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Enter Venomgirl
Shade’s Pov
They don’t see me as a monster? I could laugh at that statement if it wasn’t for the fact he wasn’t lying. I don’t sense his emotions of deception or his heart has changed since we started talking, I remember back at the Alchemax test sight when they all told me that I’m not a monster. These people are weird then again, I’m not normal myself.
We both turn from the ring from my phone that was across the room. I try to destroy it but Zee really makes really durable phone. I sighed as I went to pick it up. It was a breaknews warning signal usually turned on for me, to warn people about me. But I’m here so what causes this much trouble? I looked at the location: it was at the marketplace.
“Is this alert from last time?” Miguel asked as look at the phone as me. I nodded.
“Yeah, the alert means a high-level threat. It is mainly meant for me. So there someone or something big attacking.” I ask Kuro to change me into my hero outfit. I know I’m not one hundred percent since I have been starving myself for the past couple of days. But I can worry about that later.
“I will need your help i’m not totally in good health.”
Miguel nodded as he hit the button to summon his Spider-Man outfit as we quickly headed out Miguel threw me a peach bread.
“The old seller women told me to give you this.”
I couldn’t help but smile. GiGi Opal Is always nice to me and makes sure I’m all right. One of the few that treat me normally. I took one huge bite from the bread and put my facemask back on as we headed out.
We quickly made it to the marketplace as it was on fire and most of the tents were destroyed. I look around, clicking to see and hear if anyone was around, most of them were injured men while all the women were running away. I used my tendrils to the men away from the fire and to the edge of the Marketplace so some of the civilians could drag them away from the place. Miguel grabs a few people too. Once we got everyone to safety, Miguel landed on the building side to look around to see if there was anything from his point of view as he was high up.
“I don’t see anything Venomgirl.” he called out to me
“Me either w-” Before I can return the call something tackles me down to the ground. What or whoever it is, they are heavy.
“Want to be my new best friend?!”
I looked up to a woman, or what I thought was a woman, the sound that she making didn’t sound like a normal person. She has a jester-like outfit that is orange and pink. She had marks over her eyes one was spade and the other was heart. While her cheeks have diamond and clover. She smiled wide at me.
“Want to be my new best friend?!” she asked again with a robotic voice
‘What up with this robo-chick?!’
‘Who vuck knows, get her off of me!’ Kuro screaming in my head making my head spin.
Before, I could say anything, Miguel used his web to pull her off of me, threw her near the nearest tent crashed into it. He gave me a hand and got up as I dusted myself off. I’m way out of practice.
“You ok?”
“Yeah, she's not human. She not making any human noise.”
“Hey! Not fair!” we turned to her as she didn’t have a scratch on her. She looked at Miguel's direction and she didn’t look happy at him.
“Are you a guy?”
She then pulls out a bunch of bombs from her chest. They look similar to the bomb Dr.Rose used but I can tell from the smell and the sound it wasn’t. Thank the Great Ones. Don’t want to be in that nightmare again.
“I hate men!!” She said as she threw a bunch of bombs at us, mainly at Miguel. Miguel jumped out of the way to the nearest wall.
“What are you? Some kind of killer robo feminst?” Miguel said trying to dodge the bombs. I tried to get near her but the fire and bombs held me back.
‘It's like that time.’
I shook my head to snap out of it. Trying not to think of that day. Dr. Rose’s gas can effect last longer than it should. But I push it aside, I’m not letting this hold me back. I saw the robot girl then grab me with her stretch-out arm and bring me into a hug.
“I put Krazy in town and the town in Krazy. Krazytown I am.” She then spun me around and took my hand. The moment she did, I was shocked by her.
“Aaaahhh!!” I screamed as the shock sent me back.
“See!? we're going to be best friends, Venomgirl. Your Venomgirl, right?”
I groan trying to get up, her shock is worse than Miles's. I didn’t notice Miguel swing by my side as I tried to get up. The shock was affecting my movement as I couldn’t get my tendrils out.
“Hey! Hands off my friend!” Krazytown yelled her body let out a weird glitching noise. It was almost like the glitching I went through when I first landed on Miguel’s earth but something was off. Sparks were coming out of her body as her body twitched a bit.
“She from this earth.” Miguel said as he ready his talons, “I scanned her and she is not an anomaly. She reminds me of Flipside.”
“I tell you later. Right now we got to stop this woman.”
Krazytown then charged at us, her arms stretched out with claws. Miguel used his web to get one of her arms while I forced myself to use my tendrils to grab her other arm and we kicked her together at the same time while Miguel slashed one of her hands off. She quickly got up and wasn’t fazed by the attack. She just smiled more and inhumanly twisted her head.
“Wow, you're a bad boy. Bad boy get spankings!!” Her hand came back to try to grab him, but Miguel was fast as when she tried to grab him he left an afterimage. I didn’t know he could do that.
Krazytown is ready to throw another round of bombs at us. Having a more twisted smile, we need to stop her before she burns the whole marketplace down! Before she could, her head was cut off. We were taken aback by this.
“Uh…did you do that?” Miguel asked me I shook my head
“I was about to ask you.”
I thought he did something that caused this robot to lose its head. I turn around to see Krazytown’s head and body begin to float and I know then and there who did it. I immediately got in front of Miguel as my eyes glowed red and saw ‘it’ holding Krazytown up.
“Those fools don’t know when to not cause trouble when it’s my day off.” we look behind Krazytown to see Penny coming out from the flames that were still around us. With a snap of her finger, the flames were extinguished around us. Krazytown giggled not minding that she was headless, I mean she was still a robot. So this just inconvenience to her.
“Penny, My wife! I made a new wife that we can share. Her name is Venomgirl. You guys told me about it.
“Shut down code: 9286.” Penny's command, forcing Krazytown to go off sounds like a computer shutting down. I wish we could have done that. Penny lay Krazytown down and turned to us. She looks at me and then at Miguel. Not showing any emotions but annoyance, mostly likely from the mess Krazytown have made.
“I see you doing well, Venomgirl. I’m glad you're back to being more civilized now.”
I growled at her comment “Yeah, no thanks to you guys. I do need to pay guys back for what you did to my friends.” my arms changed a bit as my claws grew bigger, ready to to end her.
Penny put her hands up, her normal one. A sign she is not here to fight, yeah right. I will admit Penny is the most ‘civilized’ out of the Six but barely. She is the most dangerous since she is the leader. So her pulling this rubbed me the wrong way. It is hard to read her unlike anyone else I come into contact with. Her heart never weary. No fear, no anger, no nothing. It's like I’m talking to a doll.
“I’m not here to fight you two. I came alone as you can see. I’m also glad you are here Spider-man. You are the one I really want to talk to.”
“What for?” Miguel asked not taking his eyes off her.
“I want to talk about collider and other issues that maybe you already figure out. How about we take this talk onto the roof? The clean-up crew will be here soon and I don’t want to explain to the other Six why I’m talking to you two. There a bunch of dumb fools that I have to deal with.”
I went near Miguel to whisper in his ear, still keeping my eye on her and her ‘hands’. There very unpredictable doesn’t help two of them were in front of our faces. Ready to strike, but Miguel doesn’t know that. He can’t see them no one can.
“What do you want to do? We can run but you’re still stuck here because of the collider right?” I whisper to him
Miguel nodded “Yeah, let's hear her out. What can she do? Is she a telepath?”
“Yeah, kind of.” I turned to Penny who was waiting for us to answer her as she was hand folded. At least she gave us a chance to talk it over.
“Fine…will talk.” I said
She nodded as she floated up and then launched herself to the roof that was near us. Miguel grabbed me and swung us up to the roof where she was. Penny kept her distance trying not to be threatening which she was failing as her ‘hands’ were still aimed at us. I have to try not to notice them, I’m one of the few people who can see them. Miguel looked around to see if she was telling the truth and if she was the only one there. Judging from his look he gave me she was telling us the truth. So we’ll play along for now. I fold my arms around my chest wanting to get this over with so we can run the first chance we get.
“OK. since you play truce card for now. Spill the coffee, Penny. What are you and the Six up to? You and Andrew are playing with things that going to vuck up our world you know that right?”
“I reassure you, we know what we doing fool. You are not the one understanding the situations we are in. We want to help this earth in the next stage of evolution. With profit of course.”
“The next stage of evolution?” Miguel asked
“Yes, I’m guessing you know something about our earth, do you not?”
Miguel didn’t answer, it for the best. Penny just continues.
“We get our powers from Compound Rapture. Your new friend might of told you that we were born with it. So in turn…were not human, to begin with.” she said in an emotionless tone. But it felt off to me her heart weaved a bit, why was she telling him this all this?
“I was trying to find a new source or materials to help stabilize the compound as it is still highly unstable. Are Keisatsu is proof of that.”
“That doesn’t explain why you getting help outside your earth and from-
“Yours?” Penny said I looked at Miguel a bit shocked at what she said. All this tech was coming from Miguel’s earth? But why? I look at Miguel, but even with his mask on I can tell that what she said is true.
“Our benefactor has been very generous in helping us in turn they can have some compound R once we perfect it.”
“Then why are you telling us?” I asked not liking where this was going.
“Well one, I want to try a reasonable route. I want help from Spider-man, this one particularly. The Carnage is from your earth as you know. He once told me you were a geneticist. a top geneticist. That can be of use so I like you to join us and after you help us we won’t bother you or your Spider group.”
“The shock, I’ll join you. You hurt my comrades and put other Earths in danger and you want me to help you guys?”
“I do apologize, I didn’t mean that to happen to those three. I was hoping that there…DNA would work, clearly not.”
We both glare at her, wondering what she meant by that. I hope she didn’t do to the kids what she did to Patricks. I grip my hand so tightly I could have sworn there was bleeding. Penny must have sensed I was tensing up.
“The other reason I’m telling you two all this is more of a thank you. For protecting Tempest. My sister.”
I can sense a shift from Miguel, I look at him. He must have the best poker face under that mask as he didn’t show it, but I can feel it. I knew that Tempest was Penny’s younger sister from what Zee did. She was just a tool for the Six and Alachemax can use to control the sectors. Tempest might not like me more like she hates almost all people here but I don’t like the idea of her being used.
“You two save her from Carnage.”
“Yeah, no thanks to you bring him here. Do you guys know you brought one of the most dangerous symbiotes on this Earth?” Miguel growled, he was really angry about Tempest being attacked, I don’t blame him, he so vucking right. Some big sister she is.
“He was being a fool. I had a nice talk with him. But neither less, I still thank you. As thank I won’t tell anyone you here and…” One of the drones came out of nowhere it was not Dr. Rose's or Aarachnidqueen’s so it must be Penny’s she then hit a few buttons then a sound went off.
“I turn off the collider so you can leave if you want. I’ve given you ten minutes to leave before I turn it back on. But I would like to know your answer. I sure it best for everyone that you say yes.”
“If I say no? You’ll try to kill me and Venomgirl?”
“No, like I said this my thanks to you two. If I wanted you two dead I would have done so. Next time I see you, give me your answer.” Penny then walks over to the edge of the roof and jumps off. Miguel looks at his watch. It looks like it is functioning again as he was able to make a portal.
“That a first from her.” I put my claws away, I was about to take a step when my body stumbles, my exhaustion is finally catching up to me. I figured that much, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Even Kuro was quiet trying to give me as much energy as she could. I realized that Miguel caught me one-handed.
“I’m fine.”
He raises his eyebrows knowing damn well I’m lying. He left me up and carried me like some kind of bride, I blushed hard not like this.
‘Is he trying to whoo you or something?’
‘Shut up Kuro.’
Third Person POV
Penny sighed as she saw Kane collecting Krazytown with the other Keisatsu. She did cause a lot of damage. No one was killed only men near the area were attacked severely. Penny looked at one of the stands in the market that was destroyed as some of the items that were music boxes were destroyed. Before she could pick it she heard an honk from the limo that was waiting for her, knowing who the two who were waiting for her were. She walks towards and enters the limo
“I see you took care of the problem.” the man's voice said from the other side of the limo. The man was wearing a red suit with lay-back brown hair. Andrew Stone smirks at his daughter happy that he can count on her to do his and Alchemax’s bidding. Also inside was Tempest, happy that her sister was alright.
“Yes, Venomgirl had activated a new villain, she was tough and said ‘need to be taken care of.’” Penny must be careful of her words since Tempest was here but Andrew get that one of the Sixs active Krazytown without her permission.
“She has a new partner?” Tempest gasped from hearing that Venomgirl had a new partner to destroy part of the city
“Yes, but I was able to subdue them both.”
“She was there too?” Andrew asked, Penny nodded being as emotionless as ever. Tempest was worried, things had been getting scary during these last few weeks. People are scared of this anomaly been appears out of nowhere. People are disappearing left and right. And there was the Carnage creature that attacked her. Was this all Venomgirl doing?
“Father, I think we should cancel the Festival della Luna Caduta. It getting more dangerous and I don’t want my people hurt.” Tempest wants to protect her people from harmful ways. Andrew smiled at her, liking how naive she is. Just like her mother.
“Tempest, don’t you trust your sister and her fellow comrades? They are the hope of the city, not the world and you are the light that will guide them to victory. The Great One's blessing gifts you with a voice and beauty that only one worth as yourself can hold. Don’t flicker that light.”
“But father-”
“No Butts, we will discuss this later. Now, you should get some rest”
Tempest confessed on his statement wondering what he meant. She wasn’t even tried. Before she could do anything a wave of sleeplessness overcame her as she passed out in her seat. One of Penny’s ‘hands’ knocks her out. Andrew sigh wishes this day can go better. He glared at Penny.
“You need better control of your group.” Andrew hissed hating that the Six had been screwing up lately. It's more like the fives. As they have been down one member for years, the public is too dumb to figure it out and Andrew wants to keep it that way till Project Doppio is finished. “I don’t keep you all around for you to fail.”
“We the produce that you and Alchemax created, were the best thing you ever created and I have been busy keeping your new partner's right hand under control. He a loose cannon that going to ruin things. He dragged all the spider-men to one of our facilities and got destroyed. we lost the rebel leader and the symbiote we were studying. I have been cleaning YOUR mess.” Penny said as she was annoyed with all this, the only reason why she doing this was for her own plans.
“Are you sure that Alchemax will be of use? Mr. Stone hasn’t been reasonable with us.”
“Patient dear Penny, once the collider is finished we will be able to perfect Compound R. Then the sale of it will go up in our favor and we will finally have fun control of this world. But to do that, we must have patients.” Andrew stated as pour himself a wine while Penny rested Tempest’s head on her lap while they traveled back to the palace.
“Shame, I was hoping to get a music box from the woman again.”
Miguel’s POV
I exit the portal as I carry Shade to the infirmary so Andrea can take a look at her. I can hear her mumbling and cursing at herself. I understand that she had a moment and a breakdown not too long ago. I don’t blame her, all this happened in a short session.
“You ok?” I asked noting she was trembling a bit. Teleporting when you're not well is the worst. That is why I warn the others to try to heal before creating a portal.
“Yeah, I guess my exhaustion finally caught up with me.”
“This isn’t your first time doing this to yourself, is it?”
Shade turned away as she didn’t respond I didn’t push her. I got her to Andrea's office. We saw her look after 42 who was still there. I assume she checking if his neck was healed up. They both look at us while Shade looks away from 42 in shame.
“Oh? I didn't think to see you guys here today.” Andrea walks up to us and examines Shade.
“You're dehydrated and haven’t eaten in a week. Also, the lack of vitamin D, B, and C was low. also was low iron.”
“Did you stab me with your webs again?” Shade asked looking around her body for the web.
“Nah, I just have to look at you to know. Work in the medical field long enough and it becomes a sixth sense, Miguel placed her on the table next to 42. I start an I.V. on her.”
I place Shade down on the table, and she turns away from us, mainly at 42 who wasn’t bugged by it.
“I’ll check on both of you later then.” I still want to make sure that both of them are alright. Everyone here is so stubborn, how Andrea put up with us I’ll never understand. Women have a patient of a saint.
“Are you thinking about what Penny said? Whatever they up to they need you specifically.” Shade said before I could head out. Penny's words are still on my mind.
“Our benefactor has been very generous in helping us in turn they can have some compound R once we perfect it.”
This Compound R, is more trouble than I thought and the fact it is not perfected is going to make things worse for everyone. “Yeah, Timothy…he collected some information about the Six and Compound R I've been trying to find a counter for it. It looks like they trying to give it to people that…”
“That isn’t born with it.”
I nodded trying not to put many things in her head. “Just get some rest.” I left the three of them and headed back to the lab. As I walk back to the lab I see Miles and his small group with Peter and Mayday in hand head towards the Infirmary, probably to see 42 not knowing Shade was there too now.
“Tio! How is Shade? Did you see her?” Miles asked worried about her well-being.
“Yeah, she at the infirmary right to getting taken care of by Andrea.” I pressured them I can swear I saw a sigh of relief from Miles, Gwen, and Pav. Hobie smirked his way knowing she ok.
“that great Miggy! I knew the O’Hara charm would bring her back.” Peter said while I rolled my eyes and the others laughed.
“There was an opening for you to get out of that earth. Glad you guess right to get out. Lyla try to reach you.”
“Penny shut down the collider for us to leave.”
“Wait, wasn’t that the same bitch who led the Six?” Hobie said bitter about her and what she might have done to him, Gwen, and Pav. we kept checking the three to make sure they didn’t do anything to them. Penny said that their DNA wasn’t compatible. I was wondering what was she trying to do to them?
“Yes, I guess we caught her on her good day but either way I was able to get out because of her. I’m going to see what going on with Alchemax and…I will be away for a while. I have to meet up with someone.” I look at Peter as he gets what I’m trying to say.
I got to see what going on my Earth.
#across the spiderverse#miguel o'hara#spidersona#symbioate sona#writing#spider man 2099#miles morales#spider gwen#feral! miguel o'hara#atsv hobie#42 miles morales#spiderverse pavitr
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The Edge de U2 lanzará un disco de guitarras ruidosas. . Será un nuevo álbum con guitarras, dice que "Achtung Baby" será la "pieza central" de los espectáculos realizados en Las Vegas. . Así lo dieron a conocer a Rolling Stones, el propio Edge y Bono. . The Edge comentó en la entrevista; que los fanáticos pueden esperar nuevas canciones de U2. Bono dijo recientemente que compondrán "un álbum de guitarra ruidoso, intransigente e irracional" en un futuro cercano. . Cuando Rolling Stone le preguntó qué cree que Bono quiere decir con un “álbum de guitarra”, The Edge dijo: “Personalmente, siento que la guitarra es un instrumento… no en términos de ser amado y tocado por tantos músicos alrededor del mundo, tanto profesionales como amateur, pero en términos de su presencia en las listas de música en streaming, ha estado en el desierto por un tiempo. Yo mismo siento que hay un resurgimiento del interés por la guitarra. Lo siento instintivamente. . Por otra parte, anunciaron que Larry Muler será temporalmente sustituido, ya que tiene una lesión en la espalda, una vez superada, retorna a las banquetas. . En otras noticias, los fanáticos de U2, pueden escuchar una nueva versión del exitoso sencillo de U2 del 2000, "Beautiful Day'", que aparece en el próximo 'Songs Of Surrender'. . . . . . 𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒓 𝑱𝒓. . . #u2 @u2 #nuevo #album #guitar #guitarra #lasvegas #achtungbaby #pronto #pronto #commingsoon #breaknews #noticia @ricardojrfc #locutor #voiveover #vozmarca #Siguenos #interactua #comparte #comenta (en Mérida, Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfQa-ROQ00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Se rumora que Paul McCartney y Ringo Starr, colaboran a los Rolling Stones. . Según Variety , varias fuentes han confirmado que dos miembros sobrevivientes de la banda The Beatles han contribuido a un álbum de los Stones aún no anunciado, que se dice que será producido por Andrew Watt . Según los informes, McCartney ha grabado partes de bajo para el proyecto, con sesiones en Los Ángeles en las últimas semanas. . Variety informa que el proyecto de los Stones, que marcará su primer álbum de material nuevo desde 'A Bigger Bang' de 2005 , se encuentra actualmente en la fase de mezcla. Aún no se ha anunciado una fecha de lanzamiento para el álbum, pero el líder Mick Jagger ha proporcionado actualizaciones esporádicas sobre material nuevo en los últimos años. . La noticia de la colaboración aparentemente pone fin a la rivalidad de décadas entre The Beatles y The Rolling Stones. Aunque en gran medida amistosa, la disputa se reavivó en 2021, cuando McCartney calificó a los Stones como "una banda de versiones de blues" . En respuesta, Jagger respondió durante un espectáculo en Los Ángeles al que asistía McCartney, diciendo que el Beatle "se unirá a nosotros en una versión de blues más tarde". . Desde 'A Bigger Bang', el único material nuevo de los Stones ha llegado como singles independientes o como parte de las colecciones de grandes éxitos de sus giras. La banda lanzó dos álbumes en vivo grabados en la ciudad de Nueva York y en El Mocambo de Canadá el año pasado, y compartió otro álbum en vivo 'GRRR Live!' a principios de este mes. . . . . 𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒓 𝑱𝒓. . . #thebeatles #beatles #colabora #rollingstones #therollingstones #nuevo #album #noticia #news #breaknews #ricardojrfc @ricardojrfc #locutor #voiveover #voiceoverinternacional #Siguenos #redes (en Mérida, Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co9uwnCuUg4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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