#bring fido
isalabells · 7 months
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- And we pulled that stupid prank on you. - Wiener schnitzel and sauerkraut. - Yeah, we thought we were so clever. Eva von Braun, right? But you– you just set it aside, and you put your head down and got to work.
FOR ALL MANKIND 1.02 He Built the Saturn V || 3.03 All In
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worldsewage · 3 months
Now that I drew that hair ref for Shima I can finally draw Fido that’s all I ever want
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funtomb · 10 months
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how he's arriving to the multi.
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halfbreeddege · 2 years
I wasn’t the only one that was instantly reminded of Fido Dido when I saw Gholdengo, was I? Anyone?
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shinjisdone · 1 year
How I Imagine TWST Could Be If There Was A Female!MC - Staff Edition
part 2 of this I suppose
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TW: Reader is female, period mentioned, bullying mentioned
Crowley, as mentioned, is a bit indifferent but puzzled at the new female student.
Not to offend, but you sure you crawled out of the coffin? You didn't throw out the original Student and replaced their body with yours, right?
He is half-joking by the way.
Well, it is what it is, and him being such a GRACIOUS AND GENEROUS PERSON will OF COURSE do all that he can to make you feel welcome and part of NRC!
Spoiler alert: he does so half-assed.
Will bring you any sort of thing you need and will offer both pants and skirts in all kinds of lengths for your uniform - long, short, frilly, straight, etc. As long as they fit with the jacket.
Since you came here with uh, NOTHING, he will also make sure that Sam stocks all kinds of things. While many things that are worn/needed are kinda basic/gender-neutral, he doesn't think of eeeeverything.
At the same time he kinda...paves you your own personal hell with good intentions. Introduces you to others like a good headmaster does while also underlining how VERY MUCH INDEED A GIRL YOU ARE. DING-DING-DING A YOUNG WOMAN IS GOING TO BE HERE FOR THE REST OF UUUUHHH WHENEVER I'LL BOTHER TO LOOK FOR HER HOME PLEASE BE NICE TO HER, OK?
When you might feel sick and report it to the headmaster he will of course, understand. Yet just as you are about to excuse yourself he GASPS and very genuinely and worriedly asks while whispering 'are you on your period...?'
Whether or not that is the case he will continue to reassure that that it is not something to be ashamed about AS THE ONLY GIRL HERE and he'll make sure you'll be fine.
Unironically would give you a wink, thumbs up and pats himself on the back for how GENEROUS HE IS HAH.
Would give you self-made help book: 'The Time I Got Transported Into A Magic All-Boys-Academy As The Only Magicless Girl'.
Crewel is uuuuuhhhh...
He eyes you up and down before asigning you to a pot. A pup is a pup and well-trained, diligent and especially, open-minded pups can learn anything.
Potionology especially can be learned by you, a magicless student! It requires understanding of ingredients and their magical attributes as well as magic itself a bit, but that's something you can learn!
He does not care if you are female or not. Students are meant to obey and he will not treat you any differently. Be well-behaved and listen - learn from this new environment and succeed.
He is a bit more strict with you since potionology does not require any magical skills (as far as I know). You can learn, you can adapt. Just be a good pup!
If you're doing awful, then he will be STRICT AS HELL. It's just that he truthfully believes you can learn and do better!
If you're doing good and maybe even improved, he'll be sure to praise you. Good pup! Very, very, well done!
Then he goes back to his strict self.
If he sees you being treated wrongly by others during HIS CLASS because you are a girl - he won't allow it. Will chastise the other student, ESPECIALLY IF YOU TEAMED UP, and will tell them of their awful behavior. Such things deserve punishment.
If you ever do better after such a situation, be sure Crewel will praise you loudly in a away to indirectly shove it into the student's face and let them know - 'This one did it despite being a girl and you thinking that is a reason to bully someone. No, you foolish Fido. You all are equal, inexperienced puppies.'
Be very afraid of Trein.
This guy does not c a r e who you are. A student of NRC is supposed to be diligent, punctual, listening, obeying, studious, tidy, neat, AND DON'T YOU EVER FORGET TO-
The list goes on and on.
There is the slight chance that Trein will be a bit...less strict when he takes into account that you are new to everything. You aren't familiar with either the history of magic nor the social status and affects it can have (hooh boy, you do know how much it affects-)
After classes he might take you to the side and ask how much you actually know of...magic, besides not being able to cast any. He will offer extra classes and books from the library to catch up. After that he BETTER be seeing you there often with a book in your hand. Will often check on you.
He doesn't mean any harm but he is very certain you need extra lessons to even be on the same level as the locals here. So he expects you to be extra hard-working!
After some time, the thought of you being so much left behind crosses his mind and he wants to speak after class with you again. This time about a different topic.
"Are you perhaps...being intentionally wronged in this school?"
He does not like to use the word 'bullied'. While he knows it does exist he'd rather not make any assumptions, especially because he thinks it's because you are the only female here.
It depends on you what is the truth.
In general he does take you being a young woman in an all-boys-academy as a fact and in the back of his mind while he teaches you. You and your studies might be affected due to this. Will often ask about you and how you are doing. He will take everything as truth, even if you lie since he expects you to be mature enough to do the right thing.
Though you seem to be around good and righteous young men, so he likes to believe you are doing well.
Might take Ace and Deuce to the side and tell them to look after you. Just a bit.
Ace will be like, 'yeah, yeah, don't worry, she's fine with us. Hah, in fact she'd be totally lost without us!'
Deuce is bobbing his head up and down, starry-eyed, 'yes, yes, yes, Professor! We'll do our best, she is safe with us. I SWEAR AS A FUTURE HONOR STUDENT-'
Vargas at the beginning pushes you as much as the others because how else could you spellcast?
Oh. You can't either way?
After getting over that fact, Vargas takes your situation very seriously. If it is requested, Vargas will make sure to prepare sport uniforms you are comfortable with as well ask you if you are also comfortable with training with the other boys (it is nice to be asked but then again, what is he supposed to do if you say no? Give you private lessons after dark?).
He will internally let out a big 'phew!' if you say you do not mind training with them or training with a few close ones (the 1st year squad or anyone else you trust).
Is very understanding if you cannot partake due to your period. Will be sure to discreetly excuse you and ask a student you trust to escort you back to your dorm.
Will also bring in your own strength and capability into play. You may not be able to cast any magic, but that is not the only reason to grind!
Will often look over to you and how you're doing during lessons. Will immediately intervene if he sees any bullying or harrassment. That's not sporting or fair!
Will give a big thumbs up at any improvements or when you or others stand up for you. That's the spirit!
Sam is the one adult you know he always got your back.
The others are perfectly nice but Sam does not criticize, chastise or push you to your limits! Though he is part of the staff you feel like you can talk the most open with him.
Always asks about your day. Oh, it went well? Here, have this trinket as a memory keepsake. Oh, it was awful? Aw, shucks, take this treat, it'll cost ya...
That's usually how your conversations go.
Whatever you need, he got it for you. Makes sure he always has feminine products or anything else you might need in stock and will give you them behind the counter if you want to keep the exchange a secret and not so open to public.
Though he treats you like his other customers (kinda ripping you off), he does give you a few things for sale or free when you had a bad day due to you being the only girl here.
Tell him any secret! They are safe with him (for a price jk).
After all, there might be a few things you cannot or wouldn't want to tell your friends and Sam keeps his mouth shut whenever. So don't worry!
Grim is a little pain in the neck no matter who you are.
As mentioned, he doesn't really get why it's suuuuch a biiig deaaaal that you are here. So what if you're a giiirrrll? You're his minion either way and you ARE going to help him.
Once he gets that others pick on you, he'll get defensive. That is HIS minion and she's doing a great job no matter if magicless or not, no matter if girlie or not! Y'all better shut up before he burns you to a crisp.
Will defend you but since he's just some...monster cat no one takes him seriously. He tries though and does end up setting someone's hair on fire...which only brings you more trouble, so there's that.
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darkwood-sleddog · 7 months
more and more i become of the opinion my dogs are not reactive to strange dogs but in fact it is unreasonable to expect them to NOT be reactive when the dogs we pass are unwalked, understimulated rural hellions that thrash at the windows of their houses, bark at us and follow us for entire lengths of properties, snarl at us, run at us with tense body language etc.
is this because a neighbor (who does skijor!) moved in half mile down the road from us a half a year ago with the most polite, unreactive dog that my dogs glance calmly at as they walk by? as it is unrestrained (no underground fence) on the property? absolutely is.
is this because a few years ago a neighbor's very nice pitbull mix got out and when it walked up to us with polite calm body language my dogs reacted just as calm and we were able to walk this dog home? absolutely is.
like i am a human woman and have lived in areas with much larger populations than i do now. i remember being followed by strangers, yelled at by strangers in aggressive ways. it made me tense and yes...reactive in those moments to ensure my own safety and needs were met. but was it my fault for having to react that way? To call friends and family and be on the phone any time that i walked alone? to check in when i got to where i was going? to bring pepper spray and iron knuckles to walk less than 10 minutes away from home? I don't think it is. Rather it's the failure that allows that behavior towards me which is at fault. i should not have had to carry those things with me. or call a single soul.
same with my dogs. my dogs aren't reactive, i'm just the only person who walks my damn dogs in my rural neighborhood. even though we can walk for 4+ miles either way on safe dirt roads out of our driveway before we reach pavement. nobody else. walks. their. fucking. dogs. yes i manage my dogs behaviors, it can be embarrassing when they get riled up, but know what? it is not their fault so many other dogs fucking SUCK. and it is not those dogs' fault that they suck either. i encountered more politely behaved dogs when i lived in the suburbs and city than i do now because those dogs at least had some sort of experience with being around other dogs (passing them on the sidewalk even) out of necessity. Rural people truly just throw their dogs outside and expect that to be enough. if you're lucky they install a little underground fence that will maybe keep fido in the yard (like uwu WE don't want to have a look at a fence and we're going to make all our neighbors GUESS if our dog might run into the road at them uwu).
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
So… which of our charming Icons would allow their lol queen to have a pet? Like a cat not a mistress or something similar. I cannot live without my cats. Do any of them actually like cats?
The one who you truly can't have pets around is Vesper. He laments to inform you that animal populations in Lust are kept to a very controlled minimum. His Ring is a zone of constant sexual depravity, even the streets are unabashed erotic grounds, no one wants old Fido hanging around. Vesper's mansion is likewise a place of constant lavish sex, your poor pets wouldn't have a place to live normally.
Zizz demands that whatever animal you have never ever lay a claw on one of the blankets/pillows/plushies in the main bed chambers. The plush monsters might retaliate, and no one wants to see the outcome of that...
Vorticia would urge you not to bring small animals near her or any of her children. While they're less likely to act on hungry impulse than her, the chances of there being a tragedy are still very high in general.
Livius, as you know, will act out if your pets receive more attention than him. Enough said about his ability to care for animals.
Rinx loves pets! Why he has so many! It's just that... He tends to forget about them. And who knows what happens to them afterwards, right? Eh, take proper care of them, make sure they don't destroy his property too much and all will be fine.
Cero isn't much of an animal lover, but he does like cats, especially sphynx cats. You might be in luck, they'll certainly have the most gourmet of treatments.
Kalymir loves animals! But, well, the kind of animals he keeps around are very incompatible with a simple house cat. Between his giant magma lizards, the war steeds he keeps around, not to mention the hellhounds... Well, are you sure your kitty can make it unharmed?
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salomano · 2 months
Highly Informative Details Regarding Vacation Rental Houses Cherry Grove
Bring Fido along on one of these Vacation rental Dog friendly houses Cherry Grove and experience North Myrtle Beach as a family. Pets are welcome with a refundable pet deposit. All About the View is an oceanfront home situated in Cherry Grove in North Myrtle Beach and ideal for last-minute getaways or last-minute vacations. Close to many popular attractions and amenities, All About the View makes an unforgettable oceanfront home to stay.
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Mom, Dad, I’m…
Wanda Maximoff x R
Blackhill ; Bishova ; Stony ; BuckySam
Happy Pride Angels, 🌈❤️
Warnings: Attempts at Humor. Heteros.
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"Detka, can you go get some tomatoes from the garden? Steve already ate all of the freaking salsa," Wanda grumbled dramatically, falling into your arms as you were mid conversation with Natasha and Maria about their work.
"He probably intended to bottom tonight," Natasha remarks with a shit stirring grin, you cackled in solidarity, but the both of you stopped when your wives stood shoulder to shoulder with a menacing tilt to their heads.
"Welp, those tomatoes aren't gonna pick themselves," you noted before running off, you avoided looking back, afraid to see Natasha's stony glare as you abandoned her with them.
Every man for themselves a mantra you live by, well, only when it comes to angry spouses. As an Avenger you were as selfless as the rest, but now you got to be more selfish in retirement.
Natasha, unfortunately, was your victim.
When you entered the massive greenhouse you took a second to admire your wives handiwork. The brunette had a knack for gardening, a green thumb if you will. The greenhouse was her go to place to find her zen after a day of dealing with you, Billy, Tommy, and Ella.
The witch loved you all, her beautiful family, but some days the lot of you made her feel a tad bit homicidal. On those days she gardened.
It wasn't hard to find the tomatoes, they were ripe and ready on a set of entangled vines. But before you could bring it to her, you were too enamored by the conversation your kids were having in their little cove behind the garden.
"I can't do it," Tommy groaned. "Yeah they just won't understand," Morgan Stark agreed with him, and you leaned in to hopefully garner more context for their troubled minds.
"At least Uncle Tony is bi," Raina Belova countered, "He'll be more understanding."
"Have you met our dad?" Anthony, the only Jr present, said in an incredulous manner. "He even claims Fido is gay, he's totally unhinged."
You had to put a hand over your mouth, the amusement you were experiencing was unreal.
"Couldn't be us," Elena teased, "I'm gay as hell, and Bryce here is both queer and nonbinary."
Oh goodness... Never in your days did you expect your kids to keep secrets from you, but for it to be such a silly one it honestly made you want to interrupt the conversation at hand.
To remind them that no matter what, you'd all continue to love them, but it was too funny.
"Mama is going to be mad," Celeste Belova added, "She always said being gay is the way."
"I thought she was ace?" Billy inquired. "She is, but that doesn't make her any less gay."
After the conversation moved on to who they were crushing on you snuck back to the party. The overall consensus being that every last one of your collective brood, besides your youngest, Ella, who was only five, and Natasha and Maria's powerful duo, said they're straight.
"Where have you been?" You ignored your wife, handing her the basket of ingredients while calling all of your friends to the dining room. Tony whined, "What is so important?"
"You guys will not believe what I just heard..."
Wanda rolled her eyes as you spun your tale, she chopped up the tomatoes, jalapeños and onions as you enamored the group of friends.
"Thank God we're safe," Maria teased, turning to her wife with a genuinely relieved smile. "Right? Can you imagine having to attend two straight weddings? And pretend to like it?"
"Oh jeez," you gasped, "I didn't think of that."
Wanda tossed the ingredients into a bowl as the lot of you bantered back and forth, her patience already running thin with you all.
"Y/N, this joke isn't funny." Yelena shook her head in defiance when you reminded her that this wasn't a joke. "You don't know what you are talking about. Must be hearing loss..."
Kate put a hand on her wife's shoulder, "It's true Lena, they've both told me already."
"You traitor!" Yelena ripped her arm away as if the raven haired woman had burned her skin.
You now worried that you'd inspired divorces.
"No," Tony gasped, shaking his head in fear as the unexpected reality set in. "You're lying, you have to be. No son of mine is straight!"
"Honey," Steve called out for him, "It'll be okay, we always knew it would be a possibility."
"It most certainly is not okay," he grimaced, then in a flash he was outside, calling for your children to gather around the hibachi station.
"Where's the fire pops?" Morgan jests, but quickly zips her lips as she sees her dad looking as if he was on the verge of a breakdown.
"Tell me Y/N's lying," he pleads, "That you're not straight, my fragile ticker can't take this."
"Tony!" Steve shrieked, "Don't use an old ailment to guilt the kids into being gay..."
"Stay out of this babe!" He growled, "As far as I am concerned they're gay. Y/N's a liar."
"Am not!" You gasped, "They're all heteros."
"Not us!" Bryce interjected. "We're queer."
"That's our precious babies," Natasha coo'd, arms opened wide for her kids to run into, and the both of their teens instantly ran at her.
Bucky and Sam had entered your backyard just as the revelation took place. You all watched as they took three steps back, baby carrier in hand as they looked to your kids as if they were all diseased. "We're just being cautious."
You snorted softly, "We understand fellas."
Wanda glared at you, but you remained unfazed for now. Too busy finding the dramatics entertaining to see the horror. Wanda saw it though, she looked out to see all of the kids wearing terrified expressions. She was about to console them, but then a fight broke out beside you, and you had to laugh.
"This is all your fault Kate Belova!" Yelena shrieked, "It was all of that organic mac and cheese you fed them when I was on missions!"
"Mac and cheese being healthy doesn't make a child straight," Kate shrieked back, hands running down her face as she realized her plans for a peaceful barbecue ended with this.
"If it had been orange they might have been more connected to the rainbow Kate!" Yelena went on, "It's like our gay power source."
"Well, with Wanda's garden the kids eat the entire rainbow and look at them, straight."
Yelena found your assistance unwelcome, "Keep out of this Y/N Maximoff. Your kids aren't all old enough to say yet, you still have a chance! Mine are all done... Stupid preteens"
"Well, that's not exactly true," you reasoned, "None of you have been to college yet, that's when you'll really know if you're gay or not."
Natasha, Yelena and Tony all nodded, they found your reasoning the most logical. It was a lot easier than accepting they're all straight.
"Okay, that's enough!" Wanda interjected, her tone terrifying, "Look at what you're doing to them. They can't help it if they're straight."
"I wanna be gay like mama," Ella murmured, clearly she just wanted to fit in with the crowd, and therefore you praised her, "Smart girl."
Wanda entered your mind with a warning, she smirked as you lifted Ella onto your hip, then you fell into unexpected silence by her side.
"Haha, you're like so whipped, "Yelena cackled.
Wanda glared at her. "You don't scare me wiggly woo, my kids being straight is enough."
"Yelena," Kate sighed, "Knock it off, and try telling the girls that you love them."
"Of course I love them," she rushed out angrily, "That's not even a question, they're moy deti."
(My babies)
Celeste and Raina ran into the blondes side, their tears of relief soaked into her shirt, and made her see they were genuinely scared this would lose them her love. "Shh, mama loves you always, even if you make dumb choices."
Tony and Steve were in a standoff of sorts, the billionaire sipped on his margarita slowly as they appeared to be having a conversation with only their eyes. Tony rolled his, but after a moment of incoherent grumbling he nodded. Morgan and Tony Jr. approached their dads after being called forward, Steve embraced them first, and wholly. Tony gave them both side hugs, and whispered that he just needed time to cope, but he loved them regardless.
Then you heard him brush by with his son, begging him to take it back, only to find out his son was in a long term relationship with a girl. That study buddy of his was so much more...
Like father, like son you suppose.
You looked out to see your boys stood side by side, Billy gripped Tommy's hand for dear life. Wanda was about to call them over, but you beat her to it as guilt overwhelmed your heart. The boys scurried over, and Wanda sent you an adoring smile as you kissed the both of their heads, and hugged them tight. "I love you," falling from all of your lips in succession.
After everyone had time to process the news, the vibe returned to one of relaxation. Wanda set up the grill for Sam, and the master chef himself began to put on a show for everyone.
Once the plates were served you all moved to the fire pit, where you talked about all you'd missed in each other's life while the younger kids sat in front of the projector playing Up.
Then, as the sun officially fell, everyone began to clear out. Saying their goodbyes at the front door, where you hugged each kid, an apology of sorts on your lip for the drama you stirred. Each one forgave you, some even thanked you for finally getting the conversation over with.
When everyone was officially gone you moved back outside to clean up. Tommy helped you, while Billy helped clean the kitchen so that Wanda could focus on Ella's bath, and bedtime.
It was an entire hours worth of work, you were beyond exhausted as you fell into the mattress. You nearly passed out without your wife, but soon enough Wanda slipped into the bed. She wore a thoughtful expression, weighing out whether to disturb you or not, but she soon reasoned you'd appreciate her words, "Detka..."
"Yes baby?" You rolled onto your side, using your elbow to prop yourself up so you could look down at her. She looked to you with a warm smile, then she was yawning, "Don't worry." She paused to pull you into her arms before whispering in your ear: "Billy was not being honest. We do indeed have a gay son."
You laughed so hard tears streamed down your face and pooled in the crook of your equally as amused wife's neck. That was the last thing you expected to hear from her, if anything you had anticipated a continuation of her scolding.
"I'll scold you more tomorrow," she teased, "But for now, we should get some sleep."
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rainiishowers · 5 months
Something slice of life?? Mc and mammon could go grocery shopping then see luke and now its all just a big familt outing doing chores together
A/N: Ahhhh I finally got my creativity back!!!! (About time brain, c'mon) Summary: It was Mammon's turn to do groceries, and MC decided to tag along (totally not because Mammon practically begged them to lol). They find Luke and Simeon, and after finding out Luke deserves a reward, they all decide to stop by a flower shop!
Genre: Fluff Content: Gender neutral MC, (implied?) MC x Mammon content, MC is implied to be able to cook better than Solomon
"Human, let's get goin'!" "I'm coming, I'm coming!!" Mammon helps MC down the steps of the House of Lamentation, which earns him a thank you that he brushes off with a flustered face. The two quickly make their way to the market, but decide to make a quick trip at the shopping district. Mammon was trying to not get distracted by the shiny new things in the shop windows when he notices two familiar somebodies.
Those two familiar somebodies happened to be Simeon and Luke.
“Let’s go say hi!” MC drags Mammon to the two angels with no resistance, and Luke was the first to notice them. He tugs on Simeon’s shirt, and he looks away from the store window. The elder angel greets MC and Mammon with a smile.
“Hi you two!” Luke greets, with an equally if not more wide smile.
“Heya, watcha out shoppin’ for?” Mammon asks.
“Luke hit a milestone in his baking skills so I thought I should get him something, we needed to get groceries anyways.” Simeon tells the two.
“That’s amazing Luke! Good job!” MC praises, to which Luke bashfully smiles.
“Hehe, thanks!”
“Anythin’ specific ya want?” Mammon asks the young angel, who ponders this for a moment.
“I wanted to research more about Devildom plants and botany! From what Barbatos showed me, it’s so varied!!”
“There’s a flower shop not too far from here, wanna go look?” MC asks. “I’m pretty sure they have flower and botany guides for sale.”
“Ah, the one not too far from the market, it just opened recently if I recall correctly.” Simeon notes.
“Yea! That sounds awesome! I want to go!” Luke smiles, with stars in his eyes.
“Hey Sims, if you’re busy, we can take him there.” Mammon offers. “Most of our groceries come from the market anyways.”
MC nods in agreement. Simeon frowns, not wanting to trouble the two.
“Are you sure that wouldn’t be much of a bother?”
“Nah, it’s fine!” Mammon waves his hand dismissively. “Besides, it’s been a while since either of us hung out with Fido.” "Hey!! I told you not to call me Fido!" Simeon pats Luke on the back in comfort while he smiles at Mammon and MC. "I don't see why Luke can't go with you." The elder angel takes out a small pouch and gives a fair amount of grimm to MC, who pockets it. "That's for anything Luke may want, I trust you two to bring him to Purgatory Hall before dinner."
"Aye aye!" MC and Mammon both do small salutes before Mammon drags Luke to the direction of the market, a yelp of surprise coming from the young blond as he tries to get Mammon to wait for MC, who shoots Simeon a smile before following them.
Getting to the market, MC meets Luke and Mammon in front of a "exotic ingredients" stall, which was really just cooking and baking ingredients from the human world and the Celestial Realm imported to the Devildom, which makes them a bit more expensive then Devildom ingredients.
"Oi! Human, do ya think we can get some of this stuff from the human world? You haven't made anythin' from the human world in a while!"
"Yea! I missed your cooking, it definitely beats Solomon's cooking." Luke adds on.
"Sure, I'm guessing Lucifer wouldn't mind if I spent a little extra for this." MC muses, letting Mammon put some human world ingredients in the basket and paying for it with some of the money Lucifer gave them from groceries.
After a bit more grocery hunting, they make their way to the flower shop, which had dozens of flowers on sale upon entering. Along with flowers all arranged by color, they offered garden and flower books near the back, most of them were planting guide books, but others were just flower fact books.
A book on one of the lower shelves caught Luke’s attention. The front covered had the title of “Flower Symbolism: A Guide to What Your Flowers Mean!”
“Oh cool!”
“What’d you find, Luke?” MC asks.
Mammon and MC peek over the young blond’s shoulder and read the title. Mammon raises an eyebrow.
“Eh? Flower symbolism? Isn’t that the thing where flowers can mean different things?”
“Yea!” Luke smiles, opening the book and flipping to a random page.
“Orange gerberas often symbolism warmth, enthusiasm and energy, which is in line with its bright color.” Luke quotes from the book. He flips to another page, one about sunflowers.
“Sunflowers are known to mean adoration and devotion, and their symbolism with the sun makes the name rather fitting.” He quotes again.
“Huh, never thought this’d be a thing, guess it makes sense though.” Mammon hums as Luke goes to the counter to buy it.
While MC and Luke were at the register, Mammon had an idea. A corny one, but an idea nonetheless.
“Mammon?” MC calls out, snapping the second eldest out of his thoughts.
“H-Huh? Yea?”
“You coming?”
“Uh..” Mammon looks at the book Luke was holding in his arms. Buying flowers for these two wouldn’t be the worst idea, right?
“I’ll meet ya out in a couple minutes, still wanna have a quick walk round.” Mammon says.
“Oh, okay! We’ll just be outside the shop!”
MC and Luke leave the shop and Mammon is quick to use the money he earned from his side hustles to buy bouquet of sunflowers for MC and orange gerberas for Luke, and he couldn’t help but get excited at the idea of giving them flowers, but he couldn’t help but be a bit nervous.
He eventually got outside and sees MC and Luke with some crows on the steps below. He felt like a proud father watching his crows make noises of affection when Luke and MC pet them.
He makes his way down, and MC was first to spot him. They greet him with a smile and Luke looks up and waves before returning to petting the crow he was before.
“Hey Mammon, all done?”
The crows perch themselves on Mammon’s shoulders while he leans down to Luke’s level and gives him the bouquet of orange gerberas.
“Here, got ya this.”
Luke looks at him with wide, surprised eyes but he eventually takes it with a giggle, understanding what it meant.
“Thanks Mammon!”
Mammon smiles and pats him on the head, something that nowadays doesn’t really bother Luke if it’s the second born, and stands up. The Avatar of Greed faces MC with a blushing, bashful expression, unable to look them straight in the eyes.
“H-Here.. Got ya this..” He stumbles, holding out the bouquet of flowers for MC to take.
MC was clearly not expecting this, and Mammon feared that MC didn’t like them, but after a moment of silence, they take the bouquet with a smile, squeezing Mammon’s hand in appreciation.
“Thank you, Mams..”
“D-Don’t mention it..”
Mammon lets out a major sigh of relief when MC wasn’t looking, talking to Luke about the plans going forward.
They decided to get the last groceries and then MC and Mammon would take Luke back to Purgatory Hall.
Mammon couldn’t help but grin as Luke happily showed Simeon the flowers the second born got him alongside the book about flower symbolism.
A few days later, Mammon was planning on going to his favourite human’s room to check on them, but he was pleasantly surprised when he saw MC had set up a whole system of artificial light so they can grow properly, since the Devildom doesn’t really have a sun.
“Oh, hi Mammon!”
Mammon yelps in a bit of surprise as MC caught him staring.
“O-Oh.. H-Hey.” He stammers, trying to play it cool. “Do you like the flowers I got you..?”
“Yeah, I really do..”
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
LONG RANT/WORD VOMIT! So demons and angels are naturally taller than humans right? Luke is only ten and he's around the same height as the average human (5'0-5'5) I would be a little salty if I was only three above Luke's height. (5'8)
Also them calling Luke fido. Like no, he's not short, your just tall asf. I would threaten to go to purgatory hall or the castle if they keep calling me short or worse (in their eyes) sleep in Solomons room!
However many times they call me short over the week is how many nights/hours I'm spending with Solomon and or sleeping in his room. Punishments need rewards though, right?
Beel is the brother getting rewarded the most with new food, and me cooking for him whenever he wants. I can even go to the gym with him and help him with his flexibility. (People saying demons are less flexible than humans is my life).
However castle residents are also constantly getting treats. Barbatos has a errand boy, food tester, a kitchen helper and an exterminator who helps get rid of rats.
Diavolo has someone to keep him company while he works. Maybe I drew him a tattoo design I think he should get. Maybe I got him hair clips. Who knows!
Simeon and Luke are rewarded for sheltering me (keeping the brothers away from purgatory hall)
Bows for barb
Ah, well, there is much debate about the heights. But there are no canon heights, so you get to imagine them as tall or short as you like! I think the only thing is that Luke is obviously shorter than the others, but actual numbers are up for interpretation.
I think you probably wouldn't need to do all that for too long. The brothers like to make fun of Luke for more than just his height - I think they consider him to be Chihuahua-esque in personality as well lol.
But I can't imagine they'd keep calling you short if you didn't like it. And they wouldn't like it even more if it resulted in you just leaving. I'm pretty sure they'd learn not to do that pretty quickly!
Though Beel is such a good boy in general, I think you could come up with all kinds of reasons to give him food or cook for him or bring him to the gym~
Of course Barbatos would be happy to have you help in any capacity.
Awww Diavolo totally needs company while he works. I think about MC hanging out with Lucifer a lot, but Diavolo probably needs company even more while doing piles of paperwork.
I think Simeon and Luke would also be thrilled to have you around, even if you do sleep in Solomon's room lol. They'll happily help keep the brothers away as needed.
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wallabyskiddiyappers · 5 months
I refuse to let some squishy banana ruin my day.
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Hey there, Wallaby.
It's me, Yuki. I'm 8 months old, and I've got something to say. You see, every day is like a big adventure for me and I'm always excited to see what each new day will bring.
When the first rays of the sun peek through my nursery window, I can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline. It's like I'm on the cusp of discovering a new continent, or in my case, a new toy under the sofa.
My family contribute to this daily anticipation. My older brother, Tommy, leaves his Lego blocks around, and each day I find a new piece to gnaw on. It's like a treasure hunt, but with a risk of choking. And let's not forget my dog, Fido, who has the uncanny ability to hide my pacifiers. It's a thrilling game of hide-and-seek every day!
But there's this one thing that tries to mess it all up: mashed bananas. Yeah, those squishy, mushy things my mom thinks I should eat. She says they're good for me, but yuck! They're not my cup of milk, if you know what I mean.
Now, I could let this banana business turn my day sour, but nope, not me. I've decided I'm not gonna let some squishy banana spoil my fun. There's too much cool stuff to do, like giggling when I play peek-a-boo or feeling super happy when I shake my rattle.
Some babies might cry over mashed bananas, but I'm Yuki, and I'm not about that. I just make a funny face and move on. Because after the bananas, there's always something good, like a warm hug or a sweet lullaby.
So, Wallaby, I just wanted to tell you and everyone else that we babies are tougher than we look. We might be small, but we've got big hearts and even bigger smiles. And a little banana isn't going to change that.
So, here's to the new day. May it be filled with unexpected joys, minor mishaps, and hopefully, no mashed bananas.
Always keep it real.
With love, Yuki.
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worldsewage · 7 months
The specials we have in salmon run in the game are like MRE packets of curry I think?
Fido is in charge of making the curry, is that related to the specials or just dinner? lol
Yea, this was reference to the rations packs! But still refers to just cooking.. hehe… he doesn’t actively do salmon runs anymore.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
Things that happen in veterinary medicine that do not/should not/hopefully rarely happen in human medicine:
• Preserve your patient’s organs and display them at home (“are those…cat balls on your desk?” “Yep! :D”)
• Tie your patient to the wall bc they try to lick everybody
• Take measures to prevent the patient from chewing their ****
• Use your baby voice to speak to an elderly patient (“aww was that ouchie?? Poor old, fat Fido awwwww…”)
• Kidnap your lonely patient and bring them home with you for the weekend
• Head pats, scritches, and belly rubs are a required method of building trust with your patient
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Well, this doesn’t quite happen on the human side of things but there sure is spillover lol 😂
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beigehearts · 1 year
This is a random smut post I was thinking about… was debating posting this on my main since I haven’t been on in so long or on my private account… but anyway.
Two heroes unlikely to be friends, find a shared interest that brings them to work closely together. Had you only noticed the signs sooner, you wouldn’t be in this position. Aren’t you supposed to be a great villain?
Yan!Hawks/Reader/Yan!All Might
CW: violence, murder, animal death, blood, PTSD, gore, drugging, stalking, noncon, breeding, double penetration, size kink, knotting, forced pregnancy (mentioned)
The quirk to pull things from thin air, something not many have inherited. But it’s not like you’re magically creating things, you’re simply pulling items from different points in time and space for whenever and whatever you need. You imagine it as your backpack sort of, it took a long time to expand the size of your magical backpack but you managed to turn it almost into an endless void.
“The villain is here!” A cop yells out and is followed by the pounding of armored footsteps. You have about twenty seconds before they reach you. Todays mission? Freeing a high security prisoner for a high price. Why? You don’t know, and you don’t care. You do a job and get paid.
You touch your pointer and thumb together and feel out the timeline to see who has a thumb print for the lock. No typical guards have it but… the warden does. You pull a pair of bolt cutters from your backpack and find the wardens location, which is in the downstairs office. With a quick snip and a yell that you can hear through the floors, you now have the key to the lock.
You pull the thumb from your backpack and press it against the lock, blood and all. It beeps and turns green, and the door opens up. A monster lays in the corner with a collar and shackles, staring up at you with a blood thirsty grin. You toss the thumb to the monster and it gobbles up the flesh in one bite. You pry off the locks with the jaws of life you have in your backpack and lean down low to the furry ear to whisper,
“Go get ‘em’ Fido.”
With no hesitation the monster jumps to attention, and sprints from the dark cell. Men and women scream as they’re mauled and ripped apart limb by limb. Bullets ricochet off of the creatures fur and fires back at the officers, turning the prison into a giant blood bath.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you pick it up, “He’s headed your way. Just having a snack first.” You answer with.
There’s a small chuckle on the other side of the phone, “Very well. I’m depositing the other half of your pay into your account now. Exactly fifty million dollars, and fifty cents.”
“Pleasure doing with business with you.” The line clicks and you drop the phone on the ground, standing up and crushing it beneath your boot heel. There can be no evidence.
You lean down once more and grab the SIM card, pulling out a pair of scissors and snipping it up into pieces.
After your long day you headed home to your luxury apartment and your favorite being in the world, your dog. He’s a big Doberman who always greets you at the door and always wants to cuddle. And on cue, you hear him whimpering before you even enter your apartment. The moment you open the door he starts wagging his butt in the air and drooling everywhere. He follows you around the apartment as you decompress and get ready for bed.
He waits outside of the bathroom door as you shower and brush your teeth, watches you obediently as you pour food in his bowl, and lays down next to you once you settle in bed. The same routine you do every single night. You wrap an arm around him after setting your phone on the nightstand and let out a sigh. You know you’ll never get a peaceful sleep with the horrors that replay in your head every time you close your eyes… but at least you know you’ll get a safe sleep with your beloved Doberman, Kevin.
Your eyes shut, and it begins again, the never ending nightmare. Faces that have been torn apart, blown apart, and pounded in stare back at you. All of the people you’ve murdered with your bare hands. Their eyes judge you in a seething way. When you shut your eyes it’s like where ring another labyrinth with more and more of them. Each time they get closer and closer. If you try to hold your eyes open they force themselves shut as if you have no control. Each time their gazes grow closer.
Until finally, one stands face to face with you. He bends his neck down so that he can get a better look, his eyelids have been burned off and no longer shut, making his gaze that much more intense. His hair has been ripped out at the roots and you remember the man you first murdered. The man who killed your baby sister. While looking at his battered remains of a face strikes terror in you, it also reignites the rage you had once felt.
He leans in closer and the stench of blood assaults your senses. It’s so heavy, the smell of so much iron makes you nauseous. No wait… this isn’t a smell you’re imaging. It’s real.
You jolt up in your bed and sweat trickles down your barely clothed body. Glancing down you notice that your tank top and panties are drenched in sweat. But that smell is what’s worse than this feeling of being on fire. Quickly you move to rest a hand on Kevin but your hand meets the comforters instead. Where did he go?
The bedroom door is wide open, and you never leave that door open. In the doorway is Kevin’s chain collar, only visible by the moonlight between the curtains. It’s as if the collar has been placed there purposefully, to taunt you. The smell was so overwhelming you hadn’t realized that its eerily quiet, so much so that you can hear your own heartbeat. You reach for your phone on the nightstand but that doesn’t seem to be in its place either.
Fuck, you’re going to have to go out there. All you can do is find something to protect yourself. You’re a well trained and skilled fighter so why are you so scared right now? You stand from your bed quietly and reach into your backpack, grabbing a pistol with a silencer on it, already loaded. You’d be an idiot if you weren’t prepared while being in the line of work you are.
You hold it straight out, arm slightly bent, finger on the trigger and ready to fire. You approach the door and peek around the corner to look in the hall. No one’s in the hall and all of the bedroom doors are shut. As you tip toe through the hall and out the stairs that overlook your living room, the stench of blood gets stronger.
Taking your first step down the stairs you make sure to disperse your wait as evenly as possible to avoid making noise. But your efforts are futile when your toes step in something thick, wet, and warm. You slip down the stairs and tumble all the way to the bottom until your back collided with the wall and knocks all of the air from your lungs.
Still holding the gun tightly you gasp for air and try to focus your gaze through the haze and dizziness. The back of your head and your entire spine screams in pain but you can’t just lay here. You try to stand up, slipping in the process but managing to get to your feet. Why is there so much of this liquid in the floor? You bring your hand to your face to examine the liquid… why is there so much blood in your home?
You reposition so you can shoot on sight now and walk more carefully. There’s nobody here, and not a single sound to guid you… only a blood trail leading you to the dining room. Turning the corner you see something worse than any nightmare you’ve ever had.
Laying on the table, is Kevin. But you don’t even need to check if he’s alive, because he’s been disemboweled. His intestines trails from his stomach and onto the ground, organs slowly slipping out on a blood trail. What absolute monster would touch your dog? What fucking monster? You’re going to have their head on a pla-
There’s only the sound of a tiny gust of wind from behind you, but you’re far too slow to turn around and face it. Two large arms wrap around you, joined by a pair of large red wings. In less than the blink of an eye, you’re sitting on the couch, held against your assailant. One of your assailants.
Before you can even try to lift your hand with the pistol, the man’s hand grips yours tightly until you hear something crack. But you’d never give the satisfaction of screaming, and instead, drop the gun. It’s not like you don’t have more.
You begin moving your fingers to press your thumb and pointer together but he’s still faster. His large hand grips your thumb, tugging on it loud with a loud popping sound. In less than thirty second he had effectively dislocated the thumb that controls your quirk in its entirety. Not even police had figured that out yet… these assailants have done their research.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts when a large shadow envelops you. You look up, feeling your heart pound when you see who has taken part in the ambush of your home. “You are mighty intelligent. I have to give it you.” His voice is deep with a bass that resonates in your chest.
Voice trembling, you manage, “Why are you here All Might?”
He chuckles and leans down on one knee, still managing to be a good half a foot taller than you and he whispers, “Did you not hear me on the news? I said I’d be coming for you, the shadow of the night.”
He stands back up and your gaze follows, he sighs and crosses his arms, “I never thought I’d have such a hard time just finding a villain. You take a lot of precaution in hiding your identity. And your operations are so fast, that you’re just a shadow in the night…”
The man holding you who had been so quiet you’d almost forgotten he was, leans in close and whispers, “You underestimated how fast a hawk can be.”
The pounding in your chest starts up again and finally your fight or flight response kicks in. Adrenaline rushes through your veins and you quickly try to find a solution. With adrenaline pumping you won’t feel pain, so you’ll just force yourself to touch your thumb to your finger.
You smash your hand into the side of your thigh, pressing the tips of your fingers together and producing a knife. The only weapon that can get you out of a situation like this. You dig the blade deep into the hero’s thigh and he hisses out in pain, not budging. Once you manage to get your blade out you go in for another stab but you’re stopped in your tracks.
A large hand grabs your wrist and the other grips your pointer finger and thumb in one hand, you’re unable to even think about pulling out another weapon because the gaze of all might puts your body into so much panic that you freeze.
“You can pull out all the weapons you want.” His voice gets lower, “You’ll never be able to escape us.” In just a moment, he quickly pulls your thumb and finger all the way back, there’s a loud crack and with every single millimeter of those bones broken, you can’t help but let out a cry.
You’ve never felt something so painful. To have a gunshot wound is one thing, but to have every single spot in multiple bones completely shattered is something unimaginable. It’s as if they’ve been ground into a dust.
“Obviously she isn’t going to behave, she stabbed me for fucks sake.” Hawks says to the larger man as you waver in and out of consciousness.
“I guess you’re right, and she’ll probably wake up pretty quickly if she passes out like this.”
With the okay now, the man holding you quickly grabs a plastic baggy with a cloth in it, pulls it out and presses it firmly against your nose and mouth, with your one free and you try to rip his hand off of you but with your useless fingers waving around like limp sausages, it’s no use.
The drugs the cloth has been doused in kicks in not too long after, engulfing you in a warm sleep, one without nightmares.
Head is pounding… body searing in pain… and you can’t feel your fingers. You peel your eyes open that have been crusted shut and analyze your surroundings. You’re on a strangely large bed with large comforters on top of you. The large windows have tape over them so you can’t see in or out. There’s a television mounted on the wall with a small plain couch facing it. This room seems fairly nice at first glance.
Ignoring the pain in your body, you lift your arm from the sheets and look to examine your fingers. They’ve been completely bandaged along with the rest of your hand and wrist. They did take a pretty bad blow. While you could unwrap them and force yourself to press your fingers together, you’re a bit scared to see what they look like since you can’t even feel them.
Standing up right now seems unimaginable, probably the pain from falling down the stairs that you were to adrenaline filled to feel. The remote is laying next to you on the comforter and with your good hand you turn on the television. It’s set to the news and you set the remote back down to listen. It’s five days since the attack according to the corner of the screen.
While watching television seems like the dumbest thing you could be doing right now… what else are you supposed to do? You can’t walk, and you can’t use your quirk… you’re basically defenseless.
“Mr. All Might sir! There has been an incredible drop in crime for the past few days. Some say that you’ve even apprehended The Shadow! Is it true?” The reports all quiet down to hear the hero’s answer. The camera focuses on his face and you notice a dark flint in his eyes that you’ve never noticed before. While you may be a villain it doesn’t mean you didn’t admire heroes. You’ve seen All Might plenty of times on tv but never noticed this darkness behind his eyes.
The hero breaks the silence with a loud guffaw, “We have not apprehended The Shadow! The Shadow must be scared after seeing my most recent showdown!”
Another reporter chimes in, “Do you have anything to say to the infamous Shadow?”
All Might takes a moment to think, and averts his gaze straight into the camera. With the darkness you had saw in his eyes now dripping into his voice he says, “Wherever you run, wherever you hide. I will find you.”
There’s a small thud on the bed next to you and you practically jump out of your skin. Sitting there, so casually and relaxed, is the man who killed your dog, restrained you, and chloroformed you.
“Finally awake? I was starting to get worried, you’ve been out for days birdy~.” The man pulls his legs up on the bed and turns to face you, “You can’t worry us like that. Okay?” He coos in such a charming way that it almost makes you want to say okay.
“Get lost chicken.” You bite back.
He chuckles and places his finger on your lips, pushing at them as if he’s enjoying it. “I know you’re probably confused, but you’ll understand in time.”
You bite at his finger and with his lightening quick speed he grabs you by your cheeks, fingers digging into your flesh and leaving you unable to talk.
“Maybe I should have elaborated. You’ll understand your place. You’ll understand that you’re nothing more than our brainless wife.”
Wife? Did he say wife? Your eyes go wide and you stare at the winged man in horror. They aren’t going to put you in prison, you’re already in it. This is their fucked up game of house isn’t it? It’s always the men with power who have these fucked up fantasies.
“You figured it out already? You’re pretty smart… I was hoping you’d play dumb a little longer.” He sighs and his bruising grip on your face loosens. “That’s alright, soon enough you’ll be too dumb to understand anything.”
His hand drops form your face and down to your chest. Pulling at the t-shirt that they must have put on you. You ball your left hand up into a tight fist and throw the hardest punch you can muster into the side of his head. But your punch never lands, he grips your fist tightly, and you begin panicking, not wanting to repeat last night.
Hawks furrows his brows and presses your hand into the bed, “I’m going to do you a favor, and keep this hand in tact. I won’t be so kind next time.”
He lifts the pressure off of your hand and sits back on his heels. He shakes his head and another sickening smile stretches on his face, “You’re probably hungry huh? I’ll go make you some breakfast.” He jumps up from the bed and as he leaves he calls out, “Call me Keigo by the way!”
Psychopath. This man is an actual psychopath.
Two more days passed before anything eventful happened. You spent the days laying in bed, eating when given a meal, enduring small talk when he began to threaten you, and sleeping with no dreams at all.
According to the small clock on the nightstand it’s 1:03am. The front door opens and shuts quietly, as if not trying to disturb anyone. There’s some shuffling from the entrance, to the kitchen, and then to your door. You shut your eyes and listen closely as the door to your room opens.
Footsteps approach your bed, but Hawks has heavier footsteps so it can’t be him. You feel your bed sink besides you and a hand begins to pet your hair. “I’m so sorry I haven’t been home princess. I’ve been working on some hard cases lately.”
This voice is deep but so kind and gentle. You open your eyes and see a lanky but tall man with deep sunken eyes looking back at you. “Who are you?”
He chuckles and rests his hand on the side of your face, “I know I look different right now, but you’re smart.”
You analyze him closely and keep finding yourself looking at his eyes. They’re so blue, a deep beautiful blue. “All Might?” You ask, but this time you don’t feel terror gripping your body.
“See? I told you that you’re smart. Oh my smart little princess, how have you been?” He lifts your from your spot as if you weight nothing and sets you down on his lap, cradling you as if you’re a child.
“Oh uh… my body hurts.” You mutter. Still on guard, but knowing that fighting him will help nothing if it really is All Might.
He smiled weekly and places a kiss on your forehead. “I’m sorry darling. I had to make sure you would be good and come home with us.”
Come home with us? Your theory of this being them playing house is confirmed. You shake your head and place your battered hand on his chest, pushing him back slightly. “All Might can I as-“
“My name is Toshinori, call me Toshi.” He interrupts, still smiling.
“Ah, okay Toshi…” you take a deep breath, “Why did you bring me here? How did you bring me here?”
He nods and pulls you back to his chest, preventing you from pushing back, “Of course Princess.”
He repositions do that he’s laying down and you’re resting on his chest, his arms holding you to him tightly but not painfully.
“Never had I ever seen any crimes committed so gracefully. It’s as if someone could teleport into these high security building or you could appear from the shadows. That’s why I gave you that nickname.” He hums and one of his hands lowers to you waist, gripping it roughly but still not painfully. “I couldn’t even find you on CCTV. So I studied your crimes and while I was in the middle of it, someone approached me. He told me that he had also been searching for you, and he was going to go crazy if he couldn’t apprehend the shadow. I’ve never seen him so riled up about something work related. And never in a million years did I expect him to come to me for help.”
He massaged circles into your waist and his other hands plays with your hair. “For months we studied you and your varying patterns. And after finally applying the pattern to the right crime, you fell right into our trap. That entire building was lined wall to wall with cameras. Not only that, Keigo was there.”
For months they had tailed you and you had no idea? I’m the many years you’ve been in this line of work, no one has ever even gotten a sniff of you before. “He took photos as you set that mutant monster free. The one that has murdered more than two thousand people. He had been waiting in the only air vent on top, with his phone camera recording, and eyes watching.”
To know that he had been there, in arms reach, terrifies you.
“It took us so long to figured out where you lived. Because after you did your job, it’s as if you turned into thin air. Keigo said you left the room, and then you were no where to be found. But of course we already knew where you lived by then. One of your exes had loose lips after we cut off his ears.” He chuckles, “Oh man he sure did sing.”
They both must be completely insane. Is it the pressure of being a hero? Or something they were born with? Regardless, these men are completely insane.
“After we finally got our first glimpse of you, we both fell in love. Though to say we already hadn’t fallen in love by the true beauty of your work would be a lie.” He moves his hand from your hair to your cheek, caressing it gently once again, “We’re just so happy you’re finally ours.”
Over time they became more and more affections with only Toshinori to tell Keigo when he’s gone too far. Over time you’ve slowly been fighting this reality that crushes you, yelling at you to just obey. Over time, you have not regained any feeling in your fingers. You have not bothered to use your quirk because the idea of looking at your fingers nauseates you. You don’t even look when they change the bandages.
While the days now seem to be routine, this one would change that monotony. You drag yourself from bed, and into the shower, as you do each and every morning. You brush your teeth and your hair and get dressed. Keigo and Toshinori bought you some makeup since they noticed you always wore it during your missions. Sometimes you wear it and sometimes you don’t. Today you just put mascara and gloss on.
You walk back to your bedroom and stop when in the doorway when you see your bed. The pillows have been rearranged and seemingly multiplied, arranged messily into something resembling a nest. What are they up to this time? They’ve given you multiple presents and surprised to try and cheer you up so this must be one of them.
You walk into the kitchen and Toshinori is standing in a t shirt and sweat pants and a pink frilly apron. He’s cooking something that smells delicious and before sitting down at the island you glance at the front door. You had tried to escape… once. For miles all that surrounds you is forest. No sign of civilization anywhere, and you always seem to end up back at the house. Neither of the heroes even chased you out, they just waited at the door until you tired yourself out and came inside. They forced you to bathe and then cuddled with you on the couch, watching Netflix.
You sit down on the stool and take a sip of the hot coffee and Toshinori had prepared. “Goodmorning Princess, how’d you sleep? Any nightmares?”
Now that you think about it, you haven’t had a single nightmare since you moved in. How would he know about that? It doesn’t matter. They already know you better than you know yourself. “No nightmares… I’m just hungry.”
The sound of wings flapping makes me turn my attention to one of the other bedrooms where Hawks comes out bleary eyes in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs. He enters the kitchen and places a kiss on my forehead before sitting down.
Toshinori scoffs and pours him a cup of coffee. “Could you at least put on some pants?”
Hawks shakes his head, “Nope! You scared our wife is gonna like me more?”
Toshinori pauses but continues plating some omeletes, scones, and assorted fruits. “Not at all, no one wants to see your eggs popping out of your boxers is all.”
Keigo looks down and his face flushes red and he quickly readjusts. “Ah shut up already. I’m hungry.”
You all eat together on the couch and watch some Sunday morning cartoons, their attempt at a regular family weekend.
Out of nowhere your head begins to pound, and you curl over gripping it while moaning. Unbeknownst to you, the two men share a look before tending to you.
Toshinori rubs your back soothingly, “What’s wrong princess?”
Keigo grabs one of your hands in his and kisses the back of it, “Does your head hurt birdy?”
Toshinori nods, “It must be, go get the medicine from the bathroom.”
You groan and Toshinori picks you up and takes you to your bedroom, laying you down gently on the plush bed. Somehow the bed is more comfortable with all of these pillows, you thought it would be lumpy.
Keigo comes in and sits you up a little bit and signals you to open your mouth. You do as your told and he places two pills on your tongue. He helps you wash it down with a glass of water from your nightstand. “Alright birdy why don’t you rest for a bit.”
“If you need anything just call for us okay?” You can barely cling onto his words before passing out without even being able to put up a struggle.
Your whole body aches. It’s as if you’re burning up and your sweat drenches your body. It’s as if there’s fire stemming from your stomach, it’s unbearable. You sit up, ignoring everything in your body begging you to lay down again. You shuffle your legs and there’s a loud wet sound. Looking down you realize not only are you covered in sweat but whatever this slick was that’s pouring from your panties.
It’s the middle of the night now, you slept all day. You turn your head to the door which is slightly ajar, and even darker in the hallway. You would think living with two heroes would provide you with a sense of security especially at night. But it’s nothing like that.
You climb over the pillow mountain and stand up, legs shaking and body trembling. The sweat doesn’t let up, still pouring from your skin. You step out of the room and can hear rain pounding on the roof, followed by the sound of booming thunder. Finally after trailing your hand across the wall you find the thermostat, hoping to turn it down. It’s already at 65… why are you so damn hot?
You struggle towards the bathroom and lean on the sink for support. You open up the medicine cabinet and look through it for some fever reducing medicine. Advil… vitamin C… Heat inducer? You pull the bottle from the cabinet and examine the label.
Heat Inducer for animal morphs
Not made for consumption of beings that are more than 60% human
One drop under the tongue to induce heat for breeding sessions
Had they given you a heat inducer? You’re nowhere close to an animal morph, there’s no telling what it could do to you. You keep looking through the cabinet, desperate for anything to relieve this pain. All you find is a bottle of sleeping tranquilizer pills, making you realize this situation was even more dangerous than you thought.
“Oh Birdy, you should be in bed resting. Unless you’re ready?” He asks with a grin on his face.
“You’re a fucking psychopath.” You spit.
He chortles and shakes his head, “Oh darling, wasn’t that obvious?” He closes the gap with one step and grabs you by your waist, throwing you over his shoulder.
He marches back towards your bedroom but not before making a stop. He knocks on the door it Toshinori’s bedroom and calls out teasingly, “Our little birdy is ready!”
Fuck, you need to get out of this situation fast. You begin unwrapping your numb fingers frantically but squeal when you feel a sharp slap against your pussy.
“You’re so wet birdy! I can’t wait to fill you up.” He picks up his pace and you hurry on unwrapping your fingers. Finally you manage to get it off when you’re thrown across the room and onto the bed.
As Keigo approaches you you grab your finger and thumb with your other hand press then together. Nothing happens. You begin slamming them together, surely rebreaking the bones but you can’t help it as you feel your only hope slip away.
Keigo hovers over you and presses his lips against your ear, “He destroyed all the nerves connecting your fingers to your hand… you’ll never have a quirk again.”
Your body freezes and heart skips a beat. What? This was their plan all along? To strip you of the one thing that gave you power in this world? Every day you realize something worse and worse about them.
Keigo presses his hand flat against your pussy and you scramble to grab it and pry it off. He doesn’t budge, his finger rubbing slowly against your clit, relieving your pain momentarily.
You know the effects of heat, it overwhelms your body until the only thing to take away the feeling happens, sex, and being knotted. You arent going to let this drug take over all of your inhibitions.
You reach one hand up to the back of his head and throw your head forward, head butting him and leaving you with blood dripping down your face. You’re dizzy but still able to gather yourself. Keigo is laying on his side, rubbing his head and groaning.
With perfect timing someone else enters the room. A man you’ve seen every day but something has changed. The lanky man approaches you, and without a word he wraps a hand around your neck and press you back down into the bed. With his other hand he slaps your hard and you even feel your consciousness waver.
He grite his teeth and places a finger under the strap of your panties. “Is that any way to treat your husbands?”
In one fluid motion he rips off your panties and pulls your legs on his shoulders, burying his face in your warmth. Your hands shoot down to his head, gripping his hair, pulling at it and begging.
His long tongue prods at your hole and you buck your hips despite holding back. His tongue trails up to your clit and begins pushing it around with the slick he gathered from your hole. It’s like this burning sensation increases where he touches but soothes every pain in your body.
Two fingers punch your nipples and you squeak, bringing one hand to your mouth to stop your moans. Keigo looks bored as he pinches and pulls at your nipple, “Toshi’, I wanna fuck her already.”
Toshinori lifts his head momentarily, “All right all right, let me just prep her a little okay.”
Before you have time to process their words Toshinori’s tongue is back to torturing your clit. Two long slender finger begins prodding at your hole and you squeal out, “No! Don’t!”
Keigo laughs, “We all know that’s not what you really mean.” He leans down and his mouth latches onto one of your nipples sucking and leaving you shivering. You’ve never felt a pleasure like this before.
The two fingers you had almost forgotten about thrust inside of you without warning, scissoring and poking at your walls. Your hand can’t contain your moan and it echoes throughout the room. He continues fucking you with his fingers and licking and nipping at your clit. That mixed with the sensation of your sore nipples being played with you can’t contain yourself. Your back arches off of the bed and you let out a loud, high pitched moan.
Despite your obvious orgasm, the men don’t let up, in fact they get hungrier. Toshinori pushes Keigo off of you and flips you over with your ass in the air.
“Hey! It’s my turn! I didn’t get to taste her yet!” Keigo barks at Toshinori.
“Fine, but don’t… fuck her yet okay?” The lanky man begrudgingly agrees.
Keigo takes Toshinori’s position and you don’t have time to move with their speed. Keigo lowers his head and stretches his tongue to lick your clit from behind. Your fists grip the sheets and you bury your face in a pillow to hide the lewd sounds you’re making.
His tongue trails up and pokes at your hole, but it doesn’t stop there. It keeps going up until it makes contact with your asshole. You buck forward but two firm hands on your shoulders stop you. You look up see Toshinori on his knees in front of you, “Why don’t you suck on something to help ease the pain?”
You’re not given much of an option, Toshinori pulls out his dick and you find yourself fearful again. This time at the sheer length of his dick, “Don’t worry, just suck the tip okay?”
He presses the tip of his dick in your mouth forcefully and at the same time Keigo presses a finger into your tight add hole and another in your needy pussy.
You try to cry out but the vibrations excite Toshinori more, pressing his dick a little further into your mouth. The taste isn’t great but for some reason right now it addictive, you lick the underside of his shaft and he shivers, pressing his dick back until it presses the back of your throat. Normally you would have thrown up on the spot but with this drug in your system it’s like there’s no resistance at all.
Toshinori begins fucking your face violently while holding your head up by a fistful of hair. Behind you Keigo moves both of his fingers to your asshole, thrusting them in and out, stretching you in a new glorious way.
“Toshi finish up. She’s ready.” Keigo calls out from behind you, removing his fingers and slapping your push again.
The slap holes you forward and Toshinori begins pressing your face all the way into his pubes, leaving you unable to breathe. You thrash around but his pounding doesn’t stop and you feel yourself begin to black out.
Toshinori holds your face against his pubes and his dick twitches in your mouth, and you can feel his hot cum sliding down your throat. He pulls you off of him quickly and flips you over so you’re between his legs, head resting on his chest.
“You’re such a good girl for daddy. It’s time for your present.” He kisses the top of your head and your thoughts become hazy.
Keigo sits between your legs and you feel something heavy slap your pussy a few times. Each time you flinch but can’t find it in yourself to move. You glance down and see Toshinori smiling innocently with his hand gripping his thick dick. It’s curved and far longer than any man should be allowed to have. Putting that in someone would break them.
He slides it between your folds and it dawns on you, he’s going to put that thing in you. You jump up and cling to Toshinori, “Please don’t, please! Its- it will break me!”
They both laugh and Toshinori pets your head, “It’ll just be a tight fit at first that’s all.”
You beg Toshinori to not let Keigo impale you but instead he reassures you that you’ll be fine and holds you against his chest so Keigo can fuck you.
“P-please Kei’… Dont.” You whimper.
Keigo smiled and places a hand on your face gently, “Birdy… You’re mine now. You don’t have a choice.”
He thrusts his dick inside of your pussy, not warning you, and not caring that you’re flailing and crying. The stretch from his girth is so painful but he doesn’t even give you time to adjust, just starts fucking you like an animal.
“Keigo be gentle.” Toshinori protests.
Between heavy breaths and not stopping his thrusting he retorts, “You haven’t felt her yet. So stop talking.”
The pain slowly melts into an overwhelming pleasure. Your screams turn into moans of ecstasy and you can feel drool drip from your lips as you bob around on Keigo’s dick like nothing but a tiny doll. Toshinori reached his hand between the two of you and rubs your clit, not needing lube as your slick has gotten everywhere by now. He rubs tantalizingly slow circles, bringing you close to orgasm but ripping it away when he stops suddenly.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum.” Keigo mutters.
Toshinori begins rubbing circles more vigorously on your clit and you begin to spasm, every muscle in your body freaking out. Keigo grips your waist, nails digging into your sides and wings shivering. Your walls tighten and contract around him, forcing the cum out of him.
His cock literally expands inside of you, sending you into another mini orgasm while being completely overly sensitive. Toshinori keeps rubbing circles and with his other hand he tugs at your nipple.
You can feel it forming. The knot. He keeps trying to thrust but as the knot gets bigger he can only manage small ruts. Then it happens, it all releases inside of you, your walls squeezing and sucking the cum from his dick. He groans as his dick goes back to normal size, and your belly expands, showing just how much cum he fucked into you.
He falls backwards and wipes some sweat off of his forehead, “Give me a few minutes Toshi.”
Toshi nods and you assume it’s over. There’s no way they expect your body to handle anything else. But at the same time, the moment he pulled his dick out of you this burning painful feeling returned. Toshinori lifts you carefully and turns you so that you’re facing him.
“Alright princess, I’ll try to be gentle.” He holds your limp body over his dick, slowly sitting you on top of it.
“Too much… too much- Toshi.” You mumble.
“Oh I know princess but you’re being so good!” He coos.
He lowers you on his dick and just the tip stretches you more than Keigo did. He moves slowly but each time you recover from the pain of the last inch, the pain of the next inch creeps in. About half way down his dick he sighs, “This is never going to work, I’m sorry princess.”
Expecting him to lift you off you sigh in relief, but you couldn’t be anymore wrong. He pulls you down forcefully onto the rest of his dick and you find yourself screaming again with a sore throat.
“Hah, and you told me to go easy on her.” Keigo laughs from behind you.
“At least I’m giving her time to get used to it.” Toshinori holds you down on him firmly, your squirming will never get you out of this position.
Gently he lifts you up by two inches, and cruelly he slams you back down. He does it over and over and no words can escape you, only animalistic sounds of ecstasy and desperation.
From behind you Keigo had gathered himself together, dick already painfully hard from seeing his fellow husband fuck the shit out of you. He lined himself up from behind you and takes on the role Toshinori did before.
He begins playing with your clit and sucking on your neck, leaving you with bruises and bloody bite marks. But right now, everything feels like ecstasy, even teeth sinking into your skin. You’re too busy trying not to cum to feel Keigo lining his dick up against your asshole. It’s sopping wet with the slick from your pussy.
He places it perfectly so that when Toshinori brought you back down his length again, you’d have his dick in your ass too. Electrifying pain shoots you your spin and you fall limp against Toshinori’s chest. Neither of them spare you any kindness, thrusting deep inside of you, Toshinori fucking Keigo’s cum even deeper in your pussy.
But just as it happened with the rest of your pain, the pain of having your asshole and pussy stretched at the same time becomes pleasurable. The men bounce you on their dicks in sync, fucking you fast and hard, gripping different parts of your body and leaving you bruised.
You can feel another tidal wave of an orgasm coming over your body and Toshinori grunts out, “Fuck I’m so sorry princess I can’t help myself.”
Before you can interpret his words, there’s a poof sound and a cloud of smoke. Instantly your pussy walls begin to stretch, until you’re sure you’re going to tear in half. It stays stagnant inside of you, his dick now too big to even move if he didn’t want to pull Keigo out of you. You can feel the veins in his dick pulsating and pressing against your walls, a new kind of pleasure that no person should ever be exposed to.
“Fuck Toshi. Warning please! You’re practically crushing my dick!” Keigo yells out.
“Sorry Keigo, I couldn’t help it.” Toshinori says somewhat ashamed.
“Fuck I’m cumming again.” Keigo’s hands falls to your waist and he sits up more so he can thrust you on his dick and Toshinori’s dick.
Your head falls back onto Keigo’s shoulder, unable to catch your breath as your fucked so violently in a way that satisfies you endlessly.
It happens again, the knot starts forming. Toshinori groans as the knot presses against his dick through your walls. His dick stretches inside of you, heating up and releasing.
Suddenly, Toshinori reaches over you and grabs Keigo by his face, “Get the fuck off of her. It’s my turn.”
Hearing the hunger In Toshinori’s voice, Keigo pulls himself from inside of you and stands up to put his sweatpants back on. Toshinori pulls his pulsating length from inside of you, and grabs your by your hair. He throws you down on your stomach but you can’t even sit up before he pushes his hand on the back of your neck and lifts your ass up with his other.
“Try and lift your head and fuck you until you break.” His words scare you, because you know he’s not bluffing.
He lifts his hand from the back of your neck and presses his thumb into the whole of your pussy, managing to hold in the cum. His dick lines up with your asshole and you know you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.
He presses in the tip, forcing your legs to quiver. It’s one thing to have his dick stretch inside of you, but another to have it penetrate you at this size, he presses it in slowly, ignoring your whimpers until he’s all the way down to the base. It’s instant, his hips snap forward and he begins fucking your asshole, stretching you until you finally notice the bulge in your stomach. You don’t even have to look, you can feel it.
Somehow the idea that you’re being penetrated by this huge man turns you on more. And you start moaning as he claims your ass. It doesn’t take long for his violent thrusts to slow down and his dick to start twitching erratically. His cum is just as hot as before, filling you up even more than he had before. He pulls his dick out of you but still doesn’t give you the chance to rest.
He grabs your ankles and lifts you up by them, “Sorry princess, gotta plug you up and we don’t want to leak anything.”
Your head is so numb that nothing he says registers with you. Keigo walks back into the room with two plugs in hand. Toshinori pulls your legs apart and Keigo pushes the plugs inside of you, earning one last moan from your abused body.
Toshinori sets you down in the bed and pulls your back against him. “Oh you were so good princess. You did so well today.”
Keigo lays down next to the both of you and rests a hand on your hip, “And tomorrow birdy, we’re gonna tie your legs up in the air, and fill you with our seed whenever we feel like it.”
“You don’t have to be so crass.” Toshinori grumbled at Keigo.
Keigo chuckles, “Why? She’s gonna love it. Our beautiful little birdy is going to be pregnant with our child, all nice and chubby with big swollen tits. Doesn’t that sound great?”
You’re drifting to sleep but you can feel Toshinori’s boner forming once again, “Yeah, it will be great.”
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diceriadelluntore · 10 months
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Storia Di Musica #304 - Bob Dylan, Bringing It Al Back Home, 1965
Ogni anno ho raccontato un disco di Bob Dylan. Prescindere da Dylan è impossibile per il rock, e arriva in luoghi, stili e musicisti che a prima vista sembrano lontani anni luci da lui. Eppure, il suo è uno degli ingranaggi cruciali che mette in moto la macchina della musica popolare occidentale (e non solo) che è arrivata fino ad oggi. Il disco di oggi è l'occasione per un viaggio alquanto insolito, che svelerò alla fine, per chiudere il 2023 musicale. Il disco di oggi nasce da alcune idee che erano state scartate per quello precedente, Another Side Of Bob Dylan del 1964. Sebbene ancora legato al folk, quel disco scopre un lato introspettivo che il Dylan di quei tempi ancora doveva scandagliare: inizia quindi a mettere di lato (sebbene non lo abbandonerà mai del tutto) il lato politico e sociale (dello stesso anno è The Times They Are A-Changin') per quello privato. Inoltre c'è la necessità musicale di legare insieme il folk dei primordi con le nuove pulsioni del rock'n'roll, che secondo Dylan gli permetterebbero maggiore libertà creativa. Decide quindi di andare a vivere in una piccola villetta di campagna a Woodstock, proprio a pochi km dalla spianata che pochi anni più tardi fu teatro di una immensa folla rock, casa di proprietà del suo manager Albert Grossman. Dylan adora quel posto, e ci passa tutta l'estate. Dopo pochi giorni, è raggiunto da Joan Baez, che racconta la routine del menestrello di Duluth: passava la giornata alla macchina da scrivere, accompagnato incessantemente da sigarette e bottiglie di vino, e spesso nel cuore della notte avendo avuto una intuizione si metteva a scrivere senza soluzioni di continuità. Dylan è cauto, e affina tutti i particolari: alla prima sessione di registrazione canta da solo acustico. Il giorno dopo, 14 Gennaio 1965 che nella storia del rock è un giorno importante, si presenta con una band elettrica: i chitarristi Al Gorgoni, Kenneth Rankin, e il grande Bruce Langhorne, il pianista Paul Griffin, i bassisti Joseph Macho Jr. e William E. Lee, e il batterista Bobby Gregg. Registrano per ore, e le canzoni volano veloci e in poche ore, quando è notte fonda, è pronto metà disco. La sera successiva, il 15 Gennaio, Dylan dopo cena si presenta con una nuova band, tra cui John P. Hammond, che diventerà suo fido braccio destro negli anni a seguire, e John Sebastian, che diventerà famoso con i Lovin' Spoonful. Di questa sessione però non fu salvato nulla, così il 16 torna in studio con tutti i musicisti e finisce di registrare il disco. Che secondo il racconto dei presenti fu tutto di first takes, cioè canzoni registrate e considerate buone dopo solo una registrazione. Dylan, timoroso che il passaggio totale alla musica elettrica fosse un passo troppo lungo, decide di dividere il disco a metà con canzoni vecchia maniera musicalmente, ma che nei testi e nelle idee lo propongono del tutto nuovo: un surrealismo fantastico che lega Rimbaud alla beat generation, e che inizia a popolare lo scenario della musica giovanile di luoghi e personaggi che diventeranno archetipi.
Il 22 Marzo 1965 viene pubblicato Bringing It All Back Home dalla Columbia. Verrà distribuito in alcuni paesi con il titolo di Subterrean Homesick Blues, nome del primo singolo, ma ciò che importa è che è uno dei più grandi dischi di Dylan, ergo, è uno dei più grandi dischi della storia del rock. Perchè riesce nell'intento che si era prefissato, cioè trovare un legame credibile tra la tradizione folk, il blues e il nascente rock, creando paesaggi lirici che sconvolgono, consegnando alla storia canzoni mito su cui tutti hanno preso spunto. La sequenza di canzoni è ormai a quasi 60 anni dall'uscita un greatest hits: Subterrean Homesick Blues è il biglietto d'ingresso nel mondo elettrico, e passa anche alla storia per l'innovativo videoclip, famosissimo e stracitato, di Dylan con i cartelli di parole chiavi del testo, con Allen Ginsberg che passeggia sullo sfondo di una vecchia fabbrica in rovina. Il testo, che utilizza anche espressioni da strada, è una infinita carrellata di riferimenti, più o meno chiari, alla società, alla politica, al giornalismo, e inizia a creare delle espressioni che diventeranno futuri slogan tra studenti, manifestanti per i diritti civile e così via (il più famoso You don't need a weather man\To know which way the wind blows). She Belongs To Me è l'ennesima novità stilistica: la prima figura di "donna ammaliatrice" (definizione di uno dei massimi studiosi di Dylan, Robert Shelton) con cui esiste un rapporto difficoltoso, sebbene non si sappia chi sia realmente l'spirazione, le più accreditate sono Suze Rotolo, la sua ex fidanzata che sta con lui sulla copertina di Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, sua sodale, Nico, la cantante svedese che conobbe alla Factory di Warhol e che canterà con i Velvet Underground o forse Sara Lownds, quella che diventerà sua moglie poche settimane dopo l'uscita del disco. Ogni canzone diventerà un'icona: Maggie's Farm, probabilmente un blues contro ogni forma di sfruttamento; On The Road Again è una dichiarazione profetica sul rapporto Dylan-successo, dove il primo spesso sceglie la lontananza e l'autoesilio, impaurito da quello che succede; It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), tutta acustica, è uno dei massimi capolavori lirici dylaniani, con una carrellata drammatica per tensione e suggestione di immagini e sensazioni che esprimono un impellente desiderio di critica nei confronti dell'ipocrisia, del consumismo, dei sostenitori della guerra, e della cultura americana contemporanea, che rispetto al Dylan folk stavolta non si risolve in un ottimismo rivoluzionario, ma in un arrabbiato status quo da osservare. Ricordo altre due perle: It's All Over Now, Baby Blue, Dylan alla chitarra acustica e all'armonica a bocca e William E. Lee al basso come unica strumentazione, è un'altra ballata storica, dai mille significati (chi sia o cosa sia Baby Blue, per esempio) ma la canzone più famosa è senza dubbio Mr. Tambourine Man, altra canzone dai mille significati e simbolismi, che diventerà un soprannome dello stesso Dylan, e oggetto di centinaia di saggi, anche accademici, alla ricerca dei messaggi più reconditi di questo vagabondo con tamburo intento a suonare una canzone per lui mentre la notte sta per terminare avviandosi verso il mattino tintinnante.
Il disco è un successo: numero 6 nella classifica americana, addirittura numero 1 in Gran Bretagna, dove in quei mesi inizia una vera e proprio Dylanmania. E sarà uno dei più coverizzati di sempre: i Byrds lo riprenderanno quasi del tutto, e molte delle loro versioni di questi brani diventeranno famose, anche per l'uso nelle colonne sonore, da ricordare quelle in Easy Rider. Ma non tutti furono folgorati, e non posso non ricordare l'episodio che avvenne al Festival Di Newport: il 25 luglio 1965 Dylan si presentò sul palcoscenico non come cantante solista con chitarra e armonica come suo solito, ma con una chitarra elettrica accompagnato dalla Paul Butterfield Blues Band, formidabile band di blues elettrico. Qui succede questo: non si sa nemmeno bene se fosse colpa dell'acustica che non funzionava, ma il pubblico iniziò a fischiare Dylan, che dopo un paio di brani lasciò il palco; gli organizzatori lo convinsero a ritornare, solo con armonica e chitarra, per una sessione solo acustica che leggenda vuole finisca con It's All Over Now (Baby Blue), da allora canzone anche per sancire un passaggio epocale nella vita delle persone deluse dai cambiamenti.
Rimane da raccontare la copertina: Daniel Kramer con una lente distorsiva fotografa Dylan in un salotto con una donna, Sally Grossman, moglie dell'allora manager di Dylan, Albert Grossman. Sul tavolino tra i due dischi famosi Keep On Pushing de The Impressions, King Of The Delta Blues Singers di Robert Johnson, India's Master Musician di Ravi Shakar, Sings Berlin Theatre Songs by Kurt Weill di Lotte Leyna e l'amico Eric Von Schmidt con The Folk Blues Of Eric Von Schmidt; dietro Sally Grossman, seminascosto da un cuscino, c'è il lato superiore della copertina dell'album Another Side Of Bob Dylan, e sotto il suo braccio destro, una copia della rivista Time con Lyndon B. Johnson in copertina. Sulla mensola del camino, alla sinistra del dipinto, si vede l'album di Lord Buckley The Best Of Lord Buckley. Compare un gatto, che si chiamava Rolling Stone, Dylan indossa dei gemelli regalati da Joan Baez e in primo piano, in basso a sinistra della fotografia, campeggia un cartello con su scritto Fallout Shelter (rifugio antiatomico). Questo tavolino sarò il punto di partenza di nuove storie, nel nome di Dylan e di uno dei dischi fondamentali della storia.
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