#prince friedrich imagine
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butterflybuckethat · 7 months ago
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Hello! Found this sitting in my drafts so I thought I’d post it. I’m trying to return so please be patient with me and I appreciate all of your kind words 💕 My plan is to start fresh and expand from Bridgerton (currently in a bit of a Carmen Berzatto shaped hole — stay tuned!)
Notes: Prince Friedrich x Bridgerton!Reader 
Request: I would like to request prince friederich x Bridgerton reader, cause I love him so much. Preferably something really cute and fluffy or he finds reader crying and comforts her either way I’ll be happy thank you
🦋 Masterlist 🦋
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You were being ridiculous, you knew you were and yet you couldn’t keep the tears from flowing. You cried often, over a wide range of somethings--anywhere from a spilt milk to death. Your siblings teased you often, mostly after you were finished weeping. Mostly. 
It was Daphne’s birthday, and you being the sibling closest to her--in age and affection--decided that you would plan her an extravagant birthday party; a surprise extravagant birthday party. 
It had taken you an entire month to bring it all together and, as far as you could tell, Daphne suspected nothing. You had it all set up with crystal butterflies and floral accents and lemonade infused with exotic fruits. It was shaping up to be an absolute crush with the entirety of ton buzzing in anticipation of the birthday girl’s arrival. You even managed the attendance of Prince Friedrich of Prussia.  
“Where is Daph?” Colin sidled up to you, an eclair already stuffed in his mouth. 
“You mean she’s not in the carriage?”
“How am I do know if she’s in the carriage or not?” 
“Colin,” you huffed, “you were to ensure that she got into the carriage we scheduled for her.”
Your vision went blurry as tears began to well, “Colin, how could you?” Despite the frequency, you were still embarrassed by the rasp of your voice. Colin apologized profusely, doing everything but getting on his knees. He could never handle your tears, none of your brothers could; only Benedict, whose response was a roll of his eyes and a half-hearted hug. 
“I will find her, Y/N. I’m sure she is on her way.” People were staring now and you were praying no one could see your tears. You brought your hands to your cheeks, feigning checking your rouge but really soaking the tears in your gloves. “I will fix this,” Colin said, placing his hands on your shoulders. 
You felt the tears welling up again as you watched Colin make a beeline to the butler and could feel Cressida Cowper’s judgmental eyes narrowing on you. You swiped a glass of lemonade off the table and moved into the smaller of the two drawing rooms. It was closed off to the public allowing you to plop down on the divan, take some deep breaths, and press the cool glass to your swollen eyes. 
“Lady Bridgerton?” The room was dark but you couldn’t mistake the accent, it was Prince Friedrich.
“Your highness!” you stood so fast some lemonade spilled onto the carpet. 
“Please,” he gestured for you to sit but remained mostly in the doorway with the door wide open, for propriety’s sake. “I only wanted to check if you were alright.”
“I did not mean to take you from the party,” you demurred. He dismissed that thought with nothing more than a gesture. “I’m certain Daphne will arrive shortly.” 
“I’m more concerned about you.” He stepped into the room, close to the arm of the sofa. You breath caught in your throat. This...was strange. 
You had spoken to the Prince before, of course. Nothing serious but he had his sights on Daphne and, subsequently, you were frequently in close proximity. “I did not mean to cause a scene,” you were a little flustered at this point and were just searching for words to fill the space.
“I don’t think any of the guests noticed...” 
“My tears?”
“Your tears,” he nodded. Prince Friedrich had not moved but you could have sworn he got closer. “I believe this is the third time I have seen them.” 
You started to groan before you forced it to die on your tongue--it was terribly unladylike, especially in front of a prince. “I’m embarrassed.”
“Please, don’t be.” His hand ghosted over your wrist and your blood rushed. 
“I can’t help it. I cry so often my mother used to call me Blue.” You pressed the glass back against your face in an attempt to quell your blush, but Friedrich laughed. It was kind of a deep chuckle; not much but it made you smile. 
“I rather like that, Blue,” he mused. 
“Daphne is here!” someone cried from the ballroom and you rushed over, helping people hide behind tables and walls before hiding yourself. Most of the candles were blown out, dimming the room completely. You, yourself, hid behind a large centerpiece with Friedrich beside you. You were much too enthralled with all your planning coming to fruition to appropriately react to the Prince of Prussia being mere inches from you. 
“We aren’t supposed to enter the ballroom, Colin!” Daphne chastised, “it’s being painted!” You smiled a little at her belief in your ruse. You could feel Friedrich’s eyes on you, just a glance, but all your hair stood on end.
“You’re scared of paint, Daphne?” Colin teased. She would be mortified when she found out he said this in front of so many people. 
“Of course not. Don’t be ridiculous-”
“Surprise!” you jumped out, along with the rest of the guests, as the servants lit the rest of the candles. 
“Well done,” the prince whispered, lips grazing the shell of your ear. “Now go accept your praise. No more tears tonight.”
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iwritefandomimagines · 2 years ago
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pairing: prince friedrich x reader
description: it has been tradition all season long that prince friedrich occupies your first and last dance of every evening. it is well known that his engagement is looming, so no man dares ask to take these dances from him. that is, until one clueless lord makes that awkward mistake.
warnings: pure fluff, tiny bit of jealousy from my sweet prince, but predominantly pure, tooth-rotting fluff !
“The season is almost over,” Daphne Bridgerton hummed, flitting her fan across her chest as you stood at the edge of the ballroom, “Do you think the prince might propose this evening?”
You laughed, watching as the prince eyed you from across the floor despite dancing with another young lady.
“I hope so,” you replied, pure happiness in your tone as you thought of the future you had discussed so extensively with the man who had won your heart with such ease, “Though he himself requested a long courtship. Oh, Daph, you should’ve heard him. He told me he was certain he was falling in love with me and wished to wed, but that he wanted to prolong our courtship to ensure I too was certain.”
“Gosh, Y/N, how romantic,” Daphne grinned.
“He is absolutely a dream,” you fanned yourself now too, growing flushed at the thought of just how deeply your feelings for the Prussian prince ran, “I of course told him I feel the same regardless, but he said that though he’d wed me in a heartbeat, it was fun to pretend we were still in the early stages of courting. And of course, I save every first and last dance for him and only him.”
Daphne was swooning at the prospect, and given her confusing situation regarding her ruse with the Duke, their sudden marriage, and how in love they quite clearly were, you were unsurprised that she was so excited to hear that your blossoming relationship was thriving so.
“Speaking of which, my dear friend,” she lifted your dance card from your wrist to see that as ever Prince Friedrich’s name graced the bottom of your card, “It appears you have danced with all others.”
As you looked away from her, you saw the prince smile in your direction, sending your heart into an absolute frenzy, “He appears to be on his way over!”
Before he could cross the floor, however, a gentleman you barely recognised obscured your view of the man you loved, stepping directly in front of you with a smile on his face.
“Lady Y/N,” the man bowed, “I am Lord Francis. I apologise for never making your acquaintance sooner, for my work and travels delayed my arrival in the Ton,” he took your hand to kiss its back, and as he leaned to do so you saw the prince behind him with a frown on his face, now mere meters away, “You are truly a diamond, and I should most certainly wish to know you more. You cannot imagine my relief upon seeing that you were yet unbetrothed. Might I have your next dance, my lady?”
You swallowed thickly, looking to Daphne for help but finding that she had slipped away amidst his little speech.
You were tempted to scoff at the man’s audacity to so abruptly ask of a dance at the end of the evening when he had chosen so late in the hall to introduce himself. And, of course, you were entirely uninterested.
Before you had the opportunity to respond, however, Prince Friedrich was at the man’s side.
“Ah, Lady Y/N,” he bowed, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it that lingered as he looked up at you and made you swoon, “Each time I see you in that necklace I am reminded why I selected it for you. It was made for you, to be sure.”
You giggled shyly, both feeling giddy around the man you loved and at the clear reason for his choice of words. He was here to assert his place, jealousy coursing through his royal blood.
“Oh your highness,” you curtsied, “Thank you again for the beautiful gift. I was wondering when you might return to share my last dance, as always. I do so look forward to it,” you flashed your dance card to the rather impertinent Lord Francis with a falsified frown, “I do apologise, my lord, but I have not yet shared my final dance with anyone but the Prince. And I do not wish to change that tradition.”
The gentleman scampered away without another word, leaving the prince to capture you in his arms and lead you to the dance floor.
“I am certainly glad to be rid of that fool,” he grumbled, and you reached up to run your thumb along his cheekbone soothingly, internally frustrated that the action would end up in Lady Whistledown’s writings the next day.
Your voice was barely above a whisper, “Oh my love, you needn’t worry. You know that if I could I would dance only with you the entire night.”
The prince was more than satisfied with this, a broad smile gracing his strong features as you continued the rhythm of the waltz you found yourself in.
“I am pleased to hear that, to be sure,” he beamed, “And once this dance is through, I hoped we might have a moment to talk. Perhaps on the balcony?”
You nodded softly, “Any moment with you, I could never deny myself.”
He smiled, and as the dance drew to a close you found yourself growing nervous.
Had this small moment of jealousy spurred on a proposal? Or perhaps he had always intended to propose tonight?
Perhaps it was not a proposal at all, and he just wished for some fresh air and a chance to chatter away from the eyes and ears of the ballroom?
You caught Daphne’s eye as you followed the prince outside, noticing her eyes widen in excitement as she too expected you to return to the ballroom engaged.
You bit your lip, allowing yourself to share her excitement for just a moment before nerves slipped into your mind again.
You reached the balcony after what felt like hours, with time seeming to progress in slow motion as you waited to hear what it was the prince wished to discuss.
“My dearest Lady Y/N,” he began, capturing both of your hands in his as his eyes twinkled down at you in the moonlight, “You must know that since we met, you have been the sun around which I revolve. You captured my heart the very moment I first saw you, and with every discussion of a future I have grown more certain that it is with you I wish to build a life, a home, a family,”
“Oh my dear prince,” you were certain you could taste blood, your heart pounding with anticipation as it truly sunk in just what was going on, “You must know that the feeling has always been entirely reciprocated. Every moment I have spent with you has been blissful, and I rather selfishly wish for an eternity of such moments.”
He shook his head, “It is not at all selfish, my dove. For it is what I wish for too. An eternity with the love of my life at my side, wherever we might find ourselves.”
You shared a brief moment of comfortable silence, staring into each other’s eyes as you could think about nothing but his gentle touch and romantic words.
He was everything you could’ve dreamed of in a man, and now here he was professing that he too was enamoured by you.
Even though he had made it quite clear how he felt before, in this very second everything felt as though it fell perfectly into place.
The true love you always dreamed of finding but never expected to… He was right here, about to ask for your hand and sweep you off of your feet.
“It is for this very reason, my love,” he began again, keeping his hold of your left hand but dropping to his knee in a split second, “That I find myself desperate to ask — will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
“My gosh!” you exclaimed, nodding excitedly as he slipped the most beautiful ring onto your finger and rose to his feet again, “I would love to. I can think of no future more exciting than one as your wife.”
He kissed your hand again, now peppering kisses around the ring he had just given you, sending sparks throughout your body at his delicate touch.
“I cannot wait to begin our life together properly, as man and wife,” he grinned, reaching to push a stray hair from your face as he spoke, “Free of meddlesome gentlemen who have no regard for one’s prior commitment.”
“My darling, you truly had no need to worry,” you giggled, lifting your free hand to your mouth to stifle it a little, “He could not hold a candle to you, and I would never have given up my dance with you for him. I wish always for my first and last dance to be with you… And every dance in between.”
He pulled you flush to his chest now, spinning you softly to the faint sound of the orchestral tune still playing in the ballroom.
“Then my every dance is yours, my love,” he hummed, discreetly pressing a gentle kiss to your temple as he spun you around, “Always and forever.”
“I love you,” you were truly in a state of pure bliss as you danced, choosing to ignore that you were most certainly being watched, “More than I can ever express.”
“I love you as such also, my future princess,” he replied, pausing your dance just to look at you intently again for just a second before he spoke, “And I shall spend our whole life showing you.”
“I am so incredibly lucky to have fallen in love with you,” you shook your head in disbelief, still smiling up at him.
“It is I who is lucky,” he disagreed, looking up into the night sky littered with stars, “And the stars in the sky are lucky to every day be graced with your existence too.”
“You flatter me, my love.”
“And I intend to continue to remind you how wonderful you are, my dove,” he practically whispered, dipping his head lower so that you could feel his breath fanning over your face, though not close enough to induce any more scandal than your balcony dance might already have done.
“It’s a pleasure to be forever your first and last dance… And I can only hope to be your first and last love, if you would let me. For you most certainly shall be mine.”
“You shall be mine too, my love. I am certain of it.”
ok fluffy af because i am currently in looove with the prince and idk where it came from but i had to write this once i had the idea!!!
if you have any requests (right now preferably bridgerton, djats or criminal minds) then please feel free to send them in and i’ll make a start this week!
also pleaaase let me know in comments/reblogs what you think!
in the meantime, here is my masterlist!
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hoodiepandaninja16 · 2 months ago
The possibilities!!!!
Imagine: being of a different social class and Anthony’s childhood best friend. both of you having feeling for each other.
but you walk in on him with Sienna, who’s also your friend. She also knew of your feelings towards your childhood friend and still began a secret affair with him.
Okay okay but like hear me out imagine Prince Friedrich falling for the reader despite her difference social class he genuinely seems like the sweetest person in the world. I know Charlotte would be against it but imagine
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vampirestookmydoubts · 4 months ago
The Prince's Debutante - Series
A/N: This is a series based and written on the ideas of @aninhatatu, Prince Friedrich deserves all the love.
Summary: As the daughter of a disowned marquis and a common maid, you enter your debut season under the watchful eyes of your grandmother, hoping for a humble suitor, to secure your family's future. But your plans change when Prince Friedrich falls for you, sparking an unexpected romance.
Will you and Friedrich be able to find a way to unite love and duty, as you navigate the complexities of society? Or will your blooming love succumb to your family's different expectations and societal scrutinies?
Pairings: Prince Friedrich x Reader
Warnings: none
Chapter 2: Blossoming Affections
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From the Society Papers of Lady Whistledown:
My dear readers, it appears that amidst the glittering diamonds of the ton, a hidden gemstone has emerged in the form of Miss Y/N Whitlock. While she may not possess the dazzling allure of a diamond, I daresay that she shines just as brightly, if not more so. Could it be that Miss Whitlock is the rarest of gems - a ruby in a sea of diamonds, catching the eye and heart of a Prussian nobleman? Only time will tell, but I for one am eager to watch this intriguing dance unfold. After all, in matters of the heart, sometimes it is the hidden gems that prove to be the most valuable of all.
In the wake of your memorable dance, the reports of Lady Whistledown didn’t wait and surely didn’t disappoint the ton’s interest in the unexpected relationship that started to unfold in front of everyone’s eyes.
Despite the murmurs and gazes that seemed to follow you wherever you went, you found yourself increasingly drawn to Prince Friedrich's company, and Fortuna seemed more than willing to cross your paths. Your encounters at balls and soirées became a regular occurrence, each meeting deepening your connection.
Your grandmother, Lady Clarece, was invited to see the latest exhibition presented at the museum, and decided to take you with her. ‘See and be seen’, as she told you in the carriage. Especially now that you were the center of the ton’s talks.
You absentmindedly walked through the exhibition of paintings and sculptures, taking in the different shapes and colors the artists used to bring their imagination to life, when someone approached you from the side.
“Remarkable how artists are able to bring the pictures in their mind onto paper, isn’t it?”
You turned around to the familiar and soft voice, dropping into a curtsy to greet the man. “I was just thinking about the same thing”, you admitted, which made Friedrich smile at you.
“I had hoped to meet you here, Y/N”, the blonde said, turning to the side and extending his arm in an invitation to follow him. “In this case I should thank my grandmother’s secret love for gossip and self-presentation, for my attendance to this event”, you joked, which made Friedrich stifle a laugh.
“Do you think her love for self-presentation would like to be publicly thanked for in front of London’s high society? Or maybe a bouquet of flowers?” You grimaced at the mere thought of Friedrich highly praising and thanking your grandmother. “Please, I beg you, don’t.”
You and him shared a laugh as you both seemed to imagine your grandmother’s reaction to his potential thank you speech.
“Well, then how about you tell me about the book you bought a few days ago. You couldn’t tell me about it the last time I saw you as you hadn’t started it yet.” As you strolled through the museum's hallowed halls, the world around you seemed to fade into insignificance, the exhibits becoming mere backdrop to the captivating exchange unfolding between you.
Your heart fluttered lightly at his genuine interest in your interests.
"It's called ‘The Enchanted Mansion'," you explained, your voice suddenly alive with excitement. "The story follows a young woman named Thea, who inherits a sprawling estate by her late grandfather, which is shrouded in secrets. Soon her grandfather’s dark past catches up with her, and she has to embark on an adventure of self-discovery, learning who she truly wants to be and overcoming formidable challenges. But she also finds true and honest love along the way."
As you speak, your own words painting a vivid picture of the fantastical world described in the book, you didn’t catch the way Friedrich was gazing at you.
"But what I love most about the book," you continued, voice suddenly softening with emotion, "is how it captures the essence of longing and desire. Thea yearns for something more and deeper in her life, something beyond the confines of her ordinary existence. And as she explores the mansion’s and her grandfather’s secrets, she discovers that the power to change the cycle and therefore her fate lies within her own hands and heart."
Friedrich listened intently, captivated by your passionate retelling of the story.
"It sounds like a truly remarkable book," Friedrich remarks, his gaze locked on your face. "I can see why it resonates with you so deeply."
You smiled warmly in response, grateful for Friedrich's genuine interest and understanding.
In that moment, you felt a profound connection with him, but your excitement was tinged with a hint of self-doubt.
"I hope I'm not boring you with the books I like to read," you confessed, cheeks flushing with embarrassment as you suddenly remembered who he was. "I imagine you prefer more sophisticated and clever books."
Friedrich's smile was warm and reassuring as he shook his head. "Not at all, Y/N. I find your passion for this story quite endearing." He reached out to gently squeeze your hand, his touch sending a shiver of warmth down your spine. "In fact, I've always had a fondness for tales like these."
Your eyes widened in surprise, heart skipping a beat at his unexpected admission.
"You do?"
Friedrich nodded, his gaze steady and sincere. "Yes, indeed. In fact, I quite enjoyed ‘The Duelist’s Honor’ by Mrs. Hartley, who is also the author of the book you're describing if I’m correct."
Your jaw momentarily dropped in astonishment, your mind reeling at the revelation. "I had no idea! I've always admired her work, but I never would have imagined that you-"
Friedrich grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement at your undertone. "That I, a prince, would enjoy stories like these? Believe me, Y/N, there is much more to me than meets the eye."
Your conversation flowed effortlessly, each literature revelation bringing you closer to Friedrich.
The following day, you were pleasantly surprised to be presented by a stunning bouquet of flowers the housemaid positioned in front of you in the drawing room.
A gesture that left your parents both intrigued and delighted.
"Beautiful flowers," your father remarked, examining the bouquet over his newspaper with interest. "I once sent your mother a very similar one."
Your mother's eyes sparkled with excitement, as she mused over the colorful arrangement. "Who would send such a precious bouquet?”
Their speculation was interrupted by the housemaid announcing a sudden visitor at the door.
Your heart skipped a beat as you recognized the familiar figure presenting himself at your doorstep: Prince Friedrich himself.
The sight of the prince elicited gasps of astonishment from your family, who were unaccustomed to receiving such esteemed guests at their humble abode.
As Friedrich entered the drawing room with effortless grace and charm, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement at the prospect of introducing him to your family.
Your parents jumped from their seats, greeting him with a blend of surprise and delight, their expressions a curious mix of reverence and nervousness.
"Your Highness," your father stammered, bowing slightly. "To what do we owe the honor of your visit in our modest home?"
Friedrich smiled warmly, his presence commanding the room with ease. "I hope I am not intruding, Sir Whitlock. I simply wished to pay my respects and express my admiration for your daughter."
Your heart swelled with pride at Friedrich's words, though you couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety at the thought of your family's reaction to his unexpected visit. By now you had grown accustomed to navigating the intricacies of society, but having the prince suddenly in your own home felt like uncharted territory.
Your mother, ever the picture of grace under pressure, welcomed Friedrich with open arms, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"Please, Your Highness, make yourself at home. It is an honor to have you here."
The blonde prince lowered his head in gratitude. “I hope you like the flowers I picked for you. The florist almost denied making it and wanted to change my mind to a bouquet of roses. But to me flowers hold a very special meaning and message.”
Your mother beamed with excitement at his words, as Friedrich settled into a comfortable chair.
“What a beautiful thing to say your highness!” Ever the inquisitive one, your younger brother quirked up from the sidelines.
 “So, what do they mean? And what about the flowers on your lapel?” your brother, James, asked and added a hasty ‘your Highness’ when he met your mothers gaze.
Your eyes now fell to the blue flowers that were neatly attached to the lapel of his jacket.
Friedrich smiled at the young boy, leaning slightly forward in his chair, meeting your eyes. “Much like the hidden meaning within these flowers, it is a secret that only a heart touched by true affection can ever hope to decipher.”
James looked between you and the prince with one of his eyebrows raised in a lack of understanding.
"Your Highness," he began tentatively, "What brings you really here?" His cheeky question earned him another stern look from your mother, but Friedrich just chuckled as he turned to James, his expression warm. "I wished to spend some time with your sister. She has captured my heart in a way I never thought possible."
Your cheeks flushed at Friedrich's candid declaration, and you felt a rush of emotion as you met his sincere gaze. Despite the unconventional nature of your forming relationship, you knew in that moment that your feelings for Friedrich were also deeper and more profound than you had ever imagined.
Throughout the visit, Friedrich charmed your family with tales of his homeland and shared his aspirations for the future. He spoke with warmth and honesty, putting everyone at ease with his easygoing demeanor and genuine interest in their lives.
As the evening ended, Friedrich rose to take his leave, his departure marked by expressions of gratitude and goodwill from your family.
As he turned to leave, Friedrich stopped in his tracks, turning back to you with a smile.
“I almost forgot!” Reaching into the inside of his coat, he pulled out a rectangle wrapped in silken cloth. “Flowers are beautiful, but their beauty is fleeting. They wilt and fade away so quickly. But words... written words have a lasting charm. They never lose their beauty or their ability to transport us to different worlds." Taking the gift from him you smiled, opening the wonky looking bow - you assumed he wrapped it himself, to be presented with a book bound in green leather and golden letters, spelling ‘The Last Marigold’.
"Indeed. While flowers may brighten a room for a few days, a book can stay with you forever, providing solace, excitement, and inspiration long after the petals have fallen. It makes books truly timeless treasures", you said, turning the book in your hands, feeling the leather under your fingertips. Friedrich’s smile also grew at your words.
“I found it in a small bookstore, in an alley hidden from the eyes of the ton. I thought you might like it.” The thought of him scanning rows and rows of bookshelves in even the tiniest of bookstores in London, when he could have just sent a servant to an expensive store, warmed your heart. He pulled out another copy of the book from his coat. “I’d love to hear your opinions on it the next time we meet.” With that and a deep bow and kiss to the back of your hand, he bid you and your family farewell.
The moment the door closed behind him, you swiftly escaped your excited and beaming mother, making your way to the quiet sanctuary of the library. With purposeful steps, you approached a familiar bookshelf and pulled out a thick, leather-bound volume, its cover adorned with an embossed flower and letters that had faded to near obscurity. ‘The Language of Flowers’ had been one of your cherished companions growing up. Your love for flowers had only deepened when your mother first shared the secret messages your father had sent her through bouquets during their forbidden courtship.
You began flipping through the pages until your eyes landed on the bluish flower you had noticed on Friedrich’s lapel. “Cornflower, the national flower of Prussia…” you read softly. Of course, he would choose something so symbolic of his homeland, you mused, scanning the passage until a sentence stopped you cold, making your heart skip a beat.
‘An unmarried gentleman in love might be seen with a freshly plucked cornflower, pinned upon his breast. The fate of his affection is said to be reflected in the flower’s bloom. Should the cornflower remain vibrant and fresh, it signals a hopeful promise that his love may be returned. But if the flower withers and fades too quickly, it is taken as a most unfortunate omen, a silent whisper from nature that his heart’s desire might remain unfulfilled.’
A smile tugged at your lips as excitement fluttered in your chest.
The bouquet Friedrich had sent you suddenly felt like a puzzle waiting to be solved, and you couldn’t wait to decipher its hidden message. Roaming through the pages, you hastily scribbled down the meanings of each flower -gloxinias, baby’s breath, primroses, daisies, and peonies, until you pieced together a message that made your heart race and your cheeks flush.
"From the moment I first beheld you, my heart was irrevocably yours. You have become the very essence of my existence, and life without you is unthinkable. It is my deepest hope that we might soon unite in marriage and spend our days together for a lifetime and beyond."
It was as though you could hear Friedrich’s voice in your mind, a tender whisper sharing the secret message only a heart touched by true affection could ever hope to decipher.
______________________________________________________ Tag list: @rebeccawinters, @inutheangel, @bbubbllejisoo
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nightingale2004 · 9 months ago
OK, so I found the Fredwina ship, and I've got to say...... In my heart, it is so CANON
First off........
Edwina had the right to be upset about what her sister and Anthony did and also deserves her time to heal and find herself And Honestly from what I've seen, Prince Friedrich is such a good man and a sweetheart. Edwina and Friedrich are Canon, AND NO ONE CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE!!!!!
Now all I want to see is Edwina and Friedrich making their appearance together in London to one of the queen's parties for the first time, the bridgertons reactions to this couple (+Kate and Penelope)
I want to see Queen Charlotte taking absolute pride and bragging about how well Edwina is adjusting to being a princess. Kate, being an overprotective big sister, Anthony and Edwina, building a somewhat good relationship (is still a little awkward), Friedrich, Daphne, and Simon having a tense moment but getting along. Kate is proud of Edwina for not just finding love but also becoming a princess of Prussia. Edwina and Friedrich being amazing with one another and hanging out with the bridgertons at Aubrey Hall, Kate, and edwina getting to know each other again, Kate being a great aunt to Edwina and Friedrich's kids, etc.
If someone has made a fanfic with ALL OF THIS. POINT ME IN THAT DIRECTION 👉 PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!!
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mxrcjqckspnchqsc · 2 years ago
Hiii! If you're accepting requests for prince Friedrich (bridgerton), could I get a Friedrich and reader fic where theyre royalty too and frenemies? And they end up at the same ball and have to dance tgt (obv)? The next day lady whistledown and the ton out there shipping the two so they have to keep up appearances and promenade together all the time? Eventually fall in love!! (+ points if they childishly argue through the whole dance) thanksss💕
Is It Love Or Hate?
Summary: Read request above!
Prince Friederich x gn!reader
Genre: Fluffiest of fluff, (It's also the only thing I can write about but moving on)
Warnings: Romantic themes, strong language(not really just good old british slang that I love very much), and It is a gender neutral reader, y/n(aka you or just plain old y/n) is a princess and wears a dress in this one-shot!!
A/N: Omg omg omg this is my first request, this is so exciting! This request is so cute, I hope you like it! Also I'm sorry for some of the writing is in third person, I just don't really like first person. And I'm sorry this took too long, I'm quite busy with stuff(school) atm. And now because of this request, I wanna make a prince Friederich fanfic lol but I hope you guys enjoy this one-shot!!(Also this isn't proofread so if there are any errors do tell me!)
Y/n groaned at the thought, they were going to yet again another ball, y/n loved being a royal and all but that meant they had the possibility of seeing him, Prince Friederich, Y/n had mixed feelings about him, they would love him and then the next minute, they hate him. As I finally laid down on the couch, my mother busted in, causing them to jump up.
"Mother, what is it? Why must you rush in here as if I did something wrong?!?" I asked.
"Oh no dear, it's just your dress is finally done! You just have to wear it for tonight's ball." Y/m/n explained as she gave you the dress. "Doesn't the color look nice?"
I had to agreed, the colors on the dress were absolutely stunning, y/f/c always looked good on them, always.
"Well I must agree, the dress does look nice." I agreed.
"Perhaps you might even find the one," Y/m/n teased.
"You said that as the last fifty balls," I exaggerated. "It seems people only see me for my looks Mother, nothing more, I told you many times that I wanted to marry for love."
"Then find someone you love, my dear. You know I will always support you." Y/m/n smiled at you and left moments after.
Y/n changed into the dress and was suprised on how the dress complimented her very well.
"Are you ready to go-?" Y/m/n asked as she busted in the room but stopped once she saw y/n. "My dear, you look beautiful."
"Yes mother I am ready to go," I placed the tiara on her head. "Thank you but we must not make haste," I reminded.
"Oh yes yes!" Y/m/n exclaimed. "We shall go to the carriage at once." Y/m/n announced.
Y/m/n linked her arm with Y/n and they left and headed to the ball, moments later, they had arrived.
"I'll be on the lookout for potential suitors, and you Y/n shall be the princess you are and dance with two men tonight." Y/m/n said.
"One," I corrected.
Y/m/n sighed knowing that Y/n wouldn't listen to her. "Fine, you must dance with one man tonight."
"Good, Ah I think I see the Duchess of Hastings right there. I'll leave you be mother!" I called out.
Before Y/n could make her way to Daphne, she was stopped by the one of the many men she didn't want to see tonight.
"You highness, Princess Y/n," Lord Gray bowed down infront of her. "May I have your first dance?" He asked, holding out his hand.
Y/n was about to tell him off when someone did it for her and she didn't have to turn around to know who it was.
"Actually, the Princess had already offered her first dance on her dance card with me." Prince Friederich explained.
"Oh, I see," Lord Gray seemed to buy the lie and walked away.
"Shall we?" Friederich held his hand out.
Y/n only glared at him before taking his hand, the two royals made their way to the dance floor.
"Now look at what you did," I whispered. "I only wanted to dance with one man tonight and now you're fulfilling my mother's wishes and I'm going to dance with two."
Prince Friederich only snickered in response.
"Well I apologize for doing that but it seemed like you didn't want to dance with him." Friederich stated the obvious.
"Yeah well I didn't want to dance with you either and here we are." I smiled sarcastically.
"You can blame my aunt on that, she actually insisted I'd dance with you first tonight." He replied.
Prince Friederich dipped you and pulled you close, making you gasp, he noticed this and backed away. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" I asked confused.
"For making you uncomfortable," He answered rather quickly.
"If anything, you actually made me feel more safe from the viscount, I can see him glaring at us" I laughed and smiled at him, causing him to smiled back as he pulled you in close again.
"Y/n, Oh Miss Y/n! Wake up! Your highness, it is urgent!" Evelyn, one of the lovely servants shook you awake.
"I'm up," I mumbled, not fully awake.
"Lady Whistledown wrote about you and the Prince from the dance, you must read!" Evelyn exclaimed.
"Can I atleast get out of my bed first?" I asked, Evelyn nodded excitingly before leaving.
Y/n got up and ready and finally headed down the stairs where they was greeted by not only Evelyn but their mother as well.
"So Lady Whistledown wrote about me in her paper?" I asked.
Y/m/n nodded happily and gave you the paper. When you were shocked, Lady Whistledown wrote about the two of you dancing and how you two would make quite a lovely couple but before you could read anymore, you got called upon by Prince Friederich, he seemed to have read the latest issue quickly this morning.
"Your highness," Evelyn bowed down at him before he stopped her.
"Oh please, just call me Friederich, is Y/n awake yet? I hope I didn't wake her, I just wanted to have a little chat." Friederich smiled.
"And does your little chat include those lovely y/f/fs?" I asked.
I made my way to him and Evelyn, who now exited the room once she took notice of my appearance.
"Oh these," Friederich looked at them as well. "I didn't send them, maybe Lord Gray no Gary sent them." He teased.
Due to his teasing, I snorted and I quickly covered my mouth in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I normally never do that."
"It's fine, it was quite adorable if I were to be honest." Friederich smiled.
I blushed at his words and smiled softly but quickly changed my expression as I still had no idea what he was doing here so I asked. "Well if you will allow me to Prince-"
"Friederich," He cut you off.
"...Friederich, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"I was just going to ask if well considering what Whistledown wrote about us, maybe she should write about us even more if you give me the opportunity to court you and take to on a promenade?" He asked.
My eyes widened at his words, he wanted to court me out of all people but I realized that maybe this was just his aunt's doing.
"Are you sure that you want to court me and this isn't your aunt's doing because if it is then I'm gonna have to-" I was cut off again.
"No!" He exclaimed before clearing his throat. "My apologies, I did this on my own. My aunt has no idea I am even here." He chuckled.
"Oh, then yes, I would be delighted to be courted by the only prince I seem to know." I laughed.
Y/n and Friederich have been courting for quite awhile now, making this their fifth time going on a promenade, Y/n had developed feelings for him and was wondering just as everyone else was thinking once they saw the latest issue "When will he propose?"
"This is the fifth time we're out to promenade, can we please go somewhere else Friederich?" I asked in a hushed whisper. "The sun is practically setting!"
"Please Y/n, just called me Freddie and to answer your question, we can't go somewhere alone, you know that but perhaps a boat ride would be nice."
"Or hunting or we can pretend to get lost in a flower field?" I suggested.
"A flower field would be nice, hm there is one there," He held up his arm. "Shall we go?"
"We shall," I smiled. "Mother, we'll be right back. We're going to pick some flowers from the field!"
"Okay, stay safe!" Y/m/n exclaimed.
But Y/m/n was distracted with Lady Danbury that she didn't even notice that the two royals weren't going to the flower field but instead the woods.
"Ah the woods, why did you take us here Freddie," I asked.
Friederich blushed at the nickname even though he suggested it but brushed it off.
"I wanted to look at the nature, nature is quite interesting. I mean just look at that bird!" He exclaimed in a hushed whisper.
"That bird does look quite fascinating." I comments, making him smile wide.
"I never saw those in Prussia so they are new to me," Friederich revealed.
"Well maybe if you stay here a little longer then maybe you'll see more," I smiled at him.
"Yeah maybe," Friederich smiled.
I took my eyes off him and laid down to look at the sunset, He laid down beside me.
"It's quite beautiful isn't it?" I asked, referring to the setting sun.
"Yeah, it's breathtaking." He whispered, still staring at me.
I looked back at him when he was indeed already staring, he didn't take one look at the sunset and kept his eyes on me. I blushed and tried to look away when his hand caressed my face and leaned in, he kissed me and I kissed back. When we broke apart, he sat up, I repeated the action and we kissed again, he mumbled something in the kiss that I couldn't decipher..
"Freddie, what did you say?" I asked, my hand resting softly on his cheek.
"I wish to marry you Y/n, I'm in love with you." He confessed.
"The night of the ball when we danced, I lied to you, my aunt didn't say anything about you at all, I chose to dance with you that night because not only are you breath taking, you are the only person that I love competing with and poking fun at with, you're the only person who knows the real me and I love for that, I love that you let me in and that you trust me and you share all your conspiracies about who Whistledown is, you're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, kids or no kids, in London or in Prussia. I want you just the way you are because I'm smitten and I love you oh so much. And I completely understand if you don't desire me the same but I couldn't keep it in any longer and I-" Friederich was cut off by you kissing him again, more passionate this time.
When you pulled away, you spoke. "I love you too, I would say that I want you but that's a lie, I need you and I just can't possibly see my life without you in it. Without you, I could probably be married to Lord Gray and I know we are both happy that isn't the reality," We both chuckled before I continued. "Freddie, just know this. No matter where we are or who we're with, I will always be looking at him and with you because you are now my husband to be, and I wish to be your wife forever." I confessed.
I rested my head on his chest and I heard his heartbeat making me calm, I closed my eyes and hugged him, he hugged me back.
"Your wish has been granted, my love." Prince Friederich kissed the top of my head.
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sukibenders · 8 months ago
Bridgerton really is the only fandom where you could create a random ship for pure enjoyment, that was about the two characters in said ship finding one another and the life they could have together, and yet somehow certain people in this said fandom would go "Okay but what about this person outside this ship (who wasn't even mentioned)? Obviously, if this ship exists they can't be happy, so just stop talking about it in general. Besides, it's not canon so just accept reality. "
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inutheangel · 3 months ago
Show my love towards their Bridgerton works
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Anthony Bridgerton
• Green with envy 
• Against the odds (Maid!Reader)
• Against the odds // part 2 (Maid!Reader)
• Against the odds // part 3 (Maid!Reader)
• Take a bite of my heart
• To lose yourself
• Heavens & earths collide
• Pride in a thunderstorm
Prince Friedrich
• The prince & I 
•  The prince & I // part 2 
 • My name is yours
• The betrothed
Benedict Bridgerton
• One’s art has a deepness
• Colours we aspire to be
• A dance of fencing
Colin Bridgerton
• When love took over
• Special tea for one (R!Holmes)
• Heart on the ice (Modern!Au)
• Prospects for better fortune
• Travel fevers
• Loss of decorum
Daphne Bridgerton 
• Diamond of his heart (Male!R)
Eloise Bridgerton
• Good luck, babe (fem!r)
• Meet you again (male!r)
Bridgerton!Reader list
Bridgerton Series:
Till it bites you back series
Fairness in one’s heart series
Outmatched series
Tempting fate series
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iwritefandomimagines · 2 years ago
i have a wholesome, romantic, fluffy prince friedrich imagine scheduled to post at 3pm gmt today !!! i hope you all love it, because i loved writing it!
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my-drama-heart2406 · 9 months ago
People don't talk enough about the fact that Violet Bridgerton is infact the strongest, most confident, the baddest bitch of the whole ton.
Yes, people might argue the baddest bitch is lady Danbury or the queen. But lady Danbury lives alone in her mansion with no children or husband to worry about, the simple arrival of her brother irritated her. And in 'Queen Charlotte' we saw so very clearly what a mess the queens personal life and family is.
Then there's Violet Bridgerton.
Three seasons we saw the queen, the literal queen of the country, try to set up the Bridgerton siblings with individuals of her liking. Daphne with Prince Friedrich, Edwina with Anthony, and now, Francesca with lord Samadani. And all three times Violet told her children to make their own choice. To not rush their decision, but to take their time to know the person. That if they like the person the queen has chosen for them, then all is good, but if they don't then it's only right that they reject them, because even if it's the queen who has decided on this match, it is them who has to spend their whole lives with that person. And that she would support their decision wholly, provided that it is the one which is right for them.
If queen Charlotte had chosen a match between any other individuals, them and their parents would be dancing with joy, simply because the queen had shown interest in them. There wouldn't even be a question about choice. The queen has chosen for you, no other choice remains.
Then there's Violet Bridgerton who actively pushed Daphne and Anthony against the queens chosen prospects. Of course they were too stupid to listen to her, but that's not her fault.
I love that scene in season 3 when Violet comes into the dark room with Francesca playing the piano. Obviously, she was going to ask her all the proper questions, "what happened?", "why did you want to leave so abruptly?", "what did the lord kilmartin give you?". She starts, "Francesca?..." And then she sees Francesca's face, and... stops.
Violet spends the whole season wanting only that her daughter find someone who makes her happy and that she doesn't settle for anyone who's simply 'good enough'. And then she sees her daughter smiling ear to ear, gleeful, because John Sterling had 'the music rearranged exactly as she imagined it '. In all the three times this man had met her daughter he had understood her well enough to do something that made her so happy. And Violet doesn't ask anything, doesn't say anything. Violet simply smiles. Happy that her daughter found someone who cared for her this way.
While the other members of the ton sit, stand and dance according to the queen's whims, Violet had no qualms about displeasing the queen, not once, not twice, but THRICE now.
If that isn't the baddest bitch, I don't know who is.
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inutheangel · 10 months ago
My favs list of Bridgerton Writers is ever growing
series masterlist (complete)
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This series follows Y/N Bridgerton, a Bridgerton sister who falls in love with Prince Friedrich against all odds.
It will be divided into two main stories:
Your Highness which will be courting cuteness
I’ll be in ruins for you which will contain more angst in their fight for true love.
Your Highness
1// in which Y/N Bridgerton makes quite the first impression on Prince Friedrich
2// in which Y/N Bridgerton finally hears what Prince Friedrich had been meaning to say in the gallery
3// in which Y/N Bridgerton faces a difficult choice between the expected and the unexpected
4// in which Y/N Bridgerton makes the decision
5// in which the Queen gives her verdict on Y/N Bridgerton and Prince Friedrich’s match
I’ll be in ruins for you
1// in which Prince Friedrich does not care that the Queen rejected his and Y/N’s match
2// in which Y/N cares that the Queen rejected hers and Friedrich’s match
3// in which Friedrich’s mother takes matters into her own hands
4// in which Frederica talks to the Queen about Friedrich and Y/N
5// in which Y/N and Friedrich reunite under an umbrella
6// in which Y/N and Friedrich get the ending they deserve
pregnancy and post-pregnancy
their life in london (ft. dad club)
how i met your father
one shots
wedding night : in which we get the actual ending we want (18+ yall)
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vampirestookmydoubts · 1 month ago
Hey, I'm the problem it's me.
Hello fellow people, I guess I'm kinda back from my hiatus (?) and it started with me realizing, that I limited my blog from being discovered in recommendations, search and /tagged pages, because ( why and however tf) I checked the option in the privacy settings 💀
I'm ashamed, but not suprised. Go me.
Somehow my hyperfixation (thank you adhd) finally kicked in yesterday and I couldn't stop thinking about writing again. I'm now back to writing the 3rd chapter of "The Princes Debutante" and GOD did I miss Friedrich and reader (sorry for the long hiatus @aninhatatu - and everyone who also might be waiting 🥹).
"Could it be that the prince has finally found his princess in the ruby of the season?"
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frozenbluecookies · 9 months ago
Listen, I know that Queen Charlotte mentioning Prince Friedrich to Edwina at the end of s2 is probably supposed to be throwaway lighthearted moment, but actually I really like the idea of Friedrich and Edwina together, if only because they're both cutie-patootie sweethearts who deserve better.
They'd be very sweet together. Friedrich has the gentleness and even temper that Edwina imagined in Anthony, and Edwina (particularly end-of-season Edwina, with her newfound confidence) has the grace and subtle hint of audacity that Friedrich seemed captivated by with Daphne.
The best ships change each other for the better, and I don't think we know Friedrich's character well enough to make calls on that in this case, but what is fandom for if not filling the gaps left by canon?
TLDR: I find the concept of Edwina and Friedrich together cute
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bantarleton · 2 years ago
Who Were the "Hessians"?
A good article from Facebook by Dr Alex Burns;
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Myth 1): German troops were all Hessians.
Although most came from the mid-sized German state of Hessen-Kassel, troops from six different principalities (Hessen-Kassel, Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Hessen-Hanau, Ansbach-Bayreuth, Waldeck, and Anhalt-Zerbst.) Indeed, the current leading progressive reenactment group portraying these soldiers represents Regiment Prinz Friedrich, essentially a garrison unit from Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel.
If you include the larger, global war outside America, fought in places like Gibraltar and India, troops from the state of Hanover (Braunschweig-Lüneburg) also fought for the British outside of the Holy Roman Empire (the pre-German territorial entity.) So, while over 60% of these troops came from Hessen, they really hailed from all over the western and central Holy Roman Empire. As a result, it might be better to call them something other than Hessians. "Germanic" has been put forward, but that usually conjures up images of the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
Myth 2): They were mercenaries.
Imagine you are a soldier in the United States Army, serving in West Germany during the Cold War. You are stationed there because of longstanding agreements and alliances, which stretch back decades. The United States Government and the West German government have a financial understanding that helps maintain your presence in the region. Are you a mercenary? The situation was very similar for the German-speaking soldiers who fought in the American War of Independence, They had a longstanding relationship with Great Britain, stretching back decades. They had fought with alongside the British since the 1690s, both in continental Europe and in the British isles. As a result of the Hanoverian succession in 1714 (the British Royal family was drawn from Hanover) they had longstanding marriage connections with Great Britain. Horace Walpole, a British politician from the 1730s, referred to the Hessians as the Triarii of Great Britain.
These soldiers did not personally or corporately take on contracts from the British. they were members of state militaries: their governments were paid a subsidy by the British in order to fight in their wars. Frederick II (the Great) of Prussia, received subsidies from the British during the Seven Years War. As a result, the modern German term for these troops is *Subsidientruppen, *or subsidy troops. **Thus, it might be better to speak of the German-speaking subsidy troops, as opposed to calling them Hessians, or mercenaries. **Historians have argued that it might be fitting to call their countries "mercenary states". This is different from saying they were mercenaries.
Myth 3): They were sold to America because their princes were greedy and wanted to build palaces and pay for their illegitimate children.
The princes of the Western Holy Roman Empire lived in an incredibly dangerous world during the eighteenth century. Their territories were small, rural, principalities, trapped between the military giants of France, Austria, and Prussia. As a result, from the 1670s, these princes attempted to use subsidy contracts to build themselves larger armies, in order to preserve their independence. These subsidy contracts were a standard feature of European politics, diplomacy, and conflict resolution. They allowed the princes to better protect their small domains. None of the princes who formed subsidy contracts with Britain during the American War of Independence were doing something radically new or greedy. Instead, they were following on decades of practice which had allowed them to maintain their own independence. The Hessian (Hessen-Kassel) Landgraf Friedrich II actually used the funds from the contract, in part, to promote economic development and the textile industry in his territories. **Some of them had illegitimate children. Some had palaces. Portraying them as sex-crazed misers limits our understanding of the economic and security necessities which actually underpinned their subsidy policies. **Following the long-standing practices of their governments, princes in the Western Holy Roman Empire entered subsidy agreements to maintain the costs of their states.
Myth 4): They committed many brutal war-crimes in America.
The subsidy troops had been used in messy civil conflicts before. Hessian troops were used against the Jacobites in 1745-6, where they remarkably refused to take part in the repression against the Scottish Jacobites. Their troops were remembered in Perthshire, Scotland, as "a gentle race," and their commanding Prince (Friedrich II) declared, "My Hessians and I have been called to fight the enemies of the British crown, but never will we consent to hang or torture in its name." (Duffy, *Best of Enemies, *p. 133). English officers in the Seven Years War, noted that their troops were reprimanded for plundering more than Hessian forces. (Atwood, *The Hessians, *p. 173). In North America during the War of Independence, the Hessians once again behaved better than their British counterparts. Although there was a surge of fear about Hessian brutality early in the war, after the first few years of the war, Americans believed that the Hessians treated them better than British soldiers. Aaron Burr wrote of Hessian atrocities: "Various have been the reports concerning the barbarities committed by the Hessians, most of them [are] incredible and false." (Matthew Davis, *Memoirs of Aaron Burr, *Vol 1. p. 107). Comparing the brutality of the Napoleonic Wars with the American War of Independence, a Hessian veteran who served in both wars commented: "Everything which the author has subsequently seen in this regard greatly exceeds what one should term cruelty in America, which in comparison with more recent times, can be regarded as nothing more than a harmless puppet show." (Adam Ludwig von Ochs, *Betrachtungen Ueber die Kriegkunst, *60-61.) Hessian troops committed crimes in America, there is no doubt. What is clear is that these crimes were not excessive for an eighteenth-century conflict.
Myth 5): Many of them deserted to America, where life was better.
Many Americans claim Hessian ancestry. As a result, it is common to encounter the sentiment that these "mercenary" troops were simply waiting to switch sides. In reality, most of these troops returned to their homelands in the Holy Roman Empire. A very small number switched sides before the end of the war, a larger (but still small) percentage elected to remain in America after the war ended in 1783. Far from being an act of rebellion, the princes encouraged their subsidy troops to remain in America if they desire: this would cut costs, and make the process of slashing the military budget easier in peacetime. Most returned to celebrations, public parades, and being welcomed by loved ones. For more on exact data of desertions, as well as the subsidy-troops' return home, see Daniel Krebs' book, *A Generous and Merciful Enemy. *The majority of these troops remained loyal to their princes, and returned home to their own native lands.
Who Were the Hessians?
The experience of 37,000 soldiers mainly drawn from six small counties is not all one thing. There are elements of truth to each of the myths about the Hessians, but their story is more complex than the myths that are told about them in English-speaking circles in North America. They were drawn from a fascinating world in Central Europe with its own customs, practices, and traditions. They entered the American story, and as a result, it is worth taking the time to understand and remember their path in it in a complex way.
A "Hessian" Reading List:
Rodney Atwood: "The Hessians: Mercenaries from Hessen-Kassel in the American Revolution"
Friedrike Baer: "Hessians: German Soldiers in the American Revolutionary War"
Stephan Huck: "Soldaten gegen Nordamerika Lebenswelten Braunschweiger Subsidientruppen im amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg"
Charles Ingrao: "The Hessian Mercenary State: Ideas, Institutions, and Reform under Frederick II, 1760–1785"
Daniel Krebs: "A Generous and Merciful Enemy: Life for German Prisoners of War during the American Revolution"
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nightingale2004 · 9 months ago
is this how fredwina is made canon
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joannechocolat · 2 years ago
Mermaids and Mr Freud...
What do you think when you hear the word “mermaid”? Chances are, you’ll imagine a beautiful girl with a sparkling fish tail, naked breasts, flowing hair, gazing into a mirror: a scene straight out of early 20th-century Golden Age illustrators Arthur Rackham and Edmund Dulac. Or perhaps you see Ariel, Disney’s 1989 cartoon version of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid, with her cherry-red hair and purple shell bikini. That romanticized – and Disneyfied – picture of a mermaid seems fated to endure with this year’s live-action The Little Mermaid film (though the casting of Halle Bailey in the title role has prompted as much racist backlash as it has celebration. The mermaid of Andersen’s 1837 fairytale was white, say the purists.) But Andersen himself drew on a far older, stranger, and more subversive folklore to write his story. His tale of a mermaid who, falling in love with a human prince, is forced to sacrifice her tail and her voice in order to become human, was deeply influenced by Undine, the 1811 novella by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué, which in turn was inspired by the 16th-century occultist Paracelsus, who coined the word “undine” to describe an elemental water spirit who can only gain a soul by marrying a human. And mermaid legends, like so many other fairytales, have been shared in many parts of the world for millennia. One of the earliest mermaid stories dates back to sometime around 1000 BC. In Assyrian mythology, the goddess Atargatis, who was venerated for thousands of years all over the Middle East, attains a half-fish, half-human form after throwing herself into a lake. The Yoruba spirit, Yemoja, who is represented as a mermaid, appears under other names as an ocean and river mother goddess – Yemaja, Yemanjá, Yemoyá, Yemayá – across half the world. Mami Wata – a water deity sometimes known as La Sirène - revered in Haiti and many parts of Africa, often appears as a mermaid, with a mirror that allows the passage from one plane of reality to another. And so it goes, from the ningyo of Japanese folklore to the sjókonar of Norse sagas. It is one of the most powerful archetypes in our shared dreaming. Nor were mermaids always understood to be mythological. Throughout the Middle Ages and beyond, European bestiaries and illuminated manuscripts portrayed mermaids as real creatures. On several occasions fishermen have claimed to have caught them in their nets. Early explorers reported mermaid sightings – although it is more likely that they were dolphins, seals or manatees, mistaken for mermaids by sailors expecting to encounter exotic beasts on their journey. Since then, humans have stubbornly continued to look for proof that mermaids are real (so far, without success).  What does the mermaid mean? Why is the half-fish half-woman such a potent, enduring legend? At the heart of these stories is the question of women’s power. Fairy tales and folklore have played an important role in challenging societal roles and giving people opportunities to discuss difficult or taboo subjects through the safety of metaphor – in this case, through the image of a woman whose irresistible sexual power over men is balanced by her own inability to function sexually or to reproduce. And in the days when pregnancy and childbirth often proved fatal, that might not have been such a bad thing. The mermaid cannot be raped, or forced to give birth. Not being human, she is not bound by the conventions of human society or the laws of the Church. She enjoys both the freedom and the sensuality of her element without any of the attendant dangers or discomforts. In folklore, the mermaid has independence, and can exercise sexual power over men, which makes her ultimately dangerous, unnatural: a monster. Perhaps this is why so many ancient myths and medieval bestiaries depict mermaids as untrustworthy, deceitful creatures, leading sailors to their doom. Their bodies are all sexual promise, but no sexual reward; and their voices are so enchanting as to drive men to madness. Unable to fulfil what some believe to be a woman’s biological destiny, they are often portrayed as soulless. Because a woman who uses without being used, who seduces without being seduced, who moves through water and air – whereas men are doomed to drown if they venture into the mermaid’s world – is a challenge to God, to the patriarchy, and to order itself.  In The Little Mermaid, Andersen tamed this older, more radical tradition. The moralism of his tale serves the dual purpose of mastering the mermaid – of making her fall victim to a human’s charms, rather than the more traditional way around – and taking away her power. The mermaid, made helpless by love of her prince, gives up her native element and the autonomy that comes with it, and exchanges it – via a witch’s spell – for a pair of feet, though walking causes her terrible pain. She also relinquishes the power of speech, which means that she is incapable of expressing her love in any way but the physical. And if her prince falls in love with someone else, then the mermaid is doomed to die on the instant, and to forfeit the soul for which she has sacrificed everything. Her entire being – her very existence – becomes dependent on the love and approval of her prince. Her independence, her challenge to the patriarchal status quo is gone. Though the ending of Andersen’s tale is – to a certain degree – redemptive (the mermaid, refusing to take the life of her prince in order to save her own life, is borne aloft by spirits of air and promised an eternal soul), it seems very cruel, especially as the heroine is only fifteen years old. A contemporary reader might well see in Andersen’s telling a warning to an emerging women’s movement – women’s power has often been seen as fragile, unnatural, and at the mercy of emotion. Unlike the tragedy of Andersen’s mermaid and prince (and of Fouqué’s Undine), the 1989 Disney film rewards Ariel and Eric with a happily-ever-after ending. And it tells their story in a cheery, colourful palette (a stark contrast to Kay Nielsen’s original dark, eerie concept drawings for the film), which while being pleasingly child-friendly, also reduces the mermaid’s essential alienness, and minimizes her sacrifice, thereby making her tale into little more than a love story with a little added jeopardy.
 But Disney also perpetuated other tropes. It is meaningful that the sea witch who provides the mermaid with the spell fits the older-woman archetype well represented in fairy tales: embittered by age, envious of the little mermaid’s youth and beauty. She is the one who demands the mermaid’s voice as payment for her services: a potent image of an older generation, silencing the voices of youth. (In Andersen’s telling, she too is the one who demands that the mermaid’s sisters cut off their hair in order to save their sibling.) The older woman is filled with rage and contempt for the younger woman; taking pleasure in their humiliation and the loss of their power. And as the tentacled Ursula in the Disney version, she is especially monstrous. 
  Over the centuries, fairy stories have always been reinvented to serve the needs of the changing times. And people have often fretted about this. (In 1853, Charles Dickens criticised the trend for rewriting fairytales to fit didactic, contemporary concerns.) But perhaps that the meaning of the mermaid has drifted further and further away from its origins in ancient folklore should not be cause for too much concern. Today, the mermaid has become the symbol of the trans community, whose members often feel the generational divide especially keenly. And there are endlessly imaginative ways to retell the tradition. (In 2008’s Ponyo, Hayao Miyazaki spins his tale of a goldfish who longs to be human into a charming meditation on childhood.) 
 Like the ever-evolving traditions of fairytales, magic, too, is transformative. In stories, magic acts as a metaphor for the change we seek to effect in our lives, in ourselves, in the world around us. Perhaps that is why fairy tales resonate so deeply with us. Why else would we cling to them, retell them in so many ways? They teach us not that magic exists, but that change is possible. They teach us not that dragons exist, but that monsters can be overcome. And they teach us to hope, in the face of a world that seems to be getting harsher and more confusing by the day, that sometimes love can save us, and that, even in the face of the cruellest kind of tyranny, we can still keep control of our fate, and hope for a happy ending –not just a Disney wedding, but something perhaps more satisfying. In films like Moana - or more recently Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken – the love story is with the sea; a story of claiming, rather than giving up power. Mermaids – in all their aspects – are still working their magic on us. And now, perhaps more than ever, it’s time to listen to their song.
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