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vampirestookmydoubts · 4 months ago
The Prince's Debutante - Series
A/N: This is a series based and written on the ideas of @aninhatatu, Prince Friedrich deserves all the love.
Summary: As the daughter of a disowned marquis and a common maid, you enter your debut season under the watchful eyes of your grandmother, hoping for a humble suitor, to secure your family's future. But your plans change when Prince Friedrich falls for you, sparking an unexpected romance.
Will you and Friedrich be able to find a way to unite love and duty, as you navigate the complexities of society? Or will your blooming love succumb to your family's different expectations and societal scrutinies?
Pairings: Prince Friedrich x Reader
Warnings: none
Chapter 2: Blossoming Affections
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From the Society Papers of Lady Whistledown:
My dear readers, it appears that amidst the glittering diamonds of the ton, a hidden gemstone has emerged in the form of Miss Y/N Whitlock. While she may not possess the dazzling allure of a diamond, I daresay that she shines just as brightly, if not more so. Could it be that Miss Whitlock is the rarest of gems - a ruby in a sea of diamonds, catching the eye and heart of a Prussian nobleman? Only time will tell, but I for one am eager to watch this intriguing dance unfold. After all, in matters of the heart, sometimes it is the hidden gems that prove to be the most valuable of all.
In the wake of your memorable dance, the reports of Lady Whistledown didn’t wait and surely didn’t disappoint the ton’s interest in the unexpected relationship that started to unfold in front of everyone’s eyes.
Despite the murmurs and gazes that seemed to follow you wherever you went, you found yourself increasingly drawn to Prince Friedrich's company, and Fortuna seemed more than willing to cross your paths. Your encounters at balls and soirées became a regular occurrence, each meeting deepening your connection.
Your grandmother, Lady Clarece, was invited to see the latest exhibition presented at the museum, and decided to take you with her. ‘See and be seen’, as she told you in the carriage. Especially now that you were the center of the ton’s talks.
You absentmindedly walked through the exhibition of paintings and sculptures, taking in the different shapes and colors the artists used to bring their imagination to life, when someone approached you from the side.
“Remarkable how artists are able to bring the pictures in their mind onto paper, isn’t it?”
You turned around to the familiar and soft voice, dropping into a curtsy to greet the man. “I was just thinking about the same thing”, you admitted, which made Friedrich smile at you.
“I had hoped to meet you here, Y/N”, the blonde said, turning to the side and extending his arm in an invitation to follow him. “In this case I should thank my grandmother’s secret love for gossip and self-presentation, for my attendance to this event”, you joked, which made Friedrich stifle a laugh.
“Do you think her love for self-presentation would like to be publicly thanked for in front of London’s high society? Or maybe a bouquet of flowers?” You grimaced at the mere thought of Friedrich highly praising and thanking your grandmother. “Please, I beg you, don’t.”
You and him shared a laugh as you both seemed to imagine your grandmother’s reaction to his potential thank you speech.
“Well, then how about you tell me about the book you bought a few days ago. You couldn’t tell me about it the last time I saw you as you hadn’t started it yet.” As you strolled through the museum's hallowed halls, the world around you seemed to fade into insignificance, the exhibits becoming mere backdrop to the captivating exchange unfolding between you.
Your heart fluttered lightly at his genuine interest in your interests.
"It's called ‘The Enchanted Mansion'," you explained, your voice suddenly alive with excitement. "The story follows a young woman named Thea, who inherits a sprawling estate by her late grandfather, which is shrouded in secrets. Soon her grandfather’s dark past catches up with her, and she has to embark on an adventure of self-discovery, learning who she truly wants to be and overcoming formidable challenges. But she also finds true and honest love along the way."
As you speak, your own words painting a vivid picture of the fantastical world described in the book, you didn’t catch the way Friedrich was gazing at you.
"But what I love most about the book," you continued, voice suddenly softening with emotion, "is how it captures the essence of longing and desire. Thea yearns for something more and deeper in her life, something beyond the confines of her ordinary existence. And as she explores the mansion’s and her grandfather’s secrets, she discovers that the power to change the cycle and therefore her fate lies within her own hands and heart."
Friedrich listened intently, captivated by your passionate retelling of the story.
"It sounds like a truly remarkable book," Friedrich remarks, his gaze locked on your face. "I can see why it resonates with you so deeply."
You smiled warmly in response, grateful for Friedrich's genuine interest and understanding.
In that moment, you felt a profound connection with him, but your excitement was tinged with a hint of self-doubt.
"I hope I'm not boring you with the books I like to read," you confessed, cheeks flushing with embarrassment as you suddenly remembered who he was. "I imagine you prefer more sophisticated and clever books."
Friedrich's smile was warm and reassuring as he shook his head. "Not at all, Y/N. I find your passion for this story quite endearing." He reached out to gently squeeze your hand, his touch sending a shiver of warmth down your spine. "In fact, I've always had a fondness for tales like these."
Your eyes widened in surprise, heart skipping a beat at his unexpected admission.
"You do?"
Friedrich nodded, his gaze steady and sincere. "Yes, indeed. In fact, I quite enjoyed ‘The Duelist’s Honor’ by Mrs. Hartley, who is also the author of the book you're describing if I’m correct."
Your jaw momentarily dropped in astonishment, your mind reeling at the revelation. "I had no idea! I've always admired her work, but I never would have imagined that you-"
Friedrich grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement at your undertone. "That I, a prince, would enjoy stories like these? Believe me, Y/N, there is much more to me than meets the eye."
Your conversation flowed effortlessly, each literature revelation bringing you closer to Friedrich.
The following day, you were pleasantly surprised to be presented by a stunning bouquet of flowers the housemaid positioned in front of you in the drawing room.
A gesture that left your parents both intrigued and delighted.
"Beautiful flowers," your father remarked, examining the bouquet over his newspaper with interest. "I once sent your mother a very similar one."
Your mother's eyes sparkled with excitement, as she mused over the colorful arrangement. "Who would send such a precious bouquet?”
Their speculation was interrupted by the housemaid announcing a sudden visitor at the door.
Your heart skipped a beat as you recognized the familiar figure presenting himself at your doorstep: Prince Friedrich himself.
The sight of the prince elicited gasps of astonishment from your family, who were unaccustomed to receiving such esteemed guests at their humble abode.
As Friedrich entered the drawing room with effortless grace and charm, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement at the prospect of introducing him to your family.
Your parents jumped from their seats, greeting him with a blend of surprise and delight, their expressions a curious mix of reverence and nervousness.
"Your Highness," your father stammered, bowing slightly. "To what do we owe the honor of your visit in our modest home?"
Friedrich smiled warmly, his presence commanding the room with ease. "I hope I am not intruding, Sir Whitlock. I simply wished to pay my respects and express my admiration for your daughter."
Your heart swelled with pride at Friedrich's words, though you couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety at the thought of your family's reaction to his unexpected visit. By now you had grown accustomed to navigating the intricacies of society, but having the prince suddenly in your own home felt like uncharted territory.
Your mother, ever the picture of grace under pressure, welcomed Friedrich with open arms, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"Please, Your Highness, make yourself at home. It is an honor to have you here."
The blonde prince lowered his head in gratitude. “I hope you like the flowers I picked for you. The florist almost denied making it and wanted to change my mind to a bouquet of roses. But to me flowers hold a very special meaning and message.”
Your mother beamed with excitement at his words, as Friedrich settled into a comfortable chair.
“What a beautiful thing to say your highness!” Ever the inquisitive one, your younger brother quirked up from the sidelines.
 “So, what do they mean? And what about the flowers on your lapel?” your brother, James, asked and added a hasty ‘your Highness’ when he met your mothers gaze.
Your eyes now fell to the blue flowers that were neatly attached to the lapel of his jacket.
Friedrich smiled at the young boy, leaning slightly forward in his chair, meeting your eyes. “Much like the hidden meaning within these flowers, it is a secret that only a heart touched by true affection can ever hope to decipher.”
James looked between you and the prince with one of his eyebrows raised in a lack of understanding.
"Your Highness," he began tentatively, "What brings you really here?" His cheeky question earned him another stern look from your mother, but Friedrich just chuckled as he turned to James, his expression warm. "I wished to spend some time with your sister. She has captured my heart in a way I never thought possible."
Your cheeks flushed at Friedrich's candid declaration, and you felt a rush of emotion as you met his sincere gaze. Despite the unconventional nature of your forming relationship, you knew in that moment that your feelings for Friedrich were also deeper and more profound than you had ever imagined.
Throughout the visit, Friedrich charmed your family with tales of his homeland and shared his aspirations for the future. He spoke with warmth and honesty, putting everyone at ease with his easygoing demeanor and genuine interest in their lives.
As the evening ended, Friedrich rose to take his leave, his departure marked by expressions of gratitude and goodwill from your family.
As he turned to leave, Friedrich stopped in his tracks, turning back to you with a smile.
“I almost forgot!” Reaching into the inside of his coat, he pulled out a rectangle wrapped in silken cloth. “Flowers are beautiful, but their beauty is fleeting. They wilt and fade away so quickly. But words... written words have a lasting charm. They never lose their beauty or their ability to transport us to different worlds." Taking the gift from him you smiled, opening the wonky looking bow - you assumed he wrapped it himself, to be presented with a book bound in green leather and golden letters, spelling ‘The Last Marigold’.
"Indeed. While flowers may brighten a room for a few days, a book can stay with you forever, providing solace, excitement, and inspiration long after the petals have fallen. It makes books truly timeless treasures", you said, turning the book in your hands, feeling the leather under your fingertips. Friedrich’s smile also grew at your words.
“I found it in a small bookstore, in an alley hidden from the eyes of the ton. I thought you might like it.” The thought of him scanning rows and rows of bookshelves in even the tiniest of bookstores in London, when he could have just sent a servant to an expensive store, warmed your heart. He pulled out another copy of the book from his coat. “I’d love to hear your opinions on it the next time we meet.” With that and a deep bow and kiss to the back of your hand, he bid you and your family farewell.
The moment the door closed behind him, you swiftly escaped your excited and beaming mother, making your way to the quiet sanctuary of the library. With purposeful steps, you approached a familiar bookshelf and pulled out a thick, leather-bound volume, its cover adorned with an embossed flower and letters that had faded to near obscurity. ‘The Language of Flowers’ had been one of your cherished companions growing up. Your love for flowers had only deepened when your mother first shared the secret messages your father had sent her through bouquets during their forbidden courtship.
You began flipping through the pages until your eyes landed on the bluish flower you had noticed on Friedrich’s lapel. “Cornflower, the national flower of Prussia…” you read softly. Of course, he would choose something so symbolic of his homeland, you mused, scanning the passage until a sentence stopped you cold, making your heart skip a beat.
‘An unmarried gentleman in love might be seen with a freshly plucked cornflower, pinned upon his breast. The fate of his affection is said to be reflected in the flower’s bloom. Should the cornflower remain vibrant and fresh, it signals a hopeful promise that his love may be returned. But if the flower withers and fades too quickly, it is taken as a most unfortunate omen, a silent whisper from nature that his heart’s desire might remain unfulfilled.’
A smile tugged at your lips as excitement fluttered in your chest.
The bouquet Friedrich had sent you suddenly felt like a puzzle waiting to be solved, and you couldn’t wait to decipher its hidden message. Roaming through the pages, you hastily scribbled down the meanings of each flower -gloxinias, baby’s breath, primroses, daisies, and peonies, until you pieced together a message that made your heart race and your cheeks flush.
"From the moment I first beheld you, my heart was irrevocably yours. You have become the very essence of my existence, and life without you is unthinkable. It is my deepest hope that we might soon unite in marriage and spend our days together for a lifetime and beyond."
It was as though you could hear Friedrich’s voice in your mind, a tender whisper sharing the secret message only a heart touched by true affection could ever hope to decipher.
______________________________________________________ Tag list: @rebeccawinters, @inutheangel, @bbubbllejisoo
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keravg · 5 years ago
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Forever a mood🧛‍♀️🧛‍♂️ . . . #vampire #vampirefilter #foreveravampire #vampirefiction #btvs #supernatural #paranormal #immortal #amwriting #writer #writersofinsta #authorsofsouthafrica #authorsofinsta #writerscommunity #writerslife #authorlife #fictionwriter #vampirewriter #halloween #halloweek #nanowrimo2019 #nanowrimoprep2019 #myfirstnanowrimo #SlayerTraits #writingprep #novel #lenovolaptop (at South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4PmbQUH4id/?igshid=m7wdl9xzg2ie
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alexiswritingfantasy · 6 years ago
Back after a long slumber...
Hey humanoids, Your friendly vampire is back! It has been a while since I last posted here, or open my eyes from a long slumber. In short, I lost my password to my coffin, and I didn’t know how to get it back. That time, I used my phone and it was a pain in the butt that I didn’t know my own password *facepalms* I think a few years back, I changed my password, and I forgot it again. And now, it is a miracle to get this blog back to me. Though it may be strange, I don’t know what to do with this blog. I know what you’re thinking, but when I created this blog, I didn’t know what to do. I already have a mini blog that I put my heart and soul to it (that’s bizarre, vampires don’t have a  heart). So I don’t know. Probably, I am thinking of documenting my writing updates OR share some old, cringey writing here. Or play some book tags or writing tags (those are fun!) in this one. - Monsoon  
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study-linds · 5 years ago
congrats on your acceptance!!! does your program start in spring or in fall? i’m currently doing my scwk intro courses before starting my official program next fall :-)
hi omg!! thank you SO much — and it’s sort of confusing but my school has a social work undergrad as a professional major, so basically when i say i got accepted into the program i mean the major, so it’s my official area of focus! & i’ve just registered for spring courses & i’ll be two social work courses so i’m super excited!
if you ever wanna talk more about swk feel free reach out to me whenever! also thank you so much again, i am so happy & grateful ahh!
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caffeinenby · 6 years ago
Vampirewrites >> caffeinenby
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10 Song Tag
Thanks @possibledreamswriting for the tag. 
As always if I tag you, you don’t have to do it and if you don’t want to be tagged in the future let me know. Tagging some people I haven’t before--hi guys :)
I tag: @teaandconfusion @mywritinghideout @missaddledmiss @dantedevereaux @katiehahnbooks  @vampirewrites @largeindamargin @aschenink @loopyhoopydrabbles @halrose
Rules: Write down 10 songs you’re currently obsessed with, then tag 10 people.
Hottie by Brockhampton 
Echo by Kevin Abstract 
Feelings by Hayley Kiyoko (or anything by her tbh)
Kansas City by the Mowgli’s 
Stranger Things by Kygo ft. One Republic
Stay Together by Noah Cyrus
Good Grief by Bastille (the Bunker Sessions version)
Ophelia by The Lumineers 
Thunder by Imagine Dragons
Perfect Places by Lorde 
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daniixhallows · 7 years ago
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In honor of the Vampire Ball in L.A. tonight that I can't be at. 😢 . . . #vampire #vampires #LAVampires #VampireBall #VampireGirl #vampireerotica #vampirewriter . . . Vampires, vampires, vampires
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bitter-vain-temptations · 7 years ago
Some writing I did for the blog to make up for inactivity
Golden liquid dripped down from his dry lips as a drunken chuckle escaped from himself. He stood up from he sat at the end up the dining room table before stumbling through the room with a wine glass in his hand. Chairs were aligned perfectly with a lady sitting in each one. They were still and silent while decay was evident on their whithering bodies. Demidicus held up his glass and stood straight up with his left arm behind his back and raising up his glass high into the air before slurring "Cheers!"
He gave a glance to his glass before furrowing his brows and smashing it into a corpses head before himself. Its head rurptured open with a horrid stench filling the room. Rancid black liquids oozed out, seeping onto the table and floor below. Demidicus tossed the base of the glass behind himself. "Why won't you do anything!"
There was no response but silence as it created unease. They all stared at Demidicus with their blank, empty expressions. Demidicus backed into the wall while digging his nails into the wood. In his imagination the corpses were alive. They manically laughed at him while pointing their fingers. Accusing, brandishing him as a monster. He had already accepted that notion personally but it was to much. He grabbed the corpse infront of him and shook it violently.
"Why are you looking at me like this? Answer me!"
Demidicus whined out. A silk hankerchief was used as it smeared bloody tears across his white skin. Each of the corpses's necks had blood caked onto them. The copper scent had mixed with the putrid smell of decay and caused Demidicus to cringe in his delusional state. Demidicus took one of the ladies and tossed it carelessly to the floor before sitting in its place. He held his head before muttering out: "Why?"
Demidicus sobbed out: "What did I do to deserve a horrible fate such as this?"
All he ever saw was red, red was his food and drink. Red was his life and it made him recoil in disgust. Everything was perfect about himself with not a single flaw. This caused Demidicus to grow angry. Just even one flaw would subdue to show that was still a man inside instead of a plastic doll. For once he wanted his victims to recoil in disgust instead of swooning like love sick doves over himself. Demidicus wanted to be human once again but the same question always asked whenever his thoughts turned to buried desires.
'How would you gain your meal and live such an easy life?'
That very question invaded his mind like the swarming of rats in a house that was beyond saving from their infestion. In his own world it was appearance that mattered the most. It was appearance that brought him his meals every single night. Women who surrounded himself, and his fledglings whom thought of him as their angel. This was the possibility of the cause of Demidicus's vain and arrogance towards others. With a sudden revelation he came upon the realization that without his outer beauty he was nothing but a porcelain doll that others loved to play with and use until it turned on them.
Even thou he wasn't alive anymore, his own heart would have been clenching in pain at these thoughts. The chair creaked as Demidicus stood up from it. His hands laced together before giving a bow towards the corpses. His silky curls toppled down while his face was a mess of smeared blood and make up. The vampire left as the door closed behind him and sent a shudder throught the hallway. He locked the door.
"Jusqu'à la prochaine fois, mon petit poussin."
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vampirestookmydoubts · 1 month ago
Hey, I'm the problem it's me.
Hello fellow people, I guess I'm kinda back from my hiatus (?) and it started with me realizing, that I limited my blog from being discovered in recommendations, search and /tagged pages, because ( why and however tf) I checked the option in the privacy settings 💀
I'm ashamed, but not suprised. Go me.
Somehow my hyperfixation (thank you adhd) finally kicked in yesterday and I couldn't stop thinking about writing again. I'm now back to writing the 3rd chapter of "The Princes Debutante" and GOD did I miss Friedrich and reader (sorry for the long hiatus @aninhatatu - and everyone who also might be waiting 🥹).
"Could it be that the prince has finally found his princess in the ruby of the season?"
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kissthegogo-goat-witch · 5 years ago
I forgot to mention that I'm also a writer, with a complete autobiography of a vampire that's full of misery and twists. Be sure to check it out if you love horror, goth and vampires.
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kissthegogo-goat-witch · 6 years ago
Check out my novel on Wattpad!
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caffeinenby · 6 years ago
btw I used to be a writeblr but now this account is just a multifandom/lgbt/personal/random mess.
I can’t continuely focus on my wips and then I go months without working on them so rip
I think my old user was vampirewrites
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vampirestookmydoubts · 9 months ago
Well I know he’s canceled and problematic but before I used to love watching the Cosby show. And that scene when little four year old Olivia is explaining where babies come from is hilarious and I would love to see it in a Bridgerton setting. Like when Eloise asks how children are made daughter!reader is there too and like is basically Olivia and informs them the same way she did and everyone’s just like...🤭😮. Please make it more Benedict centric. If you’re uncomfortable doing this request because of the whole Cosby thing I completely understand.
The stork seed
A/N: Thank you for the request! Tbh I never watched The Cosby Show, but I know of the controvery. I still wanted to do your request as I loved the idea of a 4-year-old explaining the world to Eloise lol. I watched the scene and read the transcription and I hope I was able to write it the way you wanted me to! I think I left it kind of open if y/n is the daughter of Violet or one of the siblings. Hope you like it!
Characters: bridgerton!reader, bridgerton!daughter, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Eloise Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton
Warnings: none
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The living room of the Bridgerton estate was filled with the usual lively chatter and activity.
Benedict sat in his favorite armchair, sketching away, while you, the youngest one in the house at four years old, sat on the floor playing with one of the dolls Colin bought you on his latest travels.
Meanwhile, Eloise, the ever-curious Bridgerton, lounged on the sofa half-mindedly reading a book, her mind buzzing with questions.
Suddenly, Eloise looked up, her brow furrowed in thought.
"Benedict, can I ask you something?"
Benedict glanced up from his sketchbook, intrigued by Eloise's sudden serious tone. "Of course, sister. What's on your mind?"
"How does a woman come with child?" Eloise asked, her tone serious but tinged with nervous curiosity. The lively bustle of the remaining family in the room came to a sudden halt, their attention suddenly on her. “Eloise!”, Daphne exclaimed shocked, but her own curiosity was written in her face. Benedict's eyebrows shot up in surprise, caught off guard by the unexpected question. Before he could formulate a response, you, always eager to contribute you own unique perspective on life, chimed in from the floor.
"Everybody knows the stork brings them!" You declared proudly, eyes shining with conviction.
Benedict obviously struggled to contain his amusement, exchanging amused glances with Colin.
"Is that so, love?" he asked, barely managing to keep a straight face. "Yes, Mama told me!" you nodded vigorously, your expression earnest. “So, the stork puts the baby in the belly of the mother?”
Outraged by Colins question you shook your head. “No! The stork takes the baby from heaven and puts it in the bassinet.”
Eloise frowned at your response, still trying to make sense of it all. "But why do women get a big belly when it's the stork that brings the baby?"
You paused, considering the question for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly. "Mommy told me that mommies have a special seed in the belly!"
Eloise's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected explanation. "A special... seed?"
"Yeah!" You nodded enthusiastically. "Like the ones mommy plants in her garden! But only daddies have the baby seed."
Benedict and Colin struggled visually to contain their laughter at the innocence of your explanation and the discussion that unfolded in front of them.
"But then why could I feel something move in mommy's belly when she was pregnant with you, Y/N?" Eloise asked further, turning to you with a curious expression. "If it's the stork that brings the baby."
You paused for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly. "Oh, that's just gas from eating the seeds!"
Benedict couldn't hold back his laughter any longer, erupting into a fit of giggles, that infected the rest of the present family. Even Eloise couldn't help but chuckle at your matter-of-fact explanation.
"You mean to tell me," Benedict said between laughs, "that all those times Mama said she was feeling you kick, it was just... gas?"
You nodded earnestly with a serious expression. "Yep! Just gas from the seed."
Eloise shook her head in disbelief, still trying to wrap her mind around the absurdity of the situation, while you returned to play with your dolls. "Well, I suppose that's one way to explain it.", she murmured, sitting down between Colin and Benedict, crossing her arms. “You two know more about this, don’t you?”
“Have you ever been to a farm?”, Colin started, earning a slap against the back of his head by his brother, as Violet Bridgerton entered the room.
"What has everyone so amused?" Violet asked, a soft smile playing on her lips as she watched you play with your toys.
Colin grinned mischievously, looking back at his mother. "Oh, we were just explaining to Eloise how babies are made, Mama. According to Y/N, it involves a stork, a special seed from the garden, and a bit of gas." Violet’s smile slipped into a face of shock and indignation, a faint pink creeping onto her cheeks. “Colin Bridgerton, stop encouraging your sister in such delicate subjects!” Benedict stifled a laugh, which earned him a strict gaze from his mother. “Don’t get me started on you, Benedict!” Raising his hand in defence, the second eldest returned to his sketchbook not being able to hide the smile on his lips.
In this moment he couldn't help but feel grateful for his quirky and lovable family. Life with the Bridgertons was certainly never dull, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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vampirestookmydoubts · 9 months ago
Prompts List 4 - Regency era edition
"It is not merely a matter of wealth, but of character, sir, and yours is in question."
"Your mother insists on making an advantageous match for you, regardless of your feelings."
"How scandalous! A lady of her standing should know better than to be seen in such compromising circumstances."
"Your kindness has been my saving grace, sir, but if the truth were known, society would never forgive us."
"I feel like I'm suffocating in this gilded cage of expectations."
"If society knew the truth about us, it would be our ruin."
"Do you think we're doomed to repeat the mistakes of our parents?"
"We're living a lie, and it's tearing me apart."
"You're the only one who has ever made me feel alive, yet you're also the one who's tearing me apart."
"I never thought I'd have to sacrifice my own happiness for the sake of our families' feud."
"You're like a storm that's ravaging my heart, yet I can't bring myself to seek shelter."
"I am but a mere pawn in the game of love, destined to be sacrificed for the greater good."
"I shall wait for you at the stroke of midnight, beneath the ancient oak tree."
"The weight of duty crushes me, yet I must bear it with grace."
"I would brave the depths of hell itself if it meant I could be with you."
"Whispers of scandal follow in your wake, yet I cannot help but be drawn to you."
"To love you is to court danger, yet I would brave any peril to hold you in my arms."
"Your words are like honey, yet I cannot shake the feeling that they are laced with poison."
"I would sacrifice everything for just one more chance to gaze into your eyes."
"To see you with another is a dagger to my soul, yet I must conceal my pain behind a facade of indifference."
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vampirestookmydoubts · 4 years ago
Vampires Masterpost
I thought it would be much easier to find all my shit imagines, series, prompts etc. with some kind of masterpost.
So here we go.
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Prompt lists
Who I write for
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vampirestookmydoubts · 4 years ago
Random Prompt List 3
Compilation of dialogue prompts I liked and thought would be fun to write!
"If I could dig my nails into your throat and pull out your vocal cords, I would."
“You think you’re hallucinating me? After everything I’ve put you through?”
 “I can’t believe you’re taller than me” “it’s been ten years and that’s all you have to say?”
“I could kill you, but where’s the fun in that?”
 “I always knew you’d die in my arms.”
“When I let go, run for your life.”
”I’ll make it quick, I promise.”
"I want to go home."      
“Your concerns have been noted, but not entertained.    
“Everyone thinks being     immortal is so fun. Honestly, being able to die sounds a lot better.”   
“Do you even regret it?” “I regret everything. Always have.”
“Are you angry? I did not intend to hurt you, this I swear. I did not know how to not. But ignorance of the good doesn’t excuse the bad. I’m sorry.”
“I’m not letting karma deal with this. I can’t trust it’ll be enough of a punishment, nor can I say it’d be fast enough.”
“So from the bottom of my cold, dead heart, screw you.”
“Am I a hero or the devil’s son? Can’t figure out what side I’m on.”
 “Wow. Here I thought we had a moment. I spilled my story to you and all you have to say is 'okay’? What does that even mean?!”
20.   "Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?"
“Just play along. Please.”
“Can you stop making jokes for one fucking minute?”
“Why won’t you tell me who’s doing this to you?”
“Because I fell for you, isn’t it obvious?” 
“Why do we have to keep hiding? I’m tired of being kept a secret.”
“Every time I think I’m close to finally figuring you out you end up surprising me.”
“Are you ok? You look just about ready to run across the room and beat them to death.”
“you used to tell me anything.”
“How do I tell him that I’m in love with him? Like, in a way that isn’t so...obvious?”
“I swear to god, I was about to beat him to death with my heels, if you hadn’t saved me.”
“Who are you hiding from?”
“You say having feelings makes me weak, but you’re weak for hiding from them.”
“You deserves happiness. I know you think you don’t, but you do.”
“You look really good in that dress. I could get used to this sight.”
“I think I briefly showed you my lower leg once.” “Yes. It definitely was scandalous.”
“You look like you’re about to set someone on fire.”
“Give me something to look forward to in the morning, so I can will myself to wake up and not relieve the embarrassment all over again.”
“So, you fainted just to avoid dancing with him?”
“How about this: we run away together and live a life far away from the expectations society puts on our shoulders?”
“What can I say? The ladies love me.” “Is that why you’re still a bachelor?”
“Hey. Hey! What did I just say? Keep your eyes open!”
“Smile dear, you’re being watched.”
"If we both stick to the story, they can't prove anything."
"I don't want to live in a society like this, yet I’m not able to change anything about it.”
"I just want a nice, easy life. What's wrong with that?"
“Goodness, what have I done right to be greeted by you?”
“Life’s too short to be disgruntled over not being pretty.” “Easy to say when you literally look like a Greek god.”
"I never asked for a savior. I asked for a friend."
“I will strangle the next person who tells me to smile more with my own bare hands.”
“You think you can bribe me? I can’t be bought. I’m not a horse.”
“Do you know how breathtaking you look right now?”
“Oh, good, you’re here! Catch me.” “Why should I-”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t exactly blend in.” “No offence taken. I’ve been told that more times than you would think.”
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