18 posts
Growing a collective from the roots up. Mountain Life Collection Available Now: EvergreenTreez.com
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evergreentreez-blog · 7 years ago
We Made the Sticker Wall!
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Stickers have ALWAYS been a big part of my life. Ever since my Dad gave me a 747 Jumbo Jet sticker from his days working at Boeing; I was hooked. My collection has grown a lot over the years. I’d estimate it now contains over 1,500 different ones. Here’s a small sample:
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Stickers are such an incredibly creative way to capture the essence of a brand, place or experience. That’s why we were so damn excited to work with diecutstickers.com to create our own!  At this point, no flat surface is safe.
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These are the original EvergreenTreez mountain life collection stickers. We’re stoked on how vibrant they are and the fact that they’ll withstand the elements for years to come. Although this first batch was incredibly limited and is almost completely gone already, we look forward to sharing many more of our unique experiences in the Treez through stickers and our other products. Our friends at diecutstickers.com were so pumped for us that they even gave us a spot on the Holy Sticker Wall. Needless to say; that meant everything. Here’s to Lyfe In The Treez and Moments like these ---->
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
Lungz of The Earth
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Treez are the lungz of the Earth. Our aim is to protect them. Not only do they provide us with the quintessential life elements of clean air, water filtration and biodiversity; treez also create jobs, support health & wellness and contribute to the sequester of carbon into our atmosphere. Not to mention the fact that they are awesome to climb, hang hammocks in and shred through on the mountain. Evergreentreez is a collective of explorers and humanitarians focused on environmental stewardship through creativity. Sustainability and community engagement are the roots of everything we’re working to achieve. 
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
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Sometimes you just need to get out of the city. Lake Chelan has long been the spot to put a hammock in the treez and unleash your inner monkey. This year’s annual trip was one that was long overdue and couldn’t have come at a better time. After such a long winter the state park was still incredibly swampy but this weekend was the first of hot and truly nice weather. There’s nothing like waking up to the heat of an Eastern Washington morning and jumping into Chelan’s frigid waters. The week was full of Chelanigans including brewery and winery tours, a giant rubber ducky, sunburns, late night star gazing, marshmallow roasting and some much needed R&R. Not to mention a breakfast for the ages at Blueberry Hills farms! After seeing the world setting rubber ducky in Tacoma the week before we left, we knew we had to make an appearance of our own.
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This trip was an all time classic, and one that was full of adventure. (Not to mention a bit of gnarly road rash from a long-boarding incident. That’s besides the point though. Chelan is a tradition like none other, and this year was all about recharging the batteries. If you haven’t been there, you should really get out from under the rock which you’ve been hiding. Fun fact: Chelan is the third deepest lake in North America behind Crater and Tahoe. 
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
Today was a good day.
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Intuition is hard to define, but there are certain moments in life where you just need to speak your mind. Today I was able to do that and it greatly benefited a close friend. To celebrate, I hit up the spot to skip some rocks and ended up with sand in my socks. Cold Rainier on a log while the Washington sunset colored the fog. Simplicity is the key to brilliance, and there is nothing more simple and visceral than watching the sun set over the Puget Sound. Here’s to life in the Treez and moments like these.
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
Thanks Mother Nature
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Coming into 2017 the Evergreenteez crew was focused on building our lifestyle brand by continuing to do the things we love with the people we care about. We knew that the farmers almanac called for a La Nina winter. What we didn’t know was just how EPIC and HISTORIC the snowpack would be! I mean, come on. March set a record for snowfall with over 100 inches in all the Washington passes. That March madness turned into April radness and we still had some deep days on the slopes until nearly the first of May. Honestly we were all wondering if we would get any spring riding in at all! With Baker, Crystal and Stevens closing by the end of April there was only one resort left standing. Luckily for us, most seasons for our crew end where they begin; Snocompton. Cinco de Mayo was the ultimate mixed bag this year. It was a bonafide slush fest and culmination of this legendary winter spent with our closest amigos. We all took work and school off to indulge in one last Alpy Friday that wouldn’t have been complete without the sombreros, burritos and of course some Pacifico. We hucked it because the snow was so soft and buttery. Mother nature displayed all four seasons for us. The morning started with broken clouds and sunbreaks before quickly turning to garbage bag weather.
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It’s been real, winter!  Looking forward to longer days, summer riding at Hood, camping trips and many more adventures with the crew. Not to mention the official release of our website and kickstarter edit. Until next time...enjoy life in the treez and moments like these.
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
Keep Fighting
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The inspiration for our first product came when the best player ever to wear a Seattle uniform went into the baseball hall of fame. Ken Griffey Jr. was inducted last August in Cooperstown, but not before his number retirement ceremony at Safeco Field. He told the team to “Keep Fighting” during his speech; a sentiment that was highly regarded by the raucous home crowd. Griffey’s speech ignited a run by the team and nearly propelled them to the playoffs for the first time since 2001. We really like the mantra and apply it in our everyday lives. Keep Fighting 24 transcends baseball and extends to all aspects of life. 
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The Evergreenteez crew is proud of our first product and wanted to make sure that it met major league standards. We’ve started this adventure by selling some hats to our close homies and family (thanks mom). We plan on keeping our remaining stock as a part of our Heritage collection; more to come on that later. We want to release unique products that mean a lot to us on a limited basis and continue to build our lifestyle brand from the ground up. This will enable us to implement an omni-channel marketing approach that creates synchronicity through all our media platforms. Thanks for your support and go M’s!
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
May the Fourth Be With You!
A few years ago in a galaxy far, far away...
There was a group of rebel shredders who were searching for adventure in Alderaan places. 
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Then they discovered their passion, intuition and love of the treez while on an intergalactic quest for serendipity. They found a mountain with enough powder to cover an entire planet. They spent as much time in the treez as humanly possible. They traversed rivers and streams that had never been seen before. When they returned from their journey they were humbled and wanted to share their experiences with their crew. They started with a dollar and a dream and called themselves evergreenteez . On this very special day we celebrate our intergalactic upbringing and remind ourselves that inspiration comes in many forms. 
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
Stay humble, be great. And always pay homage to your roots.
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
All The Way Up | Blackcomb Glacier | Successful Business Trip
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The idea for Evergreenteez was conceived in the Whistler Peak 2 Peak gondola. As Joey and I glided across the worlds longest unsupported span while being suspended hundreds of feet in the air, our senses were keenly awakened. We asked ourselves; how can we share experiences like this with the people we care about? We wanted to capture the feeling of life in the treez and moments like these. From there we both started to truly discover our passion for The Mountain Life. The culture and vivacity it brings is something that cannot be described, which is where our idea of creating a lifestyle brand was born. We started by getting GoPro footy with the boyz and taking time to write down our creative ideas. This evolved into some sick edits Joey made and the blog you are reading now. 
After our first Whistler trip in 2013, we were both struck with wanderlust and went on numerous shredventures to Alpental, Baker, Hood, Bachelor, Crystal and Stevens. We went camping and hiking with our homies in Chelan, Bellingham, Mount Rainier National Park and the Oregon Coast just to name a few. All these adventures in between classes and full time jobs. As we started to compile more of a portfolio, we began to see our dream of creating a lifestyle brand materialize.
2017 has been a momentous year already. We created a website that is nearing it’s launch. We’ve been working on a kickstarter edit to help get us off the ground. This year we went into our Whistler weekend with a business trip mentality. We wanted to compile a ton more footage for our edit with our team riderz Troy and “Combo” Joe. We wanted to party and shred as much as our bodies could possibly handle in 3 days all while wearing our first product, the Keep Fighting beanies.
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When we arrived in Canada the first thing we did (after getting lost in Vancouver for 2 hours) was grab a dank bite of poutine in Squamish. Classic Canadian cuisine eh? From there it was a quick trip to Whistler. Upon arrival we had a traditional Rainier shotgun sesh and then hit the village. My quest for free stickers and Clif bars was fulfilling because it was the opening day of the World Ski and Snowboard Fest! Walking around that village is a true outdoor enthusiasts dream. We had a much needed kick it night on Friday so we could wax up the sticks and prepare our camera gear for what was to come. 
Saturday was one of the most epic days of riding any of us had ever seen. Snowfall in Whistler Blackcomb reached historic levels of nearly 40 FEET this winter and it was still coming down tough, IN APRIL! Needless to say, the fresh pow was more than sufficient for full send mode. We ripped Whistler to shreds that day and made our presence known. Hopped over some boulders like Super Mario and dropped faces steeper than we’d ever seen. The ET crew is strong, and this day was legendary. The hottub was needed that night...
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Sunday it was tough to get out of bed after the shenanigans of the previous night, but when we saw that the skies were blue we strapped up and rolled out. Pedialyte is a team favorite. Joey and I wanted to see the Blackcomb Glacier because it is a spot we hadn’t explored and the kook level is at a minimum. We headed up Jersey Cream and then hit the showcase T-Bar. We noticed a spot on the glacier that had untouched powder and required only a short bootpack. We huffed it up the hill and then sat back to marvel at one of the most amazing views either of us had ever seen. We figured it would be a good time to drink a beer and grab some interviews for kickstarter. 
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When we were good and ready we strapped in and took off on the most epic line of our lives. We surfed waist deep blower pow that reminded me of champagne bubbles through trees and between canyons. Fortuitous luck brought us directly to the Peak 2 Peak, a fitting place for us to cap off our trip. We had a toast at the roundhouse lodge for Evergreenteez and worked on our goggle tan without speaking because honestly we were both speechless. Overall it was a successful business trip and we’re incredibly excited for what comes next. Our kickstarter edit is in it’s final stages and we’re looking forward to sharing it with all of you! Keep Fighting.
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
Seattle Legend
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Safeco Field is the house that Junior built. Without this man Seattle wouldn’t have a baseball team. There was a time not too long ago that the future of the Mariners was in serious doubt. That is, until the high-flying, backward hat wearing superstar emerged. As the best player ever to wear a Mariners uniform and a first ballot hall of famer, it only seems right that The Kid was immortalized today when his statue was unveiled on the corner of Edgar and Dave. Thank you for all you’ve done for our team and our city. The legend of Ken Griffey Junior will live on forever. 
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
My Oh My
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There is nothing quite as exciting as being apart of a Mariners home opener at Safeco Field. This years opener was even a little more special considering it’s the team’s 40th anniversary season. The Safe was filled to the brim with fans who were anxious to express their unbridled optimism for 2017. We currently hold the longest playoff drought in the majors at 15 years. The last time the Mariners tasted the postseason, gas was $1.46 per gallon and Shrek was still in theaters. 
This year feels different, though. With a core group of stars in Robinson Cano, Boomstick and Kyle Seager combined with scrappy newcomers Jean Segura and Jarrod Dyson our offense looks potent. Throw in a starting rotation that features King Felix and breakout candidate James Paxton. Then add in a speedier and more athletic outfield patrolled by Leonys Martin and Mitch Haniger. And who could forget the electric arm of closer Edwin Diaz? This team looks ready to go.
The script of the 2017 Mariners has yet to be written. But as I relish this 6-0 victory over the ‘Stros on opening day, I have every reason to believe that this is the year sodo mojo is born again. Go M’s
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
Legendary Powday
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I’d been scoping the forecast all week with hopes of either a snowy day with soft conditions or a sunny day with good visibility. It became apparent early Saturday morning though that we would actually have both. Wes swooped me to make the mission out to Steven’s pass and the sunrise brought glorious clear skies. The ride was filled with chill beats & silly freestyles, and wouldn’t have been complete without the poppy seed muffins and chocolate milk.
We were in such a good mood as we cruised down the scenic mountain highway that not even a flat tire 6 miles from the pass could mitigate our positive vibes. Luckily Wes handled it like a Nascar pit crew member (or Ralphie’s dad from A Christmas Story) because we still made it to the slopes right at 9. Our shredventures started with a slice of dank homemade bread and some greasy bacon in Ryan’s RV. That thing was covered in 9+ inches of freshies when we got there. Combine THAT with a seriously vivacious blue sky and a dope crew and you’ve got the recipe for one epic day. 
Our squad varied for pretty much every run, but we slashed the freshest tree lines and racked up some frequent flier mileage in the park. EM Socks was there to hook us up with some swag, as well as the demo tents for Zumiez, Arbor and Nikita. 
Speaking of Arbor, my Coda will always be the preferred weapon of choice for days like this one. The full rocker profile and incredible liveliness through the treez is what really makes that board special. It has superior float and seriously likes to get airborne, no vitamin C. 
It’s really rare to have a day as special as this on the slopes, but with Mother Nature continuing to wallop every one of our mountains with snow I believe that this La Nina has much more in store for us.
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
Momentum Shift
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Hard work really does pay off! After after an incredibly long week of punching the clock I took my OG Arbor pintail to the spot to enjoy a little shred. On such a grey night I was incredibly surprised and delighted to see a sunset as grandiose as this. After bombing a couple hills in the beachfront neighborhood I cracked a tall Rainier and watched the vibrant clouds metastasize in the sky. Sitting on a stormy beach and watching the day turn to night is mesmerizing. Feeling the cool bite of the ocean breeze is awe inspiring.
Life is all about momentum shifts, and the waves I saw tonight symbolize a significant positive momentum shift. There is nothing more inspiring than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it is sent away. There will always be setbacks in life. The trick to bouncing back is embodying the fortitude to keep kissing the shoreline until you can climb back onto the beach.
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
Stay Humble | Be Great
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Sometimes you have to go all the way up. Being blessed enough to see the top of chair 2 on a bluebird day is one thing. Being able to enjoy the mountain’s majesty with your closest friends is another experience entirely. This weekend was a two day shredfest filled with  laughs, laps and liftlines. Not to mention the kimchi meatloaf from the Aardvark, growlers at Dru Bru and a crispy Digiorno. A sunny Alpy Friday followed by a soggy Central Saturday. The only thing missing was my traditional Snocompton garbage bag poncho when the snow turned to rain. Ca$h me ousside though: Snoqualmie loc’s are so used to riding in the rain that we have webbed feet.
Luckily the weather forecast kept the crowds away at Silver Fir because there were lines to be ripped! Seemingly endless fun a day after sending it off Hercules lip. Even though the visibility was at times worse than a grandma’s hip, we still kicked it tough and tried not to slip.
Being at Webbski again was a nostalgic and needed experience. Seeing my brothers and earning a spot to crash on the floor by shoveling Mike’s steps was a cerebral experience.There’s nothing like waking up to the sight of snow showers and fresh dust on crust! This weekend humbled and rejuvenated me after a long stretch of work and transitioning to a new home. Everyone needs time to clear their minds and recollect their thoughts. This weekend was so much more than a party; it was a spiritual revival.
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
Looking ahead...
The start of a New Year is always a time for introspective thought. Life has a funny way of showing us who we are and where we are going.  I can say without a doubt that last year was the most mentally and physically challenging year of my life. The road I traveled could have never been scripted.
It is easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to appreciate the little things. Without struggle and adversity there would be no such thing as achievements or the need to set goals. I appreciate life because of the obstacles I’ve overcome and the hard work I have already put in. I know there are many more challenges and distractions ahead; but a vehemently positive mindset will help me to remain calm under any circumstance. 
My friends and family have always been a positive influence. They have helped me to realize my purpose and instilled in me the values that make me the man I am today. I have always been an intuitive thinker, adventurous spirit and creative individual. These 3 words have become a lifestyle: The Mountain Life. My time at the University of Washington as a Husky revealed my relentless passion for communication. Building Evergreenteez from the ground up is possible if I create synergy between my brand and my lifestyle. You are witnessing the calm before the storm!
Without looking back other than to see how far I’ve come, this is the year of moving forward. This is my year. I will keep fighting. 
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
Castles in the Sky
Fata Morgana is a natural phenomenon that creates mirages during climate inversions. When warm air sits directly on top of cooler air it creates a band of light on the horizon that distorts far away images beyond recognition. The strange occurrence used to lead sailors to their fates at sea. On this day it led us to see mountains disguised as castles in the sky.
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#Whitefish #Montana #fatamorgana #Janice #shred
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evergreentreez-blog · 8 years ago
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Sometimes we all need a little inspiration to get the ball rolling again. For me in this moment that inspiration comes in the form of pink cookies.
Gazing out from a precarious perch in “The Claw”, I can see the lenticular clouds of a passing storm lingering over the dome of mighty Rainier. The faint remaining daylight begins to give way to the night, but not before the mountain becomes enshrouded in illusion.
New snow-pack atop the jagged boulders appears in the form of fresh baked sugar cookies while the oddly shaped clouds and the colors of a setting sun depict a grandiose dollop of pink frosting. Coupled with the sight of dark evergreen silhouettes and the smell of frost, my interest is keenly piqued. If only I could capture the essence of a Mt. Rainier sunset and save it for later.
In retrospect; maybe I can! That essence is the vivacity and verve that lives within us all. Some people feel it in different ways. For those of us who love to learn, experiencing the world merely through endless second-hand information isn’t enough.  If we want authenticity we have to seek it ourselves. The Mountain Life is the simplest way for me to seek that genuine feeling; the feeling of freedom and perpetual fascination that comes with exploring the PNW. The authenticity of our brand is seen in every stitch and every design. Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness. Evergreenteez is a lifestyle brand made for life in the treez and moments like these.
 #pinkcookies #realizingmypurpose #lenticularclouds #Enumclaw
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