#bring back big scary apocalypse dragon
platypus-love · 1 year
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Water Dragon Slayer Noel Pendrake (bonus, her exceed friend Percy)
Might make a post about her but it would involve spoilers for Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest so I’ll make it a separate one and try to hide the spoilers for y’all
Noel joins Fairy Tail very shortly after the war against Alvarez after hearing about the defeat of Acnologia (and to an extent Zeref as well)
Anyways my friend got me to finally make a Fairy Tail OC so here she is!
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the-meta-tron · 1 year
Good Omens Theory: Matchbox Foreshadowing
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Did anyone wonder why there was so much emphasis on this matchbox?
We know that it was later connected to Gabriel's disappearance since it's from The Resurrectionist in Edinburgh, and it's where he stored his fly from Beelzebub. The Resurrectionist, of course, was a double entendre to the body snatchers that were an essential part of Victorian medical research as well as Jesus himself. Knowing at the end of the season that Heaven is planning the Second Coming, all the references to the Resurrectionist seemed like some pretty basic foreshadowing. But I think it goes deeper than that.
Why is there a quote from the Book of Job on a matchbox from a place named after Jesus? Surely, there would have been other scripture that was more relevant to JC. No, instead we get this from the book of Job.
Job 41:19 Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out
Upon the first watch, the first thing that immediately sprung to mind when that quote floated on screen was the last time fiery sparks leaped out of someone's mouth in Heaven. Who did that again?
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Oh yeah!
Crowley, wearing Aziraphale's face.
I've always wondered exactly what the relevance of this particular quote from the Book of Job meant. After all, references to The Book Of Job were everywhere in season 2. There are some excellent metas out there as to why Job is so important to season 2, but I want to actually analyze what the scripture that's been referenced is describing.
The whole point of the Book of Job is most of it is about God's conversation with Job. Chapter 41 is titled: The Lord's Power Shown in the Leviathan. And I really don't think that is a coincidence.
The Leviathan, as described in Chapter 41 of the Book of Job... is a giant snake that breathes fire. Literally.
Basically, God is talking to Job about all of their creations, and they bring up The Leviathan as one of the most fearsome things they ever created. It's basically God saying to Job: look at my big scary sea snake that breathes fire. Do you think you can fight this big scary sea snake that breathes fire? You can't. He's so powerful. No weapons can harm him. He's stronger than anything. Everyone's terrified of him. But he's not more powerful than ME because I'm God.
So where else does the Leviathan appear in theology?
In the Book of Enoch, The Leviathan is a female giant chaos serpent that lives deep in the ocean, while her mate, Behemoth, is a male giant chaos beast (based off of a hippopotamus or water-ox) who lives in the mythical desert of Duidain, East of Eden.
In the Book of Revelations, The Leviathan is associated with The Devil (a lot of things get associated with the Devil in Christianity. Read my Crowley isn't Lucifer, But... theory for more context). It is also strongly associated with being The Serpent of Eden ("this is the dragon that was cast out of Paradise, that beguiled Eve and is permitted in this world to make sport of us" - Jerome of Stridon), aka our good friend Crowley. In the prophecy of Revelations, the Leviathan, also known as The Seven-Headed Dragon, is kind of important in the final battle between Heaven and Hell.
So, I think Crowley is The Leviathan, and he's going to have a much more important role in the Second Coming than he thinks he does.
The Resurrectionist(s).
I think Season 3 is going to be a biblical zombie apocalypse.
Let me explain.
In the Episode 2 Minisode, we see Aziraphale find out that God is going to let Satan destroy everything Job owns, including his children. Aziraphale thinks killing children is wrong, so he tries to stop Crowley from killing Job's children, only to find out, surprise! Crowley never planned to kill the children and was always scheming behind Hell's back to find a way to protect them. Aziraphle helps Crowley by working together to trick Heaven into thinking Job's old children are dead and they have new ones now, saving the children's lives.
In the Episode 3 Minisode, we see Aziraphale and Crowley get involved with a body snatcher named Elpseth. Aziraphale thinks digging up corpses for money is wrong, so he stops Elpseth from selling the body to a resurrectionist, only to find out, surprise! The medical community actually really needs these human corpses to study anatomy and potentially reduce human suffering. He tries to help Elpseth dig up another body, but Wee Morag gets shot and killed, and Crowley stops Elpseth from killing herself with Laudanum by drinking it instead and makes her agree to live a better life.
In the Episode 4 Minisode, we see Aziraphale and Crowley flirt do a little magic show together so Aziraphale can repay Crowley for saving his books by doing a West End show to cover Crowley's alcohol smuggling debts. Meanwhile, there are literal zombie nazis who have been hired by hell to try to find evidence that the two of them are working together. Aziraphale and Crowley trust each other when their miracles aren't working, and they pull off the magic trick. Backstage, when Furfur rubs the proof in their faces, Aziraphale tricks him by doing sleight-of-hand so Furfur returns to hell without proof.
In the minisodes, we see several consistent themes popping up. We see Aziraphale struggling with morality. We see Aziraphale and Crowley working together to help humanity or each other. We see them saving human lives at great personal risk. We see deception and sleight-of-hand against Heaven, Hell, and Humanity. Lastly and most importantly, we see a lot of death and resurrection. We see the not-death and not-resurrection of Job's children, the deaths of resurrectionists of Victorian Scotland, and the literal death and resurrection of the Nazi Zombies.
Outside of the minisodes, we see Crowley and Aziraphale's combined miracle be worth 25 Lazarii, aka bringing 25 people back from the dead. We see Gabriel, in his purple-eyed prophetic trance, warn of a great storm that will raise the dead. And we see Crowley bring a man who was ripped apart by demons back to life(?).
Not to mention we know Jesus, The Resurrectionist, is going to be around for season 3. And the Second Coming, aka Judgement Day, is going to happen. And the Last Judgement in Abrahamic Theology is the Day of Resurrection; it is "The Resurrection of the Dead, both Just and Unjust" (Acts 24:25); it is Life to the Dead so they may live eternally in the Kingdom to Come. (That's why, in Abrahamic Theology, the Book of Life is so important. You can see my Book of Lies theory for more on that).
The dead are going to rise. It is established that it's possible for the dead to become zombies with the nazi zombie episode. Why devote an entire minisode to the concept of zombies if it isn't important? It's foreshadowed time and time again throughout season 2.
I also anticipate that we're going to see the other themes that were present in the minisodes. I don't think anyone will be surprised if next season Aziraphael will struggle with morality. Aziraphale and Crowley are going to have to learn to communicate properly so they can work together and trust each other again (being able to do miracles of immense power together is a huge Chekov's Gun). We're going to see them do some kind of deception again to trick Heaven and Hell into thinking they're getting their way with the apocalypse when they actually aren't.
In Summary
So, in conclusion, based on that little matchbox and the wider plot of Season 2, we're going to see Crowley be the giant fire-breathing chaos serpent, aka Leviathan (literally or metaphorically), with some kind of essential role at the end of the world. And I think we're going to see a zombie apocalypse or mass resurrection of some sort. I also think we're going to see Aziraphale and Crowley have to learn to trust each other again so they can do A Big Miracle and also trick Heaven and Hell with some really clever deception.
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ladyettejin · 4 years
I'm always excited to find another SPN fan! Here's a fun challenge for you: what are your five or so favorite seasons, ten favorite episodes, and five favorite characters other than Sam/Dean/Cas?!
AAAAAH this is definitely going to be a challenge but I am so excited to get into this, thank you a million. I can and will talk about Supernatural forever. This’ll be a long post so I’ll add a little break here.
Favorite seasons (and I can only pick five from fifteen, this is killing me):
1. Season One - the aesthetic. This is it. Back roads, long drives, greys and blues and monster hunts and brothers learning how to be brothers. I can watch just this first season alone and feel everything that the rest of the show ended up making me feel. I can look at them then and know where they’re going and just feel everything. 
2. Season Two - this one is my favorite season altogether because this is when I really fell in love with the show. Season one, the brothers were getting into the rhythm of it, and then season two it just took off. The storyline was building, the characters were building, everything is just *chef’s kiss*
3. Season Four - Sam is struggling so hard and I love him so much. And then the ANGELS show up.  And then you get to playing about with the parallels of God/John and Angels/Sam’n’Dean and you give me an angel struggling with his sense of duty and he ends up questioning his entire reality? I live.
4. Season Five - it’s just so gorgeous. Threads are pulling together, the big apocalypse arc is coming to the climax, the stakes are so high and the acting is so good and my heart breaks every time.
5. Season Eight - I got so invested in season eight. The boys working on completing the trials. Everything Sam was going through because of them, and how much I love his strength and how much I need him to know he’s loved and worthy. And then that finale? Oh my god my HEART. Ten Favorite Episodes (again, I’m limited and this kills me):
1. Nightshifter (2.12) - it’s amazing. It’s stressful, it’s gorgeous, and oh my god that realization that now the boys are on the run from the law, officially? The way they escape? Renegade?! GOD that’s good.
2. Bad Day at Black Rock (3.3) - so funny. I love seeing how the Rabbit’s Foot affects my boys, it’s scary but also funny, and then we get to meet Bela Talbot for the first time, which, beautiful, amazing, forever grateful.
3. Sex and Violence (4.14) - the siren hunt is GREAT. I love the chemistry between Sam and the doctor, that scene in her office lives rent free in my mind, and I love how the siren for Dean isn’t a hot lady, it’s a cute faux-agent dude. I have feelings about this.
4. The End (5.4) - Omg such an episode. The postapocalypse, where Sam said yes and Dean refused and now Cas is broken and Sam is Lucifer in a white suit with a red rose and the things this episode does to my heart, just, argh.
5. Changing Channels (5.8) - genuinely funny. I love how creative and goofy they let themselves get. And I love how you have all the pain of being trapped by the Trickster without the whole “Dean is repeatedly dying and maybe it’s fascinating and I might put it on the list because Tuesdays will literally never be the same for me but also oh my god it hurts.” 
6. Swan Song (5.22) - I honestly think this is my favorite episode of all of them. I have sobbed, absolutely sobbed over this one. Everything arches, everything fits, and oh my god, Sam. Sam Winchester literally fights back the devil. He looks at his brother, and he remembers everything that brotherhood means, and he literally holds back Lucifer. And he jumps into that pit, knowing full well what he’s doing. What he’s sacrificing. He’s so strong, and he’s so selfless, and he’s so beautiful. And my heart cannot take it. 
7. The French Mistake (6.15) - seriously, the meta fiction of this one kills me. I love Sam and Dean having opinions about Jared and Jensen. I love seeing Sam and Dean react to the difference between Castiel and Misha. I love watching them try and act like they can’t actually act. That’s good acting and I love it completely.
8. The Man Who Would Be King (6.20) - I LOVE CASTIEL SO MUCH. I just, I love watching him come to terms with himself. I love the pain and the struggle and the angst. This episode feels big to me, like intrinsically big to the storyline and to Cas as a character.
9. Slash Fiction (7.6) - it’s just so much fun watching Leviathans pretend to be my boys. It’s so stressful and angsty and I love it. We also learn how to kill them, and I’ll be honest, I love the lore, I absolutely love the way the show gives us lore like that. It’s a core quality since that first season and it’s beautiful.
10.  The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (7.20) - I love Charlie. I love her relationship with Dean. I love this episode for bringing her to me, and for making her a fun awkward cute hacker. And I love watching Dean teach her how to flirt. Five Favorite Characters (who are not Sam or Dean or Cas):
1. Charlie Bradbury - she was cute, she was clever, and she loved Sam and Dean honestly and easily, and my boys need that kind of relationship in their life.
2. Bela Talbot - she was gorgeous, she was smart, she was amoral, she was legitimately fascinating and well acted too, and I wish we’d seen more of her.
3. Bobby Singer - he may not have been blood related to Sam and Dean but he absolutely loved them like a father and they loved him so much and also I love the episode Weekend at Bobby’s, which almost got put on my top ten list and I’m definitely bringing it up here. It’s great watching him work. Beautiful, even. It would have been nice to see Sam and Dean take up those reins.
4. Gabriel - he was so cute and I love the whole prankster thing and then it turns out he’s an angel and then he actually tries to help but ends up dying and I just, I have a lot of feelings about what Gabriel brought to the party.
5. Crowley - The snark! The sass! The good heart hidden inside layers of asshat. He just wanted to be loved. And I do. Favorite demon ever, hands down.
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
fics masterlist (by pairing)
in case you’d prefer to look by pairing! newest fics are in bold at the top of each section, enjoy! ^_^ 
fairy tail
gray x natsu
read my lips let me be your haven [multichap, ongoing] put your hands on my body [explicit] we are unbreakable [multichap, ongoing] your heart is a hurricane [multichap, complete] i don't need much (i just need a little room to breathe) take my hand (take my whole life, too) [multichap, complete] i'll be home for christmas [multichap, complete]   be my sanctuary [multichap, ongoing] you make it feel like christmas [multichap, ongoing] nothing to lose and a world to see [multichap, complete] one hundred beats per minute every time we touch, i get this feeling [multichap, complete] a talent for improvised dishonesty [multichap, ongoing] a season of becoming [multichap, complete] cold hands & warm hearts [explicit]  that which we are, we are  take it off [explicit] i will burn for the things i love [multichap, complete] how to become a wildfire [multichap, complete] sympathy for the devil [multichap, complete] you're my favorite distraction toi plus moi ça fait boum boum boum [explicit] critical hit [multichap, ongoing] sometimes we take chances, sometimes we take pills [multichap, complete] crash & burn [multichap, complete] you can bring me back (i’m starting to feel again) sin & sorcery [explicit] [multichap, complete] where flowers bloom, so does hope rich in love and richest of all you saw hope in the hopeless  sanctuary [multichap, complete] trust your heart when the seas catch fire i’d rather be a riot than indifferent [explicit] [multichap, complete] ten pints of crazy in a one-pint glass [explicit] i’ll love you forever something wicked this way comes scary on ‘tho much is taken, much abides [multichap, complete] kiss me in lipstick, fuck me in lace [explicit] unböring when everything's made to be broken our scars remind us (that the past is real) [explicit] some assembly required [explicit] none of the above your eyes, your lips, your fingertips here comes the sun one third bad intentions, one third avarice, and one eighth sawdust mon cœur givré switch unison best day of my life aftermath [multichap, complete] fuck, yes [explicit]
sting x rogue 
let me be your haven [multichap, ongoing] put your hands on my body [explicit] we are unbreakable [multichap, ongoing] your heart is a hurricane [multichap, complete] take my hand (take my whole life, too) [multichap, complete] i'll be home for christmas [multichap, complete] be my sanctuary [multichap, ongoing] you make it feel like christmas [multichap, complete] a talent for improvised dishonesty [multichap, ongoing] love the way you hurt me [explicit] if you go hard you gotta get on the floor [explicit] how to become a wildfire [multichap, complete] sympathy for the devil [multichap, complete] let’s hear it for the boy [multichap, complete] you're my favorite distraction sometimes we take chances, sometimes we take pills [multichap, complete] crash & burn [multichap, complete] you can bring me back (i’m starting to feel again) sanctuary [multichap, complete] and a partridge in a pear tree maybe christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more i’d rather be a riot than indifferent [explicit] [multichap, complete] ten pints of crazy in a one-pint glass [explicit] kiss me in the shadow of every spark snow in your hair and a kiss on your lips i’ll love you forever scary on unböring champagne supernova i will follow you into the dark one third bad intentions, one third avarice, and one eighth sawdust best day of my life aftermath [multichap, complete]
freed x laxus
we are unbreakable [multichap, ongoing] be my sanctuary [multichap, ongoing] crash & burn [multichap, complete] sanctuary [multichap, complete] i’d rather be a riot than indifferent [explicit] [multichap, complete] best day of my life aftermath [multichap, complete]
sting x natsu
all the small things [tumblr drabbles] drive me crazy [explicit] we are not broken things i get to kiss you, baby (just because i can) [multichap, complete] of all the things my hands have held lose my mind, find my soul read between the lines
sting x gray
keep quiet (nothing comes as easy as you) [explicit] all the small things [tumblr drabbles]     no one can break an ocean sin & sorcery [explicit] [multichap, complete]
gray x rogue
all the small things [tumblr drabbles] sin & sorcery [explicit] [multichap, complete] my own worst enemy (i'm a hazard to myself)
gray x rogue x sting x natsu *check out @gratsustingue-the-ot4​ for more ot4 content
discord and dragons [multichap, ongoing] put your hands on my body [explicit] amour sans frontières [en francais] stubborn love reasons to survive every time you kiss me (it's like sunshine and whiskey) you light my fire [explicit] this place about to blow shut up and kiss me [explicit] love, like rain [multichap, ongoing] you are my sunshine father of mine (tell me how do you sleep) i'll keep you safe in these arms of mine you'll be in my heart it's all fun and games you are the best thing that's ever been mine fuck who you want and fuck who you like [explicit] my two left feet and our two hearts beating we match hearts  welcome to the show [explicit] love you a latte un bonjour, un bisou, et un café [en francais] if you believe in love, you’re always alive [multichap, complete] i’m not crazy, i’m just a little unwell time out sometimes we take chances, sometimes we take pills [multichap, complete] the heart has storms and tides then the skies will seem more blue surrounded by you i like to drink you with a little salt and lime cat-like thief take your time [explicit] love the way you say my name [explicit] pourquoi pas? [explicit] all your perfect imperfections your body is a wonderland [explicit] don’t take your eyes off me [explicit] your welcome has been so nice and warm all i want for christmas is you you are the brightest lights in my dark, dark sky on your knees and in my arms [explicit] all of me loves all of you you look so good between us, baby [explicit] if your heart’s in a thousand pieces my heart is too big for just one of you [explicit]
the witcher
geralt x jaskier
this animal i have become [multichap, complete] keep me safe, i'll keep you wild [multichap, complete] what wolves and fire do best [multichap, complete] if the apocalypse comes, beep me [multichap, ongoing] a tapestry of scars [multichap, complete] i'll let you in (but i'm so scared of what you'll see) tiny happy things (like the pieces of my heart) what pleases me
carry on
simon snow x baz pitch
shake me from my sleep (tell me it was all a dream)
avatar: the last airbender
sokka x zuko
we are all just stars that have people names
blue exorcist / ao no exorcist
bon x rin
this monster inside of me
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Godzilla King of the Monsters review
In memory of my father. Even though we didn't always see eye-to-eye, without him, I would've never become the fan of Godzilla I am today. Thanks, Dad.
Here it is, my belated review of the recent American Godzilla movie that serves as the sequel to Gareth Edwards' 2014 cinematic reboot and the third installment in the Monsterverse. I saw this movie on Sunday with my mom and brother. Let me just say this to the critics who bashed this movie. I am so sorry this movie doesn't pander to your standards. I'm sorry this movie doesn't exactly have a hidden agenda for you to latch on to. I'm sorry this movie was made for the fans of Godzilla and Kaiju in general. But, you should have known, after seeing the trailers, this movie was going to be a monster slugfest. I also find your critiques very hypocritical since you're more willing to bash this movie yet give praise to the MCU despite those movies not being in the realm of reality. With that said, let's get on to the review.
Story: Five years have passed since mankind bore witness to the rise of Godzilla and the very staggering realization that monsters do exist. Now, humanity is aware of the gigantic beasts known as Titans. However, a dark plan to overthrow humanity and return the rule of Earth to the Titans is underway as an eco-terrorist and rogue Monarch agent let loose a powerful, dragon-like Titan locked away within Antarctica named King Ghidorah whose very presence can summon Category 6 hurricanes all over the world. As humanity faces a worldwide monster apocalypse, Monarch finds itself in a race against time to stop the evil Ghidorah as Godzilla and the other Titans, including the lepidopteran Mothra and the pterosaur-like Rodan, are on a collision course for a battle to decide the fate of the world and who reigns on top as "King of the Monsters".
Let's start with the cons. Just a warning, there WILL be spoilers:
1. The pacing: The first half of the movie feels like it goes a little bit too fast. In the first thirty minutes, we are introduced to Mothra, Ghidorah's awakening in Antarctica as well as his first battle with Godzilla, Rodan's introduction, Godzilla getting incapacitated by the Oxygen Destroyer, and Ghidorah taking control over the other Titans. Luckily, the movie slows down in the second act and allows the audience to catch their breath.
2. Not a lot of Titans: Despite the movie having a total of about twenty Titans, the only ones to get any screen time dedicated to them are the Main Four (Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah) as well as four new monsters (Behemoth, Scylla, Methuselah, and Bosmuto). That's a total of eight Kaiju out of at least twenty with the majority either being names on computer screens or a cameo from Kong. In addition, Rodan and Mothra don't appear that much in the film, mostly taking a backseat to Godzilla and King Ghidorah.
3. Some scenes feel incomplete: For example, there is a scene where Madison (Millie Bobby Brown's character) steals the ORCA, a device meant to communicate with Titans designed by her mother and father, and she does so with little to no effort at all, despite it being a key component in Alan Jonah's (Charles Dance's character) plans. You'd think for such a key instrument, he'd have someone at least guarding it. Heck, in the novelization, there's one guy protecting it who Madison takes out with a taser. In the movie, Maddie just swipes the device with no opposition whatsoever.
4. Emma Russell's Plan: In this movie Emma Russell (Vera Farmiga), after losing her son Andrew to Godzilla during the Battle of San Francisco, apparently went mad and decided to give the planet back to the Titans and is working with Alan Jonah, a former army colonel turned eco-terrorist to set about bringing forth a Kaiju apocalypse by setting loose the Titans from their hibernation and having them fix the planet's ecosystem. Yeah, while it is obvious she's being driven by five years worth of grief and she's not in the right mental state, here are two things wrong with her plan (Heck, even Jonah who is the film's main human villain calls her out on this.):
The Titan you have spear-heading this operation is a three-headed dragon who we later find out is from space and was so feared, ancient people refused to go into depth about him (which should be a major red flag that nobody wants to even acknowledge his existence).
Emma says the radiation brought up from the Titans results in new plant-life. Okay, this lady clearly hasn't heard of the effects radiation has on plant-life. Three words: Red. Forests. Chernobyl.
Granted, she kinda gets proven right, for as soon as the Titans are free, the world gets better, but, she was still willing to kick-start global genocide. When a former British Colonel turned eco-warrior is calling you out on your crap, then something's gone wrong.
Now, the pros:
1. The four main Kaiju: Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, and King Ghidorah are all perfectly realized. As much as I loved the 2014 reboot, I felt like Godzilla could've had a few more scenes to it to flesh out his character. Here, Godzilla is the main character and we get a better grasp at his personality: a weathered, determined king who feels the weight of keeping the natural order in balance on his shoulders. Speaking of personalities, the other three Toho Kaiju have their own distinct personalities, though one gets a category on his own (and I'm pretty sure you know which one) with the stand outs being Rodan who has a hot-headed rogue feel to him but tends to showcase his loyalty to the current Alpha Titan while Mothra is purely benevolent and seems to have a touch of Anguirus' personality with her being loyal to Godzilla alone. I also think this may be the most aggressive incarnation of the Goddess of Peace since GMK.
2. King Ghidorah: The 1991 Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah film was the first Godzilla movie I ever saw, thus King Ghidorah was the first Godzilla villain I saw and he was TERRIFYING. I mean, he's a three-headed dragon the size of a building, that alone is scary. Michael Dougherty succeeded in reminding me why Ghidorah was a nightmare of my childhood. This version of the King of Terror is the most evil I've seen of the character, even more so than Grand King Ghidorah (and that's saying a lot considering that version of Ghidorah was willing to kidnap kids so he could suck them of their life-force as a snack). I like how each of his three heads have their own personalites; the center head being the cold, calculating, arrogant leader, the right head is smarter yet also more aggressive, and the left is an over-achieving, psychotic manchild that has to be kept in line by the center head. In addition, this is the one film villain of 2019 who is evil just for the sake of being evil. There is NOTHING worth sympathizing over. For starters, he's an alien dragon (Yeah, that's right, alien.They don't mince words on that either.) who wants to terraform Earth into his own liking (and it's implied he's done this to other planets as well). He has no conscience, no sympathy, no empathy, and no mercy. He's evil. Nothing more, nothing less. Putting it simply, Ghidorah is that one villain whom you're going to love simply on the grounds of how despicable he is.
3. The Music: The score for the movie by Bear McCeary is excellent. In addition to the classic Ifukube themes for Godzilla and Mothra, it also gives themes for Rodan and Ghidorah that fit them with Rodan having a fast-paced, bombastic theme and Ghidorah having a theme with the Heart Sutra as part of his leitmotif that makes him feel all the more demonic.  I also like the heroic theme given to Monarch.
4. The Human Characters: IMO, I found the human characters surprisingly likable and engaging. They were fleshed out (well, much more than you'd expect in a typical Godzilla movie) and had their own story arcs. My favorite characters would have to be Ishiro Serizawa (Ken Watanabe), Ilene Chen (Zhang Ziyi), Alan Jonah, and Rick Stanton (Brad Whitford).  Rick especially since his jokes are actually pretty good. I also like Alan considering he's not your typical Godzilla human villain who wants to use the Orca and turn the Titans into weapons of war, rather, he comes off more as a Miyazaki villain like Kushana or Lady Eboshi, in that he has good intentions (he's sick and tired of humanity's nonsense and it would be better if the Titans took back the planet), it's just his execution of this plan involved the near extinction of human civilization and the reliance on a three-headed, psychotic dragon from space. Also, Mark Russell (Kyle Chandler) is pretty much the anti-Haruo Sakaki. He holds a grudge against Godzilla, but even then he knows it's downright suicidal to try and fight him and, in the end, realizes the Big G's the only thing standing in the way of Ghidorah's machinations. Heck, some of his actions save more people as opposed to Haruo whose blind hatred towards Godzilla got people killed.  
5. NO! POLITICAL! AGENDA!: Seriously, am I the only one sick of seeing overly PC elements in movies nowadays? I mean, I get it, there should be more representation, but when those themes bring a film to a screeching halt, it feels more like propaganda posing as entertainment. Luckily, KOTM doesn't do that. If anything, it sticks closer to the themes of the Godzilla franchise (coexistence with Nature and what not) and the only political jab it made was a mention of a Titan attacking Stone Mountain. However, it's so brief and so quick, you'd miss it and it wouldn't change a damn thing. Heck, the only actual politics in the movie is a conference scene you'd expect to see in a Godzilla film. Not only that, but none of the main female characters (Emma, Madison, Ilene etc) are Mary Sues, not even Mothra who is the most powerful of the main female leads (yes, Mothra is technically a character) is all powerful. Emma, despite her stupid, STUPID plan, is clearly not thinking straight due to five years of mourning her son and going extreme with Serizawa's belief of the Titans bringing balance to Earth clearly isn't helping. So, yeah, this movie isn't trying to get Woke points, it's trying to tell a story.
6. The Action Sequences: Aside from one scene, most of the action in this movie is probably some of the best out of any Godzilla film, heck, it's some of the best action I've seen in a Kaiju movie in general. And, trust me, if the anime Godzilla trilogy left a bad taste in your mouth (not that I blame you), you can rest comfortably that we get a proper fight between Godzilla and King Ghidorah. Also, this is the first time we get to see Godzilla and Ghidorah really go at it.
This movie was exactly what I wanted to see from an American Godzilla film. It was also the nice little pick-me-up after the utter disappointment that was the anime Godzilla trilogy. Frankly, I think Kong better have something up his sleeves when he and Godzilla have their cinematic rematch next year.
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Rude Awakening Chapter 9
Okay! Here's Chapter 9! Do be warned this has what will probably be the goriest scene in the entire fic. Also some characters I was looking forward to introducing! Chapter 9: Teenage Wasteland
It was dark. The clouds rarely let the sun through. It had been this way for years, as had the Risen shambling across the landscape. Somewhere in the ruins of Yilissitol, a small group of these Risen advanced toward what looked to be an enticing target. For their efforts, they were slashed clean in half, the insects that made them move fleeing into the dirt. The one that had done the deed sighed and started moving on. "...Valentina? Is that really you?" Palkia paused. Then turned around. It was Tiki, staring her down. "...Tiki." Palkia said hollowly. "It's been a while." "Yes... But you! You seem to be the only survivor of the Shepherds I could find..." "I'm sure there are... Others..." "I need you, Valentia." "What for?" "Mommy?" said a voice. "Are the Risen gone?" A small child peeked out from behind a brick wall. This seemed to stir up some actual emotion in Palkia. "Is... Is that...?" Tiki sighed. "I... I've decided to take on Grima myself. With my Divine Dragon power I may be the only one who stands a chance. But while I'm gone... and... just in case... I need someone to watch over Morgan. And as far as I know you're the only one I trust left." "You... You can't," said Palkia, stammering. "Taing on Grima, it's suicide, I-" "Valentina, please!" said Tiki. "You're my only hope... You're... her only hope..." Palkia looked between Tiki and Morgan a few times before sighing and nodding. "I'll... Take care of her." "Thank you..." said Tiki. She bent down to adress Morgan. "Sweetie? I'm going to see your father so we can stop the evil dragon." She started tearing up. "Miss... Miss Valentia is going to take good care of you and protect you from Risen until I get back, okay?" "Okay mommy, " said Morgan. She headed over to Palkia. Tiki looked over at Palkia, tears still in her eyes. "...Goodbye." And in an instant, she was gone. Palkia stared numbly in the direction she went for a good few seconds before noticing the child clutching to her leg and promptly panicking. "Oh no... This was a mistake, a huge mistake..." She scooped up Morgan and rushed after Tiki, but stopped when she realized she had no clue where Tiki went. "Not good... If I knew where she was I could just warp there but..." She noticed Morgan clinging very tightly to her chest, bit her tongue, and started navigating the city on foot. She searched every nook and cranny, behind every wall and broken building, even blasted a few Risen lurking in the depths. Still no sign of her. Palkia was starting to get irritated before hearing a loud roar not too far in the distance. "Grima... She's going for Grima!" She looked at Morgan, who by this point was eyeing her oddly. "Brace yourself kid." She immediately warped within view of but a safe distance away from the massive dragon. And realized her mistake as she heard a scream. And saw Grima's jaws crunching down on the flesh and bones of a much smaller dragon, pieces either falling away or being swallowed whole. Morgan screamed. Palkia screamed. --------------- S E V E R A L Y E A R S L A T E R ------------------- Dialga sighed as his time powers vaporized yet more Risen. It seemed he encountered five or seven of them every five feet, and no matter how many even his powers eliminated more kept coming. He turned to Giratina and Hoopa, who were rummaging through a hut. "Anything?" "No sign of life dude," said Giratina. ~Much less any of the Shepherds. Or... Her.~ said Hoopa. Dialga sighed again. They'd found plenty of apocalyptic logs and ruins of old homes, but it'd been literal years since they'd seen any surviving Shepherds aside from the three they rescued. And about as many years since they'd seen Palkia. "Let's... just... go back to the bunker." ------------- "M-Mom?" "Yes Yarne?" said Panne. She turned to another Taguel, one with a nervous look and a shock of dirty blonde hair in his otherwise dark brown locks. "They've taken a while to come back..." "They'll be all right. Dialga, Giratina, and Hoopa can handle Risen better than most of us." "I s-sure hope so because-" Yarne yelped as the door opened and sighed in relief as Dialga, Giratina, and Hoopa entered. Wuzzles perked up from the corner he was sleeping in. "Told you," said Panne. "No sign of them," said Dialga. "As usual." "You know, big scary zombie apocalypse is totally my aesthetic, but this is still getting kind of frustrating," said Gratina. ~Should we ask Virion and Libra if they saw anything?~ said Hoopa. "You can," said Panne. "Even in the end of the world I'm still not asking Virion for anything." "Uh, I'll go then," said Yarne. The other three nodded, and they headed to another room in the bunker. Libra was taking notes in a journal while Virion was fidgeting nervously while also occasionally glancing at Libra and blushing, which stopped when he realized there were other people in the room. ~You guys see anything?~ said Hoopa "You saw nothi-" Virion started to say. "We didn't find anyone in our search, no," said Libra. "...Yes that." Libra gave Virion a look. Virion blushed harder. ~Great.~ said Hoopa. ~Now what?~ "My hand has been forced," said Dialga. "I have to find Naga again." "She's been elusive since Grima reawakened, Not even answering my prayers," said Libra. "I know. But she's our only shot at finding everyone else." "Good luck bro," said Giratina. "We'll hold the line here," said Hoopa. "Wait, r-really?" said Yarne. "What if they like, ambush us while he's gone?" "I can take care of it, kid," said Giratina. ~Hey! Don't leave me out!~ said Hoopa. An insulted bear roar came from Panne's section of the bunker. "...I guess we'll be fine?" said Yarne. "Mom's here too..." "And with that I'm going," said Dialga. And so he exited the bunker, turned into his rabbit form, then zoomed off. ------------- Eventually Dialga reached Naga's lair. No sign of her. Dialga called out. "Naga. It's been a while. We need to talk." Silence. Then, slowly, Naga's figure emerged. "Dialga. Good to see you again. Especially in a time like this." "Same to you. But I need help." He pawed the ground with a bunny paw. "We're looking for survivors among the Shepherds, but of all the ones we've found none were affiliated. Also... My sister, Palkia. She's missing." "Your sister? This is concerning..." "Indeed. She just... Disappeared one day when we were looking for survivors. But the Risen or Grima couldn't have gotten her. Palkia and I are like two sides of the same coin metaphysically; I would have felt it. She's... Distant, but she's there." Naga frowned, then soon after her face lit up. "In that case... Perhaps I can use you to locate her." Dialga's face also lit up. "Please do." Naga reached over and placed a hand on Dialga's head, closing her eyes. All was still. Then she opened her eyes, which glowed briefly, before she spoke. "I found her." "Where?" "The Outrealm Gate, a place able to access other worlds much like you and your siblings can. She's in a dimension there. It's been barely functional since Grima's rise but your powers should jumpstart it. Will it, and you will find her. I also sensed a presence tied to both me and Grima, so keep an eye out for that." "Thank you," said Dialga. He paused. "Why hasn't Grima gone after you? Or you him?" "Grima and I's powers are directly opposed in a strange way. He cannot destroy me, nor I him. So... He's focused on destroying everything I care about instead." "...I see. I will protect what you have left, then." "Thank you. It means so much to me." "I must find Palkia to bring that to fruition, however. So I have to be off." "Farewell, Dialga. Good luck." And they went their separate ways. --------- At the bunker, a table had been decorated with a map and minifigures. Giratina sat at the head behind a screen while the others sat at the sides. "Okay," said Giratina. "The dire Arcanine pack seems wary, but not yet hostile. Same with the orcs, who keep them as pets. The orc general is eyeing you oddly." "We try diplomacy." said Panne. "They are not man-spawn, they are worthy." ~I can offer them goods!~ said Hoopa. "We can try just slowly backing away..." said Yarne. Wuzzles simply growled and pawed at his paladin figure. "We can show them the way of Zekrom," said Libra. "Or-" "I'm rolling to seduce the orc captain!" said Virion. "Roll please," said Giratina. Virion did so. The twenty-sided die landed on a one as everyone groaned. "What?!" Virion said. "These are my lucky dice!" "The orc general is supremely offended at your terrible attempt at flirting and orders the other orcs and dire Arcanine to attack," said Giratina. "Roll initiative." Everyone sighed and prepared to roll when there was a noise at the door. Yarne yelped and scooched back, while everyone else stood at attention. "Is that a Risen?" said Virion. "Sounds and feels... Off for one." said Libra. "Regardless, we must proceed with caution," said Panne. ~So, what's our plan?~ said Hoopa. ~Pounce on it when they think we're not there? Wait until it leaves? Offer it cookies?~ "I'll get it," said Giratina. To everyone's surprise he simply got up and opened the door. He was met by a sword to the face. Said sword was held by not a Risen but a girl, with dark blue hair and eyes and a blue outfit. Giratina raised an eyebrow. "Dudette, if you're a zombie apocalypse survivor you probably have better things to do than interrupt my Dungeons And Druddigon session." "You... You look familiar." said the girl. "Were you a friend of my father's?" "...Lucina?" said Yarne from inside. "...Yarne?" said Lucina back. "Lucina? Chrom's daughter? That's you?" said Panne. "Well this is certainly fortuitous," said Libra. "How'd she find us?" said Virion. ~Hey there Lucina! We could use the help!~ said Hoopa. Lucina turned to respond to Virion when she heard and saw Hoopa, who was in his Confined form, and stared. "What are you?" ~Er, I'm a dijin from another world is all I'll say.~ "...At least you're not a Risen then." ~Hey!~ "So, Lucina, what brings you to our humble... Abode?" said Virion. "I was looking for Yarne, actually." "Huh? M-me? Why?" "I'm organizing a resistance! Of children of the former Shepherds. You were one of only two not accounted for." "Dudette, you know who would be all over that? My sister Palkia," said Giratina. "Will she be able to help?" said Lucina. ~Theoretically,~ said Hoopa. ~Her other brother Dialga is looking for her right now.~ He put a hand to his chin. ~I wonder how he's doing...~ ----------------------- Dialga, in dragon form was standing before the Outrealm Gate. Or at least what's left of it. Bits and pieces were strewn everywhere and the gate was barely still standing. Dialga sighed. His eyes glowed. The Outrealm Gate slowly but surely repaired itself. And he focused his mind on Palkia and entered. When he did he found a sunny forest far different from the one he left behind. Pools of water were everywhere. But it was silent. Dialga looked around and stepped carefully through the wood. Then he heard a roar. He turned his head and was met with flaming breath to the face. When his vision cleared he saw a small Manakete dragon hovering before him, fangs bared. He stared, as this Manakete had traits of both Naga and Grima's dragon forms. ~Who are you? Where is my sister?~ ~This is me and aunt Palkia's turf! Leave now!~ ~That answers part of my question. Can you show me her? I mean no harm.~ ~Are you sure?~ ~Positive.~ ~Aw, OK. You seem fun to mess with. It gets boring around here.~ The dragon landed and shrunk down, revealing her to be a young teenage girl with pointy ears and short, light green hair, with simple peasant clothes. She pocketed a small blue stone and looked up at Dialga. "Your dragon form is cool. Not as cool as mine but then again what is?" ~Keep telling yourself that kid. Where's Palkia?~ "Say please!" Dialga sighed. ~Take me to my sister please.~ The girl snickered."Sure thing! I just wanted to make you squirm." ~Mission successful.~ The girl snickered again and started leading Dialga off. "So, I guess you're that uncle Dialga aunt Palkia keeps mentioning." ~Yes, I am.~ "I'm Morgan! It's actually pretty great to see you. There's no one else here but me and aunt Palkia. And a few wild guinea pigs in the woods, I guess. They're cute!" ~I guess.~ Eventually, Dialga and Morgan reached a rift in space in the middle of the forest. "That's her sulking spot!" said Morgan. "She goes in there a lot." ~Palkia!~ said Dialga. ~Palkia I know you're in there!~ Silence.Then the rift slowly widened and Palkia, in dragon form, stepped out. ~How did you find me?~ ~Naga helped. What are you doing here?~ ~...I failed. The Shepherds died because of me. I need to be alone with Morgan.~ ~No you don't.~ "We're safe in here though!" said Morgan. "Safe from... G-Grima. Grima killed my parents..." ~See? We're better off here,~ said Palkia. ~No you're not,~ said Dialga. ~We still need you. There are still survivors. You can help.~ ~No I can't. I'll... I'll just screw up everything again.~ ~I'll help you. We can do this. We're going to win this time.~ ~Grima is as powerful as we are. We can't.~ ~Grima is nothing compared to us. Please sister. We need your help. There's still hope.~ Palkia paused. She thought deeply to herself before replying, ~...Morgan, we're going.~ "Well, you heard her! Looks like we're staying safe in he- huh?" ~Dialga's right. I can't hide from everything forever. We can't.~ "But Grima-" ~We'll find a way to deal with him. Just stick with me, okay?~ Morgan thought to herself, then shrugged. "Okay then! It was getting pretty boring in here anyway." Dialga smiled despite himself, and the three headed out. -------------- When the three got back to the bunker, Dialga and Palkia back in their disguises, Dialga opened the door, only to be greeted by Lucina. "More of you?" said Lucina. She noticed Morgan. "...You found Morgan!" "Lucina?" said Morgan. "Is that really you?" "Yo, Palkia!" said Giratina. "You're back!" Palkia didn't really listen. She just stared at Lucina intently before breaking into a wide grin. "Oh dear, now this makes things interesting..." ~Something up?~ said Hoopa. "Lucina, I know exactly who you are," said Palkia, "And you give me hope I haven't had in years!" "...I do?" said Lucina. "I know you were kind of a friend of my father's but..." "What's she on to now?" said Virion. "Shh, I'll get to it," said Palkia." "Lucina, what are you here for?" "I'm organizing a resistance of the children of the Shepherds," said Lucina. "Morgan was the last one I needed." "Okay then! Could you take us to your base?" "This bunker's kind of cramped anyway." said Libra. "I will!" said Lucina. "We've probably got a long way..." said Yarne. "Be strong," said Panne. "We have good company. And Virion, I guess." "Hey!" said Virion. ~What do you have planned anyway?~ said Dialga privately to Palkia. ~I know exactly what's going on here,~ said Palkia, ~And instead of derailing it I'm helping it along!~ --------------- Lucina opened the door to an old cathedral, in surprisingly good shape. Inside were several teenagers and young adults, going about various activities, when they all turned to notice their visitors. "...Fathers?" said a young girl with pointed ears in the direction of Virion and Libra. "Father, father, is that you?" said another girl with short hair and a spear. "...Nah? Noire? You're alive?" said Virion. "It's... Been so long..." said Libra. "I thought you two died shortly after your mothers..." The four shared an embrace as a woman in thick armor with blue hair and a young man in yellow with orange hair approached the others. "Sister! You're back! And you found Yarne and Morgan!" "Indeed, Kijelle." said Lucina. "Now we can begin plans to-" "Greetings, travellers!: said the man in yellow. "The mighty Owain Dark beseeches you to look around and take in the sights! Especially his muscular ar-" "Owain," said Lucina, "What did I tell you about showing off to new survivors? You'll scare them off." "I cannot help myself! No more than I can help my sword hand twitching - Oh no.There it goes again!" Lucina rolled her eyes and sighed. "Ignore him. Yarne, Morgan, make yourselves at home." The two promptly headed in to do so, while Lucina turned to Palkia. "Now... You said you thought you could help?" Palkia rubbed her hands together. "Well..." She thought a bit. "Let's exchange some ideas. Relying on my own with just a bit of guidance from the others has been too costly; we're all going to have to work together for real on this one." ***
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iturbide · 6 years
psst now that you have both grims how do you think the two big doomsday dragons differ, if at all? is one a bit more affectionate, or more vocal? or are they just like identical twins?
I’m still so happy that I have them both I love them so much and I’m so happy that I finally have them together ;v; 
But you know that is a really good question.  Much like the two Grimas are different in how they act, the giant dragons they’re bonded with are equally unique in spite of their outward similarities.  Some points of contrast include…
M!Grima’s doomsday dragon is far more likely to stick close to the castle, periscoping to search for threats rather than roaming afield to hunt them down.  It allows him to react immediately to a summons from Kiran (or just if someone comes up to see him, whether it’s the Summoner or one of the dragon babies sneaking off), plus it lets him find the Summoner around the castle when they’re about.  F!Grima’s apocalypse dragon, meanwhile, is just as fiercely protective but expends the energy in an entirely different way, ranging quite far to root out potential dangers to Askr.  It makes her an extremely effective defender since she can either handle threats where she finds them or report back through her vessel regarding what she’s seeing, allowing for additional time to deploy counter-measures; she has also been known to take some of the little dragons out flying with her on occasion, since those parental instincts are not limited to M!Grima. 
M!Grima’s dragon tends to be the more vocal and outwardly affectionate of the two with Kiran, crooning and nuzzling and burying them in soft feathers when they’re not feeling at their best.  F!Grima’s dragon isn’t quite so demonstrative, though she is equally fond of the Summoner, and is more prone to leaning into affection given to her like pets and scritches.  When Kiran’s not feeling well, though, she will settle close and make a low rumbling sound like a purr deep in her chest, though, something soothing in spite of how scary it should be. 
They are both equally prone to spying on goings-on in the Askran castle, but while M!Grima is more likely to send his vessel in to deal with trouble as it brews, F!Grima has no qualms about trying to settle things herself without her vessel’s help.  M!Grima might not be exactly discreet, but he is at least realistic about what he can and can’t get done; F!Grima has shaken the entire castle in a threat display over something she saw through the windows.  While Kiran has managed to talk her out of bringing the whole building down on their heads, she will still growl when she sees things she dislikes. 
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thefatdrunkdragon · 6 years
The Worst RPer I have ever met (Nemo Saga Chapter 6)
 Okay, so here we go with another standalone Nemo chapter that discusses the one thing about Nemo. His fucking temper.
 As demonstrated in the Spooky RP, Nemo has a short temper when it comes to people actually messing with him or belittleling him. Now, it’s understandable that in RP’s you can sorta make a character based on people you don’t like and have em be killed off or defeated. I havent had much RPs about those but Nemo’s case is that he resolves everything with vauge threats and murder.
 For example, before the Spooky RP, Nemo first met the Dragon Cafe Crew.
 The Dragon Cafe Crew is composed of the following:
Rubelle “Ruby” Black - The Chubby Dragoness
Calvin “Cook” O’Hara - The Alcoholic native of Philly
Jill Xhiao - The Shy Panda woman.
Oswald “Ozzie” Hempshey - A fat East End Drake
And Dexter “Dex” O’finnigan - The Irish Yang to Ozzie’s Cockney Yin.
 Out of all of those, It was Ozzie and Dex who didn’t come to immidietly like Nemo. And in character, they like to mess around with other people. So let’s say that Ozzie and Dex make some dumb jokes about the Vampires or admit that “We ain’t really friends.” What does Nemo do? He brutally murders Ozzie and Dex. But has them revived. If this were a moment in an RP with a good friend of mine, this scene would not be as brutal and would be played off for poorly done dark comedy. But Nemo was very serious about it. He really REALLY hated Ozzie and Dex simply because they didn’t wanted to be his friends right away. It get’s better.
 Another example comes when a Zombie Virus is loose in Puerto Rico. Aiden thankfully survived in a farmland, enjoy the spoils of the apocalypse and the catharsis it brings. God-Nemo, offended that Aiden can rebel in a bit of normal power fantasy in a role play, calls him an evil man who doesn’t want anything to change so he decides to leave Aiden to his lonesome... with a fucking bomb that is suppose to kill him. I playfully have Aiden Brush off his death as cartoonish as possible, but Neem’s says “no no, let him die.” And I’m like “Excuse me bitch? I couldn’t kill YOUR characters but now you want me to let you kill mine because he thinks differently than you? FUCK YOU!”
 It was after those two events that Nemo realized he shouldnt be having his marty stu kill me for not agreeing with him, he decides that he needed to add excuses for why he was killing me. And I mean excuse that would justify why he would kill my characters. And those excuses came in the form of either Demons or Rabies, and no matter what happens, there is no signs of that behavior until AFTER killing my characters.
 While it wasn’t murder, there was an obvious threat of murder for this next example. Nemo kept bringing up a Mercy Brown Video Game (Which Only Exist to him) and he made moments where he tried to act like he was some Big shot letsplayer and blahblahblah. I have never heard of this game but Only had small understanding of what it was about, so I decided that, since I was into Zero Punctuation at the time, to make a sort of faux Ben Yatzee Review of a game. I didn’t do the whole thing because Its a fake game within an RP but the first few minutes was just me channeling my inner yatzee.
The small thing I wrote as Ben Yatzee:
Ben Yatzee: i hardly do reviews about indie horror, my last one being too scary to even continue. But when you have a cult of people simply worshipping an unknown horror game for being a bloody masterpiece, you end up witth your entire fanbase asking you to review. While i really dont take request, the number of people desperate for my thoughts on the game is just staggering so here we go...
Ben: Mercy's Autumn Nights is an indie horror game created by who else? Mercy brown. The title should be so completly obvious that she made the game as its not enough for her to simply put her name in the credits, you need to make it pretty bloody clear she made it.You play as, big surprise, Mercy blooming Brown as she tries to escape an angry mob thats chasing her down. Why? I dont fucking know?! Maybe mercy brown, being the obvious killer vampire, killed some people and she just not doing a good job at hiding it. Or maybe she hasnt showered in a while and the villagers are just getting sick and tired of smelling her greasy hair...
*ben continues to critize the games story and the use of mortal things when the character plays as mercy, complements the graphics and the controls.*
Ben: in conclusion, the next time someone sends me a request, my answer will simply just be "Mercy Bloody Brown!" Why? I dont care, its there. Have a nice day, internet.
 Nemo took the Review as an offense and tried to get in contact with ben yatzee because they talked to each other once for a while like a year. Neem’s words, not mine. And this is ignoring the fact Yatzee has Social Anxiety. Ben tried to explain to Nemo that his video is only there as a means to both critique the game and be a comedy but Neemo kept trying to convince Yatzee it was a good game and that he was a good youtuber, ignoring the fact Ben reviewed the game not the Youtuber. But it was after being presented with Mercy Brown and the grave and how annoying he was, Ben basically shut him off, the video still remained though so no one won.
Mercy’s response:
Mercy: That takes care of it. See ya.
 I told nemo that it didn’t really change anything and that the thing was just a video talking about the game, not him.
Neem’s Response
Nemo: I see. But if we see another negative video about us, you know what we'll do to him. He'll never know.
 Like I said, It may not be a violent moment, but he generally demonstrates the same kind of mentality the secret police has. Censoring any form of criticism and killing off those who don’t like him
I already presented one example in the spooky rp but there is also another major example with this small rp moment. It was during the mercy saga, and it was a moment where "our dear friend and vintage American sweetheart Mercy Brown” contracted a disease just to get us to feel bad for her and give her some attention. Aiden and Ruby, not wishing to risk getting the mary sue sickness, decide to come in Hazmat suits. It’s as exaggerating as it sounds and for the time, it was just played for giggles. But later that day, she got better and Aiden und ruby had nothing to do, so they decided to call a helicopter to pick em up. This big fucking osprey shows up, lands on the garden but no one takes off because it turns out, one of the guys in the osprey, Dave, was getting married and everyone took the opportunity to celebrate it... while still in the osprey and still on Nemo’s Lawn.
Nemo, understandibly tried to get everyone out of the lawn but they ofcourse couldnt listen due to the fucking loud music inside it. He later got a megaphone, letting the message get through to them and forcing em to take off. It was there were a drunken Dave decided to just walk out on the osprey doors and flip nemo the bird, sealing everyone’s fate with that gesture.
Nemo’s Words after the vtol flew off:
Nemo: Yeah. That'll teach you how to disturb some neighbors, you mind-fucked bitch.
 Nemo went flying in the air (Somehow) and gun down the entire vtol. Killing or injuring everyone, and leaving Ruby and Adrian in a catatonic state. He later flew back and acted as if nothing happened. Before that, he made a comment that was suppose to sound like the kind of snide remark of “Oh, I wonder how that horrible accident happened” kinda  That is until Kate shows what happened , and this was the one time posession was actually close to making sense but since the RP always had Nemo act like a normal person and showed very little signs of posession, making this the only time he actually had it plan off.
Nemo’s word’s after being shown what happened?
Nemo: *whispers and closes the door* Oh my God. What did I do? What did I do? *drinks a can of A&W Root Beer* I'm getting crazy. I need blood. *licks his own lips and chewed his own lips. He grabs a meat and eats it and there was blood spilling on the floor* Master Velora. You promised me eternal life! And you did.
 Funfact: Before Velora became a Valentine Girl and was part of a trio of marceline clones, she was supposed to be evil.
 Pretty soon, Nemo suddenly had demonic powers and ordered his vampire clan to make the world a supernatural place for vampires and werewolves, and he will assend to become a Vampire God. Starting a fucking apocalypse and building a castle for him in Rhode Island.
 When Kate, freaking out over what the fuck was going on, Nemo tried to be as hidden and “evil” as possible while signs were made quite fucking obvious he was starting a vampire apocalypse. But then when asked why the fuck he started fucking armageddon, here’s his response:
Nemo: No. Not ending the world. It's my parents. My parents should pay for what kind of stuff they did to me. Sending me to dangerous places and tormenting me. They have gone too far.
... At no point has Nemo’s folks EVER appeared in the RP. And Let’s not forget, He was fucking 19 at the time, so...
 The apocalypse breaks out and the world seems like it was going to be in for one dicking of a terrible time. But we got to remember an important Detail: This is Nemo’s world. 
How it really happened:
*Then Nemo was almost killed. But then he was fighting against a Wendigo. A Native American cannibal creature. People were watching Nemo and the Wendigo have a brutal fight in Providence, Rhode Island. He grabbed his medieval sword and stabbed at the creature and killed him. The Wendigo was killed and everybody was saved. Nemo thought it was himself, but it was a Wendigo. So Mercy had to send him to a church in Exeter, Mercy and the priest got rid of the spell that cursed him for so long. Nemo was finally saved and happy. He can now live however he wants. Even Kate was happy that he is now saved. His friends and family was happy that he's not possessed anymore. So in December, in Mercy's house, the presents are under the Christmas tree and everybody was having a good time. Nemo was waiting for all his friends to come.*
After the battle:
Nemo: I hope nothing possesses me again.
Mercy: God will always be there for you.
Nemo: I know.
This was the stupidest thing to have ever happened in RP history and I just needed to share it with you all because this was fucking insanity
The point is: Nemo is a violent dick. Anything that doesn’t apppease his ego simply results in a death setence and later revival so that you can apologize to him and kiss his ass. And to be fair... it’s fucking scary. And it’s only made worse with the following subject: The Line between reality and fantasy.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Best Horror TV Shows on Netflix
So you want to be terrifed. Well, you’ve come to the right place, my friend. Everybody already knows that Netflix is a splendid place for viewers coming in search of all their bingeworthy content. But less appreciated is how satisfyingly scary some of their horror offerings are.
From originals like The Haunting of Hill House to foreign classics like The Returned, Netflix can be a go-to spot for the scariest horror TV shows available to stream. Here is a sampling of the kinds of series that horror thrill-seekers may appreciate.
Editor’s Note: This post is updated monthly. Bookmark this page to see what the best horror shows on Netflix are at your convenience.
The Haunting of Hill House
Shirley Jackson’s novel The Haunting of Hill House is considered one of the most important texts in the horror literature canon. It’s only fitting then that it’s Hill House that Netflix turned to when the time came to make its first big original horror series. It’s also fitting that they turned to Hush director Mike Flanagan to make it happen.
Flanagan’s version of The Haunting of Hill House is quite different from the novel from which it takes its name. This Haunting is a modern story that follows the Crain family as they try to recover from the trauma they sustained as kids living in the terrifying Hill House. Of course, Hill House is still out there just dying to call them all back home. Netflix is going to keep “The Haunting” going with The Haunting of Bly Manor and presumably more to come after that.
The Haunting of Bly Manor
The consensus is that The Haunting of Bly Manor is significantly less scary than Mike Flanagan’s original Netflix series The Haunting of Hill House…and that consensus is correct. But there are still plenty of scares to be had in this worthy followup.
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The Haunting of Bly Manor Timeline Explained
By Louisa Mellor
Why The Haunting of Bly Manor Needed a British Script Editor
By Louisa Mellor
Bly Manor borrows elements from the works of Henry James, including The Turn of the Screw, to craft another affecting ghost story. Hill House‘s Victoria Pedretti returns as Dani, a young American woman who takes on a job as a governess to two young children at the titular Bly Manor. Soon Dani and all involved will come to find that Bly Manor holds some serious (weirdly romantic) secrets.
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
After the Archie comic universe got a gritty reboot in The CW’s Riverdale, it was only a matter of time before Archie cousin comic Sabrina the Teenage Witch got her turn. Thankfully Netflix stepped up to the plate with the Kiernan Shipka starring Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and even more thankfully…it’s gritty as all hell.
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season 3: Ending Explained
By Chris Cummins
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season 3: Archie-Verse Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
By Chris Cummins
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina brings witchcraft back to its absolutely metal satanic origins. Sabrina Spellman (Shipka) is like any teenager at Baxter High. She’s concerned about her grades, her social status, and her impending 16th birthday in which she must undergo a dark ritual in which she’ll have to grant her loyalty to the Dark Lord Satan. Such is life for a half-mortal/half-witch.
Ash vs Evil Dead
Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead series (consisting of Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, and Army of Darkness) are some of the most deliriously bloody and fun slasher films ever committed to celluloid. Surely, however, a TV series made decades later couldn’t possibly bring the same level of thrill, could it?
Wrong! Starz’s Ash vs Evil Dead is another installment of fantastic comedy horror. Bruce Campbell returns as Evil Dead hero Ash Williams, who has done seemingly little with his life since battling the forces of evil (and dead) 30 years ago. That all changes when the dead walk once again and Ash, and some new friends must pick up the chainsaw once again.
Black Summer
In a zombie television landscape largely dominated by AMC’s The Walking Dead, Syfy’s Z Nation found a nice with a more playful, tongue-in-cheek presentation of the zombie apocalypse. In this spinoff, Black Summer, things get a touch darker.
Jamie King stars as Rose, a mother who is separated from her daughter during the height of a zombie apocalypse. Rose sets out on a mission to recover her and in the process builds a group of like-minded individuals looking for something they’ve lost.
Stranger Things
It seems so obvious now but in hindsight there was little buzz about this nostalgic tweenage horror project on Netflix from the relatively unknown Duffer Brothers. Little did we know that the Stev(ph)ens Spielberg and King inspired Stranger Things would be one of Netflix’s biggest hits.
Stranger Things takes place in the fictional Hawkins, Indiana in the mid-’80s. Hawkins is your typical smal ltown American city. The kids like to ride bikes, play Dungeons and Dragons, and tease one another. Little does everyone know that the mysterious government building on the outskirts of town may have opened a portal to another world – a portal that will usher in multiple seasons worth of monster fighting mayhem.
Netflix has beefed up its anime offerings in recent years and one of the first IPs they mined to do so was atmospheric Konami videogame series Castlevania. Originally planned as a film, Castlevania makes good use of its serialized format to pick up the horror story from where it begins with 1989 game Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse
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Best Horror Movies on Netflix: Scariest Films to Stream
By David Crow and 2 others
Best Horror Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now
By Alec Bojalad and 3 others
And what a story it is. Wallachian lord (and vampire, obvs.) Vlad Dracula Tepes (Graham McTavish) falls into a mighty rage after his wife is wrongly accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. Vlad summons an army of the dead to declare war on the living of Wallachia. The only people who stand in his path are a ragged band of heroes led by Trevor Belmont (Richard Armitage).
Haunted is a bit of an odd duck among Netflix’s horror offerings. It was introduced for the 2018 Halloween season, just a week before the juggernaut Haunting of Hill House. As such, it got lost in the spooky shuffle. Still, this is a surprisingly effective take on your classic “tell a scary story” style TV series.
In Haunted, people tell their real life scary stories. That’s it. This is well-trodden ground on long running cable series like Ghost Stories and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Where Haunted differentiates itself is in its shockingly high production values, as witnessed in the ethereal screengrab above. Also, these stories are like…really scary.
Chambers only survived one season at Netflix, proving once again that it’s tough out there for horror television shows. But the one season legacy the show leaves behind is a decently spooky one.
Chambers tells a story that contains a pretty familiar, yet effective horror trope. Sasha Yazzie (Sivan Alyra Rose) receives a much-needed heart transplant from a girl named Becky Lafevre. Soon, Sasha begins to experience troubling visions and begins to unravel a conspiracy that brings her into contact with Becky’s parents (Uma Thurman and Tony Goldwyn).
Devilman Crybaby
Anime has always been ahead of the game when it comes to horror and there’s no better evidence of this than Devilman Crybaby. This Netflix anime is based on a manga Devilman and creates a lushly realized gothic world. 
In Devilman Crybaby, an ancient race of demons has returned to take back the world from humanity. Akira Fudo, a sensitive young lad, decides to save the world the only way he knows how: by fusing with a demon. The resulting freakshow, called Devilman, possesses the powers of a demon but the soul of a human. Now hopefully that’s enough to defeat the forces of evil.
American Horror Story
Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story is revolutionary in quite a few ways. Not only did it help usher in a renewed era of anthology storytelling on television, it also was arguably the first successful network television horror show since The X-Files.
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Best Horror Movies on Hulu
By Alec Bojalad and 1 other
Best Horror Movies Streaming on HBO Max
By David Crow and 2 others
Like all anthologies, American Horror Story has its better seasons (season 1 a.k.a. Murder House, season 2 a.k.a. Asylum, season 6 a.k.a. Roanoke) and its worse (season 3 a.k.a. Coven and season 8 a.k.a. Apocalypse). Still, for nine years and counting, American Horror Story has been one of the go-to options for TV horror fans.
Scare Tactics
Scare Tactics is what happens when someone looks at the prank camera show format and thinks “What if this but also dangerous and terrifying?” The concept of Scare Tactics is simple: take normal people, put them in elaborate horror movie situations, and film what happens. Awful? Yes. Entertaining? Absolutley!
Shannen Doherty hosted the first incarnation of the show that premiered on Syfy in 2003. Stephen Baldwin took her place in the middle of the show’s second season. Then after a three-year hiatus, Scare Tactics returned with Tracy Morgan at the helm and lasted three more seasons of hilariously cruel pranking.
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Unsolved Mysteries
Any reboot of continuation of the classic ’80s/’90s true crime series Unsolved Mysteries just needs one element to be considered authentic: that music. Thankfully, this modern iteration on Netflix maintains a version of the original’s haunting theme. Beyond that crucial aspect, Unsolved Mysteries honors the original by continuing the formula to great success.
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Unsolved Mysteries Review (Spoiler-Free): True Crime With More Questions Than Answers
By Tony Sokol
Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 Review: Reboot Fits a Flatfoot More Than a Bigfoot
By Tony Sokol
Unsolved Mysteries remains largely a true crime enterprise. The show covers unexplained disappearances, murders, and crimes. But it also spends plenty of time with the truly unexplained: the paranormal. This reboot has covered UFOs and some tsunami ghosts. That, combined with the atmospheric music, makes this a suitably spooky watch.
The post Best Horror TV Shows on Netflix appeared first on Den of Geek.
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finalhourdotcom · 5 years
“ Every beginning has an end “ A famous Tumblr quotes indicates that everything will eventually reach the end, this includes the 360 degree of the earth rotation that will eventually stop and collapse due to one factor. It comes with many names: doomsday, apocalypse, judgement day. Believe it or not, the planet earth that we are living in has been through some catastrophes and destroy the previous living things such as the dinosaurs and the myth creatures like dragons and mermaids yet the earth is still standing or rotate but humans believe that the next impact will destroy the earth as its whole based on our beliefs studies. There have been many stories written about the apocalypse or the end of human civilisation such as Independence Day, World War Z, The 5th Waves, 2012, and many more. At first, it got me to think how one can make a movie so accurate that it feels so real as in the humans has been through an annihilation before but the more mature I become, the more I realise that they did not create these movies based on experience, but more to prepare the public if those things in the movies really happen in this world, in our own very cute pair of shoes.  We do not know what the end will look like, it can come in many forms such as natural disaster, asteroids, an alien invasion, nuclear weapon, or another world war. So Grab a drink and a lite bites, relax and enjoy reading the tips on how to survive apocalypse from the four scopes: Natural disaster, global warming, zombie apocalypse, and alien invasion.
There is no way mankind can avoid the impending natural disaster, but that does not mean humankind cannot learn how to survive if. Basically doomsday is the day when you would not have enough basic needs and supplies such as food, water, shelter, and a very limit human contact, it is like we are completely cut off from the outside world. This means no electricity, medical, and other important human need to survive. Are we ready to face what lies ahead? If your answer is no, how can you prepare for this event? Here are some tips for surviving apocalypse. First of all, natural disaster is a logical thing that can causes the start of the doomsday, zombie and alien invasion are just events that might or might not happen but we will come to that, Read the newspaper, turn on the television, go on twitter. I bet that all you can see is natural disaster everywhere, heavy flood in Indonesia, bushfire in Australia. Could this be the sign that the end of the world is near? To survive natural disaster such as tornado, tsunami, and earthquake, volcano blast, and bushfire. We all first need to aware of the warning, if a warning for a natural disaster is out, quickly prepare and keep safe your emergency kit which contain important document like passport, insurance. Other things are cash, first aid kit, torches, batteries, candles, matches, radio. Bear in mind that every house need have an emergency kit, this is to keep you survive and reach for help while waiting for the help that will take some time. Next, watch your land. In the event of flash flood, make sure you get yourself and your family to the rooftop wherever you are in the time of the event, avoid rivers, lakes and do not cross any water as you would not possibly know the measure of the depth of the water during that time. Bear in mind that once water recedes, danger still exists as you do not know what is in the water, so just wait until the help comes to rescue. If you find yourself stuck in tornado or earthquake, first thing to do is to go underground. If your town have an underground bunker, well that is wonderful! You are safe. But if your town does not provide such facility, worry not! Get to your house basement or find and stay and the lowest level in a small windowless room like under a stair well or in a bathroom. Remember that during tornado, a safest point is always a concrete building instead of wood. This is because woods are easily torn apart rather than concretes that will ensure stability. After an earthquake, be aware that a tsunami may follow. Among all natural disaster, tsunami is what people always scared of, the thought of drowning in a big ocean wave! The tsunami of 2011 took almost 20,000 lives, imagine how scary that is. To survive tsunami, do as follows: leave the red zone, go to the rooftop of the highest building, and if you are swept up in the water, grab anything strong and floating above the water to survive. During volcano and bushfire, other than seeking shelter, ensure that you have mask to help you breathe and protect lungs from the ash, some mask that can help are NBC NATO Gas mask and N95 Respirator 10-Pack. In conclusioon, Beware that natural disaster’s chemicals or radiation is enough to kill you.
Global warming, created by the mankind can also bring catastrophe in this world that will eventually end the earth’s live. We are the very reason why global warming in the very first place. Now, what is global warming and why is it play quite an important role to the end of the world? A simple definition of global warming is the rise of the temperature in the atmosphere. Causes of global warming are the burning fossil by the vehicle, bushfire, open fire, and the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFL) like air conditioner. These things leads to greenhouse effect which causes global warming. And the side effect of global warming is worse! Bushfire just like what is happening in Australia right now and iceberg glacier in the north pole which brings up the sea level, soon most of the big cities such as New York will be the second Atlantis. Now, there are some thing that mankind could do to stop global warming as based on scientific research, humankind have 10 years left to prevent global warming from coming, or else it will be the end of the world. First thing we could do is what everyone can do, to speak up. Talk to your friends, family, public, be an activist, whatever it takes to make people stop living in a dream and wake up to save the planet earth. Raising awareness could be done in public, and social media or better yet directly to your government as they have the power to change the world. Next, use renewable energy. This means, no more burning fossil, use hybrid and electric vehicles instead. Besides saving the environment, it can also make you save money. For houses, change electric energy to something more green energy such as wind, water, or solar power. Because, look at your bill! Other than that, you can always make use of energy-efficient items. 2.3 billions tons of carbon dioxide is in the air since 1987, big clap to appliance and products that comes with CFL. So, what we can do is when shopping for refrigerators, washing machines, and other appliances, look for the Energy Star logo or label on the items, this label means that the items is more environmental friendly and most efficient to save the energy. Lastly, rethink your vehicle. If we all keep our tires from moving, we could save 1.2 billion gallons of petrol each year. Instead of taking our cars everyday, we can try to walk to reach a walkable destination, it can help with our health, make us more healthy. We can also try and learn to make use of public transports such as monorail that is environmental friendly, it can also help us to save money and this means less pollution in the air! In conclusion, let us all try and do our best to save the earth from falling while we still can.
Now let us talk about surviving apocalypse in general. What if one day the fire walk the earth, the land decide to split into two, the ocean feels like standing up, what can you do to survive? First thing first, if you survive the apocalypse you have to learn the medieval times. Back to the old ages where there were no technology and people use what is around them to survive. Humans those survive need to learn the skill of hunting for food, if there is any animals left. Manufacture skills also need to be learn to produce food, and handmade things to survive. In the event of toxic air after the apocalypse, it is very dangerous to walk out as it can damage our skin. The tv series “ The 100 “ showed us that toxic air causes by nuclear blast can burn living things. So, stay indoor or underground. If you have a survival bunker, then you have nothing to worry about. If you do not! A small help from a tent will do. Make sure that you have food supplies, water and filtration in your survival bunk, a three month supplies is the minimum you must have to survive  while the earth reset itself. After a while, the air will begin to clear but it is still dangerous to breathe the air into your system. In order to stay breathing, also make sure you have the right mask for apocalypse. NBC Gas mask will help you with radiation and Antiviral mask will help you from getting infection. Next, burning fire. Fire is important, it provides light and safety in the dark, you will never know what you will come across in the dark if you are surviving in the forest, fire is your friend. warmth in the cold, during a cold night or winter season, without fire your soul might kiss your body goodbye, so fire is your bestride to keep you warm on the bed. Fire also meant to cook your food that you haunt or else you will be eating raw, we are apocalypse survivor not cannibal people, at this point you might as well marry to a fire as it can provides more than your man ever could. Other than that, the survivor must have some security to defence themselves. Because apocalypse means messy! People will fight and kill each other to find shelter and food to survive. So keep your guns or other weapon up as you hold your dignity! Self defence play an important role here, might start learning now. Lastly, and most importantly, communication. Bring radio and a communication gear like hand-crank radio just in case you want to reach for help, find other survivors, or make contact to the safe camp built by the government, we see that a lot in movies. In conclusion, skills skills skills is important to survive. Without skills, you might a well be dead during the apocalypse.
Who would you rather be during a zombie apocalypse, the survivor or the zombie? But first, is it possible to happen? Through scientific researches, the term “ zombieism “ is very likely to happen. It is a form of disease that is jumpstart by contaminated food, laboratory accident and is believe can be spread into the air. We usually see zombies as a creature in horror or action movies, but in reality zombies were once humans, only their brains is hosted by viruses leads to these humans has no control over their own body. Planning a zombie apocalypse survival tips might seem silly to some people but what if your eyes catch a picture of a zombies running around infant of your house, what can you do? The first answer would be, based on the movies firstly they will get their armour ready. This is of course to fight those zombies. But what is the scientific tips to this situation? Scientists Verran and Crossley start the surviving list by to get those who got infected into a quarantine, those who are in the isolation must be control all the time due to quarantines are difficult to keep safe as they can outrage anytime. In the meantime, a team of science people have to develop cure or vaccine. Bear in mind that vaccine will take a long time to develop, prior to the situation, it is in the suggestion that the responsible team, maybe the army have to hide the uninfected and keep them safe, create what we always seen in movies as safe zone or green zone, a perfect environment that can prevent the disease to spread in that area. But what if there is no help from the government or army, what if you have to survive on your own feet? the television series “ The Walking Dead “ teach us some useful surviving zombies skills. First thing first, turn up the heat, keep the fire on as fire can be a method to fight zombie, some says zombies are afraid of fire? Next is to get down and dirty, leave your fancy life behind! It is time to go underground. Other than that, go hunting and fishing for food., but beware! there is infected animals around too. Learn map reading, rock climbing, paddling, kayak, paragliding,  and trail running might help you to get to the safe zone safely and alive during a zombie outbreak.
Alien, it is your time to shine. Alien invasion, before questioning could it happen, first we have to question its existence. Since we have no proof, we have to keep this very short. It is very much the same as any survival skills, go to safe place, get help from army or the government, look for other survivors and learn surviving skills and defence skills. Oh, and do not bet caught! Or you will be their experiment subject, but maybe they just come to earth to visit or make peace.
Some solutions must be done before the earth is completely destroy. We have no way to keep doomsday from happening, whatever happened in the movie “ 2012 “ will eventually happen to us and there is no way to escape it. So, what is the last solution to all the living things on earth beside to have faith? Well, let’s call it The Final Frontier. To send the next generation of humans, animals, and plants to the universe. Yes, to live in space. The world is working on it right now where important people can get a chance to live in space. Have you watch the movie “ Elysium “ ? It sort off that way, where the rich live in space while the poor live on earth. But of course, to live in space we have to pay a huge amount of money which some people disagree. If we really want to secure our DNA in the future, people suggest that we send only the young generation and people who are qualified such as scientists, doctors, engineers, to space. But of course, things are the way it is, people who are afford for the space ticket can continue their lives up in space. Guess the unfortunate has to learn survival skills after all.
Other than living in an airspace, we can also live on planet Mars which there will have no issue as we can fit everything on Earth on planet Mars. The downside is we all have to learn new skills to live on a foreign planet. Or are we sure that we will do no damage on planet Mars as what we have done on planet Earth? Which planet will the humans run to after Mars as Mars is the only second planet that humans seems to be suitable to live in. If we all are send to Mars, humans need to pledge to not do corruption on Mars or else, the same thing will happen.
In conclusion, most of us have a low chance to live outside of planet Earth, this planet is all we have. Prior to that, we have to care and love this planet. Stop global warming, stop making more damages to this planet.
Overall, after all the catastrophes, humans might learn something from their mistakes. The aftermath doings is what important, humans might change the way of living. To prevent another global warming from happening, we will reduce energy use and start to use renewable energy. Due to apocalypse, we will learn to live without lights, phones, social medias. Basically it will be 1859 all over again. Well, there is no way for us to prevent natural disaster, for example a volcano will erupt but we can stay as far away from the volcanos. To avoid diseases and infection, scientists can start to develop a cure now, improve medical research, get more doctors to help and get better equipment. Also, there is a suggestion to save the bees as the bees are environmental friendly creature and they can help us with food production in case of any disasters. It is a modern world, but humans cannot run from their roots, religion. Pray in hard times, because God is always watching and will always help you. To avoid nuclear war to blast and cause apocalypse, we just have to stop the production of nuclear weapons, use renewable energy instead. And do not go to war as it will effect the whole world to suffer. To conclude, let us all try our best to take care of planet Earth while it still last.
Melissa Denchak (2017, July 17). How Can You Stop Global Warming. Retrieved December 10,2019, from https://www.nrdc.org/stories/how-you-can-stop-global-warming Matthew Crossley & Joanna Verran ( 2016, August 18 ). How To Stop Zombie Apocalypse - With Science. Retrieved December 10, 2019, from http://theconversation.com/how-to-stop-a-zombie-apocalypse-with-science-63976 Oscar Williams (2016, August 19). Scientists Share Tips On How To Prevent A Zombie Apocalypse. Retrieved December 10,2019, from https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/scientists-weigh-in-on-how-to-stop-a-zombie-apocalypse_uk_57b6f136e4b042aee74b4478 Somini Sengupta (2019, September 21). Protesting Climate Change, Young People Take Streets in a Global Strike. Retrieved December 10,2019, from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/20/climate/global-climate-strike.html Www.happypreppers.com. (2019, March 15). Ten Tips To Survive Doomsday. Retrieved December 10, 2019, from https://www.happypreppers.com/ten-tips.html.
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poorquentyn · 7 years
Are we supposed to find Euron scary? Based on the sample TWOW chapter this is clearly where the story is heading, with Euron being set up as the big bad but I find it really hard to reconcile this the man who ran away because someone asked him a pointed question. Is the big twist that all Euron's boasts are not just so much hot air buy actually all completely true? Even when he's torturing Aeron I can't decide if he's just a madman or supposed to be taken seriously or if this is intentional.
Yes, we’re supposed to find the Crow’s Eye scary, though of course YMMV on whether GRRM succeeds at this goal. Before Euron is introduced, he’s built up in ACOK and ASOS as an infamous villain even by Greyjoy standards and in “The Prophet” as a walking nightmare. When we finally see him, he monologues (both in the feast tent and at the kingsmoot) about how he has cut through all the world’s meta-narratives and wells of power, all to deliver the corpse of Westeros to the Ironborn, even while hinting that he has naught but contempt for them and has set his sights far higher. Dragonbinder’s introduction at the kingsmoot alone establishes Euron’s status as a character straight out of cosmic horror. The imagery in “The Forsaken” made the Lovecraftian subtext text, but it’s firmly rooted in what came before. 
Even his weakest moment–running away at the Shields, as you say–happens not because he’s full of hot air, but because he’s on such a different level from the other Ironborn:
Euron seated himself and gave his cloak a twitch, so it covered his private parts. “I had forgotten what a small and noisy folk they are, my ironborn. I would bring them dragons, and they shout out for grapes.”
“Grapes are real. A man can gorge himself on grapes. Their juice is sweet, and they make wine. What do dragons make?”
Trust the tone, I always say, and the tone surrounding Euron is rooted not so much in high fantasy as eldritch horror. The Crow’s Eye is essentially an emissary of horror invading this fantasy story. He’s supposed to feel jarring, because GRRM has consistently set up the Others’ apocalypse (which I think Euron going to unleash) as a force which will disrupt the ongoing social/political disputes. Which, of course, is exactly what Euron does at the kingsmoot: 
For a moment it seemed to the priest as if he stood atop a giant anthill, with a thousand ants in a boil at his feet. Shouts of “Asha!” and “Victarion!” surged back and forth, and it seemed as though some savage storm was about to engulf them all. The Storm God is amongst us, the priest thought, sowing fury and discord. 
Sharp as a swordthrust, the sound of a horn split the air.
Bright and baneful was its voice, a shivering hot scream that made a man’s bones seem to thrum within him. The cry lingered in the damp sea air: aaaaRREEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
All eyes turned toward the sound. It was one of Euron’s mongrels winding the call, a monstrous man with a shaved head. Rings of gold and jade and jet glistened on his arms, and on his broad chest was tattooed some bird of prey, talons dripping blood.
The horn he blew was shiny black and twisted, and taller than a man as he held it with both hands. It was bound about with bands of red gold and dark steel, incised with ancient Valyrian glyphs that seemed to glow redly as the sound swelled.
It was a terrible sound, a wail of pain and fury that seemed to burn the ears. Aeron Damphair covered his, and prayed for the Drowned God to raise a mighty wave and smash the horn to silence, yet still the shriek went on and on. It is the horn of hell, he wanted to scream, though no man would have heard him. The cheeks of the tattooed man were so puffed out they looked about to burst, and the muscles in his chest twitched in a way that it made it seem as if the bird were about to rip free of his flesh and take wing. And now the glyphs were burning brightly, every line and letter shimmering with white fire. On and on and on the sound went, echoing amongst the howling hills behind them and across the waters of Nagga’s Cradle to ring against the mountains of Great Wyk, on and on and on until it filled the whole wet world.
And three horn blasts, as Sam and Chett told us, is the signal of the apocalypse. So you could argue that the kingsmoot is a microcosm of the entire story, with Euron positioned in the Others’ role. Again, it either works for you or it doesn’t…but it sure does for me. 
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razieltwelve · 7 years
Battle (Final Rose x Pokemon Teaser)
For centuries, Grimm have waged an endless war against the people of Remnant. Civilisations have risen and fallen in a cycle of seemingly eternal despair. Now, the world once again stands on the edge of a great calamity. Huntsmen and huntresses stand on the front lines against the Grimm, but they are not alone. The world’s militaries and militia stand with them… as do the world’s pokemon.
X     X     X
“I see them.” Vanille patted the Pikachu on his head. “But we can’t open fire just yet. We’re going to have to let them get a little bit closer.”
“Chu chu!”
“Yeah, I know it’s risky, but you can only fire those weapons so many times before even you guys run out of power. Waiting means they’ll be more bunched up, which means you’ll do more damage.”
Each Pikachu and Raichu on the Hit Squad was armed with a specially designed rail gun that used a complex array of lightning Dust and other technology to amplify the electricity each of the pokemon could generate. This in turn allowed the Pikachus and Raichus to wield rail guns against the Grimm, vastly increasing the damage they could do and reducing their risk of injury.
In the skies above Mountain Glenn, Skarmory, Pigeots, and other flying pokemon prepared for battle against the aerial Grimm that could be seen flying over the approaching horde. At the centre of the flying pokemon was Bahamut, Fang’s legendarily powerful Dragonite. 
“Now, remember,” Vanille advised the pokemon beside her. “Pick your shots. Aim at the centre of groups. Each of your rail gun rounds is also filled with explosives that will detonate on impact. If you see any really big and scary Grimm, then focus your fire on them. They’re the ones who might be able to breach the walls.”
“Good.” Vanille was wearing her power armour. Its interface gave her instant access to and control over the dozens of automated guns and other weaponry she’d stationed in and around Mountain Glenn. The Grimm were almost close enough for her to commence firing her artillery. “If you get hurt, then fall back and get patched up. You can’t help anyone if you’re dead.”
“Pika pika!”
“I’ve got all of you hooked up to emergency pokeball recall. If you’re badly wounded, your pokeball will activate and will call you back. That won’t fix your injury, but it will put you into stasis, so we can get you treated later. Okay?” There were nods all around. Vanille raised her voice for both pokemon and people to hear. “Brace yourselves. Firing artillery in one, two, three… fire!”
Dozens of artillery guns opened fire from within Mountain Glenn. The automated barrage unleashed devastation on the charging Grimm horde. Craters were ripped into the earth, and Grimm were blown to pieces and enveloped in explosions, but they pressed on, their sheer numbers allowing them to shrug off the attack.
“Charizards!” Vanille bellowed. It would have been better if Lightning and her team were here, but they were still en route. Bahamut, at least, had been here delivering a package, but Lightning and the others were at least an hour away. As the highest-rated huntress currently in Mountain Glenn, it was up to Vanille to mastermind its defence until reinforcements arrived. “Attack run, now!”
At her words, a squadron of Charizards dove, unleashing a brilliant river of fire upon the Grimm. One of them went down almost immediately, a hail of Grimm projectiles piercing the pokemon’s wings. Thankfully, a nearby drone activated the creature’s pokeball, recalling him and retreating. Another was less lucky, blasted out of the sky by a gigantic beam of energy from one of the Grimm fliers. But the others managed to wheel away, readying themselves for another attack as the first of the Grimm closed in on the walls.
“Hit Squad!” Vanille bellowed. “Open fire!”
The Hit Squad had twenty members on the walls, fifteen Pikachus and five Raichus, all of whom wielded one of Vanille’s specially made rail guns. They fired almost at the same time, and twenty explosion bloomed to life amidst the Grimm. The Grimm caught in the blast were vaporised, and the shockwaves knocked others back. But they continued to press on. And above them, the aerial Grimm prepared to dive on the walls.
“Aerial forces!” Vanille shouted. “Engage! All other forces on the walls, fire at will! Try to keep them off the wall!”
Thousands of soldiers and hundreds of pokemon on the walls opened fire. Bullets and lasers were joined by blasts of water, fire, electricity, and even boulders as well as attacks of a more exotic nature as the city’s fairy, psychic, ghost, and dark pokemon added their powers to the assault.
In the sky, the aerial Grimm collided with the city’s airborne defenders. Claws were stained black with the hideous blood of the Grimm as Pigeots and their less evolved cousins launched themselves at Nevermores and other Grimm. 
A thunderous roar shook the sky, heralding the arrival of a Grimm dragon. 
“Bahamut!” Vanille shouted into her intercom. “Target the dragon, use Draconic Apocalypse!”
Draconic Apocalypse was a special dragon type attack that only Bahamut had so far managed to unleash. It dwarfed the output of even techniques like Outrage or Draco Meteor by orders of magnitude. It was probably their best weapon against the Grimm dragon since Vanille’s biggest weapons couldn’t be used safely anywhere near a city.
Bahamut soared into the air, his ascension covered by a squadron of Skarmory and a few ordinary Dragonites. His body began to glow, and a corona of energy formed around him, a mix of violet, black, and orange. 
The Grimm dragon sensed the threat, and the massive beast drew its head back, unleashing a storm of flame in Bahamut direction. The attack was met by jets of water from Mantines soaring through the skies, and although their defence was eventually overwhelmed, the other Dragonites threw themselves in the way, bearing the brunt of the attack to give Bahamut the time he needed to retaliate.
The corona of energy collapsed forming into a ball of energy in Bahamut’s mouth. The mighty Dragonite took a moment to aim and then bit down, fracturing the ball before spewing what looked like a solar flare of pure energy at the Grimm dragon. The attack was blindingly bright, and Vanille felt the backlash of it from her position on the wall. Everything else in the sky was shoved violently away, pokemon, aircraft, and Grimm alike floundering. 
The attack struck the Grimm dragon head on, and there was a sound like a mountain being torn in two. The Grimm dragon was driven down, the blast shoving it toward the ground. It hit with enough force to crush hundreds of Grimm under its bulk, and the blast continued, pinning it to the ground. The thick bony armour that covered its body began to crack before it shattered, the blast striking home and then detonating in a gigantic explosion.
When the dust cleared, the Grimm dragon had been completely obliterated, along with a sizeable portion of the battlefield. However, there were still thousands upon thousands of Grimm remaining. Bahamut sagged in the air for a moment.
“Get back down here,” Vanille ordered him. “Get healed up. I know how draining that attack is for you. Help can’t be far off.”
As the Grimm assault on the walls resumed, Vanille continued to bark orders to soldiers, militia, huntsmen, huntresses, and pokemon. One by one, the members of the Hit Squad had to retreat, exhausted from firing their rail guns. Each of them was hustled back to the nearest poke centre, where they would be given potions and other things to help bring them back into the fight. They would definitely be feeling it later, but there wouldn’t be a later if they couldn’t hold on.
And then, on the horizon, Vanille’s sensors picked up a massive cold front moving in. She dispatched one of her drones and smiled.
Articuno was coming, and that meant Lightning and her team couldn’t be far either. As the legendary pokemon entered the fray, unleashing a torrent of ice and snow on the Grimm, a missile raced past, a vaguely humanoid figure clutching on it. The missile hit a clump of Grimm and detonated violently. As the dust cleared, a familiar figure rose and roared in challenge.
Ragnarok had arrived. Vanille smirked. Well, grabbing onto a missile was one of the things Ragnarok could do that most other Semblances couldn’t. As Fang hurled herself at the closest Grimm, tendrils of destructive energy flashing through the air as she ripped and tore through anything that got within reach, a transport flew over head. A figure dressed in gleaming crystal leapt out - Lightning had arrived with Saviour already active - along with two others. 
Snow’s blue giant appeared, the gigantic figure encasing both Snow and Caius as the pair entered the battle as well. They were joined by an assortment of their own pokemon, Snow’s Steelix and Lapras leading the charge as a bevy of dark and ghost pokemon from Caius leapt into the fray.
There was a rush of energy then an explosion as Vanille’s favourite lab assistant drifted through the air toward her.
“It seems you humans and Faunus need my help again,” Mewtwo rumbled.
“Oh, come on,” Vanille said. “Admit it. you’d miss me if I got killed. Who else could put up with all your monologuing?”
“Perhaps.” Mewtwo gestured and a Raichu with an eyepatch and a metal bat jumped onto the wall beside Vanille. He was Thunder Bat, the leader of the Hit Squad and one of the lab’s longest-serving employees. “Thunder Bat suggested we accompany the others to assist you.”
“Good.” Vanille grinned. “Now, let’s get to work. Even with Team LFSC here, there’s a lot of Grimm. Whoever kills the most gets to decided what video games we play next game night!”
10 notes · View notes
Ever After High: Deviations. What if...Cerise took her hood off?
There’s a theory of Quantum realities, a concept of infinite possibility where anything that can happen, does happen somewhere in the universe. A single decision can change the fate of those that live there. A simple turn to the left can avert catastrophe while the right turn can trigger an apocalypse.
In this story, in this moment, a small child was scared…
What really happened…
Less than ten years ago there was two young girls, they were Raven Queen and Ginger Witch. Out casted by their peers because of who their parents were, it was destined that they were to lead a childhood that was filled with isolation. To hide their nature, to hide who they really were, it was not a life one wanted to live.
But there was a third child. This child was scared, fearful of others and how they would treat her. Scared, she could only watch from the distance, watch as the other two were badly treated and ultimately were forced away and into their isolation. She continued to watching behind a mask of created by her own isolation. Because she was scared that others would treat herself the same just because of who her father is. She was scared to be so alone that she forced her own form of isolation…scared to be free.
So what if she wasn’t scared?
What if in their moment of need, that Cerise hood had taken them by the hand. What if she had the courage that she needed to show who she really was? What if she reached out to both Raven Queen and Ginger Witch?
What if Cerise took off her hood?
-The basic Change
First these three girls would have become friends and while the gazes they would have on them might be filled with disgust, to these three it wouldn’t matter, they would be friends – they had one another. While they wouldn’t interact with those outside of their group, they didn’t mind. Now that they had one another to rely on, they don’t actually find their destinies that scary because they will always be there for one another.
For a while it was just the three Cerise, Ginger, and Raven, it was around middle school when Faybelle joined the group. At first it was more of a pride thing for the soon to be ‘Dark Fairy,’ why lead a group of fairies when you could be the leader of what would essentially be a group of the most famous fairy tale villains ever: The Dark Fairy, The Evil Queen, The Big Bad Wolf, and The Gingerbread Witch.
Perhaps it was more of a need of “acceptance” between the three girl, and that Ginger already had been friends with Faybelle when they were younger, but the three decided to bring Faybelle into the fold. As Faybelle herself had become a bit of a bad influence on the others, in return it was the others that had been able to get her to chill. At first there was some kind of aggression towards Raven because of her mother, but as time went on their relationship almost became a bit of “frenemy” territory. Throughout middle school it was the four of them always hanging out or getting into some mischief, it didn’t matter what they did as long as they did it together.
In Highschool it was still mainly their group that they did stick too, but they were able to reach out some and had some friends from outside of their circle. Some of these would be characters like Melody Piper as well as Apple White.
Together, these groups of girls have a chant they say together. “We’re villain, We take what we want! And if there is someone we don’t like? We crush them!”
-The Timeline
Because of the promise between these four girls to always be together no matter what, Raven was no longer afraid of her future. Sure, she would still do her own thing, but she had no problem with playing the part of the Evil Queen so long as her friends were there. Because of this, everybody signs the fake “storybook of destiny” and no one realizes it’s a fake, Briar would never have a reason to look for it in her bedroom, as well as they would have never taken a trip to wonderland and be able to heal it from what the Evil Queen did – but Raven did decide she would try to find a spell to undo what her mother had done. There is a strong possibility that Courtly took over wonderland.
Because that Raven did decide to follow her destiny and ultimately help Apple, Apple was never coursed into helping the Evil Queen and Dragon Games never happened. Because that never happened, The Snow King never was turned evil and Krystal never learned to tie her own god damn shoes.
-The Characters
---Raven Queen
In this new timeline, Raven is the one that probably hasn’t changed that much, appearance and personality wise she is still mainly the same. Since being friends with the others, Raven has come to accept some of the darker side of her blood and because of this she has much grander control then she currently has.
Raven also has a better relationship with her mother now that she isn’t afraid of the darkness. She has even had moments where she would go against the schedule that was set up and just talk to her mother in the mirror, but still, she wouldn’t dream to ever free her mother.
Raven’s relationship with Apple is a lot rockier than it was now then it was before as now it seems that Raven had been so connected to the circle of friends she had in the original timeline and seem to come off as colder to her new roommate now than she was before
Original: Nice try, Apple. But I’m rooming with Maddie this year.
Now: Nice try, Princess. But I’m rooming with Cerise this year.
But of course time heals everything and Raven even learns to open up to Apple even more. Even a better chance for a relationship to bud.
---Ginger Breadhouse
Ginger is the second one to mostly change in this timeline. Since she was never bullied out of school when she was young; she had neither changed her name, dyed her hair, or pretended to be someone she was not. Now the green haired Ginger Witch she always was (if memory serves correctly, she dyed her hair) she was able to live a more enjoyable childhood with Raven and Cerise and never once had to worry about lying to everyone around her.
Now that she was able to be more herself she finds herself once in a while making a joke like her mother, though of course, like her mother, she always made sure to let others know she was just joking. Perhaps it was because of having a negative influence around her (Faybelle) but Ginger does have a bit of a short temper when it comes to her mother and friends that she is willing to protect, but it is her friends (even Faybelle) that tells her that “it’s okay” or “It’s not worth your time.”
She kind of likes picking on the Crumbs.
---Cerise Hood
Out of the three girls Cerise is probably the one that had the most extensive change in both personality and appearance. Now that she no longer has her secret that hindered herself throughout her life time she is able to live her life with her hood down and not be bogged down. So looking at “what may happen” to cerise in terms of appearance might be hard to get a grasp on, but in terms of what we have seen the closest thing would be a cross between Ramona and Cerise Wolf’s outfit. Cerise would also wear a hood, but it would be a hooded jacket. As for the personality, Cerise’s personality would be more closer to that of Ramona’s personality, a type that would prop up her feet on the lunch table.
Now that the wolf is no longer trying to be a sheep, she no longer holds back her own thoughts and concerns. She would often be one to tell Ginger to “calm down,” and then be the one to turn around and knock out the one responsible.
Currently, Cerise is in a prank war with Kitty. There may be no survivors.
---Faybelle Thorn
Not much of a difference here. Since being friends with the others Faybelle definitely has become more chill and open to those around as compared to her original timeline self. She still sometimes gets tricked by the Evil Queen, but only as for her frenemy rivalry with Raven to escalate.
-the others
---Giles Grimm/Milton Grimm
Since Raven signed the book the situation between royal and rebel never started. Giles Grimm would never have that babble spell removed, Milton Grimm would never be able to accept that perhaps a little change was good.
---Darling Charming
As Raven would have never inspired others neither would have she of inspired Darling. Darling would still be pretending who she wasn’t, acting as a doll for her family legacy. Since Raven never inspired her, she never would have been “out there” and neither would that kiss happen.
---Apple White
While not much of a change happens per se’ she would probably be more of the same from episode one. But the issue would be that because Raven never “rebelled” in the first place, when Raven poisons Apple and Daring comes to wake her up, she never awakens. Every knight in the kingdom comes to wake up princess Apple, but because of the above with darling never happened, Apple White is stuck in an eternal sleep.
---O’hair Twins
Since Raven signed the book, influence on others never happened. When the O’hair twins found out that they were switched at birth, they probably confessed. Now Poppy is Rapunzel and Holly’s dream is shattered.
---Lizzie Hearts
Lizzie is never to return home. She is never to see her mother ever again.
---Madeline Hatter
Madeline knows that the narration is wrong. She knows that the story that she is in isn’t the right one. She was never able to meet the isolated little girl that one faithful day that would have become her bffa. And you know what? That’s alright to her.
From her perspective, Raven is happier now than she ever was before. Raven has a smiled on her face and a gleam in her eye that Maddie had never seen before. And you know what? To Maddie, that is 100% okay. She is just happy to know that her friend is happy. She doesn’t mind watching from afar.
She doesn’t mind she isn’t sitting right next to Raven. She doesn’t mind that Raven doesn’t even know her name. She doesn’t even mind that she may never to return home. As long as Raven Queen was happy, Maddie was happy.
---Crystal Winter
She never learned to tie her own goddamn shoes.
27 notes · View notes
theonyxpath · 5 years
That photo looks like V5 Philly By Night‘s cover!
(Not an actual book we’re working on).
But it was my view in Philly during this last weekend at PAX Unplugged. Which was fantastic for us, so let me get right to the highlights!
First, there was the convention itself. We went in with a strategy of a non-sales booth, with double demo tables in the booth and more demo tables in the gaming area. Our primary goal was to hand out our new brochures and to talk with as many people as possible. Towards that end, Mighty Matt brought a fine selection of display products, including working texts from several books not yet on sale (or Kickstarted):
And no, we were not selling V5 Chicago By Night at the con, which unfortunately disappointed a few fans. First it needs to get to KS backers (soon), and then into game stores and other sales venues. But, as we had intended, we did give folks a chance to buy our stuff – right across the aisle at the Studio2 booth! Here’s a pic with Jim from Studio2 and our books on prominent display:
That was from set-up day, so you can’t see our new Onyx Path official shirts, and I wasn’t wearing by silver bell yet, but once the attendees rolled in, the system of us sending folks over to buy the books we just talked up, and them sending folks over to us for demos and info (or to get Eddy or Neall’s autographs), worked out better than we had hoped.
And here’s the booth itself on set-up day. It would soon be filled with people talking and demo-ing:
Ah yes, the people. So many the people. We had demos running at at least one table and usually two, all through the con. Dynamic Dixie, Crystal, and LisaT were our ambassadors of goodwill and directed folks to the downstairs gaming area, or next door to buy books, or over to Mighty Matt or myself if they wanted more in-depth answers or to talk business – all the while handing out a phenomenal amount of brochures.
Eddy, Neall, Meghan, Travis, Danielle, and Crystal (again, boy was she busy), all demoed games in the booth and downstairs – a wide cross-section of our publishing, from Chicago By Night to Scion to Pugmire to Scarred Lands to Changeling: The Lost to TC: Aeon (more on that later)!
Here’s a Pugmire game being run by the one and only Eddy Webb:
There was a lot of laughter, some gasps, and a lot of folks who popped over to the Studio2 booth to see what of ours was for sale. That flow from our booth to the demos to Studio2 was what we were looking for, so our booth/demo crew hit it out of the ballpark!
And when I mentioned people, I also meant that we talked to a ton of podcasters and actual play folks, printers and shippers, and our cohorts from around the industry. At least three of us were losing our voices by the end of the con. I did a look back at art directing the original Mage: The Ascension book interview, which I’ll be sharing the link for soon – but let’s just say that our discussion went far deeper into how art direction works in general than I’d have expected.
A real thrill for me was meeting the Devil’s Luck crew (literally) in their Scarred Lands characters’ costumes – especially since the Slitherin rat-men were one of my contributions to the Creature Collection back in the day:
A mighty Manticora!
Squeak, squeak!
If you get a chance to watch, well, really any of their actual plays – not just Scarred Lands – you too will be impressed with their dedication to character and great gaming.
So here are some specific news items from PAXu:
PAXu was the first place you could buy the Trinity Continuum Core and TC: Aeon traditionally printed books, and boy did they go over big! Right now, we are sold out of their respective Screens, so we’re looking into what to do about that! You can ask your FLGS to order both books from their distributor or have them reach out to Studio2 or IPR (below in the sales section of the blog).
Our old friend Ivan van Norman and Hunters Entertainment through Renegade Game Studios announced that they are heading up the creation of Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition! Congrats to Ivan and the whole team!
We released our new brochure for 2020, although the year really doesn’t mean anything except that we can find it in sequential order with all our other ones. The year isn’t associated with any expected releases. I’ve seen some folks ask why this project or that project isn’t in there, and the reason is simple.
This brochure is designed to showcase the various worlds that we are making projects for; to give a taste and info about those game-lines, and not really to provide a listing of everything we have done, are doing, or will do. We picked a few key projects to mention to show some of the range or depth of a line.
Chicago Folio art by Michael Gaydos
And, of course, we followed through with announcing a new project at PAXu that was hitherto unannounced, with a blurb in the brochure and press releases the same day as the brochure went public. That project is Exalted Essence!
Of course, we’ve only teased what’s in this book, because this is just the first announcement, but here are a few clarifications from the team on a few things that people have some questions about:
A lot of people have been speculating on the system, so we can definitely confirm it’s still a version of the Storyteller System and not Storypath or something else.
Castes/Aspects, etc. will still come into play, but as variations on the main Exalt types.
The 10 Exalt types included will be Solars, Lunars, Dragon-Blooded, Exigents, Sidereals, Getimians, Liminals, Abyssals, Alchemicals, and Infernals.
There will be some setting information in Essence, enough to run games set across Creation, though players and Storytellers can certainly supplement setting information and history with any of the current and forthcoming Exalted 3e books.
Players and Storytellers won’t need to be familiar with any other Exalted books or editions to run a game of Exalted Essence.
Our main goal regarding Exalted Essence is to capture the feel of Exalted: the vast, epic-fantasy game that has captured imaginations for almost two decades.
Now, I’d also like to step back a bit and go into our impetus for creating a “lighter” version of Exalted 3rd.
Obviously, Exalted 3rd Edition is a huge book. It has a lot of pages, it’s heavy, and inside, it covers a ton of material with a gigantic Charms chapter, and then several more chapters for other powers. (Obviously, this is a titanic simplification of EX3, but I’m not going into an analysis of everything in there, this is already a long blog post).
What I’m saying is that EX3 is daunting just to look at when you sit down to play. If you hear about it, and want to get it, it costs a lot to buy, it costs a lot to ship, and the page count pushes the limits of book binding technology. Then we look past that, and the material within is also daunting, even to experienced Exalted players.
VtR2 Spilled Blood art by Andrea Payne
So years ago, we began to discuss how to make EX3 less daunting. To start with, despite all that I’ve laid out above, there are a lot of people happy with EX3 exactly (or at least close to exactly) as it is. A lot. So our purpose shouldn’t be to wreck what people do like – we want to make it easier for people to continue to enjoy Exalted as well as to get into it for the first time.
But a Jumpstart alone isn’t going to do it. It’ll get you started but ultimately the only way to keep going is going to require you braving that giant scary book. We realized that we need a simplified version of EX3 that didn’t supersede it, but simplified it while allowing the line to be there if you wanted to get into those more detailed systems and descriptions.
OK, but now it falls on us as publishers to figure out how to make that happen. And EX3 is not just daunting for players, it’s just as daunting to game designers. I’ve said it before, so it’s good to repeat here: Exalted is like a giant steam-punk machine; an intricate interconnected series of gears. And if you mess around with one game system gear in one section, you run the risk of completely screwing up a system or detail on the other side of the machine that is interconnected to a dozen gears of its own.
So we just can’t plop a developer who doesn’t understand Exalted into a chair and they start making Exalted books. We were phenomenally lucky that we could bring on Robert Vance and Eric Minton as developers, and even with their previous Exalted experience there was still a decent ramp-up time. But then, when they were rolling along on all cylinders, they were faced with creating books that were already on the schedule and had been announced, that built off of the EX3 core.
We either had to pull them from that continuation of a very healthy and enjoyed game line in order to develop the EX3 simplified book, and leave a lot of fans in the lurch, or find and train more EX3 devs to create the simpler version even though that would make it even longer before it could come out.
Obviously, ultimately, that’s what we did.
We will certainly have more to say about Exalted Essence in the weeks and months to come. Keep an eye on the project progress info below, and once writing begins you’ll see it pop up in the First Drafts section and then move through all the steps.
Like all of our:
Many Worlds, One Path!
Next Kickstarter: V5 Cults of the Blood Gods!
Onyx Path Media!
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast recaps PAX Unplugged! Available on Podbean or on your favorite podcast venue!
Once again our Twitch schedule is jam-packed with games! We’ve got Vampire: The Masquerade, Pugmire, Scarred Lands, Aberrant, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Changeling: The Dreaming, Mage: The Awakening, Trinity Continuum, and even more! If you’ve ever wanted to know how our games are played, check out our Twitch channel on twitch.tv/theonyxpath
Likewise, our YouTube channel is filling up with content, including Aberrant: Community Service, Changeling: The Lost – Littlebrook Reunion, and Pugmire: Paws & Claws! There’s a ton of content over there to wade through, as well as a recently dropped Onyx Path News! Subscribe to us on youtube.com/user/theonyxpath
I want to give a special profile to Aberrant: Community Service, as this superb actual play really gets into what’s great about Aberrant. For your ease, here’s the playlist of episodes on YouTube so far: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiNRTdSDh6-XTtU1yRfowy7njFNps7qEN
Matthew Dawkins continues his Gentleman’s Guide to Scion over on the Gentleman Gamer YouTube channel. He’s covered an introduction to The World setting and to the Storypath System so far. Videos can be found right here: youtube.com/user/clackclickbang
The fantastic folks at Red Moon Roleplaying have been working with us overtime on producing actual plays of Mummy: The Curse, Changeling: The Lost and Vampire: The Masquerade with Matthew Dawkins, Klara Herbol, John Burke, and Bianca Savazzi. You can find their excellent shows right here:  Vampire: The Masquerade: https://youtu.be/IRNubrPeIKk Mummy: The Curse: https://youtu.be/jyZYG-WadpU Changeling: The Lost: https://youtu.be/Y90EFR8FlR0
Did you know you can pick up the mobile version of the Pugmire RPG for free? Find out about the mobile version right here: https://youtu.be/6TkWfDecVp8
Have you been watching Ekorren‘s Exalted roleplaying journal? If not, you really should, because he makes a fantastic series of videos: https://youtu.be/6OM9lwzzOEQ
And finally, it’s been a while since we last promoted the fine folks at Devil’s Luck Gaming, and their superb actual plays. If you love watching people play RPGs, you’ll really enjoy their games: twitch.tv/devilsluckgaming/
Drop Matthew a message via the contact button on matthewdawkins.com if you have actual plays, reviews, or game overviews you want us to profile on the blog!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these latest fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero are available to order!
As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we are proud to announce the PDF and physical book PoD versions of In Media Res for the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook, a collection of pre-constructed stories featuring the hypercompetent Talents including:
Codename: Aquarius, a spy story of questionable loyalties in a wilderness of mirrors.
Caper, Incorporated, a reality-bending super-science heist for the fate of the world.
Classified: Help Wanted, a deadly game of cat-and-mouse in a single locked-in skyscraper.
And more…
Plus we’re also releasing the Trinity Continuum Core Screen in PDF – all on DriveThruRPG
2020: Midwinter: January 9th – 12th, in Milwaukee, WI. Check out David Fuller’s Athens, Ohio Scion actual play tie-in adventure (soon to be coming to the Storypath Nexus community content site) that will be running at Midwinter. The event url is below: https://tabletop.events/conventions/midwinter-gaming-convention-2020/schedule/402
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
N!ternational Wrestling Entertainment (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Creating in the Realms of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Contagion Chronicle Ready-Made Characters (Chronicles of Darkness)
Trinity Continuum: Adventure! core (Trinity Continuum: Adventure!)
Duke Rollo fiction (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Second Draft
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
TC: Aberrant Reference Screen (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Manuscript Approval
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Post-Approval Development
Scion LARP Rules (Scion)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Mythical Denizens (Creatures of the World Bestiary) (Scion 2nd Edition)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Post-Editing Development
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Vigil Watch (Scarred Lands)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Ex3 Lunars
TCfBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed – Sending out art notes and contracts.
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
Cults of the Blood God (KS) – Art all seems ready.
Mummy 2 (KS)
City of the Towered Tombs
Let the Streets Run Red – Sending out art notes and contracts.
CtL Oak Ash and Thorn – Awaiting artnotes.
Scion Mythical Denizens – Going over sketches.
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad – Sending out art notes and contracts. Still looking for a couple of artists.
Vigil Watch – Sending out art notes and contracts.
In Layout
Chicago Folio
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds – Haven’t forgotten it.
Pirates of Pugmire – With Aileen.
Memento Mori – At WW for approval.
Dark Eras 2 – Correction notes back to Aileen, so off to WW soon.
Trinity Continuum Aeon Jumpstart
M20 Book of the Fallen – Getting PgXX notes from Satyr Phil.
They Came from Beneath the Sea! – 2nd proof.
VtR Spilled Blood
At Press
Trinity: In Media Res – PDF and PoD versions on sale on Weds at DTRPG!
V5: Chicago – Shipping to the KS fulfillment shippers. PoD proofs ordered.
Aeon Aexpansion – PoD proofs coming.
Geist 2e (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition) – At press, proofs signed off on.
Geist 2e Screen – At press, waiting for proofs.
DR:E – At press, proofs signed off on.
DRE Screen – At press, waiting for proofs.
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties – PoD proof on the way.
Trinity RMCs
Tales of Good Dogs – PoD files uploaded.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
In Memoriam- Two performers that brought multiple beloved characters to life: Rene Auberjonois, from the original MASH Father Mulcahy, to Clayton Endicott III on Benson, to perhaps his best-known role as Odo on DS9, and Caroll Spinney, who brought Big Bird and, my personal favorite, Oscar the Grouch, to life on Sesame Street and delighted so many children around the world for decades. They did good work, brought two notable grouches to life, and will be missed by the many who loved them for it.
0 notes
netunleashed-blog · 6 years
Best movies on Netflix UK (August 2018): over 100 films to choose from
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=29963 Best movies on Netflix UK (August 2018): over 100 films to choose from - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=29963 Each and every week Netflix adds at least a few great movies to its already impressive line-up of flicks. This is great news for film fans, but it also means that many of us spend our first hour of downtime scrolling through everything the service has to offer.[UPDATE: Netflix has added two great crime thrillers to its catalogue this week, including Spy Game, starring Robert Redford and Brad Pitt, as well as Infernal Affairs, a cop drama based in Hong Kong that the US movie The Departed is inspired by.]And, as many of us are all too aware, often the dilemma of so much great stuff to choose from (which is known as ‘decision fatigue’ in psychology circles) leaves us feeling fed up. In an attempt to put an end to what we’re coining ‘Netflix fatigue’ once and for all, we’ve created this extensive list to the best movies that Netflix UK has to offer you right now. That's right. No more endless scrolling and no more movie-induced anxiety that you've made the wrong choice.If you’ve been signed up to Netflix for more than a few months, you’ll know there are lots of mediocre movie choices. But if you only have time for the best of the best, don't waste those all too precious minutes searching through the site's extensive and exhausting back catalogue. Instead, delve straight into this guide.We'll be updating this cinematic hall of fame at least once a week, so be sure to keep it bookmarked so you can find out what's hot and ready to be watched on Netflix in the UK right now.  The best movies on Netflix To make life even easier, we’ve divided over 150 movie recommendations up into categories to suit every taste. We’ve got indie and thriller through to kids and documentaries.Be sure to keep checking back. Unlike its TV output, which seems to stay on Netflix for longer, movies on the streaming site tend to appear and disappear quickly. Enjoy!  Want to know more about Netflix's take on binging? Here's what we found out when we visited Netflix HQ: If you are a TV fan, then check out our best shows on Netflix feature.Check out what the rivals are up to with the best movies on Amazon PrimeBest Netflix sci-fi movies: fantastic films to stream on Netflix and Amazon nowBest horror movies: scary films to stream right nowOur weekly guide to upcoming things on Netflix In this thrilling crime drama set in Hong Kong, a policeman goes undercover in order to expose a detective who has been leaking important police business to his contacts in the criminal underworld. The mole doesn't know who it is that's tracking him, so ensues a cat and mouse game guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat. If the plot sounds familiar, that's because Martin Scorcese's The Departed was based on this movie.  Starring Brad Pitt and Robert Redford, this crime thriller is about a veteran spy who takes on a dangerous mission to try and free his protégé who has been taken as a political prisoner in China.  From the writer of Arrival comes another alien invasion picture that has one of the more interesting twists that we have seen in a while. The whole thing plays out as a pretty simple affair. Micheal Pena is a factory worker who is plagued by visions and finds himself at the centre of a looming apocalypse. Some great set pieces manage to lift what is quite a tepid script - stick with it as the end is something else. Arguably one of Tarantino's best movies, The Hateful Eight is a gory Western set some time just after the American Civil War. As you'd expect from a Tarantino flick, the cast is one of the best bits. Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Michael Maden, Tim Roth and Kurt Russell take the lead roles as a ragtag bunch of criminals, bounty hunters and who knows what else who take refuge in a stagecoach stopover during a blizzard.  When Warcraft first came out it received mixed reviews and in many ways was a financial disappointment. But this action movie, based on the video game of the same name, from Duncan Jones is really compelling for fans of fantasy, monsters and otherworldly evils. Don’t expect flawless performances, but do expect your fair share of magical spells, orcs and sprawling battle scenes. Not every superhero movies takes itself too seriously. Deadpool is the poster child for irreverent superhero fun. Ryan Reynolds plays the lead, a slightly mad, katana-wielding character who blurs the line between hero and villain. It’s the jokes we’re here for, though. And a lot of them packed in.  This South Korean action movie is about Sook-hee, a trained assassin with a thirst for revenge who uncovers secrets about her dark past. Not one for the faint-hearted, Sook-hee leaves a trail of gore, violence and plenty of bodies on her quest. It's been applauded for its action choreography and has been described as Kill Bill meets La Femme Nikita.  Not every Marvel film is about superheroes with otherworldly powers. Guardians of the Galaxy’s lead Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) is closer to Han Solo than Superman. He’s a law-breaking rogue, not a saviour of civilisations. The result is a film with more of a sci-fi inflection than other Marvel adaptations. It’s packed with humour too. You don’t have to care about comic book lore to get on-board with this blockbuster.  This star-studded war film features Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña, Jon Bernthal and Jason Isaacs, and follows US tank crews in Nazi Germany during the last days of World War II. Based on real experiences by the crews of these machines, Fury is a powerful and moving account, that was very well received by critics and audiences alike. A biographical war drama directed by Mel Gibson, Hacksaw Ridge tells the true story of conscientious objector Desmond T. Doss (Andrew Garfield). Despite refusing to bear arms through his service during WW2, Doss won the Congressional Medal of Honor and adoration and respect of his peers for his bravery and selflessness in the conflict. Ridley Scott’s bombastic tale of US soldiers caught behind enemy lines when their helicopter crashes in Somalia is frenetic and relentless. You’ll have as much fun watching it as spotting the young actors who you kind of know but don’t know - including Hugh Dancy, Ioan Gruffudd and Ewen Bremner. It’s a bit jingoistic and the bloodshed is sometimes over the top but it’s a superb watch. A masterpiece in both filmmaking and fight choreography, Ang Lee's superb Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon tells the tale of a Chinese warrior who steals a sword off of a master swordsman and the cat-and-mouse chase that ensues. Chow Yun-Fat may have been the star of the movie when the was first released, but it is Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi that steal the show. A follow-up was produced by Netflix, which is worth a watch but has none of the charisma of its enigmatic predecessor. Quentin Tarantino’s bloody brilliant kung-fu opus should have been one big movie. But its distributors got cold feet, which meant we actually got two quite different films. The first is pure Shaw Brothers schlock. A revenge tale that follows Uma Thurman’s Bride looking to kill people on her hit list, for murdering her husband and family on her wedding day and leaving her for dead. The second film is a touch more subdued, but no less brutal - starting with a flashback of the infamous wedding and then furthering The Bride’s mission to ‘kill bill’. If you can, watch them together as it’s an epic movie that should be consumed in one sitting. Saoirse Ronan plays a teen assassin, who has been trained relentlessly in the Finnish wilderness by her ex-CIA dad, played by Eric Bana. She's tracked down by a CIA agent, played by Cate Blanchett, who seems hellbent on killing her. Well, unless Hanna can do it first. Watch on Netflix now. Oh, Paul Verhoeven how we’ve missed you. Elle brings back everything the director is famed for - controversy, satire and, well, more controversy. Elle sees the fantastic Isabelle Huppert play a businesswoman who is raped and decides to exact revenge on her rapist, except she doesn’t know who it is. Elle never goes the way you think it’s going to go and, despite the subject matter, is genuinely funny in places. It’s occasionally a tough watch but doesn’t offer the gratuity that some of Verhoeven’s other films are famed for. It’s Hupert here that makes the movie. She is subversive and simply superb.  Natalie Portman takes the lead role in this biographical drama about the life of Jackie Kennedy, which takes place after her husband John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963. It’s a compelling but difficult watch at times, all about grief, trauma, consoling her children and Jackie’s struggle to create a legacy for her husband after his tragic death. As well as Portman, the movie has a great cast, including Greta Gerwig, Billy Crudup, Peter Sarsgaard and John Hurt - it was the final film that was released just before Hurt passed away in 2017.  Beach Rats follows the story of Frankie, a teenager with a girlfriend and a seemingly 'normal' life who secretly meets up with older men to have sex and take drugs. He doesn't identify as gay or bisexual to his partner, friends or family. So this is a very powerful yet somehow dream-like look at his adolescent turmoil as he learns more about himself, the world and his sexuality. Some of the themes of the movie, as well as the visual aesthetic, have been compared to the likes of Moonlight and Beau Travail, so if you were a fan of either or both of those films then give this a watch. Historical drama denial is based on on a book call History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier by Deborah Lipstadt. It's about a case called Irving Vs. Penguin Books Ltd in which Lipstadt, a scholar specialising in the atrocities of the Holocaust is sued by David Irving, a Holocaust denier, for libel. Starring Greta Gerwig, Ethan Hawke and Julianne Moore, the story follows Maggie (Gerwig) who has decided she wants a baby and wants to raise it all on her own. But everything goes a bit wrong when she falls for John (Hawke) who is married to, you guessed it, Moore's character Georgette. A complicated, at times funny and emotional love triangle ensues.  An original Netflix film, Kodachrome follows the story of Matt, played by Jason Sudeikis, and Ben, played by Ed Harris, and estranged father and son duo who embark on a road trip joined by Ben's assistant, played by Elizabeth Olson, to the last place to develop Kodachrome film in the US - a small photo shop called Dwayne's Photo in Kansas.Watch on Netflix now. The Social Network is a biographical drama about the rise of Mark Zuckerberg and the early days of Facebook, as lawsuits, controversies and various other problems rolled in on the journey to it becoming a household name.There's been some controversy about the movie, especially considering Zuckerberg and no one else from the Facebook team were involved in its making. But it received many highly positive reviews, which is down to all aspects of the movie, from the performances from the cast through to David Fincher's directing and Aaron Sorkin's compelling script.  This generated a nice bit of buzz at Sundance and for good reason: Bad Day For The Cut is a grim, gripping Irish thriller about a farmer looking to avenge the death of his mother. First-time Writer/Director Chris Baugh knows how to ratchet up the tension and it certainly knows how to hit some nasty notes. Yes, you’ll probably guess where things are going to go, but it’s still a decent watch. Personal Shopper is a strange, but captivating movie. It shows off the acting prowess of Kristen Stewart who is superb as an American 'personal shopper' living in Paris who caters to the needs of an infuriating supermodel. And it just so happens, Stewart's character is also a medium who starts to interact with what she believes is her not-long dead brother. Personal Shopper is one movie which doesn't let you really know what it wants to be until the end - and that is what makes it great. Mudbound proves that Netflix is getting serious with the movies it is producing. This superb ensemble drama focuses on two brothers (Garret Hedlund and Jason Clarke) back from the second World War and the struggles they face adjusting back to ‘normal’ life. The film pulls no punches when it comes to tackling racism and sexism, both rife in 1940’s Mississippi, but layers these heady issues with a fair amount of levity and brevity. The cast are superb - Better Call Saul’s Jonathan Banks is riveting as always but Jason Mitchell is standout here - but it’s the tight script and wonderful, sweeping direction by Dee Rees that makes this movie truly and Oscar worthy. It’s rare that Tom Cruise gets upstaged in his movies but that’s what happens in Rain Man. This is because Dustin Hoffman puts in a performance of a lifetime as Charlie’s (Cruise) autistic brother Raymond. In the film we see Hoffman recite dates of airline crashes when he doesn’t want to fly, and this brings the brothers on a road trip after their father passes away. Cruise’s character in unlikeable for the most part but his softening to Hoffman’s Raymond is a beautiful watch - sometimes hilarious, sometimes tender.  Director Adam McKay was known for creating big belly laughs before The Big Short came out. And that’s what makes this movie such a surprise. It is funny in places, but it’s also a super-sharp look and - shock, horror - endlessly entertaining look at those who betted big the the housing bubble in the US would burst  in the mid 2000s. Filled with fantastic characters (played by Brad Pitt, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling and Steve Carell) and a superb script, this is a must see. Dope was a revelation when it was released in 2015. Part coming-of-age drama, part hip-hop homage, the movie is about a group of teenagers who go to a party and end up tangled up in drug dealing. While that sounds all very gritty, the film plays it for laughs more than often, punctuated by moments of drama. A heartfelt and considered look at Martin Luther King Jr's struggle to gain equal voting rights, campaigning in racially-charged Alabama, Selma was one of the finest films of 2014 and was rightly nominated for a Best Picture Oscar as a result. It may have missed out on the top gong, but David Oyelowo's performance as the civil rights leader is a powerful one, with a supporting cast recreating the inspiring story with great respect. Don’t let the title or, for that matter, the plot put you off, Warrior is a fantastic movie, centred on two brothers who find redemption and solace in the biggest MMA tournament ever held. A superb script and superb performances from Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton as the brothers and Nick Nolte as the alcoholic father, make this a must see. Not only did Network spawn one of the greatest lines shouted in a movie - "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" - it also shone a light on US network television and its constant push for higher ratings. The plot is great: longtime anchor Howard Beale finds out that he is about to get fired, so to drive ratings he announces he will commit suicide on air. What ensues is a harsh look at TV that's still prescient today. Nicolas Winding Refn is one of the most divisive directors around and he's not looking to change that with The Neon Demon. Like Only God Forgives and the slightly more accessible Drive, Neon Demon is stylish, blood soaked and, well, cold. It features a fantastic central performance by Elle Fanning and never compromises - this makes for a difficult but ultimately rewarding watch. Anyone who doubts the acting caliber of Tom Hardy needs to watch Bronson immediately. Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn who found fame with Drive and the divisive Only God Forgives, Bronson is a fragmented, surreal look at one of the UK’s most famous prisoners, Charles Bronson. Hardy commands the screen as the titular inmate, bulking on the body mass and belting out charisma and chaos in equal measure. It’s not for everyone, thanks to its obscure storytelling, but this is a unique film and one that demands your attention. Pulp Fiction is Quentin Tarantino at his finest. Endlessly quotable and always a refreshing watch, Tarantino re-invents what a crime movie should be. He does this be interlocking seemingly unrelated stories in a non-linear way, riffing on pop culture and breathing new life into old actors - including John Travolta, Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson. This film deserves all the accolades it's garnered over the years. It's just a shame Tarantino has never bettered it. Okja is a fantastic movie that proves Netflix really does know what it's doing when it comes to commissioning films. Made by Bong Joon Ho, one of the greatest directors around, the film is the strange tale of a little girl and her best friend, a giant animal called Okja. The friendship is threatened when a CEO (a superb Tilda Swinton) wants to take Okja for nefarious means. The whole movie may well be an ode to animal activism but it's such a refreshing movie that you don't mind it preaching to you on occasion. Now you have this on-board Netflix, can you please grab the UK rights for Snowpiercer - another superb Bong Joon Ho movie that never saw the light of day in Britain.   This is a movie that was close to not being made. Just as shooting began, funding was pulled and it means that star Matthew McConaughey may have had to drop out, as he needed to put all the weight on he had lost for playing Ron Woodroof, an electrician diagnosed with Aids. Money was found, though, and we're glad it was as this is a sometimes harrowing but strangely uplifting account of someone who goes to the extra mile to get their hands on an experimental Aids drug that can lessen the effects of the disease. McConaughey is fantastic as the makeshift drug runner while his partner in crime is Jared Leto as Rayon, a trans woman who helps him on his journey. Despite the budget cut, there was Oscar nominations aplenty for the film with it winning Best Makeup. Considering the makeup was done on $250 budget, this is an impress feat. A quirky tale about a man called Harold Crick (played by Will Ferrell) who lives a normal, kinda dull existence and one day begins to hear someone narrating his life. Everything about the narration is super accurate, but when it reveals he's doing to die soon he tries to find the author to stop her, well, killing him off.  Some Like it Hot is a classic, and for good reason. Winner of numerous Academy Awards and Golden Globes, and featuring three of Hollywood's greats at the top of their game, it's a hilarious movie, with unforgettable central performances.After witnessing the Valentine's day massacre, two male musicians try to escape town in disguise, as women. If you've never watched it, treat yourself. If you have, you don't need any convincing to watch it again. Watch on Netflix Now This laugh-out-loud, yet totally heart-warming, comedy from Judd Apatow is perfect for easy Sunday watching. It's about a TV presenter, played by Katherine Heigl, who has to navigate the tricky ins-and-outs of having an unplanned pregnancy with the unemployed and kinda immature Ben, played by Seth Rogen. Watch on Netflix now.  Stanley Kubrick's 1964 satirical dark comedy classic has landed on Netflix. This dark comedy explores the fears around the Cold War between the US and Soviet Union, and the threat of impending nuclear disaster. Directed, produced and also co-written by Kubrick, the story centres around a US Air Force general who decides to order a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. It then follows the action of a bomber after it's set off, as well as the heated debates about calling off the whole operation before the general brings about the end of the world. Okay, so it might not be the light and easy watch you were looking for on a lazy, hungover Sunday. But it's a classic that's one of Kubrick's best.  The World's End is the worst of the Cornetto Trilogy but that's only because the other two are the superb Shaun Of The Dead and Hot Fuzz. The premise is great: Gary King (Simon Pegg) gets his old friends together to relive a pub crawl of their childhood. The only problem is, everyone has grown up into self-respecting adults except him. But none of this matters when the group of lads get themselves into a very strange situation. Full of fantastic sight gags that made Baby Driver the success it was, The World's End doesn't quite hit the high notes it should but it has a lot of fun trying in the process.  What a brilliant film. Pride manages to weave 'message' with entertainment effortlessly, charting the true tale of gay rights activists in the UK that help raise money for a small mining town when the strikes are happening. There's superb performances by all but it's the ever-brilliant George MacKay whose standout. The plot for this one is fantastic. It’s a road movie centred around two teenage bike thieves who go on an adventure after they get word that seven tonnes of cocaine has been shipwrecked off the coast of Ireland. Their plan is to get some of it and sell it for a better life. This is one of the funniest comedies to come out of Ireland for a while. It’s got a distinct Adam & Paul feel but is thankfully a bit lighter. Young Offenders is a coming-of-age story with oodles of charm.  A classic Jim Carey comedy, Ace Ventura Pet Detective follows a PI who specializes in missing animals cases. When the mascot for the Miami dolphins goes missing he's in for the case of his life. Expect a madcap adventure with a lot of energy and laughs. Richard Linklater's latest is a bedfellow to Dazed and Confused. Instead of the ’80s, though, the '70s is used as a backdrop instead and the focus here is very much what it is like to be a boy growing up into an adult. As with most Linklater movies, not much happens in the movie but the characterisation is so spot on, that it really doesn't matter. One of the best films you probably missed in 2016, The Nice Guys is cult director Shane Black at his best. Achingly funny and whip-smart, too, the film is about a private eye and a heavy in the '70s and the shenanigans they get up to. While Black went full Hollywood with Iron Man 3, The Nice Guys sees him back where he belongs - among the indie elite.  We don't really need to tell you the synopsis of the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot, do we? A load of paranormal enthusiasts/hunters all come together to stop an otherworldly threat. You know the drill. The great bit about the 2016 remake is it's a female-fronted ghostbusting team, featuring comedians and actors Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon. Critics were pretty divided when this version came out, with many praising the fresh approach but not being too keen on some of the story and script. Then again, it was always going to be near impossible to create a story so similar to the original. A cult comedy horror made in the same vein as Shaun of the Dead, Tucker and Dale vs Evil is a whole lot of fun. Hillbillies Tucker and Dale head out to a cabin in the woods for a vacation and, well, all horror breaks loose. With barrels of laughs and buckets of blood, don't expect award-winning performances but it's a lot of fun. Alexander Payne proves once again that he is one of the best directors around with Nebraska, a film that follows elderly Woody Grant (Bruce Dern) who embarks on a 750-mile journey to Nebraska to cash in the supposed winnings of a sweepstake. Nebraska is full of heart but also home truths when Woody arrives back in his hometown after years away. Based on Bret Easton Ellis' tale of greed, capitalism and serial killing, this 2000 dark comedy-meets-horror flick has a stellar cast, including Christian Bale, Reese Witherspoon and Willem Dafoe, among many others. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it's a deep and intense rollercoaster ride through sprawling monologues, 80s pop tunes and murder.  Martin Freeman stars in this Australian post-apocalyptic thriller that's based on a short film of the same name. It's about a world overtaken by a zombie virus and a husband and wife who are trying to survive with their young daughter. They've managed to stay uninfected so far because they've been living on a houseboat, but as you can imagine, that all changes. It's been mostly praised by critics, who enjoy its refreshing take on the zombie genre, its emotional depth and Freeman's performance. A series of murders has ravaged London, which leads many of the locals to believe there's only one explanation: the mythical Golem must be to blame, a mythical creature from darker times. But, as you'd probably expect, it turns out it isn't a creepy monster that's to blame after all.  It's the perfect horror setup: 10 strangers are stranded in a motel thanks to a rainstorm. At the same time a murderer is about to be executed, only for his psychiatrist to make a last-ditch effort to keep him alive. So, how are these two tales linked? Well, that would be telling. Directed by The Wolverine's James Mangold, Identity may think it's brainier than it is but at least it's a whole lot of fun. Creep was a mini indie marvel when it came out a few years back. Ultra low budget, it starred  Mark Duplass and was base on his story about a videographer who puts an ad on Craiglist which leads to some terrifying home truths. In the sequel, Duplass is back and this time he lures someone to his home by claiming to be a serial killer. What ensues is a tense, brilliant low-fi ride. Joining Stephen King’s Carrie on Netflix comes another classic story from the horror author’s creepy collection: Misery. Bringing the tale of the story, which will be making anyone who has seen it wince right now, straight to your living room. The movie follows a famous author who is rescued from a car crash by a fan. We won’t spoil what happens next, but you can probably guess it’s not exactly the warm, homely kind of recovery you’d expect after you’ve had an accident. It’s certainly not one for the faint-hearted, so prepare to hide behind a cushion for about 50% of the running time.  Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula is an under-appreciated gem. It uses some old-school cinematic techniques to give the movie a classic feel and it really works - having back projection for some of the special effects offers up a really unnerving look at Dracula. Gary Oldman is fantastic as the titular character. The only let down is Keanu Reeves who is utterly miscast. If you can put up with that, though, then what you have is one of the most lavish horror movies ever made. The Purge is low budget but brilliantly high concept. The idea is that there is one day a year when the world can go a bit crazy murdering and looting and it's all completely legal. This makes for a fantastic adrenaline rush of a movie that's modelled on John Carpenter style 80s heist movies. It's really good fun, as is a number of the sequels.  Gerald's Game is one of Stephen King's leaner novels, with the majority of the action taking place in one room, with one woman (Jessie Burlingame) alone, handcuffed to a bed, after a night of passion goes awry, with just her thoughts, her dead husband, and a number of things that go bump in the night for company. With this in mind, director Mike Flannigan has managed to pull off an adaptation that could have been very one note, by creatively bringing Burlingame's - a fantastic Carla Gugino - thoughts to life. It's a bit too melodramatic at times and does suffer from the King curse of never knowing how to properly end his stories, but there's a lot to like about this Netflix exclusive. This horror story is all about a robbery gone wrong. The three thieves hoping to steal money from a blind veteran's home are in for a terrifying surprise when they realise he's much more violent, unpredictable and aware than they originally thought.  Blair Witch, the kind of remake, quasi sequel to the scare classic The Blair Witch Project was a big surprise when it first announced. Director Adam Wingard had made the film covertly with the title The Woods and then when it premiered at San Diego Comic-Con, they announced its link to the Blair Witch story and the crowd went, well, crazy. The film is a worthy addition to the franchise. It keeps the shaky cam stuff but also adds in some modern day twists such as drones and GPS. It takes a while to get going but once the scares start they are relentless.  This super-smart horror from Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard is a movie that tries its hardest to turn the horror genre on its head, with continual knowing nods to movies of the past and a post-modern spin of the well-worn 'cabin in the woods' theme. Don't go into this movie expecting a normal film-watching experience but do expect to have fun watching a highly original script at play. Thanks to Netflix's sometimes surprising rights, Under The Shadow has popped on to the service around the same time as the movie's Blu-ray release. We're glad it has. It's a fantastic horror film set in Tehran in the '80s, focusing on a mother and daughter seemingly terrorised by otherworldly beings in an apartment block. The dread in this film is slow release but palpable, making it a terrific, scary watch.  This ultra low budget movie comes from the Duplass Brothers and is one of the most inventive chillers in years. The plot is slight, it focuses on a man who answers a Craiglist ad to film what he thinks is a video for the person’s unborn son. And that’s all we will say about the plot as it twists and turns in on itself, terrifying the viewer repeatedly in the process. Stephen King’s classic tale of the trials and tribulations of high school, fitting in, oh and having extremely powerful telekinetic powers has landed on Netflix, bringing the unforgettable and gruesome bloodbath of the 1976 imagining to the small screen.  Hush has a brilliant premise. Directed by Mike Flanagan it revolves around a killer who tries to get the best of a girl in the house on her own. So far so 'every horror movie ever made', but the girl who is being stalked happens to be deaf. Yes, the home invasion genre is getting tired, but Hush manages to quietly breathe new life into it. One of the more high-concept horrors on the list, Would You Rather is about a group of seven people who are invited to a millionaire's house to play a game of 'Would You Rather'. The game turns out to be one of the most sadistic around. Justin Lin directs the latest instalment of Star Trek with bombast. And thank goodness he does, because the explosions and flash camera angles manage to mask some of the cracks in this film. Don't get us wrong: Star Trek Beyond is a lot of fun, but feels a little smaller than the first two rebooted movies. There's more humour, though, and the cast still shine. Next time, though, more Bones please! Alex Garland is a master of sci-fi. He directed Ex Machina, wrote 28 Days Later, and has now directed Annihilation. It has skipped past a wide cinema release, heading direct to Netflix. This sharp supernatural thriller sees Natalie Portman play a botanist investigating a mysterious, and expanding, wall of light in the deep south of America.  Netflix surprised everyone when it revealed it had the streaming rights to the third instalment of the loose Cloverfield franchise, the Cloverfield Paradox, and now it has the original film. Each Cloverfield film is different, and the original uses the 'found footage' narrative device to document an attack on New York by a huge alien monster. While the Cloverfield Paradox didn't quite capture the magic of the original, the first film is definitely worth catching while it's on Netflix. Given it was made in 1985, the effects of Back To The Future still stand up today. Actually, so does everything about the movie. It's a fantastic old-school romp that showcases Michael J Fox as one of the most affable actors around. Spielberg may have only produced the movie but his fingerprints are all over it. Back To The Future is a classic that is endlessly fun and rewatchable. The effects may look a tad dated now but The Abyss was SFX filmmaking at its best when it was released in the late '80s. Directed by James Cameron, sandwiched between Aliens and Terminator 2 in his oeuvre, the film is about a diving team looking for a lost nuclear submarine but instead encounter something wholly different. It's a thought-provoking slice of sci-fi that's more thriller than action. In the not-so-distant future, people are ranked, judged and given jobs not based on their abilities and interests, but on their genetic makeup. Gattaca follows the story of a man with less-than-perfect DNA (Ethan Hawke) who is desperate to travel into space, which is a privilege only reserved for the perfect. With the help of another man with 10/10 DNA (Jude Law), he tries to game the system to bag himself a seat on the next mission to the stars. As you’d expect from this clever sci-fi story, there are lots of challenges, problems and interesting twists along the way. Jim Carey has always been an actor that takes things to extremes - whether it's his face gurning or physical comedy. But nothing was quite like what he did in Man On The Moon, the Milos Foreman directed biopic of Andy Kaufman. Mixing exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes footage of Carey that the studios didn't want released, this is one revealing documentary about the things people do to make people laugh. Full of hubris that you can only get when a documentary crew gets more than they bargained for (see also: The Jinx), Weiner follows the mayoral campaign of Anthony Weiner only for him to be embroiled in a sex scandal as the cameras are still shooting. And the best bit about it is, the documentary was meant to be about Weiner’s comeback after another sex scandal that happened in 2011. It’s a tough but compelling watch.  Director Martin Scorsese may well be known for his Hollywood productions but he has a decent sideline in rock documentaries. The latest to hit Netflix focuses on George Harrison, knitting together archive footage with interviews and home movies. It’s a warm, revealing portrait of arguably the most talented Beatle and one that came out 10 years after his untimely death. With nuclear war still a threat today (and a growing one at that), a documentary on how atomic warfare came to be was always going to feel prescient but The Bomb feels like more than that. It's a full-on assault on the senses that weaves archive footage together to create a non-linear, experimental piece that's more mosaic than montage, with a message that's pretty clear: we need nuclear disarmament and we need it now. The Bomb toured the film festival circuit with live band The Acid and was even shown at Glastonbury's Shangri-La. While it's no doubt not as potent as it was in a live space, it's still well worth a watch. And if you need a non-Netflix companion piece, then check out Storyville, Atomic, Living in Dread and Promise by Mark Cousins. "Metal on metal / It's what I crave / The louder the better / I'll turn in my grave."Like a real-life Spinal Tap, the story of Anvil, the oft-forgotten heavy metal pioneers is as tragic as it is funny and uplifting. A huge influence on the likes of Metallica and metal's megastars, Anvil never got to enjoy the success of their peers, resigned to the axe-wielding history books.Except...Anvil never went away. Continuing to shred on the toilet circuit, the documentary follows the ageing rockers as they make one last attempt at hitting the big time.Throw up the horns, but keep a hanky at the ready – Anvil: The Story of Anvil is as good as a rock-doc gets. The White Helmets is, quite rightly, the winner of Netflix's first-ever Oscar. It was directed by the only British winner of the 2017 Oscars, too. Orlando von Einsiedel directs this stunning look at the day to day operations of the Syrian Civil Defense, volunteers who assist neighbourhoods that have been bombed, helping find survivors amongst the devastation. It may only be 40 minutes long, but the bravery and tragedy you witness will stay with you forever.  Netflix bagged its first Bafta thanks to this stunning documentary. 13th looks at race and the US criminal justice system, showcasing numerous injustices in the way African Americans have been treated in the system. The documentary was made by filmmaker Ava DuVernay, who also made the superb Selma. Some Kind of Monster is a intimate look at one of the most successful heavy metal bands ever, Metallica. This unflinching doc focuses on the band as they hit  a crossroads - the departure of their bass player. We see a band that's been together for 20 years talk through their emotions and pain points. By enlisting the help of a therapist, the documentary is a fascinating fly-on-the-wall look at a rock group in group therapy. One of the most important documentaries of the decade, Blackfish charts the life of killer whale Tilikum, who sadly died recently. Kept in captivity as a 'performance mammal' at SeaWorld, the doc explores the unsightly side of why keeping whales in captivity is a terrible idea. Blackfish had such an impact that SeaWorld decided to phase out its orca shows and rebrand itself. Powerful stuff. This Netflix exclusive documentary is a heart-wrenching look at one of the greatest singers of all time. While the highlights are definitely seeing Simone sing live - there's a huge amount of never-before-seen archive footage - it's the eye-opening truths about her troubled life that hit home hardest. Always one for a conspiracy theory - just watch JFK to see how creative his jigsaw-like thinking can get - Olive Stone was the perfect choice to direct Snowden - a film about Edward Snowden, arguably the most prolific leaker the US has ever had. Charting his life from his cut-short army career to his desk job in the NSA, focusing on cyberwarfare, the story humanises a person who already feels like a myth and adds bones to why he decided to go against the US government and uncover a truth that included mass surveillance and more. We know, we know, it sometimes doesn't feel quite right when a cult classic like OldBoy gets remade. Especially one that's been so popular over the years because it's so surreal, dark and chilling. How do you even begin to remake that sense of dark, skin-crawling unease? Well, Spike Lee gave it a good go in 2013. Josh Brolin plays the lead character, who is kidnapped and imprisoned for 20 years and then goes on a mission to find out why. Not for the faint-hearted, it's a decent remake, but as you'd expect didn't excite critics or gain cult status like Park Chan-Wook's original.  Leonardio DiCaprio plays the notorious high rolling stockbroker Jordan Belfort in this award-winning flick from Martin Scorsese. At times it's deadly serious, laugh-out-loud funny and in many ways a fable about the slippery slope a life all about money can send you down. Steven Spielberg's classic 1975 thriller has arrived on Netflix, telling the story of a giant, man-eating shark who likes to snack on people in New England. There was no doubt that Jaws would make our list given that it's often considered one of the greatest movies ever made. In fact, it was the highest grossing movie of all time for a few years until Star Wars hit the scene. In this hard-hitting crime drama Johnny Depp plays the notorious American mobster James "Whitey" Bulger. The story follows the infamous criminal career of Bulger as he heads up the Winter Hill Gang of South Boston. Martin Scorsese's flick Taxi Driver follows the story of a lonely veteran (played by Robert DeNiro) living in New York who becomes a taxi driver and slowly descends into madness watching the corruption and depravity of the city around him. It's not an easy watch, but it's a true classic and considered one of the greatest movies of all time. It's the movie which finally won Leonardo the Oscar and for good reason - The Revenant is a ferocious looks at mankind's survival against the odds. And when those odds include soldiers, bears and inhospitable lands they are definitely no in your favour. Shot entirely with available light, this is a stark movie but one that demands to be seen on the biggest screen possible.  Before Denis Villeneuve was wow-ing us all with Sicario, Arrival and Blade Runner 2049, he directed Prisoners. It's a crime thriller with a stellar cast, including Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal, about a child abduction. You'll be on the edge of your seat the whole time.  This crime thriller flick might not be award-winning, but boy does it keep you on the edge of your seat. Elizabeth Banks plays a woman who is sent to prison on a murder charge she denies, which leads her husband, played by Russell Crowe, to hatch a daring and detailed plan to break her out of prison. Watch on Netflix now. The Stephen King renaissance continues with 1922, a movie based on a little-known short story by the horror author taken from his 2010 Full Dark, No Stars compilation. It’s an assured film with a great central performance by Thomas Jane, who plays a farmer in the 1920 who murders his wife, a crime that sparks off a strange string of events. It’s slow burning but when the horror finally creeps in it’s a tough but mesmerising watch. Ben Affleck's directorial debut is a superb, taut thriller that's based on every parent's worst nightmare - the disappearance of their child. Ben's brother Casey Affleck and Michelle Monaghan star as two detectives who take on the missing person's case, even though they have little experience in a case of that type. Based in Boston, the film manages to showcase the heart of the city (where the Afflecks are from) as well as tell a tragic tale in the most human way possible. Kathryn Bigelow is one of the greatest action filmmakers around, so was perfect for helming Zero Dark Thirty. Based on the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, the movie keeps the terrorist mostly in the background and instead focuses on the people who were key to bringing him to justice. No one would like to see Bin Laden caught more than Jessica Chastain's Maya, an operative who has spent most of her career chasing him. Whatever your take on the War on Terror, this is riveting stuff. With Twin Peaks: Season 3 currently trying to out weird the world, it's a perfect time to immerse yourself in the delicious nastiness of Blue Velvet once more. The film is a triumph of oddness - based around a seemingly wholesome man (Kyle MacLachlan) who gets embroiled in the underworld thanks to his infatuation with a mysterious women. This is David Lynch at his finest. Antonio Banderas! Adrien Brody! John Malkovich! The cast for Bullet Head is an exciting mix of three great actors that you'd think would light up the screen with slick dialogue and electrifying performances alone, but instead Bullet Head throws them all in a warehouse that for some reason is really hard to just, walk out of, with a killer dog. And that's the rather strange, rather ridiculous but somehow still very entertaining premise of Bullet Head. This movie ain't gonna win any awards, but if you're craving a bit of mindless action and drama with three familiar faces at the helm, then Bullet Head might just be your perfect movie for hangovers and lazy Sundays.  Calvary is an intense, disturbing and at some points darkly funny story about a priest in a small, rural town in Ireland who receives a mysterious death threat. While waiting to find out who the shady, would-be killer is, the priest continues about his daily business, which reveals that criminal acts, racism and domestic abuse run rife in the community. It’s whatever the opposite of easy watching is, so be prepared. But it’s a very well-made and captivating move in which Brendan Gleeson really shines as the protagonist priest. One of the first movies to be made under the Netflix banner, Beasts of No Nation sees Idris Elba on fine form as a commandant fighting in a civil war. But the biggest praise has to go to Abraham Attah's Agu - a boy soldier caught in the fighting. Directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga - who made the first season of True Detective the masterpiece it was - this is a harrowing but great watch. Fargo is the perfect Coen Brothers film. Funny enough to make you chuckle, it's also filled with some ridiculously dark moments, most of which involve Steve Buscemi's bumbling hitman and William H Macy as the cowardly corrupt Jerry Lundegaard. The star of the film, however, has to be Frances McDormand's heavily pregnant, inquisitive and just darn tootin' nice detective. Brian De Palma is a magpie filmmaker. His style apes that of his hero, Alfred Hitchcock, and he loves to make remakes. Blow Out is one of his best. A re-imagining of the seminal '60s film Blow-Up, De Palma moves the action from London to the US and focuses on sound not photography as Travolta stars as a sound effects producer who believes he has caught a real murder on tape.Also consider: Carlos The Jackal | The Purge: Anarchy | Gone Baby Gone | The Spy Who Came In From The Cold | We Need To Talk About Kevin | The Parallax View | Rear Window | Serpico | Natural Born Killers The ultimate romantic film? Perhaps. It’s definitely one of the best watches you are likely to have. When Harry Met Sally is an all-time classic, brimming with confidence that only comes when you nail the acting, script and direction. Sally is played by Meg Ryan, someone who has been friends with Harry (a pristine Billy Crystal) for years but lost contact. They meet up again, when their lives are a little different, and the rest is history. Rob Reiner does a fantastic, subtle directing job here but top marks go to the script by the late Nora Ephron.  Director Damian Chazelle (Whiplash) does it again with La La Land, creating a fantastic musical romance about two creatives trying to make it big in Los Angeles. One is an aspiring actress (the fantastic Emma Stone), while the other (Ryan Gosling) is a jobbing jazz musician hoping for his big break. The song and dance routines are a wonder to watch, but this isn't just a film that relies on gimmickry - it's a well told modern day love story. Yes, it was made to capitalise on the huge success of Indiana Jones, but this is no rip off. Directed by the brilliant Robert Zemeckis and blessed with two of the most charismatic stars of the 80s Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner, the movie is an absolute blast. It’s a film about a romance author who heads to Columbia to find her kidnapped sister, only to find herself face to face with an adventurer Michael Douglas. With equal measure action and comedy, Romancing the Stone is full of the fun only a rock-solid 80s flick can muster.  If you're looking for a feel-good movie this weekend, check out About Time. It's a genre-defying film that's about time travel, romance and has a big helping of laughs thrown in for good measure. Domhnall Gleeson plays a man who finds out he can travel through time, so decides to go and win the woman of his dreams. But, as with all time travel tales, things aren't as straight-forward (and not-to-mention chronological) as they seem. Watch on Netflix now. Wes Anderson’s quirky directing is a perfect fit for Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Fox. Lovingly crafted using stop animation that’s voiced by Anderson alumni, and George Clooney, the film works well as a kids animation, but it’s adults that will get the biggest kicks. Director Anderson is going back to stop animation for his next feature - let’s hope it’s half as good as the fantastic Fantastic Mr Fox. Charlie Brown and his dog, Snoopy, are iconic cartoon characters, and in this new computer-generated film, which was co-written and co-produced by Charles Schulz's son and grandson, is a brilliant continuation of that legacy, pleasing existing fans and winning over new ones in a tale that sees Charlie Brown try to impress Little Red-Haired Girl. It's the first Peanuts feature film in 35 years, but the wait was worth it. Yes it may be from the late 80s and nowadays robots should like more like the Westworld hosts rather than a big ol' pile of junk, right? But Short Circuit 2 is still an enjoyable sequel for the whole family. It's about Johnny Five, a sentient ex-military robot who is trying to help a robot inventor who is in some hot water with a bunch of bad guys. It's not going to win any awards for the story or the acting or anything else, really, but if you want to introduce your kids to fictitious robots from times gone by, this is a fun weekend watch. This movie may have not performed particularly well at the box office when it was first released, but it's still a magical movie suitable for all the family. It follows the story of Alice years after she first ventures down the rabbit hole. She's spent years at see and this time finds her way back to Wonderland when she comes across a magical looking glass. When she arrives she quickly embarks on a mission to save the Hatter, who is acting madder than ever.  Are remakes always a bad idea? On paper the 2016 The Jungle Book sounds like a recipe for a dud. It’s a new take on the Disney 1967 animated The Jungle Book, but with less music and more CGI. However, it also fills out the story’s world and adds more backstory for protagonist Mowgli. And, guess what, It works.  The BFG is brought to (larger than) life brilliantly by Stephen Spielberg and the acting talents of Mark Rylance. While the film may be a little too slow for younger viewers, it's a mesmerising watch. Full of the scatological humour of the book, but also slathered in beautiful imagery that blends the real world and CG seamlessly. Spielberg has done wonders to bring Roald Dahl's big classic to the big screen. Directed by Katsuhiro Otomo, who made the greatest Anime around Akira, Steamboy is a superb Victorian-London infused tale about a young inventor who has to do everything he can to make sure his granddad's inventions don't fall into the wrong hands. It looks amazing, but is sometimes let down by its storytelling. It's definitely worth a watch, though, even if it does get a little too silly. Roald Dahl's greatest book, Matilda, is given a great adaptation, thanks to director and star Danny DeVito. While brilliant at playing one of Matilda's awful parents, it's his direction that's key here - weaving together hyperreal imagery, a faithfulness to the book and the right balance of comedy and unpleasantness. Muppet madness ensues in The Dark Crystal - yet another classic brought to life by the majesty of Jim Henson and his puppet creations. It may not be as loved as Labyrinth but it's still a brilliant children's tale about the search for a crystal that once brought balance to the world.  Source link
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daominhn · 8 years
Kong: Skull Island: Vietnam is beautiful, blah blah blah... and what else?
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More than two straight hours with tone of heavily action scenes, bunch of “scary-ist” big giant monsters, include Kong himself, spider, water buffalo, octopus, komodo dragon look alike, etc. in the end what Kong: Skull Island has offered is no more than showing off how visual effect has improved recently, and plays perfect role as a promoter for Vietnam’s tourism.
Kong: Skull Island has chosen to follow different direction than Peter Jackson’s remake version had done in the past. In this movie, Kong is a mystery – turn out to be real – creature is living on an island. American, who just announced they gave up on Vietnam’s war, once again, find another seemingly arousing reason to drop some bombs on that island. This act, of course, pissed the hell out of Kong – the guardian aka King of the Skull Island. Kong and the American teams: include post-Vietnam war’s soldiers, couple scientists, one not that beautiful photographer woman, a British hunter-tracker… start to know each other in a bloody battle. It devices them into several groups in different locations on island. At that moment, they realize Kong is not the only living nightmare who are resident on Skull Island.
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Because Kong: Skull Island took place in “somewhere” in middle of Pacific ocean. Hollywood has been picked several famous locations in Vietnam (and Hawaii, Australia, etc.) as shooting scenes. Ha Long Bay, Tam Coc, Van Long, Trang An are some of the recognizable names. From the scenes where fly-cam took place has really show off how magnificent exquisite Ha Long Bay is. In the purpose of trying to capture the rare, wild and breath taking beauty of Ha Long Bay from above, the director of Kong: Skull Island really knows how to please audiences (especially Vietnamese viewers).
In addition, Skull Island is described as a beautiful, but very dangerous and mystery place by changing the color of background, adding a lot of smoky color tone. Ha Long Bay, Tam Co, Trang An or Tam Coc in real life are actually more beautiful and vividly than in the movie. However, it is such a decent job that visual effect has interfered to transform those sight seeing scenes into very memorable Kong’s home town.
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Beside a right choice of locations, Kong: Skull Island also deserves a praise for outstanding visual effect. Of course, the movie itself doesn’t try to bring out any renovated technology, or outcast any blockbusters in the market today. On the other hand, visual effect in this movie plays an extreme crucial role for most of the battles between Kong and other monsters. You have to watch it to believe it that the final battle between Kong and giant lizard is really worth million bucks.
Unfortunately, Kong: Skull Island offered no more than a nice choice of locations, and outstanding visual effect. The story itself is slightly better in one way, but also is no more than a cliché, vapid, old time plot. More than one time, viewer can easily recognize there is something familiar in Kong: Skull Island, include Jurassic World: The Lost World, Platoon, Apocalypse Now, or even Saving Private Ryan. We can call this movie a not good, nor not bad mixing soup bowl, which ignites multiple tastes, but none of them are really on top.
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Kong, King Kong, or Giant Monkey is actually a super star in this movie. The human group, on the contrast, are really stupid, lack of creativity, and some of them are really just a bump, worthless accessory: include Tom Hiddleston’s character.
Kong: Skull Island is a good choice for anyone who is looking for different story about a well-known, infamous giant ape, and also want to see how beautiful Vietnam is. Requiring more than that, you should come back to Oscar’s nominations then. Oh, one more thing, it is definitely not a Marvel movie, but be patient and wait for the post-credit scene, you will not regret it.
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