Min Yoongi
11 posts
"If you show me that you don't give a fuck, I'll show you that I'm better at it." Min Yoongi | 26 Fuckboy YouTuber & Heir of GS Group
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
Goodbye & I Love You All ;;
Okay, I don’t know how to start this off so I’m just going to jump right into it.
First I just want to start off by saying thank you to the rkmods for everything y’all ever did for rookies, all of the hard work you did over the years to make this rp amazing! I wasn’t here as soon as rookies opened (I joined in like 2015 or 2016 I think????) but I was here for a little while back then before I had to leave due to having my daughter back in 2017 because I had to focus on being a mom at the time and couldn’t balance rping with that though either way I still thought about rookies even while I was away. I remember when I first brought Bora in, she was such a mess at the time but she started to change because of all the great people she met in her life at the time. Hell, I even had Jinhwan, Kei.... I believe even Seungkwan at one time... Rookies was and always will be like a second family to me, it’s where I met so many great people and made so many great friends that I love and will never forget, some of which I still talk to even when I had taken a break from rping.
Once I got my real life shit sorted out and started getting back into the rp community and all, Rookies was still on my mind and in the end I rejoined a few months ago with Yoongi and even tried to bring back Bora as well, though rl got in the way again and they had to both be let go....again. This time I tried with Yoongi for my 3rd time and even though I was slow with getting back with others (thanks to work aldkfjldfkj) and even slow with doing the few replies I had, I was starting to slowly get back into the flow with what was going on here. I’m sorry towards those that literally waited FOREVER for me to even reply to dm’s this time but I had some health issues and because of that I just didn’t have the motivation to really even do anything. I literally forced myself to even get on and do a single post for not only Yoongi but also my other muses in other rp’s as well because again I was going through so much over the past few weeks that made it impossible for me to even really get that needed motivation to do things.
If I hadn’t had to leave a few years ago Bora would have probably still been in Royal Entertainment as the self-proclaimed ‘Rap Queen’. lol She was honestly one of my favorite muses tbh because she had so much character development that happened, from being closed off, to opening up and even finding a bit of romance for a short while, to becoming a public trainee at the time (even though she screwed up on that before she had been announced because that’s just how she was orz), even to her opening up to more people other than her small group of friends she had. She was always the more ‘tomboy’ type who legit called males who were older than her ‘hyung’ rather than ‘oppa’ because she hated that word the most and thought it was cringy. lol
I had so many plans for Yoongi this time around though, I wanted to have him as this fuckboy who eventually down the line changed once he met more people but now that it’s all coming to an end (I’m legit crying rn while typing all of this) we’ll just say that this is exactly what happened with him. He’ll probably continue his YouTube/TikTok career.
I want to also thank all of the people I met in the past and even now who were so kind towards me, who put up with my dumb self and just were super sweet. I really will miss rookies so much no matter how much time passes. This was my very first ever tumblr rp I ever joined and honestly if it weren’t for rookies I probably would have never actually done tumblr rping at all actually. I love each and everyone of you, even those I never got the chance to even speak with, and I hope that we can all somehow still keep in contact with one another despite rookies closing down! <3 If anyone would like to chat you can always reach me on twitter (@EmDoesRP)!
Hopefully we’ll get to meet somewhere else in the future, some of you are already in other rps that I’m currently in, and we can interact then! <3 <3
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
☠ Late Night
jiho laugh; shaking his head from side to side. he knew the feeling, but he was one of the few great friends that jiho had. after all this event wouldn’t have happen if it wasnt for him. unfortunately tonight he was more in a drinking mood then a socializing mood. so he decided to stay put where he was with yoongi, someone he just met. 
“I like your style already,” bring on the liquor, jiho quickly grabbed another bottle that was unattended at the other table. “someone left this bad boy unattended. that’s no way to leave a full bottle of alcohol.” jiho never had a preference when it came to alcohol. he drink whatever that was in his range of sight. “I hope you’re good with dark.” you shouldn’t mix but he didn’t care. who made up such a rule anyways?
jiho nodded his head “now that’s what I like to hear” his new acquaintance seem like his type of guy that he wouldn’t mind kicking it with. “all good, after all” jiho looked over to his mutual friend and then back at yoongi “he said order as much as we want.” it was a joke jiho wouldn’t let him pay for the room and the alcohol. even if it was his brithday, it just wouldnt be fair considering he’s in the mood to drink a lot. 
“what?” he pour the two of them another shot. pushing one shot glass closer to the other. “you aint crash nothing. im the type of person that doesn’t mind meeting new people.” which was true, his parties were always open invites as long as you knew someone of course. “my parties are always welcome to plus ones.” he took his shot and pour himself another one.  “so tell me about yourself. what exactly do you like to do for fun?”
     Hearing the other male speaking, Yoongi chuckles a bit at what he says. “Thanks. I like yours as well.” Of course Yoongi wasn’t usually one to even compliment someone, though when he did it was the truth. Usually he was more of the type to just make little comments here and there but never really was social unless it was with his small group of friends he hung out with at times.
     Zico though seemed like someone that he could eventually get along with at some point, or at least try to that is. The other didn’t seem like someone he really couldn’t see building some sort of friendship with at some point or at least something like an acquaintance at least. He would just have to see how things went first before he actually came to a descision on that matter. For now though, Yoongi just wanted to have a good time, have some drinks and act like nothing mattered outside of the club at the moment. “Well, he knows not to tell me something like that because I will order anything.” He isn’t joking when he says this.
     Yoongi took the shot and drank it, nodding a bit in response to the other males words. “That’s good to hear then. Parties usually are more fun when you have more people around.....sometimes.” He runs his fingers through his hair, glancing around for a moment before grabbing a different alcohol bottle to open it up, a slight smirk on his face as he realizes that this will probably end up being the night he ends up needing to call someone to drive him home. He knew that by the end of the night he would end up shitfaced.
     He takes a decent sized swig out of the bottle before he finally answers Zico’s question. “I just usually do YouTube videos or even TikTok at times, though when I’m not doing either of those I’m out clubbing really.” He gives a small shrug. “I don’t really have any hobbies other than that.” Another swig from the bottle, smiling a bit at how great the alcohol tastes. “What about you? Got any interesting things you like to do?” Usually Yoongi wouldn’t even care to ask these types of questions, though the other male really did seem like he was cool so he figured he’d at least make an attempt to get to know him a bit.
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
☠ Stay Gold  —  Yoongi & Taehyung
     When it came to Yoongi actually getting along with others, he really could care less about most people really, though there were a select few that he actually cared for in his own way. One of those people was Taehyung. The other male was someone that he actually enjoyed having around though he never openly admitted that to the other or even their small group of mutual friends. It just wasn’t really like him to actually come right out and say ‘I actually enjoy your company’. Instead, with his personality, he would just look like he had resting bitch face and even just say a few comments here and there.
     Yoongi was currently at home, actually bored out of his mind for once. He could easily record something, though he didn’t really have the physical energy to do that today. After running through and endless list of things he could do, he finally decided on something that he had been meaning to do. He remembers how he had promised Taehyung some chicken and decided that today would be the perfect day for that. So, with that in mind, he dials up the younger males number and puts the phone up to his ear. After a few rings, he hears the familiar voice on the other end of the line. “Yo, Tae. Are you busy with anything today?” He waits for a response as he leans against the counter, eyeing the menu he has on the fridge door.
     His parents had wanted for him to have his own personal chef when they had first agreed to let him live on his own, this way he could get proper meals everyday, though he had shut that idea down quick. He didn’t want someone roaming around in his house like that. It defeated the purpose of him living alone if he had someone there most of the time, that and he knew it was his parents’ way of wanting someone to keep an eye on him.
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
☠ OOC  —  mun speaks
Hello! Okay, so I’m just here to make this post and get some more threads for Yoongi really. :3 I’ve been meaning to do this for the past few days but keep forgetting, though now that my weekend has started I’m ready to do this! So, if you’d like to plot with this boy of mine (I promise he can be chill.....sometimes) then like this post and I’ll hop into your dm’s! <3
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
☠ Late Night
{ ... }
“ah, so yoongi, hyung here has talked very highly of you.” he smiled raising up his bottle in the air. “I know right, I feel like he’s always loud” he laugh at his comment before he waved for their mutual friend to get lost. “go entertain the others will you?” this should give them some peace and quiet. 
“that’s it?” he laughed at the other before grabbing an empty shot glass that was in front of him. jiho pour the other a full shot, while he was just going to drink from the bottle. grabbing the shot glass he gave it to the other. “yoongi, I will tell you this.” he smiled “when you celebrate any occasion with me, alcohol is always involved.” he raised the bottle upwards just a little sounding out a “cheers” before taking pouring the liquor down his throat. 
“yes!” he said happily leaning back “I’ve missed you.” he laughing placing the empty bottle down. “yoongi, correct? you down for another bottle? oh where are my manner thanks for the birthday wish.”
     Yoongi had been to a few parties at clubs before, some which ended pretty badly by the end of the night. Those were the ones that he actually sometimes enjoyed because they were the most entertaining in some ways, occasionally he would see a few fist fights break out and would laugh at how dump it all was. Really, things like that just seemed to easily entertain him especially when he was bored. Though he doubted he would actually get that way tonight. Just by the vibes he was getting from looking at this Zico person, Yoongi knew that most likely tonight would actually be pretty decent compared to other nights.
     He gives a short laugh and nods a bit to what Zico says. “Yeah, sometimes way too loud. Makes me want to knock him the fuck out. Other days I can tolerate him... sort of.” He glances over at their mutual friend, eyebrow raised as the male is now pouring out shots and enjoying himself. In Yoongi’s mind, he’s actually shoving him off the table that the male is climbing up on. Yeah, he liked the other male like a brother, though he really wouldn’t mind throwing him off into the floor.
     His attention is brought back to his new ‘acquaintance’ when he hears him speak, taking the shot glass from him. He listens to the other speak, a slight smirk appearing at just the mention of alcohol. “Hey, I’m never one to say no to alcohol.” He raises the shot glass before drinking it in one swift drink. He can’t help the slight chuckle that escapes from him, even when he watches Zico take a nice swig from the bottle. Maybe they could actually become friends in the end, or at least try to at least.
     When it came to some of the people that Yoongi hung out with, a lot of them were pretty boring to even deal with, though maybe that was why he was finding Zico so entertaining to be around right now, or it could be that they actually did have a bit in common and could get along. He nods slightly in response to the other males question. “I could go for another. I haven’t had a nice drink in a couple days so I’m ready to throw back a few and have some fun.” He says this before giving yet another nod. “No problem. Sorry for crashing your party, dumbass over there practically talked my ear off until I agreed to show up.”
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
☠ Late Night
     Yoongi really loved the idea of a good and fun night out, drinking and enjoying some good music at the same time. He had heard from one of his friends that there would be some sort of birthday party at the club for some guy, he forgot the name really, and the friend asked him to come chill and have a few drinks. Of course, Yoongi being someone who never turned down alcohol or a good time, agreed. He didn’t mind crashing some strangers party, though would it really be considered ‘crashing’ when he had been invited? Either way he definitely didn’t reject the offer.
     He makes his way into the club, glancing around after sending a quick text to his friend asking where he’s at. Not too long after he looks down at his phone before he makes his way past all of the people who were dancing to the beat of the music, some holding drinks in their hands. This was a place he frequented so it didn’t take him long to find his friend up in the vip lounge with the rest of, what Yoongi was guessing, the group that was there for this guys party. What the hell was his name again? Hell, that didn’t matter to him. He was just here for the drinks anyway.
     Once he’s knocked a couple times, he figures it’s alright to enter and opens the door, making his way into the room. He gives a slight nod to his friend who makes his way over towards him, patting him on the back. “You actually made it!” The male says this probably a little too loud, though that’s just how he was. Always loud and more of the ‘annoying’ type when it came to being around him, though Yoongi had to admit that he did know how to throw some decent parties. “Let me introduce you to everyone!” More yelling.
     His friend begins by introducing the more ‘random’ guests that he had invited for this event, he guessed that they were all friends of whoever’s birthday party this was, though when he gets to the last person he gives a big grin to the male. “And this guy right here is the birthday boy of course!” Yoongi gives another slight nod in response, feeling like he’s going deaf in his right ear from the yelling going on, the very unnecessary yelling. “Zico, this is Yoongi, the friend I was telling you about. The one I said you should definitely meet because you two actually are similar in some ways.” He says this more as a joke, though either way Yoongi still glares at his friend and shrugs his arm off of his shoulder. “Is there a reason why you’re being so damn loud?”
     His tone shows he’s annoyed by the other, well more like annoyed that he was just yelling this whole time when he didn’t even have to. He ignores the death glare he gets from his friend then turns his attention to the person named ‘Zico’ and speaks. “Nice to meet ya. Also happy birthday.” His tone is pretty relaxed though, definitely more chill compared to the dumbass standing next to him yelling. So that’s what his name was, Zico. How could he forget such an easy name to remember? Right, because he had been lost on the thought of alcohol that he didn’t bother really remembering the person’s name until now.
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
☠ Intro + OOC
Heyo! So, I’m Em, back again at my 3rd (and probably final) shot here at rookies! ‘>.> I was here back in April(?) with Yoongi as my fc but this time I’ve decided to actually mix his fc with my old fuckboy muse I had a long time ago in another directory. The muse came back to me out of nowhere (legit hit me HARD) and so I decided to just throw him here and see what happens. You can find his background + personality here and his profile + basic info here. Below I’ve basically copied the list of facts from his profile and pasted them to make things a little easier so you don’t have to exactly go through his stuff. Literally anything you find in his bio can be seen below as well so if you don’t feel like going to his blog just read the list below and you should be able to kind of get an ‘idea’ on him. If you don’t want to read the long list here’s a simple and short way to describe him: he’s a fuckboy. that’s it. though he does want to become a rapper someday and make his debut. If you’d like to plot then you can always reach me on twt (@EmDoesRP) which would be easier to get in contact with me there. Though I don’t mind doing tumblr dm’s as well. :3 
☠ Facts
he’s nothing but a fuckboy who will sleep with you then 'forget’ to call you later.
he doesn’t like being tied down with things such as relationships and will be quick to turn someone down if they confess to him. he won’t even pretend to think about it, legit telling you outright he’s not interested no matter who’s around.
he doesn’t care about hurting other’s feelings
he absolutely hates fake people and will be quick to call them out when he knows they’re being fake, even if they’re in a group of friends. he just doesn’t give a fuck.
he doesn’t sleep with the same person more than once (unless they impressed him in some way then he may sleep with them twice)
his parents have attempted to set him up on blind dates however he always manages to get out of those said dates
he loves partying, literally goes partying every single weekend (if he’s not busy during the week then he’ll go during the weekdays as well)
he used to be a really sweet and innocent child when he was younger but now he’s just a dick who doesn’t care about anyone or anything but himself and his own personal wants
he never really actually agrees to do anything for someone unless he gains something from it.
he actually wants to be the greatest rapper on the planet and won’t stop until he achieves this goal.
he lives in his own house, moved out of his parents’ house when he turned 18 because he wanted more 'freedom’ though he still has to attend boring ass parties and events that his parents throw
he does have friends who he regularly hangs out with, however, those outside of his little circle are usually people that he either toys with for the hell of it or just doesn't pay any attention to them altogether.
he's never once been in a relationship, never actually even having a crush either, so if he were to ever get to this point he really wouldn't know what to do with himself or even how to act.
he thinks he's 'all that' because his ego is way too big
he's the boy that your parents warned you to stay away from but can probably charm you enough to get you in bed.
he may not seem like it, especially since he's such a fuckboy who doesn't seem like he's serious at all, though he genuinely does want to debut as a rapper someday.
he does look like, and even act like, a complete asshole but he does actually like animals and eventually wants to get a pet (preferably a dog)
he uploads to his YouTube channel between 2-3 times a week depending on what his mood is like
he does also have a tiktok but he mostly does 'e-boy' shit on there.
he prefers comfortable clothing however when his parents throw one of their fancy little parties and he's forced to attend, he can dress up pretty decently. (it's quite shocking how good he looks actually)
he's graduated from university (mostly due to the fact that he slept with some of his professors just to get by)
despite the last fact, he actually can be smart when he wants to be.
he doesn't like doing things that take up too much energy, no he's not exactly lazy but he just has times like others out there when he feels a bit lazy and doesn't want to do much of anything
he can actually cook but rarely does
he likes travelling when he can, mostly out of the country in which he uses his families private jet during those times.
his parents think that he's actually grown out of his little 'phase' though he hasn't and is just really great at hiding this side of himself when they're around.
he'll flirt with just about anyone, sometimes without even meaning to really, though just because he flirts doesn't mean he's actually into you.
if you've managed to make it this far on this long ass list then congrats! this boy eventually (after A LOT of character development) will stray away from his 'fuckboy' ways but for now that's all he really is. /yeets him/
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
tag dump post!
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yoongirk · 4 years ago
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favourite yoongi looks [12/∞]
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