#bridgerton prince friedrich you should have been with ME
futurewife · 10 months
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dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Nine - Late night scandals
"What do you think Bridgerton?"
Benedict turns around to find the artist he had accidentally offended at the gallery the other night.
"This one more to your liking?"
"Mr. Granville--" Benedict raises from his chair to approach the man.
"Perhaps they should take it over to Somerset House so it can be skyed right next to mine."
"I believe I owe you an apology, sir." Benedict says, feeling rather embarrassed.
"Unnecessary. I actually quite enjoy the eloquent stings of your critique. So?" He gestures back to the painting on the wall.
"A touch morose for my tastes," Benedict says.
Henry points to the next one.
"A tragedy. The hound deserved better," Benedict comments.
Granville laughs. "Where is yours?"
"Your work," Granville clarifies. "Are you tell me you're not an artist yourself?"
"Well, I-- I suppose sometimes I like to... Well, I mean, I almost--"
"I believe 'yes' and 'thank you' are the words you seek. But either way, you should come by my studio." Mr Granville holds out a small card to Benedict, who accepts it. "The pieces I do for myself are there, and I think you will find my real work far less, um... Oh, how did you put it? 'Cold and lacking inner life?'"
Benedict scrunched up his face as he nodded, still burning with embarrassment. "I shall never live that down, shall I?"
Mr Granville leaves.
Benedict returns to his table where he had been absentmindedly doodling. Eyes. He was sketching out a pair of eyes. Pretty ones. From memory.
He sighs and closes the sketchbook.
As you sit in the drawing room of the Bridgerton house, as invited by Violet, you discover that she had no idea about the boxing match, or that Daphne had been there.
You keep your eyes focused on the latest Whistledown paper, though you had stopped reading it.
Daphne was playing the piano while her mother interrogated her.
"A boxing match is no place for any young lady." Violet sighs.
"Is it a place for a prince? Was he at today's match, sister?" Hyacinth asks.
"He certainly was."
"It is a loathsome and barbarous form of entertainment," Violet was very displeased.
That was when Daphne took the opportunity to mention you had gone as well, which had Violet looking at you.
"You too?"
You glare softly at Daphne, who gives you a smug little look. Crafty one, she is.
"Anthony invited me," you admit.
Violet looked terribly ill all of a sudden. You were sure she would being this up with her eldest son at some point.
"What about the duke?" Hyacinth asks.
"What about the duke?" Both Violet and Daphne ask at the same time. You eye Daphne curiously from your seat.
"Was he also present?" Hyacinth asked, less enthusiastic now.
"I do not know," Daphne says. "If the duke was there, I did not see him."
Hyacinth leaves the piano to go see what Eloise is up to. She had been scribbling away in her book since you arrived.
You put the Whistledown column down and rose from your seat to seek entertainment near the window. Watching the street was surely more entertainment than listening in on that conversation.
Anthony enters the room and greets both his mother and his sister. You turn and he greets you too.
"Did you truly take your sister to a boxing match?" Violet hounds him.
"Your admonishment will have to wait. I have news," he cuts her lecture short. "Prince Friedrich has asked for my permission to propose." He looks at Daphne.
She stops playing. "So soon?"
"Well, what did you tell him?" Violet asks.
"That I know better than to answer for my sister. I have no objections to the man. People speak well of him. Whatever you decide, Daph, you shall have my support."
You look at Daphne quietly.
"I... uh... I..." She doesn't know what to say.
"You need not decide now," Violet tells her. "You certainly have no known him long."
"Let me know when you have an answer, and I shall convey it." Anthony says to his sister.
"Indeed." Daphne looks at him.
Anthony leaves as quickly as he came in. It was clear Daphne needed time to think.
When Daphne had pleaded with you to attend the next ball with her, you couldn't say no. There was a sadness to her gaze, and you wondered from where it had risen.
Something had happened between her and the duke, and she had been off kilter ever since.
The ball, like all had been so far, was wonderful. The theme was a little more out there this time, but everyone was behaving quite perfectly.
You were standing with Daphne as she scanned the crowd. Exactly who she was looking for, you weren't quite certain. You would suggest the prince on the account that the duke was apparently leaving London tonight.
The prince could be seen across the room. He was in conversation with someone. You glance toward Daphne, but your gaze shifts as Cressida Cowper comes over. You give Daphne a gentle nudge.
"Daphne." Cressida chuckles. "You look beautiful, as always."
"Thank you, Cressida," Daphne says politely.
"You could have chosen anyone," Cressida says. "You have gentlemen lined up to pay you tribute. Yet you did not hesitate to steal my chance for happiness away, did you? I knew the marriage market would make rivals of us, but I never thought youcapable of being my enemy."
"The man made his choice, Cressida. What did you expect me to do?" Daphne asks.
Daphne walks off in the direction of the prince. You look at Cressida and then walk off in the other direction.
There is nothing you could ever say to her.
You begin to walk alongside the dance floor, watching the couples dance. A hand comes into view, and you turn to see a friendly looking young man smiling at you.
"May I have this dance?"
You take a moment to gather yourself. You had hoped one of the Bridgerton boys would be here to dance with you, but you supposed you couldn't rely on them every time.
"You may."
You go with him to dance.
It seemed Benedict wasn't here.
Benedict was, in fact, making his way to the studio of Mr. Granville. He was intrigued by the artist.
He finds the address and knocks on the door. Henry Granville answers.
"Mr. Bridgerton."
Benedict stands there a little awkwardly.
"Come in, come in."
Granville lets him in. Benedict enters and follows him. He is led further inside and finds himself in a large room. A circle of easels presented around two nude models.
"I do not know what I was expecting, but it surely was not this." Benedict says.
"Oh, simply a gathering of like-minded souls." Henry tells him. "Here, let me show you what I've been working on."
Benedict is led further inside the studio. He passes a couple of painters discussing war so causally.
"What do you think?" Henry asks.
Benedict walks over and takes a look at the canvas.
"Hmm. It's a far cry from Somerset House, I must say."
"I shall take that a compliment."
They both chuckle.
"And I must say, I'm truly jealous. Is this your life?" Benedict asks.
"There are advantages to being the second-born." Henry tells him. "Heirs have the responsibility. Second sons have the fun."
They both chuckle again.
"So... why not go have some fun?" Henry gestures to the models. He's giving Benedict the chance to epress himself through art.
Benedict picks an easel and sits down.
As you dance once again tonight, you spot Anthony standing off to the side. He's staring at the opera singer.
You hard heard whispers about him being infatuated with an opera singer, but had no idea if there lay any truth to them.
You continue dancing with your partner.
Benedict was still a no-show tonight, which you found to be rather disappointing. You had been looking forward to another evening of his little quips and teasing.
When the dance ends, you curtsy to your partner and head in the direction of Anthony and Violet. Lady Bridgerton had tries to introduce her son to a rather pretty young lady, but he showed no interest.
"Shall we dance, Lord Bridgerton?" You ask, looking at Anthony.
He turns and looks at you, for half a second, thinking you were another lady his mother was intent on pushing on him.
"Yes, let's." He offers his arm, and you take it. Violet watches you both go. Even if he chose you, she would be pleased, but she knows her son will not take you as his wife. You're his friend who has come to rescue him from her for a while.
Violet downs a third glass of champagne.
"She is persistent," you say.
"Your mother."
Anthony chuckles softly. "Yes. Quite."
"The opera singer..."
He looks at you.
"Nevermind. Its not my business."
Anthony's expression softens. "I was - am - found of her."
"Yes. I assumed as much."
Anthony sighs. "It's complicated.
You nod and say no more on the matter. Anthony spins you around elegantly.
"Is Benedict not here tonight?" You ask, twirling with him.
"Benedict? No." He gazes at you. "Why do you ask?"
"I just noticed his absence."
"Missing your dance partner?" He teases.
You chuckle. "Am I that obvious?"
He winks at you, and you shake your head with a smile. "I'm fond of you boys. I can't help it when I notice one of you is missing."
Anthony grins. "How lucky we are to have gained such a special friend such as you."
As Anthony gives you another turn around the floor, you spot Colin speaking with Penelope. You smile softly at the sight and then turn your attention back to the eldest brother.
At least you'll have one Bridgerton on your dance card tonight.
As the next dance begins, Anthony keeps your company longer. You're aware this may catch attention from others, especially Lady Whistledown should she be here, but none the less, you dance with him twice.
You soon see that Colin has left Penelope on the sidelines to dance with Miss Thompson, and you also find the prince talking to Daphne amidst their dance.
The dance ends, and you manage to catch sight of Daphne fleeing the ballroom.
Anthony bows, and you curtsy.
"Until next time." He nods his head at you. You smile and nod, taking your leave. You worry about Daphne and intend to go check on her, but you're stopped by another gentleman.
You sigh and realise you'll have to dance with him before you can flee again.
The dance feels like it drags on, and on, and on. You smile, you listen to your partner talk, but your mind is focused on Daphne. She did not look well when she fled.
When the dance ends, you spot Anthony leaving the ballroom. You waste no more time and follow him.
He heads outside. You follow.
He turns and looks at you. "Go back inside."
"What's the matter? What's happening?"
"Did you see him?" Anthony asks urgently.
"The duke."
"He is here?"
"He was, and now I can't find Daphne." You realise he's concerned about his sister.
You hear something further in the garden, and Anthony hurries off. You follow him, close on his heels.
What you find is not what you ever expected to see.
Simon and Daphne were not just kissing. His hands were all over her. Her dress had been pulled down. You cover your mouth, though you can not hide the gasp that escapes you.
Anthony runs at Simon.
Simon receives a strong punch to the face. He falls to the ground, and Anthony takes another swing. He punches him a third time and then stands beside his sister. You hurry to her other side and checks her over.
She is speechless. She has no words for you. They have been caught in a compromising position.
"You will marry her," Anthony declares.
"What?" Daphne looks at her brother.
"Immediately. We can only hope no one saw you take such liberties, and my sister is saved further mortification. You will marry her!"
Anthony is angry.
"I cannot marry her," Simon says.
"You have defiled her innocence, and now you refuse her hand? I knew you were a rake, Hastings, I never thought you a villain."
"I cannot marry her," Simon states more firmly.
Daphne looks hurt.
"Then you leave me no choice. I must demand satisfaction."
"A duel? Anthony, you cannot--" Daphne begins.
"He dishonours you, sister." Anthony looks at her. "He dishonours you and me and the very Bridgerton name. I have misjudged you, indeed. You have duped us both, but I shall not see my sister pay for my own misdeeds. We will settle this as gentlemen."
"I understand," Simon agrees. "I shall see you at dawn."
"I do not understand," Daphne says softly. "You would rather die than marry me?"
You look at Simon quietly.
"I am truly sorry."
"We need to go, Daph. Before anyone should see us." Anthony says softly.
You reach out for her arm gently and pull her away, Anthony follows you both.
Daphne takes her brother's arm after he begs of you not to say a word about anything. You swear by it, looking him in the eye. Anthony thanks you.
You drift off from them as you enter the ballroom once again.
Anthony approaches Colin and tells him he is taking her home. He asks Colin to take care of their mother. You decide to step in and help. Anthony looks grateful.
Anthony and Daphne leave.
Colin looks at you, but you just smile softly at him and ask him to help you with Violet. He doesn't say anything about Daphne or Anthony.
Neither do you.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
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pairing: prince friedrich x reader
description: it has been tradition all season long that prince friedrich occupies your first and last dance of every evening. it is well known that his engagement is looming, so no man dares ask to take these dances from him. that is, until one clueless lord makes that awkward mistake.
warnings: pure fluff, tiny bit of jealousy from my sweet prince, but predominantly pure, tooth-rotting fluff !
“The season is almost over,” Daphne Bridgerton hummed, flitting her fan across her chest as you stood at the edge of the ballroom, “Do you think the prince might propose this evening?”
You laughed, watching as the prince eyed you from across the floor despite dancing with another young lady.
“I hope so,” you replied, pure happiness in your tone as you thought of the future you had discussed so extensively with the man who had won your heart with such ease, “Though he himself requested a long courtship. Oh, Daph, you should’ve heard him. He told me he was certain he was falling in love with me and wished to wed, but that he wanted to prolong our courtship to ensure I too was certain.”
“Gosh, Y/N, how romantic,” Daphne grinned.
“He is absolutely a dream,” you fanned yourself now too, growing flushed at the thought of just how deeply your feelings for the Prussian prince ran, “I of course told him I feel the same regardless, but he said that though he’d wed me in a heartbeat, it was fun to pretend we were still in the early stages of courting. And of course, I save every first and last dance for him and only him.”
Daphne was swooning at the prospect, and given her confusing situation regarding her ruse with the Duke, their sudden marriage, and how in love they quite clearly were, you were unsurprised that she was so excited to hear that your blossoming relationship was thriving so.
“Speaking of which, my dear friend,” she lifted your dance card from your wrist to see that as ever Prince Friedrich’s name graced the bottom of your card, “It appears you have danced with all others.”
As you looked away from her, you saw the prince smile in your direction, sending your heart into an absolute frenzy, “He appears to be on his way over!”
Before he could cross the floor, however, a gentleman you barely recognised obscured your view of the man you loved, stepping directly in front of you with a smile on his face.
“Lady Y/N,” the man bowed, “I am Lord Francis. I apologise for never making your acquaintance sooner, for my work and travels delayed my arrival in the Ton,” he took your hand to kiss its back, and as he leaned to do so you saw the prince behind him with a frown on his face, now mere meters away, “You are truly a diamond, and I should most certainly wish to know you more. You cannot imagine my relief upon seeing that you were yet unbetrothed. Might I have your next dance, my lady?”
You swallowed thickly, looking to Daphne for help but finding that she had slipped away amidst his little speech.
You were tempted to scoff at the man’s audacity to so abruptly ask of a dance at the end of the evening when he had chosen so late in the hall to introduce himself. And, of course, you were entirely uninterested.
Before you had the opportunity to respond, however, Prince Friedrich was at the man’s side.
“Ah, Lady Y/N,” he bowed, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it that lingered as he looked up at you and made you swoon, “Each time I see you in that necklace I am reminded why I selected it for you. It was made for you, to be sure.”
You giggled shyly, both feeling giddy around the man you loved and at the clear reason for his choice of words. He was here to assert his place, jealousy coursing through his royal blood.
“Oh your highness,” you curtsied, “Thank you again for the beautiful gift. I was wondering when you might return to share my last dance, as always. I do so look forward to it,” you flashed your dance card to the rather impertinent Lord Francis with a falsified frown, “I do apologise, my lord, but I have not yet shared my final dance with anyone but the Prince. And I do not wish to change that tradition.”
The gentleman scampered away without another word, leaving the prince to capture you in his arms and lead you to the dance floor.
“I am certainly glad to be rid of that fool,” he grumbled, and you reached up to run your thumb along his cheekbone soothingly, internally frustrated that the action would end up in Lady Whistledown’s writings the next day.
Your voice was barely above a whisper, “Oh my love, you needn’t worry. You know that if I could I would dance only with you the entire night.”
The prince was more than satisfied with this, a broad smile gracing his strong features as you continued the rhythm of the waltz you found yourself in.
“I am pleased to hear that, to be sure,” he beamed, “And once this dance is through, I hoped we might have a moment to talk. Perhaps on the balcony?”
You nodded softly, “Any moment with you, I could never deny myself.”
He smiled, and as the dance drew to a close you found yourself growing nervous.
Had this small moment of jealousy spurred on a proposal? Or perhaps he had always intended to propose tonight?
Perhaps it was not a proposal at all, and he just wished for some fresh air and a chance to chatter away from the eyes and ears of the ballroom?
You caught Daphne’s eye as you followed the prince outside, noticing her eyes widen in excitement as she too expected you to return to the ballroom engaged.
You bit your lip, allowing yourself to share her excitement for just a moment before nerves slipped into your mind again.
You reached the balcony after what felt like hours, with time seeming to progress in slow motion as you waited to hear what it was the prince wished to discuss.
“My dearest Lady Y/N,” he began, capturing both of your hands in his as his eyes twinkled down at you in the moonlight, “You must know that since we met, you have been the sun around which I revolve. You captured my heart the very moment I first saw you, and with every discussion of a future I have grown more certain that it is with you I wish to build a life, a home, a family,”
“Oh my dear prince,” you were certain you could taste blood, your heart pounding with anticipation as it truly sunk in just what was going on, “You must know that the feeling has always been entirely reciprocated. Every moment I have spent with you has been blissful, and I rather selfishly wish for an eternity of such moments.”
He shook his head, “It is not at all selfish, my dove. For it is what I wish for too. An eternity with the love of my life at my side, wherever we might find ourselves.”
You shared a brief moment of comfortable silence, staring into each other’s eyes as you could think about nothing but his gentle touch and romantic words.
He was everything you could’ve dreamed of in a man, and now here he was professing that he too was enamoured by you.
Even though he had made it quite clear how he felt before, in this very second everything felt as though it fell perfectly into place.
The true love you always dreamed of finding but never expected to… He was right here, about to ask for your hand and sweep you off of your feet.
“It is for this very reason, my love,” he began again, keeping his hold of your left hand but dropping to his knee in a split second, “That I find myself desperate to ask — will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
“My gosh!” you exclaimed, nodding excitedly as he slipped the most beautiful ring onto your finger and rose to his feet again, “I would love to. I can think of no future more exciting than one as your wife.”
He kissed your hand again, now peppering kisses around the ring he had just given you, sending sparks throughout your body at his delicate touch.
“I cannot wait to begin our life together properly, as man and wife,” he grinned, reaching to push a stray hair from your face as he spoke, “Free of meddlesome gentlemen who have no regard for one’s prior commitment.”
“My darling, you truly had no need to worry,” you giggled, lifting your free hand to your mouth to stifle it a little, “He could not hold a candle to you, and I would never have given up my dance with you for him. I wish always for my first and last dance to be with you… And every dance in between.”
He pulled you flush to his chest now, spinning you softly to the faint sound of the orchestral tune still playing in the ballroom.
“Then my every dance is yours, my love,” he hummed, discreetly pressing a gentle kiss to your temple as he spun you around, “Always and forever.”
“I love you,” you were truly in a state of pure bliss as you danced, choosing to ignore that you were most certainly being watched, “More than I can ever express.”
“I love you as such also, my future princess,” he replied, pausing your dance just to look at you intently again for just a second before he spoke, “And I shall spend our whole life showing you.”
“I am so incredibly lucky to have fallen in love with you,” you shook your head in disbelief, still smiling up at him.
“It is I who is lucky,” he disagreed, looking up into the night sky littered with stars, “And the stars in the sky are lucky to every day be graced with your existence too.”
“You flatter me, my love.”
“And I intend to continue to remind you how wonderful you are, my dove,” he practically whispered, dipping his head lower so that you could feel his breath fanning over your face, though not close enough to induce any more scandal than your balcony dance might already have done.
“It’s a pleasure to be forever your first and last dance… And I can only hope to be your first and last love, if you would let me. For you most certainly shall be mine.”
“You shall be mine too, my love. I am certain of it.”
ok fluffy af because i am currently in looove with the prince and idk where it came from but i had to write this once i had the idea!!!
if you have any requests (right now preferably bridgerton, djats or criminal minds) then please feel free to send them in and i’ll make a start this week!
also pleaaase let me know in comments/reblogs what you think!
in the meantime, here is my masterlist!
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angels17324 · 2 years
Chance - Chapter 3
Prince Friedrich x Fem! Reader
Word count - 1.8k
Genre: Getting a bit more into the angst
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Dearest Readers, it would appear as though the romance we had thought was blooming between His Royal Highness Prince Friedrich and our dear Miss (L/n) is no more. Since Somerset house Prince Friedrich has been seen with Miss Cowper, while Miss (L/n) appears to be turning away all callers claiming an illness will this illness keep her out the rest of the season or will she come back and fight? Only time will tell. 
-Lady Whistledown
Friedrich had been having lunch with his aunt one afternoon. After he had tea with Cressida, he didn’t like her but he thought she was a good friend. If Miss (L/n) was happy though he was content to let her find her happiness though he did feel horrible about not going on their walk together he had been looking forward to it. 
He thought back on the conversation he had overheard between the two, and couldn’t help but wonder if he had been one of the ones she wanted a break from and only said yes to him out of obligation. He felt terrible for just not showing up to their meeting but he thought it would be for the best. 
His Aunt was reading the latest copy of Whistledown the author of the paper seemed to get under her skin like no other. “What happened?” She broke the silence between them. 
“What?” Friedrich asked, a bit surprised, and looked up at her. 
“Between you and the (L/n) girl,” Charlotte had been wanting to push him with Daphne Bridgerton, she was also happy with (Y/n) (L/n) as well though, but not Cressida. 
“She likes someone else,” he stated simply and ate his food. 
“That’s nonsense, Friedrich,” based on what Whistledown had written and what the queen herself knew something happened at Somerset house. She was determined to knock some sense into her nephew before he lost the girl forever. 
He sighed a bit, “It’s not,” Charlotte stared at the young prince trying to figure out how to make it clear to him. 
“Have you spoken to her since?” She asked. 
Friedrich was a bit embarrassed as he hadn’t spoken to her and just didn’t show up to promenade with her. It’s not that he didn’t want to but he felt like he couldn’t, “I… I haven’t,” He rubbed his neck. “But after what I did I doubt she’d want to speak with me… and I deserve that…” based on the looks his aunt gave him she wanted him to explain and so he did. 
“Friedrich she agreed to go with you, she clearly wanted to,” 
“No, she was just being polite,” 
“Is she going to be at the ball tonight?” Charlotte asked. 
“I believe so,” Friedrich looked at her. 
“Then dance with her tonight, actually speak to her,” She was determined to help these two clueless kids, and if she couldn’t make Friedrich see the light then she’d speak with Miss (L/n) herself. She wouldn’t accept defeat so quickly. 
At the ball Friedrich a bit too frequently was keeping an eye on the entrance hoping and waiting for (Y/n) to be one of the next ladies to enter the ballroom but no matter how long he waited it didn’t happen. He did see her brothers and parents enter a short while ago but without her. He’d even seen Mr. Bridgerton around but still no (Y/n). 
He decided he needed to go get some answers instead. So he looked around attempting to find Mr. Bridgerton again. It took him longer than he would have liked but he managed to locate him observing the other couples dance. 
“Mr. Bridgerton?” He asked, looking at the man he thought owned the heart of the woman that owned his own. 
“Your highness,” He bowed to the prince. 
“No need for such formalities I was hoping I could speak to you?” Friedrich asked. 
“Of course,” Benedict nodded and looked at him. 
“Do you know where Miss (L/n) is,” He asked, hopeful Benedict looked at the young prince, deciding if he should tell him the truth or not? 
“(Y/n) has been feeling under the weather,” He shrugged a bit. Friedrich couldn’t help the bit of jealousy he felt when Benedict said her name. 
“Oh…” Friedrich nodded a bit, “How long have you two been courting,” 
(Y/n) only got away with claiming she was sick for a few days, soon her stepmom would expect her to re-enter society and she would, she just secretly hoped she could push it off until Prince Friedrich left, she didn’t think she could face him again, especially not now that she knew he had been seen courting Cressida Cowper. 
Anytime her stepmother or the maids came by she’d fake cough to keep up the appearance of being sick but Marie knew better. (Y/n) had read the latest copy of Whistledown, at first, she hadn’t minded the author but now she seems to be a main subject in the sheets whenever they were delivered. 
Thankfully she thought that at least Whistledown hadn’t caught word of her and Friedrich’s plan to promenade before he didn’t show. (Y/n) was curled up under her blankets and hoping that the season could just be over and she could start anew next season. 
“You can’t spend the rest of the season sulking,” Marie said walking into the dark room and drawing open the curtains, causing (Y/n) to shield her eyes from the sudden invasion of light. 
“I’m not sulking,” (Y/n) glared at her but meant nothing by it. 
“Oh yeah? You’re not sick,” Marie caught the pillow that (Y/n) weakly threw at her. “The only sick you are is lovesick, you’re clearly in love with him.” 
“I’m not,” (Y/n) covered her face with her blankets. 
“Be honest, any other guy like Lord Jameson you would love him to be off the market but you like him.” Marie walked over and ripped the blankets from her hands. 
“But he doesn’t like me… Why would he ask me to promenade then be seen with someone else the same day he didn’t show up.” She stared at Marie and tried to blink away the tears forming
“Then what you need to do is show him you’re okay without him!” Marie shook the girl’s shoulders. 
“Marie…” She whined a bit. 
“No, no ifs, ands, or buts the next ball you’re gonna show up and show everyone how beautiful you are and have every guy in the Ton all over you.” Marie smiled and wiped the tears that started to fall. 
(Y/n) looked at Marie and sighed knowing she’d never win but started to smile, “Only if you make sure I look my best,” Marie helped her up and to get her ready for the day ahead. 
Her father had called her into his office once he’d heard she was up and about again, she wasn’t sure why but was told it was important. (Y/n) still, wasn’t ready to let her parents let callers into the house, and wondered if it had to do with that. 
“Father?” She asked quietly as she knocked on the door. 
“(Y/n) please come in and sit down,” he said, she nodded and walked to one of the chairs in front of his desk and sat. “I have some news to tell you now that it seems you’re finally ready to reenter society,” 
“Yes?” She raised her brow.
“Someone has come to me to ask for your hand,” The news itself wasn’t all too shocking it wasn’t the first time he’d told her, but never in such a private manner. 
“Oh, who…?” She hesitated for a moment. 
“Lord Jameson,” He said calmly, normally when he told her of proposals they’d been done with the rest of the family. Where her brothers would all state how the man isn’t good enough for their sister.
“And…?” She asked slowly trying to piece together what was happening. 
“I told him only on the condition that you don’t accept someone else’s by the end of the season.” 
“What? Father.” If her heart hadn’t already been broken it would have broken just now. “I can’t marry him, I don’t love him.” 
“Love matches are rare and you know that, your mother and I just want what’s best for you now.” 
She didn’t know what to say, so she stood up and walked out without a word. She only had until the end of the season before she’d just be married off. 
(Y/n) and her stepmother were at the modiste and she was adding some finishing touches to a gown she’d be wearing that night. She was watching as Madame Delacroix was adding a few extra details. If her stepmother knew of the conversation she’d had with her father earlier she didn’t know as she didn’t seem to mention it and (Y/n) didn’t want to bring it up hoping that it was just a nightmare. What she did know is apparently, while she was with her father that morning the queen had sent a letter to her home inviting her stepmother back to the palace. For what? She could only guess but her stepmother had been elated by the fact.
The bell at the door rang and both turned to see Cressida and Lady Cowper, Celina made a face seeing the two women that entered. (Y/n) focused her attention back on what Madame Delacroix was doing. 
Cressida smirked a bit seeing the girl, “Oh, (Y/n),” she smiled. 
“Cressida,” (Y/n) nodded “How are you?” 
“Perfectly fine, you know we missed you at the last ball,” She offered a polite smile. 
“Oh, yes, I wasn’t feeling too well but I’m better now,” 
“Well, I hope to see you tonight, if I’m not too busy speaking to the prince that is,” Cressida was attempting to get a rise out of her but she wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of knowing it was working. 
“Oh, I hope you have fun,” She nodded a bit trying to keep her face calm. Madame Delacroix excused herself to go speak with Lady Cowper, and (Y/n) stepped down, and walked over to where Cressida was. “I hope you’re happy,” 
“Oh we have been, especially after I cleared some things up for him,” Cressida nodded and looked through some fabric. 
“What do you mean…” She raised her brow and looked at the girl. 
“Oh, about you and Mr. Briderton,” Cressida elaborated. (Y/n) stared at her and started to piece together what had happened. 
“You told him Benedict and I are courting?” 
“Yes, I don’t think it’s fair to waste the prince’s limited time here on someone who won't return his feelings,” Cressida smiled at her. 
When (Y/n) and her family arrived at the ball she had a new fire lit under her with everything that had happened in the last few days she was determined to do something about it. 
Taglist: @faye-tale @eleanor-bradstreet @colettebronte @broooookiecrisp
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ashleyfanfic · 5 months
Love your blog! Huge Jonerys shipper and just finished Seaosn 2 of Bridgerton and LOVE Polin! Kantony was amazing too! I am so excited for Season 3! Did you see the trailer! Would love yo know your thoughts! Hope you have a great day!
First, Jonerys will always be my OTP. Yeah, the show ended like a burning pile of dog turds, but in fan fiction they're living happily ever after as they should have. The one good thing is that Kit's show is not going to be made which means they will not be able to profit off Daenerys Death anymore than the already do. Kit, find you another franchise where you can swing a sword. I'll watch it. I sat through Pompeii I can do anything.
Second, I love KANTHONY!!! I mean, the PINING! THE UST! LOVE IT! All the glances and touches and the "You are the bane of my existence and the object of my every desire" yes, sir! PLEASE. Love them. So glad we get to see them happy and in love this season. Just a boon, for sure.
Third, POLIN! Ok, hang on, let me get this out of the way first because it is a huge concern to me. I do not, under any circumstances, want to see Eloise join in with Cressida to make fun of Penelope. I get it, she's hurt, but please don't let her do that because she knows all of the sensitive points about Penelope, not even counting Lady Whistledown. She knows the things she's sensitive about and stands to truly hurt her. I had my former best friend do that to me and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Though, Nicola and Luke were both adamant about their love for Eloise. So, here's hoping.
POLIN - Alright, I'm going to say what I'm sure many other people are thinking -- Colin needs to grovel in apology for what he said. It's already difficult enough for Pen, with her introverted nature, to meet and talk to people. That has been clearly established. But to then have an influential man in the ton declare that he would never dream of courting her? I mean, talk about ruining a girl's chances all around.
There are little things throughout the trailer that fascinate me. One being that I think Penelope isn't going to arrive to one of the balls with her family but fake an illness and stay home. Perhaps after seeing Eloise with Cressida at a garden party earlier that day. Something sparks within her and causes her to no longer lie there, but throw open her wardrobe and we see her getting dressed. We do see Pen see them walk away together. So, I think she comes in late, dressed in a different gown, with a different look. Perhaps she asked Madam Delacroix to make it for her outside of her mother's knowledge. Because we see her standing at the top of a staircase in a red cape and then dramatically allowing it to fall to the ground. Everyone turns and looks. (My favorite thing, is if you look at the crowd, her brother-in-law, Mr. Finch is smiling at her - such a sweet, cheese loving boy!). But Cressida and Eloise look shook. Also, in this same scene we do see Francesca and Pen later talking. This is important to me as it is said in the books, Colin is very close with Franny, especially once he starts traveling and she moves to Scotland. Lady Danbury is obviously speaking with the Queen about the possible matches that could be made. So far, all the writings we've seen about this season show that Mister Dankworth is interested in marriage, but instead of being along the lines of Nigel Berbrook, he's more along the lines of Prince Friedrich. You might root for him if Colin wasn't already in the picture. I have a feeling that while his interest will spark jealousy in Colin, it will also spark confidence in Penelope. Which, judging by some of these awkward convos we see her having with some of the other men of the ton, she really needs. But the sight of them dancing beneath the moonlight in the ballroom, and their heads close together over a book, and Colin having to sit back and watch as a bystander, is too sweet for me to take. Colin is the sort you have to hit over the head and drag him to it. Someone else finding her desirable could spark that wait, what have I missed. We love our leading man, but baby are you dense. The scene where he's sitting back and the flame slowly lights, it's like Colin's love for Penelope. It doesn't happen all at once, but as it grows and glows it gets brighter. Their trope is she falls first, but he falls harder. And in the books, that 100% true. He's my wife this, my wife that. Once he realizes that he's in love with her, there is nothing else that matters to him BUT her.
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justviwriting · 1 year
'Brighter Future'
Fandom: Bridgerton Characters: Edwina Sharma Pairing: Edwina/Prince Friedrich Rating: G Words: 1.592 Summary: Edwina writing down her thoughts and feelings on meeting Prince Friedrich for the first time and how to move forward after the failed wedding. A/N: So I wanted to write something nice for Edwina because I’m currently working on two fanfics where I’m not really treating her that much better than the show did (she gets her happy ending but she’s still the victim of Anthony’s behaviour in those fics). And I had this idea for a short oneshot, consisting of three diary entries about her meeting Prince Friedrich for the first time. Hope you like it :)
[you can also read it on AO3]
Friday, June 3rd 1814
Tomorrow is a very exciting day – perhaps the most exciting one in a while. Her Majesty the Queen had informed me that her nephew, Prince Friedrich of Prussia, would be joining us in town for the remainder of the season. She had also told me that she could not wait for me to be introduced to him. It was not the first time that the Prince had been mentioned. Her Majesty had already let me know a while ago – after the whole disaster with the failed wedding – that her nephew was still looking for a bride. Which is also why I believe that his sudden visit was neither scheduled nor a coincidence. Perhaps, he had even decided to visit this town solely to meet me.
If that is true, I believe I should be thrilled. One does not meet a prince every day. Yet somehow, I worry. What if I do not meet his expectations? If my suspicion is correct, the Queen would have without doubt mentioned me to him, letting him know about the woman she had named the Diamond. Will I again be a disappointment to Her Majesty?
And it is not just the Queen who appears to be delighted about the news of her nephew’s arrival. Mother had mentioned the Prince as well, the smile bright on her face. And Kate had said that maybe soon I will be receiving the wedding and the husband I deserve. They are almost talking about it as if it was already set in stone, yet I had not even met him. What if he does not like me? What if no man will ever like me?
Lord Bridgerton and I might have decided to let everyone know that ending our engagement had been a mutual decision. We had been nothing but amicable towards one another in public. Yet people love creating their own version of events, and with him and Kate engaged to one another so soon after, there are more than enough stories to be created. Will the Prince believe the whole scenario to be odd as well?
I could tell myself that everyone just wants for me to be happy, but somehow, I doubt it. Mother wants me to be happy, I know that. Kate wants me to be happy as well, of course, yet I also know that she still feels guilty. I do not know Lord Bridgerton’s feelings – he had told me that he was sorry but he had also lied to me many times in the past. I do not doubt that both of them would prefer for me to find happiness, just so they do not have to feel any guilt in regard to their own happiness. And of course I want for them to be happy – the past cannot be changed. But I also cannot convince myself that their wish for my happiness is completely selfless.
And of course the Queen probably only hopes that she had not been mistaken in naming me her Diamond.
So all I can do now is hope that the Prince will like me. Still, I am nervous. I hope tomorrow will go well.
Saturday, June 4th 1814
I am delighted to write that today has been wonderful and that the Prince had been nothing but charming. A true gentleman and a delightful presence. He had given me the highest of compliments about my beauty and wisdom. And he is also a very handsome man. I had danced with him several times tonight and although I enjoyed it very much, I have to admit that I now feel somewhat odd.
Part of me would call him perfect – perfect in every aspect. A man I could imagine raising a family with, and a man I could imagine falling in love with. Yet another part of me is hesitant. Because it had not been too long ago when I had felt the same about a different man – a man that will now marry my sister.
I had never believed Lord Bridgerton to be disingenuous in his feelings. He had never told me that he loved me, yet his actions and words had made me believe that he was in love with me nonetheless. Looking back at that time now, perhaps I should have realised that his feelings were not what I had believed. Perhaps I should have even noticed that bond between him and my sister. But in the end, I had not noticed anything until the wedding. How do I know I might not be mistaken again? What if the Prince is just like him?
I had let Kate know my worries earlier, after she had asked me whether something was amiss. She had then told me that I should not let the past haunt my future, and had also apologised for her actions and secrecy again. I had told her in return that I have already forgiven her, but that forgiveness did not mean I could forget the past that easily.
And now I worry – I fear, even – that every single man will only ever remind me of the Viscount. That every time I talk to a man, my doubts will prevent me from accepting their honesty. And what would that mean for me? Will I ever marry? Will I ever be able to fall in love? Kate said that there is no need for me to marry this season if I needed more time. But will time help? Not just in regards to my confusion but also in regards to my prospects? What if the Prince proposes to me? Could I decline someone like him, just because I’m confused? Not to mention that I do like him quite a lot.
I cannot help but imagine what would have happened had I not noticed the feelings my sister holds for Lord Bridgerton. We would have married then. And perhaps, at some point, I would have realised that he had never loved me, and never would.
I had shared those thoughts with Kate as well and she had simply replied that – with her moving back to India – perhaps love could have grown between us. However, I believe that the possibility of that happening would have been very small. I had been a trophy for him, nothing more. Certainly not a wife to fall in love with. Kate had then urged me to talk to Lord Bridgerton about this but I do not believe that to be a good idea. With my confused feelings, I would only cause an argument. And that would not help ease any current tension. And it does not matter anymore. I can count myself lucky that it had never gone that far, and I know that I need to move forward. But for some reason, it is not as easy as I wish for it to be.
Tuesday, June 7th 1814
I had just shared a lovely conversation with the Prince. He had been as friendly and charming as before, and had told me that Lord Bridgerton had talked to him. Apparently, he had let him know the entire story, as well as my doubts. I had been angry at first – although, of course, I had not let the Prince know my anger. However, this was my problem to deal with, and people meddling within my life had caused this problem to begin with.
Nonetheless, the conversation with the Prince had been nice. He had reassured me that he understood my hesitation and had then told me that he would not consider proposing to me before he knew I was ready to make a genuine decision. I had been shocked to hear that – part of me is still in shock. I would have not believed that he was already considering to propose to me.
He had also told me how much he likes me – how pretty he thinks I am, how wise and smart, how well spoken and kind. He had said that he had never met anyone like me and that he had no issue with taking some time so we could get to know one another – that he did not need to marry now and was more than willing to wait for me. I’m afraid I had started to blush at his words, and even now, while writing this, there is still a smile on my face.
Kate had told me that Lord Bridgerton had believed the Prince to be an excellent match for his eldest sister. And apparently his requirements for his sister’s future husband had been very high and exacting. So perhaps, the Prince truly is an honourable and honest man. But maybe Kate was right as well. I do not need to marry right now. Perhaps, it is better to get to know the man that might become my husband. I had believed myself to be in love with Lord Bridgerton, and maybe I had been, but maybe I had also fooled myself to love him because I wanted to. And the Prince had offered to wait for me, after all. Either, he will decide to honour that promise, in which case I will know that he is the right man. Or he won’t, and at least then I won’t be married to him. And he is a prince, after all. He does not have to wait for any woman – certainly not a woman who had just been rejected by a viscount. If he waits, his feelings are genuine. And that thought surely makes the future appear brighter.
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More Than Diamonds
Pairing: Prince Friedrich x Princess! Reader Description: Britain has gained themselves a new royalty nearing the debutante ball of 1813. Princess Amelia of Siam was sent as the new Ambassador of Siam. In Britain Princess Amelia was able to find her family, but will that be all? Tags: Slow burn, Coming of age, Time-Travel, Back to the past, Friends to Lovers, Royalties, Oblivious!FLxObvious!ML, Jealous! Friedrich, Slightly Possessive! Friedrich, Black cat gf, Golden retriever bf Timeline: S1&S2
Chapter 7: What Season?
It has been approximately 2 months since Amelia knew the Bridgertons. They have insisted that they spend lots of time together. From being invited to promenades, which Amelia has never done before and truthfully it felt weird for her to not read her documents, be in meetings or just be in her office. Taking a stroll and relaxing is not her thing as she found herself growing restless. 
With Lynn and Violet working together, Amelia has to push deadlines backwards as apparently she is moving way too fast. The staff were unable to rest properly making them unproductive in the workplace. 
“You look uncomfortable. Are you alright?” Benedict whispered as she was walking with Eloise. Amelia was explaining to her the concept of feminism and why it does not only benefit women. 
“Really Amelia? Are you tired?” Eloise glanced at her cousin who is younger by several months. “Not tired per se. Merely concerned.” Amelia sighed, crossing her arms. Her eyes squinted from the sunlight. “Something happened in the embassy?” Amelia shook her head at Benedict’s question. 
“Lynn delegates Tian to attend the meeting in my place because we oversee the project together, but somehow the meeting runs longer. I should have received a report by now.” Benedict sighed. These past 2 months one thing all Bridgertons realised is that Amelia is not only a slave driver to her staff and herself, but also has a terrible case of being a workaholic. 
Nowadays none of them are surprised if they found her sleeping anywhere. Be it on the floor after playing marbles with Hyacinth and Gregory, in the corner of the room with a book on her lap or documents, on the sofa or once even in the garden. 
“Amelia. Today is supposed to be your day off and tomorrow is the weekend! Come on, lighten up.” Benedict looped her arm through his. The energy he has made Amelia chuckled when she saw 2 men in Royal Guard uniform. Violet who was with Daphne did not realise they were approaching. 
“Pardon me, Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton.” Their presence alarmed Anthony as he quickly pulled his mother and Daphne behind him. Colin and Benedict quickly came to back him up. 
“Hello, gents. What is going on here?” Both guards bowed their heads at Anthony. “Viscount Bridgerton, we are here to escort Lady Amelia.” Then they turned to Amelia and bowed. “Your grace, your presence is needed by His Royal Highness, Prince Regent George IV in the Palace of Westminster.” Amelia nodded. “How many carriages are available? By Siamese security protocols I am to bring my guards at all times.” The guards nodded. “We were briefed on your security protocols. We brought 3 carriages. 1 for you and your Lord and Lady in waiting, 2 for the Siamese Royal Guards.” Amelia nodded and turned to her Aunt and cousins. 
“Well, I will be on my way. I will see you again My dear aunt and dearest cousins.” With that Amelia followed the British Royal Guards. She could hear the whispers of the people in Vauxhall Gardens. Amelia rolled her eyes as she kept walking. She knows the men in Britain degrade her standings in politics for being a woman and more so as someone who is not British. The women's image of her is not that good either for taking such a manly job. 
“Bunch of racist sexist fools.” She muttered as she got on the carriage followed by Lynn and Hugo. 
Amelia’s meeting with the Prince Regent went on for approximately 3 hours and ended an hour before dinner time. “Princess Amelia, as it is only an hour away from dinner time, you are welcome to join today’s dinner if you like.” Amelia paused gathering her documents and looked at George. 
“Is it mandatory?” “No,” George shook his head. “Am I allowed to refuse?” He smiled slightly. He likes Amelia, she won’t pretend if she doesn’t have to. “You can.” Amelia nodded. “Then I apologise in advance, I will not be joining the dinner as I am needed for the Russian-Siam-British meeting with Prince Edward at 8 pm in Buckingham Palace.” George blinked, “Then why don’t we have dinner there?” He bit his lips to prevent a laugh from slipping out as Amelia sent him annoyed looks. He knows unless it’s necessary Amelia will not be socialising with anyone, unless somehow the Bridgertons.
“I apologised, before the meeting I would like to try a restaurant that has been on my wish list for a while. Apologies in advance, I cannot extend my invitation as this has been my plan with Lynn and Hugo.” While George has no romantic intentions with the young girl, he knows a beautiful face when he sees one, plus he does like hanging out with her. She is witty and has a good sense of humour without the flirtiness many women throw at him. 
“How about calling the chef to the Palace instead? If it is that good I would like to try it as well.” He knows she doesn’t want him to come, he just wants to tease her a bit. He wanted to laugh as soon as her lips turned into a frown and tore a piece of paper to write something down.
“This is the name of the restaurant. Try it next time with one of your mistresses, do not bother my bonding time with my friends.” She huffed before marching to the door, but before she went out, she turned around and did a quick curtsy to be polite. “I will excuse myself now.” It is a shame none of his younger sisters are cute, no wonder the heir apparent of Siam doted on her. Adorable, smart and polite. If he is her older brother it would be hard for her to get married. 
With the lack of entertainment around her, the Queen does enjoy the Siamese Princess presence. Her wit and honesty are truly one to adore. Unfortunately she is extremely busy that they usually only meet up once a week for tea time, so when she heard Princess Amelia is meeting up with her son, Edward for a meeting, she quickly summoned the Princess for dinner. However, her eldest son, George interrupted the command saying she has dinner plans with her Lord and Lady-in-waiting. 
“So, you are saying she will reject me for her Lord and Lady-in-waiting?” Queen Charlotte’s eyebrow twitched. “Of course she will not, but she will not be happy either with the interruption. She said the trip was something the 3 of them anticipated.” George reasoned out. 
“Alright then.” Queen Charlotte sighed and leaned back on her chair. Usually she would not care if she interrupts someone’s schedule, but the British are trying to be an allied nation with Siam, so being in their bad book is a no-no. 
“Tell Edward to ask if she is available for tea in the afternoon tomorrow.” George nodded before he exited the room. 
“Alright, thank you. I will make sure to bring the prototype to our next meeting.” The Russian representative, a Duke from Imperial Russia, beamed a smile at Amelia, satisfied with the result of their meeting. Edward watched as Amelia smiled back at the representative, making him blush.
“Princess Amelia, do you-” “Princess Amelia, my mother was wondering if you will join her for tea time tomorrow afternoon” Edward quickly interrupted when the duke was about to reach out for her hand. The volume of his voice did make Amelia jump a bit. 
“Uh- I am free tomorrow from 2 pm to 4.30 pm after my meeting with the Prince Regent.” Which she was about to use for tea time with Violet and her female cousins, but I guess that is not happening. 
“Great, keep it open. Mother would like to have tea with you. Would you write it down please, Lady Lynn.” Edward grinned at Lynn who nodded with an impassive face. 3 months since he met her and never have he seen her smile or laugh. 
Lynn saw what happened and while she doesn’t condone much of the many British Princes behaviour, so far she liked Prince George, Prince Edward and Prince William. They do not seem to be attracted romantically with the Princess, rather as a younger sister. They teased her, but protected her virtue from other lecherous men. A rather welcomed double standard from her part. 
“Milady, we better go soon.” Lynn reminded the Princess who nodded. 
“Alright, then I will be going first. See you at our next meeting.” The Princess curtsy before they head out the door. 
Edward was just walking to his room when he saw his mother, staring at their family portrait. Truthfully, after his first meeting with Amelia, the debate happening between her and his brother, Frederick, got him thinking about his mother. She is so strong, taking care of 13 children, running the country and taking care of a mad husband, whom she still loves dearly. 
Growing up watching his parents love, maybe that was what he wanted. Marriage of passion and love. His parents may not marry because of love, but after they got to know each other, it was a love match and they continued their marriage out of love. However, with his father being ill, his mother is now withering away. She still looked regal, but older and often sad. Amelia is probably right, her children need to appreciate her more.
“Mother,” Edward walked towards his mother with a smile. She turned to face him, a slight smile on her face. She looked beautiful despite her age. “Edward. Did you just finish the meeting?” Edward nodded. “Yes, in fact I did. I also did not forget to ask Princess Amelia about tomorrow afternoon.” Hearing Amelia’s name got his mother’s smile in full bloom. 
“Really? Did she agree to come?” Edward smiled at his mother and nodded. “She did. Do you not like her a tad bit too much?” Queen Charlotte smiled at his question. “Well, she is witty, honest and intelligent. She even appreciated me more than many of my children, so you cannot blame me for taking a liking to her.” She looked at Edward and cooed. “If only you all were younger, I would have made you marry her.” Edward looked scandalised. “Mother- She may be beautiful, but I do not see her that way!” He hissed at his mother who laughed. 
“Marriage is a duty, my dear. That was how I got married.” She casted her eyes downwards, looking sad before she looked at him. “Well, I will return to my chamber now. Good night, my dear.” Edward nodded at his mother, sighing. “Good night mother.” He may not be able to give his mother marriage, but maybe he should consider begging Amelia to attend more tea time with his mother if it makes her happy. With that in mind, he continued walking to his chamber.
Amelia did in fact come to the afternoon tea with the Queen. She was donned in what a 21st century woman would describe as smart casual. Amelia wore an all pink cropped blazer, cut an inch above the waist with a mandarin collar and 3 buttons in rows. Underneath, she wore a white sleeveless shirt with a mandarin collar. For the bottom, she wore a matching pink midi-skirt that went all the way to the floor, covering her ankle. For shoes she wore nude coloured strappy heels.
Her hair was up in a bun with a strand of fringe framing the side of her face. With a mandarin collar, Amelia did not bother to wear a necklace, instead opting for long diamond earrings. She also kept her makeup simple, almost looking bare-faced. Women here may not carry purses, but having lived as Davika in the 21st century got her to realise a purse is a necessity. She carries a simple white alligator skin purse to keep her mini hand cream, mini rose water spray, perfume balm, mirror, tinted lip balm, a home-made pepper spray and a hidden-knife dagger.  
“Princess Amelia, I am rather interested in your attire today. It is extremely different from what the ladies your age preferred.” Lady Danbury commented. “Is this a fashion statement or merely the fashion in Siam?” Amelia glanced at the old lady as she sipped her tea. She soundlessly placed her cup on the saucer before voicing her answer. 
“Thank you for taking an interest in my attire Lady Danbury, despite my choice I hope you actually like it.” Amelia gave her a smile while delivering her sweet introduction. “I do realise that what I wore is different from what the ladies my age wore, but then again none of them actually does what I do.” Amelia shrugged her shoulders. 
“My gender alone has caused controversy among the men as a woman in politics and diplomacy, I could not imagine what chaos would ensue if I show up wearing such dresses.” Amelia blinked as she settled her tea on the table. 
“Therefore, you could say my clothing is a fashion statement.” Amelia concluded.
“I think it looks beautiful my dear. To think those men have the confidence to judge how women dress while looking like that.” The Queen scoffed. Amelia smiled at the Queen’s words. 
“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Queen Charlotte replied with a smile of her own. 
“Well, the men always think they have the liberty to do whatever they want.” Lady Danbury grumbled as Amelia leaned and grabbed her hand. 
“I think you look absolutely fetching, Milady.” Lady Danbury chuckled as she patted the hand on hers. 
“Thank you, your Royal Highness.” Amelia pouted at the old lady. 
“Please, just Amelia would do. That sounds extremely formal.” This got a laugh from the Queen and Lady Danbury.
From a distance, Hugo and Lynn were staring at their Princess being cute towards the old ladies. 
“Do you think anyone will try to adopt her or ask her to marry their children?” Hugo leaned down and asked Lynn who was focusing on the Princess. 
“I bet her Majesty, the Queen actually wanted her to marry one of the Princes.” Hugo’s lips jutted forward as he stared at the Princess with a raised eyebrow.
“I do not get how she does it.” Lynn glanced up at him. 
“What? Being friendly with old people? Her Royal Highness always has a soft spot for old people, no?” Hugo hummed at Lynn’s words. 
“I mean, that was how she got close to her grandparents.” Different from Lynn who has been Amelia’s playmates before a Lady-in-Waiting, Hugo only became Amelia’s Lord-in-Waiting when she turned 12, therefore he did not know the details of Amelia’s life.
“Is that how she got her title changed to Somdet Chao Fa?” Lynn gave him a once over look from top to bottom. 
“What are you talking about? The Princess did not ask the Dowager Queen of Siam or the late King to elevate her and Prince Vernon’s title.” Lynn looked downright disappointed by his accusation of their master. 
“It was given by King Rama II for the Prince and Princess contribution to solidify a diplomatic relation with the Joseon Empire.” Hugo let out a ‘wow’ as he continued to stare at their Princess. 
“Hugo. I’m only going to say this once. If you betray the Princess in any way, shape or form, I will not hesitate to kill you.” Hugo visibly gulped at the threat. He may be a soldier and former colonel of the Royal Army, as the granddaughter of a warrior monk, Lynn was trained in battle and killing. 
“I’ll keep that in mind, but you must know that my loyalty lies with the Princess.” He sighed as Lynn side-eyed him. 
“I hope ‘Princess’ does not mean the Royal Family because that is an extremely big extension.” Hugo did not answer and just plastered a tight smile on his face.
Amelia was just giving the Queen and Lady Danbury explanations on things she carried in her purse when Queen Charlotte mentioned about the debutante season. 
“Princess Amelia, have you found yourself a seamstress for the season?” Amelia blinked, not knowing what this season was about. 
“Season? Like… Spring?” This got Lady Danbury and the Queen laughing, making Amelia look confused. 
“I guess not spring.” Lady Danbury smiled at her cute response. 
“Oh my, did you really not know about the season?” Amelia shook her head. 
“It is the debutante season, usually girls around 16-18 years old will be introduced to the society and they will try to find themselves a match to marry.” Amelia’s mind went to Daphne, so that was what she fussed about. 
“Aah… No…” The Queen smiled and clapped her hands. 
“Well, you are a Princess from Siam, we cannot let your dress be sewn by just any seamstress. You will be using the Royal Family’s seamstress.” Amelia looked uncomfortable. 
“Do I have to?” The Queen looked confused at her question. 
“You do not want to use the seamstress?” Amelia shook her head. 
“Be introduced, I mean… After all, I am from Siam and not from Great Britain, so I do not see why I need to.” The Queen and Lady Danbury looked at each other from the corner of their eyes. They were hoping the Siamese Princess to have a love match with someone from British nobility to solidify their relationship with Siam. 
“While that is true, introducing you to the British nobility will further Britain and Siam’s relationship, no? You may even be able to create connections with them” “...Or love” Lady Danbury whispered discreetly as The Queen tried to soften the approach. 
“Ah… How about this year I… See how it works first and next year I will decide if I want to be a debutante, it is 16 to 18 years old right? I have no preparation or knowledge about this season after all.” Amelia offered to not offend the Queen of Great Britain. This is, after all their culture and tradition, plus a quote she remembered from her time as Davika was, ‘When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do’ and right now, she is in Britain. In any way possible, Amelia needs to find a way not to create an enemy out of the Queen.
“Alright, that is acceptable.” The Queen hummed, taking a sip from her cup. 
“Girls who already prepared their whole life for their debut have made mistakes. It would be unthinkable to make you prepare in such a short time.” Lady Danbury quipped and the Queen nodded as her face turned sour, remembering the Featherington girls.
“I will make sure to have a carriage ready for that day.” Queen Charlotte stated and Amelia knows she cannot reject it. 
“Thank you for your generosity, your Majesty.” She sweetly smiled at Queen Charlotte who looked satisfied. 
“I usually hold the first ball of the season and I would appreciate it if you would make an attendance, Princess Amelia.” Amelia liked Lady Danbury, so she gave her the same sweet smile and nodded. 
“I will make sure to keep my schedule empty to attend it. Thank you, Lady Danbury.” The old lady chuckled while nodding, looking extremely satisfied. Amelia mentally noted to ask her aunt and cousins about what this season is about.
Different from the usual setting, Amelia was rather very busy, therefore instead of going to the Bridgerton house, this time Daphne, Eloise, Benedict and Colin are visiting the Siamese to their house. Anthony was away and Violet was taking care of Hyacinth who caught a fever at home. Gregory was also with her. 
“This is really good!” Colin claimed as he ate another serving of mango sticky rice. They are sitting in the semi-outdoor dining room that is reserved for close friends and family only. A place where Amelia, Hugo and Lynn could do whatever they want, like eating while working. 
“Aww, why does it taste so good,” Daphne whined “I cannot gain weight before my debut presentation.” She was still eyeing the cassava with coconut milk. A pout was apparent on her face, which only deepened as Benedict and Colin teased her by eating a spoonful each. 
“What is this debut presentation?” Lynn asked, but her eyes did not look at the British as she was busy scooping another serving or spicy green curry. 
“A means to showcase women as if they are prized calf to the society to flaunt themselves in hope of attracting a suitable suitor and where men will create their highest bidding in search for a wife-” “Stop spreading nonsense, Eloise.” Daphne cut off to reprimand her younger sister.
“I only spoke of the truth, sister. Throughout the season, women pit against each other to secure what they think is the best suitor and the men will try their hardest to woo women to take them as a wife.” Daphne frowned at Eloise’s words as the Siamese cringed, Hugo and Lynn turned to Amelia. 
“Fortunately you rejected the Queen and Lady Danbury’s suggestion.” Lynn said as she chewed the chicken in her spicy green curry. This got the British perked up.
“Princess, do not join. We are busy enough as it is.” Their attention was tossed to Hugo.
“That is insanity. Imagine the headache. I’m glad I rejected the offer despite not knowing what it is.” Before it was tossed to Amelia who was still busy with her documents. 
“Wait- Mel- What is this about?” Amelia’s eyes widened as Eloise slid in next to her and blocked her view of her documents with her hand. 
“It was earlier, the Queen offered me to use her seamstress to create a gown for the debut presentation- was it? But I rejected her offer.” Amelia sighed as she swatted Eloise’s arm. Amelia never thought her answer would bring so much chaos.
“What? Why did you reject her offer?” Daphne and Benedict looked at her as if she had grown another head. 
“There is no use or benefit for me to debut aside from creating connections, which I could do without debuting. I am not British nor am I looking for a suitor.” Amelia shrugged her shoulders. While her reason made sense, it was still a waste. A chance to receive a gown made by the Queen’s seamstress. 
“You could have still accepted it… A gown made by the Queen’s seamstress.” Daphne’s eyes twinkled at the thought. 
“I may not be the Queen, but I am still the Princess of Siam. My seamstresses are top quality if you want your debutante dress made by them. They are up to date with fashion and you can consult with them on what you like.” Daphne gasped at the offer and stood up from her chair to hug Amelia tightly, which choked her slightly. 
“Would you really do that? Oh god, thank you so much Mel!” Amelia tapped Daphne on her forearms as her throat was being squashed. “Daphne- Come on, let go. Amelia can’t breathe.” Colin laughed as he pried Daphne from Amelia. With that the rest of the night was spent bonding between cousins and friends.
Words: 3858
More Than Diamond's Master List
IMPORTANT NOTES A/N: Hello, how are you guys? I hope you are well. Regarding this story that is following Julia Quinn's hit series, Bridgerton, I would start by saying I read the book first before I watch the Netflix series, thus I apologize if there are some differences with the Netflix version, but I will try to make it as similar as possible. I would also ask the readers to be kind when criticizing this story as this is my first time to actually publishing my work in the open. For the story, as you can see there is a time-travel tag. Our reader was sent back to the past with all the knowledge from the future. If you are also confused with Davika's education, I actually based her using Spencer Reid, a character from Criminal Minds. I also made Friedrich to be a year younger than Benedict when in actuality, he was born in 1794, 2 years younger than Daphne. If you are not interested or felt like those 2 themes ruined a historical romance story, then please do not leave any bad comments as you can just stop reading this story. Thank You Very Much! Much Love, Cinnamon Meilleure's Writing Room
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
Willow Bark - Epilogue I: The Next Birthday
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Rated: G Word count: 1.5k
Day 4 Epilogue II Masterpost
Summary: Benedict gives a toast at his first birthday after his illness.
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Benedict had suspected something covert in the lead up to his birthday. Whenever it came up in conversation Sophie scrunched her nose in that way that betrayed her excitement, and Anthony had been far too blase, even for Anthony, when he extended the invitation to join the family at Aubrey Hall. But it was the scale of their scheming that succeeded in bowling him over when he crossed the threshold of his family home.
Everyone. Every person who was or had ever been dear to his heart was gathered to celebrate him. His entire family of course, immediate and extended, but also his friends. Lads from Cambridge, classmates from the Academy, the entire retinue of artists who had mentored him, worked alongside him, even competed with him for gallery space. From the scrappy unpatroned bohemians up to the veritable who’s who of England’s masters. The Granvilles, the Mondrichs, the Crabtrees, even Madame Delacroix was there, though that should not have been a surprise given how close she was with Sophie. People had traveled from Scotland, France, and as far away as Prussia, with his in-laws Prince Friedrich and Princess Edwina lending a royal air to the occasion. It was an event larger and grander than his wedding, with so many guests that they spilled through room after room and hall after hall.
He held tightly to Sophie as they walked through the doors together. His illness was two months past but he still felt a lingering weakness from time to time. Though he knew even if he had been in full health, he would still have staggered under the overwhelming feelings of his heart. Sophie didn’t have to bolster him for long because he was immediately enveloped, passed into countless embraces one after the other, being kissed on the cheek and clapped on the back until he grew dizzy. There would never be enough time to speak to each person as he wished to, so when everyone gathered as best they could in the music room, packed like sardines around the seated Bridgerton family, he knew that he must address everyone jointly and make his statement one of significance.
Violet ushered him and Sophie to join Anthony and Kate on a sofa, then initiated the chain of toasts made in his honor. Half a dozen of his dearest stepped forward, including Anthony himself, praising, joking and reminiscing. None of them directly acknowledged the reason why this party was exceptional, but each of them grew misty-eyed as they wished him many more years of health and prosperity. Phillip and Eloise, just returned from their honeymoon, stood arm in arm directly across from him. Neither of them volunteered their sentiments, but they never broke their gaze and it communicated everything. Sophie sat beside him, beaming. When she was not dabbing at her tears her hands were wound with his or smoothing across her rounded stomach. Benedict had never felt such a concentration of love in all its forms cushioning him on every side. It was surreal, euphoric, and it guided him to precisely what he wanted to say.
When Anthony resumed his seat between Kate and Sophie, Benedict stood, accepting a fresh glass of champagne from a footman. Clearing his throat he surveyed the room, each face so familiar, each relationship so treasured, all eyes on him. 
“I have had many birthdays in my life. Most of them much more wild than simply gathering at home, I assure you.” The rippling laughter settled him into place. “But I already know that this will be the one I cherish most of all. I want to thank each of you for being here. For the distances you have traveled and for your affection and wishes. I am truly, truly moved.”
He paused. His soul would only allow him to say the unadulterated truth of everything he had been through and everything he was grateful for. “The only good things visited upon me by my recent illness were perspective and the time to analyze it. To try to put it into words. You’ll have to forgive my artistic disposition, with which I know you are all familiar.” Another chuckle skittered among the guests. “But at the risk of sounding trite…” He stared off for a moment, ensuring he phrased it precisely. “At the end…the poets and authors are right. You are just left hoping that you have sufficiently loved everyone who is dear to you. That you have brought them more joy than pain. And there is a longing, not for your own sake but for theirs, that you had more time to show them your love.”
He glanced at his mother who was weeping openly, soothed by Daphne and Francesca who also had tears in their eyes. A hush had gathered, faces falling into contemplation.
He took a steadying breath. “And I have blessedly been granted that time. So I say to you, all of you: you have my love.” He raised his glass and swept it toward each cluster of guests in turn. “My friends, my fellow artists - could we call ourselves friends?” His chums snickered at that. “My inordinately enormous family, and all those who might as well be family. You have my enduring love.”
Then he turned to the pair across from him. “In particular our newlyweds, my sister Eloise and her husband, Sir Phillip Crane. Though the circumstances of our first meeting were perhaps a bit unconventional in that he found my hands around his throat…” More laughter. “By God, I’m grateful to have met such a man and to have him be the one to care for a most beloved sister.” Eloise’s eyes swam, her mouth drawn tight as it always was when she fought to hide her feelings. Benedict gave her a warm grin then turned to Phillip. “Dire times strip away all pretense and compel us to show our true character. And your character, Sir Phillip, is beyond reproach. Someday I will ensure you know the extent of my gratitude to you.”
Phillip returned a small smile and bowed his head, blushing.
Benedict raised his glass. “To Phillip and Eloise.”
A chorus of voices repeated their names and all glasses were raised and sipped. Eloise’s arm tightened around Phillip’s and she leaned into him, the picture of a contented wife. Something Benedict never expected he would see.
Buoyed by the sea of joyful faces, he pressed on. “Not to be overlooked, there are two other individuals who deserve special thanks for today, and for more than I can ever acknowledge or repay. They are the ones who, at different times throughout my life, have shared in my greatest joys, helped me overcome my most daunting challenges, kept my deepest secrets…”
He paused, seeming to debate his next words. “And…held me in my recent, darkest days.”
Sophie, who had been smiling up at her husband throughout his speech, felt a stone lodge in her throat. She turned to look at Anthony. He was rigid, his jaw locked as his eyes met hers. Beside him Kate had intertwined their arms. Sophie reached out and clasped his free hand, holding it tightly as they both looked back at Benedict.
“They are of course my elder brother Anthony, the Viscount Bridgerton. And my wife, the incomparable Sophia Bridgerton.” He gestured to each of them in turn, eyes full of love, then continued, his voice wavering, “The two fragments of my soul that exist outside myself.” 
Sophie felt the breath leave her lungs and began to cry in earnest. She and Anthony gripped each other’s hands fiercely. She couldn’t bear to look back at him. 
Chewing his lip, Benedict lowered his eyes. “And without whose company, I am certain I would not have pulled through and been speaking to you today.”
Instinctively Sophie reached up and grasped Benedict’s free hand, linking a chain between the brothers. He gave her a small smile and gentle squeeze. 
“So do not toast only to me. Toast to every part of me.” Tears streamed freely down Sophie’s face while Anthony sat frozen, turning crimson as he tried to keep his feelings in check. Never breaking his gaze on them, Benedict raised his glass. “To Anthony and Sophie.”
Again the room echoed their names as everyone cheered and drank. The three of them were looking at one another so fixedly, they did not see how many handkerchiefs had been produced, nor how many ladies hid their streaming faces behind their fans.
After taking his sip of champagne, Benedict returned to his wife’s side. Releasing her hold on Anthony, she brought a trembling hand to her husband’s face and kissed him softly. He could read her heart in her eyes, glittering with tears, telling him everything she could never manage to say aloud. Beside them they found Kate kissing Anthony in much the same way, smiling brightly.
Anthony exhaled loudly, his face cooling back to its normal color before he turned and locked eyes with his brother. They reached out to each other simultaneously, clasping their hands just in front of Sophie’s precious bump. Anthony’s jaw flexed again as he barely managed to stave off all the emotions fighting for display. Sophie gently placed her hands around both of theirs and the three of them inclined toward each other for just a moment. A moment in which Benedict’s collective soul rejoiced, wrapped in the warmth of family, of hope, and of undying love.
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Tagging: @angels17324 @bridgertontess @broooookiecrisp @secretagentbucky @musicismyoxygen84 @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @hopepaigeturner @heeyyyou
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foreversecrets · 2 years
To Gild the Lily Chapter 6
Pairing: Prince Friedrich x OC
Rating: Teen
Earl Felix Walcot had always been a difficult man to read, it was through Arabella playing mediator that Violet had learned to appreciate the man her dear friend had married. Violet and Felix’s association was born out of circumstances on the behalf of the love they both bore Arabella. It was with Arabella’s death that brought Edmund and Violet Bridgerton into the vulnerability of Felix and he truly allowed the friendship to prosper outside of convenience. The Bridgertons were there for the hardest time in his life caring for him and his daughter while they mourned. It was Edmund Bridgerton who pulled him from his own despair after the loss of his wife and showed him the way to carry on life. When a few short years later the Bridgerton family were suffering in such a familiar way he once had-how he still did-he found himself able to repay a favor. 
So when Felix returned to London, instead of directing the carriage to his home in the city, he found himself before the home of his dear friends. A cane to assist him in walking and his hair a salt in pepper now instead of the raven hair he’d born just a few months ago made the familiar man appear strange when he was led into Bridgerton House. But Violet would recognize the man who has been part of her life for nearly a lifetime. 
“Felix, you’ve made it!” she cheered. Her enthusiasm lured out the rest of the brood alongside his daughter. 
“Papa!” in a seeming unladylike manner, Madeline charged toward her father only halting when she was close enough to wrap her arms around him. “You should not-”
“Do not start in on me, I would never dream of missing such a joyous occasion.” he returned his daughters embrace. “Besides, Violet tells me your own wedding may follow.”
Madeline broke apart from her father, looking at him in astonishment. Of course Violet would have relayed the Princes’ words to her father. It seems her godmother, father, and Daphne would all conspire against her now at this moment. Two days past both Violet and Daphne had taken turns interviewing her about her accounts of the Prince. She has been trying to push the encounter from her mind long effort so evaluate her own mind and heart. Since the Trowbridge ball she’d been having dreams of the Prince, of little children running underfoot and clinging to him. And each morning when she arose she was more and more confused upon how to process the information let alone how they should proceed. 
“The Prince is clearly fickle,” Madeline scoffed, moving towards the drawing room. “How quickly he moved from Cressida to Daphne.” she scoffed. 
“The Prince was only doing as Her Majesty bore him and Cressida is but a leech in the marriage pole. We both know she will sink her claws into any suitor of a high enough station.”
“I would never dare attempt to entertain a suitor from you Daff.”
“I am to marry this very afternoon to the Duke, and in truth I do not love the Prince. In fact, I very much like the thought of you spending your days being doted upon by such a worthy man.”
“Perhaps we should focus on preparing you for your wedding, hm?” Maddy shifted the topic, one everyone in the room was glad to converse upon apart from the bride herself. 
The ceremony itself was a quiet affair with only those closest to the bride and groom in attendance. The celebration in Bridgerton House was much more crowded, easily allowing Madeline to fade into the background with her father. How she had missed him in the three months since they’d been separated but he only wished to discuss the Prince. Her father could tell she was still undecided on the top so he attempted to raise her spirits by informing her of her cousin's arrival and eagerness to learn the duties and responsibilities of becoming the next Earl. Questions and confusion bubbled up but she bit her tongue, more so when she noticed the Prince. 
“Miss Walcot, I have been looking for you everywhere.” 
“I apologize Your Majesty, my father has just arrived from the country and I thought to be by his side.” 
“Your Majesty, I have heard much of you, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” The men shared earnest smiles with one another.
“Lord Walcot, I have been most eager to meet you as well,” he turned his gaze back to Madeline. “But if I may first trouble you for a dance?”
“She’d be delighted.” her father answered, pushing her towards the Prince. 
He led her towards the dancefloor, Daphne making note rushed to the musician and instructed them on playing something simple. The last thing she wanted was for her friend to be forced to dance a quadril and break her suitors toes. The Prince sent a grateful look over to the newly ranked duchess, he only just recalled Madeline previously informing him she was a poor dancer. They swayed slower than the other dancer but he had no care, giving the rag something more to gossip upon for Miss Walcot would be the last woman he entertained. 
“I feel I may have overwhelmed you the other day, you must know it was not my intention.”
“Pardon my brashness Your Majesty but what else is one to think, you seem perfectly content jumping from woman to woman.”
“I have told you true in that my pursuits were done with interference but I will no longer allow it. I wish to court you in earnest and you alone. In fact I wished to speak with your father to declare my intentions. I do understand your hesitance therefore I am content for our courtship to progress at your own discretion.”
“Sure the Queen will have much to say on the manner of you conceding the Diamond for a Gilded Lily.”
He slowly led them from the floor, raised her hand to his lips and pressed a delicate kiss to her gloved knuckles. “I imagine the only way to improve upon yourself would be seeing every facet that is you, or perhaps …” he trailed off as his gaze lingered on her ring finger, his mind's eyes picturing his ring there. “Shall we return to your father?”
“I find myself quite parched, Your Majesty, I shall join you in a moment.”
He nodded with a wide smile and the two parted, Maddy seeking out Daff and the Prince to speak with her father. Surprisingly, Maddy found Daphne standing alone amongst the sea of people, her gaze trapped upon her new husband.
“Your Grace, might I trouble you for a moment,” Maddy playfully addressed. 
“You need not address me as such, you have always been by my side and as my dearest friend you shall address me as such.” 
The two women locked arms walking casually towards the drawing room, music chasing after them. They made themselves comfortable in the well lit room as easily as they had done their entire lives. Maddy could recall playing atop the rug with Daff just as they sat down in Walcot House and their country home. How far they’d come from two girls running away from her brothers to young ladies seeking to start their own families. 
“Does it feel any different?” Maddy started. “Being a wife?”
“I have only just wed,” Daphne laughed.
“Is it what you expected?”
“It …” Daphne trailed off, considering her words carefully. “Not at all, the situation, well I rather it had happened slower but I do love the Duke. I should be very happy with him.”
“You will make a wonderful Duchess but I ….” Maddy felt her nerves catch yet again. This past week has made her such an anxious woman. So many surprises, so much she didn’t know, oftentimes being left speechless. “The Prince-”
“Will make a wonderful husband for you if you allow him.”
“I had thought you desired him?” Maddy searched Daphne's face for the answer to all her questions. 
“I did not know myself since this season has started, it is easy to find ourselves a servant to the words of gossip. Just as the Prince himself found himself but if you are seeking my permission you need not for he was never truly mine, just as I was never truly his.”
“You meddled?” Maddy laughed, the words her friend had used were far too similar to the ones the Prince had used. He declared himself to the Bridgertons and now he had intentions of doing so with her own father. “Daff-”
“How could I not, I know you so well at times I feel as though we truly are sisters. I knew you would not entertain him as a genuine suitor unless I aided you in some way. Just as you had attempted to assist him in procuring my heart, so have I done on your behalf.” 
“I am afraid.”
“As you should be, to give your heart to someone is a dangerous but I trust the Prince will never harm you. What remains is, what shall you do knowing you hold the Prince's heart?” 
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androgynous-barbie · 4 months
Bridgerton S3 thoughts thus far
spoilers under the cut i guess. but i dont have like anyone to talk about this show with so
Reasons I do ship Polin
i want Penelope to be happy and being with Colin would make her happy
it's gonna happen anyway
his growth/development is making me like him a little bit
maybe if he grows to accept the Whistledown thing, he can also help Eloise realize that Pen exposed her to save her from the queen cuz god why are we not getting this Eloise ur supposed to be the smart one ffs
gets her the FUCK out of that house (like she wants). her mom's bad but god her sisters just SUUUUUCK
Reasons I don't
he literally does not deserve her (or really, so far, anyone in my mind) after years of her just being a thought in his head and then espesh the bs in the s2 finale - then again really idrc much for any of the bridgerton men thus far.... i know the show's named after them but (as is a pattern with me in life) i really care about the female characters so much more. s1 was daphnes story. s2 was kates story. s3 is penelope's. i know im supposed to see it the other way round in the latter 2 cases but.... (i dunno. maybe make the men cooler than 'he was a rake/slept around alot and didnt know what to do in the world til he found love in her' ? although to be fair they DID make Anthony a compelling character in his season. they just have yet to do that with Colin)
she deserves someone who didn't HAVE to grow to love her after writing her off or suddenly realize she's always been beautiful
the Whistledown plotline.... like... is he just gonna shut up and accept it? is she gonna have to convince him its okay? is he gonna become a co-Whistledown the way Dan and Jenny were BOTH Gossip Girl? this gripe gets its own point later on
Rest of the season thoughts
i wish it was explicitly stated if the match Edwina made overseas was Prince Friedrich cuz my god my girl deserves to be a princess omg
why are we still supposed to care about the Mondrich plots? its leading to NOTHING. this is just as bad as the con artist plot from s2 that i literally just started fast forwarding thru until the finale. - and even THEN all it did was give Penelope more reason to fawn over Colin so really it led to NOTHING
LOVING Cressida Cowper being in her character development era.
Lord Debling is so gorgeous
Lord Debling is so adorable
Lord Debling is so sweet....... and I wish he had said 'yes i do believe love CAN grow' or at least 'fondness/deep fondness' rather than his (truthful) 'i don't know'. cuz damn that was a cute courtship but again we all know this is gonna be Polin season (no pun intended)
solely because of her shit ass parents, i hope Cressida becomes Lady Debling. They COULD be cute but it seems like asking for romantic chemistry is asking alot so if they approach this like a contract ('you receive a wife and eventually a son we hope and i receive a title and money and my parents off my neck') then it could work to everyone's happiness or at least contentment (s2 Marina flashback omg)
i hope at SOME point we get some redeeming qualities from Penelope's sisters. They're so two-note (stupid and mean) and I really think if they're going to insist on putting this bitches in our faces they should at least be bearable
I hope we get some redeeming qualities from Lady Featherington too. It does seem like she cares for Pen but for some reason can't find a way to say it. I hope we find out WHY and then undo that
like i seriously hoped that when she said 'a life unmarried doesn't have to be miserable' (paraphrased or whatever) that pen wouldve been like 'i can do unmarried i can't do unLOVED' and then her mom wouldve said she DOES love her or something
AND i was hoping Pen calling her out wouldve led to something but of COURRRSSSSSSE the moment had to be interrupted
so i'm hoping I just have to wait a little more
The Whistledown identity plot. GAWWWD.
so i havent read the books but from what i heard about them the queen isnt a character in them and so i think the whole 'who's the gossiper' isnt a plot in the books too
and so i wish that this and gossip girl 1 had just been like 'she's here she exists we tolerate it lets go' cuz it's causing ANOTHER plot line to be added into this very loaded season
and it's TEDIOUS especially because we KNOW this wont end with Pen on trial for treason or her and Colin shunned by society cuz this isnt THAT DEEP of a show so WHAT are we doing here?
Benedict gets his own story soon doesnt he? so why are we getting another him + random woman plot?
that being said, i love this season's random Benedict-girl. gorgeous and has some bite. wonder how thatll pan out tho since she doesnt bare the name of the girl he gets with in his book so..
speaking of gorgeous: FRANCESCAAAAA!!!!!!!
she looks like a mix of Phoebe Dynevor and Lily James
I was gonna say 'where has she been hiding' but i found out the actress has been in 2 things ive seen before omg
but ughhhh i was so happy for her and Lord Samadani until the 'i want 8 kids thing'
espesh cuz this'll lead to the queen lashing out cuz she feels like a bad matchmaker and that'll be bad for the bridgertons or whistledown or both and like ughhh
i was SO on francesca's side about being fine and being paired with whoever
but now that she's finding love or fondness with the earl omg im loving that for her too
the giggliness at the piano, their comfort sharing silence its SO CUTE
but knowing just the plot of the books i wonder if this means that [redacted] is gonna end up with her and then she'll still be widowed and [redacted] will end up pursuing her.
maybe THATS why theyre giving her a plot this season. to lead to that
i miss daphne a little. i get it tho
i DEF miss Kate. and Kate and Anthony but i get it tho
come to think of it. i think i'd actually just be happier if Pen's mom and sisters just died tbh (that could change tho. please give them positive qualities QUICK)
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Violent Delights, Violent Ends (2/?)
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Female!Reader
Warnings: mild smut
Word Count: 4.5k
Part Summary: As the social season continues, Y/N is growing anxious with the eyes of society on her. Meanwhile, Anthony slowly starts to realize the potential of losing her forever if he doesn't secure a courtship between them.
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Dearest Reader,
It has come to my knowledge that we are to witness an unparalleled circumstance this season. There are to be two jewels looking to shine this season. Yes, Lady Y/N Dashwood and Lady Daphne Bridgerton dazzled the court of her Majesty Queen Charlotte. Then, continued to spark the flames that reside in the hearts of all legible bachelors of London at last evening's ball.
For all of my suitors, be prepared with plenty of humor of a handful of the finest flowers for these remarkable young ladies. There is to be a healthy dose of competition and plenty of courting this season. Who shall appear above the rest and win the hearts of our fair ladies? The answer will come in due time. I suspect a Duke or Prince, perhaps? After all, when you are the best, you match with the best.
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown
After a morning of mindless chatter with dozens of suitors, Mama finally grants me leave to promenade with Daphne in the park. When I say "promenade", I mean the chance to debrief our mornings and debate our prospects. My home's drawing-room resembles a flower shop. Thank heavens I'm not allergic to pollen.
Strolling along the river, arm-in-arm, Daphne and I discuss the events of last night's ball that followed us into the morning.
"Did you see Lady Whistledown?" I ask my dearest friend.
“I wish her predictions were true," she sighs. "Sadly, Anthony hardly let me touch a single letter without skimming them first. How am I to find a husband this way?”
“You should be thankful to have such a doting brother.”
“And what of William and Henry? Are they not doting?”
My eyes roll at the thought of them hovering. “Henry can hardly be of help from Paris though he expresses his support. Will is protective but not to the extent of Anthony surely. He shares in Colin’s nature.”
“I envy you.”
“All in good time Daphne, you shall find an ideal match," I assure her, giving her hand a pat.
“Only after you have the first pick," she giggles.
“We mustn’t be too sure.”
The thought of gentlemen proposing to me so swiftly like making bids at an auction causes my blood to run cold. I suppose I should be delighted to have so many options and opportunities ahead of me, but this is all hypothetical until proven a reality.
“Are you kidding? All anyone can talk about is your debut! You were sensational. Also, the Prince seemed to be quite pleased with you…” She insinuates, utterly gleaming.
“Friedrich was… friendly," I conclude, unsure of how to describe him.
She gasps. “See! Already you address one another by the first name!”
“As I stated, friendly!” I emphasize.
Daphne acts as though we're already picking out my tiara for the wedding.
“Who may I ask is friendly?” A voice inquires behind us.
Daphne and I part to spin around.
When my eyes meet Anthony's I must confess a sense of relief rushes over me. Then again, one always does in his presence. I'm reminded that my hesitations with other suitors have a reason. I can't fully accept the affections of gentlemen when I so blindly long for those of another.
“Certainly not you, Brother," Daphne teases.
Anthony turns his attention to his sister. “I am offended," he acts agast, locking his arms behind his back. "I’ve been the most kind in assisting you through your season thus far.”
“Perhaps too helpful? Miss Dashwood had dozens of callers this morning and her family offered their full support," Daphne unknowingly confesses to her eldest brother.
Oh dear heaven, Daphne why must you be so blunt at times! In her defense, she doesn't realize how her words may be received. After all, in her mind, Anthony is simply her brother, a family friend of mine.
My focus falls to the path beneath our feet and I can feel Anthony's eyes pouring onto me like a beam of sunlight. “And Miss Dashwood, what is your conclusion on my efforts?”
“I do not wish to participate in quarrels between brothers and sisters," I mutter, attempting to look anywhere but in his eyes.
“Then how about a quarrel between your dearest of friends?” He alters.
I swallow hard, finding the courage to address him face to face.
He awaits my reply with a mild eagerness that is hidden behind a restrained expression.
“Then, that I would consider," I comply reluctantly.
Our situation is fragile, surely Anthony can understand I am not exactly in a position to reject an audience with a gentleman if he so wishes to call on me. If I did, I would not only gain unwanted attention from my family and possibly ruin the chances of finding an ideal match if things between us were to not work. Every day we are gambling with our fates, mine in particular. If anyone were to find out about us, I would be ruined unless Anthony arranged to marry me. I can't come out of this season a spinster.
Anthony glances between me and Daphne. “Sister, may I steal Miss Dashwood? Merely to take a stroll down the river?”
“Must you meddle in her first social season as well? She has brothers you know! One of which is your closest friend," Daphne defends.
“I am aware and as his closest friend I’m certain Henry would thank me for looking after his sister," he argues slyly, extending his arm out to me.
Hesitantly, I accept Anthony's arm and assure Daphne I will see her tonight at the ball. She huffs, evidently frustrated with her brother's pestering, and warns him not to meddle. Nevertheless, she turns to head back to the Bridgerton residence not more than a block from the park.
Anthony leads the way down the path that Daphne and I were traveling just moments before his interruption. As we stroll, Anthony slips his hand over mine that rests on his arm. I feel the warmth through my glove. This is nice, being out and about together like this. I can practically incision us twenty years from now doing just this. We would resemble our parents in appearance, but our spirits would never age, nor would our admiration. Though I'm enjoying this peace, I am almost certain it will not last. His request to speak with me has to do with Daphne's statement about my morning.
“I’m disappointed," he expresses, breaking the comfortable silence. "You're not wearing the necklace I gifted you.”
I scoff as I fail to hide my amusement. “And risk having my parents question its origins? Might as well hand it to them to see your initials on the back.”
He glances over at me with furrowed brows. “Would that be such a terrible fate?”
My attention remains ahead. I fear if I look into his eyes my determination to be frank with him will fall weak. “Not if it was followed by a proposal.”
His silence that follows is enough of an answer for me. His reluctance to marry is enough of a reason for me to end things with him entirely. Yet, despite his silence and reluctance, I still find myself wanting to please him. I meet him when he calls, I reply to every letter, I would do anything for him. The inequality of our relationship is becoming clearer to me with each passing day and I am growing restless.
I speak softly and with hostility. "You lay with me, you buy me nice things, you sneak around with me. I'm starting to feel like a woman of the night at your disposal.”
Abruptly, Anthony halts, nearly yanking me back. He stares into my eyes with a narrowed gaze and clenched jaw, clearly resisting the urge to argue with me in such a public place. His eyes flicker about the park as couples and families travel about. Swiftly, he slips his fingers around my wrist and escorts me toward some trees.
"Lord Bridgerton!" I hiss between my teeth, worried someone may see his rather improper action.
Once hidden behind the trees and their leaves, Anthony breaks from his restraints and snaps. “Must you be so difficult?!” He paces back and forth in front of me like an angry child.
“Difficult?" I huff in disbelief. "I believe I’ve been most understanding!”
“You’re not some plaything in my mind surely you must see that!” He nearly shouts.
“Do I?" I challenge. "Your words are empty, Anthony! You keep making promises without action!”
He halts in front of me, growing red in the face. “You assume I’m not acting! I'm doing everything I can to-”
“If you’re working so tirelessly, where are the results? Why must I flaunt myself for half of London to gawk at like some whore to be sold to for the highest bidder?!”
He scoffs and tosses his head back. “Must you be so crass?”
“Oh yes, God forbid a woman speaks her mind!" I mock, losing my care if anyone were to see. "Especially to a man as self-righteous and insufferably sophisticated as Lord Bridgerton-“
Before I can complete my thought, Anthony marches up to me. He cups my face and slams his lips to mine desperately. My back meets the tree and I'm pinned. Despite my attempts to resist, my mind goes blank and all remnants of our quarrel are gone. I want nothing more than to be with him. He is everything to me and despite all that has been said I can't stay angry.
In the distance, a mother shouts for her child and it invades my daze. I'm brought back to Earth and reminded that our actions are completely improper. If someone were to see us, I would be ruined and the scandal would destroy my family's reputation.
Against his lips, I try to reason with Anthony. “I must go.”
He disagrees with a hum. “No, no, five more minutes.” His hands leave my face and move to grip my waist, pressing me into the tree. His reluctance to let me go makes me want to stay all the more.
I giggle at his urgency, but nevertheless, break our kiss and turn my head to the side. “Everyone will wonder where we are!”
He grins and takes the opportunity to create a trail of kisses along my neck. “Let them!”
“Anthony!” I laugh, causing him to cover my mouth with his palm so that others won't hear.
He continues his actions and for a moment longer I allow it. My eyes fall shut and I ponder the sensation of his presence. His radiance, his touch, his warmth, everything that makes me think of him every moment of every day.
Anthony lifts his head and rests his forehead against mine. His gaze peers into my soul. For a moment, we remain like this, simply being with each other before we have to part.
“I love you…” he whispers.
“I love you more..." I lift my hand and caress his cheek. "But I really must go."
"I'll see you tonight?" He checks, knowing full well we both obligated against our wishes to attend.
"Most definitely," I assure him with a satisfied smile as he locks his arms around my waist. Then, an idea pops into my mind. "But... there is one thing..."
He hums and narrows his gaze at me with uncertainty.
"I require a dance," I request.
He sighs as his eyes fall to the small space between us. "My Dear-"
"Just one!" I add, practically pleading. "I know you're not too fond of it, but if I'm to survive an evening of entertaining other gentlemen while you're apparently working so tirelessly to form an arrangement for us, I would like some reward."
"Well, I suppose it's the least I can do," he complies with some annoyance but I can see a hint of a smile on his lips. "One dance and to further show my affections I will even promenade with you tomorrow at the picnic."
"Oh, you are too kind, Sir," I tease.
"I'm known for my generosity," he jokes and leans in to place his lips against mine one last time before we must part until tonight.
One day I hope we will never have to go our separate ways and home will be the place we share together.
In the carriage on the way to the ball, I can't help but fidget with my necklace, the necklace. I placed it in an old velvet box I had saved from a past present, wrote a brief card, and had Leo bring them to me in front of my family. If everyone believes the necklace is from my eldest brother Henry then they won't be suspicious when I wear it tonight. It pleases Anthony and protects us from any curious minds.
“I can practically see the wheels in your mind whirling," Will chuckles from across the carriage. "What troubles you sister?”
Since our parents are riding separately, I feel able to be honest with my brother. My brows scrunch together in a mixture of worry and confusion. “Are we being too carefree? Too steadfast with engagements? There are so many suitors, immense potential, perhaps trying to marry my first season is too ambitious and-"
“Sister!" Will interrupts my rambling with a chuckle and reaches to take my hands in his. "Where does this concern stem from? You were sensational last night, eager to find the right match!"
“I’m afraid my eagerness is clouding my judgment and I will be too quick to make a decision," I confess.
“That is why Father and I are here," he calmly reminds me. "To handle all formalities.”
“I just wish…” I stop myself before I continue and upset myself further.
His features falter. It's not hard to predict where my mind travels. These last few months without Henry have been difficult for us both.
“I know… I wish Henry were here too," he mutters as his thumb rubs over the back of my hand.
He was the eldest, the leader, our mutual shoulder to lean on. The pressures our being Dashwoods, especially during the social season, was always easier when we had Henry to guide us. He brought not only wisdom but humor. We were a team.
The carriage arrives outside of the ball. The distant sounds of chatter and music break the moment between us. I gently clear my throat and pat under my eyes, collecting myself. Will gives me a concerned look right as the footman opens our door.
“Don’t look at me like that brother,” I mumble as I take the footman’s hand. “We have a show to put on.”
I step out of the carriage and look up at the light up mansion. Mama and Papa wait for us just before the door with gleaming smiles.
While Will emerges from the carriage, I brush down my skirt and get settled. Mentally, I give myself a brief chat of encouragement. I must go in with an open mind. My heart may belong to Anthony but I have the harsh truth that love does not always take priority in the back of my mind. If things were to not come to fruition between us, I can't be left without options.
Will appears at my side swiftly and offers me his arm. “You’ll be marvelous tonight. Remember, you’re a Dashwood,” he reminds me as we follow our parents inside. “Everyone in there wishes they were us.”
“Except perhaps the Duke and the Bridgertons,” I giggle, meeting his gaze with a smirk.
“That is why they’re our dearest friends. Only we can understand each other’s positions,” he explains so wisely.
It’s true, there are very few even amongst this group that truly understand the pressure and severity of our positions as the most noble of families. It is all rather daunting at times.
Lady Bridgerton immediately greets our parents as they are the oldest of friends. Our fathers were friends since grade school and attended university together. Their friendship is how our families grew to be so close.
Will leans down and whispers in my ear. “You must be a star.”
I snicker at his curious comment. “Why do you say that?”
“Everyone’s starring at you.” He points out as his eyes wander the crowd.
My sight follows his about the room and sure enough we are on display like a painting in a gallery. Gentlemen and ladies alike all peering at us, some smiling and some glaring. Those who adore us and those who envious us. My attention lands on Daphne muttering with her brother Benedict and a hint of hope flickers inside me. Anthony mustn’t be far.
“Good evening, Miss Dashwood.” A voice interjects my thoughts and delays my searching.
My eyes flicker to Lord Harrington standing before me. He wears a smug grin and smells of brandy. I am horridly reminded as to why I loathe half the men in this room.
“Good evening, Lord Harrington,” I greet as I curtsy.” Subtly I tighten my grip on Will’s arm, silently pleading with him to end this conversation before it starts.
“Did you receive my flowers?” The lord asks.
I express my most convincing smile though I’m practically screaming on the inside. “Yes, they were beautiful. Thank you!”
Harrington steps closer to me as though my brother doesn’t exist. “I was hoping later we could-”
A presence appears beside us and clears their throat before the lord can continue. Harrington evidently appears annoyed as he steps back to address the figure.
When I glance away from Lord Harrington, I’m met with the eyes that I’ll always search for, Anthony.
“Lord Bridgerton…” Lord Harrington reluctantly greets him.
Anthony ignores him entirely, keeping his attention locked on me with a soft grin. He scoops up my hand and kisses the back of it. “Good evening. How are you tonight, Miss Dashwood?”
I curtsy, pleased to see him to say the least. “Quite well, thank you.”
His eyes fall to my chest for a prolonged moment. “Lovely necklace. Where ever did you find it?”
“It was a gift from our brother in Paris,” I explain with ease. “Arrived just this afternoon.”
A faint snicker slips from him and anyone in the dark would simply mark it as pleasure not amusement. “How kind of Henry.”
I send him a subtly wink as my brother and Lord Harrington are both distracted by his presence.
Anthony’s grin grows at my action. He then addresses my brother with a shake of the hand. “Will, could I possibly borrow your sister for a turn about the room? Mother has been pestering me to be more social at these events in hopes I would find a wife myself,” he chuckles. “A moment with Y/N would satisfy my mother without subjecting me to suspicion of a courtship as I am sure you understand.”
Lord Harrington attempts to interject. “I was actually-”
Both my brother and Anthony ignore him, clearly not fond of his presence.
“I sympathize entirely,” Will agrees wholeheartedly considering he’s also pestered by Mama at every event. “It would be no trouble.”
Anthony offers me his arm to which I accept and it takes every bit of me to not appear too excited.
“Don’t do anything too mischievous while I’m gone, Brother,” I tease Will.
“No promises.” He winks.
Anthony guides me into the crowd to stroll about the party. As we walk from room to room we are greeted by dozens of familiar faces. Again, being arm-in-arm with Anthony feel so effortless it’s as though we’ve been doing it for ages.
“So, Lord Harrington…” He starts with an amused smirk directed to the floor.
“He’s insufferable!” I huff.
“Practically ran to you when you entered,” he snickers.
“Glad to see you’re amused by my misfortune,” I grumble as my eyes roll.
“Aw don’t pout,” he smirks and tucks his finger under my chin to peer at him. “It’s not as though you have to court him.”
“Do I not?” I question with a curious brow and steady us to a halt in a less crowded hall.
There a few attendees in the hall but they’ve mainly gathered in the dining room and ballroom. Those here are sipping on their drinks or gossiping.
“I would rather drop dead than you see married to Harrington,” he states with certainty.
“Is that yet another promise?” I challenge quietly in case anyone is listening nearby.
“I keep my promises. I saved you from him did I not?” He fires back sternly.
Following a frustrated sigh, my attention wanders down the hall to the double doors leading to the ball. The distant chatter is muffled and fades into the background.
“I’m glad to see you wearing your necklace,” Anthony remarks, causing me to flicker my gaze back to him. “Henry has great taste.” He jokes.
“It was the only way to prevent questions from my family,” I explain.
He nods, peering down at the necklace. “It’s a pity though…” He leans down to whisper in my ear. “When I imagined the first time I’d see you with it on I imagined it would be only thing you were wearing.”
My lips part with a gasp and I swiftly scan the area for any eavesdroppers.
Anthony chuckles, amused by my reaction.
I can feel the warmth rush to my cheeks. I’m no doubt blushing. “You’re a fool, Bridgerton!” I huff quietly but struggle not to giggle.
“Only for you,” he mutters for only me to hear. It makes my heart leap. His eyes flicker the hallway and he takes my hand in his once he’s determined it’s clear. Swiftly, he guides me further down the hall to a door. He cracks it open and pops his head in.
Anthony rushes me inside the moonlit study. If anyone were to catch us in here alone everything would be ruined. I can’t count how many times we’ve slipped away like this whether it be at dinners, luncheons, polo matches. Every time I fear we’ll get caught and the world will crumble. Yet, I take the risk each time for just a moment with Anthony.
Once the door is locked, Anthony rushes to me and presses his lips to mine. The effect he has on me can’t be explained. It’s all I can think about every moment of every day. I feel his touch on my skin hours after we’ve met. It’s a sensation I never wish to lose.
Anthony walks me back into the large mahogany desk and scoops me up to sit on top of it. His hands gather my dress skirt, guiding it up above my knees. His body slips between my legs as his palms glide up my bare thighs.
“It pains me how much I want you.”
“My Love, we can’t.”
“We must.”
“People will question our whereabouts soon.”
“They could hear us for all I care.”
He brushes his lips against mine, muffling my objecting before I have the chance to give it. One hand grips my waist as the other slips beneath my dress. His fingers glide over my core steadily and I shudder. I grip his wrist, silently pleading for him to cease. He ignores my action and continues his motion. A soft moan escapes me, causing a smirk to form on his lips as he kisses me.
“You need me as I need you. I can feel it when I touch you this way,” he cockily whispers as he moves onto my neck.
My lips part as I inhale sharply, utterly overwhelmed by the sensation. Chills wave over my skin, electrifying me.
“You dare not deny it. You’re mine," he mutters. “And all I want is to pleasure you.”
I hum as his words only excite me further. He knows the control he has over me and he doesn't feel an ounce of guilt or shame for it. A part of me what's to submit to it, another wants to smack him for being so arrogant.
His lips brush against mine. “I shall come to you tonight."
I break from his kiss and shake my head frantically. “My parents stay up all hours of the night after balls!” I warn.
“You come to me then,” he concludes eagerly. “I’ll send the carriage and-”
“Y/N!” The sound of my brother calling for me echoes from the hall.
Both of us freeze, frightened of being caught in this rather uncivilized manner. My skirt up to my waist, Anthony between my legs, and his hand in a place I will not mention...
"Y/N?" My brother repeats, but this time he sounds closer and his tone carries more concern.
"I should go before he sends the entire brigade to search for me," I only half-joke as I press against Anthony's shoulder to hop down.
He grips my waist, pinning me in place. "Let's tell him," he practically blurts out.
All of the air leaves my lungs and my heart skips a beat. "Are you mad?!" I question.
"It's Will! He'll understand and perhaps he'll aid us in telling your parents!" He reasons, clearly having not thought this through.
"Tell them what exactly? "Pardon our manners for not telling you sooner but Will just found us in the study in a compromised position, thought you should know!" They'll kill you and then I'll be next!" I laugh in utter shock and disbelief at his suggestion. I urge him aside and climb down from the desk.
"Of course, we won't tell them the whole truth!" He explains as I tidy up my appearance. "We'll say we spoke and have found we're quite fond of each other."
"Anthony, Darling...." I sigh and take his face in my hands gently. "If we do that they'll expect an official courtship and a proposal not too far after as we've known each other our whole lives. Patience is crucial. We can't act impulsively. Can you honestly tell me you're ready for all that would follow if we were to tell everyone about us?"
Anthony places his hands over mine and wears a torn expression. I know in my heart he isn't ready for marriage and the responsibilities that come with being Lord Bridgerton, it's why he's been putting off any sort of security for us.
"It's okay!" I promise him, though he's not fully convinced. "Honestly, nor am I! I intend to marry my first season but the idea is daunting." I confess. "Your position is equally as daunting. I would hate for you to resent me in the future if you rushed into something because I forced you."
He takes my hands in his and brings them to his lips with a shake of the head. "I could never resent you, My Love."
"Our time is dwindling but it's not entirely gone yet," I assure him. "We have the rest of the season to act."
He nods, his attention on our hands interlocked between us.
"I love you," I remind him, causing his eyes to meet mine. "Nothing will change that. If we're to be together we must act wisely."
He hums and leans forward, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I love you too, My Dear," he mumbles against my skin. "All will be right, I swear it."
Tags: @saramaple @alone19-24 @nao-grace @guineverehart
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celestialnxva · 2 years
The Race Against Time
༄ A Bridgerton x Marvel Crossover
Chapter 4: Fateful Choices
Summary: The past and present twist and bend together into realities people cannot accept. It's time to choose between the mind or the heart.
Timeline: New York Sanctum, 2023 (post-Endgame); Grosvenor Square, 1814.
WC: 7k words.
series masterlist. | main masterlist.
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‘Mx. (l/n),
I personally offer an invitation towards you and Lady Danbury for Afternoon Tea. As this season’s diamond, I would like to establish a proper relationship with you, for I myself determine your prospects this year.
I am sure you have properly met my nephew, Prince Friedrich. For this reason, I am pleased to say that after Afternoon Tea, he would like to call upon you. I am sure that Lady Danbury can most certainly agree that his timing could not be more perfect with our day spent together. Thus, I will not be taking any other answers in your letter other than ‘yes.’
Best Wishes,
Your Queen.’
You rubbed your forehead tiredly while you paced across the room with the letter in your hand from the Queen herself. Lady Danbury looked just as tired as you were, as she of all people knew what the Queen was planning to do. You were previously venting to her about how you were able to find one of the stones when the letter came, and now, your plans have turned upside down. This problem would have been solved if the Queen did not require you to come, but she can’t take any answer other than ‘no.’ You were afraid that this would happen, because if you got the attention of the Queen, then—
“— she will insist that I let Prince Friedrich court me, even if I do not wish for such. Are you sure that I cannot refuse his courtship?” You asked desperately while you looked at her with pleading eyes. All she could do was lean back and let out a sigh.
“You must remember, Mx. (l/n), that I have established for you a high status for this season. Do not be daft and destroy the reputation I so carefully built for the sake of your plots,” she said sternly. You loved Lady Danbury, but you couldn’t help but feel irritated at her reminders of how incredibly idiotic societal rules were during this time. You could be given a ruined reputation by refusing a suitor? The rules weren’t fair at all, and it made you wish that you could go home.
Focusing your anger on society was a good distraction, and it was best not to think about the way you felt last night when three pairs of eyes stared intensely at you while you swayed in the Prince’s arms last night. You thought yourself to be mad, but Benedict has not called on you nor sent a letter to you for five days now. You chalked it up to be his busyness, but something in the back of your mind was telling you otherwise. Your thoughts of Benedict ceased when you heard Lady Danbury’s voice again.
“Mx. (l/n), you must accept Prince Friederich’s wishes to court you. I expected you to be more independent than other debutantes this season, but I cannot fathom why you would ever reject a Prince’s desire to court you, my dear,” she said before her hand reached out to grab yours so you could stop pacing. You looked down and felt shame rise to your cheeks. “I know you’re afraid of love. I do not know why you wish to be alone, but surely you cannot actually believe that you can be truly happy without someone to love?”
Love was the last thing on your mind, so it angered you that she was trying to convince you that love was a good risk to take, especially during an important mission such as this one. The last time you did that with Stephen, where did that lead to? You felt nothing but heartbreak, loss, betrayal, and every other depressing emotion over the fact that a man could care less about your established friendship, let alone your love. Why should you start trusting love now?
Before you can retort with your own remark, you heard the sound of faint footsteps echo on the other side of the door. You and Lady Danbury both shared the same look of truce for now before you two prepared yourself for the next guest. To your surprise, it was your butler who walked in first. Your brows furrowed in confusion. You thought that you had gone through the entire town of suitors for the past few days, but it seems that another person wanted to see you. He cleared his throat and bowed slightly to acknowledge you. “A Mr. Bridgerton is here to see you Msr.,” he said firmly before he left. If your eyes did not deceive you, the one and only Benedict Bridgerton briskly walked into the room with a huge smile on his face. You did your best to hide your excitement in seeing him again after he was absent for so long.
“Mr. Bridgerton, how lovely to see you—“
Before you could finish your sentence, you were cut off by the sight of Benedict quickly shutting the doors. It alarmed Lady Danbury, as she thought she was about to witness something more scandalous than she would like to see right now. “Benedict Bridgerton! What on earth are you doing?” She cried out incredulously. He looked back at her with pure excitement in his eyes. “You’ll never guess what I found in the Royal Academy of Art!” he exclaimed before he gently held up a small sack bag.
Your heart dropped. You really hoped that’s what you think it is.
With heavy anticipation, you slowly opened the bag and in it was the unmistakable yellow glow of the mind stone. You were so entranced by the beauty of it that you almost forgot to ask Benedict how he got it. You blinked away your dazed state before you turned to him in surprise. “What..? Where did you…?”
He could tell that you were struggling to comprehend the fact that he collected a stone all on his own. Though, he didn’t mean to. In truth, he was trying to get his mind off of your inability to love him by visiting his Art School and talking to a student named Tessa. He honestly tried to get his mind off of you by taking interest in her, but nothing compared to you and your ability to make his heart soar with song. To tell the truth of how he really got it would open a conversation he was not ready for, so he decided to bend the truth just enough so you would not tell that he was lying.
“I had to pick up a canvas from my Art School so I could take it home and paint it. However, I seemed to have lost track of time, for it had been four days of celebration with my peers before I realized that you must be waiting.” He smiled and gestured to the bag in your hand. “I was about to leave and pack up my belongings when I saw something glow on one of my friend’s palettes. When I saw it, I immediately knew it was something we were looking for! So, I took it and now,” he paused and exhaled triumphantly at the stone. “There it is. You’re welcome, by the way.”
You stared at him dumbfounded. How did he end up finding this stone in the most random of places? Most importantly, why did you care so much about where he was for the past five days? You tried to rationalize it and assume that he was only there to party with friends and he didn’t have relationships with any of them. He surely wouldn’t have someone…would he?
Why were you so bothered about it? Maybe it was because you did not want to have scandal brought upon you both when the ton realizes that Benedict has a partner while he was ‘courting’ you. You hoped it was that, because you certainly did not like the other option it could be: you were jealous.
No. It cannot be that.
You forced yourself to smile, because why on earth would you think about concerning yourself with Benedict’s love life? It’s not like he actually likes you. He’s just doing a favor for you so you could finish your mission. Once you’re finished, you can leave and forget that your thoughts of him ever strayed to fantastical ones. The sooner you can find the stones, the sooner you can get rid of the dreams, dreams all having to do with Benedict and his touch against your body. You cannot think about that anymore. You forbid yourself to.
“Wonderful, Benedict! We have two stones now! I will bring this back to Stephen and the others. I’ll be with you both shortly,” you exclaimed too quickly and dismissed yourself. Technically, you did not have to be in another room to use the portal, since Benedict had already seen it happen before. At this point, you were just excusing yourself so you don’t have to see him any longer than you have already. Your mind was discombobulated and it was frustrating you to no end.
After you left, Benedict let out a heavy sigh and sat across from where Lady Danbury was. She eyed the young man carefully, trying to assess what could be wrong with him. Though, she didn’t have to analyze it too much, since she already has a clue as to what could be troubling him. And unfortunately, she cannot help him this time.
“You should tell them,” she said knowingly, raising a brow at the other. She knew he was hesitant about confessing, but you only had a short amount of time left before you had to leave. Wasn’t it worth it for him to tell you that he loves you? The young man, on the other hand, would beg to differ. “If you have something to say, Lady Danbury, I should say what is on your mind,” he said dejectedly.
His mind was elsewhere, probably sketching in his head of how beautiful you looked in the ballroom that night. These past few nights were spent pretending that the prince was him, dancing across the floor with the world forgotten in your minds. There were no time periods, no rules. It was just you and him, dancing the night away. He wanted that with you every night. He wanted you. He wanted—wished, he could have you.
“Child, you mustn't let your emotions drown you in despair,” she called out to him. His eyes looked up at her with sorrow and shame. She would never admit it, but it broke her heart to see him so hopeless. That was why she wouldn’t give up on this relationship. She would not let Benedict give up so soon. “They only have a short amount of time left here, Mr. Bridgerton. I suggest you say something to them before it’s too late.”
His heart raced at the thought of confessing his love to you, as well as what your face would look like when you ultimately reject him. Seeing your face like that seemed too high of a cost for him to confess. He thought this way when Lady Danbury spoke up again.
“Follow your heart, Benedict. You must not let your pride lose your true love match,” she said more softly this time. That was all the advice she could give, really. It was up to him to do the work, and from the look on his face, he knew that. She watched as he nodded in agreement with her statement before he buried his face in his hands.
“I need to tell them, Lady Danbury, but it is too difficult for me to do so when my own brother wishes to court them,” he said, though his tone suggested that he knew more than he was speaking of right now. She narrowed her eyes and reached over to poke his shin with her cane, which caused him to yelp. He looked up at her and was about to complain, but once he saw her concerned gaze, he softened his stance. He didn’t want to tell you this, but at least telling Lady Danbury was good practice. He shifted in his stance before he hesitantly spoke up.
“Anthony… he wants to marry them. He plans to. I wish this weren’t the case, but unfortunately, when he described to me mother’s ring, it–”
He was cut off by the clicking of your heels on the wooden floor, announcing your presence in the room. He whipped his head around to see you with a confused look on your face. You were the first one to speak after the stunned silence.
“What are you two talking about?” you asked curiously. Lady Danbury looked at Benedict’s hesitation and she finally realized what he was about to say. Knowing what she knows about both you and Benedict, this will certainly make things much more complicated than it was before. She watched helplessly as he finally confessed to you.
“Mx. (l/n),” he said before he swallowed nervously. Your eyes bore into his, compelling him to speak. “You must accept my brother’s courtship. He plans to marry you,” he started and before you could cut him off, he held up his hand. “You are to marry him,” he said in finality before he started to make his way out the door. He did not want to break the news to you. It was too much pain for him to bear. He wished he could’ve made it out the door, but you gripped onto his wrist tightly. He did not make eye contact with you as you snapped at him.
“At least tell me why you are acting so coldly! You haven’t spoken to me in five days, and now you are telling me to marry a man I do not love? What has gotten into–”
He cut you off angrily and glared at you. “Because mother’s proposal ring has the blue stone you are looking for!” he lashed back, stunning the room into silence.
When you processed his words fully, you let go of his wrist and stepped away from him slowly. Your eyes held so much conflict and unresolved pain that he wished he could take away from you. He wished he could comfort you and tell you that everything was going to be okay, but it wasn’t. Not for him, and not for you.
When the back of your knees bumped into the soft material of the chaise, you sat down with a heavy heart. When you looked up at Benedict, you realized that you weren’t unhappy because you didn’t want to marry.
You were unhappy because it wasn’t going to be with Benedict.
Your heart was weighed down by anxiety and fear during your ride to the Royal Palace. You could hear Stephen talking in your ear while your mind drifted off to a time where you were peaceful and happy. When you were alone, you were calm. You did not have to rely on anyone and you certainly did not have to take care of anyone. When you eliminated love altogether, you lived a happy life.
Unfortunately, fate is cruel. Not only were you finding yourself to be falling in love with a man you can never have, but you were to be wed to a man you did not love. Not to mention you had to work with a man who pretended that he didn’t break your heart and trust. The last thing you ever wanted in your life was to get married and be trapped in a loveless marriage, but that fear is coming true for you now, and all you could was wish that you had never gotten involved with the idiotic Avengers in the first place. You were once again risking your heart and your life for them. It seems you never learn from the past mistakes.
“(Y/n), we can find a way out of this. You can have Benedict sneak into his room and steal it! You just have to b–”
“Will you shut the fuck up, Stephen?!” you cried out irritatedly, startling Lady Danbury out of her wits. She knew you talked to yourself sometimes and gathered that you were talking to people from the future, but you certainly did not have to yell and bring her close to a heart attack. You looked at her with an apologetic expression before you pinched the bridge of your nose anxiously. “Please, just. Leave me alone in my thoughts for now, okay?” you reasoned more calmly this time.
He hated seeing you like this. He wished he could go over there and be there for you. In fact, he was already spending his free time researching ways he could travel back in time to see you. You could train him on etiquette and he is willing to follow courting standards. He is willing to do anything to get to you because it hurt him deeply to witness for his own eyes you slowly falling for a man out of your time and out of reach; a man that wasn’t him. To put icing on the cake, the thought of you marrying someone else other than him just became reality. He didn’t want to stay back home any longer. You meant more to him than you could ever know. Therefore, this was why he decided to cut off comms for tonight, so he can spend the night researching instead.
Lady Danbury reached over to hold your hand, a gesture she had gotten used to doing at this point. She could tell that you were anxious about this entire situation and living in this world. She could tell that you were misguided and you felt the need to be alone and away from everyone. Nothing hurt more than to see someone go through the same mistakes she went through when she was younger. But, it wasn’t her job to get Benedict and you to love each other. That will come in its own time and on your terms.
When you two arrived at the Palace, you stepped down carefully and looked up at the impressive view. It was what you had expected: majestic, cold, powerful. You felt even more intimidated with each step you took towards the entrance of the Palace. Knowing the fact that you would be in the Queen’s presence soon, you considered yourself lucky to find solace in Lady Danbury’s company and in the fact that the Queen liked you. The situation with Friedrich would have to be resolved later. For now, you did your best to enter this event with an open mind and open heart. After all, the Queen doesn’t take lightly to hysterics.
One of the guards escorted you down a rather large hall as you tried your best to keep your eyes emotionless and focused in front of you. You will not allow yourself to feel weak this afternoon. You had a mission to accomplish.
“Presenting Lady Danbury and Mx. (l/n), Your Majesty,” you heard before you gracefully entered the large room with a faint smile on your face. The both of you bowed politely before the Queen who was sitting in front of a large table. The Queen looked pleased with your appearance and gestured to the seats that were reserved for you. Lady Danbury led you both to where you both to your seats and shifted to make yourselves comfortable. The Queen wasted no time in interrogating you.
“Mx. (l/n)! You truly light up a room with your radiance and beauty. How ever do you do it?” she asked in awe (whether or not she was mocking you, you would never know). You tilted your head politely while you let the servants serve you tea. “I am honored by your compliments, Your Majesty. However, I can only accredit it to my ability to be content in any situation I am ever met with. Lady Danbury has certainly taught me quite well,” you said kindly. Your tone was incredibly fake, but you were a good actor. Your attitude even fooled the Queen, which was an accomplishment, really.
The three of you had a quaint time chatting the afternoon away. You had to admit to yourself that you enjoyed your time here so far. Of course, this sentiment immediately vanished when you heard an announcement of the name you dreaded the most to hear today. You stood up numbly and bowed before the Prince as he made his way towards you with a lopsided grin on his face. From the night you two danced, he wasn’t a conversationalist. Though, you didn’t mind as much because he had kind eyes. However, you didn’t want this man. He was too plain for your taste.
“Mx. (l/n), It is lovely to see you, as always. And your dress is quite beautiful! It sparkles like the radiance in your eyes,” he said smoothly. You forced yourself not to roll your eyes at the cheesy remark and forced yourself to act more shy in his presence. “You are too kind, my Prince,” you said daintily while looking up at him through your lashes. Your beauty truly struck him speechless, especially now. The way you looked at him made him feel so alive.
Before you could say anything more, the Queen cleared her throat. You stood up straight and turned to her with a kind smile. She looked at the both of you with approval before she turned to her nephew with a more forced smile. “Talk. to. them,” she said through gritted teeth. Friedrich’s eyes widened slightly but he concealed it with a charming smile. He offered his arm to you. “Shall we converse over there?” he asked politely, gesturing to the set of sofas on a more appropriate distance from the Queen and Lady Danbury. You forced another smile and took his arm. “I would be delighted to.”
You two had only conversed for about an hour or two before you heard multiple pairs of footsteps make their way to the room. You cut yourself off mid-sentence as you turned around to see who could be making all that noise.
As if your day couldn’t get any worse, the Bridgerton family had shown up just in time to see you conversing with another suitor you did not want to have. The family did not notice you while they greeted the Queen. You tried to keep it that way by turning back to continue your conversation with the prince. Unfortunately, he smiled at you apologetically.
“We should… greet the other guests,” he said in a way that made you feel almost guilty for the impolite thoughts you were thinking about while he was talking to you. You decided to make it up to him by linking your arm with his so you could greet the Bridgerton family. When you two finally approached the group, you could feel a sudden sense of tension fill the room. You tried not to look at the Bridgertons and focus on what the Queen had to say.
“I must apologize in advance, my dear, but I have invited the Bridgerton family to chat with me as well. They are dear friends of mine, so you will be in good company.” she smiled at Violet before she turned to you. “I know you have met the second eldest Bridgerton, but feel free to introduce yourself to the rest of the family,” she said casually before she went back to her seat. You tried not to open your mouth in shock and instead turned to the matriarch of the family. You took turns greeting the family members, purposefully avoiding introducing yourself to the three brothers until the very last minute. You have learned from Violet that she had only brought who you now know to be Eloise, Francesca, Colin, Anthony, and Benedict, and that there were other kids at home and one already married off to a fucking Duke.
When it was finally time to greet the brothers, you tried to take your time introducing yourself to the third brother. Unfortunately, he–Colin– was a lot smarter than he looked and took it upon himself to introduce you to his other two brothers. You tried to keep your smile proper as you bowed politely to Benedict. He could not meet your gaze and you could not meet his. This was most definitely noticed by Lady Danbury and Violet, but you didn’t care. Not when Anthony was there.
When you finally went up to Anthony, you bowed for him. You were ready to leave and sit on the couch for another round of eating biscuits when his hand reached down to hold onto yours. Your eyes watched as he slowly raised it up so he could kiss it sweetly. You were lucky your hands were gloved, or else he would feel your hands sweat in nervousness. “It is always a pleasure to see you, Mx. (l/n),” he said formally. You were too shocked at his boldness in front of the Queen and Prince, yet you were unable to look away from him. So when he looked up at you through his lashes, you gazed into his eyes and felt the world pause in motion. Something about him made him so mesmerizing. You did not know what it was but it made you feel uneasy.
The tension only thickened as everyone watched the two of you stare at each other. In the eyes of the other people, it looked like you two were gazing longingly at each other. But for the people who knew your heart, they knew it was not intentional or genuine. Even when he finally dropped your hand and stood up, your eyes stayed fixated on each other. You were more so trying to figure out Anthony’s motives while he looked at you with purpose. He needed you to choose him, and now that he knew the prince was there, he had to do everything he could to convince you to choose him without any gifts to give you. If he didn’t have a gift to give you this afternoon, then he will charm you with all the passion he could muster without feelings of true love.
Finally, the Prince awkwardly cleared his throat and your body quickly turned to him with a kind smile. “Why don’t we all sit down? I am sure that you must be tired from your trip to the Palace,” he offered. Everyone was too quick to agree and practically rushed to the table. You really wished you hadn’t sat next to the Prince because now, you were directly sitting across from Benedict and Anthony. Anthony was glaring at the Prince, and you were staring at Benedict. That stare was one of longing, even if you didn’t realize it yet. His eyes started to clear from the fogginess of sorrow and blossom into a look of hope. When he saw your expression, he thought that maybe you were finally seeing him for who he is.
Maybe he had a chance.
“Mx. (l/n),” the Queen called to you and you blinked away your thoughts to look back at her. “Yes, Your Majesty?” She looked over at her nephew and gestured to the servants behind her to bring to her nephew his gift. You gulped at the size of the box, unsure of what he was going to give you.
“Mx. (l/n), I would like to give you this necklace as a gift. I hope you can accept my gift chosen with the purest of intentions,” he declared to you before the box opened to reveal a beautiful necklace. You were quickly realizing now that the Queen did not invite the Bridgertons to catch up with them. She wanted them to see that you chose her nephew over Anthony (or god forbid, Benedict).
Your eyes warily stared at the necklace, feeling like you could be blinded by the light it produced from its reflection from the sun. You almost started to squint your eyes before your eye caught a flash of purple light. Your eyes snapped open in curiosity from where that light was coming from. If your suspicions were true, for the first time today you will have a sense of hope. And when you finally looked down to properly examine the necklace, you saw the purple power stone delicately placed as the biggest gem. Before you could help yourself, you snuck a glance at Benedict, trying to tell him about it. When he met your eyes, he looked down at the necklace and felt like his heart could tear in two. You were now one step closer to leaving him forever. He tried to ignore the feeling as he nodded slightly back at you, reassuring you that you could accept it.
You thanked the prince gratefully, but your eyes were hazy and your tone was not as disguised as it should have been. It was slightly hesitant; everyone but the Prince could hear it. Their suspicions were only confirmed by your expression when the Prince put the necklace on your neck. You were situated in a way where you could stare at both Anthony and Benedict. You looked at Benedict and saw his eyes practically wither in an emotion you could not quite place yet. You looked at Anthony and felt like a deer caught in headlights.
The way he stared at you was so intense that you could practically catch on fire by staring at him. As you felt the Prince’s hands slither up your collarbone to put the necklace on, you watched Anthony in fear. You were practically frozen, for you were afraid of what he could do to the prince. He looked so jealous and so furious that it was dangerously close to breaking his polite impression in the Queen’s presence. Benedict could only watch you helplessly as he clearly saw how scared you were being with his brother and how you didn’t even want to be in this position at all. He wished he could whisk you away from all this madness, but he had to stay silent. He had to, because your life depended on it.
When the prince finally pulled his hands away from your body, he looked at you with adoration. He loved how you looked with his gift on your neck, and from the way he was staring at you, you could tell that he was considering to even propose to you on the spot.
However, you were startled when the Queen called your name. When you looked up at her alarmed, she was quite taken aback by your expression. Despite her better judgment, she stood up and held out her hand. “Come with me, child,” she said sternly, though her voice was softer when it came to speaking to you. The other people in the room looked at each other and the Queen in confusion, unsure of what to make of what had clearly transpired just now. When she saw that no one was talking, she took your hand and scoffed at the others. “Socialize without us! I shall promenade with the Mx., as it seems to me that they look like they need air,” she said firmly before she quickly dragged you away from the room.
When you both had finally stopped, you were staring at what seemed to be a garden. It was beautiful and the flowers seemed to be in full bloom. You closed your eyes and soothed your nerves to the merry tunes the birds seemed to sing for you today. The Queen let you calm down and took the time to watch you closely.
She knows the eyes you had. Your eyes were eyes that have seen so much, always lost and wandering everywhere without a sense of stability in your life. She knows those eyes because she had those eyes since the moment she arrived at this Palace all those years ago. She knew what it was like to not know your place in this world, especially a world that you are foreign to. To feel friendless and lonely was the worst feeling that she had ever felt. How ironic it was that you and her both sought solace in Lady Danbury’s presence.
Your eyes were the reason why she invited you in the first place. She crowned you as a diamond, not because of your stunning beauty, but because you were frightened and you were alone. She wanted you to experience the best love that this ton could offer because she wanted you to experience what she luckily had with George. She wanted that future for you.
So it felt so wrong for her to push her nephew closer to you when you clearly held feelings for another person in that room.
After staying silent for a few more minutes, she finally spoke up.
“Beautiful, is it not?” she started, not bothering to turn to you for an answer. You opened your eyes and nodded slowly. “Yes, Your Majesty,” you replied timidly. Her heart felt for you and your insecurity in this society. She hoped that after this conversation, she could bring you the solace you clearly needed. She gently took your hand into her own and led you back into the confines of the Palace. You watched as she navigated through the maze of hallways until she turned the final corner into a room she had been looking for.
You walked inside with awe, reveling in the sight of all the beauty set of crowns and jewels, each sparkling in their own way. She watched you fondly and let you roam around while she spoke. “I may be your Queen, but I know that everyone deserves to find true love.” You turned to her and listened intently. She hesitated before she confessed. “I saw the way you looked at that Bridgerton,” Mx. (l/n).” Your eyes closed tight, thinking that she was talking about Benedict. You were waiting for her to berate you before she said something that truly turned your world off its axis.
“I know Lord Bridgerton. He had a certain reputation in the past, but he is a good man. I have seen how honorable he was in the last season with his sister’s debut.” She walked over to you with a faint smile on her face. “He will be good to you.”
Your brows knit together in pain. Fate continued to push you towards Anthony again and it was only a matter of time before you conceded. You smiled faintly and reached up to rest your hand on the gifted necklace. Your face showed regret and before you could apologize, she shook her head and took your hands into hers. “No, you must forgive me. Though my nephew adores you, I was wrong to introduce you into an environment you were not prepared for,” she said. You were shocked at her willingness to admit defeat, as she was notorious for the opposite. She continued. “Let us leave this event in the past. Though, I want you to promise me that whomever you choose—whether it be Lord Bridgerton or someone else, you will choose to follow with your heart and not with your mind.”
Her eyes swirled with an unlabeled emotion that had finally made you truly look at her. You could tell that she had many stories to tell and a life that must be similar to yours, especially if she was showing this much empathy to you.
When she looked down at your necklace again, she thought to herself for a moment. If this was the last time you could talk to her, then she should give you a parting gift. She guided you towards a set of crown and jewels and touched it daintily. You haven’t looked at it because you were so focused on reading the Queen’s eyes, hoping to understand the motive behind her actions. When she turned to you, she caressed your cheek. You flinched a bit at the sudden contact, but you leaned into it nonetheless.
“This set was what I wore during the coronation. The king oversaw the making of it because he–” she paused for a moment after sudden emotions overwhelmed her at the mention of her husband. You held onto her hand reassuringly. When she finally calmed down, she looked at the jewels again.
“This was my favorite set because he knew that I loved emeralds. He knew because he truly loved me,” she said with a nostalgic expression on her face. You felt for her and with her words, you finally understood why she was being so kind to you. With a content sigh, she lifted the emerald necklace up to show to you. You stepped back in fear of breaking it, but when she held it in front of you, you took the time to admire the simplicity of the necklace. It wasn’t ornate like the one that you wore on your neck. It was simple and pure, just like George’s love for Charlotte. You looked up at her as she pushed them towards you. You immediately choked up and pushed it back. “No, no, I-I can’t–”
“Take it,” she said firmly. You looked down at the necklace again and furrowed your brows. You tried to figure out why the gems looked so similar to you until a certain angle she held the necklace caused the biggest gem to light up in your eyes.
Was that…?
She smiled knowingly at your expression and carefully rested it on the palms of your hands. “Consider it my gift to you, my dear. When you look at it, may you always remember the moment we shared together and your promise to me,” she whispered. You didn’t deserve her and how kind she has been to you. The fact that you lucked out and got the time stone was a miracle.
Before you knew it, you were sniffling in front of the Queen and when you thought she might tease you, she simply gathered you into her arms and gave you a tight, firm embrace. It was an embrace that spoke volumes. It was an embrace that reassured you that you were not alone, and an embrace that taught you that it was okay to open yourself up to love.
When you pulled away from her, she cupped your cheek with her gloved hand and tenderly wiped away the tears you have shed. She felt a motherly duty to you, like somehow, you were someone that meant more to her in another universe than you did in this one.
“Tell Lady Danbury not to take you to the next ball. You will certainly need to rest before heading to the countryside.”
You furrowed your brows in confusion and asked her a question while she led you back to the room. “What ever do you mean, Your Majesty?”
She turned to you with a teasing smile. “Why, Lord Bridgerton will ask you to come to Aubrey Hall for their family’s ball. I’m sure he’ll be more than willing to do so if you told him the truth.”
You closed your eyes nervously as your hand shook in hers. Before she opened the door, she turned to you. “You have my blessing, child. Tell him how you feel. I will go ahead and tell my nephew to leave the room before I have a guard escort you inside.” And with that, she went inside and left you all alone.
You were scared, but with almost all the stones in your possession, this was the only way to get one of the last ones. If you followed Stephen’s advice and had Benedict steal it, Anthony will only assume that Benedict wants you and will see to it that you both be wed. After your realizations today of how much you really fell for the man, marriage to him was the last option. At least with Anthony, he had been nothing but kind and respectful. He may be marrying for duty, but at least he would be willing to wait to propose and fully court you, just like he said with you.
At the same time, how long could you keep your charade up before you lose control and run to Benedict’s arms? It was not helping that Stephen could be spying on your every move anytime he wanted to, so you felt even less inclined to go through with associating with the Bridgertons at all. You were fully aware of the mess you were in and you needed to choose wisely, or else you will be compromised and the mission will be doomed. This situation only proved that love was terrible and made you go through terrible things. You only wished that you never fell in love with him. You wished that you and Stephen worked out. You wished life wasn’t so complicated and choices were not life or death. You had to make a decision fast before they escorted you. You needed to choose with your heart and not with your mind, just like the Queen said.
When they called you to come inside, you locked in on your decision and walked in with a more calm demeanor. Inside the room was a distressed family who was nervous about your condition and most importantly, your thoughts on what just happened this afternoon. It was nearing late into the evening, so this decision would determine whether or not anyone can stomach food tonight.
You took a deep breath and walked up to his family, the Queen’s necklace in your hand. Benedict saw the familiar glow that radiated off of the center gem and when he did, he already knew what you were going to say; who you were going to choose. So, he looked away just as Anthony looked up at you.
He stood up and kissed the back of your hand once more. The Queen seemed to have a happier aura to her after your talk with her. Seeing you with who she perceived to be your true love made her heart warm, knowing that she had done the right thing.
“Mx. (l/n), I must ask for your forgiveness for my bold gesture this afternoon. I realize your anxiousness and how it had to do with the Prince’s reaction to such. Rest assured that I have spoken with him and the Queen about my passionate intentions to court you.” He stood up and delicately held onto your gloved hand and gave you a faint smile. You tried to smile back.
“I wish to ask you if you could accompany me and my family in our ancestral home, Aubrey Hall,” he started before he stared into your eyes with the same passion that sucked you in. You felt uneasy once more. “I have intentions of marrying you, so if you’ll have me, I want to court you exclusively,” he declared, causing Lady Bridgerton to lightly gasp in surprise.
Everyone watched the scene as they waited for your answer. You opened your mouth slowly before his hand crept up to your wrist in a sensual manner. You couldn’t help but feel weak from his dominant aura. “I… wish to court you. You are perfect,” he whispered intimately and your breath hitched in your throat. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, now ready to declare what you think to be the right decision.
“Yes. I accept. You shall court me exclusively and I will happily spend time with your family in Aubrey Hall.”
Everyone cheered at the news while you and Benedict tried not to cry.
You had chosen with your mind.
tag list: @clockblobber @liathachcapricious @heliosphere8 @notyuralycat @mischiefmanaged71 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @olixerwxxd @ghost-lantern @fangirling-galore @marvelsmylife @asexualaromosafezone @wolf-phoenix-lover @v0idl1nq @abbygraceasd @splintered-emotions @luvmeijii @mando-is-the-way @miiikkeey
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sereinegemini · 2 years
Intentions & Tiaras
— Chapter I
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Princess!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: Princess F/n of Prussia travels to London in hopes of finding a husband in this year’s season.
Warning: None
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F/n’s POV
“What is it about this Lady Whistledown that has the entirety of the ton so captivated?” you wondered aloud. It was the morning after Lady Danbury’s ball and two things were keeping you from reading the novel settled in your lap. The first being persistent thoughts of the Viscount. The second, the Queen’s displeasure with the newest society paper.
“High society runs on gossip, my dear,” said the Queen, “Lady Whistledown simply makes every new development and scandal of the season available in one place. It is convenience, not adoration, that keeps the ton coming back for more. They would just as hungrily rip her apart for her words if her identity were revealed.”
“Why do you bother reading it, then? Surely you know every detail before she has the chance to publish it.”
“The author fancies herself untouchable and takes pleasure in criticizing me.” She flicked the pamphlet in your direction. “Which is why I shall expose her before the season is up. I will not allow my judgment to be challenged in such a manner.”
You curiously took the paper and scanned it for mention of the Queen. However, your heart raced when you came across a certain Viscount’s name…along with your own.
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The Viscount Bridgerton’s own mama may have loudly declared her eldest son’s lofty intentions to marry, yet I could not have been the only one wondering if this former Capital-R-Rake was, indeed, ready to flourish. Though, even this author can admit when her opinions may have been formed too hastily, for an unexpected gem has joined the running. Viscount Bridgerton was certainly not the only bachelor left enchanted by Princess F/n of Prussia’s presence.
Perhaps we now know the Queen's true reasons for not yet naming her diamond, for the Princess is sure to follow in her brother’s footsteps and steal the spotlight. And if the Queen has no intentions for an incomparable this season, perhaps this author should take matters into her own hands.
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown
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“Did I truly leave the Viscount enchanted?” Repressing a pleased giggle with a hand to your mouth, you read over the words again. It had been difficult to pull your gaze from his when the time came for your swift exit. “Leave them wanting,” the Queen had advised. Your stomach fluttered at the thought it might have worked and parting had been just as hard for him.
“My dear, you could do so much better than a Viscount. You are a princess.” Your aunt plucked the pamphlet from your grasp. “Brimsley, take this away. And leave a list of the peerage on my desk.”
“You yourself told me he was this season’s most eligible bachelor. He is charming, handsome, the brother of the Duchess of Hastings, and the head of a sizable family. He may very well be the best match for me.”
“I am simply reminding you to keep your mind open.” She took a sip of tea. “For a Duke. Or a Marquis, perhaps.”
“Or a Prince, if we could find one pleasant enough to deserve my sister,” Friedrich added as he entered the room, bowing in the threshold. “Good morning, Your Majesty.”
“A good morning indeed, nephew. Callers shall be bursting through the doors any minute now,” the Queen said as your brother came to sit at the foot of your red-and-gold chaise with a nod.
“Do you believe the Viscount will call this morning?” you asked hopefully. Sleep had been sparse last night. Excitement for today—and the possibility of seeing Lord Bridgerton—had kept you tossing and turning.
“My dear, do try to conceal your favoritism. At the very least get to know other gentlemen before disheartening them.”
Brimsley appeared in the doorway. “Your Majesty, there are callers for Princess F/n.”
The Queen perked up, any annoyance with you promptly forgotten. “Well, do let them in. Quickly.” She motioned for her snuff and took a quick hit before waving for you to sit up straight. “Hurry, my dear. Sit properly. They may take offense to your lounging. And fix your skirts. You were raised to be the picture of elegance, now is the time to demonstrate that.”
You did as she said, and not a minute later the drawing room was bustling with gentlemen. It seemed as though every bachelor had called on you this morning, and the thought of debutantes all over the city waiting excitedly had guilt stinging your chest.
Especially when the one man you were truly waiting for was nowhere to be seen.
“Thank you, Your Lordship. They are lovely,” you said, taking yet another bouquet and immediately handing it to Alice.
The Queen had welcomed your callers before excusing herself for ‘royal business’—which you couldn’t help but think had something to do with a certain scandal writer and her ability to get under the monarch's skin.
The Earl of Gloucester smiled a crooked-toothed grin. “I am glad they are to your liking, Your Highness. My late wife was quite fond of Peonies and I did not have the heart to purchase anything else.”
You returned the smile, trying your best not to look uneasy. The last thing you wanted was a grieving suitor. “Do you miss her greatly? Your wife?”
“If I am honest, her absence weighs on me day in and day out. But I know the period to grieve is over. My children are in need of a mother, and I intend to find them one this season.”
“Bridgerton!” someone exclaimed before you could respond.
Turning with a fervor unbecoming of a princess, you found another gentleman greeting the Viscount. They must have been familiar with each other, because Lord Bridgerton clapped the man on the shoulder and they began chatting like old friends.
“Would you excuse me, Your Lordship? I should like to greet the Viscount,” you declared while already getting up and making your way towards him.
“Why I never,” you faintly heard the Earl grumble behind you, followed by your brother’s apologies. But you could not find it in yourself to care that you’d insulted him. Viscount Bridgerton was the only man who mattered at the moment.
“Sister, you cannot brush off these men like they are mere pests.” Friedrich blocked your path and you tried your best to appear as if you were willing to listen to what he had to say. You may have taken a risk by dismissing yourself in such a manner, but you were still aware every eye in the room was on you. They always were. Your brother grew up conscious of this as well and scolded you with a smile. “You may be a royal, but if the ton decide you are disagreeable they will not hesitate to make sure you do not leave this season with a match. Especially their beloved Lady Whistledown.”
“I am sorry, brother. I only wished to say hello to–”
“Your Highnesses, I hope I am not interrupting.” His smooth voice held an ever-so-slight rasp that you’d failed to notice last night. It might have stopped your heart altogether if it hadn’t already been racing in his presence.
“Not at all, Lord Bridgerton. In fact, we were just coming over to see you.”
A boyish grin spread on the Viscount’s lips and he looked between you and Friedrich. “Indeed? Well then, Ma’am.” He bowed and offered a bouquet of lilies he’d been hiding behind his back. “Shall we sit and become more acquainted? I must admit, I was a little disappointed by our meeting having been cut short last night.”
“I would be delighted.” Holding the flowers in your left hand, you took his offered elbow with the other. Friedrich gave you a warning glare when you sent him a look over your shoulder equivalent to an excited squeal. “I hear your eldest sister married the Duke of Hastings last season, Lord Bridgerton,” you mentioned as a conversation starter. Now that you were with him—his toned arm in your grasp—you found it hard to think of something to say.
“Yes, she is enjoying married life. And motherhood, I have no doubt. They now have a son, August.” He held out his hand and you took it to steady yourself as you sat down on the plush sofa, settling his flowers in your lap rather than handing them off to Alice.
“August? What a charming name.”
Lord Bridgerton sat angled towards you, and you tried your best not to focus on his knee pushing into yours ever so slightly. “Yes, he is quite a charming boy. They call him Auggie.” He paused for a moment and took a breath. “I hope you do not think me too direct, but how do you feel about children?”
“I absolutely adore them. It has long pained me not to have younger siblings, but the children in Prussian court have filled that role in some ways. Though, as to how many of my own I might want, I must admit I have not yet decided. I do cherish the bond my brother and I have, but large families seem so grand. Especially all I have heard about your family’s closeness, Lord Bridgerton.”
“Ah, yes. We must have you for tea or dinner sometime. I am certain my mother and siblings would appreciate your visit. And perhaps being around them will help you decide.”
You looked to your lap with a soft chuckle, but an invisible pull had you immediately locking eyes with him again. “I would enjoy that very much. And perhaps I might play the pianoforte for you?”
“Are you quite fond of playing? My sisters, Daphne and Francesca, practice quite often. Our drawing room never lacks music when we’re all together.”
“Yes. Though I must say I enjoy the harp more than the pianoforte, even if I do not get to play it as often. It is a rare instrument to come across in the townhouses of high society.”
“Does the castle have one? I would love to hear you play.”
The sincerity on his face took you by surprise. “I–”
Friedrich leaned over the back of the sofa. “Sister, do you not think the other gentlemen in attendance should have a turn? Nothing against you, of course, Lord Bridgerton. I simply do not want them to think my sister rude.”
“No offense taken, Your Highness. I rather agree.” The Viscount bowed his head to you both. “Would you do me the honor of a dance at the Queen’s ball, Ma’am?”
“Of course, Lord Bridgerton. It would be my pleasure.” You felt a twinge of sadness as he stood up, bowing to you once more.
“Then I look forward to it. Good-day, Ma’am.” 
You saw the same dark-haired gentleman who’d greeted him earlier follow him from the room before your attention was seized by another caller. Perhaps they really were friends.
· · ───────── · ♔ · ───────── · ·
It was finally the night of the Queen’s ball, and after a few days of callers and promenades you were relieved for a change of scenery. Stood on the platform by your aunt’s side, you searched the crowd of white-and-gold gowns and black coats for a certain Bridgerton.
Queen Charlotte had reprimanded you for ignoring your other callers in favor for the Viscount, and ever since you’d taken them one-by-one. Because of this, you hadn’t seen or spoken to him since.
“Do not trouble yourself, my dear. This will not deter Lord Bridgerton’s attentions, only strengthen them.” You’d prayed she was right.
Amused remarks between Lady Danbury and the Queen briefly distracted you from your hunt. “Why do I sense my strings being pulled, Lady Danbury?”
“You said you wanted to shake up the season.” The sharp woman lifted a brow and nodded her head as if to make a point. “Now is your chance to do more than throw a princess into the mix.”
She walked away proudly and you would have watched after her if movement on the staircase had not caught your eye. Lady Bridgerton and Miss Bridgerton were stepping onto the floor—the latter looking almost as if she’d be ill. And behind them, Mr. Benedict and Lord Bridgerton were talking and searching the room.
The Viscount’s eyes quickly met yours and you could have sworn fireworks went off. Bright and burning and overcoming. The whole room stopped, and Lord Bridgerton along with it. The universe rejoiced in the meeting of your two souls, like existence itself began crumbling every time you were apart. But then he continued towards you with his brother and the room was just as it was. Everyone wholly unaware of what had just occurred.
The Queen enthusiastically greeted Miss Bridgerton, but you were fully focused on her eldest brother, neither of you seeming to be able to look away.
Drawing attentions around the room, your aunt laughed loudly at something Miss Bridgerton had said. “It seems you have indeed come a long way since last year, Miss Bridgerton. And Lord Bridgerton, so have you, I suppose. Impatient to steal my niece away to the dance floor?”
He dared to look at her only a moment before returning your gaze. “I must confess I am, Your Majesty.”
“Patience is a virtue, dear,” she said, though it sounded more like a warning than a reminder.
The Bridgertons bowed before the young lady stumbled away and they followed after her, the Viscount looking to you one last time with worry creasing his brow. It was clear he cared a great deal how his sister fared in the season.
“When will I get the chance to socialize, Ma’am? I did promise Lord Bridgerton a dance.” You watched him across the room, longing to have your hands in his as he guided your body in rhythm with the orchestra.
“I will announce the diamond shortly. Then you may dance to your heart’s content, dearest.”
Friedrich angled his head to the side and said in a hushed manner, “I assure you, sister. If the Viscount’s intentions are true, he is not going anywhere.”
Time passed by torturously while you stood watching the ton dance and socialize—young ladies pleased by the attention of the handsomely dressed men. You’d have to admit that watching them weave to and fro was disorienting compared to participating. It almost made you dizzy.
And when you were beginning to believe the night would simply end any moment, the guards behind you blew their trumpets and the Queen finally addressed her people. “Your presence is noted, and your Queen most appreciative. Allow it to now be my honor to present to you the season’s diamond.” She paused and whispers wafted through the air. “Miss Edwina Sharma.”
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« Prologue || Masterlist || Chapter II »
Author’s Note: /s wow who saw that diamond coming
Be notified of future chapters!
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marwritesgood · 4 years
Only You | S. Basset
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Pairing: Simon x WOC!Reader
Timeframe: Season One
Summary: While Y/n prepares to leave London, Simon is confronted by Philippa.
A/N: One more part after this :)
Y/n sat with the eldest of her cousins in the drawing-room. Despite the number of workers present and eligible, young Elizabeth begged her older cousin to braid her hair before she left. Y/n could not resist her sweet smile. She also knew she would miss Philippa’s children terribly, just as she would Philippa.
“There you are!”
Y/n and Elizabeth jumped at Philippa’s abrupt call. 
“I’ve called for a carriage as you requested, my dear,” Philippa began as she sat with her niece and daughter. She could no longer bring herself to hide her concern and sorrow. “Though I hope you know there is still plenty of time to reconsider your decision.”
Even if it were at the very last moment, if Y/n were to say she wanted to stay, Philippa would be ready to call it off in a moment’s notice. 
“My mind is decided, aunt Philippa,” Y/n responded monotonously. She intentionally averted her eyes from her aunt. Philippa knew her niece far too well. Y/n’s best chance at concealing her genuine emotions was to avoid looking her aunt in the eye.
Truthfully, she was terrified. Y/n had become accustomed to floating through seasons with no intention of marrying anytime soon. The prospect of finally accepting a marriage proposal, to a man she had no sincere desire to marry, was frightening. She could not let Philippa know for fear that she would convince her to do otherwise. 
“Lizzie,” Philippa whispered to her daughter. “Dear, please join your siblings in the other room.”
Y/n sighed defeatedly. She should have known better than to think she could keep anything from her aunt. Her cousin exited the room in a half-done braid, leaving Y/n to stare at her hands while her aunt studied her intently.
“You must understand the magnitude of what you plan to do,” Philippa said worriedly. That is what she feared most of the situation. She could not bear the thought of Y/n being miserable because of a decision she made in the heat of the moment. “I know you are hurt, dear, but you do not have to leave so soon.”
Y/n sniffled, taking her aunt by surprise. She could no longer hold back her tears. Not after the exhaustingly painful week, she had endured. 
“I do, aunt Philippa,” Y/n cried, laughing bitterly. Philippa’s brows knitted together in both confusion and concern. “I cannot bear to stay in London another day... The longer I stay here, the harder it will be to leave.”
Philippa frowned, lifting her hands to wipe Y/n’s tears away. She had not yet found out what happened between her niece and Simon. All she could conclude was that Y/n’s heart was broken finally again.
“He admitted to courting Miss Bridgerton,” Y/n explained. It pained her to recount what Simon said the night before, but she felt it was the only way to put rest to Philippa’s attempts to keep her in London. “- and he admitted he intends to marry her.”
Philippa inhaled sharply, closing her eyes tightly as she did so. Though she did not have an incredibly close relationship with Simon, she always believed him to be a good man. A man who cared deeply for her niece. 
Glancing back to her niece, Philippa pursed her lips and pulled Y/n into her arms, hugging her closely. As she cried softly into her shoulder, anger began to erupt within Philippa. Y/n was the last person she deemed worthy of such heartbreak.
“The carriage will be here before evening,” Philippa informed Y/n, who was grateful that she would no longer keep her from leaving. “I have one matter to attend to, but I will be home before you to leave.”
Y/n nodded before returning to her younger cousins. Once she left, Philippa called for a carriage to take her to the Danbury estate. She had more than a few unkind words to offer the Duke of Hastings.
Simon found himself, yet again, standing idle in the maze’s centre outside the Danbury estate. He had barely any rest the night before, so he headed straight to the maze once there was sunlight.
Before he could leave, however, of Daphne being introduced to Prince Friedrich reached him. Thus there ruse was no longer necessary, subsequently leaving Simon in dire need of a moment alone with his frustration.
If he had only told Y/n the truth the night before. If he had only kept her from leaving. If he had not rejected her in the first place. Perhaps he would not be in the situation he was in. 
“Your grace.”
Simon’s train of thought was abruptly broken when a worker approached him. He turned to face the man, eyebrows raised. The worker held his hands behind his back.
“You have a visitor waiting for you in the sitting room,” he explained. When Simon remained silent, the worker specified who it was. “... Lady Bennet.”
Simon’s heart began to pound. He nodded and returned inside with haste. Philippa Bennet, though kind and friendly by nature, could scare him half to death. Simon remembered watching how she would fearlessly berate and humiliate any man who so much as treated Y/n less than kindly. 
He never imagined he would be one.
Once he was inside, he halted outside the entrance to the sitting room. There was no telling how Philippa would treat him, especially after the way he had treated her niece before. Simon took several deep breaths before he cautiously entered the room.
“Lady Bennet,” he greeted as he walked in, his head bowed partially in shame and partly in fear.
“Your grace,” she responded, her tone sharp and piercing. 
She stood from her seat and glared at the duke as he made his way in. She spoke previously to Lady Danbury, who left just moments before Simon entered. It wasn’t until the worker exited the room, closing the door behind him, that she began to raise her voice. 
“You can be of no loss to understand why I am here.”
Simon remained silence, which provided Philippa with as much of a response as she needed.
“My niece just informed me today of your revelation to her at the gala,” she stated, referencing to him admitting to courting Daphne with the intention of marrying, which was not the truth. “I assume you have an explanation, your grace... Otherwise, you truly are the deceitful, heartless man I never imagined you would become.”
Simon winced at the description. It resembled too much of his father, which was the last kind of man he ever intended to become. Philippa raised her brow and remained silent, waiting for the explanation she knew would eventually be provided.
“I was dishonest,” he confessed, his expression overcome by the shame and guilt he been burdened by for the past week. Philippa remained puzzled, though relieved that there was more to the story than what her niece was led to believe. “My courtship of Miss Bridgerton was all an act... To help attract more suitors for her, and to improve my image in the public eye.”
Philippa folded her arms. While she was glad to hear that he was not actually courting another woman after Y/n, she was still angered by what he had done. Not to mention the immense pain it inflicted upon her niece.
“I assume you lied to my niece as a means of upholding your ruse?” 
He was taken by surprise, having expected her to scold him for his stupidity, just as he believed he deserved. His expectations were not necessarily misguided. Philippa intended to do just that. However, she first sought clarification.
“Yes,” Simon admitted sheepishly.
“I heard from Lady Danbury that Miss Bridgerton will soon be courted by Prince Friedrich... Does this mean your lie will no longer continue?”
Simon nodded, causing Philippa to sigh. Her line of questioning made incredibly clear to him how unnecessarily reckless he had been with Y/n’s heart. She was astonished by his foolishness. He could tell.
“I am deeply sorry, Lady Bennet-”
“I do not care for your apologies,” Philippa hissed, causing Simon to sink back. “You are to explain this to my niece yourself... She must hear the truth from you.”
Though Philippa was desperate to race home and tell Y/n the truth, she knew there would still be heartache on her behalf. Only Simon could indeed amend the issue.
“I cannot,” Simon cried, before inhaling sharply as he went to complete his sentence. “-I cannot bear to face her... I imagine I am the last person she wishes to speak to.”
“You are mistaken, your grace,” Philippa said flatly. He could not have been further from the truth. “I have often, particularly now, struggled to understand why... but she cares for you. Very much so. Even despite all the pain, you seemingly continue to cause her.”
“That, I struggle to believe,” Simon mumbled.
Philippa scoffed. It was a wonder Y/n was in so much pain. He seemed to consistently underestimate just how much she cared for him. She pondered for a moment, thinking of the best way to clarify to Simon the extent to which Y/n loved him.
“This is her second season,” Philippa stated, slowing her speech just to make absolute sure Simon could understand her point. “-and she has yet to be married... why do you think that is?”  
He stared blankly at Philippa, which only infuriated her more, though she continued, despite it.
“I was incredibly confused when I received a distraught letter from my sister at the end of last season,” Philippa began. “-She informed that Y/n had received 3 proposals... all from, what she described as, honourable men.” 
Philippa studied Simon’s reaction closely, hoping he would catch on soon. He was taken back. During Y/n’s first season, he feared the day she accepted a marriage proposal. 
“My confusion was then, of course, put to rest when I remembered Y/n confiding in me about her affections for you.”
Simon furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief. It was not possible, he believed. After he turned Y/n away following her confession, he assumed her feelings would fade. 
He deemed his love for Y/n inevitable because loving her was easy to do and difficult to avoid. But he believed loving him was a challenge; a chore. He saw himself as broken. Haunted by the trauma inflicted upon him by his father. His vow to never marry was, truthfully, not the only reason he rejected Y/n.
Simon did not believe Y/n truly loved him. He struggled to imagine anyone could.
“You cannot possibly insinuate that I-”
“You idiotic fool!” Philippa blurted, interrupting Simon from, yet again, downplaying just how much Y/n cared for him. “Forgive me, your grace, but she confessed her feelings to you, did she not? Thus surely you must know how much she cares for you... you must know, Simon.”
He was dumbfounded. Overwhelmed by the prospect that Y/n’s love for him was true, tears stung the corners of his eyes. Philippa could not believe it. She knew of Simon’s past, but she was shocked to see how much of an effect it had on the poor duke. How unwilling he was to accept that he was loved. 
Sincerely and unconditionally.
“She intends to leave London this evening,” Philippa sighed sadly. Before she spoke again, she moved closer to Simon, looking him in the eye intently. She felt sympathy having understood why he acted the way he did, but she would not let him continue to do so. “If you truly care for my niece, you will not allow her to leave today without knowing the truth... She deserves as much after all she has done for you.”
Philippa exited the room briefly afterwards, leaving Simon to contemplate how on earth he would earn Y/n’s forgiveness and her trust.
Lady Danbury was puzzled as she watched Philippa Bennet rush out of her estate hastily. They had shared a brief conversation before she left, just as Simon arrived in from outside. Philippa had informed Danbury of Y/n’s plans to leave London and accept Mr Graham’s marriage proposal. 
While she knew the situation was tense, Lady Danbury sat with ease, on the outside seating area towards the left side. Of the many roles she played in her life and society, the matchmaker was one she most enjoyed. 
She hummed to herself as she took a sip of her earl grey tea, amused by the thrill of the current situation. Once Philippa’s carriage was out of sight, Lady Danbury began to count backwards from twenty. As she reached one, the sound of Simon’s quick-paced footsteps became increasingly loud.
“What seems to be troubling you, your grace.”
Most would have been startled by how Lady Danbury spoke with her back to Simon, but he had grown used to her being a step ahead of him. In fact, that was the very reason he found himself turning to her.
“I presume you already know,” he answered as he sat in the chair beside her.
Danbury chuckled, placing her cup back on the table before turning to her pseudo-nephew. He loved him as her own son, but she was far from oblivious to his flaws. 
“I expected you to be eager to follow Lady Bennet.”
“Quite the opposite, my lady,” he frowned, glancing down at his hands that could not seem to stop trembling. For most of his life, he carefully considered every decision he made to ensure perfection. This was unchartered territory.
Simon half-expected Lady Danbury to laugh, or to smile warmly at him before offering her advice. She had done just that for as long as he knew her. 
However, Lady Danbury did not respond in such a manner. She scoffed loudly before gripping her cane and turning to Simon with a disappointed glare. 
“Well then you are a fool,” she spoke harshly. 
Simon’s eyes widened. If he were not already sitting, he likely would have stumbled back. Despite his apparent shock, Lady Danbury was not fazed. Instead, her glare grew more intense. 
Similar to Philippa, Danbury was subject to Simon’s countless confidences regarding his feelings for Y/n. She was past waiting excitedly in anticipation for the two to finally be united. Now, she was irritated at how long it was taking Simon to act on his affections. Mostly after Y/n had already made clear hers.
“You care for her, do you not?”
“I do,” Simon answered, not a moment after Lady Danbury spoke. 
Silence fell amongst them. Danbury’s eyes narrowed in both confusion and frustration. Was it not clear to Simon what he needed to do? She held her cane with both hands. Simon sighed.
“That is precisely why I cannot go to her,” he explained. Lady Danbury groaned audibly, prompting Simon to further clarify his defence. “After all the pain I have put her through, do I not owe it to her to give her peace?”
“She will not have true peace until she knows.”
Simon averted his head slightly, his posture slumping down significantly. Lady Danbury began to realise that there was more to it than he was admitting to. 
Simon looked out towards the maze’s direction, and all he could think of was her, and the night before. All he could see was her expression when he lied about the nature of his relationship with Daphne. Not to mention how she walked away from him crying, and the way he let her go.
“I... am terrified,” Simon whispered, his voice shaky. Danbury inhaled sharply, before looking at him intently, remaining silent all the while so that he could continue. 
After a moment, Simon turned to face her. His eyes were glassy, and the wrinkle on his temple deepened as he furrowed his brows. He was no longer trying to defend himself. No longer trying to uphold a ruse or a confident demeanour. 
He was exhausted from doing so. All he wanted was to fix what he had broken.
“Every attempt I have made at explaining myself only seems to hurt her more,” he frowned. “She is leaving today because she seeks to be away from me... and I will honour her wishes, so as to not subject her to any more pain than I already have.”
It made sense to him. He had no luck when it came to making amends with Y/n. He felt incapable of fixing anything. It was clear that, as well as happiness, he was also incapable of giving her peace. And she deserved that, at the very least. 
“And then what will you do?” Lady Danbury questioned, curious to know the extent to which he believed what he was doing would fix anything.
“I... will wait,” he replied, confident in his response, leading Danbury to worry. He did not have the luxury of time, and it seemed she was the only one out of the two of them who knew this. “When she is ready to speak to me, I will explain the truth to her... and hopefully by then I will be able to do so in a way that does not hurt her.”
“Simon,” Lady Danbury said gently. She knew she was right to have called him foolish. However, Danbury realised that he was foolish out of his love for Y/n and lack of trust that he could love her. “She is not leaving London because she seeks to be away from you... She is leaving to accept a marriage proposal.”
Simon’s blood ran cold. He felt as though the wind had been knocked out of him. Before, he sat content in the comfort of knowing he had time to wait. Now all he could sit with was the terror of uncertainty.
“Your life decisions have been largely based on fear and on vengeance, but you do not have to continue to live this way,” Lady Danbury said, reaching out for his hand and taking hold of it firmly. “However, you cannot do so if you continue to deprive yourself of what brings you joy.”
She had held onto these words for a very long time after Simon announced he would not marry or have children. Danbury had always hoped that Simon would have a heart change eventually, but it was clear that they were running very short on time.
“You deserve an abundance of happiness and of love, just as anyone else in this world does, your grace,” Lady Danbury said with conviction. She was ashamed; it took her so long to realise how badly Simon needed to know this. “But you will only receive as much as you pursue. So allow me to ask again; what will you do?”
Simon lifted Lady Danbury’s hand and kissed it affectionately- his way of thanking her for, yet again, talking sense into him. Without waiting another moment, he raced towards the stables in search of his horse. 
Philippa stood sadly as she watched Y/n say goodbye to her cousins. Significant time had passed since she arrived home and Simon still had not arrived. However, despite the dire circumstances, she refused to give up hope.
As Y/n pulled away from her cousin, Elizabeth, she turned to Philippa, who stood between her and the carriage. Her bags had already been taken into the carriage. Everything was in line for her departure. All she had to do was say goodbye to her aunt, yet somehow that seemed to be the most challenging step.
“Aunt Philippa,” Y/n said cautiously, after noticing her sorrowful expression.
“You do not have to go,” Philippa cried, reaching her arms out and placing her hands gently on her niece’s shoulders. She did not care if she sounded like a broken record. “Please, my dear, if you possess even an ounce of doubt, you mustn’t go.”
“I have already made my decision,” Y/n replied, trying to comfort her aunt, who she knew was only concerned for her well-being. She wanted desperately to put Philippa’s mind at ease. “He is a good man... I will have a good future with him.”
“But you do not love him,” Philippa argued. Y/n quickly realised just how much her aunt had rubbed off on her. She could not yet figure out whether that was a good or bad thing.
“I cannot be so naïve as to base my choosing on love,” Y/n criticised.
“Yes you can,” Philippa insisted.
“How can you be so certain?” Y/n inquired, trying her best to refrain from scoffing at the irony in her aunt’s argument. “You are married to a Lord. You will never need to worry about bearing financial burdens, and it is because you accepted the proposal of a man mama matched you with.”
Y/n expected this would end her aunt’s argument against her marrying Mr Graham. 
“Your mama did not match me with Lord Bennet,” Philippa confessed, taking Y/n by great surprise. “Your mother asked me not to tell you at the time, but... Lord Bennet and I met during one of our visits to London. We remained in contact for the better half of my first season, and we eventually married because I fell pregnant... with Elizabeth.”
Y/n’s internal conflict increased significantly in intensity. She always admired the love shared between her aunt and her husband. She always admired the life they had together. However, she also accredited this to her mother’s strong-willed matchmaking and stubbornness.  
Her aunt noticed her reaction and sighed. She reached out and took hold of her niece’s hands, gripping firmly. Philippa had been saving that revelation for when her niece was grown enough. It frightened her how quickly that moment arrived.
“I know that the odds have always been stacked against women like us... but that does not mean we settle for men who do not care for us,” Philippa posited, challenging what Y/n previously believed to be true when it came to love and marriage. “You are allowed to prioritise what you want in a husband as well as what you need.”
Y/n’s heart began to pound. She had craved to hear those exact words ever since she prepared for her first season. If only she had heard them before she found herself in the situation she was in.
“You deserve to be with a man who you love and who makes you happy,” Philippa added, causing Y/n to flinch. She knew where her argument was headed. “A man like-”
“-Like Simon?” Y/n questioned in annoyance.
Philippa sighed, answering her niece’s question. 
“I know that you hoped it would be his proposal I would be accepting... I hoped for the same,” Y/n sighed. Having her aunt as her confidante meant their hopes for her future coincided—all except this time. “But I have waited for too long. I cannot keep putting my life on hold out of hope that he will have a change of heart... and that he will show up at the last minute on a white horse. I cannot do it.”
“Then disregard Simon for a moment,” Philippa said. “- and answer me this, will Mr Graham make you happy?”
Y/n scoffed. She could not keep relaying the same message to her aunt.
“I have told you, marrying him will guarantee me a good life-”
“I have no doubt that he will provide you financial stability,” Philippa interrupted.
Y/n was startled. Until then, all she was focused on was securing a promising future for herself. Until then, all she equated that it was a future free of any financial burden.
“But will he make you happy?” Philippa asked, narrowing her eyes. “When you are forced to endure his arrogance, his ignorance and his temper daily. When you are inevitably made to bear his children, thereafter reduced exclusively to their mother and his wife, and are no longer your own individual person. When it dawns on you that you will be stuck in this position for the rest of your life... Do you truly believe you will be happy?”
Y/n could not answer her aunt. Philippa knew her answer. They stared at one another, each with an expression far different from the other. While Y/n was started and frightened, Philippa remained concerned yet hopeful that her niece would finally change her mind.
Before either of them could speak, a worker approached Philippa and beat them both to it. 
“My lady, the carriage is ready for Miss Y/L/n’s departure.”
Y/n was quick to turn away from her aunt. She glanced at the other worker who stood by the carriage, holding the door open for Y/n to enter. She turned back to her aunt, who visibly feared what she was about to do next.
“Goodbye, aunt Philippa,” 
Y/n pulled Philippa into her arms and hugged her tightly. She knew her aunt was still very much worried and concerned for her. However, she hoped that Philippa would cast them aside for just a moment, and let her see this through.
When Philippa hugged her back and smiled wearily at her as she walked away, Y/n knew she was doing just that. And for that, she was extremely grateful.
As the doors to Y/n’s carriage closed, she closed her eyes and braced herself for the future she was going to commit to the day after. In an attempt to forget what her aunt had said to her, Y/n waved goodbye once before looking away. 
She glued her sight to the road ahead, refusing to look back to the street behind her, or the gates to her aunt’s home.
The very gates Simon would ride through moments after, only to realise that Y/n had already left. That he had spent so much time hesitating and waiting for the right moment, he missed his opportunity to see her before she left.
That he was too late.
@deakesthegreatest @smol-grandpa
914 notes · View notes
butterflybuckethat · 3 years
Green Dress - Part VI
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Notes: Anthony x Reader - Wow, last part. Hope it satisfies.
Warnings: Anthony gets pretty Toxic™️ for a sec. And now that I have 100 followers (!!!!tysm!!!!), it should be said that if a person even hints at being this possessive of you gtfo. That's all. 😘
Taglist: @awesomebooklover17 @poetryanddarkacademia @magical-spit @writers-hes @venusflwer
🦋 part one 🦋 masterlist 🦋
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Friedrich told everyone of his big romantic plan to ask your mother for your hand in marriage under the guise of business. You stood sandwiched between him and your mother surrounded by crows and foxes and flowers and deities. He wanted to make you a princess, this was everything you had been working towards, so why did you feel so sick? You whispered your response to him, something that could be interpreted as private and romantic, when in reality you were explaining that it is a big responsibility being a princess and you would need some time. He seemed ecstatic, probably thinking he would have a very thoughtful and level-headed bride. But you felt wrong, your head spinning and vision blurring. You excused yourself and pushed through the crowd, trying your best not to sway, into the hall. You managed to grab a cold glass of something off a tray and leaned against a wall to press it to your forehead. You sighed, basking in the relief. "Why aren't you with your husband to be?" Anthony, just what you needed.
"Please, not tonight." "Where is that collar her gave you, anyhow?" You pushed him through a nearby door. There were ears everywhere. You ended up in a strange little closet with a window and a vanity piled with various ceramics. "The diamond necklace Friedrich gave me is someplace safe." "So it is 'Friedrich,' now?" You set your glass on a shelf, bracing for the splitting headache about to consume you. "I thought we were friends, Anthony?" "What if I changed my mind?" He inched closer to you. "How many chances-" He wrapped his arms around your waist. "What if I kissed you, in front of everyone?" You saw a darkness in his eyes that you had never seen before as he pulled you tighter to him. "Ruined you just for me. Heaven knows how many times I've already-" You slapped him, hard. "How dare you?" Your voice could not rise above a whisper. “Why is it that all the happiness you accrue for yourself must come against your will? I could have made you happy." He remained silent but you got louder as your anger rose, "And you do not need to twist fate to make me love you, because I already do." You corrected, "I did. And you did not need to force me into being yours, you only needed to ask.” He reached out to you. "Would you-" "It is too late, Anthony." You hugged yourself, "It is too late." And then you keeled over. All the pain you had been suppressing with your anger came rushing back. Anthony came to your side, trying to find ways to help. "I will get help." You grabbed his arm. "No." You gritted out, still concerned about your reputation. What would it look like, you alone in a dark closet with Anthony Bridgerton immediately after the prince offered you his hand? You threw up. Into one of the vases on the vanity. Never again would you let Benedict pour you a drink. Anthony sat beside you, rubbing your back, offering his handkerchief when you had finished. And you left him there, stumbling out of the closet to ask your mother to take you home.
Anthony was waiting for you when you awoke. Your head was pounding but, thankfully, the curtains were drawn. "Drink this." He handed you a tall glass full of this viscous brown liquid. You took a sip and nearly gagged. "All of it." "Is there raw egg in this?" "I love you." "What?" You choked. "I love you and I will fix this." "I do not know if I want you to." "You want to marry the prince?" He looked so shattered. You pulled your knees up to your chest, fighting the urge to hug him, reassure him. "You really frightened me last night." "I know. I'm sorry. I was out of my head, I didn't want to lose you." "But you do not want me! How much time have you had to offer me your hand? Or even court me publicly? But you didn't. And now you love me? Now that another man wants to marry me?" Anger coursed through you "I didn't me-" "You're a coward, Anthony." "I know!" He stood up, pushing his hands through his hair, and walked to the other side of the room. "I know. But I ruin everything. I ruin everything, Y/N." He sat back down with his head in his hands. "I have tried so hard to do the right thing for my family, for my father, but I only disappoint them." You kneeled in front of him, resting your hands on his calves. "And I thought that if I just...I don't know. I didn't want to disappoint you either." You found his hand and kissed his palm. "Anthony," he met your eyes, "that is the most idiotic string of words you have ever stung together." He scoffed, a disbelieving smile on his face. "Truly. You could never disappoint your family. You were left with an impossible responsibility after your father died and have sincerely lived up to it. Your family loves you so much. Your father would be proud." Silent tears streamed down his cheeks and he gathered you in his arms. "Do you want me to fix this?" You chewed on your lip a moment before offering a small nod. You weren't sure this could be fixed, at least not without ruining all your reputations, but he kissed your cheek and you decided he was worth it. Damn the consequences.
It had been nearly a week since you had seen Anthony or the prince and your mother was driving you up a wall. You had to tell her you had yet to accept the proposal. She couldn't understand it, going on and on about how wonderful Prince Friedrich was and how you could be royalty and how she was certain the weather in Prussia would be lovely. You hadn't even thought about the fact that you might have to move, too focused on the Anthony of it all. You worried about him. This was the longest you had gone without speaking in months and all you knew was that he was still alive. Your and Anthony's plans were a bit of an open secret between the Bridgerton's, well really Anthony's plans because you had little to no insight as to what was going on, evidenced by Colin's incessant winking and Eloise's not so subtle remarks. You were sitting in the gardens with Eloise and Penelope playing cards. Eloise was getting very competitive, you were trying to pry information out on Anthony, and Penelope didn't even know the rules, just throwing down cards whenever it suited her. Needless to say, it was not the most productive of afternoons. You were about to ask a more straightforward question when Colin and Benedict ran out of the house. Violet followed shortly after, looking terribly stressed. "Mother! What is happening?" Eloise asked as you all surrounded her. Violet could barely speak, eyes darting and hands drawn to her mouth. Eloise tugged on her sleeve, asking again. "Anthony." She gasped, "He challenged the prince to a duel." Your stomach dropped. "Where are they?" She looked at you wearily. "Please, Violet."
You picked up your skirts and ran to the stables, mounting the first horse you could find. The stable boys shouted at you but you couldn't hear a word you were saying. Blood rushed in your ears. All that could register was that you had to find Anthony. You took off. The wind rushed in your hair as the horse galloped towards your destination. You saw them, in the middle of some field, taking steps away from one another. You raced across the sprawling green, pleading to go faster. The two men turned on their heels and raised their pistols. You were nearly there. "ANTHONY!" You yelled. Bang! Tears streamed down your face as he fell to the ground. Vision a blur as you scrambled to get to him. You feel to your knees, too afraid to look anywhere but at him. "Anthony?" you whispered. Blood poured down the right side of his face. You wiped at it, trying desperately to assess the damage. You could see Benedict pick up the fallen pistol in your periphery. "Anthony!" "Y/N?" "Yes! Yes, it's me." You laughed. You could have cried out for joy. He was alive. You held his hand as the doctor worked, the bullet only grazed him. "I am sorry it had to come to this." You spoke to Friedrich while Colin and Benedict tended to their brother. "There was no other way." You nodded solemnly. "Are you certain this is what you want?" "Yes, more than anything." "Then I wish you the best." He kissed your cheek softly before departing with his valet.
Your hands were still stained red as you sat in the Bridgerton drawing room next to a recuperating Anthony. Colin was explaining what had happened, with large hand gestures and a toast square in his mouth. "Lady Y/LN." You and Anthony looked at one another. God, he was beautiful, even with a bandage wrapped around his head. "Lord Bridgerton." "What will you do with your newfound freedom?" Anthony placed a kiss inside your elbow and began working his way up, you couldn’t help but melt a little. "Well, that depends." You leaned into him, "Are you prepared to devote yourself to me entirely?" "For the remainder of my existence."
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sumsebien · 4 years
Your Highness pt.5// Prince Friedrich
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series masterlist
summary: Y/N and Friedrich are still very much in the fairytale stage of their engagement. Of course, that is before the Queen gives her verdict on this match.
warnings: none
a/n: final part of your highness. the next part is “i’ll be in ruins for you” and it’s already up so check that out. oh and here is the duclaux piece i've been writing about. okayyy i’m too excited i am posting this right now :))))
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When you and Anthony told Lord Wilson of your decision, he was happy for you and even invited you to visit his cottage should you ever find yoursef in Scotland. That alleviated parts of the guilt you felt for having strung him along. You wished him all the happiness and fortune before he bid you goodbye and left for his home. After that, you and the Prince had your last dance of the night, both of you trying to keep your giddiness to an absolute minimum as you spun around the room in each other’s arms.
It was utter bliss.
You hadn’t announced the news to the world just yet. So far, the only people who knew of your engagement were your family and Friedrich. And you intended to keep it that way until absolutely necessary.
Everyone was happy. Mama and Daphne were on board the moment they learned that you would remain close, most of the time, for them to visit. Benedict was just glad you had found your match and that you were generous enough to lend him that oil set. Colin was slightly sad that you’d not be living in a splendid castle in Prussia and allow him a tour whenever he made a stop on one of his continental tours. Little Hyacinth was most excited of all, always wondering what you were going to do the moment you became a Princess. Gregory usually answered before you could, resulting in a chase around the house.
As for you, you found yourself singing alone as you sketched in your notebook all the things that reminded you of Friedrich. And it had only been the morning after the engagement. You could not wait for noon to arrive so that you may see him again for the private tour of Somerset.
“Someone’s happy,” Benedict remarked, falling against the empty seat next to you.
“She has been singing all morning!” Eloise said, looking up from her book.
You smiled, ignoring them and went on with your humming.
“Miss Bridgerton?” Humbolt appeared at the entrance to the drawing room. “From Prince Friedrich, my Lady.”
“Yes?” You stood, leaving your notebook behind on the couch.
From behind him, Humbolt picked up a beautiful arrangement of flowers, almost as tall as he was. You hadn’t even fully registered the impressive stature of it yet and Mama was already touching the flowers and sniffing them.
“Darling, this must be very expensive,” she said, pointing at the two-toned roses in white and pink, along with the vibrant pops of blue from the cornflowers. The bouquet was finished with gardenias, adding a wonderful aroma to the room almost immediately.
“But why cornflowers and roses?” Eloise asked and all of you turned to Mama for an answer.
“Roses are the national flower of England as cornflowers are to Prussia.”
You felt an overwhelming sense of warmth just looking at him like so. You decided to sit down on the bench behind you and began to sketch him, “after that day, I went to the library and did my reasearch. Antoine Jean Duclaux, at the time he painted this, was only a student accompanying a more famous artist. While his teacher painted a Queen playing music, Duclaux made a portrait of her from the back. Perhaps so grief-stricken by the recent loss of her dear friend that she could not show her face.” The graphite version of Friedrich was coming to life and you had all the intentions of repainting it onto a canvas. You tried to capture his gentleness with the way his fingers curled ever so gently as well as his strength held mainly in his shoulders. The Friedrich before you had caught onto what you were doing by now. “You’re supposed to draw something that inspires you! That’s the only reason why we are here, my dear!” “I know! And I am doing just that!” He had no objections to remaining still and allowing you to complete your sketch. It didn’t take as long as you made him believe it would. The last five minutes you spent admiring him but he did not have to know that. After you were done, your family arrived to the Duclaux piece. Friedrich joined Hyacinth and Gregory and messed about in the room while you stood next to Benedict. “I don’t have favorites but if I did, you would be my favorite sister, you know that?” Benedict whispered to you when you came to stand by his side. “Do you love me? Or do you love him?” You motioned towards Friedrich who was now helping Hyacinth with her revenge. “Both of you I adore. For you have such fine taste in arts and in people,” he smiled, swinging his arm around your shoulder. You chuckled, about to tease him further when the your guide stopped talking. Through the door came a guard who cleared his voice, looking to Friedrich, “your Royal Highness, the Queen has requested your presence at once.” Before he turned to you, “And yours, Miss Bridgerton.” Dear readers, This Author believes she has uncovered a royal engagement made in secret. It is not hard to guess who the two lovebirds might be in this town. This morning a large bouquet of flowers was sent to the Bridgerton House. Large enough to mean more than just courting. Should the Prince have found himself a Princess so soon? And in someone other than the Diamond of the Season, as well. How very scandalous!
You remembered the nerves you felt waiting behind the tall white ornate doors with Mama and Daphne. You had tried your best not to mess up and in doing so, you paid no mind to your footing which resulted in you almost falling to the ground in front of her Majesty. It wasn’t as much of a disaster as Miss Featherington who fainted at her feet but it was enough to make a terrible and no doubt, lasting impression on her.
You just didn’t expect yourself to be here again. Behind those white doors, engaged to her nephew, you were going to go in and explain yourself to her the reason why you two had hid the engagement from her and have her found out through reading Whistledown. No amount of sophistication and elegance could save you now.
Before you were due inside, you tugged at Friedrich’s hand. He, for one, was not nervous at all, still smiling. The crinkles by his eyes and the dimples by his cheeks offered you a moment of peace. “And what would your mother say? When the Queen tells her that we hid an engagement from her?” you asked quietly. At this point, anything that could delay the possibility of losing Friedrich was good enough.
“She is in Prussia and should not be here until I ask her to. When she does, she will love you. And,” he gave your hand a final kiss, “we did not hide anything. I would never hide my love for you. Not from the Queen, not from anyone.”
You nodded before turning to Anthony who gave you a small smile. “It’s going to be alright, sister.” But you could tell he was nervous too from the ways he kept fidgeting with his fingers behind his back.
Echoing from inside the throne room were your names and suddenly the doors swung open, revealing the longest walk you’d ever taken leading up to the throne. The Queen sat leaning back, her watchful eyes burning into you three, but especially you. Beside her was an army of lady’s maids in extravagant gowns, Pomeranians in their arms. You kept your gaze low and made sure that you did not trip and that your curtsy was perfect.
So far, everything went swimmingly. Up until she opened her mouth. “Care to explain what this is, Friedrich?” She snapped her fingers and one of the servants brought forth a copy of Whistledown on a tray.
Friedrich held up his hand to stop the servant from moving any further. “Lady Whistledown was correct to assume we were engaged.”
She laughed, “You are engaged? To her?”
“I asked Miss Bridgerton to marry me last night and she has accepted. We were going to tell you very soon.”
“You proposed last night?” The Queen sat up in her seat, about to storm forward but stopped herself and slumped back, throwing a hand over her forehead, “do my opinions mean so little to you?”
Anyone in their right mind would be scared out of their wits by now. You were sure Friedrich was the only one you had ever met who wasn’t terrified of the Queen. You glanced to him briefly. He kept his gaze steady on her, still calm and collected. “I love her very much. As she loves me. She may not be what you are looking for in a wife for me but she is what I am looking for. I hope we may have your blessing.”
The Queen did not seem like she was listening or like she cared at all. You knew this was headed. Your hand brushed his, knowing the inevitable was on the horizon. He didn’t look at you, his eyes burning into the Queen.
“No. And you,” she looked to you and Anthony. Contempt in her gaze and venom in her words, “you shall leave.”
taglist: @awesomebooklover17 @oopsiedoopsie23 @milkbaer @vampirestookmydoubts @5hundreddaysofsummer ❤️
let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the replies or through messages. love you.
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