her life inside the conservatorship, it's a really big and recent event in her life, so she's still learning and unlearning a lot. she's impatient to see progress, which is making her frustrated, angry and insecure. she's really tired, she is working really hard for herself, relying on her friends, but she feels there's nobody that really gets her, she's tired of feeling stuck and lonely and having to fight. she's making progress, it's just not as fast as she wishes and it's frustrating. she feels she lost the best years of her life and was punished for things that almost everyone does, so she's really in a rush to live her life the best she can, but she still feels stuck, the material world has many ties to her past.
the process into healing is exhausting, there is a lot that she needs to think about and be introspective about and uncover and fix and heal, she just wants to be teletransported into a good place, she doesn't really wanna stay thinking of bad things.
i think she moved to her new house recently and i know she is redesigning her place and she is mentioning here that one of the bad things happening around her is the messes kkkkkkkkk she is saying her place of isolation and rejuvenation is a mess!!!!
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-> positives
first of all, she's seeing her money again, which she LOVES, her father is like totally far away from her which she also loves XD she can be free, she has space, things are a mess, but she's FINE, her spirit is coming back, bitch!!! she feels so inspired and lucky, she's taking all her time, she feels powerful, she is loving to be able to do stuff again and call the shots, her house seems to be like her new big project, but I wouldn't be surprised if she has other ones. it's bringing her so much emotional fulfillment, she's rising above the chaos and her enemies X) she's doing all these mundane things she wasn't able to before and it's giving her LIFE. she's like purging almost kkkkkk it seems really good!! she's in a really good place!! :>
britney is so cool, so pretty, like inside and out, she is so cool, I love britney! I love her confidence oh my god she's like so cool, I'm so happy things are working on her favor now!!! love you, brit!!!!
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dhaaruni · 1 year ago
3, 4 and 16!
3. What were your top five books of the year?
In no particular order, my top 5 romances were:
The Duke Gets Even by Joanna Shupe
Convergence of Desire by Felicity Niven
The Duchess by Sophie Jordan
The Notorious Lord Knightly by Lorraine Heath
The Duke Starts a Scandal by Sophie Jordan
In no particular order, my top 5 nonfiction books were:
And There Was Light by Jon Meacham
Romney: A Reckoning by McKay Coppins
Giving Up The Ghost by Hilary Mantel
Women of Will: Following the Feminine in Shakespeare's Plays by Tina Packer
How Beautiful It Is and How Easily It Can Be Broken by Daniel Mendelsohn
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
Erin Langston, Felicity Niven
16. What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
I hate to say this but The Woman In Me by Britney Spears like the reality is that I think Britney did and possibly still does need a conservatorship, even though her father's was clearly abusive. I think she comes across as much less healthy than she probably intended to and maybe I'm projecting, but as someone with not dissimilar health issues, I can tell.
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savebylou · 1 year ago
The Woman In Me by Britney Spears
I read Britney's memoir and wanted to share a few thoughts and quotes in case someone gets interested and wants to read it (you totally should). Here are a few quotes:
Think of how many male artists gambled all their money away; how many had substance abuse or mental health issues. No one tried to take away their control over their body and money. I didn’t deserve what my family did to me.
My father shoved aside my bowl of receipts, setting up his things on the bar. “I just want to let you know,” he said, “I call the shots. You sit right there in that chair and I’ll tell you what goes on.” I looked at him with a growing sense of horror. “I’m Britney Spears now,” he said.
Three months into my confinement, I started to believe that my little heart, whatever made me Britney, was no longer inside my body anymore. Something bigger must have been carrying me through, because it was too much for me to bear alone.
These are some of the quotes that were really hard and impactful to read. I just think is a really well written book with Britney's perspective on her life and how she had to deal with so many things from her horrible family, to dealing with the music industry and press, to dealing with a conservatorship.
Is not a easy story to read why I mean by this is because is truly heartbreaking and infuriating how Britney have to deal with so many awful things in her life and reading her thoughts and experiences it's hard knowing more what she live, but I think is important to know her story.
I think Britney is so strong and even after all this nightmare she live for so many years, she find a way to fight for her freedom. I admire Britney even more after reading her book. Read the book if you can.
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years ago
In 2021, over a decade after being in a conservatorship, singer Britney Spears posted a furious rant about her mother Lynne on social media. The singer was born to Lynne, a school teacher and Jamie, an alcoholic building contractor in a small town in Louisiana.
But it wasn't long before she set off on the global road to fame at the age of 11, when she landed a role in Disney's The Mickey Mouse Club, along with fellow future stars Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling.
In Britney's recent post, she claims her mother 'thrived on drama' and that she would argue with a 'drunk' Jamie 'every night of my life.'
Jamie's brother, Willie, told an outlet that Jamie would often get drunk and argue with Lynne, and that once he even tried to 'drive off with Britney' during an argument.
Britney says her father Jamie was abusive to both her and brother Bryan.
"My brother was a football player. And my dad was really, really hard on him when he was younger, really abusive," she alleges.
Britney adds that her father 'controlled everything I did' but that she 'had to go along because I knew they could hurt me.'
In 1979, Lynne reportedly filed for divorce and tried to obtain a restraining order against Jamie after an infidelity, but the divorce filing was withdrawn shortly after.
As a child, Britney would often retreat to her aunt's trailer nearby to drown out the noises of her parents fighting.
When they finally divorced in 2002, Britney says she was thrilled, saying, "This is the best thing to happen to our family. I wish it had happened 10 years ago. Even when I was a baby, they argued. They do not get along."
Jamie also got sober in 2004 after years of alcohol abuse. But then in 2007, after a public battle with drug abuse, a divorce, a custody battle and her family fighting for control over her, Britney spiraled quickly and was entered into a conservatorship. Britney says her mother was the mastermind behind it, with her father controlling every aspect of her life.
Although the conservatorship was initially supposed to be temporary, it was extended indefinitely and left Britney under the control of her father for the next 13 years, with him managing everything from her career to her weekly allowance, and requiring her to be on birth control.
In 2021, after learning that Jamie would be abandoning his role as conservator, Britney blasted the conservatorship itself as a 'family business' and thanked Jamie for 'exiting my life and finally allowing me to live mine.'
Following the removal of Jamie as conservator, Lynne made a public statement, saying, "It is clear to me that Jamie P. Spears is incapable of putting my daughter's interests ahead of his own on both a professional and a personal level."
Jamie then fired back in response, "In stark contrast, it appears that Lynne is the one incapable of putting her daughter's interests ahead of her own," going on to accuse her of being an absent mother.
Britney then said, "My dad may have started the conservatorship, but what people don't know is that my mom is the one who gave him the idea," adding that her father 'was not smart enough' to have come up with the idea on his own.
Britney then added, "She [Lynne] secretly ruined my life. And yes, I will call her and Lou Taylor [former manager] out on it. So take your whole 'I have no idea what's going on' attitude and go f**k yourself!"
Britney later said in an uploaded audio clip, "I heard when reporters would call her [Lynne] at the time and ask questions of what was going on, she would innocently hide in the house and she wouldn't speak up. It was always like, 'I don't know what to say. I just don't want to say the wrong thing. We're praying for her.' My mother could have gotten me a lawyer in two seconds if she really wanted to help me."
She continued, "My friend [Jansen Fitzgerald] helped me get one in the end, but every time I made contact with a firm, my phone was tapped, and my phone would get taken away from me."
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truecrimecrystals · 2 years ago
I know this isn’t the typical crime you post about…but what are your thoughts on Jamie Spears and the whole Britney conservatorship??? I’m a big Britney fan but her Instagram posts are troubling and I wonder if she truly did need the conservatorship
I don't disagree that Britney needed help, especially when the conservatorship was first granted, but it didn't seem to actually HELP her. As soon as her father became her conservator, she immediately went to work, guest starred on TV shows, released an album and went on tour. It probably would've been in her best interest to be in therapy and/or rehab at that time.
The fact that she was thrown into doing work immediately tells me that her father's motives were more in his financial interest than Britney's best interest mentally and physically. As for now... I'm not sure if Instagram is the best indicator of how one is doing in real life, so I don't feel it's fair to speculate based on that alone. There's a lot we don't know and we may never know. I do hope she is doing well and I always wish for the best for her!!
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thegreatimpersonator · 2 years ago
What was this tweet? I don't have a Twitter account so can't see it
it was a screenshot of a tumblr ask from their own blog that said they heard thousands of fans in a group chat are planning on getting taylor in a conservatorship (which is that thing britney spears had with her father controlling everything she does), which sounds like a huge made up thing to me lol
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uniquejellyfishqueen · 1 month ago
Nancy LaMott 12/30/51 - 12/13/95
*On Taylor Swifts 5th birthday.
Born in Midland, Michigan she also called San Francisco her second home.
She was popular on the New York City cabaret circuit in the 1980s. Along with Karen Mason she was the first signer to do a continuous long run at Don’t Tell Mama in New York City.
12/4/94 was her last performance singing “Moon River”
On 12/13/95 a little over an hour before she died Father Steven Harris blessed her marriage to Peter Zapp.
Zapp was born in Cleveland, OH. He is an actor known for 21 Jump Street (1987), Top Gun: Fire at Will (1996)
“Ask Me Again” was released on 11/25/2007 (amazon said so?)
It was released 143 months and 12 days from her date of death.
1+4+3‎ = 8 12… 12/8 was the last day of Tour. But it can also be mirrored to make 8/12.
It was 2 discs ten tracks to each disc.
Track 6 on disc 1 was “On My Way To You”
….track 10 on disc 1 was “Right As Rain”… which makes me think of 30/90 because of “the boss is wrong as rain”
Cody Johnson released “On My Way To You” on 8/10/2018
11/25/2007 - 8/10/2018
3911 days. Or 10 yrs 8 mo and 16 days.
3+9‎ = 12
12/11 is Evermore’s birthday. 15 songs, exactly 1 hour long… 1 hour ‎ = 60 minutes
flip it 11/12…. So much happened on this day. It’s also the 316 day of the year.
Like John 3:16:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”
But like Ariana said, “God Is A Woman”, it’s not about who you believe in, it’s about finding something to believe in at all.
Or Dear John which released on 10/25/2010 and Taylor’s Version released on 7/7/2023.
152 months (8)
12 days
12/8 8/12 again.
11/12/1931 Abbey Road opens for business at 3 Abbey Road, St John’s Wood, London
*Morgan Wallen recorded 7 songs here on 12/5/2023… they were released into the world on 3/3/24, the 1 year anniversary of One Thing At A Time.
11/12/1934 Charles Manson is born in Cincinnati, OH
11/12/1936 The San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge opens to traffic in California
11/12/1938 Nazi Germany issues the Decree on the Elimination of Jews from Economic Life which essential segregates Jews from the German economy and prohibits them from selling goods and services or working in a trade
11/12/1939 Ruby Nash Curtis (of Ruby and the Romantics) born in Akron, OH
11/12/1954 Ellis Island off the Coast of New York ceases operations
11/12/1979 U.S. President Jimmy Carter orders a halt to all petroleum imports into the U.S. from Iran, during the Iran hostage crisis
11/12/1996 Eminem’s debut album “Infinite” is released.
11/12/1996 The deadliest mid-air collision to date occurs when 349 people are killed when a Saudi Arabian Airlines Boeing 747 and a Kazakh Ilyushin Il-76 cargo plane collide near New Delhi in India
11/12/1997 Ramzi Yousef, a Pakistani born in Kuwait is found guilty of masterminding the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in New York City
11/12/2001 American Airlines Flight 587 crashes in New York City minutes after taking off from John F. Kennedy International Airport, killing all 260 on board and five on the ground *this was also 62 days after 9/11…
11/12/2004 Eminem’s 5th album “Encore” is released.
11/12/2012 One Direction releases “Little Things” as a single from the second album Take Me Home
11/12/2021 Tick…Tick Boom
11/12/2021 Red (Taylor’s Version)
11/12/2021 All Too Well Short Film
11/12/2021 “three years in advance” with Jimmy Fallon
11/12/2021 Britney Spears Conservatorship ends.
11/12/2023 Eras Tour//Buenos Aires N2/3
S.N Track 10 Better Than Revenge
1989 Track 17 “Slut!”
10/17 is Eminems birthday.
11/12/2024 Deadpool and Wolverine released to Disney+
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