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Brief 1: Red Vs Blue (Research)
For this first brief, all of us students were assigned a challenging yet interesting assignment in 'Red vs Blue'. The takeaway for me after hearing the title for the first time was to somehow incorporate the colors red and blue in the desired digital media you would work on. Gradually, I came to understand that the assignment would allow and motivate us to focus on ideas, visualizing them, collecting the appropriate references needed and creating a digital media artifact based around it.
Since I decided to direct my focus to 3D, I wanted to create something that I have always been familiar with as a young kid. When I was growing up in Kathmandu, there was a small shop where various coin operated toys were stationed. I was particularly fond of a coin operated airplane toy that had seats you could enter. You put a coin in the slot and watch the airplane move about in the hinges.
Figure 1 (Coin Operated Airplane, 2013)
I started collecting a lot of different reference images that centered around the airplane and placed them in a PureRef file in an organized manner.
Figure 2 (PureRef references, 2024)
After this, my research for what I were to undertake was done and I compiled everything together for future references. I also made a mental note of the softwares I would use to create my digital artifact. I decided to model a airplane toy similar to the reference images above with Maya, texture the materials for the toy with Substance Painter and port them to Unreal where I would light the scene and capture few stills for the project.
Birmingham Vending Company, n.d. Birmingham Vending Company. [Online] Available at: https://bhmvending.com/Amusements/Smart/smart_jetplane.html [Accessed 09 October 2024].
grays.com, n.d. grays.com. [Online] Available at: https://www.grays.com/ [Accessed 09 October 2024].
Prop Heaven, n.d. Prop Heaven. [Online] Available at: https://www.propheaven.com/?product=1030327811 [Accessed 09 October 2024].
The Pinball Company, n.d. The Pinball Company. [Online] Available at: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/421649583843838729/ [Accessed 09 October 2024 ].
ThisIsFratti, 2013. YouTube. [Online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D38L7QrBKqw [Accessed 09 October 2024].
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My somewhat shrewd, yet relatable submission to the AHO fanzine: "AI: Good or Bad"
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Brief 1: AI Fanzine
"AI is BAD for designers"
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Brief 1
AI fanzine
Første uka etter jul snakket vi om AI og skulle lage et "fanzine" der hver elev lagde hver sin side ved bruk av AI.
Halve klassen skulle argumentere for hvorfor AI er "bad" for designer og den andre "good".
Jeg skulle lage hvorfor AI er "bad" for designere. Dette var min:
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Eksperimentering med diverse AI programmer
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ARTG 371 - Blog Post #10
1. Brand name: Chariteas
2. Brand core values: Providing quality products, supporting charities, creating a personal experience for every customer
3. Brand Personality KeyWords: Sustainability, charity, quality, local
4. Brand Archetypes: Caregiver
5. Description of the product: Quality loose tea
6. Description of the series: A set of three different and distinct tea flavours
7. Packaging objectives: To simplify and sharpen the existing packaging by removing unnecessary elements, selecting a strong colour palette that sets the three flavours apart easily, and present the product in an attractive manner.
8. Target consumer: Existing customers (people who already value the brand for both its products and what the brand itself stands for, like supporting charity and local businesses, etc.) and new customers (people who are looking for a local source of quality loose tea from a brand that they can trust).
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The scared is scared of things i like!
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Vending machine -resultat
“Reisefeber” er en maskin som tilbyr deg å måle hvor høy reisefeber du har. Utifra temperaturen din får du en billett som du tar med deg inn i showrommet, deretter blir du sendt på en 30 sekunders overaskelsesferie. Blant destinasjonene har vi Drammen for de med minst reisefeber, og verdensrommet til de med mest.
Maskinen er for trette folk på kontorer eller skoler som lengter etter å reise og trenger 30 sekunder med motivasjon og inspirasjon til å holde ut til neste fellesferie.
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Brief #1 Fremtiden kaller
Resultatet av vår salgsmaskin. Maskinens mål er å gi brukere en beskjed fra seg selv i fremtiden. Ved å skrive under på at man skal møte opp her igjen om 10 år, og deretter ringe seg selv, får man se seg selv i øynene å høre en beskjed.
En som ser seg selv i øyene og får sin beskjed.
En som skriver under kontrakten.
Maskinen i sin helhet.
Hva man ser inni hjelmen.
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Brief 1.
Weißt du was ich gerade fühle? Ich fühle eine unendliche Leere in mir. Ich Frage mich wieso das jetzt das Ende sein muss. Du sagst wir sollten an dem Festhalten was haben, aber wieso bist du dann trotzdem noch die ganze Zeit online? Ja ich kann mir denken woran es liegt, es liegt an mir! Es liegt nicht daran das du es nicht mehr willst. Ja es ist ok, würde es mir nicht so wehtun. Ich werde unser kleines Abenteuer nie vergessen, an Freitag ist es schon einen Monat her. Leider hätte ich dich noch einmal geküsst und einmal deine Stimme gehört, bevor du gehst. Aber diese Chance wirst du mir nicht mehr geben. Ich soll es nicht böse nehmen - nein das mache ich nicht, ich bin nur verletzt, weil du mir nach langer Zeit Mal wieder das Gefühl gegeben hast etwas besonderes zu sein.
In Liebe M.
#Brief#Brief1#verlassen#beendet#es tut so verdammt weh#gefühle#affäre#onenightstand#danke für nichts
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Final outcome for Black box brief
Music: Nice boys, temporex
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