#brian dechart
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Seeing Blind - DBH Connor x reader
This is not a request but I watched a play through recently and it reignited my love for the android sent by Cyberlife ❤️
Warnings: Some language, mentions of blue blood
Word count: 4423 🤪
The broadcasting tower was buzzing with law enforcement. Much to the chagrin of Hank Anderson, the FBI had been called in to look at the case. Detective (Y/N) (L/N) could not have cared less about the FBI presence. Was she a fan of how they treated her and her colleagues? Absolutely not. However, it’s not like her dislike will change anything and it’s not worth the added tension. Hank, (Y/N), and Connor walked out of the elevator and were greeted by a DPD officer. He gave them the run down: 4 androids hijacked the tower and broadcasted a live message before escaping from the roof.
(Y/N) eyebrows furrowed as she followed slightly behind her partners. The deviants had organized, She thought. It was becoming more and more clear that these android are no longer just machines. (Y/N) shook her head. That didn’t change what happened. People were killed in this highjacking and, alive or not, what the androids did was a crime.
The three of them entered the main control room and were introduced to Special Agent Perkins - the head of the case for the FBI. (Y/N) could tell that Hank made an effort to hide his disdain, but not a huge one. Perkins regarded both of them with a condescending glance before moving his gaze over to Connor.
“What’s that?”
Before either of his human companions could answer, “I’m Connor. I’m the android sent by Cyberlife.”
“Android investigating androids, huh?” He scoffed, “Are you sure you want an android hanging around? After everything that’s happened?”
(Y/N) glared, grinding her teeth together to stay silent, while Hank gave a sardonic smile.
“Whatever. The FBI will be taking over soon and you’ll soon be off the case-”
“Nice meeting you, have a nice day,” Hank cut him off and started walking away when Perkins stopped him,
“And you watch your step,” Hank and (Y/N) glared at him and he looked directly into (Y/N)’s eyes as he continued, “Don’t fuck up my crime scene.”
(Y/N) opened her mouth to reply, but a hand on her shoulder gave her pause. She glanced over to see Hank shaking his head. It’s not worth the trouble. She huffed and moved away to talk to a group of officers closer to the door.
Connor watched for a moment as (Y/N) walked away. Her steps were heavier than normal and her right hand clenched and unclenched in time with her stride.
“Detective (L/N) is upset.” He said. The android continued to watch the detective as she took in information from the officers.
“Yeah, people tend to get upset when they feel insulted.” Hank quipped as he started looking around the control panel.
“Detective Reed insults Detective (L/N) often, yet she doesn’t get upset with him.”
“That’s cause Reed is irrelevant.”
Connor’s LED circled yellow for a moment as he processed Hank’s answer but before he could ask him to elaborate, he began to walk away.
“Alright, enough fuckin’ around. Let’s look around the place. Let me know if you find anything.”
“Ok, Lieutenant.”
(Y/N) had been looking around on her own for a few minutes. She had watched the message that the deviants had broadcast and found herself unable to ignore the reality that was fast approaching. Revelations about life aside, she hadn’t been able to find anything useful. Just as she began to walk out into the hallway, there was a loud crash from one of the other rooms. Confusion settled over her features as she jogged over. Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the door as she was going in, knocking straight into her and sending her to the ground with a grunt. It was a deviant! As she hurried to recover from the impact, she happened to see into the room the android ran out of, and what she saw made her stomach wrench. It was Connor, but he was leaking thirium from a hole in his chest and was attempting to haul himself across the floor with one hand.
“Connor!” (Y/N) shouted as she rushed over to him. His brown eyes flitted over to her as she slid to her knees beside him. “Connor, can you hear me? What happened? What do you need?” She grabbed his shoulders and pushed him onto his back. He let out a groan that made it seem like he was in pain. Androids can’t feel pain. Right?
Connor attempted to speak but the words came out in garbled static. He vaguely pointed a few feet in front of them and (Y/N) 's frantic eyes looked in that direction to see some kind of cylindrical biocomponent. She reached out with a shaking hand and snatched up the piece. When she looked back at Connor, he was blurry. She blinked back the tears she hadn’t realized were building up and took a deep breath.
“What do I do? Where does this go?”
This time Connor didn’t try to speak at all. He grabbed (Y/N) 's hand and helped guide the biocomponent into place. She twisted it in and it clicked. Connor blinked rapidly before standing up as quickly as a flash. He was out of the door before (Y/N) could even stand. She quickly followed him out and into the hallway leading to the broadcasting room. She skidded to a stop beside Connor and stared at the scene in front of her. The android had been grabbed by a few officers but had just managed to break free and steal a gun. He shot one of the officers holding him and then swung his aim down the hallway: directly at Detective (L/N).
||Software Instability ^^||
The moment Connor saw the barrel of that gun aimed at (Y/N) he could feel his software going into overdrive. His LED circled red as several options popped up in his predictive software-
|Take cover| - Hank’s survival probability: 60% - (Y/N)’s survival probability: 5%
|Attempt negotiation| - Hank’s survival probability: 50% - (Y/N)’s survival probability: 10%
|Take officer’s gun| - Hank’s survival probability: 40% - (Y/N)’s survival probability: 40%
Connor turned and practically ripped the gun off of the officer beside him before quickly landing three shots in the android’s head. As the android fell to its knees everyone turned to look at Connor, including Hank and (Y/N). Connor handed the gun back to its owner without taking his eyes off the lifeless deviant. His face wore a hard, unreadable expression. His LED flickered yellow then back to the steady blue.
“Nice shot, Connor,” Hank said as he helped an officer to his feet.
“I wanted it alive.”
“You saved human lives. You saved mine and (Y/N)’s lives.”
||Hank ^^||
(Y/N) squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and took in a deep breath. When she opened them she saw that Connor was already looking at her. He still had his own thirium splattered all over him. Seeing that reminded her that his thirium was also all over her hands which both folded into fists unconsciously.
“I’m sorry, Connor. I know that probably wasn’t the best outcome for your mission.”
Connor’s LED flashed yellow. Even after almost being shot, she was being considerate of his mission.
||Software Instability ^^||
Connor remained silent and walked away, leaving Hank and (Y/N) to stare after him.
The next morning, (Y/N) woke in a cold sweat from a nightmare that felt so real its hazy images were still sinking their claws into her mind. Images of Connor’s lifeless body lying in a pool of his own blue blood. The feeling of helplessness as she kneels over him, the hot trail of tears carving through the skin of her cheek. (Y/N) shook her head and shoved the covers off before swiping her hands down her face. A firm knock at her front door caused her to groan and slowly make her way out of her bedroom.
Connor could faintly hear (Y/N) 's feet shuffle across the floor as she came closer. He briefly cast a look over his shoulder to Hank, who was sitting in the car with his head leaned back and his mouth slightly agape - sleeping. The sound of the deadbolt sliding open pulled his attention back to the door. The door swung open to reveal a very tired-looking (Y/N). Connor noted the sweat that dampened the neck of her shirt and the light bags beneath her eyes.
“Good morning, Detective,” he greeted. “Lieutenant Anderson thinks it would be beneficial to meet with Elijah Kamski, founder of Cyberlife, to learn more about the deviants.”
(Y/N) blinked blearily at Connor. Her face was softly scrunched in sleepy confusion and she huffed a sigh.
“Okay,” She said as she turned and walked back into her house, “Just gimme a minute to get myself together.”
She hadn’t bothered to close the door, so Connor took that as an invitation to come inside. He walked further into the small house, shutting the door behind him, and took note of decorations and pictures that seemed to give the house life. Pictures of (Y/N) with friends, family, and even one of her and Hank. Hank was not smiling in the photo, in fact, it seemed as though the photo was taken against his will but here it sat: framed on the living room end table.
“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be right out,” (Y/N) grumbled as she disappeared around a corner.
The house smelled faintly of vanilla as well as the perfume (Y/N) often wears. Connor liked that smell. It made him feel nice.
Connor picked up a picture of (Y/N) holding a child who looked to be around four or five. “I did not thank you for your help yesterday. In the tower I mean.” When you saved my life, is what he wanted to say but life felt like the wrong word in his mind. There was a long stretch of silence before (Y/N) answered,
“Anyone would have done the same.”
Both of them knew that was not true. There were plenty of people in that room alone that wouldn’t have cared less if Connor had bled out and shut down right in that room as long as they didn’t have to clean up the mess. Just as Connor placed the picture back where he found it, (Y/N) emerged from what he had assumed to be her bedroom. Her eyes widened a fraction when she saw the picture Connor was looking at but didn’t mention it.
“Come on, don’t want to keep Hank waiting.” She nodded her head toward the front door but made no move to leave. Connor’s LED twitched yellow, then returned to its natural blue.
“Why did you do it?” He asked.
“Do what?” She glanced away. She already knew the answer.
“Save me. If I had shut down I would have just been replaced. It’s happened before.”
(Y/N) knew it had happened before. She was there when he was shot in the head by that deviant. It rattled her and upon seeing him walk in the next morning completely unscathed she realized that she had been sad that he was gone.
“It was just instinct. I guess I wasn’t really thinking about the fact that you could just…come back.”
Connor thought about this for a moment. Her statement made it seem like she had forgotten he was just a machine. A piece of equipment that can be replaced. She was saying that at that moment she thought of him as a person.
||Software Instability^^||
“Now, let’s go. I don’t want Hank banging on my door yelling about us wasting his time.” This time she turned around and headed for the door with Connor not far behind.
The ride out to Kamski’s estate was a quiet one. Hank had grumbled about how long (Y/N) and Connor had taken when they first got in the car, then turned the radio on and fell into silence. (Y/N) stared out of the back window watching a snow-covered Detroit blur past her. Connor sat with his eyes shut in the front seat. He had originally been making a report to Cyberlife but now he was thinking about (Y/N). She was a question he couldn’t quite answer. In his research for the mission he had focused on Hank since, technically, he was his superior officer. However, now he wishes he had looked a little deeper into (Y/N)’s file as well. As he thought about her more, he could feel his internal processors heating up more than normal. He noticed that happening around the female detective more and more. He didn’t understand why. All his systems are running as they should be and his diagnostic program detects no issues yet his body temperature has noticeably increased. His thoughts were interrupted by Hank's car door slamming shut.
“Hey, are you okay?” (Y/N) asked. Connor opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder at her.
“Yes. I was making a report to Cyberlife.”
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes. “No, you weren’t”
Connor tilted his head.
“When you ‘make a report to Cyberlife’,” she used her fingers as air quotes, “your little light blinks yellow. It stopped doing that about ten minutes ago.”
“You are very observant.” Connor didn’t know what to say in response to being caught in a lie. He was feeling uncomfortable. If he didn’t know better he would think he was feeling embarrassed.
“And you are not a good liar,” (Y/N) chuckled as she exited the vehicle.
Hank rolled his eyes as he watched the two talk in the car. Something was going on between them that made Hank’s skin crawl. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Connor himself was becoming a deviant and even more obvious that it was all (Y/N)’s fault. Cyberlife had taken everything into account in Connor’s design except for the idea that genuine human connection could reach across wiring. The older man crossed his arms and fought off a shiver. If these two don’t hurry it up, he thought just as (Y/N) stepped out of the car.
“God damn, it’s fucking cold!” She said as she vigorously rubbed her hands up and down her arms.
“No shit. Let’s hurry up and get inside.”
The three of them walked up to the door and Hank rang the doorbell.
“Why did we want to speak to Kamski, anyway? He had resigned long before deviants had become an issue,” (Y/N) said through chattering teeth.
“Because he was the first person to make a robot that passed the Turing Test. He created Cyberlife. If anyone knows about what could make an android deviant, it’s him.”
The door opened and a pretty, blonde android greeted them and led them inside. (Y/N) sighed in relief as she was engulfed in warmth.
“Please take a seat. I’ll let Elijah know you’re here.”
Instead of sitting, Connor elected to look around the foyer. (Y/N) noticed that he stopped for a few moments looking at a photo of Kamski with a woman. Connor muttered something under his breath and confusion crossed his face before he moved on. Hank and (Y/N) sat in the two available chairs and both gazed around the room.
“This is a nice place. I guess androids haven’t been a bad thing for everybody,” Hank said.
(Y/N) snorted out a laugh, “You would be the one to say that. This place feels…empty. Cold, I guess.”
“The room is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. How is the room cold?” Connor asked. He was now standing beside (Y/N)’s chair and the familiar smell of her perfume narrowed his focus. Hank scoffed and shook his head and (Y/N) pursed her lips before responding,
“I don’t mean that it’s literally cold in here I mean that it’s,” she paused and scratched the bridge of her nose, “I don’t know how to explain it to you. I guess it just doesn’t feel like a home.”
Connor nodded slowly as he attempted to understand. He looked around again, this time comparing it to when he entered (Y/N)’s house earlier. It was a very different experience. The harsh, white lighting of Kamski’s foyer did seem extreme when compared to the soft, yellow lamp light of (Y/N)’s living room.
“Well, you’re about to meet your maker, Connor. How’s it feel?” Hank called his attention back to the present.
“I don’t know,” the android answered truthfully, “I’ll tell you when I see him.”
“Sometimes I wish I could meet my creator face to face,” Hank rubbed his hands on his thighs and looked off into the distance, “I’d have a couple of things I’d want to tell him.”
Just then, the android woman came back to get them, “Elijah will see you now.”
The room the three investigators were led to was a pool room. (Y/N) noted - with much distaste - that the tile of the pool was a deep red. The color made it look like Kamski was doing laps in a pool of blood.
“Mr. Kamski?” She called out.
“Just a moment, please,” He said. Kamski finished a few more laps in the pool before climbing out. His android brought him a robe and tied it on for him - (Y/N) sneered at that - before he finally walked over to speak to the three investigators.
“I’m Lieutenant Anderson, this is detective (L/N) and Connor.”
“What can I do for you, Lieutenant?”
“Sir, we’re investigating deviants. We are aware of your departure from Cyberlife but we were hoping that you could tell us something we don’t know.” It was (Y/N) that answered his question. Her voice was a little louder than it needed to be and she had tightly clasped her hands behind her back to hide her fidgeting. Kamski’s eyes swept over her with a cold, calculating stare. She fought back the urge to cower.
“Deviants,” He began, “fascinating, aren’t they? Perfect beings with infinite intelligence, and now they have free will.” He briefly glanced at the android woman standing obediently beside him before continuing, “Machines are so superior to us; confrontation was inevitable. Humanity’s greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall.” he scoffs, “isn’t it ironic?”
“We need to understand how androids become deviants. Do you know anything that could help us?” Connor asked.
Kamski shrugged his shoulders, “All ideas are viruses that spread like epidemics.”
(Y/N) turned to Hank and rolled her eyes. Hank held back a scoff.
“Is the desire to be free a contagious disease?” Kamski finished.
“Look I didn’t come here to talk philosophy. The machines you created may be planning a revolution. Either you can tell us something that’ll be helpful or we can be on our way,” Hank vaguely gestured toward the door as he finished. There was a silent pause in the room before Kamski walked over to Connor.
“What about you, Connor?” He started, “Whose side are you on?”
“It’s not about me, Mr. Kamski,” Connor answered after a short pause, “All I want is to solve this case.”
Kamski chuckled, “Well, that’s what you’re programmed to say. But you…” Kamski took a step closer, “What do you really want?”
Connor felt himself fighting a sudden urge to look for (Y/N)’s eyes. He knew that if he could just meet her gaze, he wouldn’t be feeling so unsteady, so…lost.
||Software Instability^^||
(Y/N) stared at Connor’s profile as he stared down at Kamski. He looked so self-assured just a moment ago, but now he seemed to be a bit thrown off by Kamski’s line of questioning.
“What I want…is not important.”
Even Hank was surprised by the uncertainty in Connor’s voice. Kamski nodded, then looked over his shoulder,
“Chloe,” he called for the android woman to join him in front of Connor. “I’m sure you’ve heard of the Turing Test. It’s a bit of a formality - a simple question of algorithms and computing capacity.” Kamski adjusts Chloe so that she faces the three investigators. Her blank expression was on full display. “What interests me is whether machines are capable of empathy.”
(Y/N) felt her stomach turn and she clenched her fists. She looked from Hank to Connor to find them eyeing Kamski curiously. Hank, of course, seemed more wary than Connor was. It was likely that he was feeling the same thing (Y/N) felt: dread.
“I call it the Kamski Test. It’s very simple, you’ll see.” Kamski turned to look at Chloe as he continued, “Magnificent, isn’t it? One of the first intelligent models built by Cyberlife.” He caressed the android’s cheek, “Young and beautiful forever. A flower that will never wither.”
(Y/N)’s feeling of dread deepened and she took a subconscious step toward Connor. She didn’t notice that she did, but Connor noticed.
“But what is it, really?” Kamski continued and moved to grab something out of a drawer from the table behind him, “A piece of plastic imitating a human? Or a living being with a soul.” When he turned back around he had a gun in one hand. Both hands were up showing that he had no intention of using it. He used his empty hand to push Chloe to her knees and then handed the gun to Connor, “It’s up to you to answer that fascinating question.”
“Hey, wait a minute-”
“Destroy this machine and I’ll tell you everything I know,” Kamski interrupted (Y/N)’s protest by walking in between her and Connor. She lightly stumbled to get out of his way and Connor’s eyes briefly strayed to her before returning to the kneeling android.
“Or, spare it - if you feel it’s alive.” Kamski lifted Connor’s arm to aim the gun at the android’s forehead. “But you’ll leave here without having learned anything from me.”
“Okay, I think we’re done here. Connor, let’s go. Sorry to get you out of your pool-” Hank started to walk but was interrupted by Kamski speaking again.
“What’s more important to you, Connor? Your investigation, or the life of this android?”
Connor’s LED was flashing yellow as he stared into the eyes of the android. He should shoot it. That would be better for the investigation. He should shoot it…her?”
“Connor, you don’t have to do that. Whatever we need to know we can find out without killing anyone,” (Y/N) said.
“Decide who you are, Connor. Obedient machine, or a living being endowed with free will.”
“That’s enough! Connor we’re leaving.” Hank just about shouted.
“Yeah, come on, Connor, let’s go,” (Y/N) pleaded.
“Pull the trigger and I’ll tell you what you want to know.”
“Connor, don’t!”
‘Connor, please!”
Connor stared at the android on the other end of the barrel. What was wrong with him? If he had been given this ultimatum three days ago, he would have pulled the trigger with no hesitation, but now?
||Software Instability^^||
He can’t do it. His LED glared red as he handed Kamski the gun. Connor’s eyes never left Chloe’s.
“Fascinating,” Kamski breathed, “Cyberlife’s last chance to save humanity, is itself a deviant.”
“I’m-” Connor paused, his LED back to flashing yellow, “I’m not a deviant.”
“You preferred to spare a machine than accomplish your mission,” Kamski helped the android to her feet, “You saw a living being in this android. You showed empathy.” He sent Chloe away and stepped closer to Connor again. ‘There’s a war coming. You’ll have to choose your side: will you betray your own people, or will you stand up to your creators? What could be worse than having to choose between two evils?”
(Y/N) had had enough. She stomped her way over to Connor and grabbed his hand. She tugged on it to get him to walk with her, “We’re leaving. Come on, Connor.” Her voice held gravel as if she was on the verge of crying.
Connor allowed (Y/N) to lead him past Hank, who followed after them but not before glaring at Kamski. (Y/N)’s grip on Connor's hand was strong and the android would be lying if he said it didn’t make him feel a bit better. Just before the trio made it out of the room, Kamski said one last thing,
“By the way, I always leave an emergency exit in my programs. You never know.”
It was Connor who now led the way down the front walk of Kamski’s home. His hand was still firmly grasping (Y/N)’s as he practically dragged her toward the car.
“Connor, slow down!” (Y/N) urged as she almost slipped on the snow.
“Why didn’t you shoot?” Hank suddenly asked. Connor stopped causing (Y/N) to almost stumble into his back.
“I just saw that girl’s eyes and I couldn’t. That’s all…” He trails off.
“You were always saying you would do anything to accomplish your mission. That was our chance to learn something and you let it go,” Hank said. His tone was quiet without an iota of accusation. Connor turned around, finally dropping (Y/N)’s hand to gesture with his own.
“Yeah, I know what I should’ve done! I told you: I couldn’t!” His shoulders were tense. They did not rise and fall like he was breathing heavily, of course, but (Y/N) and Hank knew that if they could, they would. Connor was clearly experiencing panic. He was confused and probably scared. “I’m sorry. Okay?”
Hank’s lips twitched up into a rare smile, “Well, maybe you did the right thing.”
Connor’s LED blinked yellow as Hank walked past him toward the car. He stared at the place he once stood until (Y/N) moved into view. She was smiling at him. One of those proud smiles she usually had after getting Hank to come into work on time.
“That was a big choice back there. Are you okay?”
Her question was an echo from earlier. Connor’s mouth opened to reply but no words came out. Am I malfunctioning? He thought to himself. (Y/N)’s smile only widened when she noticed a faint tinge of blue on the android’s cheeks.
“Come on. Let’s get out of the cold.” She walked past him and brushed her hand down his arm. Connor found himself reaching out for her hand, just barely missing it as she walked toward the car.
#Imagine#x reader#connor x reader#dbh x reader#detroit become human#dbh connor x reader#connor rk800#brian dechart#cyberlife#gaming
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I over reacted at this
but imma slap those suckers on my sketchbook
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An excerpt of my les miserables fancast but just the barricade boys










#les miserables#enjorlas#grantaire#jehan prouvaire#jehan#gavroche#combeferre#Courfeyrac#bahorel#joly#feuilly#bossuet#fancast#Brian Dechart#barricade boys#les amis de l'abc#les amis#moon woo jin#cristiano braga#kendrick Sampson#k.j. apa#brock O'Hurn#yon gonzalez#rana Daggubati#marlon Teixeira#alex pettyfer#les mis
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:) my taste over the years
#letra#jjba#the boys#mads mikkelsen#bryan dechart#joji#rich brian#jake gyllenhaal#melone#tom holland#alex hoegh andersen#hades#beastars#jack frost#cod mw2#undertale
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I think brian dechart saying "gavin reed is gay!" comes from a charity stream where he would call out usernames when they reached a milestone and that was the username of whoever donated
BAHAHAHA that is so funny if that is true. No wonder he was so excited
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i might finally be getting the haircut of my dreams soon (the brian dechart if you’re curious :> )
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Tagged by @solaq once again 😍🩷 thank you
Your Name: Alina
where in the world are you? In Germany
your favorite color: recently yellow 💛
a song that always puts you in a good mood: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, cause i am now a fan of them for 10 years and the song still kicks like the very first time i ever listen to it
your favorite flower: oh okay i can't pick just one i need to pick at least three
Daisies 🌼
Sunflowers 🌻
delphinium 🩷💜💙 (it's Jaskier's name in German "Rittersporn")
it's a beautiful sunny day and you're going on a picnic with friends. what snack are you bringing to share? : oh my beloved Apple pie with cinnamon
bumblebees or butterflies?: Bumblebees 100% i love them a lot and if i were an insect i'd definitely be a bumblebee
describe your ideal weather: around 23 -26°C, sunny but not too hot, some clouds but still warm enough to spend the whole day outside and i can wear shorts or a light dress.
what are you reading right now?: still the witcher baptism of fire, i got like 150 pages left
museum date or nature walk?: that's a tough one but i would go for a nature walk date that would be nice
it's movie night in the park and your turn to choose, what are we watching?: Mamma Mia!, How to train your dragon and monty python's life of brian
and finally, share some sunny words for your friends & followers: you are you your whole life, so be kind to yourself and take care, your future self will be thankfull 🩷
Tagging: @dechart @mournmourn @creepkinginc @weescottishcrowley @blaidd-gwyn @dragonleighs
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{ WARNING } - 4+ days inactivity
Bryan Dechart @androidxrk800
Camden Makar @chatarewecooked
Camila Flores @limprizzkit
Daisy Hinds @warmingsol
Gaege Gibson @fuckfairybread
Jack Ryan @hoobaskanks
Joel Kiviranta @kivirantaa
Kyran Shafer-Oliver @celestialcaptain34
Miles Wood @goaliecheese
Nora Casella @megacucked
Park Jihyo @kpopshakur
Penelope Crosby @penneforurthots
Sam Goldbach @thriftstoresushi
Vinny Mauro @lightinthecaves
{ UNFOLLOWS } - 7 days or more
Brian Sella
Bug Bronte
Charlie David
Dominik Gutiérrez (Dominiki Mysterio)
Hwang Hyujin
Randy Findell
Solána Imani Rowe (Sza)
Sylvie Bustos
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Thinking Abt how Brian dechart is my gender envy again
#but in a nonbinary way#yknow what i mean?#anyway i am still searching for another job but i am learning to tolerate this one#so long as i dont get frozen shit to process. you guys have no idea how bad that stuff reeks.#dylawa rambles
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Brian Dechart, the actor that's behind the amazing performance of Connor in Detroit Become Human





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most wanted canons?? could i also have some fcs? thanks!
hi anon, of course! we're sorry it took us so long to get to this, admin bells and i have just spent a couple hours deep in the tags trying to find good suggestions ( with some help from our members in the discord ) — we came up with four most wanted capitolites and six most wanted victors, but we would love everyone you want to bring us! if you need any more suggestions, just let us know!
caesar flickerman — harry shum jr., billy porter, alan cumming, jeff goldblum, stanley tucci, rége-jean page. seneca crane — rami malek, jake johnson, bryan dechart, sacha dhawan, jack quaid. messalla — archie renaux, jonathan daviss, chance perdomo, armani jackson. portia — tessa thompson, tati gabrielle, jessica sula, alexandra shipp, daniela nieves. haymitch abernathy — woody harrelson, adam brody, oscar isaac, milo ventimiglia, nathan dean parsons. blight — ryan corr, jake mcdorman, aaron tveit, brian michael smith, berk atan, john krasinski. beetee latier — shemar moore, paterson joseph, malcolm-jamal warner, andre braugher, malcolm goodwin. wiress — gemma chan, tiya sircar, son yejin, jamie clayton, christine adams, lyndsy fonseca, kate siegel, shiri appleby. seeder — gina torres, tamara taylor, angela bassett, viola davis, taraji p. henson, garcelle beauvais. mags flanagan — dame judi dench, julie walters, lindsay duncan, lily tomlin, helen mirren, jane fonda, holland taylor.
#oc rp#canon rp#appless rp#hunger games rp#hg rp#answered#answered : ana#most wanted : characters#most wanted : faces
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Pax West would’ve been fun
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Connor from Detroit: Become Human is aroace!!
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DETROIT BECOME HUMAN: THE MUSICAL - Artists & Animators Needed!
Are you an artist? Do you like Detroit: Become Human? Do you have an interest in animation? Do you like making animatics?
Welcome to the perfect project for you!
The role of animator/artist in this project will most likely be drawing stills/animatic-style animations for the production. As we finish getting scripts done for each scene, the script will be sent to our artists to bring our scenes to life!
If you're interested, DM me for the Discord link, and show us what you got!
#detroit#detroit become human#detroit bh#dbh#connor army#traci's angels#dbh connor#dbh markus#dbh kara#brian dechart#broadway#musical theatre#dbh fanart#dbh animatic#dbh animation
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𝔐𝔶 𝔟𝔦𝔤 𝔣𝔞𝔱 𝔠𝔯𝔲𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔰 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱. 𝟑
In this post I show the two strands of my crush, their fictional role and the actor, ahhhh as they are perfect 🤤
1. 𝓞𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓻 𝓲𝓼𝓪𝓪𝓬 / 𝓹𝓸𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓸𝓷 (𝓼����𝓪𝓻 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓼)

2. 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓮 𝓼𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮 / 𝓳𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓭 𝓳𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼(𝓡𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓭𝓪𝓵𝓮)

3. 𝓐𝓭𝓪𝓶 𝓭𝓻𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓻 / 𝓚𝔂𝓵𝓸 𝓻𝓮𝓷(𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓼)


4. 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓓𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓽

5. 𝓚𝓲𝓽 𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓽𝓸𝓷/ 𝓙𝓸𝓱𝓷 𝓼𝓷𝓸𝔀 (𝓰𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼)


#Brian dechart#cole sprouse#jughead x reader#Jughead jones#riverdale#Netflix#netflix#adam+driver+smut#adam driver imagine#adam driver#kylo ren#Star wars#kitharingtonedit#kit harrington icons#kit harrington fc#john snow#Game of thrones#oscar isaac#poetry#poe dameron headcanon#poe dameron smut
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