#breastfeeding pain
secrethealth4u · 2 years
Foods to Avoid During Breastfeeding | breastfeeding precautions in corona
Foods to Avoid During Breastfeeding, Mother’s milk is very important and beneficial for a newborn. Due to the antioxidants, antioxidants found in this milk, scientists have also given it the status of first vaccine. It increases the immunity of the child. Mother can breastfeed a child by adopting some precautions during corona time. Read More...
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whump-tr0pes · 2 months
Honor Bound 6 - 34
This is a series. Start here, continued from here.
This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, Honor Bound 3, Honor Bound 4, Honor Bound 5, and the prequel Vera.
Contents: the final arc, HMS ToriVera, fluff, wedding dresses, surprise party, recovery, IRIS IS HERE, breastfeeding a baby, chronic pain, permanent injury, medication, weight gain as recovery, tattoos
Tori was a fucking vision in her dress. She was more than a vision. Although, every comparison that came to Vera’s mind came from the old world, felt like an imperfect description of the perfection standing in front of her: a queen, a duchess, a syndicate bride.
Beautiful, Vera thought as tears welled in her eyes and ran down her cheeks. She looks beautiful.
Tori stood in front of the mirror and did a twirl. The dress hugged her waist and fanned out from her hips, floating around her like a dream. Edrissa hummed with delight and jumped up and down.
“Do you like it?” she whispered.
“I love it,” Tori said, beaming. “It’s perfect. It’s… Edrissa, it’s absolutely amazing.”
Edrissa looked like a child as she shrieked and clapped her hands. Tears shimmered in her eyes, too. “The colors match perfectly, too, I made sure of it. The purples have matching undertones.”
Vera had no idea what that meant, but she smiled, caught in the wave of Edrissa’s infectious joy. Her mind strayed to her own dress that hung in Edrissa’s closet, draped in muslin. It was different from Tori’s, a flowy purple-black silk dress that showed off her arms, with a slit running all the way up her thigh. She had to agree with Edrissa, though: the two dresses would match each other, perfectly.
Vera stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Tori’s waist. “You’re beautiful,” she murmured into Tori’s hair.
Tori chuckled and turned her head to kiss Vera’s cheek. “You like it?”
“I love it.” Vera kissed Tori’s lips. “I love you.”
Edrissa looked at them both over her clasped hands. “We can start planning the wedding now,” she sighed.
Vera laughed. “Sure, once we’re done with—”
Tori elbowed her.
“—making sure you have a good birthday!” Vera recovered.
Edrissa’s eyes glittered. “Of course. I’ll help with the planning. I’ll make sure it’s all perfect.”
“We know you will,” Tori said, smiling at Edrissa in the mirror. “It’s going to be wonderful.”
Vera gave Tori a squeeze, and then forced herself to step away. She could have held Tori and stared at her in the mirror for the rest of the night. “We should get going,” she said, keeping her voice as casual as possible. “Before we… lose the light!”
Tori concealed her smile and tried to reach behind her. “Sure,” she said. “Help me?”
Vera’s fingers tingled as she fumbled at the buttons at the back of the dress.
“You’ll… do you want to try them together tomorrow?” Edrissa asked, so obviously hopeful that it made Vera feel guilty.
“That sounds nice,” Vera said, helping Tori step out of the dress. “I’d love to see these together.” She grabbed the hanger and gently hung up the dress again. Edrissa stepped forward and smoothed the wrinkles from the front and back, staring lovingly at the length of it.
“You did good work, Edrissa,” Vera said warmly. She pulled Edrissa into a hug as Tori quickly dressed herself.
“You really think so?” Edrissa said, resting her head on Vera’s shoulder.
Vera trailed her fingers up and down Edrissa’s back. “Yeah. Really, really good. Phenomenally good. It’s exquisite.”
“Truly,” Tori said. She joined the two of them and wrapped her arms around them both.
Vera took a deep breath. We are so late. “Shall we?” She squeezed the other two once, then stepped away.
Edrissa’s eyes darted between the two of them, as if she was trying to read their minds. Then, slowly, she nodded. “Um, sure,” she said. “Yeah, let’s go for a walk.”
Thank god for spring, Vera thought, tilting her head back in the evening breeze. The sun had nearly gone down, but they had more light every day. The snowpack in the streets had melted and turned to mud under their boots. A million golden-green shoots peeked out from the dark soil, promising flowers and weeds in another month. And, perhaps, most importantly, it was warm enough outside that they could walk around in just a jacket without freezing their fucking tits off.
“Fuck, this winter was rough,” Vera said, mostly just thinking out loud.
“You think so?” Tori said, sounding surprised.
“You don’t?” Vera glanced at Edrissa, then back at Tori. “I don’t know, it was cold as hell and it snowed more than I’ve ever seen…”
“Oh.” Tori shrugged and leaned against Vera. They bumped hips as they walked down the street. There was no one out, but that’s because pretty much everyone who lived in Laporte was already at the party. “I thought you meant… No, I see. Yeah, the weather was pretty bad.”
Vera’s eyebrows pulled together. “What did you mean?”
Tori reached out and took Edrissa’s hand with her free one, her other arm still wrapped around Vera’s waist. “I mean… we were all together over the winter. And safe. It was nice.”
“Ah.” Vera nodded once. “Yeah. That was… that was nice.”
“And having people nearby,” Edrissa piped up. “That was really nice, too. Especially Meredith. You know she let me babysit her kids whenever she worked at the general store?”
Vera smiled. “I did know that.” Edrissa had only brought it up about once a week since it started happening. Still, it was nice to see her so happy. Vera would never complain about that.
“I’m surprised you haven’t been working there with her!” Tori said, giving her hand a squeeze. “She’ll be handing you the reins of that place in no time.” She laughed.
Something passed across Edrissa’s face that Vera didn’t quite catch before Edrissa said, “Yeah… maybe.”
Vera decided to let it go. It was her birthday, after all. Besides, they were close enough to the general store that pretty soon Edrissa was going to notice that—
“It’s closed?” Edrissa said, sounding dismayed.
Vera wet her lips. “Hm. So it is. Maybe she closed up early today.”
Edrissa stared at Vera, worry and confusion written all over her face. Vera thought about spilling the beans right then, just to spare the poor girl – and herself.
“Maybe she went to the post office to check the mail,” Tori said, the picture of innocence. “I bet you that’s where she is. Want to swing by there and see?”
Edrissa didn’t look convinced. “I guess…” she murmured, chewing her lip. She peered around at the other shops. “Why… Is everyone closed?”
“I mean, it’s pretty late in the day,” Tori said smoothly. “Don’t people usually close up shop around this time?”
“I guess…” Edrissa said again, looking even less convinced than she did a moment ago. The post office was in view. Golden light shone from the windows in the near-dusk. “Hm,” Edrissa said. “It looks like someone’s there…”
“We should see if it’s her!” Tori said cheerfully, pulling Edrissa forward. Vera got pulled along at Tori’s side, too, and she felt a wash of relief at moving faster.
No wonder we’ve never done a surprise party. This is stressful as hell.
Or I’m just getting soft. I used to get shot at on the reg, is this all it takes to stress me out now?
She smiled in spite of herself. This was the most stressful thing she’d done in weeks. It was nice. She could get used to it.
As they drew nearer to the post office, she could see the shapes of people moving around inside. Edrissa squinted to get a better look. “Uh… did the mail just come? It looks like there are a few people there.”
“Don’t know, let’s go find Meredith!” Tori said, an almost manic edge to her voice.
Vera had to laugh. She stumbled to keep up as Tori practically dragged Edrissa down the sidewalk to the building. Tori threw a grin back at Vera.
God, I love you. I’m going to spend the rest of my life loving you.
They approached the door. Tori stepped in front of Edrissa, subtly pushing her back so that when the door opened, everyone inside would have an extra moment to situate themselves before Edrissa walked in. Vera took the hint and pulled Edrissa behind her as well. Tori opened the door.
There was a sudden shuffle as dozens of people simultaneously looked up, gasped, and dashed into place. Tori and Vera stepped into the doorway, one right after the other. Edrissa stepped in right behind them. Her face was a mask of exasperation.
She huffed, “What’s going on? Is Meredith even—”
“SURPRISE!” everyone yelled in unison.
Edrissa shrieked and fell back, almost landing on her rear end. Only Vera’s arm around her shoulders saved her. Tears sprouted in her eyes and fell down her cheeks as she hopped up and down.
“No way!?” she gasped. “You actually did it?”
Gray stepped forward and wrapped her in a hug. “You said this was your favorite sort of party, right?”
“Right,” she said, swiping at her cheeks. “Oh my god, I just can’t believe you… did it.”
“Took your sweet time,” Ellis said sardonically. Vera threw them a glare. They rolled their eyes and motioned to the baby nursing at their breast. “What?” they said, but their tone was softer now. “I’m the one with sore tits and a hungry three-month-old.”
“We’ll behave,” Finn said with a smile at their partner, their hand gently resting on the white-blonde peach fuzz on the nursing baby’s head. “Right?”
Ellis threw a grudging smile at Finn. “Let’s settle for, ‘we’ll keep her happy,’ how about that?” Finn kissed the side of Ellis’s head.
“Happy birthday, Edrissa,” Sam said, stepping forward next. They had their sling on today, Vera noted. And by the way Zachariah hovered at their shoulder, she had to guess it was probably a pretty bad pain day for them. Still, they were moving pretty well. Their skin was dry, not shiny with sweat, and their eyes were clearer than when they were several Percs deep.
When Sam broke the hug, Vera sought their gaze. Their curls fell into their eyes. Might be time for another haircut.
“How’s it going, Sam?” Vera said, keeping her voice carefully neutral.
Sam grew in a slow breath. “Good, I think,” they said. Vera forced herself not to glance at the sling. If Sam was going to be using it forever, then she couldn’t make a big deal of it every time they brought it out. She still wasn’t used to seeing them in it, even after a year. “Finn started me on a new medication today.”
Vera’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh?”
“Yeah.” Sam’s right hand opened against their chest, slowly closed again. “It’s specifically for nerve pain. And it seems to work… pretty damn well.”
“Oh,” Vera breathed. “Sam, that’s… that’s amazing news.”
“Yeah,” they said with a smile. “Good thing too. When I woke up, I thought I wouldn’t be able to come to this. Couldn’t even get out of bed. But now I’m upright and sentient.” Their grin widened.
“That’s so, so good, Sam,” Vera said. She squeezed their uninjured shoulder. “I’m so glad to hear it.”
Now that the birthday girl was here, Vera made her way against the flow of the small crowd of people gathering around her. Someone got some music going; she instantly recognized Edrissa’s favorite song. She spotted Isaac and Gavin leaning against the wall, partially shrouded in shadow. She smiled and made a beeline over to them.
“Hey, you two,” she said warmly, pulling Gavin into a hug first and then Isaac. “Good to see you.” It had only been about a week since she had seen them last, but she had lived side by side with Isaac for five years and Gavin for six months before they had gotten their separate houses in Laporte. As nice as it was to have her own space, she missed them both.
“You too,” they said at the same time. They glanced at each other and both burst out laughing.
Vera smiled at the both of them. The dark circles under Gavin’s eyes had all but faded, although the scars Daniel Schiester had made new on his skin remained pink and tender-looking. He no longer looked sickly and weak, thanks to Gray and Isaac’s gentle encouragement to eat as much as he wanted for the past eight months. Isaac’s body, too, had taken on softer planes the longer they had all had been safe. His stomach was a little rounder, the angles of his jaw less harsh. It was a relief to see. And – the most distinctive change – tattoos marked Isaac’s arms from wrist to shoulder. Lilies, tulips, orchids, and daffodils wound across his skin like a tapestry. Vera couldn’t even see the scars underneath. They might as well have disappeared.
“This is new,” Vera said, reaching for Isaac’s hand and turning it over. There was a new tattoo on the inside of his left forearm – or, rather, new shading within the outline of a tulip that had already been there.
“Yup,” he said with a sheepish grin. “Just got it done a week ago. It’s in the itchy stage, and holy shit, it’s taking everything I have not to scratch.”
“But you won’t,” Gavin said, nudging him. “Unless you want another infection, and then Brandon really will fight you.”
“Probably,” Isaac said with a laugh. “And I probably wouldn’t even stop him. Fuck, that shit sucked.”
“I didn’t know you got an infection,” Vera said, sucking in a breath through her teeth. “When?”
“After my first one,” Isaac said. “It was a small one, and it went away after I did what Brandon told me to do. But the tattoo came out looking… well.” He pulled his short sleeve up, revealing a slightly smudged-looking leaf on his shoulder. “It messed up the ink a little bit.”
“Jesus,” Vera huffed.
“Yeah.” Isaac released his sleeve. “Okay, maybe it was more than a small one. And it’s pretty rare for it to mess up the ink, but it did. Brandon was pissed. He…” Isaac cleared his throat. “‘Come on, man, I guess it’s bad that you could die from this. More important, you messed up my work.’”
Vera had never held a conversation with Brandon, so she had no idea if the impression was accurate. It must have been good, though, because it had Gavin in hysterics. Isaac grinned and pulled Gavin close so he could press a kiss into his hair.
“You two are adorable,” she said dryly.
Gavin flushed scarlet and buried his face against Isaac’s shoulder. Isaac’s cheeks burned a little pink.
“Vera!” Edrissa’s voice rang out over the noise of the party. “Oh, Vera!”
Vera turned to see Edrissa charging through the crowd, dragging Tori behind her. “Yeah?”
Edrissa stopped at the edge of the partygoers when she saw Vera talking to Isaac and Gavin. She swallowed hard and beckoned Vera over with her hand.
Vera leaned forward to kiss Isaac’s cheek, then Gavin’s. “I’ll be back,” she said. “I’m needed.”
“Good luck,” Isaac said, hanging back. Vera poked him in the ribs.
Vera crossed to Edrissa and took her waiting hand. “Yes, my love?” she said, offering her a smile.
“Vera,” Edrissa huffed, as if she was out of breath. “Oh, please say you’ll do it. The party is already planned, there’s food, everyone’s here, there’s music, and I finished your dresses…”
Vera quirked an eyebrow. “Say I’ll do… what?” She glanced at Tori. Tori was looking back at her with the most radiant smile she had ever seen.
“Vera…” Edrissa looked like she was about to burst into tears. “You and Tori should get married tonight!”
Vera’s mouth went dry. “Oh,” she croaked, glancing from Edrissa to Tori and back. “Oh,” she said again. “I… Edrissa, I don’t want to ruin your birth—”
“You wouldn’t be ruining it,” Edrissa said in a rush. “I want you to do it. It would be so perfect. It would be the perfect timing. Vera… come on, Vera, Tori already said she would…”
“Ah, hang on, I said I was game if Vera was,” Tori was with a laugh. “Let’s—”
“Yes,” Vera whispered. Her voice didn’t carry over the music and the joyful crowd. She cleared her throat and tried again. “Y-yes,” she said. “Fuck yes, Tori, let’s get married tonight.”
Edrissa let out a high-pitched squeal and danced in a circle. “Yes!” she screamed. “Yes. Oh my god. Yes. Okay. I’ll go back to the house and—”
“I’ll go back to the house,” Gray said, appearing at Vera’s side. They gave her a wink. “You stay here and enjoy the party, Edrissa, it was planned for you. What did you need from the house?”
“The dresses,” Edrissa sighed. “They’ll need the dresses. And my sewing kit, just in case.”
“And the rings,” Vera said with a shaky voice. She realized she was grinning like an idiot. “They’re in my nightstand.”
Gray nodded. “You got it,” they said. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“I can’t believe it,” Edrissa said, swooning. “I can’t believe you’re getting married tonight!”
“Neither can I,” Vera said. She pulled Tori into a fierce kiss, not caring who was watching. “Neither can I,” she murmured against Tori’s lips.
Continued here
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saint-ambrosef · 2 years
want to have kids but not badly enough (so far) to overcome my crippling fear of pregnancy/childbirth caused by strong pain avoidance instinct and body dysmorphia. hate being me.
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Having a blocked milk duct is soooo painful 😭
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softshirringsound · 3 months
I saw my rheumatologist yesterday and talked to him about the flares that totally prevented my back from bending from days, made it impossible to do the buttons on my kids’ clothes, and he saw all my swollen and tender joints. And then we added back 15 mg of methotrexate to go with my Taltz and talked about how NSAIDs bother my stomach so much. Then I asked for Tramadol considering all of this shit, and he said it was just a pain killer and doesn’t actually fix anything lmao. I was like I’m on two serious immunosuppressants to fix me!! I need something to mask my pain so I can get my kids dressed!! Goddamn!!!
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tonguetie25 · 4 months
Tongue tie is more than just a metaphor for stumbling over your words. It is an oral condition that can cause issues right from infancy like difficult breastfeeding, impact your child’s airway(breathing and sleep) and affect speech, posture and dental health. In adults, it could lead to Orofacial pain and TMJ dysfunction, snoring, headaches, pain in the shoulder, neck and back.
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seeing a lot of videos that are like “I didn’t know babies couldn’t have water” so here’s an incomplete list of things you need to know before having a baby
- the obvious, they can’t have water bc milk is incredibly high in water already so excess water leads to over hydration
- babies cannot have honey until 1
- if ur breastfeeding your kid and saving excess milk, make sure you label what you pumped in the morning vs at night bc your body produces different melatonin levels throughout the day and giving your baby daytime milk at night can make them more alert and fuck up their sleep schedule
- idk why ppl keep saying this but swaddling your babies or getting them those baby straight jacket things is not abuse. It chills them out cuz it reminds them of the womb
- babies have a dandruff like buildup on their head called cradle cap, and it’s very easy to deal with and remove with just some baby shampoo, a gentle scrub brush (MADE FOR BABIES!!) and a comb. It does need to be removed tho cuz it can be very painful after a while. This can also continue to happen late into toddlerhood it’s normal
- you have to clean out the creases of your baby’s skin and hands and feet they WILL collect dust😭😭
- you cannot bathe your baby until their umbilical cord naturally falls off. Use a warm damp rag until then
- tummy time is actually very important
- your baby might have a misshapen head at first (not all the time but sometimes) this will either sort itself out or they’ll need a corrective helmet ask your doctor
- I wouldn’t recommend having your baby leave the house very much until they’re at least 6 months old, especially if they’re born near cold and flu season cuz the common cold can kill a newborn
- you’re not an awful horrible person for having postpartum depression and it’s always a million times better to let your baby cry a few minutes longer than normal while you regain your composure than to freak out and give ur kid shaken baby syndrome
- you’re not an awful horrible person for giving your baby formula milk either
- don’t put shoes on your baby it’ll compromise their toe box and balance
- babies put every single thing in their mouths
- the easiest way to burp a baby is to hold them straight up (spine straight) and hold their head a bit higher
- always support their head they barely have necks
- if your baby fights away food, fights tummy time, vomits every single time you burp them, is gaining or losing an unreasonable amount of weight at a time, wheezes after eating, or goes red after eating, chances are they’re probably allergic to the type of milk they’re eating (again ask a doctor but these are just some signs it’s not just colic)
- they will wobble a lot when learning to do things but you gotta fight the urge to help them every single time cuz they gotta learn
- they’re not always spitting out baby food cuz they don’t like it they just don’t know how to eat. Like they don’t know how to push food down they only know how to stick their tongue out so be patient
- babies craniums are broken up into three parts at first that later fuse together, this is to help make birthing easier but it results in a small EXTREMELY sensitive spot in the top of their head that has no protection. This puts their brain at a high risk. Always protect their soft spot
- read to your baby!! Get cute bright colorful sensory books with sight words and read them to your baby it makes such a huge difference in their educational growth and will help them acquire a love for reading early on. And talk to them never shut up just say whatever comes to mind all the time this will strengthen their vocabulary growth also.
- babies poop like a lot. A lot. an unreasonable amount. Bring back up clothes and more diapers than you think
- no pillows or stuffies in the crib and only use a muslin blanket unless it’s especially cold to prevent suffocation
- babies kick reflexively until they’re out of their newborn scrunch (they stay womb shaped for a while) and if your baby is crying and pushing at the swaddle try letting them flail around for a minute
- consoling your baby is not spoiling them ! They need comfort and they will learn to self soothe on their own
- singing lullabies actually works, they can recognize your voice a consistent place of comfort from the womb and the cadence of lullabies is literally engineered to create a calm headspace
- for the love of god do not get boring ass beige toys. Colors are important for their neurological development
- babies are very responsive to praise from a young age so be as supportive of them as you can
- babies get constipated a lot and you have to do like tummy massages to help ease their pain the easiest way is to lay them on their backs and hold one foot in each hand, kick their feet like bicycles, scrunch up, and then stretch their legs out
- holding them on your hip too much will not cause bow legged-ness if your baby is bow legged that was always gonna happen
- they drool so so much and you have to get bibs for them so they don’t get chest eczema
- don’t use scented products on their skin cuz their skin is sooo much thinner than ours
- when your baby first starts sitting on their own never walk away from them without setting up a nest of pillows and blankets around them. Even minor head trauma can mess them up sometimes
- this one is kinda morbid and scary but sometimes babies just die out of nowhere and it’s no one’s fault or anything it’s called sudden infantile death syndrome(SIDS) and it’s about 1.3k deaths on average per year in America so not super common but still very real. 90% of these deaths happen during the first four months however edit: apparently it’s bc of an enzyme deficiency which at the very least you can take steps to try and prevent
- smoking and drinking during pregnancy WILL affect your baby and your breast milk and also might contribute to SIDS cases
- babies sometimes have a big red mark on them somewhere called a stork bite immediately after birth but typically it goes away
- babies can’t see very well for a while after birth and they’re VERY wobbly so they’ll typically bonk their head into your chest and face a lot while trying to support themselves
- female babies might have smth similar to a period the first few days after birth, this is because of the hormone transfer that happens during the birthing process and the days leading up to it
- male babies get random erections for the first few days after birth(hormone transfer again) literally do not be weird about this it’s a baby
- things like weaning your baby onto solid foods, potty training, weaning off pacifiers etc, can actually be directed by the baby and will happen naturally will minimal guidance from the parent(some guidance is still necessary) although I would do individual research into baby led weaning for food to prevent choking
- get those chewy feeding pouches to help with weaning
- the most random things will scare the hell out of your baby don’t take it personal 😭
- baby carriers are life savers (tulas are one of my favorites)
- once babies hit toddlerhood they’re tougher than you think, and a lot of their reaction is based on YOURS. they’re always going to be looking to you for how to react to a situation. Remain calm and if they’re ok they’ll calm down but if they’re genuinely hurt they’ll keep crying
- babies will most likely get ridiculously attached to an inanimate object and you have to keep this thing intact at all costs until they’re old enough to abandon it or they will throw a FIT. I got a lemur plushie from a zoo once and every single one of the kids has bonded their soul with it until about 6 years old and once a month I have to stitch him back up
- don’t compare yourself to other parents. Maybe your kid isnt getting grass fed wild caught north Atlantic cheerios but at least they’re fed. If your kid is alive and healthy and happy you’re doing a good job
- you will need 3 car seats, an infant seat, a grow with me toddler seat, and a booster seat
- getting a good diaper bag is a MUST
- the hair a baby is born with will most likely all fall out or they’ll get a bald spot on the back of their head where they sleep cuz their hair is so fragile and thin but once it grows back it grows back thick
- get like 20 muslin blankets so you always have a backup when the main ones are covered in spit up
- the babies grip IS stronger than yours (keep your hair up and keep pets away best you can)
- your best bet for your teething baby is a pacifier you can put your finger in so you can massage their gums and some chewing toys numbing cream can be dangerous and should be used sparingly
- go ahead and come to terms with the fact you’re gonna have to use a Frida Baby to manually remove snot
- babies can get hair and thread wrapped around their toes and fingers that can cut off their circulation try to make a habit of checking
- don’t hit your kid please it’s nothing but trauma and fucked up coping mechanisms from there pls empathize with your child they’re a person too
- be careful not to pull too hard on their arms and legs(like during play or holding their hand while they walk) and NEVER pick them up by their hands this will very easily cause dislocation
- they might have a little tooth like callous on their lip from their pacifier. This does not hurt them and it will go away but it may hurt during breastfeeding
- breastfeeding will make your boobs different sizes
Yeag that’s all I can think of rn but yk i Will add as I remember stuff ppl are also adding things I forgot in the tags in case you’d like to look thru that as well <3
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mellitos · 1 year
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Mello says: breastfeeding perks that I didnt know.
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chososdiscordkitten · 7 months
Just A Taste.
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Synopsis: Gojo wants to taste readers breast milk •⩊•
Pairing: Gojo xFem!Reader Content: some plot, mostly nasty stuff, no penetrative sex, nursing handjob, ADULT NURSING, he tries to convince reader to let him suck a lil sum, gojo being weird, mentions he didn't have a mom, BREASTFEEDING, mommy kink if you squint, PREGNANCY KINK, whiny satoru, overall just a lot of nipple and breast play
Dedicated to: @busyreader17 , my beloved for hyping me up to write this, ty<;33
(a.n) why do I only ever write about gojo being a pregnancy freak? has to be studied. wrote this listening to very dramatic classical music
Gojo has always been hard headed, never thinking twice on talking back or starting an argument just to prove he was right. And that little quirk about him only enhanced when his child was born.
Even if you were the one who spent countless hours in the emergency room trying to give birth to his big headed child- Satoru insisted that he knew best for his offspring. And in extension- he knew what was best for you. 
“Formula isn't good enough for my child.” he retorted when you mentioned how painful it was to breastfeed his gnawing child.
And when you'd bring up that you were ready to start working again- “You don't have to work- that's why you have me.” 
Little by little Gojo started dictating most of the aspects of your life. There was little to no resistance from you though- you didn't mind his overbearing fatherly tendencies when it came to protecting his family.
But there was one thing, just one thing you'd complain about if you could.
As stubborn as Satoru was in day to day life- he was equally, if not more stubborn in bed. Especially in one specific area.
Gojo begged. Begged on his knees as he watched you pump. Sitting on the couch and bouncing your knee as his hands held onto your calf, “I just want to taste-” he pouted, eyebrows pinched upwards. 
“Satoru.” you gritted through your teeth- hearing the whirr of the machine on your chest. He sighed as he placed his forehead to your knee, mumbling something about how mean you were to him.
This newfound need to taste the milk from your breasts was mildly irritating, not being able to take your shirt off without his eyes prying- parting his lips before asking again.  
Satoru would be lying if he said that anytime your breasts would leak against his chest midway through fucking- it didn’t take every ounce of strength he had to not trail his lips down to your puffy nipple. 
So, so, very tempting. But he'd refrain from acting on his urges, knowing you'd probably shake him off or tell him to stop completely. So instead of doing it without your permission, he settled on asking you anytime he could. 
At first you thought this was just him wanting to know what it tasted like, but when you offered him a small sip from a cup he said- “If i'm gonna drink it, I want it straight from the source.” to which you said, “I guess you're never gonna taste it then.” before tossing the small sip down the sink. 
He must've asked 3 times a day. Gojo needed it so bad- he would beg on his knees at your feet, looking up at you like an abused puppy that you were being far too cruel to.
And you always said no. 
But, your objections sounded like ‘maybe one day’ to his ears. 
So one very early morning, 4 maybe 5 am- you were standing at the kitchen counter, holding the little pumping machine to your right breast as your face churned with a grimace. Your nipples were sore, from the machine sucking harshly and from how often you had to do it.
You had just started filling one of the little bottles, and as though Gojo knew what you were doing, he walked in. Squinting at you, almost asking what you were doing at this hour- till his eyes landed on your breasts you didn't bother to cover. “Go back to sleep, I'll be done soon.” you muttered in a groggy voice as the whirring woke Satoru up from the hazy state he was in. 
He took a few steps towards you- resting his elbows on the counter as he watched the machine milk you. Jealous that a stupid machine had the right to and he didn't. 
The sun not even breaching the skyline made the room dim and dusky. 
You didn't mind if he watched- but that's all you'd ever grant him. But directly after sex- when his chest would be drippng with the light cream colored liquid that leaked from your breasts while he fucked you- and as he looked down to his sculped body in the bathroom, the sink running on a hand towel as you waited for him to come back to help clean you up.
His fingers couldn't help but swipe at the liquid before placing it on his tongue. The whisper of your taste on his tongue made one thing clear in his mind. If he couldn’t wrap his lips around your nipple and suck till there was nothing left- if you wouldn’t grant him that one favor, the closest thing he had was to fuck you in missionary from now on. Hoping one day he would ask you mid way through- and you’d be too fucked out to say anything but yes.  
True if he really wanted to taste you- he could just reach into the freezer and thaw a bag of the pumped milk to try it. But he didn't just want to taste it- he wanted to feel it fill his mouth directly from the source. How warm it would be as it slid down his throat. And god- from the small tastes he's gotten, it's so sweet. You taste so fucking sweet.
His eyes watched as the plastic bottle filled up with milk, almost hypnotized by the liquid. You winced as the machine sucked at your sore nipple, which only made the cogs in Satoru’s brain start churning with schemes. 
With soft eyes he fluttered his white eyelashes up to you, “Does it hurt?” he whispered, looking at your expression that looked more irritated than pained. You nodded your head slowly, “It feels like when your foot is asleep,” you muttered, “but not the ‘numb’ kind of asleep, like the kind that hurts anytime you move it.” you continued as you closed your eyes, exhausted and very ready to go back to bed. 
Satoru raised himself from the counter, taking steps over to you as you felt his presence loom next to you. “Nd you have to do it all the time too-” he scoffed, playing the sympathy card so you'd think he was on your side. 
He pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder, “They always look so full,”  he murmured against your skin, you hummed in response, agreeing with what he was saying as he wrapped his hand around your waist, placing his chin on your shoulder. “So painful.” he hummed as his hands dared to trace up your bare torso. 
“I can help, y’know.” The tone he said those words sounded sincere- almost as though he was just trying to make this easier for you, you let out a hum in disbelief, “Unless you're a baby who refuses to latch- no you can't.” you mumbled with a groggy voice. 
Your words came out as a retort- but in Gojo’s ears they sounded like a challenge. 
It was true, his child had the same stubborness as Satoru, refusing to eat anything that didn’t come from a plastic bottle. Thus the pumping and the overproduction of milk that was piled high in the freezer by now. You had half the mind to sell it or empty them down the drain, I mean what child is gonna drink that much? Even if it was a Gojo heir- no child drinks that much milk. 
But the thought pained Satoru, it only reminded him of the times where that frozen milk could have been in his mouth rather than in plastic bags. 
Satoru kept a light touch as his hand trailed to the side of your ribs, scooping the bottom of the free breast you hadn’t pumped yet. Feeling the weight in his hand as he lifted it lightly, and you were just tired enough to let him. “They're so heavy.” he whispered in a coo as you blinked your eyes open, fully registering what he was trying to do. 
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Don't be gross, ‘toru.” you spoke in a clearer voice, earning a small laugh to ring into your ear as his hand gently grasped the side of your full breast. “What's gross about wantin’ to help?” He murmured in your ear, his hand keeping a light graze as his pointer finger brushed past your tender nipple, you hissed at the feeling causing Satoru to hum an understanding ‘I know.’ into your ear. 
You couldn't see his face but you were sure he was pleased with himself, “That's all I wanna do.” his words sounded wholehearted. Almost earnest as his large hand held onto your breast with a light touch, “I'll be sooo gentle, I promise.” he closed his eyes feeling your breast fill his palm with ease, “I just wanna help you,” he whispered as he pressed the off button on the little machine, guiding your hand to place it on the counter as he pressed an honest kiss to your ear. 
You knew that filling those little bottles would have taken way too long, then the thought of how much faster it would be if you let him- “Let me help you.” 
Satoru’s silver tongue was never your favorite part of him, you never liked how easy it was for him to hide the truth behind seemingly sincere words. 
His brushing fingertips against your sore nipples didn't help either, his fingers were very, very close to squeezing the suede ring of color around the hardened peak- Satoru wanted to see if small rivulets would spurt out of your nipples if he squeezed. 
You inhaled feeling the warm pads of his fingertip caress at your tender nipple. If Satoru wasn't trying to convince you of something, you'd admit it felt nice. You scoffed, “Don't make it nasty ‘toru-” you caved, sighing with an exhausted tone, feeling his warm palms lift your heavy breasts.
Gojo’s mouth had been salivating from the second he walked into the kitchen, and as you said those words he gulped hard. “Course not~” he mumbled, allowing the truth to seep out in his words. 
And as he guided you to sit onto the couch as you've done plenty of times when you'd pump, he already knew how he wanted to be fed, he had thought about it over and over again. And settled on this position, his back was pressed against the tops of your thighs. His long legs extended onto the couch- unashamed of his cock rising from staring at the cream droplet that threatened to fall from your nipple.
Even if this act was obscene and borderlining on too far- you were grateful he didn't make any teasing remarks on how little it took for him to convince you this time. That and how his mouth would have been filled soon enough, so you wouldn't worry about that. 
Your hand was on the back of his head, fingers filled with lily white hair as he fought back a smile. Only the gleam in his eyes showed you just how excited he was. Satoru’s lips parted as his eyes darted back and forth from your sore nipple up to your face that was warm with embarrassment. All but asking for permission as you watched his bottom lip quiver in anticipation. 
With pinched eyebrows, you guided his head towards your aching breast, Gojo’s lips parted awaiting your puffy nipple. His tongue covered the bottom of his teeth- a low groan rumbled onto your skin as he lightly pressed his parted lips onto the skin around your nipple.
You watched with a grimace look on your face, not knowing why he would offer this- let alone enjoy it. 
Satoru’s tongue circled at your hardening nipple, lapping softly as he tried to keep his promise of being gentle as the essence of the milk lingered on his tongue. A small huff left your lip as he rested his tongue at the bottom of your nipple, protecting it from his pearly teeth. 
His hands rested atop his tummy as you caressed the back of his scalp, you nodded your head as a form of permission, giving Satoru the ‘ok’ that he could start- his lips were slow to start sucking, pulling your nipple further into his mouth with a lactogenic motion from his tongue.
Before now, Satoru wasn't fully sure how to nurse if you let him, he knew it wasn't like just sucking your nipple. But the second he felt the sore apex of your breast press against the roof of his mouth, sucking in as much of your breast as he could, his tongue massaged the bottom of your tit to coax the milk to come out. 
The motion came to him as an instinct, as though nursing was engraved in his marrow from the minute he was pulled into this world. 
It took very little effort to pull milk to the surface. But the moan that reverberated onto your breast from a fat droplet hitting Satoru’s tongue- it was bordering on pornographic. It was as though he saw the pearly gates of heaven when the droplet infiltrated the taste buds of his tongue.
No matter how much fantasizing he did, or any of the ghost-like tastes- nothing. Nothing, could have prepared him for how fucking heavenly you tasted.
Your milk was warm, thick enough to leave a light cast on his tongue as he tried to suckle more liquid from your nipple. Gojo’s mouth was latched onto you in a way you knew it would hurt to pull him off.
Satoru’s gaze threatened to shut as you looked down at him. His head coddled in your hand as he kept faltering eye contact with you. Only making this feel even more salacious than it should have. 
No, this was only supposed to be a way for him to help- a way to remove the aching pressure from your breasts and save some time.
But that look in his eyes, the way his eyebrows were furrowed- almost as though he was sucking your tit in spite. 
That was till a bigger wave of your milk rushed into his mouth, earning an almost anguished whimper to pulse against your skin.
Your eyes squinted trying to figure out if he was exaggerating- only the way his eyes struggled to stay open, the blush across his cheeks and the satisfied smile on the perked corners of his lips, convinced you he was being genuine. 
With every ooze of the prized liquid he suckled from your plump breast, Satoru swallowed. Not wanting any to spill from his lips as you placed your hand on his chest that was threatening to start hyperventilating. Too focused on suckling as much milk as he could to even consider keeping a steady breathing pattern. The warmth of his mouth on your tender nipple was soothing, comforting almost.
Gojo’s eyes were half lidded and hazy- trying his very best not to let them roll to the back of his head as the dulcet milk trickled down his throat. 
Unwillingly a small whimper fled his latched lips as his eyes closed, chest heaving from the taste of you coating his mouth. You huffed a small breath from his greedy tongue sucking harder on your nipple. 
Rubbing your hand on his chest to soothe the little whimpers that rumbled your breast, thankful his eyes were closed when they rolled to the back of his head. His trapped cock was shouting at him for attention, be it instinct or just wanting to relieve the ache- his hand slowly trailed down his tummy, only your eyes were too focused on his seemingly intoxicated expression to notice. 
Your hand holding his head up started rubbing gently at his scalp, seeing frustration form on his delicate features- unknowing why. But you were almost trying to soothe him as whimpers vibrated onto your breast. Watching his eyebrows furrow and the growing blush on his cheeks to deepen as his eyes fluttered open.
Looking up at you from the slightly obstructed view from below, your palm on his chest being able to feel how hard his heart was beating. And as your eyebrows furrowed with a breathy sigh- you watched the familiar look in Satoru’s eyes glimmer past white lashes. 
You inhaled sharply, feeling his tongue trail from massaging the bottom of your nipple to the little mound that provided the milk. Tracing the tip of his tongue on your bud causing you to hiss his name in a warning. 
That's all it took for him to continue suckling on your sore nipple. You were about to rest back onto the couch with a sigh, caressing the back of his head as you felt relief wash over your shoulders, allowing him to take what he needed and then some. 
That was till your eye caught his bicep flexing- and you trailed your eyes down his pale arm parting your lips in shock as you watched his unashamed hand palm himself through his gray sweats. 
You huffed- only it came out in a breathy sigh rather than in the reprimanding tone you meant it to. Satoru only moaned as he heard his name fall from your lips, feeling his mouth suck rougher in order to pull more milk from your heavy breast that threatened to suffocate his nose.
His hand hesitantly removed itself from the stiff bulge of his sweats, landing on your wrist that was on his chest. His hazy cerulean eyes filled with the kind of mist you only see when he's premeditated something long before you knew of it.
Satoru’s fingers wrapped around your wrist as he greedily drank from your nipple, so greedily that the corners of his mouth were threatening to leak the honeyed fluid- he was suckling so much, he couldn't swallow fast enough.  
And as the little droplets stained the sides of Gojo’s jaw, trailing down his pale skin- he led your hand to extend over to his strained bulge. Knowing if you truly were uncomfortable by this, you would've pulled away the second you saw him palming himself.
You inhaled as his hand led you to his cock by your wrist, gasping softly with a tingle on your cheeks from how hard he was. Satoru placed his larger hand atop yours, pressing it onto his painful erection with a whine rippling through your skin. 
You flashed your eyes from the gray fabric that trapped his neglected cock, back to his eyes. Threatening to blink shut as you kept a gentle grasp on his bulge. Even if he was the one in your lap, nursing at your breast in a way that can only be described as voracious. That look on his face was smug, almost as though he was right this entire time and you were the hard headed one.
Satoru trailed his hand onto your forearm, smiling to himself as you started softly palming his prominent bulge. 
Your eyebrows were pinched upwards, trying very, very hard not to shift your thighs beneath his back to relieve the ache forming between them.
You felt bad, like the only reason he was palming himself- almost in a sad way, was because you allowed this to happen. It wasn't guilt- but you wanted to apologize in some way. 
Satoru’s mouth suckled in no pattern, his only goal was to drain every single gush of milk you offered. No matter how fervent he must've looked right now, he didn’t care. As long as he could feel your warmth in his throat- your taste coating the cavern of his mouth- he didn’t care if he looked like a starved man.
You sighed almost in pity as he let out various throaty whimpers, firmening your fingers around the print in his sweats. “Oh ‘toru~” you soothed, knowing how hard he was- it had to be painful. Your cheeks tingling and warm as his hips bucked up into your hand for more friction. 
And as your hand cradled onto the back of his head, you maneuvered the hand on his bulge to free it from its torment. 
For the first time since he latched onto your nipple, his lips parted from your breast with a low moan. The cold morning air hitting his pinkening tip causing him to furrow his eyebrows, but all it took was for the feeling to settle before he attached onto your draining nipple once more.
You didn't hesitate to place your hand onto his base, feeling the light trails of his precum on his shaft from how worked up he was, tempting a gasp to leave his lips, you looked at him.
And as though he was made to do it- Satoru lightly ran his tongue at your budding nipple, lapping up the white sweetness that leaked from your breast. 
You kept a light touch on his cock, his hand on your upper arm before gently resting it on the swell of your other breast. Thinking to himself how rude of him that he was neglecting your other equally tender nipple. 
Satoru lightly thumbed your nipple, feeling light drips wet his thumb. Enticing you to slowly start stroking him, stopping your grasp right before your fingers could roll onto his flushed tip. Knowing he wouldn't last long if you worked over his cockhead. 
The moans that rumbled from Gojo’s throat and onto your sensitive skin were full of desperation and bliss. You watched him in almost pity- trickles of your milk falling from the sides of his lips, making trails of white drip down his cheeks.
It didn’t take long for him to finish draining your breast, somewhere in his mind he knew there was nothing left in your left tit, but that didn't stop him from trying to slurp up any remaining droplets.
Gojo’s cheeks felt like they were boiling on his face, and with one last lap of your nipple, he unlatched from your breast. Huffing softly as his breath tickled your damp nipple, he looked up at you, an amazed and out of breath expression formed on his face as you wiggled your eyebrows. 
It was embarrassing, the way your milk left trails of a light white film on his cheeks, the way he was breathing heavily with his cock in your hand. Vulnerable. 
Satoru saw your flushed face- and to comfort you he raised himself from the tops of your thighs lightly, keeping a massaging hand on your unsucked breast as he pressed his plump lips to yours.
It was filthy- Mouths dancing against each other in pure delirium. Being able to taste yourself on his tongue- on his spit laced with milk. It was like Gojo did that to show you just how exquisite you tasted. Only for your hand to keep its snail pace, avoidant of his crying tip. 
His lips pulled from yours, looking into your eyes and thumbing your weeping white nipple. Soft opened mouth moans coming from his lips as your hand stroked tenderly.
Rare were the times when Satoru was silent during intimacy, usually babbling teasing nonsense. But this time, the carnal look in his eye told you everything you needed to know. His senseless prattling wasn't even a thought in his mind right now, burning beneath his skin was pure and utter hunger. Hunger, to taste you- to drink from you. To nurse, over and over again. 
The one thought that lingered in his mind was to make sure to keep you pregnant- keep you in a state to continue producing the warm comfort he hardly had as a child. 
Gojo licked his bottom lip, mouth salivating as he felt the warm liquid trickle onto his palm. He leaned back slightly, looking down to your swollen nipple rolling between his fingers. Then trailing his gaze to your slow stroking hand, Gojo was sure he had never been so hard in his life till now. 
He licked his lips before cupping the side of your heavy breast in his palm, slowly shifting himself down to align himself with your right breast. Your hand followed the back of his scap, guiding him to latch onto your dripping nipple. 
Satoru opened his mouth, closing his eyes when he felt the skin of your breast fill his mouth again. Running his tongue across your neglected nipple and tasting the essence his fingers had squeezed out. A throaty whine leaving his nose as he started suckling, so enthralled by your taste and the gentle way you stroked him. Keeping his kneading hand on the side of your breast to assist in guiding more milk into his mouth.
Your cheeks were warm, tingling from how lewd he looked at that moment. The little whimpers that came from him didn't help either. 
Happily, Satoru let those unfiltered whines pour from him, if it meant you'd know how much he was enjoying himself. 
And as your hand slightly passed his tip on the upturn, he gasped against you. Almost as a warning, he sucked harder on your sore nipple in return. Gojo let out muffled cries from your hand stroking past his tip, even if you couldn't see it- his eyes were rolled to the back of his head as he suckled instinctively. You looked away from his face- churned with an insatiable greed. 
Looking at his pinkening cock in your hand as the veins on his lower abdomen stood proud beneath his skin. His chest was heaving once more, forced to take heavy inhales through his nose as he felt the knot in his tummy tighten. 
Satoru’s whines started to rumble louder against you, watching an inhale reach down his torso, his tummy caving from how hard he exhaled. He was so close. So fucking close and fighting it at this point. You could see it in his scrunched eyebrows and desperate suckles. 
You lightly scratched your nails onto his scalp, “It’s okay ‘toru,” you sighed softly, gaining his cerulean eyes to open slightly and look up at you. You were flustered sure, but you wanted to assure Satoru that he could cum whenever he liked. He didn't need to hold off for your sake. 
Only when he saw the soft smile on your lips- something deep within him snapped. It didn't click before, even with your hand tenderly stroking him and your tit in his mouth, even as he was nursing directly from your breast. It still didn't click. 
But when you soothed his whimpers, the tender smile you had on your lips as he took and took from you. The nurturing tone you assured him with. That's when it made sense. That's when he realized why he had been longing to help you in this way. 
Before he didn’t really question it- thought it was just something weird he found hot amongst all his other strange fantasies. But now. Now it made sense. 
Your mind was a mess, barely able to process the words that fell from your lips naturally. Gojo’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as you polished his cockhead, his hips bucking up into it in response. You watched as he let go of that final reservation, sucking harshly causing more of your milk to spill from the corners of his lips with frustrated whines. Being able to feel his orgasm tighten in his stomach. 
The hand on your breast was practically milking you, squeezing milk into his mouth rather than his tongue nursing at it, his nose was scrunched as he exhaled a ragged breath through his nose. Your nipple was starting to ache from the vibrating whimpers and moans, and instead of telling him to stop, you raked your fingers through his hair gently. “Shh, I know, I know.” you crooned, keeping a steady pace on his cock as he simmered his whimpers. 
Ever since Satoru told you he had little to no memories of his mother, you knew he had mommy issues. And when he started asking to taste your milk you were hesitant, knowing once that pandora's box was opened there was no use trying to close it again.
Only as you looked down at him, how content and blissful he looked- unlike anything you've ever seen before, you didn't mind if it didn’t close again. 
Satoru parted his eyes, feeling his orgasm slowly slip in his tummy, you watched as his eyes fluttered back to his head- mumbling something in the sound of ‘m’cummi-’ against your skin as you sped up your pace. His hips twitching up into your hand as you jerked him quickly, his lungs could barely handle how little air he was inhaling, his brain fuzzy as he slurped and lapped at your nipple. 
Gojo saw stars as you stroked him past the pinnacle you worked him up, his eyes squinted harshly as his lips unlatched from your breast, throaty groans mixed with whines fell from his lips as his orgasm oozed over your hand. When your thumb caressed the opening on his tip, his cock spurted out another pump of his cum with a whine. 
As you helped work through his orgasm, smaller pumps of his seed assisted in the wet strokes you gave him, Satoru latched back onto your breast with a content sigh, needing to drain as much as he could, his cock slowly softening in your hand. 
And as he drank the rest of your milk you rested your hand on his lower belly, waiting for him to finish taking what he needed. His mouth wasn’t suckling as frantically nor hurried as before. You relished in the warmth his lips provided with a sigh, closing your eyes as the sun started rising. Being able to see the light through your closed eyes. 
When Satoru couldn't taste any more milk coming from your drained breast, he hesitantly pulled away. Resting his head in your hand as he looked up to the ceiling hazily, milk drunk as your breasts obstructed his view.
He inhaled, “Throw away that stupid machine.” you sighed, knowing he’s hated the breast pump since he saw you use it for the first time. 
“What am I gonna do when you're not around?” you murmured, thinking of a world where you wouldn't have access to a pump. 
“Call me and I'll find you.” 
You let out a small laugh. Leaning your back onto the couch as Satoru setted on your hand. “So fucking weird.” You murmured, hearing him let out a smiley breath. 
Satoru sat up, turning to you with an endearing gaze, “Only cause I like you soooo much.” he claimed, pressing a kiss onto your temple before standing. Reaching out for your hand, ignoring the mess on his tummy, pulling you to stand as he led you to the master bathroom. 
“What do you want for breakfast?” you muttered behind him, watching him halt his steps and looking back at you, “What?” he asked with a smug smile and creased eyebrows. 
You furrowed your eyebrows, “...Breakfast?” not understanding what was confusing about the question. 
Satoru scoffed, “What for? You just fed me.” he spoke sweetly, watching the grimace on your face churn with an appalled ‘ugh!’ as you snapped your hand away from his. You scoffed as he reached for your hand again, pulling you into his arms. Peppering kisses over your features as you groaned.
“You’re so nasty.” you scoffed as he stepped forward, leading you into the bathroom with various kisses on your cheeks. 
You were sure this little activity Satoru found so much attraction in, would make its way into your daily routine. Only you didn't mind it as much as you thought you would.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
writing this added 3 years to my life dead ass.
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
Big chested!reader x Konig but breastfeeding, feel free not to do this request btw
Konig and his mommy issues let's go. He has certain ideas about your breasts. They are soft and round and oh, so big, he can rest his head fully and feel like he is sleeping on the best pillows. He loves to just lay on top of you in the bed or on the couch, his face buried in your cleavage - resting on your skin, pressing little kisses into your softness and even nibbling a bit on the sensitive spots. He has a bit of oral fixation, constantly having to pop gum or chew on something to deal with his anxiety and fidgeting. He is way calmer when he is with you, sucking on the soft skin of your breasts. It's only natural that it had grown into something more with time. You gave him an inch and he took a mile. You elt him sleep on your chest a few times, napping together with him, and then you wake up to his mouth sucking on your nipples. Tugging on it with his lips, making his tongue around the hardened bud, and biting softly like he actually can start chewing at some point. He isn't even doing it for his or your arousal - this is just pure instinct, a desire to play with something in his mouth. No technique, no teasing. Just teeth and tongue, making you whine from uneven waves of pleasure and pain attacking you. You're trying to push him away, but it's a fruitless endeavor. It's impossible, really - he is forcing his tongue down, and he is way too heavy for you to just push him away. It's fine if you don't lactate - he will get tired eventually, falling asleep on your chest again, sleepily sucking on your nipple until you can manage to make him get off. If you're pregnant or if you're lactating because of any other reason however...you're not getting away. Konig is obsessed with your milk - mommy issues strike him again, and now he is forcing you to feed him, to just let him drink freeily like you don't have a medical emergency or a baby to take care of. Honestly, Konig is the guy to make you wear a tiny cow bikini and moo for him during sex - not the most embarrassing of his kinks, but it definitely makes you reconsider your whole relationship with him.
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postnatalpen · 1 year
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cutielando · 4 months
Lactation kink with lando to help him sleep🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
lactation | l.n.
warnings!!: lactation kink, nipple play, titty play, sloppy handjob, grinding
my masterlist
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He couldn't help it.
During your pregnancy, he couldn't help the awe he felt whenever he felt your breasts in his hands, so swollen and full and ready to feed his child.
He found you insanely sexy even before pregnancy, but imagine what he felt once you were swollen with his child, your curves and beauty even more appealing to him than ever before.
He loved you, every little part of your body, but your breasts would always top the game.
You would often complain about them, saying they were always sore, heavy and swollen.
"Lan, my boobs hurt so much. Can you please help me?"
Absolute music to his ears.
Once you gave birth, the phrase gave him even more of a rush. Because of you breastfeeding your little girl, all of your shirt had wet spots where your nipples were, the excess milk always finding its way to your shirt.
Lando went feral every time he noticed.
He didn't know why he found it so hot, or why it stirred such a reaction out of him. Maybe because it reminded him time and time again that you were the mother of his child, that you gave him the best gift he could have ever received.
"You look tired" he stated one night, coming into your bedroom after he'd put the baby to sleep.
You sighed, running your hands down your face and then putting them on your breasts, who were once again swollen and full.
"I always look tired. Besides, the baby didn't eat all that much tonight so I'm swollen again" you grimaced as you pressed onto your left boob, wincing at the pinch of pain you felt.
Seeing you massaging the boobs that he had become so obsessed with got Lando going, once again. He licked his lips, his jeans gradually straining against his crotch as all the blood traveled down to his cock.
"Want me to help you out?" he asked, and you nodded without a second thought.
You didn't think much of it. In fact, you would be lying if you said the sight of Lando massaging and sucking on your boobs didn't make you wet and craving for him. Your hormones were going crazy when you were near him, whenever he would touch you where you needed him the most, but nothing made you as wet as him sucking the milk out of your boobs did.
"Lay back for me" his husky voice said, quickly working to discard every last piece of clothing from his body.
Your breathing quickened as you watched him get naked right in front of you, your hands unconsciously flying to your shirt, taking it off and throwing it somewhere on the floor next to Lando's clothes.
He slowly stalked over to you and laid down next to you on the bed, his fingertips slowly inching upwards across your body to where you needed him the most.
"So beautiful" he whispered once his hand reached the underside of your boob, leaning down and pressing a kiss to it. "And full" another kiss. "And all mine" you gasped when he wrapped his lips around your hardened nipple, his other hand gravitating towards your other boob, playing with your other nipple as he started sucking on your left one.
You gasped at the sensation of Lando stimulating your nipples, the pleasure coursing through your veins like adrenaline. Nobody had ever made you feel like Lando has, the reactions he got out of your body and the things he could make you feel sometimes made you think you were living a fairytale.
But in moments like this one, with his tongue running over your nipple and his hand twisting and pinching your other one, milk oozing out of your breasts and into his awaiting mouth, you knew you weren't dreaming or imagining anything.
"Oh God" you moaned out quietly, not wanting to risk waking the baby.
Your moans did nothing but spur Lando on, the driver more determined than ever to please you out of your mind. He sucked harder on your nipple, the milk filling his mouth and making him moan out.
He was incredibly hard in that moment, his cock poking at the side of your thigh. With your eyes still closed, you reached out with your hand and wrapped your arms around his rock hard cock, feeling every vein pulsing with need against your hand.
You slowly started pumping his length, using the oozing precum as lube to lather him up. He started sucking you with more drive while you were jerking him off with a passion.
"Please, baby" Lando whimpered out, unlatching from your left nipple for a second before diving in to your right one, his hips now grinding against your hand.
You moaned out at the intense feeling of Lando sucking on your boobs, squeezing his length while pumping it faster and faster.
"Oh God" Lando moaned out all of a sudden, his grip on your boobs tightening as his hips started grinding faster against your hand before he stilled, ropes of cum painting his stomach and your hand.
You both panted, hearts beating out of your chests. Lando slowly let go of your boobs, pressing a kiss to each of them before he fell back on the bed next to you.
"That was amazing" you breathed out, making Lando nod before getting up to go to the bathroom to clean himself up.
Once you finally caught your breath, you found your discarded shirt on the floor and put it on, getting under the covers and waiting for Lando.
A minute later, he emerged from the bathroom, turned off all the lights and got under the covers with you.
"Thank you" you whispered, cuddling up to his warm body and burying your face in the crook of his neck.
"Anything for you, mama" he pressed a kiss on the top of your head, settling in bed and closing his eyes.
You both drifted off into a deep slumber, Lando happy and content as your milk kicked in and allowed him to finally get some rest.
Who knew that was all he needed?
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pregnancyboss · 2 years
Pregnancy Boss
Expecting the unexpected? PregnancyBoss.com is a space where expecting mothers can find helpful information, resources, and support throughout their pregnancy journey. From the moment of conception to post-birth, Pregnancy Boss can provide a wealth of information that can help women navigate the emotional and physical changes that come with pregnancy.
One of the most valuable features of Pregnancy Boss is the community aspect. Expecting mothers can connect with other women who are going through the same experience, share their own experiences, and offer support to one another. This can be especially helpful for first-time mothers who may feel overwhelmed by the unknowns of pregnancy.
Another important feature of Pregnancy Boss is the well-researched articles which offer valuable insights and tips on everything from prenatal care and nutrition to childbirth and postpartum recovery. They can also provide a wealth of information on how to cope with common pregnancy symptoms, such as morning sickness, fatigue, and back pain.
Pregnancy Boss can also be a great resource for finding information on prenatal care, childbirth classes, and parenting resources. Many articles feature reviews of various prenatal care providers and childbirth classes, as well as information on the different birthing options available to expecting mothers. They may also provide resources on how to prepare for parenthood and how to care for your newborn.
In addition to providing information and resources, Pregnancy Boss can also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for expecting mothers. Many articles feature stories of other mothers and their experiences, which can be empowering and uplifting for women who may be feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about their own pregnancies.
Finally, Pregnancy Boss can be an excellent way to stay connected with others during a time when social distancing is being recommended or a must. This can be especially valuable for expecting mothers who may feel isolated or alone during their pregnancy.
Overall, Pregnancy Boss is a valuable resource for expecting mothers. It can provide information, support, and a sense of community throughout the pregnancy journey. Whether you’re a first-time mother or a mother of 4, a pregnancy blog can help you navigate the emotional and physical changes that come with pregnancy and prepare for the arrival of your new little one.
We hope you enjoy the website (pregnancyboss.com), but if you have any recommendations, please email us at [email protected]
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xbellaxcarolinax · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara x f!reader
Summary: Miguel has a lactation kink.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Smut, lactation kink, p in v, umm I think that's it. 18+ MDNI.
Disclaimer: never been pregnant, don't know how it works entirely. Just enjoy lol Not beta-read. Also, Miguel being a father warms my heart <3
It'd never crossed his mind before. After all, your milk was for the baby. 
Diego nursed from you well, his tiny lips latching onto your swollen nipple with little guidance. You held him close and kissed his brow while you sang to him softly. Now and then you'd hiss, your pretty face pinched from the inevitable pain of breastfeeding. 
Miguel watched you both with a full heart—watched how you cradled his milk-drunk son against your swollen breasts lovingly before putting him down for a nap.
And when he couldn't rip his eyes away from the swell of your chest (or how your nipples continued to drip tiny pearls), he thought nothing of it.
"Does it hurt?" He asked in the quietness of your bedroom, his toned arm thrown around your shoulders, holding you close.
Diego began to fidget where he was nestled comfortably on his father's bare chest, his wrinkled face blooming red before a cry ripped from his tiny body. 
"Does what hurt?" You asked in return, gently cooing down at the wailing infant, scooping him gingerly in your arms.
Miguel motioned toward your engorged breasts, his eyes lingering over the damp spots forming over your fitted t-shirt, your nipples leaking through the white cotton fabric.
"Sometimes," you sighed as soon as Diego latched on, "when he doesn't drink enough or bites too hard." 
Miguel studied his son as he drank his fill; until his little eyes fluttered with sleep and his milk-covered lips fell away from your chest. 
A bead of milk formed over your swollen nipple and before it ran down the roundness of your breast, Miguel caught it with the pad of his finger, swiping it up gently and placing it in his mouth.
He hummed in surprise, looking down at your flushed face and doe eyes. 
"What's it taste like?" You whispered curiously, watching Miguel lap at his finger like a cat.
He closed his eyes, savoring the flavor on his tongue before he grunted.
“Lemme help you,” he muttered to you one night, watching you wince and groan while you palmed your full breasts. Diego had drank himself to sleep, leaving your tits full still, straining for release. “You’re in pain.” 
You worried your lip, leaning your head back against the headboard. “The breast pump is in the—”
“No,” he said, “not like that.” He carefully positioned himself between your legs, gently lifting your shirt to reveal your swollen tits, nipples hardening immediately. 
“Shh, amor.”
He took a breast in hand, squeezing softly and watching the tiny stream of white pour from your nipple before wrapping his lips around the bud and giving a gentle suck. The sweetness of your milk invaded his senses as he drank from you, his eyes fluttering.
You moaned above him, your fingers threading messily in his hair. 
He palmed your other breast, squeezing enough to let your milk pour over his hands and down his wrist, making a mess of you. His cock was straining against his briefs as he rutted into the mattress for some fiction.
“M-Miguel,” you sighed, ignoring the dampness that pooled over your skin and under you.
“Feels good?” He murmured over your damp skin, his lips covered in milk. He tugged gently on your nipple, giving it a few kitten licks before turning his attention to your other breast, quickly suckling down more of your milk. 
You didn’t answer him—couldn’t—but he knew the answer.
You’d fallen asleep shortly after Miguel had cleaned you up, cradling you in his arms. 
But he was far from satiated.
When he could finally put his cock in you, he made sure your pussy was nice and wet for him. 
He’d suck on your tits till you were leaking from both your nipples and between your legs before stuffing you good, your milk pouring over his lips and down his chin. Whatever escaped his mouth would be slurped off your smooth skin, his tongue dragging between your breasts as you covered his cock in your juices.
But you preferred to ride him recently. Miguel didn't mind. He wanted you to take your pleasure from him in the most comfortable way possible for you. He knew he was big, knew his cock was a challenge for you, even more so post-pregnancy, but you knew how to manage him.
Whenever you rode him it was in the kitchen. He’d sit on a chair with your body draped over his and you’d bounce on his cock at your leisure. A baby monitor would be placed on the table, always knocked over in your mission of conquering Miguel's lap.
Tonight was no different. Miguel wanted you.
Your cunt swallowed him perfectly, his cock cushioned within your swollen, warm walls.
Your breasts, bare from any restraints, bounced in his face with every swirl of your hips. They were enticing, your puffy nipples beading with the sweet milk he loved. 
Miguel grunted, grabbing them in his large hands and gently squeezing. Milk began to pour over his hands in thin white streams, seeping through his knuckles and down the expanse of your body. His mouth immediately sucked your nipples in quick succession, and you moaned as the soreness mixed with the pleasure of his cock ramming into you deep.
When you came it was with a loud cry. Miguel immediately latched off your tit, kissing you to silence your cries as you covered him completely in your juices. You could taste the sweetness of your milk on his tongue as he kissed you with fervor, effectively silencing you. 
He gave one final thrust into your tight heat before his hips stilled, groaning in your mouth as he came. By the end of it, you were both covered in spit, milk, and cum, panting against each other. 
Moments later, Diego demanded attention, his cries crackling through the baby monitor. You gently hissed as you pulled off Miguel's large cock, his spend and yours sliding down your thighs and dripping over his lap. 
“Your son is always hungry,” Miguel complained, his hands moving up to thumb at your sore nipples. You scoffed, snatching your robe off the table where Miguel had carelessly tossed it aside, placing it over your shoulders.
“Yeah,” you grinned, swiping a bead of your milk off Miguel’s lower lips, “just like his father."
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waughymommy · 7 months
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WM: Breastfeeding Kink & Diaper play
Disclaimer: all characters depicted in this story are consenting adults over the age of 18. If you are NOT 18 or older, Don't Read if UNDER 18
I startle awake from a throbbing pain in my breasts. Quietly groaning as I turn over onto my back not wanting to wake my sleeping little prince. My hand moves up to my big tits and oh god are they swollen. I’m not sure what’s been going on but for the past few days my breasts have been so tight and swollen and it’s just getting worse. I slowly begin to massage them in an attempt to ease the pain. “Oh fuck this isn’t helping at all” i whisper to myself. 
I pull my loose tank top away from my breasts and look at the swollen mounds. The only time I’ve ever seen breasts look like this were when my best friend breastfed her little in front of me… wait. It can’t be can it? There’s no way I haven’t even been taking the special pills she had to take to induce lactation! 
I open my phone to Google and type in “what can cause you to lactate?” I click the first site that pops up. “There are many things that can induce lactation such as Yada yada yada medications such a birth control… FUCK.” I whisper yell. I did not just accidentally induce lactation with the new birth control I’m on. Oh god we haven’t even had this discussion yet I’m not sure it’s even something he’d be into. But my breasts hurt so bad I need some relief. 
I get up from bed as quietly as I can and walk into the adjoining bathroom. I flicker the lights on and keep the door open just the slightest bit incase my little prince needs me. I look in the mirror and slowly pull my tank top down. My tits spring out all heavy and full. “Fuck” I hiss quietly as I press down in the swollen flesh.
I slide my finger down to my nipple and begin to stimulate it. A milky liquid starts to drip out and I almost can’t believe it. I moan as my finger squeezes some more out. Oh fuck that feels good. 
A quiet voice interrupts my ministrations “Mommy?” I look over to my left side and my little prince is at the bathroom door just in his princess t shirt and full diaper staring at my dripping nipples in wide eyed wonder. Fuck he looks so beautiful with his bed head and sleepy eyes. He rubs at his eyes and hold the door frame. 
“Mommy what’s that?” He points to the liquid still dripping from my hard nipple. 
“It’s nothing you need to worry about baby boy just turn your little tush around and go back to bed. I’ll be right there.” I say as I walk toward him and turn him around with my hands on his shoulders walking him back to the bed. He throws his head back and whines lowly, “but mommy I’m thirsty das why I woke up!” He says as I set him down back in bed. 
He looks up at me and his eyes move back to my nipples and his lips part and drool seeps out. “Okay baby you just wait right here and mommy will get you a drink of water.” I move toward the door but he grabs my wrist and with those doe eyes of his staring up at me and says “But I wan mommy’s milkies!” He whines again. His tonight peaks out and he licks his lips. “I’m not sure honey we havent really spoken about this.” I say as I softly caress the side of his face. He leans his head into my hand and pouts. 
“Please mommy please I just wanna try and see what it’s like. If you don’t like it or If I don’t like it we always have our safe word!” He trues to reason with me. And he’s not wrong so what could be the harm? I’ve secretly wanted this so badly for the longest time. I sigh and smile at him and nod. 
“Okay sweetheart you won, let mommy get comfy in bed first.” He claps his hands in excitement and slaps a sloppy wet kiss on my lips. I laugh as I crawl into bed and settle against my pillows. I pat my lap for him, “come here sweetie and lay side ways in mommy’s lap. Put you head right there in mommy’s elbow.” I maneuver him a little till he’s sitting just right, I cover him in the blankets and turn the low lamp on. A soft glow covers the room as he looks up at me with his lips slightly parted. I can tell he’s just as excited as I am. My sweet little boy. 
“Alright baby boy open those pretty lips for mommy.” I hold my boob up and my nipple leaks as I pull it and drop it in his waiting mouth. His lips close around my nipple immediately and he begins to softly suck. It takes him a few moments to really get the hang on how to latch on but soon his tongue is working in overdrive and hes suckling away like his life depends on it. I a gasp at the strength of his suckling and softly run my hands through his brown hair. “Sweetheart mommy isn’t going anywhere you can drink slowly, I promise I’m not going anywhere.” He closes his eyes and the suckling gets softer as soon as he realizes I’m not gonna snatch my nipple away from him. I moan quietly as I watch him drink. 
He’s such a sweet little boy suckling on his mommy’s nipples. I slide my hand down to his diaper and rub at his diapee covered cock. It’s so hard. I won’t lie my panties have absolutely socked through at this point. The feeling of his tongue lapping at the milk from my tits is just so erotic. He moans as my hand continues it’s rubbing. 
His hand reaches for my other leaking breast and he begins to fondle the nipple. Pulling and clutching at it, the milk dribbles done his fingers soaking them. I can’t help but moan out at the feeling. “Oh sweet boy that feels so good. You’re such a good boy just keep playing with mommy’s nipples like that.” I say a little breathless. 
I slip my hand into his diaper and just as my hand reaches the tip of his little cock he begins to piss right into my palm. I laugh a little and look at him a she pauses his suckling. His cheeks flame red, “I’m sorry mommy I couldn’t hold it.” He’s so fucking cute. 
“It’s okay baby you can go pee when you need to you know that. It’s why you have a diaper on to be able to lose control over your bowels and bladder whenever you need.” His stream continues as it hits my hand and I press down on the slit it’s pouring out of feeling the force of it. His piss is so warm on my hand as it fills his already soaked diaper. 
He smiles and nuzzles my breast and begins to suckle again as he pisses in my hand. He’s so fucking sexy sometimes I can’t believe he’s all mine. 
My sweet little boy.🍼😍💦🥰
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punkshort · 16 days
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Thank you anon for this request!
Part Two of A Deeper Purpose
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Now that your daughter is born, Joel is itching for another but you are still feeling a little discouraged with the way your body looks. He quickly puts an end to those feelings.
Warnings: language, fluff (absurd amounts), body worship, smut (18+ MDNI), oral (f!receiving), hand job, breastfeeding (does that need a warning? idk), discussions of pregnancy
WC: 3K
"I want another one, I really mean it."
You dropped your book in your lap and raised your eyebrows at Joel as he stepped into your bedroom and carefully shut the door behind him.
"Are you insane? We just had that one two months ago!" you reminded him.
He frowned at you like he was offended but you could see the corner of his mouth twitch.
"Don't call her that one, she's our daughter and her name is Emma," he scolded before yanking off his shirt and making a face when he realized he had spit up on the shoulder.
You rolled your eyes and tossed the covers off your legs. "Why don't we see how we adjust to being parents before we make any big decisions," you suggested as you walked toward your bathroom. Leaving the door open, you splashed water over your face with a little soap before brushing your teeth, all the while completely unaware of the way Joel was sitting on the edge of your bed staring at your bare legs underneath his old shirt, utterly entranced.
"C'mon, we make such perfect babies," he whined when you emerged, grabbing your arm and pulling you to stand between his legs. You smiled and played with the hair around his ear and he hummed, perfectly content, with his hands cupping the backs of your thighs.
"She is pretty perfect, isn't she?"
"Just like her mama," he replied, planting a kiss on your stomach, which was still a little swollen from giving birth. You grimaced and slipped out of his grasp, trying to hide your discomfort, but nothing ever got past him.
"What's wrong?"
You shook your head and tucked yourself back under the covers, hiding your body from him. "My stomach..." you began, trailing off before picking up your book to distract yourself. Joel's face filled with worry and he quickly stood.
"Are you in pain? Doc said if there's any pain, you gotta -"
"It's not pain," you told him while pretending to focus on your book.
"Then what?"
Joel tossed his dirty shirt into the hamper before stepping out of his jeans. Your eyes drifted over his body while he put on his pajamas and your discomfort grew when you thought about how your own body now looked.
"It's just... it's not the same as before."
"What's not the same?" he asked, tugging a shirt over his head and padding over to his side of the bed.
"My stomach," you said quietly. "My hips. My thighs. Fucking... everything."
Joel paused, his expression softening as he watched you pretend like it didn't bother you as much as it did, but he saw the look in your eye and knew better.
"Baby," he whispered, leaning over and pinching your chin between his fingers so you would look at him. "You're perfect. Don't you dare for one second think badly 'bout the body that grew our little girl." He pressed a tender kiss against your lips before drawing back, his deep brown eyes flickering quickly between your own.
"I just don't feel like myself," you admitted, leaning into his touch.
"That's alright," he assured you, his thumb stroking your cheek. "You will again one day."
"You promise?" you asked, blinking away the tears that were beginning to build.
He smiled and nodded before kissing the tip of your nose. "'Course, I promise."
His hand slid around your waist and tugged you closer with his palm laid flat against your lower back. "Don't think I ever thanked you properly for givin' me our little girl," he murmured, slipping his tongue past your lips. You circled your arms around his neck and allowed yourself to relax into his hold. "Did so fuckin' good, darlin', y'know that?" he whispered in between kisses. "So fuckin' brave, so strong..." His hand drifted further down to squeeze your ass and you giggled. "Can I show you how thankful I am? Will you let me? Hm?"
"Joel," you mumbled when his mouth grazed over your throat. "We can't, you know that."
He hummed and shifted around so your back was pressed against your headboard. "Oh, I know. But there's one thing I can do."
He shimmied down the mattress until his shoulders were wedged between your thighs, leaving a trail of kisses all down your front, through your shirt. When he reached the apex of your thighs he glanced up at you for permission. After a moment's hesitation, you nodded and his face lit up before hooking his fingers around your underwear and peeling them off. Much to your relief, he didn't ask to remove your shirt, and it wouldn't be until much later you would realize he did it for your benefit; so you would feel comfortable and relaxed.
At first, you were nervous, knowing full well you likely didn't look the same down there either, but when you heard a deep groan rumble through his chest before licking a lazy stripe through your folds, your fears began to melt away.
You sighed and leaned back into the pillows, letting your legs fall open and your eyes slide shut while he lapped slowly at your pussy with the occasional moan. His mouth felt so fucking good and his beard burned the insides of your thighs just right that you could feel yourself floating away.
"God, Joel," you rasped. Your fingers began to twist around his curls and he smiled because he could feel your tension and stress melting away under his tongue.
"Taste so good, baby," he said, voice all thick and gravelly. The sound sent a tremor through your body and your mouth fell open when he flattened his tongue over your clit in fast circles. You accidentally pulled too roughly on his hair and he groaned, eyelids fluttering while he pressed his hips into the mattress, seeking just a sliver of relief.
He had to keep reminding himself not to slip his tongue or fingers inside you, the doctor's warning to wait echoing somewhere in the back of his mind and he would never, ever do anything to potentially cause you harm. All he wanted to do, all he wanted to ever do was make you feel good. But he knew things would be different for a while, and that was okay. Different didn't mean worse. Different just meant... different.
"More," you moaned, hips bucking upwards. His tongue moved faster over your clit until his eyes flashed open and caught you watching him with your chest heaving and your gaze dark with desire. He smirked before puckering his lips and latching onto your clit, suckling and flicking the tip of his tongue until you were a writhing mess under him. You slapped a hand over your mouth to stifle your moans and it only encouraged him to eat at you faster, grab at your thighs tighter, rut his hips harder until your body finally tensed and stilled while your climax ripped through you.
He pulled away from you with a gasp, kneeling before you with his cock impossibly hard as he watched you catch your breath. Your limbs were all loose and weak and your legs were spread wide, shiny with your arousal. Your eyes flickered down to the bulge in his pants and you scrambled up, joining him in the center of the bed on your knees as you reached for the waistband of his pajama pants.
"No, sweetheart, that's not -"
"I know," you said, cutting him off and pushing his pants down to his mid-thigh. Your lips latched onto his while your fingers curled around his cock, setting a quick pace straight away. He groaned into your mouth and cupped your face, thrusting into your hand, both of you on your knees for each other with your legs trembling.
"Feel what you do to me, little mama?" he growled as he nipped and bit at your chin. "Ain't nothin' ever gonna change that. Y'hear me?"
You nodded and moved your wrist even faster between you. You could feel his stomach tense against your forearm and you smirked to yourself, knowing he was just seconds away.
"So hard for me, Joel," you whispered, tilting your head to give him better access to your neck. "Can't wait til you can fuck me again. Can't wait to feel you inside me... god, you always feel so good."
He whined and grabbed ahold of your shoulder so he could steady himself. His gasp morphed into a groan against your skin when he came. His spend trickled down your hand, all warm and sticky, then his body sagged with relief.
"Christ," he mumbled weakly before looking down at the mess between your bodies.
"Hold on," you told him, sliding off the bed so you could snatch your underwear from the ground and rinse your hand off in the sink before bringing back a wet washcloth he could clean up with.
"Thank you, darlin'," he said, swiping at his lower abdomen. Once he felt he was clean enough, he tossed the rag on top of his shirt in the hamper and collapsed next to you in bed with a heavy sigh. "Didn't have to do that, y'know."
"I know," you replied, turning on your side and tossing your leg over his waist. You nuzzled into his side and smiled when he pulled you closer. You laid together quietly for a few minutes, enjoying the peace and quiet before Emma woke up demanding milk and a change.
"You take as long as you need, baby," Joel said, breaking the silence. You tilted your head up to look at him questioningly. "Til you feel like yourself again," he explained, then began to lovingly rub his thumb over your shoulder. "Even when the doc gives us the all clear, I want you to know I wanna wait til you're ready, alright? Just know I love you no matter what."
You smiled and pressed a kiss against his chest, unable to respond with the right words to express how happy he made you and how loved you felt.
"So another one, huh?" you asked. He grinned and nodded excitedly.
"Emma told me today she wants a sister."
"She told you?" you giggled.
"Yep. Was talkin' 'bout it before bed. Told her what a great job her mama did makin' her and how much fun it'd be to have a little brother or sister. And, y'know," he said with a dramatic sigh. "She wasn't on board at first, either, but I told her there's plenty of love to go 'round, that she don't need to be so greedy."
"Who woulda thought," you teased, poking him in the chest. "Joel Miller has a certified case of baby fever."
He rolled his eyes and laughed. "It's all your fault. You're the one who started all this."
"I know. Just couldn't help myself, I guess. Now look at us."
Joel turned onto his side and pulled you flush against his chest. "Yeah, now look at us." He leaned down and captured your lips with his, cupping your face gently and taking your breath away. "Happy little family," he added once he pulled back, his thumb brushing tenderly over your cheek as he gazed down at you adoringly.
You bit your lip and gave him a sly look. "We did have a lot of fun trying, didn't we?"
"Oh, yeah," he quickly agreed. "I do miss you knockin' down my door lookin' for me to fill you up all nice 'n good. Made me feel like a prize winnin' bull, the way you were clamorin' to take a ride."
You gave him a mock look of horror and slapped his chest, making him laugh so deep, you could feel it.
"I was not clamoring!"
"Oh, like hell you weren't!" he said, making you both laugh with how passionate he was about it. His arm wrapped around your waist so he could tug you against his hips. "You couldn't get enough. Damn near hauled me outta the bar by my collar one night, you remember that?"
You could feel your face grow hot and your laughter quickly died down at the mention of that night. Joel looked at you curiously, wondering what he said wrong.
"Can I tell you a secret?" you asked meekly.
He nodded slowly with one eyebrow raised.
"That night at the bar," you began, dropping your eyes to fixate on a shirt stain. "I maybe wasn't..."
Joel had a feeling he knew where you were going with it but he couldn't help himself, he just had to hear it.
"What, baby?"
You groaned and flipped onto your back so you could stare at the ceiling when you said, "I maybe wasn't ovulating that day."
A huge grin broke out across his face and he rolled on top of you, caging you in. "I fuckin' knew it! That new girl was talkin' to me and all the sudden you came outta nowhere sayin' you needed help with your goddamn plumbing."
Admittedly, the excuse you had used was a little too on the nose, but you brushed it off.
"Yeah, okay, fine," you said, reaching around behind him to squeeze his ass. "So maybe I didn't want anyone messing with my bull."
He groaned and followed it up with a terrible impression of a bull's snort before diving into the crook of your neck, sending you into a fit of giggles.
"Makes sense now," he mumbled against your skin. "You were so fuckin' greedy that night, had my head spinnin' like a goddamn top the next day."
"Yeah, that was a good night, wasn't it?" you agreed, tilting your head back so he could access your neck a little easier. He hummed and latched onto a spot behind your ear, causing warmth to pool low in your belly once again. When you lifted your hips to grind against his thigh, he sucked in a sharp breath.
"Easy, darlin'," he warned.
"I know, I just miss you so much," you whimpered, grabbing the sides of his head and pulling him up so you could kiss him. And just when his tongue dove into your mouth and his fingers began to rub lightly at the outside of your underwear, a familiar cry rang out from the bedroom across the hall.
"I got it," he said immediately, but you shook your head.
"She's hungry, I gotta do it," you told him. He relented and rolled back to his side of the bed so you could get up and hurry into Emma's room.
You shushed her as you picked her up carefully from her crib, swaying your body back and forth as you walked to the rocking chair. You lifted your shirt for her and Emma instantly quieted down when she latched onto your breast. Once silence filled the air again, you leaned back into the chair and sighed. Knowing full well you would be stuck in her room for the next half an hour, at least, you plucked a pillow and blanket from the floor with your free hand and maneuvered them around yourself to get more comfortable. Once you were satisfied, you glanced down at your daughter and smiled when you caught her watching you intently with very big, serious brown eyes that were the spitting image of her father's.
"So what do you think, sweet girl?" you murmured softly, rocking back and forth in the chair. "You talking to your daddy about a little sibling behind my back? I thought we were a team, you're supposed to be on my side."
All you got in return was a little gurgle but she appeared to be listening and enjoying the vibration from your voice, so you kept talking.
"I don't know, maybe it's not a bad idea," you told her. "I think I just get a little nervous because it took so long to have you, I get worried it might be next to impossible again."
Her eyes began to droop a little and you smiled.
"Then again, you are pretty perfect. And perfection takes time. Besides," you lowered your voice just in case Joel could hear, "I don't think your daddy would mind if it took a little while again."
When Emma fell asleep with that ridiculous milk-drunk expression you had grown to love so much, you quietly changed her and tucked her back into bed before tiptoeing out of her room and back across the hall.
Your bedside lamp was still on but Joel had fallen asleep sitting up with his reading glasses perched on the tip of his nose and a book dangling from his hand. You smiled and slipped the book away, lying it face down and open on his bedside table before carefully removing his glasses.
"What're you doin'?" he mumbled, eyes still closed.
"You're asleep," you whispered before turning out your light and slipping under the sheets.
"No, I ain't. Was just restin' my eyes til you got back."
"Uh huh," you teased. When he laid down flat, he held out an arm for you and you quickly nuzzled into his side with your own arm wrapping loosely around his waist. You took a deep breath, inhaling his distinct and comforting scent before closing your eyes.
After a few quiet moments where you thought he had fallen back sleep, he surprised you by speaking again.
"So, she convince you to have another?"
You grinned and burrowed your face deeper into his side. "Maybe."
He made a pleased noise and kissed the top of your head.
"She made a good argument," you said.
"That she did."
You let the silence envelop you for another moment before adding, "Maybe in a few months we can give it a try. No pressure this time, just... if it happens, it happens."
"That sounds like a plan to me," Joel said happily.
And although you had just said you didn't want to put too much pressure on it, you fell asleep dreaming up baby names, anyway.
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