#bright moon catradora
glimbow-fics · 1 year
Bow and Glimmer are childhood friends who grow up in the Horde. But everything changes when Bow makes the decision to leave and find somewhere where he fits in. He didn't want leave her but he wasn't happy. This causes Glimmer into downward spiral, where she feels like she has to prove to Bow that she can be happy without him. At the end of the day they are in love and try to fight every fiber in their bodies from admitting it to each other. With each of them on opposite sides of the war can they really be happy?
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foolforshera · 9 months
It's the final summer before Adora Weaver goes off to college and she's excited to be the head cabin counselor at Camp Horde for the Lord. Her best friend at camp, Catra, makes her feel confused sometimes, but she just knows she can do her best to please the Lord. Can't she?
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capndragn94 · 2 years
Adora: Okay, well, don't get mad. But I may have used magic to give you the best sex you've ever had in your entire life.
Catra: *groans* Adora.
Adora: Oh, you can't possibly be mad at me for getting you off too good. That is not a thing!
Catra: I... I... Well, I think I can when this... this is happening!
*everyone in Bright Moon acting super horny*
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catra-come-out · 2 years
Adora: What’s up guys? I’m back.
Catra: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die.
Adora: Death is a social construct.
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fantasywater · 15 days
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Catradora and Stolitz: Same Toxic Ship just Different Genders
This series has always felt like the Catra Show, and so much so that even Hordak never felt like the main villain. And nothing drove that point home more than season five proving once and for all that this series' moral line(or lack thereof) is really about a Villain Protagonist when the character that increasingly became a monster for four seasons still got everything she wanted in the end.   
Catra is the poster child for the moral bankruptcy of this series. 
I can't buy her ''redemption,'' or her relationship with Adora, because she went too far. 
Therefore nor can I buy the mental gymnastics that arise when she is the topic of discussion in the fandom. 
For four seasons I watched this character willingly and gleefully jump rope with the moral event horizon. Then she finally broke it to the pieces when she genocides the planet, and everyone on it, because of her sick, evil, obsession with being better than Adora.
Loved all this time my behind.
Catra was a vile person from her introduction, and just got increasingly more poisonous as the show went on. 
Season Five wants us to treat Catra like she was just a bad friend.
She just said a few mean words here and there, and therefore all she has to do is sincerely apologize then friendship can begin again.  
Here's the thing Catra wasn't just a bad friend she was an abuser and a fascist. 
She had multiple opportunities to leave the horde, and had no reason to stay in the first place, gleefully attacks the resistance, is the reason Angela died, tried straight up multiple times to end Adora’s and her friends lives, and was just an abomination to even the ones on her side etc..   
On the flip side we have Adora who doesn’t give a damn about Catra for four seasons. She’s too busy enjoying life with her real friends.
Try and recall, was there ever a moment where Adora was...concerned for Catra’s safety? Pining for her in any way romantically? Ever? Even once during the first four seasons? Because I don’t.
Honestly, Catra wasn’t important to Adora until Catra showed up on screen. And then they both wanted to kill each other. Any moments of Adora thinking about Catra it was in the context of Catra being her enemy.
But I'm supposed to believe in their romance based on what? Catra's toxicity? Adora's nonexistent romantic feelings for pretty much the entire series?   
It seems in season 5 all Catra had to do was one act of atonement and out of nowhere, like Adora has been possessed by the ghost of Queer Rep, she suddenly can’t get Catra out of her head.
Also, note that Catra didn't save Glimmer because she realized her past actions were evil; no it was all for Adora's sake i.e. the person she is toxically obsessed with. 
Furthermore, the redemption in question is handled with the most condescending of kid gloves.
It seems like she was replaced by a clone for season five. She’s just accepted.
It's like seasons 1-4 didn't happen. The forgiveness was excessive and forced so we could be okay with this abuser/war criminal being chummy and romantic with her victims.
For example, Glimmer cries over her, kisses her cheek, etc... Yet Catra is responsible for her mother's death, the world ending, trying to kill her, war crimes against Bright Moon, etc. 
Then Entrapta also forgives Catra like it’s nothing even though she sent her to die, and apparently, she was in this hell space for a year.
But everything is supposed to be wonderful because an abuser ends the series romantically involved with her victim?   
When Adora said you made your choice and now live with it that should have been the end of any reconciliation either platonic or romantic. 
Even her flashbacks are of her being abusive.
You see her in one of them( in her so-called redemption season at that) scratching Adora's face to the point it left blood, and jumping on her stomach just because Adora dared to be friends with other people.
This was pretty much every childhood flashback they showed.
She would emotionally and physically abuse Adora, and then Adora would take her back.
This would continue even as young adults. It was a pattern(red flag) that Adora unfortunately didn't escape. 
But.....I always loved you,says Catra. 
For Adora's own mental health/closure, she could forgive, but only if she also makes it clear that she doesn't want her abuser/ex-friend back in her life.   
I could have tolerated that ending instead of Adora becoming a couple with her abuser. 
Basically, this Villain Sue ends the show getting everything she wants even after manipulation of several characters, genocide, war crimes against her own people, physical and mental abuse(especially toward Adora), repeated attempts at murder, and just being a complete psychopath to anyone within spitting distance of her toxicity. 
She gets to be pretty much abusive scum for four seasons, on top of actually doing the same thing Prime wanted to do, yet whiplash forgiveness and Lesbians 4 Evah is her ending.   
"So we're all just okay with this?", says Mermista incredulously of the war criminal Hordak. Good question, but then I remember you all seem to be okay with war criminal Catra sooo.....
Her mirror Hordak, according to the showrunner, is sentenced to Beast Island for his war crimes. However, my question then becomes where is Catra's sentence? Oh, that's right if you're Catra you get to be a war criminal in peace, and especially if you're dating the protagonist.   
It's also convenient that Mermista's was chipped, and therefore didn't get to say anything to the girl who helped bring down her kingdom with a smile on her face.
Funny how that worked out. 
It's even more convenient that her victims gave their lighting fast forgiveness.  
Can't have icky things like abuse and war crimes get in the way of that ending smooch you know.
I suppose we also just need to look at Angella as collateral damage while we smile as her daughter hugs and kisses her killer I guess.   
I also find it odd(since we're loving abusers) that Shadow Weaver point blank doesn't get forgiveness from Adora, and she even ends the series dead.
However, she defected to the hero's side in season two(regardless of any impure motivation), and stayed there and helped the protagonists until her season five death.
But Catra, who not only stayed with the conquering organization the Horde for almost the entire series while also eventually becoming their leader, was not only forgiven but also rewarded with a romance with her victim. Curious. 
The only way I can stomach her season five 'redemption', and lighting quick forgiveness, is if I forget the monster of four seasons didn't exist.
Problem is I can't do that. 
Why should I get any catharsis that the protagonists prevailed over Horde Prime when Catra is pretty much him with a sob story attached.
So it seems this show's message is no matter how much emotional and physical pain a person does to you it's okay to not only let them back in your life(damn your mental health I guess), but also enter a romantic relationship with them too.
It’s also hilarious that some of her fans say she’s Zuko.
She’s what would happen if Azula and Kylo Ren were made into one character.
Titles the show should I have had:
She-Ra: The Story of a Villain Sue Antagonist That Gets a Happily Ever After With Her Victim
Another alternate: She-Ra: The Story of Lesbian Reylo or more current Lesbian Stolitz.
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emileedoodles · 9 months
Catradora travel Etheria 12/12 🏰 Bright Moon 🏰
"I never knew life could feel like this."
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And here it is, the final illustration to start off 2024! I started this project back in summer 2023 after daydreaming about their travels for ages, so it feels emotional to have got to the end of the journey, illustrations finished, calendars shipped, final pictures posted. Thanks for joining me 🫶
If you'd like any of this series as prints, they're all on my INPRNT
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tippenfunkaport · 4 months
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art by @taracandycorn
Horse Girl Everyone
Bright Moon Stable’s abuzz with news that Mara’s hired a former Olympian to lead their new show team, but Adora wants nothing to do with any of it. Riding Swift Wind is the only thing she has that isn’t part of her parents’ grand plan for the rest of her life. But everything changes when there’s a scholarship for the team standout, one that would solve all Adora’s problems and let her choose her own future.
Winning means freedom, but between her and the prize is Catra, the beautiful new girl turned Adora’s bitter rival.
Read on AO3
a new ongoing longfic by yours truly, posted for the @spopbang! Featuring slow burn everyone, rivals to lovers Catradora, every horse and/or vehicle from 80s She-Ra, Emily as a death roomba and my favorite Hordak I've ever written so come on in and check it out!
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n7punk · 14 days
Pairings: Adora/Catra (Catradora). Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018). Series: Sapphic September 2024 @sapphic-september
Rating: T. Chapters: 1/1 (One-shot). Words: 9.2k.
Summary: Adora doesn’t believe every story about cryptids is real, but hunting down the local cryptid with the Best Friends Squad could legitimize a lot more legends. They can only hunt the Whispering Cat in the downtime between their college classes, though, and the local cryptid isn’t the only elusive cat in Bright Moon who could be interfering with their plans. (Or, the cryptid AU)
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
I was eating lunch at work today when it occurred to me:
Yeah, Catra's so lean in the show in part because of the whole "feline" thing. But how often do you think Shadow Weaver just straight-up made Catra go without eating, as a punishment for something, or to remind her of her place in the scheme of things? How often did other kids in the Horde steal her food?
Adora almost certainly was given enough to eat, even if it was boring ration bars.
But Catra? How often did she just fucking not get enough to eat???
Anyway, have a snippet of fic, from some point post-canon, about Catra finally getting enough to eat and gaining a little weight (which is portrayed positively)
(there's a little catradora at the end, and I'd rate it "mature" but only barely, tbh)
Catra’s never had access to this much food, whenever she wanted, of almost any kind she can think of. Meals in Bright Moon are not hurried rations consumed only by necessity, but are often occasions to socialize and linger. She’s never forced to skip a meal, either as punishment or from lack of time–people outside of the Horde, it turns out, usually stop what they’re doing specifically to eat. 
Both Adora and Catra force themselves to eat more politely at dinner, but usually take breakfast in their room, where nobody can see them eat with their hands while sitting on the floor and talking with their mouths full. 
The first time Catra slips out of bed and sneaks into the kitchen at midnight, she finds Glimmer in the dimly-lit room already, leaning on a counter and nibbling cake with her fingers off a small plate. 
Glimmer looks up, startled at first, and smiles. “Are you here for more of the cake? The kitchen really outdid themselves this time, huh.” 
She just nods. Of course Catra isn’t going to be punished for eating more. She knows this. It’s still surreal to have Glimmer (in an oversized t-shirt and shorts and fuzzy socks) wipe her hands off on a napkin, get out the cake, and put a slice of the cake on a plate for her and hand it to her with a smile, before going back to her own piece. 
It still feels conspiratorial. Like they're getting away with something.
“Did you want a fork?”
“Nah.” She does still have to actively resist the urge to shove the whole piece in her mouth, instead picking bits off the way Glimmer does. 
It’s so good. There’s some kind of sweetened fruit spread between two slabs of soft chocolate cake, and the whole thing is frosted and dotted with more of the fruit. 
The two of them wordlessly stand in the kitchen enjoying the treat. It’s a weirdly comfortable silence in the still of the night. Catra closes her eyes with each bite, savoring it.
She looks up to see Glimmer putting her plate in the nearby sink and washing off her hands. 
“G’night, Catra.” 
“G’night, Sparkles.” 
Glimmer rolls her eyes but she’s smiling as she leaves the kitchen. 
Catra waits just until Glimmer’s gone, then gives in to the urge to lick the plate clean before adding it to the sink. 
She looks in a mirror one day and sees a small curve to her belly. She turns a little–her backside and hips are slightly bigger, too. Even her face looks different, less gaunt. It’s not just that she looks happier. It’s that she looks less hungry. She never realized how hungry she always was, before.
A memory jumps to mind: her as a child, stomach aching, trying to steal food, and then Shadow Weaver looming behind her–Catra takes a deep breath and pushes it away, looking at her own face in the mirror. She never has to feel that way again. Ever. 
Catra’s clothes have always been on the stretchy side, but things are still getting noticeably tighter, she realizes, as her and Adora get ready for bed one night.
“Uh. I think I need new clothes.” 
Adora looks over and smiles. “I thought you might’ve gained some weight! Good.” 
They get in bed and Adora kisses her tummy. “You’re a little softer now. It’s nice.” 
“Yeah. And your tits–” Adora pushes them together and rubs her face in them. “Mmmm!”
She laughs. “What, you didn’t like them before?”
“Of course I did! But there’s. Y’know. More of them now.” 
“Yeah, they’re almost big as yours!” 
“Oh, shut up!” But Adora’s laughing and kissing her face.
As they fall asleep a bit later, Adora is spooned up behind her, soft breath on Catra’s neck. And Adora’s hand is slack on Catra’s tummy, warm and comforting.
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thenotebookwizard · 5 months
whispers I wrote fluff... And it's a one shot. Who knew that could happen?
TITLE: Ice Cream
FANDOM: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
PAIRING: Adora/Catra (Catradora)
Adora is pregnant and on bedrest. Her cravings don't respect bedrest, so her overworked, overtired, and overprotective wife faces 3 AM kitchen runs in the vast Bright Moon palace. Adora manages a way to get both her ice cream and take care of Catra - no matter how stubborn Catra is about it.
Written for the r/fanfiction Discord Server's 2024 Sock Fiction Event.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
“Love Day”, a catradora fanfic
I was apprehensive about posting this, because it is a personal gift for @phosphoricbomb​! 
But here is Love Day which is a fic that I wrote in her dms from the very random brain thoughts in my head on February 14th. 
It’s the first fic I’ve posted in many months and my silliest yet. Enjoy! 
Adora was drinking a coca cola, her favourite drink, in the Bright Moon kitchen area. She was banned from the kitchen area, after her first and final attempts at cooking dinner for everyone. But nobody was around right now, so she could drink as much coke as she needed and feel only mildly guilty about it!
Suddenly, with a loud SPARK, a wild Glimmer appeared.
Adora yelped and dropped her coca cola glass on the floor, spraying both her and Glimmer, who would've probably been pissed off if she wasn't already so stressed.
Glimmer grabbed her arms. "Adora... I NEED your help!!! I haven't figured out what I'm going to do for Bow on Love Day!!"
"Love Day?" said Adora. "What the hell is Love Day?"
Glimmer narrowed her eyes at Adora. "The annual Etherian holiday where you show the person most special to you that you appreciate them, through exchange of cards and gifts?"
"Aaaa???" Adora was suddenly panicking too. "Oh no, what? Is that today?"
"But I haven't got anything for Catra! She's going to think I'm a terrible girlfriend and leave me forever!"
Glimmer shook Adora. "You can't be having a crisis about not getting anything, I'm having a crisis about not getting anything! Just get her... like... a squeaky toy, or your old hoodie!  I need ideas for Bow!!!"
"Um. Get him, uhh.." Adora scratched her chin. "Get him a guitar pick or something."
"Musical instruments? Eh, maybe. Okay well you're shit out of luck, BYE ADORA!!!"
And Glimmer teleported out of the room, leaving Adora alone, to figure out what to do for Catra!!! Adora rushed through her own things to see if there was anything she could give to Catra. Ahah - A SWORD!! Wait no. Was Catra interested in swords? Or was that just something Adora was interested in. But having a sword is the COOLEST thing ever. Or was it only cool to Adora? Would Catra think Adora got a gift for herself? Well it was literally one of her own swords, so was it just a handaway? AaaaaaH!!! Why is this so hard!!!
Adora also looked through her old hoodies. Sure, Catra nuzzled up against them every time she got the opportunity. But was it really fair to give it as a Love Day gift? How all out were you supposed to go for this? In the Horde, sure, being given someone's old clothes was a dream come true!!! Catra wore Adora's old uniforms ALL the time. But these hoodies were ALREADY covered in Catra's fur, and Adora suspected that Catra preferred to steal her hoodies rather than actually own them.
Adora made her way back to the kitchen area, wondering if Catra would instead want to make food, when she bumped into Frosta and Sea Hawk! Adora processed the scene in front of her. Sea Hawk was throwing coal into the oven, like he was trying to power a steam engine.
"More... MORE!!!" Frosta yelled. The oven was burning up a storm, the fire inside probably heating up way past its normal limits.
On top of it, Adora could see several chunks of large metal.  They were being heated up by the gas burner.
"Uhhh.... what... is happening here?" she asked. "Are you, are you supposed to use it like that?"
Frosta laughed maniacally. "We are making GUNS!!!!"
"That's right", Sea Hawk replied cheerfully. "Frosta is helping me make a sniper rifle for sweet Mermista! She always wanted to be a secret assassin, and what better gift than to make her dreams come true!!"
"So is that why you're filling the oven with coal?" Adora asked.
"It's so that the fire on the stove burns HOT ENOUGH to MELT the METAL," said Sea Hawk, "so we can make the gun!"
"You do realise that the temperature of the bottom part doesn't... power the stove, right?"
"Hmm? That's nonsense", said Sea Hawk. "This is CLEARLY where the fuel goes--- Oh dear---"
The oven was starting to MELT from the inside, droplets of metal and paint pouring onto the floor, while the metal chunks at the top had barely heated up at all!
"YESSSSS" cried Frosta. "MORE FIRE!!!"
Adora, not wanting to get Super Banned from the kitchen, ran away before the fire alarm went off. There was no way any advice from Sea Hawk was going to help her make a gift from Catra, especially if they weren't actually able to make any guns for her.
Adora, starting to feel hopeless, wandered into the basement area. How was she going to explain things to Catra? "Sorry Catra, I found out Love Day existed like 5 minutes ago so I got you nothing, here's a hug!"?? She couldn't even make Catra some certified Fake Ration Biscuits now! She was CERTAIN that Catra was going to open another portal as soon as she realised Adora hadn't even thought to gift her anything.
She stepped on something--- and it YELPED, and scratched her leg! Actually no, it didn't scratch her leg, it deliberately drew a taser and gave her a quick zippity zap.
She realised that what she had stepped on was a small robot kitten, which wandered away into the newly built Bright Moon Lab of Robots and Awesome Science, aka, BRIMOLRAS, which was a stupid name, but she wasn't going to argue with  Entrapta.
Adora entered the lab, and saw Scorpia talking to Entrapta animatedly, while she focused intensely on something.
".....so she told me that I looked really pretty in the earrings, and I said 'Thanks, they belonged to my aunt!', and she said 'I hope I can meet your aunt one day', and I said 'That's too bad, because she was murdered by the Horde 30 years ago!!', and I don't know why but that really killed the mood, but anyway, that's why I wanted to give her some earrings too. They're awesome right?"
Scorpia held up the earrings, which were warped copper rings that had incredibly ameteur attempts at what appeared to be wooden scorpions attached to them. One of the scorpions appeared to have a blob on its head and was smiling happily in the way you'd see in a small child's drawing. The other had a spiky head, and was a bit larger, but unfortunately its tail appeared to have snapped off.
Entrapta raised an eyebrow, before smiling. "I think Perfuma will wear them every day :D"
Hmm. Maybe Entrapta and Scorpia could help Adora sort something out for Catra?
The robot cat meowed loudly, and the pair looked up at Adora. "Hey," Adora started, "could I have help with--" The cat meowed loudly again. "Making a gift---" MEOW!!!
"SHUSH, CHEESOID" said Entrapta. "Sorry Adora, she gets like this when she doesnt have Electrical Robo Snacks. Scorpia could you feed some to her?"
"Oh - Got it!!!" Scorpia replied, upright and happily grabbing a thing. It dispensed glowing smaller thingies which the robot cat preyed upon like it was starving to death. Scorpia cooed over it and patted its head, and the cat hissed at her. This didn't stop her gooey eyes at "Cheesoid".
Adora coughed. "Anyway---"
"Are you here because you need help making a gift for Catra for Love Day because you didn't know it existed until just now?" said Entrapta, hair hand pointing up and a smirk on her face.
Adora was stunned but only for a moment because she was used to this bullshit from Entrapta. "Okay, yes."
"That's okay," said Entrapta. "At least four other people have approached me today with the same issue! Thirteen minutes ago, I was helping Glimmer repaint her gift for Bow. Then she warned me not to help Sea Hawk make any guns! I haven't spoken to Sea Hawk yet but I'm 50/50 on whether I will help him make guns."
"I don't know what I can give her :(" said Adora. "I've known Catra for so long, but... we only got together, a couple of months ago." She sat down on a nearby table, shoving aside a couple of grenades to make room.  "I want to make Catra feel important, like she is special to me. How can I do that if I won't even do anything on LOVE day of all things? And, maybe she'll be okay with it, but.... I won't be. I'm not fine with knowing I let her down." Adora sighed, and stared at the floor.
...A tendril of hair patted her on the head gently. "There there!"
Then Adora dared to look up, teary eyed, and saw Scorpia staring straight into her soul with the most sappy, almost tearful expression! "Ahh!!" Adora yelped. "Eye contact!!!"
She fell backwards off the chair, knocking over the grenades. Fortunately Entrapta caught them all, and had room to also catch Adora, pushing her back onto the table, where Scorpia gripped her arms determinedly.
"You care so much about Catra!!" Scorpia yelled.  "I'm so... You're so sweet!!" She started bawling and hugged Adora very hard. "I'm so... I'm sorry, I just have so many feelings right now! I used to feel the same way, but you know her so much better than I do. You're made for each other Q_Q" Scorpia continued crying, and Adora tried to resume breathing. Entrapta stopped what she was doing for a moment, rotating her chair and looking at them both.
"Maybe you can't think of anything to give Catra, because neither of you know what she likes yet?" she said. "I know that Scorpia and Hordak thought they hated kim chi stew, but the first time they tried it, they asked for it every night. Even with me cooking!"
Adora huffed, insofar as it was possible while being hug crushed. "We just... we've barely been able to do anything, I don't even know who I am anymore... I guess I'm still learning who Catra has become, what she likes."
"It's going to take a while", said Entrapta. "Fortunately, I ALREADY KNOW what Catra likes!!!"
Entrapta spinned on her chair and took out a couple of charts. Entrapta was able to maintain so many charts and make so many things in a short time that Adora was wondering if she was living in a parallel plane where time was slowed down.
"See, it says right here.... Catra likes the colours black and red, dangerous new weapons, and cuddling Adora. Underlined in three black lines. She REALLY LIKES cuddling Adora."
Adora blushed. "Wait does this mean a hug is a viable gift then?"
"After doing much research, I've concluded Love day is less about materials... and more about spending time with the people you care about!!! But a hug tends to be a free offering."  Entrapta was rotating slowly on the chair and Adora tried to turn with her so she could see the chart, and was getting dizzy. "Catra likes some material things, and some immaterial things. She loves Melog, who as a cat companion, is both cuddly AND a friend. But maybe she would like something that represents Adora directly, when Adora is not there? Or at least something to remind her of you." This talk was starting to break Adora's brain. Cuddly, a friend, and would remind her of Adora..? She watched the robot cat purring on the floor, Entrapta patting it on the head once again. Its grumpy deeanour reminded her of Catra and Melog. The difference is, the cat wasn't very fluffy, and wasn't that down for cuddles--
"AHAH!!!" A flash of inspiration went through Adora. "I got it!!!" She pried her way out of Scorpia's arms using She ra strength. Scorpia sniffed and wiped her nose. "Alright Entrapta", Adora continued, "Can I borrow... uhh.... some material, some sewing needles, and any amount of fluff you might have?"
"Oh the sewing needles are over there next to the chainsaw", said Entrapta. "But I'm all out of fluff and material, you can steal it from Glimmer's secret pillow armory."
"Great, THANKS." Adora ran out of the room, and then back in again. "By the way is that thing you're working on for Hordak?"
Entrapta looked up from where she had started welding again. "For Hordak? Oh, no. This is my own power suit. I haven't got anything for---" She snapped the mask up. "WAIT!!! I forgot to finish Hordak's gift!!! I only have two hours!" She grabbed Scorpia. "Please help. If I don't get Hordak a gift for Love Day, he'll be so sad---" Adora couldn't stay and hear Entrapta resolve her crisis, for she had work to do. She found Glimmer's secret Pillow Armory, which everyone stole pillows from regularly because they were the softest fluffiest pillows, and got to work!!!
Two hours later, everyone came together at dinner... which was a takeaway for Sea Hawk reasons... and began sharing their Love Day gifts.
Micah went first. He placed a bouquet of flowers in the middle of the table, Angella's favourite. Castaspella and Glimmer hugged him.
It was silent for a while. Then Netossa launched something at Spinerella with her net!!! Spinerella looked up and narrowed her eyes. "A code for Sea of Thieves? Really?" "Hell yes, said Netossa. "We haven't played together since your Xbox Gold expired. Season 7 is SOOO much better Spinny, we're going to sink so many people!"
Bow coughed nervously, bringing out his gift for Glimmer. "I got you... a new cloak?" 
It had a sparkly under layer like Glimmer's current cloak, but it was much warmer, with a fuzzy white collar sewed onto it. It was magnificient, the colours of the galaxy. Glimmer looked so... happy, almost tearfully, and teleported to Bow, hugging him instantly. "Oh-- I got you something too!" she said bashfully. Then Glimmer pulled out.... a SHIELD!!! It was wrapped in a bow. And it had Bow's face printed on it with a wink, in his own art. That was probably the secret work Entrapta helped with but while Adora was autistic she still knew it was a bad idea to tell the world how last minute Glimmer's gift idea was. "It's your SUPER HERO shield", said Glimmer. So... you're safe, while you're protecting people  🥺 ” And then he kissed her on the top of the head, and she hugged him. Hey Tippen, I DO write Glimbow sometimes! The gift giving continued. Swift Wind got a pair of sunglasses for Castaspella, which fit her well somehow. Adora didn't think they were dating but it wouldn't entirely surprise her.
Inexplicably, Sea Hawk gave Mermista a gun. It was a sniper rifle as promised. Mermista blushed, and looked away, muttering something before gifting Sea Hawk a small box, which he stared at with such wonder as he opened it. He didn't share what it was it with the group.
Scorpia gifted Perfuma the little earrings. Perfuma looked SO happy, but she didn't put them on. Then she gave Scorpia a medium sized box, which Scorpia opened. "Wow..." she said, "This is so..." She took something out. "This is Scorpion Sensitive Soap... I thought it didn't exist anymore! And here are a pair of fuzzy gloves and one for my tail--" She took out the gloves and put them on immediately, even though it was really warm. Scorpia looked fuzzier than ever.  "I.. You're the BEST, Perfuma!!" And then the pair cried very loudly and everyone smiled, and talked a bit more loudly as things continued. Hordak looked a bit downtrodden as Entrapta wasn't here yet, but she showed up suddenly, running around the corner. "I'M SORRY I'M LATE" she said, "I WAS STILL WORKING ON IT!!!" And then she dropped a fucking engine onto the table. Hordak's eyes went wide.
"This..." he said, "This is the engine from my designs to upgrade the starship..." "Yep!!" she grinned. "But.. we thought we couldn't stabilize the plutonium crystals necessary for the catalyst..." "All sorted!!!" He stared at her, in disbelief, then pulled something out of his pocket. Entrapta gasped. "Is that a data crystal?" "I heard it's Etherian tradition to give your partners a part of yourself. This necklace... is a response to the one that you gave me long ago." (A/N: It was less than a year ago.) Entrapta had an unreadable expression as she tried to plant the blue crystal in her chest, then remembered she didn't have a power suit on, and placed it around her neck. "Wanted..."
They hugged, it was nice. Tipsy Adora thought it was very cute that Entrapta and Hordak seemed to have found someone who understands them. Catra had been watching events unfold while seated next to Adora, and grabbed her hand, stroking softly. Adora was flustered, and nervous as hell, but now she realised it was time.
She turned around and faced Catra.  And was stunned. She stared at Catra's beautiful face for about sixteen seconds before Catra stammered. "Uh. Hi Adora!" she said, tail flicking and a smirk on her face, amused and intimidated by Adora's behaviour.
Adora blinked. "H... Hi Catra."
Glimmer rolled her eyes. "Disaster lesbians." Spinny and netossa nodded in agreement. Entrapta was counting the seconds, verbally, that it took for Adora to continue. Scorpia was holding her breath, which couldn't be healthy. Bow was just gazing with his Bow face like he was going to start crying and hugging everyone again, which is happening a lot in this fic, but that's what you get when you're gay and sappy and writing a valentines day crack fic for your girlfriend.
"Mm-hmm!" Adora coughed. "So. Catra. I... I've known you for a very long time... and we've changed a lot over the course of that time... and I guess..." Adora sighed. "I guess, I'm starting to realise, I'm still learning about you. And now we've escaped the Horde, now we have ROOM to enjoy life... I have such a hard time figuring out what it is you like, or what even I like! Which is scary... but at the sametime.... kind of exciting. "
Catra's eyes were dilated and her tail had moved around her legs. Adora continued.
"I think, I know enough about you.... to say that for whatever reason, you like me. And I like you. So I thought maybe you'd appreciate it if you had something, that made you think of me."
She blushed and revealed, from behind.... a golden retriever toy! Or at least, that is what it was supposed to be. Some parts of its fur were less fluffy than others and its eyes were mismatched, but they were blue buttons, with black and white dots pained on them. It was so very cuddly and kind of fat. "I know it's not really useful like some other people's gifts... and you haven't asked for a cuddly toy... but I thought, you should know it's made with a lot of love."
Catra took the toy, and Adora waited for her reaction. She wondered if Catra was going to divorce her for such a shoddy gift, especially compared to Mermista's gun and Hordak's radioactive engine that he and Entrapta were now taking out of the room after much begging from Bow.
Catra laughed. She fucking laughed! But after a few seconds of wishing she was dead, Adora realised that Catra was crying. It was a happy laugh. Catra gave adora a hug, kissed her on the cheek, and talked in her ear. "You dummy. Of course you don't know what I want. I never tell you!!!"
Catra drew away, while Adora was enchanted. Catra was smiling peacefully, but then realised she was surrouned by people, and was blushing and looking away a lot like Mermista, as she took out Adora's gift. It was wrapped in several pieces of newspaper and tape.
"Here", she said. "Take it before I change my mind."
Adora unwrapped the gift... it was...... A cuddly cat. No, not just any cat - A Catra! It was a small cuddly Catra, on all fours with cartoonish proportions, like a very chibi Cat. Some parts of the fur were off colour - it seemed Glimmer's Pillow Armory had seen a lot of theft as of late - and it was slightly smaller than Adora's Adoretriever. But it was so funny. Adora giggled, she couldn't help herself, and Catra smiled.
"I thought the exact same thing", said Catra. "Now I'm with you forever whether you like it or not."
She picked Adora up, then realised Adora was too heavy to pick up, so Adora picked her up instead, and they kissed and hugged.
Why did Catra always have to be so cute?
The end!
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And this is the fanart I drew to accompany it :)
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bat-circus · 9 months
So I hate catradora and Catra with my whole fucking being so I decided to make a oc to ship adora with because adora deserves better then that ugly ass cat please don’t mind how shitty this looks I’m sick
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Marigold is a moth person (Luna moth) she was a newly appointed healer, she lived in a village with her parents and 5 siblings but the village ended up being attacked and raided by the horde leaving the village destroyed and bloody, Marigold and five other people were the only survivors The survivors consisted of three children a teen a very injured adult and marigold they had to take refuge in an abandoned greenhouse, they were in the greenhouse for a week and a half before being found by glimmer adora and bow and a few other rebellion soldiers, They were then taken back to bright moon to rest. With marigold being a healer her and adora became very close because she would heal adora a lot. She’s lesbian and asexual
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foolforshera · 1 year
And the second to last chapter of Graduation is up and ready for reading. Adora confronts the past and then works to put it to rest.
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catradoraa · 1 year
to trust a perfect stranger
pairing: catradora word count: 6,758 summary:
“What are you doing?” Catra questioned. Adora’s mouth opened, struggling to find words. She glanced below the bed and looked back to Catra, saying so earnestly “You don’t have a bottom bunk.” * * * After finding the sword and escaping the Horde, Adora made her way back to Bright Moon with her new friends Glimmer and Bow. Once there, she met the third of their little friendship group. Catra, Glimmer's personal royal guard. or; my royal guard catra au
read it on ao3 | follow me on twitter
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turtle-ly · 2 years
Do you have any fave High School AUs or aus where they are orphans on boarding school?
*digs this post out from under a hundred others in my drafts* holy shit its been more than a month 😭😭😭 ok no more stalling. high school aus are quite popular so i dont remember many of them but here are some i liked :)
1. detective glimmer by harrowhark, in which Adora has a secret girlfriend and Glimmer is nosy. the author has some other hs aus with adam&adora twins shenanigans
2. someone you like by caela, catra attempts homophobic cyberbullying on her crush and gets a gf out of it <3 this is the kind of hilarious fics that are also dreamy bc i read them while in a Mood
3. You Got Cool by explosionshark, When Adora transfers from Horde Academy to Bright Moon Prep in their final year of high school, she and Catra pretty much stop talking. Until they don't. idk if ive rec’d this before
4. glory days by strangehunger, cheerleader!catra and jock!adora :) 
5.  The Right Way Around by kienava, a She-Ra field hockey HSAU. anon you got me reading a whole new fic for this rec
6. i love how the easiest way to recreate the catradora dynamic is to shove them into sport aus lmao, anyway here’s some theatre kids: A Heart Full Of Love by mariuspunmercy
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thatguywiththefaceog · 11 months
Kinktober 2023 Day 13-Size Difference
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power-Catradora
After being dragged off onto a camping trip by Adora, Catra tries to get some alone time but She-Ra has other plans.
written for @kinktober2023
requested by anon
This story is rated E for explicit. It is for mature audiences only. All characters are over 18. NSFW under the cut.
Catra always had issues with baths and showers. Most likely in her nature as a cat. She always prepared to clean herself the natural way, licking herself all over. Which was fine as a kitten, but as she got older and bigger, it became impractical. It was harder to lick herself in a timely manner; not to mention that certain places were far harder to reach now. Not to mention she’d be coughing up hairballs at the worst times.
So reluctantly, Catra turned to showers. Not the best but still better than the nightmares of baths. Of course showers were absolutely hard to come by when camping in some hick ass woods in Bright Moon. Okay hick was harsh. These were the royal woods. But while the trees were nice, Catra and Adora were still sleeping on the ground with nowhere to wash other than a nasty pond.
As for why the pair was doing this, the other princesses told Adora that this was fun and good for couples. Ugh. So here Catra was in the magic of nature. At least she got a chance to watch Adora swim naked. Her tone ass breaking the surface of the water like a shark's fin. But that didn't leave Catra with a lot of options though.
So on their third day camping, Catra wandered off, hopping from branch to branch between the trees. Her ears twitched. She heard something familiar. The roar of water. Normally she would high tail it out of there. But as much Catra hated grooming, she needed a bath. And she made a big deal about not getting into the pond. So another source of water was just what the doctor ordered. As she got closer to the source, the noise got louder.
Catra was greeted by a cliff with a waterfall pouring down it. The water at the floor only made it to Catra's ankles. She recalled it rained last week, this must be from that. She stripped off her leotard and hung it from a tree. Her brown fur covered her from head to toe. Brown nipples poked through her fur. Only two! And a slight bit of pink could be seen from her pussy. She gingerly walked underneath the torrent of water.
The cold water blasted her. She flinched for half a second while she adjusted to the temperature. While it never got comfortable, it was nice to blast away all the dirt that was in her matted fur.
"Must feel nice, huh."
"Adora!" Catra nearly jumped. Sure enough, her girlfriend was standing there with a taunt on her face. Much like Catra she was naked. Unlike Catra her clothes weren't hanging anywhere so she just hiked through the woods buck ass naked. Adora's body was toned but lithe. Pink nipples covered her modest breasts and a small patch of dirty blonde hair covered her crotch.
"Must feel good; getting clean."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Catra mumbled. She was sticking out her ass to wash it so she was a bit embarrassed.
"Aw, don't feel bad Catra. I'm just happy you're finally taking the initiative."
"Okay, thank you Adora. Please leave me alone."
"Alright, alright. But you didn't say anything about She-Ra."
"Wait what?" Catra turned around.
"For the honor of grayskull!" Adora was enveloped by a bright light. "I am She-Ra!" In Adora's place stood She-Ra. She stood 8-feet tall, full of beefy muscles, and her bush a golden blonde. She towered over poor Catra.
“That’s..that’s cheating,” Catra pouted.
“Yeah, I know.” She-Ra ran her hands over Catra’s breasts. She purred but was too horny to be embarrassed by it. She-Ra’s huge hands made their way to Catra’s pussy. Catra let all the tension she’d been feeling this camping trip just melt away. Her legs buckled, so she leaned back against her giant girlfriend for support. She came and squirted; orgasms shaking the cat to her core.
“Feeling good Kitty?” Catra mumbled some nonsense. “Yeah you are.” She-Ra carried Catra back to their camp, leaving her clothes hanging on the tree.
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