#bringing this back because I miss rping and I miss the community and I miss Kit's amazing Lily
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avoiceloudasthunder · 2 years ago
If you are reading this, it more than likely means you've been following this rp blog in hopes it would update sometime soon. You've probably noticed that a lot of posts are missing, and there's a reason why. That reason is because I'm giving up on ever bringing back this account ever. I'm officially closing this chapter of my life because I'm done with it. I've grown and realized how much I've hated what running this account has done to me and what it reminds me of. It reminds me of when I was a stupid naive and easily manipulated teenager. It reminds me of doing things I shouldn't have done or known about at my age because I wanted to seem cool to kids in middle school that I thought were my friends. People whose pressure had led to me developing an inappropriate, destructive, and unhealthy coping mechanism for when I was angry or upset. It reminds me of how stupid I was back then, just trying to fit in. It also reminds me of when I was in the most suicidal and self-destructive point of my life. I don't want to be reminded of this again. That's why this account is officially dead.
I will admit I do miss rping but I don't miss how the community acted welcoming until they found out you were running an oc, sona or self insert rp blog that didn't have any face claims to use as reaction images or weren't popular as others. I don't miss how this community could be cold to these accounts but be so ready to jump at a chance to rp with canon characters. A lot of people claimed they were welcoming and open to ocs, sonas or self inserts but the moment someone approaches, they would turn them away fast. I don't miss how stressful the rp community is if you're even a little bit late to a response. There's a lot of things I don't miss about this community. But I will miss it.
Maybe one day I'll come back and give the rp community another chance, maybe I'll try to rp again, maybe this time I'll be more prepared and know better. But it won't be on this account. This account will remain inactive until I decide to either delete it and start anew, or just delete it altogether. I will miss the days where I did have fun and made friends but I'm closing this chapter of my life and I'm moving on.
I'd say it's been fun, but I don't want to lie to myself. Until I figure out what I'm going to do, this account will remain silent for a long, long time. I will put a reblog of this post on queue as best I can so that if someone new shows up, they see this before they try to follow. Until next time, goodbye, stay safe and be kind to others.
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Who was your very first rp muse?
My first canon character was actually Sirius Black. Again, I was 11 at the time and on Neopets, so he wasn't very good. But it's when I really started to enjoy taking characters and making them my own. I think I've played every single Marauder except Peter.
How long have you been rping?
Since I was 11 years old, so about 17 years. It's been on and off for a while, and I got back into it with my friend @velvetnviolentviolets earlier last year (or the year before I can't remember lol) and I've fallen in love with it. I stopped because it was starting to take a toll on my mental health and I needed to work on that first. Now, it's all pretty manageable. And I've been incredibly lucky since rejoining the tumblr rp community again that I haven't run into toxicity. A few icks here and there, but other than that nothing really.
Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
YES ACTUALLY. I've been debating on bringing J.ames P.otter back out, because I love him dearly and I miss playing him. I've also previously written Katherine Pierce and Elena Gilbert, and me not having a Nina Dobrev fc currently is wild to me. And I may or may not be in the works of making their blogs. As for new characters I've never played before, I've always wanted to play N.eville L.ongbottom & L.una L.ovegood. I'm always so terrified of playing like...any character from the g.olden t.rio era because it's always been intimidating. But I've always had an incredibly deep love for those characters. I've been diving back into the H.arry P.otter community, and it's been so lovely reading everything and it's made me want to put a toe into that era, but I'm definitely most comfortable in the Marauder era and the Next Generation era. (Molly Weasley II is my life and I miss HER SO MUCH) I've also been heavily debating on playing hells best dad Lucifer Morningstar (from H.azibin H.otel), and using a Ryan Gosling fc for him, because I think that's hilarious. But I also didn't realize there was some controversy with that creator as well -- I still don't even really know so if anyone here reading this would like to enlighten me please, by all means!!!!! There's a ton more, but I don't need this to turn even more into a novel than it already is.
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mencnfire · 2 years ago
I was sorta-kind of fortunate as well as privilege to had seen and interacted with a lot of mgs blogs. From canon muses to even oc's. Despite being small in terms of community size they were very active and encouraged a lot of crossovers with other muses, I think those that were around even knew we were a small in an otherwise large vast ocean of other fandoms (If that makes any sense). I use to joke that whenever there was a major announcement concerning the games especially when it came to five I would say, "Let the legends come back to life". Sadly I think after that people just stopped logging in or lost interest which is completely fine and understandable. Regardless I am happy to have seen them here and I can only hope they are in better spirits or places.
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(( i feel that, nonnie - i was in the far cry 3 fandom when that game came out and it was some of the best rping of my life - you get all those people around with a love of the series & there is that sorta feeling of clinging to those people coming back, but, people move on or stop rping or find other characters / fandoms.
even in the ffvii fandom, that i've been in since the remake - after the hype died, a lot of players vanished. other fandoms, real life. all of that shit. a lot have returned slowly but there's a few who totally dipped. i miss 'em. and, like you say, you sorta hope that the next instalment or thing will bring them back. we really can only hope that those peeps are doing well.
who knows, nonnie, maybe if konami takes inspiration from the silent hill revitalisation, maybe they'd remaster the old games? i've been holding onto hope of another collection but for modern consoles - it's a damn shame that people aren't getting into mgs because it's starting to become inaccessable ( i mean, 4 is still only ps3 isn't it? ) - i feel your feelings anon but in regard to other fandoms - it's almost bittersweet.
but, if you're an rper or ever want to / have time - deffo come about & write! who knows, maybe we can all bring the fandom back to life. it can be like vamp and never die
( ignore mgs4 for the last bit ok ok ) ))
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syringia · 11 months ago
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
7 — Platonic soulmates. I mean I'm a sucker for a ton of romantic plots ( I'm generally a huge shipper in all my RP / fic / personal writing ) because I find them extremely fun to develop, but platonic soulmates, man. When you have a best friend who is just on the same wavelength. Mirrors of each other. Able to read each other in a second. No romantic tension whatsoever. I honestly blame the Inheritance books and CR for this but I just love it so much. And of course found family, but I feel like that's a bonus to a platonic soulmate bond.
 10 — Fantasy!! D&D, fantasy novels, all of that. Medieval era things. I'm waving my hand vaguely in Wikstrom’s direction as I say this. I guess you could lump in any vaguely historical feeling setting, but you've got to add in some sort of fantastical flavor for me to get really hooked.
12 — It's been so long, god, I can't remember the exact year. Maybe 2011? I know I was still in high school when I first started rping on Tumblr specifically. ( Back during my assassin's creed days…….. ) I remember there being magic anons, which I'm kind of glad have fallen out of fashion — kind of sucked to either get told to do things ( and getting rude anons when you ignored / refused a prompt ) or to be the only one left out of a trend. 
What I do really miss are art-based ask blogs. Can we bring those back, those were fun, I made so many friends through those. Back when I first started they were basically hand-in-hand with roleplay blogs — people used them as both. I started out by interacting with a very specific assassin's creed ask blog from my personal, which got me started on one myself eventually! I get why people started to separate them, but I think it was genuinely charming to let everyone ( personals, rp blogs, other ask blogs ) participate. I feel like the loss of that kind of added to a loss of a community feeling in some spaces? 
To be fair, when I first started in the Pokemon rpc ( around 2013, XY era ), at least in my circle, anons and personals were encouraged to interact. With some boundaries of course! 99% of us wouldn't roleplay with a personal blog, but we'd answer asks and, honestly, it encouraged a lot of plot progression. You wouldn't believe how much my Lysandre’s main plot benefited from random people barging in and bothering him about his personal life. 
 Now that there's such a hard line between rp and personals, it feels like there's some loss of that? I know people don't want to have their blogs treated as fics, but… I dunno. I kind of liked it. I made a lot of friends in that manner, and we'd have cards against humanity nights with the non-rpers, everyone laughing at all of our in-universe jokes together. We had Skype groups and got fanart and lots of fun anons pretending to be bystanders and reporters and whatnot. I miss it. 
ANYWAY. This got rambly. Can you tell I've been around for a while. 
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pocmuzings · 4 years ago
okayyyyy do you have any rp recs? are you in any rps?
i am NOT in any rps atm bc ive been slowly trying to come back to tumblr / discord in general , inclusive of rping ! i took a big break , but tbh i miss it bc writing and creating is fun and literally SELF CARE for me . so im slowly trying to come back ! this gave me a great excuse to trawl thru the tags though hehe . . . 
@historyhq looks amazing ! i love love love the plot and the entire structure of the rp is well built , and has great foundations to it ( idk im not a builder but i hope i make sense ) . it is definitely a g looking rp . mystery , great aesthetics , great lore / background , juicy looking skeletons ..  great job admins !
@pleasancehqs amazing to see pleasance still around ! very mystery / horror lore heavy and incredibly immersive and well written . i literally can’t believe this is something that was just CREATED . it is so convoluted ( in a good way ) and rich with story . i can’t believe how much work would have gone into this, and it definitely shows ! love seeing yall thrive !
@salemhqs a rp based on SALEM ? i just think thats very cool and interesting and new ! your promo ads are incredible by themselves and that already says so so much about a rp ! i love that its a southern gothic / horror vibe . plus the main’s banner is just . . wow ! sinks me right in and hooks me real good ! 
@goryhq simple , sweet , straight to the point and super easy and quick to join . . . hello yes , it’s g here . im sliding u 10 dollars to bribe my way in bc u guys look SO cool and just like it would be so easy to jump right in and just START and build a whole world and all of these characters . great theme and aesthetic . it’s very eye-catching , and i am CAUGHT . 
@edencounty AAAAA  i love WHOLE TOWN RPS . something is afoot ! something is spooky and it captures the whole town and there’s just so much fun you can have here and SO MANY different characters on so many different paths of lives you can bring to this . i love the world building in this rp . i literally think . . . i might . . start an app djknfjnfnjkf , ok u guys really got me , damn . . 
@diagonhq i won’t lie , im always a sucker for a very simple and beautiful looking marauders era rp , and you guys hit it right on the head ! i love the diversity and range with fcs !!! your members have done a phenomenal job there ! great work !
@agnesfm the purple aesthetic is soooo beautiful , like damn that is the first thing i notice . also , im positive i have rec’d you guys before ! you are a long standing rp so GREAT JOB THERE !!! i love that its characters 30 + strictly here . i honestly find that one of my fave age groups to rp atm . . and theyre sorely underrepresented !!! 
@crescentharborrp you guys remind me of like . . 2013 - 2016 rping you know ? in a really great way ! i love the detail to the rp setting and the world its in . i love the EVENTS that are all inclusive and really build a sense of community within this rp and the characters living there . also your characters page is beautiful and extremely informative !
@theluckyeight looks reaaaaly interesting ! a 4 x 4 of friends who win the lottery . it just seems like a really fun and closeknit rp that would build some incredibly connections both ic and ooc ! you’ve done a great job advertising and with the main . its so clean and easy to navigate !
@acciohq i am in love with you all . from a interested rper perspective and just because . . the admins look like so much fun ? like i immediately trust them with my whole life and being fjnfjnfjk . its not easy to do a really good / intriguing / new harry potter plot , but i think you guys have done a really good job at very quickly gathering my interest and keeping it ! i am eyeballing u VERY hard !
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dazzlingheights · 3 years ago
a love letter to the rpc.
dear rpc,
i haven’t made a gif in nearly two years and that kinda breaks my heart. 
i learned how to use photoshop from tumblr tutorials, creating graphics for this blog, and making gifs & rps. and now all these years later i get paid to make graphics for a non-profit with something like 200k followers. last week my boss asked me how i learned photoshop. i tell her i’m self taught. she says i must be really smart. i tell her the internet is a wonderful place.
i think i’m half right. 
i left this blog and left tumblr during a really, really hard time in my life. (tw: death, tw: car crash) a very close family member of mine was killed in a car crash at just 29 years old and it turned my world upside down. how do you cope when someone so young, so full of life, i’m talking the person who painted your nails for the first time is just gone? what do you know when her grieving mother hands you a plastic bag chock full of glittery nail polish and says she would have wanted you to have this? people don’t tell you how to deal with grief. my method of coping: disappear from what i love.
over these past few months, i’ve stalked and lurked around the rpc. i even made a new account and a new identity where i could start fresh, i tried to write a little but nothing new really stuck. something kept bringing me back here. 
i started this little blog something like 5 years ago. those 5 years and this community made me who i am. the rpc is filled with some of the most incredible, beautiful, talented, creative, kindest, warmest people i’ve known. the writing we produced here, the graphics we make, it’s honestly some of the most special art, i’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
the rpc has taught me more about being a functioning adult that much else. rping has taught me disciplined writing, so when i had to write a 75-page paper in a semester, i somehow churned it out with high honors. admining an rp taught me how to be a leader and manager. it taught more about workplace dynamics in a virtual environment and working with team than probably any other internship i had. 
i know i’m coming back to a different community than i left. but i miss it. i miss the person i was before the grief. i miss who i was before covid. i miss writing and making things and talking with people from all over the world, because we all just wanted to create something beautiful together. 
so idk, maybe this is my long way of saying i’m back (not that anyone cares)? or maybe i’m just nostalgic for something that doesn’t even exist anymore. tbh, i probably just needed to scream into the internet void. 
somehow i’m 22 now. i finished my thesis. i’m graduating college and headed to my absolute DREAM law school in the fall. for the first time in very long time i feel like myself again. i feel happy. i feel like rach. 
for those of you in the community that know me, i love and miss you. for those of you i don’t, i can’t wait to get to know you. 
all the love in the world, rach
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
Goodbye & I Love You All ;;
Okay, I don’t know how to start this off so I’m just going to jump right into it.
First I just want to start off by saying thank you to the rkmods for everything y’all ever did for rookies, all of the hard work you did over the years to make this rp amazing! I wasn’t here as soon as rookies opened (I joined in like 2015 or 2016 I think????) but I was here for a little while back then before I had to leave due to having my daughter back in 2017 because I had to focus on being a mom at the time and couldn’t balance rping with that though either way I still thought about rookies even while I was away. I remember when I first brought Bora in, she was such a mess at the time but she started to change because of all the great people she met in her life at the time. Hell, I even had Jinhwan, Kei.... I believe even Seungkwan at one time... Rookies was and always will be like a second family to me, it’s where I met so many great people and made so many great friends that I love and will never forget, some of which I still talk to even when I had taken a break from rping.
Once I got my real life shit sorted out and started getting back into the rp community and all, Rookies was still on my mind and in the end I rejoined a few months ago with Yoongi and even tried to bring back Bora as well, though rl got in the way again and they had to both be let go....again. This time I tried with Yoongi for my 3rd time and even though I was slow with getting back with others (thanks to work aldkfjldfkj) and even slow with doing the few replies I had, I was starting to slowly get back into the flow with what was going on here. I’m sorry towards those that literally waited FOREVER for me to even reply to dm’s this time but I had some health issues and because of that I just didn’t have the motivation to really even do anything. I literally forced myself to even get on and do a single post for not only Yoongi but also my other muses in other rp’s as well because again I was going through so much over the past few weeks that made it impossible for me to even really get that needed motivation to do things.
If I hadn’t had to leave a few years ago Bora would have probably still been in Royal Entertainment as the self-proclaimed ‘Rap Queen’. lol She was honestly one of my favorite muses tbh because she had so much character development that happened, from being closed off, to opening up and even finding a bit of romance for a short while, to becoming a public trainee at the time (even though she screwed up on that before she had been announced because that’s just how she was orz), even to her opening up to more people other than her small group of friends she had. She was always the more ‘tomboy’ type who legit called males who were older than her ‘hyung’ rather than ‘oppa’ because she hated that word the most and thought it was cringy. lol
I had so many plans for Yoongi this time around though, I wanted to have him as this fuckboy who eventually down the line changed once he met more people but now that it’s all coming to an end (I’m legit crying rn while typing all of this) we’ll just say that this is exactly what happened with him. He’ll probably continue his YouTube/TikTok career.
I want to also thank all of the people I met in the past and even now who were so kind towards me, who put up with my dumb self and just were super sweet. I really will miss rookies so much no matter how much time passes. This was my very first ever tumblr rp I ever joined and honestly if it weren’t for rookies I probably would have never actually done tumblr rping at all actually. I love each and everyone of you, even those I never got the chance to even speak with, and I hope that we can all somehow still keep in contact with one another despite rookies closing down! <3 If anyone would like to chat you can always reach me on twitter (@EmDoesRP)!
Hopefully we’ll get to meet somewhere else in the future, some of you are already in other rps that I’m currently in, and we can interact then! <3 <3
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vezely-a · 4 years ago
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I never do these but got sentimental. Six years ago today I started roleplaying Vezely, a character concocted many years prior as was this blog. Since then, this platform has been my creative outlet, my stress relief, my enjoyment through many big changes in my life. It never got me down (minus the absences of cherished partners) and I always found time in my hectic schedule to write, knowing I would feel the better for it. I am a one consistent blog, one character, plotted thread, no au, collaborative worldbuilding role-player, and because of that I’ve established partners whose characters became so integral to my character’s story and to me as well. Many of you have been here just as long and have seen the Tolkien fandom ride the waves of expansion in popularity and depletion. For those that endured as I, thank you! For those that gave my Easterling trash elf a chance, thank you! 
So many cherished partners have left, some returned or are new, but these are just a few of the many people who I am grateful for during these years and who are (mostly) still here. (And I’m going to keep these short rather than write an essay which I could for everyone. :)
@peredhellen: I can wholeheartedly say that Vez’s character development is thanks to you and your unmatched rendition of Elladan. Hard to believe we started roleplaying in December of that first year and in this verse (and three others) we organically created the perfect though mismatched, unorthodox, problematic pairing in the Tolkien universe. What great drama! I am eternally grateful for your support and positivity all these years and esp. those where I struggled to write often. Thank you for indulging me in all those plotting conversations which continue to this day (these two never get old!). And you inspired me with your beautiful writing since the start. I feel very lucky to have met you! 
@dunadaneth: FEMALE OC POWER. Maybe our first interactions were crack and we have not been legit threading or chatting with each other for as long, but I cannot imagine my experience here without you and Créa. How I have loved watching her character develop over the years and getting to know you better during them! Thank you also for just supporting Vez doing her thing, it means a lot.
@tharanduil: Five years was too long to start rping with you, but even before, I cannot imagine my dash without your impeccable Elvenking. I said it before, but you truly developed a layered complexity to him beyond anything the films or Tolkien could muster. Thank you for being such a gem of support in this community and such a chill person as well. I’m having a blast writing with you, finally!
@burkhanlig: You were an inspiration to me from day one on this blog. There were and are so few on this platform providing any love to the forgotten lands and people of Tolkien’s Legendarium. You introduced me to MERP and my mind exploded. And you were the first rper I followed when this blog was just a inspo dump and from you, I figured out wtf Tumblr rp was. And Margöz, what an impeccable oc. Thank you for all of it and seriously, miss you!
@alassofesteldin: Thank you for giving me personal guidance and acceptance of my oc when I first started here so long ago. Your characters and world building remain a BIG inspiration to me and I’m so grateful to have your presence on my dash in any shape or form, with your new oc (who is such a cutie, ngl) and of course, your wonderfully curated personal. 
@warhornofgondor: Did you know that you were one of the first people I rp’d with? Thank you for giving my female oc a chance back then and since, for blessing my dash with your endearing Boromir. (ngl, Vez still approves of your Dark Boromir).
@maladum: You have been on my dash for so long, and while we have not rp’d much (cause granted, 3rd Age rp with Sauron who doesn’t talk much to inferiors is HARD), I cannot imagine my experience here without you. Keep bringing the dark cause this community needs it.
@cllgood: You remain a cherished person on my dash regardless of whether or not I know the world your character is in. And I cannot help but look back fondly at those (silly ol’) dwarves you wrote so impeccably. I miss writing with you, but I’m so glad to still be in your circle.
@multimentium: I cherish your presence on my dash and miss you when you are gone. I am so grateful for all the Tolkien characters you brought to life here. And where would Vez be without Papa Manwë? 
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mistahstroke · 4 years ago
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S L A D E  J O S E P H  W I L S O N ;
Full Name: Slade Joseph Wilson
Alias: Deathstroke
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Birth date: ████████
Birth Place: ████████ ████████
Current Residence: Manhattan, New York City
S L A D E  J O S E P H  W I L S O N ;
Hair: White
Eyes: Dark Brown
Disabilities: Blindness in one eye, Right
Build: Muscular, Super Soldier Physique
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: American
Alignment: Neutral, actions can be conclusive to a Villain
Identity: Secret/Not Secret, depends on the individual
S L A D E  J O S E P H  W I L S O N ;
Education: ██ ████ ███████ ██████ ██ █████████
Family: ██████ ██████, mother, deceased Charles Wilson, father, deceased (Killed by Slade) Wade Defarge, half-brother, deceased Adeline Kane, ex-wife, deceased ███████ ██████, mother of rose, alive Grant Wilson, son, deceased Rose Wilson, daughter, alive Joseph Wilson, son, alive
Marital Status: Divorced
Employment (Former): ██████ ██ █████████, Mercenary,  Bounty Hunter, Gun for Hire, US Army
Employment (Current): Bounty Hunter, Mercenary for Hire
Affiliation(s): ██████ ██ █████████, US Army, ███████ █████
Preferred Weapons: Promethium Broad Sword, various guns, knives, and grenades
Equipment: Varies. Sometimes, the Ikon Suit which absorbs kinetic energy. Or Armored Suit with chain metal armor underneath, belts and straps packed with ammunition, knives, grenades, and various other weaponry. Broad sword made of promethium, attached to back. Helmet or mask hides half of his face, because of blindness in right eye. (Picture attached) and (Picture attached)
Abilities:  -Expert Combatant in various forms of combat (martial arts, unarmed combat, etc) -Master marksman in various firearms -Master in weaponry (particularly in swordsmanship and firearms) -Tactical Analysis -Acrobatics -Stealth
Powers: -Super Soldier Physiology (enhanced senses particularly of hearing and smell, enhanced agility, enhanced durability, enhanced reflexes, enhanced speed, enhanced stamina, enhanced strength) -Enhanced Intellect (subject uses 90% of his brain) -Accelerated healing
Slade Wilson was born on ████████ in ████████ ████████ to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. His mother was “weak”, he said, and his father abandoned him as a child. Charles Wilson, a former CIA agent, was believed to be on a mission when he’d gone missing, but no record of the mission was ever recorded, nor found. Charles was later found, defected to the ██████ ██ █████████. He had become something called Odysseus. Slade later found him and killed him. He still believes Charles left because he chose to, and Slade doesn’t seem to remember his half-brother.
Slade has shown in his intellect and personality, that he is an individual capable of survival. His father’s abandonment and unstable home may be why, but it’s not conclusive. Slade may have always been independent. However it may be, Slade Wilson was determined to enlist in the U.S. Army. Later, it was found Slade had lied about his age on his papers, and ran away from home. Instead of being discharged, he was told to stay. His talents and skills in guerrilla warfare were far superior than any other soldier they’d ever seen. He was tested over and over and promoted over and over by his superiors.
His ex-wife, Adeline Kane, was an Army Squadron Leader and instructor, who eventually trained Slade and took him under her wing. He impressed her, demonstrating his combat and skills, while high marks by Kane were left in this profile. In surveillance, you can see his fighting style sometimes resembles Kane’s style. What we did not anticipate was how dangerous their relationship would be. Slade would be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and sometime later Slade married Kane. They would divorce, we don’t know why.
His first son, Grant Wilson, would become the first recorded Ravager. We’re not sure what happened, other than Slade finished his contract, after Grant was killed. The death of his son clearly affected him, to the point that he won’t talk about it. His second son, Joseph Wilson, also appears to be a heavy subject, but he is be more willing to talk about Joseph. “Joey” he said, in a psychological evaluation. Joseph Wilson is mute. Maybe Slade had something to do with Joseph’s disability….we don’t know. But Slade has shown signs of guilt, for both his sons. Grant and Joseph Wilson are children from his first marriage to Adeline Kane.
His daughter, Rose Wilson, was born out of wedlock. Her mother, ███████ █████, Slade appeared to have relations with, while on assignment. He won’t say he abandoned Rose, most likely due to the comparison to his father. Because she was raised without her father, it may appear that way. Rose would go on to take up the mantle as Ravager. We don’t know how many there are. From surveillance, she is the one he communicates with, the most, of his family. They don’t always get along, or not at all, understandably. Slade appears to have a disconnect with his children. Just as he is disconnected with everyone else.
Slade was a good soldier. Excellent soldier. The perfect soldier. His superiors asked him to volunteer for a secret medical experiment that was said to be a defense against the enemy’s Truth Serum. He agreed. It was really our attempt to make metahuman super-soldiers. He was lied to - but he was the perfect candidate. Something else we hadn’t anticipated: a violent response to the serum. It broke his mind and body, then built him back up. Stronger than before. But that would happen later. The immediate results were Slade’s more aggressive, violent, and enraged behavior. This aggression would remain with him, long after the experiment ended. Slade would go on to continue this as Deathstroke…
We deemed the experiment a failure, and Slade was limited to a desk job. We continued to monitor him, but what was the point? We thought. Our experiment had failed, until it hadn’t. Enhanced, to a human’s peak, we did it. We did it. Accelerated healing healed what else was left, and our perfect soldier was made even better. Slade’s enhanced mind allowed him to use 90% of his brain, and has shown, together in combat and completing his “contracts”. We made a weapon…that even we couldn’t handle. His mind remained broken. Even though we made him smarter, stronger, his mental stability, emotions, crumbled. We wouldn’t call it crazy, we’d call it violent. All Slade has now is aggression, a violent streak, and blood lust. He still has some sort of sense of humor, but we would highly advise citizens to avoid all contact with this man. He is unstable. We’re not sure if humor or violence will unleash out of him, next.
We’re not sure what happened. We were told Slade was discharged, disobeying orders, trying to save another soldier. Wintergreen, his friend. Slade disappeared, becoming what we only know now as Deathstroke.
We now have somewhat of a picture of what Slade has been up to. He’s made several enemies of heroes and villains, in Gotham alone. Enemies of the Justice League,  ██████ ██ █████████, and the Titans alike, though he seems to have a personal history with the latter. He is a formidable foe against the Batman, and vice versa. The mobs are afraid of him, but almost incessantly ask for his business. The citizens are oblivious, only knowing him simply as Slade Wilson. Slade has built a system of “contracts” as Deathstroke, research has shown, offering his “services” for monetary value. He is a very weathly man. His rates must be high. 
Physically, he’s gotten better. Mentally, he’s gotten worse.
CLASSIFIED: Although this information is classified and has been redacted throughout this file, for classified reasons, if you can read this, then you have been granted access to this information. If you need to know everything about Slade Wilson, then you have to know about one of the most dangerous groups in the world, the League of Assassins. Created and headed by Ra’s Al Ghul, the League of Assassins are an army of assassins, mercenaries, some of the world’s greatest martial artists, who’s sole purpose is to eliminate evil in the world. They are not superheroes. They’ve had questionable tactics as to how they’ve tried to achieve their goals, and questionable team members too. We’re not sure if Ra’s still heads the organization, we’re not sure if they even still exists. But Slade was once a member. We don’t know why he would join the group, whether power or boredom, it’s important to note because our weapon made it through, he survived the League. This information also makes him a much more violent asset, be careful if your group tries to bring him in.
CLASSIFIED: Slade rejoined the League of Assassins once more, but information told us it was forced. An ultimatum of some sort, we don’t know. Only Slade knows. After one year, he left. He’s an independent mercenary again.
After the Superhuman Registration Act, Slade hadn’t changed his routine. The Superhero Civil War was destructive, we lost contact with Wilson. The mutants fought back, headed by Magneto, still no contact with Wilson. He’s smart, he had to have avoided confrontation with either groups, mutant and hero alike. There was no way he could’ve - I digress. When a second accord ratification occurred and Genosha was born, we found Slade. Back to his ordinary life, if that’s what you would call it. The Accords have not only affected the heroes, it’s affected Slade, to some degree. He’s added an old occupation to himself, Bounty Hunter. This explains why we haven’t seen him don the mask of Deathstroke in some time. Government and hero oversight must make him cautious, maybe. It certainly slows down business, I’m sure, in Slade’s eyes. Our weapon has to survive. If he can’t? That’s when we step in.
Hello! I’m Mipsy (she/her)! A gamer girl, Marvel and DC fan, Netflix binge fanatic, anime fan, movie fan especially horror movies, and lover of all things creative (music, art, writing, and rping)! 
Slade is a mix of various comics and my own headcanons. I pull from a little bit of everything, even a little bit from Teen Titans (2003) from Cartoon Network. So don’t ask me which comics I use, heh. There’s a lot of comics, am I right? I took some liberties with Slade. Call them headcanons. Headcanons I’ve established from playing Slade for so long!
Mun ≠ Muse. Slade can be vulgar and rude, but that’s an understatement. He can be sociable, he can carry a conversation with others, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he likes you. Slade very much believes himself to be a good man, and sees Deathstroke as a job. Many of his enemies see him as a monster, a villain, but that’s because many don’t separate Deathstroke from Slade. Which is completely understandable! Slade’s done some pretty bad things, as Deathstroke and not. His character is a complicated one, not a cookie cutter straight character. His true alignment is neutral, but he can play the “hero” or the “villain” at anytime. Depends on who hired him for the job, which makes him an exciting character to rp! He has his own strict moral code that he follows, so he can’t be bothered with squeaky clean heroes or small time villains. But Slade can be reasoned with. He can carry a conversation when he wants to. Anyway, all that to say, Slade rarely likes anyone so please don’t hold that against the mun!
Slade is a simple man. The type of man who enjoys moments of peace in his life. He’s wealthy, but doesn’t flaunt his wealth like other billionaires. When he isn’t working, Slade really isn’t that bad at all. Just an old man who wants to drink his coffee and read his newspaper, thank you. He’s also quite humorous and a bit of a ladies man! Call it charming or not, he’s attractive enough, despite his age, for women to lay in his bed constantly.
He’s got a lot going on in his head. Guilt and being unstable are his biggest problems. As you’ve read, the super soldier serum really screwed him up. His body and mind were broken, and in effect a new kind of aggression was born within him. Makes him a bit of a monster, but it’s a monster Slade has decided to live with.
As you can already tell, I write alot! One reason I decided to join is I saw a few of you who write lots and I thought ‘I won’t be judged! Yay!’. But don’t fret! I can write paras and multi-paras, I’m just no good at one liners. No need to match length with me! Just...don’t be surprised if I write a lot back.
If you’d like to plot, DM me on discord! I’m so excited to be here! Can’t wait to rp with everyone!
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heamatic-archive · 5 years ago
how did u get into mortal kombat, pls tell me the story!!
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For munday, you’re allowed to ask me anything you want.
Oh dear! It may be a loooong story, I don’t really know haha! (It probably will be, so sorry for the novel I’m about to write!) I got into the franchise when I was 13 years old, so… twenty five years ago ( yikes! I’m old ;.; ) when my dad brought home the first game for the Sega Genesis. I don’t know what attracted me to it so much: it was different from any other game I’d played before I suppose? I’d never played a fighting game before – and I fell head over heels for Sonya as soon as I saw her. My 13 year old ass was like “I wanna be like Sonya when I’m older” (well I missed the mark by a few miles oops lol ).
Fun anecdote: the Sega Genesis version of Mortal Kombat 1 only had blood and fatalities if you entered the blood code. So the game never did any fatalities on me until I rented Mortal Kombat II, where it was suddenly free for all. First time MKII did a fatality on me, I shut off the console and didn’t wanna play the rest of the day because I was traumatized. I got thrown into the Acid Pit lol But it grew on me rather quickly. Anyway, I didn’t know there was blood and fatalities until then. Note that I did not speak english at the time, only french, so even though my dad bought a few video game magazines, neither of us could read them anyway. Lol
But I digress. I remained a huge fan until MK4 when I didn’t have the console to play. And the graphics then didn’t do it for me. In fact, while I did keep playing during the 3D era, I wasn’t a big fan of it at the time. I mostly played the mini games, like Chess Kombat (which I think they should definitely bring back!).
Fast forward a few years and MKvsDC came out. Not the best of games, but it was decent enough, and it was the first game associated with Warner Bros. Honestly? People can shit on it all they want, this is the game that decided the fate of the franchise. WB wouldn’t have picked it up without testing the waters with Midway. A little while later and MK9 was announced, and suddenly my love for the franchise came back full force. The only reason I didn’t roleplay it at the time is because I didn’t know there was a roleplay community for MK at all at the time lol I was still rping on forums.
MKX came about and I actually, believe it or not, refused to play it for years because my dumbass was under the impression the original cast had been completely replaced with their kids. I wasn’t interested in their kids: I wanted my beloved characters. Little did I know they were still there, because I was dumb and didn’t do my research. I caved in six months or so before MK11 was announced and was shocked by how cool the game was… and pissed off at myself for being so damned stubborn. By then I WAS rping on tumblr however, and gave Mileena a try – unfortunately the community was dead, so I didn’t last very long. Maybe a few weeks at best.
Now MK11 gets announced, and I get hella excited because those graphics? HOLY shit. But I still didn’t have it in me to rp in the community yet. And even if I had, I didn’t know which muse I could pick up. But I kept up with the news, with each trailer, and even got to play the demo when it came out, where you could only play as 4 incomplete characters: Jade, Scorpion, Baraka and I forget the other now. Cassie’s trailer dropped and I remember I was completely enamored. I didn’t like Cassie much in MKX except in Story Mode, and even then, didn’t like her enough to pick her up… but when I saw her in MK11? Right up my alley. Few days later I was adding her to my blog called Grimsouled at the time, a multifandom/oc/multimuse. And honestly? Next to Becky? Best time I’ve had rping in a long while. Later on I picked up Raiden since I was already writing him as a side character in threads – then I picked up Sindel when she was announced because I loved her since MK3 – and finally I picked up Fujin a couple of months ago after seeing his trailer: same as Cassie, I fell in love with him right away. There’s a few reasons I dropped the other muses I had when it was still called Grimsouled instead of Heamatic, or moved them to new blogs (like Maria from Silent Hill 2), but mostly it naturally turned into an MK multimuse as the last year went by.
I’ve really enjoyed the story of Mortal Kombat, especially as of recent. The characters are generally deep and developed, but there’s still enough left to interpretation to make your own headcanons. I like that it took on a more serious tone in the recent years, and the graphics have blown my mind with MK11. Are there mistakes? Oh yes, plenty. But to me it doesn’t matter, it’s the essence and maybe a bit of nostalgia keeping me around. I like this game. It’s FUN. And I love the muses I picked up. :)
I hope that uh… answered your question. Guess I had a lot to say after all LOL Sorry for the wall of text XD
tldr: my dad brought MK1 home when I was 13, 25 years ago, and I’ve MOSTLY been in love with this franchise since.
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rwendellartdump · 5 years ago
a long rant that probably nobody will read and that's fine:
I think my problem with the epilogues and homestuck 2 and all this is just like. hm. how to even describe this.
okay like, I feel as though it's not fun anymore. or like a lot of the characters either don't like each other, or if they do, they're really straining the relationship and maybe they shouldn't like each other anymore.
for me, homestuck was defined by explosive growth and creation, both from the characters and from the fans. and because the characters were often kind of parodies of the fans in certain ways, that was great and made sense. half the reason why homestuck is so long is because we'd basically get their entire chat history, like, up to and including chats where it was just like, "checking in to see how you're doing" and then they say memes at each other for 15 minutes before remembering that they had anything else to talk about. because they liked each other and doing stuff like that was fun.
and like, I haven't read the epilogues or homestuck 2. I've just been absorbing all information I get about them by happenstance, and I went and found a summary of the epilogues once. and like, the options are just mania or depression. nobody is themselves, or nobody likes each other, or someone is dead or depressed or dead because they're depressed or dying or evil or abusive or abused or... anything but actually happy? and I understand the idea that a story is boring without conflict and can't just be all of them sitting around on a couch and being total goof offs for thousands of pages but like... first of all, wasn't that what most of the fan works were like anyway?
like, does anyone remember octopimp's whole youtube channel full of voiced fan comics about useless nothing goof skits? and that was not exhaustive, there was so much. and that's not to say that this is the ideal form for homestuck to take, but it was something that homestuck could reasonably spawn without a hint of irony. it was how a lot of fan enjoyment and engagement took shape, in a very natural way. people loved it.
and also, there is such a thing as being happy without being satisfied. like maybe you are not satisfied with the state of things as they are, and you want to change stuff and work towards goals, but you are happy to do it and glad you can help? that vibe was super important to homestuck, like, everything from act 1 to cascade was basically the trolls being super bitter about the way their session went, and the humans being like "hang on guys, I think we got this" and then the reason why cascade was so good was because they actually did got this.
a core theme in homestuck is that in order to ascend, you must first descend. earlier I mentioned that half of all homestuck fan content was goofs, but the other half was definitely angst. I can recall distinct fan creations for the deaths of Nepeta and Equius, the ancestors and what happened to the Sufferer, murderstuck, grimdark Rose, Dave's whole situation, etc, you get the idea. but the big secret behind all of that was that the angst wasn't just angst... it was the precursor to triumph.
homestuck is about kids stuck at home and how they become unstuck through their own agency, to the point where they move across multiple universes just to be near each other. they reach towards each other and eventually connect. nearly all of the big [S] pages are named after movement. descend, ascend, cascade... collide.
this was the goal. to bring people together, in spite of everything. if I had to describe the best emotion that homestuck has to offer a reader, "triumph" would be it. "community" would be a close second. and the fact that homestuck's characters so often parody the people who read the comic just makes these things that much more special. that much more personal, heartwarming, fulfilling, endearing... you are invited to the table for this, and the story makes you want to be there. you want a place in this. and it all stems from these characters overcoming seemingly insurmountable difficulties with pride and enthusiasm, while still being their weird, nerdy, unapologetic selves. whether it's alchemizing items, writing fanfiction, drawing artwork, making music, RPing as OCs, or spawning a whole new universe, homestuck is an explosion of creation, and that creation includes identity, and pride in that identity.
and to get back to my point... I think the epilogues and homestuck 2 feel like the degradation of that. like, if/when creation happens in this environment, why do we want that? is it even a good thing? we were given homestuck's relatively happy ending, but then it's like the shine of it wore off for someone somewhere along the line. maybe it wasn't interesting enough for them. I dunno. it all just feels so cynical. and I really miss the days where I wanted to see bits of myself in these characters. now I feel like I don't even want to engage with this material because, if I continue to care for or relate to any of them, I'm gonna end up legitimately feeling bad. lonely, heartsick, grief stricken... like there's really no going back to the enthusiasm you used to feel when you messaged that person to share dumb memes with them for 15 minutes before remembering what you even wanted to talk about. there's a loss of familiarity. this doesn't feel like home the way it used to.
and again, I'm not asking for relentless positivity. homestuck gave us low moments and sadness. but it also gave us life after sadness. life where you can laugh again, even if you were hurt earlier. or life where you're angry about the state of things, but you also feel like there is an avenue for change, so you take it. I just wish homestuck had been allowed to end on a positive note, and then maybe an epilogue would've been neat, but it'd be like... little episodic tales? just checking in? I dunno. I just hate feeling like the characters are drifting further and further. like, maybe it was a mistake to even want more of homestuck when there wasn't really a purpose in continuing to follow what the characters were doing. the game ended. maybe the rest of their lives could've been so unremarkable that it wasn't a story worth telling outside of speculative fan comics about what they might be up to.
I liked the idea of continuing with the events of hiveswap and friendsim tied in, because it seemed kind of like the end goal might've been for the characters we were meeting to escape through the cherub portal to earth c through a complicated series of events that we'd be privy to, which would all be done with that signature homestuck flair. it'd be super fun to see the friendsim trolls trying to adjust to life on earth c, because they'd have to shed all the baggage of having lived in alternian society, which would be difficult, and interesting, and reformative, and y'know... fun. but now if they do that, they'll meet the main cast as they are in homestuck 2's canon, and I don't think the fun of it would make it through. like it'd be lost in translation and it'd all just end up vaguely uncomfortable like everything else.
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kaito-yuki · 5 years ago
Shout Out Thank Yous!
Alrighty I can already tell that this is going to be a long ass post, so I’m just going to say general things here first. I will then address each mun under the Read More (there’s 20+ of you!), so search for your blog mentioned to find my message to you! 
This Fairy Tail OC blog is my 3rd most popular blog by follower count, just under my Vegeta (DBZ) blog which is popular because of the muse itself over the RPing. Kaito is the opposite, which is why I especially find it important to address and thank each and every mun who’s interacted with me through this blog. For actual posts made it is only second to my personal, which just affirms  that this blog has earned its popularity (and bronze medal) here in my opinion. 
I put in my all and beyond to this blog especially, how it’s navigated, organizing the threads and tags as much as I can so me (and you) can read back on things whenever we want, will use it as a template for my other muses/blogs too haha. Kaito (and my other OCs) have grown as characters thanks to the interactions here, especially when it comes to ships! I also have done the most mun/muse vs muse posts here (Shiro has his own tag FFS lmao), which I’m pleased that many of you are a fan of (the posts, not Shiro!) 
To all my followers, thank you for following and sticking with me, esp those from the beginning! To the other RP blogs I haven’t interacted with yet, I’d love to, especially you OCs! I want to also use this blog to advocate for other similar (OC) blogs, that they can also be great and relevant as canon ones with enough hard work!  Now onto the special thanks!
@crystaldragonslayer: Oh looks like the Queen Pixie has returned, the timing couldn’t have been better with your RP comeback! You are just one of the best RP partners out there, I am very grateful for the time and effort we combined together on our RPs/ships. Vivienne is just awesome and probably the main reason why Kaito is too, creating a OTP that deserves it’s own paragraph gdi!
+KaiVi: Kaito & Vivienne have a total of 69 threads by my count atm (I hope I miscounted lmao). I just love this OTP of ours to bits, it is a pleasure and honour working with you on them so far. I can’t wait to start exploring the next stage of their lives and beyond! You know what they say, ’First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes-”-mouth gets frozen by Kaito coz spoilers!- I’m so happy that KaVi has got at least a couple of fans too! Then there’s the AUs, and interactions with them with/and our other muses, so much to look forward to! It’s just really fun to just crossover this ship with others, with other muses ours and our RP partners! Highlights: Battle of Fairy Tail (Thread) | Song | Promo | Wedding (Art)
@starlightxveins​: I usually ship Kaito with Lucy romantically, I never would have thought they’d be the BrOTP too! Your Lucy is a delight and fun to interact with, crossing over the KaiVi, ShiroAqua, GraLu, JerZa and WendyCookies ships is just fabulous and I look forward to more of them (crack) [group] interactions lmao. Can’t wait to start on the other ships we discussed as well!
@celestial-weirdo-lucy: We may only have one thread on here, but I love it! Your Lucy is great, and it’s awesome I get to make a spin on KaiLu by having Kaito have a crush on her already lmao. Then there’s our other ships that I’m excited to develop too! Our KaiLu bodyguard AU is probably my favorite AUs which I look forward to sharing, I’m excited for our other  AUs too (like Gods and Bleach) and ships with our other muses, damn there’s lots to RP!
@celestial-keys-princess​: The Lucy that started it all, Ava you are first mun I approached in the FT RP community and became my guide to others. KaiLu is awesome and I thank you for going through plots and headcanons with me for them! Look forward to continuing their interactions when we do! 
I appreciate you also helping me expand Kaito’s Sabertooth verse with Minerva. Kaito’s ship verse with Tori is still the only one where it’s Shiro and the female teaming up against Kaito, which is so hilarious that I will keep it there lmao. Then there’s our other interactions/ships I’d be happy to get into again like Rukia/Aizen, Laxus/Tori, GraLu (with modern band AU) and Lucy/Jackal, who is atm growling at Lucy behind me because of and/or for her ear rubs lmao Highlights:  A Prayer in the Rain (Thread) | Song | KaiLu (Art/Promo)
@pitchblacksteel: Akira I just love your Gajeel, especially your ships with Lucy and Mira! I look forward to more interactions with him and muses on your multi (like Natsu and Erza!) Kaito still feels bad over the crap Shiro has dragged Gajeel (and Natsu) into lmao.
@poisonouslightslayer: Your Sting is the Sting me (and Kaito) think of whenever Sting is mentioned, you portray him with such depth, it’s really nice to read the posts I see from you! Our interactions also helped inspire me to add a Guild Master addon/verse for Kaito, would love to explore that too!
@itashiro-hitsuchiha​: Thank you for helping me expand Kaito’s Sabertooth and Kingdom Hearts verses, I look forward to continuing our threads with Harumi and Perix!
@dxvilishgrin: Our Kaiio/Mira ship started on Discord, so I’m happy we could also expand upon on it on Tumblr too! Also enjoyed the interactions with your other muses, canons and OCs alike!
@stellcrblossom: Rin I appreciate you and your OCs so much, you gave Kaito a [adoptive] daughter (Ember) and sister (Kamui), and pretty much helped extend his family and my OCs too. Also this helped me branch into going through the next generation of FT, got me working on my other ship’s children too which is appreciated! Can’t wait to RP as Issei (KaiVi’s son) when I’m done with his info! +SakuEm: Sakurai x Ember is one of my favourites and is awesome to see them upgraded to an OTP, and that we created a whole plot/saga/arc/war around Ember’s kidnapping. Can’t wait to continue that and crossover it with my other ships, it’s going to be awesome! Don’t get me started on our AUs, excited for them too! Highlights: Ember Fading (Thread) | Asterius Arc Promo & Graphic
@gureixfurubasuta: Your Gray is great, and I just love their brotherly (gay according to Shiro lmao) bond esp with their shared ties to Ul. Thank you for inspiring me to start my own Gray blog, even though it’s just so I don’t force anyone (like you) to RP Gray for Kaito, and look how that turned out haha. Your Gray (and Juvia) will always by my main for Kaito, and my Gray’s more angsty twin lmao. I’d be happy to interact more through our other muses too!
@sky-dragon-slayer-wendy: Your Wendy is so precious (and a rebel GDI lmao), I loved our thread together and would be happy to continue interactions when you’re free enough again! 
@broken-memories-and-silent-tears: Alice is great and I’m happy to crossover this with our Gralice ship, Kaito and Alice have a great sibling bond with my Gray (and Shiro) between them haha. I’d be happy to add Alice into my fan game as we discussed before way back too, esp now things are better on my end!
@imaginaryserver: Me and (my muses) miss you and your Mavis! Our Cards Against Humanity game is still a memorable time for me from way back, I’m still waiting for an artist to draw it!
@shrimps-variety-garden: I just adore your Levy and her ship with Kaito, the modern AU is especially interesting since it’s based on song lyrics haha. Looking forward to us RPing though to the endgame! Our ship also has helped me develop a more antagonistic version of my Gajeel which is awesome too.
@scythe-rps: Hiroshi is a better guy (and muse) thanks to his best friend Gyrain! it’s good that we can bring more focus onto the usually underappreciated Blue Pegasus! I look forward to when Lyon & Gyrain finally clear the air about their relationship lmao, and thanks for helping me develop Masaru more through their interactions! 
@sunaarashii: Thank you for interacting with Hiroshi, his ship with Cari is just precious with the thread we have currently, can’t wait to RP out what comes next!
@bunnysmultimuse: The thread with Sorano was fun, so I’d like to continue interactions (esp with the headcanons discussed) if you’re still up for it! That goes for Jellal with Meredy too!
@ultecr: Still have your post in my drafts, I know you said to take my time but even I know taking months is ridiculous lmao. I look forward to starting the Kaito/Ultear ship once I do reply, love your portrayal of Mavis too!
@herhorns:  I love seeing your Mira on my dash, especially her ships with Gajeel and Gray! Looking forward to interacting with Ravyn when we get to it, your art is awesome too!
@angelsoffiore: Welcome back man! Mizumi is a great OC and is why I approached you in the first place, so appreciate you still continuing our thread after so long. Hope to interact more with Mizumi, your other OCs, and your Laxus too!
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spiketheforsakensoul · 5 years ago
Temporary Was an Understatement
Hey, there strangers. It’s Wil!
If anyone is still following this blog it has been over two long years since Spike has been active in the BtVS/AtS RP community.  I’m actively looking to bring him back, because he is the muse I have played the longest.  
I’m not going to go into a long story of why I was on such a long break from Spike, but it was needed. I’m also still RPing as Lucifer Morningstar so I’ll be doing my best to balance between to two with my new job.
Currently on a rewatch to get Spike’s voice and mannerisms back into my mind, so if anyone’s in the mood to watch some Angel S5 with me, hit me up.
I may be redesigning the page too--- It needs a fresh look after so long and I’m looking to reconnect with anyone still interested in play with my Spike.
Discord info is available: punishmentismyjob #2980   Just tell me who you are and I’ll be happy to add you.
Missed you all.
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poewingsdameron · 5 years ago
1, 7, and 27 for the mun asks!
1. What was your first impression of the roleplay community on Tumblr? And what’s your impression of it now?
I started out in Tolkien fandom. I felt it was very welcoming and kind. Even though my language skills weren't so great then, people were really nice to me, I've never been belittled or made fun of for it, people were happy to help with that and with Tolkien's vast lore. There were some dramas but they were more personal, not so RP oriented.
Nowaydays I think there is a positive trend after the 'dark times' that we've been through for a couple years. I see it across fandoms, though some are worse than others. But I'd say we are all finally finding some balance again. I see more mature and level-headed people than not - so definitely a good trend!
7. What is the one trend you miss the most that’s no longer popular or seen as much as it was before?
Anon RPing! I think it might be because anon hate became such a plague for a while but back when I started on tumblr, getting in character anons was so common! And so much fun! It always sparked a lot of sillyness, some crack rps and general fun. That and 'magic anons'! I was always fond of those too because they would often unify the dash and bring everyone together in an evening-long fun with something abstract.
27. What songs do you listen to when wanting to get into the mood of roleplaying?
I don't actually listen to music when writing 90% of the time. If I do, the type of music is very much muse-dependant. I have a couple various playlists for certain muses. But like I've said, these days I rarely listen to them. I guess I just find it easier to focus in silence.
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jcylenz · 5 years ago
4, 11, 16, 19 (if you want) 😚⛄🌈
ask meme for muns
4. Can you tell us about your 5 favorite muses?
In alphabetical order, bc I can’t make an actual top list ranking them, but I still need some kind of order.
Alice Fortescue - The one baby I played the longest and in most situations and groups. My actual baby. She is the mother hen of Hogwarts, has a knack to become a martyr for the causes she believes in, she fiercely loves her friends and family and suffers I think one of the most tragic fates in HP altogether.
Darcy Palmer - (tw death) Translator and interpreter who traveled the world and fell in love with a woman high up in a gang (unknowing of all of that) that resulted in her witnessing the murder of the woman she loved, almost dying herself and her own sister getting killed in the process as well. Now she has to make her way through life in witness protection under a completely new name and identity, separated from the rest of her family while having to deal with her demons in the dead of the night.
Glenda Chittock - My tiny baby who started out with her nose in between the pages and who felt more comfortable around books than around people. She barely did anything, barely experienced everything. And then an illness of her little brother opens her eyes and makes her realize that she has to go out and try things. Ans slowly she opens up, can communicate with people more. She has a never-ending knowledge that she always spurs out at people whenever she is nervous. She first works for the Daily Prophet as a journalist, and then eventually realizes that while her rambling doesn’t work in writing, she can’t get her points across, in a medium where she can talk, she can be captivating and interesting, hence why she starts doing her own radio show - which is the only canon fact we know about her.
Heidi Bergen - (tw abuse) Oh boy, where do I even start. This baby went through so much shit in her life to get to where she is. Happy first few years, then being separated from her dickhead father and older brother, her mother practically abandoned her little sister and her so she had to raise her sister. All of this turned into anger that she didn’t know how to handle, isolating her from everyone except for her own sister. She was angry at the world and the world was angry right back at her. She found a release in boxing, but the attitude and the need to push most people away remained - while also clinging to any romantical partner she had with tooth and nail, desperate to find somebody who wouldn’t leave her in the end. Resulted in her being in an abusive relationship that she could barely get out of and after she ran off to halfway across the country to make sure she is really far away from the dude. She’s a kickass criminal defense lawyer and in different versions of her she was either fighting with any kind of clients or specifically protecting crime syndicates.
Isabel de la Vega - My narcissist, self-centered merm whose backstory resembles the little mermaid’s story in many ways, but is so completely different from that fictional character. She arrives to Soapberry, a town where the supernaturals can openly walk around and be themselves, running from her past mistakes and failures and tries to make a new life for herself while also having a superiority in her, a constant need to be right, be the center of attention and not share anything personal about herself.
11. Can you tell us about your favorite ship?
Uhhhh, why are you doing this to me? How am I supposed to choose just ONE? I’m going to cheat and say top 5 here too because I’m horrible and can’t be helped. In alphabetical order, bc I can’t make an actual top list ranking them, but I still need some kind of order.
Alice Fortescue/Amos Diggory (@theeriinyes) - my first Alice ship that started out as a kind of “oh we won’t go there because it’s not canon” and ended up with us absolutely going there because we couldn’t help it. They grew up together, fell in love slowly. He was a playboy, she was the mother hen. He wanted nothing more than to keep his family safe, she wanted to fight in the war beyond reason or logic. They loved each other more than anything and it’s been years and years and I’m still not over them honestly. They had a baby in the mids of the war and after Alice suffered the fateful ending of hers, Amos visits her every day, hoping that she’d wake up one day and remember him and their family. And now lemme just go and weep.
Ariel/Eli - My first ever big otp in RPing. Ariel was my OUAT indie who was struggling with having her memories back, dealing with the real world and the fairy world being so different and wanting to leave Storybrooke to explore and have adventures while not being able to because of the border-amnesia thing, while Eli was a wandered who had a shadow inhabiting his body since he was a kid, they were one and a same at this point and the two of them accidentally met and fell in love and oh boy was it beautiful. I loved them so freaking much and even though I’ve lost touch with the player of Eli since then and it took me incredibly long to even find Ariel’s old blog, I still think about them sometimes and weep over how beautiful they were.
Darcy Palmer/Diego Chavez (@diegojaimechavez) - Honestly they came as a surprise I think to both of us because we originally planned to have a completely platonic relationship between these two, but then they both went and had feelings for one another and there was no stopping them. “Enemies” to friends to lovers where they were forced to work together considering Diego was charged with keeping Darcy safe, so even though they were constantly fighting with each other, they couldn’t just stay away due to their situation, and then slowly they started opening up to one another and realizing their own errors and finding the good and lovable in the other and now they are dummies in love who refuse to admit or say it out loud but still have such huge trust and respect for each other that nobody is breaking that.
Carlota Fuentes/Gianluca Romano (@pedrazamaria​) - I mean, any of our babies could be on here, I could have really just made a list of top 5 just out of our babies but I restrained myself lol. But these two. One is the daughter of the leader of a huge gang while the other is a drug dealer in said gang. They didn’t really notice each other until one night they hook up and then they fall in love without meaning to. One never really looked for love but found it with him, the other was never considered worthy of love until she came along and they were happy. And then shit went down, torture and hatered and misunderstanding and they are pulled apart and for years they barely even interact, only for a family tragedy to bring them close again. Him hurting her on accident, without intent, and then her hurting him back in ways she knows would cause most pain because she is trying to protect her heart. It’s a mess, it’s tragical, they probably should stay away from each other, but they love each other too much to not gravitate back to each other sooner or later.
Alice Fortescue/Evan Mulciber - Unfortunately I can’t tag anyone here either, and I know this looks weird and unnatural to anyone who knows just the tiniest bit about the Marauders Era, but I swear it worked and it was beautiful. Alice was the one who would give the benefit of the doubt to anyone, Evan was the misunderstood antihero, ruthless to most but fiercely protective over those whom he considered family. They dated and were arranged to be married. And then the Mary incident happened and Alice broke things off, but the arranged marriage stayed. They were platonic, but Alice still saw the good in him and he still considered her family. He was impulsive and she tried to think through things, he was blamed for so many things he didn’t actually commit and she saw through the lies and knew he wasn’t to blame. It was complicated and simple all at the same time. And as weird and strange as this pairing sounds, I loved them so, so, so incredibly much.
16. How long have you been roleplaying?
It’s really fucking insane to write it down, but it’s been close to 10 years now. I started RPing around the end of S1 of Vampire Diaries. It was on LiveJournal, I brought Anna back from the dead and played her in a Hungarian RP. After that, I transitioned to Tumblr and did an Ariel OUAT indie for a long while before I fell into the world of groups and the rest is history.
19. What do you miss about old roleplay? (Roleplay before 2017?)
The amount of time I had to dedicate to it. I actually started working in 2017, before that I was in uni and high school and I remember having so much more time on my hand. And with that I miss the speed that I could move plots along. These days a lot of the time I can only get through my replies and then I already have to go to sleep or have other things to do, while before I could just do back and forths almost daily and that was so great. (Then again, back then my replies were mostly like one paragraph long, now I prefer long-ass paras, so that might be a contributing factor in it too.)
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soulcrossed · 5 years ago
official goodbye.
tl;dr: i’m going to quit rping, but i didn’t just wanna let this blog dwindle into inactivity without a proper notice. mainly because i want to thank all the friends i’ve made and all the wonderful writers i had the privilege to meet through this experience. thank you all for 6 wonderful years on various blogs. it’s been a blast ♥
so. i decided to quit rping for a variety of reasons, mainly time-related and personal. i finished my BA and just started my MA, i’m working, and i’m doing volunteer work for the faculty council. i’m still not doing well health-wise (both physically and mentally), and a recent event in my family shook me pretty badly. rping is supposed to be about interactions, and i’m simply not capable of bringing up this kind of commitment right now, nor am i sure i ever will again on this scale.
i used to love rping specifically for this reason - that it’s about developing a story together with others - and over the years, i’ve made some really good friends through this and had some great experiences. most of these friends are inactive themselves now, the communities i used to be a part of have fizzled out, and i’ve started missing rping the way it used to be a good while before quitting. i know i will miss it even now, but i also know that i’m simply not able to find my place here again, because i don’t have the time or energy to make new connections and (more importantly) keep them up, and i feel like that also wouldn’t be fair to my rp partners.
i will keep writing, but mainly for myself. i might get into discord rps with people i know, if anyone’s interested. and in any case, if anyone wants to keep up with me personally - feel free to shoot me a message for my discord / personal blog !  i’ll keep checking this account for a couple of weeks to be sure, and i’ll definitely leave it up as an archive, because i love going through old posts, headcanons and interactions on rainy days.
to the people who have stuck with me this far - thank you, thank you so much for years of joy, of writing, of experience. rping has been a huge part of my formative years, and i am so incredibly thankful for every friendship that developed from this, every encouragement, every friendly interaction. it has truly been an amazing time i will always look back upon fondly.
i hope you’re all doing well, and i wish you all the best in the future.
thank you all, rose xx
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