"they are the best"
nobody ever on the past queens
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is she? 🥖
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Favorite Trixie Mattel Looks (in no particular order) - Girl Scout (7/?)
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girlfriends being girlfriends
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People are so fucking stupid
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Trixie And Katya On Job Interviews, Taxes, And Dentistry - an interview with Fast Company
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the content we asked for
the dress lives
all is well in the universe
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So I just found out that @only1sh0e blocked me 😂😂😂 how mature! you cant have a decent conversation with someone can you?
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@only1sh0e Well I probably know more about drag than she does, it doesnt take very much considering how cheap her drag is. And yes I know she doesnt care, Raven is way too immature and self-centered to think about people's opinions. That's why she will forever be a runner up. 😘✌🏼️And answering to what @allthemodernthings said in that bitter post (bitch calm down) I know Mathu chose RAven and I feel so bad for him. He worked so hard to make Ru face become iconic, and then Raven managed to ruin everything in only 2 years. She was able to make Ru look like shit, which is literally a crime.
Why are some people bothered by the remote possibility of -even just momentarily- replacing Raja and Raven on fashion photo ruview? they’ve been running the show for what, 4 years now? don’t you think it’s time for someone new? Years go by, we get to see new talented queens every year: fans of dr wanna see THOSE queens tooting and booting, the new ones, not two queens who were on tv 10 yrs ago. I’m not being disrespectful, I’m just being realistic. And dont even try and tell me that Raja and Raven are the best fashion queens or any shit like that, cause they’re not the only ones. Violet, Aquaria, Miss Fame, Naomi, Pearl, there are soooo many other talented, high-stylish, fierce queens. Just because Raja and Raven were on the show before them you think they’re better? thats ridicolous. And as much as I can understand why many of you want Raja to keep hosting the show (cause yeah, she’s pretty funny and open-minded and she has an amazing style)… I rly cant understand why you like Raven. I may be a little biased, I dont like her for many reasons, but in all honesty she is the WORST choice for a show like fpr.
1) she’s NOT a fashion queen. Ok her mug is nice, but her fashion? basic. Every single one of her outfits on season 2 was boring and shitty. Idk how she made it to thw top 2. And she doesnt know the fashion references.
2) she’s biased and close-minded. only toots the girly and draggy (and by draggy I mean outdated ) outfits
3) She is not funny. Honestly, she’s boring af. Doesnt know how to make jokes, doesnt laugh very often. She seems quiet and… idk, cold. Maybe she’s just uncomfortable around Raja.
4) her “”“chemistry with Raja”“”…. is just not there. They’re like collegues. they’ve shared the same stages, but it doesnt mean they’re bff or have chemistry duh? they are just too different. Raja is chill. Raven is picky. Raja is fun, Raven is cold. Raja is open-minded, Raven is not.
And ugh their styles. Raja is high-fashion, Raven’s fashion is highly CHEAP. How can they run a fashion show together when their styles are from two different galaxies? They look like they dont know each other, like they dont wanna be there together. When Raven is speaking Raja snorts, rolls her eyes, looks like she’s thinking “omg can you shut up?”. And the latest episodes of fpr with them together were horrible. They never have that much chemistry but in the last 4-5 episodes together they were not even trying/pretending. They can be shady and they know how to throw shade at each other but c'mon, all queens do that. It would be so much better if it was like Idk Raja and Manila? at least they’re actual bff. Manila is an actual fashion queen and her relationship with Raja is great. Or Violet? she’s a goddess. Aja? Raja often said they’re great friends. Aquaria? she’s everybody’s fave now and she’s the reigning queen. I could go on for hours. Anyone would be better than Raven. She’s not the right person for that show, and her relationship with Raja is lackluster.
There are some people on this site ( @only1sh0e @sdr19899 @allthemodernthings and many others) who are obsessed with their friendship, with their “interactions” and thats so amusing, they’re basically supporting a non-existing friendship and getting excited for some boring, trivial interactions. I know those are your faves but cant u just accept the fact their time on the show is over?? Goddamn
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Oh it’s interesting to see how much you Ravja stans can’t take some healthy criticism. I just expressed my opinion and I honestly dont give a heck what you have to say about me. I follow many queens, not only the blonde/ skinny /white ones. (What’s wrong with blonde/skinny/white queens?) And fyi I’ve watched the first 3 seasons and thats why I dont even like Raven. Cause she’s pretentious and untalented. Her fashion is trash. Her personality is trash. She was a bully, remember? You keep on repeating the same shit “they’re fierce, they’re the best, this, that” but none of you can tell me why? Ok Raja has a fierce walk and she has a good sense of style, but Raven? her mug, k. I got it. Then? her style? questionable (idc if her and Raja used to wear the same shit, cause Raja probably knew how to own it, thats the difference). Her sense of humor? cant find it sorry, I’m not gonna watch any of her monologues cause I dont wanna fall asleep. So she is not a fashion queen… not a comedy queen… so why is she considered iconic? who is she to talk about other people’s style when she… looks like that 😂 and I LOVE that y'all desperately try to find things to say about her relationship with Raja, as if they have this amazing incredible friendship lmao. I can imagine how sad you get when you see Raja and Manila, or Raven and Jujubee, who are actually bff. And yes I know Raven is gonna come back, unfortunately. Guess I’ll just wait until WoW decides to find someone better.
Why are some people bothered by the remote possibility of -even just momentarily- replacing Raja and Raven on fashion photo ruview? they’ve been running the show for what, 4 years now? don’t you think it’s time for someone new? Years go by, we get to see new talented queens every year: fans of dr wanna see THOSE queens tooting and booting, the new ones, not two queens who were on tv 10 yrs ago. I’m not being disrespectful, I’m just being realistic. And dont even try and tell me that Raja and Raven are the best fashion queens or any shit like that, cause they’re not the only ones. Violet, Aquaria, Miss Fame, Naomi, Pearl, there are soooo many other talented, high-stylish, fierce queens. Just because Raja and Raven were on the show before them you think they’re better? thats ridicolous. And as much as I can understand why many of you want Raja to keep hosting the show (cause yeah, she’s pretty funny and open-minded and she has an amazing style)… I rly cant understand why you like Raven. I may be a little biased, I dont like her for many reasons, but in all honesty she is the WORST choice for a show like fpr.
1) she’s NOT a fashion queen. Ok her mug is nice, but her fashion? basic. Every single one of her outfits on season 2 was boring and shitty. Idk how she made it to thw top 2. And she doesnt know the fashion references.
2) she’s biased and close-minded. only toots the girly and draggy (and by draggy I mean outdated ) outfits
3) She is not funny. Honestly, she’s boring af. Doesnt know how to make jokes, doesnt laugh very often. She seems quiet and… idk, cold. Maybe she’s just uncomfortable around Raja.
4) her “”“chemistry with Raja”“”…. is just not there. They’re like collegues. they’ve shared the same stages, but it doesnt mean they’re bff or have chemistry duh? they are just too different. Raja is chill. Raven is picky. Raja is fun, Raven is cold. Raja is open-minded, Raven is not.
And ugh their styles. Raja is high-fashion, Raven’s fashion is highly CHEAP. How can they run a fashion show together when their styles are from two different galaxies? They look like they dont know each other, like they dont wanna be there together. When Raven is speaking Raja snorts, rolls her eyes, looks like she’s thinking “omg can you shut up?”. And the latest episodes of fpr with them together were horrible. They never have that much chemistry but in the last 4-5 episodes together they were not even trying/pretending. They can be shady and they know how to throw shade at each other but c'mon, all queens do that. It would be so much better if it was like Idk Raja and Manila? at least they’re actual bff. Manila is an actual fashion queen and her relationship with Raja is great. Or Violet? she’s a goddess. Aja? Raja often said they’re great friends. Aquaria? she’s everybody’s fave now and she’s the reigning queen. I could go on for hours. Anyone would be better than Raven. She’s not the right person for that show, and her relationship with Raja is lackluster.
There are some people on this site ( @only1sh0e @sdr19899 @allthemodernthings and many others) who are obsessed with their friendship, with their “interactions” and thats so amusing, they’re basically supporting a non-existing friendship and getting excited for some boring, trivial interactions. I know those are your faves but cant u just accept the fact their time on the show is over?? Goddamn
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They're not so many but yes, they exist! i couldnt believe it either LOL @only1sh0e and all of her followers for example
people are raven stans. in this day and age.
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girlfriends being girlfriends
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@allthemodernthings @sdr19899 whatever
You say Violet is not okay for Fpr cause she is not very entertaining and she wouldnt work well with Raja orRaven, and people wouldnt watch the show only for the detailed fashion references. but then you say Katya and Trixie, who are some of the funniest queens out there , are not okay for the show because they are not Fashion queens. Isnt this a complete... nonsense?
Well firstly, I didn’t say Violet wouldn’t ever work for fpr. Clearly she knows her fashion shit, she’s just a bit quieter which is cool, but not always entertaining to watch. She did well with Katya because Katya has a big personality and they get on well and balanced each other out. I don’t think she’d have the same chemistry with Raja or Raven, but hey maybe she would! What do I know? 
I think that FPR works best when the hosts are both outgoing and have fashion knowledge, which is why Raja and Raven were picked in the first place (plus they both live in LA so, easy access). We watch fpr to be entertained, but personally I think since they are reviewing fashion, it would make sense to have actual fashion queens tooting and booting. I mean they’re not interning for vouge, but some fashion knowledge is kinda necessary lol. But you also need a pretty big personality to hold down an entire show, which is why R&R are the perfect hosts, they have both the fashion knowledge and the chemistry/personality!  
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Why are some people bothered by the remote possibility of -even just momentarily- replacing Raja and Raven on fashion photo ruview? they've been running the show for what, 4 years now? don't you think it's time for someone new? Years go by, we get to see new talented queens every year: fans of dr wanna see THOSE queens tooting and booting, the new ones, not two queens who were on tv 10 yrs ago. I'm not being disrespectful, I'm just being realistic. And dont even try and tell me that Raja and Raven are the best fashion queens or any shit like that, cause they're not the only ones. Violet, Aquaria, Miss Fame, Naomi, Pearl, there are soooo many other talented, high-stylish, fierce queens. Just because Raja and Raven were on the show before them you think they're better? thats ridicolous. And as much as I can understand why many of you want Raja to keep hosting the show (cause yeah, she's pretty funny and open-minded and she has an amazing style)... I rly cant understand why you like Raven. I may be a little biased, I dont like her for many reasons, but in all honesty she is the WORST choice for a show like fpr.
1) she's NOT a fashion queen. Ok her mug is nice, but her fashion? basic. Every single one of her outfits on season 2 was boring and shitty. Idk how she made it to thw top 2. And she doesnt know the fashion references.
2) she's biased and close-minded. only toots the girly and draggy (and by draggy I mean outdated ) outfits
3) She is not funny. Honestly, she's boring af. Doesnt know how to make jokes, doesnt laugh very often. She seems quiet and... idk, cold. Maybe she's just uncomfortable around Raja.
4) her """chemistry with Raja""".... is just not there. They're like collegues. they've shared the same stages, but it doesnt mean they're bff or have chemistry duh? they are just too different. Raja is chill. Raven is picky. Raja is fun, Raven is cold. Raja is open-minded, Raven is not.
And ugh their styles. Raja is high-fashion, Raven's fashion is highly CHEAP. How can they run a fashion show together when their styles are from two different galaxies? They look like they dont know each other, like they dont wanna be there together. When Raven is speaking Raja snorts, rolls her eyes, looks like she's thinking "omg can you shut up?". And the latest episodes of fpr with them together were horrible. They never have that much chemistry but in the last 4-5 episodes together they were not even trying/pretending. They can be shady and they know how to throw shade at each other but c'mon, all queens do that. It would be so much better if it was like Idk Raja and Manila? at least they're actual bff. Manila is an actual fashion queen and her relationship with Raja is great. Or Violet? she's a goddess. Aja? Raja often said they're great friends. Aquaria? she's everybody's fave now and she's the reigning queen. I could go on for hours. Anyone would be better than Raven. She's not the right person for that show, and her relationship with Raja is lackluster.
There are some people on this site ( @only1sh0e @sdr19899 @allthemodernthings and many others) who are obsessed with their friendship, with their "interactions" and thats so amusing, they're basically supporting a non-existing friendship and getting excited for some boring, trivial interactions. I know those are your faves but cant u just accept the fact their time on the show is over?? Goddamn
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