howtomanifestanything · 4 months
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It's my 3 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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The Law of Attraction is not magical nonsense. It is a law that is working around you just like gravity does. And it is grounded in simple quantum physics. Einstein showed us that energy and matter are two sides of the same coin in the Theory of Relativity E = mc2. The entire universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. The same energy that exists all over the universe exists within us. Energy therefore is at the basis of all physical reality. Energy is vibrating at different speeds. Those speeds determine what we see as solid matter and also what we can't perceive. It is the energy we cannot perceive yet as solid matter that is the "magic" of the Law of Attraction! To attract what you desire you must match the frequency of it. You have to find the energetic frequency of it and vibrate there too. That means to attract happiness you must feel happy.
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The universe in its entirety is organized through vibration and is capable of providing you with what you want in life! But you have to be sending the right signal or frequency, that matches it, in order to draw it to you. Begin by setting an intention. Something that you wish to change in your life, something you want to be, do or have. Imagine that a stream of powerful, white light is flowing down through the top of your head. Keep you focus on this brilliant energy and imagine its flow expanding out to everyone and everything. Now imagine that the thing you intend already exists. Know that the universal law is at this moment is bringing your desire to you. It is cooperating with exactitude to match the frequency output coming from you, and sending it back into your life. When you feel your desire in this way, visualizing it into existence, you are activating the Law of Attraction.
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8 Ways to Communicate with Your Guardian Angels. Discover the Angel Tones that brings Abundances and Happiness into your life.
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Sign 1: Angel Numbers
Sign 2: Animal Symbols
Sign 3: Songs
Sign 4: Dream Messages
Sign 5: Books Falls of the Shelves
Sign 6: Printed Words
Sign 7: Repeated Experiences
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This is the most powerful way to rewire your brain and unleash your full potential. Your brain is the most important possession you have. It’s the source of all your beliefs, goals and dreams but it has a safely guarded secret. Your mind can bring you incredible success. With the right guidance, your brain can become your secret weapon, unleashing your full potential and making your dreams come true, quickly and easily. If that sound too good to be true, keep reading. You’re about to discover a scientifically proven trick for physically transforming your brain.
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Do you often feel amazing one day, and sluggish the next? I mean we all have ups and downs. One day, you feel like you can conquer the world. You blaze through your work, you crush your to-do list, and you have amazing, creative new ideas. The next day, you’re completely exhausted. You have to push yourself just to get going and check your email. 
What’s going on? Why do our brains switch on and off so quickly, and how can we take control? The problem is hidden in your brain’s “Default” Settings. Our brains communicate with things called “brainwave frequencies.” Your brain tunes into these different frequencies throughout the day and they determine how you think and feel. By “default” your waking mind operates in a state known as “Beta”. But scientists have discovered that there’s more powerful brain states that we can tap into known as alpha and theta. We can get into these states using carefully designed soundwaves that manipulates the way our brain function. Understanding more about this incredible discovery opens the door to a whole new world of possibilities for humanity. And it could be “The Start of a Mass Awakening”. People all over the world have started using these unique soundwaves to uncover hidden parts of their minds that they never knew existed. Some are even calling this the best kept secret of some of the richest people in the world, the answer to unlimited motivation, happiness and spirituality. And that’s only the beginning.
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I was looking back at an old photo collection recently. AS I cleared out my childhood home after my parents passing I saw a tiny version of myself, squinting back at me from the past. Behind those innocent eyes, I remembered a little boy that had big DREAMS. My imagination was alive filled with animals that spoke in the voices of friends. My biggest dream of all was going to Disney-world, pouring over those photos gave me goosebumps as I realized I could now finally do it. I’m an adult, I can go anywhere, and do anything I now choose. So I booked the flights and of course, all these years later when I finally set foot in that magical land it was everything I imagined it to be and more!
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Ancient Philosophers are finally validated by Modern science: Your brain can grow, change and improve in just 10 minutes. Meditation is one of the most powerful techniques of the world. By focusing the mind on one thing for an extended period of time, we can grow our brains, reduce depression and anxiety, increase focus and creative thinking, tap into our subconscious minds, and more. And new research shows that the benefits of meditation are even greater than previously thought. We now know that meditation can heal your body, restore youthfulness, and increase energy levels. The only problem is that meditation can be difficult, and in some cases, it takes 10 to 20 years to master. Luckily, new research has discovered a simple technique that grows your brain and triggers incredible focus and creative thinking in just 10 minutes.
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