#bring pomme back PLEASE
jahanmp4 · 1 year
q!Baghera going through all of Pomme's beds trying to find her....
I'm pretty sure the whole world heard my scream of sadness
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wackytheorist · 4 months
A love letter to qsmpblr because everyone's making one and I think appreciating your favorite pages is wonderful.
(I'm not the best at introductions but you guys really do mean a lot for me, so here's my story)
I never used to care about tumblr, I only had an account to check out the funny posts and maybe reblog them on my sideblog but this account was colorless. I was just wead(random text spam that I can't remember).
Why? Because socializing was(and still is) quite hard and handling a community online was way to much stress for me, an overthinker. Of course I made occasional vague posts in the heat of the moment but I never wanted to be considered a qsmpblrian.
But then came the qsmp reset, and wayyy to many thoughts in brain I began posting. Then came the ghosties arc and so I began liveblogging and theorizing and ignoring my overthinker thoughts because qsmpblr was a big community and no one cared for little ol' me right?
I was so wrong, and happy to be wrong because now, I regret nothing and this community is the 9th most important thing of my life.
You see I love appreciating people inside but when I try to talk about it, I stumble hence the weird wording
@ultra-raging-ghost You used to be my primary source of badboyhalo vlogging, thank you for catching me up to date. It was so fun go insane over badboyhalo with you, even if it was for a short time.
@kadextra I'm devouring your art oml, also loved to liveblog with your so cool omg.(I'm so so so honoured to be your mutual)
@alchemicaladarna Holy shit your brain please keep yapping if alchemicaladarna made a lecture on badboyhalo lore, you bet your ass I'd be there.
@q-starhalo , @rhiaarrow , @imferns , @pomme--bleuet and all the other bbh vloggers I couldn't mention for various reasons, thank you for your services o7
@iminyourbookshelf I loved chomping the heads of federation workers with you, your amazing and cool :D
@semifontos I've said everything I wanted to say everything in your reblogs but omg your writing is insane/pos
@tubborucho I didn't expect you follow back, your sosososososo very cool :D
@pommunist Thank you for your services to bringing us information about the qadmin situation(and for being the based af)
@ethertheaether The fanfiction on Omelete made my shitty month 2000x better.
@itsbebebrainrotting @faffodil @imnotasweetie @dotterelly @annimator @artistnerd24
@theroseyhues @lilghostlettuce @qsmp-extraordinaire Your reblogs make my day pippipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipi
@qsmpcryptid @insanitybl00m @adreamoverlife @etoilesbienne @sarcastictissy and a lot of blogs I can't all capture thank you!
@qsmpincorrect @qsmp-where-they-shouldnt-be @which-qsmp-egg-would and all the events that kept us entertained.
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nine-blessed-hero · 2 months
Talis and the Illicit Mage
(or) Article 3 - Apprentices are Forbidden from Exiting University Grounds after Dark
Universe: TESIV: Oblivion CW: None Words: 355 Context: Written for the TES Summer Fest prompt: Forbidden Tagging: @tes-summer-fest, @jacqueswriteblrlibrary
Tumblr media
The bell chimed, letting in a gust of frigid air as the door opened. The day's light had disappeared over an hour ago, leaden clouds smothering even Masser's luminousness, leaving the guttering tallow to shed smokey orange flickering through the bakery, masking its usual pleasant, bready scent. Through the distorted glass of the display cabinet, where Talis knelt stocking up the freshly baked goods, he saw a tall figure in a long outfit enter the shop, blue and greens melding together. "Good afternoon, Magister," Rindir said. "What can I get for you?" The figure cleared their throat, then spoke in an overly plummy accent "Good afternoon. I was wondering if you had any Croline au Pomme." "Certainly–" "I'm afraid the lady won't be having anything," Talis said, shooting upright, "because the lady shouldn't be here."
His tray of pastries abandoned, Talis marched around the counter, catching the dunmer magister by her wrist and dragging her towards the back stairs. "Ow! Talis, that hurts…" Talis let go and looked into the cobalt face of the other mer, her normally puckish expression drooping into a moue. "What are you doing here, Sal?" he asked. "You're breaking so many rules! You know First Years aren't allowed out of the University grounds after dark, nor are they allowed into the City without an escort of a Third Year or higher–" "Memememurr," Salora wittered petulantly. "So I snuck out. Stop worrying so much, Tal. I can sneak back in. Tacher showed me this trick with paint-brushes–" "That is not the point!" Talis threw his hands up. "Mama wrote me. She told me what the disciplinary board said. You're supposed to be being a model student not… sneaking out just because you aren't getting your sweet fix. We have to get you back in, right now, before anyone notices you're gone." Salora fluttered her eyelashes. "Can't I have just one apple Croline? Please?" Talis gave a grumpy growl. "Fine. One." Salora's face lit up, only to fall again when Talis said, "I'll bring it over tomorrow with the Uni's usual order." "Boo, you're no fun." "Pull your hood up, we're leaving."
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jazzical1914 · 8 months
A little self-indulgent possibility that could play out with Phil's lore when the server is back up. I'm absolutely terrible at actually writing fics out, but the idea grabbed hold of me pretty much fully formed and wouldn't go away until I wrote it down lol, so enjoy 👍
(If anyone wants to take this and make it a proper fic, please please do so and tell me so I can read your version of it 😄)
[ ] Phil, Pomme & Richarlyson rescue Baghera and Cellbit from Egg Island by outsmarting the Watcher and escaping on a boat
[ ] While they are celebrating the Watcher speaks to them and, angry at Phil, says there's someone he's been stopping from getting at Phil as he wanted the pleasure of destroying him himself, but he's revoking the 'protection' he'd been giving by not letting them find Phil
[ ] Everyone else is confused, but Phil gets what he means immediately and is terrified, suddenly realising how far away from Rose's protection he is
[ ] Almost immediately a black and purple void appears under/around Phil and starts to suck him in. The others try to save him, but they pass straight through the void without being affected by it or able to affect it and they can't pull Phil out
[ ] Phil is terrified and half begging them to get him out, half already resigned to the fact the Ender King has him. Eventually, the void swallows him completely, leaving Pomme, Richarlyson, Cellbit and Baghera safe and heading home, but having lost Phil
[ ] They get back to Quesadilla Island and people are thrilled to see them, but word spreads about Phil and people are devastated, since I'm pretty sure no one's character actually even dislikes Phil, they're all neutral at worst (even qQuackity was happy enough being cellmates with Phil) (other than Sunny, but I mean players)
[ ] After discussing with everyone about the void etc. everyone concludes it must be something to do with the End. Fit, Chayanne and Tallulah tell everyone about the visions and what he'd said about the Ender King and how scared Phil was at the idea of being taken by him
[ ] Etoiles says he's got everything he needs already to travel to the End, assuming nothing is blocking the way through to the dimension. At that point roses spawn and a chest appears covered in vines with a book in it.
[ ] Etoiles tries to read it, but it just looks like a lot of glitched text. They're a bit confused until Chayanne puts down a sign saying Missa should read it, since he already has Rose's protection from being able to access the Sanctuary
[ ] Missa can read it and it is from Rose apologising that she wasn't able to protect Phil and confirming he is now completely out of her range, so he is almost certainly in the Ender King's realm. The little power she and the others invested in Philza can bring together will be enough to be able to force the entrance to the End open for a short while, letting the Islanders in to rescue Phil if they will attempt it
[ ] Multiple people are immediately on board, with others agreeing shortly after. It's concluded that it's probably not a good idea for the eggs to go to the end to fight the dragon since it's so dangerous, but Chayanne, Tallulah, Richarlyson, Pomme, Dapper and Ramon riot at the idea of not going and eventually it's decided that everyone will go so that they all stick together
[ ] Etoiles leads them all to a stronghold that he's already made a base at, in preparation for when the End opens, because of course he has. They all make last minute preparations and head in to fight the dragon
[ ] There's lots of very subtle ways that the Ender King is trying to mess with them during the fight with the dragon. It takes longer to spawn into the End initially, the obsidian platform is ludicrously far away from the end Island (and it takes some quick block placing and quick thinking to get everyone to link arms to stop people falling into the void immediately) etc
[ ] Etoiles, Fit, Bad etc. have all done this before so it doesn't take a huge amount of time before the dragon is defeated, at which point the teleport appears like normal but with some blue and light blue glass panes around it, looking a bit like rain
[ ] Fit volunteers to go first so that if it's a trap they still have Etoiles to lead the fight and before anyone can object he throws a pearl through the portal and disappears (he might have time to steal a proper kiss from his boyfriend for good luck though 😉)
[ ] Fit messages that it's safe to come through and he's put down a sharestone. Bad puts one down on their side as well and people start to teleport through. On the other side is Endlantis.
[ ] As people all gather and are in awe of the scenery, there's a disturbance in the middle of the water and then suddenly Phil appears, flying up above them then floating in front of them by lazily flapping his wings. A few people call out to him, happy to have found him and amazed that his wings have healed, but Chayanne and Tallulah both almost immediately put signs down saying that's not their dad.
[ ] Phil laughs and it becomes very clear immediately that it's really not Phil as his voice doesn't sound anything like normal, being warbly like an Enderman and piercing. His eyes also glow purple and purple/black sparks travel along his arms and wings
[ ] Possessed Phil welcomes them all to his realm and invites them to stay forever as he will not allow them to leave. He does some powerful things like teleporting things around and completely no-selling an attack to show how scary he is and why Phil was right to be terrified of him
[ ] The islanders are adamant that they are leaving and that they will be taking Phil with them. Possessed Phil laughs and invites them to try, then goes in for an attack on Fit, starting a massive fight
[ ] Pretty much everyone gets involved in the fight, with people shooting arrows where they have them and people who have lassos or grappling squocks trying to use them to get Phil out of the air but he's dodging everything. At some point someone says something about the Ender King powering up Phil's flying ability but Fit is just 'no, he's always like this' as he's fought Phil before while he could fly
[ ] While the fighting has been going on the eggs have been told to stay back and they have been as while all of them want to help, none of them actually want to try to hurt Phil. Tallulah and Chayanne desperately want to help somehow but don't know what to do until Tallulah pulls out her flute and starts playing it. Possessed Phil falters, finally taking a hit, then turns and snarls at the direction of the eggs
[ ] Everyone takes this as a sign that Phil is still in there and they need to keep trying to get through to him. Tallulah keeps playing and Pomme joins in, with Chayanne and Dapper taking point in protecting them and the other eggs and islanders around them. Possessed Phil is getting angrier and attacking more harshly but also more predictably, making it easier for people land hits as well as just blocking him. They're still taking a lot of damage, though, and eventually he hits people aside so that he gets through to where Tallulah and Chayanne are. He says something about getting rid of the nuisances and goes to attack Chayanne with no one close enough to stop him. Chayanne goes to block, but instead of stopping the attack he goes straight past and stabs Possessed Phil as Phil managed to stop his attack himself. He smiles bloodily at Chayanne, congratulating him on a job well done, then falls over like a puppet with its strings cut as the Ender King stops possessing him.
[ ] There's just enough time for Missa and others to gather around Phil and see that he's alive, if hurt, before the Ender King's voice rings out saying that his pet explorer has failed him for the last time and Phil starts screaming until he disappears, teleported away
[ ] The group panic for a second before realising that since Phil came out of the middle of the water, it's very likely that that's where the Ender King is. The group all go together since anywhere flat and not covered in water (even including the glass) is starting to get covered in Endermen. Everyone is being very careful to not look directly at any of them, but it's looking like they'll be safer in the water, even if it's closer to the big bad guy
[ ] They go to the centre and swim down a staircase under a giant dragon skull until it comes back up to a throne room that is out of the water. Phil is restrained up on the wall, unconscious, with his wings spread out like an insect on display. On the throne is the Ender King, entirely bones with glowing purple eyes.
[ ] The fight resumes as they want to rescue Phil, but they can't really do anything to damage him, while he is throwing people around and pulling endermen and shulkers from elsewhere in the End.
[ ] Bagi, Cellbit, Tubbo, AyPierre and Ramon had disappeared at one point but Bagi comes running back into the throne room yelling for everyone to get near the walls and to get Phil down. Cracks start to appear in the ceiling and the high pressure of the weight of the water above sends spray through the room
[ ] The Ender King starts trying to summon blocks to reinforce the ceiling and Fit, Pac and Mike take the opportunity while he's distracted to climb up and start getting Phil down off the wall
[ ] By the time they've got him off the wall the ceiling is gushing water and they can see drill heads starting to poke through. Cellbit and Tubbo run in saying how the Create machine they built (when they realised water would be key to getting themselves out and away from the Ender King) is now running on it's own in the last stages and everyone needs to get out
[ ] The Ender King is basically possessing his bones, but he can't actually move them so he's stuck. Phil has been fully unconscious until now, but the Ender King possesses him again to try and get away, but on the ground and submerged in water, Fit, Etoiles etc. are enough to keep him from doing anything. Possessed Phil snarls and threatens them, but they herd him up the stairs, away from the Ender King's body
[ ] The ceiling fully breaks through and water pours in, fully submerging the room. As the Ender King's bones are fully covered in water, Phil gasps awake as himself, with the Ender King retreating due to not being able to get at Phil while submerged
[ ] The islanders waste no time getting out of there, although a few people, including Phil, need some help getting back to the sharestone. Etoiles grumbles about finally being in a different dimension and not getting chance to actually gather any new materials
[ ] Once they are back at spawn there is general rejoicing and roses and vines spawn all over the area, a sign that Rose is very happy Phil is back. Chayanne and Tallulah both pick roses and give them to Phil. Phil thanks everyone for rescuing him and it's a happy ending 😊
[ ] Omake 1, Cucurucho/Federation workers appear and intend to arrest people for unauthorised dimension travel. However, vines keep tripping them or dragging them backwards so every time they try to approach they get pulled further away. Phil laughs himself silly
[ ] Omake 2, Etoiles heads back to the base he has at the stronghold and gathers up his expedition gear. He refills the eyes of ender on the portal that were used up in Rose etc's attempt to keep the portal open for the whole group to get through and jumps in... and ends up right back at spawn, with the End realm being blocked off again. Cue dramatic NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo...........😆
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Translations for
And, this playlist!
Louane, Si t'étais là/if you were there
Mansfield.YTA, Soir après soir/Night after night
Marc Lavoine, Chère amie/Dear friend
Pomme, Adieu mon homme/Farewell my man (Eng sub on the video)
Alice et Moi, C'est toi qu'elle préfère/It's you whom she prefers (Eng sub on the video)
Lomepal, à peu près/more or less
Casseurs Flowters, Le mal est fait/The harm has been done
Bigflo & Oli, Rendez-vous là-haut/Let's meet up there
[Mikey] The face of a tired murderer
Igorrr, Tout Petit Moineau/ Really little sparrow (no subtitles needed, no lyrics)
Mansfield.YTA, Je ne rêve plus/I don't dream anymore
Lomepal, Ne me ramène pas/Don't bring me back
Mansfield.YTA, Pour oublier je dors/To forget I sleep
Mansfield.YTA, Jamais, Jamais/Never, Never
The ghost by the water tank (Japanese song without English subtitles available on youtube)
Please let me die early (Japanese song without English subtitles available on youtube)
Pomme, Ceux qui rêvent/Those who dream (Eng sub on the video)
Bigflo & Oli, Autre Part/Somewhere else
[Takeomi] Bring us rain, God of War
Orelsan, Le chant des sirènes/The sirens' song
Orelsan, La fête est finie/Party's over (technically Black Dragon 1stGen, also could fit in Dumpster)
Casseurs Flowters, 06:16 - Des histoires à raconter/06:16 am - Stories to tell (technically Black Dragon 1stGen, also could fit in Dumspter)
Eddy de Pretto, Ego
GARGÄNTUA, Immoral & Illégal/Immoral & Illegal (technically could be put in Dumpster)
Charles Aznavour, Hier encore/Just yesterday (Eng sub on the video)
Satine, Applaudissez-moi/Applaud me
[Baji] Funereal lullaby
Satine, Remède/Remedy
Biglo & Oli, Dites rien à ma mère/Don't tell my mother anything
[Chifuyu] Funereal lullaby
Françoise Hardy, Mon amie la rose/My friend the rose (Eng sub on the video)
[Toman @ Mikey] Nothing remains but our regrets
GARGÄNTUA, Lucifer (je pense à toi)/Lucifer (I think of you)
Manu Chao, Je ne t'aime plus/I don't love you anymore
Bigflo & Oli, Alors, Alors/And so, And so
Eddy de Pretto, Urgence 911/911 Emergency
[Izana] Snow Angels
Eddy de Pretto, Mamère/Mymother
[Takemichi] Endless Trials
Daniel Balavoine, Je ne suis pas un héros/I'm not a hero
[Shinichiro] Turn the Ocean Black
Igorrr, Figue Folle/Crazy Fig (No subtitles needed, no lyrics)
edit: forgot that a part is in french, eheh, oopsie
Orelsan, Dans ma ville on traîne/In my town we hang out (technically Black Dragon 1stGen, also could fit in Dumpster)
Eddy de Pretto, Genre (technically could be put in Dumpster)
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quinntell · 1 year
QSMP eggs animatic idea (inkpot gods by “the amazing devil”)
Oh what, these? These aren't tears
It's just the rain that wasn't brave enough to fall
And what they hear isn't laughter after all It's just your voice learning for once to stand up tall 
And when the rain came down
I made a vow out to the dark
Please let her live just one more day
'Cause she is so much more than all her
And if she doesn't have the will
But it seems the whole world does I'II stay because
I will be the man my father never was
And what you hear is not silence
It's just the trees waiting to hear what next vou'll hum
And what you see is not the dark
It's just the gods upturning inkpots
'Cause they know what you'll become
And to those gods I will speak bluntly
We've an accord
If you ever touch or harm him
Please rest assured
That you might not fear a man
But to a woman by the end you'll kneel and plead
'Cause I'm more than what my mum told 
me to be
And I can hear her sing
And I know she's giving up
And I don't know what to do, how to help 
How to bring her home
And I can hear him break 
And he doesn't understand
And I wish that I could take his hand
But where I'm going is for me and me 
And I can hear her sing
If I don't make it back from where I've 
Just know I loved you all along
If I don't make it back from where I've 
Just know I loved you all along
If I don't make it back from where l've 
Just know I loved you all along
If I don't make it back from where I've 
Just know I loved you all along (Loved you 
all along) 
Just know I loved you all along
If I don't make it back from where I've 
Just know | loved you all along
(- A-1)
If I don't make it back from where I've 
Just know I loved you all along
(-the “memories” egg that was abandoned)
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bloodykanary · 1 year
I am so done with Forever.
I was very interested in an arc where he would become a villain. But between the fact that he apparently can't pull it off and his attitude, I don't really want to watch him, it brings no fun at all. Last night felt like watching someone get bullied, and that was even before seeing anything else on Twitter.
There are ways to play a villain without being toxic, I assure you. I made a deliberate choice here to exclude the RP choices I disagree with or don't find good, because that is not what makes me angry.
When a creator uses the picture of another character and insult the picture to entertain, I have a problem.
When a creator chooses to mock the character (and creator) who is actively trying to explain something to them at length, I have a problem.
When a creator's community affects other creators' roleplay, I have a problem.
Forever is an adult, he also knows this is RP. You can't have your CC start a villain arc and be mad when there are consequences in other people's roleplay.
Now about Forever's own behaviour. It's easy to hide behind "but guys don't be mad like this, this is RP", but some things are not RP. I could handle my dislike of RP aspects if I didn't have to read that every creator and Pomme gets shit as soon as they don't act like his community wants them to. Or that the streamers I follow don't do what they would like to do in a given situation because they don't want to deal with the reactions from "the communities". Don't get me wrong, all communities have their part of shitheads, but we know those conversations do not happen when they meet, say, Roier or Foolish.
The way Forever behaves with/in front of his chat directly affects how they interact with other creators and other fans. It's fostering an environment where his viewers think what they're doing is okay, and this is also his responsibility as a creator. It was nice when he said a few months ago that he wanted to be careful about that and have more moderators and new rules etc. But committing to this takes effort that he doesn't seem to put in.
He seemed to talk about the situation with his viewers like he's The Victim and I find this is dishonest from him, at best. He's not the only one getting shit, he chose a path for his character that's definitely going to get q!him less liked, and he's definitely not the one who's the most affected currently. So I don't think bringing back the Leo incident is relevant.
"It's RP", "he doesn't understand the language", please understand that it doesn't excuse what he's doing and even less what his viewers are doing.
Pranks and banter have limits, and I know this a problem much bigger in streaming than just the QSMP, but one of the reasons I appreciate the QSMP so much is that it rarely goes onto bullying territory. Watching a streamer mock another one for half an hour is not entertaining to me whether it's RP or not, and frankly, I don't think it should be entertaining to anyone. It's fun when it's balanced. Last night and Saturday night were everything but balanced. And again, treating this kind of situation as pure entertainment is part of the problem. If your character is a bad person or is in a bad phase, it's all fine to play this out like this, but that means understanding that it's actually bad behaviour, which is clearly not the case here.
I will add one slight remark about the RP specifically, because in my opinion, this is the root of the problem. (q!)Forever doesn't seem fully committed to being a villain. He still wants most people to like him, which makes his "teasing" not really appear as deep RP. And from that, most of the other characters than q!Bad don't care that much about the emerging conflict (which could also be used in a good villain arc, but that's another conversation).
Now the creators get along, and while we're all in our right to dislike some of them in and/or beyond RP, us watching a story should NOT affect what they do to make the story live. It's NOT OUR PLACE.
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
I love q!bbh though I do feel bad for him sometimes as an egg therapist because he just finished comforting Tallulah and then came back to Dapper and Pomme needing comfort and reassurance xD
when i saw pomme and dapper bring up their abandonment issues i was like "oh god please give qbad strength rn". he really had back to back emotional moments and pulled it off, a round of applause kjdfkdf
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
From @cubitodragon
I know nothing about xcom but I do love hearing all the au babble SO: how did the morning crew form in this timeline? Are animal hybrids a thing or is it more a unit/call sign reference? What brought the various teams into contact with one another? What order did egg children show up in their lives? (Do bad and forever still have dumb arguments about politics during not!date dinners?)
Hihi! Okay so I'm running with XCOM2 specifically, which is a turn based strategy game where you run a group of resistance members who live on an alien spaceship they stole, and fight against aliens who invaded earth ~20 years prior, recruiting people, making contact with other resistance cells, gathering proof of crimes against humanity, etc. For sake of the AU making sense I cut this time down to like ~10 years ago. There's the very basic premise.
Okay so question one! So we actually have a couple of answers here. The simplest is that there's a shift pattern for who is on comms and checking the airship is going the right way (and also shift sleeping as there's like 10 beds for the entire group), and they have the morning shift. Very basic. HOWEVER, at the start of the missions, Tazercraft are missing. Tubbo also doesn't go out on active combat duty, being Chief Engineer. Tazercraft used to have that job but, well, there's a reason they're both missing and the Chief Engineer no longer goes on combat missions... Tubbo was about 14 when Mike found him blowing up a Federation base via rewiring their electrics, and took him back with them. Pac and Mike took him as their joint apprentice, and he got forced into their job when they vanished. Fit and Philza both showed up a bit later. Fit and Philza knew each other before the invasion, but were split pretty soon after it began, each ending up being heavily involved in different resistance cells which later folded into the main one. Philza knew Tubbo as a kid, though lost contact a bit before the war. Fit and Phil have actually been on the ship a couple of years when shit kicks off for plot, just not quite as long as Tubbo. It's a little funny - if you need one of the five the place you need to look is the engineering quarters. At the start it's Phil dragging Fit to check up on Tubbo, once Tazercraft are back (because of course they will be eventually), it's Fit dragging Phil there on vague excuses of getting gear fixed to make puppy eyes at his crush. Either way, if its one of the five of them you need, you check engineering first. Philza's the least likely to be there, Tubbo is most likely, but even if its Tubbo sleeping in a cupboard someone will be there and will know where the others are. Forming wise... Well they just kinda stumbled together. I think you can piece it together from the above?
Haven't quite decided on hybrids and such. On the one hand, all human is more sensible. On the other hand, hybrids are fun and I'm soft for wingfic and it'd help the eggs settle in... Better. If human society is used to hybrids of some forms. They're a bit... *vague gestures* off.
At the start of everything the egg children have yet to show up at all! I am still in the process of placing them all but currently... Operation Shadow Tomb brings Chayanne and Bobby Operation Rotting Wail brings Pomme and Richarlyson Operation Pungent Father brings Trump Operation Crypt Hand beings Dapper, Ramon, and Leo Operation Dismal Paramore brings JuanaFlippa and Tallulah Operation Haunting Night brings Tilin While those words have no meaning to you, they are in order lol. There are reasons they go this order (mostly who has parents where when, but also some of them due to plot happening in specific places). All of the eggs are safe from death, you will be pleased to know. I also reserve the right to add Hope and/or A1 in, but... Well A1 would take Trump's place, who would instead have to end up with Flippa and Tallulah. Memory would take Tilin's place, who would be dropped back to with Pomme, or even back to Bobby and Chayanne. It's not really to do with their canon ages or aught (okay bar the triplets coming as a three), but yk. It's not actually until Trump/A1 that they actually have any idea what the eggs /are/, beyond slightly odd children. Their parents love them anyway.
Bad and Forever have dumb arguments about literally everything all the time, and when he's injured Bad /will/ use the fact he's one of the squad captains, and therefore writes reports, and Forever is the commander of the operation, and therefore reads reports, to demand Forever bring him snacks/attention while he's injured. It is, unfortunately, a little hard for them to get time and privacy to have not!dates. Living on a single airship with like 40-ish other people once vague background NPCs are accounted for
I've picked out characters I struggle with (Bad, Forever, etc) to have to write a lot of the in-universe documents, and the entire main plot is in-universe documents and then I flesh it out piecemeal like the one fic I did already as takes my fancy. In theory. Not much is written.
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rainboworm · 1 year
I saw Pomme for half a second in a montage and now I'm sad, bring her back pretty please
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shikai-the-storyteller · 10 months
Liveblogging Phil's POV - Part 1
[ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ]
Strap in lads, this is a longgggg liveblog.
Aw, the idea of a shared playlist is so sweet.
Yeah I'm sick of Purgatory it's super stressful watching it and seeing the Fandom being stupid about it. If they keep Purgatory going (which I doubt they'd do, but One Fear and all that) I might stop watching stream as much. It's really not my vibe. If I do watch I'll probably just solo Phil's POV and that's it. I've been watching Fit more than Phil lately (for once) but that's been stressful).
Whenever Phil and Roier interact I gain a +10 boost to my mood
Oh, Maximus was streaming? OK yeah he's definitely set off that bomb today LMAO
Noooo they're all shouting over Maximus and he just goes silent noooo :((( SHUT UP AND LET MAXIMUS SPEAK GOOD GOD
Thank you Phil and Mouse for answering him I was losing my mind
Roier and Etoiles arguing about stupid stuff with each other is so funny, I'm so glad Purgatory made them become so close
LMAO Etoiles I'm so sorry, your team just loves dying
It's sad that Maximus didn't log on more, I wish more people knew how funny he is and what a good RPer he is :(
Mouse is so funny too I wish I had time to watch her
44m - Phil: Do we have a choice? Tubbo: We always have a choice. Banger convo
46m - Etoiles: I could kill them naked You sure could dude
NOOO ETOILES DONT SAY THAT THE EGGS ARE GONNA HAVE A DEATH BATTLE MY HEART DROPPED INTO MY STOMACH oh nvm "Dapper clears" made me laugh. Pomme would be awesome too.
52m 30s - Two coffee beans and a wooden hoe I'm DYING
Cellbit was only holding back his murderous tendencies on the Island because of coffee (and Roier)
The pure serotonin of hearing Etoiles sing a Spanish song I know :')
Poor Maximus coming back after 30 minutes. Surely he isn't working on his bomb (copium)
LMAO Maximus and his new server
58m - Maximus: Gays, any news?
I love him
Oh Phil is gonna wipe the floor with Tubbo
LMAO of course he says stick fight
Poor Etoiles he's suffering
"Switch your hearts to Hardcore" Ok, Slime said that as a joke but that'd go so hard
Thank god Phil is going to be honorable about it, I know Tubbo will be too.
SHAKING MY SCREEN PLEASE STOP TALKING OVER MAXIMUS EVERYONE!!! This is a topic we’ve talked about a billion time but man, I wish they could implement translations / subtitles into their group chat as well, every conversation during events is biased in favor of English speakers. Aypierre was based for speaking only French with Bad and Fit the other day.
I love Etoiles he’s so funny
I LOVE THAT PHIL AND TUBBO ARE TALKING THIS OUT, AGH!!! I LOVE COMMUNICATION I MISSED THIS!!!!! I hated the lack of communication during the first week and a half of Purgatory
Awh, Fit checking in on Maximus :’)))) Fit’s always been so sweet to the OG Spanish-speaking members of the server, it melts my heart. He brings them up every so often during his streams and he’s always so kind.
LMAO I was gonna be like “Aw Tubbo being sweet about the kids” and then of course he’s like SCREW DAPPER, classic Tubbo
The only real winner of Purgatory is Antoine, he knew better than to log on while Purgatory was going on.
OH GOSH THE TRANSCRIPTIONS ARE A NIGHTMARE ok so it was definitely a good call to watch an English streamer for this. I know better than to rely on the transcripts / translation box during an event day with THIS many people online
PFTT ElQuackity wandering through
The gasmasks make me crack up so much because they remind me of a fly and also an old Majora’s Mask mask
“May the cursed team win” STOP BAITING THEM TBH I think they’re either all cursed or there is no cursed team
NOOOO I’m so sad I can’ hear the music Phil played during this fight
Screw it, pausing the VOD and pulling up my own hype music
I love seeing Phil going into sweat mode, his whole posture and expression shifts
Yeah no surprise there, Phil is cracked
Aww Bagi being so supportive of Tubbo is sweet
Wait noooo I just realized Pac isn’t online :(((((((((
Uh oh ladies
“I had my fun shuffling those friendships around” man wants to be taken seriously so bad with his little villain of the week speech PISS OFF oh ok just a few more games PHEW I thought he was ACTUALLY gonna pull a “Purgatory 2: Electric Boogaloo” on us and I was about to straight up turn off my computer and go to bed.
That’s sick as hell actually LETSGO I wanna see them wail on this circus clown
Phil: KILL HIS ASS KILL HIS ASS Phil just like me fr
“I’ve been close to you this entire time” Mouse: I’m gonna kill Quackity Based. Everyone immediately attacking the frickin admin I’m cackling LMFAO THEY ALL JUST KILL ELQUACKITY everyone be like “THIS IS FOR SENDING US TO HELL FOR 2 WEEKS THAT WAS SO STRESSFUL”
OH??? LETTERS NEXT TO THEIR NAMES??? Everyone except Aypierre, Bad, Fit, Baghera, Cellbit, Foolish, and Slime… Hmmmm… G I L G H S C M Ok well that’s a bunch of nonsense. I’m pausing the VOD I wanna try and work this out. Yeah I got nothing, I’m gonna keep watching for now lmao. I wonder if this is related to their tickets maybe? Though that doesn’t match up
Bagi has a 4 now??
I’d say “Maybe this is another ploy by the Eye to make them suspicious of each other and fight” but I think it’d be more interesting if the Eye was saying the truth this time
Aypierre (ha– “EYE-pierre” I wish someone made that joke) and Max having a private convo??? I’m sure there will be no major lore repercussions from whatever they’re talking about! (Copium)
LMAO I’m glad one of them was finally like “Is this a trap? Maybe we shouldn’t ALL run head-first into whatever this is.”
I swear if Quackity logged out to switch accounts or something–
I always wonder what “logging out” would translate to in the world. Would it just be like, the character falling asleep? Phasing out of existence? Hmm…
1h 48m - Bagi: I think the one who should spin it is Phil! Phil:
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Big mood Phil
I wonder if this is gonna determine what Egg we get back… will we only be able to rescue one? OH ACTUALLY NO – the Eye talked about multiple games. Maybe each game is about getting one of the Eggs back? That seems to easy though, I’m starting to wonder if they only get one Egg back. That would suck though because it implies that they’d have to do a whole Purgatory-esque event again for EVERY single Egg, and if they did that I’d drop dead.
Fit I love you, thank you for telling everyone to shut up and listen to Phil. Too much chaos.
Slime: I think I misclicked SHUT UP LMAOOO Oh so the Eye told Phil to spin it too, so they were right.
Poor Phil :(((( That’s so much pressure on him
THE WORKER HAS AN EYE WTF Lmao Roier immediately laughs at it Is that supposed to be the thing that was “close to them” all along? That doesn’t make any sense.
Ok cards on the table here: my first choice would be Richarlyson. I know this is all RNG based, but he’d be my first choice of all the alive Eggs. I’m almost certain it won’t be him though, I feel like it’s gonna be Tallulah or something.
Number 7? Roier: Vegetta? 777? Pftt
They should’ve just had Phil be the only one in the room– OH DOOR? Slime: YOU COULDN”T AFFORD A FASTER DOOR? GET THEIR ASS SLIME LMAO
Foolish: I’m drowning! Oh wait no, I meant the opposite of that. Pfttt
That frickin one-eyed worker looks so tired I wonder if that’s the worker Cucurucho sent, and it just got possessed by the Eye dude since the Eye didn’t have a physical body or didn’t want to show them its actual physical body or something? Hmmmmm.
OH THANK GOD THEY CAN GET OUT wait but no they're blocked by glass still?
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I'm so sorry Chayanne but that did make me laugh
Phil: You did well Me: *BURSTS INTO TEARS*
LMAO Why is Tallulah just dancing
Ramon: Took u long enough to find me Me: *BURSTS INTO TEARS EVEN MORE*
Bro I missed the Eggs so much dude :( I know we probably won’t get them all back rn but it’s so nice just seeing them
Slime: My sleep schedule, no–
Cucurucho please get your ass over here
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Genuinely though, if they kept this event going any longer I think so many streamers would actually quit and I wouldn’t even blame them. I’d probably drop it too for a while, it’s just way too much stress.
Tallulah: So he is not here? again? :( I hate to be that guy but literally what did you expect LMAO his ass is NOT coming back for some random Purgatory event
Phil: Don’t worry, I am here. HELL YEAH YOU ARE!!! BEST DAD PHIL
Oh… Phil running between Tallulah and Chayanne breaks my heart a little bit :(((
I wonder if Chayanne is separated because he’s the leader / eldest of the group. :(
Maximus: Guys, I’m gonna explode an atomic bomb. Phil: WHAT?
Head in my hands everyone is STILL talking over him while he’s doing this big important lore thing. I am dying. Maximus you deserve the world I am so sorry.
On a meta level, I wonder how many creators actually KNEW that Maximus had a bomb because I know for a fact at least a few of them were genuinely in the dark
This is miserable actually, I’m pulling up Maximus’ VOD rn because this is genuinely frustrating me. “Everyone always talks over everyone else in an event” and all, I know I know, but it still sucks to see.
OH DANG HE REALLY JUMPED STRAIGHT INTO THE LORE Lmfao not the cutesy hello in the midst of tense music, Max I love you.
Bro I’m about to start posting Sapo Peta clips, I NEED people to know how insanely good this man is at storytelling and RP, nobody frickin Gets It
I’m jumping to his conversation with Aypierre.
Aypierre: I’m a little curious Maximus: You can keep that “curious” in your mind. I love him.
1h 16m - Maximus: When all of this is finished, you won’t need my trust anymore. Banger line.
Aypierre: …Are you gonna kill yourself, Maximus? No, don’t do that. AGH.
Maximus: Maybe. AGH!!!!!!
Head in my hands, Maximus saying hi to Tina and getting no response, I think she was AFK
1h 18m - Maximus: I don’t trust you.
LMAO not Aypierre saying “I won’t kill you anymore.” Completely normal thing to say.
Aypierre: Will it kill only the Federation, or everyone? Maximus: *dead silent* Me: YEAH ALRIGHT, BUCKLE IN BOYS IT’S GONNA BE ONE OF THOSE DAYS
Maximus what the hell is wrong with your facecam
Maximus just laughing after the Eye said they couldn’t leave. Badass.
Nobody listening to Maximus. I am chewing a live wire.
Bagi I love you but your volume is so frickin loud in everybody’s POV I’m dying
That being said: absolutely badass of Maximus to just reveal where it is
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I hit the word limit so I'm splitting this liveblog into 3 separate posts! Please see Part 2 and Part 3 here for the rest.
3 notes · View notes
house-vulort · 2 years
Cursed Child
TW: Trauma related content.
It was a warm midsummer’s night in Ishgard. The dead of night was silent, the mountain winds rolled through brushing past shrubs and buildings, waving house banners as it rushed through. A cloaked woman quickly approached one of the lesser houses, rocking a small blanketed babe in her arms, rocking it to sleep. Muffled sobs came from under her tight layers.
“Please forgive me… They are forcing me to do this… I’m so sorry… Please don’t hate me as you grow…” She gently squeezes the bundled baby before laying him down on the step with a letter tucked into the blankets. The woman knocked the door before taking flight, stealing one last look at the now crying child before vanishing into the darkness.
After a few minutes, a servant came to the door and quickly took the child inside to be out of the elements and to the masters of the house, Lord Arsène and Lady Liliane Bellerose. The child, named Loïc, is the Lord’s bastard son.
“You are NOT keeping that child! Do you have any idea what kinds of rumors would spread!? It doesn’t even help you secretly provide succor to her and THIS is how she pays it back!? Just give him to an orphanage, he’ll be better there.”
“You know I can’t do that… He’s of my blood, I can’t just give him up like that, and if being brought here was the will of the Fury, who am I to deny her? I can’t abandon my blood…”
“That CHILD will bring ruin to us! If his existence gets out do you know how much it will tear us down!? We’ll lose everything your family had spent generations building as merchants!”
“So I should let an innocent child suffer to save ourselves!? How cruel are you! He’s mere days old and all you can think about is discarding something so sacred!”
The couple argued for hours over the child, until finally a settlement was made. He was allowed to remain in the house, but was never to be treated as one of the “pure” blooded children the couple raised, he was to live in the servants quarters and go about his business there, not to set foot in certain parts of the house, and Lord Arséne can only maintain their “positive” relationship in private.
As Loïc grew, he would witness the pain his family expressed as their reputation slowly slipped away as the years went by. House Bellerose was slowly declining with no way to restore it in sight. Loïc’s older half siblings, Rainer, Émile, and Pomme would try to restore it by joining the knights or studying to be inquisitors but fate would spit goal after goal back in their face. If anything went wrong in the house, they’d always find a way to blame him in some way. Loïc however, would smile even if the world hated him.
His younger half-sister, Pomme, was born rather frail and prone to illness, she had a kind heart, and always went out of his way to play with Loïc despite their elder siblings taking after their mother’s harsh words to tease him. One day, Pomme fell deathly ill and the only cure to her illness were special underwater plants that grew in a lake in the Dravanian Forelands, a lake where a dragon made its home. Sadly, it grew costly to hire knights to slay the beast and claim the herbs, Arséne almost gave up on it until little Loïc, having vanished for days, turned up into the room, badly beaten and bloody, clutching a cluster of plants in his fist.
“I… I got the medicine… Can you save… her?” All before collapsing from exhaustion. Arséne demanded he be given a bed in the house as he regained his strength. Once Pomme recovered, she visited him everyday and ever since, the two were inseparable. For a while, things seemed to look up, Loïc began training to guard his sister with his life, along with assisting in the family shop when he could.
Everything was fine, until a vandal broke in and set a fire in the shop. Nothing could be saved, and the funds to recover were difficult to come by, as that shop was the biggest source of income for House Bellerose. Arséne was beginning to fear for his family, without that shop, they were on the verge of collapsing. Loïc wanted to do something regardless of the cost. He needed to think of something fast. His brothers and mother still saw him as dead weight, he needed to do something to help ease their pain… He grabbed some of the toys he was given and took them to the streets and made the attempt to sell them for starting funds, but none would buy.
He sat on the stone walkways of the Jeweled Crozier disheartened as tears formed in his eyes. Then, several thousand gil coins dropped at his feet. Looking up, he saw two older men, smiling down at him.
“Hey kid, ease up, fortune will come! If you come with us, you can save them.”
“Save them? You mean my family? How?”
“Come on and I’ll show you!” The man beckoned him to follow and led him to an alleyway. “We need a runner, you take those to our warehouse in the Western Highlands, and we’ll pay you ten thousand per day!”
Loïc’s eyes widened. A way to save the house! He grabbed several sacks and started running to the Foundation to take the next airship to Falcon’s Nest, and off to the warehouse as directed. He constantly traveled back and forth until the sun started to set. Then his new boss while back in the city handed him his coin. This job continued for several weeks, filling Loïc with such joy and hope for his family for the future, not only that he was starting to get more acquainted with people outside the staff of the house. He eventually learned his job was transporting various tomes and weaponry, but really thought nothing of it until much later.
A few weeks went by, and Loïc began to notice his boss becoming more and more paranoid, changing the drop off Loïc had to deliver to, ordering him to change clothes hidden away from everyone before heading off. A few times he wanted to leave the job, but each time was convinced or threatened to stay. Oh, he should have ran the first time, but the threat of his family hung over his head low enough to stop him in his tracks.
Loïc was making his usual trek across the Western Highlands once more, but there were more hunters than usual. Why were they always glancing over at him before hurrying off to track their prey down? Odd, but Loïc kept up his pace and tried to remain hidden. Every now and then a new hunter would be on his path. He stopped and took a different route to his drop off. As he got to where he needed to be, and looked around, no one. He let out a sigh of relief and knocked on the door several times until he heard a click! of the lock. He quickly went within and was met with his boss and several guards, who immediately took the parcel he was carrying.
“You made sure you weren’t followed, right?” His boss placed both of his hands on Loïc’s shoulders, leaning close.
“N-no, no one was close by! But there were a lot of hunters on the path. I didn’t think hunting season was that busy this time of year.”
The man’s face went white. “No… too many dragons in this part, too risky for common hunters…” then it twisted to a vile, hate filled mass, as he used all of his force to shove Loïc to the ground. “IDIOT!!! WE’VE BEEN TRYING TO AVOID THEM FOR WEEKS AND YOU LEAD THEM RIGHT TO US!!!”
One of the scouts burst in.
“Boss! It’s dragoons and Temple Knights! They are mobilizing towards here!”
They all looked down to Loïc, that friendliness that they once gazed to him with was now gone.
“This runt was dumb enough to blow everything we’ve worked on… Give him his payment.” The boss nodded to two of the guards, who grabbed Loïc by both of his arms and dragged him to the middle of the room.
“What? What’s going on!? What are you doing!?”
“Shut the fuck up. We had a great thing going for our side, and you ruined everything! Now they know of our routes and operations, you might as well be in league with the damn Inquisition! Have fun dealing with them brat..”
The guards forced him upwright, and pulled his head back. Boss forced his jaw open and forced a vial of red liquid down his throat. His body felt like it was lit on fire from within, growing more intense as more of the liquid flowed out of the vial. Once it was empty, he was shoved to the ground once more.
Pain erupted all over Loïc’s body, and he thrashed about, screaming.
“You stay here and give them a nice greeting, Loïc! Thank you for your sacrifice and buying us time!” He gave him a strong kick in the head to knock him out. His vision went red before fading to black.
Hours later, he awoke in a small room, chained to a wall. He looked around the room, it was plain stone walls, with a small wooden barred door. In front of him, at the familiar white robes of an inquisitor. Loïc’s right eye may be swollen shut from the kick, but he could tell this was a gaol cell.
“Sleep well, heretic? Are you conscious enough to answer some questions?”
“Huh? What? Where am I?”
“Your cell for now. You were with the group of smugglers selling our weapons they stole to various heretical sects outside of the city.”
“S-smuggling!? Theft!? I was just doing my job!”
“One they coaxed you into doing for them. You were among them, making you, a heretic. You do know the punishments for heresy, yes?”
Death. Loïc swallowed, the burning feeling in the pit of his stomach grew.
They manipulated you. You thought you were all friends, and they stabbed you in the back! What will your family think of you now!? You are nothing but a curse to them!
No… No, no! This isn’t happening.
“You can prove your innocence in front of a court via trial by combat. Lose, and you are taken to Witchdrop for execution. Win, and… I’m sorry, but you still were an accomplice, you’ll still be taken back here for your sentence. “
Either way, he still loses. But one will bring less disaster to his family.
“I’ll… I’ll fight…”
The inquisitor blinked at him, confused.
“You are that desperate to protect your family? Why would a bastard fight so hard for that? They wouldn’t care.”
“No, I have to keep them safe! Please!”
The inquisitor lets out a sigh. “Very well, I shall arrange your trial, along with sending word to your family. They may like to see you if they think of you as fondly as you think.” He stood up and bowed. “Rest well then, Greystone, you’ll need it.”
Days went by after his visit from the inquisitor. His arranged trial was later that week. He sat in the corner of his cell on the cold stone floor. Outside, he heard a jumble of keys, as his door was unlocked.
“Ten minutes is all you get with this creature.” Came a voice. As the door was opened, Pomme and their father stepped within.
“Lulu! Are you hurt!?” The young woman rushed over to him, resting a hand on his jaw as she looked at his bruised eye.
Loïc frowned at the nickname. “Please, you don’t have to call me that, sweet apple pie, I’m healing, but I’m fine.” He pulled her into a hug.
“Do you have any idea what this does to the rest of us!? Regardless of if you are proven innocent or guilty in the eyes of the Fury, we can’t recover from this! What the seven hells were you thinking joining heretics sceme!?”
“You! I was thinking of you!” Loïc’s eyes changed for a split moment, causing both his father and Pomme to step back.
“I wanted to keep you safe! I knew I was transporting weapons, but I never knew anything besides that until they left me behind! I know I should have ran the second they were getting paranoid, but anytime I loved my concerns they threatened to find you and kill you if I didn’t stay!”
Arséne stepped closer to him and sighed.
“I don’t care if you think of me as a stain on this family, I’m still a part of it! I’m not a legitimate heir, some of you think I’m the reason for all of this, when all I EVER wanted was to help keep your image, but no matter what I did or tried it nothing ever worked!”
“That doesn’t mean you throw your life away for our sake!”
Pomme pulled him close. “What did they do to you?” She whispered.
“What? Other than beat me to a pulp?”
“No, Loïc, your eyes…” Arséne eyes the door before dropping his voice lower. “They drugged you with dragon’s blood, didn’t they?”
Loïc’s face went white as a ghost. “I…I…”
“Keep it hidden at all costs! If they find out even if you win your trial, they’ll drag you to Witchdrop to meet your fate. By the Fury, I should have kept you safe more…”
“What could you have done better than you already did?”
“I don’t know…”
“Times up! Leave the cell!”
Both Pomme and Lord Arséne squeezed Loïc into a hug.
“You win this, we’ll be there for it, to cheer you on, I promise.”
The two left his cell, leaving him alone once more. Dragon’s blood… that was what was forced down his throat… it’s consumption was punishable by execution. He had to hide it as this disembodied voice in his head screamed for vengeance, every fiber of his being burned. He kept shaking his head, convincing himself the pain was nothing to what he had experienced all his life.
It was the day of the trial, he was escorted to the Tribunal, swapping his prisoner’s attire for a set of armor and a sword. An audience had gathered above in the stands. Amongst the crowd, he spotted his family, all of them, Arséne, Liliane, Rainer, Èmile, and Pomme. Far behind them, leaning against the wall, was a masked, cloaked man and a spectacled young man, who eyed Loïc with an intense burning hatred in his eyes.
“Loïc Greystone of House Bellerose, you stand accused of heresy and theft of property of the Holy See. This trial is to see if you bear guilt of heresy in the eyes of the Fury. You still bear the right to name a champion, are you still naming yourself as yours?”
“I will fight on my own, yes.”
“Very well. A knight has been selected as your opponent.” The familiar clang of a temple knight rang in his ears. The knight bowed his head to Loïc. “Now then, May the Halone guide both of you.”At the judge’s call, the gates to the arena dropped.
The knight drew his sword and shield, and Loïc raised his blade. He wasn’t an officially trained fighter compared to a temple knight, he had to fight for his life in this. Losing meant death. Even if he won, he’d still end up inthe , but it was better than death. The two began their clash, strike after strike, metal sang out to the arena, as the crowd loudly jeered and clamored. The knight made a clean strike near Loïc’s eye, blinding him from the blood.
Use your power, give into the blood! Make them pay!
No! I won’t throw away my life!
Water began to drip from Loïc’s blade, before erupting and coating the blade in scalding hot water. No, I’ll win this my way. About clash of blades, Loïc’s water ability became a turning point in the fight, taking the knight off guard as he winced as the water dripped down his own blade and shield, burning him.
Their clash went on for several minutes, with the knight frequently recoiling back as the heat touched his metal armor. Both were becoming more and more exhausted as their clash continued.
End it! END IT! Come on, you want this! Burn that helmet off and watch him scream!
Loïc’s grip tightened on his blade, as water gracefully flowed from it. The knight regained his composure, however, all that remained in the knight’s eyes was exhaustion. Loïc made one last strike, with the knight trying to counter, yet the knight fell to the ground. The crowd began to clamor loudly with a mixture of cheers and audible confusion on how a boy with no formal training beat a knight. Loïc pulled the knight back to his feet.
“As Halone is your witness, Loïc Greystone, you are innocent of the accusation of heresy.”
The weakened knight gave him a light jab in the shoulder, to congratulate him.
“HOWEVER! This unfortunately does not remove your charges of theft of property of the Holy See. Your sentence… ten years in the gaol.”
Loïc’s heart went in his throat. All the noise became distant as he slowly walked back to the gates and was escorted away back to the gaol, all while his family screamed his name. He never did see them again after that…
Ten years… Ten long years. He stayed in that cell for ten years as was his sentence. During that time, the Calamity occurred five years in, frostbite ate away at his hands during that, thankfully not severe enough to damage the flesh and bone, but frequently caused tremors. All he thought about was his family, who he hasn’t seen since his trial and maintaining positive memories to keep the blood at day. Finally, FINALLY, he was finally let out. He was given back his old belongings, which were now too small for him to wear. However, some kind member of the guards he talked with over his long stay gave him a warm coat and boots before he made his way back to the family estate.
He ran back, excited to see them after ten years. Oh he could not wait to hear the stories they’d have! Then… he slid to a stop. In place of what used to be his home, was a broken down building that had looked abandoned for years. What was going on? He desperately pushed the door open, the estate reeked of dust.
“Rainer? Father? Pomme? Are any of you here!?”
He panicked, going through the abandoned home looking for any signs of where they could be.
“Come on, this isn’t funny!”
Finally he found an opened letter on his father’s dresser. It was a threat to leave the city or life would be made much worse for them all, it was dated the day after his trial. His heart sank again, they left him alone… but they couldn’t abandon him… right?
The fear and rage built up from within him, as he let out a loud shriek of grief before collapsing.
He woke up days later into a medic ward with a very high fever, and… growing scales across his body. Turns out, reports were made of a wailing creature in the abandoned house, where a sobbing dragon was found. His curse couldn’t take being bottled up after the sudden realization and the feeling of abandonment. His body ached, as he sat up, he noticed something off with his hands aside from the tremors… Were those… black scales growing on the back of his wrists? He tried picking and scratching them off, but soon it would start to bleed. They were a part of his very flesh. Each time his mind went into his doubts and paranoia on everyone around him, he’d turn into a dragon, and once calmed, more scales grew. It would seem his body, after ten years of keeping the dragon blood curse hidden, was now eating away at his mortal body.
Loïc would spend most of his time alone, in fear of getting close to someone only to be dropped again. He had nowhere to go, until he met a Raen hailing from the East and the lord that took her into his house, the son of his father’s biggest and most hated rival, House Vulort. With them, he began to feel some hope of living a new life.
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yuriboobz · 2 years
epic rap battles of history gordon ramsay vs julia child begin and that's how you make a perfect risotto right mrs child welcome to the grown-ups table ive got exactly two minutes and you should be grateful causeim in the fucking weeds with all these shows to pitch ikeep my ovens preheated and my pilots green lit im a seasoned skillet your a pam sprayed pan i got michelin stars youre like the michelin man im rolling in dough like beef wellington from hollering and im shitting on you like im whack-flows intolerant oh isnt that a wonderful thing a grumpy little chef who thinks he can bring enough stuff to justify getting rough with the butter loving queen of the bourguignon boeuf i rock hard as concrete on top of these bomb beats been chopping the pommes frites since you sucked on ur moms teats i served AMERICA🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 dutifully and i slice lard beautifully i reign supreme from shark repellent to charcuterie go on and cross your arms in that b boy stance when it comes to haute cuisine theres one f word FRANCE🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷 heres a nice amuse-bouche take a poor abused youth set a thirty year timer voila huge douche youre a namby pamby candy ass pansy gordon ramsay you couldnt rap your way out of a pastry bag understand me i laugh and create you berate and destroy but fear my dear boy is less scrumptious than joy im glad you got that off your giant flabby chest id call you a donkey but you look more like shrek when the iron man chef busts a rhyme ill open up on you like a fine red wine im a culinary innovator youre no creator regurgitating FRENCH🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷 plates like a glorified translator im fresh youre past your expiration date aight fuck it blue team drop the bouillabaisse yes chef ive seen your little show and it sure aint pretty one part big bird two parts miss piggy you cant test me with your fatty recipes call your book mastering the art of heart disease i mean its rubbish yes chef look at page four hundred eight tell me who the fuck wants to learn to cook calf brains you call these rhymes raw theyre stale and soft now here take this jacket now give it back and fuck off oh please your defeats guaranteed concede ive got this in the bag sous vide michelin indeed youve done well for yourself but as a person you couldnt get a star on yelp i could freeze a steak with those frosted tips whats with that bitter taste in every word from your lips you scream at women but the fits that youre pitchin make you the pissiest bitch in the kitchen ill pat you on the head melt you and stick it to ya anythings good with enough butter booya oh im so glad you spent this time with me now eat a dick bon appetit who won whos next you decide epic rap battles of history
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1-800-inamorata · 2 years
what’s up yall
what the fuck is up ’m back after four years and thirstier than ever so im gonna bring this blog back to life for a little.
ill be writing mainly for valorant, but also some stuff for overwatch and other misc. fandoms here and there. 
this is a reminder that my writings have very dark themes that may unsettle people - this includes but is not limited to: dubcon, noncon, kidnapping, yandere, etc...
please read at your own risk and keep yourselves in a good headspace. also i tend to write reader insert and not canon x canon fics and drabbles. ok anyways my requests are open for valorant and im about to start dumping some stuff on here, might be unfinished and shit.
love yall
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
Vous parlez français?
Word Count: 2015
Summary/Request: “Younger Kelly has a girlfriend, and she discovers that he can speak in French, she thinks it’s incredibly sexy and he teases her about it. She gets frustrated and goes into their bedroom and starts to get herself off and he overhears her and goes in and goes down on her, while speaking french.”
A/N: I wrote this for @littlemisscare-all scare-all and she wanted the give a shout-out “this fic is dedicated to @that-80s-chick and @styles94bolan89 and all the members of the quack cult.”
You guys come up with the best ideas and I love the energy you bring! If you want to support me please like, reblog and message me or Buy me a coffee :)
Thank you for interacting with me and making writing fun!
Warning: Sexual content, dirty talk. Please be 18+
Tag List: @thenobodies-inc , @littlemisscare-all @agroupiewhore , @ayablackwood
“C’est bien ici. J'écris de la musique toute la journée et la joue la nuit.” (It’s fine here. I write music all day and play at night) Kelly was standing with his back to you as you walked into the apartment. Listening as he spoke French over the phone to someone you froze. The groceries that you held in your hand seemed to be forgotten as you set the things down to listen.
You loved when Kelly spoke French. Even though you had only found out about a week ago he was fluent you’d ask him to speak to you in the language, always dragging him into the bedroom or whatever space you could find after listening to him say everything in the other language. It drove you absolutely wild hearing him speak.
He entertained your fetish with his language, loving how a movement of his tongue and a few words you didn’t understand could turn you stupid. You had turned so helplessly horny at Kelly speaking the language, like he had turned on a switch in you that made you squeeze your thighs together so you didn’t leak out. He would watch with a twinkle in his eyes as you squirmed at his voice, waiting for you to pounce on him.
“Mon petit canard vient de rentrer. Je me rappellerai bientôt. Au revoir.” (my little duck just got home. I will call again soon. Goodbye.”)You bit your lip as you saw him turn to look at you, knowing you had been eavesdropping on the conversation you didn’t understand. “Are you going to stand there with our groceries or put them away?” He teased you knowing you had gotten caught up in listening agajn.
Pouting you moved into the kitchen with him, starting to put away the food from the grocery store run you had made. Your mind thinking back to the words you overheard and had no meaning other than making you very wet.
“Can you speak French well I put away the groceries? You can hand me stuff and tell me the word for it.” You asked your boyfriend. Kelly rolled his eyes at you, thinking that you had lost your mind, “C’mon, please. You know how much I like it.” Putting on your begging face you gave him your best pout to try to sway him to do your bidding.
“You want me to talk about the fruit you bought? If I say les pommes you’re going to get wet over the apples.” he teased but he also wasn’t wrong. You could already feel the way your belly was tightening in need. “How about you speak some french to me? Tu parles français? (You speak French?)” The way he was looking at you with amusement in his eyes didn't help the situation. Kelly could get mean when he was teasing you and you saw that was coming, “Pourquoi es-tu si excitée par mon français ?(Why do you get so turned on by my french?) Laisseriez-vous un homme au hasard vous baiser s'il parlait français ?( Would you let a random man fuck you if he was speaking French?)” he was reaching for his cigarettes on the counter chuckling at you.
“Don’t laugh at what turns me on. That’s so rude.” you arranged the fruit in the bowl, watching as he leaned against the counter. He seemed so at ease, so sure of himself, it was part of what turned you on.how confident Kelly was in who he was.
“Everything turns you on. I can’t even speak without you dragging me to the bedroom.” Shaking your head you gave him a look letting him know that he had annoyed you. But Kelly had turned away, his back to you cleaning up a few dishes in the sink so he didn’t see the look that you were giving him before you left the room.
You shut the door behind you, frustrated at Kelly teasing you. He didn’t do it to be a jackass but maybe he was right about you asking him to speak French so much when you couldn't say anything back to him.
Pulling off the dress you were wearing you tossed it in the hamper, climbing into bed in just your underwear you laid back. Horny and frustrated that your boyfriends wouldn’t indulge you. All you wanted was him to speak a little French to you. The way that he rolled out the words in such a deep tone. A groan of appreciation for the man's voice escaped your lips, your hand sliding over your stomach. Letting your hand slide over the mound covered in silky fabric. You had already gotten so wet that the panties you were wearing needed to be peeled off, the sticky wetness between your legs begging for you to touch it.
If Kelly wasn’t going to take care of you then you would have to take care of yourself. You lifted your butt off the bed, sliding the panties off your legs. Almost embarrassed as you laid back, bending your legs and spreading them. You rested your hand over yourself, running your middle finger over the slickness.Your other hand tugging a nipple taunt, a soft sigh of satisfaction escaping your lips.
Your left hand slid two fingers over your clit rubbing in counterclock motion, pressing against the ball of nerves as your hips pushed up needy for more.The groan of pleasure came out of your mouth again. Your right hand slid down over your body feeling the slickness of your pussy, asking to be filled. Two of your fingers slid into your greedy body, sliding into your wetness; another moan left the back of your throat as your head rolled back on the pillow.
Pants of pleasure were leaving your mouth as you worked your own body thinking of the way Kelly’s mouth looked as he talked. The way he puckered his lips, his tongue sliding to wet his lips to get more words out. The image of him making your body need him more, the slippery sweetness sliding around your fingers and down your ass and thighs as you thought of your boyfriend.
“Est-ce que tu es mauvais ici?” (Are you being bad in here?) the door opened and you blushed. Kelly had heard you moaning and had caught you in a vulnerable position. Your legs were spread wide, your hand spread over your clit as you two fingers stayed inside of your body, frozen in embarrassment that he had walked in on you.
Kelly licked his lips, taking in the sight of you spread out before him like his own personal buffet. Walking over to the bed slowly he shook his head at you making your blush deepen. He reached out a hand for you to give him something.
“Regarde toi! Je parle un peu français et tu te mouilles.” (look at you! I speak a little French and you get wet.” Kelly tsked at you, walking into the bedroom and kicking the door closed behind him.
The sight of him was just working you up more. You wanted him between your legs fucking you, whispering all sorts of things in your ear as his cock filled you. Bouncing on him with your juices flowing over his cock. Your hips bounced up at the idea of him between them working your body. It was like every part of your body wasn’t yours anymore, every inch wanted Kelly and was reacting to the idea.
“Donne- toi ta main.” (Give me your hand.) You looked confused, not sure what he was saying to you but loving how the words vibrated through your body. You could feel the way your pussy squeezed around your own fingers, your horny brain not letting you think. He held his hand out still and moved the hand off your clit to give it to him, “Non, l’autre.” His head moved to motion to the hand between your legs
A blush was on your face as you realized what he wanted. You slid out your two fingers from your core, strings of your cum attached from the tips of your fingers to the wetness of your mound. You watched Kelly, licking his lip as he grabbed your wrist, thinking you were moving too slow, bringing your hand to his mouth. His tongue darted out swiping over teh wetness of your fingers, giving a groan of satisfaction as he tasted you on your own fingers. He moved his mouth over them, sucking each digit clean of your wetness.
“Il est temps que mes doigts te remplissent.” (Time for my fingers to fill you) he shifted so he was between your legs, pushing your thighs a little further apart. You bucked up against him, watching the way a smile slid out on the side of his face. “Tu es une pute, mon petit canard.” (you are a whore, my little duck) the man spit on your pussy, his fingers using it as lubrication as he rubbed your clit. A strangled moan came out of your mouth.
Kelly’s fingers did things to you that you didn’t think was possible. The way they moved in a turning pattern inside of you, turning towards your belly button inside of you, curling and rubbing inside of you at the spot that had your legs shaking. He kept his eyes on your pussy, his fingers swirling inside of you well, his other hand rested on top of your stomach, his thumb lazily playing your clit in time with the movements of his fingers.
He kept pulling his fingers out, scissoring ner your entrance and watching the way your wetness was sticky strands around him. He loved seeing how wet and excited you got from him. As much as he teased you about liking him speaking French so much he loved knowing he could make your body react like this.
"Veux-tu que je te baise avec ma langue?” (do you want me to fuck you with my tongue?) His eyes were on you and you knew that he was asking you a question. You couldn’t respond between the strangled moans of pleasure and cried out. Luckily for you he took this as confirmation you did want his tongue to work for you.
Kelly wrapped his arms around your thighs, pulling you forward and licking his lips with wicked glee. Keeping your legs open and. It was hard not squeezing his head between your thighs and riding his face to have your orgasm. Kelly seemed to notice the way your legs were butterflying and slid his hands up to hold them up. His tongue sliding up, doing a lap around your drizzling cunt, kissing your clitoris like it was the start and finish line.
“Tu as le goût du paradis.” (you taste like heaven) He was hungrily licking you, his tongue dipping into your body, exploring the intimate part of you, lapping at your greedy little cunt as he purred out compliments in French.
You gripped his hair, hand sliding into the black locks and fisting your boyfriend's head. Pushing your hips up to get his tongue deeper into you, rolling your hips so that you could make his tongue explore all the hidden spots. You moaned loudly, pushing your thighs against his hands as your orgasm came through you. Kelly’s hands would leave bruises on your soft thighs from the pressure of holding you in place.
He looked up at you, eyes peeking out between your legs before sitting up, wiping your wetness from his mouth and chin with a Cheshire Cat-like grin splitting across his face.
“Vas-tu mieux maintenant, mon petit canard?” (all better now, my little duck) His wicked grin knowing he was just starting you all up again.
“You must still be hungry.” You said giving him a death look. Kelly kisses your inner thigh, sending you another one of his looks.
“J’ai toujours faim de toi.” (I am always hungry for you) You felt his mouth dip lower and gripped the sheets knowing you were in for a long afternoon.
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phoenix-manga · 4 years
The Real Idols at VDC
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Everyone was excited for the VDC, people who work in the media gathered at the purple stage venue to get a shot of two of the most popular models in Twisted Wonderland. The blonde -haired young man known for his beautiful yet professional attitude, Vil Schoenheit, and the black-haired boy with an adorable face that was rising in the ranks, Neige Leblanche.
The VDC was a one in a million for fans of both males, they were waiting to see what they will bring to the stage. The media only focused on those two, leaving the other participants in the shadows.
But maybe that’s a good thing, this way NRC and RSA will get the shock of their lives when certain students from an academy far off in the mountains would come and steal the spotlight from both of them.
A young lady with dark blue hair, tied in side ponytail with a feathered-crown, wearing a red, blue and yellow uniform was walking to the venue for rehearsals alongside another girl with short pinkish hair, she wore a ribbon with a crown on her head and wore a teal and dark green uniform. From around them, she kept hearing people gushing about who was going to win between Neige and Vil. With a frustrated sigh she looks at the colosseum with a look of mild annoyance.
Evonie: NRC and RSA really sure do love hogging the spotlight… I can barely remember the names of the other schools competing!
But I guess that’s just the reality of media… even though our school is a pro at these contests, people didn’t even mention DCA at all…
Allison: You sure are getting pumped up for the championship, aren’t yah Ev? Chill out, it’s not like it’s any different from our usual idol concerts at campus
It was an attempt at cooling down her dark-haired companion but it just made her more determined. As a student who was known for singing and dancing, it was expected for them to be kind of miffed if the people forget their school. But in Evonie’s case, being someone who held a seat as a top idol in DCA might have been a good reason.
The two reach the venue and shows a staff their stage pass, Allison can faintly hear the music from the person currently rehearsing. Everyone backstage was busy hyping themselves up for the competition, the sight alone sparks the Evonie’s competitive spirit.
She’ll make sure that the audience will know who the stage truly belongs to. When the person’s performance ended, a staff called their school, signaling that it was their turn to go on stage. Allison follows Evonie as they go towards the open stage onto an eager crowd.
Announcer: Next performer from Diamond Crown Academy, please enter the stage
Student A: Diamond Crown Academy?... That’s the all-girls school, right?
Student B: I know that school! That school is famous for the idol competitions on and off campus!
Student C: My sister was obsessed with one of the students of that school!
Student D: How could you not know DCA? They had a joint school festival for RSA and NRC! I was there!
The crowd was filled with murmurs and eventually they reached the ears of the NRC team. The first years held confused looks while their seniors were used to the murmuring around them, as if it was normal. From the looks of it, they seem to recognize one of the girls, Vil and Rook that is. Epel piped up and asked Rook what was the fuss all about.
Rook: DCA is an all-girls academy, although not as famous as RSA and NRC, they have an excellent reputation. The one thing that they’re famous for is their idol competitions… and it looks like we will be able to witness a spectacular show
I especially can’t wait to see how princess de pommes and lapin fougueux perform~ Her gaze carries an eternal fire, beaute!
Deuce: I haven’t heard of DCA… this is my first time hearing about them
Jamil: You freshmen only know about NRC and RSA… of course you wouldn’t know about that school…
Kalim: We know someone from that school! She’s a prin-
Jamil: You’re gonna start babbling, so shut it…
Ace: Are they really that good? Seems too good to be true, no one has said anything about DCA until now
Vil: Such uncultured potatoes, you don’t understand the standards of that academy… A variety of educational fields as well as the idol training is the hot topic amongst the girls back in Pyroxene. Although we are focused on taking down RSA’s representative, don’t underestimate them either
And the reason why we haven’t heard anything is because the audience was too busy talking about the battle between NRC and RSA, but there have been mentions of DCA in magicam.
Ace: I-Is that so?...
Rook: You’ll understand once you find out for yourself!
Vil isn’t one to give empty praises, they now know that DCA is something to consider. The first years decided to look to the stage, they will see what Vil meant when the students of DCA don’t joke around when it comes to contests like the VDC.
Announcer: Representative of Diamond Crown Academy will be performing an original song… Eternally Flickering Flame, please begin rehearsal!
The music started off with a loud blast of rock followed by a gothic symphony that captured everyone’s attention, Evonie sings the first lyrics with a loud yet harmonic tune, her movements are graceful with a hint of aggression.
When it was Allison’s turn to sing, she sang with so much energy and her dance, although not as graceful, was very cheerful and all over the place that made some of the people watching tap to the rhythm.
At the two of them were synchronized in their dance and their voices, although were a contrast, created a pleasing harmony. The first years were watching with wide-eyes, no wonder Vil said that they were not to be underestimated. They thought back to their strict training during the past weeks and they wondered how hard these girls trained to be able to give this performance.
It was already hard to sing and dance, but putting magic into the mix? That’s a new level of intensity.
Epel: I… can’t look away!
Deuce: They’re casting magic?! Usually, its at the end of the performance, but here they’re using it throughout the song!
Rook: You are yet to see the main event, mon ami~
At the climax of the song, Evonie and Allison’s rings glowed red and light blue as an orb of light went up the sky and a burst of magic created an illusion of a gloomy forest with black rabbits and flying bats around a silhouette of a crescent moon.
When a chime of a clock was heard, the illusion shatters the moon and it dissolves into the scenery to turn the dark colors of the forest into a red background of crystals and gemstones with black thorns growing from the ground.
They finish the song with a pose with the illusion around them creating an outstanding finish.
The crowd didn’t expect the use of magic to create effects, but it was mesmerizing to look at, all eyes were on them, faces in awe and mouths agape. When their performance ended and the illusion faded, a loud applause fills the venue as students cheered.
TV Staff: That performance gave me goosebumps!
Audience: Seems like DCA is going all out today, huh?
I thought the other performances were good but damn, DCA goes all out!
They’d win for sure!
Neige and Vil will be performing too, but I can’t help but admire DCA’s performance!
Evonie felt proud for some of the comments she hears as her and Allison exit the stage. As soon as every participant was done with rehearsals, the two decided to head to the food booth for a light snack before the performance. Evonie was quietly assessing the choices and thinking deeply on which would be better to eat and won’t make her feel like throwing up when she performs, while Allison was chewing on a chocolate bar.
Evonie was unaware of a small presence behind her until something grabbed her hand, she was startled by the sudden touch and looked to her side only to see one of the dwarves from the rehearsals. “Toby” was what his name was, looking at her with his goofy grin and asymmetric, purple hair.
Toby: Miss Evonie! Timmy is a huge fan of yours, and so am I! The flashy magic you put on stage was super cool!”
Timmy: T-Toby! Don’t rush at her like th-that! And why’d you have to tell her that I’m a fan?! So, embarrassing!!!!
Evonie was frozen, not in fear but in restraint. The dwarves were so cute and she was tempted to pick them up and hold them close to her like a plush. But that would be rude because they’re college students and they are NOT children even if they look like one. Allison was snickering and greeted the dwarves too.
Allison: Aww, Ev, you got a fan!
Evonie: I-I… uhh!
Toby still held her hand and was looking up at her with his doe eyes, it took almost all of her self-restraint to act professional with the dwarf.
Evonie: I-it’s an honor that you like my performances, I am thankful!
Toby: I’ve seen you in that one play about the six queens too! You looked so pretty! Do you wanna come with us to see our other friends? Dominic and the others saw your work too, oh but Gran is not into idols that much…
Timmy: T-Toby! We shouldn’t impose on her and besides, w-we need to stick together! M-Miss Evonie, it was nice meeting you but we need to leave!
Timmy grabs ahold of Toby who was pouting along the way as the two scampered off into the crowd, leaving Evonie behind. Evonie takes a deep breath while Allison looks at the crowd before facing her.
Allison: I don’t see any of my fans… boohoo, quit stealing all my potential fan members!
Evonie: If you had been taking the time to actually participate in SOME venues then you might have had one…
Allison: It isn’t my fault most of the performances they want is girly!
While they were bickering, they don’t notice a grim fight against an overblotted dorm leader was taking place in the colosseum.
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