#brian kadeem
might-be-a-potato · 7 months
teku horror movie night !!!! (+kadeem)
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based off the headcanons of @acceleracers-baby !!
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syntheticrubies · 6 months
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80’s AU Kadeem.
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acceleracers-baby · 7 months
Acceleracers HC’s! Road Trip Roles! Teku Edition!
(Nolo Pasaro, Vert Wheeler, Shirako Takamoto, Kurt Wylde, Karma Eiss)
+Bonus Round
(Brian Kadeem & Banjee Castillo)
Nolo Pasaro - Nolo is in charge of picking the movies- assuming whatever big ass van they renovated comes with one of those little movie player things. Who am I kidding- these guys probably would have just installed one if it didn’t come stock. Unfortunately, Nolo’s movie choices are always pretty predictable. It’s either going to be one of the now TEN Fast and Furious movies, Pacific Rim, Transformers, or The Losers. That being said, Nolo DOES take bribes. Vert once washed his car for a week just so they could watch Surfs Up.
Vert Wheeler - Speaking of Vert, he’s the snack guy! At first, he gathered up everyone’s requests a few days before they got on the road, but now he practically has everyone’s snack preferences memorized. Let it be known that he takes this job very seriously. He genuinely goes out of his way to ensure everyone’s got at least one or two things to munch on. That’s also why he starts shopping a few days out from the actual trip, so that way if he has to run by different stores, or cut up fruit and divide them up into little ziplock bags he’s got enough time to do it. I also like to imagine at some point Jack comes home early from one of his missions and sees his son just surrounded by a shit ton of food like “are we doomsday prepers now??? What the hell is going on???”
Shirako Takamoto - I feel like I don’t even have to say it, but I’m going to anyway. Shirako is the DJ. Like Vert, he is very serious about this role. He starts curating a playlist as soon as he knows a road trip is going to happen. It doesn’t matter if he’s learning about it months in advance, he starts on it immediately. Despite always having headphones on and seemingly vibing in his own little world most of the time, Shirako is an astounding listener. He never fails to add the perfect mix of everyone’s favorite songs to the playlist. Not only that, but he has it sectioned out by hour. He wants to make sure whatever music they have playing, whether it be background noise for group conversations, or loud sing along sessions, it’s perfect!
Kurt Wylde - Spoilers for Karma, but they’re the two drivers. They work in shifts, switching off every few hours to (1) make sure they’re making the best time and (2) prevent any unnecessary road fatigue. Kurt is also practically the group big brother, so before any trip he’s sending everyone checklists to make sure they don’t forget anything. It’s ridiculous how in-depth they are. Obviously, he trusts them to fulfill their individual road trip roles but he’s on their asses for literally anything else. They’ll be ready to go at like 4am- everyone’s tired asf and he’s going around like “wallets? phones? chargers? toothbrushes???” making sure they didn’t forget any last minute items.
Karma Eiss - Like you read for Kurt, she is one of the designated drivers. On top of that though she is also the group navigator. She has like Waze levels of finding the best routes. With her at the helm, they’re able to make a 12 hour drive in a fraction of the time. Karma also has his uncanny ability to pick the best rest stops. Want to use the restroom but also take a quick breather in a nice scenic area? Good thing Karma was able to find the most beautiful truck stop you’ve ever seen with the cleanest bathroom ever. It’s honestly a little scary.
Bonus Round
Brian Kadeem - With Kadeem, it’s all about the journey, not the destination. When this guy road trips, he ROAD TRIPS. What I mean by that is you will be stopping at just about every cite to stop and smell the roses. It doesn’t matter if it’s some tacky tourist trap or one of the seven wonders of the world, he wants to see it, learn about it, and appreciate it. And if anyone one deserves to be able to relax a little, it’s Kadeem. Let this man enjoy his goofy little side quests. Especially, cause he ends up finding the greatest hole in the wall places to stop at too.
Banjee Castillo - Banjee quite literally never runs out of energy, so you HAVE to give this guy something to do or he will be miserable the entire ride. Thankfully, he is absurdly versatile. Obviously, his preferred role is to be in the drivers seat, but when he is not doing that he is the king of road trip games. 21 questions, I spy, and trivia are child’s play compared to the shit that Banjee brings to the table. Don’t get him wrong, he loves the classics, but they get old pretty fast on long road trips so he’s had to get creative in the past. It’s not uncommon for there to be three games going on at once half way through the drive. Usually two “spot em” games like Punch Buggies & Cows on my Side, and one actual game like Mafia or Song Quizzes.
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11kxvinlxvin11 · 2 years
Are u?
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🔥 Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes🔥
Kurt: Welcome to the "fuck Gelorum" support group
*Kadeem and Dr. Tezla wave*
Kurt: Where we all get together twice a week to say, once and for all, "fuck that pig ass woman"
Vert: Well...I may have misunderstood the agenda of this meeting
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zed-36 · 3 years
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i keep drawing their faces over and over. for practice
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tomiyeee · 4 years
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yourfaveisdead · 6 years
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Your Fave is (debateably) Dead: Brian Kadeem from Hot Wheels: AcceleRacers! 
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incognito-lionbeast · 2 years
I was trying to think of an IC explanation for why Tezla contacted Alec Wood, Banjee Castillo, Brian Kadeem, and Dan Dresden before someone like, say, Vert -- who WON the World Race.
and then I realised. They're uh... they're alphabetical. By given name, anyway. The only one who doesn't fit the pattern is Lani, but she's also not a driver. She's more like his SiC & I think it's reasonable enough that she might've been contacted first -- for her skills as a mechanic.
Anyway, that's my HC now, because I think it's very funny
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dear-indies · 2 years
hope ur having a good day ! could u recommend some of ur favorite plus size male fcs with resources pls ? im having trouble finding someone who fits a character. thank u !
Alec Butler (1959) Métis of Mi'kmaq heritage - two-spirit intersex trans man.
Jack Black (1969) Ashkenazi Jewish / German, as well as Northern Irish, Scottish, English, remote French and Welsh (converted to Judaism).
Nick Frost (1972)
David Harbour (1975) - has bipolar disorder.
Nonso Anozie (1979) Nigerian.
K. Trevor Wilson (1981)
Brian Tyree Henry (1982) African-American.
Cooper Andrews (1985) Samoan / Hungarian Jewish.
John Bradley West (1988) - has since lost weight but has resources from before.
Harvey Guillén (1990) Mexican - queer.
Nataanii Means (1991) Oglala Lakota Sioux, Navajo, Omaha.
Ari Stidham (1992) Sephardi Jewish / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Riley Carter Millington (1993/1994) - trans man - has since lost weight but has resources from before.
Noah Guthrie (1994) Scottish, Ukrainian Jewish.
Travis Thompson (1996) Navajo / Irish and German.
Jacob Batalon (1996) Ilocano Filipino, possibly Tagalog - has since lost weight but has resources from before.
Kymon Palau (2000) Navajo and Tongan - is Nádleehi (he/him) and gay.
Nathan Alexis (?) Nakoda Sioux.
Joshua Ray Walker (?)
Syed Sohail (?) Pakistani.
DJ Bear Witness (?) Cayuga.
I've bolded by favourites! Here are some fat/plus size men with no resources too if any resources makers want suggestions:
Hidehiko Ishizuka (1962) Japanese.
Lam Suet (1964) Hongkonger.
Cedric the Entertainer (1964) African-American.
Taylor Wily (1968) Samoan.
Kristian Nairn (1975)
Big Narstie (1985) Afro-Jamaican.
Atkins Estimond (1987) Afro-Haitian.
Kadeem Ramsay (1988) Black British.
Jesse Camacho (1991)
Samson Kayo (1991) Nigerian.
Zach Holmes (1991)
Cosme Flores (1996) Mexican.
Sam Coleman (1996)
Rico Rodriguez (1998) Mexican.
Dexter Mayfield (?) African-American - queer.
Cody Jamison Strand (?)
Lord Troy / lordtroy (?) - gay.
Here ya go!
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swanlake1998 · 4 years
Article: Men en pointe: ballet dancers kick against gender stereotypes
Date: March 10, 2021
By: Matilda Martin
Performing on the tips of the toes is part of the mystique of a female ballerina but male dancers devoted to the pointe technique want to be taken more seriously
“I was always attracted to pointe shoes. They were like magic! I wondered: Why can only girls use them?” Iván Félix is a 24-year-old ballet dancer from Mexico who has been dancing en pointe for three years. “I think that many people look down on the men who dance in pointe shoes because they think it is very easy, or we do it because we cannot dance as a man in a traditional way,” adds Félix who dances for Les Ballets Eloelle in New York, a company in which all the roles – often comic – are played by men.
Since the art of pointe work was popularised in 1823 by Amalia Brugnoli, the form has become part of the mystique of the female ballerina, while men use floorwork and execute incredible jumps and athletic movements. When male dancers have performed en pointe in the past, it has traditionally been for comedic effect, not to showcase skill. For example, men who portray Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream have to pair a giant donkey’s head with hoof-like movements in pointe shoes. Now, male ballet dancers en pointe want to be taken more seriously.
Kadeem Hosein, 25, says: “I studied ballet for about three years before I started en pointe. I was aware that it would help to strengthen my feet. Second, and more importantly, I enjoyed watching pointe work so figured why not?” He now lives in London and although he’s not a professional ballet dancer, still trains en pointe. “I think it would be interesting to see performances where roles are allowed to be performed by either male or female,” he adds, “not by force, but by the dancers’ own choice.”
Rosine Bena-Porter, a ballet teacher from Nevada, has been teaching the art form for 50 years. She tells me that her mother, who she taught with, was always an innovative instructor and began teaching men pointe work because she “was sick of trying to correct the male dancers in partner work”. She hoped that if men could understand the movements behind pointe work, they would make better partners. But “both of us realised that the men got so much out of it [although] they did complain more about the pain”. Pointe shoes can be extremely taxing on your feet. Having danced en pointe myself, I know the agony that dancers mask on stage to make their movements appear effortless. Today, Bena-Porter requires all her dancers to learn pointe work regardless of gender. However, she only requires her male students to study the form for one year. After this, they can continue, or return to training without pointe work.
Cost is a barrier, because pointe shoes wear out quickly. Dancers can go through two pairs in a performance, which adds up as they are priced from around £50 to over £100. Brian Syms, a dancer in the US, adds: “Sizing has been a problem for me. I’ve begun to understand that the way a male en pointe must care for his feet differs slightly from a woman. My weight seems to always be a factor in regard to pain, and my shoes die very quickly due to a mixture of weight and sweat. Unfortunately, there’s no self-help book for men en pointe, so I had to piece together what the girls know and figure out how it applies to my size 12 feet.”
Syms continues: “As a gay black man, it started to become important to me that I be represented in ballet. I started to have another longing, this time for ballet’s stories, which I’ve come to love so much, to reflect the world that we currently live in. This beautiful colourful world full of complex individuals. I wanted to see that on stage, and the place to start was with me. I knew for some time that I felt better represented as a person and artist when I danced these female roles in the privacy of empty studios and my bedroom.”
Has he ever faced discrimination for being en pointe? “There’s your fair share of people who are going to turn their noses up at you – either because they don’t like the idea of playing with gender or because they just don’t think you’re strong enough to dance en pointe. But people’s opinions are just that, and although sometimes they can create an uncomfortable environment around us, we should not allow them to affect our performance.”
In Oakland, California, the dance company Ballet22 was founded last year to “push the boundaries of what is possible in ballet by breaking gender normative stereotypes, specifically through the ungendered use of pointe shoes”. When I asked the Royal Ballet if they were considering training men en pointe, a spokesperson replied that: “Most of the repertory does not require the male dancers to be en pointe.” They explained that “there are some roles that do require it” and “when that ballet is revived the dancers are coached in pointe work for the role”.
It may be a while yet before the option becomes commonplace, but we’re certainly moving in the right direction. Speaking about the future, Syms tells me: “I hope that the movement of men en pointe forces us to take a look at representation … The world is so much more than gender roles these days, individuals are so colourful and diverse – it’s a shame not to see it in ballet.”
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marislittleworld · 3 years
* Elysa olha para Brian e pergunta*
- Então... Todos os caras que precisavam chegar já estão aqui? Por que eles estão aqui? Eles também participaram dessa tal corrida mundial?
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Não… o Mark, Kurt, Vert, Kadeem e aquele homem foram para a corrida mundial
*Liane apontou para um cara com uma aparência de asiático, e começou a se lembrar*
Liane- Taro Kitano?
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Kadeem Hardison
Denzel Washington
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Heavy-D (2nd right, Kadeem 2nd left)
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J. Alexander (Claims 6'4")
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Rif Hutton (Listed 6'2")
Sergio Kato (5'10" tops)
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Aaron Cameron (Listed 6'2")
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Brian Krause
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Jossan Robinson (Listed 5'9")
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Levar Burton
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Michael Jai White & Randy Wayne
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Peter Ciuffa (Listed 6'1")
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Phil Morris
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acceleracers-baby · 7 months
Acceleracers HC’s! Horror Movie Reactions! Teku Edition!
(Nolo Pasaro, Vert Wheeler, Shirako Takamoto, Kurt Wylde, Karma Eiss)
+Bonus Round
(Brian Kadeem & Banjee Castillo)
Nolo Pasaro - Nolo likes to pretend he’s not scared. He’s slick about it too! He’ll sit there teasing whoever he’s watching the movie with, pointing out how scared they are before inevitably offering to let them cuddle up next to him so that he can “keep them safe.” Of course this is all a ploy to have someone to cling too when the scary parts pop up. 100% the type of guy to pull the whole “I wasn’t scared it just surprised me!” Line.
Vert Wheeler - Vert was one of those kids that ALWAYS begged to watch horror movies then when he was finally allowed to, it kept him up for days. That set the precedent. He literally hasn’t changed a bit. The group wants to watch Final Destination? He’s so down but he will scream at the jump scares and hide his head in a blanket when the suspense gets to be too much. Whoever he’s next to is about to get jumped all over too. Seriously, be prepared for Vert to grab on and not let go lmao.
Shirako Takamoto - LOVES horror movies, but like in the way where he wants to know all the behind the scenes stuff! Practical effects are his JAM! Frequents the Dead Meat Kill Counts on YouTube. Sometimes he will literally watch the Kill Counts BEFORE he sees the actual movie. The dude is so focused on the story and the way stuff is filmed that he’s barely even scarred. Occasionally he’ll jump if there’s a well timed jump scare, but most of the time he’s just glued to the screen.
Kurt Wylde - Kurt loves a good horror movie! He doesn’t really get super scared or anything so he’d be the perfect one to cuddle up next to. Really enjoys horror classics. Think the original THING or even the first SCREAM movie. He’ll watch newer stuff every once in a while, but only if it’s not a remake. He rarely ever enjoys remakes, but he has been pleasantly surprised by stuff like Cabin in the Woods and Ready or Not.
Karma Eiss - Like Shirako she LOVES horror movies! Unlike Shirako it’s more for the actual movie than for the behind the scenes stuff. That being said, she will listen to him point out random fact about whatever they’re watching. This woman is stone cold- she doesn’t flinch!!! Even so, she lives for the paranormal and psychological horrors. Her favorites are Hereditary and Midsommar. That being said, she also doesn’t mind stuff like the Saw series or Final Destination.
Bonus Round!
Brian Kadeem - Kadeem is the type to laugh like a manic while watching horror movies. Not because he finds them funny or anything- but because he’s laughing at everyone’s reactions. ESPECIALLY if it’s a group movie night and Vert is there. He’s the type to scare someone and then immediately apologize and pull them into a hug while cackling. Kadeem is a big fan of horrors with a comedy element. He was the one to recommend Cabin in the Woods & Ready or Not to Kurt.
Banjee Castillo - Shrieks and then immediately starts laughing when he gets scared. He loves watching horror movies but sorta like Vert, he will be jumpy as shit for the next few days. Loves to scare people during group watches- but then inevitably he ends up getting scared too. He’ll be like “guys I swear I just heard knocking!” And then someone will agree and he instantly starts backtracking and holding on to people like “WHAT REALLY?”
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11kxvinlxvin11 · 2 years
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🔥 Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes 🔥
Kadeem: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
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