#brexit sucks
solarlotus · 2 years
This is a result of Brexit, we used to have loads of EU nurses, lots left. I was recently in hospital and it was awful because of lack of nurses. I was quite upset reading this. The Tories treat public sector workers, including nurses so badly, some nurses actually have to rely on foodbanks they’re paid so little (e.g. if part time lone parent), it’s disgusting. 
Brexit is fucking terrible on so many levels. 
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I feel bad for all the Brits that couldn't vote today 😕
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slitbudies · 5 days
im starting a rumor that dan and phil hate southern europeans because why do we always get nothing
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randomnameless · 6 months
Apparently according to Edelstans Edelgard hating the Chruch because of her traumatic experience is because "the only reason it could happen was because of the crest system because without it the corrupt nobles wouln't have allowed it etc". Can we stop scategoaping the crest system for every wrong that happened ? And can we also stop acting as if her character made any sense "Crestless people are suffering from injustices because I got experiemented because of my crest because the Agarthans" make it make sense
Crust system BaD bcs without it corrupt nobles wouldn't exist ?
Siding and abiding by Uncle'n'pals really shows how much figs she gives to the laymen she's pretending to save, aka you imo can't pretend to help and fight for the sake of the weak if you're blitzing through them for their sake (you had to die for... Your sake ?) and if, at least in Fe16, Baldo'n'Waldi are members of the imperial army.
I was talking to a friend, but the Crust system uwu is a scapegoat in the same vein "society" is used as an ultimate excuse to absolve everyone from facing consequences of their actions, or to give some characters something easy to blame.
Tbh, Fodlan verse really gets the cake and eats it by blaming "crust system" for everything that happens - regardless of the seriously sucky meaning it can have if you consider crest = blood from another race - and apparently changing the "system" by either axing or sniping or replacing the pope.
I know FE isn't a political series where you're supposed to be concerned with the hows, much like Aragorn's returns ushers a new golden age for men and no one gaf about his unfamous tax policies, but at least LotR isn't blaming everything happening on Middle Earth on the governance of Gondor or the degree of elven blood each person has.
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dunno where the heck I'm gonna liveeeeee
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msclaritea · 1 year
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The elites in Britain have nearly destroyed their own country. It's no wonder they've been trying to dominate over here in entertainment, even trying to pick and choose which actors are popular, FOR US. The money is better here. Maybe the BBC should have gotten over it's fetish with the Victorian era.
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running-in-the-dark · 2 years
I got a lot of new ink recently (20 samples and 4 bottles), so here's all of them because I think they're pretty 😌
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
sorry to possibly be a pain in the arse but do you think you will at some point in the future ship to Europe/the EU (again)? I think I bought something from you before and love your stuff <3
You’re not being a pain! It’s the shipping tariffs that are a massive pain for me to work out right now and get right. I wish I could say yes, but honestly it’s a lot more faff since effing Brexit messed everything up.
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smoothestjazz · 2 years
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themathomhouse · 4 months
hey did we ever have chance to do anything about that virus thing from four years ago? because I have caught something suspiciously similar, and as a CFS patient it's robbed me of what little energy I had. but it's not that virus, right? we fixed that?
oh, we needed to protect the economy instead? right okay. yeah how's that going?
recession, you say?
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katya-goncharov · 8 months
idk why but i keep randomly getting mad about brexit again tonight
#i know it was nearly a decade ago now but it sucks so much#i miss there being people from all over europe in the uk and i hate how the government makes out like it was something everyone wanted#when nearly half the country voted against it (MORE than half in scotland and northern ireland)#and generally the way the government dehumanises immigrants who are just human beings who want somewhere nice to live and are#worth 1000 of the tory scum that run the country sucks so so much and i hate the way the government makes these rules and#policies and assumes we'll go along with it or that we're all as devoid of empathy as they are#& i hate that as someone born elsewhere in europe i was made to feel like the country didn't want to during my most formative teenage years#and i hate that no-one asked me or anyone i know whether we would want to allow refugees or most immigrants into the country because#i would have said yes in a heartbeat#and i was thinking about how much fewer students from abroad there are at my uni compared to several years ago and it's really really#sad and i miss them being around#and i hate the way people turn round blame the cost of living crisis ON immigrants when it's literally almost entirely because of brexit an#it's stupid policies only people are too dumb or too xenophobic to realise it#anyway whatever i just felt like having a rant because it all makes me so mad sometimes#and people never really talk about brexit anymore or they act like it's no longer relevant now it's happened but it still matters a lot to#me actually
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voxpeople · 1 year
Solution to Northern Ireland Protocol: Make Ireland Leave the EU
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Debates and discussions continue between the UK "prime minister" Rish! Sunak, Northern Irish leaders and the European Union in attempting to find a solution to the protocols which cloud the situation concerning the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
All have so far proved fruitless and all have overlooked the simple solution: Ireland should also leave the EU, allowing them and the UK to come up with a solution between them. #Irexit
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cuprohastes · 1 year
The Pizza Conspiracy
Context: Youtuber Food Theory wanted to figure out what was the best value pizza from the Big Four chains.
Likkle Kaesar
The channel discovered that you get less pizza if you add toppings.
*record scratch*
Ranting below the cut
Now in the UK, prices just went nuts. It's practically impossible to order a single pizza from the Big 4 for delivery at less than £20, and adding toppings will rocket that price up to around £25 to £30.
So the notion that you pay the equivalent price of 9-12 brand-name frozen pizzas for one, that arrives cold, slightly mutilated by the driver picking it up sideways, with enough grease to melt the bottom of the box is madness.
And now we find that this disaster piece is actually less pizza than if you just phoned it in with the bare minimum Cheese n' Tomato is somewhat astounding, confounding, and discombobulating.
I mean also these delivery places have a record of screwing up the order about 60% of the time and in one case took so long to deliver the food that the restaurant called up to ask what'd happened because my order was sitting on the counter, cold.
But fair's fair, in that case, Deliveroo did tell me to go f**k myself.
"Ok it took 2 and a half hours to move a pizza 2 miles in a car, it was cold, and the order was wrong but you got food. Here's £2.50 towards your next order, you whining shit. Don't forget to fill out our survey! And because we don't pay minimum wage to our gig economy desperados, don't forget to tip the guy who caused this".
I gave up - The quality just went down and down. The chicken strips turned into Chicken Nuggets. The deal for 2 sides turned into 'You can have two warm salads because we ain't putting the quality stuff on the deals'. The soda started showing up in smaller and smaller bottles.
Welcome to Brexit. Your pizza costs you 5 hours' wages and if you get toppings they steal from you. They make 30 billion, and charge you a delivery fee, but you have to tip the driver.
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chxrryrose · 2 years
i mean this is the country that voted for the tories in the first place are we really that surprised they’re dumb enough to fall for matt hancocks pr rehabilitation job and kept him in the final
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
I understand why studying at an international university is so expensive and why there’s essentially no undergraduate financial support but why is studying at an international university is so expensive and why is there essentially no undergraduate financial support
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neonvqmpire · 2 years
i want whoever decided to sell and market mixed fabric instead of pure cotton for bed sheets and duvet covers to never have a good sleep ever again because i cant sleep in this shit
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